#dragon rights are all that matter in this household
fanfictionroxs · 11 months
Disclaimer - I love this fictional sweet home alabama show and if you try to fight with me over a FICTIONAL show, I'll block you.
Team Green this, Team Black that. Bitch I'm Team Dragon and freeing them from this messed up targ family. Let the dragons fucking grow up in their own families and not have their eggs with their babies inside stolen by humans with delusions of grandeur. They're not your stupid vehicles or war weapons. THEY'RE BIRDS WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY IN CHAINS AND BEING FORCED TO FIGHT THEIR OWN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN HUMAN WARS?! WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY BEING BRAINWASHED SINCE INFANCY TO OBEY THE WEIRD ASS 'COMMANDS' OF YOUR STUPID HUMAN KIDS?!
This is why I like Dany more than your average targ (my strong babies Jace, Luke and Joff being my exceptions) because at least she treats her dragons like her children though she also uses them as weapons and Im super pissed at her locking up Viserion and Rhaegal.. but she's the least slaver like when it comes to her dragons among all the targs and I hope she sets a precedence for future generations because the treatment of dragons in HOTD is unbearable for me to watch even though I love that show.
SPOILERS for future seasons of HOTD!
I mean Caraxes and Vhaegar are flying together in one scene and they must have lived together for years when Laena and Daemon were married, but we know they will kill each other in the end. How many of these dragons are family and still being made to kill one another because they are dragged into foolish human stuff? The last fight of Tessarion and Seasmoke is said to have been more of a mating dance. It's said that Syrax grew to love her chains. Tyraxes strangled himself with his own chains!
WHY are they kept in chains if they share such a great bond with the targs? Because they don't! The dragons 'love' their humans because they are conditioned from literal infancy to gain freedom only when said human is around. They're pushed in chains and made to care for the chain holders. Very similar to how animals like horses, elephants etc are treated in real life. We know they have free will just like all animals do. We see it with Arrax and Vhagar. But it is trampled under the will of humans who misuse their intellectual power to control them and use these majestic beings to gain power in their sick world.
Anyway, I guess this makes me the westerosi version of an animal rights activist.. I'm building a dragon shelter in Harrenhall since that's the biggest freaking castle around and taking all those dragon babies away. I literally have a hc where Harwin, Jace, Luke and Joff survive the harrenhall curse where Harwin converts the great hall (first scene in ep1 of hotd) into a base for Syrax, Vermax, Arrax and Tyraxes with an open ceiling so that the dragons can come and go as they wish while his kids and princess come to stay with him in his beloved haunted house. Anyway, in the shelter, we will feed them a rich human diet of pedos and daughter sellers (cause I aint killing any animals) when they're not hunting by themselves. Otto will be the first on the menu hehe
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theplotmage · 2 months
Fantasy Royal Hierarchy & Government Explained for Dummies
👑 The Royal Hierarchy:
High King/High Queen: The ultimate ruler of all the lands. Addressed as “Your Majesty.” They oversee multiple kingdoms and have the final say in all matters.
King/Queen: The rulers of individual kingdoms. Addressed as “Your Majesty.” They manage their own territories, make laws, and lead their armies into epic battles.
Prince/Princess: The children of the king and queen. Addressed as “Your Highness.” They’re next in line for the throne and often have their own mini-kingdoms to practice ruling.
Duke/Duchess: High-ranking nobles who control large regions within the kingdom. Addressed as “Your Grace.” They’re like the regional managers, handling local governance and military affairs.
Marquess/Marchioness: Nobles who oversee border territories. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re responsible for defending the kingdom’s edges and often have a mix of military and administrative duties.
Earl/Countess: Nobles who manage smaller regions within the kingdom. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re like the middle managers, ensuring everything runs smoothly in their areas.
Viscount/Viscountess: Nobles who assist earls and countesses. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re like the assistant managers, helping with local governance and administration.
Baron/Baroness: The lowest rank of nobility. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They control small areas of land and are responsible for local justice and order.
Lord/Lady: A general title for nobility. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” Lords and ladies can hold various ranks and responsibilities within the kingdom.
Government Structure:
🏛️ The Council: A group of high-ranking nobles and advisors who help the king or queen make important decisions. Think of them as the board of directors.
🧙 The Wizard: The royal advisor with magical powers. They provide wisdom, cast spells, and sometimes meddle in politics.
⚔️ The Knight Commander: The head of the royal army. They lead the knights and soldiers into battle and ensure the kingdom’s defense.
📜 The Chancellor: The head of the kingdom’s finances and administration. They manage the treasury, collect taxes, and oversee the kingdom’s bureaucracy.
🎭 The Bard: The kingdom’s storyteller and historian. They spread news, sing songs of heroism, and keep the royal family’s image sparkling.
Other Classes:
🌳 Elves: Graceful and wise, elves often serve as advisors, scholars, or elite warriors. They have a deep connection to nature and magic, making them invaluable in both court and battlefield.
🌾 Peasants: The backbone of the kingdom. They work the land, pay taxes, and sometimes get caught up in the schemes of the nobility. Despite their humble status, they can be heroes in their own right.
💀 Necromancers: Masters of death magic. They can raise the dead, drain life energy, and command undead minions. Often feared and misunderstood, they can be powerful allies or dangerous enemies.
📚 Scholars: Also known as sages, librarians, or loremasters. Scholars are the kingdom’s intellectuals, possessing encyclopedic knowledge. They study ancient texts, advise on matters of history and magic, and often uncover secrets that can turn the tide of events.
⚔️ Heroes: Brave individuals who embark on epic quests. They can come from any class—knights, peasants, elves, or even necromancers. Heroes are defined by their courage, skill, and willingness to face danger for the greater good.
🙏 Priests/Priestesses: Spiritual leaders who serve the gods and goddesses of the realm. They perform rituals, offer guidance, and sometimes wield divine magic. Addressed as “Father,” “Mother,” or “Your Holiness”.
🐉 Dragons: Sometimes pets, sometimes pests. Always epic. They can be guardians of treasure, wise advisors, or terrifying foes.
Servants and Other Castle Inhabitants:
Steward: Manages the household and estate. Addressed as “Master Steward.”
Chamberlain: Oversees the private chambers and personal needs of the lord or lady. Addressed as “Master Chamberlain.”
Marshal: In charge of the stables and the training of knights. Addressed as “Master Marshal.”
Cook: Prepares meals for the household. Addressed as “Master/Mistress Cook.”
Maid: Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the castle. Addressed as “Mistress Maid.”
Squire: A young noble training to become a knight. Addressed as “Squire.”
Falconer: Takes care of the hunting birds. Addressed as “Master Falconer.”
Gardener: Maintains the castle gardens. Addressed as “Master/Mistress Gardener.”
Where They Dwell:
🏰 Castle: A fortified structure built for defense and residence. It includes towers, walls, a keep, and often a moat. The castle is the main residence of the king or queen and their court.
🏛️ Court: The royal household and the place where the king or queen holds court. It includes the throne room, great hall, and various chambers for the nobles and advisors.
🏡 Manor: The residence of a noble, usually a lord or lady. It’s less fortified than a castle and focuses more on comfort and domestic life.
Pro Tips:
Royal Drama: Expect lots of intrigue, secret plots, and power struggles. It’s like a medieval reality show.
Magic: Always a wildcard. It can solve problems or create new ones.
Quests: Royals love sending heroes on epic quests. It’s their way of handling problems without getting their hands dirty.
Oh hey, you made it to the end! 🎉 I see you’re still here because you’re passionate about your book and maybe a bit stuck with worldbuilding. Don’t let that WIP sit around for another 5 YEARS! 🚀
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damn-stark · 3 months
Chapter 10 Heart of Ice
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Chapter 10 of Moonlight
A/N- I was giggling and kicking my feet tehehe ;)
Warning- some swearing, talks of miscarriage and death, ANGST!, FLUFF, mild NFSW, SPOILERS, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- 2x01
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
There it is, standing so tall that it looks like it’s touching the sky. It’s mesmerizing no matter how many times you’ve seen it, and it never fails to steal your breath.
Yet the wall is at its prettiest when it weeps when the sun hits it just as it rises from the ground. Right now all it does is bring forth an icier chill as the wind blows, making you hold onto your cloak for warmth.
You can only imagine how Jacaerys is fairing, this is his first time at Castle Black.
“How are you holding up?” You make sure to ask your brother as his eyes stay stuck on the towering wall.
“My balls are about to freeze off,” he makes no effort to talk properly in front of you, nor do you remind him to.
You smile at him and look at him with a soft endearment only reserved for those you deeply cherish. “It will be worth it, I promise. I cannot wait for you to see it,” you muse and cup his shoulder.
Jacaerys finally takes his eyes off the wall and meets your gaze with such a warm smile that it’s capable of melting the thickest sheets of ice.
“It better live up to everything you have said,” he remarks lightheartedly, making you drop your head to laugh softly at the ground.
“It will pass your expectations,” Cregan interjects as he finally rejoins you and leads the way to the lift that looks a bit unreliable, but all the people at Castle Black use it, and you have survived after using it so, you walk in. Slowly of course, and you don’t dare pay too much attention to the sounds it makes as it starts moving Jacaerys, Cregan, and you to the top.
“You know,” you take the attention of the rackety noise. “Perhaps one day I will send one of my children over here to take up a role as guardian of the wall.”
“Is that so?” Cregan probes.
“One of your seven?” Jacaerys jokes and you laugh softly but don’t take back what you said, catching him by some surprise.
“It’s a rare thing for a Targaryen or Velaryon to come be a brother of the Night's Watch,” you explain your thought process to the curious men. “But we are the families the people look up to. I mean I understand the sacrifice, but I believe that for us to have a good relation with the North, and for us to protect our realm against what may be out there, we too should be here with a dragon or two.”
Cregan briefly meets your gaze and hides well those emotions you stir up inside since your brother is standing at his other side, but he doesn’t stay quiet, he takes a deep breath before he parts his lips.
“You are right, the sacrifice one must commit is great, but duty is sacrifice,” Cregan begins to say. “It eclipses all things, even blood. All men of honor must pay its price. The North owes a great duty to the Seven Kingdoms, one older than any oath. Since the day of the first men, we have stood as guardians against the cold and the dark. Through its long tradition, the Night's Watch cultivated its strength from doomed men who had their life as their only possession. But my ancestor, Torrhen Stark began a tradition by making an offering at the onset of winter; one in 10 men from our household was to be chosen to fortify the Watch. This is not a sentence but an honor. A duty embraced by all who serve the North. Even by mine own kin. Thus I respect your decision, My Princess.”
He talks so well that even these long comments captivate you, and that’s hard to do because you get so easily bored.
“The North must stand ready,” Cregan adds without losing a breath. “Winter is coming.”
“Coming?” Jacaerys interjects. “What is this, then, that falls from the skies and shivers my bones?”
You roll your eyes away and scoff softly.
He thinks he’s so funny.
“This is only a late summer snow, my prince,” Cregan says something he’s already mentioned once before. “In winter, it will cover all you see and all memories of warmth will be forgotten.”
You look through the gaps on the wooden walls but the lift then shakes so you step back and stand closer to Cregan.
“It pleases me to think that over a century ago our ancestors treated in this very place,” Jacaerys mentions with a lighthearted look on his face. “The Conqueror and the King in the North.”
You can’t help but smile at the thought and the history the Starks share with your ancestors. It’s so bittersweet. But it’s all so corny of Jacaerys to say, he sounds just as infatuated as you.
You would tease him, but now doesn’t seem like the time so you just smile wider to yourself.
Cregan’s gaze wanders to you after your brother's words, and you share some of that sweetness with him because regardless of it all, you are happy Jacaerys expressed his fondness for Cregan.
And when Cregan does see your smile some of that hardened demeanor melts.
“You, at least had the mercy not to threaten me with your dragon,” Cregan quips at your brother jokingly, leaving him silent until he queries.
“Did my sister threaten you with her dragon?”
Does he think of you as some wild beast or something?
Regardless, Cregan's eyes soften before he shakes his head and tells him what you did do. “No, but she did threaten to go over the wall and escape when she first got to Winterfell six years ago.” He says and tilts his head over to you, but you look out the window and shake your head.
“I was having a hard time adjusting,” you remind him. “And I did not end up going over the wall.”
“No,” he mutters softer as if speaking with admiration. “You did not.”
You lift your eyes off the icy wall and let yourself meet and hold his gaze with a soft look just until the lift finally lands on the top because when it comes to a sudden halt the wooden lift shakes, and you’re reminded why you hate coming to the top this way—You almost reach out to Cregan to keep yourself balanced and safe, but you stop yourself and just stand stiffly until finally he opens the door for you and your brother, letting you feel like you can breathe again when you’re on stable ground.
“My Prince, My Princess,” one of the brothers greets you while you slip your arm around your brothers to hold onto more warmth as the coldness nips at your skin.
“My Lord.”
“My Lord,” other brothers greet Cregan while he walks after you until finally he catches up and leads you to one side.
“Surely the great Torrhen Stark would’ve sooner died than bent the knee,” you chose to return to the previous topic as you watch Jacaerys’ eyes fall on every single detail you pass by. “Unless he believed the Conqueror could bring unity to the Seven Kingdoms.”
Cregan nods. “You are right in that,” he agrees.
“That unity is now threatened,” Jacaerys goes on for you with another clever workaround to the subject at hand. “The realm will soon tear itself apart if men do not remember the oaths sworn to King Viserys and to his rightful heir.”
Again you can’t help but be proud of the way he speaks. But you also know this second attempt won’t mend Cregan Stark’s choice.
“Stark’s do not forget their oaths, my Prince,” Cregan reminds him proudly. “But you must know that my gaze is forever torn between North and South.”
Jacaerys glances over at you with discreet disappointment, and you press him an, ‘I told you so’ look right back.
“In winter, my duty to the Wall is even more dire than the one I owe to King’s Landing,” Cregan strengthens his argument. “I need my men here.”
You swallow thickly as you come to a halt just under a post, and Jacaerys turns you around with him to pass Cregan a hard look that furrows his eyebrows. “Whilst your men guard against wildlings and weather the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne,” he remarks.
You grip onto him as a warning for him to calm down, but he doesn’t understand.
“If my mother is to defend her claim,” Jacaerys presses while Cregan guides all of you up the stairs. “To hold the realm united she needs an army. War is coming to the whole of the realm, my lord. We cannot wage it without the support of the North…” Jacaerys trails off when he reaches the top and finally sees with his own eyes the never-ending land beyond the wall, the beauty that you promised, and what you could never fully describe in words.
He moves toward the end of the post and you let your arm slip off his to let him admire for himself the beauty and the mystery that is the North, and the freedom it holds in its cold wilderness.
You can now honestly say you know the pride Cregan felt when he first brought you up here because you feel it. You are not from here, but seeing your brother be so captivated by what’s beyond the wall makes you fill with excitement that you can’t put into words, you can just express it with admiration and awe in your eyes.
Cregan notices and admires you while your brother's attention is far away, and to his surprise, you feel his stare and return his soft gaze while you also let your gloved knuckles brush against each other as you let yourself be swooped up once again by the comfort you have been fighting to feel.
Yet you don’t let yourself get completely carried away, nor do you cross the line by letting your fingers touch, you keep your smile and join your brother's side.
“Was it everything you expected?” You ask before you’re brought back to the cruel reality.
Jacaerys laughs softly and nods. “It was everything you said and more…it feels like I could stay here and admire this forever.”
“It would get cold,” you joke, making him chuckle.
“It would be pleasant,” he murmurs.
You nod in agreement and dread returning to the sore subject, but you will lose yourself.
“I brought your sister, and my father brought King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne to see the Wall,” Cregan finally rejoins your company. “His Grace stood at this very outlook and watched as their dragons the greatest power in the world, refused to cross it.”
Jacaerys snaps his head to you and probes for more. “Even adventurous Astraea?”
You look out and nod. “Yes. She perches herself on the wall but never once does she fly over, nor does she dare fly over just to turn. I tried to command her to cross but she disobeyed me,” you back up Cregan's argument and feel a chill crawl down your spine at the reminder.
“Do you think my ancestors built a 700-hundred-foot wall of ice to keep out snow and savages?” Cregan presses your brother in a colder tone that almost works to frighten you.
“What does it keep out?” Jacaerys asks.
Cregan leans in closer to your brother and speaks one word. “Death.”
You swallow back nervously and share your uneasiness with your brother with a simple look that actually helps him let go of some of that tension and ignorance he held.
“I have thousands of graybeards,” Cregan finally offers and breaks the speechless moment between Jacaerys and you. “Who've already seen too many winters. They are well-honed.”
You loll your head to the side and snicker, while Jacaerys says what you were thinking. “So they’re old?”
“I can ready them to march at once,” Cregan assures him and you.
Jacaerys breathes out and accepts the offer. “If your graybeards can fight, the Queen will have them.”
“They will fight hard,” Cregan states with a hint of pride and some faint smugness. “Like Northerners.”
You glance over at him and catch that smugness on his usually serious face and you can’t help your heart from skipping a beat when he glances at you with the same look.
“My Lord,” a man calls for Cregan’s attention, making his face fall hard once again. “A ravens arrived.”
The man approaches the post breathing hard as if in a hurry and hands Cregan a scroll. “Urgent news from Dragonstone,” he announces, making you understand his urgency, and causing you to fall serious and nervous yourself.
But if it is bad news wouldn't it be sent directly to Jacaerys and you?
You can’t let yourself think the worst, but you still share your worry with your brother before you watch Cregan unravel the scroll to read what the news is.
He doesn’t take long to read, but it feels like he is reading for eternity in the waiting silence until finally he puts the scroll down and meets your gaze. This time when you lock eyes your heart skips a beat out of worry instead of awe, this time a smugness doesn’t play in his eyes or tug the corner of his lips up, his eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is clenched like when he makes his face hard, but you can read him clear as day as you simply hold his gaze.
You can see the pity pulling his lips down, and a soft apologetic look in his grey eyes that makes them appear darker. He doesn’t need to say anything for you to know that what he read wasn’t a simple warning or a call home, they’re dark words that he almost but says.
You want to ask, he knows that, he sees your worry heighten in your furrowed brows and parted lips, so with a simple blink his face softens as he gives you sorrow, making your eyes immediately cloud with tears. While in the back, Jacaerys sees it, your shared past. He figures it out in the exchange that is far more complex than one friends should share, but it all makes sense now.
Your friendship always slightly caught his attention, it bugged him in some way. Not because he felt bad for Aemond that you were so sweet on another man, but all your interactions were always weird he just didn’t figure out why until this very moment as Cregan fails to look over at him after what he read, as he watches this speechless interaction and sees the deep aching softness on the Lord's face and a deep set heartache in your eyes.
He had only seen such a speechless complexity in his mother and Ser Harwin. He was too young to realize it then but as he got older he understood what happened around him, and doesn’t fail to understand now.
Yet as much as he wants to give into this anger he feels boil within him at the thought of Lord Stark taking advantage of you in your five years in Winterfell, the news that awaits him helps him stay collected. Thus he steps forward without causing a scene and finally, Lord Stark drives all the attention to him, letting him finally receive the scroll, and leave you waiting longer without focusing on Cregan any longer. Now you turn to face your brother as he reads what was sent.
Once again it feels like what was written is getting read at an infuriatingly slow pace, but now you’re not impatient to know. You’re scared to know or read Jacaerys' face now. But you keep your eyes on your brother and watch his jaw unclench and his lips part to let out a soft gasp, while his once steady hands begin to tremble, and his eyes…water.
“Jacaerys,” you almost plead his name out.
That anger he had at the waiting completely disappears and he slowly looks up at you with a loud and heartbreaking sorrow.
“Jace,” you mewl.
Said man licks his lips and sniffles before he grabs your arm and gently pulls you aside.
“Listen to me,” his voice quivers and only makes your heart race faster than it’s already beating.
“Is it…” you trail off to catch your breath. “A-Aerion?”
Jacaerys shakes his head and keeps in those tears that fill his eyes. “No, Aerion is fine,” he assures you but you don’t feel relieved.
“What?” You beg for an answer and reach for his hands, but he lifts them and tucks loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“When,” he says shakily. “Lucerys was in StormsEnd, Aemond…”
You start to shake your head and his bottom lip trembles.
“Aemond killed Lucerys,” Jacaerys finally reveals quietly.
A cold breeze hits you and all that you had been feeling gets lost in the wind, leaving you numb.
Jacaerys calls your name but you stare ahead blankly. Theres nothing that crosses your mind, there’s nothing you feel that makes you react. You know it’s heavy and painful news, you knew they were dark words when Cregan told you speechlessly, but you can’t accept the truth that’s given. You don’t want to, you can’t because if you do then it means you will accept that your husband, the man you love…did what was written, and you don’t want to accept that.
However, Jacaerys calls out for you again and this time he grabs your arms and steals your attention, forcing you to once again connect to what you refused to feel.
“No,” you blurt and push him back. “You’re lying. You’re a liar.”
Jacaerys shows you the scroll as he gets close again. “You can read it yourself. It’s the truth, Lucerys…he’s,” he strains to say. “He’s…dead.”
Your heart drops and a flood of emotions rams through you, knocking the air out of your lungs, and making your legs weak.
Jacaerys grabs your arms and holds you up before you can fall and pulls you to him, letting you see how red his eyes are, and how drowned they are with tears he’s holding back.
“Jace,” you mewl and cover your mouth to sob.
Your brother nods in understanding without you having to express the rest of your sorrow. “I know,” he whispers. “I know.”
“Oh gods,” you gasp and drop your head while grabbing at your chest as you can’t seem to catch a breath. You can’t breathe. There’s so much air where you are, it’s so crisp but you can’t manage to take in any which in return only lets you feel the pounding of your heart, the rushing of your blood, and a rush of memories of your little brother Lucerys.
All you can think about is Lucerys, you imagine his last moments, and with every memory and every fake scenario the more you fail to grasp for air.
In the distance, Cregan watches how you’re breaking down, but no matter how much he wants to, he has to stay put even if it hurts not being able to help you when you need him the most. He does get close to trying something small since you are in so much pain trying to breathe, and your brother seems a bit lost on how to help you, but Jacaesys then does the first thing he thinks of and pulls you into an embrace.
Thankfully right away, at the feeling of your brother's weight, and at the feeling of his warmth, all those rushing memories slowly disappear, letting you draw in a deep breath. You pull him closer and bury your head in the crook of his neck whilst you wrap your hand around the back of his neck, and push his head down to let him bury his face on your shoulder so he can express everything he refuses to show to the public.
When he clutches onto the back of your cloak your heart comes to a slow pace, but it doesn’t stop weeping. With every ba-dum, you feel an aching pain in your chest that doesn’t go away.
Eventually, after a short time, Jacaerys pulls back and gives his back to Cregan to wipe away his tears before facing him with a sorrow that isn’t able to wipe off. “We need to go, my Lord. You’ll have to forgive us for not accompanying you back to Winterfell, but with our dragons here we need to make haste to return to Dragonstone.”
You grab at your chest and gently caress it as if that would cure you’re heartache while Jacaerys shares something you agree to without the need for a discussion.
Albeit Cregan is the one who protests. “It will get dark soon, why do you not wait until first light to take flight? Wait until you both have collected yourselves so you don't do anything rash in the heat of the moment.”
You shake your head and interject in a broken voice. “The storm won’t pass, Lord Stark. We’ll just face it head-on and leave, our mother needs us.”
Cregan steps forward, gaining a brief glance from you. “Just eat, and rest…I know the pain of losing a brother, I understand your grief, my heart is with you,” he tries to relate so you would listen. “I have lost many others too, I know the anger, please just let yourselves calm down before you return home. I will stay with you here.”
You know your brother too, you know how angry he can get. You know that once your grief really settles you’ll also start thinking of what happened and you’ll get upset too. Thus you don’t hurry to answer, you look at your brother and he looks at you. And without a word, you come to the same conclusion.
“All right,” Jacaerys says for the both of you. “We will stay, but leave at first light. Thank you, my Lord.”
Nothing makes sense.
Why? How?
Those questions are what runs around and around in your head accompanied by different terrifying scenarios that could’ve led to the act. A lot of it points to an accident, you want to believe in your heart of hearts that what…Aemond did was an accident. You don’t want to believe that this remorse got the best of him, he’s supposed to be better, he’s supposed to keep it in for your sake.
He knows how much you love your brothers, he knows he can hate them all he wants, but he can’t hurt them. And yes! You know that war was going to happen no matter what, and violence was going to be dragged in between your families, but Aemond went out of his way to…kill Lucerys when all he was was an envoy.
He killed your brother. Your husband killed your brother, and in turn, betrayed you in the worst way possible. He tore your heart out, and what hurts more is that he hasn’t said what he did in the multiple ravens he’s sent! Just like always, he never tells you a thing!
What are you supposed to believe, but the worst? You want to believe he’s good behind all that hard demeanor, you defend him against your family when they say something bad because you want to believe he has a good heart, but what does killing Lucerys prove? That you’ve been wrong all along?
Damn it! Why did he have to do it? Why did he take Lucerys?
A knock raps on your door, but you’re so drowned in your heartache that you don’t hear the sound. It’s not until you hear your name being called out softly behind that door that you almost wake up from your stupor.
“It is I, Cregan,” he announces without the need to, you knew who he was the moment he uttered the first word. “Can I talk to you? You didn’t come for supper.”
You blink repeatedly to relieve the dry spell in your eyes after not blinking for a few seconds and clutch onto the ring you were fiddling with before you get up and unlock the door. You don’t proceed to say anything, you walk away from the door and stand against the fireplace, but Cregan takes the unlocked door as an invitation and walks in, finding your food untouched, you in your nightgown, and your head down.
“I came to check on you,” he says softly as if careful not to hurt you even more with his voice. When he gets no response or even a small breath, he walks in further and notices now how unkempt you are; you’re usually so precise with the way you keep yourself, you always look so clean and tidy, it was only in the morning when you first woke up that he would catch you off guard, but now it’s like you don’t care how you look.
“I hope you are not going to bed with your hair down like that,” he tries to be lighthearted. “You hate having your hair tangled in the morning.”
He waits for a reaction, a soft ‘oh’, but you stay quiet and it just deepens his concern.
“Darling,” he uses your pet name and you finally break from your stupor and turn partially to face him.
He expected a sweet look just out of instinct, but those usually wonder-filled eyes are clouded by agony and tears that can’t even fall down your cheeks anymore; while the fires fierce light brings clarity to your deep set frown, knitted brows, and puffy face worn out from crying.
“Here,” he breathes out and catches a gleam coming from in between your fingers. When he fills his curiosity he notices that the firelight is dancing on a sapphire ring you cannot stop fiddling with in between your fingers; a ring he had not seen you take off once since he saw you. Which must mean your husband gave it to you.
He doesn’t want to ask for many reasons, so he approaches you from behind and gently starts braiding your hair in silence you cannot seem to fill. It’s almost like there was no one inside your body, you were a hollow body left soulless.
“I understand why you locked your door,” he mentions in hopes that would get him a simple reaction. “However, it does not seem necessary, your dragons are restless and it stirs up fear in the brothers. And I am here as well.”
Your back raises as you draw in a deep breath, but rather than filling the silence with a dry response, or some remark, you just breathe out, making him steal a glance at the side of your face that he can see from behind you, before he pulls out the leather strip that keeps half of his hair out of his face to keep your own braid in place instead. He then proceeds to shuffle to your side to grab your arm.
“Sit down, Princess.” He commands softly.
You don’t fight him, you let him guide you down to your seat, and once he’s feeding the fire more wood your hoarse voice finally fills the room.
“I should have gone back to King's Landing…A—He sent me a raven the day after when my grandsire the King died. He didn’t tell me of course, but he told me to go back…I should have listened, I…” you pause to catch your breath. “Maybe then Lucerys…” you trail off and whimper whilst you drop your head in your hands.
Cregan leaves the last piece of wood in the fire and then wipes his hands on his shirt while he stands up to close the gap between you.
“Don't,” he says firmly and crouches down in front of you to grab your hands and pull them down so you can meet his gaze. “Do not blame yourself for your brother's death. What happened is not your fault to carry. What happened is dealt with, don’t dwell on things that can no longer happen.”
You hold his gaze while you process his words for a second and then look down at the ring you still hold.
“I’m sorry,” he says sorrowful words that bring your heart some comfort, but also make your body tremble while those tears that you once couldn’t muster, come rushing down your already stained cheeks.
Nothing else is spoken, and nothing is asked of either of you, but out of instinct your arms slip around his neck, and he returns the embrace and follows you to your feet where he keeps holding you and lets you cry on his shoulder; for hours? For a few seconds? You don’t know, you dwell in his comfort that you missed and relish in it until you stop crying.
He probably should have been the one to pull away, but he doesn’t complain, not once. He lets you pull back on your own time, and even then he grabs your arms to keep you close so he can cup your cheeks and caress them for a final piece of comfort to your aching heart.
Yet that proves to be a mistake because as you linger in his proximity, your eyes fall on his lips and you’re overwhelmed with a passion-filled heat that pushes your lips against his.
At first, Cregan is so stunned by the warmth of your lips on his, and then he’s taken by the excitement of feeling your lips reconnecting that he closes his eyes and kisses you back, but when his lust begins to rush through his blood he pulls back and groans.
“No,” he shakes his head and slides his hands down your face to grab your shoulders, leaving a burning trail down your skin. “You are married. No matter what happened you are still married, and you’re grieving.”
You want to forget your pain for a moment and be consumed by the comfort, bliss, and excitement he provides, but he’s also right. And how can you do that to Aemond…
Maybe you don’t care if it hurts him because he hurt you. He won’t know either way—But you will know, you will know that it’s something that can hurt him, and you…don’t care. But Cregan…is right.
“I’m sorry,” you throw out and step away from him, feeling a chill hit those parts of you that he kept warm with his touch—“you are right. I’m sorry.”
Cregan turns away and swallows back thickly, feeling somewhat disappointed that he has to turn down this heat of the moment. “Perhaps I shall bid you a goodnight now.”
You swallow back to hide your disappointed sigh and nod. “Yes, goodnight Cregan.”
Said man avoids looking at you when he turns. It makes it easier to walk away from you. But when his hand touches the door handle he doesn’t turn it to open it, he stands there frozen with his back turned to you as he feels his honor start to slip.
He turns his head but doesn’t peek over right away, he fights himself but quickly falters when he feels the ghost of your wet lips haunting his. And when he fully looks back and sees the shadow of your sculpted figure in your white nightgown his inner battle is lost. He only proves his loss by locking the door and turning completely to face you, turning around as well.
“Cregan?” You query, puzzled by his presence.
Said man draws out a deep breath before he strides back to you with determination in his step and surprises you by grabbing your face the moment he can. You want to utter his name, but a small gasp is all that goes past your lips whilst you drop the ring that Aemond had gifted you.
“I pride myself in my honor,” he says while his eyes flicker between your parted lips and your shocked gaze. “But when it comes to you it’s turned to ash, nothing stops me from wanting you, from…” he trails off and leans forward, but you don’t allow your lips to touch. You shift your head away, but he follows you to keep your breaths unfurling over each other's lips.
“…desiring you in every way a gentleman shouldn’t. I burn for you when you’re far, and even when I dream of you. It is wrong.” He nods, and you nod too without much effort. “But you are my weakness, you have always been my weakness. You’re my joy, the reason I laugh, and also the reason I don’t march to King's Landing and bring you to Winterfell to make you mine,” he whispers against your lips, making a smile make an appearance on your saddened face.
“Tell me this is wrong, tell me to leave now,” he tells you and drags his eyes up to meet yours so you can know he’s being serious. “And I will. I will leave your chambers and when morning comes I’ll bid you farewell with no remorse and as nothing more than friends.”
As if being hypnotized to his lips you lean forward, but only let your lips brush, leaving your heart pounding as it screams for you to connect.
“I still have to leave,” you make it known while you gently cup his jaw to touch some part of him. “I have to return to Dragonstone no matter what.”
Cregan’s eyebrows pinch together and he hesitates before he nods. “I understand,” he mutters and glances at your lips again. “But that doesn’t change a thing if you tell me to leave.”
You should. You're still married even if Aemond betrayed you by killing your brother. And deep deep down a lot of your conflict comes because you don’t know if you did stop loving the man who killed your brother, but that reason is also why you want to give in to your deepest burning desire.
That reason is why you’re selfish and don’t resist Cregan or stop your heart from swooning at his confession.
“Don’t leave,” is all he needs to hear to smile widely before he finally feeds your desire by kissing you slowly, fueling that passionate heat that completely takes over your body, and leaving you still and breathless for a moment as you relish in the sweet taste of his soft lips melting with yours, guiding your every movement, and driving you mad with lust.
You had forgotten this dream-like feeling, you had forgotten how fast he makes your heart race when he’s kissing you, and you forgot how hot you burn when his fingers explore the perimeters of your body. Furthermore, you forgot how eager he can get until you feel his grip on the back of your gown.
You pull away quickly and protest. “No, no, wait, do not rip it.”
Cregan fingers loosen and you start to giggle. “Why do you always want to rip my gowns?” You bring up, making his lips lift to a smirk.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers between heavy breaths.
You press a kiss on his lips and then tell him, “gently.”
He breathes out deeply and nods once before he slides his fingers back to the ribbon tying your gown together, and slowly begins to untie it while you drift your lips to kiss the corner of his mouth, and then kiss his jaw before you graze your lips up and kiss the corner of his jaw.
Cregan lets out a groan from the back of his throat, making you feel chills grow on your skin.
“I hate all these layers,” he musters while you continue to leave a trail of kisses down to his neck. “They are so infuriating.”
You smile against his neck, causing you to feel his nails dig in your skin.
“It keeps me warm,” you tell him and lick a stripe up to his lips. “Your North is cold, my Lord.”
Cregan clenches his jaw and shakes his head. “A little less with your presence,” he completely wins you over, making you grin and look at him in awe.
“I missed you,” he finally lets himself confess to you. “My darling love.”
You sigh and whisper back. “I missed you too.”
His eyes gleam brighter and that short absence is filled once again with your lips while he finally slips off your gown, leaving you under a simple sheer gown that he slips off with ease.
“You’re beautiful,” he says with awe, and his eyes dark with lust.
“It’s no fair,” you argue between kisses and slowly drag your hands down to help him pull off his layers. “And you say I wear a lot of layers,” you comment, making him scoff.
You finally end up pulling the last one off and throw it to the side mindlessly as you’re captivated by his toned torso and those thick arms that he unfairly hides under all those garments.
“Kiss me,” you command in a voice oozing with honey.
“Gladly,” is all he says before capturing your face to smash his lips on yours and this time make out more roughly as he’s filled with a much more hungry need.
Your own need lets you multitask by unbuckling his pants and tugging on them so he can pull them off in the brief pause you have between devouring each other. Yet when his member is out for you to see, you take a moment to admire how girthy and hard it is, and how perfect every vein is on his length.
You can’t help but start to go on your knees, but he grabs your bicep and pulls you back up to drift you away from that need.
“No,” he says out of breath and instead wraps his arms around you, and presses his lips on your neck to start leaving wet kisses on your flesh while he also slides his hands down your body, making you shiver at the feeling of his warm hands caressing you gently.
Without lifting his mouth off your neck he drifts his hand behind your knee, and with no explanation, he pulls your leg up to help you climb up and wrap your legs around his waist so he can walk you back to the edge of the bed, and gently put you down.
Once you’re lying on your back he pulls back but leans down to press his hands beside your head, and simply hold your gaze with this endearing look that makes his eyes smile.
“I'm going inside you,” he warns you, making you shiver and swallow thickly as you already imagine the stretch. “You need to be quiet.”
You part your lips but utter nothing, instead, you lift your head and he responds by giving you what you wanted, a deep kiss, while he grabs his length and aligns himself with your hole. When his tip touches you you gasp and he grins before taking your lips again to distract you while he slowly penetrates you.
Albeit the stretch is so wonderful and filling that you claw your nails on his back and scratch his back as he keeps going in deeper. Once all the way inside he finally pulls his face back to whisper. “You were made for me. You belong with me.”
You don’t respond with words, you cup his cheeks and brush strands of his hair behind his ears before you slide your hand to the back of his neck to gently pull him down. “Cregan make me yours,” you finally fill the silence, feeling as if his cock hardens even more before he finally starts moving his hips, filling you with a blinding ecstasy that heightens this passionate moment, and makes you only think about him and the pleasure he feels and gives you. You forget your sorrows and the grudge. You forget the war and the responsibilities you have.
You’re selfish in the lust-filled night and remain ignorant even before it's time to get out of bed. You just relish in Cregan's presence for a bit longer.
“Cregan…” you whisper, and the man hums in response letting you sigh before you share what’s been bothering you. “I do not like that I am the reason you disregard your honor. I do not like putting you through that.”
The hand on your back stops moving and a small huff rolls out of his nose. “I think it’s late to start thinking about that.”
You blink repeatedly with discontent and abruptly sit up to face him. “I am not jesting,” you press sharply. “I’m being serious. You hold your honor in high regard, I hate to be the one who makes it falter.”
A faint smile tugs on his lips without regard to your comment before he leans forward and assures you. “I have my honor, I never forget it, but I love you more. I’m being selfish without disregarding everything to be it. I know how to hold myself back,” he says firmly and cups your cheek to bring you closer to him. “I know where I stand, I am just choosing to have a taste of happiness. You, my darling, are my happiness.”
Your eyes water and your heart swoons, there’s nothing you can say that would measure up to the kind things he just said, all you can do is press a lingering kiss on his warm lips before you lay your head down on his chest, and hold onto him like he’s your security blanket.
“I…could offer you and your Aerion refuge here,” he offers and makes your pounding heart hurt.”
“Here? In Castle Black?” You tease without sounding too amused.
Cregan scoffs and starts to caress your arm. “Not here. In Winterfell,” he clarifies without a hint of falter at the mention of your son who is fathered by someone else who does bring him pangs of jealousy every time he remembers you’re married, and when he hears his name. “I would make sure no one could touch you and your boy there. He wouldn’t have to grow up around so much violence and you would not have to worry.”
You tilt your head down to kiss his shoulder before you give his offer an answer. “It's a nice offer, but my place is not hiding in a cage like some frightened bird. My place is out there, with my mother, with my brother, and the rest of my family fighting with the dragon I have. My mother needs me and I don’t want to leave her alone.”
Cregan doesn’t interject with anything, his chest rises and slowly falls back down, letting you know your response slightly wounded him.
“Instead of having her husband with her when she lost my sister,” you begin to say quieter but filled with frustration. “Daemon was out leading her council. I was the one who held her when she cradled my sister's lifeless body. I…have to be there for her now.”
“I understand,” he doesn’t falter to assure you. “But you must know if you ever find yourself needing somewhere to go, Winterfell is yours. You and your son are welcome.”
You lift your head off him to face him in the little space left between you. “I will always remember that. Thank you,” you say from the bottom of your heart.
A smile twitches on his serious face, and he proceeds to press a feathered kiss on your lips before he grins and says. “Sing for me? Just for me.”
You giggle and gently smack his shoulder. “No,” you answer bluntly and lay back down basically on him.
“Why not?” He chuckles. “It's not like you have to fear enchanting me with your song, you already have.”
You roll your eyes. “Shut up. Anyway!” You change the subject. “I was supposed to stop writing to you. I had already planned it.”
Cregan sighs and his chin rests on the top of your head. “I know,” he mutters. “You stopped writing as much as you would recently.”
Your smile falls but you grow desperate and hopeful. “But…you will answer me when I write to you in the weeks to come, right?”
He shrugs and interjects. “If that’s what you want, I will.”
You nod softly. “I do.”
You lift yourself up again to face him so he knows you’re being sincere. “I do.”
He grabs your cheek and his eyes soften. “Are you frightened?” He makes sure to ask.
You swallow thickly and shake your head. “No. Nervous, but not scared.”
He smirks and slides his hand down to caress your chin. “That’s my girl. You know how to fight, use that.” He tells you.
You laugh nervously. “I’ve never had to actually use my skill for violence.”
Your swordsmanship and your skills with archery were never for the intent of being some warrior, you like the idea of being like Queen Visenya Targaryen, and Princess Alyssa, but mostly your need to be trained with a sword and with archery was because you took it as a challenge. They said you couldn’t have it and you challenged them. Thus now that you’re having to face this war and the potential of having to use your skill, you’re honestly quite nervous.
You’ve never admitted that. You don’t want to admit it to anyone but him so they don't feel like you aren’t reliable.
“It won’t be easy,” Cregan says the truth. “But when you face your enemy, do not hesitate. Think quickly but be smart and do not let them gain the upper hand. You have a dragon, use her, and you have skill, good skill. Use it.”
You let out a shaky breath and nod in comprehension. He offers you a gentle smile and pulls you down to press his forehead against yours.
“You must know I will wait for you. Just a while longer.”
Asking what will happen after a while passes scares you, so you leave it be and just give him an honest response. “If fate ends up letting me choose, I will finally come home to you.”
He flashes you a charming smile that eases that worry in your heart and only works to sink you further down into this little escape.
“Now,” he coos against your lips. “Will you sing for me?”
You roll your eyes with a flattered smile featured on your face before you pull away to lay back on his chest and finally do as he asks of you as a parting gift where there aren't multiple people watching you, and pushing you down to hide or pretend that you’re nothing more than friends. You sing him a song for only him to hear before you take your leave and face reality once again.
What good is actually facing reality? Facing a dead beloved brother, and the fact that it was someone who you loved that killed him?
Dragonstone is a painful reminder of what happened while you were away. Only now that pain in your heart is tenfold and you don’t think anyone can actually know the pain that plagues you. Who can truly understand what it is you carry? No one is married to the man who killed Lucerys. They can hate him with ease, but you?
You want to despise him, you fought yourself the entire flight back to Dragonstone to hate him and view him as another enemy, to view him like you view Aegon, but as much as you think you hate him, your heart fights hard to try and tell a different tale. And that’s what makes it worse.
Thus it's easier, it was almost healing, having an escape with Cregan, but now there’s no one who will silence your cries. And what makes matters worse is facing your heartbroken mother. You don’t like seeing her cry or be hurt, when she lost Visenya your pain could never equate to what she was feeling, but you hurt too with every groan, with all the blood that she spilled, and every sob. Now you’re moments away from her and your heart and soul are already shattering.
However, after you watch your dragon disappear into the caves with Vermax, and take a step inside the castle, a hand wraps around your forearm and you’re pulled into a dark dead end where there aren't prying eyes or nearby ears.
“<Tell me the truth,” Jacaerys spats in a whisper so no one would hear the sound of his words also protected by High Valyrian. “About you and Lord Stark.>”
You can’t help yourself, you blink repeatedly in disbelief and gape like a fish out of water.
“< There's no point in lying,” he only further surprises you. “I figured it out when he got the letter from Dragonstone. I would see it every time you would talk but I never pieced it together until yesterday. It all made sense then, the glances, what you would tell each other, and every story you told about him.>”
Tears fill your eyes and your heart echos in your ears as you’re struck with shame. Not for loving another man, but that Jacaerys found out.
“<He touched you?>” He proceeds to ask in your shocked silence.
And it’s in that silence where he figures out your unspoken response and finally lets go of your arm to turn away with a scoff.
“<He never forced himself on me,” you defend Cregan. “Everything we did was because we wanted it to happen. We love each other.>”
Jacaerys turns on his heels with frustration and clutches onto your arms to sneer. “<You saw how much mother suffered because she was with Ser Harwin. Did you not learn anything?>”
You know he’s remarking all that stuff to your face because he cares. He’s being thoughtful in his way but it doesn’t stop you from crying, and when you shed tears you hit a cord in your brother's heart and he lets go of you with a sigh.
“<If you weren’t already married I would turn back and force him, but alas,>,” he mutters and sighs again before turning and dropping his head in his hands.
“<He would’ve too,” you defend his honor. “But I did not want Aemond to hurt him with Vhagar. I choose not to marry him, please don’t blame him. He’s a good man.>”
Jacaerys shakes his head in disappointment and turns to face you with his eyes narrowed into a fierce glare and his lips curled in a snarl. “How am I not supposed to blame him?” He remarks in the common tongue. “He had his way with you and did not do what he was supposed to do! What an honorable man would do!”
“I told you already, I told him not to because of Aemond.”
Jacaerys grabs his face and rubs the bridge of his nose, so you continue to try and calm him down.
“He was always respectful and kind. And…” you pause and lick your lips before you utter the reality. “There’s nothing you can do about it now. There's no use in being upset, I am married and that won’t change even if I love him unless Aemond dies. So please,” you plead softer and step towards him to grab his arm so he can face you. “Please Jace, keep it a secret. No one must know. It’s in the past. Please don’t tell a soul.”
Jacaerys eyes snap to you and he clenches his jaw as he looks at you thoughtfully for a few agonizing moments before he sighs and whispers. “Fine. I will not tell anyone only because there’s nothing I can do now.”
You sigh with relief and wipe away your tears before you offer him a thankful smile and a sweeter comment. “Thank you so much. Thank you, Jace, really. I love you.”
Jacaerys lets out a deep breath and his face slowly lets that frustration go, and instead slowly falls to express a soft sorrow. You slide your hand down his arm to cup his hand and slowly mirror that grief as you remember what you lost and that pain you both now harbor.
No matter how hard you wish, there’s nothing in this world that can change what happened, no one can bring back your fallen brother. And what’s even crueler is that no matter how hopeful you were for the news to be a lie, you’re home now and that hope lies with Lucerys.
You both come to the same realization and speechlessly exchange it, bringing you both into each other's embrace to cry now without care.
And deep down you both want to stay close in just the way you are so neither of you run the risk of losing each other the way you lost Lucerys. It’s a foolish thought, but it’s one brought by grief, and a new fear set in both of your hearts because no matter how much you love your little brothers, nothing can compare to the bond the three of you had. A bond that now consists of Jacaerys and you. Just him and you.
“Jacaerys,” your moment is interrupted by a feminine voice that also speaks your name but does not belong to your mother. And when you both break away and look over you see Baela stand at the end of the hall with her hands clasped together and a pitiful look in her eyes.
“Baela,” you greet and wipe your tears away while Jacaerys turns to wipe his own tears away.
“Welcome back home,” she speaks sweetly.
You offer her a thankful nod before you walk over to her and meet her halfway with an embrace.
“I’m sorry,” she says quietly.
You nod and then interject. “Thank you.” You pull back and glance around in search of her twin. “Where’s Rhaena?”
Baela sighs. “In her chambers.”
You wished to greet her just as you returned home, but now you’ll have to speak to her after you speak with your mother.
“And what about…” you trail off and hesitate. “What about my mother?”
Baela glances behind you as Jacaerys approaches you and then gives you the answer you wanted. “I’ll take you to her.”
You offer her a thankful smile and watch her walk to Jacaerys to wrap her arms around him and offer him sweeter condolences. When the moment passes she guides you to your mother and your heart begins to pound, while your stomach twists and makes you feel almost nauseous at the anticipation. You already know you’re going to break even more, but there’s something about thinking about your mother being heartbroken that already tears you apart.
And maybe a part of it is because…it feels like you had a hand in her heartbreak because it was your husband who killed Lucerys.
It was not really you, you know that. You were oblivious to your husband's affairs, but no matter what anyone says, yes, that’s what is dwelling within, your guilt. It rattles you to the point you can’t be comfortable in your own skin.
As you get closer to your mother's quarters breathing gets hard once again, and your surroundings begin to dim, leaving only the narrow path ahead visible. You want to run away and not face the pain you’ll see. But when the doors to your mother's quarters open and you see her sitting across the fireplace, alone and in the dark, that panic settles as if she was the fresh air you needed to calm down, leaving you with the need to be embraced by her warmth and comfort, while also giving the same in return.
“Your Grace,” you greet her softly once Baela clears the room and leaves only you and your brother with your mother.
Your pounding heart starts racing once again, but it’s not out of fear, it’s racing out of a need to ease your pain, and the pain you clearly see on her delicate face. Yet you hold strong with tears stinging in your eyes already.
“Lady Jayne Arryn has pledged her support,” Jacaerys breaks the emotional silence to share the support you both gained when you were away on a mission. “…In exchange for a dragon to guard the Vale,” you hear the tear in your brother's voice, and when you glance over at him you see him fiddling with his hands while his eyes grow more and more teary, making your already weak hold, falter.
You still want to continue for him, but when you part your lips you can’t utter a word, it’s all lost in your grief that heightens the longer you watch your mother.
“And,” Jacaerys continues sounding even more brokenhearted by the second. “Lord Cregan Stark,” he pauses and takes a deep breath, but doesn’t seem to find the will to finish. He falls breathless and that wall he usually has up to be perceived as strong, and a protector crumbles, leaving him shaky.
You reach over to grab his hand while tears start to roll out of your eyes as you trail on for him. “…Lord Stark…promised 2000 men,” you manage to share with all the might you can muster.
Your mother doesn’t respond, she instead stands from her seat with her face contorting with grief and approaches the both of you, making you completely lose the faltering hold you had on your emotions.
However, when she’s close, Jacaerys reaches out first and she welcomes him in her arms. You want to do the same, you’ve been aching for it, but your guilt hits you and you stand there frozen with your head down.
“Mother,” you mewl with streams of tears. “I’m…sorry.”
Your mother pulls away from Jacaerys just slightly, leaving her arm around his neck to approach you and caress your cheek with no disdain in her eyes; nor does she look at you like you were the one at fault, her eyes are sad, but she expresses her reassurance before she slides her arm around your neck and pulls you in her gentle embrace and confirms that she doesn’t hate or blame you.
It’s such a relieving comfort that it works to lift some weight off your chest. Weight Cregan couldn’t ease when he talked to you.
Now you can ease in your mother's embrace without feeling like she hates you. Now you can caress her back without the fear of getting rejected.
Soon thereafter, neither Jacaerys nor you attempt to leave your mother's comfort. Nor does it feel like your mother wants either of you to pull away from her embrace that protects her two eldest from the cruel reality that took her third child.
You stay interlinked and weep on each other's shoulders until she pulls away to face you both.
“I have been waiting for your return to light…Lucerys pyre,” she shares. “Is it fine if we light it tonight? The sun is setting and the winds are calm.”
You and Jacaerys don’t find a reason to push the funeral back. You also know there are other matters to attend to that don't give you the luxury of sitting in your grief.
But, oh wouldn’t that be nice?
You don’t want to ignore what happened, no, that’s not what you want. You just want to take a moment to process what happened, and who did it, and tell yourself that you will no longer see your little brother Lucerys.
But no, war forces you to face reality and deal with your grief harshly on the same night you arrived from Winterfell, and at the same spot where your baby sister's funeral pyre was lit.
This time the crowd is smaller though, more intimate. Daemon isn’t even here, which isn’t surprising, but it is also disappointing that he can’t be at his wife’s side as she deals with the death of her son, and lights yet another funeral pyre. And what grows your hatred for him even more is that he can’t seem to be bothered to be a father to his daughter who just lost her betrothed. It’s a good thing Baela is at her side.
It’s also good that you can be with your family this time, dealing with your father's grief alone was devastating. There was no one besides your handmaiden Vanessa to hold your hand and embrace you when you wept. Comforting letters could never measure up to the comfort of your mother's arms or that of your siblings and your grandparents.
Now though, you stand amongst them around the fire that will burn away the only pieces you have of Lucerys, which are his things. There's not even bones to turn to ash, nothing was found of him but his cloak, and a part of his dragon's wing.
Thus Jacaerys steps up first and throws in a soft red blanket along with a piece of his clothes. Besides a few tears rolling down his face, he holds strong now, unlike before when he was in the privacy of just you and your mother, which is assuring. He definitely seems to comfort Joffrey, who throws a wooden horse in the fire, leaving you to step up next.
Yet when you step up and lift a small wooden ship you sob for the brother you’ll never be able to see grow into a man. You’ll never be able to see him marry, or see him command his fleets. You’ll never be able to watch him build a family of his own, nor will you be able to dance another song with him, he’ll be gone forever.
You throw away all those possibilities you’ll never get to see in the fire, and watch the flames eat away at the small wooden ship, and turn to ash everything you couldn’t watch your brother do.
Thick smoke rises, it infiltrates through your nose and stings your throat and eyes while also helping you realize something through the stinging pain, that being your hate for Aemond, your husband, and best friend. You were clouded with confusion before, you couldn’t let go, but you see it clearly now in the thick smoke, you hate him.
And it’s because of your realization that you don’t realize your mother is next to you until you catch her throwing in a piece of Lucery’s clothes with agony contorting her face and clouding her eyes. She lingers by the fire for a moment and you watch her shoulders shake before she steps back. You fall by her side and glance down at her empty hand before you reach over to grab it and once again be the comfort she needs in her moment of pain.
A need to go to Rhaena’s side does grow. You feel called to her side to comfort her, but once the fire starts to lose its power, and all the wooden logs turn black, you step away from your brother and mother's side, but come to a stop right away as you feel guilt again. Your mother might’ve speechlessly assured you, but Rhaena’s anger and grief is different, what if she does blame you for what Aemond did?
If you weren’t away you probably could’ve stopped Aemond, but you weren’t with him. What if she blames you for Aemond taking her betrothed?
You don’t want to be the source of more pain for your cousin, so out of fear and guilt, you don’t approach her. You avoid her and instead, let your grandfather give his condolences before embracing your grandmother.
“I heard the Queen made you her hand,” you interject and pull back to face her with a proud smile. “Congratulations, grandmother, I could think of no one more capable than you.”
Your grandmother caresses your face and offers you a sweet and thankful smile. “Thank you, my Sweet. How are you doing?” She asks with a concerned gaze.
You sigh. “I’m dealing with all my emotions, but I’m relieved that I at least don’t have to go through my grief alone this time,” you share, earning a faint smile.
“I was wondering…” you roll out hesitantly whilst you hook your arm around his to head back inside together. “…does anyone accompany you on your patrols?”
Without needing to hear the rest of what you wanted to ask, she figures out the direction you're taking this conversation.
“No,” your grandmother assures you.
“Oh, well I was wondering,” you finally get to your question. “If I could accompany you? The sea is large, together we could cover more ground. Besides,” you sweet talk her to persuade her. “Astraea is fast, and she’s grown large from her time at Winterfell. She’s good at sea. She likes to dive with me on her. And I am a good archer on Dragonback. We could help you.”
Your grandmother scoffs and flashes you a smile. “Well as much as I would like your help, we would have to ask the Queen first. Bring it up with her and if she accepts I would love to share patrol with you, it would relieve me of some work.”
You smile excitedly and nod eagerly. “Good, I’m glad. I’ll ask her at the next council meeting.”
Your grandmother offers you an encouraging smile and helps you feel some joy in the dark storm that casts over you.
Of course, no one or nothing brings you more joy than your little one, your beloved Aerion. When you see him fast asleep in his cradle your dim world lights up and you muster a happy grin.
As much as you want him to wake so he knows you’ve returned to him, you let him be and just crouch by the cradle to admire him as he sleeps.
You admire his cute round cheeks, his tiny little hands balled up to fists over his head, his thin eyelashes he got from his father, and those pink thin lips he also got from
Aemond. But most importantly you watch his chest carefully to make sure he’s breathing.
You could watch him sleep for hours on end and never tire. Especially because sometimes, just like now, you catch him smiling in his sleep and you just can’t help but swoon.
You always wondered what it is they dream about, fairytales mayhaps? Food? Their parents?
Does he dream about his father now that they’re apart? A father who loves him, and takes pride in his son? A father that you hate and…cheated on…
He killed your little brother, and you lay with Cregan because you wanted to, because you missed him, and you were upset and selfish, but now that you’re looking at your son sleeping away a different pang of guilt punctures your heart.
A guilt you shouldn’t feel, Aerion is young, he won't remember this conflict, but he will feel shame if he ever finds out you cheated on his father.
Yes, his father hurt you first, Aemond betrayed you first. He hurt you in one the worst ways possible! But…now…
Now you’re looking at Aerion and you think of how this could also hurt him. He’s young, a baby turning five months old soon, he won’t remember his life as an infant, but your secret won’t be forgotten, especially if in the future Cregan and you aren’t together.
It would hurt him so much if he ever found out. That’s what makes you cry with guilt. Not regret, you don’t regret your night with Cregan, he made you happy, but you do feel guilt and shame.
Does Aemond’s crime justify what you did?
You can’t help but think of that, you can’t help but think of the hate you harbor, but you also can’t stop thinking about him. About the way his family doesn’t show him the affection you do. He protects them and takes care of them, but they will never return it in the same amount.
He’s probably lonely, and brooding. He’s probably silently just lurking in his brother's council, and breaking his fasts alone.
You always tried breaking fast and eating dinners together. He always smiled when he saw the way you were dressed, especially when you wore purple. He always gave you a kiss before you drifted apart for the day, and when you saw each other he kissed you with need as if you had gone years without seeing each other.
When night came, or when you found yourselves just in a calm moment, he let his guard down and let himself be vulnerable. You loved those moments the most because it felt as if only he and you existed in this world.
Actually, he treated you like you were the only person he has ever loved. You came first all the time, even before your son. Which is selfish, but you never minded because who could treat you the same?
Cregan’s people come first, the North comes first no matter what he says. That’s why he’s not marching over here to fight himself because other priorities come first, but with Aemond, he may have his goals and his pride, but you were never held lesser than something. His anger got in the way. It’s blinding but you understand why.
You understood at least…because the truth is you can’t defend him now…
He deserves his solitude. You hate him for taking Lucerys away. That much is true and you put that over everything.
“Princess,” Vanessa’s sweet voice cuts through the blowing breeze of the sea, making you pick your eyes off your son to look into the distance.
“Vanessa,” you entertain your handmaiden with what you know she’s leading up to.
“I was wondering,” she parts her lips, but before she can finish her thought the sound of your name coming from someone else’s lips interrupts the conversation. You look back and smile faintly when you see your grandfather Corlys.
“Grandfather,” you greet sweetly as you stand up to watch him approach you at shore.
“I’m surprised to see you out here so early,” he mentions, making you scoff softly and look down at Aerion watching your grandfather carefully.
“When I saw Aerion he was sleeping, so I wanted to make up for it and spend as much time as I can before I’m called away,” you tell him and study him, noticing he’s standing up a lot straighter than before, and still using a very nice wooden cane. “I wanted to apologize for not going to visit you when you were abed. I’m more than glad to see you up now and attending to your fleet.” You smile brightly and watch him get close to watch Aerion in your arms.
“It's quite all right,” he assures you and meets your gaze. “You are a dragon rider, and the Queen's daughter, there’s a lot to do. I'm happy to see you safely returned, I know Aerion has missed you.”
You glance at your son, and as if he knew you were admiring him he glances at you and smiles before laying his head on your shoulder.
“Rhaenys and I would take him on strolls when the day gave us time,” your grandfather catches you by surprise. “The poor lad would be cooped all day with your mother gone.”
Considering Aerion the son of Aemond, you didn’t think your grandparents, especially your grandfather would much care for your son, but hearing his report really brings a warmth to your heart.
“I noticed that young Aerion quite enjoys being by the water,” your grandfather adds, making you grin and nod.
“Yes, he loves it when the waves roll over his feet,” you share giddily and caress your son's head as you return your gaze to your grandfather. “And he gets lulled to sleep by the sound of crashing waves.”
“He’ll be a fine sailor in no time.”
You hum happily at your grandfather's comment and then watch him glance out at the never-ending sea before he sighs softly, and then looks back at you with a faint smile that lets you catch a look in his eye that makes you think he’s up to something.
“Why don’t you and Aerion accompany me to Driftmark? It’s still early, and you can come back by dragonback before you’re needed,” he suggests.
You have been meaning to keep your mind off all the racing thoughts that kept you up at night, and well, you are extremely curious. It’s not common for him to invite you to accompany him anywhere. That’s what your grandmother does.
“Vanessa,” you address your handmaiden, and give your grandfather an answer. “Return inside, if anyone asks for me tell them where I am and that I will return soon.”
Your handmaiden offers you a comprehensive nod and goes off to do as you asked, letting you walk with your grandfather toward his boat under the morning sky pampered with fluffy white clouds that make you feel a smidge of joy as certain memories infiltrate your mind.
“On nice days like these my father would take me sailing,” you muse with your grandfather. “I’m pretty sure the septa giving me lessons would despise when he would pull me from my lessons since I was a princess and had no business doing boy stuff, but,” you grin softly. “He was the prince consort, he did as he pleased and my mother never minded. Besides, I encouraged him,” you pause and feel your eyes begin to sting without much warning.
“He taught me a lot of ships…I miss him,” you finish in a whisper.
Your grandfather lets out a deep sigh and you see him nod along with you from the corner of your eye.
“Did he teach you how to read maps?” Your grandfather wonders.
You nod. “Yes, and star charts. I could learn more about those, but I could follow the stars North and to King’s Landing with no map. He…never tried to leave anything out, he was always so excited.”
Your grandfather hums and you glance over at him to address something else on your chest. “I’m glad you decided to side your fleet and Driftmark with my mother.”
His dark eyes meet yours and he quirks a brow. “Why would I side with Aegon?”
Well besides him being a man, there’s also the fact that it’s highly theorized Daemon killed his son. You believe and hate him for it, but no matter how much you want to share that belief, you bite your tongue and shrug as if it was just a concerned-filled thought.
Your grandfather understands your speechless response and holds your gaze as he gives his vague response. “I had many reasons to side with your mother.”
You offer him a simple proud smile and reach his boat in a peaceful silence only filled by the crashing waves and the cawing of seabirds. You had hoped to feel a hint of those exciting and tender feelings you oftentimes felt with your father when you were out at sea, but even if you walk with his father, those feelings you ache to reconnect to aren’t anywhere close, reminding you that you’ll never be with your father ever again, or have a bond with any father-figure.
Albeit your grandfather does let you sail the boat to Driftmark, but as excited you do feel to show off your skills and once again maneuver a boat, you still feel empty within.
“My dragon loves the sea,” you begin to say with the intention of persuading him to use your aid at sea whilst you keep an eye on the distant waters. “And I have learned how to use a bow and arrow on dragonback, perhaps I could be the dragon rider to protect your fleet when battle hits our shores, or we attack theirs,” you finish and peer back at him with a sly grin, unknowingly reminding him of his son when he was your age and eager to prove his worth. You even wore the same sly smile Laenor wore when he was proving himself a fine sailor and dragonrider.
“That…” he starts off quietly but then clears his throat and sounds as mighty as ever. “That would honor me.”
You offer him a happy smile over your shoulder and then let your gaze fall on Aerion strapped on your chest, noticing him watching the waves with his eyes wide and full of wonder.
However, the wonder slowly gets lost as he starts to get lulled to sleep. He tries to fight the sleep to keep watching the moving waves, but he’s outmatched and loses himself to sleep not long before you arrive at Driftmark’s shore.
Unlike Dragonstone, Driftmark is more lively with people; both townspeople and soldiers from the fleets as well as those who work on your grandfather's massive ship. Some seem worried that something could happen at any given moment, while others seem to be happy just mindlessly living.
You begin to wonder about that happiness, you don’t envy their joy, a part of you resents all these people being so happy and living their lives unaffected by the death of Driftmark’s Heir. You wonder why it is they don’t feel what you’re plagued with, you want them to feel your sorrow.
But then you do realize that you’re just letting your pain cloud your judgment.
“Besides having you accompany me,” your grandfather interjects, pulling your attention away from the large ship. “I wanted to share something I have been thinking of as of late.”
You clasp your hands together and out of instinct reach out to fiddle with the ring Aemond gave you, but you’re then surprised when you feel that your ringer finger is bare.
You spare a glance at your finger and drift your gaze to the ground, but you’re then reminded of the fact that you left your ring behind in your borrowed quarters at Castle Black.
You probably won’t ever see it again…
“…I was hoping that when Aerion is older he could be my ward,” your grandfather catches your attention and makes you furrow your eyebrows and look at him with disbelief, and slightly bothered.
“Of course,” he continues, “he won’t have to join me until he’s much older, but he is Laenor’s grandson, I want him to know the sea, and I want to teach him about ships and how to command fleets like I taught your father.”
You glance at your sleeping son and cradle the back of his head as if protecting him from being parted from you.
“He’s the son of a second son, he won’t inherit a crown or a castle from his father, but he could inherit…my title.”
You snap your eyes over to him and come to a slow stop as you’re overcome with surprise. You want to be filled with pride and joy, but there’s an obstacle that stops you. “But,” you mutter your thought out loud. “He is Aemond’s son. A man who opposes us. A man who killed your heir.”
Your grandfather turns away from his ship and faces you, and doesn’t fail to nod in agreement. “Aye, he is the son of Prince Aemond, but Aerion has salt-littered blood. He is the grandson of Laenor Velaryon, my son.”
Aerion is also your son, and you are also your father's firstborn, and only biological child, but he doesn’t seem to ever mention that! What are you, a painted portrait?
You would’ve loved to inherit Driftmark and his title of Lord of the Tides, but no!
You would ask about Rhaena getting that chance before Aerion since she is the daughter of his only daughter, but you don’t see that having a good answer, so you don’t even waste your breath.
“What of Joffrey?” You bring up. “He should be your heir.”
Your grandfather sighs and nods stiffly but quickly counters you. “Perhaps, but I want it to be Aerion. The grandson of my son.”
It’s not hard to realize the actual truth behind his response; Joffrey is the bastard son of your father. With Lucerys gone, he can actually name an actual Velaryon his heir. It doesn’t seem fair, your father loved your brothers whether they were his or not, but who are you to deny Aerion of a fruitful future?
He comes first now, and it doesn’t seem like your grandfather is actually asking your permission or for your actual thoughts, his mind seems mind up, so with a deep breath and a hesitant smile you accept what he brings up. “That…would make me happy. And I’m sure it would’ve made my father happy.”
Your grandfather offers you a smile and surprises you by patting your shoulder as an endearing gesture that brings a…silence where you smile faintly out of pride, but you can’t help but think what next. You’ve never actually spent so much time with your grandfather, and if you do your grandmother has always been with you.
“Why don’t you show your knowledge on the ship,” your grandfather luckily drifts the attention over.
However, just as you approach the plank resting on the dock, he stops you by grabbing your shoulder and interjecting loudly. “Alyn!”
You follow his gaze and blink repeatedly in surprise when you see the same Addam of Hull who fought in your engagement tourney.
When the man’s eyes fall on you beside your grandfather his lips part in surprise, but when he reaches you he closes his mouth and bows his head. “Princess,” he greets you properly right away.
“Ser,” you greet him quite excitedly.
“Good,” your grandfather cuts in and steps back. “You remember each other.”
You drift your gaze to your grandfather and express your confusion with knitted eyebrows that he helps ease with a quick response. “I sent him to check on you for me when I was fighting in the Step Stones.”
Instead of going to you himself?
“Really?” You ask with more surprise. “Well thank you, he was a very excellent jouster who brought Driftmark and me great pride.”
Alyn offers you a stiff smile and bows his head as a thank you.
“Good, I’m glad to hear he can’t show his skill,” your grandfather fills the man’s silence. “Why don’t I let you get reacquainted.”
Without room to argue he walks away and leaves you alone with Ser Alyn—or is it just Alyn since it was your grandfather who sent him?
“Seeing you again makes this world feel small. I never thought our paths would cross again,” you fill the silence to avoid awkward silences.
“In truth neither did I,” he admits. “But it is an honor.”
You offer him a smile and notice how much more muscular he is now compared to before. He’s also a lot more serious too.
You both turn your attention to the caller, and you see a tall and thin man with long dreadlocks approaching with a bright and charming grin that immediately works to intrigue you.
Albeit when he notices your unique white hair, your long and elegant red gown finer than any material he’s touched; accompanied with shiny gold jewelry on your hands and neck, he realizes that you are no ordinary woman. The man’s grin slowly disappears at the realization and he slows down towards Alyn. Once he’s finally nearby he straightens up and doesn’t fail to bow when he joins you and Alyn.
“My Princess,” the mystery man greets you with a nervous but charming smile that actually serves to completely get rid of any tension or awkward atmosphere he could’ve brought.
“Princess,” Alyn interjects and looks at the man in blue beside him. “This is my brother Addam. Addam, this is the Princess, granddaughter of Lord Corlys Velaryon.”
You and Addam meet each other's gaze and that snobby princess Addam already imagined you’d be upon laying eyes on you completely falls apart when you offer him a bright smile in return. You perhaps are one of the most majestic beauties he’s ever laid his eyes on, he can’t help but think. Even from afar you were luminous and almost like an illusion, but from up close he could see your beauty was no illusion, he could see a sadness in your eyes, but so much more that intrigued him.
You give him your name and Addam’s eyes proceed to fall on the sleeping infant strapped on your chest. “Who is this?”
You cradle your baby's head and introduce him to Addam and Alyn. “This is my son, Aerion Targaryen.”
“Hm, not one to care about first impressions I see,” Addam throws out boldly, making his brother shoot him a warning glare. You, however, laugh genuinely in return, which is something that surprises even you. You didn’t think you could ever laugh the way you just did again.
“He takes after his father,” you mirror his humor.
“Well, we’ll let this lad get away with it this time.”
You scoff and nod. “I’ll make sure he’s more prepared next time,” you remark lightheartedly.
He hums and glances over at his brother. “Could I ask how you met?”
“At a tourney,” you answer for Alyn. “Last year. Apparently, he was sent by my grandfather.”
“Tourney?” Addam asks as if it’s the first time hearing of it. “Aren’t you supposed to be a knight?”
“Actually I was trying to get to that too,” you share and both wait for a response from the serious man.
“Well I was surprised to see what money could buy,” he remarks. “I was deceitful when I entered. I am no knight.”
You hum and ease his growing worry right away by assuring him. “Well, I would say you were actually quite entertaining and impressive. You fought well and won.”
Addam pats his brother's back and whispers, “I’m proud of you.”
You watch Addam offer his brother a very faint smile and you can’t help but remember the grief you had pushed aside as you remember the brother you lost.
“I was hoping to have some early brunch with my brother,” Addam now directs at you. “But it seems insignificant now that you have graced us with your presence.”
You can't help but smile with amusement and feel slightly flattered. Addam is surely more outgoing than his brother in a way that doesn’t fail to catch your interest and actually helps bring attention to his fierce spirit that you can’t help but feel the need to get to know.
Actually meeting him makes you feel like you found something you had been in search of your whole life.
A/N- romantic or platonic? (For those who have read moonlight before already know but please don’t spoil it for the rest heheh :)
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans @oh-you-mean-me @wallacewillow0773638
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larluce · 5 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha FINALLY STARTING WITH YOUR REQUESTS!! :D
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 (You're here) , PART 17
In "The Dragon's Call"
Uther talking with Arthur in the throne room.
Uther: (warnly) Who is he?
Arthur: (mad and anxious cause Merlin was stabbed and he's not there with him) You called me all the way here just for that? He's Gaius' appreantice. He told you that!
Uther: Don't take me for a fool, Arthur. I'm asking who is he TO YOU. (looks at Arthur, sternly) It's obvious that you knew him from before.
Arthur: (thinking) Shit... (says) We... met just 3 days ago.
Uther: (increasenly raises his voice in anger) And you expect me to believe that you made such a tremendous display just for some peasant man that you've known for 3 days?!
Arthur: That 'peasant man' just saved my life!
Uther: For which I'm greatful... but also suspicious.
Arthur: What?!
Uther: He took a knife for you, shielded you with his body... and called you by your name. Yet you insist you've only known each other for 3 days. (pauses dramatically) I'll ask again. What is that man to you?
Arthur: (sweats)
Gaius: (enters) You called for me, your Majesty?
Arthur: (surprised) Gaius! What are you doing here? You should be attending Merlin!
Uther: (sarcastic) Oh, you know his name too. What a surprise.
Gaius: (Looking at Uther, but reassuring Arthur) The boy is stable. The blade didn't puncture anything vital, but it was poisoned. I managed to extract the poison thought, so he is out of danger now.
Uther: You told me you recently hired this boy as your apprentice, right Gaius?
Gaius: Yes, sire.
Uther: How long has he been in The Citadel?
Gaius: Just a few days, sire.
Uther: Are you sure?
Gaius: Yes, he just arrived 3 days ago.
Uther: And he has never been in The Citadel before.
Gaius: Oh, no sire. Merlin is from Ealdor, an Essetir village located on the border. He's never been in Camelot before.
Arthur: (smiles smuggly) See?
Uther: (still not convinced but lets the matter be for now) You shouldn't act so distrough about strangers, Arthur. I expect better composure from you in the future.
Arthur: (hangs his head in a shame he doesn't feel) Yes, father.
Uther: (to Gaius) Your ward deserves a reward for his heroic act today.
Arthur: (thinking) Finally!
Uther: I'll give him 20 pieces of gold.
Arthur: (thinking) What?! (says) No! You can't reward him with that.
Uther: You think it's too much?
Arthur: Too little! He saved your son! Your heir to the throne! Or do you really think that my life it's worth just 20 pieces of gold?
Uther: (thoughful) I guess you have a point. How do you think I should reward him then?
Arthur: Status. Gold is precious but it ends eventually. Status is forever.
Uther: You want me to lord him? I can't do that. He's a peasant.
Arthur: But you can give him a position, maybe? In the royal household?
Uther: Hmm... It's not a bad idea. I'll have to check if there's an avaible position-
Arthur: (quickly) There's one!
Uther: (surprised) Really?
Arthur: (smiling) Well... I still need a personal manservant.
Uther: ...
Gaius: ...
Time skip. Uther talking to a servant.
Uther: (incredulous) He really did that?
Servant: (who had to confess under pressure) Yes, sire. The prince paid me to act as a victim while he pretended to bully me.
Uther: With what purpose?
Servant: (nervous) I... I don't know, sire. He didn't tell me, sire.
Uther: But you have a guess.
Servant: ...
Uther: You can speak freely. Nothing will be hold against you.
Servant: Well... my guess is that... the prince wanted to... get his now personal manservant's attention, sire. The prince stopped 'bullying' me when he arrived and defended me.
Uther: I've heard. He also let the boy go unharmed after he insulted him. After calling him... What did he call my son again?
Servant: A... prat... and an... ass, sire.
Uther: I see... (sighs) You're dismissed.
Servant: (between surprised and relieved) Really? I'm not in trouble, sire?
Uther: No, you aren't.
Servant: And I don't have to give the gold back?
Uther: (opens his eye wide) He gave you gold?!
Time skip. After the events of "The Mark of Nimueh"
Uther watches the knights coming back from a trip all cover in leaves and mud at night.
Uther: Where do you come from so late? (looks at them up and down) And so dirty.
Leon: Ahm... The prince entrusted us with an important mission-
Knight 1: (exhausted) We're looking for a flower.
Leon: (hits him)
Uther: A... flower?
Knight 2: A purple lily, sire.
Uther: Is it a lily with healing properties? A magic plant that endangers my citizens?
Leon: Ehm... no, just a regular purple lily, sire.
Uther: So my son order you to search for a purple lily in the middle of the night.
Knight 1: And he's still searching for one too as we speak.
Leon: (hits him again)
Uther: May I know why?
Knight 2: I think he wants to gift the flower to-
Leon: To a woman! We think he wants to gift a flower to a woman, sire. Though it's just a guess.
Uther: Right... (thinking) What a fussy woman. (says) He could have sent the flower to be painted if he needed a purple one that much.
Leon: He insisted it had to be naturally purple, sire.
Uther: Painting a lily purple is a luxury only royal can afford. I'm sure the girl would still appreciate it.
Knight 1: We told his highness that.
Knight 2: But he still insisted it had to be naturally purple, sire.
Uther: (thinking) I very fussy woman indeed. (says) I'm going to talk with him. This is ridiculous. There's a reason why we prefer to paint lilies purple. It's nearly impossible to find one that is naturally purple. He is never going to find-
Arthur: (entering, all cover in mud and leaves and with a purple lily in an improvised container in hand, very excited) I found it! Leon I... (stops himself when he sees Uther and composes himself) Good evening, father. (bows)
Uther: (explodes at seeing his son's embarrassing appearence) That woman is too fussy, she's making you act like a fool! Is not like she is your fiancée. If for her vagary of wanting a naturally purple flower you stoop to acting slavishly like a servant then Camelot is doomed! You are the prince! How can you give this image? have dignity! What kind of ignorant, uneducated, vulgar woman are you involving yourself with?!
Knight 1: (confused) I thought the flower was for his manser-
Leon: (covers the knight's mouth)
Arthur: (to the knight, seriously considering making him kill number 2) Innprudance*!
Uther: (his right eye ticing)... What?
Arthur: (thinking, kind of concerned) Has he always had a tic in his eye?
Time skip. After Lancelot's imprisonment.
Uther scolding Arthur in his chambers.
Uther: (furious) You imprisoned a man just because he touched your manservant?
Arthur: No, I imprisoned him because he was found in suspicious circunstances.
Uther: What suspicious circunstances?
Arthur: The part of the woods we found him in was burned! There was still spots of fire there and a big hole in the ground! The earth was shaking just before we encountered him, that's clearly sorcery! He could be in alliance with Nimueh for all we know!
Uther: (incredulous) Right... and it had nothing to do with the fact he was caring your servant in his arms when you arrived.
Arthur: Of course not! Do you really believe me that unreasonable?
Uther: Yes! You know why? Because everyone seems to believe that! Since you came back from your search of Nimueh, the whole castle doesn't stop talking about how you got a man arrested because he dare to touch your manservant!
Arthur: Well, it's not true.
Uther: Fine, if you're so sure he did sorcery, I'll prepare his execution inmediatly.
Arthur: I never said I was sure, just that I found him in-
Uther: Suspicious circunstances, I know.
Arthur: Like I said, I'm not unreasonable. I can't execute him for sorcery without solid prove.
Uther: But you're not going to free him either.
Arthur: Because of the suspicious circunstances.
Uther: So you're just... going to keep him in there.
Arthur: Yeah.
Uther: ...
Arthur: ...
Uther: I'm too old for this. (leaves)
Time skip. After Merlin moved in to Arthur's antechambers.
Uther being attended by Gaius in his chambers.
Gaius: (mixing a concoction in the king's tea) This should help you with your nerves, Sire. I don't know what to do about the tic in your eye though. I would recommend you to rest more.
Uther: How could I? I'm the king! I have a lot of duties to do!
Gaius: You could delegate some of your duties to prince Arthur-
Uther: Arthur! He's the reason I'm like this! Him and his greedy manservant! No offense, Gaius.
Gaius: None taken, sire. And I can assure you Merlin is nothing like that. He's just an innocent country boy. I think he's not even aware of the prince's affections for him yet.
Uther: That's what he's making everyone believe! But it's all an act, I can see it! He used his seductive arts to have my son in the palm of his hand!
Gaius: (puts the cup of tea in the king's hand) Whatever you say, sire. Your tea.
Servant: (Knocks door from outside)
Uther: Come in. (takes sip of his tea)
Servant: Your Majesty, (Bows) You asked to keep you informed of... uhm.. any important change related to the prince and his manservant.
Uther: (sighs and take another sip) What did he do this time?
Servant: The prince asked his manservant to move to his antechambers, sire.
Uther: (relieved) Oh... That's not so bad.
Gaius: (cheering Uther up) Is not bad at all! As his personal manservant he should have moved there from the start. I'm surprised the prince didn't ask him to move before.
Servant: (sweating, nervous) Yeah...
Uther: (sighs) There's more, isn't it?
Servant: Uhm... well... there are rumors, sire...that says that..ahm...
Uther: (demands) What?
Servant: The reason the prince asked his servant to move was because he brought another man to his room, sire.
Uther: (breaks the cup of tea in his hand)
Gaius: (sighs, to the servant, calmly) Bring me another cup and some bandages, please.
Servant: (bows and leaves)
Uther: Gaius.
Gaius: Yes, sire?
Uther: You have brought a seductive demon to the castle.
Uther finding out about arthur's weird obsession with merlin ☑︎
*Innprudance is the actual name of the Knight just so you know. And it fits him perfectly.
Credits to my best friend Rosangela, who helped me with some dialogues and situations, no only in this part, but several ones. Love you so much! ❤️
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planchettewrites · 2 months
Until the Twelfth of Never
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SSA Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)/AFAB!Reader
DESCRIPTION: A lonely evening without your husband causes some positive reflection, that is until he comes home again.
CONTENT: Pure fluff, brief and minor allusions to sex, mentions of Haley Hotchner's death, mentions of loneliness.
A/N: Aaron Hotchner, my beloved! Initially, this fic centered around another song, but then I reworked it to a song that fit much better. I apologize for not posting, I've been working on other fics and preparing for my new job. I wanted to make this fic realistic to what it would be like to be married to Hotch, so prepare for some angst. All that said, I hope you enjoy it!
1.9k words | Safe!
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Evenings with your husband were usually tranquil. Evenings without your husband were far more tranquil, at least for the most part. As you cared for your stepson, who you loved with all your heart, he kept the house lively. He came into your room and showed you his drawings, or you helped him with his homework, eventually tucking him into bed at night. It was those moments you cherished with Jack. The moments where you could read a story to him about faraway lands and slain dragons or the defeat of monsters or hear him talk about his day at school. However, no matter how much you loved that little boy, there was always a space in your heart missing from your husband’s absence.
You worked during the day, picked Jack up from school, and then returned home to a relatively clean house. Then you cooked dinner, ensured Jack got cleaned up for the evening, tucked him into bed, and watched television until it was time for you to sleep. That was consistently the hardest part of the day, where you fell asleep next to an empty side of the bed. Almost every night and every day, like clockwork, before you sleep and before you wake, you reach out and put your hand on Aaron’s pillow, feeling the soft material under your hands. Some days, you spray his cologne on his pillow to trick your brain into thinking he’s there. 
You learned rather quickly that it’s very hard to be a wife to a husband who rarely comes home. 
In some ways, you don’t feel like you have ever a right to complain. His not being home was the same thing that brought the demise of his marriage to his late ex-wife. The solitude and the silence can be pleasant, but your husband is your other half. You miss him like any wife would. However, when he was home, it was like he never left. He was still the kind, silly, dedicated, and wonderful father and husband he was before he left. When he was home, he always made time for you and his son. He’d take you three out to dinner or the movies and spend plenty of time with each of you in ways where it matters. He’d take his son to school and back, take him to baseball games, and watch Jack’s favorite shows with him. He’d spend time with you in the mornings and at night, ensuring you were happy and all your needs were fulfilled. He’d cook dinner for his family and spend every waking moment with the both of you. 
This week was another week Aaron was gone. He was supposed to return by the weekend, and then he’d return to your arms again. Until then, it was you and Jack. Except for the rest of the week, based on his wishes, he was with his Aunt Jessica. He wanted to see his cousins on the Brooks side of the family. You and the Brooks family got along fine, which is very fortunate for you. You had no ill will towards Haley (nor the rest of the Brooks family, for that matter); in fact, often, as a family, you would visit her grave. 
Needless to say, the Hotchner household was very quiet with your husband or your stepson. As you made dinner, funny enough, one of Jack’s favorites, fettuccine alfredo with broccoli and chicken, you turned on one of your CDs, an assorted mix from songs of the 1950s. Aaron got one of his coworkers, Penelope Garcia, to burn the CD for you. It was a mix of songs that both you and Aaron enjoyed and ones that made Aaron think of you. Songs like “Everybody Loves a Lover” by Doris Day, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, “Please Mr. Sun” by Tommy Edwards, “Fortune Teller” by Bobby Curtola, and so on and so forth. 
One of Aaron’s favorite tracks on the mix was “The Twelfth of Never” by Johnny Mathis. Aaron said it was one of his favorite love songs from that era; the slow melody and beautiful lyrics really spoke to him. In fact, he loved the song so much and associated it with your relationship and marriage entirely that it was your first dance song at your wedding. It was one of the first tracks on the CD since Aaron found the song so representative of your love. 
The music from your CD player blasted throughout the house, with no worry of waking any sleeping children or husbands. Currently, the second track of the mix was playing, “(I Got Spurs) Jingle Jangle Jingle.” Although the lyrics no longer applied to you, you had told Aaron it was one of your favorite songs in college. 
“'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (Jingle, jangle)
As I go ridin' merrily along (Jingle, jangle)
And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single" (Jingle, jangle)
And that song ain't so very far from wrong (Jingle, jangle).”
You sang along with the track from nearly the top of your lungs. You danced around your chicken as the pasta was cooking towards al dente. Your broccoli was also being steamed, and the chicken pieces were already cooked. Your hips swayed to the rhythm of the song, the funky orchestra carrying the tune of the music while Kay Kyser sang the lyrics. 
You always preferred to cook with music on. There was nothing like a dull life, you thought. You needed music to carry you through the good times and the bad, the lonely moments or the otherwise not. You twirled by the counters, imagining that your sleep shorts gave you the same twirl as a skirt from the early 1950s. 
“…Oh, Lillie Belle (Lillie Belle)
Oh, Lillie Belle (Lillie Belle)
Though I may have done some foolin'
This is why I never fell.”
You laughed a little to yourself as you sang along to that last lyric. You remember that promise you made in college: never fall for a man who stole your heart. Of course, that all changed when you met Aaron. Upon meeting, the attraction was instant. You met through a mutual friend of your father’s, and even though he was noticeably older than you, that didn’t seem to matter too much. You were a grown woman; you could make your own decisions. You didn’t expect that decision to be falling in love with and eventually marrying Aaron Hotchner, becoming a mother figure to a beautiful boy in the process. Still, you wouldn’t ever regret your heart’s desire. 
“… Oh, I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle)
As I go ridin' merrily along (I go ridin' merrily along)
And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single" (And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single")
And that song ain't so very far from wrong (And that song ain't so very far from wrong).”
As the third chorus came in with a woman’s voice, you found yourself totally entranced in the music. You did the twist as you stirred your pasta, singing your heart out. Some of you wished that Jack or Aaron were here to enjoy this moment with you, but concurrently, you were having a great time with yourself. The music kept you company, and the gentle hum of the stove fan kept you grounded in reality. 
“… Oh, Lillie Belle
Oh, Lillie Belle
Though I may have done some foolin'
This is why I never fell
'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle).”
You kicked up your feet and continued to sway around the kitchen. While you were by no means a professional dancer, you knew how to dance well enough that you could carry your body to the melody. As the last chorus kicked in, you huffed out a sigh with a smile. All that dancing knocked the wind out of you. You went back to stirring the pasta, finally tasting it to see if your pasta was fully cooked. It was. After draining your pasta, you put it back in the pan to add the sauce as the next song begins. 
Part of you stopped to smile when you heard the opening notes of the next song on the tracklist: “The Twelfth of Never” by Johnny Mathis. Part of you wanted to skip to the next track, avoid the slight twinge in your heart when you heard the song and thought of your physically absent husband, but that’s not what Aaron would want. If Aaron were here, he’d grab you to slow dance, singing along to Johnny’s baritenor with his low baritone. 
“You ask how much I need you; must I explain?
I need you, oh, my darling, like roses need rain
You ask how long I'll love you, I'll tell you true
Until the twelfth of never, I'll still be loving you.”
You sang along under your breath, your eyes closed as you stirred. You sang along to the following verses, swaying gently from side to side, imagining Aaron’s big arms wrapped around you. You wished you could feel his arms wrapped tight around your waist, kissing your neck as you cooked. One of his favorite things to do when he was home was cook together. You kept singing until you felt a presence and heard a familiar voice sing along to the song. 
“Hold me close,
Never let me go,
Hold me close,
Melt my heart like it will snow.”
Your eyes shot open as you turned to the sound of the voice, and there stood your husband in the flesh, leaning against the doorway, looking at you like you were a fresh drink of water in the scoring heat. Such love was apparent in his eyes; it almost made your eyes tear up. You nearly dropped the spoon, placing it quickly on the counter and almost sprinting into your husband’s arms. 
Opening his arms for you, Aaron immediately pulled you into a tight hug, pressing kisses to the top of your head. “I’ve missed you, my angel.” he pressed another kiss to your forehead. “I’ve missed you so, so much.”
Tears were beginning to brim in your eyes as you looked up at Aaron, a smile growing on your face. “I didn’t even hear you come in! When did you get home?”
“A few minutes ago. I heard our mix playing, and I had to come to see what you were up to.” his arms grew tighter around you, one of his hands slithering up your back to cradle your head. “I see that you’re cooking.”
“I’m sorry; if I knew you were coming home, I would’ve made some for you too.”
He smiled. “Not to worry, sweetheart, I ate on the plane ride back.”
Effectively abandoning your dinner, you let yourself melt into your husband’s touch as the last verse of the song began to play, the two of you singing along and swaying to the rhythm. 
“I'll love you 'til the bluebells forget to bloom
I'll love you 'til the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'til the poets run out of rhyme
Until the twelfth of never, and that's a long, long time
Until the twelfth of never, and that's a long, long time.”
At your wedding, you promised to love each other for the rest of your lives, come what may. The song currently ending perfectly encapsulated your relationship with your husband; you two swore to love each other through the hard times and the good, regardless of what life threw your way. You and Aaron would always have each other’s backs, and that is what this song meant to you: that you would love each other until the twelfth of never—which, indeed, was a long, long time. 
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buddierecs · 2 months
fantasy buddie fics
this list has different rated fics, so please look at the rating make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
both blade and branch by: daisies_and_briars "the chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but buck still manages to pull it off. during a double date with marisol and natalia, nonetheless. eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as buck recovers from yet another trauma, eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. he’s not quite sure what version of buck he got back." word count: 62k rating: mature important tags: paranormal elements, temporary character death, hurt!evan buckley, slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst even in winter there is eranthis by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "buck is supposedly a god. supposedly. but he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in olympus. when he meets christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. now bound to eddie, the god of the dead, buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. but even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die." word count: 45k rating: explicit important tags: greek religion & lore au, fairytale-esque, angst and feels, eventual smut
claim your ghost by: daisies_and_briars "after a near death experience on a call, eddie starts having strange hallucinations of people who have died. there’s definitely no way he’s seeing ghosts, right? because eddie doesn’t believe in ghosts…" word count: 32k rating: teen and up important tags: ghost au, established relationship, angst, grief, hurt!eddie diaz, worried!evan buckley say yes to heaven by: dylaesthetics "the one where evan buckley's heart never started beating again, but he came back to haunt eddie diaz anyway." word count: 17k rating: teen and up important tags: ghost!buck, loss and mourning, therapy, angst, panic attacks like when the sun came out by: spaceprincessem "buck can see ghosts au" word count: 39k rating: mature important tags: ghost au, TW: mentions of suicide, angst, hurt/comfort, angst, boys in love, getting together further than blood (or than bones) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "once, eddie chose to save a newly turned against his better judgment. five hundred years ago, buck was saved by a rescuer he thought was a hallucination. now they're together again and about to find out just how far either of them will go to try and deny what they are to each other." word count: 50k rating: explicit important tags: vampires au, psychic abilities, slow burn, mutual pining, blood kink, anal sex, blow jobs
all the stones and kings of old by: extasiswing "edmundo diaz, king of calder, does not want a husband. he had a wife, he has a son. he doesn’t need anyone to try and fill the void in his life shannon left when she died—he is perfectly content with an empty bed, with bobby and athena advising him, with household staff taking care of christopher when he can’t. but. apparently he doesn’t have a choice in the matter" word count: 36k rating: explicit important tags: royalty au, arranged marriage, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, oral sex, anal sex scorched earth by: lunarplayer16 "buck has been a dragon rider since birth, and he has hidden this fact for most of his life. everywhere he has gone, he's been chased or thrown out for being himself with his dragon. he has been hiding his dragon's existence since he joined the 118. what happens when eddie notices something?" word count: 95k rating: teen and up important tags: dragons au, TW: past child abuse, angst, hurt/comfort, injury, team as family mermaid au (series) by: princessfbi "the loft was dark and stilted like buck hadn’t even bothered to turn on the lights when he got home but the air was thick with moisture. maddie heard the shower first and then the pitiful, pained whimper next. “buck!” maddie moved in through the loft to the bathroom and pushed open the door. she was met with a face of trapped steam that seeped into her skin and made her lungs release a tension she didn’t know she’d been holding. but that tension returned tenfold as she flipped on the light. buck stared up at her, tired and scared, from where he was slumped in the corner of his shower." word count: 62k rating: mixed important tags: mermaid au, hurt!evan buckley, hurt/comfort, pre-relationship, found family why do all the monsters come out at night? by: princessfbi "Witch!Buck Vampire!Eddie" word count: 41k rating: mature important tags: supernatural elements, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, getting together, love confessions feels like magic by: 42hrb "an urban fantasy au where most things are the same, except there's magic and supernatural creatures!" word count: 47k rating: teen and up important tags: magic, witch!eddie diaz, psychic!evan buckley, mutual pining, idiots in love, slow burn
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damneddamsy · 1 month
renegade | aemond targaryen x oc (part ii)
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My friend, I am writing this to you from the depths of the forest behind the castle. A thrush builds a nest far over my head while a violet beetle strums a tune, and nearby, a brown hart crosses a brook with her doe. It rains more often, and I stroll in it, wet to my bones. I alone bear witness to the marvels of my home. I cannot sit idle in my chambers anymore when no one seems to care about my whereabouts. Write soon, I eagerly await your tales of voyages on Vhagar. Yours, Aemma.
You should've seen him, the way Aemond Targaryen appeared when he unfurled the little scroll. It was a habit now. He would read and read it, for hours, a single wistful eye going back and forth on the page, mulling over each painstaking word, tracing her name, inhaling the scent of the soil on Dragonstone, before rolling the paper and depositing it with the others in his wooden chest for safekeeping. This letter found him over three moons ago. He had written back, twice, all to be met with nothing. He took to heart the gloom that seeped through the paper, unlike the bewitching girl he had heard from ages ago. She used to speak of collecting dragon eggs, running off with a boat into the sea, and exploring the caves beneath the courts. What was she up to now? What did she look like now? What were they doing to her?
Far away, on Dragonstone, Aemma's days evolved into boredom, a mere observer of the storms that raged. She grew further apart from her still-devoted mother, biding in heartbreak and loss while the princess enabled the household with Prince Daemon. Aemma couldn't help but see her father, Ser Laenor, everywhere. In the salt of the sea, in the misty eyes of his dragon, Seasmoke, in the boats that were docked at the bay, and in the sea glass that washed ashore. She became more disturbed, more evasive, and similarly, more accustomed to her smarting headaches. You could tell the days of her girlhood and absurd adventures were behind her.
There were times when her dear brothers would find a way to shed some light in her life by taking her to the watchpoint to have her see them glide above the ocean, mounted upon Vermax and Arrax. She had once ached for a dragon of her own, but she had given up as the years rolled into others. It didn't seem to matter, nothing changed in the way her family saw her.
Other times, she'd think of her dearest friend, Aemond, across the reach, training hard, fighting battles, riding Vhagar—he felt like a distant dream. A wish that would never quite be. Writing to Aemond brought back serenity to the young princess' mind. The quieter times were behind her. Her getaways were discounted now, but she'd continue to search the island for new excitement just for him. He was a gentle reminder that it was never too late to take action on what she had once dreamed herself to be.
On the morning of her father's observance, Aemma was informed that the princess would like to break bread with her. She didn't know what to expect. So she dressed in her best silks and joined her mother at the overflowing table. Aemma engaged in silence, scraping her fork against the plate, unable to hold her mother's expectant eyes. She wanted to share her troubles, talk about the past, and remember him the right way. Nothing came out except—
"I've missed you," Aemma managed to speak. It was the truth, she'd missed her mother's presence around her dearly.
"Then why have you been shying away from me?" her mother returned, her voice gentle. "Tell me, Aemma. What have I done to receive your silence?"
She met her mother's gaze, stronger now. "Nothing."
Her mother breathed a sigh. "I have not forced it upon you to wed a strange lord. Daemon often prompts me on this, but I refuse it because I know your heart. It belongs to no one but you." She reached across to warm her daughter's cold fingers. "Your brothers worry that your woes have become too deep these days. I share this concern with them, my love. I know you ache for Laenor—"
And the whisper-thin weir broke loose. Aemma's face crumpled into distress, using a hand to muffle a soft cry. She hasn't heard that name around here. No one would dare speak it. This has been a long time coming.
"No, mother," Aemma wept.
"Oh, Em. Even after all these years." Rhaenyra stood up to bound to her side, pressing her daughter into a tight embrace against her chest. "I'm here. Unburden yourself."
"Why doesn't it hurt as much for anyone else?" she asked through her tears, her shoulders shuddering. "Not you, Jace or Lord Corlys. Why me?"
"You loved your father more fiercely than any of us." Her mother stroked her fingers through Aemma's braids softly. "In time, you'll learn to make peace with the memories. Just as we have."
Aemma nodded, eventually finding it in herself to take solace in her mother's careful words. She felt a soft nudge against her stomach, moving out of her mother's arms to touch her swollen belly. Another addition to the family.
"I still want you to take a husband in marriage, Aemma, at your own will and time," her mother said to her, more serious now. She brushed a finger over her tear tracks.
"It does not interest me, mother," Aemma confessed with a sigh. "I've said this plenty."
"Yes, I know."
"Spare me the argument then."
"At the very least a kind, respecting companion who will support you in upholding your duties and protect your ideals, just as your father did for me," she insisted.
"If I were to wed, you would make me a pillar in a dismal court at King's Landing," she tried to explain, but her anxieties piled up to rush out in a mess. "Name me heir to the throne, face all those vile aspersions with a stone heart, and have me mindlessly plough out babes which I don't think I'm capable of for the life of me. I will not be made into a husk of my—"
Rhaenyra caught her chin to interrupt and glared her daughter straight in the eye. "You will not be heir."
She blinked once. "Mother."
"You should be, as my firstborn. I don't deny it. I've fought the very Gods for this privilege my entire life." Her mother palmed her cheek, her expression softening. "But it does not outweigh my oath to you and myself when I first held you in my arms. That I would never subject you to what my father had me brook, a mere political headache until I couldn't see past myself on the throne. I see my misplaced youth in you, daughter, and I want you to prevail for the both of us. Live as you please, captain a ship, voyage as an explorer, and not a tongue will raise against you. I will see to it."
Aemma stared at her mother, her words dripping into her mind one by one. She hoped she heard all of it right.
"For that, Jacaerys will be named my heir," the princess affirmed. "Although, as your brother's kin, you have to take to husband. I cannot have Jace's claim questioned any further. I can only grant you so much latitude on this, not freedom. I am sorry, it's all I—"
Aemma leapt at her mother to swallow her in a delighted embrace. It felt like a warm sunrise after a cold, unclear night, and it carried all before anyone. She pushed her face into her mother's neck, squeezing her as close as to pour her graciousness into her. She would never forgive herself if she were to do wrong by the princess, someone who trusted their years of deprivation and defeat to her.
"Thank you, my princess," Aemma whispered.
Her mother exhaled a laugh, smoothing many kisses against her cheek. "I am all but worthy of you."
"But, mother," she drawled and pulled away to show her the confusion. "How am I to move forward with this?"
"We can do this slowly. I will soon send word to a few great houses in Westeros. Essos, too, if you'd like," her mother divulged, smiling. "You will treat with them until you find someone who agrees with you. I won't bestow you upon them as a broodmare, they will value you as a princess and a lady. Take all the time you need, and satisfy your discretion."
"You make it sound so effortless," Aemma muttered.
"It will be, Em. Don't think too much, speak your mind, if you must. Someone who does not squinch at your wishes is most suited for your hand."
She shook her head. "I am not confident about that."
Her mother kissed her cheek again. "Simply let it happen, my love. Good things will follow."
As it turned out, the word of mouth of insurgency and challenges of Prince Lucerys' claim to the Driftwood throne brought the Dragonstone Targaryens back to their home on King's Landing. The young princes and princess were to stay with the rest of their kin after a long period of separation. A union for the ages.
Soon enough, that word grew old and what delighted the realm was the pleasing news that Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen of Dragonstone was arranging matters with a select few houses to place suitable marriage prospects for her eldest daughter, Aemma Velaryon. At sixteen years of age, her flowering into maidenhood had made her more beautiful. She would eventually draw the eyes of many young lords in the kingdom. Hightower, Blackwood, Arryn and Stark were among the favoured handful.
This matter did not escape Prince Aemond's ears, but he remained impassive to it. It shouldn't bother him, why would it? He knew it was only a matter of time before Aemma would be within these castle walls and he would heed her words before all else. This must be foul play from his sordid half-sister Rhaenyra. The Aemma Aemond knew would never stand for this plight. She would stand before him and remind him of his promise all those years back, they would mount Vhagar together and take to the open seas. Of course, he remembered. He always knew this day would come.
The morning Aemma arrived at the Red Keep, Aemond stood atop the verandah past the courtyard with his brother and sister, his head held high to show his duty and not his deference. But his eye searched and hungrily awaited the sight of her again. What did she look like? Was she as nimble and reserved as they said? That she was the epitome of a true Targaryen princess? Or perhaps—
"Whose eyes does Aemond One-Eye seek?" Halaena droned quietly, taking his attention for a moment. That title irked him.
The carriage was emptied and already making for the gates. Had he missed her arrival? No, she was too hard to miss.
Halaena took his arm, leading him back into the entrance doors. Aemond wavered, his sights still on the courtyard. Why hadn't she come? Where had she gone?
"Come, brother. She'll join us later, I'm sure of it."
He was having none of it. People expected Aemond to simply go about his day as if Aemma's disappearance from the occasion was irrelevant. He was ushered to break bread with his family in a rather torrid affair and train with Ser Criston in the undern when all of his thoughts were linearly on the young princess. Where, where, where.
He sweated out his anguish, battling hard, swinging his sword in lithe twists until Cole's sword was knocked out of his fingers with Aemond's simple outmanoeuvre. While the sparse crowd clapped for him, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed two of Aemma's brothers. The bastards of Dragonstone. The ones who cost him his eyesight. He'd been through a world of pain since that night. He would not let that slide, not so soon.
"Nephews! Have you come to train?" Aemond called out, hoping to get something out of them. Any one of them would know where Aemma had run off to.
Jace's gaze sharpened with a black stare as Aemond approached them in fleeting steps. Jace put himself protectively in front of Luke. Aemond scoffed through his nose and dropped his sword on the table nearby.
As if he'd venture to cut the throats of the princes of the realm. In front of all these witnesses. How unseemly.
"Aemma," he declared. Her name left his lips like a plea.
"What about her?" Jace sneered.
Oh, he was not making this easy. "The princess was missing this morning."
"Why would I ever—"
"She went to the stables to see her direwolf," Luke said instead, catching his eye. Aemond wanted to carve out his skin every moment the boy lingered unpunished. "She didn't arrive with us because... she didn't want the attention."
This piqued him. "Why not?"
"Seven hells, Luke," Jace hissed.
"You know how much sister cares for him," Luke mentioned.
Jace sighed, sensing his fairness, and spared Aemond an apprehensive look. "Aemma's not in the mood to speak to anyone. In fact, she should've stayed back. My poor sister had an unfortunate incident attempting to claim the Bronze Fury not long ago."
Aemond wasted no time in tracking down her chambers from her brother's directions. With bated breath, he burst through the doors—"Aemma?"
His dread intensified when he noticed her belongings still stacked in spotless trunks in the corner by the vanity as if she were planning to leave as soon as she came. No, he simply would not allow it.
He carelessly pushed the curtains of the bed aside to find it untouched. The room was freshly scented of lavender oil; she had recently taken a bath. Her cloak hung off the edge of her dining chair. Her gold jewellery was left scattered on the table. She had been here.
"Aemma!" he called aloud again.
"Aemond?" Aemma's delicate dulcet reached his ears.
From the short balcony, she finally presented herself before him, coming between the sunlight and him. Indeed, the rumours were true. Gone was the tempestuous little girl from his treasured memories and instead, in her place, stood a lady so impressive he couldn't believe it was Aemma. She had come into her own beautifully, in the graceful slopes of her breast, waist, nose and lips. There were still traces of that young girl which refused to give way, blessed in her doe eyes, sun-kissed skin and—her hair.
This was what her brothers had vaguely mentioned to him.
Her silvery-blonde hair, that usually flaunted intricate braids or hung in pretty ringlets around her waist, had been completely singed off by dragon fire, all the length and volume lost to a limp mess of curls around her neck. Her mother must have attempted to cheer her up by fashioning a delicate crown of braids around her head.
Aemond didn't care for any of it. She could've stood there with a third eye or a cock in her hands—this was his Aemma, in the flesh. Six years he had gone without her. Nothing could stop him now.
He couldn't contain himself any longer, he strode across the floor to bear her in his arms. As tightly, closely, and intimately as his strength allowed. This had not changed at all, she was as warm as the day she'd parted him.
"It's really you," Aemond exhaled with a faint, incredulous laugh. He spun her around in just as much elation as when he had first dismounted Vhagar and taken to her celebrations.
When he set her on her feet, Aemma had laughed in delight and taken his face into her palms, her dark eyes observing every tick of muscle in his features with a disbelieving smile. Even if his ghastly scar had startled her, she didn't show it.
"I've missed you every day, my friend," Aemma murmured. Gods, you could see his chest swell with satisfaction. It was exactly what he wanted to hear from her.
"How you've grown," he commended, warmly stroking her waist. "So tall and elegant... no wonder all the realm is vying for your hand."
Even the words tasted like poison in his mouth. His expression soured a little.
"And you! I never thought I'd live to see the day your hair was longer than mine own," she exclaimed back, overlooking his mood shift. She held his broad shoulders, measuring the distance between her hands. "You've come to be with the power of a true dragon-rider. I am proud. How goes Vhagar?"
"Insatiable." Much like him right now. "Come with me. I'll fly you over the bay for as long as you'd like."
He'd like to get the word out to the smallfolk, that the princess has been taken to another prince more deserving of her.
"Oh, no. I don't think I can even see another dragon without pissing myself," she told him, her eyes set on their feet. Discomfiture was evident on her face. "I tried to mount... Vermithor upon Daemon's guidance and my hair—" she sadly touched the soft trims around her neck "—I lost it in doing so. If it weren't for him, I would've lost my life, too."
Aemond's arms tensed under her touch. The thought of it was excruciating. What was his uncle thinking, putting such a hysterical little girl in front of a beast as large as Vhagar? And what was Aemma thinking, that such a ferocious beast would bow to someone with her merciful attitude?
She looked up at him, heavyhearted. "Do I look dreadful?"
Aemma could not begin to question that when he had been stricken by her fortitude all those years ago. No burned braids, dirtied skirts, or lost dragons could make up for that.
"I'm certain it'll alarm the lords but not me. You were always glorious to me, princess," he appreciated her, not-so-subtly.
She threw her head back to laugh freely. "Then I must tell my mother to cease this weary pursuit to find me a husband. At least until my hair has grown to an adequate length."
That sounded like a great strategy. It gave him enough time to plot a controlled plan to relieve Aemma of this pressure.
"Have you met with anyone?" he asked, his voice calculating.
She made a face. "Not yet. Lord Blackwood has written to my mother. But..." A lightness overtook her features. "After my stay has ended, I'll be heading north to treat with the Lord of Winterfell."
"Winterfell?" He made the word sound like filth on his tongue. "Those vulgar cunts will cut you up and stuff you in a pie before you can wish them good morrow."
She snickered. "Lord Cregan Stark, my mother tells me, is a gentle giant. No older than I am. I hear from my grandsire that he is an honourable king to his people." She twiddled her thumbs to hide a smile. "Lord Stark wrote to me a while ago. He is rather charming."
Aemond couldn't stand her growing fondness for that filthy northerner. "You write to each other?"
"It was only one letter," she denied. "To pursue familiarity? In any case, my family are thrilled. House Stark is an invincible, age-old power."
Aemond sneered under his breath. A mere word of mouth had swayed her affections to the cold deadness of the north. As if Aemma would last a single winter up there. Warm and beaming in that Stark's arms... he wanted to gouge his one remaining eye out and douse it in acid.
His vindictive thoughts faltered to the Aemma in front of him, who was lulling him to immodest thoughts at the way she stroked her finger down the long scar on his cheek. His eyes almost shut at the bittersweet sensation.
"Jace told me what happened that night with you and Luke," she professed, sadness enveloping her expression. "I never got to tell you how sorry I am, my friend. You must've been in great pain."
He gulped down the bile that rose to his throat at the mention, but he maintained his calm demeanour. Instead, he brought her fingers on his cheek to his mouth and, without thinking, lay a delicate kiss.
"Long forgotten," he lied.
He didn't miss the way Aemma's lips fluttered with a sharp inhale and slipped her hand to her side. She massaged the wrist with a flustered chuckle.
"The eyepatch is... different," she said breathlessly.
Aemond was affecting her, quite obviously. Just not enough. He glanced from the corner of his eye, smug, as she walked around him and toward the bed.
"You might not like what lies under it," he said. "Besides, I'd say we match for life now."
If only she read into what he truly meant. She knowingly touched the noticeable scar that cut through her eyebrow with an absentminded smile. "Yes, we do."
He couldn't wait on this any longer. The words were bursting at the seams, coming undone. "I must talk to you at once."
Aemond took her hand to hasten her to sit beside him on the bed. He entwined his fingers between hers and held it to his chest as he asked her, enunciating his words carefully. She watched him with all her focus.
"Do you truly want to be wed? Have they imposed this on you? You can tell me, Aemma, I will do anything in my power to stop this insanity. I will burn down that damned Sept for you if that's what it takes."
She smiled at him. "Don't fret for me. I am content."
"Surely you lie. 'Tis not good for you." They're not good for you, he wanted to say.
"My mother is right, my dear friend. If I can find someone who can understand what I want out of the marriage, I certainly couldn't ask for more. An honest relationship," she whispered intently. "It's all I want."
Her words burned him more intensely than any inferno in the world. Because she never saw him as a prospect. He would make her see him.
"Whatever fucking happened to fighting for your liberties? To not run in the face of adversity?" he snapped, dropping her hand from between his. "You said it to me, did you not?"
"I have done my part. I've deferred it fairly," she stated, slightly staggered at his tone. "This is a resolution."
"You've given up."
"I have not."
"They've turned you against me," he muttered.
"Oh, spare me the theatrics. Am I to remain a maiden all my life?" she asked, laughing.
He reached out to clasp her chin, but he made sure to be gentle how much ever he raged on the inside. Her smile fell to confusion, her gaze flickering to his fingers and then his eyes.
"You said we'd travel the world together. That we'd ride together on Vhagar, feast all we liked, row boats, build tents, see the world's wonders—am I to consign those ideals to nought? Have you filled my head with meaningless fiction?"
She breathed out a short gasp of incredulity before relieving his grip on her in sharp movement. She stood up to slant by a pillar, pushing her head into her hand. She was a picture of perfection toiled in a peculiar sort of misery. Beauty became her.
"We were children," she mumbled. "Priorities shift over time. I am a princess, a Targaryen no less, sans a dragon. I am without worth if not for my mother, and so are my ambitions."
He scoffed. "Maybe to you. I have counted on every letter, every fucking word, you've penned to me like a madman. You've grown a hunger in my heart and now you mean to crush it with your unfeeling hands."
"I don't understand what you want from me," she spoke, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"I want you!" he growled, pushing to his feet.
She turned to stone before him. Perhaps she had not heard him properly. Aemond took a calm breath inward. No turning back from this anymore.
"Wed me, Aemma," he said, surer of himself. It felt right to say those words aloud, in that exact order. He had never imagined saying it to any other lady except her.
Aemma eventually thawed and lifted her head to stare at him. As if she was waiting for something. He couldn't get a read on her. Her immense, dark eyes softened and smouldered and ravaged his mind.
"Wed me and make me yours," he persuaded softly. "I will protect your honour, our dreams, and our future together better than any foul-mouthed, fat swine lordling this realm has to offer. May the Gods help anyone who stands in my way."
"Aemond," she whispered with an edge of hysteria in her voice.
"Aemma," he murmured.
He sauntered closer to her, leisurely dragging his knuckles down her forearm all the way to her wrist. She had the softest of skin, unblemished, kissed by daylight. He elicited a shiver from her, an abrupt action pressing her closer to his chest.
"I've waited a lifetime for this. For us," he confessed. "I have known no other hope that was not you. Now that I have you, my hope is not misplaced."
The little vestige of control he had on his self-restraint began to splinter and then it would be damaging for him to be around her. It was only right to give her some leeway to consider his transparent proposal.
Aemond deliberately stepped away, tucking his hands together behind his back. "But I am a man of virtue. I will never push you to do something you disfavour."
Her lips parted as air shuddered back into her, a hand supporting herself over the stone pillar. She kneaded at her forehead, soothing away a headache.
"I... need to think."
He beamed brightly. "Yes, good. 'Tis a lot to fathom. A night's rest should do nicely. On the morrow, I shall revisit you, and we shall break our fast together."
Her brows furrowed when she understood. "You mean to court me."
"Apparently so."
"You will cause indecent speculation," she warned.
He pursed his lips, unable to contain his amusement. "Hmm. Why can't a prince and his dear niece dine together after all these years apart?"
Aemma uneasily bit her lip.
"We disregard their baseless whispers as we always have."
The hearsay of Prince Aemond and Princess Aemma breaking bread together and alone swept like wildfire around the Red Keep. It was said that among those the news had stunned, it was Prince Jacaerys who had taken this as a slight. Meanwhile, the Princess of Dragonstone and her consort, Prince Daemon, weren't certain of the positive response on this matter. One night, a thoughtful conversation in High Valyrian was heard from their shared chambers.
"Laenor had always sworn that Aemma was for Aemond," she pondered out loud to Daemon. "They've been following each other around since they could walk. We all saw this coming."
"She has hardly met with any other men," he said. "Offer her other options. Taste the local flavours. I hear Lord Stark has been quite pleased. He wrote to her personally, didn't he?"
"Aemond is what she wants," she sighed.
"She takes after her mother," the prince teased. "Seeking out her uncle."
"Then make her see that the boy is not what he seems. Our girl has purposes that do not conform to his own. She intends to be like me," he chuckled, "and he is loyal to his sword."
"I will not twist my daughter's mind into submission," she grumbled.
"Gently dissuade."
The princess laughed quietly, stroking her pregnant belly. "Or it would do good for us to form an alliance with Alicent and the king. Protect our lineage from within. And with it, strengthen my claim to the throne."
Daemon hummed, mulling it in his mind. "He is only the second son after all. It is that drunken cunt who will be a threat."
"Precisely. I intend to hit two birds with one stone."
you can continue to read part iii here! and here's my masterlist!
hope you like the way this is progressing! do let me know what you'd like to see ~*
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
jace as your suitor headcanons
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some more headcanons for our dreamiest prince <3
a/n: i need a suitor like jace lololol
i honestly believe that jace is such a romantic
the social status of the person he’ll be courting would not matter much to him, as long as he loves that person then you bet he’ll court you
either as a secret for now or publicly court you already
but let it be known that jace absolutely despises courting you in secret.
the rumors and issues circle around the red keep way faster than he wants it to be and he does not want you to be affected by it; doing his best to shield you from those degrading rumors and nonsense issues
when the rumors around both of you became too much, you tried to ask him if he wasn’t bothered by it
“y/n, they know nothing of what i feel for you, and they most certainly do not know anything about our actual relationship. i say let them talk, at least they have something to do.”
but the day he decides to court you publicly, it would be the day where you’d be saying goodbye to your other suitors because jace would absolutely UPSTAGE them
like let’s be real, jace is a patient guy but he is determined and competitive
and literally everyone in your family just loves him who wouldn’t lol
you’d just *poof* only focus on jace amongst others
love letters sent using ravens were usually what you received a lot when jace stayed in dragonstone with his family
sometimes you receive multiple ravens a day, all coming from jace
all of his letters would be the absolute purest; he’d talk about missing the feeling of being able to sneak you out in the middle of the night
or the way he’d get to give you gifts and “just because” flowers that he plucked from the godswood and see your reaction right in front of him
though you actually didn’t like the way he splurged and gifted you generously, you didn’t have a choice because of how persistent and persuasive jace was
you’d just be surprised and see a dozen flower vases filled with your favorite flower in your room
and sometimes in a particular occasion, your family will just give you a box with an extremely expensive-looking necklace inside and you’d think it was from them but it wasn’t
“wear this after dark? j. v.”
you wouldn’t think much of it but you still wear it, incredibly cautious that you might drop or damage the necklace
the sudden band playing out of your home making you bolt out of bed and run out
it was jace, of course. holding a big bouquet of flowers for you again.
“jace, what the hell is this!?”
“nothing much, perhaps you wanted some entertainment.” he smiles and you remember what you told him in the letter you sent him earlier that day.
it was just a simple letter of you complaining of the lack of things to do in your household. even saying, “i think i am going to die out of boredom. like, actually will”
“wouldn’t want my future betrothed dying out of boredom, hmm?”
the band continued to play as you stare at your suitor in disbelief, taking the bouquet he handed you while the neighboring houses also came to watch the band play
jace, being the person that he is, takes the flowers you held and sets it down to the bench outside of your home
he grabs your hand in his before asking you for a dance
a dance at night, with the band jace had bought, while the lords and people around your house watch the two of you
to say you were embarrassed is an understatement
your face was as red as the flowers he had gotten you, as red as the dragon in the flag of house targaryen; and jace absolutely enjoyed it
he laughed happily at your red cheeks as he lead you in the dance, swaying the both of you around to the rhythm of the band’s music while you cover your face in embarrassment
your hands pulled down as jace takes the liberty to watch your face closely, happy that you were enjoying yourself even with the sudden events
“gods, i hate you so much”
“that isn’t a nice thing to say to your prince”
the two of you smile goofily at that. soon enough, the two of you were joined by other couples in the town. your parents joining in on dancing as well as the elderly couple beside your home
another thing with having jace as your suitor is the exploring
either by horse, by foot, or by vermax
daily visits with vermax!
whenever jace would have a day free from his duties as the prince, he would always be with you
wanting to make sure that his significant other is well-accompanied and protected by him of course
the prince would fly you around westeros. stopping wherever you want. sometimes, you two would go undercover and explore the city
sometimes, you two would fly around blindly, letting vermax pick your destination and just hoping that you two would love wherever that is
or sometimes, the most frequent option, he’d let you stay in red keep
bringing you around as the two of you explore the beautiful halls and tapestries around king’s landing
he would even take you to the massive kitchen in the castle, cooking dishes for you while the helpers state at the prince in confusion
though you can’t actually confirm if the food he cooks for you are edible or not
eventually going to stay at his room to spend the day there while the two of you talk about nonsense things
random conversations and playful teasing
at the end of the day, being courted by jace is literally a dream
that man would fight, protect, love, care, and do literally anything for you
but he is still the prince. and sometimes you’d feel yourself unworthy of being treated this well by him, saying that there’s someone better than you for him
but he’ll reject that immediately. his playfulness disappearing as he makes it clear again for you, your entire heart falling at his words
“i do not wish for someone better than you, y/n. it is you i wish for. it is you whom i want in my life.”
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ewanmitchelll · 9 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (IV): Say Don’t Go.
Imagine you are a peasant who rescues Aemond after he fought his uncle Daemon Targaryen—but in this universe he didn’t die drowned, but suffered a wound that you, with your simple knowledge of medicine, actually manage to heal you. What shall happen then?
Warnings: fluff, violence, drama, angst.
• A Dance With Dragons
In between fire and ashes, blood has never been thicker. The one-eyed prince, on behalf of his infamous brother, is ready to take leave. Unbeknownst to him, as he mounts Vhagar, destiny sets a worse fate than the assumption of victory for all parties.
Here he goes, a path of blood behind this man—who tasted frustration and rejection all his life, lusting for what was never his by any right, tied in a very suffocating loyalty to his family.
Here he goes, moved by agony and pain, he who is hated by his enemies and despised by those who support the charismatic Aegon.
Here he goes… mounted in an ancient beast, prompted to finally write his name in the pages of history. Aemond, the kinslayer, the embodiment of fire and blood, flies in roaring skies.
And not too long after he meets his mirror, the one he wanted to be in life—a better version, certainly—, the kin who inspired him despicable sentiments—if perhaps in another occasion he would be this man’s favourite nephew.
This is not the moment for words to be spoken out. Warriors like them feel no need to exchange offenses. War is coming in thunderous storms. Higher than men, above divine heavens, uncommon relatives fight one another.
His scream dies unheard, as the wind blows away the anger in his throat. Believing to possess such an ancient dragon, warlord like him, he doesn’t foresee that years and size are not by his side.
Daemon Targaryen and his Caraxes are faster and better equipped for this battle. Experience is also an advantaged tool played by the aforementioned prince towards his rascal nephew.
The skies shake and many are misled to think this is a thunder. But this is hardly a thunderstorm. Later the chroniclers would report it as a dance of the dragons, where this deadly combat between two great warlords and their gigantic beasts collided in such a way that as frightening as it was to watch, it seemed so as the involved were…dancing.
But Vhagar’s flesh and blood provide difficulty to Caraxes. Bites here and there, sounds that roared through the air, producing sparks of electrons and fire all the whilst their riders try to dismount the other.
The heights pose an inevitably invitation for prompt death. It’s only a matter of time until one of them falls, if not both of them do.
Skies grow darker and rain eventually drops. Caraxes, fighting better under this environment, twists the scene to his favor, surprising Vhagar. What happpens next is too fast to describe. Later, peasants would recall how a great beast like Vhagar fell upon the sea… without Lord Aemond on her back.
A question would haunt Aegon’s twilight reign: where has Lord Aemond Targaryen gone to?
To worse Aegon III’s rise to the throne, a shadow is casted. No body was found. Therefore… should it be presumed the rogue prince died? If so, not in his former mistress’s arms.
Where is Aemond Targaryen? What happened to the one-eyed lord, famed for his kinslayer epithet?
• Blue skies, fields painted green•
I’ve known it from the very start. We’re a shot in the darkest dark. Oh, no. I’m unarmed…
By the time you rescue him, you think he’s been dead and gone. But for a long while you, a simple curious being who, however, learned to study thanks to your older brother’s connection with literate beings, suspected not all was like appearances led to.
You managed to carry this strange man, aware he was in his worst conditions, to your household. It’s a very simple, typical peasant house. And this was a man you’ve never seen in these surroundings… especially because of his fancy robes, a positive indicator of his nobility.
Unaware of the details of this civil war, you took care of him. Ignoring his handsomeness, you dedicated day and night until he eventually opens his eyes.
And when he does… it’s a scandal. Most of all because he is still hurting in his chest and to breathe requires some energy. Then comes the revolt upon seeing he’s nowhere he’s familiar with.
Before he starts to rage out his frustration, the prince is prevented from doing so at the sight of you. A peasant, certainly a damsel despite being closer to him in age, shows up.
“L-L-Lord, please”, you know you’ve been bold in keeping him with you, in weaving illusions to escape your life, all of which makes you blush and sink into his feet. “I only tried to help you.”
Something about your smooth voice eases him. When looking better at you, Aemond’s chest hurts for being reminded of his sweet sister Helaena. He knows he could never do any harm to you.
“Rise, creature who saved my life”, and when you do, the silver haired man looks enchanted at your y/c soft skin, the mystery behind your y/c eyes… “I demand to know your name.”
“Y/N Y/LN, lord”, you whisper, still avoiding his gaze.
But it’s for no effort you do so as he looks for yours, holding your chin as he lifts it up. You see danger right before you, posing threat as he stands in front of you. Nevertheless, he is so alluring that to resist is just… pointless.
“Don’t call me lord. I’m Aemond”, he softens to you, his hand slipping to your throat gently before letting go of you, leaving behind a sensation of void and cold where there had been warmth. “It appears that if I fell here, my uncle took the best of me.”
You nod your head partly.
“You need to be careful, lo… Aemond. Your wounds are still fresh”, you bring him to outside for the very first time since you rescued him.
The prince, shirtless and dressing an old pair of pants, follows you, reluctant somewhat as what to find. He is, however, surprised when seeing there is nothing but a careful mix of colors. Deep blue that paints these cloudless skies and a shade of green that colors the hills and the grasses nearby.
The air is clean and the prince finds peace. However, when spotting, from that distance, the sea, this peace is replaced by angst.
“Vhagar”, he remembers painfully. “Where is she?”
When seeing a puzzled look on your face, Aemond has to remember himself you are a peasant, who probably judged dragons as mythical creatures. But he underestimates you.
“Ser, I may be poor and obscure, but I am not illiterate”, you speak impatiently. “I know who Vhagar is. I must say, though, that you were already dismounted by the time I found you. If you fell from such a height, this only means you are lucky that you are still alive.”
Aemond’s good eye transmits such a depth of sadness that you feel remorse for speaking like that to him. The prince doesn’t notice it, though, so he decides to walk outdoors and there sit amidst the high grass as a way to cope with his loss.
At first, all you do is watch him. This tall, paled prince with long silver hair, involved in a bandage around his waist with a skin painted in deep scars, is now the embodiment of melancholy.
Your reason tells you to leave him there, the moon is too high to grasp it, but your feet don’t obey your sense. It doesn’t take too long before you sit next to him.
“I’m sorry for your loss”, you break the silence hesitantly. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
He doesn’t respond you ar first, and you wonder whether he heard you or are ignoring you. But he turns his face at you eventually, still plagued by that shade of sadness few can be gladly dissociated from.
“You’ve done all you could, mistress Y/N. Thank you. You shall be rewarded.”
“My reward is your well being, lor… Aemond”, you offer him an understanding small smile.
These words prove to be the balsam he needs.
“I appreciate it, truly. In due time…” Aemond sighs, not willing to admit how lost he feels. “Do you have any news of what’s going on?”
By the looks of your face, the prince understands that what might come from you are not what he wants to hear. Even so, he must hear it. In this silent communication, though, there is little need to further comprehension.
Therefore you tell him about Lord Daemon’s victory. A short victory, however, as the common folk said that due to the gravity of his wounds eventually culminated in the said prince’s death.
What happened next was confused. You didn’t understand politics very well and you were too busy minding your own business to do so. Nevertheless, it’s common knowledge that the Seven Kingdoms have a new king.
“A new king?”, Aemond exclaims frustrated. “But Jaehaerys is just a boy!”
The embarrassment in your face only worsens his disappointment.
What, in seven hells, has happened in this short time I was unconscious?
“This is not his name, Ser. Our king is Aegon, Third of His Name.”
Aemond pales and for a moment you step back, fearful of his fury. But all the silver prince does is clench his jaw and turn his back on you for a moment. And you let him be all the time he needs.
• Healing…
I'm standin' on a tightrope alone. I hold my breath a little bit longer. Halfway out the door, but it won't close. I'm holdin' out hope for you…
A strange process it is to watch events unfold from the support ground. Witnessing from darkness the arrival of the Starks and then all the gathering leading to Aegon III’s ascension next to Rhaenyra, who, apparently, had transmitted her claim to the Iron Throne to her eldest son and heir, was too much for him to bear… especially now aware of the passing of every one he’d known and fought for.
But in due time, his silence and mourning become too much a burden for him to carry alone.
“I’m surprised you are still out here”, you tell him in one of these evenings you come home and find the prince there.
“Where else I’d go?”, Aemond shrugs his shoulders.
His eyes are glued in you, finding new expressions in your introspective features. You are different, a thought occurs him. What had happened outside to bring you more serious today? A question he does not dare to pose.
“To your mistress, perhaps”, a response that, albeit reluctant, transmits some grumpiness on your part.
For the first time in many moons, Aemond Targaryen smiles.
“Mistress?”, he repeats and you miss the amusement out of his voice.
“Mistress Rivers. Perhaps this is a name very familiar to you”, you don’t know why rolling the name of his former paramour sounds poisonous to your ears, inspiring a hearty agony and an inner despair.
As Aemond studies you, every piece comes to make sense when glued together. At first he says nothing, finding adorable how a creature so introspective like you, kept innocent and wild at the same time from mundane’s ill intentions, discovers new sentiments, obscured as jealousy and attachment might sound.
He could take the opportunity to write a new story, but even now… Aemond struggles to disassociate from the past.
“She was once attributed to many meanings, some of which had linkings to my personal affections”, Aemond admits, taking the opportunity to sip his ale. “But once we parted ways, I do not believe we are meant to mend it back.”
You cast him a long distrustful look, opting for the silence, even though there is so much being said in your body language. Aemond rises up and moves to where you stand, gently but firmly taking grip of your arm.
“Y/N, look at me”, he demands you gently. “Why have you brought her name out of the blue?”
You hesitate and Aemond can only be led to think there’s some bad news ahead. You take some breath and then look at him, as if struggling for courage.
“I cannot keep you here any longer, lord. I’ve been selfish, I see that now. But looking after my lord has given me purpose. All of this to say that people have been looking for you.”
“Looking for me”, he repeats. “Do not believe in what people say, my darling. My enemies are in power, the best we can do is hide for the moment. This means I must shave my head to keep the identity in secrecy.”
He surprises you, and even himself, with this new sense of resignation. But this is a wise move, considering no one had found his body, therefore the mystery must remain for his sake.
Nonetheless, he likes this life with you. Aemond smiles before holding you against him.
“I got used to you, dear one. Looks like I’m staying longer this time.”
That being said, he admires how wide you smile. No one had ever made him feel this sentiment before. He realizes now that what you two have is too sacred to let it be profaned.
• Pain & Blood
Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'? Why'd you whisper in the dark? Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'…
When he kisses you under moonlight in between the shadowy green fields, your mind goes blank and your heart races loud. When his tongue moves the way to your neck, your legs automatically spread to welcome his strong body; his arms now moving upper your back, caressing you slowly, aching in slow burn as you call out his name in sweet whispers.
“Mine lady”, his lips pursuit yours once more.
It’s past twilight. Silenced by the night, nature welcomes you in this wilderness out of the fancy troubles and the troublesome webs woven by the Black party.
You provide him home and security, the sweet taste of genuine love he’s been looking for. With him, likewise.
It’s free, intense and healing.
“We should better head inside”, he grumbles under his breath, struggling not to give free path for his desires.
You giggle softly, giving him a long look. As you straighten yourself, you hear him say:
“My lady, you bring the best of a beast like me.”
You spin around him, looking like a fairy with your simple white gown and y/c hair loose in your back.
“Is this you accusing me of witchcraft, lord? For I shall not tolerate such an accusation”, you put your hands around his neck.
“Nay. You are too pure for it”, and Aemond knows this must not be the result of bewitching, since the purity of your care and love inspires the same of a man like him.
Beneath the mask of a bad prince, there lies a wounded man who’s known neglect all his life. The concept of love Alys brought to him was more lustful, fleshy attachment than sentimental one.
But when the shadow of those three words comes behind your eyes, mirroring his own, Aemond fears to hear them. Kissing your lips once more, he prays to forget what he saw… for a recent, deep wound has come to open in surface.
As you lead him into your household again, precisely to what you call being your quarters—the result of the inheritance of your father—you give in your heart at every touch, every embrace this man provides you.
When you begin to picture the two of you actually living this life together, when you start to think possible that you could marry and be content in being a simple peasant… every dream dies when a knock on the door is heard urgently.
“Who on earth…”, you sigh impatiently, making him chuckle.
Aemond snakes his arms behind your waist, resting his chin over your shoulder.
“We should better see who’d be this unwanted visitor”, he laughs quietly, admiring the blush painting your cheeks.
As you reluctantly part of his arms, you move to open the door. Aemond leans against the wall, partly hidden under the shadows, waiting to see who’s the one behind the bloody door.
But when you open and see a dark-haired lady with a skin smooth as milk, your heart stops.
“Oh. So here’s the witch who captured my Aemond”, she speaks in a soft accusing voice, though in the lady’s eyes there is nothing but arrogance.
Aemond reluctantly comes to the scene.
“My prince”, her voice and smile are as sweet as poison, inspiring in you nothing but disgust. “Your son and I have been waiting for you, believing to be dead and gone. But you have been kept a prisoner by this…”, and here comes the despise poorly masked.”…woman.”
You turn your head quickly to stare at Aemond. He sees pain in your y/c eyes, and the sound of heartbreaking reaches his ears when you say:
“You have a child with her, Aemond?”
“It’s Lord Aemond to you”, she corrects you, but is promptly ignored by all parts.
“She was… pregnant when I went to war”, Aemond admits, embarrassed. “I… Considering the recent events, I thought them to be gone like the rest of my family.”
“No. Your son waits for you. I’ve been looking for you”, insists Alys, much to your consternation. “Let me break this spell she’s casted on you, my prince. You shall be free and live with us as it’s your right.”
Part of you waits for his denial, hopes for it even. Despite the evident struggle in having yourself composed before such accusations, you expect he’d take your side.
You hope…
And I'm yours, but you're not mine. Oh no, oh no, you're not there. I'm standin' on the sidewalk alone. I wait for you to drive by. I'm tryna see the cards that you won't show. I'm about to fold unless you…
But Aemond knows not where his strength lies. This cannot be judged simply following his heart desires. When remembering everything his mother sacrificed for… and then he has a child.
A child of his own that should be on the throne. The mere idea awakes the flames of old vengeance.
Much to her annoyance, on the other hand, Alys watches as the events unfold in an impasse. She presses again the matter of their child, aware this is how she’ll take him away from your claws—or so she judges.
“Aemond?”, your voice comes out suffocated.
He sees those words in your eyes, but they fade out of his grasp like a star losing the shine, swallowed in a black hole.
Night comes and steals your bright, much to his atonement. Aemond wishes he could say something more, but no speech is enough to bring you back to life.
Your innocence is now agony and all he can say is:
“I must go. For my child.”
“I understand”, you speak cooly, surprising him for your reasonable behavior. “I pray you forgive me for any mistakes. I am but a peasant who knows nothing of life.”
That being said you curtsy and leave the way open. You watch as Alys smirks deviously at you, like a winner who takes it all. Aemond hesitates, but you don’t look at him.
Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) make me want you (make me want you)? Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) give me nothin' back? Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) make me love you (make me love you)? I said, "I love you" (I said, "I love you"). You say nothin' back.
And there your heart lies in open bleeding…
You occupy yourself delivering the rest of planting to the lord you owe fealty after spending months in working with the land. It’s easier to forget about the past when one occupies one’s mind with daily tasks.
This doesn’t mean the nights are easier, though. You are haunted by his face, by scenes where he laughs joyfully with Lady Rivers. She tells you that, as a lowborn woman, you could never be with a highborn man as Lord Aemond.
A truth sharp as knife that wakes you up in the breaking dawn, bleeding you again and again… It hurts and though you swallow salt in your mouth, no other sign is there that you have been in suffering.
In the meantime you carry on with your life, or try to, Aemond is rediscovering his life amongst nobility. The boy his former mistress claimed to be his son is not, by all means, a Targaryen. He could tell she painted his hair and by calculating his age, he was far more likely being a Strong boy than else his. Specially because by the time he took Alys Rivers as his mistress, she was already a Strong’s concubine.
With this disappointment ahead and collecting the testimonies of her witchcraft, Aemond is no fool to realize he’s been stuck in a trap and that he could be sent to the new government’s hand anytime.
I shall not have a death by treason.
The only reasonable solution is escaping. He is no coward, in fact the prince was once too prideful to embrace defeat. However, Aemond’s mind recollects your innocence, your simple ways of living and how you taught him so many good things.
The teachings that promised to make him a rightful man despite his wrongs. Is he too late to be redeemed, though?
Why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'…
I should have not let you go, Y/N.
In silence, like always, the prince leaves all that has profaned his soul to search after the only sacred path someone put him in.
And this someone is you.
• ‘I would stay forever if you say don’t go…��
You have cleaned your body in the river and now choose to sit right there over a towel, partly fearful of being seen in your nude state, partly pleased to be able to feel some degree of liberty.
Sun is ready to set and it’s last rays are set on your y/c skin, drying the last drops of the cold water you dived in. As you stand, you are ready to dress yourself when a noise scares you.
Quickly you put your white gown with black strips, unable to tie your long y/c hair when you spot him.
Head shaved still, pained eyes, dressed not like a nobleman but like a random, common peasant lad. So would he look like had he not been blessed with such deep purple eyes that are staring into your y/c ones.
“A-Aemond”, you gasp. Your body begins to tremble and you wish you could run away, but you are frozen.
“Y/Nickname”, he comes after you, hesitantly at first, confidently then. “Apologies are not enough for what I did to you, to us. I humble before my lady and come to ask you not to go.”
He is on his knees before you. He, the prideful prince.
“You are the one who left”, your voice betrays you.
“I had to”, Aemond dares to raise his chin as his hands grip tight your thighs. “I had to. I was misled to think the boy she had was my child.”
“And if he was”, you mutter, the echo of pain rolling out through your words, much like a sharpened blade. “Would you be embarrassed of my station to keep me in ignorance?”
“Fuck, Y/N, no!” He realizes no words are enough to make up for his poor doings. Nevertheless, he tries. Aemond is no quitter. “I am not embarrassed of my lady. I learned to love you out of my heart and soul, despising mundane affairs in order to pursuit the divine one. I was raised from the seven hells to taste the sweet flavor of your divine lips. I want you. Only you can redeem me.”
It’s the way his fingers dig into the cloth of the skirt of your gown that makes you feel fragile. The way he breaks before you, how his words are whispered in despair. Remorse is sincere, pain is evident in the two of you.
Why delaying it?
But then you hear a sound so strange to you. To both of you. When your hearts cry out, you slip, losing your strength.
“You are my weakness”, he says, exposing himself to you.
No sapphire. No embellishment. No pride. The prince the way he is, with his scars. And you expose yours.
Darkness rises by the time you are engulfed in his embrace.
“I’m sorry”, Aemond whispers, fearful of losing you. “I won’t leave you ever again. This I vow over my dead family.”
You are still sobbing when he vows this to you. And when his lips are colliding against yours, every angst dies at long last. And what is cold now is warm, and suddenly the weight of the clothes begins to be unbearable.
With only the moon as witness, vows are exchanged, consumed in one kind of fire that burns each part, prompted to spread in a strange kind of fever so unknown to you.
As tongue dances, bodies intertwine and pain is at long last overcome. The consequence of this redemption is to fruit nine moons later.
In the end, in between wars and peacemakings, two different lives found in each other what they needed. The destiny of Aemond Targaryen became a great “what if” in the history, a name so powerful to haunt crowned men but humbled before the kindest lady of the Seven Kingdoms.
Turned into a love song many years later, bards would give Aemond another name, calling you Jenny of the Oldstones.
Perhaps a truth hints behind it, is it not? But only your descendants would know it and smile often at such beautiful song.
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wuzhere75 · 1 year
So for some reason I got the idea of designing palaces for “all” of the WOF tribes. The specks that appear in most of these are supposed to be dragons to give a sense of scale.
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From top left to bottom right
Rainwing (Modern)
-Modern Rainwings don’t really have “palaces” or separate households for the royal family.
-Most Rainwing “houses” are comprised of a covered platform and a hanging nest (the nest is mostly used by dragonets or for storage). The only difference for the “palace” would be a larger platform for social/diplomatic events, plus some extra adornments.
-The “old” Rainwing palace (not illustrated here, think the Queen Anaconda days) was a far more grandiose structure long sense destroyed in some unknown war (think the classic “lost jungle temple”). Scattered ruins of it can still be found around the main Rainwing village.
-Mostly just the arena; it’s constructed out of a natural “bowl” at the base of some big cliffs. It was commissioned by some queen who wanted a big space for grandiose events, with the royal family eventually moving into a structure next to the arena after the old palace got destroyed in some war.
-The palace is mostly buried into the cliffs. Its pretty modest, at least for Scarlet-types (everything’s still probably gilded and studded with jewels)
-A prehistoric tree that has been carved out over time.
-The tree itself is likely older than the Scorching, a relic of the time when the Rainforest extended further into the Mud Kingdom. In modern times, while the area around it is still very tropical, but there are no trees remotely of its size around it.
-Even before being used as the palace, Mudwings and Rainwings alike had lived in hollows in its side for generations upon generations. It got moved into by some hippie queen who thought it would be badass to live in the big-ass tree that probably technically exists in another tribes territory but they chill.
-Likely amunis-touched or otherwise magically enchanted; no matter how much it gets tunneled into, the tree stayed alive.
-Historically, the palace has also took the form of large adobe buildings or wood cabins depending on what materials they have around.
-Originally built as a military fort; most previous palaces had been more on the eastern side of the Kingdom. Almost every queen that has occupied it has thought about building a new one; not one has ever gotten around to it.
-Bum fuck in the middle of nowhere
-The only remaining palace that has been continuously used as the palace since its creation.
-Created out of an enchanted glacier overlooking the sea. Over the years many additions have been made, magically created or otherwise It looks utterly insane and defies all laws of physics. Largest palace if you don’t count the whole Wasp Hive as a “palace”.
-It’s considered rude and against tradition to try to remove additions made by previous queens, though many work around less ascetically pleasing features by covering it up with even more stuff. This ends up with kind of a full-on Winchester-house situation, there’s a whole bunch of unused rooms and staircases that go to nowhere.
Bugwing (Wasp Hive)
-I don’t have much to say on this one; this is just what the wasp hive looks like (the actual palace is more like a penthouse somewhere in the middle of it).
-I originally was just going to do hydrothermal vents some amunis created; but then I remembered “bubble gardens” where described in the books, so the hydrothermal vents, while still warm (enough to incubate eggs), they aren’t scalding and spewing volcanic fumes
Nightwing (1st volcano)
-This is what the first Nightwing palaces that was created on the volcanic archipelago (not Vigilance era, but maybe the next generation afterward). It’s inside of an extinct volcano that has filled with water (inspired by that one part of 20,000 leagues under the sea). There’s smaller caves that have been carved in the sides, with docks built out into the water.
-This got destroyed in one of the subsequent periods of activity of a the volcano on a nearby island.
-I don’t know what the “old kingdom” palace looked like (maybe like a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
Anyways Leafwings don’t really have a palace because that’s not really part of their culture (“the queen sleeps among her citizens”). A whole colony of Leafwings might end up living in a tree similar to Mudwings, but just one hollow would be reserved for the queen.
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jaimeslanisters · 2 years
the pawn in every lover's game (part ten)
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Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
When you’re ten, your father sends you to King's Landing to befriend a princess and woo a prince. A lioness growing up amongst dragons is a dangerous thing indeed.
crossposted on ao3 masterlist word count: 6.4k notes: late update which is 100% on me so my bad! but anyways, a lovely and beautiful anon made a playlist for this fic so give it a listen! here's a nice reprieve after the drama of the past chapters (:
Once, as children in your library, you had tried to convince Aemond to read the tale of Lady Jonquil and Florian the Fool. He had scoffed at you - it wasn’t the usual history or philosophy the two of you poured over together. It was a silly romance story, nothing to do with the important matters of state he was obsessed with understanding, but you had pressed it upon him to read.
You can still remember pushing your book of songs over his own book about the maesters of the Citadel, determined to present your case. ‘It’s not quite as serious as everything you like to read but it says something about men, I feel. Ser Florian may have been a fool but he was wise where it counted.’
‘Singers and bards are invested in us thinking that, my lady, but I don’t think it’s true,’ he had responded, rolling his eyes, but he had taken your book and read it. He had never once talked about it with you though, simply returning the book to you the next day and distracting you from asking him about it by dragging you into a debate over whether or not Lann the Clever was the bastard son of Floris the Fox or even Rowan Gold-Tree, a topic sure to rile any Westerlander, leaving you to completely forget about silly love songs as you had argued over your ancestor’s own ancestry.
‘I am as great a fool as ever lived, and as great a knight’ Ser Florian had told his lady when he had crowned her. ‘All men are fools and all men are knights where women are concerned.’
With as much love as you have for the songs, you never could quite believe that line, could never make it quite click in your head.
But now, with the screaming all around you, as Aemond stands at your side, arm in arm and having crowned you with a crown of bloodied roses, you wonder if he’s remembering the songs as well as you are, if he’s realizing that maybe the singers were right in some respect.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” You ask, pushing away your thoughts of the Lady Jonquil and her fool of a knight, in favor of looking over him anxiously. He’s bloodstained but you can’t tell how much of it is his and how much of it belongs to his opponent. His dark armor hides most of it, preventing you from picking out any clear wounds or injuries, and, out in the open like this, you can’t glide your hands over him to try and feel any out.
Aemond looks down at you, his eyes soft as he takes in your worry. “No, not hurt. Bruises here and there, some cuts and scrapes that my mother will drive herself insane worrying about, but nothing serious.”
You sigh in relief, leaning against him slightly, wishing you could wrap your arms around him and pull him close. You allow yourself a moment there, pressed against the hard armor, before you pull back, conscious of the eyes of all of King’s Landing watching the two of you. There’s a flicker of disapproval on Aemond’s face when he notices, his jaw tightening just a tick, and he shoots a baleful glare at the crowd.
It reminds you all too much of the way little Loren’s face would scrunch if anyone tried to pull his blanket away from him, right before he let out loud screams and wails that sent the entire household running to his side, and the odd comparison makes you laugh out loud.
Aemond’s brow furrows but his gaze softens once more as he watches your obvious glee.
“My father will be chomping at the bit to arrange a meeting with your mother,” you say after a while, smiling fondly as you look back toward the crowd. The royal box is emptying out and you know you only have moments before both of your families descend upon the two of you. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to secure an… understanding for right now. At least, until Cerelle’s marriage is public knowledge and Tyshara and Lord Tarly announce their own betrothal.”
Aemond huffs, showing a flash of impatience that makes you beam. “Hasn’t there always been an understanding? It’s been his and your goal ever since you came to the capitol.” You blink, confused for a moment, before shame and horror blossom on your face as you realize he knows. His eye watches you, openly amused, and he leans down, mouth by your ear, voice so low you can barely hear him over the still-roaring crowd. “You’re clever, my love, but it’s only in recent years that you’ve become skilled at deception and manipulation. I’m afraid that I was onto you right from the start.”
Heat explodes in your cheeks and you pull away, gaping up at him openly. He smirks at you, infuriatingly smug, and, suddenly uncaring of the eyes around you, you open your mouth. To say what - you’re not entirely sure. A denial? An explanation? An apology? No matter what you plan to say, you still want to say something but you’re cut off when Aegon all but slams into his brother, knocking him from your grasp, and sending the two of them skidding slightly in the dirt.
“I’m a rich, rich, rich man,” Aegon crows, arm flung around his younger brother as he gives him a firm shake, looking elated. Right behind him, Daeron is excitingly bouncing on his heels, looking like a little boy in all of his joy.
“Haven’t you always been a rich man?” Aemond snipes back, no real bite behind his words, and Aegon merely grins wider, looking impossibly pleased as if it was he himself who had fought and defeated all the opponents his brother had faced.
“Yes but now I’m a richer man,” he corrects, even as the rest of his family arrives to crowd around you all, forming a wall between you and the rest of the world. “That was family wealth, brother. This is personal wealth now - mine entirely.”
You watch them, torn between laughing at their interaction or panicking at the fact that Aemond knows, before Helaena tugs on your hand to call your attention. When you turn to her, you jerk back slightly as she reaches up to your face with a handkerchief, wiping at your chin gently. When she pulls it away, you blink at the blood staining the white fabric.
Aemond’s hand. When he grabbed me earlier.
It should horrify you but instead, something in you roars with satisfaction. In front of all of King’s Landing, he had claimed you and he had crowned you and he had marked you. It calms you but only barely.
He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t care for me too. If he didn’t think I was honest you try to reassure yourself but it’s still difficult to convince yourself of it. A part of you wants to be indignant at the idea he could judge you for seeking him out in marriage - the two of you had always agreed about the importance of marrying for your house rather than personal pleasure. You had just been lucky that for you, those two desires managed to be one and the same.
A larger part, however, is just scared. You can still remember, plain as day, the little boy who had seemed baffled that you wanted to spend time with him, that you even cared to speak to him. Aemond is grown now, more confident and sure of himself than he had ever been as a child, but you don’t want to hurt him. You never have.
You need him to know that. To know that you’ve always been honest in wanting him and only him.
Helaena knocks you with her shoulder and you startle, looking at her with wide eyes. She smiles, soft and gentle as always. “Don’t get lost in there,” she says, reaching up to tap at the side of your head.
You manage a smile. “I won’t, princess,” you promise, fingers itching for something to grab and squeeze in your nerves.
She eyes you and you know that she can see right through you.
You wonder who else can.
There’s a slight commotion and you look up in time to see the Queen descend upon Aemond. Unlike you, she’s well within her rights to brush her hands over him, searching for any wounds that he might be hiding. She looks equal parts relieved, exasperated, and proud as she crowds her middle son and, though you’re too far to perfectly hear her quiet voice over the still rowdy crowd, you can only imagine that she’s scolding and congratulating Aemond.
You only get a moment to watch their interaction when someone drags you into their chest in a facsimile of a hug and you let out a loud yelp. Aemond immediately turns at the sound, hand flying to his sword, only to have to force himself to relax when he catches sight of who it is.
“Your prince did well, sweetling,” Jason murmurs in your ear, giving you a tight squeeze, and you swat him away, fighting down a pleased smile. When you turn to face your father, he reaches up to touch the crowd on your head and, when he pulls his hand away, his fingers are tinged with red. “A Queen of Love and Beauty crowned twice in one tourney by two different men. You’re in rare company now, sweet girl. Not even Lady Jonquil can claim that honor.”
You laugh, feeling your cheeks go hot. Behind him, Tyland walks up, having been speaking with Lord Ormund. Even he looks victorious. “Are you talking about how our little lady and the Dragon Prince have ensured that the singers will be well-fed for the next few months?”
“Hardly,” you retort, knowing as you say it that it’s a lie. Victor and Aemond both crowning you, a Queen of Love and Beauty twice over, the Dragon killing the Fox. Individually, they were all things that would invite the singers to write their songs. Combined? You’d be lucky if it ever stopped. The bards must have been frothing at the mouth during the tourney and now that they’ve been given their perfect story, there is little doubt in your mind that they will take every advantage.
You wonder if centuries in the future if the songs would still mention you and Aemond like they mention Jonquil and Florian. You wonder what they would say.
I hope they’re beautiful songs, you think, feeling a girlish sense of joy spread throughout you, something you haven’t felt in quite some time.
“Now,” Jason says, grinning as he squeezes you again. “I have to speak to the Queen. See about arranging a meeting.”
“Not tomorrow,” you warn. “Helaena is to spend the day preparing for the wedding and I’m to assist her with it. It’ll have to be after the wedding.”
Your father laughs. “I doubt we’ll have a problem if we postpone a little, sweetling. Like Lord Tarly, Prince Aemond strikes me as an exceedingly patient man.”
You bite your lip as you think about the look in Aemond’s eye at the moment after he had crowned you - when he looked as if he wanted to devour you.
No, father, you think as you watch Jason walk to the Targaryen princes and their mother, his gait slow and confident like a predator that has finally cornered his prey. I don’t think Aemond is very patient at all.
“What did the court say?” You finally ask, tearing your eyes away from them to meet your uncle’s watchful gaze. “Positive? Negative? Will I be tarred and feathered during the feast tonight?”
He sighs, rubbing at his beard. “Excited, to say the least. There’s little the court loves more than scandals such as this one. This will sustain them for some time and I wouldn’t be surprised if some especially nosy ladies reach out to organize teas or take you out riding and hawking just to try and pry some gossip from you. I’d keep an eye out for it.”
You smile, shaking your head. You open your mouth to ask for more detail when there’s a screeching wail, loud enough to reach your ears but not quite loud enough to call the attention of the rest of the grounds. You look over and freeze, feeling as if someone has poured ice water over you, dowsing and chilling you completely.
Two servants stand awkwardly to the side as a woman sobs over Victor Florent’s body, her dress soaking in blood, staining its delicate blue beyond saving. A man is holding her, pulling her back, his own cheeks streaked with tears as he stares with despair down at the broken body of what once was a knight.
And Erren Florent stands, almost perfectly still, eyes boring into Aemond and his family.
His brother and good sister you realize as you watch their grief, your stomach twisting into knots. For all his faults, they must have loved him something fierce.
You want to look away, want to look and see anything else, but your body won’t let you. Is it penance? Is it a poor attempt at an apology?
You crush the thought as easily as it arises. Not an apology. Never an apology. This was a tourney. This was the melee. Men died as easily as flies and Aemond had been well within his rights to kill Victor. If it hadn’t been Victor, it would have been Aemond and his life is worth all of the lives of the entire Florent line. You’d rather have to personally rip their House out from their seat of power, root and stem and seed, than have to face what could have been today.
No. Not an apology.
If Victor Florent was the only victim, you would sleep easy. You would sleep happily. But he had a family. You didn’t care about Erren Florent - the man deserves to be knocked down like this, deserves to see his ambitions lying pitifully in the dirt - but his brother and good sister were innocent. Their only crime was loving their family.
You don’t even want to imagine the state you would be in if you lost one of your siblings. If Helaena or even Daeron or Aegon had paid the ultimate price.
If Aemond.
As much as you don’t want to think about it, the thought rises in your mind and you know what you would feel, what you would want, if you were in the position of Victor Florent’s loved ones.
Because of that, you turn back to your uncle, finally pulling yourself free from the Florents’ show of grief. “Send them our condolences,” you say, voice quiet but firm. Hardened. There can be no room for doubt. “But see if we can pay a servant in their party to loosen their tongue. If they decide they want more than our well wishes… We will move from there.”
Tyland watches you, careful and analytical. He’s looking into you, peering around as if he’s looking for something. You meet his gaze with determination, lifting your head up, and eventually, your uncle smiles. It’s a gentle smile even as his eyes flash with satisfaction and pride. “Of course, little one,” he replies, holding his arm out for you to take. You take it and he does you the favor of ignoring the slight tremor in your body. “Your will is my command.”
I am a Lion of the Rock and foxes cannot frighten me.
Unlike the dinner before, you dress in your house colors tonight, shining in a gown of deep maroon with veins of an even darker red embroidered on the thick fabric. A corset forged out of gold, more decorative than serving any true purpose, cinches at your waist, a lion’s head embossed onto the delicate metal.
No one is looking at your dress, however. They hadn’t looked at your dress when you had entered or when you had bowed before the royal family. Even when you sit down to eat, your family all around you, your cousins and distant uncles don’t look at your dress or even your face.
Instead, they all stare up at your crown. You’d been near obsessively careful with it on the journey back from the grounds and, when your handmaids had been helping you dress and fix your hair, you had insisted on being the one to handle it. When one of them had suggested cleaning it, to ‘make the gold shine, m’lady’, you had had to bite your tongue to hold back from lashing out in anger.
Gold isn’t the only color of my House, you had said, firmly and without room for doubt or misinterpretation. I mean to do them both honor.
The crown of golden, bloodied flowers sits on your head, pristine and perfect. It’s a clear message. It’s a loud message.
When you had greeted the royal family and Aemond had seen that you were still wearing it, he had very nearly smiled, his face brightening up - not to the point that anyone else would recognize but so glaringly obvious to you. The Queen and the Lord Hand had personally congratulated you and Aegon and Daeron had even toasted you. Their acceptance of you as a Queen of Love and Beauty along with your clear preference for one crown over another has essentially tied you to Aemond publicly even if no betrothal has been announced.
An understanding, indeed You think to yourself.
It was truly no wonder that the eyes of the court stayed focused on your crown rather than you yourself.
There was one member of the court, however, who was not staring up at the red and gold flowers. Instead, Erren Florent was staring right at you.
There’s no expression on his face. Not grief, not rage, not even annoyance. His face is blank, an expressionless mask, and it was all focused on you. He sits alone. His son and good daughter must have sat out to mourn in peace but he had come.
He had come to watch you.
His gaze is heavy, oppressive, but you refuse to let him see you flinch. Instead, you straighten up in your seat, throwing your hair back, and meet his eyes coolly. His gaze sharpens, cold and cruel, and you know that if he could, he would leap across the throne room and slit your throat himself.
But he can’t. Not here, in a room where the most powerful people were allied to you. It must rankle his nerves, agitate his very soul.
How hateful, you think, to have to watch your son die while the world cheers around you.
You’d feel pity if you didn’t already dislike the man. You’d feel guilty about his pain if you weren’t cautious about the look in his eyes; the wild, crazed, desperate look.
You and Aemond have made your beds and burned down any chance for anything resembling friendliness with the Florents. Now you would have to lie in it, in the ashes of what the two of you had done.
Erren finally looks away, turning his gaze to some poor well-wisher that’s approached him to offer his condolences, and you join your cousins’ conversation. Still, you remain sitting straight, your posture so perfect that you’re sure that your old septa is somewhere beaming with pride, lest he turn his stare back on you.
Your cousins are predictably talking about the tourney - they’re gossiping about the melee and all of the handsome knights that, while unable to win the event, had proved themselves to be skilled and capable. A few of the more confident ones scheme about how to bump into the knights to see if they could manage to coax a dance or even a tea out of them. All of them keep cooing over your crown, most of them tactfully ignoring the blood staining the golden roses.
Surprisingly enough, however, Jocasta is the only one to bring it up. “Our House colors,” she quietly murmurs, still skittish under your gaze. “The Gods must have blessed Prince Aemond so he could be the one to give you this crown.”
She doesn’t meet your eyes but you smile warmly at her regardless. She’s a sweet girl, after all.
The actual feasting part of the feast wraps up fairly quickly and, when the dancing begins, you excuse yourself from your family and walk up to the royal table. This time, no one stops you and no one gets in your way and, soon enough, you’re sliding into the chair next to Helaena, smiling at her and Aemond both.
An awkward silence descends on the three of you - you’re not entirely sure on how to act now, not in this new reality where your and Aemond’s intentions have all been laid bare. Hours away from any Targaryen have calmed your anxieties - he’d never have crowned you if he hated you for the truth - but now you’re unsure how to approach talking to them, unsure if you should bring up the rather big elephant in the room.
“Are you ready to spend all of tomorrow in prayer?” You ask Helaena, grasping for a topic to talk about, and she sighs in response, her hands coming up to play with the ends of her hair.
“It should be a nice reprieve, to be honest,” she says after a moment. “It’ll be quiet. Relaxing.”
You nod, finding that you agree. “It will be nice to get away from the chaos of the rest of the wedding. Pity that we’ll miss the archery event though - Tygett seems pretty confident that he’ll win in that event.”
“Is he a skilled archer or are Lannisters naturally inclined to succeed when there’s gold on the line?” Aemond asks drolly and you shoot him a glare, ignoring how your cheeks warm when he chuckles at your dark look.
“I don’t say why we would be,” you say in your most haughty voice, tapping your fingers against the table. “We’re already richer than every other House in Westeros.”
“There is no limit to Lannister pride or ambition,” he quips back and you preen. You had heard the phrase lobbed at your House in the past, usually used to insult or scorn, but coming from Aemond, it feels more like a compliment than it ever has in the past.
A companionable silence falls over the three of you and you turn your attention back to the throne room, watching as the court mingles. This late into the night, people are slowly drowning deeper and deeper in their cups and you begin to wonder how anything ever gets done. It’d be easier to list everyone who isn’t drinking and it’s nothing short of a miracle that people are able to wake up in the morning in order to even attend the wedding festivities.
You’ve never particularly liked alcohol and usually could only tolerate a goblet or two of wine before begging off and asking for water. Aegon seemed to be somewhat invested in getting you drunk at least once but, as you watch your father flirt with a coquettish Lady Tyrell as her increasingly annoyed husband stands at her side and watches, you wonder why anyone bothered.
“If the feasts are already like this, I can hardly imagine how the actual wedding is going to go,” you grumble and Helaena laughs.
“Aegon will start drinking tonight and he won’t stop until after the wedding. I’ll thank the Seven if he manages to make it down the aisle.” She says, amusement evident, and you turn to smile at her even as your stomach squeezes at her response.
She’s fine with it, you remind yourself, wishing that the reminder would bring you any comfort. He’ll keep to his practices and she’ll keep to hers. It’s duty. There’s honor in doing your duty.
Aemond sighs. “Aegon will be there, Helaena. I’ll personally ensure it.”
“No choice,” she responds, almost chirping. “No choice at all.”
You watch her, heart beating fast in your chest, before she shakes her head firmly. She blinks hard before rising to her feet.
“I’m tired,” Helaena says, not sounding very tired at all. “Shall we leave?”
“So early?” You ask, looking over her carefully as you rise to your feet, suddenly anxious that she’s grown uncomfortable and you haven’t noticed. “Should I inform the Queen?”
Helaena shakes her head again, smiling. “No. I’m sure Mother will understand - getting an early jump on prayer and contemplation and all of that. Perhaps we should head to the gardens, actually. Enjoy the night air.”
After a moment, you nod, glancing over to see if you can spot the Queen regardless. She’s with her father, speaking to Lord Borros Baratheon, her emerald dress making her stand out even deep in the crowd like she is. “Of course, Helaena. I imagine the gardens are lovely right now.”
“Either way, I’ll inform Mother. I’ll also let Lord Lannister know as well, my lady,” Aemond says, glancing at you, and you quickly thank him, giving him a small smile as he nods his head at you.
“Join us after, brother,” Helaena calls out after Aemond has already made his way down to the ground, and, though her brother made no indication that he heard her words, she beams as if he’s already agreed. She turns to you, light entering her eyes and making her seem more like the little girl the two of you used to be rather than the women the two of you were. “Shall we go?” She asks, holding out her arm for you to take, and, after a moment, you loop your arm with her, grinning.
The gardens are, predictably, empty with not even a token servant wandering its grounds. The moment you step into the cool night air, Helaena pulls free from you and, tugging at her skirts from the side to pull up her gown, darts into the maze-like hedges, her long silver hair streaming in the air behind her.
“Helaena!” You call out, immediately chasing after her, but the princess only laughs, delighted. For a few minutes, the only sounds in the garden are her giggles, punctuated by your cursing at your own gown as it snags and snares on every stray piece of foliage you pass. Mercifully, she finally slows to a stop, near the paved terrace that overlooks the rolling waters of Blackwater Bay.
Helaena sits, perched on the wall that separates the gardens from the rocky cliffs that jut out beneath it, face turned towards the waters. Slowing to a halt, you stop next to her, trying your best to calm your breathing from the sprint she had dragged you on.
“Look,” She says after a moment, pointing out towards the rocky outcrops in the middle of the bay, far in the distance. You follow her finger, eyes straining against the dark, until it lights up like day.
There’s a brilliant burst of flame, bright and hot enough that you can feel the heat crash against your body as if it was a physical wall ramming into you. A massive body, larger than anything could have the right to be, crashes into the water, sending up a massive wave that could swallow most ships you’ve seen whole.
Vhagar is hunting.
You watch, mesmerized with wonder and fear, as she rises up into the sky, clutching a whale in her claws. It’s a colossal thing, big enough to seemingly drag Vhagar down back to its home in the deep, but the Queen of All Dragons is stronger than that. The leviathan is writhing in her grasp, fighting with all its might to escape, but Vhagar’s claws are longer and sharper than any spear any man could ever hope to hold. She curls her talons in and you can hear the whale’s wail even from miles away, can see the rivers of blood that fall through the air like rain.
Vhagar flies up, up, and up into the sky where even her tremendous size can appear small, disappearing into cloud cover. Even in the dark, however, the moonlight casts her shadow and she looks monstrous, even hidden from view how she is. You watch until you can’t anymore until she finally disappears into the inky darkness of the night.
“Where does she feed?” You ask Helaena, hands coming down to the wall so you can lean, pressing deeper in the cool air as if you’ll be able to see her if you stretch.
“At an island deeper in,” Aemond’s voice answers and you nearly topple over in your shock, spinning around to see him smirking at your surprise. Next to him, Daeron is pinned under Aegon’s arm, both seemingly trapped by his older brother and also being the only thing keeping him from falling to the ground. Aegon, for his part, looks mighty pleased, a wine bottle clutched in his hand.
Aemond walks closer, standing by your side and looking out towards the Blackwater. His eyes are focused, narrowed, and you get the idea he knows exactly where he’s looking at. “It’s a small island, past the spears of the merling king. From what I can tell, it used to be covered with trees but she’s razed most of it down to make her roost.”
“She’s far too big for the Dragonpit I suppose,” you reply, curling your fingers against the stone.
“She was too big a hundred years ago,” he hums. “Vhagar could fit - if she had any desire to. Once Balerion the Black Dread passed, she never returned to it. The island is her home now.”
You smile sadly at the thought of Vhagar leaving the Dragonpit forever once her brother had passed. Perhaps it hadn’t been her size that had driven her out but rather her grief. It seemed strange that such a creature, as ancient and destructive as she was, could feel such emotion, such heartbreak, but somehow that little detail has warmed you up to her more than anything else ever had in the years since Aemond has claimed her.
After a moment, you glance up at her rider. “How do you summon her?” You ask, feeling slightly embarrassed that the simple question had never once occurred to you in the near decade since Driftmark. Vhagar had always been an abstract figure in your mind - the prize that Aemond had bought with his eye. You had never stopped to think about the simpler details of her bond with the prince.
Aemond, noticing your sudden curiosity, gives you a half smile. “She always knows. My lady Vhagar will come flying if she senses I have a need for her. She’s always in my mind like I’m always in hers.”
You frown, looking back over the bay. Vhagar is no doubt far from here now but you can still see her in your mind: a massive beast that took up the entire sky. You wonder if, even as deep in her meal as she surely must be, she can still feel Aemond’s presence in her mind. “How does that work? What if you’re chilly one night and offhandedly think that you’d fancy a fire to keep you warm? Would Vhagar come bearing down on us and crush the Red Keep beneath her?” You question jokingly, laughing slightly.
“A dragon is not something you can call accidentally. You can try to summon one but it’s not some dog that’ll come running at your beck and call. Dragons will only serve those they want to serve,” his words are heavy with intent and, sharply inhaling, you meet his ever-watchful eye.
I’m afraid that I was onto you right from the start.
“Was I really that obvious?” You breathe out, heart pounding in your chest. Your voice is low, quiet enough so that the other Targaryen siblings, lost in their own conversation, cannot hear you, but he can hear you perfectly. The look gleaming in his eye tells you all you need to know. “How long have you known?”
He smirks in response, looking rather like the cat that finally caught his prey. “Since you arrived. Lannisters notoriously stick together and daughters of the Rock are usually treasured rather than shipped off. If your uncle wanted company from his family, he would have sent for some distant cousin or another and not his ten-year-old niece. You only would have come to marry and, with your family pushing for you to be Helaena’s companion, there were really only two real targets.”
You sigh, feeling your cheeks flush in shame and embarrassment. “Are you angry?” Do I need to apologize? Do you want me to spill out my heart here?
“After I got over the fact that a pretty girl actually wanted to spend time with me, I wanted to ignore you, but Mother made me promise that I’d give you a chance,” he says easily and you openly wince, feeling a pang of regret shoot through you. “You were difficult to avoid, however, always showing up at the library when I was studying, always willing to talk to me about whatever book you were reading. It wasn’t hard for you to worm your way into being my friend.”
You ruefully smile, shaking your head. “It wasn’t as if it was a chore, my prince,” you respond, the truth coming to you easily. “If I didn’t like you for you rather than the prince my father wanted me to claim, I wouldn’t have read nearly as many books as I did. I certainly wouldn’t have given you the sapphire necklace. That… It was the first gift my father ever gave me himself. During all my earlier name day celebrations, his gift would be mixed in with the ones from everyone else and sometimes he’d look as surprised as I was at whatever it was he had given me. I’m sure his old steward was the one always picking it out for him. But that necklace… It’s tradition, you see, in House Lannister, to give a maiden jewelry when she begins her search for a husband.”
“And you gave it to me,” Aemond says, no question in his voice - only the absolute truth of it.
“And I gave it to you,” you echo. “At the time, it was the only thing of value I could think to give you. That and my word. A promise from a Lannister is as good as any jewel.”
Aemond laughs at that. “Your word is as good as any jewel, my lady. Better even.”
You grin, relief washing over you when you realize he isn’t upset. “Perhaps. Maybe Lannister words aren’t worth as much as I say but all of us take our debts very seriously and your debt is mine.”
“And yours is mine,” he replies, as steady as the Red Keep itself.
I am yours and you are mine.
Before you can say anything, however, the too-familiar call of your nickname calls your attention and you look over to see Aegon waving his bottle of wine in the air, narrowly missing smacking poor Daeron in the skull with it.
“Brother! My shining Lady of Lannister! Come join us for a drink!” He shouts as if you’re across the Blackwater Bay itself rather than standing only a few scant feet away.
You can practically hear Aemond’s frown in his voice. “‘Join us’? You’re the only one drinking.”
Aegon laughs gleefully. “Come now, Aemond, we should be celebrating your victory! You may not be able to claim the true prize yet without bringing an entire kingdom down on our heads for defiling a lady of the Rock but you can drink!”
“He just wants to congratulate you,” Daeron rushes to say, no doubt recognizing the stormy look on Aemond’s face after Aegon’s less-than-subtle insinuation. “You’ve won a great victory and brought yourself much honor.”
“The hand will hold the iron,” Helaena sings even as she kneels down on the ground to play with a passing millipede.
“If you do not want a drink, though, it'd make you much more enjoyable to be with,” Aegon continues, shaking his head as he moves closer to you and Aemond. “Then your Queen of Love and Beauty will drink for you.”
You huff, sidestepping the bottle stretched out in an offer and gamely holding yourself back from smacking him away when his free hand reaches for your crown. “I thank you, Prince Aegon, but I’d rather not enter a full day of prayer and contemplation tomorrow sick from drink. I’m supposed to be praying for a blessed marriage with your sister after all.”
Aegon scowls at the reminder and you instantly wish you had chosen a different word to call Helaena. She’s his sister and his betrothed. Both are true no matter how much we all wish they weren’t. “If you’re praying for children for us, there’s nothing prayer could accomplish than a cask of the finest Arbor Gold could not.”
“Enough of that,” Aemond snaps, no doubt displeased with his brother’s blasphemy. “No one else will be drinking.”
“Daeron had a drink,” Aegon replies mutinously and Daeron’s eyes go comically wide. You laugh at his almost bug-eyed stare as you sink to the ground next to Helaena, sensing that Aegon will not allow anyone to leave before his fun is finished. Helaena beams at you as she grabs the millipede, bringing it up uncomfortably close to your face to show you.
“I had one,” Daeron hotly protests, no doubt missing how his older brothers, despite their discord, exchange amused glances at his overly forceful defense. “And you made me do it.”
Aegon grins. “I don’t know, little brother… You did trip on a rock on our way here.”
“Because you tripped,” Daeron shoots back.
“Mother would be disappointed to see how her baby dragon’s turned out,” Aemond says, voice as serious as if he’s discussing policy with the Lord Hand. “She had such high hopes for you.”
“But I-”
“I saw him wobble a little just now,” Helaena volunteers from the ground, not even looking up from the millipede crawling all over her hands.
Daeron whines, sounding like a little boy rather than the near-grown man that he was. “I didn’t!”
You grin up at him, shaking your head. “It’s alright, my prince. As long as you can hold your drink better than Prince Aegon, the Queen would find no fault within you.”
“There’s not much hope of that if he’s like this after one,” Aemond replies, quick as a whip, and even he cracks a smile as Daeron loudly protests his innocence.
The five of you stay in the gardens long after Aegon finishes his wine, basking in the glow of the moonlight.
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storiesaplenty · 26 days
Nothing Else Matters
Davos Blackwood x f/Reader (18+)
House of the Dragon Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings. The use of the word cunt. Smut. Unprotected sex. P in v. Fingering. Oral (f & m receiving)
WC: 2450
From my previous account plentyoffandoms.
©️ storiesaplenty 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
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Summary: F/Reader is the niece of Otto Hightower. She is forced to talk to the Blackwood House to join their side, but she has a secret that she is keeping from her family. She supports the rightful Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
I felt like I couldn't breathe as I walked through the halls of Raventree Hall. My Uncle Otto, has requested that his family ride out to meet with the houses who still do not side with Aegon, who my family believes is the true King.
I tried to tell my mother that I did not want to go to Raventree Hall, to Blackwood Land. That it was to far for a woman of my class to be going, and that we should send a knight or another messenger.
"It will be good for a family member of Aegon to show face." Was all she said to me, and that was that.
What my family did not know was that I did not believe my cousin Aegon was the rightful king. I am a supporter of his half-sister Rhaenyra, which I have kept quiet from my family, as they would have me imprisoned for treason or killed.
I kept my head held up high as the doors opened, and my name was announced. I walked in, and every single person was staring at me, but my focus was on the head of the household, Davos Blackwood.
He looked me up and down with a smirk on his face. "When I heard that the cousin of that cunt was on Blackwood Land, I almost didn't believe it, but here we are."
The men in the room laughed, and I almost did to when he called Aegon that. He wasn't wrong.
"My Lord, as you just said I am here on behalf of King Aegon Targaryen, and I." He held his hand up.
"He is not the true King, and I will not stand by him." He looked to be done with this meeting already.
"I understand that Lord Blackwood."
He stood up, and the men who accompanied me pulled out their swords, as did the Blackwood men, but none of this fazed Davos as he walked towards me. I didn't move, not even when he was so close to me I could feel his breath on my face.
"Do you? I say this once more for you to hear, Blackwood's will stand by and fight for the rightful Queen."
"I wish to speak to you alone." I told him softly, which took him by surprise. "Leave us." Davos called out, and the members of his house left us, just as I told my men, who did not wish to leave.
"And why do you wish for us to be alone? What could you not say in front of your men, my Lady?" He was circling me, slowly.
"I do not support Aegon." It felt good to finally say that out loud, but that had Davos stopping to look at me with disbelief.
"You, niece of Otto Hightower, cousin of the cunt who calls himself the King, do not support your own family."
"Rhaenyra is the rightful queen. Why would her father, who for years say she was the rightful heir, all of a sudden on his deathbed say his son, was now to be King? And the only person who would hear that was my cousin Alicent, who has been conspiring long before that with my Uncle to get a Hightower descendant on the throne."
"Your family will kill you once they find out."
"I know my Lord."
"Please call me Davos, my Lady." I asked him to call me by my name as well.
"You are more than welcome to stay here at Raventree Hall." I was stunned to hear him offer that.
"But what of my men?"
"Do you care for them?" I thought about it, and I did not. They are horrible men, who seem to think they have power of me.
"I do not." A smile came over his handsome face.
"They will be killed, and their bodies buried deep. You will stay here for as long as you like, unless you wish to go back to your family?"
I thought about it, and I do not. I can only be quiet about my support for Rhaenyra for so long.
I have been at a Raventree Hall for just four moons now, the men who I came with long killed and buried deep in the woods not far from here.
I sent a raven to Queen Rhaenyra letting her know that I fully support her, and will do anything she asks.
I was not expecting a raven with not one, but two letters to return.
I looked to see who the other letter was for, and I saw that it was for Davos. I found him where I could usually find out him, outside sparring.
I was standing at the top of the little hill, and one of the Tully lads pointed in my direction, which made Davos turn around.
He smiled at me and walked up the hill, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Him and I have grown close. He has been teaching me much about his house history, and I find it fascinating.
"This came from the Queen." I handed him the scroll with his name on it. "For me?" He took it, looking at it, not believing that the Queen wrote him.
"Yes, I have one as well. I have not read mine yet."
He opened the scroll and as as he was reading it, I could see that his eyes got wider with each word it seemed.
"What does it say, if you do not mind me asking." That seemed to shake him out of his thoughts. "Here, read it." I gently took the letter from him, and I could see why he looked so stunned.
"She wishes for us to marry." I looked up at him as I said this. "For our two houses to join in marriage and eventually in blood. It is our choice, but this is her wishes."
I shoved the parchment back in his hands and grabbed my scroll from my pocket.
She thanked me for supporting her. That she will do anything to protect me from my family. Then she wrote the same thing she wrote in his.
"If the Queen wishes for us to marry, then we should marry." I told him. Davos looked unsure.
"Davos, if you do not wish to marry me, that is fine, but just so you know, I am alright with this. Please think on it." I left him there, walking back to his ancestral home.
I heard a knock on door of the bedroom that was gifted to me for my stay here. "You may enter." I called out, looking up from the book that I have been reading.
The one thing that surprised me the most about Raventree Hall is the vast library.
The door open and in stepped Davos. I instantly stood up from the bed, placing the book gently on my bed.
"Davos." I said his name softly, not knowing if he has come to his decision. It has been a few days since we got our letters from the Queen, and I have been waiting for him to make up his mind.
"I wish to marry you. We shall be married in a week's time." He said to me, looking down at his feet.
"Only if you are sure Davos." I walked towards him. He looked up, and stared in my eyes. He grabbed my hands in his and squeezed them.
"I have never been so sure of something in my life. It only took this long because I was trying to find my parent's rings."
My heart seem to melt at that. I knew how much he cared for his parents, and how much he misses them.
"May I kiss you?" Davos asked, and I said yes.
He cupped my face with his strong hands, and when our lips connected for our first kiss, I seemed to melt into him as I was not expecting his lips to feel so soft.
I wanted to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine.
"I can not wait for you to become my wife. You captured my attention the first time my eyes on you, but you slowly worked your way into my heart."
Who knew this man, who so many feared in the battle, was this kind and gentle to the people who he loves and cares about.
"And I can't not wait for you to be my husband, but I do have one concern." He pulled back so I could look at him when I spoke.
"I have nothing to my name. I have no army, coin , or anything to bring to our union." I knew I was disowned, and therefore lost everything that I would have brought to my marriage.
"Do you promise to be loyal to me and to my House?" Davos asked me.
"Of course." I told him.
"Then that is all I ask."
We were to be married outside, but the rain came out of nowhere, and we got married in the mail hall, surrounded by the men and women who were loyal to House Blackwood.
It didn't take long for me to end up pregnant, which was no suprise to him and I, or anyone who worked in Raventree Hall.
Our first morning as husband and wife, one of the servants walked in our chamber, me moaning Davos name loudly as he ate me out for the first time. I still remember it.
I woke up to his soft kisses. First on my lips, then down my chest as he settled between my spread legs. "What are you doing Davos?" I was curious, as I propped up on my elbows to look down at him.
"Just trust me." Was all he said before he went down on me. I fell back on the bed, my hands going in his hair, moaning his name loudly. I was already close, and when he inserted two of his fingers, I swore I saw stars.
My back arched off the bed, as he quickly brought me to orgasm, and at that moment, as I crying out Davos name, the servant walked in, probably assuming I told them to come in, but what they saw was their Lord Blackwood eating out and fingering their new Lady Blackwood.
I wanted to pay him back, and I heard of blow jobs from listening in on my brother's conversations as they would talk about visiting the local brothel.
"You want to what?" Davos was stunned when I brought this up to him.
"I have heard about men being pleasured like how you did with me, but I need you to tell me what to do."
He seemed to gulp, but told me he would that night.
As I sat on my knees, his cock in my mouth, his hand on my head, not pushing my head down, but just there.
"You are doing beautiful my love." He moaned, as he looked down at me. I kept my eyes on him, not wanting to miss a single moment of me bringing this type of pleasure to him.
"Just like that, up and down."
His breathing sounded labored, as I moved my head up and down, moving faster and faster. Without him telling me, I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, and started to move my hand up and down in a jerking motion, my lips wrapped tightly around the tip as I sucked.
Davos tried to pull my head back, moaning that he was going to cum, but I wanted to finish this through. I was stunned when my filled with his cum, not expecting so much. I pulled back coughing, his cum dripping down my chin onto my chest.
His chest was rising and falling fast, as he tried to catch his breath it seemed like.
"You okay my love?" Davous asked me, as he was concerned that I coughed as he came in my mouth. "I am fine. I want to do it every day."
I giggled as he groaned, his head falling back. "You will be the death of me, I swear to the Gods."
And my favourite place to make love in, besides are bedchamber, is the library. There have many instances where I would be reading, and Davos would walk in and he would just have to give me a look and we were wrapped up in one another.
My favourite memory is when we were on my favourite seat that over looks the Blackwood land, Davos hands on my hips as I rode him. His cock buried deep with in me, my mouth hanging open, as little whines fell from my lips.
Davos face was buried in my chest as his own hips were lifting from the couch to thrust up into me, trying to get as deep as possible.
He was biting and kissing my chest, but hands gripping the back of the seat for leverage. I was trying to be quiet, but he felt so good, that his name fell from my lips like a prayer, which seemed to get louder and louder.
I was lost in the pleasure I didn't realise that Davos has reached down between our two bodies, until I felt his thumb on my clit and started to rub it.
I cried out his name, my pussy fluttering around his cock as I came, collapsing against his chest.
Davos thrust up into me few more times before he stilled, the two of us moaning as he filled me with his seed.
Davos found me looking outside as the sun set. His arms wrapping around me, his hands on my pregnant stomach.
"Come back inside. You will catch a chill." He said to me.
"Just stay out here a bit longer." I asked him, as I relaxed into his embrace.
"Okay, a bit longer, then we go back inside." Davos softly said to me as the two of us watched the sun finally set.
He helped me inside, and I looked at him, placing my hand on my stomach, with a content smile on my face.
"What has you so happy?" Davos asked me.
"Just happy is all Davos." I said to him. He stopped walking and he wrapped his arms around my waist, and I place my hands on his shoulders.
"And I am very happy with you my love." He kissed me once more, and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
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allwormdiet · 28 days
Gestation 1.3
I'm gonna be so annoyed if Automattic kills Tumblr before I finish reading this series, but anyway
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Again, Taylor, I adore you and I've barely even gotten to know you, but this costume is so fucking scary and if that wasn't on purpose I'm not sure how you missed that.
Incidentally, was thinking about this haste during my shift yesterday. The events of 1.1 are massively critical to the entire rest of the story's events in a way I hadn't initially registered, even when they were laid out in 1.2: the incident with the juice wasn't just another awful moment in Taylor's life, and it wasn't even meant as a simple establishment of the bullies' characters. The destruction of Taylor's notebook is what puts her out here on the streets tonight, and of course her first night out is a momentous one.
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WOW just going right into it huh. Crack whores and gangsters. Taylor you live next to these people and, if I understand correctly, you live in a single-income household and your father works for the Dock Worker's Union, in a city where there's no dock work. You wanna show a little more sympathy for the have-nots next door.
...Is there still a crack problem in Earth Bet? Like crack cocaine pretty decidedly fell off in its presence and profitability in our own world, for a lot of reasons. It could be a matter of timeline differences, but this one irks for some reason.
Whatever, moving on.
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There is a certain kind of delicious symbolism in the Protectorate being so removed from the city it's charged to protect that it is literally an artificial island on the water, bristling with force fields and missiles that have never even been used. Taylor finds the defenses comforting, but will they protect Brockton Bay?
And again I'm a little surprised at the lack of sympathy for the people who lost work with the Docks losing their lifeblood; the rich get richer and the poor are there to be goons for the costumed lunatics trying to make money off those rich dickheads. No care for whether the goons are doing it because they want to or because they're trying to make the best of a bad situation.
For now I'm gonna just chalk this up to Taylor thinking like a cop, but I suspect with the different POVs in the Interludes it's gonna turn out no, Wildbow's thinking like a cop.
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Kinda more of the same as above. Interesting that the Docks are short on power, but in a really bleak kinda way; the first two chapters weren't shy about describing the lingering cold in the Bay, that can't be comfortable in there.
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I know everyone who's already read Worm is well past this point, and I know enough to not be surprised, but this first introduction to the ABB is not heartening. Like I know a bunch of them are here as a diaspora, like Japan just straight up doesn't exist anymore, and I can't imagine that Brockton Bay treats its immigrant population super well, given the fucking Nazis running around so sticking together is somewhat reasonable, but like. Pan-Asian ethnic gang (which is a fucking oxymoron in itself) that hangs out in a mostly-abandoned neighborhood with no profit opportunities? What, are they bullying the drunks for spare change?
Also it's such a petty gripe but what the fuck with the red/green gang colors, it makes me think of Christmas and it ruins the seriousness of the moment.
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Yeah hey I know this guy
Wild to know Lung just goes around shirtless, doesn't even put on a jacket or anything.
Again that lumping Asian cultures together by calling the dragon tattoos from "Eastern" mythology, I know Taylor probably doesn't know which ones they're from but she doesn't have to specify. Just, ugh. I need to move past all the gang based narration before it spoils things.
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Current Thoughts
Yeah so that thing up at the top where I mused that the destruction of Taylor's notebook being a fundamental stepping stone in the novel's timeline was partly informed by osmosis, because I know this first night is important for a lot of reasons. Obviously got a bit longer to go before we see the rest of the night play out, and of course the repercussions form literally the entire rest of the novel, but that's for later.
Meantime, God, people have told me Wildbow was a frustrating writer when it came to like, the treatment of nonwhite people and poverty and the root causes of crime and all, but it really is a different beast to experience with my own eyes. What a fucker. I'm probably gonna get real sick of that down the line, but I've navigated around worse writer habits than this.
Probably gonna keep reading through the evening. Let's go save the Undersiders.
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dragetunge · 2 months
STUDY    :    HICCUP.        repost it, do not reblog.
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—    basics.
▸       is your muse tall    /    short    /ㅤaverage ?ㅤHiccup stands at 6'1 which is tall. But he is not the tallest in his tribe. That award still remains with Stoick who is the tallest in the tribe.
▸       are they okay with their height ?ㅤHe is. He can finally reach things on high shelves without having to get on top of a counter or some other means to get what he needs . He was quite the tiny boy.
▸      what’s their hair like ?ㅤWild thick auburn hair. Its soft to the touch and always has that perfect wind touched look to it.
▸     do they spend a  lot of time on their hair     /    grooming ?ㅤNo , no he doesn't. He does brush it out but that's about it. It stays its wild looking self and no manner of messing with it will make it stay down.
▸      does your muse care about their appearance   /   what others think ? He cares about what others think about him and how he looks. For years he was the social outcast. The disappointment not only to his tribe but to his father as well. Known as Stoick's mistake not only to the people in his tribe but outside of it that thought never really goes away. Even after the war ended that nags at him despite his small growing confidence in himself. He always makes sure he looks presentable because now the pressure of being a good heir / chief weighs on him and appearances matter.
—    preferences.
▸      indoors    or    outdoors ?     outdoors. ▸      rain    or    sunshine ?ㅤsunshine. ▸      forest    or    beach ?      forest ▸      precious    metals    or    gems ?      both (he's a lil dragon brained). ▸      flowers    or    perfumes ?     perfumes. ▸      personality    or    appearance ?      both▸      being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ?     being alone. ▸      order    or    anarchy ?   a bit of both . ▸      painful    truths    or    white    lies ?     painful truths. ▸     science    or    magic ?     science. ▸      peace    or    conflict ?    peace. ▸      night    or    day ?     night ▸      dusk    or    dawn ?  dusk. ▸      warmth    or    cold ?     cold (its always cold on berk). ▸      many   acquaintances    or    a    few    close    friends ?   few close friends. ▸      reading    or    playing    a    game ?      reading
—    questionnaire.
▸      what are some of your muse’s bad habits ?ㅤNot only does Hiccup get invested in creating he also has a bad habit of not eating or taking care of himself when he is in the zone. One of his friends usually chastises him for going days without eating.
▸      has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ?ㅤhis father. Even though their relationship was strained and starting to repair itself , with him gone Hiccup misses his father's presence more than he realizes. From things in the ancestral Haddock household being different to being thrusted into a leader position. He wishes he was around to ask for guidance or just have around in general. He really does miss and love his dad despite their differences they've had in the past.
▸      what are some fond memories your muse has ? ㅤWhen he and Toothless weaved through those sea stack cementing their bond as dragon and rider. There was nothing more thrilling than when all their hard work getting the tail, to positions right as they weaved through that sea stack and feeling the wing on their faces as well as the thrill having the other brought to them. Its a thrill Hiccup never wishes to give up. To touch the skies and fly with his best friend. His first real friend.
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill ? ㅤno. but there are times he has to make the hard choice in order to protect those he loves and he cares for. It never becomes easier and never will be for him. Though he has been told he is cold when these occasions arise Hiccup's breaking on the inside because he never wanted things to come to that point
▸      what’s it like when your muse breaks down ?ㅤHe'd rather hide away than people call him weak. He doesn't express his emotions openly with people often hiding himself away and leaning on Toothless the most for comfort when he needs to.
▸      is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ? ㅤYes. Toothless was the first he was able to trust with his life, as the riders become established he too starts to trust them more and more and eventually he knows if they came to it they as a whole would protect one another. He trusts his riders with his life.
▸      what’s your muse like when they’re in love ?ㅤHiccup is a romantic at heart. Once he gives you his heart it is yours forever. He's loyal and doting. He's also very observant and always caters to his partners needs before his own. (This often gets him a sweet scolding from them) But there is nothing that would stop him protecting those he loves.
tagged by :  @seachant tagging : @missallanea (whatever muse you're feeling) , @pompedia (sofia) , @rathalascendant, @leadveined , @badboysupr , @animalfae
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reashot · 2 years
Sorry It took this long I forgot to save my file so I have to rewrite it again but I decided to make it longer as an apology. But here it is finally.
Part 2...
Everyone was in awe seeing the incredibly large dragon Grimm he just summoned. Behind the dragon guarding the summoner. Weiss is currently being held hostage by him. Her sword the Myrtenaster has been taken away from her and her hand bound by some sort of bind made out of ice.
Ruby: Let Go Of Weiss!!! 😫
??? : This is a family matter. Leave us alone or I swear you will wish you haven't intervene.
Jaune: This is your dad speaking if you don't let go of Weiss young man will be grounded for a long time.
??? : Father... Did you seriously think grounding me is going to work?
Weiss: Why on earth do you think that will work?!
Jaune: Look. I'm trying okay!
Weiss: Well try harder you dunce!
??? : *smack* Do I need to remind you that you are a hostage.
Weiss: You hit me?.. How can you hit me I'm your mother!
??? : *punch* 👊 Anything else you like to add. "Mother?"
Everyone: Weiss!!!
Yang: That's it. That SOB is going down... Oops I didn't mean that Weiss!
Blake: Anyway. How do we even get past that Dragon?
Dusk: I'm scared mommy....
Blake: Its okay darling. I'll keep you safe.
Aurum: Allow me... *unsheate sword*
Ruby: Oh that sword looks awesome. 🤤 I mean, have you seen that Dragon. How are you going to go against that? 😵
Aurum: Rest assure Aunt Ruby. My blade the Prominence Flame can cut through anything and there's a reason why I'm called the dragonslayer.
??? : Now that's an arrogance if I say so myself. And I should know. I came from the Schnee's household.
Aurum: You! Tell me your name so I at least know the name of my foe.
??? : Are you stupid or something. Why on earth would I do that? You know what, judging by your getup you probably are one. I mean, golden armor? What kind of thought that goes inside your head to think it's a good idea?
Aurum: My golden armor serves to inspire the men and women under my command. It is symbol of hope, It is a promise that as long as I'm here my ally will have nothing to fear and my enemy will know that I will never be defeated. For I am Aurum Arc. Son of the great Jaune Arc and captain of the Arc Knight. I will say this again tell me your name?
??? : A Knight? How antiquated. Very well since you ask so nicely. My name is Victor Sch... Arc, Victor Arc.
Aurum: Then Victor Arc. Release Weiss Schnee at once this is your last chance.
Victor: Well Sir, Knight unfortunately. I won't. You see dear old mother and me have an unfinished problem. And sir, Knight what if I told you that by killing her you can save countless people in the processes. And what if I told you she will be responsible for numerous atrocities. That I would risk my own existence to try and kill her should be proof of that.
Weiss: ... No, that's not true! That can't possibly be right...
Scarlett: Yeah that's a load of baloney. The Miss Schnee I know is a really nice lady. And she and her husband mister Neptune always treat me to ice cream whenever I come to visit. 😫
Aurum: And the Weiss Schnee I knew married Ruby Rose. So she can't possibly have a son.
Ruby: Wait what!? I mean I don't swing that way, maybe I just don't know it yet and I kinda think some women are nice to look at... I mean no. I only like Jaune okay!!! 😖
Blake: Wait could it be that Jaune didn't actually have children with everyone of us in the future. Maybe all the childrens are from different timeline.
Yang: Wait so Jaune didn't really going to knock us up in the future? Phewww! I'm glad I didn't smash Jaune's family jewels. I mean the idea of Jaune having a harem with us is ridiculous.
Jaune: That's what I keep telling you!
Ruby: I knew it! There's no way Jaune would cheat on me! So Victor that means you can let Weiss go. Because she's not your Weiss. 😌
Victor: Oh of course! Here let me let her go... Did you really think it will be that simple. We don't know that for certain. I'm still here meaning that she still able to give birth to me. If there's a different timeline that means there are other Weiss I just need to kill as many as I can until I found the right one. If I get the wrong one at least I will get the satisfaction of killing her.
Ruby: You're insane! Give us back our Weiss! 😩
Victor: That's because you don't know how evil my mother is! Did you know that Ruby Rose died in my world. Under my mother's order I killed her using this same sword I hold now. That should give you an idea why I want her dead. If I can at least prevent another death by killing her I would do it. Even if I have to kill as many Weisses as I can.
Ruby: I died... 😶
Yang: But that's not our Weiss even if she is. That's a different Weiss. And that doesn't give you the right to end her life.
Aurum: Mother do not waste thine breath. He have already made up his mind to kill Weiss. What he's doing now is trying to find justification to do it.
Victor: Oh turns out you are smarter than you look. My offers still stand step aside and let me finish her and I will let you all live. Don't. And I will kill everyone here... I see there's no one here with a common sense. Fafnir, kill 'em all.
The blade then starts to glow brighter and hotter until the heat are fully concentrated in the sword. Aurum then closes in on the Dragon and effortlessly cuts it into multiple pieces. The scene of a knight cutting a dragon with ease looks like something out of a picture book that Ruby used to read as a child.
Victor : What the Fuc*!!! How is that even possible?! Fafnir are among my strongest summoned Grimm.
Scarlett: OMG so awesome 👁️👄👁️
Yang: Wow, so that's my son. Maybe I should consider dating Jaune if my kid can become badasses like him.
Jaune: Weiss is right there's no way he could be my son.
Aurum: I'm still not as strong as my father it seems... Release Weiss Schnee at once. Vile fiend!
Victor : No... She's rather useful to me unfortunately.
Aurum: Hiding behind a hostage. Have you no shame, fiend?!
Victor : It's called strategy dumbfuc* if you think I'm going to give up my only leverage then you are indeed just as dumb as I thought initially.
With a swing of his sword he summons multiple Glyphs on the ground to summoned Grimms. At first it's ten, then tens of ten then hundreds and finally thousands. The Grimm he summoned looks like a smaller version of an Arma Gigas with different weapons.
Weiss: No, it's impossible... No one can summon this many Grimms without their Aura running out ages ago.
Victor: My personal limit is 10 thousands, right now though I only summoned 2000. I think I can summon more, but I never had to on the account that my enemy tends to be dead before I need to summon more.
Weiss: But how is that even possible?
Victor: You can thanked dear old father for that.
Weiss: And why do you need to summon so many Grimms. There's no war in Remnant?
Victor: ...There's no war in yours, but there's one in mine.
Weiss: What?
Victor: Enough. Stay and watch everyone die. Geisttroopers forward. Infantry at the front and ranged units at the back. Kill everyone on sight but spare Father. He doesn't deserve to die...
Ruby: There's so many of them. 😫
Yang: C'mon Ruby. We can do it. You can take a few hundred over there. I'll take a few hundred over here.
Blake: Get behind me Dusk I'll keep you safe.... Dusk? Where are you Dusk?!
Jaune: Oh no, we're bad parents!
Scarlett: I'm good but even I don't think I can beat this many. Hey bigger bro can you help me beat them? 😉
Aurum: Of course little sister. With us working together nothing can stop us.
Victor: Now watch mother as my troops will finish off your friends... What the Fuc*!
Aurum: Huzzah! *melted through all of the Geisttroopers like it was made of butter*
Scarlett: Hyah! *hack and scythe through the Geisttroopers* 😈
Yang: I guess we don't have to do anything. Geez what do they feed children in the future?
Ruby: Oh! My daughter are so awesome. And look at Scarlett's weapon. Is that an upgraded form of Crescent Rose? 😍
Scarlett: That's right mom. This is Crescent Rose mk. 20. We made this weapon together. It can switch between scythe and voulge. And not only that it can switch between three different gun type. 🤓
Ruby: AHHH!!! My daughter is so awesome! And we share the same interest. 🤯 Jaune when we come back. We better start making her. I won't take no for an answer.
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Jaune: Ruby please don't joke around! We need to save Weiss first. And then find Dusk because we can't find her.
Blake: In case you were wondering we didn't lose her. And we're not bad parent.
Ruby: (Who says I'm joking 😏) Oh no that's terrible. Let me cheer you up later Jaune... In my room. 🤫
Victor: How. How!? Each of my Geisttroopers are as strong as a veteran huntsman. There's no way they can be defeated this easily by just the two of them?
Weiss: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Victor: Anything you like to say mother?
Weiss: Oh I was wondering how long does it take for you to notice that I'm no longer in bondage.
Weiss shows off her hands to show to him that she's free. Victor then looks for her sword and realizes that her sword is floating in mid air but then it's quickly revealed that the floating sword was merely being held by a faunus child.
Victor: Invisibility Semblance. That's a neat trick there, kid. You must be Blake Belladonna's daughter?
Dusk: Please call off your monsters. Mister that looks like my daddy...
Victor: I'm sorry kid but I can't. I'm sorry. But I will spare you too at least.
Weiss: Yeah, my sentiment exactly. *slash*
Victor: *parry* Oh please, mother do you think I don't see your surprise attack. You're the one that taught me that. "Strike the enemy when they're distracted Victor."
Weiss: Don't call me that I'm not your Mother! And you're not my son!
Victor: Well let put those theory to rest. If I kill you and I disappear then I'm right and if I killl you and I didn't disappear then I will admit I was wrong.
Weiss: I'll still die regardless!
Victor: Oh. What will be, will be.
The two then continue to trade insults and slashes with one another. Myrtenaster and Myrtenaster clash with one another. Mother and her supposed son will battle until one of them die. Their sword fighting left Dusk in awe. Weiss's form are beautiful and elegant while Victor's form are fast and brutal.
Weiss: Hah! Such brutish way of fighting are not what I expected from a Schnee.
Victor: Typical mother, never satisfied with everything I did. Even when I did your bidding. You know you always complained about grandfather but you are just the same as him as it turns out.
Weiss: Don't you dare compares me to my father!!!
Victor: And mother. The reason my swordplay are not as refined as yours is because my sword are not for ballroom dancing but made for actual war. *grabs her hand and slash her through her aura*
Weiss: AHHHH!!!! *slumps on the ground in pain*
Victor: Can't have you die yet. I need to make you understand what you did to me.
Weiss: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!
Victor: I see you have lost your mind...
Weiss: Ha... No. But I will admit that you are my son. You are just as ruthless, vindictive and cunning as I am. If you were my father's son he would have been proud of you.
Victor: Is there a point to this?
Weiss: But what I will not accept is that you are Jaune's son! Jaune is weak, he is a dunce, he is unreliable, but he is kind to a fault, he always put others before himself, he especially will never say such harmful things to me and hurt me in anyway. And that is why I Love him!!!
Dusk: 😱
Victor: Is that all? Very well... What the heck is that!
Jaune: Move out of the way!!!
Victor sees his father flying or more like thrown his way most likely by the golden giant. He did as his father said and moves slightly off the way of the speeding Jaune and so he crashed near him.
Aurum: Excellent thinking father! By screaming loudly at the enemy you managed to grab his attention so he will leave Weiss alone.
Jaune: *grunt in pain* yep totally was planning that...
Weiss: Jaune I knew you... I mean what took you so long you doofus!!?
Victor: Father! What on earth were you thinking you could have killed yourself!
Jaune: Look. I don't know what happened between you and Weiss. But I'm not going to let you kill her. If there's a problem we can help you. You don't have to hurt her or do it alone.
Aurum: Father is right. Little brother whatever it is we can help you.
Victor: I am not your brother! Fath... No Jaune you don't get to act like a father when my own father were never there and stop my mother!
Jaune: Never there?... I died in your timeline aren't I?
Weiss: No... It can't be.
Everyone: 😯
Victor: How did you know?
Jaune: Because you just said that I was never there. Which only mean two things. Either I left you and Weiss or that I died. And since I will never abandon my family that can only mean that I died.
Weiss: How did it happened?
Victor: I guess everyone deserves to know the truth... Mom the truth is you destroyed the world.
And that's the end of part 2 of Jaune's children AU. Sorry if it end on a cliffhanger but good news Part 3 will be the end and same as usual I will post it if it gain enough traction. Scarlett's brother will also makes an appearance in the next part to help our heroes.
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centrally-unplanned · 3 months
I have begun watching House of the Dragon btw - it is fun! I like it just fine. I think the core cast is very good - Emmy D'Arcy & Olivia Cooke imbue a ton of pathos into their roles while keeping everything grounded, and Matt Smith, I mean he is Matt Smith I don't think anyone alive holds a candle to him when it comes to bringing aggressively compensating levels of caustic superiority to a character. They work these scripts really well.
I think the core of the changes are right. The Dance of Dragons, in the books, is a Madness of War story; everyone is an asshole. Rhaenyra is a murderous autocrat, Alicent is a scheming backstabber, both sides are run by awful people. Those awful people sometimes do glorious things, but their glory or loves are in service of foolish ends that destroy the Targaryen dynasty and ruin the country for the common man. It is told as a history book after the fact, and I really like it - I know some don't, but I think as a match to the medium it works well.
That was never gonna work on TV. There is the idea of doing the "everyman" approach, where the main characters are commonfolk soldiers trying to survive or the like. Not saying no one could make that work, but it is a problem of adaptation; the source material gives you nothing to work with there. It is a story of queens and battles, it would tonally be a mismatch to the previous Game of Thrones show as a brand, as an audience expectation, but (unlike say the Hobbit) a mismatch with the source material as well. And doing like a high concept "historian's tale" ehhhh again someone could do it but that is a risky bet. Telling a period drama is what the market can bear, and the story's details are amazing for a period drama; it just needs protagonists.
So you change up the characters. Rhaenyra is now motivated by justice and a desire to rule well alongside ambition, Alicent believes Viserys changed his mind at the last minute, miscommunications and the chaos of war cause the most heinous early actions as opposed to pure malice. I think this works well because the core darker elements are also preserved; the fear that Rhaenyra must kill Alicent's sons to preserve her rule motivates Alicent to roll the dice, her character doesn't matter so much for that dynamic, and so on for other changes. The story's core is still there, but now it has more depth to it, more realistic political dilemmas causing the level of tragedy.
I do think they are going a bit too far on a few of these tracks though? The latest episode (S02E03) screams of modern morality mucking things up as Rhaenyra, despite the fact that she murdered the King's son and the opposing faction is openly mobilizing armies to attack, is not only saying "let's give peace a chance" (that is fine) but refusing to do anything proactive to prep for the alternative. Her counselors propose flying around via dragon to make houses join her cause, and she is like "no, we can't use them, it's too violent"...then don't use them. Just threaten to use them, fucking bluff, get people on your side. Burn just one little household, as a treat. Be trying to make deals with Lord Paramounts, be gathering sellswords, show us something active so you don't look incompetent.
I feel the same way about Viserys deathbed statements to Alicent that trick her into thinking he changed his mind - why do you need this? You already did all that work showing me that Alicent felt she had to put her sons in power to protect them, that most of the council was already planning to do it, and all that season of buildup. Just let that good, justified stuff happen without a silly name mixup from a dying guy. Let Alicent be a little evil.
There is more than one whiff of "boys rush to war while women in their wisdom counsel restraint" in this show, and it is a bad look. For one it is a little sexist, and for two by mixing it with modern sensibilities, they look like rubes in their non-modern war. God forbid a woman do a single coup, that is my gender equality.
Hopefully they get this out their system as the war ramps up - I do think they will.
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