#drish my beloved 💕
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sluttymickey · 3 years ago
Hello drish my love 💞💞 I had a stinky day, and I would like some fluffy recs?? Has anyone ever asked you your favorite fluffy fics??
Baring that, I'm thinking about lesbian gallavich + Yevgeny. He deserves two mamas 🥺 Mickey dancing with her baby and his chubby baby legs jiggling 🥺
ALICIA MY BELOVED!! I'm so sorry you had a stinky day :( I'm sending you all my love --😚😚😘😘😽😽❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜🤎🤎🖤🖤🤍🤍♥️♥️💘💘💝💝💖💖💗💗💓💓💞💞💕💕💌💌💟💟--and a bunch of flowers to brighten your day up a bit--🌻🌻🌷🌷🌹🌹🌼🌼💐💐🌺--and a couple of fluffy fic recs to hopefully make you smile:
Everything With You: LRPD and EAY boys falling in love with each other forever 🥺 Reading this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and smiley
Under Lock and Key by @suzy-queued : Ian and Mickey work the night shift at the college's housing department. Super cute friends to lovers fic!! It made me go 🥰🥰😊☺️ SO many times!!
weaver of fate (to your will i won't fold) by @sunoficarus : Honestly, I'm OBSESSED w everything Vicks writes, but this holds SUCH A soft spot in my heart. Seer Mickey is the SOFTEST. And Ian's so fucking sweet 🥺 SOULMATES!!!!!!
Ian the Friendly Ghost: Yes, I'm letting the world know I'm Vicks' #1 stan BUT!!! This is SO GOOD. Ghost Ian is so fucking adorable and I wanna wrap him in a blanket burrito and boop his nose. And mickey!! So fucking tender 🥺 so fucking GONE over ian!! AND IT'S SO CLEVERLY WRITTEN AAAAAAAA.
Song of the Hearth by @howlinchickhowl : Mickey being the softest and most caring husband for a sick!Ian 🥺 I read it when I was sick and it's SO COMFORTING, it feels like you're cuddling in a fluffy blanket!! And Ian's so precious here too 😭
your kiss, my cheek by @suchagallabitch : Sick Mickey just wants his kisses!!😾 And he gets them 😌 Elle wrote this for me 😌 also have you checked out elle's word prompts fics!? I haven't had the time yet to read them yet but I'm so sure they're lovely 🥰
Mikayla's (@xninetiestrendx )SUPER ADORABLE TUMBLR FICS!!: Each one will def make you go 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊😊😊♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Gallentines and I Love You Beyond Measure and this prompt fic by @depressedstressedlemonzest : ALL THREE OF THEM ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND I'M VERY SOFT OVER THEM!!!!🥺💞
Warmness On The Soul by @bravemikhailo : soft birthday husbands 🥺 guaranteed to make you feel as if you're all smiley and happy in the sunshine <3
This lil fic about the boys being soft during a storm 🥺 by @arrowflier it MELTED me 🥺
Everything Calli (@ianandmickeygallavich ) has written is soft and wonderful and brilliant!! 🥺♥️
And. Uhm. I've written a couple ficlets too which are very sappy 😳
Alright, all of y'all drop your fav fluffy fics for alicia <33
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vintagelacerosette · 3 years ago
Okay I'm here w questions 😌
1. What's your favorite outfit?
2. When you make picrews, do you go for realistic traits or whatever looks cool/pretty??
3. What's your favourite Mickey picture??
4. Do you have a fav childhood memory? <3
Hey my dearest Drish @sluttymickey ty for the amazing questions 😘💕
1. I absolutely adore clothes so my fave would change depending on my mood. So my pick would be this outfit I wore to my 25th bday which was sadly spent in lockdown. it's poofy & florally. I felt like a princess wearing it 🥰
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2. For piccrews I do enjoy adding elements of realism with my features when I can like getting the right skin tone, my round nose, eyeshape & adding the two moles I have at the bottom of my cheeks. But for these new ones I've went a bit more whimsical bc unfortunately I am not a fairy 😂
3. Ok my fave pic of beloved Mickey is this one. I just love his blue eyes, his smiley face & eye smile wrinkles on his make my heart flutter 🥺💕
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Here is this prequel filtered pic rendition that i just adore
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And my fave Ian & Mick pic just because 🥰
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4. My favourite childhood memory would probably be anything I did with my big sister bc we were two peas in a pod even with our 7 year age gap. I don't really remember this memory clearly but what I can is that we making a blanket fort in our parents room like in the tvs & all I felt was cosy & safe 🥰
And also another memory bc it's funny & i just wanna overshare lol. There was this time when we were screaming & fighting over the dvd player on what to watch next. I held the player closed while she tried to open it. Then as a way to get me to move she moved her fist towards me & with my shit reflexes she ending up punching me in the face but not hard. We stood shellshocked & the I aksed, "did you just punch me?" She wailed back, "I thought you'd at least duck when a fist is coming to your face!" We bursted out laughing. That was the first & only time I've been punched in the face 😂
Anonymously or not ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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trashbaget · 3 years ago
its been a hot second so
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eliza!!! my sweet!!! my darling!!!! my beloved!!!! oh how i’ve missed you!!!!
thank you so so much for this i really needed it 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗💗💗✨✨✨✨✨
i hate that i’ve been so inactive on here for a while 😢 it’s really such a happy fuckin place for me on here, but i’ve been frustratingly busy and bogged down with work that i’ve fallen behind on from going through rough patches and fuck life is difficult right now. so this really means a lot, thank you 🥺💖
i think about you and everyone else i love on here all the fucking time and how i miss talking to y’all.
✨i’ve been able to be more active on discord lately if anyone wants to reach me there! ☺️ (raeisgae#0581)✨
and there’s so so much that i want to work on that i haven’t been able to but i think about daily, so to give myself a little boost of serotonin i’m just gonna gush about all the things i miss and the projects i want to work on soon (oh that ambiguous little devil word):
fanboy chapter 2!! i know so many of y’all are waiting in agony for it (bot nearly as much as me tho!!) and i have been thinking about it incessantly lately. i managed to get a little bit of edits started a little while ago, but this is a huge priority for when i get caught up with work!!
restoring my glorious dignity of being the yearniest bitch on the whole fucking blockg and getting back into weekly yearning spams!!
spamming y’all with all the tagged posts & asks i have chilling collecting dust and waiting for the light of day
reflections in blood analysis!! i now have rib printed out on paper to make annotating easier and i’m so fucking excited to write a wholeass essay about my own fic like it’s a 16th century text i have to decipher
more fanmixes!! in particular: a buck growth(?) mix, a pining era eddie mix, & a firefam chosen family mix
buddie one shot?! there’s this new idea floating around my brain that i’ve been wanting to pick at but haven’t had the chance to yet (i know nothing about it essentially, except that it gives me rib vibes, but only the prose and style, it’s not sad ahskdk,,,,, i think,,,,,,?)
911 characters as my favorite albums! this is an idea i’ve had for a while for a series of some sort, and i think it’ll be something collage-esque
i’ve finally finally finally been able to fucking read again so i desperately want to get to reading all the incredible fics my beautiful and talented friends have been posting so i can support y’all!!!!
addendum to the above item, specifically for my beloved drish @bazgallaghermilkovich: i have been thinking about it nonstop for fucking weeks and all i fucking want is a chance to catch up with cg and spam your ask box with my reactions but i cant. catch. a break. and it. is. infuriating. but fucking soon!!!! i desperately desperately want to get back to reading it soon!!!!!! i fucking miss screaming about it with you!!!!!!!!
also, music mondays have been falling behind and it makes me quite sad, so i want to get back to doing those regularly too. (i’m hoping to do a three parter this week to make up for missing the last couple, but who knows if/when that’ll happen, but i can guarantee it won’t be on monday ahskfkf)
so that’s where i’m at lovelies!!!! i miss you all immensely and i think about you all the time!!!!!! i thought about tagging a bunch of you specifically to tell you i’ve been thinking about you but i don’t want to tag a bunch of people if they maybe don’t want to be tagged in this post that’s basically just me rambling on about nonsense alakdjfjsj so i’m just gonna pin it lmaoo
✨💕love you all!!! miss you all!!! i hope i’ll be more active soon!!!💕✨
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tiacky · 4 years ago
Tia HI 🥰
Thoughts on us possibly getting OFFICIAL BOYFRIENDS in the next CG chapter!? 😌💘
DRISH 🥰 hiiii
They're going to be boyfriends in the next chapter I'm sure 😭❤️ they're going to kiss more often because mickey loves kissing his boyfriend...
And they'll support each other whatever happens. And Ian will find a career path where he's able to help people. (The youth center I'm sure)
Ahh I have no more special thoughts I'm just so excited for Tuesday 😍😍 what are your thoughts?
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sluttymickey · 3 years ago
drish my love!!!! happy birthdayyyyyyy <33333 sending you all of my love
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(i may or may not be getting out my computer to make you something 💕🥰)
Mills MY BELOVED thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I'm sending you all the love right back <33
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sluttymickey · 4 years ago
Drish!!!!!! My beloved!!!!!!!!! HOW ARE YOOOOUUUUU 🥰❤️‍🔥💌🐶🐕💕🗣️
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ANNA HI!!🥰🥰🥰
Bullet and Ian's giant watch says hi 😌 Ian finally found someone who loves his watch as much as he does😌
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Today's been great so far, I woke up to WTFWF email update and I'm so excited to read it!! Did you get the chance to read it yet?👀
How are you??🥰 I guess I saw you say that it's your last work week for a bit, so 3 days to freedom from work?😙
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trashbaget · 4 years ago
Fashionable olive, science cyan and wheat bread <3 (why do you always make me type weird things beloved)
drish my love!! i love making you type weird things bc you always ask why i make you typed weird things and it makes me giggle ☺️💗
fashionable olive - you are a genius and also very beautiful and witty. why do you even follow me?
i’m glad that after all the nonsense i put you through daily, you still think so highly of me 💖 & you’re so damn funny tha’s why i follow you lovely <3
science cyan - i would study you under a microscope. i wouldn’t even ask for money.
🥰 here’s a microscope for you babe 🔬 go crazy 💕
wheat bread - you are an angel. i’ll devour anyone who does you wrong.
i now possess a small army of people who would devour my enemies and i am picturing each of you wearing a giant loaf of wheat bread as uniform. 🍞❤️
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