tezzyarts · 4 months
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Final pictures of Kona the Dralic! I truly consider him one of my best works and I hope to continue making minky suits in the future.
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 3 years
Stronger Than Blood Chapter 26: Draco
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Summary: Hufflepuff witch Felicity Zabini struggles to find normalcy as she enters into her 6th year at Hogwarts, reeling from her father’s sudden death and her mother’s quick remarriage into the Zabini family. If only she had known that discovering Draco Malfoy falling apart in the bathroom would spiral into so much more.
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: language, angst, humor (I made myself giggle, anyway), descriptions of violence, mentions of abuse & rape, some fluff
I wish I could say that I was surprised at the audacity of my mother to inform Felicity of my engagement (as if I’d actually marry the Greengrass girl. I had a bloody girlfriend!) but in truth, I wasn’t surprised at all. I’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. Happiness in my life was manufactured, all for show. God forbid my parents let me have actual happiness in my life.
I was immediately on guard as I received my mother’s owl the next day. She wanted Fliss and I to meet her for dinner at the Manor. I didn’t want to accept, of course, but I knew that my mother would keep pestering me until I gave in. I also knew that the Dark Lord was absent from my home at the time. Had he been anywhere nearby, I would have refused my mother outright. Fliss would never even hear his voice if I had anything to do with it. I wanted to keep her as far away from all of that as possible.
“Does she just want to torture me more?” she asked as she paced my room. We were due to meet my mother in around an hour. “I don’t need to hear that I’m not good enough for you again.”
I felt a sharp pang in my chest at Felicity’s words, a mix of heartache and anger. I hated that my mother made her feel like she wasn’t good enough for me. Fliss was too good for me in more ways than one, in ways I didn’t deserve.
I placed my hands on her shoulders so she would stay still. “It’ll be fine,” I murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “And would you stop fidgeting with your dress?” I added, rubbing her arms. “You look beautiful.”
Felicity was wearing a teal colored cocktail dress that enhanced her curves so well that I wanted to hide her away. She had no business being so bloody gorgeous, especially when she blushed at the compliment.
“I’d say the same,” she teased. “But you wear that black suit so often that the attraction has worn off.”
“That’s impossible,” I scoffed. “I look dashing and you know it.”
Fliss leaned up to kiss my cheek. “I’m only teasing, of course. You’re as handsome as ever.” She ran her hands down my chest, smoothing tiny wrinkles in my suit. I smirked.
“Of course I am,” I winked.
She pursed her lips, trying hard not to laugh. “You’re annoying.”
“Annoyingly handsome?”
“That too. You’re also just plain annoying.”
I clutched a hand to my chest. “‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’”
Her lips quirked. “‘I am not bound to please thee with my answers.’”
“Have I ever told you that I love it when you quote Shakespeare?” I wrapped my arms around her torso, drawing her to my chest.
“You act as if I do so all the time,” Fliss replied as she wrapped her arms around my waist with a snicker.
I kissed the side of her head before saying against her ear, “Take that as a cue to do so on a regular basis, then.”
“You’re bossy.”
“You love it.”
“I’d never tell you either way.” But she was smiling up at me, and that was enough of an answer for me.
“Mum!” I called as Felicity and I stepped out of the fireplace. I shot the Hufflepuff a glare when she tried to let go of my hand. “Don’t you dare let go of me because of my mother.”
Fliss grimaced. “As long as she won’t hex me on the spot.”
I tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “I won’t let that happen. Besides,” I smirked down at her. “I’d obviously step in front of a hex like the gentleman I’ve been raised to be.”
“My hero,” the witch deadpanned with a roll of her eyes. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as my mother strolled into the room.
“There’s no need to holler, Draco,” she admonished, leaning up to kiss my cheek. “I’m not hard of hearing.”
“Not yet.” I muttered, which predictably earned me a swat on the arm from my girlfriend. Mum watched the exchange with a smile tugging at her mouth.
“You look lovely, Miss Zabini.” Mum addressed her for the first time, her shrewd blue eyes flicking down to our linked hands. Felicity shuffled closer to me, bringing her free hand up and wrapping it around my bicep.
“Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy,” she responded with a stiff nod.
My mother’s expression flickered with something that looked suspiciously like shame, a look she rarely wore.
“Well,” her tone was a bit too brisk. “Shall we proceed to the dining room? I hope you’re hungry.”
“I’m always hungry,” I shrugged. Fliss patted my arm.
“Yes, Draco, we’re all aware of your proclivity to inhale your food like a vacuum cleaner.”
“What in Merlin’s name is a vacuum cleaner?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Mum cleared her throat delicately. Felicity blushed a fetching shade of pink.
“Lead on, Mrs. Malfoy.”
For some reason Mum stiffened at that, but she nodded and began to walk towards the dining room.
“What was that all about?” I leaned over to whisper into Felicity’s ear. She snorted quietly.
“Yesterday she told me to call her Narcissa. Seeing as I’m cross with her, though, I will do no such thing.”
I dropped her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we walked. My heart swelled when Fliss wrapped her arm around my waist, leaning into me.
“Do you think this is the end?” She asked.
“The end?” I frowned. “Of what?”
“Of us. What if…” My girlfriend shook her head then, as if expelling the thought. “I suppose it won’t do me any good to worry.”
“It won’t.” I agreed as we emerged into the dining room. I pulled out a chair, grabbing Felicity’s hand once more and leading her to it. She smiled her thanks as I pushed her chair in. Once she was settled, I hurried and pulled out my mother’s chair as well.
Before I sat down, I murmured against Felicity’s ear, “it’s going to be fine, Fliss.” I squeezed her shoulders gently before taking a seat to her right. Mum was seated at the head of the table on my other side.
“It appears as if the years of etiquette training have not gone to waste.” Mum said primly. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her.
“Of course not, Mum.” I reached over and pulled one of Felicity’s hands into my lap, linking our fingers together. “But it would also appear as if etiquette is a switch one turns on and off at will.”
“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Mum asked as she rang for Dobby and the other house elves. I ignored the warning squeeze Felicity gave my hand.
“Don’t be daft, Mother. You know exactly what I speak of.”
“Honestly, Draco!” Felicity dug her fingernails into my wrist. “Could you at least wait until dinner is served?”
“Why should I?” I gritted my teeth. “It’s just delaying the inevitable.”
“Miss Felicity!” Dobby cried as he appeared with a crack, startling me. “Dobby thoughts he would never see you again!” He patted her hand, which earned him a box on the ears.
“Draco!” My girlfriend hissed, letting go of me and steadying the now-trembling house elf. “That is no way to treat a living creature! Apologize!”
I rolled my eyes at her. “Apologize to a bloody house elf? I think not.”
We stared each other down, the Hufflepuff sporting her fiercest glare, unrelenting. My heart leapt when she reached for her wand, and I held up my hands in surrender.
“Don’t bloody hex me, you deranged witch!” I fixed my eyes on Dobby. “I’m sorry for boxing you on the ears.”
He blinked up at me. “Dobby will forgive you for Miss Felicity’s sake. Miss Felicity is kind to Dobby. She is also kind to the young master.” As the house elf began to serve our dinner, he whispered something in Felicity’s ear that made her laugh.
“Care to share with the class?” I folded my arms, fixing her with a stern glare, my mother momentarily forgotten. The witch giggled.
“Oh, nothing to worry about. Let’s eat.”
“Your ability to rein in my son is truly impressive, Miss Zabini.” Mum spoke up before I could respond. “Yes, let us eat.”
Halfway through dinner I threw down my napkin and fixed my mother with a glare.
“Enough of this. Why are we here?”
Mum didn’t even look up from the piece of chicken she was cutting. “I didn’t realize having dinner with you and your girlfriend was so cumbersome, Draco.”
Felicity’s hand slipping into my own provided little comfort, but I gave her hand a gentle squeeze anyway.
“Save it.” I snapped. “Yesterday you wouldn’t even give her your blessing to court me. What are you playing at?”
Mum finally raised her blue eyes to meet mine. She set down her fork with a sigh, ringing for the house elves so they would clear the food from the table. She stood and began to walk out of the room, leaving us no choice but to follow her.
“You’ve every right to be angry with me.” Mum started, looking at Felicity when she said it. “I was...harsh. And I did not make myself as clear as I wanted to.”
Fliss snorted. “Not to worry. You were crystal clear, Mrs. Malfoy.”
“Talking back is extraordinarily uncouth, Miss Zabini.” My mother countered. “With you, however, I find it to be terribly refreshing as well. I understand your misgivings, but might you let me finish?”
We’d moved to the drawing room. Fliss and I took one couch, my mother her usual chair. I could barely contain my grin when Felicity folded her arms and leaned back against my shoulder with a huff. I slung an arm loosely around her shoulders in turn.
“Let me be clear.” She met my eyes now too. “I wouldn’t have invited you both here if I didn’t approve of you being together.”
“But you said—“ Felicity shrunk back when Mum raised a hand, and I wanted to throttle Bianca Zabini all over again for laying her hands on my girlfriend.
“I said what I had to so you would leave the Manor. I needed to think.” Mum said. She took a breath as she looked between us. I held my breath.
“I was not lying about the danger this relationship puts you in, Miss Zabini. How much has my son told you about our situation?”
Felicity tensed slightly. “I know that You-Know-Who has his...meetings here sometimes.”
“Not sometimes.” Mum’s lips were pressed into a grim line. “The Manor is his headquarters, Miss Zabini. He is out gathering his army right now, true, but he will be back.”
“Mother,” I hissed, but she fixed me with a stern glare.
“She has a right to know what’s at stake, Draco.”
I looked down into Felicity’s face. She seemed relatively calm, so I relaxed slightly.
“The Dark Lord will stop at nothing to purify the wizarding population. He is a powerful Dark Wizard, one who will not hesitate to eliminate those in his way.
“You’ve no doubt noticed the changes around Hogwarts. The Carrows, for one, are Death Eaters, intent upon weeding out the Muggleborn population, as well as those they deem to be blood traitors. Even the professors aren’t safe. Why, Charity Burbage…”
A wave of nausea swept over me as I remembered the way the Muggle Studies professor had been killed. When the Dark Lord had released Nagini…
“I knew something didn’t add up.” Fliss said in a small voice, looking rather green herself. “I’m guessing it...wasn’t quick.”
I chuckled without humor. “I wish it had been,” I said. “But no, the Dark Lord made sure she was tortured for days first before he decided it was time to kill her. And then he released Nagini…” I shuddered.
“Nagini?” Felicity questioned. Mum grimaced.
“His snake. He never lets her out of his sight,” Mum answered. My stomach roiled when understanding dawned on the Hufflepuff’s features, followed by horror and revulsion.
“Oh, Draco,” she whispered, her eyes bright with tears. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea…”
“That was the idea,” I said with a pointed look at my mother. Fliss shook her head.
“No, I need to know, Draco.”
“Mind your language!” Mum scolded. “She deserves this much from us, does she not?”
Unfortunately I couldn’t disagree without sounding like a prat, so I held my tongue.
“While I understand that you’re not completely Muggleborn, you are a halfblood.” Mum went on. “Draco tells me that you went to a Muggle primary school before you started at Hogwarts?”
Felicity nodded. “My father wanted me to have at least a small bit of Muggle schooling before I came to Hogwarts.”
“That is what worries me,” Mum stood from her chair, moving to the window, tilting her body away from us as she stared out of the window. “The Dark Lord will see you as a Muggle sympathiser, and the Malfoy family as blood traitors by association.”
“He would kill you for associating with me, in sum.” Fliss said. “And I’m dead in either scenario.”
I tightened my arm around Felicity. “Again I ask, Mother--what are you playing at?”
She turned to look between us both, though she didn’t sit back down.
“I slept fitfully last night after you left, Miss Zabini.” Mum turned her Malfoy family ring around on her finger absentmindedly. “I meant it when I said that I would do anything for my family. I will do anything to secure your happiness, son.” Her shrewd blue eyes narrowed in on me. “Am I correct in my assumption that Miss Zabini is a part of that?”
“No, Mum.” I deadpanned. “I’ve been dating her for nearly seven months now because she makes me absolutely miserable.”
“Now is not the time for your cheek, Draco Lucius Malfoy.” Mum narrowed her eyes at me. “Yes or no?”
Did she not comprehend the finer points of sarcasm? “Merlin, Mum, yes.”
She sniffed delicately. “Thank you. And for you, my dear?” Mum looked at Felicity. “My Draco doesn’t make you miserable, does he?”
“Oh, he does.” Felicity said with a grin. “He’s incredibly spoiled and an insufferable git when he wants to be.” She laughed when she saw the look on my face but continued on. “But at the end of the day, he’s one of my best friends and my boyfriend wrapped in one. He’s thoughtful in ways I never anticipated, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”
My mind went blank as I stared at her, my heart fluttering strangely inside of my chest. The butterflies were steadier today, spreading warmth and bliss throughout my entire body. With it came a sense of security that I hadn’t felt since I was a little boy. I opened my mouth, trying to form words, but none came. Thankfully, Mum spoke before my silence could become awkward.
“I’m glad to hear it. That will make things easier.” Her expression clouded. “And worse. But that’s all I needed to hear.” She took a breath before crossing the room and kneeling in front of us, taking Felicity’s hand and my hand between her own. “You see, I’ve come up with a plan.”
“A plan?” My eyebrows lowered. Mum nodded.
“This afternoon, I sent Lucius an owl informing him of our arrangement with the Greengrass family. Before you start protesting,” She held up a warning hand. “Let me detail my plan in its entirety. I did so because I knew for a fact that the Dark Lord would inevitably hear the news as well. Lucius’s owl delivered his reply just before you two arrived. Both he and the Dark Lord are quite pleased. Do you know what this means?”
“Yes,” I snarled. “You’ve crossed the line so far that you are no longer in England but have, in fact, arrived in Siberia.” I pulled Felicity to her feet. “I believe we’re quite finished here, Mother. Let’s go, Fliss.”
“What does it mean, Narcissa?” While the Hufflepuff had allowed herself to be pulled off of the couch, she stood stubbornly in place, anxiously awaiting my mother’s answer. Her blue eyes softened when Felicity used her first name. I wasn’t a fool, I knew what it meant. My girlfriend was extending an olive branch to my mother.
“It means that the Dark Lord needn’t and shan’t know of your relationship with my son. You can keep him safe.” Mum looked up at me. “But the success--or the failure--�� She glared at me. “Of this plan hinges on you both. Will you be quiet long enough to let me finish, Draco?”
I folded my arms but kept silent. Felicity tightened her grip on my hand.
“I would not suggest such a thing if I had not exhausted every other option.” Mum started to pace, something I rarely saw her do. “As I said, I had precious little sleep last night. This is the only feasible plan I could contrive that included you both surviving and together in the end. Yes, that would mean you would be free to choose her, Draco, but not right now.
“From this moment forward, you will act as if you have broken up. You will not interact with one another in the hallways. No one is to detect that you harbor any feelings for one another. Meanwhile, I will keep up appearances and plan out the details of the wedding with Astoria and her parents.
“A war is most assuredly coming. If the Dark Lord hears even a whisper of gossip about the two of you…” Mum shuddered.
“How long would this go on?” Felicity asked in a small, small voice. I gaped at her.
“You’re not actually considering this!”
“What choice do we have, Draco?” Her brown eyes glittered with tears. “Your mother is right. I’ve heard…” She took a steadying breath. “I’ve heard that You-Know-Who can read minds, pull out thoughts, memories if one does not know how to guard their mind.”
My face paled. “Yes, but--”
“What happens if he sees something, Draco?” Mum interjected. “You can only block out so much. Your very memory could jeopardize your relationship. Do you want that?”
A lump formed in my throat. Mother’s expression softened.
“This war won’t last forever, son.”
“You don’t know that! The war could go on for years, Mum! It may not even start for a few more years! You really expect--” I shook my head, my voice catching. “You can’t make me stay away from her!”
“You’re right,” Mum dipped her head. “But you will.”
I clenched my fists. “Yeah? How do you figure?”
“Because more than anything, you want to keep her safe. You want to keep each other safe.” Mum’s eyes were gentle as she looked between us. She even cracked a tiny smile at the confused look on Felicity’s face. “The Dark Lord isn’t the only one who can read minds, dear. I simply utilize the practice less.”
“So…” Felicity leaned into me, resting her chin on my shoulder. “This...this is indefinite. Until the war is over.”
Mum nodded sadly. I glared at my girlfriend.
“You can’t be serious, Felicity! We--” Suddenly, the Mark throbbed on my arm. Ice ran through my veins.
“Draco?” Fliss touched my shoulder. “What is it?”
“He’s…” I was gasping against the pain. “He’s coming back. Soon. Tonight. You have to get out of here, Felicity!” I grabbed her hand without further comment, yanking her arm and pulling her towards the Floo room, Mum close behind me.
“Draco, stop--”
“No time!” I growled, steadying her as we came to a stop in front of the Floo.
I took her face into my hands and kissed her quickly. “I’ll see you soon.” Without thinking much about it, I slipped off my family ring, drew my wand, and transfigured a wilting flower from the vase in the corner into a delicate silver chain. I slipped the ring onto the chain before clasping it around my girlfriend’s neck, careful not to snag her hair in the process.
“Be safe.” With one last kiss to her forehead, I grabbed a pinch of powder and threw it into the fire, yelling the location of her dorm. I gave her a gentle push and then she was gone, swept away in the green flames.
“As you can see,” Voldemort gestured around the dining room table. Every single seat was full. Some men were even standing in the corners of the room. “We have amassed quite the army. Soon, our mission can begin.”
The Death Eaters practically roared their approval, Aunt Bella among the loudest.
“Imagine the look on Potter’s face when we kill the Mudblood Granger!” She cackled. “The poor blood traitors screaming for mercy when Nagini feeds on their flesh just as she did Charity Burbage!”
“I’d like to have my way with the Mudblood first,” sneered Greyback. “The feisty ones are my favorite to break.”
“Yes,” My father mused to my right. “Too right, too right. I’d take the Zabini mutt myself.”
Blood roared in my ears. Only my mother’s tight squeeze on my knee brought me back to Earth.
“She does seem... untouched.”
At Greyback’s crass reply, everyone cackled. A strangled noise escaped my lips before I could stop it. I wanted to tear every single one of these bloody monsters apart, my mother’s warning be damned. Voldemort’s attention zeroed in on me.
“Is something wrong, Draco?” he asked quietly, fixing his snake-like eyes on my face. My heart slammed against my ribcage.
“No, my Lord.” I said, my voice trembling only slightly, but it was enough. Slowly, the Dark Lord rose from his seat at the head of the table, making his way towards me.
“Hmm…” He stopped behind my chair. “Are you lying to me, boy?”
I sat with my spine as straight as I could. I began to force  the walls up in my mind, steely and impenetrable in my anger. “I wouldn’t dream of it, my Lord.”
“Tell me, Draco.” Voldemort yanked my chin up by my hair, forcing me to look into his eyes. “Are you quite skilled in Occlumency?”
“I’m decent at it, my Lord.” I responded, still putting up my walls. “Aunt Bella taught me everything she knows.”
“Ah…” He hummed with approval. “Let’s see if it has worked, shall we?”
Fear seized my heart, but I prayed to Merlin it wouldn’t show on my face. I felt Voldemort slither into my mind, intruding, poking, prodding. “A flash of long hair. Just a hint of a laugh...a hand holding yours.” He chuckled. “You’re protecting your schoolboy crush. How interesting. We weren’t speaking of her, of course. Surely not. Only the blood traitors and the Mudbloods would receive such treatment. Your beloved is safe.”
I held my breath when the Dark Lord slowly began to walk back to his seat, his eyes never leaving mine. “After all, what use do I have for such things? Teenage infatuation, marriage. Of course,” He sat. “It would be quite another story if you were otherwise engaged to a witch of lesser birth, would it not?” He folded his hands together. “But that is not the case. The Greengrass girl will make a lovely pureblood wife, I am sure.”
I nearly sagged with relief when he turned his attention away from me and began to detail more of his plans.
A few hours later, Voldemort, my father, Aunt Bella, and the rest of the Death Eaters departed from the Manor to increase in their numbers. As soon as they were gone, I slumped against the door, sinking to the ground.
“He almost found her,” I whispered to my mother, raking my hands through my hair. “Mum, he...he saw…” Tears filled my eyes, and I was grateful for my mother’s presence for the first time that day when she drew me into her arms, rubbing my back.
“I am so proud of you, Draco.” She told me. “You did so well. She’s safe.” Mum held me away from her. “Do you see what I mean now? Are you willing to do as I asked?”
All I could do was nod. He would find her, would kill her if I wasn’t careful, and I was determined to do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.
Chapter 27
taglist: @beforeoursunsets @sadgirlnumber92899 @typewriting101
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thecount-dracula · 4 years
"I want a ship name for all my brides"
With edits:
Count Slayer
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jazzworldquest-blog · 3 years
JazzWorldQuest Showcase 2021: Utopia(USA/Japan)-Imaginably
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  Imaginably is the 2nd album of Utopia, NY based duo project formed by Japanese musicians Yuto Mitomi (sax) and Yuto Kanazawa (guitar) who share the same first name.The first track Karatachi no Hana is written by Japanese composer Kosaku Yamada in 1925, Mitomi originally arranged this piece for his octet and later he started to play together with Kanazawa. Title track Imaginably is the original composition by Yuto Mitomi, other tracks are a collection of jazz standards and pop covers.First two tracks are played in a similar aesthetic, free improvisation based on the melody and form. It is a similar approach to their influence, the music of Paul Motian trio with Bill Frisell and Joe Lovano. Mitomi and Kanazawa focused on listening to the momentum of each other’s performance and improvised freely along with the flow of the melody.In contrast to the first two tracks, I Want You Back, Black Bird, Dralice and Isn’t She Lovely have steady rhythms with the styles of Funk, Latin, Country and Brazilian Music. Mitomi and Kanazawa express their respect and love for jazz with Thelonious Monk’s Ugly Beauty and Cliff Burwell’s jazz standard Sweet Lorraine that was written in 1928. Their unique repertoire was formed while performing gigs in NYC and touring in Japan where they play music for audiences who love all genres of music. Utopia’s intention on this album was to introduce jazz and improvisation to a broader audience with the familiar melodies and cultural music. Mitomi plays tenor and soprano sax and Kanazawa plays Brazilian 7 string guitar on this album. Their mutual friend pianist Noah MacNeil gave notes to the album inner cover; For both standards and cover songs, there is no limit to what one could imaginably play. Album Release Date: 3/12/21 on major streaming websites. Pre-release available at Bandcamp on 3/5/21. 
Yuto Mitomi (Tenor & Soprano Saxophone)yutomitomi.bandcamp.comYuto Kanazawa (Brazilian 7 string guitar )yutokanazawa.bandcamp.comRecorded by Jason Borisoffat Conveyor Recording Studio in Brooklyn NY, on January 21st, 2020Mixed & Mastered by Yuto KanazawaArt designed by Yuto Kanazawa,Special thanks to Noah MacNeil,noahmacneil.bandcamp.com
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via Blogger https://ift.tt/3qVs2i6
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sangklp · 4 years
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RT @0rigami0range: Com: An Offering~ by @0rigami0range https://t.co/CrBFb2MfcY https://t.co/nJmdR5XJVp https://t.co/DR36aL852J https://t.co/o5h0GfkGjF #anthro #furry #fantasy #Dralic #closedspecies https://t.co/mHZujw13b0 https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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Com: Cocky Amura~ by origami-orange
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35961398/ © characters belong to their respective owners #furry #sketch #drawing #furryfandom #art #furries #fuzzy #paws #furryart #furryartist #FurryHeavenUnlimited #dralic #amura #closed #species #anthro
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lluhnardragon · 5 years
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First commission from Megaplex complete!(forgot to post here) Meet Kona a Dralic of the closed species from @0rigami_0range (https://origami-orange.co.uk/dralic-lore/the-clans). It was an honor to illustrate such an awesome looking character! You can find Kona's owner here(http://furaffinity.net/user/kasaiokami/) #megaplex #lluhnardragon #kona #lunarsapphirearts #commission #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UXacmAtEG/?igshid=17sklvz19sv1s
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artists-table · 5 years
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"Government shut down shuts out most FDA food inspectors" by Brigitte Bentulan via /r/ImaginaryMonsters http://bit.ly/2UNgpwd
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yourclevercontainer · 7 years
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#Amanda and #dralice #graduationpics #lovemygraduate #futuresocialworker #socialwork #socialworkersrock #workswithveterans #gettinghermasters #classof2019🎓 #smartypants🤓
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amberkjohnson · 7 years
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Happy Mothers Day to my mom & my mother-n-law DrAlice Johnson​​ & all moms all across the world! One of the reasons I am who I am today is because I became a mom. My kids have taught me and is teaching me how to continue to be the woman GOD intended for me to be! I love being a mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. #HappyMothersDay #mykids #mycrew #kids #kidsfashion #kidsbraids #kidsclothes #kidsmodel #kidsclothes #kidswear #momlife #moments #moment #mom #momboss #momoftwo 💐🎀🛍
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terreisa · 7 years
Make her a lesbian and pair her up with Drizella. At least, that seems to be the most popular theory. XD
Works for me.  What would their ship name be?  Dralice? Alizella? Drizice? I vote for the first one.
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tezzyarts · 3 years
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Tried a new technique with one of my current commissions! I'm using kazplay's 1/3 head as a base to pattern my next fursuit head, Kona the Dralic.
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 3 years
*clears throat* SO.
As you may or may not know, I’m currently writing a novel-length (it’s literally like 143 single-spaced pages on Google docs oops) fanfiction called Stronger Than Blood. It’s a Draco Malfoy x an original female character story and I’m super proud of it so far.
Here’s the masterlist if you’re curious. I update it often!
I decided to make a Dralicity (let’s get a hashtag going, it’s their ship name) appreciation post because I went wild on picrew and started making them as a couple...ANYWHO.
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tagging some moots 🙊☺️ @typewriting101 @beforeoursunsets @sadgirlnumber92899 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @narcissasimp777
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 3 years
So I won’t be responding to my inbox requests until I get chapter 28 up, so if you’re not caught up on Stronger Than Blood...ya know. Check it out. Just because I want to give my brain child some time as well! ❤️ promise I’ll get to the requests!
But the SCENES I have coming up you guys. I’m having trouble containing myself sjsjsjsjsjs.
tagging my STB fan squad: @rosiehufflepuff @beforeoursunsets @typewriting101 @sadgirlnumber92899 @is-it-really-a-secret
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 3 years
Well, folks, 33 is coming soon, I promise! In the meantime, here’s another Dralicity appreciation post bc I’ve gone crazy in photoshop since I found the perfect face claim for Felicity. 😂
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tagging mutuals bc…Dralicity. @rosiehufflepuff @sadgirlnumber92899 @typewriting101 @riddleswh0r3crux @desiredmalfoy @beforeoursunsets @is-it-really-a-secret @carryonmywaywardbucky @underappreciated-spoon-321
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Com: Ancient Ruins~ by origami-orange
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34511733/ © characters belong to their respective owners #furry #sketch #drawing #furryfandom #art #furries #fuzzy #paws #furryart #furryartist #FurryHeavenUnlimited #dralic #fantasy #ruins #ancient #dark
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