#dr doctor mcd
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Father son bonding be like
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noble-guards · 2 years
Mcd Minor Character Tournament R.2
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after hearing whispers that the head guard and guard in training have been gone for too long and haven’t reported back, the lord found the head guard bleeding out and the guard in training nowhere in sight, and I have been recruited to help keep this man alive since I “can actually talk and stuff” (???). So while the lord is out on her shitty boat trying to find some magic herb to heal this dying man, he still. like. he still won’t take off his helmet.
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dryya-doesnt · 2 months
Color practice with mcd garmau…I have an illness I need a doctor I’m insane still after 9 years….
Drew these during my rewatch of MCD I’m on S2 Ep. 66 as this is written.
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Now here’s where my thoughts on the series come in (feel free to ignore I’m just yapping):
I have this hc that Garmau is endgame in mcd as he’s been there for her as a friend and loyal guard. He’s been there to support her from the beginning, and despite his betrayal and immature actions, he learns to grow from it. Aphmau, post-Aaron death, can learn to open her heart to him once she forgives Aaron for leaving her. I like to think that Garroth puts his feelings aside for the umpteenth time to be there for Aphmau while she grieves and helps her raise Lilith and Alina. I think it’d be too tragic for Aphmau to never love again after her first relationship.
Tl;dr Aphmau learns to love again after Garroth supports her through her grief after Aaron’s death. She appreciates his companionship and opens up her heart again.
(Don’t get me wrong I love aarmau as much as the next person but for me in diaries garmau makes a lot of sense…and aarmau in mystreet is mcd aphmau’s second chance to be happy with aaron)
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xerith-42 · 8 months
Some things we may have forgotten
I've been rewatching MCD and taking extensive notes on it in hopes that I'll never have to watch it again and this is just a list of things that I don't see mentioned or brought up very often/ever that we should talk about and think about more
In the first episode Garroth tries to attack Vylad (angst potential) and Vylad literally just combat locks him by logging out of the game. This is objectively funny and should not be rewritten in any capacity. This should be canon as it is in every universe.
Aphmau's cat Meowki gets randomly killed in Episode 12 by a skeleton while Kiki is right upstairs. Just saying, there's some angst potential there.
In episode 11 Garroth reveals that he knows some medicine. Pretty sure this is never brought up again, but we could always bring it up.
Logan is apparently good with a bow while Zenix is trash at it despite being a self proclaimed "expert archer" which I think is very funny (I know this is part of Zenix's cover but what if we took it seriously it would be so funny)
Zoey is originally from the river village, as is Donna. Pretty sure they retcon that for Zoey, but I like to think the two of them could have been friends before Phoenix Drop.
Garroth actually almost dies in episode 15. Like Dr. Doctor says he will probably die soon at the start of the episode. And he doesn't get healed until episode 20. He literally spends 5 episodes laid up in bed dying.
Brendan's at his side probably angsting the entire time I'm just saying if you want sad gay fanfics, it's sitting right there!
Azura and Garroth were friends as kids??? Hello???? I think this is just a massive plot hole considering what Garroth's actual backstory ends up being asjfgshjdfgjk
Okay but if we twist it a little bit, they were friends as kids as in like at the guard academy??? Bc they're like vaguely teenage/young adult so maybe that's what she means? In which case I wanna think about that more because childhood friends to lovers is one of my favorite romance arcs ever. But is it really childhood friends if you met when you were like... 18?? And you're in your like mid to late twenties probably, I wouldn't really classify that as childhood friends.
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I don't... I don't even have a joke here, this is just a massive plot hole. Like all of this is just not true to Garroth's backstory as we know it. Grew up in the same village? You mean O'Khasis?? Where Garroth also FAKED HIS DEATH????
I literally don't know what to say to this I was just trying to find silly little facts to try and incorporate into my rewrite and instead I found a massive gaping plot hole
Moving on, in episode 19 when Aphmau confronts Zenix and they fight, he actually apologizes to her. As if he regrets having to hurt her for the sake of his/the Shadow King's goals.
The Lord of Brightport says the Shadow King "used to be a lord". Which like... Okay, I can bend backwards a few ways to say that he could be referring to how Shad started Falcon Claw, but how the fuck does this dude know that??? I feel like Laurance constantly just stumbling into plot holes by complete accident
Dale is apparently a Garmau shipper, going as far as to ask Aphmau if she plans on hooking up with Garroth. I like to think that he and Molly have a bet going for how long it takes for one of the two of them to finally fess up.
Raven's mom tried to eat him??
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Okay then.
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goat-guy-tm · 5 months
[Me and mt friend watching the 'Save Lord Burt' arc of MCD, in near complete silence as she's working and I'm writing notes.]
Me:...."You think Dr. Doctor and Lord Burt have explored each other's bodys?"
My Friend: ".....I'm sorry? Do you want to repeat that?!"
Me: "no, I don't."
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dogsarethebest312 · 7 months
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It Started With the Wedding
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Eleventh Doctor/Rose Tyler, Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Eleventh Doctor/River Song (one-sided)
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Rose Tyler, River Song, Rory Williams, Amy Pond
Warnings: MCD, graphic depictions of violence, murder, stabbing, mental instability
Dr John Williams had a life he loved. A great job, amazing family and friends, and — most importantly — a fiancée he absolutely adored.
Then River Song came into his life and ruined everything.
@killacharacterbingo: Stabbing
@doctorrosebingo: Unrequited
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helena-bug · 1 year
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Back on my Minecraft Diaries BS ✨
For my birthday, the bestie @thefallenangelsgang and I, ranked (almost) every MCD character! Crazy Cat Lady and Dr. Doctor were add-ins that rank above Lillian but before Amber and Boss in C tier
I do have a full 4 hour video, we were idiots thinking that this would be a quick little fun thing. The conversations we had and the time we spent per character were insane lmao I hope to have that video out soon!
Open to criticism but to us this list just makes sense 👏
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zvahl · 1 year
MCD Characters Ranked By Thumbnail Appearances
why did I do this? who knows. Anyways have this silly little list I made ^-^
Aphmau: 49 (s1 - 16 / s2 - 18 / s3 - 15)
Garroth: 16 (s1 - 7 / s2 - 6 / s3 - 3)
Laurance: 11 (s1 - 6 / s2 - 5)
Katelyn: 9 (s1 - 2 / s2 - 6 / s3 - 1)
Dante: 8 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 3 / s3 - 2)
Aaron: 7 (s1 - 2 / s2 - 4 / s3 - 1)
Levin: 7 (s1 - 5 / s2 - 2)
Lucinda: 7 (s1 - 2 / s2 - 4 / s3 - 1)
Travis: 7 (s2 - 4 / s3 - 3)
Naoko: 5 (s2 - 4 / s3 - 1)
Shad: 5 (s2 - 1 / s3 - 4)
Alexis: 4 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 1)
Brendan: 4 (s1 - 4)
Cadenza: 4 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 1)
Castor: 4 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 1)
Kiki: 4 (s1 - 2 / s2 - 2)
Lilith: 4 (s2 - 3 / s3 - 1)
Nana: 4 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 1)
Sasha: 4 (s1 - 3 / s2 - 1)
Vylad: 4 (s1 - 1 / s2 - 3)
Zane: 4 (s1 - 2 / s3 - 2)
Zoey: 4 (s1 - 1 / s2 - 2 / s3 - 1)
Chad: 3 (s2 - 3)
Dmitri: 3 (s2 - 3)
Emmalyn: 3 (s2 - 2 / s3 - 1)
Ivy: 3 (s2 - 3)
Leona: 3 (s1 - 1 / s2 - 2)
Lo: 3 (s3 - 3)
Malachi: 3 (s1 - 1 / s2 - 2)
Nicole: 3 (s1 - 2 / s2 - 1)
Alina: 2 (s3 - 2)
Boss: 2 (s2 - 2)
Donna: 2 (s1 - 2)
Gene: 2 (s3 - 2)
Hailey: 2 (s2 - 1 / s3 - 1)
Hyria: 2 (s2 - 1 / s3 - 1)
Irene: 2 (s2 - 1 / s3 - 1)
Kenmur: 2 (s2 - 2)
Molly: 2 (s1 - 2)
Urla (Crazy Cat Lady): 2 (s1 - 2)
Zenix: 2 (s1 - 2)
Abby: 1 (s2 - 1)
Amber: 1 (s2 - 1)
Azura: 1 (s1 - 1)
Barrett (Neapolitan Guard): 1 (s1 - 1)
Bigglesworth: 1 (s1 - 1)
Bodolf: 1 (s1 - 1)
Demon Warlock: 1 (s2 - 1)
Dr. Bees: 1 (s1 - 1)
Dr. Doctor: 1 (s1 - 1)
Enki: 1 (s2 - 1)
Esmund: 1 (s2 - 1)
Fenrir: 1 (s2 - 1)
Isabell: 1 (s2 - 1)
Janus: 1 (s2 - 1)
Jeffory: 1 (s1 - 1)
John: 1 (s2 - 1)
Kiva: 1 (s1 - 1)
Lillian: 1 (s1 - 1)
Logan: 1 (s1 - 1)
Lord Burt: 1 (s1 - 1)
Lord Luke: 1 (s1 - 1)
Matilda: 1 (s1 - 1)
Meowki: 1 (s1 - 1)
Michi: 1 (s2 - 1)
Mikai: 1 (s2 - 1)
Neapolitan Blacksmith: 1 (s1 - 1)
Raven: 1 (s2 - 1)
Sean Connery: 1 (s1 - 1)
Thorgi: 1 (s1 - 1)
Yip: 1 (s2 - 1)
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Ru’aun is the Florida of the MCD regions
Tu’La? Gal’Ruk? Every other region? Pretty chill. Occasional war or religious dictator, but everyone gets one eventually.
Ru’Aun? Oh yeah no like 50 wars at once that wouldn’t have happened if a dude was born with blue eyes. Santa, apparently. Shad. Aphmau being a menace. Cat island and Urla. The chicken Shaman. Mr Bees. Dr Doctor. And you know that Zenix and Garroth are the human equivalents to that guy (Garroth, in this situation) that was illegally feeding an alligator (Zenix) and cried ‘he’s a good boy, he likes bagels’ when he got arrested for it.
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noble-guards · 2 years
Mcd Minor Character Tournament
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captain-lonagan · 3 months
MCD Rewatch S1 E44: Zoey's Story
Do you need to watch this? 2%
Is it fun to watch? 2%
Summary: Laurance is suddenly not here I guess? Aphmau lassos Levin (lmao) and runs to the guards, who have rushed to the scene after hearing her scream. Aphmau returns home with her kid, where a doctor says that Levin "walking" to Laurance at the end of last episode was likely him being magically levitated since his baby legs can't walk yet. Aphmau spends the rest of the episode building an extremely dangerous playground with cliffs on 3/4 sides and no railings. She sees a ghost or shade of Sasha in Sasha's old house and tells nobody about this.
Personal Notes:
Levin in lasso
Laurance is gone, Aphmau grabbed Levin and ran. guards on the scene after they heard Aphmau scream
new doctor NPC Dr. Doctor, says Levin was enchanted to walk to Laurance since his baby legs can't walk on their own
Levin is fine, doctor recommends making a safer outdoor playspace
Zoey was a wife and mother who got banished (for stupid reasons) and didn't have her banishment lifted (her husband got a government job) until her kid was all grown up. she missed his entire childhood and they were never really able to reconnect emotionally
"Crazy start to this episode" JESS???
guards have a Guard Academy they can call for reinforcements for. where tf is this academy who is the leadership WHAT THE FUCK IS A GUARD IN THIS WORLD??
playground building
procrastinating building + insane ramblings
What Remains Of Edith Finch child-death-off-a-cliff ass swing placement jesus christ
Jess' filler word instead of "um" is "anyway!" and its getting frustrating because it sounds like she's course correcting her ramblings to something important but she isn't. she goes "ANYWAY" and continues talking about the same thing. she does this multiple times per minute
end playground result isn't exactly ugly, just extremely dangerous
Logan is sick
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 years
Hey Proxima, did you ever jumpscare anyone as a kid? Because once when I was 11 I had an appointment with my family doctor, to keep him anonymous let's just call him Dr. McD, I had an appointment I don't remember what it was for, and I decided to hide behind the door and jumpscare him, and he screamed so loud that the entire hospital heard! 😂 I swear that man doesn't get paid enough for me to be his patient!
PROXIMA: Not really. I was too shy to do that when I was little, and I guess I became more serious. (Thinks for a moment). Though sisters do play a prank on each other, and Arkayna is like my sister, so maybe I can try jump-scaring her.
Proxima gets Piper's help to do the jumpscare, as she never pranked anyone before. It failed, as Piper ends up giggling, so Arkayna realizes someone's there. They all laugh, and Proxima says that maybe Zarya would have been better to help.
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bajaj-eye-care-centre · 5 months
Unlocking Vision: Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, Leading Eye Specialist in Delhi
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In the bustling city of Delhi, where every corner tells a story, one name stands out in the realm of eye care — Dr. Rajiv Bajaj. With a blend of expertise, compassion, and cutting-edge technology, an Eye Specialist in Delhi Dr. Bajaj has become synonymous with excellence in ophthalmology, catering to the visual needs of countless individuals.
Bajaj Eye Care Centre is a speciality hospital providing high-tech quality eye care services, Established in 1996. Bajaj Eye Care Centre is NABH accredited which is the highest Indian accreditation standard to provide quality health care services. It is registered with Directorate of Health Care Services, Delhi. It is also empaneled with various Governmental, Non-Governmental & Public Sector organizations like CGHS, DGEHS, NDMC, MCD, DJB, Delhi University etc. It is also a part of GIPSA group of Insurance Companies to provide cashless Mediclaim Treatment.
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned Ophthalmologist practising in Pitampura area of Delhi. He is the founder of Bajaj Eye Care Centre, a centre equipped with ultra modern facilities that provides solutions to a wide range of eye ailments. The centre known for its professional excellence is present on the panel of leading insurance companies, Govt. Organizations and majority of TPA’s for Cashless Mediclaim Facilities. Dr. Bajaj is an MBBS graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi. He further pursued post graduation MS in Ophthalmology from Delhi University.
A Beacon of Expertise
At the heart of Dr. Bajaj’s practice lies a commitment to restoring and enhancing vision. With years of experience under his belt, he has mastered the art of diagnosing and treating a myriad of eye conditions. From common refractive errors to complex issues like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, Dr. Bajaj’s expertise spans across the spectrum of ophthalmic care.
Precision in Practice
Dr. Bajaj’s approach to patient care is marked by precision and personalized attention. Each patient is not just a case but a unique individual with distinct needs and concerns. Through comprehensive evaluations and in-depth consultations, Dr. Bajaj ensures that every aspect of the patient’s condition is thoroughly understood before crafting a tailored treatment plan.
Embracing Innovation
In the ever-evolving field of ophthalmology, staying abreast of the latest advancements is paramount. Dr. Bajaj is not just a practitioner but a lifelong learner, constantly seeking to integrate innovative techniques and technologies into his practice. From state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to advanced surgical procedures, patients can rest assured that they are receiving the most advanced care available.
Beyond the Clinic Walls
Dr. Bajaj’s impact extends far beyond the confines of his clinic. As a respected figure in the medical community, he is actively involved in research and education, sharing his knowledge and expertise with fellow professionals and aspiring ophthalmologists alike. Through lectures, seminars, and academic publications, Dr. Bajaj continues to shape the future of eye care in Delhi and beyond.
A Trusted Partner in Vision
For those seeking reliable and compassionate eye care in Delhi, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is more than a doctor; he is a trusted partner in vision. With his unwavering dedication to excellence and patient-centric approach, Dr. Bajaj has earned the trust and admiration of countless individuals, helping them see the world with newfound clarity and confidence.
In the dynamic landscape of Delhi’s healthcare sector, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj shines as a beacon of hope for those grappling with eye-related issues. His unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a passion for innovation and compassion for his patients, sets him apart as a leading eye specialist in the city. With Dr. Bajaj at the helm, the future of eye care in Delhi looks brighter than ever before.
To schedule an appointment With an Eye Specialist in Delhi Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, please contact: Name: Bajaj Eye Care Centre Address: 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot №7, DDA Community Centre Road №44, Pitampura, Delhi-110034 Phone: 011–47024919 / 27012054 Website: www.bajajeyecarecentre.com
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
A doctor’s duty - Toji x reader
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Synopsys: Being forced to make decisions that don’t concern you but a loved one is never an easy task and yet that’s exactly what Toji has been asked to do...a decision concerning life and death
tags/warnings: implied Toji x reader ✅  MCD (major character death) ✅  angst ✅
A/N: this is an homage to one of my favorite series Dr. House as well as a contribution to @rintarhoes collab BUT MY FEELINGS! also this is the first time I’m writing for Toji, so I hope I did my guy justice! Please enjoy!! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
.wc 3k
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
This morning was perfect.
Toji got up earlier than his wife and even managed to sneak out of their shared bedroom, without bothering her much-needed sleep. With silent steps, he went down to the kitchen and started preparing today’s breakfast.
“You sure you don’t need help with anything?” 
The gentle voice of his beloved had caught him slightly off guard, but he smiled to himself before turning towards her.
“Yeah I’m sure, you need to take it easy and s–“
“Ok, stop right there” she interrupted and put her hand on his lips, “I’m pregnant and not in rehab for some injury, Toji. I appreciate that you’re worried about me, but you heard the doctor, right?”
“Everything’s going to be alright.” / “Everything’s going to be alright.”
Both of their eyes met and the partners couldn’t help but giggle at the way they had simultaneously quoted the woman’s gynecologist, whom they visited last week.
With a satisfied smile on his lips, the muscular man gently caressed his wife’s head and gave her forehead a gentle kiss before he shifted his concentration back to the frying pan behind him. The woman, on the other hand, grinned to herself as she watched her husband’s broad back and she unconsciously let her hand glide along the curve of her bloated belly, a slight blush staining her cheeks.
“Can you perhaps set the table?” 
The man’s sudden question caught her off guard, but she was quick to regain her composure and respond with a slight amount of sass dripping from her voice: “Oh, so I’m allowed to do this much, huh?”
A silent laugh escaped him and just as he was about to answer, the sudden noise of something breaking startled him. 
Panic overtook him as he saw his wife kneeling on the ground, hands wrapped around her belly, pain distorting her beautiful facial features.
He quickly turned the stove off and joined the woman on the floor, asking her what happened. Unfortunately, all she was able to stammer was how much it hurt and her husband’s gentle way of trying to distract her from the pain by caressing her head didn’t work.
Unsure of what to do with that little amount of information, Toji scooped her off the ground as carefully as he could and made a run for the nearest hospital in their neighborhood, leaving everything behind and unattended.
“Please, my wife needs help!” he screamed out the moment he kicked the front doors of the hospital open, startling both patients and staff alike. In a matter of seconds, the nurses had mobilized a small team to take care of the pregnant woman. A single nurse walked up to the man who’d frozen up at the sight of his wife being laid down on a stretcher and checked up.
“Sir, do you know in which month she is?” asked the young nurse in a silent voice. Her question earned her a fierce glare from the man as well as the information that she was nearing the end of her ninth month. After a short pause, his counterpart nodded silently and turned to her colleagues, murmuring something.
“I-Is she going to be alright?”
Without paying any attention to his question the hospital staff discussed something amongst each other in a silent voice. Acting as if he wasn’t there made Toji mad, but withholding information on his wife’s well-being pissed him off even more.
“Hey!” he screamed out as he took a hold of the young woman’s shoulder and forcefully turned her around so that she was facing him. “I asked you a damn question! Is my wife going to be alright?! What even is wrong with her?! Talk to me!”
His pleas fell on deaf ears and the nurse wasn’t making it any better by remaining silent and spitting out one order after the other to her colleagues, who soon after nodded and as ordered, took the pregnant woman to one of the many rooms in the hospital.
“Wait! Where are you taking her?!”
The despair of not getting his questions answered made his voice tremble out of both anger and sadness, but he remained persistent and continued firing one question after the other at the slightly scared nurse who repeatedly requested for him to calm himself down. 
Meanwhile, your pager had gone off, the shrilling notification tone hurting your ears and prompting you to quickly take a glance at the small screen which displayed the most important info for your next case. 
Pregnant woman • nearing end of ninth month • abdominal pain • X-Ray advised
You frowned and downed the last few drops of warm beverage you had in your cup before getting up and quickly walking in the direction of the lobby.
As soon as you’d arrived a shocking sight awaited you. A man, whom you assumed to be a relative of the woman, was screaming at one of the nurses under your tutelage. You were quick to react and get in between, placing your hands on both of their shoulders, squeezing them tightly, and gently pushing them back in order to create some distance.
“Sir, I need you to calm yourself down, this is a hospital and your behavior is disturbing and frightening other visitors as well as our staff.”
“Listen, I wouldn’t be that loud if you just told me what was wrong with my wife and where the hell you took her!”
With a sigh, you shot a glare at the nurse next to you, a mute request for her to leave the two of you alone and take care of her work. The moment she was gone you turned your attention back to the man before you whose eyes looked down at you, a small spark of hope in his eyes.
“We know good to nothing about her momentary situation, so we need to make a few examinations to be fully certain…but please rest assured, thanks to the nurse’s quick response we’ll have an answer for you ready in under an hour.”
The way you reassured him with your choice of words and firm tone managed to calm him down enough so that he stopped screaming, but it wasn't nearly enough to prevent him from freeing himself of your grip and leaving the hospital. You shook your head slightly and quickly made your way to your assigned patient, but before that, you made sure to ask the nurse from earlier to stay behind after she finished her shift.
Minutes passed, but for Toji it felt like hours in which he did nothing but pace around nervously, waiting for any type of news on his wife’s situation. Out of sympathy and worry for him, many nurses tried to strike up conversations with the man, one male nurse even went as far as to offer him a cup of coffee, but unfortunately for this ticking time bomb none of these pleasantries were of use. He chased them all away, shouting that they shouldn’t concern themselves with him but instead take care of his wife and their future child.
If it weren’t for your stern way of calling out to him he probably would’ve slapped the paper cup right out of the young man’s hands. When the two of you stood face to face he immediately enquired you about his woman’s condition.
“Am I right to assume that you’re the husband and the father?” you asked in a serious tone, your question shaking him up and shutting him up for a moment, which you used to your advantage and started talking: “Sir, it’d be best for us to take a seat– and no before you once again yell at me I will tell you everything under the condition that the two of us are sitting on that bench, got it?”
He bit his lip in frustration and did as told, you followed not soon after. Just having you sit down next to him and take a deep breath made him tense up, to not keep him in suspense any longer you finally began sharing your findings. 
“What I am about to tell you won’t be easy to digest, but I need you to bear with me and listen closely, alright?”
He nodded firmly as a signal of understanding.
“Since your wife is close to her final weeks it wasn’t surprising for her to have abdominal pains or the feeling of going into labor, usually it’s just the body’s reaction that prepares her for the faithful day, but in your wife’s case it’s different.”
“How so? What is wrong with her?”
You glanced at him, closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and resumed: “It seems like your child is ready to see the daylight, but on the contrary, your wife…or better said, your wife’s body isn’t prepared to take that step yet.”
His eyes were peering right at you, giving you the feeling as if he could see right through your soul, and even if this wasn't the first time you had to be the bringer of bad news, it was the first one where you hesitated so much.
“I hate to break this to you, but since the patient is unconscious right now, since we had to put her to sleep to lessen her pain, her next relative will have to decide in her stead.”
You explained the procedure more thoroughly, mentioning how time-consuming it would be to call her parents, and with each passing minute which you wasted on explaining her condition, the situation for Toji’s wife got more serious.
“The decision I need you to make is one where you have to choose…between your wife’s life and your child’s.” 
There was no need for you to look at the face of the man next to you to know that what you’d just said churned him up. You wanted to elaborate further, but Toji beat you to it and asked one simple question that made you freeze up.
“W-Why?…Why are you making me do this?”
You clenched your fists so hard that your nails left a crescent shape on your soft skin and all you could do was say what you always said in these scenarios. 
“Because that’s a doctor’s duty.”
He cursed loudly and got up from his seat, turning his back towards you as he tried to calm himself down by biting his lip until he had drawn blood, a necessary gesture to prevent himself from lashing out at you or any other staff member or even object for that matter. 
“Sir I know this is a lot to take in, but we don’t have much time. I need you to make a decision fast, please!”
“H-How can I?! Do you even know what you’re asking of me?!”
“Of course I do and that’s why I apologized beforehand, so please make a decision, we’re on the clock here. Everyone in the operating room is at the ready, all we need is yo–“
“My decision, I get it, just shut up for a moment, please!” he finally snapped at you, spared you a glance, and leaned his back on the wall, head cast down in defeat. It pained you to torture him so much, not only did he have to worry about his wife’s wellbeing for an hour, but now you just barge in and ask him to decide whose life to save as if it’s the most normal thing to do. All you wanted to do was embrace him, reassure him that everything is going to be alright, but you knew that it would be nothing but pure lip service.
“If you were in my shoes…what decision would you make?” he finally asked in an unnaturally silent voice. You were just about to tell him your opinion in all of this, but hesitated and simply shook your head before answering: “I’m sorry, but I can’t…as a doctor I have to be completely neutral, objective, and not influence my patients in any way…forgive me”
The man scoffed and simply shook his head.
“I’m giving you maximal five minutes to make a decision…if you aren’t able to then I am forced to make one based on your wife’s wellbeing”
The following five minutes felt like hours to you, crucial hours, while for Toji it seemed like only a second had passed, but as he took a glance at the clock on the wall he was made painfully aware that he had only half a minute left. 
You slowly got up, your eyes finding the lonely back of the man once more as you informed him that you’d be leaving.
“Save the child.”
The sudden sound of his voice made you stop mid-step as you glanced back, hoping to see what kind of expression the man would have, but he had kept his position.
Not wanting to waste any more time you took a deep breath and nodded to yourself as you made your way back to the operation room.
“…it’s what she would’ve wanted”
With his eyes cast down the man let his fingers slide along his wife’s cheek, her usual shiny skin had lost its glow and the familiar rosy tone was slowly being replaced by a pale one. Her cheerful smile, the one he’d seen a few hours ago, was gone, and instead of it her slightly chapped and dry lips now formed a simple line, making her appear tired. 
Every single thing about her transmitted the message that she was gone. 
And yet Toji couldn’t comprehend it.
What does this mean? How is she gone? How is her life already over? She was just grinning at him, lecturing him that she was still able to help out with housework, so how…?
Your eyes were once again observing the muscular back of this man and you had to say that throughout this entire endeavor, right now his backside looked the loneliest and defeated it has ever been. 
Despite his broad frame, you could see how he was slightly hunched down above the lying body of his recently deceased wife, and yet despite that fact he still managed to maintain an aura of strength that made you wonder just how much willpower it took him not to break down entirely.
The careful voice of the nurse put an end to your daydreams and as you turned your attention to him, the first thing you saw was the baby wrapped in a blanket. He gave you a small nod, a proud smile, and then slowly handed you the small child.
You looked down at the small creature with a sad smile and proceeded to enter the room the father was in.
Thanks to the silent doors, he didn’t notice you enter, but as if the child in your hands had known, it gave a small sound forth, catching his attention in the process. Unlike before, his eyes were bloodshot and he barely managed to keep them open. His facial expression remained unchanged as he looked down at the neatly wrapped baby that you held onto.
The man before you turned his body ever so slightly towards you but didn’t extend his arms to take his son off your hands. To you, it seemed like he was uncertain of what to do next.
Should he accept the child his wife gave her life for? Is he even able to take care of it? Did he make the right decision?
That’s when you realized just how helpless he truly was. What he needed right now was someone to lend him a helping hand and show him his responsibilities. 
With that in mind, you took a small step forward, took a careful hold of his left hand, and slowly wrapped it around the small human’s body, indirectly prompting the man to hold his child.
You observed how he gently held onto the baby since he was still unfamiliar with it all, it seemed a little awkward for him to have such a small human being placed in his big calloused hands. His eyes never left the round face of his baby boy and after a short while, you noticed how a single tear rolled down his cheek. 
It didn’t take long for the other tears to follow and soon his entire face was a wet mess. His silent and pained sobs echoed throughout the cold room. The way his shoulders trembled each time he choked up, hurt your heart, and now that you were alone you intended to finally take the initiative and comfort him, but somebody else beat you to it…
In order to protect the still vulnerable child in his hands from his tears, Toji constantly wiped his face with the back of his hand, and eventually, he let his hand fall on the thick blanket of his son. That’s when he felt a featherlight touch on his pinky finger.
Both you and he watched with wide and glassy eyes as the baby wrapped its small hand around the finger of the man and very slowly opened its eyes. 
That small gesture gave Toji the rest as he once again broke out in tears and loud sobs, but this time he managed to laugh a few times, whispering multiple times how thankful he was to his wife, wishing for her to watch out for both of them.
Not wanting to intrude on this special moment you intended to leave the room, but in actuality, you wanted to get out as quickly as you could so that you yourself didn’t start crying as well. Just as you had silently announced your intention to leave and had turned your heel, a big hand took a hold of your wrist.
“You can’t leave...not now, a-and not after all of this,” the man announced with a raspy voice “no...you’re going to see this through, by my side, to the end.”
Shocked by his sudden statement, you couldn’t quite wrap your head around what he was suggesting, so all you managed to stutter out was a silent why.
“Because it’s a doctor’s duty...isn’t it?”
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
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miracles happen; ~3k words, complete summary: Smith City Veterinary is a small operation with their regular clients and not much excitement. Until Dean Carter comes in with his sad eyes and his rescue dog, Miracle. The vet techs are all more than a little in love with him but it's clear that there's something haunting Dean. warnings/tags: temporary MCD, outsiders POV, dean keeps miracle, dean is a dog dad, grieving dean, widow!dean, angst with a happy ending, spoilers for 15.19 Inherit the Earth, post-episode, fluffy nonsense in general
Preview: Mary slipped out from the exam room maybe twenty minutes later and relayed to us that the dog wasn’t chipped or registered in any way that we could detect, so it looked like Dean would be keeping it, and we would have another regular client on our hands.
As Mary put in his information, we all read over her shoulder, eager for the gossip of someone new and handsome. Dean Carter was 41, which was older than any of us would have assumed, and gave an address just outside of Lebanon (“I didn’t know people still lived out that way,” Jessica had commented with a wrinkled nose.). The dog, which turned out to be a female actually, was named Miracle. 
Mary Catherine gave us all the biggest eyes when she told us about the look on Dean’s face when he gave the name. “First time I saw him smile,” she said solemnly, like she was recounting prophecy about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
His emergency contact was Sam Carter, his brother, and Mary said he had made a joke about the other man when she guessed that Miracle was some type of collie/sheepdog mutt: “Sammy’s part sheepdog so you’ll fit right in,” he had said, clearly talking directly to Miracle and not Mary.
Dr. Meyer’s notes indicated a normal preliminary check-up -- Miracle seemed to be in good general health and wasn’t pregnant. He took some blood, did some tests, and within another twenty minutes, Dean was at the front desk again, making a follow-up appointment for immunizations and to find out whether or not Miracle still needed to get spayed.
He seemed distraught about that last part. Amanda was at the desk then, scheduling his appointment and he had asked, eyes bright and earnest, “Does it hurt? I mean the — When they get spayed, will it hurt her?”
Amanda, fresh off break-up number five of the year, all but melted. “Oh no, honey, not at all. They go completely under so your little sweetie won’t feel a thing.”
Dean had nodded at that, swallowing and peering down at his dog for a long moment.
“Besides,” Amanda said, “Dr. Meyer doesn’t think that she’s ever had puppies and, at her age, that means she’s probably already been spayed.”
Dean just nodded again, eyes shaded, and thanked her for her help.
Later that week, Amanda claimed that she needed to switch shifts with someone because she had to take her mother to the doctor on Wednesday but we’re all pretty sure she just wanted to be at work on Friday, when Dean was scheduled to come back with Miracle.
Read on Ao3
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