hisflaws-a2 · 4 years
(Anon) Favorite moment of being a dad so far.
curious anons
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“  the  other  day  i  was  trying  to  teach  my  daughter  the  hokey  pokey,  but  all  she  was  doing  was  standing  there,  staring  at  me.   kinda  like  how  her  mom  does  whenever  i  say  dumb  stuff  ----  that  laser  stare  that  makes  me  feel  like  i’m  losing  a  year  off  my  life.   anyway,  i  asked  her  what  was  wrong  and  she  just  asked  me  :  dad,  were  you  ever  cool?   and  i  just  had  to  tell  her  . . .  no.   i  was  kinda  offended,  but  it’s  not  like  she’s  wrong.   anyway,  any  time  moment  she  acts  like  my  wife  will  always  be  my  favorite.   i  think  it’s  pretty  cool  that  i  could  help  create  this  little  human  who  reminds  me  a  lot  of  the  woman  i  love  the  most,  y’know?  ”   
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seeksghosts-archive · 4 years
today  is  @maskeraide / @drstmbrg / @deputyclank ‘s  birthday  and  i  have  a  few  things  that  i  really  need  to  say .
i  met  mercy  way  back  in  late  last  year  and  not  long  after  my  life  on  here  got  a  little  crazy .  she  BARELY  knew  me  and  could  have  easily  said  “ y’know ,  this  is  a  lot .  i  wish  you  the  best . ”  but  she  didn’t .  mercy  fucking  stood  by  me  through  so  much  shit  it’s  ridiculous .  so  many  days  she  just  checked  in  to  make  sure  i  was  okay ,  made  sure  that  i  was  eating  and  hydrating ,  and  just  made  sure  that  my  mental  health  was  intact  while  i  was  dealing  with  drama  and  bullshit .
there  was  something  about  that  that  brought  us  closer  than  our  characters  ever  could .  yes ...  she  became  a  HUGE  part  of  lilly’s  blog .  arnie  and  lilly  go  hand  in  hand  and  i’m  so  fucking  happy  to  have  that  in  character  interaction .  i  could  go  on  for  days  and  days  about  how  amazing  a  writer  mercy  is .  because  she’s  fucking  phenomenal .  but  that’s  not  what  this  is  about .
this  is  about  MERCY .
mercy  is  my  best  friend .  that’s  so  easy  to  say  and  to  know  because  this  woman  has  weekly  movie  dates  with  me .  she’s  around  so  much  that  my  boyfriend  has  become  part  of  our  friendship  and  vice  versa .  every  friday  night ,  i  know  i  can  always  count  on  a  really  good  time  no  matter  what  we’re  watching .  it’s  something  i  look  forward  to .  it’s  something  that  makes  my  week  so  much  better  after  things  have  been  shit .  or  it  makes  things  even  better  when  it’s  been  a  good  week .
i  remember  when  my  childhood  and  highschool  best  friend  passed  at  the  beginning  of  this  year .  i  was  an  absolute  wreck .  and  mercy  sat  and  let  me  talk  about  him ,  tell  her  stories  about  a  man  that  she  knew  nothing  about .  she  let  me  send  old  recordings  to  share  his  passion  for  his  music .  she  was  there  for  me  every  step  of  the  grieving  process  and  i  couldn’t  be  more  thankful  for  her  for  that .
there  is  no  shortage  of  things  i  could  say  about  mercy .  i’m  so  goddamn  lucky  to  know  her .  my  life  would  be  worse  without  her .  and  i’m  so  glad  she  puts  up  with  my  stupid  ass .
i  can  go  to  her  about  anything  and  everything .  i  can  laugh ,  joke ,  cry ...  i  can  talk  about  anything  that’s  going  on  in  my  life .  and  i  feel  like  a  part  of  hers .
i  just  wanted  to  say  that  on  today ,  your  birthday ,  i  love  you i  love  you  tons
and  i  hope  that  you  know  how  amazing  and  wonderful  you  are <3
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intelwon · 4 years
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“ I’m gonna need you to run that by me one more time. ”
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for drstmbrg : s/o to the amazing and super talented Mercy at @drstmbrg / @deputyclank / @maskeraide and any other amazing blog i neglected to mention! mercy is such a powerful writer and is honestly a delight to talk and plot with. i love everything they do and their ability to take minor side characters and give them such DEPTH & CHARACTER. truly a master of the trade!
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digdugg · 5 years
drstmbrg replied to your post: Who wants to do a summer camp rp?
I can say that both @seeksghosts​ and I would be 100% to be counselors.
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I love writing my Phil with your Nancy and I enjoyed writing something for Sasha with her! You do such a great job of capturing her essence and yet making her your own. You really nailed it, dude! I always look forward to what you put out. :)
okay first of all, the meme is not called ‘make kasee cry’ ~
sdhfjsdfds you’re honestly so, so sweet, and listen
we need more nancy and sasha interacting, because that meme??  that ALONE i was living for it.  also nancy and phil please and thanks and idek the blog you sent this from BUT HEY NEW STUFF
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hopewrought · 5 years
(ง'̀-‘́)ง for the love of god please tell me this for Sasha (i am not logged into him)
fite rating || @oiledbaboon
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     “Is it even a question? Unless he is able to find a spaceship and rams me with it, killing me instantly, I’ll yeet him into next week.”
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mvncesa · 5 years
drstmbrg / surprise we love u 
There were only so many mornings that you could spend getting up and going to a supposedly haunted location at three am before you became friends with someone. Julian had always been friendly with the other people on the team but never actually considered them friends- Not until recently. Which would be good except now he found it easier to convince the other team members into doing things (namely going for ice cream at six in the morning) and, during the few breaks they had, no one bothered up the fact that they supported some more... poor decisions. 
It was part of the bonding experience and all that. They had already sat around and judged just about every guy that Julian had in his phone. 
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“Hey!” His voice was softer with Stomberg despite the excited edge. Hands shoved in his pockets, lips pulled into a small smile as he settled before the older man. “I’m gonna head out for a few hours-” Said like he hadn’t been up since three am and was running on two hours of sleep, “that okay?”
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dptysns · 5 years
icb ronnie is going to take milo's ghosty goo kneecaps for taking his boyfriend's kneecaps
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altarsburning · 5 years
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‘ i’m sorry, i haven’t heard of anything supernatural happening lately. ‘ she was lifting a case of beer off the floor effortlessly, as johnny cash played in the bar she owned. he was one of a few patrons haunting the place. ‘ you should probably ask one of the voodoo ladies up the street. they might know. ‘ bohannon’s sat near the edge of a swamp in a small louisiana town, go a mile up the road and you’ll hit the tourist traps. here, it was locals looking for a quiet night. 
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huntedvideo-a · 5 years
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‘thank you for that deduction, sherlock holmes,’ tone seethes with sarcasm, but it’s not needed. neither could deny that fin’s plan had failed, and though this would not be the first time his intentions were shot down, it was no less disheartening. ‘incase you didn’t want to remind me, i also got it on video,’ waving the device around a bit, he points the lens toward arnold, his own face flat. ‘your turn. plan b, go,’
well, that didn’t work. / @drstmbrg​.
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ascotwearinga · 5 years
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@drstmbrg​ said: 📂meme: Send me 📂 and I will tell you the following information about an NPC in my muse’s story. status: accepting
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Name: Macy Peters
Age: depending on where she is in the story 17-25
Nationality/Race: American / Caucasian 
Profession: student / housewife 
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde / Blue 
Height: 5′6″
Faceclaim: older is m.argot r.obbie i haven’t decided on a younger one 
Relationship to my muse: classmate / ex girlfriend / fiancée / wife
How my muse feels about them: it’s not that fred dislikes her, she’s nice & sweet, just.. a little too high maintenance plus she fits more into the life fred’s dad wants for him, not the one he wants to live.
How they feel about my muse: macy adores fred, but not because it’s a legitimate love or relationship but because of his status or rather his father’s status. 
How often do they appear in my muse’s story: not much tbh. i originally made her for a hc i wrote, in an au i was planning with lyns she was his fiancée, & if i ever write up a verse in which fred doesn’t meet the gang she’d be his wife, so she’d be around a lot then i guess.
Will the mun ever make them into their own muse: nah probably not
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seeksghosts-archive · 4 years
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new  dash  icon <3
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sucksahoy-a · 5 years
drstmbrg replied to your post: tag  fix !
let me get on a dash blog and adjust that
let  me  just  get  divorce  papers  drawn  up 
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panamastayed · 5 years
@drstmbrg––––STARTER CALL ( accepting ! )
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“OK OK OK––––hold yer horses.”
HANDS raised borderline defensively as he HUFFS, trying to get a handle on the absolute DISASTER he’d just walked into, EYES glazing over the other man before he cocks his HEAD to the side, BROW furrowed as he speaks his peace candidly.
“Slow down, start from th’beginnin’. WHAT happened?”
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dudetor · 5 years
@drstmbrg LIKED <3
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HE PAUSES, sitting down comfortably across from the other man, NOTEPAD in his lap and a FOCUSED expression on his features as he SLOWLY BUT SURELY gathers his thoughts for the interview. He was TASKED with inquiring about some new research being made by a DOCTOR in the area and he was POISED to get the best detail he could.
“Tell me about your work doctor.”
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