#drak wood floors
mickjnapier · 2 years
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Teen - Contemporary Kids
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little-annie · 1 month
Wiggly Worm Wednesday 🪱
@tinytalkingtina I haven't been able to stop thinking about this reverse AU.
Specifically where the girls would fit into this scenario.
Soccer star. She's captain of the varsity soccer team and is more likely than not going to make it into an ivy league school thanks not only to her grades but also her athleticism. But maintaining the expectations of her coaches, teammates, teachers and parents is stressful. Not to mention being a closeted lesbian on top of that. So what does she do? She goes to the local drug dealer of course.
She tracks down the once upon a time preppy rich kid, Steve Harrington. She knows through the grapevine where to find him. That he spends his days at the picnic table in the woods selling drugs to the residents of Hawkins High. She finds him there of course, but not alone, only catching the glimpse of another Hawkins athlete in the trees with him before whoever it is runs off in a green and gold blur. Drak curls falling from their loosely tied back hair as they sprint in the direction of the parking lot.
Steve's flushed with even messier hair than usual when he comes from the depths of trees. Lips obviously kiss bitten as he confidently gives Robin a welcoming nod.
She'd been scared to meet the man at first but as they sit at the picnic table and he begins to talk and act so disgustingly chatting, Robin realizes Harrington's not all that bad. Maybe a little odd, a little wild eyed at times, but he's kind and almost immediately she feels comfortable in his company.
When she asks to buy some K to take the edge off of life in general, he refuses. Offering her a single joint and conversation instead.
Weirdly enough after that first day in the woods they become something sort of friends. And when at a Halloween party Steve tries to make a move resulting in Robin having a panic attack, Robin comes out to someone for the first time and they some how become best friends while sitting on Tina's bathroom floor.
Or alternatively Robin's punk. But I like the total reversal of Robin and Eddie being athletes and Chrissy and Steve being the outcasts/ underdogs.
Once Hawkins golden girl, projected to become the prom queen and head cheerleader, Chrissy found herself in a similar situation to Steve. Rich family, awful parents, turning to music as an outlet and finding herself immersed.
Jason had broken up with her the summer she decided to reinvent herself and really it wasn't all that much of a loss while she too discovered she liked the company of other women a lot more than men.
She'd joined the school band the following year, picking up a bass guitar and never really looking back. It was then that she decided a future in music was where she wanted to go.
But in the meantime she kept to her new crowd, becoming fast friends with Hawkins senior and resident drug dealer Steve Harrington.
When her parents decided working a real job was the only way to potentially set her on the right path, she started working a part time job at Scoops Ahoy. Instantly regretting her decision to apply there specifically when Eddie Munson, the insufferable captain of Hawkins track team strolls through the door in a matching sailor costume, grumbling about how his shorts are too short and his hat was crushing his apparently best asset.
I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️ the worms are wiggling and I just haven't been able to get this AU out of my head since discussing it with @tinytalkingtina
Tag! @stellarspecter @withacapitalp @vthx
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earthcried · 4 years
Another night. Another sleepless night in the warehouse. It’s been this way for so long that Drake can’t really remember what a comfortable bed felt like. A warm shower to douse off your stresses and dirt that grimed in the skin. Drake long wishes for a life that he could not have. One that he wishes that he could get back. Family. Friends. Home. Childhood. He misses all that. He missed the days in the summer his family took him out to a local pool to just have fun near the shallower waters playing with the friends that tagged along with him. The days where in the winter he could make a snowman with his family just watching it outside the window from his room scared it would come alive and kidnap him taking him somewhere else sinister. Or the days he would jump into his dad’s leaf pile because it looked so soft to jump into! Days like those were just so... simple. Days like those where he could just be a little kid again. But now? The eleven year old had nothing. He had nowhere go to, no friends to rely on, no home that was entirely loving or comfortable as Drak tended to sleep outside most of the time away from the others. Fear. Fear that he’d hurt the ones who hadn’t hurt Drake. But Benjamin? Oh, how he wouldn’t mind giving him a piece of his mind eventually. But, he couldn’t right now as he was on incredibly thin ice with Ben as it was. So, no. He had to bite his tongue and bide his time.
Drake watches the stars of the early evening. He couldn’t tell what time it was. 1988 wasn’t exactly the most technological age in his opinion. He’s never owned a Nintendo System or much less a expensive TV. His parents only did what they could with his father in the business aspect of life and his mother trying her hardest for a dental licence. His parents did what they could. He never knew why they did the things they did. Only telling him that they had made mistakes in the past and were just trying to mend it. Was he the mistake? He’s always wondered this about himself. If he were never born, would they have been happier? Alive? Drake couldn’t help thinking about this. It always made him sad to think that if he were a mistake then they’d all be happier. Drake wouldn’t have to live like this. He wouldn’t be homeless and miserable. He leans his head back against the wall trying to control those pained tears forming within his eyes. Drake’s unbelievably tired.
His dark baggy eyes began to close hoping this night would be one without incident. He just wanted a few hours of sleep to himself. Maybe he’ll have energy to deal with the days crap. He’s going to have to go for another run of supplies. That way Benjamin can get off his ass about “not working as hard”. If anything, he would leave if he could. He wants nothing more then to do that. But right now, Drake is stuck in a position that if he leaves, he certainly dead because this is the best source of food and supplies that Drake is getting right now and he isn’t stupid enough to leave this all behind. Only just a little more longer, he told himself. Just a little long-...His head snapped up with the scorching sound what sounded like a plane in the sky, but it had more vibration to it. Standing up, using the wall beside him as support, Drake furrowed his brow squinting into the sky. He couldn’t see exactly what it was. All he could see that there was a red blazing trail within the sky. Like a comet hurdling towards somewhere.
Glancing around, he hoped that anyone else would have heard it. But, after waiting for a few minutes after it passed, no on came out the warehouse. The could’ve been killed in their sleep and they wouldn’t have known! Jeez. Drake noticed it on the trajectory towards his woods where he went to go to be by himself. Drake hopping over a fence and dropped to his feet onto the old concrete. And thus; the child followed. He followed because he knew nothing else but that underlying curiosity to want to see what had went to his precious woods! Though, what was guiding him? Was the intense bright light within the sky acting as a beacon for him to follow. His eyes still tired and focusing on the light like it were guiding him to something. The back of his mind told him to just RUN. To run away from the strange light. That this is something that he shouldn’t follow. But, Drake wanted some entertainment in his life and sure enough that Drake himself wouldn’t want to pass up on. 
Drake follows this beacon closer and closer, until the red beam was pushing through the trees themselves. “What th’ hell?” Drake murmured to himself. There wasn’t any smoke or fire. Rather, a strange object in the middle of the red beacon. It looked small, but big enough to make out something circular. Approaching to this source closer, Drake found his head starting to pound in pain. Like the rhythm of a drum pounded against his heart and head. Like he had a second heart pumping through him in a manner that didn’t follow the first. He clutched at his heart for a moment, harder to breath. It’s hum circling in the beam. “He... hello?” He would call out, as if someone else had been waiting for him. The thumping. It grew louder. It was nearly unbearable. Until, it suddenly stopped with the 11 year old in front of the object. A ring. Small enough to fit on his finger. eyes began to burn a little. Until a voice in his head, or the ring-? Spoke up. “Drake Conningway, your rage has been felt by us. It grows more fiercer. Your desire to avenge those who you have lost, your desire to kill those who have murdered your bearers. You will finally have your vengeance! Take the ring, and finally have your revenge!” Drake couldn’t speak at the moment... what was he to say? What was he to do? Is this what he really wanted? To be able to kill those who have wronged him three years ago? 
Drake thought about it. The voice spoke as if it knew him. It somehow knew that he desired to fight those who hurt him. To finally have peace again in his life. But, what peace was there if they were dead? They’d never come back to coddle him and tell him all would be okay. But, then it came to him. It was right. They’d never come back, but he can sure as hell finish what he started after killing those goons in his home. It wouldn’t stop with them. Who was to say that others could be affected? That kids would lose their families to these MONSTeRS? Drake felt like he had a responsibility that he had to with take. He didn’t know where to start to find the horrible Ice Angels, but if this ring was true to its word, and it would help find the bad people, then he’d do anything to act upon those desires to hunt them down! Drake upon his decision knew this was the ticket to finally leave it all behind. Drake gripped the ring in one palm taking it from the beacon. And then, he felt like he wasn’t himself. Words sputtered out as if against his will. 
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“W-With... bl-blood an’ rage of crimson r-red... ri-ripped from ah corpse s-so freshly de-dead. T-Tahgether with our hellish hayte.. w-we‘ll burn you all.  Th-that is yur fate!” Upon that chant that he couldn’t stop saying upon taking the ring into his hand. His knees fell to the ground. And all he could emit, was fresh screams of PAIN. The ring itself slowly dissapaiting from his palm, and circling around his left pointer finger. His body felt nothing but boiling pain inside of him. Tears flowing out from his eyes of fresh suffering and pain. His heart burned heavily. Like someone took a hot rod against his chest and scalded him. His screams, his cries could be heard by no one. Because all he knew. All He knew was pain. And others would feel his pain that he had went through. They all would! But Drake couldn’t handle this pain! It hurt, it hurt so much! Is this what it costs? Pain for pain? Drake’s head leaned against the, his harsh throat hyperventilating, until his body collapses on the floor, heaving dry breathes until the pain was too much. Lying motionless on the floor with his entire being changed forever.                                 
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camillemontespan · 6 years
the revelation [AU. Drake Walker x MC]
You might want to read the first two parts of this ‘The Awakening’ and ‘The Early Morning’ but it’s okay if you don’t feel like it, I won’t hold it against you :)
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4pm. Drake reluctantly dragged himself away from Camille, who was lying curled up around him on her sofa. Their legs were tangled together and she wore her grey cashmere sweater, light pink lace thong and wooly pink knee high socks. She looked so content, Drake felt bad that he had to go.  ‘Why are you leaving?’ she asked him, pouting. Drake sighed. ‘Well, I need to head back to mine so I can change.’ Camille rolled her eyes and sat up.  ‘Just stay naked here. This apartment has a strict ‘no clothes’ policy.’ He chuckled and bent down to kiss her gently. ‘I’m fully aware and supportive of this-’ ‘You’re not supportive at all, you want to ignore the policy and stay in your clothes,’ she interrupted, crossing her arms. Drake laughed. She was cute when she pretended to be annoyed. ‘I feel a bit gross, to be honest,’ he admitted. Camille sighed and stretched out, arching her back so her sweater rode up and showed off her toned stomach. ‘Fine, be boring,’ she sniffed.  Drake raised an eyebrow. ‘Montespan.. do you want to come with me?’ Camille’s eyes flashed to him and she slowly smiled. ‘A chance to see your apartment for the first time? Hell yeah. Wait, I’ll throw my jeans on and then we can head.’  Drake waited for her by the front door and laughed when she ran back out from her bedroom, wearing her sweater, jeans and TOMs espadrilles, clapping her hands together. ‘Are you excited?’ he asked. ‘So fucking excited, you have no idea.’
Drake lived in East Village, which had a different vibe to Camille’s SoHo. When she thought about it, she realised how Drake-like East Village was. It was full of secret bars, independent movie theatres and arcade game places. She was also surprised to find that he lived in a loft. She loved the exposed brick walls in the living room and the dark wood floors. His kitchen had an industrial feel to it with slate grey tiles and copper lights hanging down from the ceiling. On the walls of the loft were black and white photographs of New York streets. ‘This is very stylish,’ Camille commented when she looked around. Drake blushed. ‘Um, do you want a drink?  I’ve got whiskey,’ he said. Camille studied him. Drake looked suddenly so awkward standing in the middle of the room. 
‘Are you okay?’ she asked. Drake bit his lip. ‘Sorry, Montespan. It’s just.. I don’t have people over much. Liam’s like the only person who’s been round a lot. The occasional one night stand but that’s it...’ He trailed off, hugging his arms to his body. Camille stepped forward. ‘If you would rather I head home, it’s fine-’ He reached out and took her hand. ‘No. Stay. Sorry, it’s hard to keep my walls down. I’m not used to being open. I never expected you to ever see my apartment.’ Camille smiled. She understood. This was a big thing for Drake. ‘Baby steps,’ she said. Drake smiled back. ‘Montespan, I’m tired of shutting you out. I’m sick of denying myself. You make me happy.’ She squeezed his hand. ‘You make me happy too.’ Drake smiled, his awkwardness fading. ‘Right. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll get the whiskey.’ 
Camille settled down on the brown leather sofa which was so squashy, she wanted to curl up and nap right then and there. There was a dark wood bookshelf in the corner of the room, full of Stephen Hawking books and cocktail making guides. She smiled at how different the books were. Drake brought through a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He had changed into another shirt and jeans. He settled in beside her, turning the TV on to a crappy horror film. ‘So I haven’t got any food in, so do you want to order something in? Your pick.’ 
Camille chose pizza and cookies for them both. She curled up beside him, his arm around her as they watched the film and laughed at how terrible the plot was. ‘I never understand why the girl always runs up the stairs when the killer is after her,’ Camille said. ‘Like, the killer is after you, get out of the house, girl!’  Drake laughed. ‘And, she is always in her underwear. Always.’ Camille giggled. ‘So unrealistic.’ They watched the film some more. ‘Say, is there a No Clothes policy in your apartment...?’ she asked, raising an eyebrow. Drake shrugged. ‘Well... I’ve not enforced it because you’re new to the apartment and it might scare you, but yeah, it is a strict policy.’ Camille smiled and got up from the sofa. ‘I’ll be right back, I just want to freshen up.’ He watched her as she hurried to the bathroom. He leant his head back and sighed happily.  The doorbell rang. Drake’s stomach rumbled and he was grateful he was about to feast on pizza and cookies. He opened the door, five dollar tip in his hand.
‘Liam?’ Liam was standing at the door. ‘Hey, buddy,’ he greeted his friend. Drake stood in the threshold, his heart hammering. ‘You’re not pizza.’ ‘No, but I bring whiskey!’ Drake nodded, his mouth suddenly dry. Fuck. Get him out of here. ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked. Liam sighed. ‘Well, I’ve not seen you in ages, plus I’ve been having girl trouble. Camille just isn’t answering my texts... can I come in, I don’t really want to have a deep chat on your doorstep.’ Drake let him in, cursing to himself.  ‘I’m so ready for pizza!’ Camille said cheerfully, stepping out of the bathroom and into the hallway. She stopped when she saw Liam standing in front of her. Drake paled. Camille was wearing just her lacy pink underwear. Clearly, she had been keen to uphold the No Clothes policy.  ‘Um... Liam. Hi,’ she said, paling. Liam stared at her. ‘Camille. You’re in your underwear.’ Drake moved to shield her from his confused gaze.  ‘Drake, why is she in her underwear?’ ‘Um... she was really hot?’ Drake said, cringing. 
Liam looked at him. ‘What’s going on?’ He moved to wander into the living room, surveying it.  ‘So, pizza is on its way, it seems. And you’re watching a film. Whiskey is on the table. Camille is undressed. This looks... cosy.’ His voice had a cutting edge to it. He was not happy. Drake followed him into the room, Camille following a few moments later, now wearing her jeans and sweater. Drake reached out and squeezed her hand. It’s okay.
‘Camille, is this why you haven’t returned my texts?’ Camille looked at the floor. ‘Yes,’ she mumbled. ‘What is this thing? I didn’t realise you guys hung out.’ ‘Well...’ Camille started.  Liam narrowed his eyes at Drake. ‘How long has this been going on?’ ‘Very recently,’ Drake said.  ‘But we’ve been hanging out more the past few months,’ Camille admitted. ‘So you let me take you on dates when you were also seeing my best friend?’ Camille paled. ‘No. I went on dates with you but Drake was nothing but honourable, Liam. He didn’t want to hurt you. He kept trying to make me stop seeing him.’ ‘But you couldn’t stop yourself?’ Camille clenched her hands together and looked at the floor. Drake frowned and stepped forward. ‘Don’t make her out to be the villain here, Liam. You were never official, you were going on dates sure, but that doesn’t make you serious.’ Liam’s eyes flashed to Drake’s. Drake prepared himself for an outburst. This was typical Liam. Usually so kind and gentle, but so used to getting his own way. That was what being the younger of two sons had done to him.  Forever trying to have the limelight. Forever needing the attention. Forever expecting to be given things on a plate. It was his only flaw. 
‘You should have told me,’ Liam said.  ‘Told you what? That I liked her? That every time you asked her out, I felt shit because I wished I could ask her out myself?’ ‘Pretty much. Instead, you had to lie and sneak and keep it a secret-’ ‘Nothing happened whenever we met up,’ Drake interrupted. ‘We were friends.’ ‘But you liked her.’ ‘I never acted on my feelings.’ ‘So when did it change?’ Drake shifted uncomfortably on his feet. ‘I acted on my feelings last night.’ ‘I made him, Liam,’ Camille cut in. ‘I needed to know he loved me. I needed to hear it because I felt the same.  I wanted him to be honest.’ Liam stared at her, his chest rising and falling. ‘Loved?’ Silence.  Liam stared at them both, eyes narrowed. ‘Come on. One of you fucking answer me.’ Camille let out a sob and Drake reached out, taking her hand. He looked at Liam, his gaze unwavering. ‘I love her. She loves me.’ Liam looked at Drake and Camille’s joined hands and tore his eyes away. ‘I’m going home.’ He slowly placed his own bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. ‘I’ll calm down,’ he said. ‘Sorry. This is just a lot to process... I thought Camille and I had a good thing going. I was obviously wrong. I’ll see myself out.’ He moved past them and Camille caught his arm. ‘Liam-’ He looked down at her, his eyes now soft. ‘It’s okay, Camille. I’ll be fine. I just need to think.’  Liam opened the front door and came face to face with the pizza delivery guy. He looked over at Drake. ‘Enjoy the pizza,’ he said, giving him a weak smile. 
After the pizza had been eaten and the horror film finished. Drake and Camille went to bed. Their moods had been low since Liam had left the apartment. As Camille curled up under the duvet, she spoke. ‘I feel so guilty. But, as you said, we were not official. It was only a few dates.’ ‘I think it meant a lot to him...’ Drake said, taking her hand as they stared at the ceiling. ‘I feel like an asshole.’ ‘Drake, I was never his.’ He turned to look at her face, which was bathed in the moonlight. ‘We haven’t even been on a date, Montespan.’  Camille smiled weakly. ‘But we’ve been to dive bars and played pool and walked around Central Park. I liked those too. A lot. In fact, whenever I was out with him, I was thinking about you.’ Drake exhaled and brought her close to him. ‘Oh really?’ ‘Yup. Like how it would be if you were sat at the table opposite me. I’d have played footsie with you.’ ‘Did you play footsie with him?’ Camille shook her head. ‘Never occurred to me.’
With a low growl, Drake pulled her onto him and she laughed, surprised. ‘Do you like that I always thought of you?’ ‘Uh huh,’ he answered, running his hands down her back and unclasped her bra. ‘What else did you think of?’ Camille leaned down and breathed in his ear. ‘If we had been sat next to each other, your fingers in between my thighs..’ ‘Like this?’ Slowly, his fingers brushed between her thighs and gently stroked her. She closed her eyes. ‘Like that, but more.’ His finger pressed on her clit. ‘Like this?’ She groaned. ‘Yes...’ He gently inserted his fingers into her and she arched her back. ‘Oh, Walker,’ she murmured.
He was hard and wanting her. She was ready for him. Gently, she moved her hips and he was soon inside her, feeling her around him, wet. ‘Camille,’ he groaned. Her hips bucked against his and her hands gripped his shoulders as she rode him. ‘You feel so good,’ she whispered.  Drake shut his eyes, focusing on each sensation. Camille was his. She had never been Liam’s. She wanted Drake and she had told him so.  As their movements grew more frenzied and their sounds increased in volume, she arched her back and gave in to the sensations. He was close after her. 
When they curled around each other after, Drake held her close, breathing in the scent of her skin.  He could now hold her, cuddle her, kiss her, fuck her, eat pizza with her, drink whiskey with her, just be with her. He was never going to apologise for that.
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thedrakkenclaw · 6 years
When Izuku came to and tried to rub his eyes, it became immediately evident that his arms had been shackled and tethered to the now-steel floor.
The cage was renovated; it no longer had glass on all sides, instead favoring the classroom’s view while the sides adjacent to the walls had been replaced with tread plate steel, like the floor, and the top was still a grate.
My legs are shackled too, he noted after he cracked open his eyes. Great.
He scanned the room. Aizawa, Iida, Uraraka—thank god, Kirishima, Shinsou, Kouda, Ashido, Asui, Kaminari. Kacchan was absent, thankfully.
“He’s awake,” Aizawa said to Shinsou. “Try your Quirk on him.” Shinsou rose from his seat and trudged over towards the cage.
“You attacked Bakugou, huh? Pretty bold.”
He kept quiet.
“You know, when I first got here, I wanted to knock him around myself. The guy’s certainly one hell of a self-righteous bastard,” Shinsou laughed, a dry element to his voice. “And you knew the guy when he was just a lil’ tyke too, yeah? The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
He tried to read Shinsou’s eyes, but the guy broke eye contact and turned around before Izuku got anywhere with it. “I know about your… what was it, ‘thought-sharing?’ Uraraka tells me it’s harmless, sure, but I’m not taking any risks here considering what you did to Bakugou.”
Mindspace, the word crossed his train of thought, but he abstained from saying it. Even if he’d wanted to talk to someone besides Uraraka, he hadn’t ignored Aizawa telling the kid to use his Quirk on him, and following Shinsou’s example, he wasn’t taking any risks.
“What of you? A little birdie told me you were pretty freaked out when you saw those documents,” Shinsou turned back towards Izuku, and continued. Several of the students there gave an uneasy look, as if Izuku wasn’t the only one, and as he spoke Izuku noticed he’d quirked his lips at the word “freaked.”
“They really did some nasty stuff, huh?”
Kaminari, soft-spoken, said, “Yo, Shinsou…” but he cut himself off.
“That kind of stuff, it really makes your blood boil, doesn’t it? Tearing someone apart, literally, just for some information. It’s something a villain would do, for sure.”
“Wanting information isn’t inherently—”
He’d made his mistake.
“Sit down.” Izuku sits.
“Stand up.” Izuku stood.
“I don’t know, kiss the glass.” Izuku stepped towards the glass wall and laid his lips on it.
Izuku had dissociated before; that factor of the Quirk wasn’t so foreign to him as much as the fact that he had absolutely no control over—no connection to his body whatsoever. He was watching the world through the eyes of an automaton, and he wasn’t even able to give the commands to try and bring himself back.
In a word, terrifying.
A moment later, his motor control crashed back onto him and he heard Aizawa groan, “That’s enough.” Looking again in Aizawa’s direction, he spotted someone he hadn’t seen earlier—Todoroki? When did he get here? “Now, try it with Kouda.”
Oh. Well.
He heard some muttering, then Uraraka piped up, “Don’t worry, Deku! Shinsou is a nice guy, once you get to know him.”
Kirishima added, “Besides, if you let them do this now, they won’t keep trying in the future. This stuff is a lot of one-and-done, y’know?”
Izuku huffed, and sat back in the center of the enclosure. Kouda joined Shinsou behind the glass, and Kouda began his muttering, then Shinsou spoke to Izuku, who was powerless not to respond in his trance, and the two of them were able to manipulate him rather easily.
“Alright, stop. Now you initiate, Shinsou.” Aizawa directed.
Another monologue opened after that, and Izuku held his tongue until Shinsou mentioned he’d admired the work of heroes like All Might, and Izuku spluttered his fanboy nonsense on impulse. I really don’t like how this guy’s Quirk works—not that it’s a bad Quirk; it’s amazing, really, but this feeling of… paralysis, it really kind of sucks. Kouda’s muttering started again, and Izuku’s consciousness was dampened. He was able to notice, though, that this time, he only obeyed Shinsou’s demands outside of Kouda asking him questions and him answering them.
The third time his motor control returned to him, Izuku collapsed on the spot. Kouda’s Quirk relied on him being attentive, while Shinsou’s separated his mind from his body—it took a lot of energy, on part of all three of them, to collaborate in such a way.
It was chipping away at Izuku’s resolve; of course obeying his captors would mean things would go more smoothly for him, but at the same time he was grasping at straws trying to hold onto what little autonomy he had, and with how they talked about his skirmish with Kacchan, it was pretty obvious they didn’t trust him.
He was feeling more and more like the Deku Kacchan named him for.
The door to the classroom opened, Kaminari (when did he leave?) walking through the door with a taller hybrid girl he hadn’t seen before whose hair was seemingly made of long, flowing brambles, followed by Snipe.
“Oh, hey, we get to see Shiozaki in action!” Kirishima cheered. “Man, I wish we got to see more of you guys, 1-B. Such manliness…” His voice dissolved into mumbles as Aizawa stepped across the room to address Iida and Uraraka.
“You two know the drill. Unbuckle it from there, take it out, and buckle it up to the hook there on the wall.” Aizawa gestured towards the subjects of his direction while speaking.
The two replied, less than unison, “Yes, sensei!”
Uraraka, bless her heart, still had the courtesy to let him know she was about to touch him as she lifted him out of the cage. Snipe’s eyes bore into him from under the mask as the two hooked him to the wall—Probably to ensure that I won’t go berserk and attack anyone, his thoughts supplied, as if that wasn’t obscenely obvious already.
The duo backed away after they finished their handiwork, and Shiozaki approached him. She bent down to squat and matched his eye level, and said, “You know, when I was a little kid and I heard all those stories about the drak, I wanted to be one when I grew up. A creature so connected with the world around it, but also deep and feeling like one of us… it made my heart flutter. That I actually get to meet one—fate truly has blessed me today.” At that, she tensed in focus and her hair grew towards the floor, and when it made contact a small bush of tangled vines popped up between her and Izuku. “They told me you have plant-related magic,” she cooed. “By righteous power, it’d be an honor and a blessing to see your work.”
Izuku was caught between a rock—Shiozaki emanating a lot of potential energy in her Quirk’s vines that overwhelmed his verdant sense—and a hard place—the confrontation and Shiozaki’s oddly religious speech patterns were throwing Izuku for a loop because of just how unfamiliar they were. But, as before, he followed directions to minimize the potential of making a scene and winding up with even less freedom.
The vines wiggled and writhed under his touch before surging into a rose bush, flowers budding and blooming in a whole spectrum of colors on its branches. The entire process took perhaps ten seconds, and the room was stilled in disbelief, including Shiozaki, who now wore a surprised smile.
“That’s amazing,” he heard Kirishima say from across the room. “So manly…”
Aizawa stepped in after a minute to break the silence. “Yes, very impressive. Shiozaki, you brought the seeds, right?”
“Of course, sensei. I always have some on me.”
“Good. Lay them down between you, and allow it to use its power.”
Izuku stared at the flat, teardrop-shaped seeds, not exactly sure what he should do with them. He can’t identify them; he’d liked his power and all, but he never really had much of an opportunity to test it on plants he wasn’t familiar with since he was home so much of the time. Are they tree seeds? Some kind of bush? A flower? Grass—like, bamboo or something? How am I supposed to know what kind of magic to use on these things when I can’t even identify what kind of plant it is?
“Don’t fret,” Shiozaki said to him in a low, gentle voice. “Nobody’s going to get mad at you for what you do right now.”
Izuku swallowed back his anxiety for a moment as he touched the seeds, trying to shape the growth into a bush as he had with the vines. The plants weren’t particularly compliant, but about thirty seconds after he’d started, there was a ripe pumpkin bush between them.
Izuku noticed the looks he was getting and after a moment realized that he’d only grown one bush despite having held a handful of seeds. He explained, a bit sheepish, “Bigger plants tend to combine with each other when they’re planted real close together.” Some voices spoke up in understanding while a couple of them were surprised by the information; Kaminari in particular seemed on the verge of a breakdown.
Aizawa wasted no time instructing Iida and Uraraka to return him to his cage. Most of the students filed out after that, leaving Uraraka and Iida alone with him.
“Hey, I hope today’s load wasn’t too rough,” Uraraka started. “They thought that you being awake for so long during our classes yesterday was contributing to making you nuts, so they started drugging you again,” she frowned. Izuku shuddered. “I wanted to introduce you to Iida today. He’s our class president, and he’s a good guy; you’ll like him!”
Izuku eyed the tall, broad human. “You flatter me,” he tells her. “My name is Iida Tenya, and Uraraka here tells me you go by Deku?”
Izuku winced. Iida’s voice wasn’t as soft as hers, and even though his voice shared no resemblance to Kacchan’s, it still caught him off guard. “Ri—right, yes, I do.” Iida and Uraraka exchange looks.
“If you want me to call you anything else, you may let me know at any time and I will try my best to keep pace.”
Izuku wasn’t dead-set on keeping his name hidden for his own sake so much as his mother’s, and, to a lesser extent, his father’s. Mom deliberately moved into the middle of nowhere, smack dab in the woods, to keep Izuku safe, and if he’s dumb enough to screw that up for himself, the least he can do is keep her out of trouble. She really will kill me when I get back…
A rhythmic ringing sounds from Uraraka’s pocket, and she takes out her phone to look at it. Her brow furrowed and she said, “I have to take this; I’ll be back soon!” She ran through the door, waving to Iida and Izuku. “Bye!”
“That was sudden,” Iida remarked.
They sat and looked at each other for a bit, though Iida made a point of avoiding eye contact.
To be fair, Izuku didn’t like it much either. He only did it for the sake of entering mindspace.
“I’ve seen you have quite the affinity for heroes,” Iida said with faked confidence.
“Do you know of the hero Ingenium?”
“Yeah, of course! His agency in Tokyo employs 65 sidekicks, last I checked. Pretty impressive stuff.” Having said this, Izuku’s mind wandered to how he hadn’t had a chance to check the forums in a while. I wonder what they think of my hiatus. Maybe they think I’m dead, or something. May as well be, he thinks before he can stop himself.
“Well, aren’t you up on your information! The way Uraraka put it, it sounded like all your hero information came from Bakugou.” Iida cast a glance to the side.
“You think Kacchan told me everything I know about heroes? He just introduced me to them.” He knew better than to mumble at this point, so he just kept his voice up—it’d be hard to make a worse impression than he already had when it came to his nerdery. “I go on hero forums a lot. Keep up with the news, y’know? They’re saying Kamui Woods is going to soar in the rankings next semester, which is really cool since his Quirk is so similar to my magic.”
“Oh, but Kamui doesn’t have access to the, er, mindscape, though, does he?”
“Nope, mindspace is mostly just a drak thing. My mom and dad used to use it to talk to each other a lot while I watched TV.” Izuku lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck, but even after bending over backwards to compensate for the short length on the tethers, his neck had buttons stuck to it that he was pretty sure weren’t there before and got in the way of the gesture. Oh, fantastic. What else are they monitoring now? His hand migrated to his jaw, and more were stuck there as well.
“Those are monitoring your hormones,” Iida answered without being asked. “If your adrenaline spikes or you end up with an imbalance of some sort, then the teachers have to come in and make sure you’re not hurting anyone.”
Izuku squints and his voice deadpanned, “Cool.”
Iida looked down before responding. “I know you don’t like it here, and most of us don’t want to keep you.” Iida stiffens at Izuku’s look. “I-it’s the honest truth. This is for your safety now, too, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
“When you were taken, news broke out insanely quickly that drak really did exist, and that there was one at UA.”
“So why keep me here if UA’s explicitly a target?” Izuku’s expression remained bothered.
“I’m getting to that. After the official hubbub died down and those scientists finally left us alone, we started receiving threats regarding you. They couldn’t trace them, and all of the fingerprints on them were unregistered in police databases.”
“So I’m being targeted by villains, then?” He raised his eyebrows, but otherwise wore the same exasperated expression. “Great. Fantastic. Now my stupid mistake might cost me my life and my mom’ll…”
He almost choked on his own spit at that. What would happen? She’d be devastated. Hell, she probably already is with however long he’s been missing.
“De—Deku, are you okay?” Iida’s voice was muffled by the shifting of his restraints; chains pulling at one another in an awful chorus of twangs and jingles as Izuku struggled to make himself smaller.
“I’m sorry, Izuku.”
“It’s not gonna happen. The public would freak out and get too focused on the fact that he’s a fucking drak.”
“Your father says ‘hi,’ Izuku. He loves you, you know; even when he’s not around, he’s always thinking of you.”
“It showed you what I did to it, but it never showed you what it did to me, now, am I right?”
He sensed that Iida backed away from the cage, his arms raised in caution as if the thing were about to explode, and Izuku agreed with that judgement even if he didn’t have the ability to do it. Even if they weren’t connected in mindspace, Iida could probably distinguish that whatever was going on inside his head wasn’t his idea of a good time.
“Deku, can you talk to me? Uraraka should be back anytime now…” He was frustrated at her for saying she’d “be back soon.” Izuku couldn’t find it in himself to feel much of anything about it. “This—is this about your mother, Deku? We could try to find her, let her know of your situation and everything…”
Izuku’s crying calms to a few mild hiccups every now and then, and the two of them look at each other in the eye.
“Midoriya,” Izuku said. “Midoriya Izuku is my name, and my mother is Midoriya Inko. Please find her. Please make sure she knows I’m okay.”
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Izuku then slumped over and fell out of consciousness, to Iida’s surprise. One of the chains had been laced with a slim tube that must’ve been used to administer a tranquilizer from afar.
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ZZZ [Sunbeam]
“Fuck! I’m about to be late!!!”A familiar sound of a saurian said as he ran through the town roads. It was Onyx? Looking shocked? And...wearing the upper part of a custom made tuxedo which fit his upper body nicely. Running through the town, he snatched some roses from a stand and threw money at the one who owned the stand. His clawed feet carrying him across the road towards a huge building, a very fancy restaurant that was in the center of town. Draks and all sorts of species flicking into it with the utmost respect and fancy natures. Top hats, tuxedo’s dresses, all sorts of fancy attire that only the most professional individuals would wear in fancy place.In the building sunbeam was sitting at a table, playing with her whine glass as she wore a navy blue dress. Elegant was an understatement, but soon Onyx races in and runs right towards the table. Panting heavily as he took his seat at the table. Holding what was left of the roses he brought forth from the town square. “For you sweetheart!”He said, but all he had was one from the dozen he ran over here...better than nothing. Sunbeam smiles and gently takes the rose and sniffs it before placing a paw on his hand. Smiling sweetly. Onyx smiles and holds her hand gently while the server came to take their order. Onyx of course took the time to order for both of them.“We will have the strawberry bacon Sunday please, hold the ranch.”“Excellent sir we will have that out in just a few moments.”The server said as he took their menus which results in him walking away leaving the two to their own discussions.“So sweetie, how was work?” Sunbeam asked Onyx as he sat there, gently holding her hand as he began to explain.“It was good, though I hate filing river taxes for 6. Hours. Straight...” he said with a hiss as his tail curled up. But soon relaxed as he looked back into her eyes. Smiling as his hands gently tightened their grip on Sunbeams paws. Oh how he seemed to in love with the warrior. Yet after some time of them talking the server soon brought them their meal. A giant rubber bowel, filled with strawberry ice cream, bananas, and bacon. Onyx rubbed his paws together very ready to dig in to this feast...however Sunbeam soon grabbed his paw and dragged him away from the table“Come on hun! Let’s they are playing our song!!!”The female said as she held his paw all the way towards a large dance room. Ironically her and Onyx took each other by the hips and shoulders to start slow dancing. The song playing was some kind of old country song which did not make much sense because they slow danced while it played. Sunbeam resting her head on his chest as Onyx skillfully began to dance with her. They soon became the light of the dance floor as he began to twirl her and soon caught her by her back. Looking into her eyes while she stared back. Soon he stood her up and began to thump his tail on the ground, roaring out to get everyone’s attention.“Attention everyone! I have an announcement to make!”He soon looked at Sunbeam and placed a hand on the side of her face before he got down on one knee. Pulling out a large lolly pop on a large stick. The candy was easily the size of one of their heads. “Sunbeam...will you marry me!”He said. Everyone gasping as sunbeam nodded quickly and took the candy from his paw and wrapped him up in a hug. Onyx picking her up bridal style as everyone began to clap. Except for a drunk female at the bar demanding for more booze as she slammed her hand on the bar. It was Azul, burping and slamming her hand on the bar once more.“GIVE ME MORE FUCKIN DrINkS!!!”She said before turning her head and puking on the floor.As for sunbeam and Onyx, they both stood there happy as she said “yes! I will marry you!”Soon the two leaned in, closing their eyes as they prepared to kiss each other on the lips... but before their lips came into contact, everything went black. ——Onyx woke up with a jolt. Roaring out in panic as his clawed forelimbs clenched his massive skull.“Fuck!”The beast yelled as he laid there...onyx found himself laying there on his back in Azul’s basement. A wooden alcohol cabinet crushed into fragments of wood because he was laying on top of it. Broken and empty bottles scattered around Onyx as he looked around in the dark atmosphere....it was just a dream. All of it. Panting violently the beast soon sighed in relief. Just a dream! “Good lord...ugh my head..”The titan said as he held up a bottle of pure Drak’onian wine. Empty...and in fact about 20 bottles were empty. Onyx growled at the bottle before hurling it across the room, shattering to pieces before he just sat there and growled.“This damn foreign alcohol will fuck you up if your not careful...”The beast said. Glad all was just a dream...but soon the titan fell backwards and continued to snore like he did before he violently woke up from the nightmare he just endured.
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bloomofiron · 7 years
Chemosian Art and Culture The Old Night, Great Crusade, and Horus Heresy Eras
It would be impossible to discuss Chemosian fashion or art without discussing Fulgrim himself, the culture hero who shaped so much of the planet's society. While an exhaustive history of Chemos isn't the intention here, it is important to hit a few key points.
Chemos, once a thriving industrial world, was cut off from the rest of human civilization during the Old Night. The loss of their major trading partners, combined with a chain of cascade failures and industrial disasters sent their society hurtling backwards into a dark age that persisted until the intervention of Fulgrim, one of the Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind.
When Fulgrim arrived as an infant, Chemos was ruled by a government called the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy consisted of individuals powerful enough to controls the remnants of the planet's industry that were still functional and their inner circles of enforcers and overseers. Life on Chemos was strictly regulated, defined by desperate need and crushing poverty, and to keep the populace in line the Oligarchs enforced strict rationing and punishing work-quotas. Privacy was unheard of, while work-crews were on shift, a second (or sometimes third) crew lived and slept in their habs. Reproduction was illegal without pre-approval from the factory-overseers. Leisure time was a fantasy, survival was balanced on a knife's edge, and when a crew wasn't on the factory floor, they were sleeping.
Fulgrim changed all this. The Primarch grew with supernatural speed and his superior strength combined with innate knowledge that the Emperor had granted him before his emergence meant he could meet his Oligarch's quotas with relative ease. He spent every spare moment repairing the ancient machines, exploring, and intventing - sometimes alone, and sometimes in the company of other members of his work-crew.
In an almost miraculously short time, Fulgrim was able to reverse the spiral of extinction the Chemosians had been dragged into. Instead of falling into disrepair, suddenly his factory was breaking even. A few months later, they were producing more than they could consume and stockpiling what remained. A year later, they were producing more than they could stockpile. The rest is, essentially, history.
The Imperium of Man calls the revolution that overthrew the Oligarchs and Fulgrim's rise to power bloodless, and to be completely fair, by their standards, it absolutely was.
There was never outright war between the Chemosian factions over who would control the planet and its resources, but that's not to say that Fulgrim and his followers didn't have to fight for what they believed in. The Oligarchs, terrified of how quickly change had come to Chemos, tried to have Fulgrim assassinated on a number of occasions. At least twice, these attempts ended with Fulgrim talking the assassins into joining his workers collective. Famously, Vargas Tero, a human soldier who would eventually come to oversee recruitment for the Emperor's Children, was one of them. In the Reaches, places that the factories had broken down beyond repair - the rough equivalent of Chemosian 'wilderness', mutants and cannibals roamed freely, and occasionally the Primarch and his enforcers were called upon to defend outlying or vulnerable settlements.
Likewise, once the yoke of starvation was lifted from their shoulders and the people of Chemos turned their eyes to their leaders, it became of apparent that some of the Oligarchs were guilty of atrocious crimes. These men were executed after ostensibly being tried, though the verdict of such trials was never in question. Others managed to barricade themselves inside their personal compounds, where they lived out their lives screaming at clouds or hollering impotently that the sky was falling. Many of the more moderate Oligarchs joined Fulgrim's collective, desperate to get on the train before they were thrown under it. Others, especially those in distant or remote areas of the planet, remained separate sovereignties but accepted and adopted his political and social reforms for fear of losing their workers and citizens.
In truth, there was no need for war against the Oligarchs, in an alarmingly short time, they had been made redundant, and history left them behind.
Now, let's talk about the really cool stuff, art and fashion.
Certain icons and imagery tend to show up in Chemosian art, in the same way there are trends that show up in Terra or Ultramar's, this list is by no means complete, but it touches on some of the most important concepts.
The Alacta Cascade and the Drak
During Fulgrim's early days of leadership, his collective suffered a major industrial disaster that came to be known as the Alacta Cascade. The Cascade was a chained failure of hundreds of essential machines, with the resulting fallout killing hundreds of workers and destabilizing the production lines. The exact cause of the Cascade was never discovered, and although sabotage by one of the rival Oligarchs was always suspected, it was never proven.
Regardless of the reason behind it, the Cascade gave rise to a crisis of worker morale and faith in Fulgrim's leadership abilities. He had promised the people of Chemos safety and security, and failed spectacularly to deliver on it. In response to this, several options were discussed, but in the end, Fulgrim and his council made the controversial (at the time) choice to introduce the drak.
A drak was a small circle of colored glass stamped with a glyph. In the Chemosian language, 'drak' is a lightly derogatory term for the waste products or unusable industrial shavings, which was exactly what the draks were made from. In order to encourage the populace to work, Fulgrim's government issued draks to work-crews for various reasons, exceeding quotas, talented leadership, and good behavior were all examples, but a man was entitled to draks merely for completing his entire shift. Draks could, in turn, be handed in to overseers to be excused from work with no cut to rations and no questions asked. There were three types types of drak issued, defined by color; yellow-red draks, which represented a handful of hours; red-purple draks, which counted for a half-day; and finally, violet draks, which excused a worker from an entire shift.
The issue of draks worked better than Fulgrim had ever anticipated, and where his government had previously faced a crisis of morale, they now had the opposite problem, men were fighting each other for the open places in the Alacta work-crews, refugees and immigrants flooded into the Captial, eager to work under the new system. New factories were renovated and opened as fast as Fulgrim and the engineers he trained could manage it, and new work-crews were formed and assigned to them.
Eight months after the introduction of the drak, Fulgrim's advisors discovered that the populace was trading draks among themselves. While a small portion of the draks issued by the government were returning to overseer hands, the practice of citizens trading draks for favors, food, or services had become commonplace. Though some of them urged the Primarch to withdraw the draks now that the crisis had passed, ultimately Fulgrim's government went in a different direction, which was to back the practice enthusiastically, taking steps to maintain the stability of this unofficial 'market'. One year after the first issue, Fulgrim's government announced a number of new work assignments, such as paying citizens in draks to take care of the elderly, sick, and infirm, or moving workers off the factory lines in order to have children educated full-time.
Two years after the first draks entered circulation, a tattoo artist named Jenet announced that she had accumulated enough customers and draks that she would never have to return to the factories. It was the first such success story, but many others followed, as the new system encouraged the citizens of Chemos to develop and market their skills. Although the planet now uses more complex forms of currency, the three glyphs originally used on the draks are immensely important in Chemosian art. They're popular as subjects for tattoos, old or out-of-circulation draks are carried as good-luck charms or incorporated into jewelry, and their image is often used in Emperor's Children heraldry.
At some point during Chemos' storied history, an industrial disaster wiped out most of the plant life. What few forests that existed on the highly-developed world were petrified by the runoff, and the wood of these trees was transmuted into a strange sort of metal. As light as softwood but as hard and durable as steel, ironwood was harvested extensively and used by Chemosians for a variety of purposes, and after contact with the Imperium, it was used in weapons, most commonly as the grip for guns. Originally thought to be a limited resource, Fulgrim discovered that ironwood trees were alive, and along with his engineers, came up with new ways to harvest and cultivate them. The method for doing so was jealously guarded, and following the destruction of the planet after the Heresy, ironwood trees are believed to be extinct - though it's possible that both seeds and the technique for growing and caring for them survived somewhere among Fulgrim's Astartes.
Water and Cups
Both water and cups are important imagery on Chemos, influencing clothing and repeatedly appearing in art. When it touched down, Fulgrim's pod broke open an ancient reservoir that gave his caretakers access to fresh water - the good omen that convinced them to keep him alive in the first place. The work-crew to which he was eventually assigned worked as water-purifiers and recyclers, and his environmental reforms eventually healed and restored the weather cycle, clearing the storms of acid rain. Fulgrim's star-sign is the Ewer (by the Chemosian reckoning anyways, he's an Aquarius on Terra), the most prominent of their seventy-two Water-elemental signs.
Whirlpools, rivers, clouds, waves, lakes, rain, and other water-based imagery are often used as patterns or backgrounds, while clothing is layered and left open to expose lower layers and simulate depth, or ruffled and cut to looked like flowing water. Cool colors, such as blue, black, green, or purple take precedence over any other shades. Art installations often use water as part of their appeal, and fountains are common in almost every public area.
When the Emperor came to collect Fulgrim from Chemos, men and women in their twenties still bore the marks of ownership by the Oligarchs, and the newest generation of children were the first to be born outside of slavery.
Needless to say, the population of Chemos was furious to hear the the Emperor would be taking both their children and their leader, and neither would ever be returned. No one was pleased to hear that their sons were being sent to die in an alien crusade they wanted no part in, and worse, that they had no say in the matter. For a time, the public outcry bordered on anti-Imperial violence or outright rebellion, and it took all of Fulgrim's charisma and considerable diplomatic skill to soothe it. Despite this, the wounds ran deep and never fully healed. Though Chemos was an Imperial state, there existed a strong tradition of backhandedly or subtly insulting the Imperium or the Emperor in its art. Notably, many of their famous works of sculpture, music, and theater include no male characters or masculine imagery, in remembrance of the children stolen to become Astartes.
Hoods, Gloves, and Masks
Chemosian clothing evolved out protective gear for factory workers, and even in the modern day, its design reflects that while incorporating fashion from other prominent Imperial trendsetters, such as Terra or Ultramar.
It was common for a work-crew's on-shift gear to cover the entire body, as well as incorporate a mask that could be closed in the event of acid rain or a gas leak. In some areas and factories, metal or dust in the air meant that workers kept their faces covered at all times and only removed their protective gear in the privacy of secured barracks. In open areas, the damage to Chemos' atomposhere and layers of ozone meant any prolonged sun exposure could be deadly. Leaving no exposed skin was not a matter or privacy or modesty, but survival.
Head coverings are still common on Chemos, considered appropriate (or occasionally necessary) public wear for a person of any gender. In the wealthiest, most modern cities, especially ones with a large Imperial population or in districts where Terran culture has taken hold, this tends to be a brief nod towards tradition, and citizens wear hooded cloaks around their shoulders or light wrappings and half-veils that leave their hair visible. Masks are highly decorated and reserved for parties, holiday events, or special occasions. In more rural areas, the old ways cleave tighter, and it's normal to see citizens fully masked in public. Closed footwear is considered normal, and most people wear shoes inside their homes, open-toe shoes are seen as almost insufferably Terran and an affectation of the upper classes.
Song and Dance
On Chemos, the ability to sing and dance are considered important qualities for a well-rounded adult. While all musical ability is valued, for a long portion of their history, instruments were so rare as to be non-existent, and Chemosian work-crews had nowhere to keep them where they wouldn't be stolen or destroyed. However, anyone can sing and dance. Most crews had personalized songs that they used to ease the burden of work and boost morale, and a typical crew would have one or two more talented singers who would entertain their fellows during the shift's off-hours. Music is a vitally important subject of study, taught alongside math, writing, and science, and a career as a musician is considered a worthwhile investment.
Restaurants, parties, and even a variety of businesses often have live music as part of their atmosphere, and it's not unusual for young people to be in bands. Owing to their celebration of music as part of their culture, hundreds, if not thousands of famous musicians have hailed from Chemos.
Before Fulgrim's rise to power, Chemosians had virtually no way to express themselves artistically, and many chose to do so by tattooing.
Tattoos are common among adults, though it's considered improper to tattoo the face, the palms of one's hands, or the bottom of one's feet, as all these things could interfere with an individual's work output and reflect negatively on his work-crew. All workers were once marked with ownership tattoos on the inside of the right wrist, signifying the crew, factory, and Oligarch they belonged to. Even Fulgrim has one, and to show solidarity with his fellow workers, he never had it removed.
They were originally done by hand-tapping with sharpened slivers of ironwood or bone, though with the revitalization of the planet, more modern methods now exist.
Vorshal are a type of beetle native to Chemos, and one of the only animal lifeforms that didn't go extinct during one of the planet's many cataclysms. A vorshal is fairly docile, incapable of flight (despite having wings), and slightly larger than a man's fist. Most vorshal are purple-blue or purple-red in color, but variations exist. During most of Chemos' history, they have been heavily farmed and domesticated. Their bodies contain a surprising amount of meat, which tastes bland and inoffensive, despite the fact that vorshals eat garbage and waste products, and their shells can be ground down into a thick powder that was used as dye for clothing and mixed with additives to make ink and paint.
They owe their survival to vorshals, and thusly, most Chemosians regard the insects with the same reverence other humans might give to dogs and cats (save that they also consider them food), believing them to be far more cute and intelligent than they are. Representations or stylized versions of vorshal are popular choice for brooches, hair ornaments, rings, and other jewelry designs.
An agat is a Chemosian insect, similar to a wasp, though different in a number of ways. Their meat is inedible, however, their venom glands produce a mild hallucinogen and trigger euphoric sensations. Consuming agat was, for a long time, one of the only forms of leisure on the planet. It's still popular and widespread in the modern day, and some citizens farm agat for this exact purpose.
While there is no legal or social stigma against consuming agat, it's considered crass to discuss it openly and addicts are looked down upon. Tattoos of agat are extremely popular among teenagers and woefully embarrassing among adults who got them as teenagers, the Imperial equivalent of a marijuana leaf or the unprofessional work of a scratcher. Eidolon, of the Emperor's Children, has one.
Chemosians are, perhaps unfairly, stereotyped as being hedonistic, though what they are is a product of their history. Within living memory, their entire way of life was defined by crushing poverty, starvation, a total lack of security and privacy, and the very real knowledge that they could die at any moment in a random industrial accident. Now, from a position of safety, comfort, and security, they're able to enjoy the finer things in life. It's not Chemosians are wanton, it's that Terrans and the citizens of Ultramar are terribly stuck up.
To a Chemosian, there's no point in denying yourself, since you could be dead tomorrow. Food exists to be eaten, wine to be drunk, lovers to be enjoyed. Every guest is the one you use the good china for, and 'saving yourself' for the right person is pointless. The person you're with right now could be the right person, and even if they're not, it's good practice for when you find them. On Chemos, there are no social stigmas against having multiple sexual or romantic partners, so long as all parties involved are accepting of it. Prostitution is legal, and likewise, there is no social stigma against either being a prostitute or using the services of one.
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bunnylikerabbit · 7 years
The Final Warning pt.4
MCL boys & reader (only boys pov)
Gender: Horror, a bit of supernatural, kind of Until Dawn AU
Warning: swearing, blood, death, gore
Summary: What was they supposed to do when they accidentally killed there childhood friend ? They were terrified and panicked but maybe they didn’t took the good decision… Now there trapped in their worst nightmare…
Lenght: 4k
A/N: Hi there ! Sorry I’m late but I decided to add Ken’s part at the last moment so it took me a bit longer ! Sorry sorry ! Hope you’ll still like it and thank you so much for reading my fanfic ♥♥ ILY guys ♥♥
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
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Castiel pov
Insane. It was insane. All of this was. How could a man kill deer ? There was something off with this story. No one could have done something like that, even the strongest man. Maybe Nathaniel mistook because of the shock. It could be possible, it might be less than he thought. But still, even if it was that impressive, there was seven dead deer, murdered. I couldn't ignore what he said. Even if it was hardly belivable, I don't know why he would have lied.
I rushed out of the room without even paying attention if they would have follow me. If there was a thing I agreed with Nathaniel was that we had to go as soon as possible. I went in my room to unpacked my things as quickly as I could.
"Go get your things Armin." I said when I noticed his small silhouette by the door.
He disapeard in a blink of an eye. Soon after, I was ready to leave this damn place. I went downstairs where the others were, Kentin standing with his bag already on his back and Lukas and Lysander sitting on the couch. Kentin looked at me with a glimpse of hope, probably glad to leave this place.
"We're leaving. Now." I said, taking Lukas's and Lysander's bags to give them to them.
They both looked at me with those glassy eyes but I didn't pay attention to it, I turn to the stairs to see Armin rushing down, closely followed by Nath and Alex. We all had our things, now it was time to leave. I took the key car on the kitchen's counter and handed it to Nathaniel.
"But wait, wait." Kentin said, stopping in his track toward the door. "What about Louis ? We can't let him out there."
"Don't worry 'bout him, he leaves here 24/7. It's not a pinch of drakness that will frighten him." Nathaniel answered him.
"Alex said he was kinda abducted." Armin lowly added.
"He got a gun, he's gonna be ok. Now let's get going."
Nathaniel open the door and everyone rushed outside but the second we all passed the door, a strong light and a deafning sound caught us by surprise, making us almost fall to the ground. An explosion. It was the sound of an explosion, the blow, the heat, the light, the boom. It was a fucking explosion. When I open my eyes, I felt like a stone crashed on my shoulder, breaking all my hopes. The car was on fire. It litteraly exploded just before us. We just stared at the car unable to utter a single word.
"What..." Nathaniel breathed out, shocked. "How...?"
I stared at the flames, my body shaking by the rage that was taking over me and without even noticing it, I was screaming. "FUCK !!"
"What are we gonna do now ?" Kentin asked, panicked.
"L- Let's go back inside... W- We'll find another way." Nathaniel stuttered as he headed back inside the cottage.
Everyone followed him but I stayed still in front of the car, eyebrows locked together in a deep frown. I was boiling. Who ever did that, I swear the god they're gonna regret it. I'm gonna make them pay for that. Maybe I was overreacting, it was just a car, but at this exact moment, I felt like someone tried to make a bad joke on us and it was frustrating to not be able to do anything.
"Castiel... Let's go inside." I heard Armin said, catching my arm to drag me inside, but I didn't moved an inch.
He stared at me, utterly worry to see me as tensed, but I didn't care, I just turn away and burst into the chalet. I climb the stairs without paying attention to all the interrogative stares and questions to me, I just made my way upstairs. I than stop in the middle of the corridor, looked up to see a little knob on the roof. I pull it and a foldable ladder fall down. I quickly climb it and I walk toward the stuffed desk and sat on the chair.
"Castiel, what are you doing ?" Armin asked out of breath.
"Calling someone." I said as I turned on the big radio transmitter before me.
I turned some wheel as the crackling sound filled the room. I took the mike and put it in front of my mouth, hoping to hear a voice at the other end of the radio but nothing.
"Did somebody hear me ?" I talked to the mike. "This is Castiel, me and six other people are stuck in Nathaniel's cottage. I repeat, we have no way to go home, did someone hear me ?" I wait but no answer. "Our car is dead, I think this is not an accident, our car explode before our eyes, we are not alone."
I continued to turn the wheel and speaking when I heard something. I almost jumped of my chair and both Armin and I quickly lean closer to try to understand what the voice was saying but the crackling was to loud to hear a distinct word. I push the button of the mike to speak again.
"I can't here you clearly, please, come to get us, we are not alone. I repeat, we. are. not. alone."
The voice tried to make its way to us, but the crackling was still too noisy. I bet heard the word 'morning' and 'car' but I'm not sure. Still, if they meant they want to get us tomorrow morning, we'll have a problem.
"We can't wait 'til tomorrow ! You have to get us now !"
Even if they didn't said that, it was still good to say. I don't know why I felt the urge to get out of this place, this atmosphere was suffocating. The last word I bet heard before the line went off was 'wait' and it made me slap me hand on the desk. We didn't had the time to wait ! Was it so complicate to take a car, drive here, take us and go back to civilisation ? I let myself fall back against the seat back and I sight loudly, letting the soft continuous crackling filling the silence of the attic. Armin had his eyes glued to the ground, nervously playing with his finger. I stared at him for a second, but some jolt in the radio's crackling bring my attention. I first thought it was nothing, but a detail made me think that, maybe it wasn't just that. I bet heard something humming. A pitched sound, like a female voice. It was very low so I lean forward to hear it better. It was clearer and clearer and it was definitly a woman's voice.
"-ember... -one... Do you... -ember... -at you... -one..." I frowned at the voice, not sure what it was saying, but it seem to repeat something over and over again, until the entire sentence was clear enough to understand. "Do you remember what you've done ?" Than a loud bang ring and the radio went off.
Armin and I looked at each other, utterly confused. I tried to turn on the radio again, but there was nothing to do.
"It's dead." I said defeated.
"What was that ?"
"I don't know... Maybe someone making a cruel joke on us." I took a glance at a nervous Armin before getting up and headed to the ladder.
"It sounds like her voice..." He bearly uttered.
I stopped in my track. "It's not." And than I get out of the attic.
It was. It clearly was and I knew it. But I wanted to believe it was not. It couldn't be possible. Maybe someone recorded her voice and put it in the radio God knows how. We did a lot of video recording when we were together, it was probably that. What else ?
Nathaniel pov
"Breath in..." I said, taking a deep breath. "Breath out..." I blow all the air in my lungs.
I stare at Alexy just before me doing as I told, slowly recovering some colors. It was good to see, he will soon be able to talk and even react again.
"How do you feel ?" I asked him, hoping to have an answer, but the look he gave me was enough.
He wasn't ready yet, he was still in shock. I patted his head and get up, taking a glance at the second floor. I know what Castiel was doing, it was the best to do right now. Without a car, it's almost impossible to make it through the woods. It would take ages to reach the main road, and still, even if we made through it, in the total darkness, there's absolutly no soul passing by this road. We just have to wait for backups, nothing else. And there's probably someone or... Something in the woods. Something really dangerous. Strong enough to kill seven deer, smart enough to destroy a car. Cause hell, this wasn't an accident. Cars don't explode just like that, someone did it. I looked at my friends, Lysander and Lukas sat lazyly on the couch and Kentin and Alexy now in the kitchen, the last one drinking the glass of water the younger seems to have gave him.
I sight, feeling utterly tired and desperate. I hoped some good news would come when I saw Castiel walk down the stairs, but his entire self told me there were none.
"So ?" I asked Castiel when he joined us in the living room.
"The radio is dead." He said. "Guess someone heard us but they seem decided to wait until tomorrow."
"What if we can't wait till tomorrow ?" Kentin said, taking few steps toward us.
"We have no choice."
"Than let's wait." I said, looking at everyone.
I frowned when I saw Armin. His face was livid with a worried gaze fixed to the ground, his hands shacking violently. I saw him took quick glance at Castiel, as if he wanted to tell him something. I wonder what.
"I don't want to wait ! I want to leave, now !" Kentin protested.
"How ?" Castiel spat, clearly annoyed. "Should I remind you that our car exploded ?"
"Than we'll walk !" The younger slaped his fist against the kitchen counter, a deep frown on his face
"The road is several miles away from here, it would take at least an hour if not even more and by night it would be insanity to go in the woods." I said, staring at Kentin.
I knew he was afraid, we all were, but we didn't have the choice. We were stuck here and walk in the woods to reach the road was insane. We would never get through it and even less with Alexy in this state.
"What should we do than ?" Lysander's voice raised and I looked at him.
"Wait and get some rest. The police will come back tomorrow, they'll bring us home." I tried my best to be rassuring, there were no point at frightening them even more. "Come on it's not the first time we sleep here all alone huh ?"
"But it's the first time someone destroy our car." Castiel said, not really convinced.
"We don't know if it's a someone, it might be an accident, I was suppose to do a checkup because of a problem with the engine." I saw Castiel stare at me skeptical but I just shoot him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut and, fortunatly, he didn't say anything else.
Panic leads to stupid acts and stupid acts lead to even more danger so it was useless to do such frightening speculations. I was aware that the problem I had with my car wasn't enough to make it expose like that, but if it could ease some minds, than it will be a mecanical problem and nothing else. For our safety, it was better to stay inside and lock every issues so this psycho outside will not come in.
"Ok than. Let's wait." Castiel finally spoke, taking a seat beside Lysander.
I sighed and I went to lock the front door and the back door in the kitchen, as well as the huge bay window in the second living room. We better be cautious. Who knows who's this mad man outside. Or what is it. I stared for a wile through the window. Where the hell was Louis ?
"Armin, go get Alexy to bed and get some rest too, it's useless to stay up now." I said while I walked toward the boys.
Armin looked at me but lowered his gaze before nodding shyly. I shoot him a rassuring smile as I stare at him dragging Alexy upstairs. They both looked terrible, they needed some rest, especially Alexy. I came near the couch and I laid a hand on Lukas's shoulder.
"You should too." I said, looking uturlly concern.
It should be hard for him to be here. Candy was his girlfriend. I don't even know why he insisted to come back. His face was so cold, so lifeless.  
"I'm fine." He spoke blankly.
It was definitly not a good idea to come back here. Firstly because of this thing outside, secondly because of what happenned. We shouldn't have came back. It would have been so much better if we never have came back ever again. All this felt like a trick. A huge trap to get us all here. A very successful trap.
"You should Lukas." Castiel said, trying to convince him but the way Lukas slowly turns his head to him, with this sharp gaze, gave me chills.
"I said, I'm fine." He said in between his tightly clenched jaw.
"If you say so." Castiel shrugged.
I let my hand fall from Lukas's shoulder and I start wandering in the house. Not knowing what to do to kill time. Too nervous to have a sleep, too worried to leave the door out of sight, too concerned to leave the boys alone. I stared at the front door, hoping to hear Louis's voice screaming behind, his loud knock filling the entire house, saying everything was OK, saying there was nothing in the woods, saying we were safe. But it didn't happen.
I heard Kentin grumble and angrily letting his back fall from his shoulder. He shoot me an upset glance and stormed into the bedroom we liked to call our little sanctuary. It used to be Alex and Armin’s siblings' bedroom since their the youngest but they hated being downstairs so we change the room in a huge cinema room with fluffy pillows and blankets all over the ground and a huge TV with tons of dvds. It was Candy's idea. Alex's sibilings just slept upstairs in their brother's room while Alexy just slept in random rooms when he didn't wanted to stay with them. Mostly in Lukas's actually but he wasn't the only one who wanted to sleep in this room so after getting kicked out, he usually ended up in Kentin's or Armin's. It was the good old time, when we were still young and innocent. After Candy came back from USA. Where everything was finally good.
I heard Lysander and Castiel low chatting but I didn't understand. I wasn't listening at all, too focus on whatever was outside. I didn't even see the both of them heading toward me. But the second they reach the door, I shoot them a deadly glare.
"What are you doing ?" I spat, my voice coming out harsher than i thought.
"Just taking a breath." Castiel said, staring at me half confused.
"Open the window then."
"It's ok, we'll just be here and we'll let the door open." Lysander spoke this time.
"I said, the window." I commended harshly.
No one outside. We didn't know who was there with us, we didn't know where was Louis or what happenned to him. That was too dangerous. What if they just vanished in the dark without a single sound. What if the thing sneaked in the house while they're outside ? I shoot them an other deadly glare and Castiel raise his hands up, defeated. I groaned lowly before walking to the living room. I sat beside Lukas, whom didn't moved an inch, on the couch.
"This is insane." I muttered, a hand massaging my forehead slowly.
How could something like this happenned ? Was it a joke ? Did the deer were real ? Were everything was real ? Did Louis really disapeard or is it just a bad joke from him and mom ? It didn't feel true. Nothing felt real. What was we afraid of ? A hunter ? Hunting our deer in a natural reserve ? A crazy hunter who liked ripping animals' faces appart ? Ok, that was scary. But I still wonder what happenned to Louis. He wouldn't leave us like that, without saying a single word.
My phone's ring dragged me out of my thoughts. I instinctively get it out of my pocket and frown. A message ? But there's no signal here, like, not in any part of the woods. Not even Internet. It was Kentin’s mother idea, she proposed to make this place somewhere where we could reconnect to each other, talk and play without any phoned or something. No social media, no work. Well we quickly found a solution by bringing tons of dvds and video games. Anyway, receiving a message was strange, but what was stranger was the sender. Candy. After her death, we left her phone in the cottage, as if she forgot it. Now the police had it so no one would have used it. Even for a joke.
I took a glance at Lukas, his head was lying on his hand, he looked absolutely done. I wouldn't be surprise if he ends up falling asleep. Well at least he wouldn't see it. Not sure how he would react at this. I open the message and what was writien made my heart races.
Bad kids should be punished.
Kentin pov
I was boiling. Why the hell couldn't we leave this place ? Why did the car have to burn ? Just, how ? Was it a trick to scare us ? I was leaning against the kitchen counter, stunned by Nathaniel's attitude. Why was he actting like everything was ok ? Nothing was ok. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, nothing was ok and he knew it. I wanted to shout, to scream at him to make him react, to alarm him. We had to leave. He said it himself, so why did he want to wait now ?
"Wait, wait... Yeah so we can be killed one by one just like Louis..." I mumbled angrily as I let my bag fall from my shoulder.
I catched Nathaniel's eyes but all I could do was shooting a deadly glare at his worried expression before leaving the room, taking shelter in our sanctuary. The door slaped and I just crashed on the pillow floor, sighing angrily as I rubbed my brown hair.
What a great idea ! Let's wait until the deer killer come and get us all. The car surely didn't exploded by itself and the deer... Well, how ever they had been killed, it's certainly not in a very natural way. There was something off with all of this that makes me feel like we weren't totally safe around here. And this feeling in the woods. What was that ? Boo looked so scared. I, myself, was scared to death. This feeling deep inside my guts, this feeling of danger, this scent of death. No, it was unbelievable. It couldn't be true. It shouldn't be true. Whatever was this feeling, it was just my imagination. Boo might have seen a wolf or something like that and get scared, this dog is scared of everything anyway.
I lean deeper in the mattress and start to look at the dark of the night, the slight moonlight piercing through the trees to crash in the room, giving just enough light to see the wild shadows of the leaves dancing on the walls. The scene was so peacful right now, I wanted this to last forever.
"You can't come here everytime Alexy invade your room you know ?"
I opened my eyes and stared at the smily silouette by the door. "Why not ?"
Candy came closer and she laid beside me, joining her hands under her head and closing her eyes.
"Because someone else might want to crash here to find some peace." She smiled, staring right inside my eyes.
"Then maybe we can find this peace together." I smiled back.
"Only if we watch Fight Club !"
"Ash again ? Don't you ever get tired of this movie ?"
"Never ever. It's the best movie in the world." She slaped my arm as she sat up.
"I don't want to watch it, I want silence." I said teasingly, putting a finger on my mouth.
"You're boooring !" She laid down again and rolled on her side to face me. "What were you thinking about ?"
I stared at the ceiling before turning my head to look at her. "Nothing and everything."
She paused. She seemed thougthfull, as if something was bothering her in the back of her mind. I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking, waiting for her to speak again.
"Aren't you nervous ?" She finally spoke.
"About what ?" I said a bit confused.
"About... That."
"That ? Candy this isn't a big deal." I chuckled, turning back to the ceiling.
"It is ! What if I fail ? What if you fail ? What if we both fail ?"
"Me ? I never fail. And you won't fail neighter, you're a freaking smart ass, how would you ?"
"That's not what Lysander used to say." She pouted.
"Lysander ? He was a stupid kid trying to act smart." I chuckled teasingly.
"You're dumb." She giggled, slapping my arm again.
"You'll not fail, if you fail then shame on you !"
"Stop this you dumbass kid !" She laughed lightly, hitting me playfully.
I opened my eyes slowly, feeling utterly tired. I looked around but no trace of Candy. A dream. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I wonder how long I slept. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 10 pm. Well, it was a very tiny nap. Wish I slept more, at least time would have passed quicker. I streched a little before getting up. I was wonder either getting out of here to see the others or just stay here and watch a movie, or play a video game. It would past time and I wouldn't think to much of what happened.
I was ready to get out to ask who wanted to watch a movie, but the TV turned on by it self, making me jump. I stared at it, dumbfounded. It was a snow screen but there was something run behind, as if it was a very old censored channel. I took a better look, trying to figure out the sound and images the TV was showing and bet have reconized the movie for seeing it thousands of times. Fight Club. I took a glance at the dvd lector but it was turned off. Ok, that was strange. I took few steps towards the TV and as soon as I approche it, a loud sound filled the room, a loud bip as if the TV lost the signal.
I covered my ears, surprised by such a noise and when I looked up at the now black screen, I saw something flickering in it. I narrow my eyes to see what was it and then, everything stopped. The noise and the flickering and I could clearly see what was written now.
It's all your fault.
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bunnyandrabbitkpop · 7 years
The Final Warning pt.4
Bangtan & reader (only bangtan pov)
Gender: Horror, a bit of supernatural, kind of Until Dawn AU
Warning: swearing, mention of blood and death
Summary: What was they supposed to do when they accidentally killed there childhood friend ? They were terrified and panicked but maybe they didn’t took the good decision… Now there trapped in their worst nightmare…
Lenght: 4k
A/N: Hi there ! How are you guys ? Here I am again with part 4 ! Did you wait for to long ? I’m sorry I planned to post it earlier but I decided to add Jungkook’s pov at the last minute so it took me longer. Hop you like it anyway and sorry for the english errors I’ll edit when I had the time. I also have to excuse myself if the pt.5 don’t come quickly, i’ll be busy for a few weeks and I don’t know if I’ll have the time to write. Sorry and thank you to read my fic ! Kiss ! ♥
pt.1   pt.2   pt.3
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Yoongi pov
Insane. It was insane. All of this was. How could a man kill deer ? There was something off with this story. No one could have done something like that, even the strongest man. Maybe Seokjin mistook because of the shock. It could be possible, it might be less than he thought. But still, even if it was that impressive, there was seven dead deer, murdered. I couldn't ignore what he said. Even if it was hardly belivable, I don't know why he would have lied.
I rushed out of the room without even paying attention if they would have follow me. If there was a thing I agreed with Seokjin was that we had to go as soon as possible. I went in my room to unpacked my things as quickly as I could.
"Go get your things Jim." I said when I noticed his small silhouette by the door.
He disapeard in a blink of an eye. Soon after, I was ready to leave this damn place. I went downstairs where the others were, Jungkook standing with his bag already on his back and Hoseok and Namjoon sitting on the couch. Jungkook looked at me with a glimpse of hope, probably glad to leave this place.
"We're leaving. Now." I said, taking Hoseok's and Namjoon's bags to give them to them.
They both looked at me with those glassy eyes but I didn't pay attention to it, I turn to the stairs to see Jimin rushing down, closely followed by Jin and Tae. We all had our things, now it was time to leave. I took the key car on the kitchen's counter and handed it to Seokjin.
"But wait, wait." Jungkook said, stopping in his track toward the door. "What about Bogun ? We can't let him out there."
"Don't worry 'bout him, he leaves here 24/7. It's not a pinch of drakness that will frighten him." Seokjin answered him.
"Tae said he was kinda abducted." Jimin lowly added.
"He got a gun, he's gonna be ok. Now let's get going."
Seokjin open the door and everyone rushed outside but the second we all passed the door, a strong light and a deafning sound caught us by surprise, making us almost fall to the ground. An explosion. It was the sound of an explosion, the blow, the heat, the light, the boom. It was a fucking explosion. When I open my eyes, I felt like a stone crashed on my shoulder, breaking all my hopes. The car was on fire. It litteraly exploded just before us. We just stared at the car unable to utter a single word.
"What..." Seokjin breathed out, shocked. "How...?"
I stare at the flames, my body shaking by the rage that was taking over me and without even noticing it, I was screaming. "FUCK !!"
"What are we gonna do now ?" Jungkook asked, panicked.
"L- Let's go back inside... W- We'll find another way." Seokjin stuttered as he headed back inside the cottage.
Everyone followed him but I stayed still in front of the car, eyebrows locked together in a deep frown. I was boiling. Who ever did that, I swear the god they're gonna regret it. I'm gonna make them pay for that. Maybe I was overreacting, it was just a car, but at this exact moment, I felt like someone tried to make a bad joke on us and it was frustrating to not be able to do anything.
"Hyung... Let's go inside." I heard Jimin said, catching my arm to drag me inside, but I didn't moved an inch.
He stared at me, utterly worry to see me as tensed, but I didn't care, I just turn away and burst into the chalet. I climb the stairs without paying attention to all the interrogative stares and questions to me, I just made my way upstairs. I than stop in the middle of the corridor, looked up to see a little knob on the roof. I pull it and a foldable ladder fall down. I quickly climb it and I walk toward the stuffed desk and sat on the chair. 
"Hyung what are you doing ?" Jimin asked out of breath.
"Calling someone." I said as I turned on the big radio transmitter before me.
I turned some wheel as the crackling sound filled the room. I took the mike and put it in front of my mouth, hoping to hear a voice at the other end of the radio but nothing.
"Did somebody hear me ?" I talked to the mike. "This is Min Yoongi, me and six other people are stuck in the Kims' cottage. I repeat, we have no way to go home, did someone hear me ?" I wait but no answer. "Our car is dead, I think this is not an accident, our car explode before our eyes, we are not alone." 
I continued to turn the wheel and speaking when I heard something. I almost jumped of my chair and both Jimin and I quickly lean closer to try to understand what the voice was saying but the crackling was to loud to hear a distinct word. I push the button of the mike to speak again.
"I can't here you clearly, please, come to get us, we are not alone. I repeat, we. are. not. alone."
The voice tried to make its way to us, but the crackling was still too noisy. I bet heard the word 'morning' and 'car' but I'm not sure. Still, if they meant they want to get us tomorrow morning, we'll have a problem.
"We can't wait 'til tomorrow ! You have to get us now !" 
Even if they didn't said that, it was still good to say. I don't know why I felt the urge to get out of this place, this atmosphere was suffocating. The last word I bet heard before the line went off was 'wait' and it made me slap me hand on the desk. We didn't had the time to wait ! Was it so complicate to take a car, drive here, take us and go back to civilisation ? I let myself fall back against the seat back and I sight loudly, letting the soft continuous crackling filling the silence of the attic. Jimin had his eyes glued to the ground, nervously playing with his finger. I stared at him for a second, but some jolt in the radio's crackling bring my attention. I first thought it was nothing, but a detail made me think that, maybe it wasn't just that. I bet heard something humming. A pitched sound, like a female voice. It was very low so I lean forward to hear it better. It was clearer and clearer and it was definitly a woman's voice. 
"-ember... -one... Do you... -ember... -at you... -one..." I frowned at the voice, not sure what it was saying, but it seem to repeat something over and over again, until the entire sentence was clear enough to understand. "Do you remember what you've done ?" Than a loud bang ring and the radio went off.
Jimin and I looked at each other, utterly confused. I tried to turn on the radio again, but there was nothing to do.
"It's dead." I said defeated.
"What was that ?"
"I don't know... Maybe someone making a cruel joke on us." I took a glance at a nervous Jimin before getting up and headed to the ladder.
"It sounds like her voice..." He bearly uttered.
I stopped in my track. "It's not." And than I get out of the attic.
It was. It clearly was and I knew it. But I wanted to believe it was not. It couldn't be possible. Maybe someone recorded her voice and put it in the radio God knows how. We did a lot of video recording when we were together, it was probably that. What else ? 
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Seokjin pov
"Breath in..." I said, taking a deep breath. "Breath out..." I blow all the air in my lungs.
I stare at Taehyung just before me doing as I told, slowly recovering some colors. It was good to see, he will soon be able to talk and even react again. "How do you feel ?" I asked him, hoping to have an answer, but the look he gave me was enough.
He wasn't ready yet, he was still in shock. I patted his head and get up, taking a glance at the second floor. I know what Yoongi was doing, it was the best to do right now. Without a car, it's almost impossible to make it through the woods. It would take ages to reach the main road, and still, even if we made through it, in the total darkness, there's absolutly no soul passing by this road. We just have to wait for backups, nothing else. And there's probably someone or... Something in the woods. Something really dangerous. Strong enough to kill seven deer, smart enough to destroy a car. Cause hell, this wasn't an accident. Cars don't explode just like that, someone did it. I looked at my friends, Namjoon and Hoseok sat lazyly on the couch and Jungkook and Taehyung now in the kitchen, the last one drinking the glass of water the younger seems to have gave him.
I sight, feeling utterly tired and desperate. I hoped some good news would come when I saw Yoongi walk down the stairs, but his entire self told me there were none. 
"So ?" I asked Yoongi when he joined us in the living room.
"The radio is dead." He said. "Guess someone heard us but they seem decided to wait until tomorrow."
"What if we can't wait till tomorrow ?" Jungkook said, taking few steps toward us. "We have no choice." 
"Than let's wait." I said, looking at everyone.
I frowned when I saw Jimin. His face was livid with a worried gaze fixed to the ground, his hands shacking violently. I saw him took quick glance at Yoongi, as if he wanted to tell him something. I wonder what. 
"I don't want to wait ! I want to leave, now !" Jungkook protested.
"How ?" Yoongi spat, clearly annoyed. "Should I remind you that our car exploded ?"
"Than we'll walk !" The younger slaped his fist against the kitchen counter, a deep frown on his face.
"The road is several miles away from here, it would take at least an hour if not even more and by night it would be insanity to go in the woods." I said, staring at Jungkook.
I knew he was afraid, we all were, but we didn't have the choice. We were stuck here and walk in the woods to reach the road was insane. We would never get through it and even less with Taehyung in this state.
"What should we do than ?" Namjoon's voice raised and I looked at him.
"Wait and get some rest. The police will come back tomorrow, they'll bring us home." I tried my best to be rassuring, there were no point at frightening them even more. "Come on it's not the first time we sleep here all alone huh ?" "But it's the first time someone destroy our car." Yoongi said, not really convinced.
"We don't know if it's a someone, it might be an accident, I was suppose to do a checkup because of a problem with the engine." I saw Yoongi stare at me skeptical but I just shoot him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut and, fortunatly, he didn't say anything else.
Panic leads to stupid acts and stupid acts lead to even more danger so it was useless to do such frightening speculations. I was aware that the problem I had with my car wasn't enough to make it expose like that, but if it could ease some minds, than it will be a mecanical problem and nothing else. For our safety, it was better to stay inside and lock every issues so this psycho outside will not come in. 
"Ok than. Let's wait." Yoongi finally spoke, taking a seat beside Namjoon. I sighed and I went to lock the front door and the back door in the kitchen, as well as the huge bay window in the second living room. We better be cautious. Who knows who's this mad man outside. Or what is it. I stared for a wile through the window. Where the hell was Bogun ? 
"Jimin, go get Taehyung to bed and get some rest too, it's useless to stay up now." I said while I walked toward the boys. 
Jimin looked at me but lowered his gaze before nodding shyly. I shoot him a rassuring smile as I stare at him dragging Taehyung upstairs. They both looked terrible, they needed some rest, especially Taehyung. I came near the couch and I laid a hand on Hoseok's shoulder.
"You should too." I said, looking uturlly concern.
It should be hard for him to be here. Y/n was his girlfriend. I don't even know why he insisted to come back. His face was so cold, so lifeless.  
"I'm fine." He spoke blankly.
It was definitly not a good idea to come back here. Firstly because of this thing outside, secondly because of what happenned. We shouldn't have came back. It would have been so much better if we never have came back ever again. All this felt like a trick. A huge trap to get us all here. A very successful trap. 
"You should Hoseok." Yoongi said, trying to convince him but the way Hoseok slowly turns his head to him, with this sharp gaze, gave me chills. 
"I said, I'm fine." He said in between his tightly clenched jaw.
"If you say so." Yoongi shrugged. 
I let my hand fall from Hoseok's shoulder and I start wandering in the house. Not knowing what to do to kill time. Too nervous to have a sleep, too worried to leave the door out of sight, too concerned to leave the boys alone. I stared at the front door, hoping to hear Bogun's voice screaming behind, his loud knock filling the entire house, saying everything was OK, saying there was nothing in the woods, saying we were safe. But it didn't happen.
I heard Jungkook grumble and angrily letting his back fall from his shoulder. He shoot me an upset glance and stormed into the bedroom we liked to call our little sanctuary. It used to be Tae's siblings' bedroom since their the youngest but they hated being downstairs so we change the room in a huge cinema room with fluffy pillows and blankets all over the ground and a huge TV with tons of dvds. It was Y/N's idea. Tae's sibilings just slept upstairs in their brother's room while Taehyung just slept in random rooms when he didn't wanted to stay with them. Mostly in Hoseok's actually but he wasn't the only one who wanted to sleep in this room so after getting kicked out, he usually ended up in Jungkook's or Jimin's. It was the good old time, when we were still young and innocent. After Y/N came back from USA. Where everything was finally good.
I heard Namjoon and Yoongi low chatting but I didn't understand. I wasn't listening at all, too focus on whatever was outside. I didn't even see the both of them heading toward me. But the second they reach the door, I shoot them a deadly glare.
"What are you doing ?" I spat, my voice coming out harsher than i thought.
"Just taking a breath." Yoongi said, staring at me half confused.
"Open the window then."
"It's ok, we'll just be here and we'll let the door open." Namjoon spoke this time. "I said, the window." I commended harshly.
No one outside. We didn't know who was there with us, we didn't know where was Bogun or what happenned to him. That was too dangerous. What if they just vanished in the dark without a single sound. What if the thing sneaked in the house while they're outside ? I shoot them an other deadly glare and Yoongi raise his hands up, defeated. I groaned lowly before walking to the living room. I sat beside Hoseok, whom didn't moved an inch, on the couch.
"This is insane." I muttered, a hand massaging my forehead slowly.
How could something like this happenned ? Was it a joke ? Did the deer were real ? Were everything was real ? Did Bogun really disapeard or is it just a bad joke from him and mom ? It didn't feel true. Nothing felt real. What was we afraid of ? A hunter ? Hunting our deer in a natural reserve ? A crazy hunter who liked ripping animals' faces appart ? Ok, that was scary. But I still wonder what happenned to Bogun. He wouldn't leave us like that, without saying a single word.
My phone's ring dragged me out of my thoughts. I instinctively get it out of my pocket and frown. A message ? But there's no signal here, like, not in any part of the woods. Not even Internet. It was Mrs. Jeon 's idea, she proposed to make this place somewhere where we could reconnect to each other, talk and play without any phoned or something. No social media, no work. Well we quickly found a solution by bringing tons of dvds and video games. Anyway, receiving a message was strange, but what was stranger was the sender. Y/n. After her death, we left her phone in the cottage, as if she forgot it. Now the police had it so no one would have used it. Even for a joke. 
I took a glance at Hoseok, his head was lying on his hand, he looked absolutely done. I wouldn't be surprise if he ends up falling asleep. Well at least he wouldn't see it. Not sure how he would react at this. I open the message and what was writien made my heart races.
Bad kids should be punished.
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Jungkook pov 
I was boiling. Why the hell couldn't we leave this place ? Why did the car have to burn ? Just, how ? Was it a trick to scare us ? I was leaning against the kitchen counter, stunned by Seokjin's attitude. Why was he actting like everything was ok ? Nothing was ok. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, nothing was ok and he knew it. I wanted to shout, to scream at him to make him react, to alarm him. We had to leave. He said it himself, so why did he want to wait now ? 
"Wait, wait... Yeah so we can be killed one by one just like Bogun..." I mumbled angrily as I let my bag fall from my shoulder.
I catched Seokjin's eyes but all I could do was shooting a deadly glare at his worried expression before leaving the room, taking shelter in our sanctuary. The door slaped and I just crashed on the pillow floor, sighing angrily as I rubbed my brown hair.
What a great idea ! Let's wait until the deer killer come and get us all. The car surely didn't exploded by itself and the deer... Well, how ever they had been killed, it's certainly not in a very natural way. There was something off with all of this that makes me feel like we weren't totally safe around here. And this feeling in the woods. What was that ? Boo looked so scared. I, myself, was scared to death. This feeling deep inside my guts, this feeling of danger, this scent of death. No, it was unbelievable. It couldn't be true. It shouldn't be true. Whatever was this feeling, it was just my imagination. Boo might have seen a wolf or something like that and get scared, this dog is scared of everything anyway. 
I lean deeper in the mattress and start to look at the dark of the night, the slight moonlight piercing through the trees to crash in the room, giving just enough light to see the wild shadows of the leaves dancing on the walls. The scene was so peacful right now, I wanted this to last forever.
"You can't come here everytime Taehyung invade your room you know ?"
I opened my eyes and stared at the smily silouette by the door. "Why not ?"
Y/n came closer and she laid beside me, joining her hands under her head and closing her eyes.
"Because someone else might want to crash here to find some peace." She smiled, staring right inside my eyes.
"Then maybe we can find this peace together." I smiled back.
"Only if we watch Fight Club !"
"Ash again ? Don't you ever get tired of this movie ?"
"Never ever. It's the best movie in the world." She slaped my arm as she sat up.
"I don't want to watch it, I want silence." I said teasingly, putting a finger on my mouth. 
"You're boooring !" She laid down again and rolled on her side to face me. "What were you thinking about ?"
I stared at the ceiling before turning my head to look at her. "Nothing and everything."
She paused. She seemed thougthfull, as if something was bothering her in the back of her mind. I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking, waiting for her to speak again. 
"Aren't you nervous ?" She finally spoke.
"About what ?" I said a bit confused.
"About... That." 
"That ? Y/n this isn't a big deal." I chuckled, turning back to the ceiling.
"It is ! What if I fail ? What if you fail ? What if we both fail ?"
"Me ? I never fail. And you won't fail neighter, you're a freaking smart ass, how would you ?"
"That's not what Namjoon used to say." She pouted.
"Namjoon ? He was a stupid kid trying to act smart." I chuckled teasingly. 
"You're dumb." She giggled, slapping my arm again.
"You'll not fail, if you fail then shame on you !"
"Stop this you dumbass kid !" She laughed lightly, hitting me playfully.
I opened my eyes slowly, feeling utterly tired. I looked around but no trace of Y/n. A dream. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I wonder how long I slept. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 10 pm. Well, it was a very tiny nap. Wish I slept more, at least time would have passed quicker. I streched a little before getting up. I was wonder either getting out of here to see the others or just stay here and watch a movie, or play a video game. It would past time and I wouldn't think to much of what happened. 
I was ready to get out to ask who wanted to watch a movie, but the TV turned on by it self, making me jump. I stared at it, dumbfounded. It was a snow screen but there was something run behind, as if it was a very old censored channel. I took a better look, trying to figure out the sound and images the TV was showing and bet have reconized the movie for seeing it thousands of times. Fight Club. I took a glance at the dvd lector but it was turned off. Ok, that was strange. I took few steps towards the TV and as soon as I approche it, a loud sound filled the room, a loud bip as if the TV lost the signal.
I covered my ears, surprised by such a noise and when I looked up at the now black screen, I saw something flickering in it. I narrow my eyes to see what was it and then, everything stopped. The noise and the flickering and I could clearly see what was written now.
It's all your fault.
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kittycole · 7 years
Hero 108: Little Red Riding Hood part 1
Hero 108: Little Red Riding Hood ———————————————————– I been thinking to much Lin Chung wolf so much. Hope you like story enjoy. ———————————————————–
In Big Green night time Everyone was going to bed, Mighty ray going bed but he going to Lin Chung room because it was Mighty ray turn to sleep his room. He go in room and saw Lin Chung on bed reading book. “ You read books? Lin Ching heard that ” Yeah just once". Mighty Ray goes in blanket and look at book" Well kind of book you reading and what it about?“ He say . ” It call Little Red Riding Hood, and it about Little girl going to see her Grandma but bump in to wolf.“ He say, ” That sound boring. Mighty ray say. “ Well I think it interested, I even love picture in book.” Lin Chung say. He put his arm around Ray should and nuzzle him. “ You know what be interested, if I was wolf I would wether have something else then eating person.” He say. Mighty ray blushing what he say, “ I would whether be eating.” He say. “ Awww that sad.” Lin Chung say. Mighty ray turn around side bed, “ Well you know me.” He say. Lin Chung cuddle him from back “ I know but it be cute and feel nice.” He say. Mighty ray look at his face, “ Well it would be nice a bit” he say. Lin Chung kiss him Good night. “ Yeah Night Mighty Ray” He say. “ Night Lin Chung” Ray say. They both went to sleep, Mighty Ray hold his hand.
“ Red…. Red……” Mighty ray hear something but voice look familiar, last one was loud “ RED WAKE UP!!”
Mighty Ray get up quick but when he did he look around room it was different, all he see is wall is wood everything in room is wood but not much and there a windows in walls. “ Red breakfast Ready.” Mighty ray know that voice, he get up and open door. He seeing person he know and it “ SONIA?!” He shock. “ Sonia? Wow you must be tried still it me your mom.” She say. Mighty ray was so confuse, he seeing sonia dress up nice and her haor is up. “ Why don’t stand there come seat down and eat banana brain.” Sonia still call him that but he just follow what she say. He go seat down chair. And still look around. “ I make your favorite breakfast which one you like Pancake banana or Blueberry.” She say. “ um Blueberry pancake please.” He don’t like banana, but he feel like he heard name before red. But he wondering why sonia acting like mom? Sonia bring pancake on tables and seat down on chair.
“ Here you go Blueberry pancake.” She say. “ Thank you…mom”. He take bite pancake because he doesn’t know what it taste like when Sonia cook, he started to enjoying Sonia cooking, he eating pancake so much. “ My you must be hungry, anyway before your done breakfast I have something I need you to do red. She say. ” What is it?“ He say. Sonia get up and goes to kitchen while talking. ” I need you to go drop off brakey Carrot Cupcake for your Grandpa jumpy.“ She say. Mighty ray pause right there and look at her.” Huh?“ He say. ” Wow your still tried, You going to see your grandpa Jumpy silly.“ She say. Mighty ray thinking still and still heard these name ” Red, and Grandpa I heard them before but Grandpa sound like Grandma I heard.“ He say.
Sonia give him Basket ” Here cupcake you giving Grandpa jumpy, and I give you something just in case something happen.“ She say. He look in basket and seeing Cupcake have Carrot on top, Map to Grandpa house, and Books for him to read story. ” Wow thank you.“ He say. ” Your welcome I’m just making sure you won’t get lost, now get change and get ready.“ She say. ” ok" he say. He get up and goes get change. He open closest and doesn’t see his clothe but seeing different outfit. He only see shirt that look like suit top shirts, shorts pants, and red hoodie. “ These clothes are weird? But I aren’t got choice.” He say. He changes and grab basket goes to front door.
“ Wait minute!” She say. She put his hoodie on. “ There much better, I’m trying to keep you safe. She say. ” Keep me safe from what?“, ” From bad wolf, I heard they goes after kids and eat them. I don’t want to happen for you.“ She say. Mighty ray hug her for no reason. ” Don’t worry….mom I can kick there butts if they hurt me.“ He say. Sonia smile and open door for him. Mighty ray started to go walking ” Be safe baby.“ Sonia wave bye. ” I be safe I promises.“ He say and wave back too. He goes walking and pasting tress that look like house inside, while he walking he look at window and see him self. ” Oh Dear gosh Iook like Little Red Riding Hood!?.“ Then it shock him, he member now, and say ” This is…. This is fairy tale!!.“ Oh gosh this is going to be dumb.” He look so dumbwearing this and feel like idiots in this story. “ Wait If I’m in this story, I can make my own! I’m so smart.” He say He goes started walking again and feeling happy bit.
In the Forest
Mighty ray walking to his Grandpa but he doesn’t know where he live, he look at map while walking. “ Let see I need to take Mountain walk and then take east?” He look at sign, and see where mountain. He see person walking this way, and he know that person. “ Woo?!” He see Woo with horns and playing banjos. “ um excuse me, sir or goat?” He say. “ Yes boy my I help you today.” Woo say while singing. “ Um can you help me to get to mountain?” Mighty ray show him map. “ You take the mountain ride to get up there.” Woo say. “ um thank you sir.” Ray say, He goes walking to mountain. “ Your welcome and be careful from wolf.” Woo say but turn dark voice. Mighty ray feel that drak voice but still not afried of wolf. He goes to mountain ride to get to top mountain, he seen stand right there. He ring bell, “ Hello is everyone?” Person coming from bottom and pop out scared. “ GAHHH!” Mighty ray got scared from person. “ How may I help you boy?” He know this person and it was Mr.nohand dress up like train station but symbols have mountain sign.
“ Um can get one ticket to go on top mountain.” Ray say. “ That be 10 coins forest.” Nohand say. Mighty Ray didn’t think about if he had money, he each packet and find beg of coins. “ Thank gosh.” Ray Say in his head. He was give him 10 coins, and go to ride mountain. He seat down and enjoy read to get up there, he feel so board waiting. He look at window and see he is way high from forest, “ Man see people I know is weried.” He say. He still thinking of people who in this character, while he thinking he felt ride move. “ What the?!” He look outside window and see sting breaking. “ How this happen?! I have to get out of here.” He say, he grab basket and got out window be on top ride. He got no where else to go but only way is jump sting. He count to make jump, “ One, two, THREE!!” He run fast he could. Sting break and jump for it he got it and hold it tight. He look at ride fall down to ground, he look at mountain and he almost close to wall. He goes to cave from bottom. “ That spot!” He say. He jump off sting and make to cave.
Breath so hard, and take his time. “ Thank gosh I’m safe, even basket.” He look and forgot basket, “ OH MY GOSH!!! THE BASKET.” He look at found and see bear pop out again. “ GAHHHHH!!!!” He scream, and fall down to floor. It was not bear, it was Mr.nohand again riding helicopter bike. “ Top to you boy, are you alright.” He say take off his hat. “ Um yeah! The ride almost kill me and now you almost make me get heart attack again!!!” Ray say. “ Come down boy, I saw you and making sure if you were not injured, and I even save your basket.” He holding basket, “ My basket!” He got it. Mr.nohand hold his hand out, “ Come boy let get you to top.” Nohand say. Mighty ray still mad but he can’t stay here get eating real bear. So he grab his hand get on his bike, “ Going up and hold on tight.” Nohand say. He pedals to top mountain, and land it safe. “ Thank you Mr..um?” “ Nohand you can call me Mr.nohand.” he say. Mighty ray smile, “ Ok Thank you Mr.nohand, but I’m wounding how sting broken?” Ray say. Mr.Nohand look ground and say “ I don’t know but that person, or animals will pay for this. Have nice day boy.” “ I will.” Ray say, he goes walking again, “ And be careful there bad wolf.” Nohand say. Mighty ray turn around and say “ What bad wolf they talk about?” Mr.nohand left already, he thinking who bad wolf but he whether not. So he goes keep walking.
In top mountain forest
Mighty ray go walking and thinking who in this. “ Ok sonia is my mom, jumpy is my grandpa or ma, woo goat singer what so ever, and Mr.nohand mountain ride. So who is wolf? Maybe High Rollar or Twin Master!” He giggle. While he thinking he heard stick break and look around. “ Ok show your self animals or..wolf?” He say. He see brush moving, but it was bunny pop out out no where. He sigh and got hit by apple. “ Ouch! A apple? Where this come from.” He say. “ From tree you cutie.” He knows that voice and look up, it was not High Rollar or Twin Master it. “ Lin Chung!?”
– Sent from Fast notepad
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spinneryesteryear · 5 years
Spinner plays FFXIV Stormblood
Finished FFXIV 4.0 MSQ over the weekend (DRK to 70, WHM to 77), hoo boy. I know I've got the 4.x patches to go but I did wind up liking Stormblood more than I thought. Spoilers ahoy!
- started the SB questline right about the same time as everyone else started ShB *sobs* It did mean I landed in the midst of some good FATE-grinding parties, however, at little as that matters
- I liked the Baelsar’s Wall but those last twin bosses can go die in a fire
- couldn’t get really sad over Papalymo because he barely contributed anything to the story except to snark at Yda. I like him better in DFFOO, where he is an excellent black mage. So, like, the exact opposite of my feelings regarding Thancred.
- Shinryu, Omega, and Cid all disappeared for the majority of the Stormblood questline and tbh it suffered for their absences. At least Estinien, of all people, was tracking the first two down.
- thankfully the WHM quests were all in the first zone I got access to and I already had it at 70 so I just zipped through them
----- me: *fails repeatedly at WHM lvl 70 quest*
----- me: *returns w/gear 10 lvls higher* Time for my vengeance.
----- (Yes, I know I should always keep my gear up to date and to be fair I always keep it at the appropriate level or better when other people are involved. This, however, was single-player duty and my lack of better gear didn’t matter since I didn’t even have the lvl 61 dungeon unlocked yet.)
- never cared at all for Zenos. Nope. Not at all. He and his golf club bag of swords can go fall off Shinryu's platforms. (I also had 0% trouble w/his solo fights on DRK? Maybe it was the new flat damage reduction baked into all tanks, idk, or maybe it was having Aug Shire/at lvl gear for each instance. I kept my health up just fine and had to be wiped out via his insta-kill move for the duty to end. But honestly it felt like good DRK job fantasy, taking on this insurmountable foe and clawing my way past death to defend my fallen comrades.) Also my character literally viewed him as a troubled teen taking out his issues on everyone around him via murder and wasn't impressed w/him in the least. But anyway.
- I came to tolerate Lyse but that's it. Hot-blooded people who rush off and act w/o thinking irritate me greatly IRL and it's no different in virtual life. Plus, she's almost literally an anime version of me who traded book smarts for punching ability. Even her name is a mere one letter from mine. It's kinda weird. She’s my mirror universe self. Ugh.
- it’s really disappointing Square Enix gives me so few options in killing myself. Let me jump off cliffs to my messy death already, dang it. Skyrim let me do it within the first 2 minutes of ever playing, haha.
- the sharks fly. the bears fly. the goobues fly. why not.
- ah, yes, gyuki. Skyrim prepared me for unreasonably bloodthirsty walruses. And for the unreasonably powerful and murderous mammoths.
- I liked M'naago, wished she had been the lead instead
- genuinely loved Gosetsu (Conrad who?) and was upset at his 'death'. I'm at once glad he survived and annoyed at another death fake-out. *Drak voice* Kill more! Kill 'em all!
- Hien is an adorable badass and I wish to adopt him and take him home with me. Doma 4 lyfe
---- me: *interiorly grumbles every time I hear the words ‘Ala Mhigo’
---- also me: *cheers for Doma & the Steppes*
- I just... really don’t understand why Highlanders live in a desert nation and have geographic and cultural neighbors based off of India and yet they have Old English/OHG names. Why???
- also why is Lyse blindingly white (and Minfilia, for that matter) in stark contrast to other Highlanders???
---- me: So, Lyse, if you’re from Gyr Abania then why are you white?
---- Alphinaud: Oh my god, Spinner, you can’t just ask someone why they’re white.
- once again, I'm probably the only person who loved the WHM quests (all SB job quests seem to return to their 1 - 30 [or 30 - 50?] roots and I don't mind). Did lots of screaming over DRK 60 - 70. I saved them all up and did them right away when I hit 70; they flow much better w/no interruptions
- explored/quested/ground FATE's on DRK but ran new dungeons on WHM as that's my comfort job. Failed twice on the mechanics of Bardam's Mettle 2nd boss but no wipes so we're good. So many overconfident gunbreaker tanks, though. T__T *I* did a better job tanking/killing a pack of like 12 mobs as WHM in Sirensong Sea than one bunbreaker, smh.
- I found Magnai to be entirely too amusing. I also want his moves on WAR. 
- somehow missed Shisui entirely? Still haven't got all aether currents in the Ruby Sea RIP me
------ (2 month later addendum: finally unlocked it and got my aether currents. Now, to never return to that area ever again.)
- no underwater mobs is so disappointing. Let me throw fireballs and Holys and swing a greatsword underwater already. Let me tell you, nothing is as exciting as going diving in Morrowind with only a 22% chance to successfully cast Waterbreathing and this Kojin blessing is such an OP cheat.
- enjoying my Grani mount tbh. I have no idea if it's lore-relevant for ShB; I just saw the name lifted straight from Norse myth and was like, "Want." It's more of a horse-shaped reptile, however, with 'paws' that become increasingly creepy the more you stare at them. I wonder if it eats meat like the thestrals in HP.
- I was derping around in Kugane and accidentally started doing the tower jumping puzzle. As soon as I figured out what I was doing I had to run away immediately to save my sanity.
- throwing on tank stance and rushing in to save someone from a mob or a FATE is still as heady a feeling as ever (except when they then run off and leave you to die, like, no why please). Or raising people out in the wild. I particularly love that cyclops boss FATE near Whitebrim bc I can go stand on the edges as a powerful WHM and raise people 10x as the bodies keep hitting the floor. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s still so great.
- I do enjoy the Morrowind feel of walking through a new zone and taking in the scenery but I'd like it more if all the wildlife wasn't super powerful and aggro'ing on me every 10 ft. It feels less like an ecosystem and more like generic monster land when there are no longer any non-aggressive mobs like there were in ARR. The Gyr Abanian landscapes are slowly growing on me, however.
- me, flying through Porta Praetoria/Lochs: Those wooden bonfires must be awfully expensive, if wood is as scarce in Gyr Abania as I think....
- loved the Azim Steppe - atmosphere, music, lore, everything. Waiting for someone to call me out on this bc I just really love Xaela (and may make a male Xaela alt one day).
- had minor moral qualms over fighting in the Naadam for the Mol bc I wanted to claim victory for the Orl
- I do really like those moments in Heavensward and Stormblood when the game recreates the epic moments from the trailers (the WoL walking through the soldiers to fight the dragon; the WoL and Lyse sparring, etc.). 
- I was singing, “I don’t care, I don’t care,” to the tune of Let It Go during the Ala Mhigo cutscenes but the resistance singing their anthem really got to me nevertheless. Many voices united and uplifted and song always hits me hard emotionally.
- my character still looking at Zenos with 0% thirst (negative amounts of thirst, tbh) like, “Who is this sassy lost child?”
- then again my character is like 31 yrs old here with a backstory summed up as ‘angry single mom goes to check on friend, ends up killing a god and getting recruited to save the world’
- Pipin is best Lalafell; I will defend him with my life but he has Tizona now and doesn't need me. The absolute shortest guy around is calling the shots in this military campaign and I love it. At least his dad gave him a box to stand on so he could see over the table during the important strategic military discussions.
- the siege of Ala Mhigo taught us that thaumaturges/black mages are the living equivalent of heavy artillery, nice nice nice
- got lucky and had a competent crew in DF to fight Shinryu
- tbh my character would probably kick Asahi’s dad while he was down and cave in his ribs, just finishing him off. It’s no wonder Asahi turned out as bad as he did, with parents as horrifically self-centered as THAT.
- I humbly submit ‘Higwit’ as a fan-name for that elezen following Asahi around - an acronym for ‘Hien Is Great - Who Is That?!’ based on an old LOTR fan meme. Who else here remembers Figwit before he became Lindir?
- I liked the Tsukuyomi fight but I can’t remember anything specific about it now, not even the mechs. 
- I did spend a lot of time screenshotting Hien because he is an awesome bro and I would endure Ala Mhigo all over again for him
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Blinds buying guide: Different Kinds of blinds That You Should Know About
Roller blinds give incredible insurance against warmth and light and give the room a flawless, uncluttered look. Pick sheer to mollify daylight, designed textures to present shading and surface or power outage blinds to square light totally. Make a beeline for alphahomeinterior.com for a base up roller daze, which is incredible for giving security while as yet letting in light through the best 50% of the window. Vertical blinds have shaken off their frump office picture with organizations, for example, New House Textiles and Luxaflex including sheers, designs, even metallics to their reaches. Perfect for high windows and entryways, tilt them to let in a great deal or somewhat light, or draw back altogether. Venetian blinds can be acclimated to sift or completely sliced through light, or pulled up totally to let in greatest light. Wood Venetians sit well with sections of flooring, however to something all the more brave, take a gander at Faber's 2007 accumulation, with multi-hued braces for an advanced interpretation of this work of art. Roman blinds are a staple choice for a vast window. At the point when pulled up, they make a slick stack at the highest point of the casing that is as yet noticeable, so they remain an element in any enlivening plan. Board Systems, otherwise called Kyoto Panels, are more extensive than Venetians and on a few frameworks, each board can be moved autonomously. Eclectics has a scope of boards in an assortment of hues and textures, including sensational advanced prints, while Silent Gliss completes a range that connect to a track with an additional solid Velcro framework. This implies you can substitute the boards and pick a heavier material in winter and a lighter, airier texture in the late spring months. Screens - basic information Offers of screens have grown a great 40 percent over the most recent two years,' says Fiona Kelly, overseeing chief of The Shutter Shop. 'Individuals have all the earmarks of being abandoning drapes for the perfect, moderate lines of shades.' Some screen organizations give a totally bespoke administration, where a specialist measures up and fits the screens for you, while others can make something for you to fit yourself (fitting for those sure with their toolbox). With bunches of materials to browse, from MDF-based wood to the more costly strong woods, Mark Carter, organization executive of Shutterly Fabulous calls attention to: 'It merits putting resources into the best your spending will permit as shades seem to be, in actuality, furniture for your windows.' Taking their name from the rambling nineteenth century houses in America's profound south, the most adaptable are estate style screens. These element louvers that open and near limit warm from the sun. They give ventilation and security when required and arrive in a noteworthy cluster of hues and materials. Shutterly Fabulous, Shaftesbury Shutters and The New England Shutter Company will all shading match or stain screens to Farrow and Ball, Dulux and numerous other surely understood paint hues. They will likewise treat with an UV sealant so contact ups aren't important. The New England Shutter Company additionally offers hand-sewed false calfskin, softened cowhide and texture completes in a gigantic scope of shades and surfaces. You would now be able to pick the width of your louvers as well. 'Bigger louvers permit in increasingly light when the shade is open,' says Harriet Shackleton, deals director at The New England Shutter Company, 'so it merits remembering this when you're settling on your choice.' The customary technique for opening and shutting louvers is with a pole outwardly of the screen, however numerous organizations presently offer plans that include concealed components or even remote-controlled shades (useful for difficult to-achieve windows) for a contemporary wrap up. Strong screens were initially introduced in pre-Edwardian houses and were just utilized two or three times each year when the proprietors deserted for the season. They weren't intended to be opened and close day by day like our present plans, which is the reason so few remain today. And in addition customary wood, they presently arrive in various materials, so attempt Parma Lilac for an acrylic form or Draks for Japanese-style canto shades with hardwood outlines and a bespoke focal board of non-intelligent acrylic, glass or even a texture of your decision. You can likewise source antique screens at rescue organizations, for example, Lassco. 'Screens can be chopped down, simply ensure despite everything they work relatively,' says Francis Lee, plan expert at Lassco. Or on the other hand you can add an additional leaf to make them fit, however measure up painstakingly to discover a couple as close immaculate as could be allowed. Visit http://www.alphahomeinterior.com
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