#dta amanda
chitaquahq · 2 months
Dean and Cas silently arranging their turns to scold Amanda is so funny. Bonus points because Dean is acting as the trusting leader (that he is) and Cas is playing the strict second in command that happens to be Amanda's instructor too.
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gayangelcrimes · 2 years
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In honor of me finishing dta the other day, I offer you... Fanart, finally
[inspired by this post]
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caught-a-ghost · 1 year
~time for a reread~
it's been well over a year since i read down to agincourt the first time. the deancas slowburn, the worldbuilding, and the brilliant cast of oc's you come to adore. i completely fell in love with it.
spn a la tolkien baby~
since i have a terrible memory i kinda wanna document some of my reread. feel free to filter #dragonfly rereads dta. this is for my own personal enjoyment more than anything else and it's not going to be that deep. i'm just using this to remember shit.
since i know people want to read it for that bookclub thing soon (awesome!) i'm putting the first one of these under a cut since i'm not going to be spoiler free. please block my tag if you want to avoid those!
chapter 1 here we go
"I promised Sam they'd be together in the end," Lucifer tells him, shrugging to rearrange his still immaculate coat. "Don't worry, Cas, he'll be fine. From what I understand, he had a pretty good time the first time. He'll adapt." "No," Castiel answers. "He won't." Lucifer looks up from his sleeve, a pitying smile freezing on his lips, eyebrows knitting together in dawning confusion. "What--where is he?" "How would I know?" he answers curiously. "Slaughtering the reapers was possibly a miscalculation on your part. Without their guidance, it's very easy to get lost."
god i think we're seeing a remnant of the cas who made Thee Deal here. and i think he used it to secure the safety of endverse dean's soul. im gonna cryy 😭
Pausing at the door of the jeep, Castiel hesitates briefly, and a surge of adrenaline hits him hard enough to make his hands shake, don't stop as clear as if the words were spoken in his ear, don't look back. Only Orpheus was stupid enough not to listen to warnings delivered without ambiguity; it's too rare to get one of those to discard with impunity. I don't want to hurt you. Castiel stiffens, turning to search the empty parking lot. "What?" There's nothing but the lack of breeze to answer him.
i completely did not remember this bit and it's driving me insane. who are youuuuuu (one of the goddesses we've already met or someone new 👀)
and i forgot how much i love this cas! cas: ~only orpheus was stupid enough to turn around~ also cas: *turns around a second after having that thought*
"Why'd you do that to your hand?" Dean asks, settling beside him again; a hunter even now, eliciting information from the most useless of witnesses at the most pointless of all times. "Cas?" "I don't remember."
that cut was totally made for Thee Deal 👀
While he guessed the reason Dean was going into the city, it didn't occurred to him that Dean might not even know where it was he had appeared.
they're both missing time scully, they're both missing time
"Eventually I have to sleep, and I would prefer to do so with some assurance I'll wake up." "You think…" Dean stares at him. "I'm not gonna kill you, Cas, Jesus!" "Do you give your word?" Castiel asks, smiling slowly at Dean's horror. "Unless I take your soul as collateral, why on earth should you keep it?"
they're so messy <3 they have no fucking idea <3
It's been a week since he got here, suddenly scrambling for footing behind broken dumpster and staring at eight demons surrounding an armed man that even after three years Dean would recognize anywhere. The skinny, slumping mortal body in a too-big jacket with an indifferent hold on a rifle stared at him with the infinite blue eyes of an angel who might have traded his sword for a gun and immortality for the dirt of humanity, but had never stopped being a soldier. And very abruptly, to the surprise of those demons, he seemed to remember just that.
aaack i need to knoooow. were these demons a part of it??? is this where it happened??? (wasn't there some kind of reality damage that started in the city? was it here?) were the demons taken off-guard bc they had just worked together with cas and suddenly cas didn't remember??
what is the timeline here? dean seems to have been brought in before endverse dean's death. why??
seperis does this thing in particular that drives me completely bananas (in a good, but feral way). they'll drop little nuggets of information that feel off in the moment, ignore it until later, and then hit you with the realisation that the nugget hinted at a massive reveal or character moment (the fucking spanish thing!)
i'm not likely to do these for every chapter. just those damn nuggets
i also skipped most of the ancient rome stuff the first time around and im wondering if i should stick those out this time 🤔
excited though 👀
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jurisffiction · 18 days
dta cas is such a crazyyyyy tag you’re a GENIUS
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i like can't talk about this to the level of detail and nuance that i wish to like i fear i need one of those destiel psychologists present. unrelated i wholeheartedly believe assad could and will play every dta character but my personal frontrunner is amanda.
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freewilldean · 1 year
Florence Pugh as dta Amanda
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bedlund · 2 years
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godstiel · 3 years
i think about the angels who wanted cas to hold roll call solely so they could hear him say their names all the time. i dont think i’ve ever felt more connected to a group of people in my life. 
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oleandder · 3 years
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drinking coffee at the dta 💙
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hermywolf · 3 years
ok so i found this girlmaker picrew and immediately decided to make every single dta girl because i love them and this fic gives me brainworms. i literally do not remember any descriptions and so what they look like in these has me as their only target audience but here we go anyway. please feel free to tell me how you see them/what’s different in your versions of them i wanna know
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kat, amanda, alicia, vera and erica from chitaqua
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jane, sarah, ana, zoe, leah and mel from chitaqua
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teresa, zena and constanza from laredo
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sudha, alison, haruhi and rosario from ichabod
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glitter-dean-rights · 2 years
dta is like do i know whats going on no but do i like reading it to see what long rambly thing cas is going to talk about thats going to confuse me a little yes do i wanna hear deans internal monologue where he forgets what the fuck they're talking about every four minutes bc he gets distracted thinking about like cas's eyelashes yeah do i wanna hear cas consider committing war crimes to get an extra 30 seconds of time where dean looks directly at him yeah like whats not to love
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mayonnaisetoffees · 3 years
Okay my answer has now changed for what I would want to do if I was transported into DtA. It's no longer tell Joe that they weren't together in the couch scene (or okay that's the second thing I'd do), it's watch Amanda act out Cas telling Kyle "in excruciating filthy detail exactly what he could do with the butt of his rifle and [Kyle's] ass"
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chitaquahq · 2 months
Amanda doing all she could to keep herself composed in front of Cas when she saw that Dean was infected floors me whenever I reread that part.
There's the fact that Amanda trusted him before and that the trust became stronger after Cas got in charge of Chitaqua and got sober. There's also the way that she kinda took command of their operations AND she went directly to talk to Alison and make the arrangements so that Cas could take Dean home.
Her leader was infected, some of her students were dead, Cas (her instructor and friend) was probably in shock and soon to realize he'd have to kill his best friend, lover and leader—
You can't possibly tell me it was not a factor for Amanda to go get drunk with Dean and try to pick a fight with Cas. You can't, not when she was the only other person in Chitaqua who knew that Dean could have died and what it'd have meant to Cas. To Chitaqua. To the world.
She slept on their cabin because she was grieving her students and the people of Ichabob, yet I can picture her waking up in the middle of the night to hear Dean and Cas breathing. To reassure herself that the worst didn't happen. They were alive.
Can we take a moment to appreciate their bond?
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gayangelcrimes · 1 year
DTA is, at its core, a story about how much better Supernatural could be if Sam wasn't around
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autismsam · 3 years
on book3 of my dta reread. alison my beloved
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nicollekidman · 3 years
thank you oh my god 
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liapher · 4 years
vera chitaqua your hand in marriage
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