#dt akita
what is YOUR favourite dt episode?
A few people have asked me for my favorite episodes, so I thought I’d wait until the end of the tournament to give some of mine!!! Using this ask as an excuse to give my top five!
In the end most of these boil down to favorite character bias, but DuckTales has some amazing characters so can you blame me-
#1 Favorite, Astro B.O.Y.D.!
Yes yeah favorite character bias of course I love Gyro and team Science but also! There is so much more to love outside of them!
First off Gyro's character development?? He was a long established favorite of mine before that and it was so wonderful to not only get his backstory but his development too all in one episode. The way they give us so much about him in just a little dialogue and how much you can read into it- "I swore I would never go back" "Spent my whole life trying to live that down" *immediately goes back and faces it* really shows how huge it was for him to see Boyd again. Just having him there made him so scared of a repeat that he went back to face it with barely a moment's hesitation.
And Boyd oh my god he is the most precious child ever. He's wildly misunderstood! Baby boy! I really want to know how much of his memory he still has in the beginning, because he didn't know anything about what happened but he was still able to recognize Gyro I'm gonna cry. His and Huey's interactions are adorable and amazing, I don't relate much to the autism rep but I sure do fucking appreciate it. Every now and then I think too much about the "just wired a little differently" line and have to sit down for a minute. "That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me" BABIES. DO YOU UNDERSTAND.
Another thing I really appreciate about this episode is Fenton! I was thinking about it recently and I think this is the most of Fenton's personality we get to see. Every other episode centered around him he's having to deal with Mark Beaks or Waddleduck (Mark Beaks) or the date fiasco (Mark Beaks) or fighting an evil robot car (Mark Beaks) or being hacked (Mark Beaks) and so it's fun to just kind of see him Hanging Out in this episode. The way he just whisks Huey and Boyd off in the middle of the night makes me think he's like the fun older relative who drives you to the gas station after dark to get movie snacks. And I will never get over his "2-BOOOOOOO" anime scream.
People in the notes during the tournament complaining The Hug is overhyped no you don't understand. It is not appreciated enough. 1. All Boyd wanted the whole episode was a hug and to get that from the person who he used to care for the most? Who used to care for him the most? I'm not okay. 2. Gyro gets up there and acknowledges what Boyd has been saying this whole time, and it touches Boyd so much that he not only snaps out of evil mind control but his first instinct is just to hug him? 3. Gyro finally sees Boyd and understands what happened and the first thing he does is grab him out of the air and hug him? Gyro is clearly not a very huggy person but he doesn't hesitate there. That hug to me always means "I see you and I'm sorry" god I'm gonna cry.
There is so much more to say about this episode like the animation and Tezuka and Akita (so mad we never saw him in F.O.W.L.) but uhhh I've rambled enough so
#2 Favorite, From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22!
Again! Favorite character bias, I love crazy evil women. Black Heron you are everything to me I'm so sorry you were so sidelined you deserved another episode. Also what the hell was going on with her and Beakley in the 60s "I've grown very well acquainted with your agent 22" ma'am what do you mean by that. What were you two Doing. Nothing else happens in this episode right-
Kidding! When I say that the S3 finale came out of nowhere I mean the triplets reveal went too fast for me, not the buildup of Webby and Scrooge being close. We had a random-ass episode in the middle of S1 already confirming them as best friends, and it is so adorable to see them bond. Scrooge let her yell a battle cry even though it would likely trigger the robots I love them. He lets her take the final fight against Heron because he knows she can do it I love them.
#3 Favorite, The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!
"You just like this one because Gyro and Fenton are in it" you're catching on. I'm sorry I did say this is all favorite character bias. I love Marshall and Gyro just pops in for absolutely no reason other than that they needed the Time Tub to be established and they needed an excuse to get tech into the 1800s. He could've been literally any other character they could've made a new one Gyro literally doesn't matter there but he is there just Hanging Out and I love that for him.
I'm not the biggest Scroldie fan but they are fun. My favorite part is when Goldie hits him in the face with a gold pan and leaves him in a water trough. I love seeing more of Goldie here too, "oh I ran out of people to pit against each other" Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss it's so fun to see her actively manipulating her way out of a situation. Also I fucking love her dress and I yell her "KEY CHANGE" whenever I get a chance to.
#4 Favorite, The First Adventure!
"You just like this one because Black Heron is in it" correct. What did I say. She gets to do whatever the fuck she wants in this episode and I love her for that. "Forgot I set that one" she is everything to me.
I can't not appreciate little Donald and Della though, and we get to see The Note! "Eat the rich uncle" you know they only got away with that because no one can understand Donald. Speaking of which- I was so sad knowing it wasn't going to be Russi Taylor voicing him but I think whoever stepped in did a fantastic job, the only reason I can tell it's someone else is because I was paying so close attention to his voice. I love how Scrooge just hands the controls of a plane to a 10 year old talk about living on the edge. There are too many silly little hijinks with these three to go through but I love all of them they go so well together as characters. They all play off of each other amazingly and I feel like you get that the best in this episode. Also "am I donna or dello" should I make a poll for that.
#5 Favorite, Timephoon!
How does an episode completely change a fandom. Della Duck get behind me. I wasn't even in the fandom when this dropped but if I'm still seeing aftershocks of the chaos years after then I know it was bad. Thing is Della isn't even the thing I often focus on when watching this but I Will talk about it because nobody has any chill. Seriously kudos to her for winning the tournament she deserves it after all of this. I adore her interactions with Beakley in this episode "duuuude why would you step on a butterfly?!" that is not the point and she knows it she just does whatever she can to get out of being responsible. Mood.
The kids are really the focus here! I know Louie's story has more impact on the plot but I really like whatever was happening with Bubba and Huey and Webby. Pure shenanigans trying to reference an older character but god was it funny.
Also I really love everyones outfits at the end, Knight Della and Aaron Burr and/or Mr. Darcy 1800s Gyro especially. I really was expecting what LP said about the future to come up again in the finale, and I don't know if it's good or bad that it didn't because on the one hand that would be an amazing reference and on the other it's just more evidence of LP being silly and saying random shit.
(Honorable favorite mentions, The 87¢ Solution, The Great Dime Chase, Most Dangerous Game Night, Nightmare on Killmotor Hill, and Missing Links of Moorshire)
Anyway! I'm so happy you all are interested in my favorites and it's very fun to get to talk about them, so thank you for the excuse! Sorry they all boiled down to "I just really like this character and they're in this episode" but again that just means DuckTales creates some really fantastic characters. Main reveal I'm @wacky-nameless-inventor-24 come say Hi if you want to! I should do a poll soon of what tournament we should do next!
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mikusiconx · 3 months
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did someone ask for dt 1st haku and neru? no? well i did it anyway
★Cendrillon 【SignalP】
★Akita Neru [DT Ver.] 【初音ミク】
★Yowane Haku [DT Ver.] 【初音ミク】
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shychick-52 · 1 year
My ongoing list of all my Team Science character posts thus far. Updated posts will be in bold.
Gyro's relationship with Boyd:
The birthday party parallels in 'Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake' and 'The Last Adventure'
Happy Anniversary, 'Astro B.O.Y.D.'
Gyro's conflicting emotions about Boyd in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.'
How Webby's speech about family in 'The Last Adventure' reminds me of Boyd and Gyro
If it weren't for Mark Beaks, Gyro and Boyd would never have been reunited and freed from their difficult pasts
Gyro's seeming lack of concern for Boyd in 'The Last Adventure'
Similar music motifs in scenes in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' and 'The Last Adventure' (NEW)
Their relationship in 'The Last Adventure' (NEW)
Gyro's relationship with Fenton (not shipping):
Workaholic Gyro
Fenton's lack of responsibility and consideration regarding Gyro
Fenton's hero-worship of Gyro in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.'
Gyro's reaction to Fenton in 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee' - Part 1
Gyro's reaction to Fenton in 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee' - Part 2
Where was Gyro and Fenton's new dynamic post-'Astro B.O.Y.D.'? - Post 1 (NEW)
Where was Gyro and Fenton's new dynamic post-'Astro B.O.Y.D.'? - Post 2 (NEW)
Fenton's relationship with Gandra:
Thoughts about Gandra Dee and Fenton? (Part 1)
Thoughts about Gandra Dee and Fenton? (Part 2)
Frank's comments in The Art of DuckTales
If it hadn't been for Mark Beaks, Fenton and Gandra never would've gotten together (and Gandra and her life wouldn't have changed for the better)
Missed opportunities in 'Beaks In the Shell'
Gosalyn, Gandra, Fenton, and the Solego Circuit (NEW)
Gyro's character development:
Akita's past treatment of Gyro, its effects on him, and how he rose above it - Part 1
Akita's past treatment of Gyro, its effects on him, and how he rose above it - Part 2
Gyro the family man (NEW)
Frank Angones and DT production crew quotes:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (NEW)
Gyro's inventions:
Gyro's tech - Part 1
Gyro's tech - Part 2
Gyro's whole role in the Spear of Selene
Did Gyro make the telepathic helmet Magica used in 'Nightmare On Killmotor Hill'? (NEW)
Why didn't Gyro get famous from the OxyChew??
Gyro and Gandra:
How alike Gyro and Gandra are
Lack of Gyro and Gandra interaction
More opportunities for Gyro and Gandra to interact (NEW)
Misc. stuff:
Gyro's real reason for creating a clone army in 'Timephoon'
Gyro's positive impact on others' lives (NEW)
DuckTales World Showcase Adventure
This Duckburg Life (NEW)
Parallels between Boyd and other kids (NEW)
Where was Gyro in 'How Santa Stole Christmas'?? (NEW)
Gyro headcanons/character analysis (NEW)
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kennyswurvegurl · 4 years
Seriously tho if u let me get real for a moment Akita's work environment was probably very abusive for Gyro. Like, Akita just seems like the manipulative asshole type. And he left Gyro to face trial alone, and thats got to be very traumatic. And we know Gyro blamed himself for Boyd going bad. No wonder he turned out so cynical. Like, the way he flinched in Boyd's core memory when Akita was telling him 2-bo was just a drone kinda stuck with me......
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And the whole "face it, intern, you'll never invent anything worthwhile" kind of implies that Akita was always down on Gyro and never liked his work. I wouldn't be surprised if he's said that to Gyro before.
..........or maybe im just projecting a bit idk
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september11th2001 · 3 years
Gyro Gearloose: Kid Inventor and Father
i havent written fics in like a millenia so i apologize if this is kinda messy but i had this idea and had to get it out there ksdkjsh
word count: ~900
characters: Boyd Gearloose, Huey Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dr. Akita (briefly), Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (mentioned)
tws: yelling ment and a bad view on gnc clothing ig??
fic under the cut <3 <3
Boyd had a lot of repressed memories of Dr. Akita’s lab.
One memory he had been able to remember was when he was walking the streets of Tolkyolk, holding his inventors hand, when he spotted a box of clothes left out on the corner.
The definitely real boy tugged on Intern Gearloose’s hand, leading him to the box. He pulled out what seemed to be an old school uniform skirt. It was around his size, and was a soft texture he couldn’t get enough of. Gyro let him keep the skirt, and they went back to Akita’s lab.
When the then named 2-BO tried on the skirt, he loved it. Hewouldn’t stop spinning around, giggling as the young intern watched him. Dr. Akita entered the lab, not nessecarily looking at 2-BO until he had bumped into the doctor.
The chicken sat up in his chair, looking at his boss. “yes, Dr. Akita?”
Akita kneeled down, picking at the boy’s skirt until the intern made a move to stand up and walk over to him. “Did you change 2-BO's gender?”
Gyro looked somewhat puzzled. “of course not, Dr. Akita, 2-BO picked this outfit out on his own!”
He sounded confident in his answer, but his confidence waned when the doctor glared at him. “A word in my office, Intern.”
Boyd couldn’t remember what had happened next exactly. It was a blur. He remembered distant yelling, and a fear of wearing what he would later learn was “feminine” clothing. It got Dr. Gearloose in trouble, so he decided not to wear those kinds of clothes again.
But, he had almost completely forgotten about this when Huey was staying the night at him and Dr. Gearloose’s apartment.
The two junior woodchucks were playing dress up with some clothes Huey and brought just for the occasion (he had planned out the whole evening for maximum friendship fun!) and the two were having fun in Boyd’s room.
“Here, I picked out this outfit based on junior woodchuck rule #204; always plan ahead for both fun and freedom! This outfit has expertise sewing from yours truly while still being breathable!” Huey took out a dress with a slightly shorten than knee length skirt and puffy shoulders. It was that tan-ish color all of Boyd’s clothes were (Gyro had insisted he could pick any color he wanted, but he found beiges had suited him best), with a bow on the waistline very similar to the red of his usual bowtie.
“Really Huey?? For me??” Boyd sounded astonished. Huey handed it to Boyd, nodding ecstatically. “Really!! Try it on!!”
Boyd took the dress and put it on over his pajamas, straightening out the skirt a bit. He looked up at Huey, bouncing on his heels. “How do I look??”
Huey paused, examining Boyd quickly, and then smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “Like a definitely real boy!”
The two boys had decided to play make-believe (after Huey explained what that was), with Huey putting on his own costume he had also worked on that made him look like a knight with a very royally red color palate.
As the two were laughing and running around Boyd’s room, they hadn’t noticed the front door of the apartment opening, insinuating Gyro was home.
Suddenly, as the two boys were in the middle of a story line about an epic quest with dragons, witches, and dragon witches, the door to Boyd’s room opened. “2-B- I mean, Boyd, what do you want... For...”
Gyro looked down at the two children in their medievalesque garb, Boyd particularly looking frightened, like a definitely real deer in headlights.
“Boyd... I-”
Gyro was interrupted as Huey stepped in between them, holding his arms out like a shield. “Don’t you dare judge him, he can wear whatever he wants! A fellow woodchuck will always look out for their fellow woodchuck, no matter what!”
Gyro paused. He sighed. “Look, Hansen-”
“Not my name.”
“As you say, but, I’m not here to judge Boyd.’
Huey slowly lowered his arms. “You’re... Not?”
Gyro sighed again, thinking of how to go about this. Red nephew didn’t need to know every intimate detail of what Boyd’s life as 2-BO was. Luckily, before he had to say anything, Boyd gently stepped in front of Huey, looking up at Gyro.
Gyro exhaled and kneeled down. “Here, Boyd, your sleeve.” Gyro lifted up Boyd’s arm, straightening out his sleeve that had gotten bunched up and twisted during make-believe.
Boyd looked at Huey, who by now had taken a few steps back, looking at him the way he does when he usually has a yes or no question, and Huey almost always knows what he’s asking, and right now was no exception.
Huey gave him two thumbs up, and Boyd looked back at Gyro, pausing for a moment before tackling the doctor in a hug, sending them both tumbling to the floor in a feat that didn’t really require much strength or effort from the definitely real boy.
Gyro squawked, being attacked in his home home by his own son had startled him to say the least, but he was learning to be more “with the flow” as Cabrera would say. He awkwardly pat Boyd on the back, sitting up. “Okay, okay, that’s enough.”
Gyro gently grabbed Boyd and set him down next to Huey, standing up and dusting himself off. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me, just make sure you’re in pjs before dinner so you don’t have a chance of accidentally ruining your clothes.”
Gyro smiled as he left the room, hearing both the boys cheer as he shut the door. He sat down on the couch, somewhat melting into it after having to be a parent. It’s tiring, yknow?
But it was worth it for Boyd.
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aronair · 4 years
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That's how scientists fight!
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gyrozone · 4 years
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"That was his core! Until Akita overrode my work! 2BO never had a choice! You forced him to be a weapon!"
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vulchak · 4 years
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So who wants to bet this guy's gonna end up being recruited by FOWL?
Sure he got caught, but they busted Steelbeak out of jail, so why not him?
Fenton has his FOWL rival in Gandra, Akita could be Gyro's
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clusterduck28 · 4 years
Gyro vs. Akita infinite loop
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dear-alex-chill · 4 years
While I procrastinate have this:
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"Ah intern... It's a pity you never could fight."
Akita's Victory (?)
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badfriend · 4 years
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some of my favorite screencaps from astro b.o.y.d! 🌟
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shychick-52 · 4 months
5 (Boyd), 9, and 13.
Out of all your fanfics that include Boyd, which one is your favorite?
That would be Who Am I? I'm very proud of that one because it was my very first DT story and my first story on AO3. I wrote that in late 2020, and 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' had been living rent-free in my head ever since it was came out that May. So, because the episode was a loving parody of Astro Boy, I wanted to deeper explore Gyro and Boyd's father-son relationship (which I'd hoped the show would do more with than what we actually got) while touching on the darker lore of the Astro Boy manga and anime (grieving scientist loses son and creates a robot in his likewise).
Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed.
Anything by @wacky-nameless-inventor-24! Their fenro stories are literally the BEST, and they've made some incredible AUs with the Mad Ducktor!
What's a character or ship you haven't written or drawn yet, but would like to someday?
I've always wanted to write a story where Boyd and Gosalyn share a scene in the finale (where they canonically teamed up) and talk; I've always thought they could bond over some of the stuff they have in common- both are friends with Fenton, both know what it's like to be torn apart from the loving adult in their lives (Gyro and Dr. Waddlemeyer, respectively, who are both scientists) by another scientist who's evil (Akita and Taurus Bulba).
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femmewebby · 4 years
cannot stop thinking about how Huey tells Boyd to pick his own name as part of his Discovery Of His Own Identity and it's all like... completely normal... trans rights
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Mmmmmmm rewatching Astro Boyd and asp Akita says that he is Boyd’s “true father”
If the theories about him joining fowl are true then uhhhhh...... I’m big fear
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Fandom: DuckTales
blorbo- GYRO
scrunkly- ooohhh somewhere between Fenton and Boyd, idk...
scrimblo bimblo- I don't know, I think this fandom is pretty well divided into the characters that they like. Most likely Inspector Tezuka!
poor little meow meow- Flintheart Glomgold
horse plinko- Lunaris. Send him down the ducking plinko. I don't fully dislike him... but he had a lot of wasted potential, I feel like. They could've gone somewhere great with the issues with his father. So he gets the plinko!
eeby deeby- Ohhh gosh. I love so many of the DT characters, but for this one I gotta answer Akita. XD
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