#duck pinning him against a wall and leaning in close but its just bc hes got something in his teeth AJDNDNDB
kimikaami · 10 months
Um. You know that trope where the guy is super suave and the girl who is hopelessly in love with him is kind of just. Along for the ride and more than a little flustered about it. Role swap where fakir is utterly incapable of flirting effectively so duck is the suave one but it's completely on accident and she's oblivious to the effect she has on him. Is this anything.
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Wanted you
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Daryl x Plus size!reader (mentioned briefly)
word count: 4,330
Warnings: injury, cursing, Carl is an adorable lil sheriff man.
GIFS NOT MINE, I just gathered them from the world wide interweb.
Summary: Y/N is injured on a run and Daryl worries about her. Later Daryl gets jealous when he thinks he hears Y/N talking about another guy. (crappy summary bc tbh this story did not go where I thought it was gonna.)
To say I was stuck between a rock and a hard place would definitely be an understatement. 
I had ducked into a building-an old diner- just down the street to shield myself from the hailstorm of bullets coming from snipers set up on top of almost every building on main street.
Only to discover that building was very much overrun. I must’ve had about 17 walkers coming at me from all directions. I was worn out and bleeding out of a bullet wound to my left shoulder so it was very clear I wasn’t going to make it out of this one. 
That, however, didn’t mean I was going to go down easy.
I pull out my knife and plunge it into the head of the nearest walker which gives me a few precious seconds to reload my gun. Once I’ve put in a new clip I start popping off rounds as fast as I can, taking out as many walkers as possible while making my way toward the counter situated near the back. My shoulder screams in protest to every movement and I’m starting to feel light headed but I press on. 
I have to make it back. I have to make it back. I have to make it back. I have to make it back. I have to make it back.
I repeat this mantra over and over again in my head. Its the only thing keeping me conscious right now. 
I reach the bar and shove myself over it to put something between the vicious hoards of biters that’re on my tail. There’s 9 left which would normally be a bit more manageable but not with the way my vision is starting to black out around the edges. 
I shake my head to refocus and wipe the sweat off my brow before raising my gun again. 
The room finally blurs out just as I’m about to pull the trigger.
“Damn it” Daryl mutters to himself as he crouches down behind an old barrel situated toward the end of the street. 
His ammo is running low, he can’t move without getting hit by the snipers, and he’s lost track of Y/N. He knew he shouldn’t have brought her along on this run. 
He glances around frantically and decides to make his way into the closest building and hope it’s clear. He’s a sitting duck otherwise.
The archer takes a moment to hype himself up, inhaling and exhaling deeply, jumping in place a bit before he bolts. 
The sounds of guns firing goes wild as soon as he steps out from his hiding spot and even though it only takes Daryl a few seconds to reach his target it feels like an eternity as he waits for the feeling of lead, ripping and tearing through him.
He’s honestly more surprised than he’d like to admit when he makes it to his destination unscathed. 
The door slams behind him, drawing the attention of several walkers crowded at the back of the building. He takes a couple shots before his guns clicks, signalling it’s empty. He shoves the useless weapon into his belt and whips the crossbow from where it had been slung across his shoulder blades. He picks off the walkers one by one, taking out the closest ones first so as to be able to retrieve his arrows. 
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He made quick work of the walkers and then started toward the back to see if there was a second way out, hoping he could sneak to the next building over to look for Y/N. He paused at the door to the kitchen to swing it open just a bit and make sure it was clear. 
Just as he was about to step through the doorway he heard snarling and moaning. A familiar sound. A warning. A walker. He recoiled away from the door and put his back to the wall, scanning the room, trying to find the source of the noise. He could hear a scratching noise and something dragging against wood. It became clear that the commotion was coming from behind the bar so he crept over, quickly, bow at the ready. 
When he rounds the corner he has a clear line of sight of a walker with it’s bottom half hacked off, scratching and clawing it’s way toward a body, lying on the floor in a small puddle of fresh blood. 
Daryl quickly puts an arrow in the head of the geek making it’s way toward you and steps over it to crouch down next to you, checking your pulse. He breathes a sigh of relief when he can feel the thumping of your blood rushing through your veins, but it’s barely there which concerns him. He rips off your outer shirt so he can get a better look at the wound and winces. It’s bad. He bunches up the material in his hands and presses it to the bullet hole in an attempt to slow down the bleeding. Daryl glances around wildly, searching for anything useful but he comes up empty. He knows it’s just a matter of time before the shooters come down from their perches and burst in this place, guns blazing.
He’s not too keen on moving you in your condition but he also knows he can’t take on that entire group of survivors by himself. He grits his jaw in determination, knowing that he really only has the one option.
Quickly, he pulls the belt off from around his waist and uses it to secure the shirt to your chest, keeping pressure on the entry point.
Then he swings his crossbow back over his torso and picks up your limp body bridal style. He makes his way toward the kitchen, with renewed urgency, wary of any walkers that might be lurking around, and locates the back door. He kicks it open, breaking the door jamb, and steps out into the day. His eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright sun. Then he’s off, running into the treeline located some 40 yards away, looking for some type of cover. It’s a risky move. He’s exposed, out in the open with no way to defend himself. But it’s your best option at the moment so he does it without batting an eye.
His heart is pounding in his ears as he runs across the empty space, holding you close to his chest. And then the shots ring out, shattering the silence. Daryl surges forward even faster, moving as fast as his legs can possible carry him. As soon as he is a good distance into the tree line he sets you down and pulls out his gun, shoving in a new magazine and taking out any of the shooters who try to get too close.
 “C’mon, c’mon!” he grunts as he continues to engage in the fire fight. He’s on his last magazine. Daryl takes more care to aim and shoot only when he’s sure he’s got the target pinned down; but there are too many of them.
Suddenly he hears the squealing of tires and a familiar silver truck comes careening around the corner of one of the buildings. Daryl lets a relieved smile catch on his lips when he sees Sasha, Rick, Carol and Glenn standing in the bed of the truck, opening fire on his assailants. Rick is popping off rounds like a man of fire and the others follow his lead.
Maggie jolts the truck to a stop at the treeline and shouts out the passenger window, “Get in!”
Daryl wastes no time in putting away his weapon and carrying you toward the car. Maggie reaches back and throws open the door to the backseat and Daryl jumps in as quickly as possible while still holding you in his arms. Before the door was even closed Daryl was already shouting “Go! Go!”
“Hang on!” Maggie warned the guys in the back before speeding on out of there, leaving the marauders in their dust. Glenn, Carol, Sasha and Rick all whooped and high-fived, celebrating a mission well done.
Daryl looks down at you, your head laid in his lap. He knows you’re not out of the woods yet, you lost a lot of blood. “How is she?” Maggie asks, seeing Daryl’s concerned face in the rear view mirror. “Not good.” Daryl mumbles, “she needs blood as soon as possible” Maggie nods in understanding, turns her gaze back to the road, grits her jaw in determination and punches the gas. “We’re gonna make it” she states, as if there’s no question.
Daryl lays his head against the window, watching the blur of scenery go by.
 He hopes she’s right.
When I wake up I’m laying on my cot back in the prison. I sit up quickly and immediately cringe at the pain from my gunshot wound. “Woah woah woah!” a voice chastises and then Hershel appears beside me, pushing me to lie back down. “You’ll pull out your drip!” When I resist he huffs in annoyance.
“Where’s Daryl? Is he ok?” I ask, concern lacing my tone.
Hershel rolls his eyes and walks toward the cell door, leaning out and calling, “Daryl, she’s awake. She wants to see you.”
I hear heavy footsteps and then Hershel gives me a look before stepping out of the doorway to meet Daryl. They exchange a few hushed words and then Daryl steps into the room and the vet disappears down the hall. I situate myself to sit up against the headboard and once again wince as I forget to compensate for my left side. Daryl takes a step forward in concern but I wave him off.
“How do you feel?” the archer asks, taking a seat on the stool next to my bed. “Never better” I joke and Daryl rolls his eyes but I see an amused smile tug at his lips. 
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“How about you? Are you hurt?” I question, scanning over his body, looking for any obvious signs of trauma. He shakes his head, his jagged hair swishing around at the movement. “Naw, jus’ had some close calls is all.” he dismisses. I nod, not outwardly showing the relief that I actually feel.
“So, what happened? I thought I was done for for sure when I passed out in that room full of walkers.”
Daryl huffs out a quiet laugh with no real humor to it. “Yeah, thankfully I got there just in time. Took out the walkers and then found you behind the bar.” he explains. My eyes widen slightly and anxiety crawls through me, “You didn’t have to carry me all the way here did you?” I question nervously. I am definitely not the skinniest girl in the world. To be blunt...I’m fat. It doesn’t bother me anymore; I love myself and the way I look but this....this was different. I inwardly cringe at the thought of Daryl struggling to carry me all the way back to the prison.
Daryl cocks his head, giving me a weird look. He must’ve caught on to my discomfort. I double my efforts to appear normal. 
“No, I carried you to the woods behind the building and then Rick and a group came and picked us up in the truck.”
“Oh. Ok.”
I was slightly relieved but also slightly mortified that Daryl had still had to carry me at all.
“Thank you.” I mumble quietly, looking at my hands, fidgeting with the bandanna wrapped around my wrist.
When I look up, Daryl ducks his head, looking back up at me through the ends of his hair. “No problem. ‘M just glad we got back in time.” he says, gesturing toward the bag of blood hanging from the top bunk and the tube attaching it to me.
It’s quiet for a couple minutes, neither of us knowing what to say. I am so embarrassed that I can barely look at him and yet at the same time I just want him near me; want him to stay. I wrack my head for anything to say to break the silence. 
He stands up suddenly from the stool and fidgets awkwardly.
“Well, I’d uh, better get going. I’m on watch soon.”
“Oh, ok.” I say, not being able to help the smallest bit of disappointment from staining my voice. “Would you mind sending Beth in here to keep me company?” I request, already bored at the idea of having to stay in this tiny room by myself for the next week or so. Daryl nods and starts quickly toward the door.
Daryl had hardly been to see me after that while I was recovering and everyone else was really busy so I was bored out of my mind every day that Hershel fussed at me to stay in bed. As soon as I didn’t feel like I’d pass out when I wore myself out I was up and about- though Hershel insisted I wear a sling.
Carl became by self-appointed body guard since I was unable to defend myself well at the moment so he now followed me nearly everywhere. I loved the kid and we had always been close but he was starting to drive me a bit insane.
“Carl, it’s fine, I’m just going to go for a walk.” I say, rolling my eyes as I fight with a 14 year old about leaving the building.
“Yeah but you should at least stay inside the fences. It’s not safe for you to be out there on your own!” he argues, keeping pace with me as I march toward the gate. 
“What if you get caught off guard by a group?”
“I can still shoot a gun Carl, I’m not completely useless.”
“Yeah but you can’t reload it.” he retorts. I give him a look and he drops the snark. “C’mon, just let me come with you.”
“No, Carl. I need some time to myself.” I say firmly, coming to a stop in front of the gate. “So, you gonna help me open this or what?” I ask, gesturing toward the pulley system that controls the gateway. Just then I hear a gruff voice behind me. 
“Whas’ going on here?” Daryl questions.
I turn, “Carl, won’t let me leave.” I complain. Daryl’s eyes shifted over to the lanky brown-haired boy under the sheriff’s hat.
“She shouldn’t be going outside the gates on her own!” he argues, voice tense with frustration. 
Daryl’s gaze returns to me. “Kid’s right.” he mumbled, chewing on his lip subconsciously. I pretend I don’t notice every time he does that.
“Daryl...” I whine. “I just need some freaking space! I’ve been cooped up inside this place for too long!” 
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Daryl hums in thought as he continues to chew on his lower lip for a moment. “Guess you could come with me. ’M about to go huntin’” he grunts.
I raise my eyebrows and turn to look at Carl hopefully. “Is that good enough for you Sheriff?” I ask, using my playful nickname for the Grimes boy.
He rolls his eyes and waves his hand in dismissal. “Yeah, yeah whatever, that’s fine.” he huffs. He places his hand on the holster by his side and looks to Daryl, “just keep an eye on her.” 
I scoff. “You know I’m the adult here right?” I sass. Carl just smirks before turning and loping away back to the prison. I roll my eyes. “That kid is crazy.” 
Daryl huffs out a bit of a laugh, “Yeah, just like his old man.”
I laugh breezily and nod in agreement, watching Carl walk away.
“’M gonna go tell Rick we’re leaving and then we can go. Wait here.” Daryl instructs abruptly before stalking away toward the garden where Rick is harvesting the literal fruits of his labor. A small smile crosses my face. I’m glad Rick is getting to have this time of peace. He deserves it.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says behind me. I turn and smile at Michonne. “Hey. What’s up?” 
The woman leans to my left a bit to look over my shoulder at Daryl and then looks back to me expectantly. “You tell me.”
I roll my eyes. “Stop.” I say in mock annoyance. Michonne pouts her lush lips at me. “When are you going to tell him?” she pesters. “I’m not!” I defend “For the billionth time Michonne, Daryl doesn’t think of me like that and I am not going to risk our friendship, ok?” It’s Michonne’s turn to roll her eyes at me. “When are you and Rick going to stop playing games and get together already?” I question, diverting her attention. She gives me a deadpan look which I return pointedly. I am just as stubborn as her, if not more so. 
“Don’t try and change the subject” she says suddenly and I curse under my breath at my failed attempt. “You’re going hunting with him right?”
I nod hesitantly, unsure as to where she’s going with this. 
“Good. It would be the perfect time to tell him!” she points out.
“Oh c’mon Y/N! He obviously wants you too!”
“At least think about it!” she pleads.
“Think about what?” Daryl says, suddenly right next to me. I jump a bit, startled. “Nothing.” I dismiss quickly, silently praying that Michonne will keep her mouth shut. I turn to Daryl, “You ready to go?” I ask. He nods, looking between Michonne and I with his eyes narrowed in curiosity.
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“Alright then, let’s go. Michonne can you open the gate please?” I say, widening my eyes at her in a wordless warning to not say anything stupid. She rolls her eyes, “Yeah sure. But think about what I said.” she says, seriously before turning and marching toward the pulley system, tugging down the rope so the gate opened just enough for Daryl and I to slip out.
We sprint across the clearing around the prison and duck into the woods as quickly as we can, taking out any biters that get too close. Once we’ve put some distance between us and the clearing Daryl walks forward a few paces, eyes trained on the forest floor, searching for any trace of wildlife. I stay closer to the treeline, keeping watch while Daryl gets his bearings. Once I’m sure the coast is clear I walk over to where the hunter is crouched, looking at the muddy ground over his shoulder. “Find anything?” I question. He grunts, “Maybe.” and then stands up. 
He starts walking farther into the woods and I follow loosely, enjoying being out of the confines of the prison for the first time in 2 weeks. There are birds swooping and playing around in the treetops and I lean my head back to watch them. 
That was probably one of the things I missed most about before, the peace. I mean, of course I miss coffee and wifi and stuff but really, all of that you can live without. But peace, a feeling of safety, is irreplaceable. It’s not something I experience a lot these days but right now, outside, with the breeze playing in my hair and Daryl there to protect me, I feel safe. My eyes shine, smiling all on their own as they dance with the movements of the birds above head.
“So,” Daryl says, clearing his throat, interrupting the silence. I tip my head forward again to look at his back as he continues tracking. “You and Jamie huh?” he asks quietly. I cock my head to the side in confusion. “What?”
Daryl stops and shifts awkwardly, lowering his crossbow from where he had had it positioned just under his chin. “I heard you and Michonne talking about ‘im. You ain’t exactly subtle about having a thing for the guy.” Daryl says. I don’t miss the slight aggression in his voice.
Jamie was one of the new recruits we had picked up. Rick and a group that I happened to be part of had found him squatting in a storeroom at the back of a convenience store. I admit that Jamie is an attractive guy, ropey muscles, dark, curly hair and playful eyes. But even when he had attached himself to me his first couple of weeks at the prison I hadn’t given him a second glance, too enamored by Daryl to even consider something with Jamie. Once he got the message I wasn’t interested he and I had become friends, often ending up on watch together.
I scoff at the idea of me liking Jamie. “Yeah, um, no. Jamie is just a friend. He’s a nice guy and all but not my type.” I dismiss, shaking my head.
Daryl shoots me an unbelieving look over his shoulder. 
“Seriously,” I defend, “I don’t like him like that.” I pause for a moment and then throw in offhandedly, “I prefer guys who are a bit more headstrong; independent.” 
Daryl’s steps falter for just a second and I feel a flash of panic jolt through me, thinking maybe he caught on to my little hint. I stop too, still a few paces behind him and try to control my suddenly shaky breathing. 
“I think I lost the trail.” he mumbles finally and I let out a relieved breath before my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Daryl never loses a trail.
“Are you alright?” 
“’M fine.” he snaps, starting forward again. 
“Psh, yeah sure. That was convincing.” I sass back. When he doesn’t say anything else I jog to catch up with him, grabbing his arm to pull him to a stop.
“Seriously, what’s up?” I question, ducking my head to catch his gaze when he looks down.
“Nothin’, get off me woman!” he bites but it’s half-hearted. I give him a look, paying no mind to his rude behavior “Daryl, c’mon, just tell me what’s bothering you.” I press, my voice tinged with concern.
“NOTHIN’!” he shouts, yanking his arm away from my grasp. “Just leave me the fuck alone and go back to your damn boyfriend!”
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I flinch at first but then my face scrunches in anger and I roll my eyes. “We’ve already covered this dumbass. Jamie and I are just friends. Why do you care anyway?” I spit, crossing my arms in annoyance.
He turns and starts marching away, muttering something under his breath.
“No,” I call indignantly, traipsing after him “whatever you have to say, grow a pair and say it to my face.” I nag, not ready to let this go.
Daryl stops and whirls around to face me so suddenly that I nearly crash into him. 
“Ya wanna know why I care?” he growls, his jaw gritted and eyes boring into mine. My mouth opens but no words come out. I’m momentarily caught off guard. He seems to take this as a sign to continue.
“Because, I was a fucking idiot and I let myself fall in love with you.” he yells, swinging his arm around is agitation like he always does.
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My eyes widen in shock and disbelief at his confession. The gears in my brain seem to be working double time, trying to figure out what he could possibly mean other than that and my eyes dart around his features, looking for a lie. 
I find none.
“Daryl, I-” I say and then cut myself off. I am at a loss for words. I never in a million years expected this to happen. Daryl makes a noise in the back of his throat at my lack of words and his eyes harden. I know it’s only to cover up the hurt though. His lips part and I can tell he is about to say something else so I speak up first, 
“Do you mean that?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
He pauses at that, looking taken aback. His countenance softening when he sees the vulnerability in my eyes. I am raw, exposed. He hesitates for a moment and then nods slowly, uncertainly. 
There is silence for another moment as I process his reply. And then a smile breaks out onto my face while a airy laugh of relief slips past my lips.
“I love you too.” I tell him. “I have for a long time. I love you, Daryl.” I exclaim, my voice gaining more conviction as I gain confidence. He grins at me and I love the way his eyes squint with happiness. It’s a rare and beautiful sight which only serves to make my heart swell. He reaches forward and gathers me into his arms, hugging me to him tightly. I immediately return his embrace, burying my face into his worn leather vest. He quickly pulls away just enough to kiss me, strong arms still holding me as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear, though he moves a hand to cup the back of my neck. I melt into the kiss, leaning up on my toes to meet him halfway. His scruffy facial hair brushes against my cheeks which makes me smile. I feel light-headed; dizzy but in the best kind of way. He kisses me so hard that he has to tighten his grip on my waist to keep me in place. We’re both smiling when we finally pull away, our foreheads rested against each other as we pant for breath.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” I ask, genuinely curious.
He pulls away enough to lower his head and shrugs, turning shy again. “D’know, just thought a girl like you wouldn’t want a guy like me.” he murmers. I smile adoringly at him, placing my hand on his cheek to get him to look at me. “Well I guess we’re both idiots because I thought a guy like you wouldn’t want a girl like me.”
His eyes lock onto mine, looking slightly alarmed. “I do.” he insists. I laugh, leaning closer to his again so that our breaths mingle. “And I want you too.”
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Yelling, (grapes with a side of anger p2)
Prompt: what if damain only acts so calm and chill now BC of janis, an idea that hit me at 3 am ft input from bear  while doing a proofread i realized this unintentionally has very similar energy to bears fic "watch your tongue" except not really but kinda. lmao ENJOY!
Yeah, Janis was jumpy. Can you blame her?
She's on the shorter side even for tinies, imagine how she felt around her bigger peers. 
Even as plastic, while she was untouchable with the rest of the school, that didn't mean she was with her inner circle.
Quite the opposite actually.
Before Regina dropped her, she was the lowest plastic. Janis was always fighting a losing battle with Gretchen for Regina's favorite. Karen simply didn't care, putting her on a whole other tier. 
Janis was used to being pushed around or grabbed suddenly without warning when Regina's back was turned. Sometimes while Regina was even there. Gretchen learned pretty fast the tiny blonde did nothing to stop her. 
But Janis wasn't plastic anymore. She had Damian, somebody who actually cared. And yeah, freshman year in high school is rough, but Janis knows when a hand unexpectedly picks her up, it's not with the intention to cause her fear for fun or to threaten her. It's just Damian. Actually, just Damian was a pretty big understatement.
He cared about her, for more than just social status. All those people who wanted to befriend Janis left when the space dyke rumors went around. But Damian picked her up and stood with her anyway.
It was a sure way to expose Damian to getting bullied as well, but he didn't leave.
He stuck around, showed her what a true friend was. Damian proved that despite their size difference, they could be equal.
Still, sometimes when Janis sat in her room at night, she could hear the taunting, she could feel sharply manicured nails wrap around her. Gretchen would do anything to please Regina. If hurting Janis to prove she wasn't a spineless bitch was it, Gretchen would do it.
Gretchen did do it.
The bruises and physical marks have long since disappeared, but the mental scar still cut deep. 
She jumped at every loud noise, flinched whenever somebody went to grab her. It got better around Damian, but without him felt like eight grade again.
Right now, Janis sat at the tiny pick up zone, waiting for Damian.
It wasn't often that Janis beat Damian there, but she didn't mind waiting. It was after school, she wasn't in any form of a rush. She opened her sketchbook, sliding into a sitting position against the wall, and got to work continuing her lastest drawing. 
It was a simple pencil drawing, but Janis allowed herself to get lost in it. People walked past the pickup zone without throwing Janis so much as a second glance. She was a space dyke after all. 
It wasn't until she heard footsteps stop in front of the tiny pick up zone that she looked up, expecting Damian. 
Instead, Gretchen stood there, smiling condescendingly at the smaller girl.
"Long time no see, Janis."
Somehow, hearing Janis rather than space dyke sounded worse when coming from Gretchen. Janis could almost feel her blood run cold. 
"Please leave me alone, Gretchen."
"Now why would I do that?" Her voice was sickenly sweet and Janis tensely closed her sketchbook. 
"Where's Regina? Don't you only fuck with me to please her?" Janis scowled.
Gretchen grinned. "Hmm, you see, you're the school dyke now. I don't need a reason to do anything."
Janis stood up taking a step backward. She didn't like where this was going one bit.
Maybe if she started running now she could make it far enough into the tiny hallway where she could hide and wait for Damian until-
A sudden harsh pain flashed through Janis's torse and she stumbled backward.
Gretchen just flicked her.
A simple action that took so little energy from the giant had sent Janis doubled over in pain, wind knocked out of her.
Gretchen laughed. "Oh, Jan. I missed this. Didn't you?"
Don't call me Jan.
If there were air in Janis's lungs maybe she would have fired back a remark but she was to busy curled into herself slightly.
It felt like eight grade again. Another typical day for plastic Janis.
She pulled herself to her feet, having gone through this enough times to know its worse when you don't at least try to fight back. 
"Gretchen, I'm serious." 
"So am I! I missed alone time between us. Just messing around as friends."
"Leave me alone." There was an embarrassing lack of bravery in Janis's voice, and Gretchen picked up on it.
"Aww, you're no scared, are you?" She reached out, wrapping her fingers around Janis despite the smaller girls protest. Janis felt extremely helpless, her arms pinned to her sides as she was lifted further into the air. "It's just girl talk. Fun time between two old friends." 
"Gretchen, put me down. Please." 
It felt humiliating and all too familiar. This was the sickenly sweet Gretchen, if somebody walked in and overheard her, it could be passed off as friends messing around. 
Even in the situation, she was in, Janis couldn't help but feel grateful they were in a hallway, not alone when Gretchen wouldn't have to fake innocence. 
Not saying that this situation was ideal.
"We're-" Janis felt it hard to breathe as Gretchen's grip tightened. "We are not friends. Leave me alone."
"Aw, c'mon Janis. It's just good pals messing around. Don't be a buzzkill."
Janis's face twisted into pain as it went from hard to breathe to impossible. "Put. Me down. Please." She rasped out.
"Fine." Gretchen rolled her eyes, roughly placing Janis back on the tiny pick up zone.
Having Gretchen actually listen to her somehow didn't make Janis feel better. "What?" She said quietly.
"You said put me down. I did."
Janis swallowed harshly, stepping back. 
"Are you not used to people listening?" Gretchen asked. Her town was nothing short of vile. She actually sounded a lot like Regina. "What about that new friend of yours? Does he not listen? I mean, it is pretty clear he doesn't actually care."
Don't listen to her, don't listen to her. 
Gretchen leaned over the edge of the tiny pick up, getting uncomfortably close to Janis. But to the smaller girl's dismay, she took a step back only to meet a wall.
"You think people actually care about the space dyke?"
Janis could feel the mint gum Gretchen was chewing on her breath. 
"Regina was right from the beginning, you're pathetic."
Gretchen leaned back grinning to herself about how Janis had pushed herself against a wall with her hands covering her face.
"I've missed out little hangouts."
"I haven't." Janis snapped without thinking. She instantly froze as Gretchen's eyes widened.
"Wow, that was rude."
"I'm sorry, sorry. I- sorry." Janis said softly, an embarrassing level of fear laced in her voice. Gretchen took immense pleasure to this. 
Why does she do this?
I guess when you're bossed around by a bitchy tiny, to be a source of fear to another is enjoyable for Gretchen in a sick twisted way.
But why me? There are so many times in this school.
Gretchen poked her finger into Janis's side like a child testing out a new toy. Janis fell backward against the wall again.
"Hmm. Not much has changed. You're still pitiful."
"And you're still a bitch." Janis spat, trying to regain at least a bit of her dignity. She could feel bruises forming on her arms under her jacket and her ribs hurt. 
She had a headache and the world was spinning a bit but it may have been from her previous lack of oxygen. 
Gretchen's deprecating statements were circling in her head as Gretchen continued to throw more.
Just a tiny.
Space dyke.
Nobody actually likes her.
"Gretchen?" Both Janis and Gretchen turned to see Karen walking down the hall, Regina in tow.
Janis stiffened, knowing it was going to get worse from here. 
Regina took one look at Janis before shrugging. "Let's go, Gretch. I want to get home."
"Of course, Regina."
Janis almost laughed at how fast Gretchen's personality changed from bitch to kiss up bitch. 
She watched the trio walk off like Gretchen hadn't just spent the better of ten minutes harassing Janis. 
The hallway was dead silent as the clicking of heels faded. The headache was yet to subside and Janis's arms felt sore with each movement. She shrugged her jacket off her shoulders, letting the fabric pool at her wrists. Sure enough, her upper arms were staring to form one big bruise. She slipped her jacket back on properly as footsteps approached again. Janis froze, preparing for the worst.
It's Damian.
Janis tried to mentally shake off the past ten minutes as she turned to her friend with what she hoped was a convincing smile. 
Damian frowned and Janis instantly knew she was unsuccessful.
"You okay?"
"You sure."
"Yes, Damian." She forced a small laugh. "I'm all good."
Damian placed his hand down allowing Janis to climb on before walking, holding Janis close to him. They were gonna take the late bus to Damian's which was something Janis never minded doing. Except, this time, Janis wasn't mentally ready to sit on a primarily giant bus. The only time tinies went on this bus was when they were with giant friends, and that was never often. It meant Janis would very likely be the only tiny on the bus.
Her mind flashed back to Gretchen. Not even just today, everything she did in the past.
Before Janis had Damian.
Before she was space dyke.
Janis needed to calm down.
She was not gonna work herself into a panic attack over a small incident. 
She felt Damian stop walking and she looked up. They weren't outside, or by the bus stop. Damian had ducked into the courtyard.
She glanced up at him, confused.
"I don't care what you say, you're not okay. I can tell." He placed Janis down at the tiny platform and crouched down to be eye level. "I'm not asking you to open up, you clearly don't want to. But I'm worried about you."
Janis shifted her weight between her feet. The 'I'm sorry' felt caught in her throat. Its what she would say the Gretchen, to avoid conflict. To avoid getting hurt. 
Damian wasn't gonna hurt her.
She avoided his gaze anyway. 
"I saw Gretchen, before you came."
Damian knew, to an extent, what that meant. He sucked in a breath, leaning back. "Are you okay? Physically."
Janis shrugged. "Nothing broken."
Damian gently rubbed a finger down her jacket sleeve and Janis jumped back trying to repress a hiss of pain. She hadn't realized the bruises were that bad. 
Damian hummed knowingly. "Uhuh. Can you take off your jacket?"
Janis knew it wasn't a command. He wasn't gonna force her to do anything, but she felt obliged anyway. She slipped her jacket off, shivering a bit and the cool air of the outdoors. 
She didn't even need to look down at the damage. Anger flashed behind Damian's eyes and she knew enough.
"Gretchen- did that?"
Janis looked down, her eyes trained on the laces to her boots.
"That's no okay, Janis."
"I know."
"She can't do that."
Janis shrugged. "She can, actually. Because she did. It wasn't that bad this time."
While it was shitty in the moment, Janis could handle the grabbing, the teasing, even the flicking.
But those days when all the plastics went to the Smith's, when Regina and Karen weren't in the room-
Those were the bad days.
The days Janis couldn't handle.
The yelling.
The pain.
The air born feeling that came with falling.
It was too much.
Janis could feel ghost fingers jab at her, sharp nails hurting more than anything. 
She hugged herself slightly, trying to will the memories away. She wasn't going to break down at school. She could wait till she was home. Without Damian worrying, without the risk that somebody other than the giant in front of her would see.
"I'm sorry." Janis whispered. She felt so stupid. She swore to herself after the locker incident that she wouldn't let any of the plastics get to her like this. 
And look where she was.
Before Damian could respond, the door to the courtyard opened. It was odd because the only people left in school were either taking the bus or getting a ride home. 
Janis looked past Damian and-
All three plastic, in all their glory. 
Gretchen, who looked a lot timider then 20 minutes ago, stood next to Karen, with Regina on the blonde's shoulder.
Damian turned around to see who walked in.
"Hello, art freaks," Regina announced. "We were just passing through. I came for the beautiful scenery, I didn't expect trash." 
Gretchen laughed softly and Janis's eyes narrowed. 
Damian stood fully, his attention no longer on Janis.
"Damian, y'know you don't have to hang out with space dyke. Nobody would blame you if you didn't want to."
The words out of Regina's mouth sounded just like Gretchen's. 
They really needed more original comebacks. Damian said something, but Janis wasn't paying attention. She squirmed under the stare Gretchen had locked on her.
She wouldn't try anything.
Regina was here.
Well, no that not a good reason.
Damian was here. 
Gretchen wouldn't dare.
She hoped she wouldn't.
Janis wouldn't be able to handle it.
It was too much earlier.
And now shes worked up.
It's worse.
She snapped out of her frozen fear as Gretchen took a step forward. Even though she was half a courtyard away, Janis flinched back a bit. 
Damian raised his hand up in front of Janis defensively. "Don't you dare, Gretchen."
"Aw cmon, Damian. Jan and I are friends."
Again with the Jan nickname? That's Damian's nickname. Who said Gretchen could attach it to bad memories.
Janis stepped back further onto the tiny platform. 
"No, you're not." Damian was getting visibly angry. "You're not her friend and as her actual friend I'd appreciate it if you left her alone."
Gretchen stepped back in line with Karen, looking a little scared. "You don't need to speak for her, yknow."
"Well, you don't listen when she tried to speak for herself."
Both their voices were getting raised. Regina looked bored at most, Karen was on her phone and Janis- Janis was shaking.
Too much yelling.
It felt too familiar.
She knew the pain would come next. 
For the fifth time in the past hour, ghost fingers wrapped tightly around her lungs. But this time- Janis couldn't find the energy to stop them.
She hugged her jacket closer to her defensively. 
She could almost see herself back at Karen's house. Alone with Gretchen.
The yelling in front of her didn't feel real. The memories did.
"No," Janis said softly. "I'm sorry." She wasn't talking to anyone in particular. There were tears in her eyes and she felt stupid.
Stupid, small, insignificant.
Pathetic. Pitiful. Annoying. Her memories of Gretchen provided some words as well.
She flinched, her head snapping up as the courtyard door slammed shut. 
The plastics left. 
The courtyard was quiet as Damian turned back to her. The deafening sound just made her memories seem louder. 
Damian crouched down again. "Are you crying?"
"I'm sorry." Janis repeated. it was the only phrase on her mind. The only thing she could think.
Apologize. Don't give her a reason to hurt you. Just apologize. Don't upset Gretchen. Apologize.
"Jan-" Damian reached forward and Janis flinched backward. Both their eyes widened at what just happened. Janis had never done that before. Not to Damian.
"I- oh my god. I'm sorry, I-"
Apologize. Apologize. Apologize.
"Janis, please breath." Damian retreated his hand. 
Janis tried to take a breath but it felt as if her lungs weren't working. "I didn't mean to." She rasped out. 
Damian frowned. "Jan, I'm not upset."
Jan. When it came from Damian, it felt warm like a hug all in its own. It wasn't condescending or teasing. Janis lowered her shoulders trying to relax.
"What happened?" Damian asked once Janis got her breathing in check and emotions under control.
"The yelling." Janis rocked back and forth on her heels. "It just- I dunno. I was already worked up and-" Her voice trailed off, coming up with no decent explanation. 
Damian took it though. "I'm sorry."
"It wasn't you."
He nodded. "Is it okay for me to touch you now?"
Janis hesitated. She wasn't sure. Right now, the thought of contact made her tense up. But it wasn't Gretchen or any other plastic. It was Damian. He wouldn't hurt her. 
Besides, they had a bus to catch.
"Sure." Janis said softly. 
Damian nodded, reaching out and placing his hand down, letting Janis get on when she was ready. 
She climbed on with the mental reassurance that, its Damian. 
"So, yelling?" He mumbled as he brought Janis close to his chest. 
"I'll have to work on that."
Janis felt flooded with appreciation for the boy holding her. He was there for her when nobody else was. He stuck by Janis at her low and celebrated with her at her highs. He put in the effort to make sure Janis felt loved and safe. She loved him so much.
Janis leaned back into Damian's hand as he walked, already feeling a bit better. 
gretchen im so sorry bby ily TAGSSSS @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Sunny Daze
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WARNINGS: cursing, violence, near death experience
Pairings: Team Drake x OC, Sam x OC
Chapter 12
Sunny’s POV
“They’re out here somewhere! Spread out, keep watch!” I heard a mercenary shout to his team as they discovered our 4x4. I had to think fast.
“First thing’s first, we gotta take out that sniper…. and the other sniper...” Nathan told us as we bunched together on the stairway. He pointed to the man with the long and slim firearm pacing back and forth on the top floor of a ruin. I racked my brain trying to think of what to do. That’s when I remembered something. I pat myself down trying to remember where I put it. Then I pulled it from my fanny pack.
“I have a grenade…” I said, carefully holding the round explosive in front of us all.
“You’ve had a grenade in your fanny pack?!” Sam whisper-shouted. “What if that thing had gone off while we were driving?!”
“When you have an idea, you can speak, Sam.” I snapped. He seemed as if he were going to say something in response but he shut himself up.
“I noticed a few of those flammable barrels up there too.” Sully said. I sighed.
“Great! Then I might have a plan….” I began as we huddled together. “Nathan, you grab that left end, take out that guard posted there. When I throw the grenade on the right, Sam, I need you to headshot that RPG guy at the top of the tower and blow up that barrel in the middle- Sully, cover me while I get to the car.” I said, fiddling with the grenade in my hand like a hot potato. I could feel Sam’s gaze as I spoke, staring at me like I was the fifth wonder of the world. I noticed a small smile creep across his face as I mentioned him and he readied his pistol. “If you need to fight, mash ‘em up real good. Godspeed gentlemen.” I smirked. Nathan patted my cheek with a coarse hand and grinned.
“I’m so proud of you.” He told me, wiping away a fake tear before heading to the left side of the platform with stealth. Sam just flexed his lip and nodded.
“You got a lotta balls, Sunny. See you on the other side.” He spoke with a wink and followed his brother. I looked at Sully as he stroked his mustache and cocked his gun.
“This is a helluva plan, kid. Are you sure it’s what you wanna do? You could get yourself hurt.” He said cautiously.
“I’ll be fine, Sully-” I started to leave but he grabbed me by the arm to stop me. The look on his face was that of a concerned father.
“Sunny, I know you wanna help Sam but… you don’t have to throw yourself in danger to make that happen…” he told me carefully.
“Trust me, Sully.” was all I could say, staring into his aged blue eyes. He looked at me a moment and gave a defeated sigh with a nod. “Don’t miss.” I smirked as I crossed the floor to hide behind a pillar for a better look at the field. Just as I pressed my back against the dirty stone, a mercenary walked right by me with a clear view of Sully. In panic, my reflexes kicked in and I pulled my knife from its holder to stab him between his ribs, my hand covering his mouth to reduce noise as I set his body down easy. I looked at Sully and took a deep breath. It was a close one. I tried to steady my breathing as I looked at the amount of guards on top of the ruin. Two up top, three near the truck. ‘This is so stupid,’ I thought. ‘But I got this, right….?’ “Yeah… I got this!” I said to myself with a nod. I snuck over to the ruin, hiding myself beneath a window. I pulled the pin with my teeth before tossing the grenade as high as I could onto the top of the ruin before pulling my knife again. As the explosive sounded, I hopped into the window and took down a mercenary, shots firing in the distance. I heard a shot fly by my head, taking down one man as I stabbed another. I found myself in a tussle with the last one, but luckily I was able to steal his gun from his holster before taking him down and putting two bullets in his back. I looked back at Sully as he appeared from the stairway and took cover behind the Shoreline truck in front of me. He gave a quick nod in the direction on the 4x4 and I quickly ran to pull out a FAL as more mercenaries came into view. I could see Nate and Sam running towards the car, ducking to avoid bullets as they did. Once all of us had grabbed a gun, it was easy for us to take out the rest of the crew. When the last man was gunned down, I went with Nathan to assist in pulling down the drawbridge. We needed to leave before more of Nadine’s army had caught up with us. “That was… much cleaner than I expected…” Sully commented to me as we descended the stairway, pulling on his shirt to fan himself.
“Yeah it was- and I thank you- but we need to skedaddle.” Sam added as he tossed his heavy artillery in the trunk of the car, immediately hopping into the backseat.
“Yes…” I agreed and we all piled into the vehicle and crossed the bridge.
After a while, we began driving across the cliffs once again, before another tower came in sight. This one gave me an odd feeling. I couldn’t shake it but it made me nervous. ‘Be extra careful, bitch…’ my brain told me as we approached yet another muddy hill. “I’ll get the winch.” I groaned as I began to hop out of the 4x4 but Nathan stopped me.
“I got it, Sunny.” He said, placing a hand on mine. “Take a break. You look tired.” I sighed. He was right. I was sweating in places I didn’t even know I could sweat, my arms hurt, my head was beginning to hurt- I had run out of water about an hour ago so I couldn’t take a BC, I was starving and feeling fatigued from an excessive amount of adrenaline rushes.
“Yeah, just take a beat…” Sam told me with a nod. He narrowed his eyes at me to make sure I knew he meant it. I sighed and leaned back into my seat.
“Fine…” I huffed. And at that moment, he did something so simple that made my heart melt. He placed a hand on the back of my neck caringly. His rough thumb stroked the nape of my neck as if to comfort me and my breath hitches at the sudden contact. I turned my head to lean on the car door and cover my face; clearly I had turned red. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and cleared my throat as I watched Nathan wrap the winch around a tree before sliding back down the hill. There was a large rock wedged into the mud that would keep us anchored as we rode uphill. As we started to move, I leaned my head back as his hand moved to my shoulder to massage it gently. When I looked over at him, he wasn’t even looking at me. He was just relaxed in his corner of the car, admiring the South African view. I was lost in admiring his profile when it happened.
The car jolted a moment, all of us turning our attention to what was happening in front of us. The wire from the winch had dug its way underneath the rock that was keeping us steady and it began to slide, taking us with it. I straightened myself up as the car began to slide off of the hill and over a cliff. I screamed as the car hung by the winch thousands of feet above the ground as clusters of rocks fell around us. I yelled as I gripped onto the back of Nathan’s seat, my heart beating rapidly as tears spilled from my eyes. I looked below me, shaking when I saw how far the rocks continued to fall before crashing out of sight. “SUNNY! DON'T LOOK DOWN! LOOK AT ME, SWEETHEART! I’M RIGHT HERE!” I could hear Sam shouting and I looked over to him but with his eyes closed tightly and saying his Hail-Mary-Full-of-Graces, he wasn’t giving me any confidence at all. I looked forward to the sky and watched more rocks fall around us until one hit the front of the 4x4 hard, knocking Nathan back into his seat. My grip had loosened as the car dropped a bit, sending both Nathan and I flying out of the car. In that moment, I saw my whole life flashing before my eyes. There was no way I could grab anything. I was too far from the car. A yelp tore from my throat with a shiver as I was suspended in the air. Just as I thought that perhaps I had fallen too far, a long arm stretched out towards me, lengthy fingers wrapping around my forearm tightly. Then I felt something tug hard on my belt. When I looked up, Sam’s face stared down at me in shock as gripped onto the back of Sully’s seat. Looking down, Nathan had been hanging onto the back of my pants, just dangling about. I was shaking, my eyes wide, my breathing shallow as I watched Sam try his best to hold us. “NATHAN, I CAN’T HOLD YOU BOTH FOR VERY LONG- GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!” He called to him as the rocks ceased to settle.
“HOLD ON, SUNNY!” I heard Sully yell above me and I tightened my grip on Sam’s thick forearm as my best friend proceeded to climb my body as best as he could until he was able to grab onto the car. He climbed the side of the car until he could pull himself into the driver’s seat again and with ease, Sam pulled me up into the car, stretching an arm across me as if to keep me in my seat. My body wouldn’t stop shaking as Nathan pulled the 4x4 up until the front wheels touched the edge of the cliffs and we were finally on solid ground. As soon as we were grounded, I jumped out of the car and had a full body breakdown. “Heh… that wasn’t so bad!” Nathan quipped, taking several deep breaths. I stared at him incredulously, hyperventilating as my nostrils flared. The nervous grin on his face disappeared when he noticed the crazy in my eyes and he opened the car door to approach me carefully. “Shit, Sunny-”
“Don’t ‘shit, Sunny’ me, Nathan. Shut up- just shut up!” I exclaimed as I became overwhelmed. He took another step forward and I backed away.
“Sunny….” he began but I shook my head and Sam hopped out of the car, grabbing me by the arm and putting a hand on Nate’s chest to stop him.
“Give her a minute, little brother…” he said quietly before dragging me aside; away from Nate, away from the car, away from the cliff. He placed a hand on my back and pulled me behind the tower out of sight. He rested his back on the wall and just let me pace as he placed a cigarette between his chapped lips and lit it, taking a small drag before holding it out for me. I stopped to look at him, my nails digging into my shaking palms. “Take it, Sunny.” He said to me insistently. When I didn’t move, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close, placing it in my dirty fingers. “The nicotine will calm your nerves….” His voice was gentle. Just like that first night we talked… I stared into his honey colored eyes as a smile twitched onto his lips. I took a sharp inhale as I had forgotten to breathe for the moment. His sweet smile turned into a smirk as he guided my hand to my mouth, placing the cigarette between my lips. I took a long drag as he placed his hands on my hips firmly and pulled me dangerously close, exhaling the smoke with a crippling shiver as he brought his forehead to mine. A tear fell from my eyes when he pressed his warm lips to my temple. All my emotions came spilling out and he pulled me into a tight hug, his hand on the back of my neck. He rubbed small circles into my back, resting his chin on the top of my head as I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Let it out-” he mumbled and I sucked in a heap of air.
“We almost…. I almost-”
“I know, I know…” he said as he placed a hand on my cheek. When I lifted the cigarette to my lips, I noticed the bruises on my forearm where Sam grabbed me and burst into tears again. “Shhh…. I gotcha, sweetheart… I do…” he said running his fingers through my curls. He furrowed his salt and pepper brows at me as he watched the emotions play out on my face.
“I don’t think I can do this, Sam-”
“No, no, no- don’t think about that, sweetheart. You’ve lived through much worse than this- remember Scotland?” He said with a smile so sweet it could stop my heart. I peered up at him from my thick lashes and nodded, taking a drag of my cigarette. “You remember how much of a tough little lady you were when that floor crumbled under us? You were fallin’ then-”
“I was near handholds-”
“And this time you were near me.” He fired back, staring me deep in my eyes. I felt like I couldn’t move when he brought his forehead to mine again. “I wasn’t lying’ when I said I’d catch you… I’m always gonna catch you…” He told me, his breath dancing over my face as his lips brushed over mine ever so lightly. His calloused thumbs rubbed away the tears from beneath my eyes when he caressed my face. I was lost in a haze. Despite his dirty, bruised face, he was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. “I need you, Sunny Spurrs…” he spoke against my lips as the tension grew between us. I threw my cigarette on the ground as he pressed his body into mine, stroking my cheek. “My life is on the line and I am trusting you right now, Sunny. I’m trusting you, okay? I trust you-” He cut himself off in the heat of his words, crashing his lips into mine. It wasn’t anything steamy, but it was something vulnerable. His hands seemed a little shaky themselves until I placed mine over them. His kiss was firm and needy; something idyllic and tender. His lips were warm and soft as they curled into a smile against me. The world seemed to disappear around me… When he broke the kiss I was damn near breathless. I searched his eyes for bullshit. I tended to do that with men, no matter who they were… And I came to the conclusion that he was either a damn good liar or that he was telling the truth… I couldn’t discern and it worried me. I pushed him away from me to gather my courage and thoughts, stretching my limbs and shaking my nerves.
“Guess we should go so I can save your life again, huh?” I managed to say. He gave a chuckle before locking a finger or two with mine. “Thank you… Now let’s go find this thing.” I said turning on my heels but he pulled me back to plant one more chaste kiss on me.
“Now we can go.” He smirked, rounding the tower to climb inside. I smiled to myself, following behind him with my hands in my pockets. As soon as I appeared, Nathan came over to embrace me.
“I’m so sorry, Sunny. I forget I’m the one who lives for close calls sometimes. Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Just had a little hitch in my giddy up. But I’ll be fine. Sorry I yelled at you.” I said hugging him tightly. “Womb to tomb…”
“Birth to Earth.” He grinned before climbing into the tower to explore and I followed right behind him.
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Hello folks! So this one is a bit strange - no pronouns mentioned but reader can be ascertained to have Male genitals or a strap on. Some Exhibitionism, minor BDSM like binding - some gagging as well. Some leg humping too but nothing major again!
Big side note, think about writing smut? Listen to Ariana Grande’s ‘Dangerous Woman’ album bc that shit has gotten me through all the best parts of this.
Rating - Grapefruit
Word Count - 2,802
Julian was a manner of things - a doctor, an actor, a runaway, a castaway and more importantly, yours.
Being yours, you had to casually remind him of this at times
And you were always happy to remind him - and prepared.
He whined, legs spreading underneath you - cock hard within the confines of his pants, you could see even in the dimness of the booth the tent that it formed. His hands gripping the table and his gloves creaking with the hold.
You lean closer to his ear and speak lowly, a shock and tremor sent down his body as your teeth dangerously scraped the shell of it. “You’ve been a bad boy, Julian.” He whined again, cheeks flushing a deep red and breaths panting already.
Hips thrusting up into the empty space between you, another hand desperately grabbing onto the clothing at your waist and pulling, rubbing, doing whatever he could to stave off the feeling of needing friction.
“I-I’m sorry....” He was interrupted by a loud gasp and teeth clamped down into his lower lip to silence himself, head lolling back and resting against the wall as your lips and teeth worked his throat, one hand snaking up to his billowing blouse and snaking underneath to roughly drag your thumb over the swollen bud. “How can I be good for you? Please I’ll be good.”
You grin against his throat and you know he can feel it, you look over to the man who had been flirting with Julian and make a show of moving the blouse off of his shoulder to bite down roughly and suck on the skin there. His face in the dim yellow glow of the tavern warmed and he glanced away, only to turn back after hearing Julian attempt to muffle a moan.
Hips again, stuttering upwards to try and meet your groin not too far above him but failing under the pin you had him in. “Please may we go back to the shop? P-Please I can’t take it—“
“I’m going to fuck you right here Ilya.” You interrupt with a snarl and harsh tug on his nipple, he yelped that time and a few patrons turned their heads to the commotion. Unable to see in the dimness of your little cubby, they assumed that nothing was happening - the man at the bar made his leave, not before one last glance in your direction and a scowl forming on his face.
“D-Darling he-he’s gone you can stop-stop now~” His actions went against his words as his hand flies up to tangle in your hair, head still leaning back against the cubby wall and the rough tug of leather against hair pushed you on, eyes closed in pure ecstasy, pushing you closer to his pale skin and hips finally finding yours above him. His other hand gripping a hand full of your ass and pulling you down onto his groin, rolling his hips for the desperately needed friction.
Your hands scramble for the ties on the curtains to your booth, pulling them loose so they hid your debauchery somewhat. He groaned when your hands had been away from his body too long, craving you like how fire craves oxygen - and in this moment you were fuelling the lust filling his loins and burning in his veins. Your fingers dip down to his pants and loosen them just enough so they could be pulled down easily at a moments notice, and with the curtain tie you now had a handy length of rope to tie his hands. “Hands behind your back.”
He complied with a groan and leant forward, his fingers still hidden beneath the gloves you carelessly take them off his hands and throw them behind you onto the table - with expert fingers you tie a sturdy knot, hands firmly held behind his back.
“What if- what if someone sees us?” He whispered to you. You lean back far enough to glance around the bar, patrons too busy getting drunk and fighting for them to even bother to notice at this point - the only person who could notice you is someone who was sober and the dimness combined with the shade the curtain provided didn’t help anyone trying to peep on you two.
You push him back and pull away from his lap and he gasps at the loss of touch, his hips bucking up and his chest flushing with colour - the pale ginger hairs becoming vibrant against his red skin.
“If someone sees us,” you slip down the band of your bottoms, his eyes widening at the sight of the length he was going to take and his eyes darkened. He was wobbly as he picked himself up and ducked beneath the table, on his knees in front of your spread legs. “They’ll get quite the show, you’ll give them something to look at won’t you my dear Ilya?”
He nodded, the flush on his cheeks spread over the bridge of his nose as his eyes averted yours and dipped down to look at the length and slipped the tip into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks as he bent his head down to take in more of your length. Touching the back of his throat he gagged a tiny bit only to relax and take in the last part of your cock, lifting his mouth from your length he gasped in air and drool hung from the corner of his mouth his cheeks flushing a deep, mesmerising red.
His tongue dragged up the underside, one of your hands tangle into his hair and pull on the locks. The other dragging up the plane of your chest and rubbing fingers against your left nipple, watching the debauched man slip into his role. He looked up to you through long lashes, a sinful pop as his lips detached from the head. His lips finding place on your thighs and biting down, sucking and marking. Tongue languid in its pace to mark you, and again dragging up the underside.
“Please fuck me, I’m so good for you.” His hot breath on your thigh stoked a deeper fire within you and you yank a bit harder than intended at the ends of his hair, he gave a half groan that was accompanied with a lustful gurgle of surprise when your other hand squeezed deliciously tight on his throat.
His eyes pricking with pleasured tears, he panted and shifted closer to your leg, thighs trembling he leaned as close as he could over your shin and part of your thigh. “May I use your leg? Please... I promise I’ll be good- just tell me what to do I-I promise I’ll listen.”
You give him a grin, his eyes desperately searching your face. His cheeks cast in a dim yellow light, accentuating his gorgeously carved jaw and high cheekbones. Pale chest heaving with anticipation and blouse unruly, sagging out of position down his shoulder to show the gorgeous blossoming purple and peachy pink skin, perfectly complimenting the mans untameable red locks that were pushed around in every which direction.
You nod and he shudders his breath, a meek ‘thank you’ under the din of drunken chatter. You feel his hardness press against your shin, a quiet ‘fuck’ from the pressure and he begins to rock his hips forwards.
A lewd and obscene image of pure ecstasy kneeling before you as his face contorted with pure bliss, his moans breathy and shuddering as his cock weeped pre-cum in his pants. A desperate sight, almost animalistic in his passion to feel electricity run through his system and overload any thoughts he may of had of the stranger.
A corrupt sob broke from his lips, rutting desperately against your leg still like an animal in heat. You grin, and he can feel your stare bore into him - half lidded stormy eyes looked to yours for praise, for degradation; for any kind of words. He stuttered in his movements as you slide your foot further forward the change in angle pushing him on to keep fucking himself against your leg.
You speak somewhat softly, the low growl in your throat rumbled around in your skull while you spoke “Look at you Ilya, my..... perfect.... little-“ you grasp the hair at the nape of his neck and pull back, his head following your direction “-whore” You snarl, teeth raking down his throat, your lips sucking to eventually create a deep purple under his ear.
His keen was pornographic and he spoke, breathy and loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. “I’m-I’m yours yes, your who-mmmmm~ whore—“ pupils blown, ravenous eyes darting back down to your own length and he leans forward to capture the tip in his mouth, his tongue drawing vulgar shapes and paths down the length of it.
The Rowdy Raven had disappeared around the two of you, the idea of being caught was exhilarating enough - but Julian being like this for you, savage and needy. A whining mess with thoughts only on his pleasure, a mess of sobs and choked whimpers. Tears pricking and dribbling down his cheeks messily as you bring him to the brink time and time again, accepting the filling ache of your cock inside of him - it drove you wild.
This thought had awoken something inside of you, and you press a hand against his head. His hips stopping though his body quivered with urgency to continue, his lips parting from the head of your cock with a trail of saliva connecting him still.
“Ilya, you’re such a good boy for me.” You hum and he sighed, he had a bone deep ache already from the ministrations you had taken upon him, your fingers weaving through his hair and finally guiding down his back to a large knot of tenseness that had built up. Massaging his skin gently beneath his shirt, careful to avoid sensitive patches of skin still darkening to their final brilliant colour.
You come close to his ear, fingers scratching his scalp soothingly and he tilted his head upwards towards your hand “Ilya, come here and sit between my legs.”
Shakilt, the man barely able to keep his eyes half lidded with arousal pulled himself up and turned to sit in the space between your legs, the cock at his back sliding deliciously close to where he wanted it. “Darling please~ I want you inside me.”
You grin and lean over his back, fingers making their way into his mouth he sucked on them generously. You noticed his eyes dart around the tavern to spot if anyone was watching, he sighed wistfully - you wondered if he hoped that someone would be.
Fingers leaving his mouth, your other hand working his waist band to pull it down as he raised his hips. Ass now bare, your hand traces the curve and dip of his spine all the way down to his entrance and he shivered, hands behind his back grasping at air.
“Julian, are you going to ask me nicely?” You hum, fingers tracing around his entrance and he shivered, body involuntarily jerking forward at the touch. He laid his chest and head on the table, face barely illuminated in a glow, a high pitched moan and a choke as one digit slipped in the tiniest bit.
“N-not fair! Please, please fuck me I’m hhhaaah~!” Both digits enter him and he stutters a moan, breathy and high his head lifting off the table. Some patrons looking over in his general direction and he clamped his mouth shut, cheeks flushing a deeper red. You grin, knowing you have him in a precarious situation and he loved the thrill of it.
A hand curves around his ass again, before drawing back and a light spank to the skin there surprised him. This is when he moaned openly, fuelling a lust in your gut that you hadn’t felt since you had last done this with him.
One finger slowly working him, his chest heaving and sweat matting his hair to his forehead - he was gorgeous. You slowly allow another finger to follow and he shuddered, fingers gripping at the other edge of the table. A mess of long limbs and sputtered sentences.
You begin to pump faster, pushing in to your knuckle before pulling out again. Your other hand returning to his ass and squeezing gently.
“Ilya?” You ask, He panted, gulped and replied quickly.
“Yes darling?” He attempted to look over his shoulder, he was debauched and messy - drool on his chin and cheeks streaked with tears.
“Do you want me inside of you?” You ask, fingers soothing the abused skin. He nodded, eyes darting to the thin slit left by the curtain that anyone could peek through if stood in the right place. You stand, leaning over his back and face inching closer to the shell of his ear - lips planting a kiss on the skin behind the ear.
“You need to give me an answer Ilya.”
“Please..... y-yes please.” He turned his face and spoke into the table, and you soothe fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp and massaging his sore shoulders.
“Good boy.” You whisper, kissing his temple. “Spread your legs for me Ilya, I need you to be open for me.”
He complied shakily, Legs parting as far as his pants would allow him and you pull them down farther - face level with his entrance you lick a stripe up it and he gasped.
“We can’t have you making much more noise than you were darling.” You hum, finding one of his discarded gloves and holding it beside his mouth, he quickly took the hint and gladly took it as a gag.
You run your hand over his backside again, lining yourself up with his entrance you slowly push in and he chokes out a plea from behind the glove.
You set a punishing pace, pulling out all the way to just slam back into him. The table shuffling and creaking under you both.
You hear him vaguely from under the gag, voice mewling and high - dizzy from the pleasure racing through his veins.
“St-Stroke— touch my cock p-please m’so hard and it feels so good aahhhhn~! Yes! Fuck me- god! Plea~!”
Your fingers wrap around his cock and you pump him in a matching pace, he was lost in the pleasure you had guided him through thus far. Barely able to comprehend anything more that was happening other than the feeling of his length being stroked and the punishing push and pull of your own length inside of him.
He tensed and let loose a delicious moan, close you could tell but you wanted to hear it from him.
“Tell me Ilya, are you close?” You punctuated the last word with a sharp snap of your hips, his mouth dropping open wide enough to allow the glove to slip out.
“I’m so close, please-please! I’m so-sorry for what I’ve do-done I-“ a particularly hard tug on his hair made him gulp and choke on air, his voice was breathy as he continued his pleading “I’m a good boy! I’m yo-urs, no o-one else’s, no one e-else can make me feel as-as good as you!”
At this rate, you know people can hear him but in their drunken stupor they couldn’t care less. It wasn’t the wildest thing to happen at the Rowdy Raven after all.
“Come on then Ilya, you can cum for me.” That’s all it took, and he was gasping - shaking and thanking for his release that was spurting under the table.
He heaved and took deep breaths, the stars behind his eyes taking moments to fade and the tenseness in his back unravelling. You wind a few fingers into his sweaty mane and comb through them softly, helping him gently come down from his high.
“Are you okay, my Ilya?” You lavish kisses on his back and he takes a moment before nodding, lifting his head to turn to you as much as he could chest down to the table.
“God I’ve never felt better.” He spoke with his smarmy grin, you find yourself giggling and pull away from him.
He shakily stood between your legs, your hands planted onto his hips to steady him - guiding him to his plush seat. He looked over to you, and although he had been punished you didn’t look much better.
“What about you, my darling?” He asked, while he lavished open mouth kisses onto your clavicle.
“Me?” You ask with a grin and raise a hand up to his throat, you gently squeeze and he gives a whine. “We can sort me out later - let’s just get you home and comfy, okay?”
Oh wow she’s another long gal - I hope y’all enjoyed though! ️
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smittenwithlouis · 7 years
Best of the 🦇 Fic
Aka Waiting On You by @lads-laddylads​
This is easily one of my favorite fics so I’ve compiled some of my favorite quotes, lines, and moments from this masterpiece. Enjoy!
⚰️ [Spoiler Warning!] 💉 
“You’re feisty for someone so small” [Definition of Louis Tomlinson right here ijs :/]
Harry bites the way he talks, and walks, and kisses, with an intensity that’s somehow on the right side of too much, overwhelming without being overbearing. [ Gentle 🦇 lover Harry tho...need I say more?]
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡WALL SEX!!!!!!!!!!
“What if he saw you up against the wall and taking my cock like this, this desperate for it after you tried so hard to pretend you weren’t interested?” [Lmao gentle lover but then he a nasty™ exhibitionist kinky bastard...excuse me but like...sign me tf up :/ also Niall would be out there pulling a Regina George’s Mom move with a video camera. Lets be real...aslo me as Niall]
"Please, c’mon, bite me again,”....“Baby, I don’t need more—” Harry begins .....”No, I need it, please, Harry, just—” Louis says, and when he sees Harry’s fangs descend, he feels like he could cry with relief [Honestly this scene killed me bc like LMAO he’s gagging to be bitten like...let that sink in for a sec and then you have 🦇 Harry like no no baby I’m good like u don’t gotta but Louis is like BINCH this for my pleasure not u tf...Iconic]
Louis turns around, he sees his clothing from the club last night in a neatly folded pile on the floor [Harry deadass fucking folded Louis’ clothes before he left. Like why is this such a Harry thing to do?When will your one night stand EVER, Lmao I HATE]
They may start humping each other with the next few minutes, and Louis wants to tell them to leave room for Jesus [Louis is such a little binch...why didn’t he leave room for J when he was dry humping Harry at the club?...smh]
“You’re all so fucking full of yourselves and it disgusts me.”....“You were so fucking full of me last week and you didn’t seem disgusted by that” [I SCREAMED SO LOUD LMAOOOOO. Honestly. I’m here for Harry calling out Louis in all his bs. This was iconic]
“Because people get off on being bitten? It’s like...a sexual thing...“Mmmm, no, that’s pretty much just you” [Imagine being that deep in denial or having no once of self awareness. Like kinda felt bad that he didn’t realize his own damn kink but LMAO now all his friends know he gets off on being bitten. Oh Louis hahahaha. Also, Harry being all smug about it. BYE]
Louis gently burrows his feet under Harry’s thigh. It keeps his toes warm [This was just so cute and super relatable cause I literally do the same thing rip]
A young vampire who looks like he’d rather be actually dead than undead and working at Panera [This line LMAO. Idk if many people appreciate this type of humor but I do. I giggled so much]
“I’m a cop and I could report this restaurant for at least three health code violations” [Hahaha he’s so endearing and so aggravating at the same time. But its so cute how he does shit like this and you know on the surface it pisses Louis off but in reality he’s so endeared by it. I’m here for Harry cheating to get what he wants tbh]
“Up we go” Harry says [STOP this was so cute! Literally all I pictured was that gif of that bodyguard picking Louis up like he weighed nothing :’) my smol son...bless him]
“Vampires don’t even fucking sweat” Louis mutters to himself angrily [Okay but how iconic was this scene? Harry is such a damn tease. Louis had been fantasizing about H covered in oil and as if H KNEW he was like I don’t got oil but this water will do...like LMAO. So Louis being sexually frustrated and grumpy like a kitten with a “🦇s don’t sweat” was just so funny lol]
“Are we — are we gonna have sex now?” Louis asks when Harry lays him down.Harry laughs, and that seems rude. Louis and Harry have had sex before, so why not have it again? Louis is in his bed, after all, so he doesn’t understand why Harry is trying to play hard to get. Why else would Louis be in his bed?Louis feels his eyes slipping closed, but he’s going to ask these questions because he wants answers.“Just go to sleep, baby,” Harry says softly, and no. No, Louis isn’t going to do that [The damn nerve Louis has to say Harry is the one playing hard to get BOI lol. But like this scene is so endearing. Like, Harry just saved his ass and Louis is so damn drunk and HARRY CALLED HIM BABY. Ugh its disgustingly sweet. I love it :’)]
“Smaller than I remember,” Louis says, swallowing hard. Harry’s smirk only widens [I’m that gif of that dude looking into the camera like I’m in the office. Like, Louis trying to pretend like Harry doesn’t have a monster**** and didn’t get fucked for an inch of his life is so fucking petty and hilariously embarrassing lol]
“So, I was thinking that we should have sex,” Louis says suddenly, and Harry chokes on his drink [This was so abrupt and just lololol he was so done with being sexually frustrated this was also when I screamed FINALLY BINCH]
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HANDCUFF SEX!!!!!!!!!!
“I want to watch the Vampire Diaries,” Louis decides finally [need I say more lmaooo]
He reaches for Harry. Harry opens his arms to Louis immediately, burying his face into Louis’ neck, and Louis shivers slightly, rubbing at Harry’s back [this was such a small and tender moment. It was just so cute since up to this point they had rarely been really affectionate like this it just made me feel all asdfghjkl...also tho I felt bad for Niel]
Louis can’t help but scoot closer to him, wrapping his arms around Harry’s torso and clinging to him like a koala bear [this was just cute okay???]
Finally, Harry huffs out a sigh and leans in, giving Louis a kiss on his cheekbone [I live for small little moments like this FUCK ME UP with emotions and feelings rip]
"I have Steve talking about pterodactyl porn, I have Niall speculating about whether it’s legal to marry ducks in the District of Colombia" [shit like this makes me side eye writers tbh like...now I know u’ve seen or talked about some weird shit. Like, Emma how did u even come up with this??? How much pterodactyl porn have u watched? like...I’m not judging u or nuffin but lowkey I’m like how much of a freak is she? Ya feel me? Get back to me on this lmao I need explanations....]
Harry’s shirt is riding up slightly, exposing the trail of hair that leads into Harry’s boxers, and there’s a small bit of a drool pooling on Harry’s skin. Oops [Excuse me but like this is so cute? Louis droolin on Harry...as gross asit may be like...how endearing tho? Again little shit like this is what makes me adore fics so much. Bless]
“Why aren’t you into me?” The words burst out of Louis suddenly, and that definitely wasn’t what he meant to say [This made me feel so asdfghjkl for Louis cause like I felt bad but also it was his fault in the first place but again with him bursting out with his feelings is so cute]
“I can’t believe you thought I didn’t want you,” Harry says, pulling away just enough to speak. “Do you think I handcuff all of my friends and let them ride me on the sofa?” His eyes are sparkling [Honestly Louis...like wyd boi]
Louis can tell that even in the throes of pleasure, Harry’s first concern is making sure Louis doesn’t get hurt [Gentle 🦇 lover Harry at it again]
Harry bites into Louis’ left ass cheek with his fangs, and Louis cries out loudly enough that he’d be concerned for Harry’s neighbors if he cared about anything other than this right now [How much nastier™ can this get tho? BYE]
Harry reaches his finger down Louis’ crack, teasing gently, but he can’t quite reach where he wants to touch. He makes a frustrated noise and hitches Louis’ leg up, forcing Louis to wrap his arms around Harry’s neck until he’s up against the wall yet again [Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS OUT IN PUBLIC LIKE WYD??? LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS!! So, Harry loves to have Louis pinned to walls and lives for the exhibitionism...me as H tbh]
“I didn’t even hear the goddamn door open,” Louis mutters. “But what’s your excuse? You have super hearing!” [He was to busy fingering u in the bathroom hallway NOT EVEN IN THE BATHROOM but the damn hallway!! :/ Also, did he even wash his hands afterwards? Harry over there talking about health code violations to the wanting to be dead, undead Panera boy but he over here fingering Louis’ ass and not even washin his hands afterwards...ya nasty]
Harry goes full on drama with it and dips Louis right there in the middle of the restaurant [Louis as if ur life doesn’t revolve around drama...sit yo big ass down istg...also this was extra af but cute af so like I’m here for this]
He wraps his larger pinky around Louis’ smaller one as he speaks, and Louis gives him a small smile and nods [THIS IS LOWKEY SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING FOR PNL. YOU AIN’T SLICK BINCH. I SEE U. Anyways, y’all can read Pinkies Never Lie HERE. Good shit. Good shit...lots of hot sex especially H wearing his rings fingering Louis scene...ijs. This scene was cute too btw]
It was raining that day, and in Louis’ mind’s eye, every rain droplet that hit the car window was there to cleanse him of everything that he had been with Luke [Literally look can CHOKE but I liked this sentence quite a lot]
“And in the last ten minutes, I’ve revised my opinion on your intelligence quite a bit, so for it to go even lower is saying something" [Listen, Nick being involved was quite a shock I will admit...but also he was literally so dumb af in this scene and I love that Harry told him so lololol]
“Louis,” Harry says, and Louis forces his eyes open again. “I love you. I love you so much.” “I love you too,” Louis says, voice quiet and raspy from the damage done to his neck. “Yeah?” Harry says, smiling as he wipes some blood from the corner of Louis’ mouth. “Don’t get cocky about it,” Louis says. His vision is spotty and Harry’s voice sounds very far away. Harry laughs, eyes still wet with tears. “You hadn’t said. Before.” “I was waiting on you,” Louis says, a small smile on his face, echoing what Harry had once said to him [This fucking scene ripped my heart out like wtf SO ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!! Like this would be the time they said I love you. I HATE but like I love all at once??? and Like this time Louis was waiting on Harry and IM A MESS FUCC U EMMA U SUCC!!!]
Louis can feel Harry’s fingers tracing a three on his good wrist, and he realizes suddenly that he’s not drawing a three, that he was never drawing a three. He’s drawing a heart [THIS. JFC. Honestly Emma you’re such a sapp...this was so fucking cute and fluffy and asdfghjkl FUCC U]
“But don’t pull a stunt like that ever again,” James says, smiling ear to ear. “I don’t need my lead detective to be the first vampire to die of a heart attack in the history of vampirism” [Lmao me as James...honestly the way Louis attracts trouble...Harry would get a damn heart attack lol]
“Why does everyone always think that arguing is our version of a mating ritual" [Is this binch forreal??? Cause it literally was...they’re bickering and arguing was all foreplay tbh. LOLOLOL]
“Oh Luke,” he says, voice amused. “You still don’t get it. I figured out for myself that I was worth something long before I even met Harry. He was just the first vampire I’d met in a while who believed it too” [YASSSSSSSSS BINCH. THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! IS SO IMPORTANT.SO SO SOOOO IMPORTANT!!! HE DON’T NEED NO ONE TO REALIZE AND KNOW HE’S WORTH IT]
While Harry gets their satanic ritual or whatever it is he’s aiming for going [Hahahaha again with this type of humor. I LOVEEEE]
“A lifetime with you is never going to feel like enough,” Harry says honestly” ... “I guess it’s good that you’re going to have me for longer than that, then,” Louis says [LOUIS GONNA BE A VAMP!!!! FOREVER TOGETHER IM SO HAPPY!!! Also, can we get a sequel? drabble? SUMFFIN?? I vote for hot and hard 🦇 sex ayeee!]
“We were worth the wait” Louis clarifies finally [BINCH FUCK U IMA MESSSSSSSS]
Anyways, this is long af and totally unnecessary but I enjoyed reading this SO DAMN MUCH. I’m in love with this fic. There was a little bit of everything I enjoy reading. I’m still a bit annoyed that I didn’t guess Nick was the second person involved...I was always side eyeing Jeff just cause he didn’t do shit in this fic (funny how art imitates real life lol) and thought it would of been a big WTF lol. Emma, I know this fic was a nightmare at times to write but thank you so much for writing this. Especially bc it was somewhat out of your comfort zone and stuff so I really appreciate it. Okay, Imma stop being sappy and shit but you know how much my weird ass adores fics like this. So, THANK YOU! 
Everyone please go read the 🦇 fic if ya haven’t already and if you have...READ IT AGAIN. 
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