#dressup dolly
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s0fthunny · 10 months ago
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pink doll skirts 🎀🍰
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futchgunk · 5 months ago
ppl said we looked cute together and i matched our outfits
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speaksleazy · 1 year ago
┣[ "|"|"|" ]═─ SHY DOLL NPUTS ﹙for @thehauntedcemetery ﹚— predominantly feminine, some masculine
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◜NAMES◞ — doll﹙dolly,dollie,babydoll﹚,doily﹙doilie﹚, demure, muse,adelaide,theodora,murmur,porcelynn,sweetiebelle,nina,nicodème¹,hyde,genevieve,genoveva,bambi﹙bambina²,bambino²﹚,melody ﹙melodie﹚,bernadette,alena³,visage,meek,anxious ﹙anxiesse﹚,sweetheart,lilac,lavender,bashful ﹙bashfelle﹚,wisp ﹙whisp,whisper﹚,teddy,kewpie⁴,esther⁵,rose,lovelace,marionette,puppet ﹙puppette﹚,poppet ﹙poppette﹚,lolita,nelly,lyla,teacup,coquette,essie,corsette,shiver,trembelle,drusilla,josie,hiccup,sidney
¹ French, pronounced 'nico-dem'. ² Italian. ³ Slovak. ⁴ A kind of doll. ⁵ Hebrew.
◜PRONOUNS◞ — she shy, de dear,lae lace,coo croon,mur murmur,mu mutter,ti timid,porce porcelain,pose posed,toy toytime,play playtime,tea teatime,me meek,joint jointed,de demure,whi whisper,dress dressup,coy coys,coquette coquetteish,shi shiver,pitter patter,kew kewpie
◜USERS◞ — demure-demeanor,bashfulnessa,teatime-with-﹙name﹚,shyaway-plaything,coytoy ﹙coyboytoy﹚,no-ones-toy ﹙no-girls-toy,no-boys-toy,no-beings-toy﹚,shyd-ll,inthecorner-ontheshelf,cutiekewpie,porcelainxious ﹙porcelainxiety﹚,shudder-mutter,coquettemarionette,meekionette,scaredy-puppet,eep-upette,demuremurmur,demurmur,b-shful
◜TITLES◞ — __ who hides _ face in _ hands ﹙__ who's face is hidden in _ hands﹚,__ with a muttered ﹙stuttered,murmured,whispered,hushed﹚voice,__ posed on the shelf,_ shy demeanor,the quiet one,__ with porcelain skin,__ with glassy eyes,__ cowering on the shelf,__ who's heart goes pitter-patter,your most demure plaything,the meekest doll ﹙puppet,marionette,plush,toy﹚
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PT: (Syringe emoticon) Shy doll names, pronouns, usernames, and titles (for @/thehauntedcemetery). Predominantly feminine, some masculine.
Names: Doll/Dolly/Dollie/Babydoll, Doily/Doilie, Demure, Muse, Adelaide, Theodora, Murmur, Porcelynn, Sweetiebelle, Nina, Nicodème (French, pronounced 'Nico-deme), Hyde, Genevieve, Genoveva, Bambi/Bambina/Bambino (Italian), Melody/Melodie, Bernadette, Alena, Visage, Meek, Anxious/Anxiesse, Sweetheart, Lilac, Lavender, Bashful/Bashfelle, Wisp/Whisp/Whisper, Teddy, Kewpie (A kind of doll), Esther (Hebrew), Rose, Lovelace, Marionette, Puppet/Puppette, Poppet/Poppette, Lolita, Nelly, Lyla, Teacup, Coquette, Essie, Corsette, Shiver, Trembelle, Drusilla, Josie, Hiccup, Sidney
Pronouns: She/shy, De/dear, Lae/lace, Coo/croon, Mur/murmur, Mu/mutter, Ti/timid, Porce/porcelain, Pose/posed, Toy/toytime, Play/playtime, Tea/teatime, Me/meek, Joint/jointed, De/demure, Whi/whisper, Dress/dressup, Coy/coys, Coquette/coquetteish, Shi/shiver, Pitter/patter, Kew/kewpie
Usernames: demure-demeanor, bashfulnessa, teatime-with-(name), shyaway-plaything, coytoy/coyboytoy, no-ones-toy/no-girls-toy/no-boys-toy/no-beings-toy, shyd-ll, inthecorner-ontheshelf, cutiekewpie, porcelainxious/porcelainxiety, shudder-mutter, coquettemarionette, meekionette, scaredy-puppet, eep-upette, demuremurmur, demuremur, b-shful
Titles: (Pronoun) who hides (pronoun) face in (pronoun) hands/(Pronoun) who's face is hidden in (pronoun) hands, (Pronoun) with a muttered/stuttered/murmured/whispered/hushed voice, (Pronoun) posed on the shelf, (Pronoun) shy demeanor, The quiet one, (Pronoun) with porcelain skin, (Pronoun) with glassy eyes, (Pronoun) cowering on the shelf, (Pronoun) who's heart goes pitter-patter, Your most demure plaything, The meekest doll/puppet/marionette/plush/toy. End PT.
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ abbie. adelaide. adorablesse. adorablette. aerlyn. alena. alexis. alice. amaia. amaya. andrea. angeline. ankou. annabelle. annie. antoinette. anxiette. anxious. apricot. asaka. ash. asha. aspen. atticus. ava. avel. babette. babydoll. bambi. bambina. bambino. bashfelle. bashful. beau. bellamy. belle. bells. bernadette. blu. blue. bluesse. bluette. blushe. blushesse. blushette. boo. bram. bronach. bronagh. brone. button. buttons. cadel. candace. carmilla. carrie. catherine. cessair. charlie. charlott. charlotte. chelsea. chia. chica. chirella. chirelle. chiwa. chuckie. claeg. coffin. colere. commedia. constance. coquette. cordelia. corelle. corette. corsette. cypress. dahlia. dalia. damon. darling. dawn. dearesse. dearest. dearette. dearie. deidre. demure. desdemona. devin. devon. doilie. doily. doll. dollaintye. dollawie. dollerie. dollesse. dollette. dolleyed. dollie. dolline. dollita. dolly. dolores. dottie. drea. dread. drusilla. dáinn. eeria. eldritche. elissar. eliza. elle. elodie. eloise. emerence. emily. essie. esther. evangela. evangeline. evelyn. eveyln. faith. frill. frillette. genevieve. genoveva. gia. gladys. glorie. glory. gorey. gorie. gracelyn. gregory. gretta. gwen. gwenivive. haldor. haunt. hiccup. hyde. iraia. iresse. irette. itishree. jabez. janelle. janet. jannet. jinx. josie. julie. juniper. juno. kailey. kanani. kewpie. kiva. krak. lace. lacesse. lacette. lacey. lacie. lain. laintess. lakka. lalki. lavender. lea. lefu. letta. letum. libitina. lilac. lillith. lilly. lily. loaela. lola. lolah. loletta. lolita. lolite. lolla. lottie. lovelace. luci. lucius. lulu. lute. lyla. lys. madison. mahina. mandy. mannie. manon. many. mara. maria. marianette. marie. marion. marionette. marionne. marotte. marrionette. marrow. mary. maryjane. marzana. maveth. meek. melanie. melodie. melody. merripen. miel. minuette. mold. moldie. moldy. molly. moonie. moore. morana. morgana. morgue. mors. mort. mot. muriel. murmur. muse. nadine. nadzen. nancy. nanea. nanelle. nanette. nappi. naz. negan. nekane. nelly. nemesis. nettie. nicodème. niegan. nimbus. nina. nuri. olive. oliver. olivia. omega. panchaali. parner. pinkesse. pinkette. pinkie. pinky. pinocchio. pippin. poe. poppet. poppette. poppy. porce. porcelain. porcelynn. prantika. pulau. punthali. pupetta. puppet. puppetear. puppetesse. puppetette. puppette. puppyte. putala. quinn. ravanche. raven. realiteer. rebel. ribbon. ribbonne. riley. rion. robert. rose. rubella. ruby. sacrifette. salem. sasha. satin. scarlet. sebastian. sew. sewine. shivani. shiver. sidney. smierc. smiley. smilie. softesse. softette. softie. solikha. spirit. sprout. statuette. stitches. strings. sweeheart. sweetheart. sweetie. sweetiebelle. sweetine. sychar. teacup. tearie. teddy. tempest. thalia. than. thana. theodora. thorn. trembelle. trista. ultima. ulysses. vanessa. vera. viola. visage. whisp. whisper. willow. winston. wisp. wispera. wrathes. zizi.
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PRONOUNS︰ adorable/adorable. ae/aer. angel/angel. anger/anger. antique/antique. app/apparition. bell/bell. berry/berry. berserk/berserk. bjd/bjd. bla/black. blank/blank. bliding/bliding. blue/blue. blush/blush. bug/bug. button/button. cake/cake. car/carcasse. cheer/cheer. cloth/cloth. coffin/coffin. control/control. coo/croon. cor/cor. cor/corrupt. core/core. corpse/corpse. coy/coy. crack/cracked. cracked/cracked. cre/creepy. creep/creepy. cu/curse. cu/cute. curse/curse. cute/cute. da/dark. de4/de4d. de/dear. de/demure. dea/dead. dead/dead. dead/death. dear/dear. death/death. decay/decay. delica/delicate. delicate/delicate. demon/demon. despair/despair. dirt/dirty. do/doll. doll/doll. doll/dolly. dolly/dolly. dread/dread. dress/dressup. dress/up. d♡ll/d♡ll. eer/eeerie. elegant/elegant. en/energy. end/end. evil/evil. eye/eye. fabric/fabric. fae/fae. fi/figure. fig/figure. figurine/figurine. flower/flower. fragile/fragile. frail/frail. friendly/friendly. frill/frill. fury/fury. gho/ghost. glass/glass. glo/gloomy. gore/gore. grave/grave. grief/grief. grim/grimm. grime/grime. gru/grudge. ha/haunt. happy/happy. haun/haunt. hx/hxm. h♡/h♡m. it/it. joint/joint. joint/jointed. joy/joy. ke/ker. kew/kewpie. kill/kill. kor/kor. kor/korrupt. la/lace. lace/lace. lae/lace. lo/love. lo/loved. lolita/lolita. love/love. mad/mad. mae/mae. mari/marionette. marionette/marionette. me/meek. mi/mier. mim/mimic. model/model. morbid/morbid. mu/mutter. mur/murmur. nap/nap. null/null. ny/nym. patch/patch. phan/phantom. pink/pink. pitter/patter. plastic/plastic. play/play. play/playtime. play/time. plush/plush. plush/plushie. por/porcelain. porce/porcelain. porcel/porcelain. porcela/porcelain. porcelain/porcelain. pose/pose. pose/posed. possess/possessed. pup/puppet. puppet/puppet. rea/reality. rest/rest. reven/revenge. rib/ribbon. ribbon/ribbon. rot/rot. scare/scare. scary/scary. seem/seem. sew/sew. sew/sewn. shi/shift. shi/shiver. shx/hxr. sh♡/h♡r. sie/sier. silk/silk. slee/sleep. sleep/sleep. smile/smile. snap/snapped. sneak/sneak. soft/soft. sou/soul. spi/spider. spi/spirit. spo/spook. spook/spook. sta/stalk. sta/stare. statue/statue. sti/string. stitch/stitch. string/string. sweet/heart. sweet/sweet. sweet/sweetdolls sweetie/sweetie. ta/tap. te/teer. tea/teatime. teeth/teeth. thre/thread. thread/thread. thxy/thxm. th♡y/th♡m. ti/timid. to/toy. toy/toy. toy/toytime. trick/trick. un/canny. unca/uncanny. ve/ver. vey/vem. vi/vr. vintage/vintage. vomit/vomit. wan/wander. watch/watch. whi/whisper. white/white. wilt/wilt. wood/wood. wrath/wrath. yarn/yarn. zzz/zzz. ♡/♡. ⚰️ . 🍨 . 🛌 . 🛏️ . 🥀 . 🧸 .
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3liza · 10 months ago
actually having fucked around with ideology a lot more recently I think what it actually is, is a system of colony wide buffs and debuffs for colonists that otherwise would only be subject to their individual preferences. for example you can make a religion that doesn't mind eating nutrient paste or are all cannibals, which significantly changes core gameplay. So I think I kind of "get it" now but is it fun??? idk. not really. xenogenetics does the same thing but with gene traits like permanent mood buffs or extra dexterity etc at the cost of the colonist needing more food, and so on. it's fun to make your little ants have babies and see what the babies look like. I'm not sure how useful this actually is though because the vast majority of rimworld games don't last a single in-game year, much less the generations required to run a breeding program. most of the dlcs end up being clutter. all these colony or survival simulators have the same "problem" which is not actually a problem: the end game. there isn't one, because you either get too good at the game and achieve homeostasis, or everyone dies and you lose. I think this is good. I don't want to "win" project zomboid I want to die horribly over and over in different ways. I think game devs of this type of game who concern themselves with any kind of end game resolution are wasting their time. that's what ironman challenges are for.
the survival simulators are straddling a razors edge I think of as the girl game/boy game paradox, not because I agree these are feminine or masculine traits but because that's how they're handled by the game industry, which is that girl games (the sims) don't have enough violence (and a tendency to drift towards even less violence over time) and boy games (everything else) don't have enough dolly dressup, homemaking, and throwing drinks in people's faces. rimworld has a lot of drink throwing and some homemaking (basebuilding is the whole game but involves very little interior decorating/dollhousing) but barely any dressup (the little guys are very small and have no legs also). zomboid has tons of homemaking, some dressup, but no drink throwing. and to my infinite exasperation the people doing the absolute most to add the missing dressup element to both games are almost all weeb perverts (edit: and milsurp freaks who make 40 different nearly-identical Realism armor pieces or guns, unbelievably boring and cluttered). that's not the kind of dressup I want and also weeaboos are too socially backwards to understand drink throwing.
no one has yet cracked this code. the only way to fix it currently is getting really good at managing huge stacks of mods, which I am
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teddydeer · 1 month ago
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fursona reference sheet!! and a lil dolly base to play dressup with and show her markings <3
and here is a pinterest board with lots of teddy outfits!
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aspirii · 3 months ago
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hi girlies!!!!
felt like wearing some autumn colors today!!! also did some shopping 😳😳 stay tuned…
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yeeowch · 5 months ago
i love shadowheart so much. ive dated so many women that look and act like her shes so real. like ok i know everyone and their mother is like "i want a gothic gf with bangs and bpd" but im different cos ive already done that several times and now im doing it again in my dolly dressup fantasy game
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spandexual · 7 months ago
dysphoria is so much funnier when you're not sexist but you are pansexual. it's like I ordered a sentai sofubi and they sent me one of those super fancy really expensive deluxe limited edition realistic silicone dolls with big jiggly titties. like uhhh man I think the post office got some things mixed up but I'm gonna keep this for now and buy some clothes for it you know. do still want my sofubi but I might as well enjoy playing dressup with dollie
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s0fthunny · 6 months ago
fall wardrobe inspo: light pinks, creams and whites, fuzzy fabric, with fur and bling detailing!!🎀🧁
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saltyslime · 2 months ago
Not sure if im gonna be able to hash out my reworked design before i have to leave tommorow, so take my goofy ass dressup dolly doodles of raymond (below cut) bc im artblocked and its what i default to
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Serious attempt 1 ment for a more pseudo-roman vibe bc of how RPG my evbo design is. I think i went *too* old but i like some of the aspects.
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Serious attempt 2: more on that roman train. same base outfit but with armor.
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Barbie 1: It started with the boob window shirt and escalated from there. Would he ever wear this? no IS HE SERVING???? HELL YEAH!!!!!!! just because he is presumably a buff white man in cannon does not mean he cannot be a hot bitch LET HIM SLAY!!!
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Semi-serious attempt 2: Just didnt like it, couldnt be bothered to try and detail it bc i didnt like it
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Barbie 2: Started as a serious attempt with the blindfold (sunglasses standing) but it took a hard right into maid territory. I need to draw more characters in maid uniforms.... i love how pretty they are especially older ones. the cute frilly anime ones are nice but theres something so cool about the actual formal utillity ones
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Barbie 3: BEACH EPISODE!!!!!!! his shirt was giving to much "vacation" energy and i couldnt pull away from it so i just gave in.
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Serious attempt 3: More w the blindfold. This one is SICK AS HELL!!!! but also OUT OF CHARACTER AND A PAIN TO DRAW!!! so its getting scrapped.... sigh..... No more this was the last one i drew
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futchgunk · 1 month ago
ok NOW its time for dollie dressup
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sakosai · 1 year ago
could you do a list of names (preferably feminine or unisex, if that’s okay) related to dolls? and could you do some pronouns related to dolls?
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Doll themed pronouns:
Doll/dolly/dollies/dollself , dress/dressup/dresses/dressupself , frill/frills/frillself , patch/patchwork/patches/patchworkself , joint/joints/jointself , pose/poses/poseself , porc/porcelain/porcelains/porcelainself , bow/bows/bowself , figur/figurine/figurines/figureself , toy/toys/toyself , vintage/vintages/vintageself , play/plays/playself , dis/display/displays/displayself , pretty/prettys/prettyself , kyu/cute/cutes/cuteself
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an-aura-about-you · 7 months ago
so I still go on gaiaonline because I like playing dressup with my dolly there (and because I have a shit ton of stuff since I've been on Gaia literally since the year it launched in 2003) and I was today years old when I found out they had at least one CW's Supernatural themed item.
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oldbaton · 2 years ago
If they made a fashion doll of you, what would it be wearing and what would the alternate fashion pack be?
im not wearing this stuff a lot right now bc body feelings. but: leather jacket with my baby doll eye necklace. probably a tank underneath with my combat boots and black skinny jeans. he would also have my military coat and scarf for a winter look.
maybe the alternate can be my summer fit with high addidas socks and leather converse? open button up over a tank. or maybe one of my dressup looks.
Accesories would be a switch, this min and mon bag i want (i have it in this universe bc im a doll w everything i want), maybe a dumbell, a playbill of hello dolly, and probably a guitar.
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arimancy · 1 month ago
far be it from me to cast stones in my glass shack but gaiaonline is a fascinating study on arrested development and social dysfunction. and dressup dolly game
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