#ds9 1x06
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 1 Episode 6 "Captive Pursuit"
Can you talk to men in a non-sexually charged way for a single second
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The top 31 spookiest Star Trek episodes (according to the Internet)

It's spooky season and I'm also a Star Trek nerd and a list nerd, so here we go!

I asked in a Star Trek discord, ran a bunch of searches, and assigned a point each time an episode was listed among the scariest/creepiest in Star Trek. The episodes are ranked from least to most spooky, so watch in this order if you want to build up to the spookiest stuff. I cut off the list at 31, one episode for each day in October.

So without further ado...
Spookiest episodes of Star Trek*:
TOS 1x05: The Enemy Within
TOS 1x25: The Devil in the Dark
PIC 2x07: Monsters
VOY 2x08: Persistence of Vision
ENT 3x16: Doctor's Orders
DS9 3x26: The Adversary
VOY 4x25: One
VOY 5x18: Course: Oblivion
ENT 2x10: Vanishing Point
VOY 3x12: Macrocosm
VOY 3x18: Darkling
VOY 4x07: Scientific Method
TNG 7x14: Sub Rosa
ENT 2x04: Dead Stop
TNG 3x26: The Best Of Both Worlds, Part I
TOS 1x01: The Man Trap
TNG 7x06: Phantasms
DS9 5x05: The Assignment
DS9 2x14: Whispers
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
TNG 6x21: Frame Of Mind
TNG 7x19: Genesis
TOS 2x14: Wolf in the Fold
VOY 6x25: The Haunting Of Deck Twelve
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
TNG 4x17: Night Terrors
TNG 1x25: Conspiracy
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
TNG 6x05: Schisms
Shorter list of the the spookiest episode from each of the 11 series:**
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
TAS 1x01: Beyond the Farthest Star
TNG 6x05: Schisms
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
PIC 2x07: Monsters
LD 1x06: Terminal Provocations
PRO 1x12: Let Sleeping Borg Lie
SNW 1x09: All Those Who Wander
Data used to collate these rankings:
Star Trek Discord
* There was a 12-way tie for the final 8 slots, so the final 8 in the first list are randomly selected from among those 12 episodes.
** PRO did not make an appearance on any of the lists I found, so I selected an episode that felt most appropriate. Other series only had one suggested episode and are in the list by default.
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[tv review] ds9 1x04-1x08 (1993)
ds9 threatening me with a good time.
1x04 “a man alone”
if you’re like me you want to write this one off for being principally about odo being so oppressed because *checks notes* it looks like he may have used his position as a cop to murder someone and then chafed at being removed from the investigation of a murder for which he is clearly the prime suspect, like regardless of whether he is or not he obviously needed to be taken off that case like a million years earlier than he was? and him being so butthurt about it is just wild?
seriously the main plot of this episode is just infuriating. and the secondary plot of keiko becoming a schoolteacher is�� not that much better? like, you cannot convince me that ds9 wouldn’t materially benefit from an arboretum, and even if you wanted to take her character this direction, having her just kinda wander around scowling disapprovingly at all the children on the station is also just about the worst way you could’ve chosen to get there? so in one corner we have just absolutely wild copaganda, and in the other we have a bad idea poorly executed. super.
the problem is, this is also the episode that started jake & nog’s iconic friendship, so you can’t just totally write it off without losing something pretty vital to the series. not that their first few interactions were anything all that special, and it’s rather interesting seeing rom pop up in these early episodes because they clearly just had no idea who he was yet, but regardless jake & nog’s relationship is just such a big part of the show and one of the all-time great trek friendships in its own right, so you can’t just totally ignore this episode unfortunately.
also there’s some good quark/odo stuff and no matter how much odo infuriates me, i do certainly love how blatantly those two are husbands.
but yeah, y’know. the rest of it is still pretty awful. acab. c-rank
1x05 “babel”
there are kind of way too many episodes of season 1 that follow this basic format nearly beat for beat, but the aphasia virus is so novel that it kind of pushes this one to the top of the pack among those at least. plus we get a pretty awesome example of kira just bulldozing her way to a solution, which is pretty much always gonna be a plus. extremely “glad she’s on our side” energy.
also, with quark & odo basically the last two people on the station not affected by the virus, we get even more of them just blatantly being husbands, which is just about the only time i can stand odo. so, yeah. that’ll work. b-rank
1x06 “captive pursuit”
this wasn’t a terribly well-written episode, and o’brien is just about the least sensible character for them to decide is just… in charge of this alien just because he’s the first guy who encountered him? like, literally any other senior officer would’ve been better equipped for this, it seems like? like, don’t get me wrong, i did enjoy the clearly predator-inspired bullshit for, ah, totally not kink-related reasons. (don’t check.)
that doesn’t make this a good episode or anything, but like when the one hunter guy is berating the prey guy about how he’s gonna be put on display for people to insult & punish for allowing himself to be captured alive yeah i was hella into it, so i can’t say i didn’t get anything out of this pretty lackluster episode. c-rank
1x07 “q-less”
why the fuck was this a ds9 episode? like, i guess they needed to give ds9 one (1) and only one (1) q episode, but of all the ways to involve q in the show you’re gonna have vash’s return happen on ds9? really? what a just truly bizarre choice.
also like, in terms of q’s only ds9 appearance, following vash around making threatening comments and then getting punched in the face by commander sisko wasn’t exactly a great use of your one john de lancie appearance. c-rank
1x08 “dax”
i love a good courtroom episode, and dax is probably my favorite ds9 character, but it’s hard to say that the combination here makes an entirely satisfying whole? also like, i’m beyond infuriated that the only way dax was rescued from being kidnapped early in the episode is that bashir was being a fucking creeper? like, we’re basically being narratively told that his behavior was actually okay? so that fucking sucks.
the trial itself is actually pretty interesting, and i fucking love the old lady judge who is just doesn’t want to be there & consequently has no patience for anything. and i loved sisko fighting tooth & nail using every loophole of the legal system to keep dax from being extradited. this is a great sisko episode, honestly. the problem is that it’s not a great dax episode, and for it to work it would kind of have to be. c-rank
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120 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
so 1x06 starts with the crew gathered on deck illuminated by the soft glow of lantern light rolling their eyes and calling bullshit on stede and 25 mins later there they are back on deck together under the lantern light but this time the crew is cheering stede on. i just think it’s neat
123 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
please please please let pete have a moment of validation in s2. like please let him have a moment where he’s not even trying to do anything heroic or impressive but he saves ed’s hide anyway and later ed gives him some compliment and pete loses his everloving MIND. only. only to realize that he didn’t even do anything special didn’t have a plan to impress blackbeard just did what needed to be done. huh maybe i don’t have to be the most adventurous or strongest or smartest to be seen. maybe being myself is enough
180 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
the smile jim reserves specifically for oluwande. reblog if you agree
448 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the duality of jim/oluwande. like they're each other's awkward first crushes . they've been married for decades. they know what the other is thinking without them having to say a word. they're tentative they want to kiss each other so bad it makes them look stupid but aren't sure the other person would enjoy it. oluwande doesn't know something as small as jim's favorite color but jim trusts him to speak for them when they're disguised as a mute. something something it's the deepest relationships you're most afraid of risking by being vulnerable
817 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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Star Trek: Prodigy 1x06 - "Kobayashi" Review
Dal takes the Kobayashi Maru with a little help from some of our old friends. We're talking about Star Trek: Prodigy 1x06, "Kobayashi", and it just might be Dave's favorite episode since DS9's "Trials and Tribbleations"!
#star trek#star trek prodigy#review#kobayashi#star trek podcast#star trek podcasts#spock#uhura#scotty#odo#star trek deep space nine
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Star Trek Enterprise Rewatch: 1x06 Terra Nova
awww Hoshi and Travis :)
Terra Nova, what an unusual name
Asteroid colonies? sounds interesting
Did… did T’Pol just give humans a compliment? Wrapped in annoyance?
Archer tries so hard to sit in the chair and look impressive while Kira in DS9 just…. doesn’t even have to try
looks like the colony doesn’t want to talk to talk to the Starship Enterprise from Earth *shrug*
“That’s a bulkhead.” Like we’re in a museum xD
Malcolm, don’t go running off alone!
they should have equipped the communicator with flashlights, or am i just so used that my phone has a flashlight?
oh, dead space armadillos :/
first contact!!!
“We’re under attack”... YOU WERE THE ATTACKER
Archer is pissed
they left Malcolm behind??
“They are still human”... THEN WHY DID YOU SHOOT THEM???
Of course the whole colony speaks English
nice crop tops
AAHHHH IT’S KASUV!!! (again, stargatefan here)
i wonder how they do their hair like that
i like when other civilisations don’t talk exactly like humans, when they have other idioms, other ways of saying things :)
Phlox,why are you so mean? You’re a doctor, shouldn’t you take the comfort of your patient a bit more into consideration?
I’m still smiling over the “Captain’s starlog”
I just learned what’s the difference between an asteroid and a comet
and if it was an asteroid (“a large one”) wouldn’t it have destroyed like… everything?
“Humans are like wet moss.” ok xD
ooh, they have music <3, it’s a bit random but ok
bruh i sure hope we can treat cancer like that in the future
the “Situation room”? sounds bad
Archer, you’re really stepping over the line here.
i still have the feeling that a big asteroid would have affected every part of the planet
“Pod 1”, seriously? xD
whoops, shuttlepod fell
I’m impressed how long Archer could hold himself on the cliff in that horrible position
cool, cutting that huge treetrunk with the phase pistol :)
Awww Travis is allowed to write a report :)
Rating 2/7
This episode was kinda boring. I don’t know why but my concentration kept wandering.
Plus i was infuriated that Archer kept insisting on the Novans being human, which they obviously are by descend but they have their own culture now and he would take all that away. White people really destroyed enough cultures that are not their own.
#star trek#star trek enterprise#ash's complete star trek rewatch#jolene blalok#t'pol#vulcan#scott bakula#jonathan archer#enterprise#1x06 Terra nova
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Milquetoast watches: Babylon 5 "the parliament of dreams"
So far the show is only meh. It's kinda slocky which surprised me because "the gathering" was a fascinating start. It has depth and intrigue that so far most of season 1 is lacking.
This show doesn't do comedy very well and it was better when the storyline was serious. Sci-fi can absolutely do comedy and get a great balance between that and drama. See DS9 and Stargate SG1.
I see flashes of really good stuff in tiny doses. Mostly personal character moments. Which I'm hoping that the show will build off of. This is a cult sci-fi classic so I'm gonna stick with it and watch it until the end. I'm sure that it will get better. TNG was terrible in season 1 after all.
Anywho...the one thing this show does really well is adults flirting. I just watched this scene with The Commander who isn't Bruce Boxlightener (I know that's not his name but I can't remember it) and his ex-something. And OMG sex through a tv screen! Holy shit!
The music I love the music. It's just soft space inspired synth but it works perfectly.
Reptile-Garius is such an interesting character. Garak inspiration for sure.
So far it's been six episodes and we've barely seen the telepath lady. She could be an interesting character and I want to see her get inside the head of some of the main characters. Plus that whole thing that we learned about Lt Cmder's mother. I want to see more of that, like how the telepath is going to effect her.
Reptile-Garius really throwing himself into the role here!
Oh, I thought that was her kid! Delen's kid.
So they weren't married but they hookup and then... Run away? They never had an actual romantic relationship. Just booty calls they know could be something more. Interesting...I didn't expect this kinda of a relationship.
Wow their chemistry is HOT! Imagine what they could really do with Benson and Stabler but they are such pussys. Babylon 5 doing sex really hot without actual sex scenes is such a unexpected thing. Like I would not have expected this. Sex on sci-fi, procedurals and episodic TV usually suck. If the show doesn't get better (I'm sure it will) then I'll just watch for these hot sexy scenes!
I got to say I really could care less about the A plot of the story. I really don't care that somebody wants to kill Reptile-Garius. The romance is far far more interesting. There's more emotion behind it than the murder plot. It's crazy but there it is.
Ope alien with glasses! I love it!
The female characters on this show are all far more interesting than the men.
I know Reptile assistant lady just beat the shit out of Reptile-Garius but I think she's playing the assassin. Her being the assassin is the obvious twist. Her playing the assassin not so much.
I was right.
And She definitely enjoyed it.
Festival. There was a festival!?
Too bad we're not going to get a nice romantic storyline between these two characters. As I know that The Cmder won't be on the show for much longer.
Brooo! That was a very sexy romance. 🙆🏻♀️ I want more!
Um... Why is he introducing them to a bunch of religious people? Like what's the point... There's diversity 🤷🏻♀️.
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TOP DS9 EPISODES: “Captive Pursuit” (1x06), “Duet” (1x19), “Whispers” (2x14), “Way of the Warrior” (4x01,02), “Our Man Bashir” (4x10), “Looking For par’Mach in All the Wrong Places” (5x03), “The Magnificent Ferengi” (6x10), “Far Beyond the Stars” (6x13), “In the Pale Moonlight” (6x19)
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