sandzblogsl · 4 years
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Doing what you like is FREEDOM....liking what you do is HAPPINESS!!!! 💙💛💚💜 . . Happiness means making your DREAMS COME TRUE!!!💜 So I would like to say to my friends and my followers you'll should NEVER STOP DREAMING!!! 💜💚💛💙 ....but ONLY DREAMING is not enough YOU SHOULD MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!💜 . . QOTD:- what makes you happy in your life??😊 . . Mine would be my studygram and my stationery...and obviously my FAMILY they make me happy always!!! #happiness #joy #neverstopdreaming #dreamerforever #dreamscometrue #loveyourself #loveyourlife #motivation #studyhard (at Colombo, Sri Lanka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDA5kmljWjl/?igshid=1ater68pfgs1u
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tabitha-haworthe · 3 years
Omg, love your blog. Thanks for the Killing Eve edits and gifs!!
Aw thank you! I really appreciate that :)
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dreamerforever-5 · 4 years
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rhysanoodle · 4 years
Okay I’m terrible at guessing so bear with me, but around 1000 followers? Sorry girl I have honestly no clue
Around 2200 now. And honestly same. I feel like I have no idea what to guess for people. 😂❤️
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dreamerforever-d · 3 years
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So, if you’re a reader, and you take your time leaving a review, just know that we love it!
We write these stories with a lot of happiness in our hearts, ones for sport, others with the silent dream to be a writer one day.. despite all the struggles in life - which are fucking too many-, we keep writing in hopes to maybe, just maybe touch someone with our words, or bring just a tiny bit of happiness to the person who are reading.. the famous silly smile when you read a cute scene, or the chills when you’re reading smut with a perfect straight face and maybe even a tear with an angsty part that is very hard for us to write because all we want is our babies to be happy.
I just wanted to share this beautiful review that I received today, and share how emotional it made me.. a simple comment in a fanfic can change a writer’s day!
Thank you to this lovely person!
I wish I could give you a hug!
Much, much, much love to all of you who take a minute of your time to leave us a review/comment!
- dreamerforever-d
Aka Dyane.
P.S.: I erased the name, cause I have no idea if they’d want to have their nickname exposed.
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1islessthan3books · 3 years
Elriel fanfic writers
Hi! Here are some amazing Elriel fanfic writers! 
Icon keys: angst:  💔 fluff: 🥰 , nsfw:  🔥
AU:  🌍  in ACOTAR world: 🌠
@abraxos-is-toothless ​ Masterlist 🥰💔🌠🌍
@acciowests ​ Masterlist💔🌠
@dreamerforever-5 ​ Masterlist🌍🥰
@elrielllll ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@elriel-oblivion ​ 🥰💔🌠
@featherymalignancy ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@harmonyindark245 ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@illyrian-lover-flower ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@inkedstarlight ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@insulindsay ​ AO3🥰🌠
@julesherondalex ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@lady-therion ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@librarian-of-orynth ​ Masterlist🥰🌠
@maastrash ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@mardereads19 Masterlist🥰💔🌠
@modern-fae-female ​ Masterlist💔🌠
@nightcourtcinnamonroll ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@nikethestatue Masterlist 🥰💔🔥🌠
@queen-archeron ​ Masterlist🥰🌍
@rosehallshadowsinger ​ AO3🥰🌠🌍
@stars-falling ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@rhysanoodle ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@rhysismydaddy ​ Masterlist🔥🌠🌍
@snelbz ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tacmc ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tanaquilpriscilla ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@thefangirlofhp ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@themissyvonne Masterlist 🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tswaney17 ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌍
I hope I got everything right. If I have made a mistake or you know someone I should add, let me know 😊 
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maastrash · 3 years
Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout of some kind and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed. umm elorcan, obvi, because i am nothing if not predictable 🤪
isa... babe... i swear i actually did start writing this around Valentine's day... but... i am CLEARLY a mess.... please accept my VERY late elorcan present 😳
Valentine's Day Confessions
a/n: surprise i am alive ;)
Elide cursed as she grabbed the steaming hot popcorn bag from the microwave. The decadent buttery scent filled her cozy apartment as she poured it into her favorite mixing bowl. She was about to pour in the m&m’s when she remembered who exactly was joining her tonight - Lorcan. And her friend was not a fan of chocolate. If you asked her, the man simply had no taste.
It was Valentine’s Day and the pair had decided to have a singles awareness celebration. Since their entire friend group was filled with couples they were each other’s only source of company on this dreaded day. Truthfully, Elide despised Valentine’s day. Seeing countless couple posts on Instagram and stupid lovey-dovey shit everywhere only made her more bitter. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in a long time - too long. If she was being honest, she had always thought Lorcan would make a move on her one day. Though at this point, it had been years of banter and flirting with absolutely nothing else, so she had pretty much lost all hope. She would just have to accept that she would forever be in the friend zone, but of course, that was easier said than done.
She settled into the couch with her favorite stuffed animal when the doorbell rang. Lorcan, she assumed.
“It’s open,” she called.
“Elide, I could have been a killer,” Lorcan chastised as he took off his leather jacket and shoes at the front.”
“What killer rings the doorbell?” she shot back.
“Ok fair point,” he said, quickly settling down next to her.
“What do you wanna watch?” she asked, turning to Netflix.
Lorcan shrugged, “Your house your rules El.”
“Lorcan,” she grumbled. “You know I’m too indecisive for this.”
He had the audacity to laugh at her misery, “I know, but it’s funny watching you struggle.”
“I already know no romance movies. I’ve already seen enough lovey Snapchat stories to last a lifetime.”
“Agreed. Did you see all the shit Rowan and Aelin have been posting?” Lorcan asked with a laugh.
Elide laughed too. “Can’t be worse than Lysandra and Aedion.”
Maybe they were just cynical because they were both single, but at the moment Elide didn’t care. It was fun to joke around with Lorcan.
“Let’s watch an action movie then,” Lorcan suggested.
“John wick?” Elide asked, already clicking play.
Lorcan smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”
The movie had barely begun before Lorcan was shifting his massive frame to lay down, placing his head on Elide’s lap.
"Lorcan," she groaned. “You’re heavy as fuck.”
He mockingly gasped, “I’ll have you know I’m on a diet Elide Lochan.”
“It’s your absurd height, stupid,” she whacked him, but he was laughing the whole time.
“You’re warm,” Lorcan whined, sounding much like the five-year-olds that Elide taught every day.
“I have blankets right over there,” she said, gesturing to the basket overflowing with various throws.
Lorcan only stretched his legs out and adjusted himself on her lap. “If you don’t get up I’m gonna sit over there,” she said motioning to the new armchair she recently bought.
“When did you get that?” he asked, finally speaking.
“A few days ago because you literally take up the whole couch when we hang out.” She actually got it for decoration, but bantering with Lorcan was entertaining.
“You’re dramatic Lochan.”
“I’m dramatic?” Elide asked, as she stood. “I’ll show you dramatic.”
She walked to the armchair and plopped down crossing her arms and legs.
She was about to add another dramatic remark, but before she could she felt the chair give way. Suddenly, she was on the floor.
“Ouch,” she mumbled, once she registered the pain she felt on her ass.
“Elide, are you okay?” Lorcan asked, making his way over.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she muttered. “But I am never buying Ikea furniture again.”
In all honesty, it was probably her faulty building skills, but she was not going to admit that at the moment.
She tried to stand but pain shot up her ankle. She had landed on it weirdly, due to her dramatic crossed leg position.
“Wait for me Lochan,” Lorcan said as he carefully picked her up bridal style from the ruins of what once was her armchair.
“I could’ve walked,” she said softly against his chest.
That made Lorcan chuckle. “You were barely standing, El. You would have hobbled at best,” he said gently, placing her on the couch. "Let me get some ice. Your ankle already looks pretty swollen."
“I think it's just aggravated. Old wound,” she tried to say it with a smile, but it probably looked more like a grimace.
Lorcan’s eyes softened in understanding. “Ice won’t hurt though.”
Elide nodded and Lorcan took to the kitchen freezer in search of ice. He returned moments later with a bag of frozen peas wrapped haphazardly in a paper towel. He helped situate her ankle on a pillow so it was elevated and gingerly placed the bag on top.
“Shit that’s cold,” Elide couldn’t help but hiss.
Lorcan laughed softly and Elide smiled. Lorcan’s laugh was one of her favorite sounds. It was rare to see him smile and laugh openly when they were with their other friends, but when it was just them she saw it more often. She liked to think that it was because he was comfortable enough with her to show the real Lorcan.
“That’s the point, Lochan.”
“Get us some drinks, Salveterre,” she chuckled. “There is no better medicine than alcohol.”
“Whatever you say, boss,”
“I have a bottle of wine on the top shelf,” Elide called when she heard Lorcan rustling around.
“Got it,” Lorcan said, returning with a cup of wine. A cup.
“I was too lazy to find the glass,” he said in response to the look she gave him.
Elide stuck her tongue out at him before accepting the cup. “Let’s drink every time Keanu Reeves shoots someone,” she suggested.
“Elide, I think you would throw up if we did that.”
Elide rolled her eyes, “I’m not as much of a lightweight as I was in college, Lorcan.”
He raised a brow at her statement. “We’ll see about that."
As he expected, it had barely been 20 minutes, and Elide was already a giggling mess.
It only took 10 more for her head to fall on Lorcan’s shoulder.
And after another 10 minutes, Elide was onto the honesty.
She had hung out with Lorcan one on one many times, but nothing as intimate as a movie night on Valentine’s day where they were practically cuddling.
“Ok Salveterre truth or dare,” Elide slurred, turning to look at him.
“Elide the movie isn’t over yet,” he said pointing to the screen.
Elide gave him a look and paused the movie, “I’m too drunk to pay attention, plus we’ve watched this movie like five times,”
“Fine,” He laughed, giving in, “I say dare.”
“I dare you,” she said, poking him in the chest, “To kiss me.”
Lorcan almost spit out his wine. “Elide, you are way too drunk to be saying things like that.”
“I’m serious,” she said, setting her wine cup down for emphasis.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you, but you clearly only want to be friends.”
“Elide -”
“I know I’m not your type,” she said, her eyes dropping to the floor. “It’s fine, we can forget about this and blame it on the alcohol. It doesn’t have to be weird between us.”
She felt his hands on her chin, tilting it so they made eye contact.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you too. Elide Lochan, you are smart, kind, and pretty much out of my league in every single way. ”
She felt her cheeks flush at his admission. “Please just kiss me already, Salvettere.”
Without another word, his lips were on hers. Soft and sweet, a perfect first kiss, but she wanted more. She kissed him harder and opened her mouth. He took the hint, his tongue sweeping into her mouth. He pulled her closer, her heart was beating wildly against his.
Elide shifted so she was straddling his lap. She grinded against him and let herself get lost in the way he felt. The way he made her feel.
Lorcan shifted slightly as if he was going to lay her down. It would have been perfect, but Elide’s ankle turned too quick and she grimaced, breaking the kiss for a moment, but that’s all it took for Lorcan to pull back.
“Shit. Sorry, Lochan. I forgot about your ankle.”
“No I’m fine,” she panted breathlessly, trying to pull him back in.
“Maybe we should stop for tonight,” he said, brushing the hair from her eyes.
Elide grumbled, “stupid cock blocking ankle.”
Lorcan laughed again. “I can get you set up in your bed before I head out.”
Elide couldn’t help the pout, “Stay please?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his chest.
He smiled softly. “Anything for you, El.”
They readjusted on the couch so they were facing each other, this time cautious of Elide’s ankle. Lorcan pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and Elide tucked herself closer to his side. It wasn’t long before both of them became drowsy thanks to the alcohol and their heartfelt confessions.
And as Elide began drifting off to sleep in Lorcan’s arms, she knew this is how she wanted to spend every night for the rest of her life.
Tags:   @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict-blog  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova // @elriel4life // 
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elrielllll · 4 years
I just want to help
A/N: Hey guys! So this is an extra scene from one of my previous mini fics, I just want to help. Remember that?😅 You don’t have to read the other 3 parts to understand this one, but if you fancy some elriel angst- it’s right here !
I missed writing these two in this universe so much, so I hope you enjoy!  
Word count: 1432
She was tired. She was sick of it. She was fed up. And she wanted out. Those were the thoughts that were running on repeat through Elain’s head. 
It was midnight, or sometime after that, she wasn’t really sure, and she was alone. She was in the garden, eyes closed, letting the night's wind kiss her cheeks, feeling the gentle sting as it touched the tracks the tears had left on her skin. The robe she was wearing was thin, it was the first one she’d come across and Elain couldn’t bear to go back inside, and her toes curled into the damp soil in protest to the thought. 
Why did he do this? 
Elain… she just didn’t understand. She only wanted to help him, to heal him, to make him see that he had a friend. 
He’d come home injured. It...it had physically hurt Elain to see him in pain. Alone. In pain. And then he let her heal him and she’d thought that she may have finally gotten through to him, broken past the harsh words, looks, the dismissals. She knew of course, that it was all an act, a defence but it had knocked her back time and time again. He had said thank you. That she did a good job and she helped him. 
But then he’d closed the door in her face, and with the sound of the lock clicking the echoes of his past words floated towards her. 
I don’t want you here.
I don’t. Want to be friends with you.
I don’t want your help. 
Usually less would have put her off. But that wasn’t the worst thing. No, the worst was how they clanged around in her hollow chest. Elain wished that she could say that it was a new feeling for her, but of course it wasn’t. But maybe- maybe worse than that was the look he’d gotten in his eyes when she’d told him she wasn’t going to let him push her away. 
“I’m not going anywhere Azriel. You can push me away all you like but I’m not going anywhere. I’ve already got shot for you, what worse is there?”  
“A lot.” 
“Then I guess I’m going to find out.” 
And it was there- right there in his eyes. Hope
“You should leave.” 
“I don’t want you here.” 
“That’s a shame. Because I’m not going.” 
And again- hope. 
“You’re staying?” 
It was that memory- of that hope that seemed to haunt her more than anything else. It was like she was an addict, she wanted more and more of it until his eyes were shining like honey and the cloud of doubt was gone. Through all this, even if she was crying, in the garden, in the middle of the night because of him…she couldn’t hate him. And she still couldn’t stay away. 
Elain could fight for something just as well as anybody else. 
And she truly believed that he deserved a chance. 
Slowly, through all this thinking, her breathing had evened out and the tears had stopped. She felt strangely at peace. It was odd, and there was no way for her to describe why she felt like that, how on earth she wasn’t angry or upset, she didn’t know. 
Maybe it was her visions? Maybe they knew something she didn’t yet. Maybe he was worth it. 
Lots of maybes and no certainties. That seemed to be Elain’s new certain. 
The wind picked up the speed, whipping around her bare ankles and she shivered, opening her eyes and pulling her robe tighter around herself. She was aware of her hair falling out of it’s messy braid but she didn’t have the effort to move it. Then the gust of wind died away, and in its place was measured footsteps. 
They whispered on the grass and a single shadow coiled around her foot. She smiled down at it gently, fondly almost. She was fascinated by them, how they worked, why and where they came from and why this one in particular seemed to like her. Much the same questions she had for the male they belonged to- though perhaps excluding the last one. 
She was tired. She was sick of it. She wasn’t really fed up. She didn’t want out. 
A throat cleared lowly behind her and she lifted her head. She stayed quiet, and slowly, so slowly he moved to her side. 
Elain felt like she was moving through water, like the peace she’d felt was making her sluggish as she glanced to where he stood. He was close enough that she could reach out to him and touch his hand. 
She didn’t. 
He didn’t speak, and he didn’t look at her. So she didn’t speak and she didn’t look at him. Instead she looked at the patch of poppies that had been struggling recently. They were doing better now, a lot better. It had seemed that an extra bit of love and time was all that they’d needed. 
A rough sound from her right caught her attention. She let her gaze flick to Azriel and saw him swallow heavily before clearing his throat for the third time that night. So Elain took pity on him. 
“How’s your side? A lot of pain?” 
He didn’t look at her when he spoke. She thought that perhaps he was seeing his own Elain right in front of him. 
“No,” he said roughly. “No, you did a really good job. Thank you.” 
Elain dipped her head. “Of course.” 
There was a pause and the air sat heavy between them. Then he said: “ you’re crying.” He must have looked at her then. Elain was uncomfortable with how much that made her feel. 
“I was,” she said simply and she caught him nodding tightly out of the corner of her eye. His shoulders tensed. 
“I-” he started- then stopped himself. His jaw clenched and his shadows drew closer to him. The one by her foot remained. 
“Why are you here Azriel?” Elain finally asked. She was tired. She was sick of it. 
He was silent for a long time. Maybe thinking, maybe ignoring her, she didn’t know. 
When he spoke, it was so low that she barely caught it. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” 
Elain wasn’t sure that she’d heard him correctly. But then he spoke clearer. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Maybe it was the garden that made him open, showing her the faintest hint of himself through that fissure that she’d managed to create. He said it again, to her this time. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” 
“You don’t have to be.” 
Azriel glanced at her in surprise, and in all honesty, Elain was surprised by herself too. That was normally the kind of thing she said in her head and kept for her alone. 
“You don’t have to be alone Azriel,” she repeated, taking in a deep breath that tasted of flowers. 
His voice was like silk. “Are you lonely?” 
Elain didn’t want to pretend. “Sometimes. But I’m working on it.” 
That seemed to strike him. He didn’t speak for a while and she didn’t push him.
Eventually he moved towards her, his shadows moving until they encased them both. 
“You’re cold,” he said and Elain couldn’t help the smile. 
“And you’re very observant.” 
Maybe his smile was like a whisper and that was why she couldn’t hear it. He lightly shrugged out of his jacket and held it up tightly between his hands. “May I?” he asked and Elain nodded. He reached around her to drape the jacket over her and Elain’s breath caught as his breath brushed her cheek and his fingertips lightly trailed her arms. The scent of him surrounded her and she couldn’t fight to keep her eyes from fluttering closed. 
He was gone as soon as he arrived. As he stepped back he told her, “I have to go. I’m sorry.” With a powerful beat of his wings and a new gust of wind he took off, leaving her to watch his silhouette against the bright night sky. 
Elain thought that maybe his apology was for more than just leaving. 
She snuggled further into his jacket, warm from his body and let herself feel covered by his scent. It was heavy, like he was here with her. 
Elain was about to walk back inside when she felt a tickle on her ankle. Looking down she saw that he’d left that little shadow with her. A smile pulled on her lips and she gripped the lapels of his jacket tighter. 
She was tired.
~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for reading!! 
@classywastelandpirate @sleeping-and-books @meowsekai @awkward-avocado-s @superspiritfestival @abraxos-is-toothless @stars-falling @thesirenwashere @queen-of-glass @nite0wl29 @negativenesta @illyrian-bookworm @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @b00kworm @tswaney17@welcometothespeaknowworldtour @cursebreaker29 @thewayshedreamed @perseusannabeth @bamchikawowow @qoingcrazy @lovemollywho @tyheronthorn @gorl-power @fucking-winchester-trash @keshavomit @a-happybird @mysweetvilllain @thefangirlofhp @woodland-mist @maastrash @empress-ofbloodshed @courtofjurdan @dreamerforever-5 @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @maybekindasortaace @elriel-incorrect-quotes @verifiefangirl @myshadowsingeraz  @ireallyshouldsleeprn  @januarysears @illyriangarbage @lord-douglas-the-third  @laylaameer01 @illyrianwitchling @awesomelena555  @laylaameer01 @fatimafares123 @illyrian-lover-flower @ireallyshouldsleeprn
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rhysanoodle · 5 years
For the fanfiction wip guessing game thingy, the word kiss 😏
As you wish! 💙
“And then she annihilated him, placing one of those delicate kisses which she was so fond of on his cheek.”
Want a sentence from a WIP?
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dashedwithromance · 4 years
My poor head has been kicking my ass recently, can I put in a request for soft Cressworth with Thomas taking care of Audrey Rose when she has a migraine?? Much love
I’m so sorry for the wait my love, I hope your head has started to feel better, xx
Audrey Rose awoke to her head pounding, coupled with the steady sound of rain overheard, and a small chill in their chambers. The room was dark enough that she couldn’t gauge the time - the night was moonless, any light buried by the clouds overhead.
Her leg ached alongside her head, an afterthought when compared to the beating her mind was enduring.
“Saints,” a curse rushed past her lips into the otherwise silent night air. She spared a glance at Thomas, who was sleeping soundly beside her. The steady rhythm of his breathing lulled her back to a lying position as she curled up by his side, his body leaning towards hers even in sleep. Attempting once more to find rest, she closed her eyes as she willed her head to calm, though it felt like it had no intention of doing so.
Just as she thought she might’ve had a chance a falling back to sleep, a familiar meow echoed through the room, followed by the creak of the bed as a certain cat arrived.
Sir Isaac padded up to where she lay, nudging her face with his wet nose. She scrunched her own nose at the oddly amusing feeling.
“Shh, Sir Isaac, Thomas is asleep,” she murmured, the action sending another throbbing wave of pain through her mind.
She wasn’t sure her head had ever ached this badly, even after Holmes and the injuries she’d sustained in his murder castle. Surely a migraine wasn’t supposed to hurt more than the aftermath of a near-concussion, but this particular migraine appeared to try its hardest to beat that fact.
Another little meow, this time quieter, as if the sweet-natured creature sensed she was in pain. It shouldn’t have been a surprise - the cat had proved himself quite adept at figuring out when she was in pain, and when was suitable to fling himself at her from any available surface that wouldn’t end in a scolding from Thomas.
“Shh, little one,” she said again, desperately hoping their ‘conversation’ wouldn’t wake her husband. The pair of them were in the full throes of a case, and paired with her new, annoyingly frequent migraines, Thomas had barely been sleeping. As much as she adored how well he handled her pain - never making her feel lesser or invalid - she valued his health more. 

“Mmm?” Just as she thought she’d managed to avoid waking her sleeping husband, he made a faint noise. 

“Wadsworth?” he asked, voice husky with sleep in a way that would’ve sent shivers down her spine had her head not been determined to start a war on her own senses.
“Go back to sleep, Thomas,” she said as she cuddled closer to his warmth. The collar of his nightshirt had slipped open in the night, and she very much enjoyed the feeling of his bare skin. Sir Isaac meowed as if to say, don’t go back to sleep, and Thomas blinked awake.
In the minimal light of their bedroom, she saw Thomas’ careful eye glance over her position, the way she seemed to curl into him. 

“Are you alright?” he asked. He tentatively held out a hand, letting her nod (gently) in permission, before stroking the side of her face. His hand was wonderfully warm, and she couldn’t help but lean into it, not unlike a cat. 

“Migraine,” she whispered. Her eyes fluttered shut as he pulled himself into a sitting, still stroking her face with the utmost care. This wasn’t the first time he’d woken in the middle of the night to find her clutching her head in pain, muffling curses as a tidal wave of hurt crashed through her, a constant beat.
“Would you like me to get you anything? Or,” she practically heard him smile in an attempt to lighten the mood, “Would you like to continue using me as a pillow?”
Her lips upturned at his remark, his aim achieved, “tea, if that’s no trouble.”
“No trouble at all, Wadsworth” he spoke quietly, barely disturbing the peace of the night, knowing that any louder would have her holding her head and blinking away tears.
Thomas slipped out of bed, tying a robe that may or may not have been hers around him, and kissed her hair lovingly, before turning to the cat.
“No loud meows, Sir Isaac,” her husband instructed, “Mama is in pain, and if you start to scream, I will be very cross.” 

Audrey Rose stifled a laugh as he shook his finger at the cat, before quickly scratching his ears, almost as an after-thought. Her husband left the room, careful to keep his footsteps light on the wooden floors, lest any sudden noise aggravate her aching head.
Sir Isaac promptly stole Thomas’ spot, soaking up the warmth of the bed. He may have been a constant pest, and dubbed ‘little menace’ by her, but she adored the little animal, and his company was an excellent addition to their family. Even if she adamantly refused to call him ‘son’. 

When around Thomas, anyway.
Minutes passed where the only sound to be heard was an owl’s shriek, the steady patter of the rain, and Sir Isaac’s rumbling purrs. 

Thomas returned carrying two cups of tea, and a small plate of biscuits she suspected were as much for him as they were for her. He was careful not to turn the light on, instead navigating the room rather skilfully in the dark.
“Your tea, my dearest” he declared with a flourish, though his voice was only a whisper.
She smiled back in return and held out a hand for him to slip back into bed, her other hand pushing Sir Isaac close to her chest so Thomas didn’t sit on him, in his haste to snuggle.
When they were both settled, and Audrey Rose was gratefully sipping on the hot tea, she turned to her husband. She pressed soft, almost imperceptible kisses across the underside of his jaw in thanks, a warm feeling growing in his chest as he gasped from the sensation. 

She heard him let out a soft sigh, before she felt his hand latch onto a curl and twirl it around her finger. Despite having seen her with her hair unbound countless times, he still appeared as fascinated by it as the first time.
“Thank you,” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder.
The migraine hadn’t left, and likely wouldn’t for hours to come, but it was far better to suffer in the gentle arms of her husband, and cat, than to face the torrents of pain alone.
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Tags: @high-fae-daily @beasnotebook @popcorncupcake @the-regal-warrior @newyorkwriters @goldenhairedwolfgirl @highqueenofelfhame @ms-melody-mikaelson @sheneedjesus @lidimonsterart @gaypoetryforlife @ludgatelatte @queenofdorkville @lizziehatter @mad4oak @nish247 @lost-in-fictionn @feysandmaraudersdramatic @mentallyinwalmart @paintonstars @worldsoffictionn @remember-redlips-rosycheeks @ignite14 @schmlip-scribble @shaewony @sleeping-and-books @stars-and-the-moon0728 @awesome--username @amazingcressworthss @velaris-queen @avenrebekah @queen-archeron @myfeyrelady  @dreamerforever-5 @stormy-adventures @caseyannblog @booklover41802 @inrealliampain @kiss-my-mass @husarikova @harringtonb-blog @lostinwonderland314 @sunburstglaxay09 @nalgenewhore @fourshizzle149 @cardancresswell @sleeping-and-books @wretchedteapot @saskuraharuno @meyademor @empress-ofbloodshed @burnt-out-fire @fangirlingdweeb @stardustsroses @ifangirlninja @b00kworm @lahistoriaquenoteconte @ogygiae @yogalover668 @yikesitsmaddie @audreyng29 @mollycateoc @maleckanejnessianjurdansolangelo
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
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Like a Lonely House: RECAP
Since it’s been *guilty cough* a while since I’ve posted, I decided to do a recap as a refresher for people. This covers Parts I-VI. If you don’t need the refresher, skip to Part VII
Like a Lonely House: A Nessian Story Of Betrayal and Redemption
Warning: NSFW for language, mild violence, mentions of sexual assault, and smut. This story is not ACOFAS complaint, but it will borrow elements from the story. oh, also tons of angst.
                        "so I wait for you like a lonely house
                      till you will see me again and live in me.
                               Till then my windows ache.”
                                      -Pablo Neruda
Synopsis: Fifty years after the Hybernian War, Prythian is finally at peace. For Cassian and Nesta, anamosity has turned to something more amorous, and they stand on a precipice of something that scares and excites them both. However, it only takes one night of weakness on Cassian’s part to change everything, and with a young Illyrian prince gaining power in the North, Nesta agrees to an marriage alliance, both to protect her family and get her as far away from Cassian as possible. As things unravel between them, Cassian begins to suspect there is something more deliberate seeking to keep them apart, and he struggles to uncover the truth and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
If you are new to the story, please click HERE see the masterlist. 
RECAP: The Story Thus Far...
After fifty years a long looks and mutual pining, Cassian and Nesta’s connection comes to a head on Starfall, where they consummate their relationship by finally sleeping together. The mating bond snaps into place sometime during their coupling, though neither verbally acknowledges it. Nesta leaves for Neva on a diplomatic mission the next day, with Cassian begging her to come see him the moment she returns, likely so they can finally discuss the bond they now both know is real.
The morning Nesta is due to return home, Cassian wakes in an unfamiliar part of Velaris with a female he doesn’t know. Though he remembers nothing from the night before, they are both naked, and it’s clear they’ve slept together. Cassian, dismayed that he’s unwittingly betrayed Nesta in a drunken romp, leaves the female and flies back to his own apartment.
Nesta has been there waiting for him, and when scents what he’s done she’s furious. The two argue as Cassian insists he doesn’t know how this happened and Nesta taunts him, asking whether he really believed someone like her would actually want a low-born bastard such as himself.
Sick with grief, Nesta runs off, and when Cassian can’t find her, he goes to Elain and Azriel to ask his friend for help. Azriel is already awake when Cassian arrives, the shadows continually warning him something in Velaris is amiss. When Cassian arrives, Azriel tries to get his friend to tell him what’s wrong. When Cassian sees Elain, the shield he’s been holding around him collapses, and Azriel and Elain both scent the other female on Cassian and know what he’s done.
Furious at him for betraying her sister, Elain slaps Cassian before going to find Nesta, insisting she knows where to find her. She arrives as a seedy tavern to discover Nesta is indeed there and is stinking drunk. She’s sitting in the lap of a high fae male who she clearly seems intent on sleeping with, despite her state. Elain kicks the males out and tries to comfort Nesta, who sobs in her drunken state about her broken relationship with Cassian.
Several days later, Rhys announces that Azriel has been invited to a meeting in the Northern Illyrian province of Macar, whose prince Adan Demir has previously refused to open his borders or meet with Rhysand. Cassian begs to go instead, desperate to get away from the situation with Nesta, but Rhys informs him that Adan specifically invited Azriel, likely because Az’s father was a high-ranking Macaran Lord.
When Azriel arrives in Macar, he meets the young Şehzade Adan, who is already so powerful that he requires nine syphons, two more than Cassian and Azriel. Azriel is surprised to find Adan warm and open-minded, noting that the prince and his liberal polices are a marked departure from the Macar he remembers. Adan reveals that he wishes to make a more formal alliance with Rhysand, and proposes a political marriage between himself and Nesta. Worried how it will hurt Cassian, Azriel nevertheless agrees to pass the message along to Nesta.
Back in Velaris, the inner circle expresses concern over Nesta’s reaction to the match. However, she surprises them by agreeing to meet with Adan, likely to punish Cassian. However, Nesta always privately contemplates the lingering guilt she feels for allowing Feyre to go into the forest alone when she was still a human child, and vows to do what she can to make sure there is peace in the Night Court for her sisters’ sake.
The day Nesta is due to leave for Macar, Cassian comes to the house to give Nesta a gift for her journey. Though she initially refuses it, she eventually relents and accept the small knife, called a јатаган, which Illyrian women often wear for special occasions. It is later revealed that the јатаган was Cassian’s mother’s, and that he’d kept in the hopes Nesta would someday where it at their wedding.
Once in Illyria, Nesta meets Adan finds herself briefly attracted to him, especially as he makes her sensual promises and touches her. However, when they kiss Nesta notes how wrong it feels to be intimate with anyone but Cassian. Scenting her discomfort, Adan relents and promises her they will get to know each other first. However, Nesta despairs at the idea of letting Adan bed her when they are married.
While Nesta is away, Cassian broods, castigating himself for what he’d done to Nesta while Mor tries to comfort him. When she points out how hard it must be to see Adan courting her so soon after their affair has ended, Cassian begins to put the pieces together, wondering aloud if the Macarans didn’t have something to do with his betrayal. He vows, with Mor’s help, to prove he’s been framed and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
Back in Illyria, Rhys tells Nesta that he understands the position that she’d be putting herself in if she marries Adan and she needn’t do it if she doesn’t want, but she tells him she failed her sisters once when they were starving and she didn’t try and feed them, she won’t make the mistake of failing to act again.
The next morning, Nesta and Adan formalize the betrothal agreement. Nesta refused to speak to anyone about how she’s feeling when they return the Velaris, shutting herself in the library instead to brood.
Cassian, who’d spent the intervening time trying to corroborate his suspicion he’d been used, senses Rhys and the others have returned and rushes to the House of Wind. Feyre warns him not to bother Nesta but he ignores her, going to the library instead. At first Nesta sends him away, but then she asks if he will stay. They remain in silence as Nesta cries over her engagement. Only when she falls asleep does Cassian carry her to bed.
Cassian then begs Azriel to enlist Elain’s help, and after she grudgingly agrees to share Cassian’s suspicions with Nesta, Cassian flies to Illyria to continue hunting for proof.
The night before the Macarans are due to arrive at the Hewn City to formalize the betrothal, Cassian still isn’t back, and Nesta and the others welcome the  High Lords for a dinner party before the Illyrians come. Both Tamlin and Eris antagonize Nesta about her relationship with Cassian, and she storms off. When Cassian arrives about at the palace and hears what she’s endured, he goes to her door to confess what he suspects and to tell her he loves her. Though she doesn’t respond, he is sure she heard him.
The morning the Macarans arrival Nesta is still contemplating what Cassian told her the night before, though she acknowledges it doesn’t have any bearing on her decision. When Adan arrives in a great show of pomp and circumstance, Nesta uses her power to show him she is not intimidated by him.
Cassian does his best to remain calm as the Macarans arrive, though his composure is nearly shattered when he spots a familiar face in the crowd: the mysterious female in whose bed the entire nightmare began.
Not only is she in the Hewn City after all these weeks, but she’s traveling in the Macaran retinue...
Now that you’re caught up, head to Part VII !!
TAG LIST: @katexrenee @verifiefangirl @urbisie @mariamuses @lady-therion @rhysanoodle @julesherondalex @kingdomofbrokenhearts @faequeenaelin @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @missing-merlin @maastrash @tswaney17 @keshavomit @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @fourshizzle149 @randomtogacotar22 @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary @dreamerforever-5 @theogvodkaaunt @girlreadingaboverherlevel @twilightscourt @wraithsmercy @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @sezkins79 @mightymorphingayagenda @iwishistayedd @kamustyles @donnarosemary @tinylittlebluebird @cutie-bug @fucking-winchester-trash @tea-drinker25 @wolffrising @dreamsofg0ld @sunsummoner @goths-eat-electricity @snoobolit271 @highlordrhysie @aelinfeyreisa @hellas-himself @abillionlittlepieces @moonbeammadness @goldbooksblack @easkyrah @nessian-girl @togreblog @shadowsofthenightcourt @flxwer-petals @marnz @sunsummoner @chocolateserialkiller @queen-of-wings-and-fire @overgrown-bat @illyrianbeauty @armixers-unite @actuallyacotartrash @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @brittpetersen @elaiassian @xxrattlethestarsxx @mis-lil-red @kamustyles @cinemaaddict​ @nesta-cassian-love​ @izou1204​ @donnarosemary​ @a-august-t​ @umbrellabrass​ @thatsubtleblush @moids​ @tothbalintkoka​ @astreia-oniria​ @lordof-bloodshed​ @theogvodkaaunt​ @theminorfallandthemajorlift​
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maastrash · 3 years
How Can I Forget? *Masterlist*
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Summary: Nesta Archeron requires detailed planning, order, and consistency in her life. It’s how she’s reached her level of success at a highly respected personal injury law firm in Los Angeles. Her life has been easy and straight forward, just how she likes it. That is, until a supposedly simple, one-day road trip quickly takes a turn for the worst. Luckily for her, a handsome semi stranger with a knack for spontaneous adventures manages to save the day. Nesta has never been one for spontaneity or even fun, but her tragic road trip just may have led her to an experience more amazing than she could have ever imagined possible. This unexpected weekend getaway has the potential to change her life for the better. The question is, will she give in?
I have been gone for a while so please let me know if you would like to be tagged/removed :)
Current tags:  @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict-blog  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine​ // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love​ // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova // @elriel4life​ // 
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tswaney17 · 4 years
New Fic Announcement
I Do Bad Things with You - Elriel
Eeek! I’m so excited to be sharing this. I’ve had this prompt sitting on my Pinterest board for years and I cannot believe that I finally got around to it. When I originally saw this prompt, I immediately thought Elriel. So, I’ve been working on parts for it over the last two weeks. I’m currently on chapter 3. I’m hoping to have the first part up next weekend. 🤞 Not sure how many parts this will be yet. I’m hoping to do weekly updates with it, but no promises. 😘 Just a forewarning, this is going to be a very dark AU. There will be violence, sexual assault, probably smut, and every other warning you could possibly think of. I will try to remember to post trigger warnings on the updates, but I forget things easily. I just wanted to warn you ahead of time. For a little tease, I’ve posted the prompt that inspired this fic below. Enjoy!
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Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. No hard feelings if you want to be removed. Hope you all enjoy the angst train you’re about to embark on. 💙
Tagging: @rhysanoodle @featherymalignancy @julesherondalex @nalgenewhore @alifletcher2012 @shyvioletcat @lovemollywho @24hourauthor @mis-lil-red @ttakeitbacknoww @belamoonbeam @chemicha @stars-falling @megaburrito2 @amitynotpity @watermilanfish @blackjacks-donuts @julemmaes @negativenesta @captainthefangirlofhp @21shotglasses @littlehoneyybee @eloeloeheheh @pilesofriles @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @tintinnabulary @abimomeopectore @keshavomit @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @meowsekai @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @astreia-oniria @rabia-mms @b00kworm @the-regal-warrior @mirainthedark05 @maastrash @sleeping-and-books @abraxos-is-toothless @xprincess-oof17x @verypaleninja @dreamerforever-5 @judexcardanxgreenbriar @elrielllll @mu-si-ca-l @tanaquilpriscilla @queen-of-glass @fourshizzle149 @ducksmurf135 @pajikas @jemma-nessian-and-elriel​ @rhyswhitethorn​ @verifiefangirl​
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verifiefangirl · 4 years
Elriel theory
So in ACOWAR When Feyre sees Grayson for the first time she thinks this about him
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And actually Azriel ended up being more Knight like and chivalrous than Grayson ever could be with the “You came for me.” Scene. I mean it’s probably not the reason why Elain fell in love with Grayson but it’s interesting that Feyre thought that.
Thoughts ladies?
@tswaney17 @julesherondalex @thefangirlofhp @nightcourtcinnamonroll @elriel-incorrect-quotes @elriel4life @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @dreamerforever-5 @abraxos-is-toothless
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hellas-himself · 4 years
WIP Whenever
Tagged by the darling @mrscullensrutherford
My daughter heard me listening to Stray Kids the other day and she’s CRAZY about them. Especially Felix. So she asked me to draw him for her after she saw me trying to draw Wang Yibo for the 3rd time in my sketch book. So that’s a thing that’s happening. I should be done with it tomorrow. 
Here is a flashback to when Emmanuel and Samson first met. Zahara has not been born yet, this is like way back when like before Jesus christ was a thing. For context. So it isn’t the OT3 yet. But This is how these two dumbasses meet. I don’t think they imagined that they’d go from this to where they are now. There are several flashbacks in this chapter between Sam and Manny and their past, leading up to scenes with Manny and Zahara in the present. It hurts my heart every time. For anyone who doesn’t know, this is from a story I’ve been writing for like 5 years. I haven’t written shit in a while and I just miss them:
“I call unto the Mother Earth, to open the door between the realms of the living and the dead,” Lucero said. There was a soft hum, as if the earth indeed had opened itself to them. “Samson, son of Manoah- I call you by name-”
The earth beneath them began to shake, Lucero stepping back from the altar.
“What is wrong?” Emmanuel asked. It was impossible to summon the dead without speaking the Rites, this had never happened before.
“Nothing,” Lucero said. “It is perfect.”
Without calling them, the four winds rushed into the temple, Emmanuel gritting his teeth as he tried to remain standing from the force of them. But the winds were the least of his worries.
It was as if the sun itself had risen before them. Emmanuel hissed, shutting his eyes tight. Even with his eyes closed, the light was intolerable. But the winds died down, and in their stead, he heard the gasp for air. The frantic rush of a newly beating heart. Fabric tore, stone cracked and-
“Who… Who calls to me?” The voice was softer than Emmanuel would have ever imagined. As he opened his eyes, he saw black spots.
“The Morning Star.”
“What business does the fallen son of god have with a judge of Israel?”
Lucero chuckled and Emmanuel blinked, finally able to see. Strips of linen had been tied over Samson’s eyes, stained with old blood. Samson turned his head in Emmanuel’s direction.
“You. Why were you against his decision to awaken me?”
How… Emmanuel had to worry about that later.
“You were loyal to the god of Israel. Would you truly swear fealty to the Morning Star?”
Samson considered Lucero again. Could he… Could he see them?
“I am at war, Samson, son of Manoah. I fight against the archangel Mikha’el and all the strength of Israel behind him... I find myself at an impasse.”
When Samson smiled, Emmanuel felt a chill down his spine.
“You wish to see Israel bleed.”
“More or less,” Lucero answered with a shrug.
“Tell me, son of god, when the earth drinks the blood of angels, what shall be my reward?”
Proud. Confident. So much like Lucero. Lucero who was grinning.
I tag @mythicaitt @pikapeppa @schoute @johaeryslavellan @flamehairedsiren @weaverofwiles @dreamerforever-5 
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