#captive pursuit
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walkingstackofbooks Ā· 27 days ago
Definitely feels like a security breach that Tosk can just ask the computer "Show me where the weapons are stored" and the computer responds with both the location AND what security clearance is needed! What?!
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sshbpodcast Ā· 1 year ago
Character Spotlight: Miles Oā€™Brien
By Ames
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Though he was introduced in The Next Generation (in the pilot episode, no less!), Miles Edward Oā€™Brien doesnā€™t really get to stretch his legs until he gets promoted to chief engineer in Deep Space Nine. Not much room in the transporter room, Iā€™m afraid. As Star Trekā€™s most epitomic everyman, the chief isnā€™t some magic-powered alien or augmented human or even a pinnacle of futuristic ethics. Hell, itā€™s his flaws that make him more relatable than most other characters in the franchise, and he remains one of the most popular crewmembers all around!
Is it Colm Meaneyā€™s approachable yet nuanced performance? Is it the strength of the writing of DS9? Or do we just love watching a grown man suffer in the way only Oā€™Brien can? Find out below as your hosts of A Star to Steer Her By shine this weekā€™s spotlight on the chief, and listen to this weekā€™s banter over on the podcast (beam over to 55:13). Jaysus!
[Images Ā© CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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They say you will be doing this manually, sir. No automation.Ā  Oā€™Brien shows up in the first TNG episode, ā€œEncounter at Farpoint,ā€ though he doesnā€™t get a name yet. And even though Picard orders Riker to reattach the saucer section as a test of his skills, frankly Oā€™Brien does almost all of the work. Riker really only tells Oā€™Brien to reattach the two sections and he just goes and does it while Riker gets all the credit. No respect, I tell ya!
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The minstrel boy to the war has gone For most of TNG, Oā€™Brien is stuck in the transporter room, but he gets to use those abilities to beam over to the Phoenix in ā€œThe Woundedā€! Even through shields! Now thatā€™s impressive on its own, but thereā€™s more. Despite his predilection towards hating the spoonheads, he talks Captain Maxwell out of destroying a Cardassian supply vessel and surely inciting another war.
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Iā€™ve been doing this for twenty-two years and I havenā€™t lost anybody yet One more great use of transporter chief Oā€™Brien comes when Barclay is exhibiting transporterphobia in ā€œRealm of Fear.ā€ Though most of the crew view Barclayā€™s eccentricities as irrational, Oā€™Brien remains understanding and patient throughout, and works with Reg to figure out whatā€™s really going on in the pattern buffer and save the crewmen trapped in there.
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Now you are Tosk as well, Oā€™Brien Our overall favorite Miles moment from the show is probably how he stands up for Tosk in ā€œCaptive Pursuitā€ and helps him escape from his hunters. In one of our best examples showcasing when itā€™s a good idea to disobey the Prime Directive, Oā€™Brien makes a statement by taking off his combadge to go do whatā€™s right, saving the life of a subjugated person.
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Iā€™ve met some Cardassians I didnā€™t like, and Iā€™ve met some I did Oā€™Brien starts off ā€œCardassiansā€ being racist about letting Rugal play with Molly or share their table, but itā€™s commendable how he warms up to the boy. They find common ground. Granted, itā€™s in how much they hate Cardassia, but itā€™s something. But itā€™s truly a great moment when he bonds with Rugal: someone whoā€™s had no choice in life and whose future is being decided for him.
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I want to die on my feet Hereā€™s a quick badass moment from Oā€™Brien. When heā€™s already dying from the bioweapon in ā€œArmageddon Gameā€ and the T'Lani and the Kelleruns are about the execute him to get rid of all people with knowledge of the harvesters, Miles requests that they allow him the dignity of dying on his feet instead of slumped in his own filth. Thereā€™s something powerful about that.
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Heā€™s their commander. They trusted him. He canā€™t leave them. This oneā€™s controversial since ā€œHippocratic Oathā€ is so multifaceted in a lot of ways. Last time, we commended Julian for his humanitarian (Jemā€™Hadaritarian?) attempts to save our Dominion enemies from their ketracel-white addiction. Well, Oā€™Brien is there to save Bashir from himself when the doctorā€™s attempts fail and a bunch of rabid alien soldiers are ready to tear the humans apart.
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That boyā€™s life is in our hands and I wonā€™t let anybody give up on him Oā€™Brienā€™s friendship with Quique Muniz culminates in some beautiful scenes in ā€œThe Ship.ā€ Muniz is dying a whole lot and Oā€™Brien never gives up on him, even battling (verbally and physically) with Worf over how to handle his approaching death. And when the inevitable does occur, itā€™s all the more heartbreaking when Worf joins in the ritual akā€™voh.
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This is how an engineer plays kotra You donā€™t see a lot of scenes between Garak and Oā€™Brien throughout the show. Now some of that is probably that they donā€™t like sharing Julianā€™s attention, but the rest is that thereā€™s no trust between the Cardassian spy and the hero of Setlik Three. We get to see them stand off in ā€œEmpok Norā€ and Oā€™Brien impresses by outsmarting the homicidal Garak using his engineering skills!
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Good cat, Chester! Even when infiltrating the Orion Syndicate (for reasons), Oā€™Brien tries to do the right thing. He tries to tip Bilby off in ā€œHonor Among Thievesā€ when he has entrapped him, though that does neither of them any good. But even more importantly, Miles agrees to take in Chester, who is a pretty cat and a good cat, and your SSHB hosts here have to give him credit for that.
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The cause of death was the Orion Syndicate In fact, Oā€™Brien was so dedicated to his sorta father figure that when Bilbyā€™s widow has vanished in ā€œProdigal Daughter,ā€ he goes looking for her. Without asking or informing anyone, which probably wasnā€™t the brightest move, but this is Miles weā€™re talking about. And without him, weā€™d never have solved her murder case at the hands of Ezriā€™s messed up familyā€™s business.
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You gotta friend in me Just as we did in the Julian spotlight, weā€™ve got to close out on Oā€™Brienā€™s sweet friendship with the good doctor. Bashir, who never looks before he leaps, frequently finds himself needing the constant support and level head of someone like Miles when he does asinine things like leap into Sloanā€™s head in ā€œExtreme Measures,ā€ even when itā€™s a bad idea, as we've discussed before.
Worst moments
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Donā€™t phaser the messenger Iā€™ll avoid citing marriage to Keiko as a Worst Moment because thatā€™s mean, but the way they got married in ā€œDataā€™s Dayā€ was painful to watch. The audienceā€™s first impression of their relationship is one in which both parties refuse to communicate over something as important as their marriage, and make Data (of all people!) act as their middleman. What a terrible start!
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Sweetheart, Iā€™m not a fish Donā€™t worry, thereā€™s more to drag about how Miles and Keikoā€™s relationship was depicted in TNG. In the very next episode, ā€œThe Wounded,ā€ we see just how they clearly didnā€™t know each other before deciding to get hitched. Neither likes how each other eats. Guys, you can hate each otherā€™s food because, ya know what, food replicators exist! Order your own potato casserole!
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I hate what I became because of you We give Miles a lot of grief on the podcast for his systematic racism. Which is fair ā€“ he certainly is quick to hate on other races on occasion. We see this explored interestingly in ā€œThe Wounded,ā€ for which we already gave him credit for transcending his racism above, but not before he snaps at Daro and blames the Cardassians for Maxwellā€™s actions before knowing if he was even right or not.
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Grapevine says Chief Oā€™Brien and the missus are having problems But letā€™s move on to when Miles makes it to the main credits in DS9. As expected, weā€™re starting off with more Keiko drama. We learn in ā€œA Man Aloneā€ that Keiko was none too pleased about being uprooted (cuz sheā€™s a botanist, get it?) from the Enterprise, and they argue about it publicly at Quarkā€™s. In front of everyone. Do they never communicate before major life changes?
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I suppose youā€™d be happier if I was miserable? Iā€™m sorry that thereā€™s more Keiko drama to include. I didnā€™t do this on purpose. In ā€œFascination,ā€ Keiko is finally doing actual botany work and feeling useful doing a long term study on Bajor, and yet she and Miles end up fighting (again, in the middle of Quarkā€™s!) about extending her assignment. And to make matters worse, Miles insinuates sheā€™s having an affair! Dude! Stop.
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They call me Smiley Smiley Oā€™Brien is almost indistinguishable from our universeā€™s Miles (theyā€™re both inherently good guys who suffer enormously), so Iā€™d say itā€™s safe to include kidnapping Sisko in ā€œThrough the Looking Glassā€ and coercing him into pretending to be mirror Sisko on the naughty list. What a bold move! The Terran Resistance is lucky to have him even if we the audience are getting sick of mirror land.
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Theyā€™re killers. Thatā€™s all they know how to do. Jake may have included saving Dr. Bashir in ā€œHippocratic Oathā€ on his Best Moments list, but weā€™ve also got to reprimand Oā€™Brien for sabotaging Julianā€™s attempt to cure the Jemā€™Hadarsā€™ addiction. Itā€™s not just in order to save his friendā€™s life. Miles states up and down that Goranā€™Agar is not to be trusted because heā€™s a Jemā€™Hadar and starts spewing all the old propaganda again, like a racist.
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Just leave a Yelp review, dude While itā€™s always sadistically fun to watch Oā€™Brien suffer (Colm Meaney does it so well!), itā€™s also rough to see just how poorly he recovers in an episode like ā€œHard Time.ā€ Miles is suffering hard from PTSD and guilt and he takes it by attacking Quark. Even worse, he nearly beats Molly when sheā€™s annoying him, which is shocking coming from Miles. Please, seek professional help.
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All the time you were holding out on me Later in ā€œHard Time,ā€ we learn what was on Milesā€™s conscience the whole time. While in his memory jail, he gets paranoid enough of his cellmate Eeā€™Char that he murders him in cold blood over a couple orts of food that Eeā€™Char wasnā€™t even hoarding for himself. Even though none of it was real, the knowledge that Miles could be pushed to kill an innocent man is a huge blow for him.
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It gets worse. Thereā€™s a view. We ragged on this plotline in the Kira spotlight as well, but thereā€™s enough discomfort to go around. Those weird, unnecessary feelings Miles develops for a pregnant Kira in ā€œLooking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Placesā€ are just a bad plot device. It feels forced to make two people get romantically awkward just because theyā€™re in proximity with each other. Just lazy.
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Thereā€™s no hiding from the Syndicate Does it make a ton of sense to force Oā€™Brien to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate in ā€œHonor Among Thievesā€? Especially in the middle of the Dominion War? Maybe not, but he does a decent job winning the trust of Liam Bilby using his engineering skills and general good nature. In fact, he does such a good job that he certainly gets Bilby killed in Starfleetā€™s scheme, like a little rat.
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Molly and the Hendersons It is just deplorable how ā€œTimeā€™s Orphanā€ treats the developmentally stunted Molly Oā€™Brien, and the most shame belongs to Miles and Keiko. What parent would give up on their trauma-ridden child after just a few days and release her into the dangerous wild to live like an animal? I am appalled that not once did anyone float another option to aid in Mollyā€™s rehabilitation, but even more appalled that getting rid of her was the proposed solution.
And thatā€™s the way the Alamo crumbles. Keep your eyes here for more character spotlights! DS9 certainly has a lot more to cover, so make sure youā€™re subscribed to our Tumblr, follow along with us on the podcast over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts, sing us an Irish ballad on Facebook and Twitter, and replicate up a nice potato casserole!
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aquamonstra Ā· 2 years ago
Me watching DS9: So..... Is Miles going to kiss this lizard man or what??
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kiranerysismyhero Ā· 2 years ago
showed a friend Captive Pursuit today and he Also thought Tosk and O'Brien should kiss
i feel validated
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episodicnostalgia Ā· 2 years ago
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 105 (Jan. 31, 1993) - "Captive Pursuit"
The Breakdown
Oā€™Brien goes rogue!
Chief Oā€™Brien saves a visitor from the Gamma Quadrant Ā (known as Tosk) from blowing up in his ship.Ā  Although Tosk seems pleasant enough (if a bit socially awkward), his behaviour suggests heā€™s running from someone, and also he tries to steal weapons which is a little hard to overlook. And wouldnā€™t you know it, he actually IS running from some assholes who are hunting him for sport.
It turns out the hunters genetically breed their prey and set them loose as a part of a sacred ritual, and boy do they take it seriously.Ā  Apparently, finding their prey caught in the brig makes them so unhappy that they elect to do the worst thing imaginableā€¦ bring Tosk home and SHAME AND MOCK HIM ruthlessly until the day he dies. In fairness, that does seem pretty lame, since Tosk also refuses to seek asylum. Heā€™s actually super on board with being hunted and thinks he deserves his punishment which he dreads only slightly less than being remembered as a coward.Ā  As you can see, itā€™s not super fucked up at all.
Since Oā€™Brien has been paying attention while simultaneously possessing basic human empathy, he elects to break Tosk free so that he can return to being honourably hunted, which thankfully the Hunters begrudgingly accept (you can never fully win with these guys).Ā  Sisko gives Oā€™Brien a slap on the wrist but warns that if it ever happens again there will be a mild skewering involved (or something to that effect).
The Verdict
Star Trek is often at itā€™s best when the characters are made to weigh their ethics with against Starfleet orders. To be fair, that sentiment could be applied most stories in general, but Star Trek being the bastion of ā€œpositive Sci Fiā€ makes episodes like ā€˜Captive Pursuitā€™ stand out. I gotta say though, the stunt work is a bit clumsier than usual, probably borne out of necessity from the Hunterā€™s awkward (and kinda dumb looking) costumes. I also found Tosk a little overly robotic in many scenes, although his monologue to Oā€™Brien in the brig is pretty strong. This almost could have been a 4-star episode, but doesnā€™t QUITE earn it for me.
3.5 stars (ouf of 5)
Stray Observations
Ā The GOAT Oā€™Brien: This is DS9ā€™s first proper spotlight on Oā€™Brien, and it really serves to show what a vital addition he is to this series. No doubt his time on TNG helped, but my man Miles comes out swinging as a fully realized character in these early episodes; The only other full-time characters that achieve this are Odo and Quark, IMO.
ā€œI guess that one got by us.ā€ Sisko may be Starfleet but he ainā€™t no narc, and moments such as this foreshadow how flexible can be. But I like that he also put his foot down. Oā€™Brien dishes out a lot of (mostly justified) sass, but Sisko has to have a line.
Bartender Quark: Quark may be in it for the money (and other profitable opportunities), but heā€™s always had a heart, and his interaction with Oā€™Brien in this episode is a nice cursory introduction to this aspect of his character.
But seriously, the Hunters look pretty hokey. Thatā€™s not to say it doesnā€™t have itā€™s charm as a relic from a 30-year-old piece or television, but this was one of those times I found it distracting.
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atomiccollectionanchorme Ā· 1 month ago
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 1 Episode 6 "Captive Pursuit"
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Can you talk to men in a non-sexually charged way for a single second
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malewifeboimler Ā· 2 months ago
hey. why was there piping on tosk's outfit designed to absolutely enhance camel toe
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fictionalred Ā· 11 months ago
first "O'Brien must suffer" episode up next!
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serickswrites Ā· 8 months ago
Get in the Water
Warnings: pursuit, captivity, escape, gun, gunshot, left for dead
Whumpee didn't stop running. Couldn't stop. They had seen their opportunity for escape and they had taken it. Had taken it and hadn't stopped running.
They knew that if they reached the river they could find a boat and cross and then Whumper would have the rest of civilization to contend with. As it was, Whumpee knew that they could also run along the river to the next town. And then Whumper would have to give up their relentless pursuit.
And Whumper was relentless.
Whumpee could hear Whumper's angry shouts as they ran. Could hear their threats to make Whumpee's life a living hell. Could hear Whumper gaining on them.
But that didn't stop Whumpee.
They couldn't stop. They were almost to the river. They could even swim across. They just had to get away. They could hear the roar of the river. They were too far upstream to swim, the snow melt had made the current too strong.
With a sigh, Whumpee stopped running. They had time. They could look for a place to cross. Whumper was far behind them. Whumpee knew that if they crossed the river, Whumper would abandon their pursuit. Would give up and go back to their remote compound. They just had to find a way across.
Whumpee didn't even realize Whumper had caught them until the bullet ripped through their shoulder. The pain was all consuming. Whumpee screamed as they tumbled forward, feet slipping on the muddy bank of the river. The momentum from the bullet carried them forward, ever closer to the water. It was only as their feet left the bank that Whumpee realized they were falling into the water.
Whumpee windmilled their arm, a scream of agony ripping itself from their throat as their shoulder moved. But it was too late. Whumpee sank below the icy, fast-flowing water.
They struggled to breach the surface, their left arm limp and unable to help them swim. Whumpee frantically kicked out, swinging their working arm as they tried to reach the surface. Air bubbles flowed from their lips.
Whumpee gasped with relief as their head cleared the surface. They struggled to keep their head up as they tread water. The current was strong and dragging them along the bank. But as Whumpee's eyes roved the shore, searching for Whumper and their gun, Whumpee realized Whumper wasn't there.
Whumper had abandoned their pursuit the moment Whumpee sank beneath the dark surface. No doubt believing that if their shot hadn't killed Whumpee, then the water or cold would.
Whumper was wrong.
As Whumpee let their body float on the current, they realized they were successful in their escape. Though their shoulder hurt, they knew it wouldn't kill them--the bullet plugging the wound for the most part. All Whumpee had to do is let the river carry them to town and they would find help. And most of all, they were free.
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violethyacinth Ā· 1 year ago
Oh! Oā€™Brien just said thereā€™s 300 people on the station! Okay so itā€™s big but not, like, The Citadel in Mass Effect massive. I guess they did say it was a mining operation for the Cardassians so that makes sense!
Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a result of the special effects for when this show came out but Iā€™m having a difficult time understanding the scale of the station in Deep Space Nine. Sometimes they show the Enterprise and various war ships or transports docking onto various parts of DS9 but those ships look so huge in comparison to the station. But I would imagine a space station housing communities of this size and visitors would be way bigger?
I guess I also just have no clue how big the Enterprise actually is either, though. Keiko said there was a school and other families on the Enterprise so is it large in comparison to DS9?
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lunatic-harness Ā· 10 months ago
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bro thinks he's guinan
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walkingstackofbooks Ā· 2 years ago
Oh man, DS9 1x5 Captive Pursuit is One Hell Of An Episode, can't believe it hits that hard for s1.
O'Brien is just the sweetest in this episode, the way he calls Tosk friend right form the start just melts my heart <3
And Odo going to call security on O'Brien once he'd helped Tosk escape, and Sisko going "There's no hurry..." and Odo walking the slowest he possibly could and positively posing in the lift - *chef's kiss*, hilarious, this is the best TV show
Then the ending, Sisko dressing down O'Brien 'cause he has to, and then the camera panning to him at the end with a smirk that ABSOLUTELY says "I've got the best staff in the Federation" is laso perfection and I love it a lot.
Note/Question though - Tosk REALLY reminds me of the Jem'Hadar in his design and look, and in that he was genetically engineered to fight, he can turn invisible. Was he some sort of prototype, is there any link there you guys know of?
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sshbpodcast Ā· 5 years ago
Episode 148: Starting With O'Brien
DS9: "Babel" and "Captive Pursuit"
The Chief plays pivotal roles to varying degrees in DS9 this week. First up: his job as head repairman also makes him patient zero for an aphasia virus in "Babel". After that, he goes full Starfleet when morality and the rules clash in "Captive Pursuit".
Also this week: Tosks, DS9 security is as silly as Enterprise security, and worst contact.
Timestamps: Babel: 1:36; Captive Pursuit: 34:40
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theheadlessgroom Ā· 11 months ago
Damnit, she remembers the strawberry preserves incident! Randall blushed with a little grin, recalling him telling her the story long, long ago, just as his mother had recounted it to him with great fondness and amusement: How he managed to somehow get his hands on some freshly-made preserves his mother had just jarred and downed the whole thing, getting himself plenty sticky and smeared with strawberry in the process.
"Oh, it was plenty of fun!" June snorted, shaking her head as she thought back to that sunny spring day-she leaves the room for two minutes, and her son makes an absolute mess of himself and the kitchen counter. "I just remember him sitting there on the counter, all big-eyed, with strawberry...everywhere! His clothes, his hair, the countertop, oh, it was a mess!"
"And he'd just had a bath too!" Wilhelm added, as he looked to his son-who was looking a bit like a strawberry now, given the way he was blushing. "Junie and I had given him a bath after breakfast, I went out to grab something from the corner market, and when I come back, she's got our boy back in the tub!"
He was deeply bewildered by that: He looked at his son, peering out at him over the side of the tub, and then to June, who was dropping a set of red-stained clothes into the hamper, commenting with a hollow laugh, "You won't believe what your son did!"
As Wilhelm continued to regale Emily with some of Randall's other misadventures, June couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to give Emily back that taste of her favorite berry. She had to drink blood to survive, but would it still be possible for her to enjoy what she used to love, all those years ago? Could there be a best of both worlds, she wondered?
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idiaa-shroxd Ā· 2 years ago
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thank you so much!! Ź•ā€¢į“„ā€¢Ź” happy you think my writing is very pretty!! and also makes me happy you think my characterization was correct.
when writing for characters always take a bit of extra time to ensure they sound good? thinking about having an actual conversation with them for a minute and what theyā€™d do! ā™§ personally a big fan of viginettes since that reveals a lot of a character more than mainstory.
Ī£('ā—‰āŒ“ā—‰ā€™) mini (huge) rant within the tags of the way of my process to understand a character!!
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#iā€™ve been trying to work on characterization with trey for example because in the main story he is relatively nice#but within his viginettes heā€™s a bit more than that like a slightly smug teaser than boy next door.#the characters tend to have complexity rather than one dimension traits people tend to stick by#which isnā€™t a bad thing but to start writing it could help kick you off but majority of the time your characters do have many emotions to#aspirations- such as vil being mean BUT that coming with subtle charm of care- he does not derive pleasure from purposefully degrading other#he firmly believes he can see the beauty in everyone if they try and he attempts to get others to apply themselves so they can be pretty#he does not go around like ew youā€™re ugly go away unless you have a negative attitude like leona who purposefully does not put any effort#but sometimes his pursuit for beauty can go out of hand like with epel or neige but his dorm ssr perfectly illustrates he knows what he does#he does not always explain himself with having epel do heavy lifting which only helps epel improve but he would not tell him this directly#there are other characters i can rant about the way i write. such as sebek being a malleus fanboy#but that was not a central part of his personality to warrant every fic just mentioning malleus each sentence#the best way to learn how to write for him would be looking at his viginette or his event story without tsunotarou!! he is quite a wonderful#-ly designed character but gets overlooked due to his ā€˜louderā€™ part of his personality. but he genuinely has captivated me as a character#the best examples for eng players would be during harveston- when he was extremely passionate about what he did with a soft side for his#plush!! heā€™s a big softie. heā€™s just very confused because his grandfather openly hates humans. he acknowledges marja and complimented her#heā€™s not hating humans for no reason but because it was taught to him. heā€™s trying his best to be what he is but you can tell he is not too#prideful that he would refuse to acknowledge marja just for being a human. in fact in his viginette he HELPS humans with their lumber#though that is technically due to him being confident he can do so compared to a human thanks to being a guard for Malleus but he is quite#happy to be complimented!!-. he is a character with more depth: ceremony viginette next#he tells yuu to just let him handle things since heā€™s stronger which shows heā€™s also blunt and says things without thinking about others at#times. but people are MISSING out on fics with sebek yuu and tea bonding over tsunotarou because he has no hostility to those who like#tsunotarou. he is happy to teach!! his other viginette think pe??: lilia tricks him into eating steak with yogurt iirc and he does honestly#itā€™s disgusting but he trusts lilia and 100% believe the old fae. THE POTENTIAL. authors need to use that?? just lilia messing with him or#how he can sometimes be so gullible you can get him to trust you mixed together with how attached he was to squirrel plush#heā€™s actually such a cute character.#thereā€™s also Kalim who KNOWS there are bad people. he is not innocent as he knows there are bad people that want him gone#his least favorite food is curry because Jamil got sick for a week after taste testing his food.#Kalim just chooses. he wants to believe the kindness of the world not due to purity but due to the fact he does not want to live in constant#fear. which in itself already makes him more than one dimension. he may seem carefree but thereā€™s room to play with when describing him??ā€¦#questions of styx.
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tom4jc Ā· 2 months ago
Genesis 14:14 Go In Pursuit To Rescue
Now when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan. Genesis 14:14 Helping others out who are in danger can often be very dangerous. People tend to shy back from helping those in danger because they do not want any trouble or harm to themselves. Instead of helping, manyā€¦
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