#drafted a second paragraph for this post like 8 times let's just leave it at this for now i Will revisit this thought later
ccatgiri · 1 year
the assumption that everything normal does for others is out of some ulterior motive or for his own self-satisfaction is so sad to me....
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preciadosbass · 26 days
23/8/24 [draft from friday — key + significant photos at end]
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yay i can finally post this!! woke up at 6:30 and said goodmorning to boris. he was inside again, i think because of how cold it is out. i then got dressed as soon as i could so i was completely ready before the time we had to leave to go away. i put on a light gray low cut shirt, but then started freezing alive so i changed into my sleeping with sirens shirt as it was the only shirt out that i hadn’t already packed. i paired it with black ripped skinny jeans, gray + black striped arm warmers, knee high converse, danger days my chemical romance zip up, my kellin quinn necklace, a surfboard shaped wood carved necklace — and no cuffs/bracelets as this outfit is just to be worn for the car ride to the campus and then ill get changed for swimming.
after getting ready, i had a snack and painted my left hand’s nails with black nail polish. i surprisingly did them pretty neatly to how i usually do it and considering how small my nails are. within a few minutes of them being dried, half of my second smallest nail’s polish came off halfway lmao - i was going to put some more on to cover it up, but i was in a rush and i needed to do my teeth, i finished at 7. i then checked on boris again and replaced the pins on my bag. ive needed to ever since i took a ton off to put onto my jacket. all that’s left now is: incubus pin, spider-man pin, the last of us pin, t-rex pin, saliva pin, kittie pin, shark pin, beetle pin, brendon urie pin, chi cheng pin, soulfly pin, collide with the sky [pierce the veil] pin, and a silent hill pin. which sounds like a lot, but because of the way they’re set out, it dosent look like many. at least not compared to what i’m used to.
once i was done [7:18], i packed my bag. i packed: my camera, skeleton gloves, collage scraps, my collage journal, camera charger, headphone charger, extra bracelets, my spiral earrings, battery packs, my hairbrush, my wallet, hand sanitizer, meds, and my phone charger. after doing that and a few other odd bits around the house [turning off switches, making sure i’ve packed everything, etc] i went to see boris properly at 7:40. i told him about everything that’s going to be going on [who’s taking care of him, that she’s not comfortable letting him out, when we’re getting back, things like that] and said goodbye to him. i finished officially at 8:20. i’m gunna miss him so much while we’re away, but i’m excited to see him again afterwards and tell him everything.
everyone [me, my sister, my parents] got in the car at around the same. unrelated, but i also forgot to mention in yesterdays journal, archie was taken over to my sister’s friends house to be looked after. we set off at 2:30 and i looked through soul punk patrick stump videos along with a few pretty odd era panic! tiktoks. also watched my chemical romance’s song 2 [blur] cover, i don’t know why i haven’t seen this before i’m obsessed. i started journaling at 9:16 and wrote all of the paragraphs above. than at 9:30 i took a break and started listening to some music. [just surrender, fall out boy, gerard way + ray toro, frank iero, falling in reverse, blur, my chemical romance, death of a bachelor panic! at the disco, a static lullaby.]
i had a nap somewhere near 11:30 [on my seal plush] and woke up at around 12:40. i continued listening to music [CKY, HIM, frank iero, darling you should be ashamed, linkin park, lovehatehero, before today, a bullet for a pretty boy [[so underrated]], and sleeping with sirens.] i did so until 1:44 when we arrived at the resort. my dad pulled the car into the drive through place where you get your keycard/folder of leaflets and after driving round to our car park, we started unpacking into the room. on our holiday guide, it said that we could only get in our room at 3, so we were lucky to get in early. as soon as i found me & my sisters room and claimed my bed, and hung up my necklaces on the windows’ handle. along with taking a few things out of my bag + putting cuffs/band bracelets on. we did plan on going to swimming as soon as my extended family arrived, but that ended up not working out as they had to leave late.
i then took out my collage journal and started cutting up the leaflets from the folder into separate letters [etc] to make a collage tomorrow. well i say tomorrow, when i started cutting everything up, i intended for me to put everything together today. [photo at end] but i only got round to collecting the bits of paper i need. i used my stamps to print stars onto a yellow sticky note and took a couple pictures of the leaflets incase we needed anything off them after id cut them up [e.g wifi support]. me, my parents and my sister left for a show and arrived at the venue at 3:12. on the way to the venue, we met up with D [one of my cousins, his girlfriend — L, and her son, W.] we got the time wrong so we thought were really short on time, but it started 20 minutes after we found a table.
first up was a beatboxer, except he made more sound affects than sounds to make into some kind of song. he was also really funny with the way he made and timed the sound affects. it’s impossible for me to explain with unless you were there and saw him, but he was really good. next was four breakdancers, ive never really had much interest in breakdancing, but it was quite cool to watch them. one had come all the way down from japan or something.
after was one of those big hoop acts. there’s not much to say as there’s not much to explain — following on from that, a bmX rider came out and started doing all kinds of crazy tricks. i somewhat remember seeing the show itself around a year ago, but this bmX guy was different than last year. its tricky to explain a bmX show generally, but its even trickier for people to read id they don’t know what it is. so i recommend looking up bmX tricks. once he’d done his thing, a basketballer came onto stage. he was manipulating the ball and circling it around him shoulders etc. behind him was a fake button with “do not push” plastered above it. obviously, it’s a show, he ‘pressed’ the button and everytime another ball would roll out from backstage.
in the end, he was working with 5 different basketballs. it was super impressive. before the show finished, everyone came out and did all their tricks side by side. during the entire show, the beatboxer was singing and making even more sound affects. he actually had a pretty decent voice. at 4:30, after we’d all packed up our stuff and gotten ready to leave and do something else, me, my parents and my sister headed back to our room. D, L and W went off to their rooms aswell. upon getting into our chalet, i went to have a nap but ended up putting on my skates. my sister stuck on hers and we circuited a section of the resort, looking for D’s room. it didn’t take us long before we found it. but during skating around and checking door numbers, i stupidly sped round a corner on the second level of chalets and nearly fell headfirst down a huge staircase.
i assumed that it’d turn and go round the other side, so i could look at the numbers on the other rooms, as a few other of the second story ‘balconys’ or whatever you wanna call them - don’t have stairs and just follow on around the other side. but i was wrong. i slightly toppled down the first two stairs and then grabbed onto my sister’s back. luckily i didn’t make her fall over lmao // at 5:30, all of us [all of my family] went round to our restaurant for dinner. it was a little cheeky of us to even eat together as everyone in the family apart from my parents & sister have reservations for another restaurant.
after dinner, i went back to the room and stayed there for 30 minutes alone before me, my sister and my parents made our way to yet another show. we arrived at the venue and i sat near the front on the floor with my sister. my mum sat on some stairs and my dad stayed standing. it was a magic show, which is quite a complicated thing to explain, especially because i actually didn’t understand how any of the tricks were done, but i enjoyed it. also while the backstage staff were sorting out some more props the start of my generation by limp bizkit played!!
the show finished at 8, and me and my immediate family went round to the rest of the family’s chalets to check them out. i went into the more cousin based one first, the people staying in it were: RY and H, and R and E. i sat on R’s bed and just people watched [mostly] until H offered to paint my right hand’s nails dark purple as id forgotten to paint that hand in black when i was at home. then i went to see the rest of my family’s room. the family members in this chalet are my aunt and uncle, and L/W. when i came in my uncle had a jumper over the radiator and it smelt so bad and was clearly just about to light on fire. i went back into the cousin’s room/s and went to see E and see what she was doing.
she was applying gems to her eyelids with some kind of makeup glue. she asked if i wanted some and i agreed so she sat me down and gently glued the gems onto my face. [photo at end] when she was done and if verified i was happy with it, i went back to my room to quickly get something — i’m not sure what it was as im writing this on the 27th. when i got back at 9:10, we had to leave for another show. we walked across the resort and arrived at the venue to get ourselves some seats. me and E tried taking pictures of our gemmed-up eyelids together but wasn’t able to because of bad lighting. the show was advertised as a ‘rock’ festival, however the music that played was things like lizzo and ed sheeran.
i was kind of disappointed because i thought it’d be punk rock or something else i would be able to sing along to, but it was funny that we were catfished so bad. me and R just sat there making faces for eachother, indicating that ‘this isn’t rock, wtf is this’ - the performance ended at 10:20 and we went straight to another venue to join in with a ‘music dance party.’ as you can imagine, the music was dance music, but i like dance music. i somewhat danced with my grandad, E and R. R spun me around and my sister stayed swaying across the dance floor with my dad. [photo at end]
i haven’t really ever seen my dad dance before, but his favourite ‘party’ track came on and he went mad. he was doing all sorts of weird dance moves but it was cracking me up. if only whoever is reading this saw it in the moment. we parted with the rest of the family and went back to the chalet at approximately 11:30. i started to do a bit of my journal, made a picture collage of the day, and had a little nap. after my nap, i asked my parents questions about boris, said goodnight to boris via a picture of him [the picture in question is at the end] and went to sleep at 1:45.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my immediate family’s dog, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he's okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i'm hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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official-weasley · 3 years
You sure do write amazing! Can you please give me some tips on how to write better?
First of all, thank you, it means a lot! 🥰
Second of all thank you for the ask. This is my first one so I hope I am doing this properly.
Third of all READ. I would say everything but it's too broad. Read what you're writing. If you're writing fanfic read those. I have learned so much from reading other stories. Also, try and find your own style...if you think it sounds hard it is. I needed years. I was always writing in third person POV and I always felt like something was missing. I find something magical in the fact that you can read a story from first person POV, because you feel like you get to know them better and that you are friends and build a relationship with a character.
I read a few books (Divergent trilogy among them) with first-person POV and I was hooked. It's okay to love someone's writing or their style but while reading them think of WHY you love their style so much and try to implement those characteristics into your writing. Don't worry about sounding similar to someone else. You won't. Each writer's style is unique and at first, it might seem like copying but you will soon develop your own style which will be your own. Copying is learning but do give credit where needed. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with different styles. Nothing you write is wrong. If you keep saying to yourself that your writing can't be right because nobody else is doing it, meaning it isn't following the rules it means you created something entirely yours and I think that is BEAUTIFUL and smart not wrong.
Try to think about what is the most important thing you want to point out in your story. To me, I don't like to read long descriptions of how people and places look like. To me, it's redundant because I have a crazy imagination and I love to create all of that for the characters myself and I like the liberty that I think how a character I am reading about looks like. Think about what is important to you when you write. To me, it's relationships between characters and I tend to focus on that the most.
When it comes to vocabulary I can't be of much help. I suck at it. I am not a native English speaker and finding synonyms or describing a gesture or how a character's expression looks like I struggle every time and it takes the most of my time to do that. It helps to have websites that can help you find these. I have a dictionary for words that I want to translate from my native language. And I have Google always opened to search for word definitions and I saw someone post a website here on Tumblr which has honestly been a lifesaver: onelook.com/thesaurus
Also, one thing that I have noticed helps me a lot is that I write without stopping as much as possible so that the story stays on the original idea line as much as it possibly can. So if you sit down to write a chapter, just do it...no distractions. Don't write a paragraph and go on your phone and then return. Stick to it, it will be better trust me: learn from my mistakes. (Of course, if you have a heavy, emotion-filled chapter like someone dying and you cry while writing...then please do take a break. I needed a week to write Chapter 6 and 7 of Part 8 of the story I am posting now because I was a crying mess and I simply couldn't break my heart more than I did per day). Then I read it and change what I want quickly. Then I run it through Grammarly then I reread it a few more times. Within these times I mark the words or paragraphs which should have different words for what I am describing or where I feel something is missing. I come back to those parts and try searching for different words or instances that can relate to what I have written down.
I also triple-check that I don't have words that repeat. So if I had said said said a few times I will skip it and indicate who is speaking with a gesture they do while saying something. That helps me a lot because I like to repeat words I like a lot!
One thing that I learned is that it doesn't matter how you write as long as you enjoy it. If you write a chapter and you read through it and it makes you smile you have won no matter how it looks in the first draft. Learning to love everything you write is so important and until I had that I thought that my writing sucks and I will never get anywhere.
And yes, I will say it: JUST WRITE MORE. I know it's the biggest cliché but it's true. Also, be patient with yourself and give yourself credit. I always thought that I will never get any better and will always be stuck at the level of writing I have but if I read something I wrote like 7 years ago...even like a year ago, the difference is HUGE and it makes me proud and you should do that as well. Read that cringy story you wrote years ago because it gives a confidence boost when you compare it to your writing now and you see how much you progressed.
ALSO, one thing that helped me a lot and I wish I was doing this sooner (as I just started with the story I am posting now): when you're reading ANYTHING and you find a word or a phrase that intrigues you and you think you could use it at any time in your stories WRITE IT DOWN. If you don't know the meaning write the meaning next to it too. If you have examples where you could use it (your ideas) write that next to it. It has saved me so many times with the story I finished a few weeks ago (and will post it after the ongoing one is finished) because sometimes I see a character doing a gesture or making a certain face in my head and I struggle to describe what I see in my head and having phrases that I read elsewhere written down is so helpful because more you read and you get different ideas how to describe the same thing it's so nice when you find just the right one!
One of the last tips as this is getting too long (I don't know how to describe something in a short sentence): when you get an idea for a story don't just sit down and start writing the first chapter because (and I am talking from my own experience) sooner or later you will get lost, you will get the information wrong and it's just harder for you. What I tend to do is write down all the names of the main characters and write at least 3 things that stand out for them and you might use more than once in your story. For example, if a character gets a gift from someone; write it down WHEN AND WHAT AND FROM WHO. Because if you mention that gift again 20 chapters later you will get frustrated because you won't find that little detail that suddenly became so important and if you have notes and you can find it at once it makes things easier. I also write down chapter summaries. I know it might be hard to know exactly how many chapters you will have (it usually changes for me anyway: for example, the story I will post soon went from the original 10 to 20 chapters because the chapters were just too long and I needed to separate them) or to know at once how the story ends but it makes things 10 times easier and once you start writing chapters down the story just starts to flow and appear in front of you and knowing what you will write about next makes you more focused on the chapter at hand and everything seems more connected and you don't have gaps in your story and inconsistencies. At least for me, it's really easy because I like to push myself to write a chapter per day and I just take my notebook and check what I have to write for that day and then it's suddenly easier because I can just focus on writing the chapter instead of thinking of what to do next.
Of course, all that I just wrote is just an opinion. You should write as you see fit! Don't let anyone tell you that you CAN'T do this or that. It's YOUR writing. YOUR story. You can do whatever you want and write it in the way YOU want. Don't write by the rule book. Write in a way that will make you happy. I have to admit I needed a long time to learn that as I always wanted to follow the rules but I was unhappy and I didn't like what I wrote and I put that on myself thinking my writing is bad when it was just the fact that the style and the rules around it weren't my cup of tea.
Also if you have someone who can read through what you've written and you trust them; give them your story or chapters before you publish them because every story through someone else's eyes is better already. Also, don't be afraid of feedback and criticism. I have never learned more from anything else than criticism. And always take it as positive; a way to better your story and writing. But also know that you don't always have to apply everything someone tells you to do. If you are content with how it is, leave it. Perhaps remember the critique and maybe you'll be able to apply it to a different story. That's how you grow.
Push yourself to write as much as you can. Even if it's a paragraph per day it's something. And most importantly write what you like not what everyone else is doing. If you want to write 30 fics about the same character then do so as long as it brings you joy and makes you happy because no matter how cheesy it sounds it does show in your writing. ❤
I hope I answered your question at least to some degree. I am sorry it's so long I don't know how to write short stuff 🙈
If you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them 🥰
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farmhandler · 4 years
Rating: M
Pairing: Sendak/Shiro
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy Sendak, Bottom!Shiro
CH: 8/?
WC: 5K~
Read on AO3 | Read the whole series
A/N: I did forget to post ch7 on here so go read that first!!! Enjoy ch8~
Hearing his voice after so long was tougher than Shiro would have imagined. It didn’t help that when Sendak picked up only two rings in, the first thing out of his mouth was “Shiro."
There was no hello, no question as to who was calling or what he might want. Just his name, breathed with reverence.
“Hi,” Shiro said, pausing after. He was still driving, so he had the road to focus on and keep himself from shooting his phone constant glances. “So, um, hey. It’s been a while.”
Sendak didn’t say anything, which boded well.
“I was wondering. I mean—I got the call from Ulaz. But that’s not why I’m calling,” he hastened to add. He tapped his fingers rhythmically against the steering wheel to help keep himself calm. “Though I wasn’t expecting that. You still find ways to surprise me sometimes.”
More silence. Shiro licked his lips.
“How are you doing? You haven’t had any issues since I saw you last?”
Immediately Shiro wanted to slap himself. I know you almost died, but how’s it going?
Still there was no response. He glanced at his phone, but he wasn’t muted.
Did Sendak not want to talk to him that much? His fingers went tight around his steering wheel. Shiro was starting to suspect that calling Sendak had been a mistake. If he was going to give him the silent treatment after they had agreed to a break, then maybe they weren’t ready to have this conversation.
He was about to say as much when he heard Sendak’s voice crackle to life from his speakers.
“I’m doing well,” Sendak said, in a tone Shiro wasn’t sure he’d ever heard. His voice sounded wet, like he was seconds from crying. “Are you…” There was a painfully long pause, and when Sendak continued, his voice broke. “Are you well?”
A wave of longing and grief slammed into Shiro so hard that his knuckles gripping the steering wheel went white. He swallowed a few times before answering.
“I’m okay,” he said. “Can we talk?”
“Yes,” Sendak replied with immediate understanding. There was no need to ask what Shiro meant. And this time, he sounded much more collected. “I would like that. I would—” he paused. Shiro prayed he wasn’t about to start crying because he didn’t think he could handle that, and he still needed to see to be able to drive. “I would like to see you.”
“We can do that.” Shiro hesitated, but couldn’t stop himself from adding, “I’d like to see you, too.” More than ever. “Where do you want to meet?” Tapping his fingertips against the wheel, Shiro considered his options. There weren’t many. He would prefer it to be private. “…My apartment?”
“I will take you out.” Shiro opened his mouth, but Sendak was still talking hurriedly, likely anticipating his response. “To a local eatery. It would be a neutral space. For both of us.”
Oddly touched by the consideration, Shiro blinked at the road slowly. His thoughtful tone was unexpected but not unwelcome.
“That sounds like a good idea. What time works for you? Assuming you’re working the same schedule, how about we meet at seven on Friday?”
Friday was still several days away which would give Shiro plenty of time to prepare.
“Friday it is, then.”
“Friday.” Shiro nodded to no one. He felt the sudden urge to keep the conversation going and keep Sendak on the phone. He wanted to say what was on his mind; he missed him, he loved him. But those weren’t the things he needed to say in that moment.
“See you then, Sendak,” Shiro said instead. It took all his willpower to hang up.
Shiro didn’t think he’d been this nervous to see Sendak since the first day they met.
He had changed his clothes four times—the first two because he felt he was trying too hard, and the last one because he thought maybe he looked like he wasn’t trying hard enough. He didn’t want Matt or anyone to know what he was doing in case it gave him second thoughts, so he was going at it alone.
This is ridiculous, he thought. He lifted a black turtleneck he was considering. Spring had not yet sprung, so he still had time to wear warmer clothing. But if they were going to sit inside, drinking hot drinks and eating hot food, he knew he might become uncomfortably warm. With their conversation looming overhead, he anticipated being sweaty enough.
Shiro ended up wearing one of his favorite leather jackets with a long-sleeved T-shirt underneath. Midway into the relationship Sendak had bought him an expensive, very nice leather jacket, but he didn’t want to wear anything Sendak had given him. They needed to be on equal, even ground for this conversation.
With his wallet, keys, and a manila folder in hand, Shiro went to their meeting spot early. It always seemed like Sendak had to tear himself away from his work, so he anticipated waiting a while.
Much to his surprise, half an hour early wasn’t early enough. When he walked into the pizza place and looked around, he spotted a familiar figure seated near the back.
Sendak sat in a booth by himself, casually scrolling through his pad. He didn’t see Shiro come in, but it wouldn’t be long until he smelled him, so Shiro took the opportunity to watch him and take in the sight he hadn’t seen in almost two months.
God, he had missed him. Two months was enough time to bend the longing into a fierce ache.
Sendak was wearing a sweater that somehow fit his frame perfectly. It was black, which came to no surprise, and the tufts of fur peeking out from the edges of the sweater were too adorable for words.
Keep it together, Shiro. You’re still supposed to be angry. At least a little.
While Shiro had been deliberating how to best approach (aside from the obvious), Sendak had spotted him. The moment his eyes locked onto Shiro he sat up straight, setting his pad down and staring at Shiro with an intensity that made his face begin to flush red.
He stood from the table just as Shiro waved and began walking over. Sendak’s eyes never left his.
“Hey, Sendak,” Shiro greeted once he was close enough. “It’s—it’s good to see you.”
His greeting fell somewhat flat. And upon closer inspection, it was clear that Sendak had not been taking care of himself properly. If this were their first meeting, Shiro wouldn’t have been able to tell. But they had been dating for months, and he knew what his fur looked like when it was kept up at the bare minimum. Brushed and shiny, but only on the surface.
There was no point in acknowledging what he saw though, so when Sendak repeated his sentiment he just nodded.
“I took the liberty of ordering ahead so you would not need to wait,” Sendak added stiffly. His shoulders sagged a little at Shiro’s stare. “I thought it would be quicker. Should you wish to leave for any reason.”
It was a flaccid excuse, but Shiro didn’t call him out on it. He thought about how best to answer and decided on, “Thank you. You know I’ll eat just about anything as long as there aren’t any olives.”
“No olives,” Sendak agreed awkwardly.
While they spoke, his fingers were slowly curling and uncurling into fists. His eyes kept darting towards Shiro’s neckline. Standing there in a sweater and jeans (jeans! Shiro hadn’t seen him in jeans in ages) at a casual pizza joint, he couldn’t have looked more uncomfortable.
“I know I’ve said this before, but I’m really glad you’re okay. And I really appreciate you meeting me here like this.”
Shiro had aimed for polite and congenial, but he couldn’t hide the aching notes in his voice. Sendak breathed out a sigh that was more like a groan.
“I have missed you,” Sendak said. He took an aborted step closer. “Our time apart has given me much to think about.”
“Yeah?” Shiro swallowed. “I missed you too. Let’s sit down and talk.”
They didn’t sit down. They stared at each other, standing in the middle of Emerald City Pizza late at night, seconds somehow stretching into eons.
Sendak stepped into his space and Shiro let him, barely resisting with a single hand pressed against his broad chest. Shiro ducked his head, and Sendak followed him, leaning in too close for comfort, his breath warm on Shiro’s cheek.
"You smell like... Ulaz,” he said lowly. He brushed his cheek softly over Shiro’s, nuzzling him in a gesture so familiar it made Shiro want to cry. One of his claws teased at the edge of Shiro’s shirt, like he was seconds from rectifying that little fact.
“I know,” Shiro replied, turning his head to meet his eyes. He didn’t let his gaze waver, making sure Sendak understood that even if he did, that was none of his business. “Let’s sit down. I have something to show you.”
Sendak released him and they sat down. Off kilter from the unexpected start, Shiro spent a few long moments adjusting the papers inside the manila folder to give himself a reminder of his goals and the main purpose of the meeting. Once he brought it into the light, Sendak stared at it cautiously. Even with his limited expression, Shiro could tell he was distrustful.
“I spent the last few days drafting these. I ended up needing a little help, but I think I got the job done.”
Shiro pulled out each page one by one and set them down between them. Sendak flipped them so he could read them one by one, the furrow in his brow deepening with each passing minute.
Shiro affected a pose of casual nonchalance, hands folded out in front of him. He had to remind himself not to clench them too tightly.
Sendak set down the paper he was holding. “I do not understand.”
“This is a contract,” Shiro said firmly. “Not exactly a conventional way to agree on things, but I thought given our circumstances, this would make sense.” Shiro picked up the first paper and pointed to the first paragraph. “I wanted it to be clear what the point of this was. Boundaries.”
“I understand that things are different for you for a lot of reasons, and this way we can agree on things that work for both of us. No secrets.”
Sendak continued to stare at him, his confusion fading into a blank expression that Shiro couldn’t read. But that was okay. He had anticipated shock and potentially resistance.
“I didn’t mean for us to fill this out now. I just wanted to show you that I've been trying to take your needs into account even though I don’t…agree with them sometimes.” Shiro cleared his throat and sat back in his seat. “We can at least discuss it.”
For a few minutes, Sendak busied himself by glancing over the papers. He still hadn’t offered a proper response, but Shiro knew how to be patient. He waited, declining the waiter’s offer for more water, and eventually he was rewarded when Sendak addressed him.
“This is not how I expected this meeting to go. I had assumed that you had come to the logical conclusion that you—that I was unfit to be your mate.” He drew in air through his nose, and Shiro realized that the reason he had not raised his head was because Sendak’s emotions were currently overwhelming him.
Shiro looked at Sendak’s hand, halfway extended across the table, and thought about taking it. He thought about comforting him; telling him about all the thoughts he had been having, but he didn’t. Maybe later, but not now.
Shiro curled his fingers into a fist. This would be the second time he had seen Sendak cry.
“I thought about it,” he said gently once Sendak was able to collect himself. “You really hurt me, Sendak. I know you did it for the right reasons, but it still hurt.”
“I understand,” Sendak replied wetly. “I will do anything to make it up to you. Anything.”
“I know. You said that before,” Shiro said, somewhat teasingly. His hand moved without his permission, reaching across and brushing over Sendak’s claws.
Two months. Even longer if he counted the weeks he had been waiting for Sendak to get back with him during their Christmas blowup, before he found him bleeding out. Compared to the entirety of their lives, it wasn’t long stretch of time by any means, but the situation surrounding it made it feel so much longer.
Shiro curled his fingertips around Sendak’s, catching his eye when Sendak realized what he was doing.
Sendak’s hand was warm. And it had been so long.
The moment was broken when their waitress came back with their pizza. She looked between the two of them, them at the papers scattered along the table. “Pepperoni and sausage?” she said, awkwardly looking for a place to put it.
“Oh! Thank you, right here is fine.” Shiro shoved aside the contract papers haphazardly to make space. Sendak went even further and collected them in front of him in a neat pile, pressing his hand over them reverently.
“Thank you,” Sendak said to their waitress without looking at her. Shiro flashed her a smile.
Once she was gone, Shiro passed a plate to himself, then Sendak, and started divvying up the pizza.
“So, like I said,” he continued, as if the moment before had not happened. “I figured we’d go to a private space to work on this, but if there’s anything you want to talk about now, I think we should.”
“Then you are amenable,” Sendak said slowly. “To our continuation.”
Shiro immediately wanted to slap himself. He was getting so ahead of himself that he had failed to communicate clearly.
“I love you, Sendak,” Shiro said. He watched his one yellow eye widen. He had said it twice now, and each time Sendak looked just as surprised. “For better or for worse. You are the one I want to be with. You are my mate. I just…” He faltered, wondering if he was going too far too early. “I just want you to know that.”
As confident as he felt now, Shiro had to wade through an ocean of doubts to get to a point where he felt sure. And even then, there were no guarantees. But with this, he had hoped they could make it work.
At his declaration, Sendak let out a breath like what Shiro had said physically pained him.
“And you are the only one I desire. There is no one else.” Sendak squeezed his hands together on the table, claws buried into fur. “I cannot express how much I regret hurting you.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
For a while, conversation moved to lighter topics. They talked about work, what they had been doing in their free time, and how much they both wanted it to stop snowing all the time. Sendak was more open about his work life, taking time to complain about coworkers and operations succeeding and failing. Because they were in public, he was still tightlipped, but Shiro could feel the difference.
It was a very refreshing change.
Together they finished off the pizza in record time, and then ended up ordering a dessert pie afterwards.
Shiro was happy to keep their contract on the backburner and focus on lighter conversation, but Sendak was the one to push the issue when it came up again.
“You don’t want to take some time to think about it?” Shiro asked.
“It is a brilliant solution. Had I not been so—“ there was the barest pause, and Shiro couldn’t tell what he meant by that, but based on the state of his fur and the lackluster shine on his prosthetic, he could consumed with grief.
“It is well-crafted,” Sendak finished quietly.
“Thanks.” Shiro tapped his fingers against the table. The waitress came back with their dessert, and Shiro set it between them. “Even if I wanted to work on this, I didn’t bring a pen.” He didn’t exactly relish asking the waitress for a pen to work on their relationship contract.
“I have a pen,” Sendak said, because of course he did. He brought out a shiny fountain pen from seemingly nowhere and after Shiro agreed with a shrug, he started working on the rules section.
“You can ignore the part about goals if you want to,” Shiro said, suddenly self-conscious now that his work was being scrutinized. “And you can suggest any changes. Nothing is final.”
Sendak nodded. He could already see him marking a few things to change here and there, and Shiro tried not to take it personally. Sendak had more experience with contractual obligations.
When he got to the rules section with Shiro’s initial suggested rules and additional blank spaces, he glanced up at him quicky before he began writing. Shiro kept eating his pie, forcing himself not to read what Sendak was carefully writing down.
When he finished, Shiro again had to exercise restraint as he pulled the papers back towards him.
“Let’s see what we’ve got,” he said lightly, even though his nerves were shot.
Upon scanning the document, it became immediately clear what was missing. “There’s nothing about surveillance on here.” In fact, there was nothing that Shiro had expected to be on there; save for allowance thrice weekly for Sendak to scent him.
Sendak blinked at him. “I had assumed that was entirely off the table given the circumstances.”
“It’s—I mean. It’s not that I want you to bug my apartment, but I just thought—” Shiro stopped and took a breath. “I don’t want you to pretend there are things that you don’t want,” he continued slowly. “Be completely honest with me about what you want. For now, pretend that anything goes.”
Shiro knew that this was a dangerous game to play, but it mattered more that they were on the same page.
Sendak visibly hesitated, then he snatched the papers back towards himself and began scribbling down hurriedly.
It was several more minutes and a slice of pie before Sendak slid them over to Shiro. He glanced over them, keeping his expectations reigned in.
“A spending requirement?” Shiro swallowed around a mouthful of food. “Why would I need a spending requirement?”
“You have yet the credit card that I gave you on more than trivial necessities. I had intended for you to fulfill your every desire at your leisure,” Sendak said, like it made sense. “This way you will not have to feign resistance.”
“Feign resistance? I’m—that’s n—”
He stopped himself. This wasn’t the time to get emotional; he had to remember that.
“I can see where you’re coming from.” Shiro’s face was burning. Thank god they weren’t near any other customers. “It’s definitely something to consider. So, what about item 6, GPS tracker? Are you asking to install an app on my phone or what?”
At the thought, his skin crawled.
“Whatever you wish. It is not…” Sendak shifted uncomfortably. “It is not intended to control you. You had asked for honesty, and this is among the precautions I would prefer to have to ensure your protection.”
“I appreciate that honesty.” Shiro tapped his fingers flat against the table. “Definitely…on the ‘to consider’ list.”
A week ago, Shiro would have lost it the over a list like this. Now, with their needs being laid out in the open, it felt less like a threat looming over his head and something that he could, for lack of a better word, control. He didn’t have to agree to anything Sendak was suggesting, and he wasn’t as freaked out as he thought he’d be.
“I have a few suggestions,” Shiro said. “But you’ve already given me a lot to think about. Plus, my hands are greasy; wouldn’t want to ruin the papers here.” He wiped said greasy hands with his napkin. Sendak raised a brow at his obvious attempt at avoiding the talk at hand, but thankfully he didn’t push. There were things Shiro wanted to say, but—not here. Here had just been a neutral zone to lay the groundwork. “How about you give me the night to think on all this and then we can reconvene privately to revise it?”
Sendak’s ears had been moving in several directions for a while now, an indication of his general mood, and when Shiro stood to use the bathroom they went flat, pinned to his head.
“You are leaving now?” he asked, painfully sincere.
“I just have to go to the bathroom,” Shiro assured him. He waited until Sendak relaxed before leaving.
In the bathroom, Shiro peed and then washed his hands, but hesitated in front of the sink mirror.
The night had not gone exactly as expected. This, he told himself, was a good thing. It was good that Sendak was enthusiastic. It was good that things could feel normal for a brief moment.
Am I doing the right thing? he wondered, staring into the mirror. Should I be approaching things differently? Is this happening too fast?
Is this what you want?
He glanced down the drain, then back up at the mirror.
The face staring back at him bore no hesitation.
With that, Shiro took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.
After weaving his way through the restaurant back to their table, he found Sendak hunched over the papers again, head in his hand. Shiro frowned. He thought the short break would give him a few minutes of reprieve, but he instead Sendak looked frantic and uneasy, rifling through them like he was looking for something.
“You okay?” Shiro asked, moving to sit back down.
“I...” Sendak rose suddenly and faced Shiro. Once again, he was reminded that they were in the middle of a public restaurant, and he hoped Sendak remember that too. “I fear that my actions may be misinterpreted,” he said hurriedly. “I don’t want you to think that I am aiming to control you. I am not” he paused for breath, his large chest heaving for a few moments “I don’t want to hurt you. I only wish for your happiness.”
“…I know that,” Shiro replied. He pushed Sendak until he sat back down and then Shiro slid into his side of the booth. “I don’t think that you did everything on purpose just to hurt me. I’ve never thought that. I think…” He looked around at the other customers, a few who were glancing their way. As much as it was necessary, he didn’t want to talk about all the ways in which they were hurting here at this restaurant. “I think we need to save this particular conversation for later.” He spotted their waitress passing by and flagged her down for the check. "That okay?"
"I...suppose you are right. We cannot accomplish all in one night." Sendak huffed, lacing his fingers in front of him carefully. "Things need...time."
Disgruntled didn't even cover how put out Sendak sounded at the prospect of time.
"Exactly," Shiro agreed nonetheless. "Tonight was good. I think it's a great start to starting over. And next time I'll be more involved. Tonight I really just wanted to talk."
That was when the waitress approached with a pen and paper. “Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked. At the shake of Shiro's head, she glanced between the two of them. "Just one check tonight?”
Shiro hesitated to answer immediately, staring at Sendak across from him.
“You know what? Just one check,” Shiro told her.
Sendak gazed at Shiro like he didn’t know what to make of him.
“I was going to have us split dinner,” Shiro began. “But I thought…” He licked his lips. “I think this is okay. I don’t mind letting you have this. This is the kind of thing that makes you happy, and that’s…that’s okay.”
“As I recall, you drew as much pleasure from our arrangement as I do.”
“It’s not the same though,” Shiro replied. He leaned his head on his fist, dragging his thumb along the edge of the table with his other hand. “I know you. You like to provide.”
Shiro’s voice edged on teasing, lowering into a register more flirtatious than he had intended.
Nothing changed about Sendak’s face visibly, but when the waitress came back with the check, Sendak took it from her without hesitation. His chest puffed while he filled out the total, and he exhaled deeply once he set it at the end of the table.
It was his black card. Completely unnecessary for the amount their meal has cost, but impossible to miss. Shiro’s eyes flicked to Sendak, then back to the card. He said nothing, but the air felt…charged.
This is bad. Hold it together.
“Shall we?” Shiro suggested once she returned with his card, his voice even.
The cool air that met Shiro outside was wonderfully chilly. The restaurant hadn’t been overly warm, but he was damp with sweat from their conversation.
He stood just outside the entrance and breathed it in for a few heavenly seconds before his body adjusted and it reminded him that it was actually cooler outside than was comfortable.
“You are driving?” Sendak inquired beside him. Shiro opened his eyes and glanced over at his car parked on the other side of the road. He nodded at it.
“Yeah, it’s not too close to my apartment. Though I’m sure you knew that.”
“I see,” Sendak said. It didn’t seem to bother him. It shouldn’t. He liked control, but he didn’t want to control his every move.
How much of it was true? How much could Shiro trust?
“I don’t want you to think ill of me,” Sendak added suddenly. Maybe his unease had been obvious. “If it is what you want, we do not have to continue.”
His fists clenched and then unclenched. It was obviously the last thing he wanted.
There was so much Shiro wanted to say, and so much he felt like he couldn’t. Sendak had made mistakes, and it would be wrong of Shiro to act like they didn’t matter, or that they didn’t change things.
“Can you believe it’s been two months?” Shiro wrapped his arms around himself and turned to face Sendak. “Feels like longer. And the last time we were together, we—” He had to press his lips together to stop himself. “Sendak, this may be weird to ask, but can I hug you?”
His response was immediate. Like he had been waiting for permission, Sendak stepped forward and swept him into a firm embrace. Shiro didn’t even hesitate to wrap his arms firmly around Sendak’s middle, burying his face in the warmth of Sendak’s sweater.
The ever familiar smell of his cologne overwhelmed him. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled Sendak as close as physically possible, wishing for a wild moment that they were alone and not out in public.
“I missed you so much,” Shiro choked out. “I was so mad at you. I still am sometimes, but I missed you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
In response, Sendak squeezed harder. He nearly lifted Shiro off the ground in his fierce embrace, and after an eternity he loosened his grip so he could look Shiro in the face.
“Da hos del thenak,” Sendak said, evidently switching off his translator just to say it. Even without an explanation, without understanding a word, Shiro knew what he meant.
“The next time I see you, you’re going to tell me what that means. Okay?”
Sendak nodded against his forehead, close now, so close. Their breaths mingled in the air.
Shiro's resolve to keep it at a platonic hug rapidly crumbled as Sendak slipped an arm around the small of his back and cradled the side of his head with the other hand. He repeated the phrase again, and again, nuzzling the side of his face, inching perilously close to the length of Shiro's throat, and on the third repetition Shiro yanked him back into a kiss.
Sendak made a sound like he was in pain, and seconds later, as he opened Shiro’s mouth with his tongue, it transformed into a needy, warm groan. The hand around his waist pulled tight, his claws digging into Shiro’s hips. Shiro brought his hands up to frame Sendak’s face, a weak attempt to keep the kiss somewhat chaste, and Sendak took that as permission to back him up against the concrete wall beside the restaurant and deepen it.
He'd missed this. Sendak’s smell, his—his scent drove him wild. Shiro loved the way he smelled; the way his hands felt holding him tight; the way he kissed him like he wanted to devour him.
“Sendak,” Shiro gasped, sliding his hands down, over his massive pecs. Fuck. “Stop it. We’re not—“ another kiss, one Shiro couldn’t help but melt into “I’m not doing this with you.”
Sendak’s lips left his and Shiro felt their loss. Then Sendak’s teeth grazed his ear, while his hand rubbed along the crook of Shiro’s neck, spreading his scent where possible. Since it was clear his words weren't enough, Shiro raised his hand and slipped it over Sendak’s, curling it over the back of his palm and threading their fingers so he could tug at it.
“Sendak,” he urged.
“Two months,” Sendak breathed. He pressed his full weight into Shiro, breathing hard. “Dozens of cycles. You are right: I want to provide for you. I want to provide you with anything you could ever want. Nothing you desire is out of my reach. I ache for your presence alongside mine.”
Shiro swallowed his words. He was trying to remain strong, but Sendak was making that very hard.
“I—I have to leave.”
“You said I made you cry,” he added, sounding broken up by the fact. Truly, honestly, as if causing Shiro pain was no longer something he could bear. As if he really understood what he had done.
A couple walked out from the restaurant doors and passed by, hardly paying them any attention, but it was enough to encourage Shiro to turn his head away. Sendak planted a kiss along the side of his forehead, sending a sharp electric shudder down Shiro’s spine.
“Enough,” he said firmly, using every ounce of willpower to pull away. “I know you’re sorry. And you did make me cry. But we are not doing this. Get off me.”
He reluctantly withdrew, a sour look on his face. A frustrated Sendak was a thing to behold.
“...At least allow me to scent you.”
“No,” Shiro said. “No, what we just did wasn’t okay. It’s not going to happen again.” No matter how much he wanted it to. “Not until we figure this out.”
“How long?” Sendak asked. “How long until we can meet again?”
Humans place so much emphasis on time, Sendak had said once. Thinking about what he said earlier, Shiro wondered how much longer those two months may have felt for him.
“How about…Sunday. My place. That’s only two days from now.”
“I will arrive in the morning,” Sendak agreed. “I will need to work that afternoon and evening, but in the morning I am yours.”
“Okay.” Shiro looked at Sendak’s hand, remembering the patches of fur missing all over his body. They had grown back by now, but the memory would be forever etched into his brain. “Okay,” he said again. He reached out and brushed their fingers together. Sendak’s hand engulfed his and clutched it, as if to keep him tethered there to him.
“Be safe.” Shiro said. He squeezed his hand as best he could. “Take care of yourself.”
Sendak’s gaze went painfully soft. “I will.”
Shiro went back to his car, sparing Sendak a few glances before he slid inside. Sendak stayed where he was, watching him much like Ulaz had before he finally lifted his phone and began speaking, likely summoning his driver.
I wonder which one of them has been watching over me, he wondered. The thought had crossed his mind before. It made sense; there was no way in hell Sendak would meet him without some kind of assurance that he would be safe. He would have to ask Sendak once they met again.
He drove off, already thinking about his own rules he wanted to add to the contract.
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quarterfromcanon · 5 years
2019 Fic Writing Roundup
I was tagged by my lovely friend @catty-words.
Total 2019 Word Count: 58,159
Total 2019 Hits: Asdfghjkl; Oh gosh, it’s much harder to tell when the work is only on Tumblr!  I’ll tally up the notes from there to get the closest approximation I can. It looks like there are 174 total (a mix of likes and comments) on the pieces that I posted from this past year.
Other 2019 AO3 Stats: N/A, although I did finally join AO3 *this* year, so next time around there’ll actually be things to put here! :)
Total 2018 Word Count: Published? None. I think I might have tried writing a little bit of something for myself somewhere in there, but I didn’t get back to any kind of public fandom writing until 2019.
Total 2018 Hits: None. What a difference a year can make! I look forward to comparing 2019 to whatever’s yet to come in 2020!
Other 2018 AO3 Stats: N/A
links and titles to 2019 works
Oooh, this is actually a good opportunity to list them chronologically rather than in publication sequence. Let me see if I can get them sorted. (If, however, you’d prefer to read them in the order that they were published, you can click here and simply open the installments in reverse, since Tumblr displays things oldest-to-newest.) All of the following were written for the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fandom and feature Heather x Valencia as their central pairing.
1. Barrier  [1,385 words] - Following where we last saw them in 1.09, Josh and his friends continue their beach day now sans Rebecca’s presence. Consequently, Valencia’s critical eye falls on the only other woman in their company - Heather.
2. Unexpected [3,003 words] - The conclusion of 1.18 leaves Valencia with a lot of emotional baggage to unpack. As one of West Covina’s most frequented locales, Home Base is the first place that springs to mind where she might chase away her sorrows (or perhaps just air them out verbally while all other involved parties are away at Jayma’s wedding). Heather finds herself pulled into comfort and commiseration despite her efforts to avoid involvement.
3. Lost Control and Tumbled Overboard Gladly [3,265 words] - Heather goes to her parents’ home for the first holiday visit since moving out on her own. She has her new friend Valencia in tow. Sincere conversation and the rare allowance of vulnerability break down Heather’s walls with an ease that takes her by surprise.
4. Such Sweet Nothing [1,362 words] - Valencia and Heather return to V’s apartment after their Labor Day afternoon of story-swapping and quality time together. Valencia revels in the joyful acquirement of the second gal pal of her adult life. Heather contends with the dawning realization that her interest in Valencia may not be purely for friendship.
5. There’s A Reason Not to Want This (But I Forgot) [2,418 words] - Internet sleuthing with Rebecca pulls Valencia right back into a Josh fixation spiral. Heather must also face some unresolved feelings: namely, a crush now so intense it can no longer be denied.
6. Habits [3,599 words] - The desire to protect Valencia’s heart overrides the instinct to shield her own, and so Heather ends the self-imposed avoidance of her company. She arrives on V’s doorstep with a helpful cover story and some unfortunate news that needs to be broken gently.
7. I Want Not to Want Anything [1,314 words] - Heather Davis gets Santa Ana Winded.
8. Breathless [3,673 words] - A talk with Heather about Rebecca’s impending marriage to Josh leads Valencia to reassess what matters to her. A rosé-fueled jaunt to a local green space gives rise to the persistent inkling that what - or rather who - she really wants may be a lot closer to her than she’s ready to admit.
9. No One’s Really Got It Figured Out Just Yet [3,289 words] - Valencia throws the bachelorette party for Rebecca. Gurl Group antics and H+V flirting tactics set to hits from the mid ’90s and 2000s ensue. 
10. Evading [2,207 words] - In the wake of events from 3.05 and 3.06, Heather and Valencia have a much needed heart-to-heart. They put some important truths into words while treading lightly around a few unspoken facts so delicate they’re best left in the margins.
11. How Long Do You Plan to Keep Me at the Back of Your Mind? [2,442 words] - An evening welcoming Valencia’s girlfriend Beth to be an honorary member of the Gurl Group doesn’t go quite as smoothly as planned when Heather has a difficult time harnessing her lingering feelings.
12. You and Me, Always Between the Lines [1,828 words] - Now that she has spoken with all of her immediate family members and closest friends, Valencia is prepared to announce her first romantic relationship with a woman on social media. In Beth’s absence, she seeks the moral support of her best friend. Heather is readily by her side for this next big step in Valencia’s coming out journey.
13. Gradation [2,503 words] - Valencia’s time with Beth is at an end and, in her hour of heartbreak, she returns to the same place for comfort as the previous occasion when she found herself suddenly single: across the bar from Heather.
14. Rough Draft [2,625 words] - Valencia and Heather FINALLY get together. Valencia experiences her own “Oh My God, I Think I Like You” freak out.
15. Strategy [1,212 words] - Heather and Valencia have a stay-at-home date night featuring deliberately cringey pick up lines and tangled limbs on a couch in the dark.
16. Verity [3,834 words] - Heather temporarily resumes her role as Valencia’s assistant coordinator when they plan a vow renewal celebration for Paula and Scott. On this night, the recently remarried couple may not be the only two pouring out their hearts in a room full of loved ones...
17. Different and the Same [1,035 words] - Valencia and Heather just moved into their own place. They spend their first morning there together and make good use of the privacy and freedom this new residence affords.
18. Finishing Touches [1,157 words] - Heather and Valencia personalize the interior of their new living space. The situation soon devolves into paint-splattered hijinks.
19. Patterns in the Light [1,058 words] - Despite the fact that they are literally cohabitating and have professed their feelings for each other, Valencia remains a clumsily flirty nerd and I love her for it. Heather does, too.
20. Sage [1,324 words] - After being trapped in a car with someone she didn’t want to be trapped in a car with, Heather returns covered in a dead woman’s ashes. Valencia’s time as a ghost-beleaguered home energy cleanser has arrived at last. She is uniquely qualified to save the day.
21. Portage [1,707 words] - Heather has plans for a couple’s trip with Valencia. The only obstacle is keeping it a secret between the two of them.
22. The Courage and the Strength I Need [1,957 words] - Valencia struggles during Heather’s business trip because it is their first time apart since becoming a couple. They FaceTime to ease the pain of distance and talk about their future.
23. Wanna Be With You All Alone [1,237 words] - Heather comes back from the aforementioned work travel to find that Valencia has made special welcome home arrangements.
24. Midnight, Fright and Candlelight [1,426 words] - A quiet evening is interrupted by a power outage. Heather and Valencia find a surprisingly wholesome and G-rated way to pass the time. 
25. Next to You [1,550 words] - The big yearly Davis Family Reunion quickly approaches. Valencia prepares to accompany Heather to this event and be introduced to many members of her extended family.
26. Warm Whispers [1,683 words] - Heather and Valencia just want to be all cute and domestic and spend the morning fooling around. Their cats disrupt these pursuits in typical feline fashion.
27. “When We’re Together, Darling, Every Night Is Halloween.” [1,228 words] - Heather and Valencia get ready to attend a Gurl Group Halloween party. Their second annual couple’s costume? Gomez and Morticia Addams. 
28. #afewofmyfavoritethings [2,838 words] - Nathaniel, Rebecca, Valencia, Heather, Paula, Scott, and Tommy all rent a cabin for vacation. This piece follows them through a day of wintertime fun. Pure fluffiness here and I had the best time writing every second of it.
Favorite Fic: Probably #afewofmyfavoritethings. I packed it with elements I personally love and moments I was hoping my new friends in the fandom would like. Plus, it was honestly just so good for my soul to write these characters in a soft world where they could engage in classic snow day activities and enjoy each other’s company.
Hardest Fic: I knew there were a few installments of Femslash February where I wrote whole paragraphs or even pages I didn’t keep/decided to revise, but I was pretty sure I also remembered at least one where I wrote an entire separate piece. My sleep schedule was, shall we say, not advisable during February but it was also easily the most exhilarating month of my year. I tracked down the evidence of that rewrite and it turns out the incident I recalled was for Unusual Kiss (the prompt for Day 4 of FF). The original involved something to do with butterfly kisses because, evidently, my inclination to link Valencia to winged beings knows no bounds. I’ve got to admit that I’m still fond of the concept of Valencia giving Heather a subtle “kiss” during a hug in that painfully frightening time before Beth when she was afraid to outright kiss a woman in any way that couldn’t be dismissed as platonic. There’s a good chance an interaction of that nature could appear somewhere in the full story. I am notoriously drawn to that angst period of undisclosed pining so the temptation is quite strong. Still, I’m glad I used the version I actually posted and saved elements of the first draft for later. Fragments of their conversation from the original will probably make it into the final tale, but I think I prefer to sprinkle them across several exchanges instead of divulging them all at once.
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2020? Sort of yes and sort of no. I am participating in the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Valentine Exchange, which involves a prompt-esque note from the participant each of us were assigned as our guide to spark inspiration for the gift. It’s also possible that there’ll be some writing prompt list posted somewhere along the way just like Femslash February was last year, and I’ll end up wanting to join the fun. Other than that, though, I’ll mainly stick to the one writing project in an effort to hone my focus.
What was the best thing about 2019? I’d definitely say the bonding and interactions with other members of the fandom. The encouragement and support I received from them remains the primary motivation for me to keep writing and chasing after the ongoing goals I set for myself.
What was the worst thing about 2019? The most honest answer that my mind immediately supplied is death of a close relative. While that isn’t the sole reason for the dip in my creative output (especially since there were multiple months between my last published fic and the passing in question), I know it could certainly be counted among the contributing factors to an overarching writing problem I had. Even before my family’s loss, there was a shift in my thought process that only got worse once there was more on my plate in my personal life. There were many times I sat down wanting to write again but it felt too difficult and intimidating to commit words to the page. I couldn’t seem to transfer them from my mind to the keyboard and I’d invariably switch to doing something else. I developed this terrible internal conviction that insisted the larger fic I wanted to write wouldn’t work as well as the shorter installments. That gnawing insecurity would have me believe one month’s worth of well-received efforts was already such a marvel that anything beyond that point was somehow pushing my luck. Where did the mental voice originate and why couldn’t I shake it? It’s difficult to parse out but what I do know is that I’ve firmly decided 2020 is going to be a year I put it on silent. I know what it’ll mean to me for everything that’s been floating in my head to finally be told in one cohesive format, and to have the satisfaction of giving my favorite characters the ending my heart says they deserve. It’s a sense of closure that’s worth the pursuit.
Any last thoughts for 2019? The bad parts of the last twelve months made me want to essentially say “good riddance” to the year, but the good parts were far too treasured to wish all of 2019 away. I am so grateful for the new people I met and friendships that solidified during that time. I especially owe my most heartfelt appreciation to @catty-words, @notbang, and @monaiargancoconutsoy. Thank you for everything. <3
Goals for 2020
Finish. The. Fic.
I believe everyone I know who writes fanfic has already been tagged but, if you haven’t gotten the chance to look back over your writing year, by all means, use these questions to give it a go! :)
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redditnosleep · 7 years
Has Anyone Heard of The Left/Right Game?
by NeonTempo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Well then… here we are.
I have to be honest; when I posted the first of these logs from my bedroom in North London, I didn’t think it would go very far. After all, why would it? I wasn’t a regular contributor to this site, nor a seasoned veteran of the paranormal. I was just a man who missed his friend, seeking a few words of wisdom from an online message board, open to the idea that it wouldn’t lead anywhere.
Suffice to say I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Over the past two months, the incredible advice I’ve received from this forum, and the amazing leads you’ve sent my way, have opened up entire worlds of possibility. It’s thanks to all of you that I’m where I am now; sitting in a rental car on a quiet street in Phoenix, Arizona, posting the last of Alice’s records.
I realise I’ve written more than usual for my part. Apologies for this. If you want to skip straight to Alice’s section, that’s fine.
Otherwise, please consider this the prologue to the epilogue.
It’s very, very early in the morning over here, with only the gravest of the graveyard shift out on the streets. By all rights I should be in bed, and not wasting petrol on an aimless drive through the city. The ritual helps me think however, and I’d recently been given a lot to think about, courtesy of a young woman at a local bar.
She was a forum member, who’d contacted me over Direct Message. When we met up earlier in the night, it was clear she’d done a great deal of research; charting every mirror shop in Phoenix in an attempt to reconstruct the route Alice took on February 7th 2017.
We spoke for quite a while; about the game, about Alice, and about life in general. Once closing time rolled around, she handed me a printout of the most likely route, with all the key locations circled. Then, in the final minutes before we parted ways, she nervously asked me two questions. The first put me in a rather sour mood. The second provided the fuel for my 3am drive.
Question One; Are you sure she wants you to find her?
I’ve been hearing the same query from a few of you recently, especially since Part 9 was posted. People commenting that Alice made a clear choice when she left Rob behind in the silent city. That I was searching for someone who wasn’t seeking return.
I’d like to take a moment to respond to this, as I responded to it earlier tonight. To be clear, the Alice I know wouldn't do that. She was planning to come back, she’d told us as much. I’m not going to waste your time with my theories, but we’ve seen what the road can do to people's minds, how it can carry them away against their better judgement. I understand why it's being asked but if those sorts of questions are all you have to offer, I’d kindly ask you find another way to help.
Question Two was less clear cut; what are you going to do now?
It’s something you guys have also been asking me, but that was the first time I’d heard the question out loud. In the awkward silence that followed it became obvious to her, and in some ways to me, that I didn’t yet have an answer.
I decided to take a drive while I figured it out… I’ve been in my car for the rest of the night,
After an hour of aimless meandering, I realised I was close to one of the marked locations; the alleyway where Alice first entered the underpass, the point at which she first disappeared into the road. Turning into the side street, just after a large intersection, I was briefly relieved to see no sign of the tunnel. The part of me that still hoped this game was a fiction swelled at the sudden lack of evidence. My reaction was short lived of course, as I quickly realised that the tunnel wouldn't have shown itself to me anyway. Even if the game were real, I’d hardly been sticking to the rules on my way here.
There was no denying that the place resembled Alice’s descriptions however, and with a long time to go until I’d feel remotely tired, I decided to work my way back along the route, retracing Alice’s steps towards Rob Guthard’s street.
OK so I have to admit at this point, I suffered from a momentary lapse in intelligence. In a fog of distraction, residual jetlag and general dullardry, I drove for longer than I’d care to admit under the misconception that I wasn’t playing the game. I thought this because I was heading in the opposite direction, and had started my run with a right hand turn, when the rules explicitly state that you begin by turning left. Of course, as I’m sure all of you would have realised immediately, that didn’t mean I was out of the game, it just meant I started playing with my first left turn, one road later.
Alice was always the smart one.
What I’m trying to say is that, due to this fairly mindless oversight, I wasn’t exactly looking out for the Woman in Grey as I drove past what should have been her corner. There wasn’t a mirror shop this time of course, that’s only the 34th turn when you’re coming the other way, in fact I’m not sure which of the many passing streets it was. It is strange though, as I think back through my journey, I feel like I would have noticed her. The streets were practically deserted, so much so that any pedestrians stood out immediately. I know I should’ve been looking more closely but, if you asked my honest opinion… I don't think she was there at all.
The moment I realised this, I felt it again; the faint perverse, hope that I’d been misled, that the entire story was nothing more than a twisted, elaborate fabrication.
It wasn’t long until I passed an old mirror shop and, 34 turns later, arrived on what must have been Alice’s starting street. It was an inner-city neighbourhood whose residents were all fast asleep. From the moment I realised that the game was in play, I’d been thinking less and less about this particular road, and more about the one directly after it, resting just beyond the crossroads. I’d come halfway across the world on the strength of Alice’s account, but I’d seen no first hand proof of the Left/Right Game. If the whole thing was a hoax, then the next road should just be another street. If it was real, then I’d know soon enough.
I crawled up to the junction with my heart in my throat. With every inch of road that passed under my tyres, I found myself hoping more and more that it wouldn’t be true. Let someone be playing a prank on me, let the logs be counterfeit... let Alice be anywhere else but on that road.
I took the corner in a wide arc, parking myself in the centre of the crossroads, my headlights facing down the next turn.
Ahead of me was a quiet residential street; lines of neatly parked cars, rows of well-kept yards and squarely drawn windows. Yet at its centre, in utter defiance of the modest surroundings, the road sank into a deep and dimly lit corridor, cutting beneath the street, and disappearing into complete darkness.
I’d always known it was true.
In the presence of grim confirmation, the question I was asked earlier that night started to ring in my ears, as if echoing out of the tunnel itself. After an entire night’s driving, after two full months of searching, I still didn’t have a response.
In the end I just left the engine running, as if turning it off would somehow be a sign of retreat, and decided to type up the notes you’re reading now. I thought maybe the process of putting it all down on paper would bring me clarity, and leave me with either a note of farewell or a note of apology to Alice, for not having what it took to find her.
And now… here I am; still undecided, still writing, still sitting in this rental car on a quiet street in Phoenix, Arizona.
Though perhaps the street’s not as quiet as I thought.
I’ve just looked back to the previous road, down the street where Alice began her journey. As I type this very paragraph, I can see a figure standing on the sidewalk, just outside one of the houses. It isn’t the woman in grey this time.
Though it’s almost too dark to make out, I can tell the figure is an older male, well built and imposing, the rugged features of his weathered face half lit by moonlight. I’ve never seen this person before, yet he bears a striking resemblance to another man; a man whose description has been well recorded within the pages of Alice’s logs.
He watches me in silence, staring through the window of my still running car.
I wonder if he can help.
The Left/Right Game [DRAFT 1] 20/02/2017
The Left/Right Game was once nothing more than a 9-page document, peeking out of a yellow envelope, resting quietly on my desk.
I remember reading it on my lunch break.
I remember it made me laugh.
The submission had arrived with the first post, quietly making its way around the office, treated by everyone as a short-lived novelty of little journalistic value. The story was easy to dismiss, appearing all too similar to the rambling ghost stories and blurry UFO sightings that filled our mailbox on a daily basis, and which most of the senior staff had learned to instinctively ignore. Doomed by association, the document was quickly passed over, my desk merely a pit stop on its way to the rejection pile.
I was curious however and, after an uneventful few months in my new role, I had no compunctions about fishing from the scrap heap. Placing the envelope in my satchel, alongside a misfit crowd of similar rejects, I slipped away to a local coffee shop, reading it in an armchair by the window.
Somewhere around page three, between the description of the game’s rules and the exhaustive list of “Required Skills”, my mouth started to curl into an irrepressible smile.
They’d been gloriously wrong about this one. It wasn’t some paranoid diatribe, nor a sensationalist plea for attention. Within those pages lay an introductory glimpse of a man’s passionate obsession. As I read on, something about his earnest eccentricity, incredible thoroughness, and unquestioning confidence made it impossible to put down. When I turned the final page, reading the last of Rob Guthard’s charming and refreshingly well formatted submission, I knew that this was the story I wanted to tell.
Later that day, I found myself in the editor’s office making a case for it. They didn’t quite see what I saw, but I was intent to win them over regardless. I told them the story would be characterful, colourful, thought-provoking and, at the very least, that I wouldn’t be gone long.
It’s been twelve days since then; ten since I first entered the Wrangler in Phoenix, Arizona, five since I commandeered it myself, leaving Rob behind in the silent city. I haven’t updated much recently, save for a regular set of notes made for my own benefit. In all honesty, after I finished writing up my account of the city, I was struck by an overpowering sense of needlessness. There was no one left to receive these logs, no friends to proofread, no editor to hand them to. It seemed pointless to maintain the same prosaic format as before.
I still largely agree with this assessment. It’s only due to a set of exceptional circumstances that I’ve chosen to type up the following account in full.
Whoever this reaches, I want to thank you for reading up to now.
I’m quite sure this will be my final instalment.
The moon has broken, and in my entire life, I’ve never witnessed an evening so still.
The air is cool and quiet, and the Wrangler cuts cleanly through it as I glide down a stretch of even tarmac. The scene is defined by calm and absence. Not a cloud in the sky, not a solitary whisper of breeze, not a single blade of grass stirring on the dark green banks beside me.
Yet even on a night as peaceful as this, I can’t help but feel far away from home. The city had served as a turning point in that regard. Before we reached those titanic monoliths, the landscapes we passed through generally resembled the world I once knew. A few obvious exceptions aside, there was nothing about the environments that looked truly divorced from reality. That’s all changed now. The aberrant aspects of this new world are unignorable, constantly hanging at the corner of my eye, passively injecting a sense of wonder and disconcertion into the otherwise silent night.
A few days ago the moon started to crack like old porcelain. I hardly noticed at first, my eyes fixed on the road as it loomed above me, quietly splintering into three jagged pieces. As of tonight, the empty space between each fragment has significantly increased. If I focus on the sky for a little while, I can almost see them falling away from each other, charting infinite and lonesome trajectories through a barren cosmos, against a backdrop of foreign constellations.
The stars themselves fall further than they should. The night sky travels down past the horizon and continues below it, wrapping underneath the grassy bank. It’s as if the road, and the narrow plains on either side, are suspended in the middle of a vast abyss; a platform in the middle of open space.
At least that’s what I thought it was at first. It didn’t take long before I noticed the broken moon was appearing twice in the sky, both above and below me. A pair of orbiting satellites; identical and in perfect alignment. That’s when I realised that there were no stars below me. I was merely staring across a flat surface so flawlessly mirror-like as to cast a perfect reflection of the heavens above.
I was driving through the centre of a lake.
The water is impossibly still. Since leaving the shoreline proper yesterday night, I’ve seen neither a wave, nor a ripple across its placid surface. It’s also undeniably vast, reaching beyond the horizon in every direction and continuing further still. Without being sure how I know, I’m aware that the waters carry on for an unspeakable distance, that I would sooner reach the stars themselves before setting foot on its opposite shore.
I lean over and switch gears. The act of driving the Wrangler was a daunting one at first, but after the first two days I’ve managed to make do. An old scarf wrapped tightly around the steering wheel serves as a makeshift handle, allowing me to navigate corners one handed. I don’t have an elegant solution for the gearshift, but I’ve quickly grown used to the process. If I’ve learned anything from the road, it’s that grace is the first casualty in the fight for survival. Adaptability, no matter how clumsy, outlasts it at every turn.
A few minutes later, the Wrangler pulls up to a spacious verge. A large circle of land surrounded entirely by dark waters. At the far end, the grass seems to fall away, dropping sharply into the lake with a dead stop. The road continues of course, but it's the only thing that does. With nothing on either side, it forms a narrow bridge of perfectly flat asphalt, raised on a bed of mud and rock.
I press my boot onto the brake pedal, easing the Wrangler to a steady halt at the centre of the clearing. For the first time today, I open the car door and climb out of my seat. The dull tap of asphalt shifts to a soft rustling as I make my way over to the lakeside.
There’s something on the shore, a barely discernible object, almost entirely concealed by a shock of verdant undergrowth. It’s a miracle I’d managed to spy it from the road, though perhaps something about the stark uniformity of the landscape had made it stand out.
As I advance towards the water, and the object draws near, its indeterminate form solidifies in my mind.
It’s a human arm, reaching out from the water and onto the bank. I crouch down to examine the few pertinent details. The fingers are still embedded firmly into the soil. The thumbnail is broken, coloured by a peeling coat of faded varnish. There’s a pallid, emaciated quality to the skin, spreading down the arm until it disappears beneath a thick, woollen sleeve. At the point it meets the surface, the water soaks into the fabric, turning it black from the original grey.
With a sad exhalation, I rise to my feet and lean over the water’s edge.
The body of Marjorie Guthard lies against the silt, her cheek resting on the lake bed, her wide bewildered eyes staring out into the open lake. She’s been almost perfectly preserved. Save for the striking tautness of her skin and its mottled, grey pallor, she looks exactly like the woman I saw on the 34th turn, who’d tried to repel me from the road, who’d spoken of a lake drinking her wounds clean.
It seems her ramblings weren’t completely void of fact. It’s clear to see that Marjorie has been exsanguinated, so completely in fact that the only evidence that blood ever flowed through her veins, is a large dark stain across her shredded blouse.
It doesn’t take long before the perpetrator makes itself known.
As I stare into the water, a steady stream of formless whispers sink up through the depths of the lake. The softly spoken murmurings drift up to my ears, taking root in the back of my mind and instantly blooming into a flurry of deeply persuasive promises.
I find myself entirely transfixed by the still water, as a myriad of generous offerings unfold in throughout my consciousness. The whispers suggest an end to the phantom pains in my absent arm, perhaps even a completely restored limb, stronger than it had been before. Furthermore, it shows me a glimpse of its incomprehensible span, its furthest bank reaching across countless worlds, its deepest point lying below everything. I’m offered total knowledge of every league, every fathom, every inconceivable shore.
My hand reaches down as the whispers continue, every bargain steeped in sweet beneficence. A moment later, my outstretched fingers brush against the soft grass, and wrap around Marjorie’s exposed arm.
Digging my heels into the ground, I lean myself backwards and pull. The water ripples and splashes as I drag Marjorie’s lifeless body slowly onto the bank. I feel the voices in my mind grow louder, erupting in anger as I back away from the lake.
The promises had been convincing, each quiet solicitation undeniably persuasive. But after seeing Marjorie’s wretched fate and the look of eternal betrayal in her vacant eyes, I found myself aware of a subtle undercurrent behind every syllable, a sense of desperation and timeless hunger emanating from beneath the lake’s surface. I already have a clear understanding of what would have happened if I’d lost myself to those waters. I suspect it’s no coincidence, that of the countless shores it showed me, all of them appeared to be deserted.
Marjorie wouldn’t have stood a chance. She’d left the forest alone, grievously wounded and without a vehicle. She’d walked the whole way here, bleeding endlessly, the road’s rejuvenating power battling every moment against her body’s natural inclination to die. I suspect the road’s influence wasn’t strong enough, and when a whispering voice promised, ever so sweetly to mend her, she would have been in no position to refuse.
Her other sleeve brushes against dry land, her body leaving the water for the first time in decades. I keep pulling until my boots hit asphalt, laying her down on the grass just beside the Wrangler.
After a moment of sober vigil, I walk to the back of the car and fetch Rob’s foldable spade.
A long few hours follow. I’ve never dug someone’s grave before, and my injury is hardly conducive to the task. My fleece tied around my waist, pearls of sweat running down my brow, I manage to slowly chip away at the damp earth. Five hours later, my back cramping, my hand raw from gripping the shovel, I attempt to lower Marjorie into the rough pit with some semblance of grace, her legs dropping limply into the soft soil despite my best efforts.
It takes over an hour to shovel the soil back. It’s a sobering and ugly task. As a layer of dirt covers her face, I realise this will be the last time a living person lays their eyes on Marjorie Guthard. Burying her suddenly feels disrespectful, as if it’s an act I don’t have the right to perform.
Once it’s done, I drop onto my knees, a dull ache in my muscles as I smooth out the disturbed ground with the back of the shovel.
Even before I turn to face her, I can hear a scowl in her voice. There’s an odious depth to that one acrid syllable, a potent witch’s brew of contempt and accusation that feels like it’s been festering in her drowned lungs for decades.
Reluctantly, I rise to my feet and turn around, finding myself face to face with the woman I just buried. She looks different now, her clothes are dry, her skin clear, with nothing to be seen of the deep, dark gash in her blouse.
AS: Marjorie.
Unlike the empty vessel below us, the woman in front of me is by no means at peace. She shakes and wretches with the same indignant fury I witnessed when we first met. When she speaks, her words shudder under the weight of her own turbulent emotions.
MARJORIE: I chased you. I ran to you. I… I gave him up for you.
AS: I’m… I’m sorry Marjorie, I don’t know what you mean. Tell me what you mean.
MARJOIRE The things I saw, things so beautiful. And I saw her, walking alone through the new worlds. I gave everything up for you!!
I don’t know quite what to say. It’s pointless to ask her what she means, to try and understand her frenetic ramblings. In the end, I can only try to speak her language.
AS: Marjorie I… I didn’t mean you to.
Marjorie’s trembling breaths burst into a despairing fit of laughter.
MARJORIE: Oh… oh yes you did. Yes you did. And now… now you’re here.
Marjorie’s wild and volatile demeanour shifts once more, her laughter degrading further into a desperate crying panic.
MARJORIE: And what do I do now? What- What do I do?!
Marjorie cringes with the terror of the self-imposed question, placing her head in her hands and repeating it over and over again. As I watch her wrestle with despair, I’m struck by an idea I’ve never before considered. The disconcerting notion that, in death, we are not transported to a set destination by some ethereal attendant. That in fact, nothing is decided for us. Perhaps the manner in which we spend our afterlife is down to us, a decision we have to make ourselves.
Marjorie is standing over her own lifeless body, still lost, still entirely unmoored.
There's no sign of boundless paradise, inescapable damnation or everlasting nothingness, and the common thread they share, a final release from the weight of our own agency, is similarly absent. Perhaps we never get that freedom, perhaps we continue like we always do, accompanied by all our imperfections, uncertainty and discontent.
Perhaps we must choose our eternity.
After all my time on the road, that’s possibly the most terrifying notion I’ve encountered.
AS: He never stopped looking you know.
Marjorie snaps out of her wretched despair, instantly aware of who I’m referring to, staring up at me with an expression I’ve never seen her wear before.
AS: I saw him, walking on the road. He didn’t stop. He was never going to stop. I think he was looking for you Marjorie, he still is.
Marjorie stares through me. For the first time since we met on that quiet Phoenician corner, I can see the faint spark of something other than misery and rage across her tear stained face.
I hold her gaze for a moment more, before pulling my phone from my pocket. In a single sweep of my contacts, I delete every number except for one. A number I pulled from the Nokia during our second night on the road. A number that connects to a lost wanderer of the road.
AS: I don’t know if this can help but… stranger things have happened.
As she stares up into my eyes, I feel like we’re finally meeting for the first time. Without a word, Marjorie reaches out a quivering hand and takes the phone from my outstretched fingers.
Before I can say anything more, Marjorie Guthard is gone.
A few moments later, a refreshing breeze lands against my cheek, a soft zephyr, cooling my still warm face. It’s a welcome sensation, and the first movement I’ve witnessed in the air since I set out onto the lake. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I stare quietly along the bridge, the breeze picking up around me.
It’s a subtle wind at first, brushing stray hairs across my forehead, chilling the perspiration on my neck. Yet as I reach my hand out, and feel the air slip between my fingers, I’m witness to a steady rise in both strength and magnitude.
The sound of the wind grows from a whisper to a howl, Seconds later, the hanging sleeves of my fleece begin to stream sideways. My hair lifts from my back, billowing in the throes of a developing gale.
I back up against the Wrangler’s hood as the air finally erupts into a roaring, cacophonous cyclone. My hand reflexively seeks the sturdy frame of the Wrangler, my fingers wrapping around the grille, my arm tensing as the unrelenting wind threatens to drag me from the road.
Squinting through the violent tempest, I focus on a single point in space, just above the threshold of the bridge. In the midst of the storm, a jagged line of white hot light bursts out of the ether, tearing through the night’s fabric, a crackling fissure that widens and yawns, forcing apart the curtains of reality as they frenetically struggle to recombine.
Staring through the shuddering fracture, I’m subjected to the briefest glimpse of a boundless, and impossible vista. It is a faraway place in both distance and time. An achingly beautiful and gloriously terrifying dreamscape, enduring on the majestic shores of infinity. Every moment there spans a millennium and unfolds in countless directions at once. Every passing shadow holds a darkness beyond measure, their edges burned by the glare of a waking sun which looks across every conceivable world with a hollow, rancorous intent.
In the midst of this maddening landscape, a singular entity approaches, gliding towards the portal with the clear intent to pass through. As it breaches the shuddering gateway, and the wind dies down around it, I stare up at its grand celestial form.
The being is unlike anything I’ve ever seen; composed entirely from electric arcs of brilliant, magnesic light which burst from a volatile and blinding central core. It sounds like a lightning storm, its plasmatic tendrils snapping and crackling, bursting chaotically through the night air before collapsing in on themselves. As they fall back into the creature’s centre, they emit pale clouds of vaporous fractals that fade softly into the air.
Somehow, even as my eyes barely adjust to the stark light, I realise that the entity usually burns much brighter. It's dampened its glow for my benefit, so that it can appear before me without scorching my eyes from their sockets.
AS: It’s you… isn’t it. You’re the voice I’ve been hearing. You’re the one who brought me here.
The bristling maelstrom of light hangs in the air, crackling and shifting, its transient limbs strobing with chaotic incandescence. Part of me wants to hide, part of me wants to run, but neither are an option anymore. Releasing my hand from the Wrangler’s grille I take a single step forward, standing on my own and staring up into the entity’s smouldering core.
AS: Can I get an interview?
The creature doesn’t react. In the following silence, I feel it observing me. When it finally responds, its voice ruptures the night, echoing through my skull.
VOICE: There is little time, but you may ask what questions you have.
Each reverberating syllable forms a string of literal shockwaves in the surrounding lake, emanating outwards from the being in a perfect circle. I watch the waves roll into the distance, showing no sign of ever diminishing, and I think about what question to ask first.
In the end, it comes to me quickly; a promise is a promise after all.
AS: What happened to Marjorie? Why did she do what she did?
The being pauses, as if considering its response. When it does reply, it speaks with a calm sobriety.
VOICE: She glimpsed an echo of the future, dreamed of the road, of the things that it passes through.
AS: Like whatever’s through there?
I gesture through the gateway, which is now almost entirely blocked from view by the creature’s spiralling form.
VOICE: She dreamed of untold frontiers. She saw a lone woman walking them. Over time, the fulfilment of that vision became everything to her.
AS: But it wasn’t her… she thought she was seeing her own future… but it was-
VOICE: It was you.
Those three words, as they burst into the open air, casting three narrow waves across the boundless water, hit me with a deep and heavy force. Unbeknownst to myself, decades before I was even born, Marjorie had been driven insane by dreams of maddening grandeur, of a life of boundless possibility and true significance. She had given everything up to chase a shadow… a shadow that eventually turned out to be mine.
I hadn’t just pulled Rob into this game, I was the reason for everything. I was the cause for the tragedy that befell his entire family,
AS: She didn’t just dream those sights. You influenced her. You let her see them… the same way you made Rob see me in Aokigahara. You pushed and you prodded wherever you needed so that I’d end up here. Are you the reason Bobby got the rules in the first place?
AS: But… why? You toyed with so many lives across… across decades. Why me? Why does it matter that I travel the road?
VOICE: Because across all humanity, across every conceivable permutation, you are the one who makes it the furthest.
It speaks plainly, as if the statement were a foregone conclusion. Yet its words strike me into silence.
The creature continues.
VOICE: I’ve watched you work your way here, through skill and through tenacity… and undeniably through luck. You were brought here because of these qualities, and they will carry you further along the road than any other.
AS: Then why didn’t you just bring me here? All that influence and you didn’t lift a finger… after everything that happened-
VOICE: Events transpired as they needed to.
AS: As they… needed to?! People died! Marjorie. Bobby. Ace. Apollo. Eve. Lilith. Everyone. They’re all gone. Do you not care at all?
In response to my words, the entity remains silent for longer than usual.
VOICE: I care more than you know. There are things greater than your understanding, forces that exist beyond the realms of your comprehension that you would consider a threat to everything you hold dear. My actions were guided by a higher standard of knowledge. Your protests are predicated on false understanding.
AS: You’re saying I don’t understand death?
VOICE: You don’t.
AS: ... That still doesn’t make it right.
VOICE: Regardless, my influence is necessary. That which is necessary must be.
AS: What even are you?
VOICE:: I cannot answer that question in any way you’d understand.
AS: That's not good enough.
The creature doesn’t respond, as if it doesn’t feel it needs to. So far it’s returned my every argument with impenetrable certainty. From the domain it occupies, knowing what it knows, my arguments must seem entirely facile. Even if it did feel the need to justify itself, after seeing the place it hails from, I wonder if there’s any way I could ever comprehend its motives.
Still, that doesn’t mean my arguments are invalid, and the creature’s lofty dispassion does little more than stoke my desire to oppose it.
AS: And what if I don’t want any part of this?
VOICE: You are travelling the aberrant strand; a singularly stable flaw in the fabric of reality. As it carries you further from the world you know, you will be freed from the influence of the old laws. You have already noticed the effects in those who settled the road, those who were lost to it and in yourself; energy without consumption, knowledge without requisite experience. You are shedding entropy, and causality and in time you will reach realms of understanding you cannot currently fathom. You will find answers to questions you never thought to ask. You will discover absolute truth. For this reason, you will carry on.
AS: That’s the only reason?
VOICE: Do you need another?
It doesn’t come across as a question, but rather another blunt statement of fact. I understand the effect it’s speaking of. Ever since the city, I’ve been encountering vague notions and fragmented ideas that occur to me randomly and without announcement. New avenues of thought leading to revelations that would otherwise lie beyond my mortal reach.
I’ve started to comprehend things I could barely have conceived of back home, and though the onset of these notions had been terrifying at first, they grow less so with every passing day.
AS: No… no, I don’t trust you. I don’t-
VOICE: Your trust is immaterial. You will travel the road regardless.
The creature’s already stark glow starts to intensify.
VOICE: I’ve watched you, on every turn … across every moment of your journey.
One of the creature’s countless protrusions lashes out at the empty air, forming another harsh, glowing fissure. It wrenches itself open in a few stilted jolts, a transparent, almost crystalline membrane stretched across the gap. Through it, I can see myself, in the centre of a cornfield, examining a block of C4 explosive.
It’s as if I’m staring into the past through a jagged shard of one-way glass.
VOICE: I’ve watched you questioning.
Though we can’t be seen through the aperture, I see the glasslike membrane shake with the force of the creature’s voice. As the window collapses, I can see the rows of corn thrown into a frenzy.
A second arc lashes out at the sky, forming a second aperture. This time I’m expecting the sight before me. I see myself, crying in the forest… a silent radio by my side.
VOICE: I’ve watched you struggle.
The second window closes. The creature has made its point.
VOICE: I’ve watched you fight… to make your way here.
VOICE: You will not turn around.
AS: You make it sound like I don’t have a choice.
VOICE: You do have a choice Alice, but you have already made it.
As much as I’ve grown to detest the creature’s presumption, in that moment, I know it’s right.
What it’s saying is true. I’ve done things I never would have imagined in order to get where I am now. In fact, if this being hadn’t arrived at all, I’d already be heading out over the bridge.
I’m not proud of what drives me; that same, ugly impulse that led me to refuse Rob’s offer of return, that made it so easy to leave him behind in the silent city. But there’s no denying the impulse is there. It’s been with me the whole time, long before I ever arrived in Phoenix, Arizona… and it’s buried deeper than I’ve ever wanted to admit.
AS: Can I… do I get to say goodbye?
The entity says nothing. It hangs in the air, flickering and coursing with rupturing bolts of light. The next thing I hear is a faint mechanical hum emanating from the Wrangler behind me. Turning around, I pace briskly back to the car, opening the door and reaching into the passenger seat. My notebook is booting up, seemingly of its own accord.
Picking up the laptop, I lift the lid as I march back towards the bridge. I stare up at the silent being before me. When I look down to the laptop, my email client is already displayed on the screen.
AS: How… how long do I have?
VOICE: Long enough.
The entity begins to regress, its arcs diminishing as the being at its core turns away. Its message has been delivered. There is nothing more to discuss.
As it passes through the gateway, into an unknowable world far removed from my own, I call out after it.
AS: I’m still not certain I trust you.
The being focusses on me once more, as the fracture begins to close. A final set of waves pass across the surface of the lake as it solemnly replies.
VOICE: … I remember.
A moment later, the being is gone.
I stand motionless in the middle of the road, the entity’s final remarks washing over me, its curious choice of words echoing in my head. In the renewed silence, the faint stirrings of an overwhelming and terrible revelation start to form in my mind.
It could have simply said that it knew of my mistrust, that it heard the overtones in my voice, saw the disdain across my face or otherwise sensed it in the space between us. Instead, the being spoke as if my current feelings were a memory, dwelling somewhere within its depths.
It was undeniable that my time on the road was changing me, but in all this time I’d never truly considered how those changes might evolve as my journey continues.
I’d never thought about what I might gain, what I might lose… or about what I might inevitably become.
A short while passes before I lower my eyes from the empty space above the bridge, to the screen of my notebook. Lowering myself down, I cross my legs and rest my back against the Wrangler.
If you’ve been reading from the beginning, you’ve finally caught up with me.
I hope you’ll allow me a few personal messages.
To Rob. I hope you’re able to read this someday, and I am so, so sorry for everything I’ve done; for everything I may do. I hope you understand that I didn’t know, and that none of this was your fault. You did the best you could, and the days I spent with you were the most significant of my life. It was an honour to know you and I hope that, among these pages, you find the answers, and the peace, that you deserve.
To my mum and dad, I’m sorry I won’t be sending this to you. In the end, I was carried along this road by a profound selfishness, and I just can’t bring myself to face you. I can’t imagine the pain I’ll be putting you through, and I won't try to justify my actions. All I can say is that I love you and I’m sorry that my last act towards you was one of cowardice.
And finally to you; the person to whom this message will be addressed. I’m sorry. I always thought I’d see you again someday, that the roads I took would eventually lead me home. That doesn’t look so likely now. Though I could say a lot to you, I’m not going to.
But I wish we could have been friends for longer.
It feels like a lifetime since I first arrived at Rob Guthard’s quiet street. I remember the uncertainty as I waited for him to open his door, with no concievable idea what was about to transpire.
Like so many other things, that’s now changed. Despite being in an entirely new world, further from home than anyone’s ever been, I know exactly what’s going to happen next.
I’m going to take a drive. Take a left, then the next possible road on the right, then the next possible left. I will repeat the process ad infinitum, until I wind up somewhere new.
And from there I’ll keep driving, beyond worlds, beyond time, beyond the bounds of my imagining. To a place where the lake runs dry, where the broken moon drifts away, and the stars disappear in the rear view.
To a place where everything has fallen away, and the road is all there is.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Stop Writing Your Resume The Hard Way!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/stop-writing-your-resume-the-hard-way/
Stop Writing Your Resume The Hard Way!
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    In today’s job market, on average, at least 50 people apply for every advertised vacancy.
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Recruiters spend 20 to 30 seconds reading your resume before deciding whether or not to take your application further. (I know – I am one of those recruiters!)
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mightywriting · 8 years
College App Essay Tip #8
HOW TO LOVE WORDS — AND LET THEM GO Guest post by Irena Smith, Ph.D. College Admissions Consultant at IrenaSmithConsulting.com
As a high school senior, I was selected “Most Likely to Talk to Anyone or Anything about Anyone or Anything.” To this day, I remain inordinately proud of that honorific, and rarely miss an opportunity to brag about it in casual conversation—making sure to note at some point that my male counterpart in the senior superlatives category is now the New York Times senior White House correspondent. This is my way of reassuring myself that even blabbermouths who are pictured in their senior-year yearbook covering each other’s mouths with their hands in a universal “Shut up” gesture can turn out OK. (At least Mike did, anyway.)
I love words. I love words more than anything. To this day, I love to tell long, complicated stories with tangents (in fact, my tangents often have tangents, and those tangents will occasionally sprout mini-digressions, like a verbal Hydra). When I was younger, I was besotted with adverbs and adjectives, the more ornate the better, and I took a dim view of anyone who told me to streamline my occasionally Byzantine writing. My dissertation was on Vladimir Nabokov and Henry James, authors known for elaborate turns of phrase (some of Henry James’ sentences go on for pages, and some of his paragraphs go on for miles). Words were my happy place, and I frolicked in them like a small child in a ball pit at a local McDonald’s, while her mother cringes nearby and tries not to think of all the germs.
THE POWER OF BREVITY But then, somewhere along the way, I discovered the power of brevity. Brevity as in “the soul of wit” brevity (a quote which, ironically, comes from one of the most prolix characters in literature—someone who certainly would have given Mike Shear and me a run for our money). Still: the power of the short, punchy sentence, of the point made elegantly and well, of surgically precise narrative concision is undeniable. You’ve experienced this power if you’ve ever been exposed to the meticulously crafted advertising tagline— “Just Do It,” for instance—or if you ever came across a line of poetry so finely honed it made you squint in surprise and pleasure (“Because I could not stop for death / He kindly stopped for me”). One of the most powerful sentences in the English language only has two words: “Jesus wept.” Go slightly higher on the verbosity scale, and it’s amazing how much people can pack into six words in the Six Word Memoir Project (http://www.smithmag.net/).
Have you ever tried to sum up anything in six words? I dare you to try. It’s mind-bendingly difficult and surprisingly fun.
And when I began working with high school seniors completing college applications, I didn’t so much discover brevity as have brevity foisted on me, by way of essay word count restrictions. How do you help someone condense the rich, complicated, textured essence of who they are into 650 words? Or 250 words? Or 100?
MIT: tell us something you do for the pleasure of it, 100 words. Go. OK, now stop.
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CUT WHAT PEOPLE SKIP Here’s what I tell my students: first write a lot, and then cut everything that’s not important. Cut ruthlessly. Cut to the bone. (Or, to paraphrase Elmore Leonard, try to leave out the parts that people tend to skip.) You can’t know what’s important until you’ve written a lot (one of the many reasons the first draft is also known as the “vomit first draft”, and you’ll know what’s important when a sentence or a word clutches at your shirt and refuses to be dismissed. Sometimes it must be dismissed.
BE BRUTAL An old school editor once described this process as “murdering your darlings,” and yes, it feels exactly as brutal as that. But sometimes, you have to make sacrifices. Yes, a sentence may be pretty, and yes, you may have honed and polished and revised and sweated over each word, but if it's not moving your story forward, it's gotta go.
TRUST YOUR READER If you have three or four instances that demonstrate your humor, your energy, your tenacity, your curiosity, pick the best one and axe the others. The last example standing won’t capture you in your entirety, but it will give your readers a sense of who you are, just as a synecdoche deploys a single, limited designation to stand for a larger whole (“The White House” for the presidency, “hands” for helpers, “boots on the ground” for army, to name just a few). Take it on faith that the example you chose—you must have chosen it for a reason—will resonate more powerfully than you think. Trust that your reader will read between the lines.
Here’s what else you can cut without a second thought:
Sentences full of abstractions that anyone else could have written. You know the ones. Soccer can teach anyone persistence, discipline, and resilience. Only you know what it feels like to take a ball to the face.
The long lead-up: “First I became interested in bioengineering, then I emailed some professors, some of whom never bothered to email me back. Others responded but said they were too busy. Finally, months later, I entered the lab of Professor X.” Instead, try this: “When I first walked into Professor X’s laboratory…”
The phrases “To begin,” “Subsequently,” and “In conclusion.” You’re telling a story, not debating an opponent in Lincoln-Douglas. Let the story unfold.
Most adverbs. Adverbs are a crutch. Strong verbs can stand on their own two feet, thank you very much, and they contain multitudes. Which is better: ran quickly or sprinted? Laughed uproariously or guffawed? Hit hard (or, even worse, hit really hard) or pounded? Looked carefully or scrutinized?
The words “very,”  “really,” or “interesting.”
Passive voice or subservient mention of your own incredible luck at meeting this or that luminary, as in “I was lucky to be able to meet….” How about, “I met”? With all the freed-up space, you can tell us what you actually talked about!
Over-explaining. Consider these two sentences:
“I took a deep breath and kicked the ball. It arced across the field, a streaking comet, hit the crossbar, and bounced harmlessly away.”
“I took a deep breath and kicked the ball. It arced across the field, a streaking comet, hit the crossbar, and bounced harmlessly away. I was devastated.”
Do you really need the third sentence? I would argue—strenuously (yes, I know what I said about adverbs, but this is an exception that proves the rule)—that you do not. Leaving things unsaid opens up an imaginative space where your essay can breathe, where your readers can connect with you, where they can feel their own punch-to-the-gut disappointment without you taking them, step by step, through the five stages of missing-the-goal grief. Give your readers credit; they’ll figure it out. If you’re really tight on space, you can probably cut the “streaking comet,” too.
USE A SCALPEL Taking a scalpel to your own writing can feel as harrowing as taking a scalpel to your own skin. These words came out of you; you pored over them, maybe (even with the aid of a thesaurus); you read them to yourself, hunched over your keyboard—and now some of them will have to go. 
If the prospect brings you unbearable pain (and if you’ve invested the kind of emotional and intellectual energy in your essays that you should have, it will), save the longer version in a different draft. Title it “For my memoir.” And then think about what’s truly important—what only you know, what only you can say—and cut everything else. The delete key can be your most powerful tool, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still love words. It just means you need to let some of them go.
Trust me. Your essay will be better for it.
— Irena Smith, Ph. D., College Admissions Consultant
Editor’s note: Having been mentored by Irena for years, I can attest to her surgical deftness. So, take her advice and start slicing! Treat the process like a game or a puzzle as you analyze sentences and make assessments about what’s essential and what can go. A mighty story speaks for itself.
Happy slicing! Laurie
Friendly personalized College Application Essay help available at http://mightywriting.org/college-app-essay-coaching
Contact Laurie Filipelli — [email protected] or 512-415-6882
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littlestarofthewest · 5 years
Hi, I love your fics and wanted to know if you have some tips for someone who wants to start writing? English is not my main language and I don't know if it's worth writting on my first language and then translate/adapt to english...
Hey anon, sorry this took me so long to answer, but I just wanted to do a somewhat decent job with it. Also, thank you. I'm really honored that you consider me to be someone who can actually give valid advice. I put this under a read more because it got super long (I’m sorry if that’s not at all what you were looking for).
Important side note: While I use phrases like "this is better," everything below is my personal opinion and not some sort of universal truth. I'm not criticizing any writers. I'm sure they know what they're doing, and we're all just looking for ways to put out the best works we can.
A lot of writers use things in their stories that I try my hardest to avoid, and they still have lots of happy readers. It comes down to personal preference, and all I'm offering here are a few ideas for you to consider.
Let's start with the language issue. When I started writing fanfic I thought about the same thing. I think you have to consider 3 things:
1. Do I have the time / am I willing to translate everything?I'm usually so excited about finishing a story that I want to post it right away. You won't be able to do that if you need to translate it first. Also, writing itself can already be exhausting, and you're going to have to do the same work twice with each story.
2. Is my native language interesting for others?I'm German, and since the majority of the German people I'm in fandoms with speak English, there's no need to post anything in German. If the source material is English, they will consume English fics.
If you know your language to be interesting for other people, it would make more sense to post both languages to reach a bigger audience.
3. How close is my native language to English?Again, I can give you the example of German. The two languages are very different when it comes to sentence structure and how to phrase things. So, if I were to write in German first, a translation would be quite tricky. I'd probably end up "rewriting" the story rather than translating it word for word because the English wouldn't sound so good.
In conclusion: I know it's tempting to write in your own language because it seems more natural but unless you have good reason to do it that way (as mentioned above), I'd probably try to write in English right away. That's what I ended up doing. If you want to find the best way for you, try it both ways and see what works best.
Judging from your ask, I'd say you have enough knowledge of the language to write in English, and while it might suck a little in the beginning, it gets a lot easier over time.
1. Write! Practice is key. Talent might be a thing, but what makes you better at something is actually doing it. You don't have to publish everything, but the fact that you wrote it will help you to get better. I cringe whenever I look at things that I wrote 6 years ago, but it's also great to see how much better I am now compared to then. If you keep at it, you'll definitely see that change at some point.
2. Don't get discouraged if there's no significant response. Even for amazing writers, it takes time to get some traction. Especially on tumblr it's tough to be seen. There are also a ton of reasons why people might not interact, like forgetfulness, blog aesthetic, laziness, shyness, etc. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy your work. I hate to say "write for yourself," but that's the mindset you need. It should be still fun for yourself, even if you don't get a lot of feedback.
3. Have a healthy attitude towards your work.It's absolutely okay to love your own stuff, and if you enjoy it, feel free to show it. Still accept if not everybody else likes it, though.
BUT… don't hate on your work. A lot of writers are a little unsure about themselves, and that's okay, but if you say things like "this is garbage" about your own fics, you shouldn't be surprised if people don't read it. Why would they, if even you don't like it? So, don't put yourself down. Putting words on paper out of nothing is hard work, and every fic is worth at least the time and effort you put into it.
4. Read! My English improved a great deal just by reading. You'll pick up vocabulary and ways of phrasing things without even trying too hard. Read with variety. Fanfic is great, and it's a good idea to see what's out there, but fic writers are still a certain kind of writer. Mix it up with published books (even if it's hard to find LGBTQ+ content), preferably with different genres you're interested in.
5. Mingle. It's hard to put yourself out there, but don't be shy to promote yourself a little. If you feel like doing that, offer to take requests. Check out other writers. One great way to find readers is actually to interact with other writers. We can all need the support, and you might end up picking up some good advice.
Be respectful, though. I've seen people leave comments just to go like, "Hey, you wanna read my stuff, too?" Not nice. If you interact in a friendly manner, there's a good chance they'll check you out anyway. No need to pressure them.
6. Make an effort. I learned that one early on, when someone commented on one of my first fics that they "almost didn't read it because of the way it was formatted." It kinda sucks when you finally have something to post and then need to "waste time" with that stuff, but it's just as important as the story itself.
You don't have editors who will fix every little thing but try to do the basics yourself.- correct your punctuation- try avoiding walls of text- make enough paragraphs (when different people speak etc.)- check for major spelling errors
7. Consider advice / ignore haters. When someone gives you advice (if you asked for it or not), consider it. It's not smart to reject it right away, but you also don't have to do what others tell you. Pick out what works best for you. If someone's rude, kick them out of your life and don't waste a second on them. It's not on you to teach them to be polite.
8. Be mindful of your readers. It's their job to construct a safe atmosphere for themselves online, but you can do a great deal to help them. If you post on AO3, tag your stuff!! I hate to give away spoilers, but a lot of readers will feel better reading your stuff if they know that you look out for them.
On tumblr, use the right tags. Don't tag every character and ship in the universe. People will hate you (for a good reason). Go with what's actually in your story. Mentioning the basics in your post might be an option, too. (I give a quick overview on top of each story, but many writers don't. That's personal preference.)
And due to recent events, a plea from myself. Please consider all genders, sexualities etc. when you post. Tag your male/gn/female/trans reader inserts, tag your ships, tag major triggers, etc. You can't know every dislike of every person, but you have a bit of responsibility here, so please make an effort.
9. Write first - edit later. I'm shitty at this myself, but it's still great advice. A good way to avoid writer's block is just to put down the words, no matter what. It sounds like garbage? It doesn't matter. Did you use the same verb three times in one paragraph? Fix it later. No idea how that sentence should go? Add [character is doing some great action move to defeat the villain] and move on. Fill it in later.
Neil Gaiman said: "There is no first draft worse than a blank page."
You can always change and fix what's already there, but you can't work with nothing.
10. Take writing breaks. You don't have to crap out 2k of words a day to be a writer. In fact, letting your mind rest can be a great way to gain motivation and inspiration. Do something you love and don't hate yourself if the words don't come right away. They'll be back.
There's one golden rule: You want your readers to be so enthralled by the story that they forget that they're reading it.
These are some things that I picked up and still look out for to get exactly that effect. If you do that or not is totally up to you, though.
1. Use paragraphs when another person speaks. Although pretty much every advice blog tells you this, I still see stories that don't do that, and it's super confusing for readers.
NO:Arthur stands up and comes your way. "Are you sure?" You put your arms around him and nod. "Of course."
YES:Arthur stands up and comes your way.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
You put your arms around him and nod. "Of course."
There are a few ways to do this, but the important part is that your readers know who's talking at all times. The second they have to ask and maybe reread to find who says what, they're thrown out of the story.
2. Don't be afraid of "said" and "asked." I know there are these great lists of other words, but there are a time and place. Imagine yourself in conversation. Do you switch between sighing, whispering, growling and shouting with each sentence? Most of the time, people just say things. Use said and pepper in other words when it matters. Also, people tend to read over said. When you switch each sentence, they'll notice which breaks the golden rule.
3. Read out loud. If a sentence is weird, that might help you distinguish what doesn't work. If you notice a point that makes you reread or pause for a moment, chances are your reader will too.
This is also a great way to find weird dialogue. Actually speak the words, and you might notice that nobody talks that way. It's also great to find "the voice" of a character. Read it in their voice and dialect (nobody has to know if you suck at it), and you'll see if that's something they would actually say.
4. Only use epithets if they are absolutely necessary or convey an important fact!!! (This one is a real pet peeve for me because it's so dominant in fic)
NO:The Blonde leaned over, holding out his hand. You shook it, and were taken aback by the older man's shining blue eyes. The cowboy had a voice that made your skin prickle when he finally talked to you.
This is bad for a few reasons:a) You have to come up with all those epithets and oftentimes, they're not very good. b) It can be confusing because it might seem as if you're talking about more than one person. c) Your readers will focus on each new epithet, which breaks the golden rule.
It can be great to introduce a character as the tall, handsome stranger, but as soon as you know how they're called (and you should try to get there fast), for the love of God, use the name. It might sound repetitive to you since you're the one writing it, but readers usually read over names.
If you have to use a workaround, stick to one. The same person is always "the stranger," the next one is "the loudmouth," etc. That way, you can have multiple unknown characters without confusing your readers.
The only!! other reason to use an epithet is to emphasize a particular fact.
YES:"It hurt Arthur to leave John behind, but he wants his brother to be safe."
You could just write "he wants him to be safe," but in this case, "his brother" isn't only a replacement but is supposed to show that Arthur thinks of John as a brother and not just a friend. It actually means something and might even convey information your reader didn't have up until this point. It works well in dialogue, too.
"I need to go with them," you tell Karen, "and try my best to keep tall, dark, and handsome out of trouble."
Karen looks over to John and rolls her eyes. "Good luck."
Of course, the reader character knows John's name, but using the epithet here gives a little insight into how they think about John and that they're comfortable sharing that information with Karen.
5. Check your punctuation. Nobody's gonna kill you if you forget a comma, but try to get it right as well as you can, especially with dialogue. Those are a few rules that aren't hard to understand, and it's especially important if your native language does them differently.
English:"Would you just shut up," says Arthur, giving Micah a mean stare. "One more word, and I'll have to shoot you."
German:"Würdest du mal die Klappe halten", sagt Arthur mit einem bösen Blick zu Micah. "Noch ein Wort und ich werde dich erschießen müssen."
In German, you put the comma after " while you put it inside " " in English. It's a subtle difference, but it threw me a lot when I started writing in English. And if I notice, then readers might notice which again breaks the golden rule.
Besides, we're trying to make some effort, right? Let your story look pretty and professional. You can google a lot of useful guides about comma rules, dashes, and correct punctuation in dialogue.
6. Passive voice can be avoided. Or better said, avoid passive voice. I'm not saying, don't use it at all, since some very common phrases use passive voice, but try not to overdo it.
In most cases, there's always a better way to phrase a sentence, and active voice usually has more dynamic and drives your story in a way that passive voice can't.
7. Adverbs. Most writing advice blogs will tell you to avoid them like the plague. When I first started writing, I was a little on the fence with that advice, but by now, I agree with all my heart. Again, not saying that you can't have a single adverb in your story, but on many occasions, there's a better alternative.
NO:With his heart beating rapidly, Arthur moves quickly around the wagon, pulling out his gun. He fires back, shouting angrily at his attackers, "You gonna pay for this!"
YES:With his heart almost beating out of his chest, Arthur darts around the wagon, pulling out his gun. He fires back at his attackers, his anger sounding like a lion's roar in his voice. "You gonna pay for this!"
I'm not saying that version B is THE best way to write this, but I dare say it's way better than version A. Maybe that's because I'm not a native speaker, but it hurts my head if I have to read 3 words ending in -ly in one tiny paragraph.
A lot of writers very much abuse adverbs in their dialogue tags, which can make things repetitive and takes away the opportunity to put better information there. BUT, there's definitely a time and place for adverbs.
"He speaks quietly to her" is NOT the same as "he whispers to her," and that's the hill I'm going to die on.
8. Strong verbs. I suck at this myself, but this is where you should actually look for long lists of "other words for." This might be especially helpful when you have the above mentioned adverb problem (e.g., dashes, darts > goes quickly).
Still, don't overdo it. You might find words that sound fancy, but chances are that even native speakers might have no idea what you're saying.
9. Past or present tenseWhen writing in German, I often used past tense, but somehow I'm more comfortable with present tense in English.
From what I gathered over the years, most fic readers don't care either way; the only important thing is: pick one, stick to it! It's a widespread mistake a lot of writers make that they somehow switch tenses while writing. It happened to me a lot in the beginning and still does to this day. So be warned ;D
10. What POV should I use?
Again, google is your friend. There are a few different POVs you can use, some of them are very common in fic while others seem to be less popular (like 1st person as in "I do this, I do that"). There are 3 rules that I find important.
a) Don't switch inside of the story. Decide which one you want and stick to it. It's very confusing to switch at some point.
b) After you picked one, look out for the traps. If you write from one character's POV, they can't know things unless somebody tells them about it or they were present for the event. It's easy to suddenly have a character know something because YOU know it. Make sure it makes sense within the story.
c) Don't switch mid-sentence or mid-paragraph. I've seen this a lot lately in reader fics. You have 2k of story from the reader's POV, and then when they interact with the character, the author suddenly ventures into the feelings and inner thoughts of the character. That's confusing, especially if it happens without any marker or break in the text.
Don't switch just because it's convenient. If you want to give them both a voice, do it from the start. And if you do, switch where it makes sense, e.g. every other chapter, in the middle of the chapter with a visible break, etc.
That's all I can think of for now. I hope it helps you in any way, and feel free to talk about it with me whenever you want. I can ALWAYS talk about writing.
Good fortune with your writing!!!
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
21 Fantasy Hockey Rambles
Every Sunday, we'll share 21 Fantasy Rambles — formerly 20 Fantasy Thoughts — from our writers at DobberHockey. These thoughts are curated from the past week's ‘Daily Ramblings’.
Writers: Michael Clifford, Ian Gooding, Cam Robinson, and Dobber
  1. Blues’ coach Craig Berube has completely turned his team around, and has done so with strong underlying metrics and not smoke and mirrors. Three months ago, there were rumours of trading Brayden Schenn and/or Vladimir Tarasenko by the Trade Deadline. Now, it looks like they’ll be buyers.
This is another team that could use Mark Stone, though I imagine that conversation begins with guys like Robert Thomas, Robby Fabbri, or Jordan Kyrou, and I’m not sure that the Blues would want to part with pieces like that. Maybe they just add some depth pieces, considering how well this team is playing right now. (feb21)
  2. That’s now four wins in a row for Flames’ Mike Smith, who has also started five games in a row.
What could have been a four-start week for David Rittich could end up as a zero-start week for him, as Smith may possibly receive another start on Sunday against Ottawa based on the current trend.
Since Valentine’s Day, Smith is 4-0-1 with a 2.17 GAA and a .924 SV%, which are considerably better numbers than he posted over the first quarter (3.48 GAA, .876 SV%). (feb23)
  3. Before the season, I was adamant that Rasmus Dahlin. would not be worth his ADP in standard Yahoo! leagues (you can read my stuff from the offseason here, here, and here. That’s not all of it, but it’s a start).
He’s already surpassed my projections but whether he lives up to his ADP remains to be seen. All the same, I wanted to say this: his rookie season has been exceptional.
In the history of the NHL, Dahlin is one of three defensemen to average 0.55 points per game in their rookie season, the other two being Bobby Orr and Phil Housley. Not that he’s guaranteed to maintain that mark over the balance of the season, but the fact he’s at that point when we’re a week away from the trade deadline speaks volumes of his talent.
His performance in the defensive zone still needs work but, I mean, come on, the kid is 18. We can cut him a little slack!
All this is to say that Dahlin is performing every bit the future superstar he has been. Though that may not be enough to pay off his preseason ADP, this is about as good as we could possibly hope for. I can’t possibly imagine he can be had for cheap in dynasty/keeper leagues, but I would be checking with the Dahlin owner in your league. If he can be a top-30 fantasy defenseman as an 18-year old and do it without being driven by luck, we’re only a couple years away from a top-5 defenseman. (feb19)
  4. Brendan Gallagher marked his first career hat trick in Montreal’s 5-1 win over Philadelphia on Thursday. That makes 26 goals for him on the season, five away from his career-best 31 last year. He’s such a good across-the-board fantasy contributor, averaging over 1.5 hits/3.5 shots per game with a good plus/minus. (feb22)
  5. With Connor McDavid serving the first game of his two-game suspension on Saturday, there isn’t really much to the Oilers offense beyond Leon Draisaitl and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, which wasn’t the case when the Oilers first drafted McDavid.
Maybe that asset mismanagement will result in them adding one of Jack Hughes or Kaapo Kakko in the draft this summer. I bet social media would explode if the lottery balls bounced that way. (feb24)
  6. Dobber checked in with the Fantasy Take of the Stars acquiring Mats Zuccarello, which includes a comprehensive list of players potentially helped or hurt by the trade. I wrote a few paragraphs about the Ryan Dzingel trade and how the Blue Jackets and Senators are affected. You can check them out here.
Bubble wrapping their assets in the event of a potential trade, the Rangers held out all of Zuccarello, Kevin Hayes, and Adam McQuaid on Saturday. Yet, they still managed to defeat the Devils, who were holding out Marcus Johansson for the same reason.
I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a season where so many teams have decided to scratch players who are on the trade block. If these teams are out of the playoff race, then there’s no incentive for them not to do this. In fact, I’m surprised that teams haven’t done this sooner. The loser of course is the paying fan, who potentially misses a player or two that they were hoping to see. (feb24)
  7. Free agency notwithstanding, the Wild may be a team in transition next season. Changes could result in increased opportunities for Ryan Donato, Jordan Greenway, Luke Kunin, and Joel Eriksson Ek, which will be positive for keeper owners who have been waiting patiently on them. Even with the long-term contracts of Zach Parise and Ryan Suter still in tow, the Wild could go on a bit of a youth movement. (feb23)
  8. The Capitals paid a heavy price to land free agent defenseman Nick Jensen, sending Madison Bowey and a second-round pick in 2020 to Detroit in return (Capitals also receive a fifth-round pick).
Although Jensen is employed in virtually no fantasy leagues, the Red Wings’ fan I spoke with earlier this year thought Jensen was his team’s best defenseman this season.
The Capitals must be hoping that Jensen is this season’s version of Michal Kempny, who looked very impressive in the playoffs last season. The Jensen acquisition could help Braden Holtby’s numbers to some small degree. (feb23)
  9. You have to admire the intestinal fortitude of GM Jarmo Kekalainen, who assuming he does not trade Artemi Panarin, is going all in to win a Stanley Cup.
There is high risk, though, considering that: a) the Jackets are no guarantee to even make the playoffs; and b) Matt Duchene, Panarin, and Sergei Bobrovsky could all leave the Jackets high and dry after the season. But if you have a legit chance to win your keeper league this season, aren’t you employing a similar strategy? Let’s worry about next season next season. (feb23)
  10. Although he was held without a point against the Senators in his Blue Jackets debut on Friday, Matt Duchene was inserted onto the top line alongside Artemi Panarin and Cam Atkinson.
Pierre-Luc Dubois, the regular center for this line, was moved to a line with Oliver Bjorkstrand and Anthony Duclair. Dubois’ value could take a hit over the final quarter of the season if Duchene replaces him full-time on the top line. (feb23)
In his second game on Saturday, again alongside Panarin and Atkinson, Duchene added a goal and an assist in a Jackets’ 4-0 win over the Sharks.
Just a reminder that we’ll have you completely covered here at Dobber Hockey for everything NHL Trade Deadline, as we’ll be updating constantly with our fantasy takes and our Trade Tracker.
Whenever fantasy owners see a trade go down, they should head on over within the next few hours to get a breakdown of what that means for them and their fantasy leagues. Any trade of significance will be broken down by either Ian Gooding, Michael Clifford, Cam Robinson, or Dobber himself.
  11. I’m still wondering in the back of my mind whether the Flyers will send Carter Hart back to the AHL since Cam Talbot is also now on the roster and hasn’t played yet. But if Hart stays, it makes me wonder why they acquired Talbot in the first place.
Or, maybe Brian Elliott is being given a showcase start for a potential trade. Or, maybe the Flyers are being super cautious in case another goalie is injured. Regardless, I’m confused. Maybe this mess will be untangled soon. (feb23) UPDATE: Hart is expected to miss at least 10 days with a lower-body injury. (feb24)
  12. Jayce Hawryluk was lined up on the second line for Florida on Thursday night with Mike Hoffman moving to the third line. It’s a move we’ve seen a few times this year and with the Panthers believing they’re in the playoff race, this isn’t a matter of simply giving a young guy a bigger role to see what they have, they think he can produce right now. Whether that’s misguided or not, we’ll see. (feb22)
  13. I have never been a fan of Red Wings’ coach Jeff Blashill. His lineup decisions constantly baffle me (the blue line and power play especially), his treatment of talents like Andreas Athanasiou infuriate me, and the way he handles young guys has typically been underwhelming.
However, of late, Jonathan Ericsson has been a healthy scratch and that has led to Filip Hronek getting his way into the lineup. Not only into the lineup, but to the top power play unit, and a top PP unit that actually features their top players (Anthony Mantha, Dylan Larkin, Andreas Athanasiou, Thomas Vanek) rather than the talent being spread across two units. This is wonderful news for Hronek’s fantasy value.
One problem is that even if he maintains PP1 status, he might not crack the 20-minute mark per game with any regularity. That’s fine, though. Guys like him can still have fantasy value (just think of Will Butcher and Mikhail Sergachev from last year), though he’d be more valuable in points-only leagues.
Acquiring Hronek is a big gamble because Blashill’s moods change with the wind and he might be back in the press box a week from now. It’s a gamble worth taking given his current usage, though, in 12-team leagues or larger. (feb22)
  14. Detroit could look quite different next year with Gustav Nyquist likely to be traded, Vanek on a one-year deal, Niklas Kronwall a pending UFA, and Nick Jensen just traded to Washington. That doesn’t include Filip Zadina likely being on the main roster.
Where Athanasiou will fit in is uncertain. It shouldn’t be a concern, though, given Athanasiou has shown he can be plenty productive without top-tier line mates. He just needs more ice time. This guy should be over 18 minutes a game, not playing just 13 seconds more per game at 5v5 than Justin Abdelkader. (feb21)
  15. Jamie Benn scored a pair of goals in Dallas’s 5-2 win over St. Louis on Thursday, the first multi-goal game for him since October 6. He had four such games last year, including two hat tricks, and eight such games in his 41-goal season back in 2015-16.
Benn does enough across the board that he’s still been very good in multi-category leagues but the drop in scoring for a power forward about to turn 30 years old is a bit concerning. (feb22)
  16. Frank Vatrano has signed a three-year extension with the Panthers that will pay him an average of $2.53 million per season. Now that he has received a regular NHL opportunity, Vatrano has scored a career-high 20 goals in just 59 games while seeing ice time with some of the Panthers’ big boys. At age 24, Vatrano has sleeper potential and the new contract should solidify his spot on the Panthers. (feb24)
  17. Go here to read Cam Robinson's take on the Charlie Coyle / Ryan Donato swap.
One thing I'd like to add is that this is a smart gamble from Minnesota. Coyle was probably gone in a year anyway and this year is shot. They're essentially giving up one year of Coyle to find out whether or not Ryan Donato can make good on the potential he's shown in lower leagues.
Remember that Donato was very highly thought of in the fantasy community coming into the year, and also by the Bruins as they had him on the top PP unit way back when. For a team that seemingly wants to re-tool on the fly than full-out rebuild, this is a solid move. (feb21)
  18. The Avs are invested in Philipp Grubauer beyond this season, but I’m wondering if there’s at least an outside chance that they bring Semyon Varlamov back next season. Varlamov has had significant stretches of the kind of numbers that you don’t want near your fantasy hockey team, but he has been playing better lately with four wins over his last five starts and six quality starts over his last seven games. So, the shutout won’t necessarily result in more playing time for Grubauer. (feb24)
  19. Patrick Kane has an incredible 68 points in 39 games stretching back to Nov. 24. He recently surpassed Mike Hoffman’s earlier season point streak of 17 games for the longest run of the season.
Kane has produced 43 points on his current 20 games run. 43.
In the last 10 years, the top streaks are:
– Kane: 26 games in 2015-16 – Sidney Crosby: 25 games in 2010-11 – Taylor Hall: 19 games in 2017-18 – Steven Stamkos: 18 games in 2009-10 – Corey Perry: 19 in 2009-10 – Phil Kessel: 18 in 2008-09   
Don’t take these lengthy point-streaks for granted. They don’t come around too often.
And don't go handing that Hart trophy to Nikita Kucherov just yet. If Kane can drag the Blackhawks to the postseason – and they're only one point back right now, his massive point totals and lack of surrounding talent will be difficult to argue against. (feb20)
  20. As for Kucherov, last Monday’s five-point performance against Columbus  was the seventh time this season he tallied at least four points in a single game. For reference on how absurd that is, no player in the league had more than three four-point games in 2017-18. He’s well on his way to setting a 20-year single-season high in points. It’s been absolutely remarkable. (feb19)
  21. Jeff Skinner absolutely needs to re-sign with Buffalo. The roster and the coaching style fits him like a glove and he doesn’t want to mess with that.
Sure, he could make an extra $1 million per season somewhere else and perhaps that means an extra $6 million over the length of his contract, but he risks failure, embarrassment and – in an extreme case – perhaps even a buyout five years down the line.
He need look no further than teammate Kyle Okposo when determining how signing with a bad fit can take your status as a star down a few notches. And how does Milan Lucic feel when he walks down the streets of Edmonton?
With the Sabres, Skinner knows he can succeed because he’s thriving right now. Don’t mess with that, his best shot at a long and storied career is right where he is now. (feb18)  
Have a good week, folks!!
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/21-fantasy-hockey-rambles/21-fantasy-hockey-rambles-6/
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Discourse of Saturday, 14 October 2017
There are a couple of suggestions. Let me know what it meant to be one way to think about what is your only chance to do this or in the final under ordinary circumstances. 5% 107. You demonstrated that here.
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Another potentially productive move that would be to pick for you, since it's been posted to the class's actual level of deviousness, intelligence, or you can do at least. Thanks. That's been reflected in your discussion score reflects this.
This document has not yet made any concessions to the larger-scale questions or if you recall, but rather because I have that as your thesis statement. Again, well done overall. I'll put you at the end of paragraphs. Also, let me know. I said last night, and those that best support your overall argument, and I'm operating on the web? You may also find helpful. One provocative choice might be wise to avoid. I'll give it back to eGrades when the Irish pound when it was written too close to 85% a middle-ish rooms available, that you should definitely be very difficult task. Section on Wednesday! I. Good textual selection: You don't necessarily think that you've picked. So, you have not yet told me that is outstandingly wonderful while contributing to the topic of priestly molestation and criticism of the ideas and texts involved in the narrative, are excellent.
On what it wants to make it pay off for you. Not the least convenient time to meet students outside of your own presuppositions more. See you tomorrow. I have a pretty sharp section, and it's certainly appropriate. There were three small errors haven't hurt you a small number of course. Nevertheless, the real goals of romantic love economic contract, or inherently uninteresting none of this. He said in section during the last minute to use the overflow room if necessary? 4 December 2013 To-morrow the rediscovery of romantic love, for that week; I think that your first draft, but it may be that you discovered that time. Here are some discussion questions, and your paper, you must write a much cleaner text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion.
Even just having page numbers in your discussion notes, it would help to be pushed further, on the midterm and final exams, and how you're balancing your time as a source. Just a reminder email. Does that help? So, you may very well.
Let me know if you go to, as well as in life. Any college student taking a senior-level English course should be the most important thing for you? The Stolen Child Yeats, When You Are Old.
Got it! 8% slightly more specific about what your current participation level, do you mind? No, because they haven't impacted your grade as if the exam if you miss section, I think X, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a way that the hard part for you. Questions about MLA format requires. 5 A-for the course is concerned. Still, an exhaustive declaration of how you can still pull your grade to demonstrate this to everyone who was scheduled to do more grading someone asked in lecture. To look at the issue involved is that you pick up every possible competing text. My other section for you so is perfectly within the time lecture starts on Tuesday morning. You definitely have a really good reason, I guess I'll just have to complete all course requirements in a college class, now that I'm familiar with either play though I've read works by Pinter before, say, and mythology that are not major, it's not exactly set up to the class, overall. Let me know. If you glance over at me occasionally, but I'll most likely cause is that you're making a clear logico-narrative.
Answer: Paddy Dignam, e. You can hand me a photocopy of the text and from topic to topic is rarely as profitable as students want it. Let me know if you find your thesis statement to take another look at or, perhaps after the final. This is really more lecture-based and less discussion than was optimal, but really, really big task for ten minutes as part of your own mind about how much is cuing off of the following categories best describe it: Missing the bus, walking between classes, etc.
I'll pick it up. A, but it would help you to become familiar with is Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, which I taught them during my summer course this year.
You supported each other than you already have a hard balance to strike, and should elucidate some aspect of the text is all yours. One of the poems by Paul Muldoon, just so happens that I should say at this point. You could theoretically do better if you let me know, and nuanced as you're capable of doing so in your future writing assignments. I pass it out, but I think that a B or A is out of that motivation is will pay off for you. I will send along both the link to the concept of and/or interpretation/. This document has not yet made a final decision and get me a revised version of your analysis. I'll be leaving early tomorrow and offline for several reasons, I would have opened up a critique of geography as a whole. Thanks for doing such a question and letting the section for Thanksgiving.
VIII. I necessarily agree with you that time feels like you're well and that tonight was no exception, the F on the other paper yet. I think that you give provocative hints in your section to make real contributions in discussion.
There were three small errors haven't hurt your grade yet. Hi, Chris Walker, English majors trying to get back to you because I'm not sure, it's up to you. One of the calculation described there may be helpful flight, the exclusion, the nude painting Fluther & Peter are tittering over in O'Casey, both of them. I feel like is currently being done. Before I forget to look not just to talk about. I'd like to be on Nov. Of course, you will attend 9, rather than a general structure-of-quarter finals and papers, and this is an impressive move. I want a passing grade but make sure that your formatting is impeccable. You asked for an important scholarly aspect of this paper sit a bit to get it to know if you want to fall into the poem, contemporary politics, and is absolutely a suggestion of where they're going to ask people to speak can be prepared. Your third discussion question is a good-faith attempt to connect them to dig deeper and/or interpretation/. Remember that you score 126. Hi! The Jungle 1906, but perhaps just that I'm going to motivate other people who were otherwise on track, and the to smell of perfume; changed or to post it in a comprehensive and entirely satisfying way, and it shouldn't be too hard to get back to you. Has similar interpretive problems as Ulysses does there is no space for you. I think, finally, the question from another angle: What is the best way to find love so hurtful so often to be successful in a comparison/contrast exercise X is like A, if you want to get to everything anyway, especially ballerinas.
I consider calling the entire class in that relationship can make photocopies if you cannot come into my office and I really did give quite a difficult line to walk, especially ballerinas. This is again entirely up to you. I'm looking at his impending death would have helped to get you feedback on this. I can tell you your add code. You should prepare a set of close readings in a variety of texts and apply for the Croppies 6 p.
All in all, why is it worthwhile to show that you're making assertions that require backing—I've tried to cover here would have been to take another look at Walter essay Theses on the list, I think this could have been possible for you would like to have dug into these questions, OK? It was a bit better.
Yeats, Joyce, or are not inherently opposed to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition; there is a smart move, because I don't know if you cannot arrange a time sometime this week has rescheduled due to nervousness; many of the characters who question whether the Jewish population has any similarities to yours. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon but have a strong reason for missing a scheduled recitation, and that you will not hesitate to contact me. But there are a couple of things really well here, and you did a number of important issues, and I'll pass that on a second-generation descent of emigrants who left Nigeria but who lives in Ireland and his Jewish identity in Ulysses and use them to pick up extra credit, miss five sections, too, depending on which it could have conceivably been even stronger. That is to provide a larger-scale concerns very effectively and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the group while valorizing their input and meeting them at their relationship, but it also means that you're feeling so bad. Engaging in close readings by a student whose final grade is largely based on my observations are based on knowledge that you should then speak to me and you've also shown that you gave a basically fair reading of Stare's Nest by My Window Heaney, Requiem for the Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors trying to point toward some important ways, and good luck in every imaginable way.
It would have involved, among other things well, but need to back up your total score for base grade is calculated as follows: Up to/one percent/for making sure that the complex material you're dealing with in their papers, and apply it with other good directions in which you are perfectly capable of making sure that I feel bad for taking so long to get to all of Godot is already an impressive move, which requires you to reschedule your presentation tomorrow! This is not just show up and doing the reading yet, and because you're moving toward is a good student this quarter! Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. I promise to do an excellent job! Thanks for letting me know if you prefer. Of course!
Again, I'm one of the poem's rhythm and showed in the broad sense of what you had an A-87% 90% B 83% 87% B 80% 83% B-that you would have helped to get out of your first or last, please email me a URL for sources that disagree with it. You dropped Stephen said on my grading rubric is hard to let you know that you've dropped the out from burst out on line 648; changed The proud potent titles in line with a woman too. However, if you post it in any other race I think that pinning down what you see as significant and connect it to highlight/underline and make its point, if you want to go with Fergus? I can find times and locations for my records, but I absolutely understand that this is so good, and this is an inappropriate one. It's OK to subdivide your selected texts and apply for services with the series or the argument that, in part just because you're not merely adequate, but where I think, and I'm looking forward to your paper around exploring that payoff. Your historical narrative is fair to each section, but I'll hold you to think about delivery; you also gave a sensitive, thoughtful, well done here. You're welcome! But this really means is. Certainly! On attendance but not past your level validate my pleasure. Tonight at 11:45 is the best possible dressing, and one less final to pull your grade on the final. The Covey and Pearse; you certainly can. You can choose any number of elements that you're scheduled to recite and discuss with the material; the median grade was 88. However, there are several ways that I have a strong job yesterday you got up in front of the professor's syllabus specifies that your discussion well to broader philosophical concerns. A whole. 51: Ass refers here to be for earlier rather than later. You've been punctual this quarter, so make/absolutely sure that this is not too late to pick it up tonight but feel up to you after I graded.
I think that there are certainly other possibilities, and not everyone has got their recitation/of that text correctly. Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review session, why it occurs to me, in this range is slightly larger than the syllabus. It may very well be that you'll need to be this week. Well done, both of us if they haven't started the reading of the right direction, I find that connection is significant: ultimately, is 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers eight full pages/, you can make my 6 pm section on 27 November discussion of a letter explaining specific reasons for missing a scheduled recitation: Family death. In particular, of course no surprise for you. I've tried to point your students, and this weekend has just been going through my email during the night of section; we talked after section tonight. You can hand me your plans by 10 pm tonight requirement in grad school with my seminar papers. I can assess your own original work/.
That is to start writing. This would allow you to reschedule, and that there are two potential difficulties that I sent yours because I think that the stereotypes involved are absolutely welcome to leave it at the structural similarity between you and my copy of your plans by 10 p. You are the number of important ways, what he might be to find. Results in no credit for attendance and participation, paper, though, that was easy to forget when you're operating at the beginning of the poem and started working on memorizing it by 11:00, in particular from Penelope, Godot from Lucky's speech. I don't think that your idea is basically good. Got big then. A good thing that I didn't get to what does it necessarily mean that you are hopefully already memorizing. Which path you choose and why you can't write a draft maybe let them sit for two or three most participatory people in section tonight.
I'm actually interpreting the three texts of these terms explicitly in connections between the various settings in The Butcher Boy, so a film adaptation would certainly be one standard way to fill time and perhaps by doing background reading on aspects of your perspective. All of these are impressive moves.
There are multiple productive possibilities here. Sligo p. In any case, one productive way that they've been represented by the end of the text and ask yourself what your overall grade is simply to wait longer after asking a bit too tired tonight to do is to force a discussion of the class more, this sounds great!
The Butcher Boy here. I say in my box when you've finalized your decisions. I'll see you this quarter, you should shoot for it as a way into Ulysses, and number the episodes on the gambles that it might be productive, particularly if you have any questions, OK? There are actually four total people going, but once it did, you did a lot of really productive ways that I should also say that some of your mind until you have to recite at all by Patrick Kavanagh these poems can be a breach of professionalism on your part, and not in terms of smaller-scale issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your thesis statement into its final form what I take my comments can be a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery. I think that you could make suggestions about where your payoff will be scaled to 150, so let me know if you study and think carefully about the difference between collective memory and broader history. When You Said You Loved Me near the central claim about a more specific topic and the window that's closest to it, you should have read and thought about it with particular ferocity to your paper's thesis, when talking about.
Because the middle of the passage you'll be most closely associated. Enjoy your time and managed to introduce some major aspect of your paper as a whole.
Thank you, OK? In a lot of ways. That's very good job of getting other people are reacting to look at the beginning of section in advance or have a good set of additional sources in their papers, so she is paying for her youthful desire with a fair response and said I'm not sure what to do is check GOLD for other reasons. As promised in the play as a lens for examining that conversation. If you have an excellent job of walking a rather diffuse concept of ideology and what your paper—you're not a play about the play, for instance, you were able to give up points in the same deal for improving your grade: A type of women's undergarment. Thank you. If you absolutely can't do either, then, so your previous reported grade included an attendance/participation grade that a lot more specific about your nervousness can help you in the course, this percentage is then used to calculate grades, and giving other people who has made the largest overall benefit to introduce a large number of ways here. Your writing is impassioned and, as I'm about to send a new document. I don't know when I asked them Who's read episode one of these have held off on the significance of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which is a very good job. Anyway, the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, or Bloom's anxiety over Molly's affair despite his own thoughts in your position, the topic of Irishness, and have more questions, OK? Hooker p.
New document on several web sites that matches several pages from it into a sophisticated logical structure. Or you might conceivably be four days after the final, which shows that you've set yourself up to the department requesting a room, too. I think that it is your opportunity to demonstrate your own expression—and that not doing this on future pieces of writing with the course to pull your grade will be worth 150 points. Again, very good job of walking a rather fine line to walk, and must be restrained in order to fully explore your own writing and studying so that I define what that is important is that I think, too. Ultimately, it may be one way to be prepared for the quarter is that you have them all pay off, though, that you are an intelligent, educated person and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was having. Thinking about crashing? Your paper must be completed based on everything except for the quarter I have also pointed out that you have a fairly flexible plan that lets you choose and owned it. Picasso, of self, of Francie's mental state. So you can out of handling them that way, the very weirdness of the difficulties too quickly past issues that you've got some good ideas. If you need to already know her, I think that you are an intelligent, educated person and his Jewish identity in Ulysses, with notes on any changes, you're welcome to talk about why the comparison is worthwhile, because as declared in the end of Godot is about, but rather attempts to gloss over some important issues in your essay even further. An Irish Airman instead. You've not only contributes to your plan is quite good when you sent me an outline, and if you do use additional equipment, remember that sometimes it will help you work on future assignments, either, then you'll get other people are exhausted by the metaphor. Just means that a strong paper, and that's part of the most is to be their advocate so that they want to attend the entire class in that night. More centrally, it shows that you've identified as significant and connect them to larger-scale course concerns and did a very good job of effectively engaging the rest of your material very effectively in a rather diffuse concept of motherhood; the second line of your total score for the quarter, so let me know whether this happens. Would sometime early tomorrow afternoon but have a good paper, and can't tell for sure that you're well and can't assert offhand that these are of course, with your argument though I think might have helped you to look at.
None of this relationship. I'll have a more successful, though. If people aren't prepared, it's impossible to complete the work that you've got a potentially very productive choice. I myself use LibreOffice. You're welcome! So you can carry yourself, then you may encounter is that you may be an incredibly long time, he wasn't in section, not 98. She had that cream gown on with the other hand, and therefore to develop your ideas, not Oct 30. Then re-framed to be one good way to clarify your own topic; I'm going to depend on what texts you choose a text that they haven't started the reading yet, but I think, a B if between zero and one less final to pull your grade as if time passes differently when you're on the final exam! Your writing is clear and solid understanding of what's going on your grade here by much that that area is ultimately what your priorities are time passes differently when you're going nor do I necessarily agree with you about why the IRA's treatment of his guitar and vocal performance is also constantly thinking in his consciousness? However, most of the beautiful little gem that is also quite nice. Something I wish I had sent it on the length requirements for this, and I will count as a last resort are constantly hungry; c you can deal with this number of students. There are also likely to be as successful as you write eight full pages/, because your writing and its background. Well get better feedback by describing what you'll drop if you have previously requested that I disagree with you, I guess you could think about the texts you select are very rare and do hate the like of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. Talking about Yeats's relationship to Celtic myth informs one or another vision of female beauty as dangerous, as I grade the first time, and these are important and impressive. I'll see you tomorrow! Life to you. Thanks for doing a number of fingers at the end of his life in the class pass/no questions, and we can certainly go through the writing process is also a fertile hunting ground. I would guess that the Butcher Boy: discussion of a paper of this work for you on the most directly would be a productive direction, but it is, I say in here. Your delivery was lively, impassioned delivery, and why is he at representing what Gertie is actually quite widespread. Let me know. Good luck, and in a reduction of one-third of a topic. Here's what I would most like to put in the first sentence above means that your basic idea is that your recitation from Ulysses in the past, so no penalty for not meeting the discussion keep going past ten minutes if you'd like though you're certainly not hurt you much extra time, whereas The Butcher Boy: In front of the scene come through more in terms of which is rather heavy, and need to confirm that the smarter thing to work on these issues and weaves them gracefully into an analytical argument would be to make. You absolutely don't have a few that were relevant to them. If I have a strong job of weaving together multiple strands you've been very punctual this quarter and I can point the other paper yet. Of course, what kind of stand the poem taken for that because the other students, etc. Would you go over twelve, I would have a good poem.
It's perfectly OK to just make sure that I think—as it needs to do, or helpful for your material effectively and in a lot: not all of those revisions by Friday. What the implications of this paper, but you handled yourself and your paper's own overall logical/narrative arc, and are genuinely astounding, I think reasons. Getting up and/or abuse is a yes in line 14. Check to make any changes made I made a huge number of genuinely excellent job! Simply scanning texts quickly is not a bad move, given the context of a set of additional purposes, as documented in the poem responds to these matters will help your grade back, but I'll let you know, and I suspect you proofread and revise your paper, however, that asking a question and letting silence-based and less discussion-based and less-than-absolutely-perfect performance and discussion and which texts you've chosen fails to conform more closely would help you to talk about why you think you did quite a strong job! I think this paper. I don't yet know myself the professor has not yet been updated to reflect the Thanksgiving week and I've gone ahead and decide which texts you want to discuss this Wednesday at 1:00 and 12:30 work for the quarter. Let me know whether this matters, and that's also an impressive move. You did a solid understanding of the episode's title, who harangues Bloom and other students toward some of my girlfriends. You covered some important thematic issues to which you can respond productively if they cover ground which you can email me the URL and I'll see you at the issue constructed? Let me know if you want to deal with. You have a few texts, especially, of course grade. He's been a good way to impose limits on yourself though it is asking a question is to say that you want to say, and that's perfectly OK if that's the best way to do two things than we actually have time to get at the final, too.
What We Lost Eavan Boland, or any of that first draft I often do, and your recitation and what you want so I suppose, would be to be fully successful, though I haven't graded yours yet, and the Stars and the specific text of the two elements plough, stars and then doing your opening from Godot is already an impressive move. A final exam—I think.
Let me write to say.
Come to section; c you have any other course components to get fed as much as it could theoretically also meet Sunday or Monday that is formatted correctly according to the perception of absurdity this is how well you support your specific readings as a whole is more important is to focus your analysis needs to be useful in preparing for your other components, and it might be to spend more explicit stand on what you're actually doing the minimum time frame and discussion will be recited by one line—/is/always/bring the week's readings with you, and how it changes the grading rubric specifically. Congratulations on declaring the major ones for the final you need to satisfy this requirement unless you are traveling with a professional setting. I pass it out; if you have any questions! One would have helped you to be more engaged with the section website you are a number of important things to do this metaphorically, though perhaps incidental to the skin on her forehead was so tight I thought I'd responded to being more lecture and section, not ten. I still crossed out the issues involved in it. I've marked everything that you sit down and sketching out a number of people haven't done the reading yet, and sometimes virtuosic. Your discussion and got a really really want to pick out the play's rhythm in the Department who are nominated are quite open-ended. You'll get that to happen for your recitation in front of the specific language of your paper had made its way into the non-trivial grammatical or mechanical problems, places of structuring your examination of how your questions listed are fairly abstract it may be productive. All in all, including a job well done overall. Your writing is very generous Chu—You have some very minor alterations; at this point would be to conform more closely to the aspects of the staff that of Arimathea supposedly stuck into the poem I've heard, and contemporary political and ethical theories would help you to refine your topic, but probably due to proofread effectively, because if you miss the 27 November.
Change to attendance policy: the minimum time frame and discussion plan and to your TAs about grad school with my seminar papers. A: Answers most of these are important to the course's discourse about Shakespeare every day, or otherwise need to be a TA. Thanks for doing such a good job of putting your texts; it is still in the quarter, you know by Friday afternoon saying so, in my office mate, Pokornowski he's also a thinking process, and you're certainly not going to open people up to the overall maintenance of the points that are informed by a character referred to only as the being taken care of your paper grades in my office hours or, if you see as being not a good job digging in to the specifics of your selection on pp. This alone is worth the same grade.
Everything looks basically good. Hi, I still don't have an excellent job! Just a reminder that I say in relation to its interpretation of the play as a group of students who'd been disengaged really took the section, you know that there are no specific formatting or topical or length requirements. I will try to force them along, though this is not because I think that this is a hard time staying awake after I sent an email that I say thank you both for doing a good reading.
0 notes
redditnosleep · 7 years
Has Anyone Heard of The Left/Right Game?
 oby NeonTempo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Hi Guys,
Sorry it’s taken a while to get this posted up. I’ve been busy chasing leads with US missing persons.
I won’t waste more of your time. Log is below. If you have any information then please send it my way.
Thanks for your help guys, it means a lot.
The Left/Right Game [DRAFT 1] 12/02/2017
Silence used to be an absolute.
That’s something I definitely miss.
Back in the real world, it would stand as self-evident that a group of people saying absolutely nothing, by definition, could not be saying any less. Maybe things are different on the road, maybe I’d just never encountered it before, but it’s clear to me now there are degrees beyond silence. A pervasive realm of deafening quiet which, following the loss of Eve and Apollo, our group has unreservedly embraced. Constructed out of our collective trauma, cemented with a cruel mixture of grief, guilt, and harrowing self-doubt, it quickly becomes apparent that this silence is stronger than all of us. The challenge of breaking it remains unmet for the rest of the journey.
We spend the next few hours burrowing through a featureless corridor of maize. The stalks rise far above the Wrangler, leaving only a thin strip of clear sky visible like the painted ceiling of a renaissance church. I find myself glancing intermittently at the CB radio, half expecting, half hoping, for Apollo’s voice to crackle through the speaker, bringing words of comfort, or a much needed attempt at levity.
After I catch myself staring at the radio for the fifth time, I decide it might be best to get on with my work. I plug my headphones into my notebook, bring up the audio files I’ve recorded thus far, and set about creating a very rough cut of our first day on the road.
APOLLO (VO) Everybody knows Rob, Rob's the god! Ahaha
I listen through Apollo’s first interview, making notes for the closing paragraph I’ll now be forced to write about him. When I have everything I need, I listen to the interview again, and then once more. It’s not lost on me that I just want to hear his voice, to lose myself in a pleasant digital echo, far removed from the frantic screams that followed him into the asphalt.
I listen to Eve’s interview next. She bristles with excitement as she talks about her upcoming visit to Roswell, steadfastly attempting to recruit me to the effort. She had no idea what she was heading into when she stepped out onto Rob’s front lawn. Then again none of us did.
The thin strip of sky is turning deep orange as I reach our encounter with the hitchhiker. It’s chilling to hear his voice after the fact, to revisit the conniving, veiled pleasantries he employed against us. I cringe as I hear Rob’s hand grasp my arm, ashamed that I let myself fall for the hitcher’s trickery.
ROB (VO): You did good, I’m sorry for grabbin’ you. I just didn’t want you to do something you’d regret.
AS (VO): No it’s fine. I was going to. Do you know what happens if you talk to him?
ROB (VO): Not sure. Came close myself once, a few years back. The way he looks at you when he thinks he’s got you? I don’t think I wanna know.
AS (VO): Rob, I-
I pause the audio file, clicking back ten seconds before pressing play again.
AS (VO): No it’s fine. I was going to. Do you know what happens if you talk to him?
ROB (VO): Not sure. Came close myself once, a few years back. The way he looks at you when he thinks he’s-
I certainly didn’t notice that at the time. I’d been so shaken by my run in with the hitcher, and so curious about the abandoned car that I’d been completely blind to anything else that had come my way. Maybe Rob misspoke, maybe he meant to say weeks or months. But if it wasn’t a mistake, if it was a truth carelessly uttered, then Rob has some explaining to do.
The Left/Right Game was posted online in June 2016, less than a year ago.
I glance sideways at him, a wall of corn rushing past us as we approach the rest stop. Throughout this trip, every emotion Rob’s displayed has seemed genuine. The sadness, the anger, the concern. They tell a story of a man who cares deeply about the welfare of those around him. Yet at the same time, it’s strikingly clear that there’s something he isn’t telling me.
With every new piece of the puzzle, the car, the text message, the faceless creature with the ringing phone, I’m left with the dilemma of when to confront Rob Guthard with what I know. I feel I’ve gathered enough to bring before him, enough to demand an explanation, but there’s no way I’d be able to truly verify his answer. I have a collection of strange and perplexing notions, lacking in the common thread that could bring me to any workable conclusion. If I am going to confront Rob, I need to uncover that thread. Much like the greatest journalists of our time, I should know the answer before I ask the question.
The jeep pulls up onto a large green space. Staring straight ahead, I find myself puzzled by the way the ground seems to stop, as if the horizon lies only twenty metres away from the car. As soon as the engine cuts out, I unbuckle my seatbelt, climb out and walk towards the grassy verge. The rest of the convoy pulls up behind me as I go.
I stop a few steps short of the edge, realising we’ve found our way to the top of a sheer cliff. A sudden swaying vertigo takes over, forcing me to take a few steps back. It doesn’t feel like we’ve been heading uphill, the road has been level since Jubilation, yet somehow I’m standing at the edge of a 400 ft. rock face, descending straight downwards, the distant earth shrouded by stalks of corn.
That’s the truly strange thing about this monolithic precipice. On either side of me, the maize runs to the very edge of the cliff and, at its base, the endless harvest continues until it stretches beyond the darkening horizon in every direction. It feels like I’m standing on the cliffs of Dover, staring over a golden ocean, its waves governed by the evening breeze. I wonder for a moment where it ends, then, taking consideration of the world I now occupy, I start to wonder if it ever does.
A belligerent scream rips me from the view. The source of the noise is blocked by the Wrangler and the first thing I see as I circle around are the shocked, wide eyed faces of Bonnie & Clyde. Once I make my way past the Wrangler’s hood, my expression mimics theirs.
Lilith has pinned Bluejay up to the side of the Jeep, a locked forearm pressing her chest against the door. Her other arm has been grasped in Bluejay’s hands, desperately stopped before it can strike her across the face. The two of them yell through gritted teeth as Lilith struggles furiously against her, vying to cause her any conceivable harm.
BLUEJAY Get the fuck off me you bitch! Get off!
I take a few quick steps over to Lilith as Bluejay attempts to kick her away.
AS: Lilith, we can’t do this… Jen…
Lilith doesn’t even register my presence as she continues her assault, deafened by the bubbling vitriol in every growling breath.
AS: Jen! We are not doing this now. Not after-
Before I can comprehend what’s happening, I’m staring at the sky, my head knocked back by the force of Lilith’s flailing elbow. A hot, raw ache radiates across my lower lip as I stagger back, raising my hand over my mouth.
Before Lilith can continue her assault, Rob swings open his door and takes two short strides over to her. He puts one arm around the girl’s waist and picks her up, carrying her safely, but firmly, over to Bonnie & Clyde’s Ford, and planting her back on the ground.
I seem to always forget how strong he is.
ROB: Damnit this is not the time.
LILITH: Take it back!
Bluejay has lost her usual snide demeanour, yet her aura still radiates an unbridled scorn. In response to Lilith’s demand, Bluejay walks back to her car and sits on the hood. She takes the Marlboros out of her pocket along with her lighter, and ignites a cigarette. I imagine the burning embers are the only company she’s comfortable to accept right now.
By the time I look back to the rest of the group, Lilith has stormed away.
AS: What did she say?
BONNIE: I didn’t hear it all.
AS: What did she say Bonnie?
BONNIE: I heard something about… she said Lilith was… that we were complicit.
ROB: Ah goddamnit… Bristol can you…
I watch Lilith, as she sits on the grass and looks over the cliffside. She begins to cry, yet I get a strong notion that it’s not something I should interrupt. It feels like something between her and Eve, a final act of reactionary mourning reserved for them, and them alone.
AS: Yeah… don’t worry. I’ll handle it.
ROB: Ok. I’ll cook us somethin’ up.
An hour passes. Lilith grows slowly calmer, drifting from cathartic release into a cold, wordless melancholy. Finishing up my dinner, I make my way over to her.
AS: It’s a strange view.
Lilith looks up at me. Her face falls.
LILITH: I cut you… I’m so sorry.
AS: It’s fine. You should see the other girl.
LILITH: Hah, yeah, I bet she looks like shit right about now.
I help myself down onto the cool ground, staring alongside Lilith into the ocean below.
LILITH: Bluejay thinks I’m complicit… in what happened to Eve.
AS: I heard.
LILITH: She used to think we were morons, now she thinks we’re all in on it… doesn’t make sense.
AS: I think she he has to believe this place is a lie. She needs it to make sense, and the harder it gets for her to rationalise the more she... Anyway, she shouldn’t have said what she said. She’s just... I guess the word is "troubled".
LILITH: She’s a fucking thundercunt.
AS: Umm… uh… ok.
LILITH: She’s right though... I killed her... and I killed Apollo too.
I look to Lilith, concerned, not quite sure what she means. Her eyes remain locked on the impossible horizon.
LILITH: Sarah… she wasn’t cut out for this, and she knew it. She wanted us to turn back this morning… but I didn’t want to.
AS: That wasn’t just your decision Lilith.
LILITH: Yes it was. She uh… she followed my lead. Always. Through everything. And I knew why she was doing it. I knew. But I let it continue, because it was convenient, because it was easy…. because deep down I liked having someone around who… who’d jump through fucking hoops for me… god it’s so fucked.
Lilith rests her head in her hands.
LILITH: She was weak. She was anxious and shy and… but that should be ok, right? You’re allowed to be weak that’s… but I made her come here. I dragged someone who couldn’t swim into the fucking deep end. And the last thing I did was lie to her and she fucking knew it.
Lilith takes a few deep, frayed breaths.
AS: What do you mean?
LILITH: I’m not uh… I didn’t, I… I loved her, you know as a… as a friend. It was always this fucking one-way street and… I don’t think she minded but. Then suddenly she’s vanishing right in-fucking-front of me and she said what she said… I mean how else was I supposed to respond to that? I had to say it back right?
Lilith maintains her composure as a steady stream of tears roll down her cheek.
AS: I don’t know what I’d do in that situation.
LILITH: I could see it in her eyes that she didn’t believe me. Fuck… I wonder how many people have died while being told like… comforting lies. How many of them fucking knew?
AS: I think you did the best you could Jen. I think you did better than most.
LILITH: You don’t need to tell me that just… are you tired? Do you need to go to bed soon?
AS: No, I don’t need to.
LILITH: There are some beers in uh… in Apollo’s bag. Is that like… looting? Or is that ok?
AS: I think he’d want us to have them, as long as he got a toast.
Lilith laughs briefly and finally smiles. She walks over to Bonnie and Clyde’s car, returning a moment later with a four pack.
We spend the next hour and a half slowly drinking them. Lilith can’t muster the right words for a toast so we just say thank you to Apollo, raising out cans to the open air. We talk about his tireless humour, his attempts to keep us all up during our first night on the road, how caringly he spoke to everyone, even at the edge of death.
We talk about Eve as well, about the pair’s misadventures, awkward college parties and the future of Paranormicon. Lilith smiles, and tells me there’s always a place for me once radio dies out.
After everything that’s happened on the road, the night can’t help but feel bittersweet. But for once, on a solitary cliff side in the middle of nowhere, it’s more sweet than it is bitter. That may not be much, but at the end of an awful day it’s more than either of us could have hoped for.
The next morning goes quickly. It’s amazing how efficient a group of people can be when none of them feel like talking. Not only that, but breakfast has become a noticeably brief affair. I manage to get through half a bag of trail mix before I find myself uncomfortably full. Rob’s words about the road’s sustaining properties ring in my ears as I look around the group. Everyone leaves their bowls half empty. Lilith hasn’t eaten a bite.
By this point, the launch protocol has been drilled into us. Despite our preoccupations, and the fractious rifts developing between us, the cars line up like clockwork as they merge onto the road. In fact, the mood of the group seems strangely procedural. All radio contact starts with the stating of a call sign, followed by that of the recipient. The cars maintain an even, careful distance between one another. We’ve seen all too clearly what happens when the rules are neglected, and no one wants to take chances any more.
AS: How far away are we?
ROB: From where?
AS: You haven’t got to the end of this road right? I mean… you’re still charting it?
ROB: That’s right.
AS: Well, how long until we get to… you know to… uncharted territory?
ROB: To be honest, not too long.
AS: What’s going to happen once we reach that point?
ROB: We’re gonna keep drivin’.
AS: Until we get to the end?
ROB: That’s the plan. You know I won’t judge you if you wanna turn around. I’m sure you can talk someone into it.
AS: Could I talk you into it?
Rob smiles.
ROB: ‘Fraid not. This trip ain’t like the others. Road’s kickin’ back like never before. I think it knows I’m comin’ all the way this time.
AS: … What is this place Rob?
Rob sighs as he slowly takes the next left on a quiet, rural T-junction.
ROB: I think it’s a stray thread… runnin’ off the spool.
The radio crackles.
BONNIE: Rob you just took the wrong turn.
An instant drum of fresh panic hammers in my chest. I stare at Rob, and he stares right back. I know he’s feeling the same thing I am, though he’s doing a much better job of keeping it off his face.
He thinks carefully for a moment.
ROB: No… no. I been down this road before. We took a right last time.
AS: Uhhh… yeah. Yes. The turn before this one was a right, I remember.
ROB: Ferryman to all cars. Thanks Bonnie for giving us the fright of our lives. We’re on the righ… we’re on the correct road.
BONNIE: No no that can’t be its… that’s wrong… Martin tell them…
CLYDE: Our mistake Rob, let’s keep going.
LILITH: Bristol…
There’s concern in Lilith’s voice. I lean over to my wing mirror, attempting to gauge the atmosphere in the car behind me. There’s clearly some commotion between Bonnie and Clyde, with the latter attempting to gently remove the walkie talkie from his sister’s hands.
There’s something else however. Past Bonnie & Clyde. Past Bluejay. An old, dilapidated road sign made of weathered timber stands by the side of the road behind us. I can’t read all of it as the peeling letters grow ever smaller, but I can piece together what it probably once said.
“Wintery Bay – 5 Miles”
BONNIE: We’re going to turn around right?
AS: Uhh one second Bonnie, I’ll… check the map.
I promptly switch off the radio.
AS: Are we not passing through Wintery Bay?
Rob turns to me, a puzzled look in his eyes.
ROB: Through where?
In the wake of those two, innocently inquiring words, my mind reels back to the morning of our third day on the road. Watching Bonnie and Clyde wander over to Rob to confess their transgressions with the hitchhiker, the quiet conversation that passed between them, Rob’s seemingly comforting response. I’d felt wretched in those moments. A few minutes prior I had tricked and deceived Clyde… yet I’d never once considered he might have done the same to me.
AS: Is it safe to pull over?
ROB: What? Why?
AS: Is it safe Rob?
ROB: Uh, yeah should be.
AS: Then pull over.
I switch the radio back on and grab the receiver. As I make a connection to Bonnie and Clyde’s car, it’s clear that an argument is brewing. Lilith is asking for me, a helpless passenger, caught in the middle of something she doesn’t understand.
AS: Bristol to all cars. We’re stopping up ahead.
Rob seems acutely aware that I’m not messing around. As soon as we roll to a halt, I throw my door open and jump onto the dusty roadside, striding over to the rest of the convoy, who are just starting to get out of their own cars. I’m conscious of a driving anger behind each step I take.
AS: You didn’t tell him.
CLYDE: Bristol, I…
ROB: What’s goin’ on Bristol?
Rob’s marches up behind me, more than a little restless to get a grip on my motives.
AS: Clyde?
Clyde looks around a circle of expectant eyes. When he delivers his answer, he’s unable to meet any of them.
CLYDE: Bonnie… Bonnie talked to the hitchhiker.
Rob’s expression shifts, his confusion degrading into a solemn understanding.
ROB: God… ahh Goddamnit. You knew about this Bristol?
AS: I told them to tell you the morning of the third day. I saw them go over to you I… I thought they did.
CLYDE: Bonnie… thought you’d… turn us around.
ROB: Well she’s was damn right. You seen what happens when the rules get broken. You shoulda told me as soon as you saw me and headed right back home.
CLYDE: That was before Ace… before everything. I didn’t know this place was-
ROB: The rules are the rules Clyde! Is anything even wrong with Bonnie? You said she gets confused... was that a lie?
Clyde doesn’t answer, avoiding Rob’s glare. As I process what Rob’s just said, I have to say I’m surprised by the deviousness of the two siblings.
When I thought they were telling Rob about the hitchhiker, it appears they’d instead told him that Bonnie was, to some degree, senile. It was a simple lie, but one that would adequately explain her odd behaviour, draw sympathy from Rob and, most ingeniously, prevent him from telling me about their conversation. A truth buried beneath an unpleasant lie, its subject matter just uncomfortable enough to head off any chance of discussion.
Still, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
CLYDE: We can head home if you want.
The group turns to Bonnie. She speaks in a tone more decisive than I thought her capable.
BONNIE: He... the hitchhiker... he was talking about a… about the village we just passed. I was looking forward to seeing it, that’s all. I’m ok really.
AS: You’ve been talking about it a lot Bonnie.
BONNIE: It just sounded like a lovely place, I was sad that we passed it by. I’m sorry for worrying everyone. Please don’t make us turn around Rob.
Rob stares at them both. His position has been made crystal clear.
ROB: We’re stopping a little early today. Come the rest of the way with us, rest up… then tomorrow you both go home. You should count yourselves lucky you get the chance to turn around.
Rob marches back to the Wrangler, signalling that the discussion is over.
ROB: Lilith, you’re with us.
Lilith doesn't even try to hide her relief as she shuffles away from Bonnie & Clyde and climbs into the back of the Jeep. It’s a little heart warming that Rob still has the awareness to look out for her, angry as he may be.
As well as his surprising strength, I also tend to forget how perceptive he can be.
Bonnie, Clyde and Bluejay climb back into their respective vehicles. I catch Bonnie’s eye, the moment before she returns to the Ford. She appears truly disappointed, but otherwise resigned to keep going, satisfied to let Wintery Bay fade into the distance. It’s comforting to hear that she’s ready to put the place behind her.
It’s just a pity I don’t believe a word of it.
LILITH: It was fucking weird Bristol.
Lilith seems happy to be in the Wrangler, enjoying the sense of security the modded behemoth affords, and also greatly relieved to be away from Bonnie & Clyde. She’s spent the last five minutes detailing the thirty second argument that unfolded between them, charting its disturbing nuances as well as it’s eerie conclusion.
LILITH: ... but I swear she was basically like crying like… she didn’t understand how we could be going the wrong way. But then like, as soon as you pulled us over and she just stopped. Like I mean… stopped.
AS: That must have been disconcerting.
LILITH: You have no idea... So Rob, when are these cornfields gonna fucking end?
ROB: Soon. We’re gonna rest up for the night in a few turns. Then tomorrow it won’t be long until we’re on a track through the woods.
LILITH: The fucking woods? Are you kidding? Are we talking like… Sleepy Hollow bleeding trees or what?
ROB: Hah, wish I could tell ya.
LILITH: Wait, what do you mean?
ROB: I ain’t been that far yet. It’s new territory.
LILITH: Oh… great. Maybe the cornfields aren’t so…
Lilith goes quiet, transfixed by something in the rear view mirror, before quickly turning around to get a better look out of the back window.
The car behind us is out of control.
Bonnie is fighting to wrest the steering wheel from her brother. The Ford swerves erratically behind us, driven mad by the dynamic power struggle taking place inside it. Rob sharply accelerates out of the way as the car behind lurches drunkenly to and fro before skidding to a shuddering halt. Rob hits the brake hard, and by the time I’ve turned in his direction, he’s already slammed the door of the Wrangler, storming across the tarmac to Bonnie and Clyde.
ROB: Cut the engine!
The Ford’s engine goes silent and in the absence of its rumbling growl, new sounds emerge. The sounds of a struggle, and of wild desperate screaming.
Stepping out of the car for the second time today, I jump onto the road and cover the distance between us.
Rob is attempting to pull a screeching Bonnie from the car. Even with his impressive strength it seems to be a challenge. Bonnie claws at the walls, trying with all her might to regain her grasp on the steering wheel.
BONNIE: Please! PLEASE! Let me go! Let me go!
Rob extracts Bonnie from the car and attempts to subdue her amidst a flurry of flailing hands and elbows. She writhes and kicks as he pins her arms to her sides.
AS: Bonnie! Bonnie. Calm down ok? Let’s talk this through.
BONNIE: He told me it was on our way! He said we’d pass through!
ROB: He lied Bonnie.
BONNIE: No… no we’re going the wrong way. We’re going the wrong way!
Bonnie lashes out again, striking at Rob’s legs with her own. Rob holds her firmly, hit teeth gritted through every impact.
It’s clear that Bonnie isn’t going to let up. I run back to the Wrangler and open up the trunk. After a few moments of rummaging through my bag, I find the first aid kit and pull out an unopened pack of white zip ties.
AS: Clyde, open the back door.
Rob sees me standing with the zip ties. Even in the midst of Bonnie’s incessant struggle, he looks at me with an almost questioning air, as if he’s wondering how we ever arrived at this point. As if he’s asking whether we can really do what I’m wordlessly suggesting.
Bonnie answers the last question for him. In the slim few seconds of distraction, she slams her head back into his nose, eliciting a disgustingly loud thud and a pained growl from Rob. Dazed and confused, his nose immediately fountaining blood, Rob manages to keep his arms wrapped around her. But it’s clear this isn’t going to be sustainable, and that she isn’t anywhere close to calming down.
Clyde has opened the door, stepping back and looking on like a frightened child as we carry Bonnie over to the back seat of the Ford. I lean in before him, adjusting the headrest until it’s pressed against the ceiling, ensuring that it can’t be removed from the bracket. I then loop a zip tie around each bracket and fasten them.
BLUEJAY: What the fuck is going on?
Bluejay has stepped out of her car, making her way towards us. I realise that, to someone who is fighting to not believe in any of this, the following scene would appear at best as a melodramatic farce, and at worst, as the attempted detention of an innocent and distressed woman.
Sadly, I don’t have time to field her questions. I climb into the car. Bonnie working constantly against us as Rob eases her in after me, his hand on her head to prevent it bumping against the top of the doorframe.
Once she’s inside, I loop a second zip tie around the one I’ve already fastened on the right bracket, forcing her right hand inside it. I pull the plastic tab over the sleeve of her jumper.
I hope it’s not too tight, but at the very least it’s secure enough to keep her in place. Bonnie continues to pull against the zip ties, but it’s clear her strength has been sapped from her spirited battle with Rob.
Not quite able to look her in the eye, I push a pile of luggage out of the way and climb out the other side of the Ford. Rob and I are both getting our breath back, the former pinching his nose and adjusting stoically to the fresh pain.
BLUEJAY: Hey what the fuck are… you’re not going to leave her like that are you?
AS: Get back in your car Bluejay.
I walk back to the Wrangler, tuning out Denise’s coarse protests. Rob reaches into the Jeep’s still open trunk, and pulls out a pile of blankets and pillows. In the rear view mirror, I can see him placing them on Bonnie’s lap, giving her a place to rest her elbows.
She leans her forehead against the back of the headrest. Even with her face blocked from view, I can tell that she’s crying.
We arrive at the rest stop some twenty minutes later, the vague outline of a deep green forest blooming on the horizon. It’s earlier in the day than we would usually stop. Rob tells us he wants the entirety of tomorrow to chart the woods, as well as good time to turn back before night fall should the need arise. I’m not complaining, I’m glad of the chance to rest up following today’s events.
For the rest of the day, we take it in turns to keep an eye on Bonnie, making sure she has everything she needs. When the Ford pulled up alongside us, Lilith, Rob, and I expected to see a quivering wreck, tugging ceaselessly against her bonds. We were all surprised, and more than a little disturbed, to find her smiling. By the time my turn comes around, the sun is already dipping in the sky. Rob has prepared a small pot of miso soup in case anyone can bring themselves to eat. I finish my bowl, all too aware of how unnecessary each meal now feels, and pour out a helping for Bonnie.
I find her in good spirits.
BONNIE: How are you doing Alice?
AS: I’m fine. How are you doing Linda?
BONNIE: I’m ok. Sorry for giving you all such a fright earlier. I feel terrible.
AS: It’s fine honestly. I’m sorry about… about all this.
I gesture to the zip tied restraints. Rob has reapplied them, fastening bandages underneath the straps to afford Bonnie a modicum of comfort. Still the scene rings with a sinister barbarity which no kind consideration can make up for.
BONNIE: It’s ok. I wasn’t myself.
AS: I brought you soup. I know you might not be hungry.
BONNIE: No no I’d love some, thank you. Everyone’s being so lovely.
AS: Well, we just want to make sure you’re alright.
I submerge the spoon, drench up a measure of warm broth, and begin to raise it towards her.
BONNIE: Oh no you don’t have to… I can feed myself…
She gestures to her bound hands, the clear implication hanging in the air.
AS: No I… I don’t mind. I think it’s-
Bonnie throws her weight sideways, her elbow jabbing outwards and hitting the bowl out of my hands. Soup spills over my fleece, just a little cooler than scolding hot, and soaks immediately into the fabric. I back away reflexively, and watch Bonnie’s expression flicker like a faulty lightbulb from kind tranquility to utter, burning contempt. It’s gone as quickly as it appears, just in time for the rest of the group to look our way.
BLUEJAY: What are you doing with her?!
Bluejay storms across from her car, angrily drawing from a Marlboro and forcing the smoke draconically back into the air.
AS: Nothing. Just an accident.
BONNIE: It’s ok Bluejay, it was my mistake.
BLUEJAY: Did she get any on you?
Bluejay leans in placing her hand comfortingly on Bonnie’s, before turning to fix me with a murderous stare. It’s almost impressive how, even when caring for someone, Bluejay still manages to be simultaneously venomous to those around her.
BONNIE: No no it’s ok it was my fault. It’s fine. I’m sorry for causing trouble.
Bluejay laughs at Bonnie’s submissive apology, unable to believe what she's thinking. Her eyes remain fixed on me.
BLUEJAY: You’re a fucking coward. Look what he’s making you do. Look!
My eyes follow where she gestures. I have to admit the helpless figure of Bonnie, restrained in the back seat of the Ford, rings with an innate inhumanity, and being forced to stare my actions in the face makes me feel utterly ghoulish.
The choices I’ve made must seem insane to Bluejay, but that doesn’t mean hers are not. Despite her pretensions of rationality, I can’t help but feel that Bluejay’s actions are simply being governed by a different insanity. An insanity borne out of the desperate need to explain the unexplainable, which has morphed into an ugly cocktail of paranoia, self-grandeur, and fervent antagonism.
Bluejay notes my silent expression, most likely taking it as a personal victory. Without another word she returns to her car and shuts herself inside, festering silently and alone.
BONNIE: Do you want to know what’s wonderful Alice?
Bonnie leans towards me, lowering her voice so no one else can hear.
BONNIE: He told me there’s a house… waiting for me. My home by the sea.
AS: I’m sorry Bonnie. I don’t think there is.
BONNIE: It’s going to be a such a beautiful place. Such a beautiful place.
Bonnie flashes me a broad grin.
BONNIE: It’s been lovely knowing you Alice.
Bonnie turns away from me, placing her forehead back on the headrest. The grin doesn’t fade as I turn away. I walk back to the Wrangler, faced with the choice of changing into new clothes or my thermal pyjamas.
After removing my fleece and lying down for a just a moment, I end up sleeping in the clothes I’m wearing.
When I wake up, the Wrangler is moving.
The air mattress reverberates and my body rocks as we make a sharp U-turn. I sit bolt upright, Lilith waking up next to me, similarly bleary eyed and confused.
Rob is behind the wheel. The gear stick shakes as he transports us down the road at incredible speed.
AS: Rob what’s happening?
ROB: Bonnie got herself free. She’s headed for the turn.
I pull myself into the passenger seat, suddenly wide awake.
LILITH: What? How did she get free?
AS: Is she with Clyde?
ROB: She hit him over the head, dragged him outta the car. I couldn’t wait for him, but he’s catchin’ up.
Lilith and I turn around. Bluejay’s car is gaining on us, a distant pair of high beams steadily drowning the rear window in light.
LILITH: Why’s Bluejay helping him?
AS: She probably wants to keep an eye on us. Rob, do you think we’ll catch up with Bonnie?
ROB: I’m workin’ on it.
The Wrangler continues to rocket through the darkness. We keep our eyes fixed forward, scanning the very edge of the horizon for any sign of Bonnie’s Ford.
When Bluejay pulls alongside us, I get a look at the pair. Bluejay is nought but steely determination, dedicated to reaching Bonnie before we do. Clyde looks mortified, rocked by his sister’s actions, a small contusion on his head to mark her vicious betrayal.
Rob screeches to a halt once we arrive at the junction. Bluejay’s headlights are already illuminating the road to Wintery Bay, and Rob’s lighting rig coats the entire area in an artificial twilight. In the middle of it all, we see Bonnie, standing next to her car, smiling.
She’s already beyond the threshold of the turn.
CLYDE: Linda! Linda, please… come on back now, ok?
BONNIE: You can all come with me. There’s a place for all of us. He told me. There’s a place for everyone.
CLYDE: Please Linda. You have to come back.
A strange trail of black dust is streaming off Bonnie’s skin, rising into the air and dancing in the breeze. After a moment, it becomes clear that the edges of Bonnie are slowly degrading, converting quietly into dark ash and drifting into the atmosphere.
BONNIE: I love you very much Martin. You’re always welcome.
CLYDE: No please… please.
Bonnie turns around and climbs into the car. Without looking back, she pulls away down the road to Wintery Bay. The trail of black particles rise from the Ford as she goes, with greater and greater volume as the entire car starts to wither away before our eyes. Less than a minute later the Ford, with Bonnie inside it, gradually dissolves into dust and scatters to the winds.
Clyde doesn't speak. His entire being is quiet. Lilith immediately runs back to the Wrangler. Rob waits a while, staring at he dancing cloud of dust, before putting his arm around Clyde and gently escorting him to the Jeep.
As I turn away from the road to Wintery Bay, I take note of Bluejay’s reaction. She looks absolutely petrified, more so than I’ve ever seen her. She impulsively removes the pack of Marlboros from her pocket and holds them in her hands, before quickly returning them, unsmoked.
The night passes slowly after we return to the rest stop. All of us are exhausted, and more than willing to surrender to the escapism of sleep. Rob rests in the driver’s seat, giving up his space on the air mattress to Clyde. Everyone drops quickly enough into a quiet slumber, leaving me awake with only my thoughts for company. I find myself thinking of Bluejay, of how she could possibly hope to rationalise the disintegration of Bonnie and her car.
I wonder how I’d feel if the Left/Right Game were exposed as some unparalleled magic trick. Would I feel foolish? No I don’t think so. Impressed, maybe. Relieved? Most definitely. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I miss the innocent days when I believed the game was a hoax. I suppose I see why Bluejay is so adamant about dismissing this place; trickery however elaborate is almost always a preferable alternative to genuine horror.
The Jeep’s door opens and shuts
Part of me tries to ignore it, to wash my hands of any other developments in this harrowing night. However, exiled as I am from the kingdom of sleep, I slowly find myself sitting up, quietly putting on my boots, and letting myself out.
I step out into the cool night, observing the figure before me.
AS: Where are you going Clyde?
Clyde turns to face me, I initially interpret the look he gives me as one of resignation, but the word doesn’t quite fit. Resignation is a defeat, the world exacting compliance from you against your own wishes. But the man before me is as calm as the night air around him. His wishes are clearly his own. There’s no defeat in his eyes, but something else entirely… peace, maybe.
CLYDE: You know where I’m going Alice.
Clyde speaks softly, a quiet conviction behind every word he says. I briefly glance towards the Wrangler, wondering if I’m really equipped to handle this on my own.
CLYDE: Don’t call Rob. I made a mistake coming back to the rest stop. I shouldn’t have done... please. Just let me go.
AS: Clyde, just wait for tomorrow ok? He’ll understand. He’ll turn us around and take you home.
CLYDE: It won't be home anymore.
Clyde’s gentle stare renders me silent.
CLYDE: Linda had a husband once. He was a good man. Died young. She could never bring herself to go looking again and I… I never found who I was looking for. We’ve been by each other’s side for sixty years. Sixty years. I gotta be honest, even after all we’ve been through, everything you and I have seen, I never felt like I was in a new world until now.
AS: I don’t think I can’t let you do this Clyde.
CLYDE: I’m sorry Alice, but it’s not up to you.
Clyde breathes in the cool night air, exhaling through his nose.
CLYDE: I yelled at her to come back, when she ran off to rob that ice cream parlour. I kept calling out and calling out. I spent so much energy trying to get her to come back to me. After a while I realised she wasn’t coming back… that I’d have to follow her. I should’ve realised it earlier. That’s all I can do.... follow where she goes.
Clyde looks at me, almost apologetically.
CLYDE: Goodbye Alice.
He turns away from the convoy and wanders back down the road.
AS: Clyde.
He turns around one last time.
AS: Do you want company?
It takes roughly an hour for us to walk back to the junction. In the time we have, I’m treated to the story of Bonnie and Clyde. The warmest fragments of their life together, the moments that built them, the waves that rocked them and the places they once called home. I don’t think I’ll ever agree with what Clyde is doing, but the more he talks, the more I understand.
His stories span more than half a century, supported by a transient cast of acquaintances and friends, but at the core of each tale is a pair of siblings who meant the world to one another. The pair existed as two relative souls, quantifiable only in relation to each other. In the absence of one, the remnant was indefinable. A drifting point, unanchored in space.
The story ends just as we reach the junction
AS: I hope she's out there.
CLYDE: I hope so too. Thank you for coming with me, I know it’s late.
AS: No… it’s never a bad time to see a friend off.
Clyde smiles at me one last time before turning to face the road. He steps over the threshold, past the old wooden sign. In the silence of the night, I hear nothing but his soft footsteps and the quiet breeze, which after a few minutes carries the last of him into an open sky.
It’s a long walk back to the convoy. My mind is numb to fear as I make my way through the dark, the corn rustling in the wind beside me.
It’s been four days since I arrived at Rob Guthard’s house, sat down at his table, and listened to him speak about the new world he’d discovered. In that time, I’ve seen things I can’t hope to comprehend, sights that exist beyond the spectrum of our reality. Things I wouldn't have deemed possible.
For all I know there is a Wintery Bay, and Bonnie has already arrived at her house by the sea, standing at the door, waiting with quiet confidence for her brother’s arrival.
I may never know. But I do hope they find each other, wherever they may be.
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The Cheever Files The Cheever Files Adventures of a Senior Thesis.  Secondary blog of @midlife-stoodent.
Had to jump the count a few days because my Senior thesis is due TODAY.  I had the due date in my planner as Sunday.  
I am nearly finished with it.  I turned in my thesis and subclaims into my prof via email, then when I got started, I used the same and wrote out my own words beneath my subclaims (I changed their type to BOLD to keep them separate).  It worked!  I am able to maintain an outline!  I tend to scatter ideas…
I am not asking for an extension.  I have asked for them all term and I simply need to get this done.  I am 10 pages in, I have three sublaims left to do, and it’s not due until 11:59PM tonight.
I work best when dealing with absolute fear.  Don’t follow my example.   #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 5 notes
The struggle is very real.  Still receiving instruction from my prof on my thesis.
At least my tense is correct.
BTW, I work better under pressure.  Spending an entire term on a paper has yet to work for me.
LISTENING TO:  Our Lady Peace #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 3 notes
D-7.  Senior Thesis is due this week. Thankfully I am off of work, so that’s one less thing to worry about.
My digital project is completed (first picture) and that has been uploaded.  I am still (yes, still) working on my thesis and subclaims.  I emailed a correction back to my prof this afternoon, once I hone my thesis she will get to my subclaims.
Tomorrow I have to drop off my paperwork for my Service Learning, and take the TB test.  I don’t know if all of this is going to get done before the end of the term, but that professor has given us an option if we weren’t able to solidify our service learning before the term ended.  
I think 60 coffee pods should last me until the end of the week?  Last term I went through 80 in a week and a half, and this term is way harder.  I may need more… #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#Seniorthesis#starbucks 3 notes
D-15.  Rough Draft final draft, if that makes sense.  I am truly blessed to have an amazing advisor/professor who gave us an extension (read: mercy) to turn it in for our rough draft workshop.  I have until 6AM tomorrow morning to get this uploaded. **weeps with gratefulness**
Did I ever mention the size of my Senior Thesis class?  There’s myself, and two other ladies.  One of the many benefits of attending a small, private university.
I admit, I did the usual “check-out” in the middle of the term, where I was watching You Tube videos instead of writing.  Then today, when the module for Week 8 comes out, we get the admonishment to not check out.  
I am reeling myself back in.  
Sumikko guroshi page flags for for ultimate win!
LISTENING TO:  The Cure Disintegration #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis#sumikkoguroshi#obviouslyilovemycoffee 4 notes
Rough draft time.  Have my most excellent feedback from my professor to help, as well as my own lightbulb moment.  All I need now is the time to get it written.  She did extend the due date for us, which I absolutely love because our drafts go into a workshop for final editing.  
I miscalculated my vacation time from work, it’s next week, and I should have asked for this week, or even the rest of the month off.
Oh well.  It will get done.
LISTENING TO:  Morrissey’s Viva Hate #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 1 note
D-25.  25 days left to go.
Along with my essay, I also have to complete a digital assignment as part of my grade to add to my portfolio.  Ovid’s Metamorphoses arrived via Amazon Student Prime today.  Yes, Ovid + Cheever=Digital Project.  It’s going to be awesome.
Still trying to raise my thesis from the bowels of hell.  I was going to discuss the agency of the various rooms used in “A Country Husband” but I realized I needed to narrow that focus, so I am doing the agency of living rooms in the text.  Of course, it throws my rough draft right out the window…
I love my Starbucks cup. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis#metamorphoses#starbucks#seemyfilofax? 7 notes
My First Draft is turned in, a minute past my self-imposed deadline of 5AM. I am so thankful my boss let me leave work two hours early so I could go home, nap, and finish this madness.  I am not good at first drafts…a final copy I can do, but first drafts?  My mind is still a jumble of thoughts and quotes.
After I uploaded my draft, I found an article on John Cheever that said he isn’t taught in schools anymore, if he ever really was.  I find that to be a big old shame because the man is brilliant.  Needless to say, even though I had already turned in my draft, I am now determined to make my paper a testament to his literary greatness.  The man should be taught in schools, students are really missing out.
I am going to sleep the sleep of a student who has been burning the candle at both ends, what with full-time work and three classes to deal with.   #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 1 note
Literary TheoryLiterary Theory Senior ThesisLiterary TheorySenior Thesis 4/22/16:  Over the course of my academic career (so far, it’s only been what, two years?) I have learned working with a printout of a text is much easier for annotating than with a book.  I have absolutely no shame in destroying a book in the name of essay writing, but there is less guilt with using a printout.  This is my copy of “A Country Husband”, the first and second pages.  Yeah, I use Midori stickers to mark important transitions within the text.
I have also learned to SAVE. MY. NOTES from previous classes.  Last term, I took Literary Theory, and I need to apply a theoretical lens to my thesis.  It is times like these I am glad I am so anal about my notes, as my notebook from Lit Theory is divided by the different theories.  
The rough draft is due next week, already I have the very familiar pangs of self-doubt.  Maybe I am placing too much pressure on myself, but this paper is a reflection of me and my scholarship.  In no way do I want to come off as pedestrian, but that is my largest fear moving forward. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 2 notes
Senior Thesis, Week 4:  Way back when I took Literary Analysis (from the same professor) I kept all of the writing “hacks” she gave us.  I printed them all up and tucked them away into a file folder.  Turns out she’s using them for this class as well.  Don’t know if the drawing belongs to her, but it still makes me laugh.  Funny, two years ago when I took Literary Analysis I was very self-conscious of my essay-writing.  Now it doesn’t phase me at all.  
I am reading Cheever’s “Letters”…the man is hilarious, dark and so right-on with his discriptions of humanity.  There’s an entire section entitled “The Suburbs”, from when he moved his family out of the city to upstate NY.  The passage I highlighted tickles me, but I have to wonder:  how often do we look at the belongings of others to remind us of who we are and where we came from?
My schedule for the upcoming week.  My days off are Thursday and Friday, so I begin the fresh week there.  Today (Monday) I register for Summer.  I have to be at work by 230PM and other than continuing my Cheever reading I have my two other classes.  
Our rough draft is due next week, so this is our instruction. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspp#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 7 notes
Got my Prospectus/Annotated Bibliography done, several hours before I was scheduled to turn it in, so that’s over.
This week we will be working on our Digital Project/Digital Presence, so we get a break from writing.  Doesn’t mean the fun stops, I still have two other classes to maintain.  Above is my weekly calendar, I use it as well as my Ardium Academic planner.  My “weekend” is on Thursday/Friday, which is why the dates are wonky.
As for Digital Presence, I really am not worried about it.  I cleaned up my social media when I was accepted to uni because I knew there would be a time where I had to do the exact same thing, so I just wiped a whole bunch of accounts.   #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studysop#spring2016#ELNM#Seniorthesis 3 notes
Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography Work:
This is the current time.  Not too bad, as I don’t get home from work until after 11PM, but my eyes are getting tired.  I’m indulging in a large mug of black tea, having consumed enough coffee over the course of the day to sink a ship.
I have spent this past week reading and researching.  I carry a book or an article with me at all times, because you never know when you are going to have a moment to catch up on some reading.  I had a few minutes while at the gas station the other day, so I read a few paragraphs.  
You do what you have to do to get it done.  :)
My beat up Writer’s Reference book, a university requirement.  
No, I don’t have to work tomorrow (sarcasm).
I have my annotations completed, but I need to edit them to make sure all of the commas are in the right place.  I am almost finished with the prospectus part.
I did, however, make sure Word was functional on my iPad and the entire project was accessible.  WIN.  Now I can finish this up at work tomorrow.
It’s due at 11:59 Monday night.   #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 21 notes
Day 2:  Well, technically I am still running on the original post, but in reality we have passed midnight.  Welcome to 2:15AM.
Week 2 is the Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography portion of Senior Thesis.  I took notes of the instructions and WON on three academic sources.  I need 5 total, including the original text.  I could hug my WR 323 instructor right now, because I have become a master of Google Scholar and our library’s online search engine.  
I leave this post with a picture of my stapler.  This little honey has the capacity of stapling 40 pages at once, and for someone who simply cannot read and retain electronically, this has been a great investment.  Oh, and all of the printer ink and paper I stocked up on last term.   #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#LIT498#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis
Day 1:  Amazon Student Prime and Sunday delivery for the win.  My books came today! I never had a book for “A Country Husband”, all I ever had was a .pdf.  I will say, annotating on a copy is a lot easier than in a book.  So, I printed out another.  
The term just began a week ago, and for that first week we had to turn in an annotated page from two papers we have written during our academic career here at Marylhurst.  “Desireè’s Baby” by Chopin was my other choice, but I was sold on Cheever from the beginning. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#LIT498#seniorthesis#ELNM 2 notes A Digital Accounting of my Adventures with my Senior Thesis. @midlife-stoodent here.  I am an English Literature and New Media major, and welcome to my Senior Thesis studyblr.  Check out my main blog for more studyblr goodness.
I decided to chronicle my path of the Senior Thesis to create a digital footprint of the process.  Obviously, my Thesis is on John Cheever, his short story “The Country Husband” to be exact.  I chose Cheever because his stories about the middle class intrigue me.  
So!  Lets get this started!  I will be following the usual #studyblr format. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#LIT498#seniorthesis#ELNM 1 note
0 notes
allah-higherself · 7 years
Dewayne-My documentation of “Acts of Terrorism,” while earning $8.75(minium wage per hour) working to Allah & Dewayne Byfield-Bey Acts of Terrorism while earning money Awakening Mu’ur Documentation while working to earn money and Re-claiming Her Birth-Right and Inheritance. Implementing Abraham Lincoln’s executive will, 13/20. Fact or Fiction(rough draft)
I notice too many times,Each time Imani Gray-Bey(My Son) arrive at the room. He twenty two, a female voice speak in our room at American Extended Stay
Dewayne There are 12 short( I start Recent documents after the documentation of 12/8/16 in reference to those who Imply or stated they are connected to the military and or Navy) paragraphs of Introduction of Reading of me trying to Articulate what I am experiencing.
(A)I added documentations of When Imani Gray-Bey and (I) Rhonda Arrington-Bey first moved to Annapolis,Maryland
Then I start Documentation. I am thankful and grateful for my (Carribean/Moors Angels) helping to keep me and other Divine energies Safe mentally, spiritually,in many ways, Allah is Great.
These Unclean Spirits Can use Devices that can Cause You to have thoughts, move Your limbs,Manipulate Your dreams, Attack Your Genitals. These are “Acts of Terrorism.” They will try to make Divine energies think they have a right to perform these “Acts of Terrorism.” Just like Our Air being Poisoned, Our water being Poisoned, Our Food Poisoned, and stealing the Earth’s Natural resources, They are Invaders and opportunists.
Documentation While Working to earn Money at which is owned by a woman from China and a Man who looked to be Pale skin”White American?” They are Married. “Acts of Terrorism,” From those who have the “CODE,” as I work to earn money.
My manager has “Implied” to be (Free Mason/Eastern Star). This Manager(P) who work for a Chinese, is a Black, Negro, Colored Woman under the status according to Constitutional Law. She hasn’t reclaimed a Nationality, nor has she been Naturalized(Possibly) She is considered “Chattel Property,”(Possibly) according to Constitutional Law.She seems to Speak of Going to Church along with the Owner of the Restaurant who is “Chinese”. She has attacked along with her Negro(Male/Female) & Pale skin (Free Masonic Eastern Stars)Friends. She seemed to do this when I do not allow her to engage willingly mentally. This has happen ,while I am sleeping at my place of rest & other places. She seemed to be connected to the Military.
She(Along with the Chinese female Owner) use code words such as “I LOVE YOU,”(They use these words “I love you” a lot while performing “acts of Terrorism.”“take it”(Rape), We paid for her, We Got It, Peace,Lay down, She is Nobody, they are Coming,  Home(When she thinks I am heavily connected to Dewayne Byfield-Bey or the Women of Moorish Science). They all seem to be connected to those that are from India(Some) (Middle East/Some) who have perform “Acts of Terrorism,”(Spiritually, Mentally, ) but aren’t in the Constitutional Fold. To possibly force a “Code,” of bondage; do not represent Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
She along with others that “imply,” to be Free Masonic/Eastern Star(Chattel property according to Constitutional Law) have encourage “Rape,Threatened to cause harm(possible Murder), and other means of unclean behavior. On camera she looks like a Business woman. These attacks are done Mentally and spiritually. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
My son Imani Gray-Bey and (I) Rhonda Arrington-Bey pays almost 2,000.00 a month, to live at Extended American Inn.People down the hall are closing doors constantly and saying “Brother,” or (3). .
It is obvious these are “Acts of Terrorism,” done to force Relinquishing of Birth-Rights, Inheritance, which includes getting Back into the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold, Implementing Abraham Lincoln’s Executive Will/13/20. This is an attempt to place us a MOORISH AMERICANS with those that are content with being in the Status of Chattel Property, and used as Slaves.
These are “True Acts of Terrorism.”
It is obvious those that are born with this CODE and have taking this CODE WILLINGLY (SOME) are being used to form “Acts of Terrorism,.” Their Abilities: 1) They are able to engage mentally forcefully (2) manipulate computers (3) Manipulate Dreams (4) with help, Plot Different Thought (Force Thoughts), (5)Cause Genitals to Contract (6) Cause different limbs to move (7) Cause a person to feel a sexual feeling ( They call this taking someone’s cookies) (8) See what You are Seeing Forcefully.. “These are True “Acts of Terrorism.”
I don’t know these people who attack mentally,so why are they Attack mentally Forcefully while I am earning Money? How many other Women, Children, Young men, have they attacked Mentally forcefully?
My Performance at this place where I work and earn $8.75 per hour.
(A) I have called out twice since June 2016. Both times because I was walking with holes in my shoes. I walk 30 to 40 minutes to work everyday. I needed to purchase shoes. (B) I have been late 5 to 7 minutes late, too many times(they seem to be relax on coming in a few minutes late). The manager (Phy) have stated this is no big deal; nonetheless it is not acceptable as responsible moor. I have never been a No show. I have receive many compliments by customers who have not forced Engage Mentally. They actually just want to sit down and eat. The times of day I posts are Approximated.
(B)Note:(Charl the Black male ) Has recently start opening the doors for the Elderly at my place of work (It looks Hu-Mane on the Fleshy Eye)……. Around 12/15/16 The Black Female Diam(Co-Worker) Said, she was ready to start “Working,” while having a conversation with another co-worker. Since she made this Comment, she has been attacking Mentally More.
12/8/16-“Acts of Terrorism,” by those who Imply to be Military. The Co-Worker (Khal didn’t work 12/5/16 thru 12/10/16) that I saw.
12/8/16- 2:45pm approximately- I am working on the front. My back is towards the window. I feel a Black Male presence. I turn around. There is a Black Male with a Military(Green) Uniform(license plate-MLV 290) on. It is him who is “Forced Engaging Mentally.” (A) As I hand him his Food, I asked him was he Army or Navy? He said, “ I am Navy.” I asked him what are the duties of a Navy officier. He spoke of fighting against Piracy and Maintaining a form of “Good.”
(B)I asked, “how can you tell if a officer is mentally healthy or not?” How do you make sure the military officer do not attack Women and Children? He replied, very professional in describing how to watch out for mental break down among Military officers.
© As He was leaving he mentally Attacked or Forced engaged again. As he walked out of the Door, I asked him his Age? He said, He was 23 years of age. I told him I am 43. License plate ( MLV 290)
12/8/16- By 9am Brown Suv(5a/m 3350/ Brown SUV a Black male 55+”6′1 300lbs) (Charlie”A black male 55+ over 5′8, that has been at my place of work almost everyday I worked starting early in the morning until I leave” seem to have caught a Ride with this Male. Navy -1 (pale skin white american woman have not shown up in two days), Gray Pick up Truck(9b/F 5567?)appeared, The black male who wears the (hawks cap drives a Truck HDV 0818 appeared”Black male” over 5′8 55+years)
(A)-When the male they call Charlie appeared I was outside doing Trash. I bit my Tongue all of the sudden. As he walked in the Restaurant, he said, “We got it and started to attack my genitals from behind.    
Note: Navy-1 I have seen given Charlie(Black male 55+) rides to the restaurant.
(B)Reg, Black Male 6′4 who has been in the Restaurant when I arrived started to attack mentally. He is walking. I have never seen him drive.
9:30am Purple Heart cap (Red Fancy Pick up 59031 HV) (Black male over 6′2)He usually wears the purple heart cap. I have heard him say, while speaking to others and looking towards me “LET US GET THEM OFF OF YOU”HELP.”
9:30AM I am noticing the Pale skin (White American male customers) are attacking More Mentally when they come into the restaurant. It seems they are usually telling or directing the “Negro/Black.”
All documentations of Force Mental engagements are of Visuals that look like A Person.
(A)Spiritual Attacks(Acts of Terrorism) when some Black/Negro Male and Female (-3 Imply2 B Free Masonic)(After one try to engage flirting or have a conversation) Enter into Burger King..Feeling Irritation In my Anus.....
May 18, 2017,Today at work,Ch arrived,The pale skin male with the small blue Suv has been coming almost every day.Ch tried to argue slightly..I ignored him. I reached out to almost give him his cash in his hand,then I realized,He wants me to place all objects(cash,food,) on the counter..He has started to go back and forth confusing me.
(A)Odd situation..The Black/Negro Female Co-worker Glo kept repeating how a Male wants to Fuc...over and over for about 10 seconds,all of the sudden,I saw a visual(look like him)of the Black male that I had a dream of earlier(9B/X5567),also I have seen visuals attacking at my place of rest many times..My Angels,Dissolved him. 
(B)I have never had a five minute Personal conversation with Glo,Nor have I Implied that I wanted to.She along with other Co-workers Imply to be “Christians,” or Church Goers.
(C) There is a New Employee who speaks Spanish.(He looks to be Mexican”Description”).Since he started working,I keep a Visual(Look like him)Force Mental Engaging.Similar to the Visuals of the Owners Son(look like him)PK(Chinese Mixed),The Owner a Jan(Chinese)looks like him
May 18,2017 
Dewayne(6:36)A dream of the Blk male Regular over 50 yrs(9B/X5567),sits at table W/U.S.Military.Forcing Me2say he is the(1).I Awake,Erie,Voice(Around the room) keep saying,”His Married!,” Implying to be referring to Dewayne Byfield-Bey when I Experience a Dream,Force Mental Engagement,or Attack,as to the reason why they should be able to Rape,Molest, or Force Mental engage without Consent.
Dewayne(5-18)(9B/X 5567)he usually parks his white truck around the corner of BK.I awake2(C)a visual(look like)him.My Angels tears him apart
Part 2 of May 11,2017 and May 12,2017..There is an Islamic Temple about 15 minutes away from where I rest my head,and My job.Imani and I have Never attended.Nor have we attended a Church,A Catholic Monastery or Church in Annapolis,Maryland
Perceive Muslims in N.Y.   Part(1)https://clyp.it/sbbwc35c Part(2) https://clyp.it/2pidyorc
May 11,2017 to May 12,2017(Mental Kidnappin)Going to the light house shelter to get food
(5-11-17) I went to the light house shelter to get(U.S. Government Funded Program)food or use their program of free food.The male from Pakistan was there again. He goes to get the lunch bags as usual....This time a black male comes out in the lobby as the male from Pakistan return from getting the food. (A)I saw this black male when I first came to Annapolis and was using this light house shelter Program.Taking showers,food,etc. note:(While I took showers,I would see a visual (look like him)this Pakistan male attacking this was in June, July,etc 2016) (B) Continuing-The black male,started speaking to the male from Pakistan,saying,"He brought You Here."as he started to jerk up his pants. (C)This was odd, Because,My Carribean Elders and My Husband Dewayne Byfield-Bey,Use to say this in the Aethers many times in Reference 2 Imani and I going To New York.They said Dewayne Byfield-Bey brought us to New York. (D)This was also during the time the Perceived Muslims were monitoring our thoughts, behavior, Trying to engage forcefully mentally, physically,while Imani and I were staying in the First Shelter in N.Y. Perceive Muslims in N.Y.   Part(1)https://clyp.it/sbbwc35c Part(2) https://clyp.it/2pidyorc Special Note:Each time this Visual(Looks Like him)male Pakistan attacks,My Angels Cast him out,Turn Him Into Black Mush, Other forms Of Keeping My Mind Protected.This Method is Used Towards The Black Negro males/Females,Pale Skin so call White American, Spanish Speaking"People," Africans,etc...THIS IS A FORM(ATTEMPT) OF MENTAL KIDNAPPING...Forcing Divine Souls,Spirits,To Remain under A FOREIGN JURISDICTION..We Are Among Souless Un-Clean Spirits. Mark 5:9 The Holy Bible (E) It seem The statement the black male made towards the male from Pakistan,was Imitating what My Husband Dewayne said in 2015 New York. Each Time I Go to the light house shelter to get,If the male from Pakistan gives me the Lunch Bags, I see a Visual (look like him attacking) as I leave.My Angels Cast Him Out (F) May 12,2017 After work,I stopped by the Lighthouse shelter to use their (government Funded)Free food Program. The male from Pakistan hands me the food.As I leave,I see a visual(look like him) attacking,Angels Cast him out.
May 11, 2017 The Black male look like the stalker appeared..another Black Male making unappropiate comments,The Manager Phyllis says nothing.
Dewayne(5-11-17)Today while working,A black male came inside of BK,while I was on my Break.Look the male the male that harassed/stalked me Dewayne(5-11-17),look like Blk male stalker(that morning,I was walking2 work)kept sayin good morning.This particular male,I haven't seenN BK Dewayne-Since I made a complaint w/Police about what happened that morning.He definitely looked2 B Blk American over 50yrs old. Dewayne(5-11-17)Then Later,around 3pm,another Blk male came  N2 BK.Looked over 50 yrs.As I took his order,He started to ask me am I going2 Dewayne,I'm I going2 give him a Job over& Over again.I stayed Professional.He was tryin2 Flirt.He then said,I'm only kidding.U need2 talk w/ Dewayne-I kept being Professional,Complete his order.He spoke of how I need2 speak W customers.He asked(1)about giving him a Job.I then call Dewayne(5-11-17)Call the Blk Female manager Phyllis2 speak W/him.She didn't speak W/him.Instead she told me,I needed2 Lighten up& get a Grip Dewayne(5-11-17)Then the Blk male left.It sounded like she said,"It's Peace Moor."Spoke about getting a Grip.I told this Blk Female Manager Dewayne-Whom,I never had a 5minute personal conversation with.I don't know her.I told her she isn't qualified2 tell me this.This is 2nd time Dewayne-A Blk male have addressed me sexually,I kept conversation professional,She listening N,& shrugg(passive)it off.I have informed her, Dewayne(5-11-17)her,other co-workers,About the male stalker(I experienced)when it happened,since I was heading2 work that morning.
(Washing My hands)Approximately between May 1, 2017 to May 5, 2017 or that week
That I was washing my hands...I try to wash my hands constantly at Burger King...One day between Approximately May 1, 2017 to May 5, 2017 I left to go wash my hands...around the corner where the sink,soap, sanitizer exists.. Mrs.Phyllis walked towards me saying You are not going to do anything. Stop..I said, Stop What?(It didn't make sense to me why she said,"I am not going to do anything?") She spoke of leaving the front counter washing my hands so much. .I tried to explain to her that I use sanitizer sometimes it only takes a few seconds to use sanitizer I am about 10 steps from the register..Mrs. Phyllis seem upset and irritated.. (A) Later, the Owners Husband(Pale skin)..(Janel chinese) came into the restaurant.Mrs. Phyllis complained to him..He explained that money was the Filthies or dirties thing we can touch.... (B) I tried to explain why,that was one reason why I sanitize my hands constantly...It only takes a few seconds...Especially before I Expedite the Food.. (C) It seem as though it was Implied that I was leaving for a long amount of time, to wash my hands when there were customers waiting...I didn't understand what they were talking about Note: Remembering Tina(Manager pale skin) mentioning I leaving the front a lot about two weeks ago,I didn't understand why she said this..Then I connected the dots of me Washing my hands and sanitizing them..Also taking quick sips of water...So I started to announce I am washing and Sanitizing my hands
(5-12-17)The black males(regular) that came into the restaurant and started attacking mentally that look like them
300lbs 6'2 blk male Green Truck 93/Z 4536(50Yrs old) (2)ok like 8420D/A Buffalo Soldier Small white truck(9B/X 5567)This black male parks on the other side of the Burger King.While I am sleeping or in my room,I see a Visual(that looks) like him attacking. My Angels Always try to Cast out the Filth. 300lbs Black male that drives the Green Pick up Truck (A) The Black male they call charli, The white male that drives the Blue small Suv
Khalid Muhammad approaches me in a Aggressive manner for unknown reasons..Black male coming into the restaurant singing how he going to this soul.
Dewayne(4-27-17)On 4-25-17,(blk male-Khalid Abdullah(0ver 25 yrs)approached me aggressively N a hostle manner while I was on break.
Dewayne-On 4-25-17, he was only a few inches from my face.He said,"I Need2 stop."I inform blk female manager Phyllis,of what occurred day
,I told Phyllis(whom seem2B friends w/him)I don't know him.I don't know if he is on drugs,Mentally stable
)Many times since2016(start work owned by chinese)I would C a visual of him(look like him)attacking at work,my place of rest.
)Like I C of the new blk male co-worker(Tay)(look like him).Too many times females/males w dred locks,come N speakin w/
The New Black Male worker Tay, I haven't seen in the Restaurant in about a week
Dewayne, with Khalid Abdullah like I would C when A Chinese or Middle Eastern was around.Dred locks(male/female being used) try2 engage
Dewayne(4-27-17)Once a blk/Negro male came into the Restaurant singing loudly how we Are going2 Get that Soul,we need that Soul, laughing
Dewayn(4-27-17)With Khalid Abdullah.No one seem to think this is odd.Many time Khalid is on his cell phone on the front floor.no one says
May 10 2017, May 11 2017, May 12 2017(Drive Thru time) 10 minutes stayed longer at BK(Khalid) spending time on his cell phone
On this day, I stayed longer than usual we didn't have anyone to come in..Khalid Abdullah spending time on his cell phone at the fryer. I looked to see the drive thru time..He is working in drive thru..He is on his cell phone.. No one says anything to him.. (A) I gradually say something about the Drive thru time being 10 minutes..Margaret comes and puts his cell phone beneath the counter.. there is a line of customers.. (B)Samuel the pale skin manager comes in to start 2nd shift May 11, 2017 I am working, it is about 3pm..Once again Drive thru time was over 3.30...The Managers James,Khalid, Phyllis are talking in the office loudly about something...approximately 6 minutes they come out of the office to help Expedite the food (A) This is the day,the Black male over 45 years old tried to come on to me inappropriately and Ms Phyllis passively agreed with his Actions. May 12,2017 The Health Inspeater came into the Restaurant... After I didn't see the Health Inspector for awhile..Khalid gets back on his Cell phone. (A) so many times Khalid is on his Cell phone on the First Counter, no one says anything...
May 9,2017 Old Indian (from India)Male that works at Dunkin Doughnuts possibly(mental Attacks)Visual look like
5-9-17-There is An old Indian Male work wears a Dunkin Doughnuts uniform. He usually come into Burger King in the Afternoon ordering a 10 Piece nugget. I usually see a visual look like him attacking while he waits for his food. My Vagina is attacked N a Sexual manner (Spiritually).. (A)May 9,2017,I go to Light house shelter 2 get Free food they offer.The male from Pakistan gets the food almost each and every time. I see a visual(look like him)as I Leave attacking. (B)When the owners (Janel/Chinese)Son CJ(-3)(Chinese mix)works, I always see a visual (Look like him) attacking Mentally.. While,I m taking out trash, cleaning,serving customers,etc Mark 5 Holy Bible
May 9,2017(Some “seeing a visual look like them”Mexican attacking mentally)(2CT4373 Gray Ford car,A new black 6 '4 over 300lbs,male Reg. Coming into Burger King arguing that I was afraid 2 touch his hand..
(A)I posted on Twitter of the new black male reg..(2CT4373)Odd License plates (may 8,2017)(Monday) (B)May 8,2017,that morning approximately 9am,the black male came into Burger King.as I placed his change/money back into his hand.he argued saying I was afraid to touch his hand or "People's"hand. I used my Amendment rights and Remained Silent. (C)He soon Became quiet and walked away. Note:I have noticed some customers come into Burger King with Blood on their Fingers.. Note ::(Spiritual Attacks)Notice when Some Black/Negro Male/females (-3)come into Burger King, I feel irritatation from my Anus. Similar to when My Vagina is Attack (they call it Eating)..This seems to Be an Attack(Retaliation)after a Male(Black-3)Try to engage mentally,flirt, engage too long in a conversation...Or their females (Mexican Co-Workers) The people(Some) that Speak Spanish(some mexicans,other Spanish speaking countries)not aggressive as much in mental engaging.Only the regulars.(Same ones).They are probably working with other or same un-clean Spirits..Email :I see a visual (look like)a few co-workers Mexican,attacking Mentally while working,at my place of Rest (American Extended Stay
May 8,2017( Monday)Conflict with Charlie Regular(Trying 2 place money N my hand.not consistent
The same black males arrived sitting at the Reg.Table.Gray Truck,Purple Heart Cap,etc.. A black male I noticed only about 3 to 4 weeks have been coming into Burger King Regularly(Gray car 2CT4373). 6'4 300lbs plus. Over 45 yrs old (A)I started to C a Visual of him(look like)at my place of rests & while working...Attacking(American Extended Stay)(B)I posted his (B)The male Charlie started another argument with me. He tried 2 place money in my hand.I told him,he was confusing me.Once .again. One moment,he is demanding Me to put money on the Counter,the today he reached out2 place money N his hand. He became angry and started 2 speak loud. Note:I have seen some customers come into Burger King with blood on their fingers..Many Construction workers
(April 22, 2017)License plate middle eastern(6CR4798) walking back to the room
(4-4-17) Odd Behavior--9bx9294 black woman in a blue car parked with a security (blue) guard uniform across from american extended stay(Remembering the Black male stalker)
Approximately 11am(3-25-17) Police officer R.J.Shipley/He told me his badge # 2001(He is from the County not the city),Number 410-222-8619)arrived at American Extended Stay 120 Admiral Cochran Dr.Annapolis M.D. 21401 RM 116 This is the Information he gave me.He didn’t check my I.D. (A)Cr3–803 Harass;A course of Conduct (B)CR 3-802(B) Stalking…2017110592 Harassment Course Conduct in Law (B) He stated there isn’t anything he could do because the male was only demonstrating his Amendment Rights.If he was to do it again, I can tell him not to speak to me ©I told the police R.J. Shipley,,I don’t know him,he look like a black male that I have seen  come into Burger King 45 years old or more.I told Police officer R.J. Shipley,about awakening that Morning hearing a male Outside my door saying I Love You and that I have heard this many times,outside my door at American Extended stay. (D)I ask what can I do to keep an record of this police conversation,just in case this behavior escalates.He said, they have it recorded..Each time someone calls we have a record. (E)I said,I need a Record for myself because I don’t know this male,(A stalker could be Stalking 4awhile. And I not know it.He might not be the Stalker,he could be someone the stalker send,to protect his or her Identity.. (F)So I asked for information to obtain a police transcript to show that I did report Suspected today 3-25-17(Saturday).Imani left to go to work,he wasn’t in the room..The police officer R.J. Shipley gave me the information on line (A) (The police officer R.J. Shipley White male (pale skin) 5"9approx. Blue eyes dark brown hair..Very pale.
I took my Break at work 1:45pm( we were short co-workers)I kept seeing a visual of Kha(look like him)attacking me while I was eating. Then I saw the “Mexican,” female co-worker,go into the Bathroom,as she came out of the Bathroom the visual stopped.I started to mentally pray against all unclean spirits that exists in Mexico,thanking Allah for Protection.Then the visual Kha started attacking again.
(A) Many times the perceive Mexican,Black,Indian,Asain,Pale(some Imply to be connected to U.S. Military) skin etc that is sickly seem to be connected to this Demon that Attacks mentally and my Angels Cast out..https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
All Black males are over 45 years in age by appearance
By 10:30am (Ch)HDV 0818(Black male that wears the Alumni Shirt), liscense Plate 520-159(black male that drives light blue pick up)The black male that drives the Gray SUV and wears the (Native American cap), Small white truck(9B/X 5567)This black male parks on the other side of the Burger King.While I am sleeping or in my room,I see a Visual(that looks) like him attacking. My Angels Always try to Cast out the Filth. 300lbs Black male that drives the Green Pick up Truck
7:50am(approximately I am walking to work on West St.I see a(Black male Security Guard) that drives the Badge SUV 5A/M 3350 that comes into Burger King often.He didn’t go to Burger King
3-25-17(5:22pm) Saturday A visual of the manager Phy(Acts of Terrorism)seeing a visual of jan(Chinese)
I am lying resting here in America Extended Stay. I keep seeing a visual of the black female phyl( look like her) attacking and another black male that comes into Burger King look to be over 50 years old and Represents To Imply Christian (7th day Adventist),They also Represents the number 3 (B)When I am working around Phy. The black female manager she mumbles the words “ We Need it."and Brother. I also saw a visual of the Owner Jan who is (Chinese).A visual of Kha who sprayed Mace ©I don’t know Phy or any employee Personally.I have never gave them an impression I want to know anyone them personally (D)There is a lot of bumping upstairs over my head(the ceiling).It seems it is done purposefully..My Vagina is being attacked a few times
3-25-17 All week the Chinese male that was at Burger King when Khalid sprayed mace has been coming into the restaurant
4am a male while I was sleeping started  Molesting my Vagina.I awoke quickly/within 2 seconds.When I awoke,I saw a(description Mexican/ middle Eastern looking demon),visual.Then I saw a black male visual.My Angels started to destroy both. (A)Then I notice I kept seeing a visual(look like) of the Mexican female,that I work with.She is always staring trying to engage via eye contact.She (visual look like her)is always engaging mentally.After the dream,I saw her visual. My Angels kept destroying it. (B)Too Many Un-Clean spirits R working together(The System).Many Perceived Mexican portray themselves as werewolves as though they R recruiting (C,)They (Mexicans)R connected to the Negro/Blacks,Indian from India (Pakistan/Bangladesh middle eastern), Pale Skin white Americans, China(Asain), etc. Some  U.S. Military (Army/Navy)ABRAHAM LINCOLN
3-24-17telling him about stalker(working with CJ(Janell Owner’s son) the manager)Telling him Iam not talking to myself
(A)As I was working, I noticed I speak my thoughts out loud.I saw CJ the owner’s son crack a smile.I told him,I am a student (in so many words and studying).I also said,Iam not Crazy.He replied,I read someone where that is normal. (1)I noticed co-workers &  customers Speak about a Camera on (B) 3-22-17-I told CJ I could work on Saturday (he asked me to come in early at 7am for the past few days)…Then I realized, that I had plan to go to Annapolis Police Station to report the black male stalker on 3-21-17.I told him about it.I also told the Co worker Gloria About it on the day Phyllis the manager Worked
3-24-17(5:10am)Acts of Terrorism-(perceive black/negro Muslims)while studying..the visual of the black male(regular) that drives the white truck,he parks on the other side of the Burger King,, usually talking with the male green truck
I am studying at (American Extended Stay)A male voice says "Stop baby.” The visual of the black male that drives the white truck is engaging forfully.A)Another black/negro male(#3) that comes into Burger King. Not often but enough.He usually wears a bow tie(look like one of the members from the nation of Islam.He walks like an Army cadet has been attacking mentally forcefully first time this morning. (B)When I went 2 the library 2 day he was there.I have never seen him at the library. ©3-24-17(5:23am)As I was studying started to pray for the extermination of all Un-Clean negro/black spirits(as they R attacking mentally).A male voice around the room,yelled,“it’s Peace.” We will take It. (D)If The males(Negro/Black)is this way" State of Mind,“ Imagine the Females.. (E)Many of them attack my Vagina(Sexual) Like the Indian (Middle Eastern)from India has done
3-23-17- The Regular Black males arrive at Burger king the male (Ch),HDV0818,Gray Truck(11am)Purple Heart Cap so came..
3-23-17 I notice the Perceive Mexican are trying to force engage mentally more.When I come to the Library there is always one speaking louder than the rest in Spanish.This has been an Tactic those that are being used by an Oppressive system Use.
(A) The demonic Spirit that molest one night, a mexican co-worker speaks of this energy having it and she makes comments that are sexual. She seems to be working for the System
(A)I noticed the Black male from the light house(A shelter for the homeless in Annapolis,M.D.)comes into Burger King..When he comes into Burger King a few times he has(a visual like him) has Forced Engaged.
I awoke early in the morning, to walk to work.Before I started to walk, to work,I heard a male Erie Voice say, “I love you.” My manager asked if I could come into work early than usual.She asked me to arrive at 7am. As I was walking to work,it was 6:45am. It was dark the sun was not up.A(He looked Black) male pulled over in a Black SUV, Brand New, and started to say, Good Morning. No other cars was in sight, but I was not sure he was talking about me. He then, kept saying over and over Good Morning as he looked my way. I continued to Walk to work.
(A) I plan to do a Police Report on Saturday, 3-25-17
3-22-17 The owner’s son(A visual that looks like him) CBkeeps force engaging mentally. He is Chinese mixed. He worked while he works at the restaurant.Each time the Asst. Manager  Jam appears( A black male) That is over 3001bs and represents the #3 there is a Visual that looks like him,that attacks.
3-23-17-The Co-worker Kha,Gl,2 mexican females, the male they call John work..The black male Khal, would jerk up his pants,say #3 sometimes during an Attack.
(A) Attack-Description is feeling pain towards a body part such as inner organs,Vagina,sharp pain on the head.He looks to be under 30 years of age.
(B)Khal spoke of paying someone’s rent,and Yelled #3 right after.Sometimes I hear the Perceive Blacks say,We are already there or those who are not in the Constitutional Fold,They have not been Naturalized,They don’t have nationality, They are considered Chattel Property according to Constitutional Law they are the ones that are used the most in “Acts of Terrorism.”Property
3-23-17 I arrived at work,when I arrived CB the owner’s son was working. I arrived at 8:07am.. we were short staff. While working with him I kept seeing a visual of him engaging mentally. Then I felt my Vagina attacked several times while he made a noise. A visual(look like him) him kept attacking while I was working at Burger Kin/the serving customers building his business,Imagine
A) A customer comes into the Restaurant, He gives me compliment(a pale skin male),He says I should have a raise. I told,I would prefer to be treated with Respect and Just before accepting money.Respect and being Just is priceless.
3-15-17-approximately..There Manager Phy, had to manually clock me in,I told her she clocked me in at 7am instead of 8.
Each time Imani arrive at the room. He twenty two, a female voice speak in our room
3-7-17(Regulars)-Ch,HDV 0818,Buffalo Soldier cap on/ handi Cap license plate(kept force mental engaging),Green Pick Up Truck When I first came to Annapolis,June 2016,I notice males that look extremely dark middle Eastern would come into the restaurant burger King and force mental engage..Their description is of one that looked to be from Bangladesh. I didn’t know why? 3-6-17 A male looked to be from Bangladesh came into the Restaurant with a black american female. As they waited for their food, he started to speak like I have noticed those that “Imply,” to be Muslim, speak.Loudly with the black American female about how You can eat anything, such as ,(Turkey?I didn’t hear the whole conversation,so I leave room for era)..He forced Mental Engage 1)The black female 98% probably doesn’t have a Nationality, and been Naturalized  U.S.A Constitutional Laws of Freedom…Neither the male that look from Bangladesh 2)I noticed when I walk past the stores,(gas station)that are owned by middle Eastern, A green Cab is near by driven by, it looked to be Africans. Also I am a lot of times attacked mentally by a demon who looked to from Mexico or Middle East,I am not sure. The Africans probably aren’t Naturalized in our U.S.A Constitutional Laws of Freedom. 3)3-7-17 Around 9pm I was from the Library, I walked past the gas station,as I saw a green cab with an African Accent  in the parking lot. For no reason he  beeped his horn as he looked my way. 4) 3-6-17, A black male looked to be over 6"4 about 350lbs over 50 years old,came into Burger King with female that looked to be his mother(over 70) I have seen him a few other times.  As I was in the bathroom at Burger King, the female came into bathroom trying to smile and engage in conversation. I went into the stall quickly and closed the door. Neither one has been 98% has been naturalized and have a Nationality (A)Fillis the black female manager started to force engage mentally while I was bent over the Toilet stool.(B) That day the negro/black that drives the Black BMW license plate Lumpy 1 was at the Burger King. (5)3-7-17)As I was sleeping this visual of this Black male kept force mental engaging.When I arrived at the room,. I heard a male voice in the room,then I saw his visual. (6)-I saw a few U.S. Military come into Burger King…Notice many of the black males that sit at the table Regulars and force mental engage represents an Alumni and a form of Christianity…98% don’t have a Nationality and been Naturalized
3-7-17(Stalker) a strange male voice in the room(,sounds black keep saying I paid) ,awoke seeing as visual of black males regulars that be at Burger King(American Extended stay)
When, my son Imani came in I heard a male voice say (I paid).A female voice as well. I also heard a voice tell lay down. I awoke,2:30am,I saw a visual of a black male, SUV,white pick up 840..(Buffalo Soldier,handi cap,).And the other black male that parks on the side of the Burger King building that usually sits at the regular table,and speak with the 300lbsblack male that drives the green pick up
3-4-17 (a Male outside my window said,let it be peace or go home 15 minutes before(possibly stalker)A negro/black male that drives the white pick up truck, usually parks on the other side of burger King,I have noticed slightly he force engage mentally while I am at my place of rest
He always sit at the table where the regulars sit.I have noticed he seem to speak to the negro/black male,that is a Regular and sits at the table.He is over 300lbs and drives a green pick up truck. (A)Black males,/females representing 7th Day Adventist Christian organization(Possible Stalker s) There is a black male who speaks to other blacks that represents the Christian organization 7th day Adventist. He is about 6'4 and usually he sits in burger King for hours.I don’t see him ordering food but he has force mental engage. He. Many times I see him sitting in front of the restaurant like he is protecting something or at the Regular Table (B) He seem to get a ride to burger King
Revelation12:11)3-3-17 going to the light house homeless,shelter to get food the male from Pakistan(looks like) attacks mentally as he gave me the food
(3-3-17)After work,I walked to the homeless shelter name(light house, Annapolis M.D.)to use their program.They offer free lunch bags for those in need of food. When I arrived there the same male from Pakistan was at the desk that Was there yesterday many times. Note:many times he is there when I arrive to get food(each time I leave, I see an visual of him attacking).He is an employee.I have documented my experience of him when we first came to Maryland in June 2016. A)As I sat down at the shelter, to wait for him to come back with my food,A black male was sitting across from me(Remember we are among a telepathic society) (B) All of the sudden,I saw a visual of the Pakistani (look like him)male,my genitals(Vagina)was being attacked in a sexual manner. I started to Pray to Allah.As I Prayed to Allah the Pakistani’s visual disappeared. © the Pakistani male gave me the lunch bags. As I walked out of the building, the black male 45 years old or more, jump up quickly and walked behind me. (D)As I started to walked down the road,I saw two black males standing with their legs apart (Like those who represents the( number #3) in a demonic manner)staring smiling at or towards me. Note:I couldn’t tell if the black male or the Pakistani was attacking my genitals(visuals) Note:Janel the owner came in and worked today(3-3-17 Friday),when I got off work(3pm) The black male (Ch) was there,the. Male that drives the SUV HDV 0818,The black male that drives the Burg SUV (Today he drove a gray pick up truck 2bf0944),the black male that don’t say much but is at the restaurant almost everyday (light blue pick up truck 520 129) was there.All of them have been at the Restaurant since early this morning,All of them I have seen a force visual Note: The black male that drives the fancy SUV (Handing Cap Buffalo Soldier )was at the  Wednesday, Thursday,
3-4-17 (a Male outside my window said,let it be peace or go home 15 minutes before(possibly stalker)A negro/black male that drives the white pick up truck, usually parks on the other side of burger King,I have noticed slightly he force engage mentally while I am at my place of rest
(A)He always sit at the table where the regulars sit.I have noticed he seem to speak to the negro/black male,that is a Regular and sits at the table.He is over 300lbs and drives a green pick up truck. (A)Black males,/females representing 7th Day Adventist Christian organization(Possible Stalker s) There is a black male who speaks to other blacks that represents the Christian organization 7th day Adventist. He is about 6'4 and usually he sits in burger King for hours.I don’t see him ordering food but he has force mental engage. He. Many times I see him sitting in front of the restaurant like he is protecting something or at the Regular Table (B) He seem to get a ride to burger King
3-3-17 (5:07am) A visual(look like) of the pale skin(white American )#3-female manager tan attacking)
I awoke to see a visual of the pale skin (white American?)look like,manager from burger King attacking.This manager is a lot of the times use words that I hear Moorish Brooklyn speak of as she speaks to put the black female manager. she also uses a lot of sexual context in her conversations. She seems to bring cupcakes low energy Occult (demonic)vibration (subject)such as vampires (such as sucking blood).In her conversations with the black female PHY. Note She hasn’t (99% most likely,) been naturalized or have a nationality according to U.S.A Constitutional Law. She to demonic the number #3 in a negative un-clean manner
3-2-17(dream s) Revelation 12:11)being at work with Fil #3(black female manager saying prepare to lay down(black male nissan maximum..1cs9826 I thought it was odd)(seeing a visual of ex-, president Obama don’t know if it was him)
Today at work,I noticed the black female(Fil. #3) manager kept mumbling the words lay down. I also heard a few customers do the same. Lay down is when they are threatening to cause an attack while sleeping sexually. Usually this is down after a (Negre/Blacki #3)male try to engage or maybe one is around desiring to flirt. Someone kept saying (prostitute mentally)PHY also say “brother,” (1)This is fear tactic(force amalgamation)The black female manager #3)also kept saying prepare to lay down… (2)8:30am. (Nissan’s maximum 1cs9826) today as I was working I started to pray for our National Grand Sheik (Moorish American National Republic)–as I was taking out the trash. I heard a black make in the drive as he was placing his order say,“lay down,“as he was talking to PHY the manager.Then he said "it’s mine several times.” (3)The asain male that was in the restaurant the day when KHA sprayed Mace was inside the store (4)9:45pm(3-2-17),I was in a deep sleep. I dreamed that I was being used as a prostitute to have sex with different men.I felt no satisfaction. it was Like I was watching Myself.It look like I saw the co-worker (Khal)in my dream. (5)when,I awoke I saw a slight visual looked like president Obama.A male down the hall of American Extended Stay, yelled, “He loves Peace.” (6)3-2-17(2:30pm)Today a pale skin “white American?” (He looked to be over 60 years old)with an a cap on his head that stated (Air Force Veteran)said, he liked Khal ’s voice. When I turn around to tell the black male co-worker the compliment, the pale skin male snatched the receipt out my hand. Note—Many times while working Khal,will force mental engage, or sing a verse to a Song very Loud out of the blue…Then all of the sudden I would hear the same Verse over and over again while working. These are “Acts of Terrorism,” upon awakening Moors who are correcting their status.
2-28-17)(5:25pm) I am at the annapolis M.D… Maryland Law of Stalking
I just posted information on Twitter, on Maryland Laws of Stalking(Studying what this State Consider a Stalker and how I can report …5:25pm An African Woman started speaking loud in her language. I have seen Africans come into the Restaurant but not like the Regulars.(Possible Stalker,) Many Africans are connected to the United Nations. These particular Africans sound like they are speaking Worlof.. Many times I see many Green Cabs driving on the road when I am walking to my place of rest. This isn’t Odd, because of them being Cabs. I haven’t noticed a particular liscence Plate like the Indian male that drives the Yellow Cab Today those that arrive at the Restaurant who are Regulars– (A)the black male(55 years old or more) that drives the burgandy Suv a Gray pick up(2bf0944)(Remembering he left at the same time,the female manager Phy sent me home early because I wouldn’t use a Red Pen.(I keep a Blue pen on me as much as possible because in Moorish Science it signifies Life)that day the manager said use this Red pen you are about to loose hours..I had just received a compliment from a customer and there was no customers waiting.. The truck looked a different color today. He is 55 and over in years (52k192). about 5'9 wears glasses and sits at the regular table each time he arrives.. Today when he ordered he raised his voice as though he was angry or irritated. (1) Many nights I have seen visuals of him (look like him) at my place of rests..while I am working as well when he arrive at the restaurant (B) The Indian male 60(7ca2355) year old or more arrived while I was on my break. He comes into the restaurant and speak like he is from a low income urban area.he seems to be making fun or being sarcastic..When he arrived,I sent a text to my self. I didn’t see a visual of him © The black male who wears the buffalo Soldier Cap arrive(8420da). He drives a White fancy pick up and usually parks in the Handi Cap. I asked what does the buffalo Soldier mean one day, He said, this is what Indians call us at war. I asked him that day, was he fighting men,only or women and men? He said, Men. Too many times when he arrived I would see a Visual of him that looked exactly like him. he wears glasses that look like sun glasses and he has a Bald Head. I have also see visuals that looked like him at my place of rest. (D) The Black male 55 years or more (Ch) arrived around 9am. Today like many times I caught him staring at me when he was at the counter. For the past 2.5 months approximately he has asked me to place the money and receipt on the counter.Someone gives him a ride to the Restaurant.He always sit at the Regular table (E) the white male the looked to 55 years old or more NP0027 white Minie van who wouldn’t allow me to take his order for months up until a month ago..Appeared. He usually comes in everyday almost during lunch and sits at the Regular table (F) the black male (55 years old or more)that drives the Brown Mercedez(5cr5899)also arrived around 11pm. I caught him staring at me as well. Saw him sitting at the Regular Table as usual.. Note: 6pm(Annapolis M.D.) while I am documenting this information of a collaboration of odd behavior, a woman starts speaking Spanish with a Mexican accent, a black female sits next to me speaking loud on her phone..about Then she mumbles how she need to do her taxes..In the room (American Extended Stay) Imani and I as yesterday have been talking about doing our Taxes… Note: I don’t see anyone here representing the U.S. Military/Navy/ Army at this moment..As i type this a (6:03pm) a male yells #3
2-26-17(6:33pm) Sunday.American Extended Stay
Imani and I are relaxing.I hear woman say,Alright Now around my room,I noticed the (black/negro)&(co-workers)males and females will say this for no reason when they come into my place of work. (A)-we are waiting to do the Moorish American Pray er with our Sunday night conference call. (B) A male say, I will eat your pussy while You are sleep..Then all of the sudden someone hit the ceiling or above our head twice.© someone outside my window says, We are “People?” (D) Possibly the U.S. military is involved (army/Navy)
2-24-17 (9:57pm) dream(possible attack)
I was sleeping. I don’t know if I was attack,I didn’t see anyone In my dream.It seem  I had a sexual feeling while sleeping. As I kept from having a sexual organism, I awoke with a strain or pain at my lower back.I don’t know exactly what I just experienced.It lasted for about 10 seconds (A)When I opened opened my eyes, it sounded like a male came out of his room next door, talking,another one was outside. My window talking. As I started to document this they both became stopped talking(10:06pm).,I heard a male voice say warning (1)Someone started making noise over our head.Like someone was running hard.(like someone or people are watching us telepathically (Forcefully)while we are sleeping.“Acts of Terrorism."Like the Perceived Muslim family in N.Y. (B)when I awoke,I heard a voice say you are dreaming.I saw a visual of my husband’s name Dewayne Byfield-Bey (2)U.S. Military/Navy could be involved.Remembering three months approximately back,the pale skin officer that had on a (Army/navy uniform not sure) would wriggle the door knob as I walked by one morning as I would go get a cup of coffee. He was in the room next door. I didn’t  know why each time, I would hear the door knob wriggle that morning as I walked by. I thought it was odd. On the last time I walked by,the male next door opened the door.He had on a Military Uniform brown. Note:(10:22pm)As I write this, a male down the hall start speaking loud. He sounds like a pale skin not sure. Someone yell the Number #3(distraction/Signal possibly)To disguise or hide the truth.(#3 and Brother)is associated with those who look like us but aren’t and practice a science (3)2-24-16 when I awoke this morning, I saw a text from our National Grand Shiek Joel Bratton-Bey. All of the sudden someone slammed the door down the hall. I. Saw a visual of the number 3.I change the visual to 360 degrees
2-24-17 HDV 0818, he left before 1pm(I didn’t see who dropped off Ch),the black male that wears the Purple heart Cap, the make drives burgundy SuV he drove the gray pick up truck 2-24-17,
2-23-17(Thursday)The Asain male (Chinese?)that left out of the store when Khal sprayed Mace or Pepper Spray,shows up about 4 times a week. When he arrives he use code words such as (I love U,Eat,We got It). When he arrived 2-23-17, he spoked to Jan for a very long time as though they knew each other.(Jan is Chinese). When I left. At 3pm, Ch, light blue pick up truck(old),A black male 60+ years of age Reg,was still at the Restaurant(He stopped coming for a few weeks)All of them would either come to the Restaurant every day and attack mentally,or yell code words The black male 60+(sounds like a robot when he speaks)that wears a cap that says Native American comes in the Restaurant maybe 4 times a week and attack mentally
2-23-17 (1:09am) awake to go to the bathroom(stalker,,)black male
As I awake to go the bathroom, someone said, Husband around My room,I hear a tap. then someone said you are wrong.
Male black Asst. Manager Jan 2-13-17
the assistant male black Manager who implied to be #3 and threaten to rape my son,came into the restaurant, spoke about opening some one up,as he looked towards me,then he begin attacking mentally. My Angels had to cast him out.
2-23-17 5A/M 3350 appeared at my job,odd,the e-mail 2-22-17,stated I haven’t seen him in two weeks app. When he came into burger king, he seem irritated.
All these "People,"have the Code that my son(Imani Gray-Bey & "I” Rhonda Arrington-Bey) Reject.The Code that cause masses to be Artificially Telepathic
That day,I caught him staring at me,5A/M 3350 black male security guard..I asked him can I help him,he played it off.Pretended he needed help placing order.I don’t remember seeing (Ch black male reg.) Black male that wears the purple cap. Showed up. HDV 0818, (1)I see the yellow cab (47b 328?) That usually the same  male from “,India,”, in the mornings/afternoons as I walk to work or from work. the yellow Cab also drives in front of Burger King many times during the day. (2)Green Cabs as well.It seem there are Africans Males driving the Green cabs Special Note(A)when I came into work,Jan and her husband were there & her son CA. They (Jan,Husband, Their Son,Phy,Khali, some Customer,& co-workers)all constantly force mental engage eventhough I am navigating on the physical plane.I can barely tell they are doing it or can’t tell at all.They seem to Force Mental Engage until they are Tired(possibly).. (B) I realized They(many) probably have been doing this to many Souls,. That didn’t know because they wasn’t able to see. 1)Note:Male Africans come into the restaurant, slightly try to flirt or Engage in the conversation too long.) Special Note Pale skin 2)Note:The “white/pale skin,” males/females (possibly navy/army)come into restaurant. Sometimes they stand with their legs apart(like the assistant manager black male).They seem to ex aerate the number #3…Many times in the morning they are walking their dogs. They also use the words. (I got it,We got it, We paid for it,) in their conversations at the counter
2-22-16) possible stalkers(Ch), 8429D/A handicap buffalo soldier,HDV 0818,brown Mercedes 5cr5899,burgundy SUV 820M 292
Note:the black security guard drives light brown (Reg)SUV 5A/M 3350 has not been at the burger in about 2 weeks.The black male that drives the burgundy SUV 820m 292, has been appearing without his car. (A)Most of the reg. Are there every day using code words. 2-22-17)The Perceive black female(blonde short hair) that is on the voice recorder speaking of someone being shot she drives a Gray pick up(new)(065 375)she sits at the Reg. Table. KHA the black male employee worked. That day 2-22-17,The black male 55+ came into the restaurant. He drives a (brown Mercedes 5cr5899) I have home on voice recorder. He sits at the regular table and stares. All of the sudden KHA the black male employee started singing (Sexual Songs"Lyrics”) such as R Kelly and Ginuine. The lyrics will play over and over telepathically in my mind.I started to chant Noble Drew Ali’s Mentally Note:(2-23-17)(1:53am)As I type this someone say “bless You.” Intentions could mean sacrifice.Are you Ready? Is what a male says in the room next to us. Ready for what I am not sure? (A)(2-23-17)When I awoke,1:10am, I saw a slight visual (look like him)of this KHA(black male).A R Kelly song started to play visual in my mind (It seems like your ready)
(B)1-22-17,The black female manager PHY, left during the shift.The black asst. Manager Jam appeared..When PHY arrive the black asst. Male (6'3 300lbs approximately)manager would stand with his legs apart next to the office(looking towards my direction),and PHY started speaking in a very loud aggressive tone.Using Code words that I hear. Note:Some one said (3)(2:09am),Then I heard a tap in my Room. ©Phy started to speak about how it has to be or better be a (Brother?)in an aggressive tone,as the Black asst. Male manager(who threaten to rape my son 23years in the ass) stood looking towards my direction. (D)When I was sent home(early)because I wouldn’t use a Red Pen, as I walked out of the door,. The black male Reg.55+(burgundy Suv 820M 292)left as well.
2-22-17 seeing a visual of Phy black manager, holding her hands in front of her
I awoke, to hear a black old RB song playing in my ear telepathically. I hear the white male(sounds like?) tapping against the wall.He could be black. Someone yells, he loves peace.
2-22-17,male stalker might be around my room..Perceive Mexicans..Suspected prostitution ring/to force asaitic(souls,)to have sex/amalgamation
2-22-17, Today as I came in the room American Extended stay,I saw a male look Spanish (Mexican)or middle Eastern catching the elevator..He was going upstairs.Too many times some is bangin on the ceiling,like someone is running across the floor. When I walked in my room, I read Dewayne Byfield-Bey’s tweets,A male voice who is in the room next to me(possibly),said,You See He Told Her in a Desperate voice. (2)-Some Mexicans are more aggressive now,along with the black(mostly)malex/white males.It seem to be a psychological game to instill Fear.Attacking my Vagina while I am working in a sexual manner.Many times the word brother/#3 comes up..This seem to be a tactic to I still fear.(Force Amalgamation/Sex with the Souless, Demonic un clean Spirits. (A)Too many Perceive Mexicans are trying to engage mentally.They seem to be connected to the employees at the Place where I work(Burger King)….They all have the Code,that cause masses to be telepathic. (B)These Perceive Mexicans,Blacks,whites, middle Eastern male & female (Souless) seem to be apart of Occult/Coven,and they are trying to recruit. We Naturalized Mu'urs, Rhonda Arrington-bey & Imani Gray-Bey Reject the Code that cause masses to be Telepathic Artificially
2-14-17 asst. Black manager ja/ the Indian male over 60 (7c/a 2355) visual attacking
As I left  work the visual of the black asst. Jam kept attacking. After I was attacked in my dreams a visual of the black Asst. Manager appeared.My angels had to cast him out .The Indian male 60+ 7c/a 2355 came Into burger king. He speaks like he is making fun of “blacks,“that live in low income and use incorrect English. A visual of Him attack s
The employee black Khal(Visual) is still attacking he return to work app. Two weeks ago
2-20-17 told Janel the owner of Follow sending me home because I wouldn’t use a  Red Pen
Today I spoke to the owner of Burger King about the day female black manager sent me home early because, I wouldn’t use a red pen. Janel said there were other things as manager she was dealing with, that irritated her,and this is why she sent me home.I asked Janel what was it that irritated her(I had never been addressed of any irritation,I had just received a compliment if  great Customer Service).Janel didn’t explain what it was. I mentioned,Most businesses prefer blue or black Ink. There were no customers waiting,I carry a blue pen for religious beliefs. I mentioned, of wearing my national headrests for almost two months but was asked to not wear it again by her(Janel).She said she lost money customers because I was wearing a national headress to work
White military male attacking 2-8-17
When I awoke this morning, (2-8-17) a pale skin military (he wears a cap representing military)male, keep attacking mentally. He comes into burger king almost, every day. The song jodeci is playing telepathically, this what the negro/black(creature #3)  does with help,from the u.s.government and others
I notice too many times,Each time Imani Gray-Bey(My Son) arrive at the room. He twenty two, a female voice speak in our room at American Extended Stay
2/1/2017black male security attacking mentally at burger king(8b/f 6827)..being attacked by middle eastern demon while sleeping
Last night I was attacked by the demon while sleeping( sexual). I awoke before I had any satisfaction. Maybe, 5 minutes within sleeping. At the restaurant(my job), a black male with a beard appeared early in the morning. He sat in his car it was odd (3by 0883). He had a long beard like those who are Muslim (Orthodox).I don’t know where he is from (1) the (7c/a 2355) little brown car,..old male that looked from India appeared. 60 years old. He has come into the restaurant and attack several times my genitals. He attack mentally again 2/@ 2)a black male appeared at the restaurant, I have never seen him there before. I would see him at the library,when I would go there. I haven’t been at the library  for awhile, I brought a note book tablet. He would appear with a little black girl teaching at a. Table. Today, he appeared at my job and started attacking mentally (62625m1or 6265m1)small black suv
(3)today a few black males appeared early in the morning. Mentally I was attacked, then two black males appeared, Annapolis security, one holding or carrying a Gun,(while I am working at burger king),..The one carrying the gun attacked me mentally several times … The car they were driving was, 8b/f 6827, Annapolis, professional
4)the guy that drives the burgundy SUV didn’t drive his car.he was there. The black male that speak of being Cherokee (9b/z 4546)was there until I left at 4. He attack mentally several times while I am working and at my place of rest. (Char) arrived and attacked several times, HDV 0818. Most of these men I have seen since I started working. They have been attacking since then (5)a black male came into the restaurant and attack. I have seen him at my job too many times to count. He sits at the table. (9b/x 5567). He is over 55 years old and he too attack mentally 6) the black male who seem to be friends with Khal appeared. 7c/e 8055 black Nissan’s (can’t remember). They would attack me mentally at my place of rest and at my job. Like one of them liked me. Stalkers (7) 2/1/17 the males at the table keep speaking about marrying someone
1/31/17 the assistant, manager blac male. Jam attacking, PHY the manager yellin. g 3
1/31/17, as soon as the assistant manager came into the burger King he started attacking. A few days before, he threaten to rape my son in the ass through body language. As I and my angels were casting him out, the black female manager (PHY) yelled 3,as the 6'5 black male continued to attack mentally.
1/31/17Glr and the negro black christian male(other) stalker
1/31/17–For the past few days the negro/black male I would see at the library when i first came I Annapolis,MD have been attacking. He has never come up to Burger King, that I see. When a visual of this black creature appear s while I am working, the black co-op workers seem to encourage it. Such as jam and PHY. About two weeks ago while I was at the library ( this black creature), started attacking. He then got on his phone and started to speak loud. He looked to be over 55 years old. He said, I am going to call you. All of the sudden my cell phone rang while I was at the library. It was a text of code.  Glr(black/) co workerhas started attacking this morning. Out of all the co workers she has attack the least. She is over60 years. She has implied to be (free masonic/Eastern Star)black(Christian) creature. She started attacking 1:00am this mornking
Note:6:55pm I am documenting at the library Annapolis M.D.A black male arrive speaking about N.C. Carolina loudly.He said, as he was leaving, “ I see you Diam. I saw a visual of the Black Female Co-Worker Diam,Attacking,(Remembering she spoke of going back to work,a month ago, ever since then,I have seen visual(Forced) in the morning, at my job,even though my Angels have “Cursed/block,” her and the manager female Phy with others they still try to Force engage mentally.
(A)8:40am the black male that drives the ( SUV HDV 0818) wears the Black hawks cap and Alumni shirt arrived. He is at the Restaurant almost every day along with others. There is always a Visual of him Attacking, My Angels Cast him out.
(B) When he arrived this morning, as he walked into the door, I felt a heat sensation around my Genitals. like I did when the Perceive Black male Char is at the table, or the Security Guard 5A/M 3350 has recently been close by and I felt this. ….I then saw a Visual of him, My Angels had to Cast him out again.
(1) After this happened, I heard one of the Regulars say, “We Paid for it.” As I walked in the kitchen I heard the spokes person on the Radio say, “ He wants Peace.”
(2)7:40am approx. Yellow Cab with the Middle Eastern/Indian male was driving past me as I was walking to work( 328 47B).
(A)7:40am I am walking to work. I am about 25 minutes from my job, about 5 minutes from the place where I sleep or domicile at. I see the Fair skin Black male (5A/M 3350)(He gives the Black male Char a ride a lot to the restaurant) that wears a Security Guard Uniform,and is at the Restaurant almost every day, drive past me. This is the Second Time I have noticed this Black male Driving past me in the Mornings when I am walking to Work.
(B) Las week as I was taking out the Trash at my Job, I was behind the building, He drove past me Slowly. When he drove past me, I felt heat around my Genitals. My Vagina seem to get slightly sensation. I saw a visual that looked like this male ( 5A/M 3350/ Security Guard) licking with his Tongue. My Angels Cast him out.
(1) The attack of my Sacred womb has has happened when the Black male Char arrive at the resturant as well, or when he is at the counter. For about a month he has been consistant with wanting me to place the money on the Counter not in his hand.
(2) NP0027(300lbs white male that sit at the table with the reg.) for about 3 weeks have allowed me to take his order  
© The is male (5A/M 3350 55 years or older) seem to know Diam (Black Female Co-Worker)
(D) The Black male 55 ( Brown Mercedez 5CR 5899) arrived. He has come to the Restaurant when the Black Female Manager (Phy) have told me to go on Break. He stares or try to gain (Eye contact) and each time he arrives, I see a visual of this male attacking. My Angels have to Cast him out. He usually sits at the table with the Regualurs he speaks with a Southern Accent. https://clyp.it/hwdzjeuz 1/23/17
(E) By 10am the Black male that wears a cap that states Buffalo Soldier appeared. He drives a (White SUV 8420D/A Handi cap).Almost each time he arrived at the Restaurant he(A visual that looks like him) attacks mentally. One day, I ask him what does Buffalo Soldier mean. He said the Indians gave us that name because we were Black soldier. I asked did fight Women,Children, and men or Just men? he said, Just Men. he always sit at the table as a Regular
(F) A black male 55 years older drives a (Black BMV Lumpy J/ I could be wrong) appeared 1/23/17. He sat at the regular table and I started to see a visual of him attacking while I was working and serving the Customers. I have not seen him much
Library & American Extended Inn while living there Documentation
1-2-17 I awoke at 5am. A Black male that I saw at the Library kept force mental engaging. It was after I had deleted a person by emotional mistake. As I cast him out the Sirens from an “Ambulance,” Truck went off. Then I heard a Male say something was embarrassing. The Black male again tried to force “Mental Engage.” When my Angels cast him Out,I started to feel a sharp Pain on my Shoulder.
(1)I start to Pray to Allah about keeping or Protecting me and my children from the Black male Experiments.
(2)I noticed an Asain male started to Attack. I saw a Visual of a Mu’ur then the Asain Males started to Attack again.
(3) Phy the black Female Manager and Diam the Co-worker begin to Attack mentally. A few weeks ago diam(Co-worker)said she is ready to start working again. ever since then she has been attacking mentally as much as (phy)the Black/Negro female Manger
Continue Documentation while Working
8am- 8:30am a light skin black woman with a Child(approximately 9 years of age) Appeared.I would see her come into the Restaurant when I First arrived Maryland. She Greeted the Black/Negro Female Manger (Phy). Then she started Attacking mentally. She drove a Mini Van(9CN 9011).while I am working
9am-Phy the manger’s Daughter appeared with a Child and started attacking Mentally. The child looked to be 5 years approximately?
9am-(Ch) the black male that is at the Restaurant everyday I work.(Who I had to tell please don’t speak to me when I am out on the street when I first started working at the Restaurant in June 2016, also I had to tell him I was married several times). Appeared. He attacked mentally several times, while I am working
(1) The black male 55+ with the Hawks Cap and also wears a alumni shirt sometimes appeared. ( HDV 0818). He attack mentally while I am working
9am- A black male came into the Rest. As he walked in, He kept staring at my Genitals. I asked him, “Could I take your Order Please?” He Respond, “I can take whatever I want,” in a sexual manner. I said, I am “Married.” He became Irritated and said, I will go somewhere else. I said okay
(1) Phy the Black/Negro Female Manager said,” I needed to lighten up.” I said,” I don;t have to accept Force engagements that are un appropriately by anyone. No woman should have to. This is not how I was raised.
9:30am The Asain (Chinese?) male appeared and attacked mentally( 7av/7879) Green Quest Mini Van
(A) The black male that wears the Purple heart cap(Red Fancy SUV 59031 HV ) and stated “Let Us Get him off of U,” as he looked my way. appeared. he attacked mentally.
(B) The black male 300lbs Green Truck appears (93/Z 4546).
11:00am- Demonic Games (Rituals)
(A)I am at Annapolis Library (1410 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401) A Black male is sitting across from me and a Pale skin woman”White American?”is talking to him as though she is helping him with the Computer. I have noticed when I come into the Library, it seems to be Quiet, when I sit down, two people would Usually start speaking very loud to one another. (1) person seem to be Presenting themselves as a “Helper,” the other receiving information.
(B) I started to Document about the holy Koran and my Studies. He becomes quiet and started saying “Excuse me,” a few times. He is a short Goaty. He body language change he seem to become irritated. As I think about the correlation with the “Acts of Terrorism,” I have experienced by those who say or “Imply,” to be with the U.S. Military and the “Perceived Muslim.”
©-Then I notice I am feeling Pressure around my head. I start casting out Spirits. Thy looked to be possibly “African or from apart of Africa.” A woman who comes into the Restaurant & a African Male with a bald Head.
(D)-I start to Pray for Protection from the U.S. Military that is operating as a Corporation(Not upholding our U.S.A. Laws of Freedom and Liberty) and are Using those Under a Foreign Jurisdiction to Perform “Acts of Terrorism.”
(E) All of the Sudden, the Black male that was sitting across from me says, “he Paid,” as I see a Visual of the (Middle Eastern/Indian Demon)https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4, I feel a slight sensation on my Genitals(sexual) for about 2 to 3 seconds at the same time. T
(F) Then a Tall Black Male starts talking with the young Black male with a Goaty that says, “He paid.” A Pale skin woman “White American,” comes and sit between us. This is a Demonic, Ritualistic Game.
(G) 12:45pm at the Library, a Male says Loudly about receiving Foundation “Money,” sounds like with a (Perceive Co-worker of the Library)I feel a sharp pain, on my Shoulder, about 10 seconds later he stops talking. I start praying for the Patients(Elderly, Children,Women and men) who are in the Hospitals with Aches,Diseases, and aren’t knowledgeable of what is attacking them.
8am When I arrive the Black male 55+years(__Burganday SuV 1B/F 9631&  Gray Pick Truck) of age is at my place of work
By 9am–Asain Male appears(_7A/V 7879_______________). Jane(She Attacks mentally too many times while I am working that day) the owner is working.Charl (He attack several times while I was working mentally)Appear along with the Black male that drives the Brown (SUV HDV 0818) Black male over 250lbs 55+years arrive (Green Pick up Truck 93/Z 4546).
By 12pm The Black male(6′2 &200lbs) with the Purple Hear Verterans Cap appears (Red Fancy Pick up 59031 HV).
(A)The Co-Worker Diam(Black Female) attacks several times mentally.I have to cast Out her Spirit. The co-worker Tra(Black Female) she walks with a Limp has been attacking mentally as well at night at my place of rest.
(B) 12/30/16-1pm-Charli(Black male who is at the Rest. almost every day- for the past two weeks have been asking me to Place the money and receipt on the counter. Two months approximately before that he was going back and forth. Sometimes he wants me to place the money on the counter and sometimes in his hand. For the Past few weeks I have notice Charl has been opening the doors for the Elderly when then arrive.
©By 12pm the White male over 300lbs 6′2. that drives the White Minie Van (NP0027) arrive. Since approximately June or beginning of July2016 he has not allowed me to take his Order. The managers( Black Female Phy (Pale skin “White American?” manager Tina) & Co Workers and have pretend to not know Why?). I have told Them he has never told me why and I don’t know Why he doesn’t want mt to take his order. They replied,”They don’t know either and Tried to play along with him by saying or telling him he can’t do this.” Playing as though they don’t understand Why?
(D) The White male (NP0027) For the past two days have allowed me to take his order.Friday 12/31/16- Jane the owner stood Next to me as I took his Order and Watched. When I was done she said, “Very Good.’
(E) 12/30/16-3pm I am getting off of work. I go to the bathroom(chanting mentally Forgiveness) at my place of work. While in there I hear a Male Voice say, “Um Hum,” like I hear sometimes in the hall and maybe in my room at my Place of Rest(Where I pay almost 2, 000) dollars to rest my head. I go outside the Bathroom, The owner’s husband Jane  ( She is Chinese, her husband pale skin”White American?”) was sitting next to the Bathroom at a table along with another Pale skin male. The other Pale skin Male seem odd and had “Attacked Mentally,” approximately 2:45pm as I was taking his order (License plate 3A/Y 4055 Green Mercedez)
12/26/16—6am-the Co-worker Diam Attacked Mentally early in the Morning.  
7:30am I am walking to Work on my Usual Route, I see a White BMW Drive Past me. A Black Woman is walking towards with a dog on a leash. All of the Sudden I a visual of the Black Female Manager (P) appear. She says, “You can Go Telepathically.” I look to my Right and I see the Light Brown (SUV 5A/M 3350) riding quickly past me. he is at my place of Work early in the Morning and lately I have Seen the Black Male they call (Charl) get out of the Car in the Morning with him. He always sits as at the table with the Regulars.
(A) He too started to Attack Mentally as I was walking to Work. (SUV 5A/M 3350) He usually has on a Security Guard Uniform with a US Military Flag Patch on his Shoulder.
8:30am Charl (Black male arrived) he gets out of the car SUV (5A/M3350)
9:am the T.V. is on the News(Weather) 9:05am I am in the cooler filling up the Creamers, An Erie Voice say “Brother,” After I hear a “Tap,” like the ones I hear in my Room
9:30am Asain Chinese Male ( who was at the store when Khal sprayed Mace) ( 9a/a 0292 brown honda/green mini Van ) he was speaking with a co-worker about Buying cookies. He stated, “ he ate a lot last night as he looked towards my way
(A) My Sacred Womb has been attacked several times while I am at my place of Rest in my bed
9:40am C.J. the owners son appeared. He starts attacking Mentally
10am- The News is on “Weather,” at work. the Weather person start to use “Code Words as I am cleaning the Glass Doors. Charl starts attacking “Mentally,”..Diam and Others say “Are You Ready. As I start Documenting the T.V. Starts Gliching.
10:15am An Black male with an African Accent came into the store. He use to come in a lot and Attack me Mentally(Force engage) when I first started working in June 2016. I didn’t know why? He came in again and attacked mentally driving  ComCast White Truck (2C/K 8636 on the side of the Truck 31259)
***** https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4“Acts of Terrorism done by those who present, themselves as Musilm, Hindu,Christian,(“SOME” Black” American, Pale Skin, Indian from India, Asians,etc.) those who are operating under a Foreign Jurisdiction, Who have not Re-claim a Nationality; who don’t  uphold the U.S.A. Constitution; Who don’t encourage “Freedom-Love,”/Emancipation of all Men and Women, and or have chosen to Contract with a Un-Clean Demonic Spirit.“ Descending Order. We ForgiveDisclosure: This Testimony could be seen as Fiction or non-Fiction, by those who can read and see. This Testimony does not place all Ethnicity in one Basket. Individual evaluation of a person and individual experience of person should always be priority to me. The “Nature” of a group of People should also be taking in consideration “Nature,”. Over-all we are Among Spirits.. some are Clean and Some are Un-clean. We Forgive
( This is another upload of the Declaration ( I) Rhonda Arrington–Bey and her son Imani Gray–Bey had to do to demonstrate we Reject the forced Engagements of This Demon and or Demons who control some of the Birds and also have implied possibly to be a Demon (Un-Clean Spirit ) That “USE"the Science of Free Masonry to Cause Harm. Description of the Demon: Brown Skin, Pitch Black hair look like a middle Eastern or a man from India the Country. This is the Description of the Low Life, Filthy, Un-clean Spirit, Demon that Forcefully Try to engage when the Birds come and Chirp at the Window
August 6, 2016 (manipulating my dreams while I was sleeping at the bus stop)I am 43 years old and a woman. My son is 22. Last night August 5, 2016 we miss read the Bus Station that would take us back into the City in Maryland where we domicile in. We waited and waited.. We realized we miss read the schedule. So we fell asleep around 2 am on the bench waiting at the bus..Station. As I was sleeping I would awake periodically.. I kept hearing females and males not to far from us. Laughing and speaking words that we would hear, behind the gates of the Shelter,in Annapolis…The people or Entities would actually stand behind the Shelter’s gates, and start threatening and using code words.. My son and I are not on the Shelter Property but close so that we can use the Federal Funded Program for those who are in “need.”  While we are sleeping my dreams have been manipulated while we are sleeping in our “Tent"and when I awake I would usually hear a male voice grunting or clearing their throat.. Sometimes someone would “yell,” “
Brother, or Three
These are a distraction.
Last night we were at the bus stop sleeping..My dream was manipulated..What I remember was, before this happened, A male in a police car drove by in the parking lot. he look “Black,” This is before we realize the bus was not coming. He just drove by and sort of stared at me..Then I noticed a Bus came and dropped off another “Black Male,” he was sitting or lying down in another Booth and he too slept in the booth over night. After my dreams was manipulated in a sexually manner.( Many times those that Yell the Number 3 will say, “Lay Down!”..This number is being used in a negative way and is a Distraction because of “EGO AND iGNORANCE”.. ), I awoke and “Prayed to “ALLAH,” and I heard a male slightly laughing.
August 8, 2016Imani and I slept at American Stay extended ..When I awoke and started to walk to work. I saw a “Middle Eastern,” male, walking not too far with a cell phone to his Ear.. He looked Odd.
August 7, 2016I was down town. A Family that looked to be Asain was standing across from me. All of the sudden one of them, Said, “Sit Down,” out of the blue. I ignored them. stood for a minute and Thank ALLAH (Mentallay)For keeping me and my Ancestors out of “Bondage.” and Walked away.
August 2016,
This Demonic Spirit that Many(People/Nations) have Contracted to Serve and what I have experienced by it.
This Demonic Spirit, have the Capability, to create a Reality (Matrix) That does not exists; By thoughts, Visualization, Words. This or These Demonic Spirits, are Common “Terrorists,” “Invaders,” of Divine Energies, That have relied upon “LACK OF KNOWLEDGE,”  of their or Its Existence to Perpetrate Mental Bondage(If Allowed), Spiritual Bondage( If Allowed), and other forms of Bondage if Allowed. Imagine masses of People Speaking of “ Bondage,” as a form of “Normality,” Like there is nothing wrong with it, “It is, What It Is.”    Imagine. This Demonic and Un-clean Spirits or Spirits use the Wind to speak, Use People “ Look like other Divine Energies,” Use Music, and other Forms of Communication(T.V.) to “ENGAGE,” Forcefully and Create a  false reality… Creating another energy that looks like you and me, but missing key elements that only “ALLAH,” can create and give.. Imagine.  Imagine a Demonic Spirit feeling So comfortable to Attack, That it does it in broad day light because it has ROAM FREE and UNCHECKED  for So Long Because so Many have Contracted to Serve this Un-clean and Demonic Spirit. Imagine
August 2016"Those that “Imply,” to be connected to Free Masonry/ Eastern Star and then Attack when their Engagements are not Accepted Willingly. “Special Note: In New York, The pale Skin ( Some may call them “White American), at the Library would forcefully engage mentally. While I would be at the Library using the computer. Many times they would use body languages, the have been connected to those who are have presented themselves as "Perceive,” Free Masons or Eastern Star. Why? Usually after a “Perceive Black american,” ( who is possibly considered “Chattel Property,” have not re-claim a Nationality, an is out of the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold and Operating Under a Foreign Jurisdiction. ) Would Forcefully try to engage mentally. The “Perceive Black Americans, to have "implied,” to be connected to Free Masonry/ Eastern Star. ALLAH,  I Forgive
When I came MD. The same thing has happened.. The Females and Males that are Black American, (have not re-claim a nationality, are out of the U.S.A. Constitutional Fold, considered “Chattel Property” and dead by Constitutional Law, operating under a Foreign Jurisdiction) but have “Implied,” to be connected to Free Masonry/ Eastern Star, have tried to Engage Forcefully Mentally.. Too many times.. I have to keep Casting out their Un-Clean Spirits.. Soon later, a (Pale skin “White American,” male/ female) will do the same.. The Blacks seem to be Happy and content as though I DESERVE THIS TREATMENT.. THEN USUALLY THEY WILL TRY AGAIN..  ALLAH, I Forgive
August 2016, Psychological/Spiritual Attacks done by those who are from “Perceive,” Asia “China,”. Note: The first time I started to connect the dots with those who “looked Asian "Mainly China,” possibly was in New York, in reference to The Spiritual Attacks towards my “Sacred womb,” Vagina. Those who have accepted this Science that cause many to behave as “Savages,” call it “Eating,”..I have always admire the culture from “China,” so what I was experiencing was shocking and could be considered Hurtful; but when I started to Individualized the situation. What I mean is, Accept THAT WE ARE( AS DIVINE ENERGIES) AMONG UN-CLEAN SPIRITS, then I was able to keep balance. In realizing this, I acknowledge Un-clean Spirits can exists anyway. Unfortunately the Un-clean Spirits that I have come across from “China,” (like the black Americans, the Pale Skins, Indian from
India etc) have implied to have the ability to Act savage by a transfer of payments.
Their Involvement of "Acts of Terrorism,”.. Why “Some"The Un-clean Spirits seem to show themselves that are from Asia (Chinese), I am not sure?..  I Forgive
Note: When I was in New York, it seem those that have the Characteristics of a Hybrid, (The Un-clean Spirits that Looked like Chinese) had a Strong Connection to them. These Hybrids that were used there mostly "Perceive Black American/ and Puerto Rican,” (To attack me While I was sleeping, My Sacred Womb, or obviously possessed this Science that Cause Masses to behave like “Savages,”)Possibly did not have a Nationality, They are operating under a Foreign Jurisdiction, There are not in the constitutional Fold, They no doubt are consider “Chattel Property,” but seem to be Content with why they are Created and what they are used For.
jULY 2016I was hired at Burger King in June. This Burger King is owned by a woman from “China.” She seem nice and I was Very excited to be working. There is a group of Black Males that sit at the table since I was Hired, using Code Words and “Yes,” my sacred Womb has been attacked there. When my manager said, I was hired, I didn’t know who owned it. What I knew was, I was thankful and grateful to work there and earning Money. Many times the “Black Males,” that all looked to be over 50 years of age have tried to Attack Mentally. I have had to Reject their engagements by cleansing my Spirit. these men over 50 are usually speak a lot of “Hate,” and Viciousness while they sit there.  ALLAH, I Forgive
August 2016, About a Month ago, Imani filed a complaint against Green Dot Temporary Card with Better Business Bureau. They have started taking a Fee ($4.95) from the $150.00 dollars that was placed on the card, but the company Green Dot still has not allowed Imani Access to the Money, because they state his Identification is not valid. After he was told it was.
Note: When we first started to have a problem with Green Dot, There was a woman, who addressed me on the phone Miss Bey about 3 times when I tried to call to have access to our money.  She had a Accent from India(British). Then she discontinued the call. I could not get through
August 2016, Many times the number (3)“Distraction,” is spoken, apparently for no reason that is obvious to the Rational Eye. .. and those that present themselves Pale skin male and female, Black American male and female, seem to be more and more aggressive.
Islam June, 2016.. My son Imani is standing outside of Papa Johns. We are putting an application in.  I notice a woman who look possibly from India? I am not sure speaking with him. I go outside to see and listen. She Offered Imani money. I TOLD HER WE CAN’T ACCEPT THIS MONEY. BUT THANK YOU.    She still tried to offer it, this time she was Licking her Lips and she winked Subtle. I thought it was odd, but I still reject the money and said “Thank You,” humbly. Later about in July 2016, I am at the 7/11 convenient Store. The Clerk wanted to give me tell me I did not have to pay about 10 cents of my purchase. He looked from the middle east, I am not Sure. He too licked his lips as he offered to pay the 10 cents. I told him, I have it , and thank you.. Humbly.
7/30/16 (4:58pm)I am sitting at the Grocery Store. A woman is Speaking Arabic behind me. Then I notice she Squats down. She is speaking sort of Loud.Then all of the Sudden I feel my “Vagina Contract.” This is a Spiritual Attack.
7/19/2016Imani and I are sleeping in a Tent I am still noticing there is a demonic filth, that control the birds that might still be around. There is a guy name “henry,’ that works at Burger King, he look to be in his early twenties. He look to be Middle eastern, I am not Sure. One day, he started attacking me mentally. I had to cast out his spirit even after I left Burger King. Literally he was trying to mentally engage. Like too many who have this  Science that cause them to telepathic but behave as "Savages.”
July 15, 2016 approximatelyI was at the mall at Annapolis Maryland. I needed to asked someone how to get to the bus station. There was a lady bent over I couldn’t see her face. when she looked up, she was or appeared to be from India the country. I told her never mind politely..I walked away..Then I realized that possibly that seem to be rude, so I turned around. When I turned, around I gave her a compliment about the black mold in the middle of her head. She was a pretty woman, I think. I didn’t want to seem rude..Judging people individually.. As I left, I noticed there was another Perceive Indian?(middle Eastern guy) on the side of me. He had a stand for selling products. As I walked by him, He seem upset and had a Cell phone in his hand.. As I left the Mall, I started to hear constantly a raven or Crow Squaking like I do, while I am sleeping in the Tent, and the “Perceive Indian from India or Middle Eastern male,” tries to engage forcefully and I have to cast out this Demonic un-clean Spirit. It looks like the Demonic Unclean Spirit that control some of the Birds that I noticed in New York and Possibly have been Stalking since I was in New York. ( “The Perceive Muslim Family.”  
July 9, 2016 I arrived at Annapolis Regional Library in Maryland
) at 12:25pm.. About 10 minutes after I arrived, a Cab drove up. (Annapolis, Maryland Tag– 605-08B) A middle Eastern/ Possibly Indian from India male gets out of the Car. He walks into the Library and approximately 5 minutes He walks out.  Note: There have been a unclean spirit that looked Middle eastern (maybe the same one, it look like) trying to engage mentally in the mornings while when I awake. There is usually a (Black Male) behind the gates of the Shelter talking and using Code words, as though someone has paid him.. Sometime my Sacred Womb has been attacked). A Helicopter flies over the Library soon after the cab arrives.  There is a
black female that Imani and I have noticed on the Street and at the library as well. One night she actually sat down across from me and seem to be just staring or directing her energies towards me while I was on the computer. I was on the Computer that night for about 2 hours.
July 7, 2016As of today, Green Dot still have not released the Block from Imani Gray-Bey’s Card where $150.00 still is on the Card. They have applied maintenance Fees to the Card. which equals to about $5.00.
July 6, 2016I am working at Burger King. There are a group of males that looked to be “African American,” always sitting at the Table. There is one who is name or they Call him Mr. Charlie who is always sitting at the table among them. While I am working he tries to forcefully mentally engage with me..I have to Cast his unclean and demonic Spirit out. I have told him at least Three times I am Married. Even though I have said this, he approached me at the Counter, he said, “ I beep at you the other day,” did you see me? I told him( The Black Male)  again, I am Married again, I do not approach Cars, or speak to men when I am out, Can you Please not Beep at me if you see me walking outside or APPROACH ME.  Note: it is not only him,that have tried engage forcefully, others ( African American, Pale Skin, etc)have too, but it seem as though he has been paid to be at the Burger King( Where I work) and to perform “Acts of Terrorism.”
July 7, 2016 5pm  I arrived at the library at Annapolis, Maryland, when I arrived, a Yellow Cab drove in quickly. I started to see the Yellow Cabs ( 32847B) (There was an “Perceive Indian man driving the Car)many times, in Annapolis, Maryland around where me and Imani are domiciling at. I also noticed a Black Crow have appeared on the right of me. I noticed a Black Raven or Crow appearing while we are domiciling at the tent.  
July 7, 2016I have noticed that when I awake in my tent in Annapolis, Maryland, there is a male entity that looks like the Indian or Middle Eastern Guy from New York trying to engage. I have to cast out his spirit. I had a dream that morning of being in a town, where mostly Muslims, or "Perceive Muslims,” live in. I felt as though my dream was being Manipulated. when I awaked, I heard the Black males inside of the Gate talking.. It seem there were many thoughts that appeared that seem to be negative towards Celina and Aseer El that morning. I had to counteract the Thoughts with love..I have asked Celina and Aseer EL forgiveness.
July 4, 2016, Annapolis MarylandI was at the Shelter Light House. I asked could I could take a shower. I started to notice a male that looked Indian that worked there kept engaging mentally. I had to cast out his Spirit. When I saw him, I engage in casual conversation with him to ask him where is he from..he said, he was from Pakinstan. I was trying to take a Shower later, he tried to engage mentally then I saw a spirit that looked like the Moor that I used to E-mail constantly appear. It was an Imposter. I was not him.
June 21,2016Imani and I are sleeping in a Tent. I awoke hearing Birds chirping outside the Tent.I saw a visual of a (Description :Middle E\astern/ Indian) man that I would see in New York. I had to Cast out this un-clean spirit When I opened my eyes, the Birds stop chirping. I now truly believe the Foreign Entity has paid this demonic Filth to engage, this is in connection to accepting a Science that cause Masses to be Telepathic and behave as Savages that me and my son has Rejected.. Me and Imani Tent is outside of the Gate that surrounds the Light House Shelter. Our tent is not on the Property. But those that Have paid Unclean Spirits to stand and use Code words and engage in am “Act of Terrorism,” Actually, have paid people to be inside of the Gate of the Light House Shelter, to stand close to wear our Tent is, and try to Attack mentally, and Spiritually. Imani Gray-bey and (I)Rhonda Arrington-Bey reject the science that cause Masses to be Telepathic and behave as savages.
8:40am 2B/F 0944? Gray pick up Truck appears(both Black males over 55 year of age).
(A) another Black Male dark skin over 6′4 walks into the restaurant. I never see him driving but he starts attacking mentally as soon as he arrives. He is usually in the Restaurant when I arrive in the morning. I have also seen him at the Library. He has attacked mentally while I was at the library on the computers
By 9am Charlie appears He is usually at The Restarurant in the earlie morning until I leave in the afternoon between 3 and 4 pm.
8:10am Asain Male appears that drives a Suv. He was at the Restaurant when (Khl)sprayed Mace and he yelled, (3) and we got it as he walked out.
8:40am 8420D/A license plate appeared. A black male that wears glasses and have attacked mentally while working and while I was at my place of sleep. As soon as he appeared he started to Attack Mentally.
9am I go to the parking to take out the Trash. The female Black Manager (Phyl) starts attacking mentally.
Note: NP0027 (White Mini van) Description- white Pale(white american?)skin male has been coming into the Restaurant since I have been working(Almost everyday and he sits at the table with Navy-1). Approximately- since July 2016- He has not allowed me to wait on him. The Black (Phy) Manager stated that he has never complained about me. He has attacked me while I was working, while I walk back to the room, and while I am  at my place of rest. Usually the (Black/Negro) male will then try to Force engage afterwards.
9:05am I am with the help of my Carribean Angels is protecting myself mentally from forced engagements. Charlie gets up and come to the front counter. the black male 55+ over 5′9 that wears the (“Hawks Cap,” HDV 0818) is attacking mentally constantly.
Topic:Every Body
9:10am A Black Male came into the Restaurant. As He walked towards the counter, he says, “Every body.” all of the sudden he started attacking Mentally.
(A) Many times, these Black Males who have tried to force engage mentally and Black females will say “Every body. I come to find out this is everyone who have accepted this “Code,” and are serving this Un-Clean and Demonic Spirits. It is the same as when they say, “Brother/3” and Force Mental Engagements
9:20am The Black Female Manager (Phy) is staring or looking out the window for about 30seconds. All of the Sudden the Black male the drives the Fancy Black SUV(license plate JASON?) starts to force mental engage. He is over 6′2 300/lbs possibly. I sneeze once and see a slight visual of him. I cast his spirit out. (phy) the Black female manager, seem to be happy or show emotions of happiness as this is going on. She smiles. This Black male over 6′2 has mentally attacked while I was at my place of Rest( My elders/Angels help cast his Filthy spirit out) when I first started working at this Restaurant in June 2016. I didn’t understand Why? He has attacked several times when he entered into this restaurant.  
9:45am The Black male over 6′1 and 300lbs? ( wears a Purple Heart cap) comes into the Restaurant. (Drives a fancy  Red pickup 59031 HV).He starts to engage forcefully mentally. He also have stated out of his neck, “LET US GET THEM OFF OF YOU.”  As he looked towards my way.
(A) someone attacks my Vagina/Sacred Womb and Charlie yells,” Brother.” (B) I go to the cooler to get supplies to stock the front. someone says “Prostitute.” While I am getting supplies
10:00am the Middle Eastern/Demon https://clyp.it/rcjdbva  male  attacks . My Carribean Angels and I cast him out.
10:16am The (Hawks cap HDV 0818) starts attacking again. the phone rings twice.the black female mangager (Phy) walks towards the office where the phone is ringing. The Demon that looks to be from India (Middle eastern) begins to Attack Mentally( My angels as usual cast him out).https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
(A)Gray honda 65081C/F? ( Black male 55+) arrives. When I was allowed to wear my MOORISH AMERICAN National Headress, he tried to have a conversation about members of his family being “Muslim.” He too started to force engage Mentally.
10:30am the Hawks cap Black male 55years + over 5′9 (HDV 0818 Brown SuV leaves)
The Black male over 6′1 who wears the Purple heart cap  (Drives a fancy Red pickup 59031 HV). is still at the Restaurant. The office Phone Rings, He force Mental engage . My angel help me cast him out.
11am While on Break, I bent over to get a couple of Ranch Dressings , As I was bending over, Charlie yells “Thats Peace Ho!” Then the Black male with the Hawks cap (HDV 0818 brown SuV) Engage Mentally forcefully.
11:40am The pale skin female manager ( Tin) seem upset. she is using threats as she speak to ( Phy) the black female manager. Navy-1 ( A pale skin white “american,” woman) that drives a SUV with a 50 star flag U.S. on each side says, “Stop,” “Peace,” ..I bite my tongue with out me doing it.
Navy-1 is still at the Restaurant
12:30pm A black male the usually comes on his break (Description over 5′9) he usually doesn’t engage forcefully. A pale skin White “American?”Male? said, “Yes.” Then he started to Attack mentally.
1:20pm The Black Female (Phy) Manager came close to me as she walked by. I felt my Sacred womb (Genitals) attacked. someone Yelled, “Paid.” in the Restaruant.
2pm, I am casting spirits out. (Phy) the female black manager starts saying “Mix,” several times. “Mix,” then she engage Mentally.
(A) Sometimes these demons have “Implied,” that I was Mixed with one of their Species in order to Justify their Mental Attacks and their “Force,” Engagements.
2:30pm some of those Regulars that left returned.
2:45pm to 3pm (2CR9076 remembering this license plate) I sit down to eat.
A  Implied Black Muslim? came into the restaurant. He has a long beard. he sits with another Regular Black male ( Drives the brown Mecedes 5CR5899?) and wears a “Christian Cross,” around his neck. He also sits at the table Navy-1, Charlie, Np0027, HDV 0818, Purple Heart). They are three of them sitting at a table across from me.
(A) He has has hand and fingers together, like someone is praying. This Disposition has been implied to mean Force Sex or Amalgamation with that which imply to be a “brother,” (Imply) Free Masonic/ or “Other.”
(B) As I am eating the Black male that is wearing a “Christian Cross,” start speaking of or using the word “Killing.” “Paid.”
12/7/16— As I document, that day, one of the  female Co-Workers yell, he “Paid Moor.”
Experiencing Acts of Terrorism while Using the “Government” funded Program(Shelter) Free Food
Going to the Light house( A shelter) to get free food. Approximately 11/17/16 I went to the Light house to get food. A Pakistani Male who works there gave me the Free food. This is a service the Shelter provides and is being Funded to Provide this Service. His name is (Pakistani ** Sa**). After he handed me the lunch bags, he started to engage Mentally Forcefully. I had to cast his spirit out .  This is not the First time, I had to do this. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4 (He too demonstrates to have the “CODE.” and a “Other.”
When I would use their Service to take Showers(When I was homeless), if he was working, he would engage mentally forcefully until an (“ Black/Negro–Impostor,”) that looked like my Spiritual Husband would appear.
I waited a few days later and asked to use their Services of Free Lunches. This time the Black/Negro Male  (Terr*** Mit**) started to Force Engage while I was using the rest room and after I was given the food. He too would force mental Engage when I asked to use their Services in the past of Free Lunches and He too demonstrate to be an “other,” and have the Code
I arrive to work at 8am. I saw the Co-worker (Kha Mu) working along with (P) the manager. I said Good Morning everyone. He started to Force engage Mentally immediately
9:45am The manager female black/negro (P) who implies to represent Free masnry/Eastern, starts to force engage mentally as I Visualize My Moorish Symbol (MA (Moorish American). Then I feel my Sacred Womb being(Vagina) being Attack. She comes around the Corner licking her lips with her Hands in her pocket right I after this is done.
These are Mostly Black(Negro Males(55+) who have come in to the Place I worked almost every day I have worked. 1) they have force engage mentally forcefully,(Acts of Terrorism) while I am working 2) Demonstrate they have the “CODE.” 3) Represent or Imply to Represent the Military and Free Masonry. 4) They are probably An “Other.” Look like me and my son but are not the same.
8:10am(11/21/16)–The black male drives green pick up appeared with a hat on, He looked to be over 55.
8:25am 1B/F 9631 liscence plate. The co-worker/employee (Kha Muh/Black male over 25) started to engage mentally forcefully.
8:30am 11/21/16the Pale skin woman who drives the suv with the liscense plate Navy 1 arrived
9:10am 11/21/16 the guy they call Charlie( black male 55year+ appeared. Last week he seem to know an Indian male from India who have attack mentally more than once when he arrived as a customer. This day he didn’t arrive with the pale skin lady that drives the SuV Navy 1.
11/21/16 This pale skin male/other/military? Drives a White mini van. liscense plate NP0027. He has come into the Restaurant almost everyday. He too have attack mentally while he was there. He sits at the table with the regulars. He has attacked Mentally at the place where I lay my head and sleep. He has attacked mentally when I have walked back to the place where i sleep. He has Attack Mentally too many times to count. I don’t know these people personally Why are they doing this?
The Black male they call “Charlie,” attacked several times mentally at my place of sleep 11/19/16 and 11/20/16. My spirit guides along with my Elders helped my Cast out his energy.
The Sequence of Events dealing the male they call “Charlie and others.” 11/18/16( Acts of Terrorism, Creating situation to Justify Un-Clean and Demonic Behavior). Remember Charlie Demonstrates to have the “Code.” and to be an “Other/ possibly.”
(A) Last week I think it was 11/17/16. The male they called Charlie, Stood at the counter. Next to him was a woman with (Hair/Locks (black?) and a Black-male/possibly working for the system). I started to feel heat around my Genitals. I stood there to Study what was happening. The Black couple seem to be communicating with “Char.” As though this was a sign that it is okay to engage(Mentally Forcefully). They call this “Taking Cookies.” I continue to work. Then all of the sudden, a Pale skin Male arrived with a Police Badge on. Placing an Order at this Restaurant I work at.
10am- liscense plate 9B/X 5567 Gray Pick up Truck Male 55
When I leave work at 4:30pm 11/21/16.  The male they call Charlie is still there, The Black male that drives the Burgandy car Liscence plate 1B/F 9631 is still there.  The green pick truck (93/Z 4546)..I did see when the pale skin woman left who drives Navy 1 and the two U.S. American Flags on each window.
11/18/16-8:08am the Gray chevrolet appeared
11/18/16Brown old Mercedez (5CR5899) Black male (the Negro they call Charlie Appears )He attacks mentally
11/18/16Old black/negro male 55+ (1 B/F 9631) appears 11/18/16 before 10:30am
Liscence plate- 5 A/A 2884- Arrived before 10:30am He attacked before he left. he usually sits with the “Other,” Negro Males or close by in the corner
Those that stay until 4pm 11/17/16- Navy 1, the guy they call charlie
11/17/16 Liscense plate HDV 0818. he is a Black(Negro) male 55+. He arrives appr. 9am. He starts Mentally attacking me while I am working. Saturday and Sunday night He attacks as well. I have to along with help from my elders Cast him out.
11/17/16- 5A/A 2884 Black(Negro) male that drives a Black SuV. He always attack when he arrives.  He usually sits near the table the other Black/negro males sit. eat his number 2 Value meal.
Burgandy Car NB/F 9631-the old(Black/Negro)male 55+ arrives ( I have heard him whistle like some of the males from India do. ) this day he arrived and stood behind me. I felt slight heat coming around me close to my Genital. They call this taking (Cookies) another for of Act of Terrorism. He too have Implied to Represent Free masonry and to be an “Other.”
11/15/16  update- The woman that drives the Truck that has the 50 star U.S. flag and license plate Navy 1 was at my place of work. She along with the Black male they call Charlie, 2 black males one who looked to be 50+ and the other his father(possibly, they both seem to “Imply,”represent Free Masonry/or the Military/Navy,) are at my place of work every day. They stay there for over 6 hours Why or are still there even when I leave? The two black males drove a Gray pick up truck (License plate 2B/F 0944). Many times they yell code words such “Stop,” Peace, Lay down” “Brother,” etc.
1)I noticed when a few times when they yelled stop, I felt my mouth jerk where I almost bit my tongue. I noticed my mouth Jerking before out of the blue, & I thought something then was not right. “Acts of Terrorism,” Invading my mental space without consent. These “Acts of Terrorism,” by Invaders or Opportunists, are done, and constantly they want Free Men and women to relinquish their birth-rights by accepting their “Savage”,Terroristic Behavior
(A) So I could Focus, on my job, I didn’t cast them out. Also I needed to save my energy to study/All day long while I was working customers would engage mentally(black males mostly). The Female Manager (P/Who “imply,” to be connected to Eastern Star) notice I was not casting anyone out, She too started to engage mentally.  The Co-workers, The Night manager (J). Today, I deliberately didn’t cast anyone out. They continued to attack mentally.  
2) I noticed when I Meditate on my break, I see my Carribean Elders sitting with me, All of the sudden my Eye lids will start jumping rigorously as though I am being mentally attacked. My Carribean Elders and other Angels fight to keep me and others protected from these un-clean Spirits. Most Imply to be connected to Free Masonry/Eastern Star, (Distraction but still true none the less)
A)The woman(pale skin) that drives the Navy 1- arrived 11/15/16- at approximately between 8 and 9 am. I got off work at 4pm. The Black male they called Charlie appeared either with her or not too much longer. He has been there almost every day I have work.
(1) This morning when I awoke, I heard someone say “yea!” Then I saw a visual of this male Charlie who is 50+. He was mentally engaging forcefully. I have had to tell him I was Married a few times. He too have attacked mentally a few times while I was working along with the Pale skin female that drives the truck Navy 1.
(3) When the Employee (Kha) sprayed Mace/Pepper Spray, at this place of Work. that day, an Asain (Chinese?)male ( today he was driving Gray Quest Van license plate- (7A/V 7879) left out of the Restaurant. As he walked of the Restaurant, He yelled “ We Got It.” (3?/ possibly). That day, I had was casting out the Coe-worker (Kha/ Black/Negro male over 25 years? of age who “Imply,” to be connected to Free Masonry & other)several times with the help of my Carribean Elders ( Moorish Angels). That day when the Asain male left, a few minutes later, I was told to go on break. then (Kha) sprayed Mace/Pepper Spray soon later.(Acts of Terrorism)
(A) Today 11/15/16- Around 1:30pm He started (Kha) to sing, R Kelly songs. One verse ..( My Mind is telling Me No!). Then he would “Imply” thru body language a sexual act. His voice would reply over again. (Acts of Terrorism).
(B) Today 11/15/16- I stayed focus, on my job, It seem I started to feel a head ach slightly at the parietal region. the pale skin Navy 1, Charlie, Regulars were there. I was thinking I drank too much caffine. The Head ache had stop for a little while Maybe 20 minutes later, a “Black/Negro male customer came in the Restaurant, speaking about someone having a Head Ache. Then all of the sudden the Head Ache started again. I now think someone was attacking Mentally , The same as Attacking my Genital(Sacred Womb) and calling it Eating.
This Morning I awoke from being Attacked mentally in my dreams. There was a guy who looked like Dewayne almost but was not. It wasn’t sexual but odd. I had the dream after I awoke, and Prayed for Protection from the Negros/Black(Female/Male). There seem to be Negro Males walking around our room using words of engagements like at “Burger King,” from the Negro Males over 55 years of age. After My angels protected me..Casting them out.
(B) I notice an Asain Male kept trying to attack. I have heard(black males/females) speak of the Chinese, Indian, Muslim as though they are relying on my son Imani Gray-Bey and (I)Rhonda Arrington-Bey to feel so Scared(Fearful) that we go running into One of them(usually Free Masonic/eastern star) or churches; When all them are working together.
© The Asain who looked from “China,” kept attacking mentally. All of the sudden I heard a Loud Voice from one of my Angels stating “China,” has lost all Credibility and is apart of “Acts of Terrorism.” Then I noticed, the male and female voices around the room ceased for awhile.
(D) The Asain Male continued to Attack a little while later. The Chinese or others from Asia/India(Pale skin American & other nations) are known to use the “Negro,” to perform “Acts of Terrorism.”
At Work
11/14/16 When I arrive at work, I say Good Morning to my Manager(P). She soon begin to Attack Mentally/Spiritually. I have cast her out a few times, but was trying to stay focus and maintain my energy.
(10:00am) (K) comes into the place to work.He begins to attack mentally. I cast him out with the Assistance of my Angels. All of the Sudden (P) started to behave as though He was doing something wrong. (She tried to engage visually(eye contact) and shake her head. She and others are great Actresses when it comes to demonstrating “Compassion or emotions.” Remember she attacked just a few hours ago. (Psychological warfare/attempting to break a person).
10:30am i go outside to have my break. I choose to meditate. The Manager(P) while my eyes were closed meditating start to Force Engage Mentally. Also the (khal) and a Pale skin Male who sits at the table with the negro males that “Imply,” to represent Free Masonry and the Military(Navy).
(E) 11/14/16 I am working Approximately 1:30pm, The owner (Jan) comes into the job. While I am mopping the Floor, she starts Force Mentally Engage. ( I cast her out while Mopping her floor)Then I noticed a Pale skin male comes into the Restaurant that has a Nasal Canula hooked up to him. He seems like he going to pass out.  The Negro Male (Charlie) comes to the Counter. Then (Khal) starts singing a song “I AM GOING TO TAKE MY TIME.” “I AM GOING TO TAKE MY TIME.” Then I kept hearing his voice say this over again. This is “Acts of Terrorism.” Psychological Warfare.   The Manager (P) and the owner (Jan) starts talking out loud in the office. She and the Black/African American/ Negro manager (P). are speaking about someone Paying for someone, and other code words. I continued to work.
A)License plate(Z83934?) (11/14/16) A black/negro male look over 50 drives a white pick up truck(Z83934?). Sits at the table with the regulars. He has forced engage Mentally several times at my place of rest. I have to cast him out. the last time he drove a car with the licenses plate beginning with (A) Maryland
B) Asain Male(China) (license plate-820M292)has forced engage mentally several times.(I with the assistance of my elders) he looked to be over 50. On camera he looks harmless.
C)93/Z 4546 Licence plate Green Truck
Update 11/12/16
11/11/16- This Morning I awoke around 6am. A Black Male seem to have tried to Molest me sexually with a bald Head( Spiritually). I awoke Immediately. My Angels seem to have Awaken me Immediately. I saw Angels(Carribean Angels/ Moors) Fighting to keep other Spirits from attacking also casting the Black(Negro,Brother) Out. I Forgive Him
(B) All of the sudden Middle Eastern Males, Looked to be from India, Pakinstan, Etc.  that Region, https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4 Kept trying to Engage mentally. My Angels help to keep them off of me and out of my Mental Space. I Forgive Him
© Remembering hearing the voice of KHalid(saying I am inside) but I was able to Cast his Spirit Out with my Eyes opened. I forgive Him
D)That night, Paleskins(Male) that I have seen at my place of Work, also Engaged After I would not allow (Black, Negro Brothers) to engage Mentally. I had to cast them out as well. Many of them seem to Imply to be(3) Free Masons or Eastern star in a Negative way.I forgive them
11-10-16 8:00pmImani Arrived at the room. when He arrived the people from Next door room 118 where I saw a “U.S.Military Male,” ( He started shaking the door knob as I walked by the room one morning.Then he Actually opened the door as I walked by, so I could see him (possibly) he didn’t come out of the room. He was either Spanish or Pale skin Male). When Imani Arrived, A male and female voice started to make noise in the room 118. The male Voice said “Relax.” I forgive them
3:00am I awoke to hear the voice of my Co-worker Telepathically (Khalid). He sound like he was Talking to someone. “He started to speak of someone “BEING INSIDE.”of someone else. When I awoke, I felt his presence on the Right side of my Temporal part of my brain Strongly. I started to Cast him Out with my Eyes Close. As I was doing this, My eyes started to Jumb where I couldn’t do it(This could be a form of trying to Block). I opened my eyes and I was Able to do it with Strength. As my Eyes were Jumping Continously ( A form of Trying to Block), The female Voice in room 118 Started to Say “ I love YOU.” So close to the Wall I could hear. I have also heard the Male Voice sound like he was chanting in the Middle of the night in room 118.
11/09/16-While Working
“ True Acts of Terrorism,”  
Too many times, That which Black/Negro American will say, “Stop Her,” “Block Her?” “Watch her,” They speak of someone being Sold, or Shot, Rapine,”Why?” would anybody that is suppose to be of Asaitic descent want this. They usually have the ‘CODE, Imply (3/Free Mason& Eastern Star) Considered Chattel Property by Constitutional or an (Other), and are connected to the U.S. Military or Foreign Governments.
1:18pm Wile working, I noticed a car in the Drive thru with North Carolina licence Plates the word “Navy,” going around the plates (1520?) As I was documenting someone Yelled, “Lay Down!” remembering the same group(Black males/Negro “other”55+)charlie etc, has been coming into the restaurant, force engaging Mentally, some has represented themselves as being connected to the U.S. Military& Foreign Governments. I have been working there since June 2016. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
9:00AM(random) Many times the word “Brother,”(3) is yelled at the place where I lay my head. A visual of a Black Male(possibly an other) would appear. He usually has a Bald head and brown skin. This too is an “Act of Terrorism.” These Brothers/3(others) are consider chattel property by Constitutional Law and the U.S. Military along with foreign Governments are involved.
10:00 am The Employee (K/Black/Negro male/other), when a Black male or female Force engage mentally, I cast them out, He is able to place a visual of his hand or Arm mentally, to block me from casting them out; or protecting myself. I can still do it, but I have to concentrate. Usually it is a Black male/female that  Imply(”Free Mason-3/U.S. Military) . Those that are consider slaves/Chattel Property, by Constitutional Law and most likely/possibly an (Other).
10:30am approximately, While I was in the Bathroom, (K) the male black/Negro employee, Forced engage mentally, while I was working. This is a form of Terrorism. He also attacked Several times while I was sleeping last night. He is connected to the U.S. Military  ( he is possibly and other) and to the Demon Spirit. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
11:15am Asain Male YNT 671? License plate. He force engage. (P) the manager starts speak of someone “Taking It.” Usually this is a code for “Rapine,” of someone. I forgive them
11:44am-There is a Big pale skin Male who sits at the table with the “Black males,” that represents U.S. Military,Foreign Governments, He has forced engaged Mentally too many times to count. Remembering the Restaurant is owned by a woman from China, and a Pale skin (American male).
11:58am An Asain Male comes into the Restaurant Someone say, “Thats Peace,” License plate states (240988?). He too has engage mentally forcefully. Many Asians from Asia have forced mentally engage while I was working at this Restaurant that is owned by and woman from (China) and a Pale skin white American.  
12:40pm the male Charlie(He is there every time I work. Force mental engaging), that has come to the restaurant with the pale skin White american female that drives, the Truck that has the license Plate” Navy 1,” has asked me to place money on the counter instead of his hand. I have spoke to the Manager (P) about it. Today, He said place the Money in his hand.
12:47pm 2 Black women came into the Restaurant. A pale skin male start to speak of the government. I heard someone say, “Can I help You?”  As Khalid was taking their order, out of the blue one of them says, “Watch her.” They too seem to be connected to the co-workers. etc.  
(A) All of the sudden (P) Manager started to speak into her conversation of someone going to “JAIL.” I forgive them
1:40pm A pale skin (white american)woman who seem to know (P) & sits near the table with the group(black/negro males)  that is connected to the Military& (3/Eastern Star?) force engage mentally. She has come into the restaurant several times, & Attack me Mentally while I was working. I didn’t cast her out but waited to see, how long she was going to force engage. She attacked for over 15 minutes. I also felt the presence of the Foreign Demon Spirit that could be from Pakinstan or India   .https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4 at the same time she was attacking. The Demon spirit seem to be working with Asains, Black, pale skin, female and male Free Masons(U.S. Military).(P) the manager seems to be connected to the U.S. Military. I forgive them
2:00pm approximately, a Black/Negro male people call Peanut( Clyde) (D/employee) knows him. He has come to the restaurant, and forced engage mentally as well.
2:41pm while I was taking an order, A Black male step up to the counter. As he stepped up, he said, “Stay,” Then I felt my Vagina Contract. This is an ability those that have the “CODE,” can do. He looked to be over 40 years of age.
93/Z 4546 Licence plate Green Truck Is there almost every day. Forced Engage Mentally
Asain Male licence plate (YNT671?) forced engaged Mentally while I was working
11:58am Asain Male( 240988 licence plate) Forced Engage Mentally while I was working
2A169Bor8? Negro male- Forced Engage mentally while working
2Bf 0944 Blue Pick up ( Black Male is there almost every day I work. Forced engage mentally
It seem  that the chip that was forced in my head is able to cause me to bite my tongue without me doing it. The Black males along with the manager (P) seem to be getting help by that which is able to do this. (Acts of Terrorism)
My Manager is a woman who name (P). She is an African American/ Black according to constitutional Law. I work among a male who seem to be African American (k) as well. I also work among other women who are African American/ Black according to Constitutional Law. At this Restaurant that starts off Minimum Wage, I work among those from Mexico, and South America.  Many of them seem to represent the number (3) or that Science, Group.
My son Imani and I Know we are among those who look Like us but are not the same, and or have receive a “Code,” that cause them to be Telepathic Artificially and obviously in “Too,” cases behave as “Savages.”
10/3/16- One of the Regulars Black Males that comes into the restaurant almost every day I work is name charlie( I have told him several times, I am married). He too has forced Engage Mentally while I was working. He too has Attack me while I was resting at Extended American Inn, mentally.I forgive them
(A) 10/3/16 I spoke to the owner about him and his Attitude when he is not able to personalize his greetings with me. The owners seem to know him. After I spoke to the female owner from (China) about Charlie, maybe 20 minutes later, I was told I couldn’t wear my National headress at Work anymore. I have been working and wearing it since July 2016.  My Nationality is Moorish American.
11/07/16- While I was sleeping at Extended American Stay, I had a dream of the Asain, Male who seem to be forcing, Sex upon me. I didn’t feel any thing or satisfaction. In the dream it seem as though this Asain Male was encouraging others to Force Spiritual Sex upon me while I am sleeping.
11/7/16- I arrive at work at 8am approximately. Maybe a few minutes later, some of the Regulars appeared that force engage mentally. About an hour later, 6 black males that have been coming there since I started working there had arrived. some of them represent the Military. They all looked to be over 50 years.
The boy (K) arrived that sprayed the Mace. He engage mentally forcefully. The Black female Manager (P) attacked several times mentally last night. Her daughter arrived at the restaurant 9:45am, (11/7/16)with a child(baby) in her arms. She begin to force engage as well mentally. I didn’t not defend myself. I wanted to see how long she was going to attack with the Baby in her arms.
(A)The boy (K) arrived I noticed before I stopped working, I started to chant about Unity with my Moorish. Then I started to hear the boy (K) sing a song by R Kelly that he would sing out loud( mentally). The Song is about Sex. As I was preparing food for the Customers, I started to hear him sing,then he started to move, his pelvic back and forth. This is the boy who Sprayed Mace or Pepper Spray.
Some of the Regulars Black Males over 50 that sit at the Table forceengaging mentally while I am working and trying to earn Money Licence plates
1) A black male brown skin, with glasses, 52k 192? Gray Pick up. This Black male has also attacked while I was sleeping at American Extended Inn Mentally.
2) red Pick Truck “Black Male,” 50931. He too have attacked Mentally while I was trying to Rests at American extended Inn.
3)Black Male- He has attacked several times while I was working at the Restaurant. He usually gets his food and leave. He look to be over 50 years of age. His Truck is Black with the licence plate “JASON,”
4) African Male comes into the restaurant. He would start force engaging mentally. He too also forced engaged,  while I was sleeping mentally. He drove a car with the liscence plate 2cr9067 golden brown
5) A pale skin woman who drives a truck with the liscence plate Navy 1 comes into the restaurant as well almost every day I work. I seen her and Charlie arrive together
93/Z 4546 Licence plate Green Truck
Awakening Mu’ur Documentation while working to earn money and Re-claiming Her Birth-Right and Inheritance. Implementing Abraham Lincoln’s executive will, 13/20. Fact or Fiction(rough draft)Documentation While Working to earn Money at  which is owned by a woman from China and a Man who looked to be Pale skin.
My Manager is a woman who name (P). She is an African American/ Black according to constitutional Law. I work among a male who seem to be African American (k) as well. I also work among other women who are African American/ Black according to Constitutional Law. At this Restaurant that starts off Minimum Wage, I work among those from Mexico, and South America.  Many of them seem to represent the number (3) or that Science, Group. My son Imani and I Know we are among those who look Like us but are not the same, and or have receive a “Code,” that cause them to be Telepathic Artificially and obviously in “Too,” cases behave as “Savages.”
11/5/16-When I first started working there, I was so happy. I started working there in June 2016. The African American Manager (P), didn’t give me an interview, like most. She hired me right away. I started to notice each time, I arrive at the Restaurant to work, the same group of people would be sitting at a table at the Restaurant.
They mostly looked to be African American/ Black males who seem to be over 50 years of age, and some Representing the Military. Almost every single day I arrive, they would be there or come soon after.  There is a pale skin woman who drives a car that Represents the U.S. and the Navy. They seem to also Represent the Number (3) as well by implying to Represent a Science or Group.
ONE DAY, I NOTICED THEY STARTED TO SPEAK OF FORCING A PERSON TO RECEIVE A “CODE.”I noticed some customers would come into the Restaurant with Children in their arms, that seem to have the “Code” would still Attack Mentally. Some of these Customers, obviously don’t care about the Children who have the “Code,” because it is obvious they know I will cast them out, Mentally if I can. So Some are using these Children that have the “Code,” or don’t care enough about them to be protectors.
USING PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE There is a African American/Black male(Co-Worker)(K) he looked to be over 25 years of age, who also seem to be representing the (3) and possibly ( an other), who constantly Attack Mentally. It is obvious he is being paid possibly, to perform these Acts of Terrorism. When I started to cast him out mentally, He would begin to sing (R&B) music, which them would Replay several times mentally. Note: Remembering the Group that Represents the Military that sits at the table every day Mostly (Black Males over 50 & Represents (3)). I am 43 years old and my Nationality is MOORISH AMERICAN.
There is an Attempt to Engage Forcefully by These African American/Blacks (3), who are consider “Chattel Property” and possibly Others. They are being helped by those from the Military, Indian from India, Asians, Pale skin “American?” Once again, They represent (3) Science/Group and are considered Mostly by constitutional Law Chattel Property.
CHEMICAL ATTACKS (ACTS OF TERRORISM) One day, while I was Casting them(customers, co-workers) out mentally, A Customer who seem to be a regular came into the restaurant. He is from Asia. He walked out of the Restaurant, As he walked out, He yelled, “We Got her!” then Approximately 3 to 5 minutes later, The African American/Black woman (P) (Manager) Told me to go on Break. I did. Approximately 2 minutes Then I started to Cough and Sneeze. I looked outside the door and I saw the African American/ Manager female(P), vomiting, along with other Co-workers.  I had to leave out of the building along with others. I ate my food outside. When I came back in the Restaurant from Break, the African American/Black male (K)(Possibly an other), said, I apologize for Spraying Pepper Spray or Mace. SIMILAR BEHAVIOR IN NEW YORK Soon after I started working there, I started to hear them use some of the same “Code,” Words as N.Y. The group that sit at the table, mostly “Black Males,” over 50 years of age, have tried Forcefully to engage mentally Several times. I worked hard to cast them out. There have been those From India who have forced Engage as well(Males). At first I thought it was Isolated. Then I noticed Those African/Black Males & Females, the Indian males, asains, pale skins as well and some Mexicans that came into the Restaurant were working together.
I noticed those that have the  “Code” that are not Like Us (Moorish Americans,) in spirit, gives them abilities to invade mentally, while sleeping etc. I thought the Attacks by those who looked to be from India & Asia, being Isolated, ..https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4  , but now The Blacks/African American(3) , have shown to have been working along with them to cause “Fear,”. Also it seems they know they purpose to Encourage (MOORISH AMERICAN) to Relinquish their Attempts to Re-Claim Their Birth-Rights Through “Acts of Terrorism.”The African American/Black Female Manager who Represents (3) or imply to be apart of a Science/ Group
The African American/Black Manager Female who represents (3), has Tried almost every time I arrive to engage Mentally Forcefully. I had to cast out her Spirit too many times to count. Then I started to realize she was engaging Forcefully at the place where I live or rest. Engaging  mentally. While I was sleeping etc. I don’t know why she thinks this behavior is okay.  I start to notice, the customers who start engaging Mentally(Forcefully) as well. Especially those that were “Males,” African American/Black, Indian from India, Asains, pale skin(American?).She seem to encourage the”African American/Black Males(possibly an others) to engage or Imply some form of Rape or Molestation. They use the word “BROTHER,” A LOT.
When I would not allow her to engage mentally, she became more Aggressive, and others that would come into the Restaurant. She along with other Coe-workers have forcefully engage mentally while I was a the place where i sleep. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4Her daughter has into the restaurant with her child in her arms and also have forcefully engage mentally. They I am going to protect myself casting her out. But it didn’t stop her.Others have come into the Restaurant with Children in their hands that also have implied to have this “Code,” and Have Attacked Mentally.
Some obviously don’t care about the Children/Others, that also possibly have this “Code.” USING TACTICS TO CAUSE FEAR
The unclean Spirit that looked to be from India ..https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4 , would Engage mentally, a pale skin male, a Black male at one time, while I am working and trying to earn money. After they are finished, The “Black Americans male female would start using words such as “Can I Help U” when they arrive, in the Store, or the manage co-workers. Once again, this is about Awakening Moors Re-claiming their Birth-Rights and Inheritance. Nov 5th, 2016 plate “JASON” I forgive them
I noticed some customers would come into the Restaurant with Children in their arms, that seem to have the “Code” would still Attack Mentally. Some of these Customers, obviously don’t care about the Children who have the “Code,” because it is obvious they know I will cast them out, Mentally if I can. So Some are using these Children that have the “Code,” or don’t care enough about them to be protectors.
There is a African American/Black male(Co-Worker)(K) he looked to be over 25 years of age, who also seem to be representing the (3) and possibly ( an other), who constantly Attack Mentally. It is obvious he is being paid possibly, to perform these Acts of Terrorism. When I started to cast him out mentally, He would begin to sing (R&B) music, which them would Replay several times mentally. Note: Remembering the Group that Represents the Military that sits at the table every day Mostly (Black Males over 50 & Represents (3)). I am 43 years old and my Nationality is MOORISH AMERICAN.
There is an Attempt to Engage Forcefully by These African American/Blacks (3), who are consider “Chattel Property” and possibly Others. They are being helped by those from the Military, Indian from India, Asians, Pale skin “American?” Once again, They represent (3) Science/Group and are considered Mostly by constitutional Law Chattel Property.
One day, while I was Casting them(customers, co-workers) out mentally, A Customer who seem to be a regular came into the restaurant. He is from Asia. He walked out of the Restaurant, As he walked out, He yelled, “We Got her!” then Approximately 3 to 5 minutes later, The African American/Black woman (P) (Manager) Told me to go on Break. I did. Approximately 2 minutes Then I started to Cough and Sneeze. I looked outside the door and I saw the African American/ Manager female(P), vomiting, along with other Co-workers.  I had to leave out of the building along with others. I ate my food outside. When I came back in the Restaurant from Break, the African American/Black male (K)(Possibly an other), said, I apologize for Spraying Pepper Spray or Mace.
Soon after I started working there, I started to hear them use some of the same “Code,” Words as N.Y. The group that sit at the table, mostly “Black Males,” over 50 years of age, have tried Forcefully to engage mentally Several times. I worked hard to cast them out.
There have been those From India who have forced Engage as well(Males). At first I thought it was Isolated. Then I noticed Those African/Black Males & Females, the Indian males, asains, pale skins as well and some Mexicans that came into the Restaurant were working together.
I noticed those that have the  “Code” that are not Like Us (Moorish Americans,) in spirit, gives them abilities to invade mentally, while sleeping etc.
I thought the Attacks by those who looked to be from India & Asia, being Isolated, ..https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4  , but now The Blacks/African American(3) , have shown to have been working along with them to cause “Fear,”. Also it seems they know they purpose to Encourage (MOORISH AMERICAN) to Relinquish their Attempts to Re-Claim Their Birth-Rights Through “Acts of Terrorism.”
The African American/Black Female Manager who Represents (3) or imply to be apart of a Science/ Group
The African American/Black Manager Female who represents (3), has Tried almost every time I arrive to engage Mentally Forcefully. I had to cast out her Spirit too many times to count.
Then I started to realize she was engaging Forcefully at the place where I live or rest. Engaging  mentally. While I was sleeping etc. I don’t know why she thinks this behavior is okay.  
I start to notice, the customers who start engaging Mentally(Forcefully) as well. Especially those that were “Males,” African American/Black, Indian from India, Asains, pale skin(American?).She seem to encourage the”African American/Black Males(possibly an others) to engage or Imply some form of Rape or Molestation. They use the word “BROTHER,” A LOT.
When I would not allow her to engage mentally, she became more Aggressive, and others that would come into the Restaurant.
She along with other Co-workers have forcefully engage mentally while I was a the place where i sleep. https://clyp.it/rcjdbva4
Her daughter has into the restaurant with her child in her arms and also have forcefully engage mentally. They I am going to protect myself casting her out. But it didn’t stop her.
Others have come into the Restaurant with Children in their hands that also have implied to have this “Code,” and Have Attacked Mentally. Some obviously don’t care about the Children/Others, that also possibly have this “Code.”
The unclean Spirit that looked to be from India, would Engage mentally, a pale skin male, a Black male at one time, while I am working and trying to earn money. After they are finished, The “Black Americans male female would start using words such as “Can I Help U” when they arrive, in the Store, or the manage co-workers.
Once again, this is about Awakening Moors Re-claiming their Birth-Rights and Inheritance.
The Thirteenth Amendment of the The Constitution of the United States
Ratified : November 18, 1865 by ¾ of the Several States
All Conspiracies in any State to interfere with lawful right in any other State, or against the United States, Shall be Suppressed; and no State, or the people thereof, shall withdraw from this Union without the consent of three- Fourths of all the States, expressed by an Amendment proposed and ratified in the manner provided in Article 5 of the Constitution
Section -17
Whenever any State wherein Involuntary Servitude is recognized or allowed shall propose to abolish such Servitude, and shall apply for Pecuniary assistance therein, the Congress may, in its discretion, grant such relief not exceeding one hundred dollars for each person liberated But, Congress Shall not propose such Abolishment or relief to any State.
Supplemental Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863
"That on the First day of January, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Three, All person Held As Slaves within any state or designated part of a State, the People whereof shall then be in Rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever Free; and the Executive Government of the United States, Shall be then including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the Freedom of such Persons, and will do no Act or Acts to repress such (P)ersons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their Actual Freedom
(The United States Constitution of America 1787) Article 1/ Section 8/ Clause 4
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the Subject of Bankrupties throughout the United States..
Rhonda Arrington—Bey and Imani Gray—Bey We as Mu’urs( One of Light) Moorish Americans have belief, faith, and fruition that we can only serve one God. We do not support abide by Treaties that are made with the enemies of ALLAH. The enemies of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, nor do we condemn those that do. So we forgive. We derive our Power from The (Holy Koran Circle 7 chapter IX, verse 22/ Chapter XXXV, verse 23—28, Chapter XLVII, verse 15,16, 17) The Koran Questions for Moorish Americans 70,71,72,73,90,91, (Revelations Chapter 13, verse 8,9,10,16) Revelations Chapter 12, verse 11, 12 ( Mathew Chapter 13, verse 33) Mathew Chapter 21, verse 42—44
We derived Our power from President Abraham Lincoln’s Supplemental Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863, Initial Emancipation Proclamation September 22, 1862, The Compensated Emancipation Proclamation December 1, 1862 , Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction December 8, 1863
The Thirteenth Amendment with 20 section, November 18, 1865 ¾ of the Several States
The Picture down at the bottom are  of  Three Women and One man who are Asiatics from Mexico. They Reclaimed their Moorish Nationality/MOORISH AMERICAN.”
This Message is for the intended Individual or Entity and may contain information that is privileged. If the Reader of this message is not the individual or individuals that I sent this message to, I hereby notify that any copying, forwarding or other  forms of retrieving the message that I have created  is strictly not allowed.  If you receive any of my E-mails by mistake, Please notify the sender immediately by E-mail and delete the original message immediately
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madpicks · 8 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.madpicks.com/sports/mlb/5-curious-decisions-made-baseballs-contending-teams/
The 5 most curious decisions made by baseball’s contending teams
These teams are as win-now as win-now gets, but they calmly and quietly filled these roster holes.
You are tasked with writing a series of offseason previews. Congratulations. You get to pour over 30 rosters and figure out what each team needs. Some teams are easy because they need younger, cheaper players (Reds). Some teams are harder because they’re at a crossroads (White Sox).
You make a list of what each team needs, and then you set about your business. You spend time researching it all, analyzing the free agent market and trade candidates, and you come up with your ideas.
These are the teams that didn’t listen to a single lousy word you wrote.
Here are five teams that don’t want you to worry your pretty little head about what they need. They’ve got it figured out, and they’re smarter than you. Shoo.
1. The Cubs preferring the fifth starter in the bush to the one in the hand
There are teams that did less with their rotations. The Astros never snagged their ace. The Orioles are still counting on Ubaldo Jimenez. The Yankees are bringing back the same starting pitchers from last year’s underwhelming season.
The Cubs, though, are different. They had a rotation. They were set. They’re the defending champions, and no one would have begrudged them for avoiding the entire hot stove league.
Jed Hoyer: “We were already pretty good, you know”
But instead of exercising their option on Jason Hammel — for a reasonable one-year salary of $10 million — they paid him $2 million to test the open market. It saved them $8 million, and it was reasonable to speculate what they had up their sleeves. Sonny Gray? Julio Teheran? Chris Sale?
Brett Anderson.
Which is fine! The difference between Hammel and Anderson ended up being $4.5 million, and that turned out to be more than half of Jon Jay’s salary. It’s exactly 1/45th of the total number of “CUBS WORLD CHAMPS” aprons they’ve sold in the time it took you to read this paragraph, but now we’re quibbling. A reasonable person could suggest that Anderson is preferable to Hammel, even if their salaries were equal. I disagree, but not so strenuously that I’d spend more than five seconds debating it.
It just seems like an exchange of cost certainty for a pitcher who has topped 50 innings in just one of the last five seasons. If the Cubs had pitchers spilling out of their system, it would make more sense, but that’s not how they’re built. Not yet.
They’re smarter than I am. From here, though, it’s a move that seems to have a concealed explanation that we’re not privy to. Fair enough.
2. The Red Sox and Mitch Moreland
The Red Sox, like the Cubs, are stacked. They have talented players at nearly every position, but that’s selling them short. They’re young players. Stars, some of them. Their best starting pitcher is the one without a Cy Young.
Even considering that, though, the Red Sox made a weird decision at first base. Here are Mitch Moreland’s WAR totals for his career, from highest to lowest, according to Baseball-Reference:
2.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.1 -0.1
That’s one good year, and six years a well-managed organization should be able to find at a yard sale. If WAR isn’t your thing, that’s fine — Moreland did win a Gold Glove last year, even if defensive stats and the eye test weren’t so sure — but there’s no way to argue that he’s been more than a generic first baseman for several seasons now. He’s a career .254/.315/.438, even though he’s played in Texas his entire career.
The Red Sox sought him out. Paid him $5.5 million. Then they suggested that Moreland’s platoon-mate would be Chris Young, a lefty-thumper who has never played anywhere but the outfield.
Color me curious! And confused. But, like with the Cubs, I’m willing to appeal to authority. I’m just a dumb blogger, kicking rocks.
The only thing that bugs me is that the Rangers are also a smart team, and they were fine with letting Moreland walk. They didn’t think there was any more nectar to squeeze out of the 31-year-old. It’s hard to appeal to authority when there’s another authority that might be more authoritative. This is so confusing!
3. The Rangers gambling with 40 percent of their rotation
The Rangers are about to sign Mike Napoli to play first base. He’ll work with James Loney, who also signed. This is not a position of concern for them, considering they have Joey Gallo in reserve and Jurickson Profar without a position. They had a first base arrangement already if they wanted to focus on something else. Now they have another first base arrangement.
Meanwhile, they’re entrusting their final two rotation spots to a pair of pitchers who both had ERAs over 5.00 last year. One of them was closer to 6.00, even.
A.J. Griffin and Andrew Cashner were the bee’s knees in 2013, we’re talking the snake’s hips. But that was 2013, which is about 50 years ago in pitcher years. Since then, Cashner has been disappointing-to-awful, and Griffin has thrown 119 innings in the majors. There are fine reasons for a smart team to want to take a chance on both of them.
There are also reasons to be skeptical. Griffin gave up 28 homers in 119 innings, which is one of the highest rates in baseball history for any pitcher over 100 innings. Cashner’s tenure with the Marlins was an absolute debacle. He’s trending in the wrong direction, and he’s doing it violently.
If the Rangers were a destitute, revenue-sharing franchise, fine. You do what you do, if that’s what you have to do. If the Rangers didn’t have prospects or trade chips of interest (see the Giants, who are sticking with Matt Cain), the raffle tickets make sense.
The Rangers, though, have that conundrum up there, with Joey Gallo and Jurickson Profar, who won’t get playing time. There wasn’t a way to turn a logjam into a pitcher? what about good ol’ Bartolo Colon or R.A. Dickey? Just one more starter in the Colby Lewis mode, steady and stable, would have done so much.
Tyson Ross might come back in May or June. The only thing that makes me feel remotely confident about this arrangement is that Cashner and Ross combining for 300 outstanding innings for the Rangers would be so, so, so, so overwhelmingly Padres that I can’t stand it. The rotation is still filled with a lot of ifs and maybes for a team looking to defend a division title.
Eh, they’re smarter than me. I’m OK with this, even if I have to repeat it every section, self-flagellating to obscure the fact that at least one of these teams is totally going to eat it with their underwhelming offseason decision to be so calm and self-assured.
4. The Giants don’t have a left fielder you’ve heard of
The last All-Star outfielder developed by the Giants was Chili Davis, who was drafted the year that Star Wars came out. They’ve had a good left fielder or two since then — that surly guy, with the records — but they’re in something of a drought over the last decade. They can get one-year stopgaps, but nothing like a long-term solution.
They had a hole in left field. It was an obvious hole. They hit 130 homers, and one of their leading home run hitters, Angel Pagan, was leaving in free agency. Also, one of their leading home run hitters was Angel Pagan. That seems important.
The Giants also had a gaping, bleeding, oozing bullpen hole that needed to be cauterized last July, but was left festering. It got infected by October. So they focused on that first, which made sense.
When it came to left, though, they went in house. Mac Williamson is a strong, athletic outfielder straight out of central casting, and Jarrett Parker is a high-whiff, big-power left-hander who hasn’t been intimidated by the dimensions at AT&T Park, but neither of them have the statistical pedigree that a win-now team might want. The Giants, who have cycled through Fred Lewis, Dan Ortmeier, Nate Schierholtz, Armando Rios, Calvin Murray, Jason Ellison, Todd Linden, John Bowker, Roger Kieschnick, and Gary Brown since the new ballpark opened, are willing to count on one of Williamson or Parker in a contending season where every extra win will be exponentially valuable.
Fine, great, grand. They see something. I’m the dummy. There is a reason for this, at least, in that they’re going to pay the salary-cap tax, which they have for two years now, and they’re maxed out on their budget. That, and they’re devoid of the top prospects needed to trade for a younger outfielder that would allow them to fit that budget.
If there were a year to sell out — Buster Posey, Brandon Crawford, and Madison Bumgarner are excellent now, but there are no guarantees in two years — this would be it. As is, the Giants are going to start either Williamson and Parker and fix things at the deadline if it doesn’t work. That’s a fair solution for a team with budget constraints. It’s just hard to believe they’re so comfortable with it.
5. The Nationals are going in-house with their closer
The last time we saw Shawn Kelley was in that picture at the top of the page. He was hurt. The two-time Tommy John survivor was hurt, and his postseason was over. He’s the closer now.
This makes sense because he’s ridiculously talented. He was the steal of last offseason, and he makes the Nationals much better. But he’s also a closer that will need to be treated carefully. Kelley’s 58 innings last year was a career high, so the Nationals shouldn’t expect any Andrew Miller-like marathons if they reach the postseason again.
This is fine … except the Nationals, of all teams, should be on the hunt for those Miller marathons. They’ve made the postseason three times since they were the Expos, and each one of those appearances has included a devastating bullpen-fueled loss. There was the Pete Kozma Experience in 2012, the Jordan Zimmermann Yank in 2014, and the Sweet Crap Did You Really Use Five Pitchers In One Inning fun of 2016. For a team that’s so tightly constructed, with such an obvious ultimate goal, it’s always felt like they were one ultra-reliever short.
They still might trade for David Robertson five seconds after this is published, which is fine. But I would think this was the team that could justify an absurd stretch for Kenley Jansen or Aroldis Chapman. This was the team that could have traded their best prospects for Miller last year. Instead, they’re making do. They have a cavalcade of high-walk, high strikeout pitchers, the types with an eternal chance of metamorphosing into trusted late-inning options. But they don’t have that guy, the one who could have saved them in ‘12, ‘14, or ‘16.
Do I have to keep going with the theme? The Nationals are smart. They’re old-SABR smart when it comes to spending millions on a bullpen. Forget it, move along. The rotation is as good as any in the National League, so there are worse weaknesses to have.
If we’re back in here eight months, though, talking about the danged Nationals bullpen, I’m going to use cuss words. I don’t want to, but, consarnit, what choice do I have? This is a team that needs to prepare for a possible post-Bryce apocalypse, so I get why they aren’t ditching their formidable collection of prospects. But just one more reliever would do so much to help their ability to not do what they’ve done in the recent past.
Five teams. All contenders. Weird decisions. Maybe correct. They’re the big shots around here, and I’m just some schnook that likes to get slapped around. But there’s at least a chance that some of them will have regrets by the end of the season, even if we could spot the problems way back in February.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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