#ds9 6x24
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evviejo · 1 year ago
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Miles, this is our Molly. Just because we've missed the last ten years of her life, doesn't give us the right to take those ten years away from her.
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travllingbunny · 6 months ago
When should i begin Deep Space Nine when i'm watching Star Trek?
Oh, I didn't see this one and it seems it was sent a month ago! So I don't know if you still need this advice.
Anyway, Deep Space Nine started while season 6 of Star Trek: The Next Generation was airing, so it might be the best to start it after season 5 of TNG. But you can also watch it after season 4 of TNG. I don't think that season 5 of TNG adds anything that important to the backstory of the DS9 characters, nor would it be spoiled by DS9. You should definitely not start DS9 before you see at least the ending of season 3 and the beginning of season 4 of TNG.
However, there is a plotline in season 3 that directly follow up the episode "Second Chances" from season 6 of TNG (6x24), so you should watch at least that episode before season 3 of DS9.
But aside from that, the two shows don't overlap much, especially not in later seasons of DS9. Season 1 of DS9 is pretty weak, aside from a few great episodes, which include the pilot and especially the last two episodes of season 1. The show was imitating TNG too much in season 1 - and it's only from season 2 that it starts finding its own voice.
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hahaha1d0that · 5 months ago
I can’t be the only one that thinks that O’Brien was somehow responsible for the transporter accident…right?
There’s no canon evidence that he served on that ship but how else would Thomas Riker know who he is and hold a grudge against him?
O’Brien was already on DS9 when “Second Chances” (TNG 6x24) took place so he couldn’t have met him then. O’Brien hadn’t seen him on DS9 before they were on the Defiant. With how confused O’Brien was I can only assume that he hadn’t had a previous bad incident with Thomas that he believed was with Will.
There’s literally no other possibility…O’BRIEN CAUSED THE SPLIT!!
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine // S03E09: Defiant
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 years ago
😭😭 oh my god the o'Brien's breaking several laws to send molly back to golana for her own good even though they'd never see her again 😭😭 I'm actually crying right now wtf
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dilftrek · 4 years ago
if i had a nickel for every time a kid on deep space nine was separated from one or more members of their family, endured years of suffering, and eventually sacrificed themself to restore their normal life for their past self and ended up having no knowledge of the events that occurred, i’d have two nickels
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apolesen · 4 years ago
Where in the galaxy is Keiko O’Brien?
I keep getting confused about when Keiko is on the station and when she’s away, and sometimes I get a plotbunny and then realise that she’s not even there at that time. When I sat down to look at it, I realised I have way too much knowledge about this, so here it is - all of Keiko’s known movements during Deep Space Nine. I’ve double-checked everything I remembered on Chakoteya and Memory Alpha. I can’t guarantee I haven’t missed something, but if I have, it’s on the level of going away for part of an episode. 
I hope this is useful for fic-writing and other endeavours!
1x01 The Emissary Keiko arrives to DS9 along with the Enterprise. She talks about taking Molly and going back to Earth, but then doesn’t. 
1x01-2x202 Keiko is on DS9. 
2x03 The Siege  Keiko and other civilians are evacuated from DS9, and are to the taken to the Korat system. However, the first shuttle with evacuees comes back at the end of the episode, so they may not even have made it to the Korat system before turning away. 
2x04 Invasive Procedures Everyone but a skeleton crew is evacuated due to a plasma storm. She is back on the station by the next episode. 
2x05-2x22 - On DS9
2x22 The Wire She is away at a hydroponics conference on Rigel Four for more than a week. 
2x23-3x03 On DS9.
Two weeks after 3x03 The House of Quark Keiko leaves for the expedition to the Janitza Mountains, taking Molly with her. Miles tells her in 3x03 that the expedition starts in two weeks. It’s unclear how big the gap between 3x03 and 3x04 is, as neither episode has a stardate, so it’s hard to say if she’s gone by 3x04. However, Miles does not appear in 3x04, so we could theorise that he’s helping her get everything ready and follow her down to Bajor (because you know Miles would fuss over that kind of thing). 
3x06-3x09 On Bajor.
3x10 Fascination Keiko and Molly come to visit DS9 for the Gratitude Festival, staying for two days. 
3x11-4x16 On Bajor. In Fascination she says she will be away two or three months longer. I lean towards this being longer than that. We know Keiko spends one night at DS9, at which point she gets pregnant. This could be the same time as Fascination, but I don’t think so, as they would have had to decide that they were going to try for a baby, and that is not something they talk about in Fascination (as at that point they almost break up). Furthermore, this must have been something that is planned ahead more. From events in s7, we know that Sisko takes a contraceptive shot once a month, and it seems possible or even likely that Miles is on something similar. That means that he has to go off it, and it also explains why he’s surprised she’s pregnant, because she says “I thought it’d take a couple of nights. To be honest, a lot more nights.” (That is partly just that he wants to have sex with his wife, but if he’s just stopped taking contraceptives, that might explain that further.) On top of all this, I have calculated (from when I wrote my Keiko/Kira fic) that Keiko is eight or nine weeks pregnant in Accession. (This was based on chronological markers within the episodes of s4 and counting backwards from Body Parts. Kira is pregnant for five months, so it’d be logical that Keiko is four months gone in Body Parts, and stuff in the episodes between Accession and Body Parts makes a two-month gap likely.) 
4x17 Accession The expedition having ended, Keiko is back on the station. 
4x17-4x25 On DS9. 
4x25 Body Parts Goes to Torad V in the gamma quadrant for three days together with Bashir and Kira. 
4x26-5x05 On DS9.
5x05 The Assignment Goes on an expedition to the Five Caves for five days. (Comes back possessed by a pah-wraith - man, she needs to stop going to places with ‘five’ in their name...) 
5x06-5x25 On DS9.
Two days before 5x26 Call to Arms Leaves the station to live on Earth together with Molly as the war is heating up.
5x26-6x24 On Earth. Memory Alpha says she is gone almost a year, and often, a series is about a year, but in 6x16 Miles mentions that she has been gone for six months, so it might be shorter. There is no mention that I can find that she was away a full year.
Before 6x24 Time’s Orphan Comes back to DS9. Considering the conversations in the beginning of this episode, it sounds like they have gotten back the day before or so. 
6x24-7x26 On DS9.
7x26 What You Leave Behind Moves to Earth with her family. 
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annakie · 4 years ago
Voyager Post-Show Books Read Order + Rewatch List
I’m lending my Voyager + some TNG books to my mom to read, and I sent her an email with this list that I made.  I thought it might be helpful for other people, (and also it’d be easier for me to find next time) if I posted it online somewhere.
First, it’s also a read order for the major books covering Voyager happenings plus a few TNG books that I also own for the same era.  It’s got all the major Voyager happenings in it, and a few TNG books that are optional, though most play into what’s happening with Voyager.
In reading the books, I found it was helpful to go back and rewatch certain episodes to do things like remember who the minor / guest characters were and their plots when they showed back up, or review some character arcs for the main characters, or just the overarching plots of episodes which the books referenced.  
I also linked to their pages on Memory Alpha for easy referencing, but rewatching is better.  
Unless otherwise marked, suggested episodes below are Voyager episodes.
Any episodes I put a * after I'd say is critical to understanding the book(s), otherwise it's just helpful.  I’m happy to add to this list if anyone has other suggestions.
Voyager - Homecoming - This book deals with the immediate aftermath of Voyager's Endgame (the series finale). This and the next book are a two-parter.  They're good but not great.  The Voyager books get much better starting with the fifth. Rewatch List - Non Sequitur (2x05) Hunters (4x15) Lineage (7x12)   Prophecy (7x14) * Author, Author (7x20) Endgame (the very last episode) *
Voyager - The Farther Shore - Part 2 of the above.
Voyager - Old Wounds - This and the next Voyager book are also a two-parter.  They are... okay.  The Voyager books get a new author after this and then they get really, really, really good. Rewatch List - Tattoo - (2x09) *  Nothing Human (5x08) TNG Journey's End (7x20) (Chakotay's people live on the planet Starfleet is trying to relocate in this TNG episode.)
Voyager - Enemy of My Enemy - Part 2 of the above.
TNG - Death in Winter -  Non-essential for Voyager.  This takes place shortly after the movie Nemesis and deals with Picard having to rebuild the crew.  This is maybe the worst of all the books I've read in this series, but one important thing does happen. Rewatch List - TNG Nemesis (the movie) * Eventually, you're going to want to rewatch the below episodes, I think it'd be useful to watch them before the following books.   TNG - The Best of Both Worlds 1 and 2 (3x26, 4x1) Voyager - The Q and The Grey (3x11) * Voyager - Scorpion Part 1  and 2 (3x26, 4x1)  
TNG - Resistance - Moderately important for future Voyager stuff, skip if you want.  Most rewatch episodes were covered above.
TNG - Q&A -  Honestly, a rewatch list for Q&A would be every single episode with Q in it that hasn’t been touched on.  This is maybe my favorite of the TNG-only books on this list, but it’s not very important for the Voyager list.
Voyager - Full Circle - FIRST HALF ONLY!!! - There's a break in the middle of this book, with a timeskip in between.  ONLY READ THE FIRST HALF at this point if you’re doing an in-order read with TNG books as well.  If you don’t care about anything but explicitly Voyager books, skip down to #12 as Beyer does a good job of explaining what happens in the subsequent books between the two parts of Full Circle. This is also the book where Voyager starts becoming amazing.  The only bad thing about Kirsten Beyer's books is you'll be sad all the rest of the Star Trek books aren't as good as hers.   No watchlist as mostly the first half of the book is wrapping up the storylines from Christine Golden's first four Voyager books. 
TNG - Before Dishonor - This is nearly as much a Voyager book as TNG.  This book is instrumental in understanding everything that happens afterwards.  I won’t get into my opinion about the book itself though because it’s not very flattering.  You probably want to read at least the first and last chapters, the rest is... skippable if you’re not enjoying it. If you haven't rewatched Voyager's The Q and the Grey and Endgame yet, you're really going to want to here.
TNG - Greater Than the Sum - Just started reading this one, I’ll update once I’m done. Yes, I’m reading some of these books very of out of order. :)  *edit* It was an improvement over Before Dishonor, I’d recommend reading as it does bridge into the next books.
TNG/VOY/DS9/More - Destiny Trilogy - (Gods of Night/Mere Mortals/Lost Souls - I bought them all as a collection)  This is a massive crossover event trilogy but next on my to-read list  I do know that characters from TNG, Voyager, DS9, Enterprise, plus Titan (Riker's ship) are all in it. I don't have a rewatch list but I'll make it as I get to reading it. *Edit* OK I’ve finished reading it. My opinion is that you should read this trilogy. Yes, it’s long, but also very worth it.  Probably my favorite non-Voyager books on this list.  There are only a couple of cameos of Voyager characters but they are meaningful, and Seven has a small storyline of her own, as does Tuvok (since he’s on the Titan serving under Riker.) The writing is very good, the story is great, and reading it massively increased my understanding of and investment in a major storyline throughout the rest of the Voyager books.  I also just really, really enjoyed it.  If you don’t want to read anything else not explicitly Voyager, I still rec you read this trilogy. Rewatch List Enterprise: Home (4x03)* Affliction (4x15) & Divergence (4x16)
Okay, now read the second half of Full Circle.  Cry a lot about it. Everything I talk about from here on out is just Voyager.
Unworthy -  The adventure finally re-begins! Rewatch List In The Flesh (5x04) Okay but maybe put off rewatching this episode after the climax of the books. Life Line (6x24) Homestead (7x23) TNG - Darmok (5x02)  (The new Voyager CMO is a Tamarian, though you can put off rewatching this until Acts of Contrition if you really want, the character doesn't get important til then.)
Children of the Storm - No rewatch list.
The Eternal Tide -  My FAVORITE of all the books. Rewatch List- Q2 (7x19) * The Gift (4x02) TNG True Q (6x06)
Protectors -  This and the next two books are their own trilogy, so the below episodes are for all three. Rewatch List - Twisted (2x06) Unity (3x17)   Counterpoint (5x10) Dragon's Teeth (6x07) Unimatrix Zero (6x24) and Part II (7x01) (If you haven't rewatched TNG - Darmok 5x02 yet, do that now)
Acts of Contrition 
A Pocket Full of Lies - Watch List - Year of Hell Parts 1 and 2 (4x08 and 09) * Shattered (7x11) *
Architects of Infinity - It’s been a couple of months since my first reads of these two books but I don’t recall any particular episodes jumping out as needed rewatches as I did.  Let me know if you think I’m wrong and I’ll update the list.
To Lose The Earth 
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luckasc · 8 years ago
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STAR TREK CROSSOVERS: TNG “Firstborn” (7x21), Star Trek: Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) DS9 “Doctor Bashir, I Presume” (5x16). VOY “Caretaker” (1x01,02), “Projections” (2x03), “Death Wish” (2x18), “Pathfinder” (6x10), “Lifeline” (6x24), “Inside Man” (7x06), “Author, Author”(7x20) and “Endgame” (7x25,26). ENT “These Are The Voyages” (4x22).
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rainbowrites · 8 years ago
Season 6 Primer
my stupid fcking computer kept crashing while i was writing this,it was like it was protesting the idea that there are only TWO MORE SEASONS LEFT AAHHHHHHHHH
@wellntruly I can’t believe that I only have one more season primer to write and damn @memory-for-trifles I felt your pain in trying to figure out what to bold for MUST SEE on this list, I just wanted to do all of them!!! so instead I switched it up a little and just bolded the ones that were NECESSARY for plot development (...and then I cheated by italicizing the ones I just really liked)
6x01- 6x06 This is a SIX PARTER, because DS9 goes fucking HARD CORE sometimes. It's not even the longest multi-parter, just wait till next season. anyways, our darling crew are separated, some desperately trying to organize an internal resistance (again, for poor Kira under her second occupation) and some battling out amongst the stars. Things are very dark, but there is always hope, by which I mean hilarity - especially in the form of your favorite Le Carre character
6x01 everyone tries to figure out the new normal in life at war with the Dominion
6x02 lots of soldier vs officer feels (WARNING: there is a suicide)
6x03 all about the relationship between parents and children, starring Worf/Alexander and Dukat/Ziyal
6x04 female changeling appears to try to seduce Odo to the dark side (quark misses Deep Space Drink as much as we do)
6x05 both sides begin to try to take back DS9, from the inside and out, in the first part of a mini-two parter WITHIN the six-parter (jeez Deep Space Serialization)
6x07 WEDDING EPISODE, WEDDING EPISODE, WEDDING EPISODE!!! featuring all your tropey favorites (terrible mother-in-law, bridezilla, bachelor party shenanigans etc) but with with SPACE TWISTS. I honestly love this episode SO MUCH, what a wonderful return to Deep Space Domesticity after so long at war
6x08 MIRROR VERSE! although it's a bit of a switcheroo because this is mostly Mirror verse characters coming into OUR world rather than the other way around. It's very relationship heavy, about Bareil and Kira, and is pretty skippable but also Mirror verse Kira is in it and I ADORE her
6x09 an episode based entirely around Bashir's enhancements, and the idea of 'what happened to the other kids who got enhancements, but weren't able to hide it like he did?' There's some interesting stuff here about disability, mental illness, and the way society treats the neurodiverse
6x10 a fun adventure episode in which the Ferengi go on a mission to be big damn heroes, and maybe make a little latinum in the process (fun story: Iggy Pop is in this episode!)
6x11 Sisko and Dukat get ship wrecked, Lost style (so the answer to your question 'is this lost' will FINALLY be yes) Dukat goes crazy just as fast as you'd expect in this AMAZING episode that manages to keep up tons of tension while basically just being two people talking for an hour
6x12 just like Morn manages to be a recurring character without ever actually saying a word this episode manages to be ALL ABOUT HIM while not having him in it pretty much at all. it's a fun little romp that explores how even background characters have their own lives going on while we're focusing on the main cast
6x13 I think this might be the most critically acclaimed star trek episode like... ever? it was definitely up for 3 emmys and is most of the casts's favorite episode. IT'S JUST REALLY THAT GOOD. It's sci-fi and Star Trek at it's best. It makes me cry every time, and is still painfully important today with it's struggle between desperation and hope regarding civil rights. Super notable for this episode basically saying that sometimes you just need to say FUCK METAPHORS and scream about how horrible racism is without pretending it’s about aliens. Also the only time in ST history an actor has directed an episode where he was the central character, since they wanted to have a black director and Avery wanted this episode
6x14 Honey I Shrunk The Runabout! it’s a fun little episode with plenty of Bashir/O’Brien banter
6x15 O'Brien goes UNDERCOVER and things GO SOUTH in this grungy gangster AU. there is one really funny scene back on DS9 that is literally just that the station is falling apart without O'Brien's magic touch in another case of B-plot being way better than A-plot - it's only one scene, so just watch that and get out
6x16 Dax and Worf are Adorable, shade is thrown at TNG, and hilarious zingers are thrown about as they tramp through a jungle before things abruptly get Very Very Serious. it's pretty much pure Relationship episode so I loved it
6x17 Kira gets to meet her mother when she time-travels back to the Occupation in another episode of the ongoing saga Kira Searches For Truth No Matter How Painful And Enraging in this incredible and incredibly intense episode
6x18 a switch up, in that BASHIR Must Suffer, as he's accused of being a Dominion spy, not just a James Bond spy. Really intense and spirals quickly into some very dark places
6x19 the road to hell is paved with good intentions in another one of DS9's most famous and intense episodes, revolving around Sisko and Garak as Sisko asks himself what he's willing to do to protect the Alpha Quadrant.
6x20 A space rom-com featuring cupid as a 1960's lounge singer who's perfectly aware he's a holoprogram pally. Who better than an AI to teach Odo how to stop being such a square and get down with the cool cats? you finally get an episode that’s just ALL ABOUT THIS STATION’S LARPING
6x21 holy shit, quite literally, as Bajor's gods decide it's time for THE END OF DAYS. The Reckoning is at hand on DS9!
6x22 a Nog-centric episode where he and Jake end up stranded in a war zone with a bunch of wild-eyed cadets
6x23 considered the worst episode of DS9, it features Quark getting a temporary sex change. there's some nuggets of good stuff, especially the feminist movement, and Shimmerman does his best with a terrible script, but on the whole this was definitely one long cringe of an episode
6x24 Molly gets accidentally transported to the age of dinosaurs, only a few hours pass for us but 10 years go by for her. the rest of the episode is the O'Briens trying to come to terms with their new feral daughter and reintegrate her into society in a really weird, dark Tarzan-ish episode. The B-plot is a lovely bit of Jadzia-Worf relationship as they babysit Kirayoshi, if you skip this episode then at least watch that part
6x25 this is basically DS9 therapy hour, and it’s GREAT (what do you mean I’m biased as a therapist-in-training and that this isn’t actually plot necessary? SH-SHUT UP, YOU’RE BIASED! IT’S MY PRIMER I DO WHAT I WANT!! IT’S NECESSARY TO MY HEART)
6x26 this seriously feels like the darkest, saddest DS9 season finale EVER, so like... BRING TISSUES. NO, MORE TISSUES THAN THAT. NO, MORE. 
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evviejo · 1 year ago
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 years ago
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 years ago
I was telling my sister about how messed up DS9: 6x24 "Time's Orphan" is, and she often brings up how something completely fucked up will happen in star trek and then everything goes back to normal in the next episode
anyways so after I told her about it she said, "oh and then in the next episode Quark will be selling some new kind of weed??? right?"
and then in the next episode 6x25 the sub plot is about quark smuggling some illegal crystals lmao
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