#so thats what i want for drake harnessing this ring
earthcried · 4 years
Another night. Another sleepless night in the warehouse. It’s been this way for so long that Drake can’t really remember what a comfortable bed felt like. A warm shower to douse off your stresses and dirt that grimed in the skin. Drake long wishes for a life that he could not have. One that he wishes that he could get back. Family. Friends. Home. Childhood. He misses all that. He missed the days in the summer his family took him out to a local pool to just have fun near the shallower waters playing with the friends that tagged along with him. The days where in the winter he could make a snowman with his family just watching it outside the window from his room scared it would come alive and kidnap him taking him somewhere else sinister. Or the days he would jump into his dad’s leaf pile because it looked so soft to jump into! Days like those were just so... simple. Days like those where he could just be a little kid again. But now? The eleven year old had nothing. He had nowhere go to, no friends to rely on, no home that was entirely loving or comfortable as Drak tended to sleep outside most of the time away from the others. Fear. Fear that he’d hurt the ones who hadn’t hurt Drake. But Benjamin? Oh, how he wouldn’t mind giving him a piece of his mind eventually. But, he couldn’t right now as he was on incredibly thin ice with Ben as it was. So, no. He had to bite his tongue and bide his time.
Drake watches the stars of the early evening. He couldn’t tell what time it was. 1988 wasn’t exactly the most technological age in his opinion. He’s never owned a Nintendo System or much less a expensive TV. His parents only did what they could with his father in the business aspect of life and his mother trying her hardest for a dental licence. His parents did what they could. He never knew why they did the things they did. Only telling him that they had made mistakes in the past and were just trying to mend it. Was he the mistake? He’s always wondered this about himself. If he were never born, would they have been happier? Alive? Drake couldn’t help thinking about this. It always made him sad to think that if he were a mistake then they’d all be happier. Drake wouldn’t have to live like this. He wouldn’t be homeless and miserable. He leans his head back against the wall trying to control those pained tears forming within his eyes. Drake’s unbelievably tired.
His dark baggy eyes began to close hoping this night would be one without incident. He just wanted a few hours of sleep to himself. Maybe he’ll have energy to deal with the days crap. He’s going to have to go for another run of supplies. That way Benjamin can get off his ass about “not working as hard”. If anything, he would leave if he could. He wants nothing more then to do that. But right now, Drake is stuck in a position that if he leaves, he certainly dead because this is the best source of food and supplies that Drake is getting right now and he isn’t stupid enough to leave this all behind. Only just a little more longer, he told himself. Just a little long-...His head snapped up with the scorching sound what sounded like a plane in the sky, but it had more vibration to it. Standing up, using the wall beside him as support, Drake furrowed his brow squinting into the sky. He couldn’t see exactly what it was. All he could see that there was a red blazing trail within the sky. Like a comet hurdling towards somewhere.
Glancing around, he hoped that anyone else would have heard it. But, after waiting for a few minutes after it passed, no on came out the warehouse. The could’ve been killed in their sleep and they wouldn’t have known! Jeez. Drake noticed it on the trajectory towards his woods where he went to go to be by himself. Drake hopping over a fence and dropped to his feet onto the old concrete. And thus; the child followed. He followed because he knew nothing else but that underlying curiosity to want to see what had went to his precious woods! Though, what was guiding him? Was the intense bright light within the sky acting as a beacon for him to follow. His eyes still tired and focusing on the light like it were guiding him to something. The back of his mind told him to just RUN. To run away from the strange light. That this is something that he shouldn’t follow. But, Drake wanted some entertainment in his life and sure enough that Drake himself wouldn’t want to pass up on. 
Drake follows this beacon closer and closer, until the red beam was pushing through the trees themselves. “What th’ hell?” Drake murmured to himself. There wasn’t any smoke or fire. Rather, a strange object in the middle of the red beacon. It looked small, but big enough to make out something circular. Approaching to this source closer, Drake found his head starting to pound in pain. Like the rhythm of a drum pounded against his heart and head. Like he had a second heart pumping through him in a manner that didn’t follow the first. He clutched at his heart for a moment, harder to breath. It’s hum circling in the beam. “He... hello?” He would call out, as if someone else had been waiting for him. The thumping. It grew louder. It was nearly unbearable. Until, it suddenly stopped with the 11 year old in front of the object. A ring. Small enough to fit on his finger. eyes began to burn a little. Until a voice in his head, or the ring-? Spoke up. “Drake Conningway, your rage has been felt by us. It grows more fiercer. Your desire to avenge those who you have lost, your desire to kill those who have murdered your bearers. You will finally have your vengeance! Take the ring, and finally have your revenge!” Drake couldn’t speak at the moment... what was he to say? What was he to do? Is this what he really wanted? To be able to kill those who have wronged him three years ago? 
Drake thought about it. The voice spoke as if it knew him. It somehow knew that he desired to fight those who hurt him. To finally have peace again in his life. But, what peace was there if they were dead? They’d never come back to coddle him and tell him all would be okay. But, then it came to him. It was right. They’d never come back, but he can sure as hell finish what he started after killing those goons in his home. It wouldn’t stop with them. Who was to say that others could be affected? That kids would lose their families to these MONSTeRS? Drake felt like he had a responsibility that he had to with take. He didn’t know where to start to find the horrible Ice Angels, but if this ring was true to its word, and it would help find the bad people, then he’d do anything to act upon those desires to hunt them down! Drake upon his decision knew this was the ticket to finally leave it all behind. Drake gripped the ring in one palm taking it from the beacon. And then, he felt like he wasn’t himself. Words sputtered out as if against his will. 
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“W-With... bl-blood an’ rage of crimson r-red... ri-ripped from ah corpse s-so freshly de-dead. T-Tahgether with our hellish hayte.. w-we‘ll burn you all.  Th-that is yur fate!” Upon that chant that he couldn’t stop saying upon taking the ring into his hand. His knees fell to the ground. And all he could emit, was fresh screams of PAIN. The ring itself slowly dissapaiting from his palm, and circling around his left pointer finger. His body felt nothing but boiling pain inside of him. Tears flowing out from his eyes of fresh suffering and pain. His heart burned heavily. Like someone took a hot rod against his chest and scalded him. His screams, his cries could be heard by no one. Because all he knew. All He knew was pain. And others would feel his pain that he had went through. They all would! But Drake couldn’t handle this pain! It hurt, it hurt so much! Is this what it costs? Pain for pain? Drake’s head leaned against the, his harsh throat hyperventilating, until his body collapses on the floor, heaving dry breathes until the pain was too much. Lying motionless on the floor with his entire being changed forever.                                 
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