#drug abuse cw
musinghotline · 2 years
cw: drug abuse, eating disorders, general heavy/dark themes.
"We got a winner!"
"Wanna waste some time?"
"When are you coming home?"
"You just wait for me, alright?"
"I'll come today."
"I told you I would make it."
"You don't have to make anything, my sweet."
"In the end, it's all nice."
"Someone like you can really make things alright for me."
"You mean you fucked it up!"
"You promised me everything was gonna be okay, remember?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Soon, millions of people will see me and they'll all like me."
"It's a reason to get up in the morning."
"Why should I? I'm alone."
"They don't need me."
"Now when I get the sun, I smile."
"You holding out alright?"
"There's nothing out there!"
"I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen."
"Other people have told me that before, and it was meaningless."
"How can you know more about medicine than a doctor?"
"Believe me, I know."
"It's alright. Don't worry, you're in a hospital."
"She'll be sent for, she'll come."
"Oh, jesus christ... I need a doctor, man..."
"I can't take it, man, my arm, MY FUCKING ARM!"
"Can you hear me? Can you see me?"
"I don't expect he'll live out the week."
"There's my three meals, Mr. Smartypants."
"California, Florida, whatever. Either way, your pale ass is getting tan."
"You on uppers?"
"I'm sort of a distributor... For a big importer."
"Does he give you pills?"
"I just wanted to be on the show!"
"What kind of business?"
"Everything's all mixed up, confused..."
"I'm thinking thin."
"This... drives... most... people... crazy."
"Ya got a rotten attitude."
"Good afternoon, although I'm not sure how good it is."
"This is our only chance to make it big."
"Shit, this motherfucker's starting to look a little seedy, man."
"You smug fuck!"
"I'm somebody now."
"You make me feel like a person. Like I'm me... and I'm beautiful."
"You are beautiful."
"You are my dream."
"I'm walkin' across the stage."
"Getting the money's not the problem."
"I don't know what I'm going to have to do to get it."
"I put myself through fucking hell for you!"
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kuleachi · 1 year
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not who you used to be
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findingtarshish · 1 year
A new warlock is in town, my friends
Meet Harmony Adams, Childe of Katherine, Lhaka of House Carna and Clan Tremere, antiquarian, book conservationist, and devoted follower of Lilith. She's friendly, gentle-hearted, soft spoken, and dedicated to helping others. Will you be her friend?
This post includes her character sheet, her sire, enemy, some pertinent information about her grandsire, her touchstones and convictions, her relationships to various organizations, and four vignettes that will help introduce you to this good and helpful witch:
Character Sheet
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As you can see, formatting is my passion (Every character I made has a different formatting scheme yall I'm so proud of my character sheet designs ;-;) More below page break:
Other Characters, Convictions, Touchstones
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Organizations (Is this entirely canonical vis a vis the Lilin Witches? Maybe not. Do I care? Also maybe not. Ceridwen can has a little her own sect. As a treat.)
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Vignette #1: Potential
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Vignette #2: Bite
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Vignette #3: Mine
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Vignette #4: Ready
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If you want a higher resolution version with more readable text/one that can be screenread, dm me and I'll send you a link to the orignal document!
And finally! Stay tuned :) More Harmony (and a special friend) to come!
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
TW abuse + substance abuse
FUCK well it probably is actually good i accidentally deleted half of the confession i was typing up, i think i should probably wait until i’m sober if i really wanna try getting deep into something like that. here’s the abridged version though:
there’s not enough recognition for people abused by their siblings. everyone acts like it doesn’t happen, and when it does, it isn’t abuse. “siblings are just like that.” damn, i sure hope not, or everyone who had them would have ptsd, too, like me.
it’s not different, it’s not funny, it’s not okay as soon as it’s your sibling. it happened in my canon, and it happened again in this lifetime, and it has never been funny.
i don’t know. i think i’m bad at making people feel validated, but i’m trying, because no one else is trying for us. if you need to know that someone gives a fuck about it, now you know that i do.
(mpc, if this is too personal or heavy or it feels not kin-related enough, you can delete if. i genuinely understand and won’t be upset.)
-dave strider
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theverminqueen · 4 months
Hey. I gave the Institute my statement a while ago, but I thought posting it publicly might help a few other people who're on the road towards their Becoming or whatever it's called. So. Here goes.
Statement of Vermin Burton, regarding the circumstances of their infection and the measures they took to treat it. 
Statement begins.
Did you know that rats didn’t actually cause the Black Plague? It’s a very common myth, but the rats themselves were just carriers. It was the fleas, hiding in their fur, nestling in carpeting or woodwork or flesh. The fleas took the infection from rats to cats to dogs to people. A third of Europe died, but not a single flea ever did. 
My mom’s house used to have a flea problem, and I do mean a bad flea problem. I could barely walk to my bed without getting bitten by dozens of the little fuckers, and even then, I wasn’t safe. They’d crawl under the covers with me, burrow under my skin, drink and drink until there was nothing left. A cruel comfort, but more than I ever got from that bitch who called herself my mother.
Yes, yes, my mother, I’m getting there, just give me a minute. My mother was a horrible parent. She was a hoarder, neglectful, and often emotionally unstable. She put me on regimens of pills that did nothing but make me sick while continuing to ignore all the actual mental and physical problems I was struggling with. I dropped out of university for her, and she never gave a damn. I hated her. It took me a long time to realize just how much.
I’m not sorry she’s dead. It was going to happen sooner rather than later, with the way that she lived. So then, why do I feel so bad about it?
It started with the tick. Just an ordinary little tick that latched onto my ankle for a moment. I was walking across our lawn – unmowed, of course, she never bothered to take care of it, so I was always the one who had to mow it – and caught a tick digging under the hem of my jeans. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I plucked it off and went on with my day, but the bite didn’t go away.
 I picked and scratched at that thing for weeks, and it just kept spreading, up my legs, over my arms, around my neck. Ticks kept popping up everywhere I went, clinging to my hands, my feet, my face. I was so tired all the time. I could barely move. I couldn’t keep up with the house, and since I was the only one that ever cleaned the house, things started to get unlivably bad. I’m talking open pill bottles, used needles, things like that. I think I saw a dead cat covered in fleas once. 
But that’s not important to your story, is it? 
I shaved off every bit of hair on my body, thinking that would make it better, or at least make it easier to spot the bugs. For whatever reason, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for my mother. I'm still not sure why a shaved head mattered to her so much, but she came up to me and she just started screaming. I’m not even sure what she said, I just remember all that shouting. I couldn’t get away, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even think with all that damn noise.
I don’t know how it happened. One minute, she was there, she was my mother, and the next minute, she was screaming, covered in those awful bites, looking so small and sick. My mother was never small. Low metabolism runs in our family, and we gain weight fast. But by the time she finally died, she was as skinny as I am now, with all her blood drained out of her.
It was the tick. It was that fucking tick.
I ran, of course. I had to leave that house, or I’d die there. But the bug problem just got worse and worse. I washed myself obsessively, but I could never seem to get clean. I took drugs. I saw doctors. They all told me I was crazy, a hypochondriac and a maniac. But I knew, I just knew it was the bugs. 
The rats were the only thing that saved me. One of them came up to me in an alleyway someday and started nibbling on my hand. I freaked out, of course, getting bitten by a rat fucking hurts, but when I looked down and saw its mouth, when I heard that crunch between its teeth, I knew it had been trying to save me. It bit down and dug those ticks out of my skin, made a meal of me to save itself. I’d found the only treatment I could count on.
It wasn’t just the rats, of course. Possums also seem to like me. The one in my hoodie pocket right now, Morty, would protect me with his life. I met one named Martin that I thought was just really fat. Turns out he was pregnant, and a couple weeks later, he had six joeys. I love them all more than I’ve ever loved a person.
I ran into a bat a couple weeks ago, and she’s been useful. My little eye in the sky, if you will. Keeps her ears peeled for dogs and cops and other things that might try to hurt me.
I really don’t know how to cure this disease. I don’t know how to make those bugs go away. The most I can do is try to gain back the ground I’ve lost.
I’ve been eating better, though I suppose that’s not relevant to you. And the vermin are all looking much healthier than they did back when I found them. That’s what I call them all collectively, the vermin. They’re vermin like me, and they’re a part of me. I don’t think I’d still be alive today without them. 
Thank you for taking this. If you ever get in contact with anyone who has resources, medication that might help treat this condition, please let me know. I really need an out.
Statement ends.
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byanyan · 4 months
while it's evident that byan is quite desensitized to violence (and in fact very much enjoys it), they're also... pretty desensitized to death. having witnessed people meet violent ends first-hand, as well as spending enough time in drug dens and around other drug abusers to see more than just a couple overdoses for themself, it doesn't really faze them anymore. traumatizing the first few times it happened, to be sure, but that's precisely how they became desensitized — to cope with the things they'd witnessed, and the things they would inevitably witness again. it's caused them to become rather callous in regard to the lives of others, those they don't know enough to care about and those they dislike, and to not really blink when they hear news of someone dying. they'll just sort of shrug it off and go about their day, if not mutter a little "good riddance" for those they held a distaste for. it also plays a part in them not being afraid to do some serious damage to people in fights — they won't try to kill someone (unless they have to), but if they end up dying later to wounds they themself inflicted... eh, not their problem. it's obviously that person's fault for not getting that shit patched up.
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Umm currently having a Vox and Velvette obsession do you have any headcanons for them hehe
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((Mostly for Vox, buuuuuut some for Velvette too.
Chronologically and physically the youngest of the Vees. Though physically not by much, she's still within the 30's-40's age range like they are
Was unsurprisingly a fashion influencer in life. However she unfortunately started out as one of those child influencers her parents vicariously live through/make money off of.
Eventually killed her parents to finally escape them. To this day no one in the living realm caught on that she murdered them.
Died about 2015 when an obsessive fan sent her a trap package in retaliation for getting a boyfriend. Yes, really.
Gained a big following rather quickly on Hell's social media, catching Vox's attention.
After Vox pulled her into the Vees, she's the one that brought eyes to the boys' bigger projects, and often does photography and costuming for them.
Aside from the obvious knives, Velvette also wields a selfie stick. And man can she do damage with it.
Velvette cooks as a hobby, primarily baking. Sometimes posts food aesthetic pictures. The only people she cooks for are those she's fond of. Sort of a love language for her. She stopped cooking for Valentino, however, after an incident where online he insulted the cookies she made for him. Now he can only get a taste of her food by either persuading Vox to share, or otherwise stealing the food off him. Girl holds grudges.
Chronologically the oldest of the Vees, though physically a little older than Velvette and a little younger than Valentino.
Born and raised Catholic, though admittedly didn't have the attention span for Sunday School. He was essentially agnostic until he died.
Grew up reading comics, watching TV, and in general fucking around with any electronics in the house he could find rather than playing outside. He was neglected by his parents growing up and didn't really have any friends so yeah.
Always wanted to be in the film industry. He wanted to act in and make films. Unfortunately he only got as far as commercials and infomercials before he died. He was a pretty good salesman, though, so it suited him just fine. He got progressively more and more unethical in trying to sell the products and services he was advertising. Shaped up to be a real corporate shill.
Also. Drugs. So much drugs. He's just better at hiding this habit than most people.
Died in a studio accident where a light fixture fell on his head. Yes. Really.
Goes without saying Vox isn't his real name. But it wasn't his first Hell alias either.
Not only did he start out with the old boxy tv for a head, but he couldn't communicate vocally at first. You know silent films where after the talent "says" their lines, it cuts to a frame where we have to read the dialogue? Yeah he started out having to do that.
Now more machine than man, he works differently from other sinners. Rather than respawning when he dies, he needs to be repaired to come back. Even when he's been torn to pieces, all you can do is gather him up and put him back together. The only thing setting him apart from broken machines is that he does bleed when he's been hurt.
Aside from the ability to bleed, there are other occasions where his machine body functions like it's organic. Like if he's injecting something, he can treat his wires like veins.
Theoretically, he doesn't need to eat, but he does get hunger pangs if he doesn't, and eating does provide more power for his batteries.
I could go on and on about his anatomy and his relationship with it tbh but for now the most important one; he has a tail. Very Hellborn like but a cord with a plug at the end. It's how he charges, or stays powered on when he doesn't have battery. He just hides it under his clothes and wound around his waist [like a Saiyan] because he's gotten tired of some assholes tearing it off or fucking up the prongs. Why did I give him a tail? Because I saw someone edit him with one and now I want it to be canon fite me.
Made his start in Hell as an inventor and repairman. That's when he first met Alastor. Just dumped some broken equipment on him asking him to fix it. One time became semi regularly. After a little bit of that, Vox was taken under his wing.
Yes, thanks to Alastor, he has eaten "human" flesh. [Only in quotes cuz technically no one in Hell is human anymore.] He doesn't exactly hate it, like he wouldn't refuse it if it was cooked for him, but he doesn't seek it out either.
Alastor's cooking is also the reason why his white ass can handle spicy food-
Vox looked up to Alastor back then. The relationship was far from healthy, however.
By the time they split, Vox was an Overlord in his own right
Met Valentino a few years after the split. This relationship is also unhealthy but good luck getting Vox to realize that.
Essentially provides the platforms for the other Vees, and often time helps with video editing and sometimes get involved directly with the filming. Val learned all his film tricks from Vox.
Custom made the Vees' phones and set up Valentino's online accounts. With some bombass security.
And that's about it for now. Hope you like-))
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painofhumanity · 1 year
@queenvixens liked my queued starter call
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"I'm not sure why you're looking at me like something's wrong. . . Nothing's wrong," Stefan said stiffly, knowing he wasn't being convincing. "Look, I don't know what you heard from Elena, but I'm-- I'm completely fine. Sure, finding out the truth about Damon being my vampire ancestor instead of my big brother threw me for a loop, but I'm fine. I'm coping. I'm not gonna run off and start using drugs. . .again." Stefan ran his fingers through the hair at the back of his head (the only part that wasn't carefully styled) and grimaced at Caroline. "I'm not doing a very good job." It wasn't a question, because he already knew the answer.
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pokerats · 1 year
You hear the sounds of screaming. It is alarming, yet expected. Ever since you’ve escaped the womb, peace has never shone its light through the rooftops above your head. Only the wetness from burst pipes that discolor the ceiling, carrying an odorous stench that pales in comparison to the fetid smell from the rest of your disheveled home.
Home. You fail to call it such. Condemned, decomposition takes it toll on the walls; the painted wood, once white, is a canvas of various smears and stains that litter its brownish tint. Bruised by decades of neglect—and holes the size of fists.
You have always lived in a life of squalor, it is all that you know. Will ever know.
The living room especially made into great living conditions for microorganisms to settle in. Empty food containers, dirty clothes, and other questionable items litter the floor and over central shaggy carpet. Beer bottles aplenty, reflecting what appears to be two silhouettes wildly gesturing as they assert blame on the other. An argument yet again gone awry.
You always knew they hated each other. Whenever she would escort you out of the house for awhile after an argument, you became her little decoy to distract bystanders. Taking advantage of their vulnerability, she sneaks upon them from behind, holds them at knifepoint, and subsequently robs them of their hard-earned cash.
This was The Under, where honorable men turn into savages. A home catering to criminals. A society build upon the foundations of committing every sin imaginable, away from lawful eyes.
You have always lived in this shady town. The only reason your family makes ends meet is because of the disability checks earned through deceiving orre’s government. And even though you are their little star child, they turned your medication profitable. You were swaddled always as a baby to ease the burning withdrawal symptoms. Or perhaps for your parents to disguise the abuse under blanket and physical coddling to appease child protective services.
Living in poverty, without a shred of pity given by those wealthier than you, warped your sense of perspective on the world. A dog-eat-dog system, wherein the meek will be devoured by the strong. Not even your parents—your sworn guardians—wanted to protect you. Nor was an effort made to prevent you from learning about how harsh reality can be to a person.
Now you are twenty-six. Thriving off grandma’s inheritance, her 401k is used to fund self-sustaining projects to support the downtrodden. Men and women whom lost themselves due to capitalist greed. Inflation rises the price of goods and services that are a necessity to survive. Hence why your organization exists, serving a purpose: to give back to the needy by reaping what the rich have sown in their stolen fields.
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commander-krios · 2 years
1 2 6 & 16, Daniel and Aurora!
Daniel Shepard
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Daniel didn't have much choice but to enlist. He planned on being an engineer like his father. He loved tech and was excellent at taking it apart only to rebuild it better. But when his biotics manifested, Hannah (his mother) gave him a choice, join the Alliance and fight for them otherwise they were going to force him into the new BAat program. He didn't like either choice, but his mother's concerns over BAat were enough to have him join the Alliance military instead.
He regrets everything about his enlistment and resents his mother because her exposure to eezo made him a biotic. It wasn't her fault, and deep down he knows that, but he hates that his future was dictated for him by those who don't care about him.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Daniel hates it. He doesn't trust Cerberus, doesn't trust Kelly at all and actively avoids talking with her when he can. His mistrust keeps him from spilling anything personal to her and in the end, he's happy to ship her off somewhere else. Daniel likes Samantha, but she's not really a yeoman in the same way. The two of them have a lot in common (they're nerds) and eventually strike up a friendship.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Daniel loves EDI. Not in ME2, because she's a Cerberus AI, but once she's unshackled and proves she's part of the crew, she becomes important to him. He's always been fascinated with AI and they learn a lot from each other.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
Daniel likes to drink in moderation. There was a dark time when he drank to forget the awful things in his past (Elysium, his father's death, Torfan), but by the time ME1 happens, he's gotten past the worst of it. He falls back into for a time after his sister's death, but he has Kaidan to bring him back.
Aurora Shepard
1 Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Aurora enlisted because she wanted to make a difference in the galaxy. She wanted to meet aliens, see the galaxy outside of Arcturus, be important. She got what she wanted although it probably wasn't how she wanted. Bad things happened and while she might regret the things she's had to do or the losses that were her fault, she doesn't regret joining. She's made more of a difference in the Alliance then she would've outside it.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Aurora, like her brother, doesn't trust Kelly. She's a psychologist, she works for Cerberus, and no matter how many smiles she gives or how sweet she seems, she's still a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Samantha, on the other hand, is someone that she respects and they become fast friends.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Aurora doesn't trust EDI at first. She's a Cerberus AI, most likely spying on her and the mission (and the crew). But when Joker unshackles her and she saves him, going as far as she can by even lying to the Alliance about what she is (and that she will only function to Joker's order, clever), Aurora knows she's a crewmate and a friend.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
Aurora drinks occasionally, usually socially in her early years. After Akuze, she has some trouble with painkillers after her stay at the hospital. Therapies and rehab helps her out a lot. After Cerberus resurrects her, she turns to alcohol a lot as a crutch during ME2 until Joker kicks her ass into gear and she stops that, knowing it's not helping her, but making things a hell of a lot worse. She stops drinking during ME3.
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 years
Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
My headcanon/fanfiction of Sir Pentious's backstory. It's long, so Imma put a keep reading XD
In life he had very dark skin and long hair
He was a bastard child of a wealthy man, meaning he had money, but no real social standing outside of that. He didn’t fully realize the extent of this, and thought their acceptance could be won with an impressive enough feat.
Was in an arranged marriage that resulted in two children. His wife died very young and he never knew her well.
Pent’s genetic line was a bit closed off on his father’s side, and his children bore the brunt of it
The older child was a son who was born with albinism (Collin), and the younger one a daughter who quickly proved to be mute and developed a pediatric form of gigantism (Annabeth).
He was a devoted father, and used his vast fortune to shield the two of them from the world, and soon enough, from the law
Annabeth, not knowing her strength, went through nannies very quickly, leaving Pent paying off a doctor's bill or (more rarely) a coroner. 
Collin couldn’t leave the house during the day, but by the time of his late teens he was quite a scofflaw, creeping out in the dead of night to rob shops, brawl at the pubs, and worse, all the while his brain muddled by pleasure inducing chemicals he stole from his father’s lab.
Pent was quite careless about the security of his lab until he suffered an accident while working. Attempting to synthesize weaponizable poisons, he was combining toxins from venomous snakes when he mishandled a vial he was working with. He survived, but was left with a flaccid paralysis in his legs. He adapted fairly quickly to his wheeled chair, and realizing that potent chemicals should perhaps be secured when not in use, Pent developed numerous complicated locking mechanisms for his lab. 
His disability left him feeling somewhat vulnerable, and he installed several view scopes and booby traps across the house to combat his anxieties, but truth be told they really only made him more paranoid
As time went on he increased security of his laboratory, fearing Annabeth would accidentally poison herself, and it wasn’t long before, after burning through his reserve stache, Collin became very desperate for a fix.
Pent panicked when he saw Collin drooling over all the chemicals with no regard for his  own safety, tried to take the vial away from him. The boy was feral with chemical desire, and fought his father viciously.
Pent couldn’t bear to raise his hand against his son and kept trying to hold him back and reason with him.
However, Collin couldn’t be reasoned with, and in his withdrawing state, couldn’t think clearly. He broke free, Pent lunged to grab hold of him again, and in a state of rage he smashed a vial of venom he was holding on the counter and plunged it into his father’s chest.
Collin resumed his chemical quest, oblivious to Pent, who, almost fully in shock, kept hold of Collin as best he could, still thinking he might be able to protect him, pulled from his chair as he did so.
Collin’s frantic digging produced nothing recreational, but did manage to activate one of Pent’s numerous booby traps. The laboratory doors began to slide closed, and Collin, suddenly afraid of being trapped with the body of his father, tried to lunge for them. He was unsuccessful, as Pent managed to keep his unyielding hold of him
 They died together, Collin scrabbling away at the door to the last, the venom creeping from the cuts in his hand down into his heart, Pent slipping away slowly, clinging to his son as he bled out onto the laboratory floor, his mind clouded by venom
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
i think i spied a nero, for a mothers day ask, though you didnt sign off with your name.
i cant exactly speak for what-ifs. my head doesnt spin that fast, you see. if it helps, i believe your father would read blake, and latin poetry too. not sure if he cooks, i didnt know him so well myself either.
id apologise for my douchebag of a brother, but it probably wouldnt be meaningful, would it? i will apologise for being a cowardly jackass myself, however. sorry for not facing you fully, i kept trying to search for a dead man in your eyes, and that wasnt the fairest to you. you were a good kid, leagues and leagues better than the both of us combined.
sorry for leaving on such a short notice. i was a greedy fucker there too, wasnt i? drunk for the first time on joy and not the piling bottles in my office. ah, not trying to justify my actions here.
i’ll let you in on a little secret though, sometimes i felt like a child too. it’s all good. it happens to the best and sexiest of us.
anyway, take care, nero. if you want, i can beat up your father in my brain (a really great exercise. maybe you try it too, feel free to do it on me if youd like). one day ill take you out to a pizza joint.
signed, your favourite uncle.
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pear1ridge-a · 1 year
I just think. I think more violence. More horror.
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emberoops · 1 year
Just looked up the drug I am prescribed for sleep and uhhhhh
recreational dose is 1-2g
I take 3.75 TWICE A NIGHT.
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
“ how about a little midnight snack? ”  del's bringing him a new batch of madness eyeballs
If you asked the Corinthian why he spends most of his spare time getting loaded off of Madness eyeballs until he's all but disintegrating into watercolours, he would simply stare at you without saying anything. Then he'd either disappear, laugh, or cut your eyes out. Or all three, but probably in a different order.
He doesn't think about the why just like he doesn't think about the now, or the then, or the future he should have had (but knew he'd never really have; knew there was always a ticking bomb on his life and the counter would reach zero sooner or later). He doesn't think about the way Delirium will sometimes mention her brother and the Corinthian will sigh through all three mouths and pop another eye in there, chewing until he can't think and sand is spilling out of his ears.
(Set yourself on fire, he thinks, for all that your master would notice.)
Delirium comes by and the Corinthian slips from a dreamer's mind back into the Dreaming proper, his job half-finished, grinning like a fiend.
How about a little midnight snack? she asks, and the Corinthian smiles and says YES and doesn't remember much of what happens after that at all.
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racointeur1 · 2 years
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𝙹𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂     𝙳𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙽𝙿𝙾𝚁𝚃      𝙰𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂:       𝘮𝘺     𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦    𝘪𝘴     𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨    𝘶𝘱     &     𝘪'𝘮    𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨    𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣    𝘵𝘰    𝘵𝘩𝘦    𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨.
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