#drawing takes energy this is easier ok
soldiertransgender · 3 months
no one can stop me
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turtlesandfrogs · 8 months
Ok, now I'm really concerned that how to prevent rats isn't common knowledge like I thought it was. So, to anyone whose parents/guardians/adults didn't teach you, here's the basics of prevention*:
Rats, like you, need three things: food, water, and shelter. If they don't get these things, they don't bother sticking around. Access to food is probably the biggest draw, and the one you can do the most about.
Rats eat the same foods you do, and the same food that most pets eat. You don't want them to have access to this food, so:
Don't leave dirty dishes laying around, the smell will attract rats. Don't put leave dirty dishes in your bed room, or under the couch, or in your car, or whatever. Dishwashers are great, but if you don't have a functional one, and you're low on energy/executive function, at a minimum cover your dirty dishes with soapy water instead of leaving them out. Rats can't eat soapy food.
Work to minimize food waste, because the smell of tasty food in your compost or garbage will attract rats.
Don't put food scraps in your indoor garbage unless your garbage can is rat proof. Take it outside asap, to a rat-proof bin.
When composting, if you're composting food that would be attractive to rats (grains, fats/oils, dairy, meat) it's best to: bury the food down in the center of the pile, try out bokashi composting, or have a rat-proof composter. Generally people do tell you not to compost dairy and meat, but I do know that some people do it anyway.
Keep your grains & legumes in rodent proof-containers. Glass jars, metal trash cans, etc.
If you have dogs, put their food away at night. If you have birds or other animals that eat a seed-based diet, then it pays to make their food/enclosures inaccessible to rats as well. Cats are rat deterrents so leaving dry food out for them is probably the one exception.
Clean up spilled foods immediately.
If you have fruit trees (like those apple trees everyone has that were planted 3 or more decades ago) and notice that something besides a deer is eating them, it's really best to pick all the fruit. You probably can't eat it all, so giving it away is a good option. Compost the rotten/icky ones fallowing the advice above, or dig a hole and do some trench composting.
Rats also need water, which is another reason to make sure you don't have any leaks anywhere, and to not leave beverages out in open containers.
Beyond that, thoroughly looking around your house, inside and out, to make sure there's no access points. Vents can be covered with wire mesh, holes the size of a dime need to be patched (because mice exist, too). Keep vegetation clear from around the base of your house, and make sure there's no trees or shrubs growing close enough to your house that a rat could make the leap to your roof. Keep an eye out for tunnels near your house's foundation, because they will tunnel underneath.
Also, while I'm at it, for the love of your house's structural integrity, DO NOT store wood piles against your house. Termites people!!!
And yes, there's a reason why cats are such a common pet. Not only do they hunt rats, the very smell of a cat is enough to deter rats. Do not just get a cat for rat prevention though, only get a cat if you're going to provide it a good home and are able to take on the additional care tasks without over extending yourself. Getting a housemate that comes with a cat is a great alternative to getting your own cat (and I'm only halfway joking).
*because prevention is much easier and much less terrible than dealing with an infestation. Prevention is so, so, so much easier than getting rid of them, particularly because once they're there, they'll start eating other things that wouldn't have been enough by themselves to draw them in.
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scarlethexelove · 3 months
Hi it‘s me again. I was just thinking something like your kate fic where reader is with wandanat or agatha and goes through some tough times maybe with depression, anxiety or self harm and they help reader through it? your kate fic really helped me because I‘m going through those things right now and it gives me so much comfort🖤 ty for your amazing writing truly!!
We're Here
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Image found on pinterest
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Depression, ⚠️Self Harm⚠️, Blood, Fluff, Anxiety, Soft Wanda, Soft Nat
A/n: I had started writing a whole different fic and didn't like it for this so I changed it up and wrote this one instead. I hope you like it. I was trying not to cry while writing it.
Your chest hurts as your mind races with swirling thoughts. You aren’t good enough for them. They deserve so much better than you. No one should have to look after you; they don’t deserve that burden. You, you are the burden in their life. You deserve to be alone, to suffer alone. Not for them to take care of you. 
You can’t take the thoughts anymore. That pain that burns deep in your chest making it hard to breathe. You somehow find the energy to get out of bed and make your way to the bathroom. You search looking for the one thing you know will help. It’s the only way to make the pain stop. You sigh when you find it. The small shiny piece of sharp metal. An escape. 
You sit on the floor holding the razor in your hand. You hesitate for a moment looking at it in your hand. They will be so disappointed in you if you do it or they will finally realize just how messed up you are and finally leave you. Your mind battles against itself as you stare at the one thing you know can help. But those dark thoughts win out. You know it will be better if you push them away. Making them hate you for just how broken and messed up you are. 
With a deep breath the cold metal drags across your skin digging in deep. The thin line turns white before crimson seeps through. Small little bubbles of blood form on the line before they become so big it starts to drip down your arm. The pain from your chest slowly starts to dissipate as you feel the pain from the blade. So you do it again. Another line draws across your skin. You watch the blood dripping down your arm. 
The more you cut the more you feel free. It becomes easier to breathe and the pain in your chest is gone. You focus on the pain that makes it all feel better, the blood dripping down calming those thoughts in your mind as it distracts everything. 
You’re so distracted by the blood and the shift in your pain that you didn’t hear the door to your bedroom open, but a loud gasp pulls you from your thoughts. Your eyes shift up seeing Wanda her hand slapped over her mouth as she looks down upon you. Tears filling her eyes which only make tears fill yours. Natasha steps in view behind Wanda as she hears her gasp. She holds her breath when her eyes land on you. The tears that shine in your eyes are now escaping, cascading down your cheeks. 
“Oh my god detka!” Nat pulls from her shock and jumps into action. She moves past a still very shocked Wanda grabbing a hand towel and crouching down in front of you. She presses the towel to your arm and presses down hard. You can’t help the hiss you let out as the towel makes contact with your torn skin. “I’m sorry.” You sob. 
Wanda finally comes back to reality as she quickly moves to sit down beside you. She pulls the rest of your body into hers as Nat keeps holding the towel to your arm trying to get the bleeding to stop. You sob into Wanda’s chest as you continue to repeat I’m sorry over and over again. Wanda just shushed you and kissed your head as she held you close. “You’re ok sweetheart. We got you.” She continues to hold and whisper reassuring words in your ear. 
It takes a few minutes before you calm down, but as you do it starts to sink in on what you have done. “You don’t deserve this. I’m not worth it.” You whisper as you slightly pull back from Wanda. She shakes her head. “Moya lyubov' we love you more than anything and we just want to be here for you.” You just look down not wanting to meet her gaze feeling embarrassed. “Detka, do you want to tell us why?” Nat speaks up. You sigh. “It hurt. I just wanted it to stop.” Your voice is low. “What hurt sweetheart?” Wanda asks, wanting you to clarify. “Ev-Everything. My chest hurt and it was so hard to breathe. I just wanted it to stop.” You anxiously chew on your lip waiting for the women to respond. 
The room is silent as the women mull over your words. “Why didn’t you call us?” Wanda asks you. You look down not knowing how to answer her. She gently lifts your chin with her finger so that you are looking at her. She has a sad smile on her face and tears shining in her eyes. You pull your thoughts together because they deserve to know. “I didn’t want to bother you. You two deserve to be happy. To not have to worry about me. I’m broken.” 
“You’re not broken malyshka. You are so strong and we love you so much. All we want to do is help you.” Nat’s words are soft. You turn to look at her. She wears a soft expression as she looks at you. “We want to spend the rest of our lives with you Y/n. You mean the world to us. I will spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that you are loved and you are worthy of love if that is what it takes.” She continues her hand coming to cup your cheek. Wanda shifts in front of you so that you can look at both of them. “When you are down and feel like the world is caving in on you I will be there to protect you to keep those walls from caving in on you.” Wanda smiles at you. Their words bring a small smile to your face. 
Your mind was wrong. They do love you and maybe you do deserve their love. They have been here to catch you every time you fall. You know it won’t always be easy but they will always be there to reassure you. Your mind will play tricks on you but they will show you what's real. 
Nat pulls the towel from your arm and sees that the bleeding has mostly stopped. “Let’s get you cleaned up then we can have a movie day in our pajamas.” You nod and smile. Nat lifts you up onto the counter as Wanda goes into the bedroom. Nat grabs the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink and starts to clean up your arm. You grit your teeth as she does. “I’m sorry detka.” She apologizes for causing you any pain. “It’s not your fault Natty.” You tell her knowing that this is all of your own accord. 
Wanda wanders back in with a stack of pajamas for all of you to wear as Nat finishes up. She wraps a bandage around your arm then leans in pecking your lips making you giggle. Your giggle is music to their ears glad to see you feeling a bit better. Wanda proceeds to give you a peck too. They then help you get changed before changing themselves. You give Wanda grabby hands as you're still sitting on the counter. She chuckles, moving to pick you up. You wrap your legs tightly around her waist and bury your head in her neck. She carries you into the bedroom with Nat following behind. 
Wanda places you on the bed and crawls in next to you. Nat crawls in on the other side of you. They make sure to sandwich you in between them letting you know that they are there for you and they aren’t going anywhere. You cuddle in close to both of them as Nat puts on one of your favorite movies to watch. “Thank you both for everything.” They both smile at you. “We love you Y/n no need to thank us.” Nat tells you. “But I wanted to.” You nuzzle into her a little. “We will always be here for you.” Wanda adds. 
You all settle in the bed as the movie plays on the screen in front of you. Your eyes drooping in exhaustion. “It’s ok to sleep detka.” Wanda tells you her fingers gliding through your hair. “Mmm I love you.” You whisper as you finally let your eyes fully close. “We love you too.” Nat kisses your head as she holds onto you tightly. “Sweet dreams sweetheart.” Wanda murmurs against your head.
You know that you will have to have more conversations about what happened today but that will be for later. But right now all you need is their love and comfort. With that you know that you can make it through this. So you finally let yourself drift off to sleep. Feeling all the love that you never thought that you deserved. 
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yuri-is-online · 10 months
Seven Plus One Happy Haunts (An 800 Followers Thank You)
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"NRC is having a culture festival?" You blurt out, immediately drawing the attention of everyone in your class. Normally this interruption would be met with a swift smack, but the thought doesn't even flicker across Crewel's mind much to the envy of your classmates. Instead, something similar to a stress headache seems to work it's way across his face as he takes a brief pause to breathe.
"I take it the Headmage has neglected to inform you of this?" He says it like a question, but really it sounds more like he is begging you to prove him wrong. "He was supposed to ask your permission."
"Permission for what?!" You try not to sound too panicked but that's difficult when Crewel's normal sternness re-emerges to silence Ace and Deuce's whispers.
"Sit!" He cracks his crop and returns to the black board. "And Yuu, once classes are done for the day, meet me back here. It will be much easier for me to explain things to you and Grim than sending you on a wild crow chase." Oh you don't like the sound of that at all. ~~~~ By the time classes are over, you are drooping under the weight of an entire school's worth of whispers and surprised you remember your way back to your Homeroom.
"Where's Grim?" Crewel asks, though he doesn't sound terribly worried. So it's bad news bad news.
"He decided to ditch me for Ace and Deuce and I didn't have the energy to chase him down, sorry." Your book bag drops with just as dramatic a thunk as you do.
"Let me make you a coffee, you are going to need some." Crewel sighs. "As you might be aware, culture festivals tend to involve things like booths and side show games."
"Typically they're run by the classes or clubs, right?" You aren't really liking where this is going.
"In anime and at normal schools yes. And if this had been any other year that would be the case for us too but someone-" the same tension headache from this morning reappears, "got the bright idea to suggest that we form groups by putting the entire student body into an ai generator of some sort to encourage team work or something like that."
"Oh." No wonder Crewel can't seem to tell the difference between the containers where he keeps the instant coffee packets and the wet wipes. "Are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Very sweet of you to offer pup." He lets you take over the coffee and smiles gratefully when he sees you move to make him a tea. "But back to how this effects you, one of those groups got the bright idea to run a Haunted House, and the Headmage suggested they use Ramshackle for 'authenticity's sake' and generously offered them your assistance as well."
"Compared to some of the other things he's done I guess it could be worse?" Not that you are thrilled, your tone makes that clear. "I mean it's a haunted house, it could be fun. What is it you want me to help out with anyway?"
"That's what they've been arguing over." Crewel looks and sounds very, very tired as you finally notice the growing chatter of voices just outside the classroom door that is finally making an entrance alongside a very familiar face.
"I'm telling you, it makes the most sense for Yuu to help me!"
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notes: Thank you all so much for 800 followers! Normally I'd run an event but I got a wee bit burnt out with the last one, so please accept this humble Haunted Mansion themed offering~ And feel free to guess who is who, I originally intended this to be a Halloween themed thing so I picked most of the cast members from boys people thought were getting neglected from the SSR pool (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Emphasis on most
Haunt 1- Host With the Most: Vil
Haunt 2- Manipulating the Buyers: Rollo
Haunt 3- Life Lines
Haunt 4- Tie the Knot Tango
Haunt 5- Nevermore
Haunt 6- Life Hereafter
Haunt 7- Rest in Peace
Bonus Haunt- ???
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Taglist: @nothingfuninthislife
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duskspring · 10 months
Comfort From The Storm - Phantom&Rain
Domestic December - Day 9
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Summary: Phantom has never experienced a topside storm before, Rain comforts him
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Traumatised Phantom, panic attack, hurt/comfort
Word count: ~1.2k
A/N: I didn't really feel inspired the day 9 prompts, so I used the one from day 8 I hadn’t yet
Phantom awoke with a startle. His first thought was that some of his new found packmates may be fooling around and accidentally got too loud. But that’s not what it sounded like. Strong continuous drumming assaulted the world above.
He tried waiting, seeing if it may quiet down by itself. Of course it didn’t. It only worsened with a banging loud enough to be caused by a bomb, at least he thought it was. The quintessence in the air felt erratic, out of balance.
A soft mewl left his lips involuntarily. The chaos of the sounds and feels was reminiscent of the pit. There were certainly good parts of hell, but also very, very bad ones. Cold, loud, lonely.
He’d seen it when he was but a kit. Separated from his pack, lost and afraid he’d never find his way back.
In present time he almost felt like he was back there. The panic was so reminiscent of that time. His chest tightened, his breath short. He was able to see but couldn’t register anything in his line of sight, preoccupied with his fear.
Outside in the hall, Rain had been prancing around the abbey all night. Storms always gave him huge energy boosts, making it hard for him to sleep. He was just on his way to get something from his room, when he heard the distressed sound beyond Phantom’s door. He came up to it and listened carefully, hearing it again.
“Phantom?” The call sounded garbled to Phantom’s ears, ignored by his lacking focus. After a second the door softly creaked open, revealing Rain’s concerned gaze, “Thought I heard you cry. Are you alright?”
The younger ghoul looked up in a combination of shock and confusion. He didn’t know how to respond, couldn’t even begin to think about it. It didn’t help his growing panic at all. His chest heaved with hyperventilations.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s alright,” Rain rushed to his side on the bed, rubbing soothing circles into his back, “Breath with me. Come on, in… out… in… out…”
Phantom tried his best to follow along, getting better but not by much. He started shaking like a leaf.
“I know it’s hard, but try to keep talking to me. What’s wrong?”
He tried. But he was nearly unable to draw in a breath. It felt like all his energy had been drained at once. He breathed in as much oxygen as he could, which was barely anything, “Have we… reached… the end?”
“The end?” Rain didn’t understand, “Of what?”
Phantom finally looked up into his eyes, “Earth.”
The water ghoul’s eyes squinted in thought, trying to decipher the other’s thought process. Then it dawned on him, “Is this your first topside storm?”
“Storm…” Phantom responded, not quite a question but also not understanding.
Rain nodded to himself, “I know it’s probably hard, but do you think you can get up? Everything is perfectly fine, I can prove it.” He stood up himself, keeping an arm out for support. His intention was to bring him up the stairs to a window. Show him that it was just a bit of water.
Phantom stared for a few seconds before moving a shaky hand forward. He grasped onto Rain’s arm tightly. The water ghoul carefully pulled him up a little, slinging an arm around the smaller ghoul’s shoulder for support.
“We’ll go slow.” He said, starting to take small steps towards the door, “Have you slept at all?” He asked, both wanting to know the answer and needing to keep Phantom talking.
Breathing got a little easier, but Phantom’s legs were so heavy he would’ve toppled over if it hadn’t been for Rain’s support, “Yes… Woke up… with the sound.”
“Have you felt this way before?”
His steps staggered, the memories coming back to the forefront of his mind. He winced again, clinging onto Rain a little more.
“I’ve got you.” Rain smiled kindly, his eyes genuine.
The further they walked, the louder the beating of the heavy rain drops on the abbey sounded. The water ghoul understood why one might be scared of it, even without the knowledge of Phantom’s trauma.
A clap of thunder took him out of his thoughts, but only pushed Phantom further into his. He let out a sob, collapsing onto the ground. His arms came up to cover the side of his head, his chest spasming in hyperventilation.
Rain was half pulled to the ground as well. He let himself fall to his knees in front of his companion, putting his cool hands on his cheeks.
“Phantom, hey. It’s alright. You’re safe. I’m here. It’s just the thunder, it can’t hurt you.” He kept going, “Can you look at me?”
Phantom shook his head violently, curling up on himself even further.
“Phantom. You’re safe, I promise. I…” Rain trailed off. A very hard, but possibly very helpful idea in his mind. He needed to do it. He needed to try. For Phantom.
He sat up a little more upright, his focus shifting to the storm outside. He visualised all the raindrops, the darkened clouds and raging wind. He couldn’t control it all, but he could at least try helping as much as he could.
Phantom panicked when the sounds settled down. Was the fear making him deaf? He finally looked up again, searching for any sign from Rain that he wasn't completely losing his mind. He was met with perhaps the most majestic sight he’d ever seen.
Rain sat cross legged with full focus, his eyes closed, tail swishing over the floor rhythmically. His jaw, as well as most of his muscles, were clenched, causing him to shake lightly. Phantom knew exactly what he was doing. He was stopping the rain from hitting the building, greatly decreasing the noise.
“Rain…” He didn’t know what to say. His shock at the amount of power and control over Rain’s element being displayed shook him out of his panic for a moment. He was bewildered, caught in an admirational state.
The silence lasted another minute before Rain dropped to the ground with a harsh breath, all the water coming down again. But Phantom wasn’t focused on that anymore, only worrying about the amount of energy his friend had just used for him.
“Why would you- Are you ok?” The Ministry knew some strong ghouls, but never had he seen such a display in person.
Rain waved his hand dismissively, though his upper body still leaning on the floor in exhaustion, “I’ve got it,” He exhaled, reaching over for Phantom’s hand, “What about you?”
“I… don’t know?” He responded hesitantly.
“It really won’t hurt you,” Rain explained again, “It’s just water and sounds. I’ll keep you safe.” He finally looked up again, that same genuine smile back on his face.
Phantom started shaking again, but not in fear this time. He was so grateful, nearly jumping Rain in order to hold him in a hug. He buried his face in Rain’s chest, enjoying his smell and cool skin. The water ghoul’s arms wrapped around him tightly.
“Are you ready to try and sleep again?” He asked, dismissing his original plan to find a window. Phantom whined again, “I can stay with you.” Rain proposed in response.
Phantom held onto him even tighter at the suggestion, wordlessly nodding into his chest.
“Of course, baby ghoul. Let’s go, you need the rest. I’ll stay right by your side.”
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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parasolids · 18 days
productivity hack for the barely functional
hi i am a deeply unfocused person. i rarely get out of bed on weekends and often struggle to do work or participate in hobbies because i struggle bad with initiating tasks or even figuring out what to do. however i have figured out a trick to keep my chronically doomscrolling self in motion, both at work and in hobbies, and i would like to share. this is a combination of the things that got my failing self through college, and my completely dead self to start doing hobbies again
do you often find yourself unable to get started with studying/work because there's just so much to do and your brain won't power on? do you often find yourself laying on the couch thinking of how you want to draw/watch TV/listen to music/read a book/play video games so instead you just lay there doing nothing? this guide is for you and i'm confident enough in it that i'm using it right now to write this and also an email i've been dreading for a month
ok so basically this is a combination of a few different tricks i've used in my life: 1) the pomodoro method 2) the Just Do It For 5 Minutes method 3) the PUP system of prioritization 4) break it down into its tiniest parts. that all sounds very complicated but basically just
0) do not sit on the couch or the bed do not pass go. don't lay on the floor. sit at your workspace
bed is a glue trap you won't be able to get up
1) write down all the stuff you have to do. then break it down into subtasks
this works because it tells you exactly what you are going to do. great if you have a brain that can't start on a task without basically having a step by step instruction list
basically just what it says on the label. while you're booting up your computer or whatever, get out a sheet of paper/your ipad/word processor/notion/planner/whatever and just start writing down everything that comes into your head. then split it into subtasks.
the subtasks are going to depend on your energy levels. on a good day for me, they might look like "write emails" and the subtasks will be "email doctor / email coworker / send report to boss". on days where i'm really struggling, it will look more like "take laptop out of bag / take wire out of bag / plug in laptop / open email / find report in explorer / attach to email to boss / write body of email and send". this is great if you have a brain that struggles with not knowing where to start or needing very specific instructions to get something done! it feels stupid having a checkbox for "take laptop out of bag" but it beats sitting there for 30 minutes staring at the wall which is what i would be doing if i didn't write it all down
2) prioritize
this works because it basically tells you where to start
if you're feeling up to it: i found a neat guide online ages ago called the PUP system. stands for 'purpose, urgency, passion'. basically, on a scale of 0-3, rate each task (not subtask) on:
purpose: how much do i gain by doing this/lose by not doing this?
urgency: how soon do i need to be done?
passion: how much do i want to do it?
higher numbers mean it's a higher priority but you might weigh certain numbers higher (like i prioritize urgency first, then the rest)
if you're not feeling up to it, basically just focus on urgency. i highlight things that need to be done ASAP in red, things that need to be done soon in yellow, and things that are open ended in blue
3) mise en place
this works because it irons out the bump of "i need to do xyz but the items i need are in a secondary location" and then you don't move, also having the item in your line of sight makes it easier for you to use it
take out all your stuff that you'll need for your tasks so you don't get hung up on the roadblock of "i want to play nintendo but my nintendo is in my bag" or "i need to read up on music theory but i left my book downstairs"
4) pick 2-3 tasks and set a 5 minute timer and MOVE
this works because it's hard to sit down and focus on a task for a long time, but you CAN usually brute force yourself to stay on a task for 5 minutes. also, when you hit a roadblock on one task, you take a break from it and when you cycle back around to it you have a fresher mind. finally, variety means you'll be starting multiple things at once as opposed to just one thing. it's easier to keep moving on something once you've taken the first step
yeah basically set a 5 minute timer. i do this on my smartwatch cause i already have a timer shortcut on my watch face, it's silent, and it keeps me from getting on my phone. while the timer is running, take your first task and full send just do it nonstop until the timer runs out.
now when the timer goes off, if you feel like you're in a flow, KEEP GOING until you feel like you've hit a roadblock and then switch tasks. otherwise when the timer runs out don't silence/stop the notification right away. finish up your sentence or whatever, take a couple seconds to reply to a text, check your email, change playlists, etc, THEN turn off your notif. then hit the restart button and move to your task next task. once you've cycled through all 2-3 tasks, go back to the first one
5) after completing 5 blocks of 5 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break
easier to work when you know you have a break coming soon. self explanatory i guess
and yeah thats it. while writing this guide i also wrote and sent the extremely dreaded email, made a cup of tea, and grabbed my stuff from the car. normally i do literally nothing but doomscroll on weekends but the other day i managed to practice guitar and work on two drawings. today at work i got a lot of things started that i wouldn't have tried otherwise
go forth and do things
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khlorhine · 3 months
Jjk oc opinions
Kitagawa Tamaki edition
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I don't have any new art so make do with this slightly older drawing that was hidden in a week old post. Please click the link for info on her background. That's her boyfriend to the side as a human, his name is Fuyuki Mitsuya.
It's mentioned later in the post but I prefer reading powerscaling stuff over shipping stuff so correct me if my characterisation if a character is wrong. I love making cursed techniques. Ask me about cursed techniques, I'll happily brainstorm some with you. I feel like my chaarcter is too much of a Mary sue because other than two characters in here everyone is either indifferent to her and doesn't hate her.
Mai Zenin
Mai only hung around Tamaki because she was strong. It's the same reason why Mai hangs around Todo although she prefers Tamaki over him because she didn't have as bad as a personality as him and she finds it easier to get along with girls. Tamaki liked this type of relationship at first because Mai didn't point out her irregularities, just silently judges her. Mai stopped after Tamaki got into a fight with her dad, Ogi, which in turn caused her to get into a fight with Naoya and lose. It put a bad impression on her clan so she just stopped talking to her for a while. She realised she relied too much on other people like how she relied to much on Maki back when she was in that clan. After that they're doing pretty great together. Also Tamaki’s trying to teach Mai how to use rct because she wants to see what a cursed technique reversal would look like with construction.
Kasumi Miwa
The only thing they had in common with one another was the fact that they used swords. There is another swordsman, two years above them (oc: Sai Mizuhara) but hes a first grade and barely had time to train her. Tamaki couldn't train very well with her since she doesn't have a technique to build on so she manipulated Miwa's cursed energy in a way that would emulate a few of her non innate techniques until she got the hang of it. In contrast Miwa helped her with barrier techniques because she just sucked at them, thinking they were literal shields rather than seperators of different zones. After Tamaki went through a switch in weapons their weaponry training started to pick up the pace. Their personalities don't mesh well though, Miwa thinks she's scary in the the same way she thinks Todo and Kamo are scary because she's always itching for a fight.
Kokichi Muta
Mechamaru has information on her that only the principal has like the fact that she killed her boyfriend, and when he came back as a curse she turned him into a human curse hybrid. His heavenly restriction was unfortunate but his (oc: Mitsuya Fuyuki) was deliberate. He empatises with him because it wasn't his choice in the matter, therefore he can't bring himself to like her. Tamaki does not like him either because his technique has a lot of potential that he just does not take advantage of.
(Ok I know this is opinions but there's like a whole body swapping part where a curse switches their body and I wanna write it so bad but I literally only have a third of Tamaki's backstory (mind you backstory it's still in the first arc) written so writing something like two arcs ahead is just stupid. Basically they start to respect each other because in Tamaki's body, mechamaru develops a heat blueprint (refer to the licked post up there) and Tamaki does some insane RCT in his body that can only be done with his amount of cursed energy using it basically how mahito does with his own body but with RCT. This is because mechamaru wants to live in a body where he's not in pain all the time and Tamaki wants to prove to him how cool his body is and also because she wants her body back she can't do her experiments as well as she normally can in his body)
Aoi Todo
He mistakenly thought she had a thing for cursed spirits when he first saw her and he respected her on the basis that she wasn't boring until she corrected him, telling him she would quite literally date anyone who talked to her because she talks too much about jujutsu and nobody liked her at her old school, which caused them to get into a fight. They're pretty good allies though since they're both strong and the fact that they were both initially trained by special grades before their enrollment. (I realise most of the characters compare her to him but I really am bad at describing relationships when all I want to do is make up overpowered abilities. I'm more of a powerscaler than a shipper)
Momo Nishimiya
She's kinda weak so I can't go on a tirade about improving techniques with my oc because tool manipulation in theory is super awesome but I don't know the limitations of her abilities. It's definitely not weight since she can carry a fucking panda and three humans including herself on the broom. It probably has to do with focus, I guess she just can't split it between two different tools but if that's the case why can't she carry around a spare knife to throw at someone when she's not on her broom. That leads me to another theory where she can only manipulate objects she herself cursed but she's not part of the main cast so why do I even care so much.
Being serious here, Nishimiya is cool with Tamaki because she often breaks gender norms though Tamaki cannot get along with her because she used to care so much about not being normal that having a reminder that she's actively go against that makes her freak a little because she already knows all that she just doesn't want anyone to vocalise it to her. Also she feels her technique is under utilised.
Noritoshi Kamo
Noritoshi does not like Tamaki because she's experimented with making human curse hybrids before. Her obsession with his evil namesake ancestor doesn't help either. He can respect her for her strength but Tamaki genuinely can't understand why his clan is in the big three when the six eyes and ten shadows are much better techniques than blood manipulation which doesn't help their relationship. She beats the fuck out of his half brother (oc: Takayoshi Kamo, he's doing illegal stuff so it's justified sort of), takes away his technique(s because he eats a death painting and gets blood manipulation) so now he just sees her the same way he sees Todo. Bad personality but reliable. Also free rct. She heals him when he asks and she's also teaching him how to use it as long as he does her favours like ask his half-brother stupid questions in his jail cell or give her his blood or let her take a peak at the remaining eight death paintings. Stuff like that.
Arata Nitta
Arata just sees her as a bit overbearing because she fixates specifically on him for rct training. His technique is really useful in medical situations and Kyoto tech does not have a dedicated healer. This so also because she killed her boyfriend and in the moment developed rct but was very sucky with it so having someone like Arata to step in would've been pretty good so it's mainly done out of guilt for being a sucky person.
Iori Utahime
Utahime understood her situation from Gojo and tried her best to guide her in the right direction. Tamaki, at the time, couldn't respect her at all because she only cared about hyper offensive techniques and her aggression fucked her over in a few fights. After that Utahime suggested she practice weapon forms, kind of like Utahime's dances and she got better at handing her emotions and started respecting her teacher.
Yoshinobu Gakuganji
He wants her DRUGGED, BEAT, EXCECUTED, BURNED, AND THROWN INTO THE OCEAN. jk it's not that serious but he does want her dead. She used to work with Geto and he thinks she's a bad influence on his students since he cares about them so much. He's a traditionalist in every way and everything Tamaki does is the complete opposite of what he wants. He prefers her in Kyoto tech rather than Tokyo tech because this way she can be closer supervised and taken care of the moment she steps out of line unlike in Tokyo where Gojo would be prevent that.
Tsukumo Yuki
They can respect each other but they just don't get along. Yuki wants a world without cursed energy but jujutsu is the only thing Tamaki is good at so to take it away would make her life miserable. It doesn't help that Tamaki’s technique could also be used to increase or reduce someone's cursed energy levels or take away techniques so Yuki has an excuse to bug her. They like to talk about research but it gets real awkward when Yuki tries to bring up that subject. It also gets awkward when Tamaki starts accidently talking about evil ancestor Noritoshi because no jujutsu sorcerer likes him. Tamaki really likes Tsukumo in terms of jujutsu. She knows rct, domain expansion, it's very heavy hitting which is what Tamaki likes.
Suguru Geto
He was her mentor. They have pretty similar techniques since they can both manipulate curses so he was a great teacher for her. Geto can give commands to his cursed but they can think for themselves, Tamaki's just takes away whatever free will they have and contorts their body since she can't manipulate their souls, just the part of them that is cursed energy but whatever overlap they had was very helpful. Initially he wanted to keep her away from all this because she didn't hate non-sorcerers. He's got a soft spot for her and while he was dying, rather than tell her to regroup with the others he told her to go to Satoru Gojo because that kind of path would've been better for her. Shes not very grateful for that because she could've been working with Kenjaku if she had gone back but she doesn't hate him for that because that's just stupid and he was a really nice teacher to her.
He inherited Geto's soft spot for her when he took over his body. She has a very clear obsession with him because of his want for pushing jujutsu to its limit meanwhile Kenjaku thinks she's a great back up body if Geto's were to ever perish because she's got a good technique. Kenjaku's genuinely never heard of her before he took over his body but he finds her interesting even without her technique with what he knows now. They don't share the same opinions on some things though. Kenjaku is very disappointed with all his creations because they never go beyond himself, meanwhile Tamaki loves his creations because they're the physical proof of what jujutsu could be and the building blocks of most of her creations which she loves very much so she could never understand why he'd even be disappointed. Being able to create something, anything is an amazing feat, especially for someone as academically challenged as she is.
Tamaki really likes him but never tried to talk to him because she knows Noritoshi finds her gross for liking Kenjaku but she doesn't care because they still work together fine regardless of that but with Choso so she wants to respect his boundaries and they are never forced into working with eachother so they can't even form a similar relationship to what she has with Noritoshi. Choso doesn't hate her though because if Yuji is fine with her then he is too. He knows she only likes Kenjaku for his research but telling this to her isn't his main priority since they're not really a big thing in eachothers lives.
Yuji Itadori
They met after her head injury so she was a bit crazy compared to how she was with Megumi and Nobara when they talked. She was in the room when Sukuna revived him and his body was what interested her the most because it was strong like someone with a heavenly restriction but also held tons of cursed energy thanks to sukuna's fingers. She's weird around him because of sukuna, she likes to ask questions about what it's like being a vessel and holding another person inside your body so obviously he thinks she's weird but from what he's heard from Kugisaki and Fushiguro she's reliable so he thinks that too.
Megumi Fushiguro
They met when she was working under Geto. Tamaki never told him this though but he was aware of the fact that she's a curse user, he just chose not to mention it to anyone but Gojo picked up on it because duh he has the six eyes. Megumi thinks she has a good personality since she got along with his sister in the time Tsumiki was still alive and conscious. During the sister exchange event he was surprised to see her again as a sorcerer and not a curse user and they exchanged contacts after it. The ten shadows is a very good technique so she's really excited to see him eventually tame all the ten shadows. (That never happens through megumis hands) At least she has his permission to disect him when he dies.
Nobara Kugisaki
They initially met in a one off interation when she was still working with Geto. Nobara thought she was kinda wimpy but the wimpy type that she should protect because she's a city girl and not used to the countryside. During the sister exchange event Nobara was happy to see her and was pleasantly surprised to see Tamaki be a bit unhinged. They also got each others contact after that. Tamaki also enjoys Nobara technique. Techniques that are accociated with the soul are really interesting to her.
For the next bit I have to say Tamaki was involved in the night parade on Geto's side like she was literally with him and fighting yuta and stuff and she also fought a few of the Tokyo seconds years.
Maki Zenin
Tamaki thinks she hates her for being aligned with Geto when they met. Maki can empathise with her because Tamaki did it to practice jujutsu when she couldn't under her uncles supervision and Maki moved from Kyoto to Tokyo so she can get revenge on her clan so they're not that different. Tamaki thinks her heavenly restriction is cool and (unlike another person with a heavenly restriction) she's making the most of it. Maki would like to see what weapons Tamaki has inside her cursed spirit's inventory. (It's mainly non-weaponty like furniture, dirt, sand, stuff that you can throw at an opponent and now care about wasting stuff)
Inumaki Toge
Not much to say to eachother. They don't talk (haha get it) so they can't form personal opinions on each other. She can form opinions on his jujutsu though. It's decent but the drawbacks aren't worth it in her opinion for someone of his caliber but he's utilising it the best he can and he's a fast runner. She's never seen him do hand to hand or use weapons and imbue them with cursed energy. Maybe it's a binding vow to increase his speech technique.
He's a panda, pandas don't hold grudges or at least that's what I think he would say. She thinks his technique is OK but it's really all Yaga's doing so she's not very interested in him.
Yuta Okkotsu
He beat her in a fight once and all he got from that is that she's mentally unstable and should seek help (she won't). Because he's not much of a fighter his opinion of her ties strictly to her background and not her capabilities. He can relate with her because they both have dead lovers that they kind of brought back from the dead in a weird and twisted way. He thinks she should try to let her dead bf go because it'll help her mental health (She really doesn't want him to point that out though because she know it's healthier for her but she just doesn't want to let him go).
Kinji Hakari
He thinks she has a lot of fever. She's always itching for a fight so he likes her. Tamaki likes him, he's easy to get along with and he's also the basis for a few of her moves. Their domain hand signs both come from the seven lucky gods and the 24 devas (benzaiten and bishamonten) so they're good buds.
Kirara Hoshi
Tamaki thinks her technique is really cool while Kirara likes her for her hair. Somehow it's not damaged from all of Tamaki's black hair dye. (Idk what else to say, Kirara has only ever been shown using it once as far as I'm aware, defensively but I'm sure she makes good use of it. I can imagine it being used as a homing missile and stuff. It's such a cool concept.)
Satoru Gojo
So they officially met after Geto's death and he kind of sees her as the last bit of Geto, like a gift from him to Gojo. Obviously this means he has to protect her but it was her choice to go to Kyoto tech so it was harder to do the from Tokyo, especially with how much trouble she causes but shes still somehow alive. Gojo thinks her curse is kinda cute, if not a bit unhealthy. Love is a curse and something something idk where I was going with that. Tamaki honestly regrets not going to Tokyo tech to study under him. He's very strong and with his six eyes he could honestly give her some really helpful pointers. She knows more than she should about him because of Geto lol.
Shoko Ieiri
Besties honestly. Shoko was the one who helped refine Tamaki’s rct. Every once in a while Tamaki goes to Tokyo to talk to her and also take off some of her workload.
Masamichi Yaga
He can make an army but he chooses not to, the fuck? At least everyone who comes out of his school is strong.
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alexbkrieger13 · 7 months
How to stop Spain and Aitana Bonmatí. Well, how to try at least
for my first column for Moving the Goalposts I was asked: how do you beat Spain? Well, it is easier said than done. When my Sweden team faced them in Gothenburg in September I had a moment which felt like an out-of-body experience: I could see clearly which kinds of balls they wanted to play and the patterns of their passes. They like to play diagonal passes from the No 6 up to the No 8s and, from there, switch the play. The problem, though, was reacting to it as they are just so quick.
I’ve seen them close up probably more than I’d have liked in the past year – three times, in fact, as we lost a World Cup semi-final to them and then suffered late defeats in both our Nations League group games against them.
Now it is time for the Nations League semi-finals. France face Germany and the Netherlands have the unenviable task of taking on Spain. When I think about what makes them so formidable, I’d start with two things: the amount of quality players and that winning culture, which begins with their youth national teams. They’ve won four of the last five Under-19 Euros and been to the final in seven of the last eight Under-17 Euros. In other words, just reaching a tournament is not enough – their attitude is “we’re going to be there until the end”. The same goes at club level with Barcelona.
In fairness, with Sweden we were close in both Nations League group games: we interrupted their rhythm and were close to getting a draw. We like to press high and force mistakes and, at home, I scored the opening goal and we managed to disrupt them quite well. However, we didn’t have energy to do it for the whole game and lost 3-2.
In Málaga we played a new 3-5-2 formation as we wanted to get a higher press on their centre-backs and also – with our three centre-backs – to cover the inner corridors that they are so good at exploiting. We won the ball high and led 3-1 at half-time. But after an hour a little player called Aitana Bonmatí came on and changed the game, and we ended up losing 5-3.
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View image in fullscreenThis is an example with Alexia Putellas this time positioning herself in the same area, making it really difficult for us to decide who should mark her. Photograph: SvFF
Another player I’d like to mention is Salma Paralluelo, who has added a new dimension to Spain’s game. She is so quick that you can’t just have a high line against them as you might get caught out behind instead. Previously, Spain had forwards coming short so you could keep the team really compact but with Paralluelo it makes that really difficult.
Spain’s opponents in Seville on Friday, the Netherlands, have resilience and some good attacking players but the challenge will be to play the perfect game for 90 minutes. When you have the energy, you can press Spain and get the ball in good areas but they’re so good at tiring teams out, as they showed in the World Cup final against England. You retreat into a mid or low block and then you are just chasing and looking at what they are doing. And that means that when you do win the ball, it is hard to have ideas and keep hold of it – they are so quick at trying to regain it, while you are still tired.
If there is one weakness in Spain, it is the fact they do concede goals – nine in six Nations League group games. At Chelsea we always had the mantra that goals win you games but defence wins you championships and, as a defender, I like to believe that is true. That said, Spain scored 23 at the other end so maybe they have cracked the code – as long as you score an extreme amount of goals then it is OK not to be so solid. However, that could be where other teams have a chance.
As for the other semi-final between France and Germany, the French had a strong group stage, dropping just two points and conceding only one goal. They are a team with a core of experience as well as individual flair and they have Marie-Antoinette Katoto looking dangerous again after her long-term injury. However, as a Bayern Munich player I hope my German friends will go through and I do think they have grown as a team. Since moving to Bayern I have noticed that German football has a similarity with Swedish culture in that everyone is expected to work for the team. An example is Klara Bühl, my Bayern colleague, who is one of their key attacking players but still works really hard for the team. With that attitude, I fancy them to reach the final.
Credit to Spain campaigners
It is not just on the pitch that I admire Spain. As a member of FifPro’s global players’ council, I have followed their story off the pitch too and before the game in September, I managed to say, very briefly, how much I respected them for the way they have stood up and demanded changes from their FA – and got them. The week leading up to that match they had had late-night meetings, little sleep and plenty of stress yet still managed to come to Gothenburg and play a really good game. I am impressed with how, between their struggles, they have managed to stay focused on their football and win a World Cup.
Nations League format should follow men’s example
On a broader note about this first Women’s Nations League, it has been a welcome addition even if, timing-wise, it was tough from a player’s perspective to regroup and go again so soon after the World Cup. However, when I look at the fact Spain and France each play their semi-final at home, I do believe it would have been better to follow the men’s example and have a ‘final four’ event in just one place. It would have been a better spectacle and would make more sense from a commercial perspective – not to mention a sporting one as it is a huge advantage for Spain and France to each have a home semi-final.
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alciedoodles · 2 years
Hey Neyla! I hope it’s ok that I ask but is there a brush setting you prefer on procreate? I’ve been inspired by your art for eons but I can’t comprehend photoshop. You can totally disregard this if you don’t use procreate though!
Hello! I don't know how long this message's been sitting in my inbox because i didnt check in for a while 🥺 I hope you get to see this either way!
I don't use procreate unfortunately, but I can explain the settings I use for my brushes on CSP in general, and if it works like any other art software then you should have similar settings on procreate
for sketches/linework, I will very often use an opaque & slightly textured round brush. the most important for me is for the brush to have that fuzzy sort of texture that gives the impression of using a pen/marker on paper.
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note that i am actually terrible when it comes to line weight, it's definitely not something i work on a lot other than in backgrounds, so I don't actually bother too much with pen pressure settings.
the only rule I abide to is to always set the minimum value above 0 (anywhere between 20-30 is what I use). this is because when I started drawing, I used to be very heavy-handed and would wear out my pens too quickly-- so setting a minimum can help you become more aware of how hard you're pressing on your pen and make gentler strokes.
another fun little setting i use is opacity: like I said, I use opaque brushes for lines, but I like to reduce a tiny bit of opacity when brushing very lightly to give that impression of pen on paper.
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There's a couple more brushes I use for coloring or rendering; the major sticking point being that I don't use pen pressure to control brush size that much. If I want to make thinner/smaller strokes, I'll simply reduce the brush size because it's easier for me to control!
(also, opacity is something I'll use a lot more when I'm working on colors)
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just know that this is my way of handling it, and it may not suit your style. pen pressure may be another artist's best friend, so please make sure you try out what works best for you :)
finally, some art softwares come with stabilization. I don't use it personally, unless i'm actually trying to do really smooth curves (which is practically never). stabilization can also make CSP lag a lot with higher values and large brushes. the use of stabilization doesn't make you a bad artist or a lazy one, and not using it can make your lines look a tiny bit wobbly if you're not used to doing quick strokes. use stabilization at your own leisure!
on a different note, i know this wasn't part of the question but I'm bringing this up since it's something I tend to hear from people who say they were inspired by my art (thank you by the way🥺💕!!) : don't be misled by artstyles that "make it look easy"! my sketches may look very simple and natural because i'm more adept at bringing out the essential and discarding details in a design. this is not necessarily what you want for your art style; maybe you like drawing details a lot, maybe you prefer the lazy way out going straight to the point. neither are good or bad, only what you like to do matters.
also, if you're frustrated by your work, don't be afraid to draw over it as many times as you want, adjusting things with the lasso tool or deform if something feels off then drawing over again. sometimes you'll be satisfied with your first take, and sometimes you'll need 3 bases before its acceptable (examples below)-- it all depends on your mood, energy, motivation, desired outcome, format, or even just randomness
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oh and, sometimes the best way to enjoy drawing..is to find something to obsessively draw (,:
take care!
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backtothedisaster · 5 months
For the ask game
All character/ship specific ones will be for Tw0F4ng (if it's character specific you can just do either Fl4k or Zer0 if you want. Or both if you want to do both)
3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25
Obviously don't have to answer all of them bc it's a lot but idk I like your opinions they're neat
3. NoTP? i dont really have one for fl4k but for zero...zerhys sorry. Im a known rhys disliker and i just dont see it 9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed! THIS ONE...oh my god. i dont read fic much but this permanently rewired my brain. it influenced a lot how i interpret fl4k and zer0 and their relationship 10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for [character]? Ok im kind of just picking drawings that theyre included in because i really like them. These two 11. What's your favourite piece of fanart for [ship]? auuuug i have a hard time choosing but i think this one 12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with? I guess not funny or crazy (kind of tragic if im honest) but ive been thinking a little bit about a fl4k/zer0 au that takes place several decades in the future after most of their friends have. well. Died. (i think fl4k and zer0 would have a significantly longer lifespan than the rest of the raiders because robot and..alien(?) thing..Youve just gotta trust me on this one) Anyways i dont have any real like...plot or anything really for this au i kind of just like the concept (I am a sucker for tragedy) 19. What's your favourite thing about [the borderlands fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)? So many creative people in this community...its the first real fandom space ive interacted with in a while and its nice. lots of cool people here 22. Give us a headcanon for [character] Ok normally i would answer this one but i spent all my creative energy on an essay earlier...consider this my IOU 24. What's your favourite thing about [character]? Fl4k was actually a character made in a lab for me i swear to god. An archivist bot developing sentience and deciding become a hunter to serve a personification of death... im sorry but is that not literally the coolest shit ever. Maybe it would be easier to stop falling into the stereotype of "every nonbinary character is nonhuman" if they would stop making them so fucking awesome as for zer0. their offputting demeanor and autistic swagger has captivated me
i answered as many as i could ^_^ enjoy yay
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ignus-moth · 6 months
ok so i was thinking about the trope of being sorted into different groups and stuff in media, (those dystopia books, fantasy based on element stuff, the owl house, guilds/classes in games, harry potter) and… what the hell do the houses in harry potter do except draw the line between good and bad?? putting a kid not doing so well with a bunch of other kids that are bullies or not doing so well IS A BAD IDEA
you know what would have been way more interesting?
unicorn, dragon, pheonix (common, uncommon, rare). but that is only 3, so maybe add in kraken scales (id add that between uncommon and rare) or something so it’s four.
SO harry can still be special boy, phoenix core, but there should be drawbacks and different pros and cons of the cores so it’s not super unbalanced.
Unicorn cores maybe have a better time with aim and control, and as such is good with spells that are ranged or need precision. However the precision means powerful spells are more difficult to cast and requires more practice. Maybe they take an extra class about how to learn and practice spells specifically for unicorn cores.
Dragon cores are more powerful in short bursts, like explosions and such, so prolonged spells are more difficult so require more attention and endurance. The short explosions of energy means they are better for straight combat. The easiest to get used to, despite being the second most common. They have a class for practicing spell endurance.
Kraken cores work best when manipulating large physical objects and mass. Levitation, moving things around, and manipulating shape is easiest. Manipulating anything organic is much more difficult to learn, but ultimately easier. Manipulating the mind is just as hard as usual. Has an extra class about healing, as they are the best healers.
Phoenix cores are incredibly difficult to use, not just skill-wise but mentally. The core stores magic the best but humans are squishy and can’t take that magic very well. It is more powerful but, if used too much, can seriously damage the brain with concussion-like symptoms. It is easiest to loose control with this core and hurt people, so they have a few extra classes on how to control this. Phoenix core spell casters must see a doctor and therapist once a month, and again if there is any incident.
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u3pxx · 2 years
do you have any tips for the first time taking commissions? also, your artstyle is delightful, i love the bright colors and linework !
thank you! i'm no expert so i'll only be talking about my own experience and what i did when i opened commishes last year :^]
1. set up your pricing, samples, and tos ok this one's kinda obvious bc you gotta show people info on what stuff you could draw and how much will it be! you could either make a carrd or info document for this. feel free to look at other artists' info docs/commish carrds too to see how they formatted theirs so you could get an idea.
as for pricing, i think looking at how other artists' price their work too could help in deciding how your gonna price your works. i personally looked at other artists who i think have a similar style to how i draw and factored in how long i usually work on something when pricing my stuff.
2. establish a limit/amount of slots for commissions the last thing i wanted to happen when opening commissions was to be overwhelmed, thus, making me unable to start on any work bc of task paralysis, i didn't want to bite more than i can chew so i made sure to know and limit how much stuff i can draw.
i limited myself to 8 slots, under it are 4 slots for sketches, 2 for both flat-colored drawings and shaded drawings. i knew drawing with colors would take a lot more time so they're in a lesser amount compared to sketches which i confidently think i could do quicker.
of course, as you grow more confident with your workflow/process/speed, you're free to have more slots or no slots at all! even make a waitlist or something.
3. communicate clearly with your clients got busy and can't work on your commission at the moment? tell it to your client! people are nice and pretty understanding when life gets in the way so don't be shy or embarrassed to say that you can't work on their piece right now. be clear too or even give an estimated date of when you can continue it.
4. make a form where people can submit commish requests i didn't do this the first time so communication with clients took a lot more time and energy than needed, so make life easier for yourself and make a form that asks everything you need to know about your client's commission: the commish description, number of characters, reference pictures, style of drawing, etc.
here's a video on making commission forms that i thought was pretty helpful! once again, feel free to look at other artists' forms too to see how they formatted it and such.
here's mine as a lil example:
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that's really all i could think of rn, hope this helps anon :^Dc
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maxrowave · 11 months
I just wanna ask if the way you purposely draw your characters hands like that. I by no means am asking this as a way to offend you or anything like that(I'm sorry if it comes across offensively, I'm admittedly not good with words). Because as I look at your drarry art I can't help but notice how the lines on their hands that are probably their knuckles/wrist look like a puppets. It's honestly really cool, it looks like they have ballpoints in their hands for it to functionally bend, and stuff. It looks like they're in a Sci-fi or like an Android world
Ok so I don't know if it's because I just pay more attention to Draco, or it's because his hand is in the frame more often than Harry's, but most of the time, it's draco that mainly has these lines on his hands. So it paints a cool unintentional portrait of android Draco, and creator harry. Which reminds me of the greek myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, which revolves around a sculptor's love for his own creation, but as I said earlier they look like they're part of a Sci-fi/Android world, so the idea of harry creating android Draco as a challenge at first, or just a simple curiousness of how high can he reach with technology, and then later on following the myths footsteps has now completely taken over my mind
P.S:I hope you don't take this in a bad way, I just have the tendency to ramble about people's art, especially on things that aren't exactly part of said characters world, like the ballpoint hand thing, which I honestly think was unintentional but it would be cool if it isn't. Speaking of the hand, please don't get offended if I pointed it out, I fully understand if you do take offense, and decide not to respond, like I said I just like rambling alotಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
THIS MADE ME START GIGGLING AND SMILING, OH MY WOW OKAY -- I'd actually been wondering if people would ever begin to question it. To begin, thank you very much for the compliments, and then to address the question as to why they have funky hands as concisely as possible: It's easy for me to draw and I'm a lazy artist I draw hands and fingers via their joints in sketches because it's anatomically easier to understand, and I just don't erase it in the rendering process. I can render hands and fingers normally, but I spend up to 5 hours per drawing (I don't know how or why) and I typically reserve the hand for last (aka when all my energy is depleted because I refuse to spread out my drawing times like a normal person). Regardless I am quite glad that I (unintentionally) reminded you of Greek Mythology, as long as it's evoking something within you (that is good), regardless of my intention, then I am satisfied. I love the idea of sci-fi Drarry and will have to take note of it for the future! Would be a nice change for my hyper fixations on the early 20th century. Also, I just happen to draw Draco frequently more and I do make sure hands are visible so that it can be a little bit more ~dynamic~ and as a mild artist flex lmao p.s some normal knuckles for the soul, maybe just for this ask I will draw them with proper hands or something sci fi....
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brb-on-a-quest · 6 months
For the writer asks: 4, 15, 27, and 30 <3
HI IGGY!! :) :) :) tysm; i haven't actually looked through most of these yet so I should do that first XD. Numbers are from here
4- (story idea I haven't written yet)
Ok so I have started this one but then decided I hated it so it's mulling on the back burner until I have more energy to rehash it out for better stuff is part of The Doctor and The Butler storyarc(?world?) at this point, but basically the robins all take the Doc on a Proper Road Trip and it All Goes To Chaos(tm) because the Doctor Does Not Do RoadTrips in the slightest because he just pops in and out of time on a whim and doesn't seem to do great in small spaces for more than 15 minutes (basing this on the cube episode in the Matt Smith Era). It'd be good but it needs a certain... vibe yk? haven't gotten there.
15- (favorite weather for writing). Not a weather, but I can only write when it's dark outside bc then I don't feel about about not doing homework/other things. Rain is also good tho.
27- (Favorite part of writing process). The part in Brainstorming where it all starts coming together and you're just squealing like your twelve and some cool people just invited you to hangout with them, and then you start writing and everything goes smoothly.
30- (Share a fic you're proud of)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't have any full-length WIP done for you to look at but I think I have some assignments (checks through old google documents) lmao no what assignments (shoves them all into the fireplace). Let me give you the beginning of one of my current WIPS that im really proud of currently even if I've been writing and rewriting it so many times.
It wasn’t even close to the moonset when hands and voices raised them from sleep. “Misha, Rose. On your feet. It’s your turn now.”  “Ugh, just kill me now,” Rose muttered as she and Misha both sat up blearily. “Be quicker and easier.” “That’s the coward’s way out. Also, way too expensive.” Misha stood up and rubbed her eyes. “How much fest prep do we gotta do still, Dani?” She watched as the freckled elf started climbing to the top bunk.  Daeneryl flopped down on her mattress, clutching a fat feather pillow, with a yawn. “Just drinks, but those are last minute.”  “Oh, and be careful how you tread around the old man today.” Fayley peeled off her slippers from her feet as Misha and Rose got dressed into their outfits for the day. “Got a new run of trash gryphons. Damn pests.” “Thought Sammy took care of all that?” Rose sighed as she pulled a brush from the vanity table to untangle a sea of unruly curly hair. Starting from the bottom, she winced every time she had to pull it through to the end.  “He was supposed to. Says he did his whole ‘pied piper act’ which he did, but apparently these are a different breed.” Dani sighed. “Nick’s looking into wizard enchantments.”  Eventually, Rose gave it up and threw it all up in a slicked-back ponytail, held in place with an assortment of ribbons and pins. “One day, I swear, I’m just going to take a knife to this and hack it off.” “You’ve been saying that for five years,” Dani laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” “Watch me.” Rose grimaced. Misha shook her head silently as she braided the front sections of her hair and tied it back with a bright orange ribbon that matched her flowing skirt. It was one of her favorites because it made her stand out in a crowd that mostly wore shades of brown and black for practicality. She slipped into her boots and crouched down, waiting for Rose.
Rose caught sight of her and rolled her eyes. “You’re asking for it. Fayley, your count.”  There was a muffled “Go” and fingers interweaved the laces with their corresponding hooks. They looked up when they were finished, approximately the exact same time. “Call that one a draw, I suppose.” Rose shrugged. “Come on, let’s get some food before we have to deal with life.”
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itsnotzka · 3 months
Heya dear! 😊
Ok, as you both draw and write, my question for you is: which of those comes more naturally/easy for you to do?
Take care, sending you much hugs! 💚
Hey! 🥰 Oof, that's a toughie! 🤭 Both things require a lot of energy and commitment from me, but I think I'm slightly more on a drawing side. It's kind of easier to go with the flow and not worry about whether there are a lot of grammatical errors in it🤭 I love writing, my head it full of stories, but honestly, I wish I could draw everyday like I used to :)
Thank you for asking and for hugs! Take care ❤️ :)
(ask game)
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ssruis · 3 months
Thinking abt the fantasy au again
I’m moving emu attempting to leave the group to some point after the part where I’m borrowing from wonder halloween but it’s very entertaining to play w how a more emotionally competent (barely) rui would go about being like “I should leave for the safety of the group.” Something something he’s like well if nene joins you have a magic user you don’t need me anymore (tsukasa pressing the incorrect buzzer)
Emu leaving needs to be more of a “this is My Responsibility and this is dangerous” which is absolutely impacted by tsukasa being injured in the beginning but I think it works better if I move it to be in line w her confrontation with meiko. Because she needs to confront meiko on her own au meiko would not accept the outstretched hand from emu unless it was without an audience. Emu going I’m able to move on from my grandpa’s death because of my support system & you can do the same thing after the death of Luka (because miku/kagamines/kaito are all still here and still love you) ouuggh… (meiko voice) I hate all humans especially the otori royal line (picture of emu is sent) I will make an exception because she looks very polite.
Also allows for more emunene relationship development beforehand bc nene would not be confident enough to confront emu on her dumbass choices without an established rapport. Nene finding out emu went to confront the embodiment of death and endings on her own out of a misplaced belief she needs to do things on her own: I’m going to kill everybody in this room and then myself.
+ honestly though v tempted to make like. The confrontation have all of wxs. At least for part of it. Because they’re all so important to each other and love each other so much. Idk… initial confrontation w emu and meiko and then kaito brings wxs into the fray?
+ world building in that the magic nene uses (drawing from the natural world) is more normalized/easier and more controlled as opposed to whatever rui uses (using his own energy and putting it into things he creates, or using his own energy offensively).
- I think if I go the prophecy route (doubtful) the prophecy will be a lie bc I do not vibe with “fate is set in stone” I think the crucial thing needs to be emu having An Idea which is why she runs away and Tsukasa follows her based off of that idea. & then rui and nene join for the same reason. Canonisms.
- rui & tsukasa sparring to improve their skill sets against the other’s arsenal. They need to be insane w each other in every universe. Also worked in both of them getting arrested because it’s really fucking funny. Tsukasa banging his head on the cell wall dramatically like ouughh how could this happen I just wanted to be a knight & rui’s like “well it could be worse” & tsukasa’s like “WTF DO U MEAN IT COULD BE WORSE”…
- saki restraining herself from hitting tsukasa when he comes back from his big fun (lying) journey (deserved of her). & then saki leaves to travel with L/N and he’s A Fucking Mess. Before this Saki is like u mentioned rui a lot in ur letters… what’s up w that (eyes). + saki and nene interactions with nene developing a treatment plan for the corruption borne chronic illness
- nene voice I’m so glad I can finally help someone w this illness Let me tell u embarrassing stories abt ur brother. Oh He didn’t tell you he got injured & I had to drag him back from deaths door. Um. (Saki is going to kill him)
- if any relationship happens in the main story it’ll have to be emunene (& even then it’s doubtful. ideally I’d write a focus for them abt it) ruikasa becomes a thing like a year+ after the main plot because they’re both genuinely incompetent
— idr if I mentioned it anywhere but I do have the heavy handed emu & rui meddling where rui books 1 room with double beds and 1 room with only one bed (meddling on behalf of nene) and he attempts to give emunene the room with one bed and then emu (meddling on behalf of tsukasa) is like ok so YOU’LL take the single bed room :) & then emu sleeps in the same bed as nene anyways.
—- whole au is nene being like ok well now I’m living life again. And if anything happens to emu I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
- i think kaito should have a special relationship w tsukasa in that he communicates w tsukasa but in an incredibly unhelpful way & tsukasa wants to strangle him for this. Kaito gives unhelpful hints and Tsukasa is like what the fuck does that mean & kaitos like “you’ll figure it out :)” and Tsukasa is Seething.
- kagamines are more helpful. Len would probably interact mainly w rui & rin w nene. I don’t think rui and len get anything done though len just thinks rui is neat and rui is very happy to teach him things.
- miku is emu’s special little guide she shows up as a cat guiding her in the beginning and then fully reveals herself later. She’s not Super helpful but she does her best and also encourages emu to follow her heart. Which prologue tsukasa is suffering because of. (Tsukasa voice) where did the fucking princess go I’m in hell the king is gonna kill me (miku voice) hey emu come hide in this spot there’s free food.
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