#dr weitzman
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The Dream Team 1989
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stansmithblog2 · 1 year
Stan Smith, Avery Bullock, Jackson, Dick Reynolds, John Sanders, Hooper, Duper, Dr. Weitzman
Stan Smith/Avery Bullock, Stan Smith/Jackson, Stan Smith/Dick Reynolds, Stan Smith/Hooper, Stan Smith/John Sanders, Stan Smith/Duper, Stan Smith/Dr. Weitzman
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aspergangx · 17 days
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• downloading..
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femsolid · 1 year
About the media in which male always get to talk more, can you give the source of that, especially when talking about books? I've been looking for this for my final school paper but couldn't even find something about the bechdel test used for literature.
Disney films may focus on female characters, but when it comes down to statistics, these women barely speak. Thats’s right, there are some Disney films with as much as 2% female dialogue.
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Media also distinguish between males and females in a more subtle way: importance. ‘Children scanning the list of titles of what have been designated as the very best children’s books are bound to receive the impression that girls are not very important because no one has bothered to write books about them. The content of the books rarely dispels this impression’, remarked Lenore Weitzman and colleagues in their classic review of Caldecott winners, nearly a third of which had no female characters at all. And of course there are characters, and then there are main characters. The Dr. Seuss books are rightly classics, adored by children and a joy of rediscovery for parents. Yet as Lamb and Brown observe, in all the forty-two books he wrote, not one has a female lead in its central story. The power of the media to dish up a stripped-down, concentrated version of cultural values enables it to represent the higher status of males in this uncomfortably blunt fashion. Even in contemporary picture books, researchers find that this is a habit that dies hard, with writers and illustrators still less inclined to feature female characters. For example, the most recent analysis of the Caldecott winners and runners-up, together with 155 best-selling children’s books around the same time, found that males, overall, were featured nearly twice as often as females in title roles, and they appeared in about 50 percent more pictures. Nor does the use of gender-ambiguous animals or characters in books help to increase female numbers. This is because mothers almost always label gender-neutral characters in picture books as male. If it doesn’t look like a female, it’s male. I’ve tried labelling neutral animals and characters as female when reading to my children – it feels extremely unnatural, as you will discover if you try for yourself. (The reason is probably that we have a tendency to think of people or creatures as male unless otherwise indicated. In other words, as has been long observed, men are people, but women are women.) As within the pages of books, females tend to be underrepresented on TV and computer screens, and to miss out on central roles in advertisements and even cereal boxes. A recent survey of 19,664 children’s programmes in twenty-four countries found that only 32 percent of main characters are female. (This drops to an even more dismal 13 percent when it comes to nonhuman creatures like animals, monsters and robots.) And, a survey of the 101 top-grossing Grated movies from 1990 to 2005 found that less than a third of the speaking roles go to females, with no signs of improvement over time. As the Web site of the Geena Davis Institute, which sponsored the research, asks, ‘What message does this send to young children?’
- Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine
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i have this excerpt from Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: The Journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum printed and framed
Like, I paid an etsy seller to print it for me on the nicest cardstock with the best ink, and then I waited in line and paid a stupid amount of money to have it framed at the Michael's custom framing counter. And I have zero regrets. I've probably posted this excerpt here before but I don't care. It is everything.
The heroic girls, Chajke and Frumke—they are a theme that calls for the pen of a great writer. Boldly they travel back and forth through the cities and towns of Poland. They carry “Aryan” papers identifying them as Poles or Ukrain­ians. One of them even wears a cross, which she never parts with except when in the Ghetto. They are in mortal danger every day. They rely entirely on their “Aryan” faces and on the peasant kerchiefs that cover their heads. Without a mur­mur, without a second’s hesitation, they accept and carry out the most dangerous missions. Is someone needed to travel to Vilna, Bialystok, Lemberg, Kowel, Lublin, Czestochowa, or Radom to smuggle in contraband such as illegal publica­tions, goods, money? The girls volunteer as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Are there comrades who have to be rescued from Vilna, Lublin, or some other city?— They undertake the mission. Nothing stands in their way, nothing deters them. Is it necessary to become friendly with engineers of German trains, so as to be able to travel beyond the frontiers of the Government General of Poland, where people can move about with special papers? They are the ones to do it, simply, without fuss, as though it was their pro­fession. They have traveled from city to city, to places no delegate or Jewish institution had ever reached, such as Wolhynia, Lithuania. They were the first to bring back the tidings about the tragedy of Vilna. They were the first to offer words of encouragement and moral support to the sur­viving remnant of that city. How many times have they looked death in the eyes? How many times have they been arrested and searched? Fortune has smiled on them. They are, in the classic idiom, “emissaries of the community to whom no harm can come.” With what simplicity and modesty have they reported what they accomplished on their journeys, on the trains bearing Polish Christians who have been pressed to work in Germany! The story of the Jewish woman will be a glorious page in the history of Jewry during the present war. And the Chajkes and Frumkes will be the leading figures in this story. For these girls are indefatigable. Just back from Czestochowa, where they imported contraband, in a few hours they’ll be on the move again. And they’re off without a moment’s hesitation, without a minute of rest.
He only namechecks Chaike Grossman and Frumka Plotnicka here, but I can tell you for a fact that he's also referring to Tossia Atlman, Tema Schneiderman, and Lonka Kozybrodska. At least.
So far the count of Jewish women (that I'm aware of) who have responded to "They are a theme that calls for the pen of a great writer" with a book (or long-planned book) are three: me, Dr. Lenore Weitzman (who won't return any of my emails) and Judith Batalion (who did return my emails, had lunch with me, and told me that Dr. Weitzman wouldn't respond to her emails either). I hope more Jewish women--in and out of the academe--continue to take up this call, and I hope they keep getting published and aren't rejected because it's "too similar" to mine and Batalion's. No like seriously like two months after I signed with my agent, and one month after I got my book deal, I received a rejection from a lit agent saying that my book was "too similar" to Batalion's. Ok first of all it's not. I read Batalion's the day it came out, and they're very different books with very different focuses, goals, and approaches; the only thing they have in common is that they're both about this underserved, underappreciated group of amazing women. There SHOULD be multiple books about each and every one of them. There SHOULD be multiple books about one day Tossia spent in Vilna. Every white man who looked sideways at WW2 and the American Civil War have like, 87 terrible books dedicated to them, and I DEMAND at least 3 for each of these women. And 17 for Queen Zivia. (Who does have a biography, written by Bella Gutterman). Plus a biopic. So this post went in a direction.
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angiefsutton · 11 days
Quantum Leap (1989) Re-watch
Season 1, Episode 3: "Star-Crossed"
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And here's this one.
not the saga cell, but a 'wrap up' by Sam/Scott.
"Sort of a time traveling Lone Ranger, with Al as my Tonto." - wasn't there a zine story where they 'play' Lone Ranger and Tonto? ;-)
Ah, this theme song. So late 80s. It's perfect.
Had to look it up: a professor with a bunch of adoring, young, pretty students was used in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1982). Wonder if that's where Bellisario 'borrowed' it.
Sam's hatred of '70s fashion already. And he apparently doesn't like English Lit?
was the white forelock in the last episode? I don't think so?
I forgot young Donna was played by Teri Hatcher.
Not to pass judgement, but Dr. Bryant is no Tom Cruise. ;-)
Al's reaction to Jamie Lee trying to seduce Sam is PRICELESS. No wonder we headcanon him as a voyeur. (And Dean was obviously having a FIELD day.)
"Have a cup of tea." - so he likes tea this early, huh.
"You better watch it, Sam, or you're gonna end up marrying her, too!" with the 'too' emphasized does imply Sam is currently is or was married. Huh.
"Donna Eleese is here." / "That's not funny, Sam." ALL ABOARD FOR THE SAM/AL EXPRESS!
Daw - Al's look when Sam says "And no one's gonna stop me from taking it - not even you." And they wonder why we ship it?
First mention of Weitzman. That putz. "He's got a Lincoln fixation." - forgot about that. ;-)
"He wants you declared non-compos mentis." - quite a few stories where that happens, I know. (Hell, I've got a WIP where that happens.)
"Oh my God - it IS her." - canon that Al does not like Donna. At least in THIS timeline. ;-)
Huh - "when we first met, she'd just left the Starbright Project." - reads like Sam wasn't involved with Starbright. (Later: how could she know it was you when she doesn't meet you for twelve years?" - that puts their meeting at 1984. I have it as '83 in my Traditions universe - good guess!)
Sam: "I didn't show up for the wedding." I want to say I read a story (or wanted to write a story) where that's the REAL truth. ;-)
"Shove that up your gauge circuit, Ziggy." - has to be one of the most creative computer/non-computer insults I've heard.
"Isn't Jamie Lee in your thoughts night and day?" / "Yeah, except at wrestling practice." - I. Can't. stop. laughing.
"That's mush. I can't talk mush." Oh, you and Al would get along SWIMMINGLY.
Sam lighting a pipe … the hell?
No 'oh boy' in the leap in, but there IS one.
"But you promised to be Lancelot next." / "NEXT?" Meanwhile, Al's checking out all the fun.
"Sam: there's all kinds of kinky stuff in here. There's leather stuff, there's a Roman toga, there's RUBBER stuff in here." / "Oh, my God. SAM: you GOTTA see THIS." I feel much better having Al play with kinky stuff in my 'they're having sex but each thinks the other is less into it than they are' story. ;-)
"He wanted to defend my honor.' / "Uh - define 'honor'." Al Calavicci: I love you.
"But he's so stiff!" Al starts to say something and Sam just holds up a finger to stop him. They work SO WELL together already!
"If some woman stood me up at the altar, it'd be adios amigos. Actually, I wish a couple of them had." - woo hoo: we have multiple wives now.
"Don't give me that sick puppy look." "Stop it." "I'll never scratch you behind the ears again, now stop it." - kinky, Al. Kinky.
I wonder if that's a real math problem on the chalkboard. I was good at math (until Calculus), but it's all been 'deleted from the memory palace'.
Ah - Al being monitored in the Imaging Chamber. (Well, Ziggy is 'scanning my side of the conversation' he says later. Which - no wonder he doesn't like Ziggy.) But Sam can't be seen/heard. That's where I got the idea of having Tina say "You do remember we can overhear what you say in the Imaging Chamber, yes?" in my OSHA Al story.
Oh - Al's already wearing his Annapolis ring in this episode. (What - Bellisaro has a character in the NAVY? Say it ain't SO!)
Al is trying SO HARD to get the point across to Sam about the hieroglyphics sash.
Ooh - Sam does punch back, but no flying noodle kick yet. AND HE HURTS HIS FIST DOING IT! LOL
I forgot how FUNNY this show was.
"You slept with his wife?" / "I would never do anything so unscrupulous as that. Unless it was BARTLETT'S wife." Al Calavicci, I STILL love you.
"You know Tina?" / "Yeah." - goes against the lady Al 'picked up' in the pilot being Tina, unless there are two Tinas. (Or, as I remember some people surmising, Tina and Al were 'playing a game'.)
"Al, no offense, but this time I'm going to make Ziggy my best man." - huh: thought it was fanon that Al was his best man.
ADR on Al's "if you pull this off, she could marry this other jerk first." - makes me wonder what he ORIGINALLY said.
"You really ARE romantic." - I want to say I read a fanfic where Donna ends up marrying Dr. Bryant because of this.
and first 'kiss with history' with it being the Watergate Hotel
"You seemed pretty pleased with yourself." He sounds so SAD. Oh, AL - my poor BABY.
"The Republicans would love you." - Yay - it's canon that Al's a Democrat!
Final thoughts: for a second episode (well, YOU know what I mean), this is a pretty strong contender. Dean and Scott's chemistry is already through the roof, and it only gets better from here. Their characters are already pretty solid, which is rare in a first season. The plot is ... well, a typical Bellisario plot (Donna just needs a hug to forgive her father? Really?), but for the late '80s isn't bad.
I liked it.
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queenwolf · 8 months
❝ Fear could make a believer of anybody. ❞
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ—ㅤA STUDY IN DROWNING. (accepting!)
Dr.    Scott  McCall  manages  to  exude  all  the  warmth  of  a  summer  day  in  both  scrubs  and  a  white  lab  coat,    even  somehow  a  sharp  contrast  to  the  cold  outside.    The  cat  he  is  trying  to  coax  into  complacency  in  its  crate  on  the  floor  of  his  office  is  none  too  pleased  with  the  setting  and  Allison  is  amused  beyond  reason  that  there  is  an  animal  alive  distrusting  of  Scott.    He  is  valiant  in  his  patience,    but  the  cat  isn’t  having  it  yet.
Allison  leans  against  the  reception  counter  beside  @jokethur.    The  receptionist,    Katie,    is  on  her  lunch,    so  it’s  lucky  that  Scott  was  expecting  his  own  delivery  from  Allison  and  met  them  in  the  front.    She’s  still  got  the  takeaway  bag  tucked  beneath  her  arm  to  shield  from  the  puddles  outside;    her  over  -  the  -  knee  Weitzman  boots  are  splattered  with  mud,    but  at  least  the  food  is  safe.    Scott  had  flashed  moon  -  grateful  eyes  at  her  as  soon  as  the  door  had  opened  and  hadn’t  lost  that  expression  even  now  that  he  crouches  down  to  speak  softly  to  his  unimpressed  patient.
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❝    Talking  about  him?    ❞  Allison  inclines  her  head  toward  the  very  unhappy  cat  on  the  ground.    She’s  smiling,    genuine  and  comfortable  without  unwelcome  eyes  on  her.    Outside,    she  and  Joker  had  probably  gathered  a  crowd.    In  here,    at  least  there’s  the  facade  of  safety.    Allison  knocks  her  elbow  against  Joker’s  next  to  her.    ❝    Or  you?    ❞
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span-arch · 2 years
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AI and Architecture Workshop at ACADIA 2022 - only three seats left! Do you want to learn how to use Midjourney, Dall-E 2, and Stable Diffusion as design tools for architecture? Do you want to learn how to successfully turn those amazing images into 3D models? Join our workshop at the upcoming ACADIA conference and learn from AI in Architecture pioneers Dr. Matias del Campo (Taubman - UoM) and Dr. Sandra Manninger (NYIT) Get one of the last seats available for this workshop here - Workshop 5: (link in bio) More info: We are pleased to introduce the #ACADIA2022 workshop "Diffusion: Architecture, Artificial Intelligence & Synthetic Imaginations" taught by Dr. Matias del Campo and Dr. Sandra Manninger (Michigan / SCI-Arc / Weitzman, @matiasdel.campo). ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world.’ The famous quote by Ludwig Wittgenstein has gained an entirely new meaning in the emerging context of natural language text-to-image applications driven by artificial intelligence algorithms. Applications such as Midjourney, Disco Diffusion, and Stable Diffusion are spreading like wildfire in the architecture community. Two specific results can be observed in the Cambrian explosion of a novel design tool. On the one side, the generation of thousands of astonishing images in a very short period of time; on the other, the emergence of critical interrogation of architecture theory in the face of a posthuman design method. The workshop takes on the challenge of exploring this new design method, using diffusion models as a starting point. The premise for the project is the design of a series of interconnected pixel images elaborating aspects of elevation, plan, perspective, and atmosphere of a house – components of a mood board. [...] The focus of the discursive component of the workshop is on the immense contribution of the method to the architecture discipline in terms of its transformative power in practice and theory. Students will learn how to use diffusion models, how to strategize methods to convert the resulting images into 3D models, how to perform a critical forensic examination of the results, (at University of Pennsylvania School of Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjwEYF9s6S4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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williamwardsandiego · 3 months
San Diego Humane Society Taps Community to Alleviate Shelter Crisis
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The San Diego Humane Society has provided crucial support to local animal shelter organizations. In a May 2024 press release, the Society reached out to the community, asking members to help alleviate shelter overcrowding. The Society's call for help on Adopt a Shelter Pet Day offered tangible ways for the community to stem the overcrowding.
In San Diego, 11 organizations committed to zero euthanasia for healthy animals or those that could receive treatment. Humane Society president and CEO Dr. Gary Weitzman stated that summer has become the busiest season for animal shelters, making the need for community support even more pressing.
Since 2022, the Humane Society of San Diego has seen the number of animals entering its shelter increase incrementally. On average, the organization took care of 494 dogs daily, a record high in 2022. In 2023, the number rose to 540, but in 2024, the number exploded to 632 dogs daily. The Humane Society reports that only 65 percent of the owners retrieve their pets.
Pet owners face several challenges, which have led to the increased numbers, such as unplanned litters or owning too many animals. Some pet owners drop their animals off at the shelter when they move and cannot keep their pets at the new residence.
House Rabbit Society Executive Director Jennifer Lee stated that their rescue and rabbit shelters are full. The overwhelming numbers have forced the organization to turn away many animals because of the lack of shelter space and foster homes. Many rabbits in the organization's care require vaccinations, spaying, or neutering, which requires funding.
Dorell Sackett, the Spay-Neuter Action Project of San Diego executive director of operations, pointed out that two dogs and their offspring can produce 60,000 dogs in six years without spaying or neutering. The number doubles for cats. Feral Cat Coalition president and East County Animal Rescue vice president Amber Millen stated that local shelters and rescue centers receive several kittens during the spring breeding season, stretching local resources. Therefore, cat owners can help stabilize the cat population by spaying and neutering them.
Moreover, community members can help by adopting or fostering animals. The Humane Society reports that shelters house animals other than cats and dogs. For example, shelters also house kittens, puppies, rabbits, and guinea pigs, which can bring joy and companionship to any home.
Fostering a pet gives an animal temporary shelter in a home and significantly alleviates overcrowding. Frosted Faces Foundation co-founder Andrew Smisek stated that pet fostering is vital to reducing shelter overcrowding. When one animal leaves a kennel, space becomes available for another, perhaps saving its life.
Suzy Clayton, Intake2Placement program coordinator at the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services, urged the public to help. A third of the animals remain in the shelter for 30 days or more, with some staying more than a year.
Deputy Director of Animal Services at Chula Vista Animal Services Ashley Milo urged the public to help, stating the need is greater than they could have imagined. In her words, “We are sounding the alarm. We need our community's help now more than ever—whether it is adopting or fostering, volunteering or donating.”
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petnews2day · 6 months
Watch Shelter Dogs 'Fully Relax' in Soundproof Kennels
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/OxrHf
Watch Shelter Dogs 'Fully Relax' in Soundproof Kennels
A video of a serene scene rarely witnessed in animal shelters has gone viral on Instagram. Racking up 9.8 million views, the heartwarming footage shared to @sdhumanesociety shows dogs peacefully sleeping in soundproof kennels. Dr. Gary Weitzman, president and CEO of the San Diego Humane Society, spoke to Newsweek about the innovation that has enhanced […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/OxrHf #DogNews #AnimalShelter, #Dogs, #Instagram, #Video, #Viral, #ViralVideo
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔What pathogens were found amongst dogs at the San Diego Humane Society? #SanDiegoHumaneSociety #PathogenOutbrea...
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offtherackbyat · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Stuart Weitzman Partna Sculpted Wedge Slide Pump Sandal Booties.
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oldmke · 1 year
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Many billions of hamburgers ago, on June 29, 1957, Milwaukee’s first and Wisconsin’s second McDonald’s restaurant opened on W. Appleton Ave., a half block south of Capitol Dr. Honors for the state’s first McDonalds’s went to Racine. Peter Weitzman, owner of the Milwaukee franchise, opened six more Golden Arches before selling them back to the parent corporation. This photo, taken in 1957, shows the original structure, built as a drive-in. Later additions included an enclosed front and then a changeover to a sitdown restaurant. This McDonald’s recently was replaced by a unit on Appleton north of Capitol. Information and photo courtesy Marc Korman. “Remember When” is prepared by the Milwaukee Public Library with resources from the local history collection.
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flawlessend · 1 year
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My Shoe Collection – ft. Stuart Weitzman, Dr. Martens, Vans & More! https://flawlessend.com/my-shoe-collection-ft-stuart-weitzman-dr-martens-vans-more/
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme De Médico e Louco Todo Mundo Tem Um Pouco Online fácil
Assistir Filme De Médico e Louco Todo Mundo Tem Um Pouco Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/de-medico-e-louco-todo-mundo-tem-um-pouco/
De Médico e Louco Todo Mundo Tem Um Pouco - Filmes Online Fácil
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Quatro pacientes do hospital psiquiátrico de New Jersey saem para um passeio no campo em companhia do Dr. Weitzman, apesar dos protestos de outros médicos. Eles viajam num furgão para o Yankee Stadium. Quando passam por Manhattan, um dos pacientes pede ao médico que dê uma parada. Quando ele volta ao furgão percebe que o médico desapareceu. Os quatro saem à procura do médico pelas ruas de Nova Iorque.
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utopia21 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COACH Shearling Puffer Chunky Snow Boots * Size: 7B NEW Authentic Designer.
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