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virtualmentalitydeer · 8 months ago
Against the Swarm
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official-otter-detector · 6 months ago
HEY GUYS!!!!!! Call me Ocean or Storm, though I go by many other names too, I use he/she/they/it pronouns plus a couple neos, and I love otters.
Here I shall be detecting otters in posts! Because I love detector accounts! And I can totally remember to do this! Yeah!
My favourite audiobook cd as a kid was the otter who wanted to know
I want to be a marine biologist when I’m older, hopefully specialialising in sea birds or marine mammals, which includes (da du da daaaa (that’s my epic reveal tune)) SEA OTTERS, YEAHH!!!!
I’ve never seen otters in the wild but I have seen them in many wildlife sanctuaries and sealife centres, because I visit those a lot :)
You might know me from others of my blogs, I run a fairly successfully (what is it I do again?) ah yes! I run a fairly successfully gimmick blog pretending to be a place, which is to say I have at least ten followers :]
FAQ (no one has asked me these questions):
Q: why did you choose to make this blog?
A: I love otters! So much! And I felt that this would be an easier gimmick than my other detector blog
Q: you have another detector blog?
A: yes! I’m @corvid-detector !
Q: ohh kay so why did you choose to use different names, and why is the tone here so different?
A: that is two questions! I chose to use different names because I have a small name hoard and I like to use different ones for different blogs, and the time here is so different becauusseeee….! I don’t know! I’m just like this! Sometimes I am very quiet and calm and reserved and sometimes I am enthusiastic and over the top and yeah! It just depends on factors beyond our control! Whippie! That’s a cross between yippie and Whoo! I like how it sounds in my head!
Q: right. What’s your favourite species of otter?
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(Link to image credits : https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sea_Otter_(Enhydra_lutris)_(25169790524)_crop.jpg . This is also the image in my profile picture. )!
But I also love Asian short clawed otters, I see a group of them a lot at an animal place I frequent. They’re so adorable also:
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(Image credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mibby23/48808050013 ) oh hey! It has a video there also???
Otter love
Thats so cool!
Well imma wrap this up!
And please follow the only rule in the bachelor man bible while you’re here: don’t be a dick :)
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zuziakicia · 2 years ago
mottlki moje drofie mam dosc co chwile siegam po cos i mowie sobie to nic przecies to nic nie zmieni boze dajcie jakies sposoby zeby tak nie bylo o ile macie
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dr-past-hour · 3 years ago
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All the writing in brackets is informal referencing. Example: (secondary source: Every man and his health.2012) (Please note some sources have non english titles)
Are you suffering from joint pain? indigestion? Fever? Swollen eyes? Insomnia? Diarrhoea? Excess phlegm in the throat? Inflammation-Wait me start again. Are you suffering from anything at all? (Primary source: Euery Manin His Hvmovr. 1598)
Maybe it physical but emotional you’re feeling angry, grieved, despondent, annoyed or- again let me start again are you feeling anything that isn’t happy? (Primary source: Euery Manin His Hvmovr. 1598)
I have my diagnosis. One of your 4 humours is out of balance.
This ancient medical practise and theory dates all the way back to Ancient Rome and Greece in 400 BCE. Namely Hippocrates who was the first man to establish medicine as a science based on observation and evidence. Hippocrates was the first man to look toward medicine as the answer to sickness instead of superstition. Described as the founder of western medicine. Although knowledge of human antonmoy was very limited. At the time it was forbidden to dissect a human body.Even a dead one. So all these proto physicians (the term doctor wont be invented till the 14th century). Were the fluids that came out the body. (Secondary Academic source: Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen:2012)
1.Blood. The discovery of blood is credited to Galen. A Greek proto physician. Best known for bringing philosophy into medicine.
(Secondary Academic source: Galen’s theory of Black Bile 500 BCE)
2 Yellow Bile. The very first person is Alcmaeon of Croton in 500 BCE to have discovered it. A greek proto physician who moved to Rome.
(Primary Source: On Nature by Alcmaeon. Unknown date. Maybe 500 BCE)
3 Black Bile. It was discovered by Galen again. Around the same time as blood
(Secondary Academic source: Galen’s Theory of Black Bile. 500BCE)
4 phlegm. Discovered by Hippocrates in 400 BCE. (Secondary Accemdic source: Greek Medience from Hippocrates to Galen 2013)
All 4 of these humors appeared together in The Hippocratic book “On the Nature of Man”
There was one last key player in the popularizing the 4 humors theory. Aristotle. Who practised medicine. Believing the heart to be the most vital organ in the body and the seat of human intelligence. He strongly advocated for Hippocrates’ 4 humor theory. (Primary source: Aristotle’s Zoology 300 BCE)
It would be this medical theory that would dominate medical understanding for the next 2000 years
Now that we have established who, where and why it was invented. We can study the humours themselves.
What is actually blood? Well modern science explains how blood is a red liquid that circulates through out the body and carries various nutrients, oxygen and carbon dioxide around the body to the needed tissues. ( academic source: Oxford Dictionary 2021)
What did the ancients think blood was? They knew it was a vital fluid needed for people to survive. If they lost too much. They would die. It was later theorised that blood only came from the liver.( secondary accemdic source: Knowledge of Circulation Before William Harvey 2020)
What actually is yellow bile? A greenish/brown fluid created by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It aids the body in breaking down salts and cholesterol. (Secondary accemdic source: Oxford Dictionary 2021)
What did the accenits think yellow bile was? A greenish/brown fluid. Later it was theorised to have come from the gallbladder. It was thought to dilute the blood (primary source: The Hippocratic Book on the Nature of Man 400BCE)
What is phlegm ? A stringy, slippery liquid produced in the tissues lining the body it acts as a lubricant keeping vital organs from drying out. (Secondary accemidic source: Oxford Dictionary 2021)
What did the acients think Phlegm was? Phlyem was believed to be harmful when in excess in the body. Phlegm was supposed to absorb toxins in the body when poisoned. Then the toxin would leave the body when spat out. (Secondary Accemdic source. A Confluence of Humors N/D)
What is Black Bile? As far as research goes. Black bile does not seem to be a real thing according to modern science.
(A lot of secondary accemic sources. Too many to list)
What did the ancients think black bile was?
Black bile was thought to be healthy for the entire body. When in the right amount. Later on it thought was produced by the spleen. Most likely black bile was the result of some other illness that discoloured another body fluid (secondary accemdic source: The Concept of Black Bile 2021)
What happened when the humors were out of balance?
Black bile: black bile is heavy, cold and dry. An excess was thought to cause mental disorders like depression. Constipation, menstrual cramps, darker urine and poop, discolouration of the skin, wrinkles, dryness.
A primary source: Minerva Britana written in 1612, speaks of a pateint suffering from too much Black Bile. (Please note it is in Old English)
“Heere Melancholy mufing his fits. Pale Vifag’d, of complexion cold and drie. All folitarie, at his ftudie fits. Within in a wood, devoid of companie. Saue Madge the Owle, and the melancholy Puffe, Light-loathing creatures. Hateful and ominous.
His mouth in figne of filence. Vp is bond. For melacholy loves not many words. One foote on Cube is fixt vpon the ground. The which him plodding confranne affords. A fealed Purfe he bears, fhew no vice. So proper to him as Avarice. “
Translated it talks of a depressed man sitting alone in the woods with a cold, dry pale face. He had only an owl and a cat for company. (Two feared and hated creatures of the day) An indication of his depression is his silence. One foot on a cube providing a dull steadiness and in his other had a purse of gold showing he has no other vice but greed.
Treatment: eating laxatives such as oil to rid the body of exccess black bile.
Rubbing the body oils on the body and in the nostiles to ease dryness (seocndary accemdic source The Concept of Black Bile 2021)
Yellow bile: Not a lot of it was present in the body. It is the lightest of all the humors. Excess caused yellowing eyes and skin, acne. Bad breath, nausa, itching burning, private part issues, constant thirst, loss of appotate, pins and needles, feeling stressed, anaxeria, anger
A passage from the same primary source Minerva Britina from 1612 (Again. Old English)
“Next stands yellow bile, refembling the face moft the fire. Of fwarthei yeallow, and a meager face; with a sword a late. Vnfheathed within a little fpace. A fterne ie’de Lion, and by him aflield. Charg’d with a flame, vpon a crimsonfield. We paint him young, to fhew that paffions raigne. The moft in heedles, and vnftaited youth. That Lion fhowes, he feldome can refraine. From cruell deede, devoide of gentle ruth. Or hath perhaps, this beaft to him affign’d. As bearing moft, the brue and bounteous mind.
This translates to: Next stands yellow bile who resembles fire the most (side note: we shall get to the elemental humors soon) and having a face dark yellow and thin. He has a sword that he has taken out of his shealth in anger and close to him is a stern eyed lion. He also has a shield of crimson and flames on it. He’s painted young to show his passions that control him. The lion shows he is unable to keep from performing cruel acts. He is a thoughtless and undisplined young man. But the lion also shows intense bravery and a wide mind.
How to cure: herbal mixures of bitter plants to cool and detoxy the body from anger. (Secondary accemdic source: Herbal Academy. 2021)
Phlyem: cold and moist. Causing a temperament that is slow and sleepy, unemotional. Intense coughing, obesity.
(Primary source: Medical Treatment in the Middle ages. 1230)
Blood letting was the typical treatment.
The following is Taken from a manuscript of instructions for a doctor. Written in 1230. Translated into modern English
“during very hot weather blood letting should not be done because the humours the good flow out quicker than the bad. Nor should the blood letting be done in really cold weather as the humours will compact into the body and not drain. If the blood appears black, draw it off til it becomes red. If thick draw it til it is watery. Blood letting clears the mind. Strengthens the memory, cleans the stomach, sharpens the hearing, develops the senses, promotes digestion, produces a musical voice, feeds the blood, rids it of toxins and brings long life. It rids sicknesses from fever, pain and other”
(Side note. I would have also added “rids the body pain, fever and of life.” But i think that would have scared patients off)
Taken from the Primary source Minvera Britiana written in 1612. Old english again.
“Heere sits Phlegme fits coughing on a Marble feate. As citie-vfurers before their dore. Of bodie groffe, not through exeffee of meate. But of a drofie, he had got of yore. His flothfull hand, in bofome ftill he keepes. Drinkes, fspits, or nodding in the chimney fleepes. Beneathe his feete, there doth a tortoilflio crall, for flowefte pace, the sloth heiroglyphick here. For phlemegmatitque, hates labour moft of all. As by his courge araimient, may appeare. Nor is he better furninhed I find. With science or other virtues of the mind”
“Here phlegm sits coughing on the marble floor. Just like money leanders in the city in front of their gold. His body is fat. Not because he eats too much meat but because he has dropsy. So fluid has collected in his body. He keeps his lazy hand in his shirt. As he drinks and spits and nods off to sleep by the chimminy. A tortise crawls under his feet. Showing his laziness because phylem hates working most of all as his rag clothes show nor does he study and put his mind to good use.
Blood. Hot and moist. It is the vital force of the body. A perfect balance of blood would mean the person is happy, balanced and peaceful. Blood is hardly ever the cause of sickness. It gets contaminated by excess of the 3 other humours. Blood letting is used to rid the bloodstream of the excess other humor thus restoring balance. ( primary source: Medicine of the Middle ages.1312)
(I have gone over already at the top how doctors used bloodletting in the middle ages.)
Taken from the primary source: Minervia Britiana written in 1612. Remember old english
“The aeirie Sanguine, in wholfe youthfull cheeke. The pefrene Rofe and lilly doe contend. By nature is benigne and gentile meek. To mufiuk and all merriment a friend. As feeminth by his flowers and girlondes gay, Wherewith he delights him, all the merry may. And by him browzing, of the climbing vine. The lutfulgoate is feene. Which may import his pronenes both to women and to wine. Bold, boutious, friend unto the learned folk. Faire spokene, bafful, feld anger moo’urd”
Airy Sanguine. Whose youthful cheek is both pink and white, he is naturally kind and humble. Loving all music and fun. This is shown by the flowers around him. Near him are a climbing vine and lustful goat. Showing his love of wine and women. He is bold, generous, a friend to all. Fit to studies. Most loving and fair spoken. Seldom angry.
(Side note He’s basically a mary-sue)
The story of the 4 humors doesnt end there. It also entails seasons and, elements. This was all found in Empedocles theory, written in about 460 BCE (primary source Medical Treatment in the Middle Ages. 1230)
Blood was spring and the element of air and childhood
Yellow bile was summer and the element of fire and young adulthood
Black bile was autumn and the element of earth. And middle age
Phlegm was winter and the element of water and old age
The only reasons given behind these seemingly random associations was that Empedocles saw that the earth naturally creates both the four elements and the seasons. He also noted how plants and animals were born, grew up and died. Just like people and therefore concluded at all of these occurrences in nature must happen in the human body.
The four humours theory was disproven in the 19th century. (Secondary academic source. History of Medicine.2021)
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smotley33 · 8 years ago
2016 Stats
December 31, 2016
Another crazy year of travel has gone by.  Here is a recap of the ground I covered and the miles I’ve flown.
Miles flown: 75,975 Delta,  20,887 Southwest, 3,434 United = 100,296 Total
Flight Segments: 102 Delta, 4 United, 29 Southwest = 135 Total
States Visited: Louisiana, Kansas, Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, West Virginia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Iowa, Texas, Colorado, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Alabama, Tennessee, Illinois, Ohio   = 24 Total
1 Montreal, Canada, 1 LA , 1 KS, 2 FL, 2 AZ, 2 WI, 1 WV, 1 SC, 3 PA, 1 NJ, 3 MA, 1 GA, 1 AL, 1 VA, 1 NY, 1 IA, 4 TX, 1 CO, 1 MS, 3 NC, 1 NH, 1 TN, 1 IL, 1 OH
Canadian Cities Visited: Montreal = 1 Total
Properties I Installed the Systems at and/or Helped to Open:   TPS, New Orleans Harvey/West Bank (MSYHV),  CY, Montreal West Island/Baie D’Urfe (YULBD), RI, Kansas City at the Legends (MCISM), TPS, Orlando at Flamingo Crossing (MCOSR), SHS, Orlando at Flamingo Crossing (MCOFM), Moxy, Phoenix (PHXOX), SHS, Wisconsin Dells (MSNSH), FIS, Princeton (BLFFP), RI Philadelphia Airport (PHLBA), FIS, Eau Claire Chippewa Falls (EAUFI), FIS, Branchburg/Bridgewater/Somerville (EWRFB), TPS, Swedesboro Philadelphia (PHLSW), CY, Boston Littleton (BOSLT), RI, Miami Beach Surfside (MIAXB), FIS, Cape Cod Hyannis (HYAFI), CY, Atlanta NE/Duluth Sugarloaf (ATLDU), FIS, Richmond West (RICFW), FIS, Geneva Finger Lakes (ITHFL), RI, Cedar Rapids South (CIDCS), RI, Austin Northwest/The Domain Area (AUSNB), RI, Austin Airport (AUSRA), CY, Philadelphia City Ave (PHLAV), FIS, Durango (DROFI), RI, Jackson The District at Eastover (JANMD), RI, Charlotte Airport (CLTWE), FIS, Charlotte Airport (CLTFS), CY, Fayetteville Spring Lake (FAYCS), RI, Dallas Plano Richardson (DALPR), FIS, Plymouth (LCIPL), CY, Sedona (FLGCS), SHS, Orange Beach (PNSOR), CY, Pigeon Forge (TYSCP), CY, Dallas Plano Richardson (DALXC), AC, Boston Cambridge (BOSAR), RI, Austin Late Austin River Place (AUSLA), FIS, Chicago/Schaumburg (CHIZS), FIS, Akron Stow (CAKAS)   = 36 Total
8 Courtyard, 11 Fairfield Inn and Suites, 10 Residence Inn, 3 SpringHill Suites, 3 Townplace Suites, and 1 AC
More miles flown but less properties and states visited than 2015.  It was a crazy busy year none the less.  2017 is lining up to be the most busy of all with the addition of the Starwood brands.  Bring it on...
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