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Planetary mantras
These mantras are in Sanskrit . It is the most ancient language and extremely powerful. The energy produced by these words helps in deeply balancing the energies of the concerned planets within and thus things fall in place in the outer world too. They can be chanted once , thrice , seven , eleven , twenty seven , 108 times.
With deep faith and belief in mantras , your fifth house becomes strong , thus it energizes the trikons of your chart and helps you deeply. It works beautifully.
🌸For Moon on Monday
Om Shraang Shreeng Shraung sah Chandraya Namah
🌸For Sun on Sunday
Om Hraang Hreeng Hraung sah Suryaya namah
🌸For mercury on Wednesday
Om Braang Breeng Braung sah Budhaya Namah.
🌸For Mars on tuesday
Om Kraang Kreeng Kraung sah Mangalaya namah
🌸For Venus on Friday
Om Draang Dreeng Draung sah Shukraya namah
🌸For Saturn on Saturday
Om Praang Preeng Praung sah Shanischaraya Namah
🌸For Jupiter on Thursday
Om Graang Greeng Graung sah Gurave Namah
🌸For Rahu on Tuesday
Om Bhraang Bhreeng Bhraung sah Rahave namah.
🌸For Ketu on Saturday
Om Shraang Shreeng Shraung sah Ketave Namah.
#astrology#astro observations#astrology observations#counseling#vedic#astro notes#vedic astro notes#vedic astro observations#astrology blog#astrologer
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For your current ask prompt: This isn't exactly a WIP, but certainly was a story you teased at. In Hurricanes and Ether, you had the nomad Jedi find Maul on the junk planet. How did that go down? What's the group dynamic like? What do the jedi think of the mad sith that they found? What does Maul think (granted his is a broken mental state) think about these powerful jedi that got him off that junk planet? Really, any info dumps you have about this situation would be fascinating
Basically the dynamic is like. Knol scruffs him every time he says something she finds unacceptable, which is frequently, while Fay and Nico talk loudly about how nice it would be if Knol actually took a padawan someday because clearly she needs an outlet for teacher-ish feelings. Maul is mostly sane at this point due to Fay’s intervention, and he is most displeased that this tiny Bothan terror keeps doing the equivalent of smacking him with a rolled-up newspaper whenever he misbehaves, but. But they’re also out to kill Sidious and Maul thinks he can slide in and take over Sidious’s position, not realizing that if he tries it he really will get dragged to the Temple, stuffed into Jedi robes, and forced to play Knol’s new padawan until he gives it up.
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I’ve read your second RvB corgi fic on Ao3 and loved it! I don’t have an account over there yet but wanted to tell you ASAP. Ps, Church could work well as an Australian Shepherd/Corgi mix.
Glad you like it! I have all the others mapped out already, but thanks for the suggestion!
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First prompt: The crew finding out about Sister's business and Tucker asking/begging for a job to cover his child support.
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Rvb prompt ideas: “and then everything just disappears.” Caboose “and where do i go?” Locus post Chorus
For the Caboose half of this prompt because I haven’t done it yet. This is kind of an older prompt, but I really like it and am finally getting around to it. Thank you for sending these, they’ve both been fun. I hope you like it!
Caboose was sitting there, looking as cheerful as he always did. Blue team had decided that it was time for a meeting so that they could at least figure out what they were doing. Washington wasn't exactly looking forward to that sort of meeting, but he recognized it for what it was: necessary. "If we're going to use a high-power cloaking unit on the base during the next round of capture the flag, then how do we know that it won't backfire on us?" Wash asks, looking over at Carolina because at the end of the day, she still is boss. Even with Project Freelancer years behind them that's never changed. "We don't." "I dunno, Carolina." Tucker groans, stretching out a little too far and making himself comfortable. "The reds are pretty fucking stupid, but I think they'd notice if our base just disappeared." "It would give us an advantage-" Carolina was prepared to rebut Tucker’s claim, but then it was Caboose interrupting. "I think that we should put it on their base." All of the others in the room's attention snapped over to Caboose because not a single one knew what he was talking about. Already Washington was sure that it was a bad idea, but maybe it wasn't a bad idea to hear Caboose out. "What do you mean, Caboose?" Carolina asked, her voice a little more gentle than it normally would have been. None of the Blues could pretend that they didn't have a soft spot for Caboose, despite everything. "Oh, well you know-" Caboose squirmed in his seat, his permanent smile plastered across his face. "It's just that if we're going to make everything disappear, I think we should make the reds disappear because that way we will win." Carolina hesitated and gave Wash a look that just screamed 'help.' Realizing what it meant, Washington sighed. "Do you think that they would forget where their base is?" "Oh, well, I don't know about that." Caboose said, seemingly off in his own little world. "I just think that if we made our base disappear it would make me very sad because I really like our base." "Dude, our base is a piece of shit." Tucker groaned. "Why are we listening to this idiot?" "He's part of blue team." Wash explained, looking over at Caboose. "You do know that it wouldn't be going away forever, right?" "But we don’t know that!” Caboose cries. “What if we use the special disappearing magic, and then everything just disappears, and I never get to see you guys or stupid Tucker or Freckles ever again?”
And that makes Washington go quiet, if only because he knows that there isn’t a good way to answer for Caboose’s concerns. He sighs and takes his seat next to his friend and reaches out, placing a hand gently on Caboose’s shoulder.
“Caboose, nothing bad will happen to our base, I promise.” Washington glances over at Carolina and Tucker, silently begging them both to help back him up when he needs it. And he’s very sure that it’s coming soon.
Caboose sniffles, and he sounds a little like he’s about to cry. He picks his head up and looked over at Wash with wide, scared eyes. “You promise that I won’t have to lose you?”
“I promise.’ Washington repeated. “We all do. If you’re that worried, you can stay with me during the game, and then you won’t get lost or lose the base. Okay?”
And that seems to calm Caboose down easy enough. He smiles wide. “I think that could work very good, Agent Washingtub!”
“Alright, then.” Wash sighed. “So we’re cloaking Blue Base?”
“If this backfires, I’m blaming you.” Tucker groans.
Carolina’s quiet for a long moment before finally speaking up. “Yes,” She starts. “We’re cloaking Blue Base during our next match of Capture the Flag.”
Want to send me a prompt? Send me a character, ship, or surprise me along with your prompt and I’ll be happy to fill it!
#draange#ask#prompt#rvb prompt#5#michael j caboose#carolina#wash#washington#lavernius tucker#blue team#oops my hand slipped#mantiswrites
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worst thing about being a german team fortress 2 fan who also studies german is that every time i read "sturm und drang" i read it in medic's voice, in the way he pronounces it. i want to be normal about this but every time i have a little medic screaming "STÜRMAN DRAANG" in my head. it's a miracle i haven't pronounced it like that yet.
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the entire article about the napoleon dynamite movie + the whole dovahzul dictionary
Aaments Aariffeal Ablefring Acksom Adjecagin Agiad Agims Agnind Ahmilays Aired Airibuffer Alligh Allostes Alothed Anderfor Arast Asated Ation Awitered Bashormes Beleft Bendattring Berch Bermthime Bessfing Biallog Bituracks Bodurd Borapping Bounne Brahms Breeth Briguse Brind Brinstor Brole Brosterot Brounap Budery Capows Caral Carothered Chall Chated Cheyz Chrouracts Churchu'um Clith Clivenest Clocan Clubby Clusturah Cogand Coleake Combe Comen Comicy Commought Complas Conamed Conaviever Conikind Conymands Cookip Cootmad Corvate Cosested Cours Covakt Covicts Criduct Criennin Crigedle Currit'llo Cusler Daall Deady Debrony Defrit Delerose Delove Devestailet Disban Dissibuffe Dit'll Ditioname Dorelylif Dovul Draang Drept Dreuth Driirend Ductiong Duh's Dynamork Ebere Enesely Entele Ephyper Erawail Essit Expead Expethrist Faagrattelp Faance Faaran Fahzally Faider Fainax Faingot Fallont Faries Fasted Fastual Fategin Feasan Feishoffing Feres Fiesetty Fiike Fiinger Filen Filly Fiver Flean Fledisch Fodurd Fonaally Foolownslaw Formed Foundearsh Fouten Fraingent Friese Frintact Froundie Fulerful Funing Funte Galvicaten Geing Giestarc Glejen Golants Gracte Grages Grany Gratemy Gration Guallokun Gutalts Haing Hampaasking Hanceine Hanchal Heatioul Hence Herch Hertaas Hilmsper Hinerbor Hofinindes Hokunimme Homery Horiverille Hornapt Horoll Horther Hought Hurealip Idubby Ificelly Infullom Innaado Isham Ition's Jectral Jerss Jummus Juntent Juregic Keing Khang Kinduche' Kloork Kounic Kralts Krend Krial Kribune Kricillew Kright Krild Kring Kroin Krunterced Kulang Kynmaast Lafawrion Lahve Laight Laker Lankidero Larfule Lealably Ledre Leentan Lembece Lient Ligation Liikest Lisit Liter Liver Loaday Lokun Losturn Luched Lummate Mageommet Mahrieven Malses Marts Matudirk Mawik Med's Menta Mersed Mersetuarn Mersomental Minin Misle Mitoll Moboodyna Monfutormeb Motban Motiatitted Muchar Muleous Mulls Murch Musidn's Mustorge Muzaaz Nahkriese Namedial Naten Necepat Nectial Nerage Ningured Nisiverch Nissin Noborepiden Noril Nuzaak Ofarents Oforrose Oniew Onting Oppopurrif Oprok Oraterverah Overve Paccence Packs Pager Pagoleet Pareaticand Parmy Parre Pated Peadenter Peding Pedrovair Peled Peogaare's Plaad Planc Plaration's Ploar Popect Porisse Portaary Pragedind Prellok Presic Presich Prided Prien Prighter Prithy Pronax Pronfund Pronservak Proquirk Prower Pusightned Putagral Qahmarind Qotaldly Quishilmse Quitar Ractlembad Raind Raity Ravon Reacce Reack Realen Rearch Reatt Recon Reeth Refevoken Regaaz Reigan Rempary Rends Renter Rentereh Resting Roaralemit Rokaas Rotifer Rultudin Ruvot Sadovene Sarce Saveleak Saveres Savers Savichaph's Scome Scomentele Sconaard Scraares Scriallark Scurah Seate Shaiste Shalmsfil Shicen Sholz Shook Siteettet Smont Snownlov Sostern Sourent Soutsearmal Spaaz Spagre Spiders Spows Spreas Spredges Stale Stame Stelent Stince Stinnicscon Stivatity Stoll Stond Strilare Su'reary Suchary Suicongrad Suise Suloca Sundight Sunds Suntionift Susides Susill Sworm Swortinds Swoutatet Takodges Tally Talvulider Theind Thement Thends Thestereer Thigiin Thomp Thriishold Thston Thuftendiad Timally Tioner Tivahlotese Tobodesmand Tonpolenat Tonth Trege Tries Trigh Trunall Trunk Unbre Unreadsh Unres Unwar Uplaimitch Uplanest Uppecto Ushowiil Vaand Vahse Viess Viesservut Vionto Viseld Voding Voducters Voinu Voldestion Votin Vukther Wahdraing Weely Weivaak Wenemahmi Whemotbay Whenethrke Whets Whisn't Whoureendom Whowsuomme Wilimpol Wilmsed Wined Wirecte Wittleacept Wornal Worrayeate Yeombahrica Yought Zofiter Zolong Zunitinda
#names#name stash#fantasy name generation#fantasy name#fantasy names#random names#stash of names#444names#444 names#dnd names#worldbuilding names#random fantasy names#random worldbuilding names#random fantasy name generator#character names#random character names#random character name#markovgen#markov namegen#markov name generator#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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Through the Heart
0126 U.V.A. – Nucade City, Zandakar Coliseum
“Bring them out!” The cheers of the excited crowd filled the stadium with a manic energy as five hundred thousand voices called out in barely contained anticipation.
A black and red Dreadnaught class ship swooped down from the skies above landing on the grassy field in the middle of the stadium, it was a clunky transport vehicle fifty feet long from front to back.
As soon as the ship landed a ramp extended from the side and several alien prisoners exited. Walking in a single file line toward the center of the field, heading toward the elder Gyiyg who had announced their arrival. There were five in all; A Gyiyg, Mook, Shambler and a pair of identical Nevidians. They all wore matching Inhibitor Collars around their necks and white jumpsuits accented with grey.
Once the five stood before him the once boisterous crowd fell dead silent. Waiting on the words of the pale green-furred old man in pristine white robes and his orange, blue, and green holy vestments symbolizing the colors of the Triumvirate.
He began in a deep voice, that was amplified and projected around the stadium.
“These five stand before you seeking salvation, seeking deliverance, seeking the crucible. That they may be gifted with absolution for their crimes. And was it not Solara who said; ‘Let those who pursue true repentance, not be turned away for a perceived lack of virtue. Allow them ample opportunity that they may be reborn by their own hand, by their own will and in their own time.’”
He had made this announcement thousands of times before. He knew the ebb and flow of the speech down to each and every pause he would let hang for as long as necessary for maximum effect, to each quote from scripture and down to the movements of his hands. The routine of it all brought him great comfort, the same comfort one might feel reading a familiar book or listening to a favorite song for the umpteenth time. He only hoped his words could extend some small measure of that calm to these prisoners facing the trials before them.
“By way of atonement through combat, we shall see if they are worthy, or shall be found wanting.”
The old Gyiyg went down the line of prisoners, saying a small prayer for each and removing their Inhibitor Collars one by one as the crowd waited with bated breath. After the last one was freed the old man bowed deeply and spoke just loud enough for the five to hear.
“May the Triumvirate, guide your steps.” A tinge of remorse lining his words before he teleported away.
The silence hung for a moment longer but soon gave way to a deep rumbling that shook the entire stadium, as the onlookers drummed their heels once again making their excitement of the coming spectacle known. The high slanted walls that seperated the field from the audience in the stadiums stands, projected an azure hexagonal dome of psionic energy, capping the grassy field and caging the prisoners inside.
On the far side of the arena, a door slowly opened revealing their opponent; a large reptilian animal sporting rough black scales all over its body. The beast was twenty feet tall from head to tail, had rows of sharp teeth for rending flesh, deep yellow eyes and powerful leathery wings. When it noticed the prisoners it let loose a bone-chilling roar and threw its self at the energy barrier that kept it from entering the field.
Just the presence of it made the fur on the Gyiyg woman’s neck stand on end as she felt the waves of aggression emanating from the beast, relentlessly throwing itself at the wall of psychic energy.
The only ones that seemed unperturbed by the presence of the hostile creature were the two Nevidian’s, who seemed eager for its release.
“What…in the nine thousands of hells is that thing?”
One of the insectoid aliens turned to the Gyiyg woman and replied with a smile and twinkle in his eye. “That. My furry friend is known as a ‘Draang’.”
“Do they have a weakness?” The purple and blue Mook said as he approached, joining in on the conversation.
“Zavti knows more of the creatures than I,” Said Lavis.
The trio turned to the other Nevidian who still hadn’t taken his sight from the Draang.
Zavti called over his shoulder, the words carrying the buzzing cadence all Nevidian’s shared. “They’re quite hostile and hunt their prey using telekinesis and their enormous wings to strike with hypersonic winds. Their scales are resistant to physical damage, though due to the arid climate of our homeworld it has no natural resistance to extreme cold. PK Freeze is our only choice for an effective offense.”
Lavis turned to the rest of the prisoners. “If any of you can use shields we can trap it, maybe use an Encased Assault?”
The Shambler came forward raising his left tentacle. “Keep that thing far away from me and I’ll make you as many shields as you want.” Sounding nervous but determined.
“Alright we’ve got a game pla-” Was all the Mook was able to get out before the Draang was freed, charging them in an enraged blitzkrieg.
It ran at them, taking three long strides before stomping its taloned foot down to brace itself, its body pivoted and the left wing flapped throwing a concentrated strike of wind directly at the group. The Shambler raised his tentacles over his head, barely raising a psychic shield in time to protect them all.
The crowd cheered with new fervor as the creature lashed out.
Upon seeing its first attack had failed the Draang roared and bared down on the prisoners, the Nevidians were the first to react, running to meet the reptilian predator head-on. Zavti reached the beast first, running leaping, dodging and rolling, avoiding the Draangs tail and wings as it tried in vain to crush him. His brother, seeing that the creature was distracted positioned himself behind the animal and struck it with a gout of icicles.
It turned immediately, whipping its tail and spinning around to face him. Lavis jumped over the tail and as the Draang reached down to snatch him up in its massive jaws, a block of ice crashed into the side of its head causing it to stumble. The Draang flapped both wings, throwing the four that surrounded it back.
Before they could regroup, it took off toward the fifth prisoner without warning or hesitation. The crowds’ yells rose with every second, every step as the relentless hunter reached its prey with a zealous swiftness. The Shambler hastily erected a shield that buckled like brittle glass as the Draang steam-rolled through his pitiful defence with the full might of its body.
He had no time to call out before he was stomped once, with brutal efficiency. The Draang wrapped its tail around what was left of the Shamblers body brought it up to its nose, sniffing it once before flinging the Shambler toward the energy dome overhead, vaporizing his remains instantly, leaving neither smoke nor ash.
A cheer went up as the apex predator turned back toward the remaining prisoners.
“Anyone else have a plan?” Gulum asked as he got up from where he’d been thrown aside, rubbing his eye stalk to try and ease the pain.
“I need you to throw me.” Replied the Gyiyg as the rest of them regrouped.
All three of the Mooks eyes went wide. “Wha-?”
“Throw. Me.” Pel said. “We don’t have time any to argue.”
“That’s a terrible plan, we might as well be feeding you to that thing!” He shot back.
“Look,” Pel said as she placed a hand on the Mooks shoulder. “I know what I’m doing, just trust me okay?” She said, pleading with her fellow prisoner turned gladiator.
“Whatever you’re doing do it fast, we’ll run interference,” Lavis yelled as he ran off toward the dark-scaled reptile, following his brother who had already lept back into the fray attacking again with PK Freeze.
Gulum used telekinesis to lift Pel over his head as he built up energy, pouring all his concentration and psychic power into imagining a mental piston, ready to launch her. Pel closed her eyes and drew on her own reserves of power focusing on channeling the Psycokinetic Frost into her limbs. Starting at her fingertips, spreading to her hands and then up her arms, stopping at her shoulders.
It emitted a soul-shaking roar as Zavti and Lavis blasted the Draang with twin waves of ice, freezing its legs in place and with one final thought, Gulum flexed his mental muscles sending his Gyiyg ally straight at the beast like an icy balista.
#EarthBound#Mother series#Mother 1#Giegue#cogdis#Giygas#Mother#earthbound beginnings#gyiyg#fanfic#Mother AU#Earthbound AU
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I read the latest chapter of Lightning Feet today, and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the part where it was noted that Satine will be angry with the situation. It mainly stuck because I'm imagining Maul being placated by the fact that his brother helped to tick off Kenobi's girlfriend.
sfnsdkjsf HONESTLY THOUGH. That is 100% what would get him on board with the whole entire thing.
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For the ask prompt: Would you ever write RvB Sarge in his younger days?
Oh man, Sarge isn’t a character I’ve given a lot of thought to as far as backstory! It could be interesting. I’d put that in the realm of “unlikely but not out of the question.”
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@draange replied to your post “also plz imagine carolina finding a dog on chorus”
Or imagine the gang going to the animal shelter and expecting Caboose to pick the biggest dog. But no, it’s Carolina who finds and falls for the oh-my-goodness-that-has-to-be-a-bear-do-you-plan-on-riding-it giant dog.
this visual is made of awesomesauce. @anneapocalypse
#draange#replies#the hurricane#anne singlehandedly converted me to Carolina and Dogs#me before: she's a cat person! low-maintenance! aloof!#me now: DOGS MEAN ACTIVITY AND LOVE#nirvana is wash and carolina in an apartment with a dog and cat each tbh#i have a fic about them in an apartment coming out in may and there is absolutely zero room for pets#rip#firing main headcanon
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@draange: I’m not answering this as an ask because I want to hold on to the other prompt on it for a later time because I really need to figure out how to write that character.
I hope you like it!
Want to send me a fic prompt? Send it to me here and I’ll be happy to fill it out. Anon is always on. Send me: RWBY, RVB, or leave it up to chance with a “Surprise me!”
Getting off Chorus had been the priority the second that he’d activated his cloaking device after activating the Temple of Communication. Locus had forced himself into a state of autopilot where he could follow up on protocol after protocol until a serviceable ship had been able to be unearthed.
Away from Chorus, Locus was able to breathe at least a little bit. He was away Felix, away from people who would gladly kill him the second they got the chance (he wouldn’t blame them. Really, he wouldn’t. After everything he’s done, Locus is sure he deserves it. The death counts are too high. The sins too great.)
It felt almost like he was adrift in the same state that he’d been after The Great War. Listless. Empty. Broken. Scared. Alone.
He deserved this, Locus reminded himself as he turned the hilt of the sword over in his hand, over and over again. Two men had carried the weapon before he had. Both men that he knew personally, even if neither relationship had anything genuine about it.
He could have left at any time. Locus was sure that was what the Alien AI would have said. Felix was afraid of him. Felix had been manipulating him. Felix had-
Was. Had. Past tense.
His partner is dead. Present tense.
He has nowhere to go. Also present tense.
He is lost. He is afraid. He is alone.
Present tense, all of it.
The sword has scuffs on its hilt, Locus realizes, despite the amount of use it has seen. He hasn’t activated it since activating the Temple. Somehow, Locus can’t quite bring himself to do so. Right now the wounds are too fresh, every time he closes his eyes he sees the blade flying at him, out of Felix’s hand.
An attack.
Locus knew Felix better than anyone. He could still imagine the look on his old partner’s face the moment that he’d been killed. Disbelief, wide eyes, mouth dropped open. Angry and afraid all at once.
Not at all pleasant. There wasn’t a single thing about it that was pleasant. It was his fault.
And now Locus was alive, off of Chorus, and carrying an alien sword that might as well have been cursed for all he knew. What was there about this that he could really take as good?
All of his old connections were dead, lost. His fault. Gone. All of them.
Despite all of it, Locus still didn't have the heart to turn on the sword again. It was a symbol of too many things that had gone wrong.
"I don't want to fight anymore." Locus mumbled, tossing the hilt of the sword onto the dashboard of the ship, where it landed with a clang. The sound was too loud for his liking, echoing down in his ears and feeling like gunshot. He couldn't help the wince, even though it wasn't all that loud in reality.
Nobody answered him. Just hours before, Felix had been there, protesting that it wasn't over, telling him that they still had things to do. He'd been so wrapped up with his ideas of revenge, and what had it gotten him?
Locus didn't know, not really. All he knew was that he had an alien sword which could turn on for him, and that things were bad. That wasn't a good thing, and Locus was very afraid to find out what would come later once he got out of this mental haze. Eventually, he wasn't going to be able to keep sitting by and hoping that things turned out fine.
Maybe, just maybe, he could go back to Chorus and tax his cloaking unit for the sake of getting to any of the Temples. If he could just get the chance to go and talk to the AI again, maybe then things were going to start making sense to him. Maybe it would be able to provide some guidance to him.
Or maybe it wouldn't. Maybe Locus would only find that he was already unworthy of the sword which he now bore. The AI could go ahead and remind him that he had failed in the trial, or remind him of what he'd done wrong.
Going back to Chorus would force him to retread ground that Locus wasn't sure he wanted to. It would bring him back closer to Felix.
Locus was sure that what had happened with Felix was something that he was never going to be able to quite come to terms with.
But he needed to do something, and Locus didn't have his entire life to waste. Really, with his mind rattled and weighing him down with guilt, all that he wanted was something that could distract him for a little while. Was that too much to ask?
Locus didn't know. He turned and shifted in his seat, reaching over to check the navigational systems. It wouldn't be too hard to turn around and get back to Chorus, seeing as the only thing that was stopping him was himself.
Well, that and the all too strong possibility that he would end up getting killed if he tried to go back there. That was something that Locus knew he was going to have to deal with at least on some level.
If they found him, they would be sure to kill him. Locus would deserve whatever happened, and he was more than confident that the Reds and Blues were still on planet and searching for him, not to mention the army and everyone else on that planet.
But Locus had a cloaking unit, and he was dedicated to going back and finding some guidance. He just hoped that whatever he was told or given to work on was going to be enough, and that it wouldn't force him to do something he didn't really want to do.
If there was anything that Locus was dedicated to, it was that he was never going to let someone manipulate him in the same way that Felix had again. He would do the right thing because it was the right thing to do, and because he wanted to do it.
This was just seeking advice. Not orders.
With some hesitation, he tapped the screen and set the navigation to bring him back to Chorus.
Either he was making a horrible mistake, or he was saving his own life. Locus didn't know which it would be.
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So the Courasant guard is about to whisk Padme off to untravelled corners of the galaxy while SHTF from her evidence being received. Oh what shenanigans might they get up to? What lost treasures might they find? What mangy half-dead tooka of a sith might decide to tag along?
The most unpleasant Sith, but like. At least Padme will have Thorn and Fox to distract her??
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I'm imagining Empress Padmé withe the whole guard as her harem, but mainly because she decides that they all desperately need turns at being cuddled.
xD Cute!
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1.) It sounds like you need a recording device to get all of your ideas out of your head and save your hands for writing the things you really want to.
2.) With the Bail and Leia time crash fix it, at what point are we talking? Is Leia a fourteen year old fueled by the growing momentum of the emerging rebel alliance? Is she a tense 19 year old anticipating capture by Vader? Or is she a child freshly expelled from her first finishing school?
I did go with 19-year-old Leia in the end, because I just love her so much, and her and Bail back in time is just. Everything I never knew I needed. Eventually i might try to figure out a version with Leia as a younger child, but the plot device of Leia seeing Alderaan’s destruction and accidentally yeeting herself and Bail back in time through her grief and anger was too tempting.
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RWLF: I'm glad to see someone finally calling Maul out on his BS about not caring for his brothers. Maybe these two fellow abuse survivors can help him rub some lotion into those emotional scars.
I mean, if anyone can match Maul for stubbornness, it’s definitely Padme. And if anyone can match him for sheer reckless brazenness, it’s Fox, so. Odds are good. xD
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