havoc-hyena · 2 days
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Wanted to make myself a WIR oc, so I did! She’s a weird spider/goat/monkey creature. Her game is similar to SEGA Let’s Go Island, but with a story that revolves around boat racing.
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And here’s the janky mood board I made before drawing her
I’m happy with how she turned out, it was just a bit tricky to figure out her anatomy. Putting glasses on an arachnid character wasn’t my brightest idea though lol.
When she isn’t walking normally I think she’d use her arms and tail go get around. Kinda like how Doc Ock gets around with his robot arms.
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havoc-hyena · 4 days
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When you wish upon a star
Maybe it's eye strain, maybe it's not, idk, but it's cy-bug king candy
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havoc-hyena · 6 days
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something sinister is brewing
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havoc-hyena · 7 days
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The fruity frumple himself
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havoc-hyena · 7 days
You ever think about how incredibly weird Azhdarchids were?
Like, they had huge heads, very long necks, relatively small wings that they could nonetheless fly with, which they (probably) achieved by pole-vaulting themselves into the air with their bones. They could likely get around on land by galloping like horses, and probably ate anything that they could fit in The Beak, like pelicans.
Also they were this big.
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Sincerely, what the fuck.
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havoc-hyena · 8 days
Just finished up a king candybug phone wallpaper I’ve been working on
Made a few variations since the brighter/glitch ones are a bit eye strain-y. Feel free to use any of these for wallpapers or even pfps if you want, just don’t claim it as your own art lol common sense.
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Brighter/eye-strain under cut
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havoc-hyena · 10 days
I'm back with a little surprise for some of you who mentioned that they'd want a King Candybug sculpture of their own... (plus since I used plasticine clay he'll never harden, so this'll be my way to finalize him)
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I'm patching up and refining this scanned in model as we speak! I know it looks really rough right now, but I'm going to be completely re-detailing him to get all his features back. Hopefully if all goes according to plan-
He'll be 3D printable!
Now I don't know how long exactly this process will take since I've never done it before, but I have a bit of blender experience so hopefully it won't take a crazy long amount of time. I'm planning on fixing up the topology in blender and then importing it into Nomad Sculpt for the detailing. There's also potential for limb poseability if I figure out how to make ball joints, but that'll tack on a lot of extra time. Might do that for a 2.0 model if there's enough people who want it.
I'd be giving away the files for free, no strings attached. It wouldn't feel right charging anybody for a passion project I was originally intending to just do for myself.
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havoc-hyena · 14 days
6 days, around 50+ hours of total work done, and he’s finally complete!
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Big lil’ guy
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havoc-hyena · 15 days
My goodness! Your fursona’s a yeen too?
Love your bald son by the way.
Hell yeah, yeens are the best. They’ve got a lot of interesting stuff going on for them.
He says hi! Just a bit hard to wave without hands lol
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havoc-hyena · 17 days
Welcome to the world my strange bald son.
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Still has a loooong way til he’s complete. (No arms lol)
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havoc-hyena · 17 days
Fibre crafts are 50% soothing repetitive action and 50% "God Fucking Damnit"
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havoc-hyena · 19 days
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King candy bug sculpture in the works, just finished leg placement.
I’ve found that making sculptures of complex characters helps me learn their anatomy a whole lot better than drawing them.
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havoc-hyena · 19 days
Main Blog Intro Post! Hello Welcome!
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Who/What the Hell Am I?
I go by Havoc and/or Zashi; I've gone by both interchangeably online for quite some time now.
ADHD, BP-2, etc. etc. I might have long stints of inactivity due to lack of motivation.
Any/All/No pronouns! I'm just here to be here, refer to me as whatever you think fits.
I like to create stuff, regardless of the medium. I do a little bit of everything (all of the time).
I have two main art styles, both of which are posted here. #havpaint for "paintings" #havdraw for "drawings."
Main Interests: Deltarune, Wreck-It Ralph, Paleontology, Minecraft, Cosplay, and anything remotely art related!
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🛠️ What's In The Works? (will change as I complete projects)
Spamton Neo Jacket- 65%
Fursuit Gloves- 45%
King candybug model 4%
🎧 Currently Listening To:
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havoc-hyena · 21 days
Me at work trying to do my job but I can’t because this irredeemable video game character is constantly in the back of my mind
This gremlin…
All the frames used: (not including glitch frames)
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havoc-hyena · 21 days
Turbo/King Candy the first time he tries to mess with code not knowing he should tether himself to something:
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havoc-hyena · 22 days
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havoc-hyena · 22 days
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Welp, never thought I’d actually post anything to this blog but here we are. The King Candy/Turbo brain worm hit me like a truck and I just had to draw the lil’ guy
Out of all the things to take me out of my lurking, I never thought it’d be this. Thanks random YouTube video(you know the one) you now own the entire real estate of my brain(/vpos)
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