#draft post 19/08/23
ebihearts · 3 months
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Head empty, just me and my hubby matching nails 💞💕
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Masterpost for Fluent Freshman AU
Here is where you can find every installment of the Fluent Freshman AU since it’s getting a lot longer than I intended considering it was mostly a one off goof post that got some legs in my brain.
Fluent Freshman Final Draft:
Ao3 Link
Fluent Freshman Extras Masterpost:
Below is the various parts of the rough draft for the final draft that is currently being posted on Ao3. Enjoy it memes and all :)
Part 01 - “Bunny” “Darling”
Part 02 - “Never have I ever...”
Part 03 - “Hey wanna learn how to use a knife?”
Part 04 - “Oh, I kept some Pepto behind the counter for you.”
Part 05 - “We’re taking a drive.”
Part 06 - “Are we still going on that drive?”
Part 07 - “Sure”
Part 08 - “Those pies look good.”
Part 09 - “We have plans for that whipped cream tonight”
Part 10 - “You can just shove them off.”
Part 11 - “It won’t happen again.”
Part 12 - “You were shopping??”
Part 13 - “That sounds like what someone who wants to lick the spoon would say.”
Part 14 - “Pull out the brownies and go back to sleep Smith.”
Part 15 - “Alright, let’s go to Eden’s!”
Part 16 - “Surprise Me.”
Part 17 - “Acceptable. You know the rules.” Part 18 - “Just enjoy your drink Smith” Part 19 - “What’s your name by the way? Sorry I missed it.“ Part 20 - “I am Miss Congeniality!” Part 21 - “Well, that’s about what I expected.“ Part 22 - “I don’t like that you hid it from me.” Part 23 - “Classified” Part 24 - “Nicky, just calm down!” Part 25 - “Amateurs” Part 26 - “How’s he doing?” Part 27 - “Well then translate for us.” Part 28 - “Captain Neil said you wanted to talk to me.” Part 29 - “He still calls you Captain Neil.” Part 30 - “I don’t even know if they have dental.” Part 31 - “Just me?” Part 32 - “Are you lost?” Part 33 - “Does Kevin Know?”
Part 34 - “What an asshole.”
Part 35 - “You said this was phase one?!”
Part 36 - “Where. Is. My. Car?”
Part 37 - “You don’t...care?”
Part 38 - “Nice Catch”
Part 39 - “We’ll figure something out”
Part 40 - “You look better in orange anyways.”
Part 41 - “No, thank you.”
Part 42 - “Let’s get out of here.”
Part 43 - “I don’t even need this degree.”
Part 44 - “I bet it is.”
Part 45 - “I promise to not make fun of you."
Offline Doc: HERE
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weaselandfriends · 2 months
When I Win the World Ends - 07-12-24 Update
Hello everyone. Time for an update on my upcoming Pokemon fanfic, When I Win the World Ends.
Yesterday I finished my third editing pass over the story, which I foresee being the final substantial edit. I still intend to do 1-2 quick passes to make simple fixes, but the story is essentially where I want it to be.
For those interested, here is the timeline of writing and editing the story. Starting with the drafts:
Rough Draft 1 (09-26-23 to 10-03-23): 4,472 words
Rough Draft 2 (10-04-23 to 10-08-23): 981 words
Rough Draft 3 (10-08-23 to 10-12-23): 3,183 words
Rough Draft 4 (10-13-23 to 11-19-23): 18,335 words
Rough Draft 5 (12-04-23 to 12-14-23): 4,766 words
Rough Draft 6 (02-03-24 to 05-26-24): 113,277 words
Most of these drafts are abortive stabs at the first chapter, which I discarded while attempting to feel out the tone and the main characters. After Draft 6, which as you can tell from the word counts was the one I finished, I started editing:
Edit 1 (06-06-24 to 06-09-24): 108,330 words
Edit 2 (06-11-24 to 06-19-24): 101,119 words
Edit 3 (06-21-24 to 07-11-24): 107,063 words
Edit 3 adding words to the total count rather than removing them is extremely unusual for me; almost any edit I ever make cuts words overall. My initial goal had been to edit the story down to 80,000 words, which turned out overly optimistic, guided by a notion I had of an extremely minimalist work. It was actually that notion that eventually led to me adding words in this most recent edit, as I realized during my first two editing passes that I had written some scenes in an overly perfunctory manner, and rewrote them entirely in a more detailed fashion.
On the whole, I still consider this a lean work by my standards. It's slightly shorter now than my current shortest work (Modern Cannibals). The story's focus remains on a single tournament arc.
In the next couple of weeks expect me to post much more about this story. I'm possibly the worst person in the world at advertising their own works, or writing enticing synopses, or anything of that nature, so I should probably dedicate some real time to that...
I'd also enjoy answering any questions about the story or my writing process. Feel free to send them to my askbox if you have them!
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catwouthats · 5 months
I’m watching The Gay Deceivers. Will give live updates on this post as I edit it.
00:00:58 Starting off Strong with that green screen college tho-
00:01:08 That hat is slay.
00:04:30 aw they have been together since grade school
00:05:27 ish He’s like “I KNOW WHAT YOU AREEEE” once he s
00:05:40 This editing is amazing
00:11:00 Fellas, is it gay to keep on pretending to be gay and to heavily check out your homies when you DONT have too??
00:12:58 Okay but she is SLAYINGGG with that outfit
00:16:20 they are so sick of this shit lol. The gay agenda isn’t the internet, it’s the complexities of war.
00:19:12 one bedroom troupe but make it gay. Blonde guy is having a bisexual panic over having to share the bed.
00:22:36 He’s dropping so many hints that he wants to be kissed
I love the fake dating trope
00:23:56 I love this gay actor sm
00:24:45 “We’re newly weds..” AH BRO IS SO BISEXUAL ISTG
00:27:05 “Probably have it bugged” you’re just saying that so he kisses you Eliot
“I bet he cooks better than you do?” And than he gets jealous, goes downstairs, watches him cook, than is like “shit he is a good cook but he definitely wants us!” Eliot I see you giggling when no one is watching. You’re not slick.
00:37:15 they way I’m panicking with Danny rn…
Okay but why is Danny’s sister homophobic lowkey 💀
00:51:31 oop he caught his bf
00:52:18 so… are you asking him to pay you back in the same way he was gonna pay back her?… bc bro…
01:03:42 why are so many of the girls in this film homophobic??? Acting like gay men are zoo animals to be gauked at and mocked… damn.
01:05:29 uh oh… it’s starting to click for her… she thinks their gay…
They may have girl bossed a little too close to the sun
01:07:25 ooooh… damn they are blaming Danny rn…
01:08:57 Them calling Superman Camp is so real
01:13:58 NO WAY…. No way… omg… bro is too in love with bro to be thinking of anyone else (it’s that or he’s too stressed about the possibility of getting drafted)
01:16:30 well Eliot is definitely having fun with the queer lifestyle now…
01:22:55 okay she’s not so homophobic she’s just confused.
Side note: Eliot being a little transphobic has me a little mad, but ofc that would happen bc he’s not used to the queer community.
01:28:30 they girlbossed WAYY too close to the sun…
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wildswrites · 2 years
wip intro ; calla lilies.
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Format borrowed from @coffeeandcalligraphy (here). Genre: Adult apocalyptic fantasy. Status: Currently drafting (wordcount updates at end of post)
Synopsis: A day that begins as a host to Calla’s great aunt’s funeral comes to an end in the middle of nothing more or less than a zombie outbreak. Miles from home and without any sort of vehicle, Calla must make it home to her family - her pack - before something happens to them (or her). At her side is Sienna Bradley, the weird kid from high school all grown up: a powerful sun witch who is a force to be reckoned with. When they take on a ten month old baby to save his life, things only get more complicated.
Setting: small country town USA. Vibe: climbing over a chain link fence - slicing open your shins on the cold metal. an unfamiliar gun in hand. rage boiling beneath the skin, promising retribution. abandoned cars clog the highway. tripping over a crack on the sidewalk, bloodying your knees, not allowed to cry. the shuffle of the dead, feet scraping across the concrete. wishing, wanting, waiting for home.
Calla Singh (POV - 28) werecoyote; blunt but confident.
Sienna Bradley (27) sun witch; flighty but whimsical.
Rhee Moon-sik (24) human; sensitive but level.
"Robin” (10 months) baby; stubborn but sweet.
Calla’s family will also play a part in the story, but we’re not there yet.
Stepping into the unknown is a force of nightmares, and yet it is one that I take readily; the only other option is to send Sienna out first with the baby, or to never leave this old building until it falls down around us or something drags us from it kicking and screaming. The thought of that is enough to push me out the door, a hand back to warn Sienna against coming right after, and I must face what is beyond the last inch of safe space that I am leaving behind.
taglist : @tate-lin ; @faelanvance ; @arionawrites ; @sarah-sandwich-writes ; @thearchangelwrites ; @zoe-louvre ; @flowerprose ; @surroundedbypearls. general taglist : @thatonedreamer ; @thesorcerersapprentice. please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
march 08, 2023 : started. march 14, 2023 : hit 5k. march 17, 2023 : hit 10k. march 23, 2023 : hit 15k. march 27, 2023 : hit 20k. march 30, 2023 : hit 25k. april 04, 2023 : hit 30k. april 07, 2023 : hit 35k. april 10, 2023 : hit 40k. april 12, 2023 : hit 45k. april 13, 2023 : hit 50k. april 19, 2023 : hit 55k. april 25, 2023 : hit 60k. may 03, 2023 : hit 65k. may 08, 2023 : hit 70k. may 15, 2023 : hit 75k. may 22, 2023 : hit 80k. may 30, 2023 : hit 85k.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
The Week Ahead: February 20-26, 2023
Lunar Phases
Monday, February 20, 07:06 UT - New Moon, 1°22’ Pisces
The key phrase for the New lunar phase is to “set a new intention for the month.” I already posted about this at length - just scroll down some - it seemed to me that we need to use this to prepare ourselves for Saturn’s imminent ingress into Pisces (March 7).
Thursday, February 23, 14:27 UT - Crescent Moon, 19°42’ Aries
The key phrase for the Crescent lunar phase is to “identify and gather resources” to support the intention(s) you set at the New Moon. Aries resources include bravery, independence, and honesty. You can find them in the natal house holding 19°42’ of Aries.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, February 20, 02:00 UT (Aquarius) - 04:56 UT (Pisces)
Wednesday, February 22, 04:06 UT (Pisces) - 05:14 UT (Aries)
Friday, February 24, 07:22 UT (Aries) - 08:29 UT (Taurus)
Sunday, February 26, 14:42 UT (Taurus) - 15:48 UT (Gemini)
Pre-retrograde shadow: nothing until March 11
Retrograde: Ceres/Libra
Post-retrograde shadow: Mars/Gemini, Pallas Athene/Cancer
Et Cetera
We get two Opportunity Periods this week:
Tuesday, February 21, 19:52 UT - Wednesday, February 22, 05:14 UT. “This is the time to take part in the arts, have fun, expand your mind, or even indulge your romantic side.”
Sunday, February 26, 13:45 UT - 15:48 UT. “This is a promising time for innovative, transformative work.”
I have only three more posts in the “Drafts” section, for this week - and two of them are about March 2023! Don’t know about you, but I can use a nice quiet week with nothing significant going on.
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evenfallwriter · 1 year
Got tagged by @wishfulstargazer a couple days ago (thank you so much for tagging me 💕) but had forgotten it in my drafts and only remembered when I was taking a look through them today!
(Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.)
It was also said that I could tag as many people as I have wips, but... *glances at my WIP's* yeah, uhhh, I don't think I can tag that many people 😅
I have two folders for my WIP's- the first is literally names 'Yuna's WIP's' while the other is 'Yuna's Treats'.
The first is pretty much the fics that I am currently working on, am posting online along with writing challenges, while the other folder has fic ideas that i really want to get to and motivate me just by thinking about how I will be able to work on them if I finish what I'm currently working on.
'Yuna's WIP'S' Folder
✓ Days: 11 || ALEX MINYARD AU
✓ Days: 18, 23, 26 || RR/ TT Mess AU (01)
Days: 01, 03, 16, 17, 21, 22 || FIGURE SKATING AU
Days: 02, 15, 24, 25, 28 || Sixth Sense AU
Days: 04, 09, 10, 13, 19, 27, 29 || BSD - RUNAWAY AU
Days: 05, 06, 12, 20, 30, 31 || CH 107 AFTERMATH AU
Days: 07, 08, 14 || BOARDING SCHOOL AU
Misfortune of the Fortunate One
Worth Remembering
Drunk fem SKK
Bound by Our Souls
Fox Trap
of broken bones and faded souls - aftg
stay in my memories -aftg
Then & Now Idea's
Betsy POV (GotP)
'Yuna's Treats' Folder
If We Have Each Other Verse (folder)
Necromancer/Fairy WIP (folder)
Five Nights at Freddy's AU
How to be a Fox?
XX Josten AU
Jean adopts Neil (aka Moody Kevin)
Dazai Niece AU (might be worth looking at after the exams)
Colors + Soulbonds AU - KNB
BSD - FLying Too Close to the Sun
Catch me if I fall
DoTotW - Dark Avengers aU
Immortal an Cursed jean x druid jeremy
Neil Josten from Milport Arizoona
Complex Chemistry Summary
All of the faults that are up there were written intentionally here, since the doc's had been named like that T^T (the ones that are BSD are blue, the ones are for AftG are orange!)
I'm tagging; @mrs-steve-harrington @42donotpanic @allfortheslay25 @fortheloveofexy @bungoustraypups and @ anyone who would like to join! (feel free to ignore this though if you have already done it in the past, or simply don't wish to do it! I had fun with this, hope that you do too!)
Oh, and feel free to ask me about any of these! I would love to talk about any of my fics XD (and would also gladly send snippets too!)
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halcyonicreveries · 11 months
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I thought it would be fun to try and put links to everything I do for Kinktober in one place - I'm really behind but I still intend on finishing whatever is left at the end of the month after a break for NaNo, especially since I already have plans or started drafts of some upcoming prompts.
Cut for the list being long! At the moment it's all FFXIV and original fic. All M/M so far with some trans masc characters, and an enby character upcoming. But I have a lot of prompts left so who knows what will happen~ Fills vary between suggestive and very explicit, though despite the theme the kink is usually pretty light.
01 - Impact Play - AO3 and Pillowfort - M/M, original characters
02 - Lingerie - Tumblr and PF - sketch of Augus'to (Miqo'te WoL)
03 - Stripping - AO3 and PF - M/M, original characters
04 - Hair - AO3 and PF - Aymeric/WoL
05 - Toy - AO3 and PF - WoL Solo, references Aymeric/WoL
06 - Handcuffs AO3 and PF - skipped and posted some rough sex Landenel/WoL instead, but might still come back to it because I do like handcuffs lol
07 - Kitchen Sex (+ Magic) - AO3 and PF - M/M, original characters
08 - Wax - AO3 and PF - Aymeric/WoL
09 - Begging - AO3 and PF - Aymeric/WoL
10 - Food 11 - Masturbation 12 - Intercrural 13 - Oral 14 - Threesome 15 - Sensory Deprivation 16 - Nipple Play 17 - Neck 18 - Phone Sex 19 - Gag 20 - Nicknames/Titles 21 - Muscles 22 - Teasing 23 - Hand Job 24 - Sixty-Nine 25 - Shower/Bath 26 - Stuck 27 - Role Reversal 28 - Clothed Sex 29 - Roleplay 30 - Dirty Talk 31 - Aftercare
* Magic * Creature * Costume * Ghost * Robot * Trick * Treat *
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lei-sam · 3 years
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I posted 50 times in 2021
46 posts created (92%)
4 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 276 tags in 2021
#good omens - 41 posts
#the ineffable plan comic - 36 posts
#good omens fancomic - 35 posts
#the ineffable revamp - 33 posts
#good omens comic - 33 posts
#aziraphale - 22 posts
#crowley - 21 posts
#good omens crowley - 20 posts
#bamf aziraphale - 18 posts
#good omens fanart - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#this is exactly the energy i wanted to portray
My Top Posts in 2021
Fervent Prayer
Here is a piece that the amazing @singasongrightnow​ commissioned last december. It is a scene from the beautiful fic “arise, my darling, and go forth” by the incredibly talented @naromoreau​ 
This was supposed to be a single drawing, but it became a small comic, as I felt I couldn't capture the beauty of this scene in its fullest (not sure I managed either, but I gave it my all 😅🙏)
Thank you so much singasong for being so patient and for all your support! 
I can't tell you all how much I ADORE this fic! It is so beautifully written! so if you want to give it a read, here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26948512/chapters/65770183
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See the full post
276 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 02:12:24 GMT
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This a commission for one of the nicest persons I've ever had the pleasure to meet,💖✨🤗 the marvelous @ Sick_Pineapple asked for a silly and fluffy scene with our boys making snow angels and playing with the snow.❄😍 Sick Pineapple commented something very sweet, about how since they are now free and as they begin their life on their own side, they might start trying things the "human" way, and I couldn't agree more! ! I loved this prompt so much!! thank you once again for your support my friend! I really hope you like this mini comic!! 💖🙏🥰
For anyone having trouble with the text, here's the transcript: Page 1 -We hear footsteps on the snow coming closer (crunch, crunch, crunch) -C: ... -C: Aziraphale? -A: Yes dear? -C: What in heavens name are you doing? -A: Oh! Isn't it obvious? I'm doing snow angels! -C: ... -A: Would you like to join me? -C: ... Yes Page 2 -C: You were right Angel... -A: Oh? How so? -C: This, Enjoying things the human way, it feels so... liberating... -C: ?! Aziraphale pulls Crowley to him -A: My! How philosophical of you! And what other "human" things would you like to try next? -C: You cheeky bastard!! Oh, don't worry! I've got a couple of ideas we can try!! End transcript
333 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 23:08:37 GMT
I posted this one on my other blog by mistake 😅🥲
This is a commission for the lovely @ saranne_13, who asked for a scene with the ineffable husbands walking together and holding hands 💖💖🥰 Thank you so much saranne for your support! 🥰🥰🥰
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336 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 19:59:58 GMT
Forgot to post this one here
When you've been waiting 6000 years for your dumb demon boyfriend to kiss you and you don't want to wait any longer 😆
Reverse wall slam is my new jam 👌😆
(Had to tone this one down, the first draft had Aziraphale looking like one of those drooling anime girls 😅🤣, I’m a coward, I know 🥲)
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542 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 06:23:40 GMT
Good Morning
Lately I've been wondering if Crowley has woken up already 🤔 What would happen if, when he finally woke up, he found Aziraphale sleeping in his room, waiting for him? I'd say he'd take the opportunity to gaze longingly at his angel 😍🥰
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899 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 16:05:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sugaurora · 3 years
Éffleurer - Series Masterlist
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There were always whispers in your office about what secrets Seokjin hid behind his clean image. Now, you knew at least one of them.
— !This series is currently on hiatus! — Answered asks about this series
Author: @sugaurora​
Pairing: Seokjin x Female Reader
Genre: CFO Seokjin; Accounting Firm AU; Smut; Angst; Romance, Drama;  Dom/sub Relationship; Mature Themes
Warnings: All warning tags are listed on AO3
Current Word Count: 147,000+
If you enjoy my writing, please consider buying me a Ko-fi
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— main series
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03
Chapter 04 | Chapter 05 | Chapter 06
Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 | Chapter 09
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 |  Chapter 15
Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [Outline 100%; Draft 100%]
Chapter 19 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Chapter 20 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 21 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Interlude: The Rabbit Hole [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 22 [Outline 100%; Draft 100%]
Chapter 23 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Chapter 24 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 25 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 26 [Outline 100%; Draft 25%]
Chapter 27 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Chapter 28 [Outline 100%; Draft 25%]
Chapter 29 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 30 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 31 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Chapter 32 [Outline 100%; Draft 50%]
Chapter 33 [Outline 100%; Draft 100%]
Chapter 34 [Outline 100%; Draft 75%]
Epilogue [Outline 100%; Draft 25%]
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— drabbles
A Girl Named Jieun [Y/N POV]
In the End [Seokjin POV]
The Interview [Namjoon POV]
The New Girl [Seokjin POV]
One Night at Silver’s [Seokjin POV]
An Act of Desperation [Seokjin POV]
Something New [Sooyoung POV]
Needs [Chapter 01] [Seokjin POV]
The First Session [Chapter 09] [Seokjin POV]
Reconvergence [Chapter 10] [Seokjin POV]
Homecoming [Chapter 10] [Yura POV]
Coming to Terms [Chapter 13] [Seokjin POV]
Reckless Behavior [Chapter 17] [Seokjin POV]
Coming Sooner or Later
Alternate Scenes
Chapter 16 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 17 - Namjoon’s Eggplant
Chapter 22 - The Choice
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— extras
Playlist (Coming Sooner or Later)
Character Profiles
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— Last updated June 16, 2022
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shinonart · 3 years
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I posted 174 times in 2021
138 posts created (79%)
36 posts reblogged (21%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 481 tags in 2021
#artists on tumblr - 104 posts
#traditional art - 52 posts
#realistic pokemon - 48 posts
#pokemon fanart - 45 posts
#pokemon - 45 posts
#digital art - 42 posts
#non art post - 39 posts
#pokemon reimagined - 36 posts
#pokemon art - 36 posts
#watercolor - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#the legend of zelda fanart
My Top Posts in 2021
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See the full post
1280 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 17:44:20 GMT
Shiny Ho-Oh painting process . This is a very basic step-by-step process of most of my traditional works. Trying to condense everything in such a short video was a challenge but I hope this gives you an idea about how I make my art!
1433 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 18:21:19 GMT
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I'm so excited! The Sinnoh legends are my favourite and I just love the vibe that the Arceus game trailer has. 
Here are some oldies, “The Original One” and “Creation Trio” to celebrate this Pokémon Day!
> Prints available! <
3449 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 17:33:58 GMT
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Smaugust: Fairy Wren
Fairy Wrens are some of the smaller dragons but hard to miss due to their splendid coloration and active behavior. They form small groups which defend their territory for as long as it serves them and then move onto the next one, usually when the area is no longer aesthetically pleasing to them. They may be small but they are not defenseless and over time their migration often causes a lot of property damage. They are sloppy hunters and don't even try to keep their surroundings tidy.
3472 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 16:32:21 GMT
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Did I mention how great it was to have two horse legendaries in SWSH? Of course I had to draw Glastrier as well! I love draft horses so much and while I prefer Spectrier's design painting this icy horse was so much fun, too!
The original paintings of the 2021 series will be available on Etsy (shinonart) when the series is finished!
7268 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 19:34:26 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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rocohen20 · 3 years
Pod Fic: 1988
I like to listen to podfics a lot. And I’m prone to listen to the long ass ones. This post consist of my ablosute favourite Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews podfics. Most of those I have downloaded to my phone and I listened to them too many times, to the point that whole lines pop in my mind from time to time, with the exact way the nerator said them. Every story there is really is the best. I hope you’d enjoy it. 
-[Podfic of] This Love Is Be and End All, by exmanhater, 22:17 minutes
[The written work has been deleted]
Because of an blackhawks book club competition, Jonny goes to the local library and there he meets librarin Patrick.
-[Podfic of] For they are rain upon the binding dust of earth, by exmanhater, 23:39 minutes
[Original written work: For they are rain upon the binding dust of earth, by ingenius, 3,966 words]  
Times when Patrick cried during sex. I really like their relationship in this.
-[Podfic] fight or run, you're just getting older, by AshesandGhost, 28:36 minutes
[The written work is not available]
Beta Patrick imprinted on human Jonny as his alpha within the first week of meeting him. The story is about him trying to cope with that.
-5 things everyone really didn't need to know about kaner and tazer's sex life, thanks by grim_lupine [Podfic] , by Rhea314 (Rhea), 37:33 minutes
[The written work is not available]
the team finds way too much about Patrick and Jonathan’s sex life.
-a light-handed approach to regulation by hazel [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 03:37:19 hours
[Original written work: a light-handed approach to regulation, by hazel, 34,078 words]
Alpha Patrick is drafted to the team with Omega Jonny. It leads to a lot of false assumptions. 
-[Podfic] Highly Sticked, by marianas, 21:38 minutes
[Original written work: Highly Sticked, by orphan_account, 3,984 words]
Patrick wants to measure the team’s packages, but mainly he wants to measure Jonny’s.
-It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes by Svmadelyn [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 03:33:21 hours
[Original written work: It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes, by svmadelyn, 34,053 words]
Patrick kane has feeling for Jonny, he tries to fuck them away.
-Like Other Girls, by smoulderandbraids, 01:33:30 hours
[Original written work: Like Other Girls, by BlackEyedGirl, 14,212 words]
This amazing fic is about pat and her relationship with the media and the team. I really recommand listening to the podfic version. Special guests: girl!Sidney Crosby, girl!Tyler Seguin.
There is also a fanart for this fic that I think is fabulous: Like Other Girls art, by essouffle
-[Podfic of] Savoy Truffle, by thisissirius, 47:02 minutes
[Original written work is not available. There is another Podfic version that I did not listened to it, if you are interested]
Patrick goes back to baking after madison, Jonny found his secret and enjoyed it since.
-Say It With Flowers by Hazel [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 47:33 minutes
[Original written work: say it with flowers , by hazel, 6,741 words]
Patrick can speak to flowers. 
-Scattered Pieces of My Mind [Podfic] , by speakingwosound (sev313), 02:28:16 hours
[Original written work: Scattered Pieces of My Mind, by orphan_account, 22,581 words]
 after a gay sex tape scandal Patrick gets traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins.
- [Podfic] Tour de Force, by marianas, 02:09:26 hours
[Original written work is not available]
Patrick writes a book during the offseason after the madison incident. This book became a smashing hit. I love this story so much, and what I liked the most about it is the writing process of Patrick.
-yet we will make him run [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 04:14:06 hours
[Orignal written work is not available]
Lit major Patrick kane befriends the captain of The Chicago Blackhawks. This fic is amazing, I love this story so much and I heard the whole fic so many times.
-Keep You On My Arm [PODFIC], by bessyboo, 39:17 minutes
[Original written work: Keep You On My Arm, by rsadelle, 6,732 words]
The team started to go to gay bars. Jonathan keeps pretending to be Patrick’s boyfriend.
-Drawing Lines In The Palm of Your Hand [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 02:21:03 hours
[Original written work is not available anymore] 
The story follows genderqueer Pat. This story was really interesting. 
-Shot right through with a bolt of blue by mermaid [podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 05:32:04 hours
[Original written work: Shot right through with a bolt of blue, by mermaid, 54,722 words]
When Jonny is a little kid he discovered that he could shoot fire out of his eyes, ever since he tried to bury it deep inside.
-Our Family or Whatever by Rsadelle [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 09:56 minutes
[Original written work: Our Family or Whatever , by rsadelle, 1,550 words]
Jonny finds out that Patrick is a dad, and he helps him with the child
-we like to get our kicks in this one way [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 04:16:15 hours
[Orignal written work: we like to get our kicks in this one way, by nebulia, 21,929 words (5 works)]
This is a collection of stories from girls of the NHL. The first few parts are about Patrick/Jonny.
-[Podfic of] According to Plan, by exmanhater, 14:41 minutes
[Original written work: According to Plan , by rsadelle, 2,546 words]
Patrick needs to speak to Jonny about their life plan.
-[Podfic] chicago is so two years ago, by AshesandGhost, 46:26 minutes
[Original written work: chicago is so two years ago, by Fireblasts, 8,839 words]
Jonahan and Patrick both adopted a dog at the same day, and named it after the other. That leads to freaky stuff.
-[Podfic of] Write Our Names On the Wall, by exmanhater, 01:31:55 hours 
[Original written work: Write Our Names On the Wall, by twentysomething, 15,995 words]  
always a girl Patrick and Jonathan start to sleep together. It’s eventually leads to feelings.
-[Podfic of] The Limited Circle, by exmanhater, 34:09 minutes
[Original work is not available anymore]
Jonny is an introvert, Patrick doesn’t mind that at all. The intimacy there is really good.
-[Podfic of] Space Kaner, by exmanhater, 18:05 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Star Trek! AU. You don’t need to know anything about Star Trek. The story is really funny and light-hearted.
-[Podfic] You Give Love a Bad Name, by AshesandGhost, 20:59 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Jonny is a sex-column consulted. He have a crush for the worker in his go-to sex shop.
-[Podfic of] Dealing with Dragons (Hockey RPF Style), by exmanhater, 13:20 minutes
 [Original written work: Dealing with Dragons AU, by orphan_account]
When Patrick needs to marry he runs away and started to live with a dragon. This story is humorous and fun.
-[Podfic of] something old, something new, by exmanhater, 01:51:24 hours
[Original written work: something old, something new, by longtime_lurker, 19,419 words]
Always a girl! Patty takes teammate Jonny to her sister’s wedding to save face. 
-[Podfic of] our song is the way you laugh, by exmanhater, 59:06 minutes
[Original written work: our song is the way you laugh, by orphan_account, 9,951 words]
In order to get up on Sharpy, Jonny convinces Patrick to fake a relationship with him.
-[Podfic of] Racy, by exmanhater, 31:50 minutes
[Original written work: Racy, by Lenore, 5,245 words]
After an ill-advised decision of drunk Patrick, he can’t look in Jonny’s direction without thinking of that said decision.
-[Podfic of] three hundred sandwiches, by exmanhater, 01:25:18 hours
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Patrick is making three hundred sandwiches for Jonny, maybe then he would get his man. 
-[Podfic of] Somewhere Only We Know, by exmanhater, 02:17:00 hours
[Original written work: Somewhere Only We Know, by jezziejay, 21,705 words]
Patrick is having an existential criris on his 28 birthday. I love the feelings in this story and the pacing.
-[Podfic of] Kiss and Ride on the CTA, by exmanhater, 52:39 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Patrick hates the regular guy he sees on his mornin comute. Ben Smith took it upon himself to change it. 
-[Podfic of] the days are young, by exmanhater, 42:49 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
After the 2010 Olympic Patrick feels like Jonny is hiding something from him, he tries to figure out what.
 -[Podfic of] The slowest spark is a breather, by exmanhater, 13:05 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
When Patrick was in the bathroom Sharpy dicked around in his phone contacts. This leads to an embarrassing situation.
-[Podfic of] Orbital Resonance, by exmanhater, 07:39:08 hours
[Original written work: Orbital Resonance, by joyfulseeker & thefourofswords, 80,825 words]
Patrick and Jonny started to have threesomes with different girls. This leads to feelings and more.
-[Podfic] I've Got A Feeling (I Hope You're Feeling It Too), by RsCreighton, 01:43:36 hours
[Original written work: I've Got A Feeling (I Hope You're Feeling It Too), by textbookchoices, 14,746 words]
Patrick wants to be in Jonny’s pack when they grew up. In order to do that he would have to be a beta. This story is so good and emotional.
-[Podfic] Black Lettering, by RsCreighton, 01:09:18 hours
[Original written work: Black Lettering, by textbookchoices, 10,472 words]
name-on-the-wrist soulmate au.
-[Podfic of] Sign it with your heart, by exmanhater, 56:22 minutes
[The original written work is not available for now]
High school AU where nerd Patrick started to tutor Jock Jonny.
-[Podfic of] you ruined everything in the best way, by exmanhater, 01:30:23 hours
[Original written work: you ruined everything in the best way, by thisissirius, 14,663 words]
When Brendon is de-aged into a kid it’s up to Patrick and Jonny to take care of him. This leads to different decisions.
 -[Podfic of] call it magic, by exmanhater, 59:22 minutes
[Original written work: call it magic, by thundersquall, 10,640 words]
Patrick is turned into a faerie.
92 notes · View notes
ssminibang · 3 years
Senshi & Shitennou 2022 Reverse Bang Schedule
Sign Up and Submission Dates:
Theme Reveal Date: Friday 07 January
Sign Ups for Artists: Saturday 22 January - Sunday 27 February
Sign Ups for Authors: Saturday 22 January - Thursday 10 March
Submission of draft artwork to Mods: Sunday 06 March
Release of collated artwork: Friday 11 March
Claims Process Dates:
Author claims (form release and submission): Saturday 19 March - Sunday 20 March
Claims reveal: Friday 25 March (possibly sooner)
Second round claims (if required): Friday 25 March - Sunday 03 April
Second round claims reveal (if required): Friday 08 April
Obligatory Check In Dates:
First check in: Friday 03 June - Friday 10 June
Second check in: Friday 29 July - Friday 05 August
Third check in: Friday 23 September - Friday 30 September
Posting Dates:
Posting date selection: Friday 23 September - Friday 30 September
Posting dates: Sunday 29 October onward
Pinch hitting post dates: To Be Confirmed
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oheyfox · 3 years
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I posted 953 times in 2021
367 posts created (39%)
586 posts reblogged (61%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.6 posts.
I added 721 tags in 2021
#obey me - 156 posts
#obey me! - 155 posts
#obey me! mammon - 108 posts
#obey me mammon - 106 posts
#my art - 71 posts
#ask - 51 posts
#anon ask - 29 posts
#obey me! leviathan - 16 posts
#obey me leviathan - 16 posts
#obey me! satan - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#what if the crows help him with other things like if he can't tie a tie and his crow helps him 🥺
My Top Posts in 2021
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381 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 04:44:51 GMT
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426 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 04:54:15 GMT
Guys, I love him
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535 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 03:23:26 GMT
The brothers with a mc with big thighs but short (5'ish)? I kinda wanted to request this bc well i wanted something relatabe, but at the same time im kinda insecure about them if that makes sense.
The brothers with an MC that has big thighs
I’m so sorry that this took me so long to get to. It’s been resting in my drafts for too long. Anyway, I can RELATE!
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It'd be a lie to say he didn't notice them often
Even Lucifer can get a bit possessive and be the kind of guy to put his hand over your thigh during dinner
You know, just to give a squeeze
He might do that just to fluster you or even throw you off course 😏
You’re so cute to him
Look at you and your short ass trying to stand up to Lucifer, that’s probably why you’ll catch him chuckling at you sometimes
He thinks your thighs are a BLESSING so why are ya so insecure about it?
If he ever took you for a ride in the car, he’d be the boyfriend that places his hand on your inner thigh
“I-it’s my way of protecting ya, okay??” and touching those glorious thighs 
If you ever try to move his hand away, he’ll just put it right back
"Don't even think about movin' my hand again. You're mine ya know."
He knows how it feels to be insecure about a body part, but to him, he thinks you have nothing to worry about
I meannn,, it's not like he thinks your the most perfect, beautiful, amazing human being ever!! No way!
If you want him to notice your thighs, you'll have to make the first move
While you and Levi are having a game marathon, squish your side against him and bring your thighs up into his lap
Levi will practically freeze up, "MC's.. Thighs?!? No way, no way, is this a blessing?? Do I have an angel blessing me today?? Wait, can demons even have angels?" He'll be having a whole panic up in his head
It's a great way to cheat and distract Levi win the game
Sit in his lap and just watch what happens
It's a quick process
He'll be all surprised and blushy then he'll be a smidge confident and place a hand on your thigh
Big thighs or small thighs, you're still MC and he loves MC 💕
Oh nononono-- Darling, we can’t be shy about this!
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773 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 03:04:08 GMT
Play fighting or wrestling with the brothers
I love doing this with other people! It ends up bringing you closer and you make funny memories!
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Don't even try with this man, you'll never be on top
You'll also repeatedly be thrown onto his bed
The is probably the most gentle fighting he's ever done
He'll push you right down onto the bed, pinning your arms in the process. "I see you're playing dirty. That being said, I should be able to as well." He smirks at you
By dirty, he means tickling you
I'll pray for you, you're probably not gonna make it 🙏
Throw yourself at him when he's not expecting it and you'll definitely get his cheeks red. "Huh?! What're ya doin', MC? ... Ohhh, so ya wanna try with the Great Mammon? You're on!"
He'll immediately throw you over and top you
Mammon likes to pin your hands down and then tickle you and maybe if he's feeling brave, a kiss
If you manage to top Mammon, I suggest going straight for the lips!
"Oi! What're ya do- Mmnh...!" His body will go completely limp as he melts into the kiss
He'd be too surprised to even fight back. I mean all the the sudden you two are sitting shoulder to shoulder and now his waist is sitting between your thighs
Completely red faced the entire time, he's still trying to process the situation
While Levi is distracted with you~ It's the perfect time to attack! Pepper him with kisses, I say! Show him he's loved!
"H-huh?? MC!!?" He's whining every kiss
He the guy to pick up and throw if you get too rowdy
You know the wrestling shows where the guy jumps on the other guys back to try an throw him down, but the guy on the bottom manages to get him off by literally falling on his back or throwing him over, basically KOing him? Yea, that's Satan
He'll pin your waist down and tease, "You're just a little cat, how do you plan on beating me?"
If you ever start laughing, it just makes him want to pepper your face in kisses
Most of time, it's you topping him. It's not a bad thing though, you get to see his cute laughing!
He loves it when you blow raspberries onto his skin. His favorite spots being his neck, his stomach, his shoulders, and his cheek
He's not one to often top, but if he does, he go to plan is to pepper you with kisses
Not always on the face by the way
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1369 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 01:10:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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"The Prom-us Roulette rules and Guidelines- please check your email. I sent this all in an email, but if you haven't seen it, please reach out through email and let me know if you have any questions or concerns
@notyourdayrdream, @grlnxtdr30, @hkvoyage, @hippohead, @honeysucklepink, @catcat-85, @coffeeorderwrites, @justgleekout
The “Prom-Us” Rules & Schedule
The Glee Roulette Spring Writing Event
Timelines and Due Dates I understand that people get busy. Therefore, I want to allow plenty of time for you to compose your chapter. One of the questions asks how much time you need to write and edit your chapter before you submit it. I will not start posting until the story is complete. Writing will take place in January through April with posting to start May 1st. The writing schedule is listed below. You can paste your completed chapter in this document before the designated date, but please let me know if you won’t meet your deadline. I actually hope we will finish before schedule, but I’ll be happy if we get to post on the May 1st date. Basically, I’m saying that you can start writing your chapter as soon as the previous one is posted. Please DO NOT post it online. Use this document to post your completed chapter. Please do not post your drafts on the story document.
Chapter # Date to be completed Author
1 completed GleefulDarrenCrissFan
2 01/02-08/2022 Kellyb321
3 01/09-15/ 2022 Notyourdaydream
4 01/16-22/2022 Fempem
5 01/23-29/2022 GrInxtdr30
6 01/30- 2/05/2022 HKVoyage
7 02/06-12/2022 Hippohead
8 02/13-19/2022 Honeysucklepink
9 02/20-26/2022 Starpunchsoup
10 02/27- 03/5/2022 Esperanto
Chapter # Date to be completed Author
11 03/06-12/2022 CatCat85
12 03/13-19/2022 CoffeeOrder
13 03/20-26/2022 BluglesmurfKlaine
14 03/27- 04/2/2022 Just Gleek Out
15 04/03- 16/2022 Useless Fanfictions
16 04/17-23/2022 Gleeful Poppet
Positivity & Respect- It is important that you respect the previous writers' work. Please adhere to the canon that the previous writers' have established. If you don't like a particular plot point, please don't undo or change previous details. Plot twists are fine, but let's not do- the last chapter was all a dream, lol. That could leave the previous author feeling hurt, and this is all in good fun. I will have the option for others signed up to comment (not edit) on previous chapters, and I encourage you to do so because writers thrive off of feedback. Just keep all comments positive.
Ratings and Warnings- The Rating of this fic will be Mature (and so smut is permitted but not required) but I also want it to be accessible and reader-friendly. I asked the authors what topics that they felt uncomfortable writing. I want to respect that, so please avoid the following when you write your chapter.
Dom/sub smut scenes
Explicit, kinky sex scenes - sex scenes are fine, but let’s avoid extreme kinks like skat and waterplay (I had to look up those terms in the Urban dictionary, and they are not my thing either), vore, threesomes, sex tapes, or incest. However, sex is canon for our boys in season 3, and honestly friends to lovers and fake dating stories often have sex scenes. None of you said smut was off the table even though some of you said you don’t want to necessarily write it. (I’ve never written anal penetration scenes myself) so I’m going to leave that all to you guys if you choose to include it.
Abuse of any kind
No heavy violence- (bullying, slaps, or even a punch is understandable, but several of the writers mentioned that they were uncomfortable with excessive violence or bloody scenes)
No Huge Age Gaps, teacher student relationships, or adult/ minor pairings. (Yes I know the whole Shelby/ Puck storyline was a thing in season 3, but several of you said it made you uncomfortable. It’s not my thing either.
Rape or noncon
No suicide, self-harm, or self injury I excluded Karofsky’s suicde attempt for this reason. Instead of the attempt, he leaves his school and returns to McKinley and decides to come out. I hope you like the changes I made to this storyline when I send chapter 1.
No heavy mental issues (Blaine was prone to depression, but let’s try to keep this light.)
I am not personally opposed to writing these things (I’ve written several of them), but I want to respect you guys, and I want you all to be able to write this without being triggered or uncomfortable.
4. Fic Length- All chapters should be at least 1,000 words, but try not to exceed 10,000 words. Chapter one is currently 6,000 words, just to give you an idea.
5. Editing- Please edit your fic before you submit it. I'm going to use a google doc, and you can copy and paste your chapter into the fic when you are finished. Minor errors happen, and I do not mind looking over your chapter if needed, but it's important to only post the completed chapter because the other writers will read what you've submitted and plan their chapter based on what you've written. If it's incomplete or changed without the next writer's knowledge, it could create confusion. Actually, a few of you have mentioned being willing to beta, and I would love it if you guys would comment on the previous chapter if you spot errors or continuity issues. I love comments when I’m writing. I welcome it in this first chapter actually. Just don’t make any changes. I’m going to try to allow you guys to have commenting abilities, but limit editing. I may not be able to though if you guys are adding your chapters. Bear with me.
6. Plot Points & Story- It's perfectly fine to introduce a problem to create suspense and intrigue for the story. However, before you can introduce a new problem, you must resolve a previous one in some shape or form. (For example, if you decided to write that Sebastian finds out the relationship is fake and decides to blackmail Kurt, maybe you solve an issue such as the tux Kurt wants to buy is on backorder, so he decides to make his own.
7. Klaine is Endgame- No disrespect to anyone that writes other ships, but this is a Klaine event, so our boys should end up together. Therefore, let's not make our boys do something to the other that would be irreparable or unforgivable.
8. Participation- Life happens. If for any reason, you decide you are unable to complete your chapter, please contact me Asap. Maybe I can arrange something with another writer or help you if you are stuck (I have had a personal emergency while participating in a Klaine event- my appendix burst. I was able to post late after I recovered.) I'll work with you. Just let me know. I want this to be fun for everyone involved.
I have created a Tumblr page for this event, so please follow the page. It will be listed under Klaine Fic Roulette- The "Prom-us".
9. Characters- I polled all of the writers to see which characters you guys really wanted to write and who you didn’t. Basically, anyone in season 3 is fair game, but let’s keep it simple. The main characters are Kurt and Blaine. If there is another character you want to write, go for it.
However, there were a few characters you should try to keep out of major plot lines, and those are Mr. Shu, Sue Sylvester, and Puck. You can mention them, but let’s try to keep those characters on the side. On the plus side, almost all of us wanted large doses of Burt, Mercedes, Rachel,Santana, Sam, Finn, Quinn, Carol, and the Warblers. (I personally love that Burt was number 1). Whoever you write, let’s just make sure that the focus stays on Kurt and Blaine.
10. Betaing- You are welcome to get a beta on your own. However, I will have a signup soon for betas. I have had it suggested that each of us beta the chapter before yours as a final readthrough, and to add comments or notes. It would be a good way to get feedback and ask questions. That way, we can keep the story connected, and help the authors writing the final chapters tie everything together. It doesn’t have to be gigantic comments. It can just be a winky face or an “I like this line, or even, what does this mean? We won’t be posting until May and so I’m sure some of you would like feedback before then. This is a way that we can do that.
I included the prompt and tropes down below in case you haven’t seen it or needed a refresher.
Prompt: Kurt and Blaine met just as they did in canon, and even though Blaine realizes when Kurt sings Blackbird that he's in love with Kurt, he never says anything, and Kurt goes back to McKinley. Blaine transfers to McKinley for senior year, and they are best friends, bonding on being the only two out guys at McKinley until Karaofsky comes back. And he's out and proud, and he wants Kurt. And so he asks Kurt to be his prom date, repeatedly until Kurt, in frustration, finally blurts out that someone already asked him. He said the first name that came to mind, Blaine's. On top of that, he tells Dave that they are now dating. Now, Kurt needs to convince his best friend to take him to the biggest event of their high school year, senior prom.
Tropes: Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, High school Klaine, Canon Divergent
A few notes:
The opening scene is from Season 2 starting at Original song. Everything is canon up to that point (except that Blaine and Kurt are both in the same year (Juniors), then things diverge a little.
Blaine never got to finish the “You move me speech, and so they never became a couple.
Someone else (Alex) at Dalton asked Kurt out, and Blaine lost his nerve. Kurt went back to McKinley in “Born This Way” and he ended up breaking up with Alex right before Junior Prom (Prom Queen).
Blaine shows up so Kurt doesn’t have to go stag. Kurt is still named Prom Queen and Karofsky transfers schools.
This story will take place primarily in season 3. Blaine transferred to McKinley at the beginning of their senior year. He starts dating Sebastian after they go to Scandals in ‘The First Time’. They break up because Blaine finds out that Sebastian is sleeping with other people. The events of chapter 1 happen shortly after Valentine’s Day (On My Way aired on February 21, 2012. Promasaurus aired on May 8 (A timeline of roughly 11 weeks- which I’m going to round to a 12 week timeline.
All in all, this is a friends to lovers and a fake dating story. The plot conflicts should all relate to the prom, Kurt’s and Blaine’s feelings for one another (they are in love with each other but both afraid to say anything and mess up the friendship that they have), and the issues they have with Karofsky and Sebastian. It can also include issues with the New Directions, but it’s important that the focus stays on Kurt and Blaine. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or comment to the author of that chapter. This is going to be a great story. I can feel it. Ultimately, I want us all to enjoy this experience.
Be on the look for chapter one in your email over the next few weeks. It is written and has already been sent to the second author in line. I’m not sending it out to all of you yet because I’m not sure about a few little details. I’ll send it as soon as I figure it all out. Please let me know ASAP if you have any questions or concerns. Just comment in this document or email me at [email protected].
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dracolizardlars · 3 years
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I posted 10,366 times in 2021
449 posts created (4%)
9917 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 22.1 posts.
I added 1,422 tags in 2021
#fire emblem - 541 posts
#draco speaks - 483 posts
#pokemon - 68 posts
#dimitri - 66 posts
#discworld - 57 posts
#kitties - 48 posts
#bnha - 40 posts
#atla - 40 posts
#hubert - 40 posts
#<3 - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#organisms are essentially ai which have been run through a billion zillion permutations over the course of evolutionary history to improve a
My Top Posts in 2021
Treating songwriters like famous poets and writing a literary essay on Damon Albarn's usage of the ocean imagery in songs written across multiple bands and decades
23 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 13:11:29 GMT
Currently downloading 7 albums’ worth of music
Song Machine by Gorillaz (a double album)
Demos Vol 1 & 2 by King Gizzard
Teenage Gizzard by, King Gizzard 
Hinterland by LoneLady
The Silver Moons Of Togo by The Green Egg 
32 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 14:44:36 GMT
hey Discworld fandom I have a concept for you all to consider:
Monstrous Regiment musical adaptation
35 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 20:49:50 GMT
I don't often get scared by horror stuff but I've never recovered from the time like 4 years ago when I was reading Frankenstein on a literal dark and stormy night, the book was describing how Victor was terrified that the Creature was coming to find him, and then I heard something bang into my (second storey) window
I nearly had a fucking heart attack I'm telling y'all
After lying there irrationally terrified for like 5 minutes just trying to figure out what had happened I eventually realised that my blind had been caught by a draft and knocked against the window, making a sound like something had hit it from the outside. But that stands out as the defining horror experience of my life
37 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 19:00:13 GMT
the trans experience of, after running as far away from your forcibly assigned gender as possible, turning around and cautiously approaching it from the other side
22618 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 14:00:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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