#dqd is deliberating quirk disorder
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Reddit Style Fic: I got revenge on my long term bully and I feel pretty great about it.
 I, 16M, have been bullied since I was a toddler by the son of my mom’s best friend (same age and we’ll call him Pomeranian cause he looks like it). I have oddly vivid memories of him giving me a horrible nickname and then utterly mocking me due to a Quirkless diagnosis. (I was later found to be a False Negative). He was cruel to me and would use his Quirk on me. He would also bully others, something I’d try to stop. He eventually did when he figured out the teachers didn’t like him hurting them though I was fair game. 
 I was really oblivious to the fact he was a bully because our parents would hang out often and make us play nice. I honestly took these as signs he was my friend because his mom was watching and he couldn’t burn me or destroy my things. 
 Fast forward to me at age 13 and I ended up making an online friend who was really cool. We talked a lot and eventually, with permission, arranged for us to meet up publically. My mom came with me, and his mom did too. I’ll call my friend Speedy. He was also being bullied at the time due to his family being rich and having a hero legacy but he was really… rigid. He got tormented a lot. It was through him I realized what Pomeranian was doing was wrong, and I stopped trying to be his friend at all. You’d think he’d like it but noooo he was upset I was ignoring him.
 Our parents were upset to because I stopped trying during our meetings. At least our moms. His dad did not care and told his wife off when she tried forcing us to talk. But it got progressively more awkward as they kept forcing these get together. Mom would complain at me and I just said I was done trying to be friends with someone who hated me. She hated that and the cycle would begin again.
 Now I don’t want to paint her as a bad mom: she’s the best. Kind and generous and helpful. She’s gone to bat for me before. It’s just this one giant blind spot she has because she is so… obsessed with us being friends. 
 Anyway, fast forward a bit more, I finally get my Quirk and get into a hero school. Speedy did too and, unknown to me, used the connections his family had to arrange a meeting with the principal and first-year teachers to explain what was going on with Pomeranian and me. I don’t know how this was done, but he managed it, even bringing me with him to said meeting. (Speedy is very particular and extreme, so honestly, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised). I explained everything and that I’d prefer to be separated because it’s my word against his and blah-blah. They agreed to keep us separate.
 However unknown to me my mother had sent in a request to have us in the same class. When the teachers found it they reached out to me to ask. I told them no please don’t. I did not talk to my mom. Instead I just went on with life.
 The first day back from school she asked me about it and brought up Pomeranian. I said he wasn’t in my class and I was happy cause I didn’t like him. She acted offended and asked why. I said because he treated me badly and she should know this given how many times my clothes were burned. Mom got huffy and said until I could prove to her he was a bad friend she would keep making us meet. She then said Speedy had to be at fault and she didn’t like him as my friend.
 I got angry and as soon as I could went to the computer. The idiots in my old school had video taped a lot of the bullying in and posted it, though never with tags and always without Pomeranian in the camera. Except his Quirk was always visible and if you know him it’s obvious. I gather three hours worth of evidence but needed more. So with help from Speedy and a new friend in our class I confronted Pomeranian and demanded to know why he wasn’t fighting our parents. He hated me.
 “You’re a worthless bug who should have taken my advice and jumped off a roof.” Where his words, mocking me no one would believe me. “And your mom likes me better anyway you freak.” More curses and insults, and then we left. With a. Recording of the convo. I added it to the evidence and planned to show it to my mom when I got home. But I ended up called to the principal’s office where my mom, the Pomeranian and his parents and our homeroom teachers were waiting. Mom demanded we be put together since we were friends and claimed Speedy was manipulating me. Pomeranian’s mom nodded along while his dad looked done.
 I then revealed I had the evidence mom wanted. She got mad and demanded I show it. In front of everyone. So I did. Each incident of bullying, burning my belongings, the insults and the death threats. Even showed the times kids left spider lilies on my desk and the laughing from Pomeranian. And to top it off was the convo with him earlier. 
 Silence in the room. No one spoke and no one moved, simply stared at the computer I’d used. Mom looked so pale and horrified I’d feel bad but she hadn’t listened. 
 The principal then declared in light of this evidence, he was tempted to expel Pomeranian who went mental and started screaming abuse at me. He got shut up by the teachers. The principal said I was free to go but requested I did not go home with my mom. She became offended, but he just said he worried for me since she refuses to listen to anything. It quieted her. I felt bad, but honestly, I just wanted my friends. He then told me to take photos of my room which made both me and mom sick.
 Thinking about it, I think he did it on purpose to provoke those feelings. To make Mom realize what she did. It worked since Mom really came through after that for me. She spoke to Speedy’s parents and asked for them to keep me for a while. She then arranged a meeting with my school counsellor, her and myself. We talked for a few hours, and she said she was going to try actual therapy. My counsellor told us that as me living with friends and keeping in contact seemed to be going well to perhaps continue. He wanted me back with my mom, but he’d prefer no setbacks. 
 Good thing to because my mom ended up needing to go into care for a while. I was shocked by this, but Pomeranian’s dad got in contact to explain things. (Mom knows about this post and said go ahead)
 My bio-dad was physically and emotionally abusive towards my mom and once beat her so hard she lost a baby. My maternal grandparents were physically abusive to, and actually killed her younger brother. This resulted in extreme attachment issues, mixed in with her Quirk. Which confused us until we learned her Quirk was mislabelled. It’s a mental Quirk, and we didn’t actually realize that. In hindsight, it’s obvious. But part of this is she ‘attached’ herself to things, and it all ended up affecting her health WORSE. 
 I’m not sure of the full story. I don’t know if I’ll ever know the ‘full story’. I don’t know if I want to either. All I know is that she had a lot of personal issues that cause her to use her Quirk and attach herself to the idea of a ‘amazing friendship between her and Pomeranian’s mom and me and Pomeranian’.
 Mom is doing better now. It’s been about six months, and I’m still staying with Speedy. Mom is seeing a therapist who is working through things and a Quirk counsellor. She also admitted it was best I keep staying with my friend as she feared that she’d backslide and try to force things again. She also no longer sees Pomeranian though she keeps in contact with his mom.
 But as for my old Bully… Pomeranian ended up transferred to a different course in our school and was put into therapy. While the video was proof for them legally it could be contested easily. A kid from my class transferred to the other and then we got a kid form another course. By then somehow everyone in the school knew what had happened and my False Negative status got out. It wasn’t bad though. Everyone was actually really chill about it and they fully accepted me. I got extra help after class, and even made a buddy who has a mild form of DQD. 
 But anyway: that’s how I accidentally got revenge on my bully.
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ejriin · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Quirk Disability, Fake Science, fake science paper, Essays, Disability, Nerdy af, Nerdiness, Science, i'm so proud of myself, it's full of real science, i used my college notes to write this, dqd, quirk factors, Debilitating Quirk Disorder, Quirk Analysis (My Hero Academia), quirk science Summary:
Debilitating Quirk Disorder is a disorder as old as the Quirks themselves. It appeared almost at the same time as superpowers in our society. Despite that, we don’t have many pieces of information covering that topic. It’s a too broad term to be able to put it in one category. Deliberation Quirk Disorder is a complex genetic disorder caused by a mutation within the Quirk Factor genes. In some cases, symptoms are negligible, in the others, they pose a strong risk to a Quirk owner and may even result in death. The therapy isn't simple and it must be individually selected for each patient. The most important issue is to put the patient in good psychological and psychiatric care and inform them of the potential risks of DQD. The greatest hope lies in the new group of medication based on opioid and lithium compounds.
keywords: Debilitating Quirk Disorder, DQD, Quirk Factor, mutations, therapy, diagnostics
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 18 days
Hero Course Application Denial Reason: Mental Health
Summary: Being a hero is hard work, and to enter it you need to fit certain criteria. One of them is having no mental illness that could be triggered by the work you are entering to a degree deemed unsafe by the authorities.
Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t know this.
Note: I am aware IED is a spectrum even if I mostly only know the extreme cases. I am aware not all mental health is the same. The negative talk of mental health in this story is supposed to be targeted at people who use it as a crutch and don’t try to do anything in order to work with their conditions to be able to lessen the harm towards them or others. The people who just go: not my fault I have X.
When Bakugou Katsuki is six years old, he goes to a therapist who diagnoses him with intermittent explosive disorder. IED for short. It’s theorized his Quirk brings upon it.
Now, Katsuki grows up knowing this. Teachers use it to ignore his outbursts, screaming and attacking the Quirkless kid. It's just a disorder; it’s not his fault.
The doctor speaks about medication or therapy, but the Bakugou family ignores it. There isn't a reason to, given that his behaviour is due to his Quirk. His mother believes it won’t work. Katsuki proudly raises his head and smiles as his Quirk is praised, and they point at him as a perfect hero.
He applies for UA with his head held high.
He is sure to get in.
“Denied,” Watanabe Kasumi says as she stamps the words onto the application.
“Hmm?” her coworker and twin, Watanabe Hikaru, says.
“Kid with QAB-induced psychopathy due to being able to block all emotions,” Kasumi says as she puts the paper in the refusal pile. “He applied for heroics.”
“Sounds more like DQD.”
“Both probably,” Kasumi scoffs.
QAB or Quirk Affected Behaviour was when people were heavily affected by their Quirk. Usually, it was just mental and mutation Quirks affected, though there was a case a year or so before where Hadou Nejire was admitted while diagnosed with it due to her needing vitality for her Quirk. Her energized attitude came from that. Most of the time, though, it was just people whose Quirks already affected the brain or added in mutations like animal characteristics. It was not a reason for denying admittance into the hero course by itself. But psychopathy coming from it was.
DQD is a Quirk disorder with three levels: damaging, deliberating and devastating. These Quirks were ones where usage of them harmed the user. Damaging was the most common, and honestly, Kasumi was pretty sure there was a higher rate affected by it. Most didn't know that they had it since it made sense for their Quirks to affect them like that even when theoretically they shouldn't. Deliberating was the second level, which was much more apparent but not incredibly so. Devastating… Well, that was when it horrifically affected you or killed you.
A kid being a psychopath fits the latter.
The siblings continued through the stack of applications, their moves little more than blurs to anyone watching. While they were sitting perfectly normal for them, the reality was that the twins were moving faster than anyone else to go through the stack of papers. Their Quirk was the same: supersonic working speed—or, as their bitter mother called it, ‘Workaholic.’
As long as the twins worked, they were faster than anyone else. As kids, if their mother wasn't forcing them to ignore it, the two could get through homework in seconds, remembering everything as school was their job.
When they got older, they learned their father, never seen by them, was the same. His issue was that he also had QAB. He loved work so much that he was utterly addicted to it. Before the twins were born, he was able to avoid giving in to his condition entirely, but when the twins came and their mother ended up in the hospital for a year due to complications, he had to work harder. He fell into his addiction; no one bothered to stop it, given it wasn't ‘dangerous.’
The twins weren't surprised their mother hated their Quirk when they figured it out. Instead, they made a promise never to let work take over. They got jobs at the same place to focus on each other and remind themselves.
That was when the trouble started. The twins worked fast enough to do the work of hundreds of people, but they also knew how unfair it would be to take all the jobs. So, instead, they accepted positions promising to pay them the same as six people to do the jobs of six people each.
The first place didn't uphold their promise during their first month. They got paid only enough for one person each.
The second place also didn't.
The third place snuck in enough work for ten people each. They only found out thanks to a friend tipping them off.
The fourth place outright demanded the work of thirty the first time they showed up on site, trying to use a new contract they made the night before, attempting to claim the twins signed an agreement they could amend at will.
The idiots didn't remember how both twins got a lawyer to remove that when they first tried it and tried to insist no such thing happened.
That was when Nezu stepped in. The twins did all his administration jobs, which was safer than having many people do them. They also worked as his secretaries for hero work and his secretaries for school. They did the work of hundreds at a much safer rate. Nezu admitted he'd be doing most of it without them anyway, making it easier for them to accept.
“Explosive Quirk kid diagnosed with IED,” Hikaru announces, holding up the paper when he gets it, startling Kasumi from her musing.
“Actual IED or ‘this kid is aggressive but has a Quirk based on explosions?” Kasumi asks.
“The latter,” Hikaru says. “Properly diagnosed and everything. But…”
“Could still be a doctor shrugging his shoulders. Well…”
“Denied,” Hikaru shrugs.
Certain mental illnesses deny you entrance to the hero course. IED was one. If you exploded into violent rages randomly, no one could trust you using your Quirk to save people. What if you got set off and hurt others?
Hikaru pages through the applicant to see what is being done, rolling his eyes when he sees that the kid isn't in therapy. No medication or anything, either.
Hope the kid isn’t to upset.
“Thank you for your interest in rolling into the UA Hero Course. However we have to deny you on reasons of mental health. IED is on the list of deniable conditions-”
Katsuki stared at the letter, unable to look away. The hag is busy on the phone yelling about suing the school as the old man talks.
Katsuki can't hear a thing.
It's not fair. He can't help his condition. It's not FAIR!
Katsuki screams and stomps off to light his Quirk outside, raging. It's not his fault!
They couldn't do this!
But they could.
“IED is a serious condition for a hero to have. No medication or therapy is foolproof,” the lawyer says. “We will not win this case. It's not even just UA- the Commission itself will not allow anyone with IED to the level Katsuki is diagnosed with, particularly if they are not in therapy or medication, into the hero ranks.”
“What if he goes on medication?”
“UA still doesn't allow it. They have the right as a hero school to do so. Others may do so, but the chances are low.”
Katsuki sits there and feels his dreams vanish.
A pet peeve of mine is when people quickly go ‘Bakugou has a condition that makes him angry thus he is completely fine the way he is and also it’s not his fault’. That's not how it works, and claiming it is severely insulting to people with conditions who have put time into overcoming difficulties so they can function in society without hurting themselves or others. Saying Bakugou doesn't need to change if he did have a condition is just excusing his actions.
Plus there are a lot of mental health conditions and physical conditions that can prevent you from being in the army or police force. I can't see how being a hero in MHA is any different. IED is not something to play around with, and I highly doubt they'd be allowed to be heroes even if they are receiving proper treatment.
So I think in a world where Bakugou has it, he’d be forbidden. So boom here it is. I'm not going to confirm if he does or doesn't have it, because I'm also jabbing at the idea that it is because of his Quirk.
I am also now in love with the Watanabe twins.
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