#drawer inserts
eagledovetail · 1 year
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handlesnmore-blog · 1 year
Online Cutlery Drawer Inserts on Sale | Handles and More
Cutlery drawer inserts are a great way to organize and maximize storage space in your home drawers. These inserts are specifically designed to fit into standard-size drawers and come in a variety of materials, including plastic, wood, and metal. They can be customized to fit your specific needs, with compartments for everything from cutlery to office supplies. Cutlery drawer inserts can help you keep your space tidy and clutter-free, while making it easy to find and access your items quickly. Whether you're looking to organize your kitchen, bathroom, or office, drawer inserts are an affordable and efficient solution that can help you make the most of your storage space. Check out our selection of cutlery drawer inserts for sale today!
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groysinjapan · 2 years
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Bathroom 3/4 Bath (Denver)
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bunniibones · 5 months
So, since you showed us Dr. Comet, Dr. Galaxy (sry if I got his name wrong), Mr. Dr. Starline, Dr. Shell, and Dr. Supernova, but may you if you can show us (if you have any pics) of the Constellation squad with the Chaos Council? Please and ty!
I haven't drawn them together yet aside from two doodles tbh ;w;!! but I'm planning to do so in the future!
Here's what I have so far (the last one made by Drawloverlala)
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pokegalla · 2 years
Requested by @tryslogic
Hohoho! Oh man it’s been awhile since my last spicy writing. No one’s ever requested for it. So I may be a little rusty but I hope you enjoy nonetheless! (Warning!!! Pretty spicy so Minors DNI!)
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o!
* This guy. He’s definitely touchy. He’s just very comfortable with doing so and a natural tease.
* He’ll usually have his arm around your waist and ‘accidentally’ pulls you closer so you would be pressed against him. He takes these opportunities to flirt even more. He’ll leave lingering touches and gently caress the nape of your neck, your collarbones, and just above your cleavage before pulling away. He definitely knows how to leave you longing for more….
* In private, it can be either fluffy or spicy depending on the mood! Sometimes he just likes to hold you or have his hand on you. It’s kind of a comfort thing. To remind him you’re here with him. Now if he’s horny….shit will go from spicy to burning hot if you know what I’m saying. He will be more openly touchy. Gripping your thigh, playfully tugging at your cleavage to show more of your chest. And he’ll be smiling all the while, looking up at you with a lustful gaze before giving you a kiss that leaves you panting.
* This guy has absolutely no filter with that mouth of his either. You decided to wear a shirt that does show quite a bit of cleavage and the look on his face says everything. “A shirt with a boob window huh? Then I hope you don’t mind me window shopping~” “Lust!” “I’m just enjoying the view love~”
* But he will never overstep his boundaries. You’re his S/o. The last thing he’d ever want is to make you uncomfortable. He just can’t help but enjoy those cute faces you make when he teases you. He could get addicted to it~.
* He has no boundaries let’s be honest. He’s the type of guy to accidentally teleport in your bathtub while you’re in there and he’ll just be like “Woah my bad brah!”
* I feel like you should probably teach him what not to do in public. Cause I’d definitely see him as crazy enough to grab a whole boob in public out of curiosity. He doesn’t really care either but if you keep reminding him, he’ll listen. Eventually.
* In private, it’s about the same thing but worst. You’ll be stuck in bed with this guy’s head smooshed between your breast. He finds it fascinating how soft they are. He’ll definitely be playing with them just to see your reactions. And he loves to kiss up and down your neck while doing so. (He loves your facial expressions. You look so damn cute. He’ll keep this in mind).
* Wearing shirts that show cleavage is just begging for him to poke the top of your boobs. But….he does like how you look. The way the shirt clings to you and present your breast….he kinda likes the view. And you can tell because this guy is shameless with all that staring. He doesn’t even hide it.
* He really needs to learn his boundaries sometimes but he’s just very curious. The curiosity is endearing but you’re starting to wonder if maybe he just loves your tits. Teasing him will actually get him a little flustered….but you’re gonna regret it-
* Bro. He’s a fucking horndog. And he’s worst then LUST. My guy does dirty jokes and flirts with you a LOT. He has his sweet moments of course (he’s still a sweetheart). But more times then that, he’s a pervert.
* You gotta watch out for this guy. He would definitely cop a feel any chance he gets. Deadass nothing is safe. Ass, tits, thigh, he’s slick with those hands. And if you tell him to cut it out, he’ll tease you and ‘convince’ you otherwise. And judging by that shit eating grin, he doesn’t regret it.
* In private, he’s actually much softer. Since no one can judge him, he can be more comfortable just unwinding and cuddling with you (he doesn’t want to seem weak). Doesn’t mean he won’t be touchy in these moments. In fact he’ll be twice as much grabby in these moments. Holding you close to him, softly squeezing and kneading your breast, leaving lingering kisses all over your face and neck. Yea sometimes it can end in a rather steamy session.
* Ok this is hilarious but if you wanna catch him off guard and make him flustered? Wear a shirt with cleavage. One time you did and he was walking into a room to look for you “hey babe have you seen the remote? I think Doomfanger got it ag-HOT DAMN!” My guy forgot everything he came here for. You know the cartoon whistle effect that goes up? That’s him but uh with his (Y’know….). Mans is definitely not keeping his hands off you now.
* He loves you very much and this is kinda how he expresses it (he finds it difficult to express himself through words so he shows it through touch). If you ever feel uncomfortable, he’ll understand too though. See? He can be a sweetheart (he’ll just be in extreme denial-)
Another little surprise! I was going to write a small oneshot but admittingly it was….kinda hard NOT to make it too spicy. So I decided on this for now! I hope you like it! Edit: lol I did it anyway. Good luck~ (below drawing)
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knifesxedge · 2 months
Sister Found Out About the RPF Playlist.
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Narration: jamie emerged from his dwelling, but it was hard to tell if he woke up from a really good nap, or a severely needed deep slumber. Either way, the bags under his eyes always made it difficult to tell
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end-orfino · 10 months
once in a while i'll go to ikea/ikea's website just to take a look at what they're doing and yesterday i was made aware they have another "customize however you want it" thing with a type of shelf. and like. i'm not going to say that it's not a smart marketing move because truly, it is. But what in the past was just "you get to choose what style of a box you put into these shelves" evolved into. everything. you can add everything to these motherfuckers
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amethiosspouse · 9 months
it's canon now
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anyways I haven't slept at all, so I'm gonna go to sleep.
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cobrafoam · 1 year
The Role of Foam Inserts for Drawers in Simplifying Storage
One of the major reasons for using drawers is proper storage. The use of drawers makes it easy for you to store your essentials properly and access them quickly. Drawers make it easy for you to keep your belongings organized as well as easily accessible. Using the right drawer is an effective way to maintain an efficient and clutter-free living space.
No doubt, drawers can be used in a variety of ways and for storing a variety of products, but using a good foam drawer insert helps you make your drawer more effective in terms of safety and storage. These customizable and versatile foam inserts are made to fit perfectly into drawers, making them a useful and effective storage option for a variety of items. Foam inserts designed for drawers not only make storage easier but also help you organize your space. Let's have a look at how these inserts simplify storage.
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Customizable organization:
Drawer foam inserts are best at offering a high level of customization. They make it easy for you to create compartments and choose different shapes and sizes for the insert to complete your specific storage needs. Your drawer space can be divided into distinct sections with foam inserts, accommodating items of various shapes and sizes. Foam inserts give you the flexibility to create compartments that perfectly fit your belongings, preventing them from shifting or becoming disorganized, no matter what you are storing in them.
Provide excellent protection and prevent damage:
For items that are delicate or fragile, foam drawer inserts provide excellent protection. Foam drawer inserts help protect fragile items like electronics, collectibles, and glassware from bumps, scratches, and other damage that can occur during storage or movement due to their soft and cushioning properties. By safely supporting these things inside the compartments of the foam insert, you can be sure that your items will remain safe.
Enhanced visibility:
Drawer foam inserts have the added benefit of making stored items more visible and accessible. You can easily see and access the contents of your drawers because you can create separate compartments. You won't have to sift through a muddle to find what you need. Using drawer foam inserts helps you keep all things where they should be. It helps you ensure that each item stored in the drawer is not only safe but also visible and easily retrievable.
Efficient space utilization:
Foam inserts for drawers help you make the most of the space in your drawers. By creating distinct compartments, you can make efficient use of every inch of space and eliminate wasted space. This not only lets you store more things in a smaller space, but it also keeps things from shifting or getting mixed up, which can cause damage or make it hard to find what you need. With foam drawer inserts, organizing and cleaning drawers also become easy. The foam's smooth surface makes it simple to wipe down, making it possible for you to quickly and easily remove dust, crumbs, or spills. Additionally, the inserts themselves are light and simple to remove, making it simple to clean the drawer surfaces and foam whenever necessary.
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jedi-bird · 1 year
Made an ikea run this afternoon. Got a shelving unit I've been wanting for a while, looked at some ideas for my partner's new home office, and made an impulse purchase of a tea pot and a pan. Most of the things we were considering are sold out but there's a few available for order that we might try and get, just have to do some measurements first before the final decision is made.
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eagledovetail · 1 year
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handlesnmore-blog · 2 years
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batfamfucker · 2 years
Claudette Morel having ADHD my beloved
#Dead By Daylight#dbd#Claudette Morel#ADHD#Bruh I relate to her first memory note so much#My teacher's always used to say I had my head in the clouds#And blame/embarrass me for it too#Claudette my dear I'm so sorry#Her hyperfixation on science is adorable#Bruh I had a drawer full of bugs as a kid and I used to sit in the corner of the playground at school-#And watch the ants talk to each other#Girl I would have loved to be your friend#It breaks my heart how much a lot of these characters go through. So many of the OG survivors are only 19 too???#They're literally just kids/teenagers omfg#I'm too emotional about these characters#I love the dbd team for all these little backstories and such. They coulda just made a survive and hunt game#But they literally gave every single character a story and life outside of these trials that makes you really root for them#Tell me why this game has better diversity for race 'insert comma' culture and mental disabilities than most modern media#And does it better than thosetypes of shows that will try but do it completely wrong or somehow more offensive than if they had none at all#Like I really appreciate the devs for how much effort. research. care. and respect that goes into these characters and thier backgrounds#and cultures#I don't know if they've done anything wrong yet as I'm very early in the game#I've been playing for abiut a month now but only just started the rift stuff since I didn't know that was a thing for the first 3 weeks#I have to do it in order tho because of adhd and ocd. So I'm on Tome One Section Two. I can't wait to catch up tho lmao#Tho it means I'm gonna have to get the dlcs which sucks because /money/ but I can't just. Leave out the dlc character rifts#Or it'll annoy me#But we'll do that when we get there#But anyway yeah I love Claudette sm but I do Main Meg because /sprint/
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robpegoraro · 1 month
Yes, you can make your own utensil drawer dividers
Some of the ingredients for a new recipe I recently tried out in my kitchen: poplar, screws and stain.
Finally having our kitchen redone after almost 20 years of getting increasingly fed up with the sloppy layout and slipshod workmanship1 of the old cabinets has since left me spending more time in a different part of our house: the basement. That’s because three weeks of spectacularly efficient work by our contractor to rip out the old cabinets, build the new ones and install new appliances left…
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eaglewoodworking · 8 months
What are File and Corner Drawer Inserts?
File and corner drawer inserts are ingenious organizational tools designed to maximize storage efficiency in spaces. These inserts are versatile, addressing different needs in both home and office settings. But before buying these drawers, you must understand about their built and where they are mostly used. So let’s dive deeply into topic.
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File Drawer Inserts
File drawer inserts are invaluable in office environments, transforming messy and disorganized drawers into neatly compartmentalized storage solutions. They are specifically tailored to store and organize various types of files, from standard letter-sized documents to legal-sized paperwork. 
With dividers, adjustable slots, and label holders, these drawers help keep important documents easily accessible and neatly sorted, ultimately enhancing productivity and time management.
Corner Drawer
On the other hand, these drawers make the most of often underutilized space in kitchen and bathroom cabinets. These inserts are specially designed to fit into the corners of drawers, allowing you to neatly organize cutlery, utensils, and other small kitchen essentials. 
In bathrooms, corner drawers provide a convenient solution for storing cosmetics, toiletries, and personal grooming items while making the best use of the corner spaces.
These innovative inserts are essential for anyone seeking to optimize their storage space and maintain a clutter-free and well-organized environment. You can buy custom drawer inserts from a popular brand like Eagle Woodworking. Visit the website to know more.
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