#dream smp oneshot
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c-swirlz · 2 years ago
I’m Pale as the Loose-Leaf Paper They Grow (From Hollowing Out All My Lungs in the Snow)
Summary: Tom Simons, Prince of Endlantis, is sick. His father, King Philza, must venture to the neighbouring kingdom for medicine. In his absence, Tommy and his brother Wilbur are left in the care of Technoblade, a mysterious individual who Phil claims to trust more than anyone else in the entire world. Relationships: Tommy & Wilbur & Phil & Techno Warnings: Minor descriptions of illness Characters: Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Techno Notes: A gift fic for @florasicsfr! Title comes from Nurse's Office by Melanie Martinez. [AO3 link]
To be frank, Tommy feels like shit. His nose is running, his eyes are itchy, and he’s sweating bullets despite the goosebumps lining his arms and legs. He groans, letting his head flop back onto the pillow behind him. He retrieves a tissue from his bedside table, taking care not to accidentally bump the crown sitting nearby before proceeding to bury himself within his blanket. He holds the tissue to his nose, an incoherent grumble escaping him.
Tommy blames Phil. He only got sick after he was forced to accompany his father to the tundra for what he said was ‘urgent business’. Urgent business my ass. Now he’s here, having been bedridden for two days now, wallowing in isolation and sorrow. Sure, he gets the occasional visitor, but he’d much rather be among the people, socialising and just— being himself. Instead, it feels as if he’s a completely different person, deprived of energy, all because of some stupid virus.
There’s a knock on the door. “Come in,” Tommy calls, his nasally voice muffled by the blanket currently thrown over his head. He assumes it’s just a maid, here to bring him a fresh box of tissues and possibly clean his room, depending on if he actually managed to stomach his food this time — which he did, thank you very much.
The blanket is abruptly tossed off of Tommy, the sudden exposure to the cool air sending a shiver down his spine. “Shit!” he shrieks, sitting up and lunging for the culprit of this heinous theft. Uncontrollable laughter stops him in his tracks, and his arms drop down onto his knees, bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly. “Wilbur!”
Wilbur wraps an arm around his stomach, wiping a tear from his eye. When he eventually calms down, he grabs at the glamorous robe draped around him, tossing it aside and flopping onto the bed beside his brother. “Sorry, sorry, Tom.” Wilbur grins. “I couldn’t resist.”
Tommy crosses his arms, turning his head away and pointing his chin upwards. “Well, I don’t accept your apology.”
“Aww, don’t be like that. Why not?”
“Because you’re a dick.”
Wilbur gasps, prompting Tommy to drop his over-dramatic facade. “Tommy. Now, is that any way a prince should speak?”
“Oh, shut up, man, you do it too!”
“In moderation,” Wilbur clarifies, smirking. “You, on the other hand, have the mouth of a sailor.”
Tommy opens his mouth to retort, but ends up spiralling into a coughing fit. Wilbur rests a hand on his shoulder, squeezing, and Tommy waves a hand as he hacks and wheezes.
“I’m fine, I’m—“
There’s another knock on the door, and before Tommy can react, Wilbur is patting his shoulder and standing. “I’ll get it, Tom. You sit tight and get comfy again, yeah?”
Tommy nods, watching as Wilbur approaches the door. He can’t see who’s on the other side, but based on Wilbur’s joyful exclamation, he can make a pretty good guess.
“You’re supposed to be resting, Tommy.”
“Hello to you too,” Tommy grumbles as his father approaches the bed, the smile on his face contradicting his scolding words. He takes a seat roughly where Wilbur was just moments before, reaching over to ruffle Tommy’s dishevelled hair.
“Wil and I have been talking,” Phil starts, running a hand through his hair. He’s not wearing his crown, which isn’t something Tommy sees every day. “You only seem to be getting sicker, and we hate seeing you looking… well, like shit. So, I’m gonna head over to Flowerfell and grab some medicine. Word is their stuff is super effective against colds and such.”
Tommy’s brow furrows. “Why not just get stuff from here? It’d save you the long-ass trip.”
“Endlantis’ medicine is crap, Tommy, why do you think Phil gets so many complaints every day from sick people?” Wilbur plants his hands on his hips and Phil throws him a look, clearly not impressed by his interjection.
“Yes, like Wilbur just said, our medicine isn’t the best at the moment. I am working on improving that, but for now, it’d be best to outsource for better results. Plus, the royals over there owe me a favour anyway.”
“So,” Tommy bites his lip, “you’re leaving?”
“Only for a little while.” Phil stands, turning and gently pushing Tommy until he’s laying down again. “You’ll be fine, I’ve left you two alone before.”
“Yeah, but—“ Tommy swallows. “You’ve got someone to stand in for you, yeah? By the sounds of it, this all seems to be on really short notice…”
Phil chuckles, crossing his arms. “It was a little difficult to find someone, but I did manage to sort that out in advance.”
Tommy turns onto his side, hugging his pillow and tucking his knees up towards his chest. “It’s not Jack Manifold again, is it? Hate that guy.”
“You only don’t like him because he lectured you about ‘princely behaviour’,” Wilbur throws up air quotes, “one time! He’s actually a great guy once you get to know him.”
Tommy flips Wilbur the bird. Phil sighs, running a hand down his face as he shakes his head. “No, Tom, it isn’t Jack. You two haven’t met this one before.”
“Wait, seriously?” Tommy says, at the same time Wilbur’s eyebrows raise.
“Okay, now I’m curious.” Mischievous twinkle in his eye, Wilbur grabs Phil’s arm. “Who is it, Phil, tell us.”
“Bruh, I’m getting to it,” Phil says, gently prying Wilbur off of him. Tommy throws the blanket back over himself, sniffling. “He’s been a friend of mine for a really long time, even before the two of you were born. His name is Technoblade.”
“Technoblade?” Wilbur’s eyes grow big, and Tommy pokes his head out from his bundle. “That’s such a badass name, what the hell?”
Tommy wishes to express similar excitement, but winds up in another fit of dry, wheezing coughs. Fuck’s sake, he thinks, huffing when Wilbur’s fingers tangle themselves into his hair.
Phil sees himself out a few minutes later, promising he’ll try his best to be back within forty-eight hours; possibly less depending on the Flowerfell royals’ attitude. Tommy and Wilbur share quiet snickers at that, knowing better than anyone how hard it can be to communicate with them, especially on their bad days.
“Techno should be here in an hour,” is the last thing the boys’ father says to them before they’re left to their own devices. At least until Techno arrives.
Tommy immediately begins whining.
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The main door of the castle swings open, a gust of cold air rushing inside. Attention falls on the stranger who steps inside, the castle staff momentarily abandoning their work to stare at him with gazes of varying scepticism.
“Relex, everyone, quit lookin’ at me like that.” The stranger places his hands on his hips. “Your king sent me to keep an eye on things while he’s gone. Don’t tell me he didn’t say anything?”
He’s met with deafening silence. He sighs. “Figures. He’s an old man; of course he forgot.” He reaches his arms out on either side of himself, grinning. “Bow down before me, peasants, for I am the mighty Technoblade.”
More silence. Techno’s face falls, and his arms flop back down to his sides. “Bruh.”
Techno’s gaze moves towards a nearby staircase, where a young man with a faint white streak in his hair has descended, coming to a stop at the bottom as his left hand slides off the rail. His clothing is much more regal than that of the staff, and a shiny, golden crown sits atop his head.
“Ah.” Techno takes a step forward, bowing his head slightly. “Prince Wilbur, I presume?”
Prince Wilbur smiles, nodding once. “My father told me you would be coming. On his behalf, allow me to extend a warm welcome to Endlantis.”
Techno chuckles, quietly enough that only he is able to hear it. He can’t help it; the kid just sounds so polite, too much so for his age, in Techno’s humble opinion. However, if being friends with Phil has taught him anything, this isn’t the prince’s true personality. Far from it, in fact.
“If you’d like, I can show you to your room. I imagine you’ll want to get your bearings and make yourself at home before you begin your duties.”
Techno grins. “Sounds great. Lead the way.”
The moment Techno and Wilbur reach the top of the stairs, Wilbur leans against the nearby wall, breaking into fits of giggles. The laughter is delightfully contagious, and Techno quickly finds himself joining in.
“Oh–” Wilbur snorts, wheezing at the pitch of an old tea kettle. “Oh my god, I almost couldn’t keep myself together, holy shit–” He starts fanning his face with a hand, taking a breath. “Sorry, sorry, I just– I’ve not had to do that for a while.”
“‘S alright,” Techno says, lifting his arms above his head and stretching. “Now, I know you mentioned showin’ me my room, but I hear there’s a sick child I wanna check up on first.”
Wilbur blinks. “Ah– of course!” He approaches the nearby hall, motioning for Techno to follow. “C’mon, I’ll bring you to him.”
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Tommy can hear voices out in the hall. Though he recognises one, belonging to Wilbur, the other is strange and unfamiliar. His best guess is that it belongs to the aforementioned Technoblade.
The voices are just outside his room now. Someone knocks, and the door swings open. Tommy reaches for the tissue box, blowing his congested nose as Wilbur enters, Technoblade – or whoever it may be – trailing behind.
“Tommy! My best brother in the whole wide world,” Wilbur exclaims, flopping down onto the bed as Tommy sits up, despite knowing he really should just keep himself comfortable so he can rest. Wilbur extends an arm towards his company. “Meet Technoblade.”
Technoblade performs a half-hearted salute with two fingers, smiling softly. “Hey there, Tommy. Oh, and you guys can call me Techno if you want. Less of a mouthful, plus it’s what your dad calls me, so…”
“Is that your real name?” Tommy asks, completely out of the blue. Techno blinks, visibly taken aback by the question. “I mean— don’t get me wrong, Technoblade is a badass name, but it just doesn’t seem like something a parent would name their kid, y’know?”
Techno laughs. “Alright, alright, you caught me. The name ‘Technoblade’ is just an alias.”
Tommy’s eyes light up. Wilbur sighs quietly, shaking his head and smiling fondly. “So what’s your actual name?”
“That’s for me to know and you to never find out.” Tommy pouts, and Wilbur giggles. “Names and aliases aside, I think the first order of business before I begin my royal duties is to make sure you don’t starve to death.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Phil would actually kill me if one of his kids died on my watch.”
Tommy immediately retreats back underneath the blanket, and muffled sneezes can be heard moments later. Wilbur places his hand on the lump and pushes. Tommy yelps, but doesn’t emerge from his cocoon.
“C’mon, Tom, let Techno feed you.”
“Shut up, bitch,” Tommy responds, and Wilbur can imagine he’s being flipped the bird from within. “I can feed myself.”
“Yeah, but in that condition, I doubt you’ll be getting up to even make the food,” Techno interjects. “I’ll make you some soup, yeah?” Wilbur stands up, stretching, and Tommy huffs, defeated.
Techno nods, despite Tommy not being able to see him. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
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Technoblade sticks around for roughly two days. Tommy doesn’t find himself recovering at all, but the frequent visits from his brother and stand-in king at least make things bearable.
Wilbur slips in whenever he can between his tasks, when the castle staff’s gazes aren’t fixed on him. They chat, mostly about the annoying people Wilbur has to deal with. He claims that Tommy would handle them better. Tommy agrees.
Techno’s visits are less frequent, but Tommy doesn’t complain. Most of the time, he brings food, and even manages to smuggle a few desserts Phil had specifically informed the kitchen not to let Tommy get his hands on. When Tommy isn’t dying of a coughing fit or constantly sneezing, Techno lets him roam around the room for a time, as opposed to being confined to his bed like Phil instructed. They agree to keep quiet about it.
When Phil returns, the medicine he brings is a blessing. If he were able, Tommy would guzzle the entire contents. By the end of the day, he feels like a whole new prince. A whole new Tommy.
Techno is gone by the time Tommy ventures beyond his room. When he eventually finds Wilbur within the big, empty halls, he’s led to the study, where, tucked away in a hidden space, are some more sweet treats, a folded note placed carefully on top of them. Tommy doesn’t recognise the handwriting, but when he looks to Wilbur for an answer, his brother simply smiles.
Enjoy, Theseus - T
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cathers-world · 1 year ago
Quick NSFW Wilbur HC while you wait!!!!
Warnings: NSFW
 • solid 8 inches and pretty girthy
• bro him face fucking you when he edits<3
• will send you out the house with cum in your pussy
• you know how he wants kids, well breading kink
• he 100% gets jealous easily and if he does, railed doesn’t matter we’re you are
• size kink because of how tall he is like GOD DAMN because your so small and cute and like a tiny fuck toy he can take advantage of<3
• he wouldn’t have paddles or whips no no no he would use his belt to spank you and if you were really being a brat hit your clit with his belt full force. OMG HE WOULD LOVE DOING THAT AND THEN GOING TO WORK WEARING THAT SAME BELT
• back on the size kink like omg just throwing your little useless body around especially if you chubby
•slapping you because your his little fuck toy with no purpose other than pleasing him
•he would be misogynistic in bed fight me
• and lastly a little silly one him fucking you and he moves his hair and you see his big ass four head BAHAHSHAHAH
thank you for the love and the SFW is coming out “soon!”
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ador3him · 5 months ago
dtk & reader hcs! but they are all friends, how do you think they would be if they hooked up with reader and got insanely pussy whipped by them 😭 LMAOOO , like they just get completely obsessed after the hookup
- 👻😁
pairing: dtk x reader
requested? yes by 👻 my beloved
warnings: public stuff, smut!
authors note: I didn't know if you meant like smut involved but I kinda incorporated it in, if you want something else just lmk, this is just how I interpreted it!!
Dream gasped for air as he moved away from yn lips. His cock pulsed again even after two rounds. Dreams cock pressed against yn slick pussy. He began to grow again and moaned into her neck. "Dream I can't do anymore," she moaned out at the feeling of his growing cock. "That's okay," he mumbled. He reached down to just feel her pussy. He covered his hand over it feeling it's warmth.
"yn, what are you doing tonight?" Dream asked as all their friends sat around in the dream team living room. "nothing, why?" She smiled at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to?" He looked her up and down trying to hint. "I thought what you guys did was just a hookup?" Sapnap butted in. "It was, I just, I really liked it," Dream blushed. "Dude you're so fucked," Sapnap laughed and pointed down at Dreams obvious bulge.
"I couldn't take my lips off her clit. It was so sweet and the sight. Oh my god," sapnap moaned at the memory of yn squirting all over Sapnap's face as he ate her out. "You've been talking about her pussy for like an hour it's really weird," George cringed. "It was so good though," Sapnap thought back. "She's our friend shut up," George threw a pillow at his crotch.
Yn walked by towards the kitchen. "Yn, Sapnap won't stop talking about you guys having sex," George laughed. "Seriously? If you liked it that much you could've just said and we could've done it again." Yn shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk to the kitchen. "What, really?" Sapnap eyes widened. Yn nodded and Sapnap jumped up grabbing yn around the waist and pulling her towards his bedroom. "I have to make your pretty pussy squirt again,"
"that felt so good," George whispered and pressed a kiss on yn forehead as they laid entangled in each other and the sheets. "It was, thanks Georgie," yn smiled and began to get up. "Wait, where are you going?" George asked pulling her back down. "To my bedroom?" "No, stay!" George pleaded holding his arm around his waist snaking it into her panties. "I'll convince you," he mumbled pushing her down onto the bed.
George looked up to yn eyes from in front of her pussy. "Can I?" He asks politely, pressing a kiss over her panties. "Yeah," she moaned out. "Good," he almost ripped her panties and dove into her wetness.
Multiple orgasms later George stayed latched onto yn clit. Yn moaned loudly and tugged at his hair begging for him to stop. "can't, I love your pussy too much," he mumbled into her heat. "We get it, yn pussy is great but some of us are tryna sleep." Karl knocked on George's bedroom door as the guest bedroom is next to George's.
Karl and yn sat next to each other on the couch along with all their other friends. Karl's hand made its way under the blanket that they were sharing and onto her thigh. "Can I do this?" Karl whispered into her ear. Yn nodded absently not thinking much of it until he squeezed her thigh higher then usual. "What exactly are you doing?" She asked softly. "I can't stop thinking about you, ever since we, you know. I need it. Please." He mumbled into her ear kissing it slightly.
Yn opened her legs slightly trying to be discrete. All their friends knew they hooked up as Karl was completely enamored by yn afterwards. Completely smitten by the feeling. But that didn't mean they wanted everyone to know that innocent Karl was currently finger fucking yns tight, soaking pussy he was obsessed with. Without thinking Karl took his fingers out and placed them into his mouth licking his fingers clean. "Are you guys joking?" Dream groaned looking at the two.
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cathers-world · 1 year ago
Things Wilbur would say in bed
Not proof read!
•“Your cunts so tiny it cant even take all of me”
•“Whore fucking your self on my cock”
•“So,so, so tight”
• “you just love my cock in you don’t you”
• “shhh you don’t want them to hear how much of a slut you are for me do you?”
• “ such a pain slut”
• “doll I’m glad you love my cock but I can’t fit anymore in”
• “shut the fuck up I know you can take it”
• “fucking whore you like getting other men’s attention?!”
• “so wet I’ve barely touched you”
• “aw so needy, grinding on my fingers”
• “if you don’t stop I’m going to have to punish you doll”
Part 2? 😋
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ador3him · 5 months ago
How about Sapnap wearing a cowboy outfit to surprise reader but she walks in on him as he's putting it on...she finds it hot so one thing leads to another and they fuck (and as they're doing it he speaks in his Texan accent- OMG 👀✨) (only if you're comfortable ofc)
✨ -
pairing: sapnap x reader
requested? yes!!! idk if you want to be an anon cause of the emoji but if you do lmk!
summary: sapnap wanted to surprise yn with a fantasy of hers but her surprise is ruined by herself.
content warnings: terrible use of southern terms cuz I'm Aussie, spanking, breeding, praising, SMUT!!!
authors note: IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA
Sapnap stood in front of his mirror in the room he shared with his long term girlfriend yn. Instead of his usual baseball cap he's wearing a brown cowboy hat tipped down slightly. And instead of his comfy, baggy attire he's wearing a matching brown and white cowboy outfit. The studded boots clicked slightly on the wooden floor as he moved around to look at himself in different angles.
Sapnap went to grab his final touch, a toothpick for his mouth. "Hey Nicky, what are we doing for-" yn stood shocked at the sight before her. "What's this?" She asked moving towards sapnap. Yn always had a fantasy of 'getting freaky' as she liked to say with sapnap in a cowboy outfit and his southern accent. "You like it?" He asked walking towards her. His hips forward slightly creating the well known cowboy walk from the movies. "I love it," She whispers grabbing his cheek and pulling him down to meet his lips with hers. "Good girl," he mumbled into the kiss, his accent getting more noticeable.
Yn reached over to sapnap's hat and grabbed it off his head placing it on her own. "You know what that means, sweetheart?" Sapnap asks softly into yn ear. Yn nodded and started to move them both to their bed pushing him down.
Yn took off her shirt revealing her bra, she also removed her panties under her skirt. "You look so good with my hat on, doll," Sapnap groaned propped up on his elbows. "You look so sexy in your outfit." Yn pressed kisses along his neck as she straddled his lap. She could feel the growing bulge through sapnap's flared pants. "Ride me like a good girl," Sapnap pulled yns hair at the root of her head. Yn moaned out a yes and lifted her hips so sapnap could maneuver out of his pants and boxers.
"Where's the condoms?" Yn moaned as she stroked his tip along her pussy. "I'm gonna breed you, don't need a condom, doll," his accent thickens when he thrusts up into yn. Yn let out a high pitched moan. "fuckin' ride me," sapnap slaps yn ass causing her to pick up the pace. Yn hat tipped down covering her eyes. "Nick," yn gargled out. "Keep ridin'" sapnap snapped grabbing yn throat. "Fuckin' useless," sapnap groaned out and flipped them over.
Yn moaned at the sudden change in friction. Sapnap pounded harshly into yn soaking pussy, his hand tightened around her throat. "Next time you're gonna ride me, do it properly," his hips thrust at every word going deeper into her. His free hand made its way to yn clit rubbing it softly. "Nick, please," yn hips buckled toward his fingers. His fingers sped up slipping on her slick. "Good girl," he whispers spitting down onto her clit. "Cum on my cock, doll," he encouraged. Almost immediately she let out a string of moans and clenched around his cock.
"Nick, please cum in me," she begged as sapnap continued to pound into her throbbing pussy. "Want me to fill ya up?" He taunts. "Please," yn sobbed out. "Put a baby in your pretty lil' tummy?" He said pressing his hand down onto her abdomen increases the pleasure. Sapnap let out one final moan and plunged deeper into yn cunt, thick ropes of cum spilt into her pussy. "Stay still, doll," his accent gets lighter as he comes down from his high.
"I might wear this more often," he says pulling himself out of her pussy. "Yeah, you should, baby," yn yawns grabbing the hat off her head, handing it to Sapnap. Sapnap begins to wipe the slick off her pussy cleaning her up. "Thanks, baby," she smiled readjusting the pillows under her head.
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cathers-world · 1 year ago
Wilbur NSFW alphabet
Warnings:NSFW (duh)
Not proof read!
A: After care
So sweet will cuddle you give you kisses gets water makes sure you use the bathroom<3
B: Belt
I SAID IT ONCE ILL SAY IT AGAIN (and maybe write a one shot about it) he will spank you with his belt and if your bad spank you on your clit
C: Cum
loves loves LOVES cumming in you likes watching his cum drip out your pussy AND WHEN YOU SWALLOW IT UGH
D: degration
Will call you his pretty little slut, whore, doll, and cum slut, things like that
E: expedition
Will take you anywhere but would rather your house/apartment
F: Face fucking
100% will make you faint by shoving his dick down your throw for too long, also because he has his weird taste thing if your self conscious about like “tasting bad” he would feel bad that you felt that and he wouldn’t really care about what you tasted like he just wants to eat AHHAAHHA
G: glutton
HEHEHEH like the other he would go DOWN just eat you up like a little cupcake
H: Hair
This is a silly one but I’ve also said this but pushing his hair out of the way as he’s rearranging your guts and just seeing his big ass four head-
I: intimacy
I feel like he would wanna go out for a little bit till you guys fuck
J: jiggle
HE WOULD LOVE CHUBBY GIRLS (I’m DEFINITELY not chubby and biased) but like seeing you cubby bouncing just AHHH
K: Kitten
This is a me directed thing, if you couldn’t tell by my user name my full names Catherine and so I sometimes go by Cat and just like him calling me kitty/kitten<<<<333
L: Length
He’s long have you seen the Tom Simon’s total wipeout vlog LIKE OMG FUCK ME TILL I CANT BREATHE
M: Minutes
I feel like the longest would be 1 hour because he doesn’t wanna hurt you
N: Neck
O: Outside
Like I said he likes the privacy of your own home, but like if you had a garden-
P: Punishment
Like I said belt, but this is a little dark but like waterboarding- idk just him filling up the sink pushing your head down in the water and fucking you
Q: bitch tf starts with Q
R: Ruin
Would have a Ruin kink I don’t remember what it’s called but you know what I mean
S: Spit
On your body in your mouth on your pus-
T: Teeth
Will bite your neck and maybe clit
U: Uncut
… yeah
V: Vagina
He loves yours<3
W: Whimpering
I don’t know what to do the the last three (sorry)
Hope you liked it
Feel free to send in requests!!!
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ador3him · 5 months ago
dream team + karl taking care of sick!reader hc pleasee 😭
pairing: dtk x sick!reader
requested? yes!!!
authors note: sorry this took so long, I wasn't fully inspired by this but I love the idea and I hope I can do it justice! also I'm so sorry it is short.
- definitely a pamperer.
- 'would you like some soup?' 'tissues?' 'a cold towel?'
- he would mainly ask what you need rather then exactly know but he would grab you anything you want.
- Vicks? Panadol? Magnesium? He has it all- once he runs to the store.
- he would cancel he's streams and meetings just to come and cuddle you in bed.
- definitely got sick from hanging out with you too much but he didn't care.
- he was sick first and passed it onto you.
- so he knew exactly what you needed.
- "I don't care that you don't want the medicine, you are taking it!"
- very strict, you can't do any jobs.
- he'd sit you in the bath and wash your hair and body for you.
- "mum I can't visit this weekend yn is sick,"
- cancels ALL his plans and sleeps on the floor because he doesn't want to overheat you.
- barely knows what to do.
- "mum yn is sick do I give her paracetamol or Panadol? They're the same what?"
- you'd insist that you're fine but he wants to help.
- " my mum said to give you 2 Panadol and a glass of water,"
- "Georgie I've already taken Panadol," "oh"
- you woke him up when you were vomiting and felt so bad but he insisted you were fine.
- "I'm not going to bed till you're better I don't want you to do this alone,"
- ten minutes later he's asleep but it's the thought that counts.
- knows exactly what to do.
- Karl made you tea and set you up on the couch for the day with his card for doordash and the tv remote while he figured out what to do about his shoot.
"Jimmy I'm sorry I can't come in, yn is sick,"
- Karl took yn to the doctor right after to see what was wrong.
- when he got your medicine from the pharmacy he made sure to read the instructions and ask for help at least 3 times.
- he made you your favourite hot meal and snacks.
- " I know you don't like tea but please drink it, it'll help with you throat!"
- definitely tries to entertain you by doing stupid shit.
- "look at me I'm a fairy," he said with kids fairy wings and one of your skirts on.
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cathers-world · 1 year ago
here me out.
accidentally walking in on Wilbur jerking off to the sims sex mod.
AFAB they/them but you can change them
Context: you and Wilbur are roommates and besties!
not proof read
you and wilbur have been friends for a long time, so you decided to buy a house together. soon after wilbur had to go on tour but that's ok.
after wilbur came back he started getting into the Sims 4, you ever thought anything of it because... why would you its just the Sims you never played it yourself but you knew what it was.
whenever wilbur was playing the Sims he left the door open but recently he been closing the door which made you wonder what he was doing.
so one day you go up to his door and knock "oh shit one second!" he yelled clearly in a panic, you hear shuffling and... clothes moving?
"come in!" he says "what are you doing?" you ask looking at his computer which was off but you knew he was playing the Sims, he told you! so you were confused
"oh um- nothing..." he looked scared like he just got caught, which you thought was weird. you guys had been friends for years you never hid anything from each other.
"ok..." you say suspiciously, closing his door confused
*time skip*
it was a few days later and you forgot about the incident. "WILL I'M GOING OUT!" you yell to him in his office where he was playing the sims...again "OKAY!" he yelled back. he sounded out of breath but ok.
*wilburs pov*
I know this is wrong and fucking stupid. making me and my roommate and best friend in the Sims, downloading a sex mod just to watch our sims fuck.
but it turned me on so much I didnt mean for it to get this far I dont even play the fucking game i just make us fuck and I just jerk off to it.
Y/N left and they always are gone for hours so I didn't close the door this time. so I hopped on the Sims and ya know
*Y/N pov*
I went out with my friends but it got boring so... I left.
I opened the door to me and wilburs house and the moment I open the door I hear a loud moan. wondering what wilbur was doing i slip off my shoes and slowly walk over to his office.
I peek inside and I see two Sims characters fucking not like how they normally do hiding under the covers not showing anything, no i see those Sims who look EXACTLY like me and Wilbur having the most intense sex like insane hentai shit. and wilbur moaning jerking off, whimpering in fact
"what the fuck?!" I state telli from what i'm seeing "OH FUCK" wilbur yells pulling up his pants and shutting off his PC
"im..im so sorry I um" wilbur studdard out looking down face bright red from embarrassment
I walk over getting on my knees in front of him " you really couldn't have just asked to fuck me like a normal person?"
he looked shocked, breathing heavily " I um" he whispered looking down at me as i take out his cock, licking my hand and start stoking it
"fuck" wilbur moans as I put his cock in his mouth "i'm not going to fuck last long with you like this" he whimpered out
I put him all in my mouth gagging on his length i feel his cock twitching in my mouth telling me he's about to cum
wilbur cums in my mouth and i swallow it whole
"fuck" he says wiping my mouth with his thumb shoving it in my mouth to get the extra cum off my mouth
I stand up sliding off my shorts and underwear getting on his lap, I line my hole up with his cock and slowly sink down "omg" i moan taking his length wilbur throws his head back and opens his mouth with a silent moan
Wilbur grabs my hips to help me bounce up and down on his cock, I rest my head on his shoulder enjoying my time on his cock.
"fucking creep, making you and your roomate in a fucking game and having them fuck" you degrade still going up and down chasing both your highs "please im so sorry please let me cum" he cried out "cum, cum with my"
you sit fully on his cock feeling his hot liquid squirt into you as you cum yourself,
"thank you" wilbur whispers in your ear giving your neck a kiss.
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ador3him · 6 months ago
bf hcs of dtk ? 🫶🏽
pairing: dtk x reader
requested? yes!!
authors note: just some cute fluff
- dream would spoil you. not just materially but with affection.
- he would cook you dinner and tuck you in at night before getting in himself.
- he'd make sure you had enough water and food.
- he'd randomly text you during the day asking if you'd had water.
- dream would let you sleep in during the mornings and not wake you unless absolutely necessary.
- once you guys were serious he talk to you about moving in and becoming basically a full time girlfriend.
- he'd probably give you an allowance even if you said no.
- he'd asks you to come sit with him while he streamed or edited just so he could hold your hand or thigh.
- George is more chill.
- he would obviously be a good boyfriend but took him awhile to get used to having a girlfriend.
- he's very touchy idc what anyone says.
- if you're in public and the internet didn't know about you two he'd just stand really close to you.
- if the internet did know about you two he'd hold your hand or have his arm around your waist.
- it got to the point in your relationship where he couldn't sleep without you.
- your breathing soothed him to sleep and when you got up he would wake up.
- he would probably get you more generic gifts like jewelry or chocolates.
- but he'd probably write the most romantic letters.
- sapnap is the opposite of George with the gifts.
- he'd buy you the most sentimental gifts ever.
- an original copy of your childhood favourite book.
- a homemade ceramic mug with both your initials on it.
- and let's be for real a pillow with his face on it.
- every week he'd go to the store and buy a bunch of flowers to make an arrangement of flowers for you (if yk that guy on tiktok that does this it's him).
- he'd take you out for picnics or to the beach.
- wants you to meet his family straight away because he KNOWS you're the one.
- Karl would drag you to Mr beast set all the time.
- he would set you up in a corner with your favourite snacks and blankets.
- he'd probably even give you his phone to play games even though you have yours.
- constantly wants to be on the phone with you if he's away for work.
- he'd always bring home a gift from his trips like magnet or keychain.
- always the same thing tho so it is a collection you have.
- every month on your anniversary he'd make you take a Polaroid with him for his collection.
- definitely has matching bracelet with you.
- or even a necklace with your initial on it.
- Karl would be so clingy obviously, and if anyone was mean to you he'd cut that person out of his life straight away no matter who it is.
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justanormalfangirlx2 · 2 years ago
types of kisses ft. Wilbur Soot
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author notes: types of kisses that I imagine Will giving you :)
Types of Kisses ft. Wilbur Soot
Cheek kisses make him blushhh
Pecks on the lips are his favorite
when he’s feeling silly he’ll give you Butterfly kisses
kisses your hand
when you’re feeling insecure, he’ll kiss his favorite body parts on you
will kiss you in pictures all the time
kisses you on stream
late night kisses are the best
especially with cuddles
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