#dr. yeva
hnm-tech-support · 4 months
If you won't marry me can I marry your dad?
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She gets uh... jealous.
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ivynajspyder · 8 months
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Dr. Yeva is a totally normal doctor who just wants to help the people of Pupu Village. This is great since Yabui is a hack.
oh wait psyche she's actually the head of Holy Nightmare's biotechnology division!!
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...she might still be better than Yabui...
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capnsaltsquid · 5 months
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While I was thinking about the scene with Mitchell and Yeva, I just realized something else. Yeva's confusion here wasn't just because Mitchell locked her out. It was because, up until she heard him speak, she thought he was Dr. Chambers. He was wearing Chambers' suit and, in their initial encounter, he didn't speak - so she had no reason to suspect he wasn't the doctor.
That would also explain her initial disgust at seeing him, as well as her slapping his hand away as he lead her to the cathedral. We can deduce from the cruelty of the experiments and from the way that the drones were kept chained in cramped lockers that the real Chambers was callous and maybe even malicious toward the drones.
I wonder if she would have tried to save the real Chambers from the Solver, or if she would have let him get eaten and then tried to help Nori.
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bigtittiecomitte · 6 months
Stuff from Episode 7 bc i rewatched it too much
First of all. The new Glitch intro looks freaking awesome, I noticed that they left out V this time so sorry V fans, you won’t even get to see her in the intro lmao
Something I’ve been thinking is Dr Chambers. Even though it was just a random guy that accidentally was in Dr Chambers suit, where was the real Dr Chambers? And why was he so important? Was he friends with James? Idk
YEVA SCENES!! I know @dreamii-krybaby was freaking out about that. The moment where she was trying to help Nori was really cute too, I wish we got too see more of her
Thad and Lizzy comeback as well. They lied when they said Thad is just playing basketball cause now he’s caught up in this mess too 😭 and is it just me but Lizzy’s voice sounds different, did they recast her bc I don’t remember her voice sounding like that
Nori being alive and acting just like Uzi too, like mother like daughter. Was a bit sad that her voice wasn’t Elsie’s normal british voice but her voice actor did a great job nonetheless
J finally having a role. She didn’t do that much but in Episode 8 no doubt her time will finally shine
Khan also having a moment, the freaking Nightcore references got me so bad cause damnit stop calling me out. And they brought Uzi’s railgun, it’s so nice seeing them acknowledge that Uzi has some sweet as engineering skills
AND WE FINALLY GOT A NUZI CONFIRMATION!! I think N just assumed that him and Uzi are dating after the hand holding scene which I find adorable. Him also telling Nori about it was super silly, he was writing it like it was those “will you go to prom with me” signs
Them screaming and hugging before they eventually split will always hurt me AND HIM PATTING HER HAIR TOO?! He’s so in love with his wife u guys he missed his wife
Knowing that Episode 8 won’t come out the next next month will hurt and even more waiting but I hope we are well fed and are patient enough to wait a bit more
Moral of the story: What was even going on in this episode I’m still screaming
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sqiggle · 5 months
cursed murder drone ships
Khan x j
Lizzy x tessa
Tessa's dad x cyn
V x tessa
Thad x flesha
Doll x nori
Nori x dolls dad
Khan x uzis teacher (I ship it)
Door x tessa
Flesha x nori
Uzi x nori
Doll x yeva
Tessa's mom x j
Cyn x lizzy
Slover uzi x v
Uzi x j
Uzi x khan
Uzi x jax
Uzi x Braden
Flesha x Braden
Nori x uzis teacher
N x lizzy
N x khan
N x doll
Nori x n
Kelsey x uzi
The bus x j
Khan x yeva
Intern Michelle x nori
Dr Chambers x yeva
Tessa's mom x j
Tessa's mom x v
Braden x yeva
Flesha x khan
Flesha x yeva
Doll x Khan
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Nori x cyn
key bugs x nori
Key bugs x uzi
doll x random drone in ep 5
Alice x uzis
Alice x v
Alice x beau
Alice x doll
Alice x sentinels
V x sentinels
Tessa x sentinels
Flesha x sentinels
Sentinels x uzi
Beau x uzi
Beau x sentinels
Beau x n
Beau x v
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kittydragondraws · 2 months
Things We Could Get If We Got A Prequel That Took Place Pre Core Collapse
I like thinking about the potential you could have this this concept, I mean it's functionally a brand new setting but with a bonus of having familiar characters.
Beau Origin
Pre-Insanity Alice
"Kill All Humans Phase" Emo Teen Khan
Nori Being a Menace
Khan and Nori Meeting
Hearing Yeva Speak
Doll's Father's Name and Like... Personality
Intern Mitchell My Beloved
Ridley My Beloved
The Real Dr Chambers
Human Civilization on C9
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dreamii-krybaby · 5 months
I think Nori, Yeva, Amda and Alice would all team up just to see the search history of Dr. Chambers in one of the PC’s
I like to think all of the drones at CFL would only team up if it was to throw hands or mess with a scientist they all hated.
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s-wave-entertainment · 3 months
Oh and I'm also thinking about the consciousness of a drone afflicted by the Solver once it's perished. Being part of the hivemind I assume it just kinda,,, lingers there? The weakest ones are probably lost to the outer reaches, but watching Nori persist in core form has made me wonder if the stronger souls have a shot at persisting in the hive. A lot like how the AS itself must have started as a voice inside Cyn's head slowly breaking down her will as it stole her autonomy, I like to think that the stronger victims get to stick around and fuck with the AS a little.
Though it also kinda makes me sad because all that art people are making of Yeva and Doll reconnecting has a shot at being true and THAT is killing me
Speaking of Yeva, I can't help but wonder what happened with her after Nori's death. I can't make myself believe that she gave up on Uzi, and as a matter of fact I wonder if she tried to push Doll and Uzi together. If so, I wonder what took them apart, and if not... why?
I saw someone on this hellsite make a post saying that Yeva is sus as hell since it seems she wasn't at all involved with Uzi despite being Nori's best friend, but I hesitate to believe this. Largely because I really like Yeva and I want her to not suck. And surely she didn't because Doll seems to want to do,,, Literally Everything She Can to avenge her? So I wonder if something happened between her and Nori once they left the cabin. I hope not, but it could be possible that they decided to part ways to try to move on from their past. I mean, there's a picture of Khan AND Uzi on Nori's desk, but I don't remember seeing a pic of Yeva. And I dunno about y'all but I have pictures of my best friends on my desk at university just 3 hours away from them when I go home like every weekend. If I knew I may NEVER see them again? Oh my God I would sob over their pictures every night.
Anyway. Ramble over. TL;DR is I think the more determined drones that were a part of the hivemind are still kicking inside of it long after their death and I really like Yeva so I hope she didn't suck and we get some canon evidence of her non-suckingness.
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Murder Drones episode 7... bad analysis
So... on rewatch here and as I'm watching i'm typing this.
In the intro we see "Dr.Chambers"
but it's actually some intern. So my question is did this Dr. Chamber actually find a way to fight the solver? hell how much did the doctor even know about it.
And that Yeva is... really good at Tetris...
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Also the fact that Nora outright called the cross a mcguffin is very hilarious.
And present Nora, is such a fucking weeb it's amazing the Nightcore, the posters, the kitty eared headphones!
In the flashback where we see N going sicko mode with the other Murder Drones, at 9:22 ish you can here a Wilhelm scream.
and than when he wakes, we get the message ACCESS DENIED
Which is well Uzi so that's interesting and quite humerus, tibia honest.
Also if you watch with captions on YouTube... Nora's just called heart
Also Uzi's dad handing out the plans for the raygun, is well a good defense, and what I can only call a Chekhov's gun X-X
And Nori got an amazing 5 slaps in.
But yeah, I'm not doing ton of of a deep dive, hope someone enjoyed.
but yeah, Nightcore lives forever O_o
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hnm-tech-support · 4 months
I’m curious, what species are you and your brother? Ones created by Nightmare, or…?
"Oh yeah! Kinda. We're not like demon beasts or anything like that though. There's some funny word for it. Cammy-on, somethin' like that. We're part human, which were these weird aliens from a long time ago and-"
"I believe I could explain it better, dear."
"Whoa hey I was-"
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"Greetings, I'm Dr. Yeva, head of Holy Nightmare's Biotechnology Division. You see, PTM-024-B here is-"
"That's not my name, doc!"
"-is one of the results of countless years of work in the creation of a stable fusion of daemonium somnia and the now extinct homo sapiens- previously thought to be physically impossible. In some cultures they would be known as a 'cambion'- a cross between human and demon. I would describe the process in detail but I'm sure it would be beyond your understanding- as well as being highly classified."
"Are you done? This is MY-"
"There were certainly failures along the way, and our latest results are still less than perfect, but science is all about perseverance."
"Oh for fuck's sake..."
"Despite the difficulties, I cannot begin to tell you what an honor it was to be chosen to work with our Lord to bring His "children" into being. Even if some of them can be ungrateful-"
(Tech Support decides to just exit the room and do something else.)
(Propaganda?? @kirbyoctournament)
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ivynajspyder · 4 months
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Did an OC template thingy for Techie and Dr. Yeva :3
Though these are more "after the fact" inspo as I've developed the characters more.
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melissa-titanium · 5 months
dd hc organizerrrr
biggest basis for their makeup is essentially. birds and cats, with a little bit of wolf wedged in. they're somewhere inbetween solitary and pack predator, not quite social enough to actively search for bigger groups to hunt with BUT not solitude enough to hunt solo. three or four is the average for squads, two being the absolute minimum. to be seperated from your squadmates is a highly traumatic and stressful experience regardless of your opinion on the squadmate you lose. the feeling can be softened by replacing the squadmate. (eg; what happened with j and uzi. the alphabet gang's squad was a three-drone squad, and with j's death, uzi 'replaced' her in n and v's coding. not the same for j, though, because that means she was booted from the squad and it really hurt!!!)
dds are predators that tend to try and stay out of plain sight if need be, but they're already strong and fast enough to catch and kill wds without any struggle. BUT, if they were facing something they needed to surprise for whatever reason, they'd hide themselves rather than try and stay quiet. dds are already naturally nearly-silent (as shown in how n beats the shit out of uzi completely silently in pilot AND the way he basically DISAPPEARS when he sneaks into the vents during gin rummy) so they have no need to try and be more quiet, BUT the issue with their design is that they are. very, very flashy. they have warning patterns plastered ALL across their bodies and are basically glowsticks, and once they're in sight, you know where they are regardless of how dark it is. tl;dr: they rely on their silence to surprise prey.
i did a huge fucking chart on n's height a while back but i literally dont think i could find it. i think, canonically, dds are like... 5'0 exactly? but imo i think they're more around 6'6. there is minor variation in wd-frame dds, so height can differ from dd to dd.
i think dds are split into two different types, those being standalone and wd-frame.
standalone are dds through and through, retaining no worker drone memories because they HAVE no worker drone memories; they were built by the solver solely for the purpose of being a dd, therefore they never were a wd.
wd-frame are dds that have been built over an existing wd (n, v, and j for example.) they can on occasion retain memories (like v, depending on whether the solver wanted them to or not,) and usually retain the 'growth???' code of worker drones, allowing them to grow and change in response to their organic insides.
a better comparison would be; first gen worker drones to second gen worker drones. first gen drones (alice, khan, yeva, nori, etc) are all built off of one frame, leaving very little variation in bodyshape outside of built-purpose (eg; i think nori and khan were built for heavy-lifting and such, meaning they're shorter and heftier, while drones like yeva and alice were built for personal use, which makes them look more. human-like. i don't klnow does that make sense>>>??)
physical traits;
they have black teeth, stained with oil.
their true eyes can be individually taken off, as can the headband (the headband acts like the cap of a lightbulb.)
standalone dds (dds not built ontop of a worker drone frame, there are no canon examples of this) do NOT have whiskers. wd-frame dds (n, v, and j,) have whiskers.
... just like wds, dd hair is just a ton of whiskers bunched up into a hairstyle. does this mean standalone dds are bald? yeah, probably.
dd tails are segmented and interlocked by bendable joints (FLESH joints, dds are half-organic after all) that can extend and flex comfortably to reach further targets. the joints click and bend with each movement.
this was a trait in my old iterations of dd designs so idk if ill keep it, but, dds have heat-regulation spines poking out of their seams. they resemble the centipede-esque limbs on materials collection holo-spooky-snake-crabs.
their wingblades are shaped like fish-hooks, meant to latch onto prey and reel them in.
in addition to this, the wings whistle VERY loudly when flying. they have gravity propulsion (?) devices under their wings arm (not forearm) that make it so they don't actually have to flap their wings (like they fucking COULD?? look at those things dude) but the wingblades themselves are also used as means of steering. the air/gravity around them can be more easily manipulated with the wingblades because each blade has individual muscle control.
HUGE barrel chests. they're used to protect the core. they're split into two parts, a very hard steel-material (that also goes to the shoulders) and a bullet-proof black glass that allows you to see the corelight. and, yes, i know, they look like boobs but i'm nice and love feminism so it's only accentuated on n's chest. yes, his boobs are naked.
drones in general have a zip lining their abdomen, but the rubber material on disassembly drones is much lighter and malleable, allowing dds more flexibility than wds, but also less protection for their insides (which makes sense, because why would they need to protect their insides when they can just regenerate anything that broke? the rubber itself holds the stomach and other organs, but can be unzipped for maintenance.
there are four "sections" of a dd's tail. for organization purposes, i'll call them a, b, c, and d. section a is the joints of the tail itself, which can extend and flex. the tail sections and joints are considered one section. section a filters nanite acid along the dd's spinal cord down into section b section b transfers the filtered nanite acid from section a into the acid tank/storage section c transfers the acid from the tank into section d, and acts as the sheathe for section d section d is the syringe, which can extend in and out of section c
like dd's eyes, their ears are interchangable/customizable. UNLIKE dd's eyes, the ears are actually meant to be customized. the external ears themselves aren't particularly useful, and are dds only means of personalization.
i can;t think of anything else to add here rn UHHH
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 6 months
Another Thing I Just Noticed
This is going to be kind of a messy post, so let’s get into it. Since Murder Drones episode 7 drops in a week, I’ve been rewatching the series and combing over the trailer for the episode in preparation for next Friday. After going over pretty much every frame that flashed in the montage from the trailer, something just clicked. I realized that this:
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Isn’t the first time we’ve seen a claw like this.
Now, when I first saw this still frame when everyone was a buzz after the trailer dropped, my initially thought was “oh, so the Sentinels turned on the Cabin Fever staff, neat”. Having rewatched the series up to this point, I realized a couple of things:
That wasn’t a Sentinel claw reaching out towards Dr. Chambers.
A claw similar to the one pictured above was actually shown in a previous episode.
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Specifically, episode 5. You know, Home, or as I like to call it “The big lore dump episode that showed us the initial creation and deployment of the Disassembly Drones”.
Given Cabin Fever Labs was/is the origin and epicenter of pretty much all Solver activity on Copper 9, I feel one of a few things is likely going on in the frame with Dr. Chambers:
JCJenson managed to procure one of the “mutated” Drones from the Mansion Massacre and passed it on to Cabin Fever Labs for research… only for it to be not as dead as they thought.
The same as the above point, except the Solver basically body jacked the Drone’s body to further its plans in the lab.
During Cabin Fever’s efforts to research the Solver, one of the test subjects ended up freaking out like Uzi did during episode 4, with the claw being part of their Solver/Eldritch form mutations.
At some point or another, CF Labs attempted to replicate the process Cyn used to reconstruct the Elliots’ Worker Drone staff into Disassembly Drones. Naturally, this went horribly right, and they had to deal with a murderous, mutant reverse cyborg running around the facility.
As the Solver’s influence grew stronger around the lab, so did its influence on the various infected Drones within it. While some were only afflicted mentally (like Nori and Yeva), others were twisted in both mind/programming and body in much the same way the mansion staff were.
I get it’s not much and there isn’t really anything concrete to back this up, but I cant help but think that these two brief scenes are probably connected in some deeper way. I also think if Cabin Fever somehow manufactured Disassembly Drones, it could explain why there is a pile of DD corpses in the main entrance of the lab. They weren’t deployed in drop pods, they were on Copper 9 the entire time. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if anything bigger comes out of this or if it means nothing at all.
TLDR, I’m probably rambling into the abyss about nothing, but I felt like sharing what I thought was a neat observation.
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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rhodeybugg · 6 months
A little infodump on Doll, Uzi and Beau in the solver-bound au, specifically their appearance in the later chapters of Before The Dawn/first act of the au.
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Lil bit of context: These three are born inside the labs in the SB AU. Tl; dr on Arti's drone reproduction headcanon, if two drones touch cores [literally, physically] after developing a spark and they are TRULY in love, the stronger and healthier parent will carry the droneling's core, which stays attached to theirs until they're ready to be removed, and the child's temporary "infant" body is stored in a small pod in the parent's torso. Both are manually removed, but still cause the parents pain.
There is so much rage in such a tiny body.
Zara's team has to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from biting everyone while doing her initial exams.
The company originally wanted to name her something tech-y like gadget or pixel. Zara suggested Byte. Nori wasnt having any of it and after consulting with the lab assistant drone that she'd been secretly sneaking off to see and had uzi with [cough, khan], settled on the name.
Big mama's girl. She'll bite anyone who isnt her dad that gets close to Nori.
Unintentionally bullies beau. Doesnt understand that her way of "playing" [biting his tail] hurts him.
She has a mouth and she will scream. And hiss. And chitter profanities that no human can understand.
No longer allowed to wear her nametag because they had to remake hers at least twice. She kept eating it.
Zara only manages to win her over with snacks. Uzi finally learns that the humans are the ones pulling the strings and if she behaves, she gets her own cookies.
Babey darling sweetheart.
The most relaxed of the three lab babies. She tends to get comfy and fall asleep just about anywhere.
Originally given the name "Dahlia". Yeva liked the company's suggested name, but it eventually evolved into calling her "Doll" and "Dolly" and the name stuck better.
Zara's favorite. Doll doesnt bite.
Please cuddle her she loves cuddles.
Tries to follow Yeva the first time she gets taken out of her sight for testing and doesnt understand why she cant climb the stairs.
24/7 curious. She kept trying to check out the camera while she was getting her identification photo taken. Likes to look at the scientist's blueprints and notes even though she cant read. Sometimes she just mimics them because she thinks the humans are neat.
Uses Zara's soft spot for the lab drones against her and steals her snacks.
The most 'talkative' out of the bunch. While dronelings can only communicate in chirps and chitters, Doll is constantly making noises.
Please do not percieve the baby he is very timid.
Half worker, half disassembler, because Alice formed a genuine relationship with the company-created disassembler that the lab set her up with as a genetics experiment.
Despite his code being primarily disassembly drone, he's very smol.
One of the few lab dronelings that kept their original name. [Others include: Elizabeth, Thaden and Emi]
Constantly attached to the human's hips when Alice gets taken for tests and experiments. He gets passed around between Zara's team and doted on. He loves the snuggles and kisses he gets from the female workers.
Likes to ride in Zara's satchel when she's working.
This baby boy is scared of anything that moves. Especially Uzi. She steals his food portions when they're together.
Very similar to Doll when it comes to having a sweet and gentle personality and obedience. The only problem comes when the humans try to work with him on learning and performing tasks and he simply cuddles up to them.
Mama's boy mama's boy mama's boy.
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pep-the-artemis · 6 months
Villain Comparisons
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A wild pairing (I know) but there is merit to comparing them both.
Hazbin Hotel and Murder Drones spoilers below (two shows I deeply recommend anyone for watching for really different reasons). I'll try to minimise spoilers.
TL;DR and image transcripts at the bottom.
Firstly, introductions.
Sir Pentious is a former human who ended up in hell and now in pursuit of peer acceptance has become easily manipulated and turned to a life of evil; his desires also lead him to become easily manipulated by people like Vox. He takes on the form of a snake, a creature surrounded with assumptions of evil.
Doll Yurikova is Russian robot from a 'race' formerly enslaved by humanity and corporate greed; due to the experiments conducted on her mother Yeva, Doll became cursed—giving her eldritch powers and driving her to insanity. At a young age she was forced to watch both her parents die at the hands of the genocidal Disassembly Drones and now seeks revenge and to learn the truth about her curse, hoping to find a cure.
(no prizes on guessing which show is darker)
The reason I think this comparison is worth making is because they're both redeemable characters and die a sad, tragic death against the main antagonist who they had zero chance at even scratching... but I think Murder Drones pulls it off better.
Firstly, from the pilot and episode 1, Sir Pentious seems evil for the thrill—he enjoys the destruction, turf wars, and rivalries—but once he enters the happy hotel (calling it that to avoid confusion with the title), these traits seem to disappear. His rivalry turns to crushing and motives seem to shift more towards peer acceptance as mentioned above (he is still has a fascination with war machines but to me that never comes across as evil).
Doll, on the other hand, is straight up a psychopath. She kills without remorse or reason, she's a cannibal, and keeps the corpses of her dead parents in her home. Most of this is because of her curse but not entirely—unlike Uzi with the same curse, Doll shows no remorse or regret for her actions.
Secondly, Sir Pentious is weak AF. He loses every fight he is in. This is meant to be used as comedic value and also to show how he doesn't really belong but its so lame how even in the final battle he is worthless.
Doll, on the other hand, is an utter menace. The only reason the main cast one there first fight with her was because Uzi was immune to her magic and got distracted when her mothers bracelet broke. Doll outclasses the main cast making her a real tangible threat.
Thirdly, Sir Pentious main character flaw is that his is too weak against peer pressure and so his arc is to grow a backbone and act as his own person and not care what others think of him which is what the happy hotel is supporting him with. This is not a critique.
Doll's, on the other hand, main weakness is separate to her motives. She is unwilling to work with others, she fights alone and isolates herself from the world. This is in direct contrast with Uzi who is willing to work with others and understand there past mistakes. So for Doll to start her journey of redemption, she has to accept others into her life which I cannot stress enough is always an option for her, Uzi is constantly wanting to cooperate.
Lets begin wrapping this up—with there final scenes.
The battle of Heaven and Hell, Hell is losing. Realising this Sir Pentious decides he needs to lead the charge head on—he kisses his crush and charges forward in his own death machine attacking Adam head on... then his killed immediately before he can fire a single shot.
The most obvious thing is that this death is not narratively satisfying, he could have landed one hit weakening Adam but no Adam was just too strong of a threat that he didn't even need to even bother.
Then, even though he was killed by an angelic weapon (its kinda murky what Adams blast is exactly...), he gets redeemed... I know they can kill off characters, they did it to Dazzle, but I understand that it would be very dark. The problem is that it defeats the concept of 'a selfless act'. doing a selfless act isn't "do something because later you'll be rewarded", it's "do something because its the right thing to do".
Now onto Doll, who's death takes place in three different scenes. The first scene comes in two parts; the first Doll gets the jump on Tessa (who is just a woman with a longsword) and they fight and even with Dolls teleportation and telekinesis, she is unable to land a hit on Tessa. The fight ends with Tessa landing two strikes, one cutting off Dolls eye patch and the other disarming her. This works well to show that Tessa is a real threat while not undermining Dolls skill.
The next half of the scene, leaving Doll alone in the dark, Tessa disappears. An impossible feat in a narrow tunnel. Doll begins to panic and when she finally see's Tessa its too late, she can do nothing and dies. This is so important because it shows just how outmatched; Doll was utterly helpless. This works because of the previous scene which cemented the fact Doll is competent.
So Doll dies without redeeming herself. A real bitter song, she forced herself to live in isolation refusing every chance she was given only to never be given the chance, dying confused and lone just like like how she lived. But her deaths not over.
The second scene shows Doll stumbling out of a hellish pit, her torso ripped apart and entrails pooling out. Her last act before collapsing was leaving the message "дать отпор" (fight back). Her final act was to try and help Uzi, a real glimmer that for her redemption was truly possible but (that she's dead) out of reach.
The final scene is just a simple kick in the teeth, we watch as 'Tessa' devours her entrails, a real mockery... basically Liam Vickers saying "oh she is dead! I cannot stress that fact enough!". Utterly brutal.
Sir Pentious was evil, went searching for redemption, and got everything.
Doll is evil, refused all calls for redemption, and got nothing.
So overall, Murder Drones pulls of tragic character death better because
Doll isn't just a walking punching bag.
It was made explicitly clear that she lost because Tessa was stronger and not because she was weaker.
the show doesn't pull any punches unlike Hazbin hotel which immediately revives Sir Pentious.
Is Sir Pentious a bad character? No, I think he had a mediocre death.
Again, watch both shows. Hazbin Hotel is a great and fun comfort show while Murder Drones is a lot heavier but full of so much small detail it has great rewatchability. Being so different its less about which is better and entirely about which you prefer.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel. It is a background-less shot with Sir Pentious smiling facing the camera with bold posed arms. /.End ID]
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Doll Yurikova from Murder Drones. It is a background-less shot with Doll grimacing facing the camera with limp arms by her side. /.End ID]
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kittydragondraws · 7 months
HUII HIII I LOVE KIPO (the show, but the character is really awesome sauce too 😋) can we get aaaan infodump about yuor au??? /sinister (i am going to draw it) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
So it's basically the same as kipo but with md characters... obvi
Y'know how in the show there's that one hole city trying to develop a mute cure? Well that's what this version of CFL is gonna be.
Uzi and Doll are both half mutes, with Uzi being a crow and... idk about Doll yet. One part of me wants to make her a moth but another part wants her to be a bird of prey like her aunt and cousin.
Also plot twist Nori and Yeva are alive! Nori is missing but most everyone, including Uzi and Khan, have assumed she's dead. Yeva is still fine tho. She's a half mute too.
I think I wanna make Doll bsically this au's version of Dr. Emilia, she's sees being a half mute as a curse and is trying to find the research the CFL hole city had done too see if she could finish what they started.
Also N, V, and J are mutes! I know V is gonna be a Timbercat (if i had a nickel for every time v was a cat i'd have two nickels-), I think J is gonna be a Newton Wolf (she gives that "I'm better than you l + ratio" vibe), and I am stuck on what to make N. Logic dictates he'd be a dog but the only domestic dogs are non-sapient mega mutes, and I really want to avoid using any fan-mutes as much as possible. Who knows he may end up becoming a Treasure Squirrel haha-
And since N, V, and J are mutes that unfortunately means we can have no Nuzi or Vizzy, cause, ya know-
Tessa is a surface-dwelling human who came across N, V, and J when they were young and raised them. Even now they all travel and live together and she sees them as basically their mom.
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