#dreamerforever d
dreamerforever-d · 3 years
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So, if you’re a reader, and you take your time leaving a review, just know that we love it!
We write these stories with a lot of happiness in our hearts, ones for sport, others with the silent dream to be a writer one day.. despite all the struggles in life - which are fucking too many-, we keep writing in hopes to maybe, just maybe touch someone with our words, or bring just a tiny bit of happiness to the person who are reading.. the famous silly smile when you read a cute scene, or the chills when you’re reading smut with a perfect straight face and maybe even a tear with an angsty part that is very hard for us to write because all we want is our babies to be happy.
I just wanted to share this beautiful review that I received today, and share how emotional it made me.. a simple comment in a fanfic can change a writer’s day!
Thank you to this lovely person!
I wish I could give you a hug!
Much, much, much love to all of you who take a minute of your time to leave us a review/comment!
- dreamerforever-d
Aka Dyane.
P.S.: I erased the name, cause I have no idea if they’d want to have their nickname exposed.
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tabitha-haworthe · 3 years
Omg, love your blog. Thanks for the Killing Eve edits and gifs!!
Aw thank you! I really appreciate that :)
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miloutzy · 5 years
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I’ve been tagged by @ardha-chip to describe myself with 9 pictures in my camera roll, thanks!
Ft. gay, cats, ponies, food, Ireland
I hereby tag @lazykittycupcake @zelfi-is-trying @shanesvoice @dreamerforever-d @whateverdoyoumeandarling
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rajlez · 7 years
I was tagged by @dianasprxnce, Thank you dear ;) 
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I tag: @kendrickhier, @maleficentmills, @not0a0mundane, @reginamotherfuckingmills, @thepolishstufflove, @dreamerforever-d, @geekasm, @frivolouswhim, @polish-vintage, @faithandfearcollide
a - age: 20 (well... 20-ish, birthday in December)
b - birthplace: Poland
c - current time: 14.40 (2.40 pm) Thursday 31.08.2017
d - drink you last had: tea
e - easiest person to talk to: my friends and mom
f - favorite song: oh... that’s hard, anything by Skillet, particular song depends on moon phrase (most often Hero or Not Gonna Die)
g - grossest memory: I’ve been in park with friend and there was also a naked man (gross enough?)
h - horror yes or horror no: NO
i - in love?: nope
j - jealous of people?: sometimes, but rarely
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: idk
m - middle name: I don’t have it
n - number of siblings: 0
o - one wish: hmm... learn as many languages as possible
p - person you called last: Supervisor of excavations I’ve been taking part in
q - question you are always asked: What time is it?
r - reason to smile: oh dear many, cats, victory of favourite team etc.
s - song you sang last: It’s not me it’s you - Skillet
t - time you woke up: I woke up twice today 1: 5.20 am, but that’s because I pulled muscle in my thigh two days ago and it hurts 2: 9.46 am because someone was calling my dad’s phone
u - underwear colour: light blue
v - vacation destination: honestly IDK
w - worst habit: procrastination
x - x-rays: my spine and both hands
y - your favourite food: hahaha gołąbki, which is a cabbage roll: minced meat with rice in cabbage, boiled in tomato sauce
Z - zodiac sign: sagittarius
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arealorganizedmess · 7 years
Tagged by @swanqueenisendgameyo Thank you!
Rules: shuffle your music and write down the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
Therapy   — All Time Low
Cold — Maroon 5
Can I Have a Kiss — Kelly Clarkson
For the Love of a Daughter — Demi Lovato
Com Você — Sandy e Junior
Dueles — Jesse y Joy
That I Would Be Good — Alanis Morissette
Hurt — Christina Aguillera
Second Wind — Kelly Clarkson
No Digas Nada — Cali y Dandee
@liabezerra @surtoscriativos @cryingoversq @taisvianna-blog @dreamerforever-d @jafaels @welcometothedarksideofgiu-lietta @madpetcsh
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foreveranevilregal · 10 years
dreamerforever-d replied to your post: “I just had the coolest dream I’ve ever had. I was working at an...”:
wow! that's so awesome! lol
Haha, thanks! This is what happens when you binge read science fiction before you go to bed, lol. :P
thepurplemadness replied to your post: “I just had the coolest dream I’ve ever had. I was working at an...”:
Awesome!! :-D I had a dream the other week about some psychopathic ruler trying to destroy the world by smashing it with the moon, and I had to work with other people (some students from my alg class lol) to save the world. It was awesome :-D
Wow, that seems like an awesome dream! Saving the world is definitely very noble. :D Your villain kinda reminds me of Gru, just from that description, lol. Go you and your algebra class!
allieisrandom replied to your post: “I just had the coolest dream I’ve ever had. I was working at an...”:
How do you know that the dream you had wasn't the aliens' way of contacting you?
That...is an incredibly good point. Maybe. But pretty much everything in that dream symbolizes something else (not literal communication with aliens), which makes more sense from my perspective. But the literal plot of that dream would probably make a killer sci-fi story.
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dreamerforever-d · 10 years
Morrilla fanfic (untitled, for now) chapter 18
Guuuuuuys, I'm so sorry for the wait. ugh, I know, I'm a terrible writer.
I would like to thank you guys as always for the support and for keeping interest in the story. it means the world to me. I love you all.
Sorry about the typos you will probably find. English it's not my first language.
Happy late Easter to the ones that celebrate it. I hope you guys had a wonderful time with your family. Don't forget to send me virtual chocolates please. :)
I hope you enjoy the chapter!
- dreamerforever-d
"Jen, you have to get up now. Please, you have to eat and get out of the bedroom. We have work today." Ginny softly said while she sat on the bed and gently stroked Jen’s blonde and messed hair.
Jen was awake, she actually didn’t sleep at all during the two days she had been on Ginny’s guest bedroom, but she stood still, praying to whatever God that Ginny would give up and leave her alone, but the responsible part of her knew that she had to go. She had work today and she had responsibilities to fulfill. So she slowly moved her head and looked at the brunette. She tried to smile at her friend but her puffy eyes and her running, red nose just made the pregnant woman give her a sad smile back and grab her hand to squeeze it comfortly.
"it will be okay, honey.." Ginny said slowly.
Jen just shook her head, a small tear running down her face. "you don't know that." Her voice was so small and sad. the sight broke Ginny's heart, but before she could say anything her baby started to kick and she smiled softly at Jen.
"The baby thinks it will be okay too, see?" Ginny brought Jen's hand to her belly and Jen softly gasped when she felt the baby kicking her hand.
"That's so awesome." Jen said smiling and softly giggling with the feeling.
"I know." Ginny said smiling, happy to see her friend happy for a little bit. "Now get up, get dressed and let's go to work because we will get there late." Ginny smiled at her and Jen nodded still giggling with the feeling of the baby. She took her hand off Ginny's belly and the brunette stood up. "chop-chop, or I will be back." She teased and Jen smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, mom." Jen teased back.
After the door was closed Jen sighed and slowly got up from the bed, her muscles were aching and her back hurt like a bitch. She groaned and went to the bathroom to wash her face. "Fuck, I look like shit." She mumbled when she saw her reflection. She quickly brushed her teeth with the toothbrush Ginny left for her and then went downstairs to have breakfast with the happy couple.
She was well aware that she was wearing Ginny's clothes because she didn't have any of her own, except the dress she used at the party. But she would never wear that dress again in her life. The memories would be too much.
After breakfast the all got in their respective cars. Ginny and Josh in theirs and Jen in her own.
Jen couldnt stop thinking about Lana though, or the fact that the hug scene was going to be filmed today. She couldn't stop thinking about what happend at the party, but she would have to deal with that, she would have to be professional. And maybe, if God was on her side, Lana would talk to her and let her explain, let her tell her how much that beautiful brunette woman meant to her.. how much she loved her.
Lana's alarm rang loud making her groan, she tried to turn to the side but a furry body was laying on top of her. Lola. She smiled and caressed the soft fur.
Since when she came back from the hotel Lola was there for her. It was like she sensed what was going on.
Lola was always a very sweet dog but now she was even more. This morning wasn't different, Lola woke up when Lana moved and the first thing she did was gently lick Lana's face.
Lana smiled at her and petted her head. "You know exactly what's going on, don't you?"
Lola just tilted her head and kept looking at her. "You are too smart." Lana said still smiling. She then took a deep breath and got up from her bed. Her alarm started to ring again and she groaned. She grabbed her phone and turned the alarm off. She also checked for new messages.
She didn't have any.
So she put her phone away and walked to the bathroom. She gasped when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Oh God, what happened to me?!
Her face was swollen, her eyes puffy and red, and her hair was messed. Resuming: She looked like shit!
She coiffed her hair as best as she could and wash her face over and over again and her face was not that swollen anymore. When she was satisfied she brushed her teeth and got out of the bathroom.
She then dressed up for the day, drank some much needed coffee, put her dark glasses on, took a deep breath and walked through the door.
She tried to pretend that her mind wasn't on a certain blonde that happened to be her coworker and also her future romantic pair on the show.
Everything will be okay..
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla Fic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 16
Okay guys, before everything else i would like to say that this chapter is all angst, but I had to write it for the story to continue.. I'm sorry in advance, it was really hard for me to write it, but on the other hand i'm very proud of how it came out. The Lana's scene alone in the bathroom was the one that started all the story.
Now, I would like to thank everybody that sent me so many cute asks telling that they liked my story and that they wanted more. it really means the world to me that you are enjoying it. So, Thank you!
The mistakes are all mine, so sorry about that! let me know if you find any and I will correct it. :)
About the wait... you can blame lesleyinwonderland for being so fabulous and distracting me. :p Make sure to follow her, she's amazing. :)
This is the biggest chapter until now.
I hope you don't cry much with this one... don't kill me please.
- dreamerforever-d
"Stay away from her."
Lana looked at the man holding her wrist. She lifted both eyebrows and put a fake smile on. "excuse me?"
"You heard me. Stay.Away.From.Her" The clearly inebriated man spoke again. Lana thought it was better to just keep pretending innocence. There was no point to discuss with a drunk man.
"I'm sorry, dear; but i don't know what you're refering to.." She said as calmly as possible, but his hard stare and the pressure on her wrist told her that he didn't buy it.
"You think I don't see it?!" He tugged her arm so she was close to him and he hissed in her face. "You love her."
Lana's eyes widden almost comically for the second time that night and she gulped. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."
He squeezed her wrist even more and she knew that it would bruise. "I may be drunk, but i'm not stupid. You think you're so smart and can hide your feeling so well, but you can't. Anyone close enough to you can see that you're in love with her." He was talking right in her face right now, and she had to hold her breath to stop the bile in her throat. but that was forgotten when she heard his next words. "Too bad she doesn't feel the same."
Lana blinked twice and laughed once. "Oh, really? and how would you know that?" She asked with so much bitterness in her voice that made him flinch a little, fear crossing in his eyes. But that was gone in a split of second and he just smirked and whispered in her ear. "Because we fucked last night" Lana gasped, she couldn't believe in her ears.
Jen went back to her 'parents' with a big smile. She handed their drinks and they started to talk to them again. She was not drinking anything because Lana had her drink, but she would come soon, so she just started to talk to the charming couple again. After a few minutes and no Lana, Jen started to get worried and look for the beautiful brunette. That's when she heard Ginny gasping and pointing to the bar. Seb was whispering something in Lana's ear and she watched when Lana's body stifffened.
In that moment Jen knew everything would fall apart. She walked through the crowd as fast as she could and was shoving Seb away from the brunet in the next second. "You get away from her!" Jen said, clearly angry at the man. She positioned herself in front of Lana was if she was protecting her from some danger.
"Oh, baby don't be like that. I was just telling her what happened last night.. and how you enjoyed it.." Seb said smirking.
"get.away.from.here" Jen said through clenched teeth, her fists were closed by her side, almost begging her to punch him.
"are you embarrassed to say how much you liked it? how much you were begging for more? how you moaned for more? tell her, she already knows you don't like her that way because you love m-" He was interrupted when a hard fist connected with his jaw hard, making him fall unconcious on the ground.
A sob was heard by Jen in the middle of all the gasps and when she turned to see the woman she loved with all her heart, she was gone.
Lana ran to the bathroom and closed the door, no one was there, thankfully, and she could cry in peace. Their drinks were still in her hand. She let out another heartbreaking sob and throwed the glasses on the nearest wall, she then slided through the wall, not caring about the glass's shard all over the floor cutting her skin, and sat on the ground.
Everything was a lie, all the confessions and the feelings. Jen was lying to her all this time and she has been stupid enough to believe in all of it.
She squeezed her knees close to her chest and put her head on them. she didn't care if someone got in the bathroom and saw her like that, she just didn't care about anything anymore..
Jen looked for Lana everywhere, she even went to the parking lot, but the brunete's car was still there, which meant Lana was still at the party. The only place she didn't look was the bathroom, so with sigh and a silent prayer to whatever God that was listening for her to find the other woman, she went inside and walked towards the bathroom.
Jen took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. She already knew Lana was there, because she could hear her sobs, and that broke her heart and her soul. She would never forgive herself for doing this to her. Her eyes were already full of tears when she got in. Self loathe, hatred, and disgust were the feelings she felt towards herself when she saw the small form of Lana curled up. Her body was shaking from all the sobs, and blood was descending her calves slowly from all the small glasses on the floor.
Lana didn't even lift her head, she just didn't give a fuck for who it was, but by the soft perfume filling her nostrils and she soft sobs she knew exactly who it was.
"Lana, I-" Jen started but was interrupted by a sob and a barely audible whisper.
"is it true?" Lana said, her voice sounded so weak, even to herself.
"not all of it.." Jen said, sitting by Lana's side and hissing when a piece of the glass cut her hand. she didn't move her hand though, thinking she deserved that and much worse.
Rage engulfed Lana and she lifted her head to look at Jen. "Then tell me what was! Did he really fuck you last night?!"
Jen flinched with the hard tone and the hate in Lana's voice. Jen lips were trembling, she couldn't talk, so she took a deep shaky breath and shook her head yes.
Lana turned her whole body to Jen and the blonde did the same just to recieve a hard slap across her left cheek. "HOW COULD YOU?!" Lana said getting up from the floor, the blonde follow soon after "lana, ple-"
"NO, SHUT UP. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF YOUR LIES!" She turned her back to the blonde, the stupid tears still coming out of her eyes. "Was he still there when i passed by that morning?"
"No! of course not! It was a mistake, that was all a mistake! I was drunk and mad because Fred was back and i called him. But i didn't feel anything, all i could think about was you..." The last few words where nothing but a whisper.
"oh please, like you didn't let Fred fuck you last night!" Jen was angry now too, that was not all her fault, right?
"Fred may be a jerk but he's my fiancee.. was my fiancee."
"what?" Jen whispered a shiver running through her body when she realized that yes, all of that was her fault.
"I broke up with him before i got here. I was going to tell you but then Ginny appear with the baby news, and then..." She couldn't hold the sob that came out of her mouth this time.
"Lana.. I'm so so sorry" Jen stepped closer to her and touched Lana's shoulder.
Lana flinched when she felt Jen's hand and turned sharply to look at her, her eyes were hard and so so cold that it made Jen shiver. "Don't ever touch me again! Don't even talk to me again. You, Jennifer Morrison, are dead to me." and with that Lana held her head up and left the bathroom.
After that moment Jen didn't know how long she stood there, or how long it took to Ginny come into the bathroom, or what her best friend said to try to calm her sobs down. She didn't know how she end up in her best friend's house, or in one of her guest room's bed. The only thing she remembered and would remember forever was the image of a broken Lana leaving the bathroom and the look in her eyes.
Jen couldn't feel anything, or remember anything else.
She was numb.
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla Fic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 15
Hey people, I finally finished the chapter! YAY! Sorry for the wait and for the mistakes you will probably find.
I hope you like it. The story's coming to an end soon. You guys think our favorite ladies will be together?
- dreamerforever-d
She parked her car in the garage and went inside.
She sighed when noticed that Fred wasn't home either. She decided to start dressing up and if he didn't appear by the time she was ready she would go alone.
Jen was nervous, after Lana left she decided to go out and buy new clothes to the party, she opted for jeans and a corset that highlighted her breasts. She sent Ginny a picture asking if ahe had liked it. Ginny, being the sweet person she is, complimented her a lot and Jen couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. She decided to forgive her fake mother about her big mouth, she knew that Ginny loved her very much and the only reason why she said those things to Lana was because she wanted to protect her. I wonder if Ginny mentioned Seb to her... I don't think so. Lana would have freaked out, even though it was all a big stupid mistake. Jen sighed and looked at her phone. "Fuck, I'm late" she whined and ran out the door.
Lana arrived much earlier than she wanted to. Fred hadn't showed up at home or picked up his phone when she called, so she sent him a text telling it was all over and that she wanted his things out by the end of the month.
Lana looked at her phone again. Jen was late, as always. Lana just shook her head with a goofy smile on her face while she remembered the blonde. Her blonde. As if reading her thoughts Lana spotted Jen walking through the crowd. She looked beautiful. When Jen finally found Lana's eyes she smiled so widely that Lana gasped but couldn't help but reciprocate her smile with one of her own. Jen was close and Lana’s heart started to beat fast.
"Hi" Jen said leaning in to kiss the brunet’s cheek. Lana bit her lip to stop the moan that threatened to leave her lips when Jen spoke in her ear. "I missed you." Lana closed her eyes and Jen moved for the other cheek giving a light kiss and whispered in the older woman's other ear, "and you look stunning."
Lana gulped and tried to speak, her voice was even more husky and sexy, if that's even possible, "Thanks"
"you can open your eyes now, LP." Jen said chuckling and Lana blushed but opened her eyes slowly.
"That's better." Jen said smiling lovingly at Lana.
Lana bit her lip and shook her head at the blonde. "You don't look bad yourself. You clean up well, Morrison." Lana smirked at Jen and stood up. The brunet wrapped her arms around Jen's waist and hugged her close, she put her mouth against Jen's ear and whispered "I bet you look better without them." Jen visibly shivered, a shot of arousal going right to her core, she moaned and closed her eyes. Lana let go of her and mockingly said  "You can open your eyes now, JMo." Jen opened her eyes and narrowed them at her. Lana was smirking widely. "much better."
"I hate you." Jen said smiling.
"You don't."
"I don't."
They stared at each other for a minute with small smiles on their faces.
Lana opened her mouth to tell Jen she wasn't with Fred anymore and that they can try now. No guilt, no shame, no secrets. But nothing goes as planned and Ginny and Josh appeared out of nowhere and interrupted their moment.
"Hey guys!" Ginny said happily as always, and hugged Jen.
"Hey Mom, dad. How are you guys doing?" Jen asked smiling at the couple.
Ginny hugged Lana too and gave her an extra squeeze. Lana just lifted one eyebrow and smiled at the woman.
"We are good. So much food in here, you should try the... well, all of it!" Josh said excitedly and all the girls laughed. "Yeah, honey. I think is time you stop with the alcohol."
"Ha ha. Very funny." Josh said rolling his eyes. "You know I'm just excited about the news." He said looking at his fiancee.
"News? What news?" Jen asked frowning.
Ginny's eyes filled with tears as she told the news. "I'm pregnant!"
Both Lana and Jen's eyes widen comically and then they we both hugging the couple. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" Jen said while hugging Ginny, Josh and Lana at the same time.
"That is amazing news! I'm so happy for you guys." Lana said tearing up a little.
"Let's celebrate! I will get the drinks, except for you." Lana said pointing at the small brunet and smiling.
"I will help you." Jen said and walked to the bar with Lana.
"Four apple martinis and a sprite, please." Lana said to the bartender and turned to a smiling Jen.
"Can you believe it?!" Jen said smiling.
"Pretty amazing, I know. Soon a little Charming will come to join us." Lana said turning to the blonde and smiling back at her.
"here you go." The bartender said and Lana turned back to him. "Thank you."
"no problem." He smiled at them and went to attend another person.
"take these to them, I'm right behind you." Lana said to Jen and the blonde nodded, kissed her cheek and walked back to the happy couple.
Lana grabbed the other drinks but a hand in her wrist stopped her from walking over to her friends.
"Stay away from her." The voice said and Lana looked up to see Sebastian speaking to her.
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
So I really like the Morrilla fan fic, but I'm only on like chapter 3 and I have to scroll through your whole blog to read it... is there any other way for me to read it?
Yes! you can go to the sidebar on my blog and click on the Morrilla Fics link. All the chapters are there. I’m glad you are enjoying. :) Let me know if you find it.
Here, this will take you there. -> Morrilla
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla (Untitled, for now) Chapter 8
Hey guys, here is the next chapter. Thank lisqueen for the fast update. haha I know is a short one but I finally got something to do in my work, and I was busy all day. Tomorrow will be the same thing so I think you will have a short chapter again, if you have one tomorrow, don't get your hopes up.
Well, thank you for all of you who read and sent me asks asking for more. I'm really glad there's people liking this fic.
After shooting their scene together Lana went back to her trailer to wait until her next shooting that would be with Bobby and Jen was rehearsing the Dark Hollow scene with MRJ and Colin. Eddie and Adam thought it would be good since it would be the first time Emma would use magic by herself. But Jen was having difficulties in the wrist movement…
After she did it the first time E&A and the director called her to say that they wanted her to make the movement more naturally, but apparently she wasn’t succeeding.
“Okay guys, I give up!” She said throwing her hands in the air after the director said ‘cut’ for the tenth time. “Look, can I please take five?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” The director said to her dismissively. “I hope you can act by the time you come back” He mumbled under his breath but Jen heard loud and clear. She fought the urge to turn around and give the stupid man a piece of her mind, instead she got out of the room where they were shooting and went to walk and get fresh air.
How the hell Am I gonna do it? Who knows how to do this shit?!, and then, just like that, she knew exactly who would help her…
She knocked in Lana’s trailer door a few times and a huge smile appeared on her face when the brunet answered. She was still in her Regina’s clothes. The blue jacket and the purple bottom up shirt. She looks hot in Regina’s clothes. Well, she look hot in any clothes… but I bet she looks even better when she is nak-
“Jennifer!” Lana said snapping her fingers in front of the blonde’s face.
“oh, Yeah. Hey! Sorry…”
Lana raised one eyebrow but the corner of her lips twitched slightly up. “I’ve been calling your name for two minutes. And you seemed like you were lost in a deep thought. You were with this goofy smile and didn’t answer.” Lana said and the goofy smile found a way to Jen’s lips again.
“There it is. The goofy smile again…” This time Lana smiled and Jen rolled her eyes but didn’t stop smiling.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice I was doing it.” Jen said and blushed a little. Cleaning her throat she spoke again, “anyway, I came here because I need your help with something.”
Lana’s smile faded quickly and the worry dominated her face. She frowned, “Is everything okay?”
Jen’s smile only grew when she saw the concern all over Lana’s face. “Yeah, don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. Can I come in?” Jen asked.
Lana stepped to the side and nodded, “of course. Please come in.”
“Thanks” The blonde answered and got inside her friends trailer.
When she got in Jen noticed that everything was extremely organized; well, at least her scripts were all organized. Her bed though, was a mess of sheets and pillows. Jen turned to Lana and smirked.
Lana blushed immediately and started to made the bed and put the pillows in place. “I’m sorry. It’s all a mess, I know-“ But Lana was interrupted when a hand touched her forearm. “hey, it’s okay… You should see my trailer.” Jen laughed and Lana relaxed.
Lana sat on the bed and motioned for the blonde to do the same.
“So, tell me what’s wrong?” Lana asked and waited for an answer.
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla Fanfic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 7
I hope you guys like this one. let me know? Enjoy!
They walked with their arms laced until they got to Eddie and Adam’s door.
They got a lot of stares when they were making their way there. It’s not everyday that you see Lana Parrilla and Jennifer Morrison walking around talking and laughing, but they didn’t seem to mind.
Jen gently untangled their arms from each other and turned to look at Lana. “What do you thing they want to talk with us?” Jen whispered.
“I don’t know. Probably something about the show.” Lana answered also whispering. Why the hell are we whispering?!, Lana thought. “Why are we whispering?” Lana asked, but still whispering.
“I don’t know.” Jen answered.
“Then stop doing it.” Lana said.
“You stop doing it.” The blonde answered stubbornly.
“why me? You started this! Stop.” Lana said, clearly getting annoyed.
“nope, you first.” Jen answered with a grin, clearly enjoying getting on the brunet’s nerves.
“Ugh, you are so stubborn!” Lana said and subconsciously got closer to the other woman.
“I am, what ya gonna do about it?” Jen said and also got closer to Lana.
Lana looked from Jen’s eyes to her  lips and back to her eyes again. Lana licked her lips and closed her eyes for a moment. They were so close again, their noses almost touching and Lana could feel Jen’s breath softly blowing against her face and she was sure Jen could feel hers too.
 “I- I..” The brunet tried to say but couldn’t form any words, her brain seemed to have stopped working.
But thankfully she didn’t have to say anything because Adam chose that moment - when they were incredibly close to each other - to open the door.
They practically jumped apart and turned to see a grinning Adam and Eddie. “Hello, ladies.” Adam said. “Is something wrong? Did we interrupt something?” Eddie asked.
“Uh, no! Lana, uh, she was helping me… uh.” Jen tried to explain. Damn, I was never good making up stories
But thankfully Lana was and spoke confidently. “I was helping her. She had something in her eye and I was trying to help, but she was being stubborn and childish about it” She spoke the last part looking at Jen. Lana looked at the writers and smiled. “But it’s all over now. I got it out, right Jen?”
“Yep. I’m seeing like a hawk.!” She smiled at Lana and she rolled her eyes.
“Okay then… Please, come in.” Eddie said and the two women got in the room. “take a seat.” He said again and he and Adam took their seats on the other side of the desk.
“Well, we called you here because we were thinking about doing something different on the show.” Adam started. “As you know we have a huge base of Emma and Regina fans. Swan Queen, they call themselves. And after thinking about it a lot, we decided that we will make it happen.” Eddie finished.
Lana raised both eyebrows and looked at Jen that had the same expression on her face. They both smiled at each other and then turned back to Adam and Eddie.
“So,what do you guys think?” Adam asked.
“Uh, well… I think it’s a good idea. It will be different and it will show support to the gay community which is incredible.” Lana said and looked at Jen who nodded in agreement.
“Yes, and it’ll be a whole new story, a story will tell the kids that it’s okay and normal to have two mothers or two fathers instead of a mother and a father. It’s brilliant, I think.” Jen finished and smiled at Lana and then turned back to the two men in front of them.
“Wow, we didn’t expect you to be so open about this, but we are happy you are. We will start showing more of them together, and how almost losing Henry in Neverland affected them and brought them closer as a family and to each other. We are planning to send Regina to the Enchanted Forest again, but before that happens we want Emma and Regina to hug. Is that okay with you?” Adam finished and asked them.
“uh, yeah, sure. No problem.” Jen snorted and said.
Lana chuckled at her friend’s answer and shook her head. “No problem with me either.”
“Great! The scripts with the scenes will be given to you in a few days.” Adam said with a smile.
“Oh, and Sunday we will live tweet the episode and then a small party, and you are both invited.” Eddie said.
“okay. Well, thank you guys, we have a shoot now, but I will catch up with you Sunday at the party.” Jen smiled and got up from her chair and Lana did the same.
After they were both out of the room Lana started to walk ahead of Jen clearly still pissed. Jen jogged to catch up with the brunet and when she was close enough she gently grabbed her arm.
“Hey,are you really mad at me?” Jen asked turning Lana to look at her.
“I’m fine Jennifer. And I think we have a scene to shoot and I don’t want to get there late.” Lana said and tried to shake her arm off Jen’s grasp, but the blonde held strong. Truth is, she was mad at the blonde, but not for the reasons Jen was thinking. She was mad at her because of the way she made her feel, because for the third time in two days Lana waited for a kiss that never came, except for the first time, Lana was expecting a kiss that should never have come in the first place.
“yeah, because you calling me Jennifer is not a tip for pissed or anything…” Jen sighed, “Look, I’m sorry. If I knew it would make you so upset I would never have kept whispering and pissing you off. I was just having fun. I thought you would think it was funny too… I was stupid, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize. I-I’m sorry, I think I got overwhelmed, everything is changing really fast. I just need some time to get used to it.” Lana said looking at Jen’s eyes. She managed a small but sincere smile. “It’s okay, really. I’m not mad at you…”
“Okay.. But remember that I’m your friend and if something is bothering you, you can tell me.” Jen started to move her thumb against Lana’s arm, that she was still holding.
This time I can’t, Jen. My problem is my feelings for you…
 Lana nodded and whispered “okay” and smiled.
“oh no, no more whispering today.” Jen laughed and Lana joined her.
“Now, let’s go, Savior. Regina needs to teach Emma some magic." Lana said smiling. She grabbed Jen's hand and pulled her towards the set. Jen just shook her head and smiled.
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
I just finished watching 'The Heat' and it's so fucking awesome! I love Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy and they made an amazing and super funny movie together. If you are felling down or just feel like laughing watch it, guys. It's reaaaally awesome. :)
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla fanfic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 6
Sorry for the delay guys, I hope you are still with me. Enjoy!
Jen's phone rang interrupting Lana's laughter, Jen was telling something about going to an interview with the price tag still hanging in her heels and Lana started a fit of laughter that was the most adorable and beautiful sound she had ever heard in her life.
But now Lana was looking at the device ringing and her laughter had stopped.
  "I will ignore it." Jen said and picked up her phone and declined the call.
  "You shouldn't have done that... It could be important, and I'm glad it rang because we lost track of time. We will both get late at the set if we don't go now." Lana said trying to sound more confident than sad that they would have to go out in the real world again.
  "You are right... I should go then. I'm only meant to be there at ten, but you should dress before you get late, and we both know how much you hate to gate late in places." Jen said with a laugh and Lana laughed with her.
  "Yeah, you are right." Lana smiled and finally got up from her stool. Clearing her throat she spoke again. "Uh, I will take you to the door."
  "Oh, yeah, right." Jen said awkwardly and got up from her seat.
  Lana walked out of the kitchen and to the front door with Jen right beside her. She knew this moment would come eventually, but that didn't make it any easier.
  When the get to the door Lana sighed and opened the door for the blonde, who stepped out of the house but turned to her. "Uh, thanks. I had a really good time last night."
  Lana chuckled, "Yeah, me too." God, this looks like the end of a date and she's waiting to kiss me. Not that I would mind... Clearing her throat Lana spoke again. "We should do it again sometime..."
  "Really?" Jen said excited but she quickly cleared her throat, "I mean, yeah we should."
  Lana could help but smile at the blonde. She took a moment to look at Jen, her blonde and messed hair, her smile, her beautiful eyes, she leaning in to kiss me... wait what?! Only then Lana noticed what Jen was doing, she closed her eyes waiting for the soft lips against her own again but instead she felt Jen's lips on her cheek. She smiled when Jen looked at her again.
  "Bye" Jen said returning the smile.
  "Bye." Lana said.
  Jen turned around and started to walk away towards her car. Lana watched her getting in, starting the car and she sure watched Jen waving her goodbye. She smiled, raised her hand, waved back and Jen was gone.
  Lana went back inside and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door and sighed.  get a grip! She told herself. Lana stood up straight again and went to her bedroom change her clothes.
  Later that same day. - Jen's trailer
  "You WHAT?!" Jen flinched at Ginny's tone.
  " I kis-" Jen tried.
  "Oh, I heard you the first time... You know she has a fiancée, right?" Ginny asked with both eyebrows raised.
  "Of course I know that!" Jen answered annoyed. "look, I made a mistake, okay? I was just upset I think, and she texted me and then she asked me to come over and then we drank a lot and I asked her a kiss and she kissed me and I kissed back..." She sighed. "It will not happen again." She said looking down at her hands currently resting on her lap.
  "And why you seem sad by it?" Ginny asked, finally realizing that the kiss wasn't just some drunken mistake. She sighed and grabbed Jen's hands making the blonde woman look at her. "You like her, don't you?" She asked softly.
  "I don't know... I don't want to.." Jen stood and started to pace around her trailer "Why her? There are so many people in the world! why her? Ugh!" Jen looked at Ginny again, waiting for an answer.
  Ginny just smiled. "We don't choose who we fall for, Jen."
"But..." She sighed, there was no 'but', we don't choose who we fall in love for. She had to make a decision. Talk to her and tell the truth or keep with their friendship and let her live her life with her fiancée. "I can't do this... I will not destroy our friendship because I have a crush on her." She took a deep breath and turned to Ginny again. "It will pass, right? I will soon stop feeling like this and we will laugh at what happened one day, right?"
Ginny got up from her seat and hugged her friend. "I hope so, honey." She said.
Jen took a deep breath again and whispered. "Me too."
A soft knock in the trailer’s door make them separate from the hug. Ginny smiled at Jen and she smiled back. Sometimes Ginny really felt like a mother to her.
“Jen?” Came a muffled voice from the other side of the door. Jen’s eyes went wide, it was Lana.
“Go answer!” Ginny whispered and pointed to the door.
Jen gulped and opened the door of her trailer. “hey.” She said with a smile that was returned for the brunette “Hey.” Lana answered.
“Adam and Eddie asked me to call you. They want to speak with us, something about Emma and Regina joining forces, I’m not sure.. They didn’t say much.” Lana shrugged.
“Oh, okay. Let me get my script. I was going through my lines with Ginny. Come in.” Jen opened the door for Lana and she climbed the couple of steps and got in.
“Hey, Lana!” Ginny said and gave her a hug.
“Hello Ginny. How are you?” Lana asked with a smile on her face.
“I’m good. Just helping Jen here with her lines. You know, I’m her mom, it’s my job.” They all laughed at Ginny’s joke and Jen was happy she was there.
“Well, I have to go, and I believe you have too. I will talk to you guys later.” Ginny waved and got out of the trailer.
“Asking for mommy’s help, I see.” Lana broke the silence and Jen chuckled.
“Yeah, well, the evil queen wasn’t around…” Jen said smiling and Lana had to turn fast so Jen couldn’t see her blushing.
Lana cleared her throat for what it seemed like the tenth time that day and spoke. “We should go. Eddie and Adam are waiting.”
“right.” Jen said and they stepped out of the trailer.
Once out Jen extended her arm to Lana and said “Would you give me the honor, your majesty?”
Lana just shook her head smiling and nodded once, “Of course, dear knight.” And grabbed Jen’s arm.
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla fanfic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 5
Hey guys, I hope you like this one. Thanks for the likes in the last chapter. You guys are awesome. Enjoy!
Jen’s jokes, they talking, they drinking, they watching a movie, drinking more, laughing, leaning closer to each other, Jen telling her about Seb, drinking more, Jen asking for a kiss…
Oh my God, I kissed her!
Then she remembered… Jen’s lips, Jen’s hands on her back, on her hair, in the back of her neck pulling her impossibly closer. Lana let out a sigh and ignored the feeling that was starting to form in the pit of her stomach. Lana put one of her hands on her lips and started to slowly trace her lips remembering the kiss again.
why am I feeling this? I’m straight! I’m engaged for God’s sake! Well, he’s been a jerk lately, but still…
Lana turned her body so she was facing the blonde. Jen was sleeping soundly, her hair falling in her face and she looked so beautiful even in her sleep that Lana couldn’t help but bring one hand up to touch the sleeping blonde’s face.
She put a lose lock of hair behind Jen’s ear and started to caress her face, Jen frowned and Lana smiled. Lana then leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Jen’s lips.
Just a quick, simple one. Just to feel her friend’s lips against her own again. What she was feeling was new to her, something she didn’t feel with Fred or any of her ex-boyfriends and she knew that should stop, because Jen probably just did what she did because she was drunk and sad. That kiss was a mistake and Jen would not even remember it when she woke up... But then, a tuny piece of her heart was hoping that she would remember and that she would say that it was not a mistake, that she would say she wanted to do it again and again, and aga-
Jen started to stir in her sleep and Lana was quick to close her eyes and pretend she was sleeping. She felt Jen moving and getting up the bed, she heard the soft steps of the blonde, she heard the door opening and closing softly then she heard nothing more. She waited a few minutes to see if the blonde would come back and when she didn't she felt sad, and then angry.
I gave her a soft and warm bed to spend the night instead of letting her go home drunk, and that's how she thank me, sneaking out of the house?!
well, what did you expect, Lana. Breakfast in bed? You did what was right, you let her stay. It's obvious she regreted the kiss, that's why she went away. She, own you nothing.
The annoying voice of reason said to her, and maybe it was right, maybe she should forget the kiss and just move on, like nothing ever happened.
With a sigh she got up from bed and looked at the clock. 7:27 am.
She should take a shower and get ready for work otherwise she would be late.
She came back from the bathroom 10 minutes lates dressed just in her black lace bra and matching panties, she put a robe on not minding in close it, she was alone at home after all, and decided to get some breakfast before put her clothes and go to work.
As she was approuching the kitchen she heard noises, Lana frowned but entered the kitchen anyway. maybe Fred is back already, She thought. But she couldn't be more wrong, inside her kitchen was Jen with the same clothes as yesterday, dancing and singing to the sound of  'Don't You Worry Child' and making what it seemed like breakfast.
She stayed, Was the first thing Lana thought when she saw the dancing blonde in front of her.
Lana leaned against the kitchen wall and just looked at her for a few moments. She fought the urge to laugh because she didn't want to ruin this moment, not yet anyway.
Jen grabbed the pan and a spatula and flipped the omelete easily and when the song was over she did a 'aww' sound but started to dance again when another song started to play.
Jen was ready to flip the omelete again when Lana decided that it was a good moment to interrupt, so she cleaned her throat.
Jen jumped with the unknown noise and turned to see Lana - in nothing but a fucking robe and underwear!- smirking at her.
"oh, please. Don't stop because of me. I was enjoying the show!" Lana said and Jen blushed a deep shade of red, but couldn't stop looking at the absolutely amazing body of the woman in front of her.
Lana frowned confused, totallty forgotting of her attire, or the lack of it, and put her hand on her waist. "what?" She asked raising an eyebrow. When the blonde just kept staring at her she finally looked down and gasped. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry." She said while closing the robe as best as she could and knotting it firmly around her.
"oh, I'm not." Jen said under her breath.
"Excuse me? I didn't catch that." Lana asked but she had heard it clearly.
"Uh... I said, it's okay." Jen said awkwardly, not looking at Lana.
"okay then..." Lana said smiling knowingly. She walked to one of the stools and took a seat. "I see you made yourself very comfortable..." Lana said with an easy smile.
"Yeah, I, uh... made you breakfast. You know, for yesterday. I'm sorry about that..." Jen said but she really didn't mean it. She loved the kiss and she wanted to do it again, but Lana was engaged and that was wrong.
Lana's smile fell for a second before she controled herself and smiled again. "It's okay, really... we were both really drunk and these things happens... let's just forget about it, okay?"
Jen smiled at her, but it didn't reach her eyes. "okay." Jen made her way around the counter and sat by Lana's side. "well, we have omelete, orange juice, warm bread and butter. I hope you like it..."
Lana just looked at her and couldn't help but smile "I'm sure I will." She picked a plate with a omelete in it, then a piece bread and Jen poured some juice for her. "thanks" Lana grabbed a fork, cut on the omolete and put it in her mouth.
"So...?" Jen asked nervous.
"hmm, God! This is delicious!" Lana said looking at her friend.
"I'm glad you liked it." Jen said already eating her breakfast.
The rest of the breakfast they ate making small talk, but they knew this happy day had to end eventually.
Real life was calling and they had to answer...
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dreamerforever-d · 11 years
Morrilla fanfic (Untitled, for now) Chapter 4
Hey guys , thanks for the support with this. I'm amazed that you liked this silly story. You guys are awesome!
Let's get on with it. Enjoy!
Lana brought her hands up to Jen's face. The kiss was slow and when she felt Jen's tongue brushing against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, she couldn't help but let a low moan escape her mouth. Jen's hands were in her hair pulling her closer, and the blonde let out a moan of her own when Lana parted her lips and their tongues met. This is so wrong, so so wrong, but it feels so good, Lana thought.
Jen was the one who broke the kiss, she sucked on Lana's bottom lip winning a moan from the other woman.
Lana looked at the smiling blonde woman in front of her and couldn't help but smile too.
"I was right, you would be a much better girlfriend, and you kiss better than him too." She chuckled and looked at Lana's beautiful brown eyes.
Lana couldn't help but smile and blush at the blonde's words.
Suddenly Jen's phone rang loudly and they both jumped from each other.
Jen reached for the phone and looked at who was calling. The name 'Seb' was on the screen. She looked at Lana and saw the guilty painted all over her face.
"You should get that... Maybe he's calling to say sorry." Lana said and got up from the couch and started to gather the dirty dishes and took it all to the kitchen.
How could I be so stupid? Of course that wouldn't go well... I can't believe I was such a fool. Lana thought while, not to gently, washing, drying and putting the dishes away.
After she finish doing it she heard a throat cleaning behind her and turn to see a very embarrassed Jennifer looking at her.
"I, uh, sorry about that. The kiss and all... I told Stan I didn't want to talk to him. He was apologizing..." Lana couldn't even look at her, she was blushing because of the awkward situation and the self anger she was feeling.
"look, I will just go. I'm sorry again." With that Jen turned and started to walk away. That got Lana's attention and she went after the blonde.
"wait, you can't leave like that. You are still drunk. You are in no condition to drive, you will sleep here tonight." what?! ugh, my fucking mouth again.
Jen turned sharply and almost fell with the fast movement. "uh, what?"
"You heard me, you will sleep here tonight" Jen was about to protest but Lana just lifted a finger and spoke again "and that's not up for discussion."
Jen just rolled her eyes like a stubborn child and mumbled a 'okay' then she went to the couch and lied down.
"just stay there while I prepare the guest room." Lana just heard a grunt and smiled despite herself.
When she came back Jen was sleeping soundly in the couch. She rolled her eyes and knealed in front of the blonde. "jen, you need to wake up." She whispered while putting a lose strand of hair behind Jen's ear. "Come on, you have to sleep in a bed or you will wake up all sore tomorrow" She shaked the blonde a little.
"no, letmes'eep. come lie down wit'me" Jen mumbled in her sleep and Lana chuckled softly.
"I will lie down with you if you come to bed with me." Lana whispered.
"You promi'se?" came the response and Lana laughed quietly. "I do"
"kay" Jen moved to a sitting position and Lana grabbed one of her arms and wrapped around her shoulder and her other hand went to jen's waist, and they started to walk towards the guest room.
"God, you are heavy." Lana said and Jen chuckled. 'muscles' Jen said and giggled like an idiot. cute idiot.
After Lana put Jen in the bed and waited a bit to make sure she was asleep again she started to get up from the bed, but as soon as her feettouch the grond came a sleepy voice. "you promised." Was the only thing she said and the only thing Lana needed to hear to get back in bed with her 'friend'. "I'm here" she whispered back and a smile formed in the blonde's face.
Lana lied there facing the beautiful blonde and didn't even try to go away anymore. She slept peacefully with a strong arm wrapped around her waist.
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