#dps casts reunion
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toddsmind-neilssoul · 1 month ago
Gathering the gems đŸ„ș♄
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I'm hoping that we get to see more of the Dead Poets Society casts reunion <3 (all the poets gathering sounds like a dream)
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neilperryismine · 8 months ago
so I had a dream that the dps cast had a reunion and did a tour to see all the fans?! (it was them as their younger selves) and I kept missing them, like i could see ethan and rsl in the distance and then i was about to meet them and i woke up
kinda wild and they’ve now INFILTRATED MY DREAMS?! idk what to do now
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theluminoussunflower · 2 years ago
anyway dps cast zoom reunion when?
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1whimsicalgal · 1 year ago
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September/October 1973 Ah, Youth, The Life Of an O’riginal Chainsaw Gal
A deep spring cleaning brought these little gems above to the surface.
In the days following filming Chainsaw ’74, after we’d wrapped, we were all finding our path, looking for ways to make money. I wasn’t in the brutal chainsaw dinner scenes (t’anks gods!!!). I was done and immediately looking for work, any work. Prior to filming I’d been working at Mrs. Robinson’s Restaurant at the corner of Riverside Drive and Congress Avenue in downtown Austin, for two years, paying for classes at St. Edward’s University, and doing well. Simultaneously, I’d been getting leads in all the plays at St Ed’s Mary Moody Northern Theater. After filming “Headcheese’ (Chainsaw ’74’s working title) for two-weeks, with little in the can, we shut down for a week. Then, we got a call that they found some money, filming was resuming. We all signed new contracts, but this time for ‘deferred money’. They’d kindly held my job at Mrs. R’s for the two weeks, but when we extended filming for another month, they had to hire someone to replace me. Drat. No job, no money.
Out of the blue, Daniel Pearl did me a solid. Our Chainsaw '74 cinematographer, Daniel, offered to shoot a portfolio for me with Daniel as the photographer, and Dottie Pearl assisting me with make-up and wardrobe. Both were full of great ideas, completely supportive, and very talented. Back in the day, with no internet, iPhones, computers, etc., we literally snail-mailed our pictures to casting agents and directors. When I think of the time-consuming hours of addressing, stamping, and trips to the post office, I get exhausted. Now, of course, you can scan and press Send.
Think about it.
The Good News: Everything finally worked out. As happens in life, things always change. For the past few years, our Chainsaw franchise has grown exponentially. I am pleased to report we have all grown close, appearing with my remaining cast mates to celebrate our 50th anniversary this year, since our filming and its release in 1974, appearing at various horror cons with my remaining cast members, together with our film crew members, Daniel Pearl, DP, JMichael McClary, ADP, and Ted Nicholaou, Sound Recordist. Fans love it and we love them!
Thanks to Kim Henkel, his son Ian Henkel, and Chase Anderson, we've been enjoying a real reunion to celebrate a little film we gave our hearts and souls to in the sweltering heat of July and August 1973, that went on to put Texas horror films on the map, a trailblazer, and lauded across the planet as a cult-classic in the horror genre. No sour grapes here, just great lessons learned, and thanks to all those who appreciate our work. We thank you.
The top right picture is from a print ad for Suzuki. Daniel had scored a local Suzuki commercial print ad shoot as DP in September 1973. When the director said they needed a girl who rode a motorcycle, Daniel did me yet another solid, he suggested me.🚀
Fifty years later, I’m still grateful.
Pammie đŸȘđŸ’‹
Original B&W photos by Daniel Pearl DP/ASC
Follow Daniel on Instagram: @danielpearldp
Colorization by Eric Goode @ericgoode106
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wolffallsintodanmeihell · 1 year ago
So I was talking to my bf the other night and made this rec eps list for fun. The idea pretty much was like to challenge myself to see if I had to recc someone who was hesitant to watch the entire show due to length and wanted to get a general gist, which eps would I recc for them to get a good feel, esp if they've maybe onIy had prior experience fics/art or want to delve on that but wanted to have an idea of canon first. I llimited myself to 15 eps with 5 extra "reccomended ", my focus being character dev eps and plot stuff like the lead up to reign storm, valerie's plotline, danielle, etc.
To be honest it was kinda hard at points lol, esp since DP is episodic moreso than plot heavy so it's not really like making a list for like a long running battle shonen or something, but hey this was fun to do fndnd.
Also again this is not a "you must follow this or else" type thing, I only did this for fun, I'll even link the tiermaker I used in case someone has their own version and opinions they wanna post as well which I'd honestly love to see.
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To explain my reasonings
Req. Tier
Mystery Meat - First ep of the show, get introduced to main cast, set up yada yada
Parental Bonding - Introductuon to Paulina, first ep we get an idea for Sam and Danny's relationship.
What You Want - Tucker only really has two episodes during the show, so at the very least the first one focusing on him would be good to have to delve a bit into him.
Bitter Reunions - First Vlad ep, esp since he's Danny's arch-nemesis would be weird not to get introduced for later on.
My Brother's Keeper - Jazz finding out about Danny's secret, plus I really feel this is a great episode showing their dynanic and getting to learn more of how Jazz is.
Shades of Grey - best character Valerie gets introduced here, so felt it was pretty important to include esp for later on.
Public Enemies - This is the first episode where the status quo is changed and now Amity Park is just generally aware of Danny. Thinking he's an enemy yeah, buttttt still aware of Inviso-Bill i nearly typed in buffalo bill
Maternal Instincts - Danny and Maddie getting screentime together, Vlad's second appearance, and the start of Maddie straight up hating his ass lol.
Memory Blank - Mainly chose this one since it's where we learn how Danny first had the accident, so hey backstory stuff.
Reign Storm - The whole plotline with Vlad and Pariah Dark's ring and crown, more Valerie development, it's a fun episode imo. Too bad this didn't get followed in S3 but-
The Ultimate Enemy - Do I really gotta explain lol, Dan and Clockwork, Danny finding out Jazz knows his secret, etc etc like it's pretty much the episode every reccomends.
Flirting With Disaster - Big development for Valerie showing how she's developed imo, continues the Danny and Valerie stuff from Reign Storm, also again I'm biased towards Valerie lol
Reality Trip - Look I'll just be blunt I fucking love this episode, like it's genuinely my favorite of the three specials. It's a fun adventure, I love the Danny being revealed plot line, it's an exciting watch, could not leave it out.
Kindred Spirits - Danielle introduction plus more Vlad development as well, plus depending on your watch order I think this is counted as the S2 finale?
D-Stabilized - More on Danielle and Valerie's plotlines, and for a general bias honestly find it to be a pretty good episode and if any I'd say are "required" from S3 it would def be this one.
Recc. Tier
These were the most difficult cause there's still a bunch of episodes I'd rec.
Life Lessons - First ep where we see Danny and Valerie learn about each other outside of a negative context, plus pretty funny episode.
King Tuck - Again, Tucker barely gets any episodes so I do think his should be watched. Similar reasons to what I put for "What You Want".
Secret Weapons - First ep post-TUE where we see how Jazz and Danny are now that they're both aware she knows his secret. Get more development between them and more Vlad screentime too.
Eye for an Eye - This was such a hard one to choose between D-Stabilized and it, but I felt the former was more important in the end. Sets up the Vlad becoming mayor plotline that gies throughout S3 and also it's just funny like Vlad really rigged an election over a prank war with a 14 yr old.
Urban Jungle - I'm personally not the biggest fan of this episode, plus it's not really a special despite being advertised as such, but it does introduce the ice powers Danny gets that stays with him till the end so I felt it would be a good one to have listed as well.
Fun fact I actually had an earlier ver that incl. Million Dollar Ghost over Public Enemies, but when I thought about it I felt the latter had more bigger impact than the former simply setting up a plot line that Reign Storm goes more into anyway. Plus I really wanted to include Control Freaks cause it introduces Freak Show but again was limited 😭😭
Also it's very hilarious that for all the villains who's episodes I couldn't include, Desiree got BOTH her episodes in, like damn her impact đŸ€Ł
Anyways here's the Tiermaker I used in case someone wants to do their own!
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cxmembert · 1 year ago
DPS x LoTF au?
I LOVE the idea of that, let me grab my notepad out
I feel like Meeks would be the glue to everything at the beginning, with his knowledge, he would use all resources to ensure the necessities are provided, i.e making fires, building huts, etc. Cameron and Todd would probably be there to keep him company and help out when needed for they’re both just as scared when it comes to whatever’s lurking within the forests. Pitts would also be there, but more-so because he doesn’t exactly know what to do. However, they’d likely implement a rotation system just so Meeks wouldn’t need to do all the heavy lifting and can take a break.
Neil is definitely the strongest of the bunch (I mean, have you seen him in all his shirtless scenes) and so would probably be used to collect possible food items such as berries (I feel like the crew wouldn’t be too comfortable with the prospect of killing the animal habitants just yet) as well as gather materials to make huts, Cameron and/or Pitts would tag along if it’s for the latter. Knox and Charlie also like to venture out into the bush land quite frequently too, but they don’t really take their situation as seriously and would usually rock up to the rest of the group with DIY bongos. However, they would help out Neil if they happen to run into each other.
 and I think that unfortunately Neil would be the first one to actually go mad. The main thing holding him back at home was his dad, and while the freedom of him being out of the picture would be a good thing, Neil would very noticeably start becoming a bit more outlandish with that and the help of a few other factors. As stated prior, Neil was the primary gatherer and so was out in the forest most often. Over time, the noises he’d hear would become more and more apparent as he can never shake off the feeling that he’s being watched by someone and something. The others were able to keep him and themselves in tact with positive affirmations and reassuring each other that it’s probably just the leaves or the boars, but eventually, Neil stumbles upon a corpse.
That was it. That was the breaking point. He rushes back to the group and tells them about his findings in a panicked state. This of course fuels Todd’s anxiety, who was already the most terrified of the prospect by even stepping foot into the forest, the two basically beginning to serve as an echo chamber for one another. After that, Neil’s descent began to escalate, sometimes disappearing into the forest for several hours, only to return with a feral look in his eyes and wild horror stories.
It all reached its breaking point when Neil returned one evening, ranting and raving about shadowy figures watching and whispering. The group tried to brush it off as nothing dangerous, but Neil was convinced, and with Todd by his side, they declared independence from the rest of the group.
With this, the remainder of the group would try to negotiate a reunion or at the very least communicate, but it would never go anywhere, the two factions mostly refusing to acknowledge each others sides of the story.
As the two groups were now practically at competition for resources, the supply of basic needs such as food, water and building materials waned each passing day. Meeks tried to step in as the primary gatherer in place of Neil, but with all the thunderstorms, the forest seemed to have closed in around them.
Ultimately, it was a clash between Meeks and the remainder of the group that triggered the final descent into chaos. Snapping under the pressure and getting increasingly irritated by those who he felt as if wasn’t pulling their weight. The argument escalated into a physical altercation, leaving the makeshift society fractured beyond repair.
HONESTLY, I REALLY DONT WANT TO WRITE ONE OF THE CHARACTERS DYING EITHER, BUT IF IT HAD TO BE ANY OF THEM, PROBABLY CHARLIE?? I could imagine Todd and Neil, in a disoriented and paranoid state, mistaking Charlie for a sort of creature thanks to the noise emitting from his makeshift instruments, and so, they kill him. BUT THEN AGAIN, IM UNSURE, THIS RESPONSE HAS BEEN GOING IN FOR WAY TOO LONG IM SO SORRY 😭
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jcs-study · 2 years ago
50 years later, Bob Bingham (Caiaphas) and Kurt Yaghjian (Annas) revisit "Then We Are Decided," from the 1973 film of Jesus Christ Superstar.
(The on-set photographer, David James, was the DP for this video; the movie's choreographer, Rob Iscove, consulted on staging and movement. It was filmed at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, MA.)
My Two Cents
The boys still have it! Older, slightly huskier sound, but in fine shape vocally. It sounds like Caiaphas' lows come easier for Bob as well. Considering the song is rarely heard, it's great to see its originators return to the field and knock it out of the park again.
Fun Fact
Casual fans may wonder, "How did they get the instrumental track?" Glad you asked! After 2017 or so, the reunion screenings, which have seen Ted Neeley and other original cast members take the film around the U.S. (for the past 10 years, and with little sign of slowing), have utilized the region-free Blu-ray release by French distributor Elephant Films that came out that year.
While only available as an import for most viewers, and now in limited quantities (see link), it is the ideal means of viewing this film. Restored from a pristine original print, the sound and visuals are out of this world compared to previous releases, and there's even an instrumental-only "karaoke" track for fans looking for a different way to experience the music and the visuals.
To make a long story short, the video's creators used this track.
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blogger360ncislarules · 11 months ago
It’s a This Is Us reunion!
Jon Huertas, who starred on the NBC drama with Justin Hartley, directed the April 21 episode of Tracker, which is already a hit for CBS (and is coming back for a second season).
“It was a great episode. It really came together really well. We worked really hard on it, so I’m proud of it,” Huertas tells TV Insider. “It’s always great to work with Justin.”
In the episode, “Aurora,” Colter (Hartley) searches for a missing girl who disappeared three years ago and is presumed dead. Her father shows him a newspaper photo from a recent county fair he’s convinced is her, and Colter’s search leads him into the world of amateur ghost hunting and paranormal activity.
Below, Huertas talks about reuniting with Hartley, directing this episode, and more.
Talk about reuniting with Justin and directing him again outside of This Is Us.
Jon Huertas: I’ll be honest, Justin was one of my favorite actors on the show to watch, to work with, and to direct. I was able to do all of that on This Is Us. And so when the opportunity came up, Ken Olin was like, “Hey, you interested in directing on this show, Tracker?” I was like, “Absolutely. I get to work with Justin again, you,” and there’s definitely an amazing crew in Canada, especially the DP, Ron Richard. He’s great. But to work with Justin again as an actor is just a joy. He’s so collaborative, so easy, so willing to play, to have different takes on each take for that take. So yeah, it was really a great experience to reconnect with him.
What excited you when you read the script about what you get to play with as a director?
The script is very much, for me, a thriller. It’s akin to movies like Seven, just those classic thrillers where characters are wearing masks and they have to be revealed and there has to be so much nuance in their performances so that we don’t jump the gun as far as, it’s this guy, it’s this girl, whatever. It’s a true mystery. I think the script had all of those elements, and so it was really exciting to be able to come in and kind of take Justin’s character from the world he was in before and put him in a new world. I think it’s a realm that his character hadn’t really been in before, this paranormal activity kind of world, where, is this stuff real? Is it not? Who’s playing with who? Who’s wearing a mask? And ultimately at the center of the story, there’s a girl who’s been taken and is missing and presumed dead.
Colter’s search takes him into this abandoned hospital and the world of amateur ghost hunting and all that. That gave you quite a bit to play with, right?
Yeah, and finding the right actors was, I think, paramount for me. Being an actor and having worked with so many different actors, I think that’s probably one of my strengths, is recognizing who’s got a real handle on the character and the arc of that character within the story when they put themselves on tape and we watch those tapes and then meet with them. We had some incredible actors come in and play some quirky characters, some scary characters, and I was really, really, really happy with the cast we were able to assemble to help us tell this story.
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Michael Courtney / CBS

What’s great about directing in television is that you can bounce between genres and it helps you develop the different muscles. When it comes to some directors, they can get, in film especially, pigeonholed: They do sci-fi or thrillers or whatever. For me, it’s about letting the script kind of guide me. Being an actor, the way that I have always approached the work as far as breaking down my character, my wants, my objectives, my needs, my obstacles, all that stuff, as a director, you gotta do that for all the characters and for the story itself. And so [it’s about] allowing the script to just I think guide me on how best to tell the story. And as a huge fan of TV and film myself, I know what I like, so I thought, let me just let the story speak to me and then put on pixels—I was going to say put on film, but we don’t do that anymore—what I like and what I would like to see and how I would like to be pulled through the story, and those moments, I think, find themselves with a great script.
Part of directing as well is really working with the writer and the showrunner in prep. We have a full week of prep before we start shooting and really working with them on the script and in the locations that I end up picking, and how do we now take the script and mold it to the locations, mold it to what my sensibility is, but retaining the integrity of the script and what the writer’s vision is, what the vision for the whole show is. As a director, I think it’s overcoming the obstacles of having all these different points of view to then make it become Colter’s point of view and tell the story through his point of view, utilizing everything that we have at our disposal, from the locations to the types of cameras we’re going to use.
Were there any conversations about you appearing onscreen on Tracker in this or another episode?
I think Justin has mentioned something about me doing some kind of character in the future. Who knows? But I really enjoy directing, so we’ll see if I want to dust that hat off for Tracker or not. Hey, if I get to work with Justin, it’s a joy no matter what, whether behind the camera or in front of the camera, I’ll work with Justin on anything.
Over the past couple of years, you’ve directed a few of your former onscreen costars. This episode, The Rookie (Nathan Fillion), The Company You Keep (Milo Ventimiglia)
 What do you enjoy most about reuniting with your costars in that way?
I think there’s a shorthand when it comes to directing someone that you already know. 
 We see lots of directors doing that; they find their people and they work with them and they know that they’ll be able to have a great experience pulling a performance out of someone because they have that history. I’ve definitely loved seeking out directing gigs that I get to work with people I know, whether it be the showrunner, the actors, somebody on the crew, the DP. I want to work with people I know or people that I am separated by degrees of Kevin Bacon or something. If someone says, you should work on this show because of this reason
 Sarah Wayne Callies said that about a show—”You should work on the show. You’d love these guys. They’d love you.” Okay, great. I trust her. I love her. So yeah, I would love to do that. I always want to walk away having a great experience right on a show, and I think if you work with people that you know and love—and I’ve also worked in town long enough that almost every show I’m going to know somebody on it from someone on the crew to one of the actors. So I have a feeling that most of the stuff I’ll end up directing will be with people that I know and enjoy working with.
What else is coming up for you? Do you have any other episodes that you’ve directed that are going to be coming up on anything?
I’m going to be directing on The Irrational. Tracker, I’m going to go back and do some more of those, and some other CBS titles. And I’m doing a pilot for an animated show for Disney+. I don’t know that I’m allowed to say anything about it yet. We’ll see if that is picked up. And then I have a couple of projects that I’ve set up myself that we’re hoping go, and I will probably be on camera for one or two of those shows that we set up.
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samplingsofsam · 1 year ago
Pinterest 'Feelings' (DC) from Sam Pilling on Vimeo.
Situation-ship or relationship? Putting your feelings on the table can be daunting. But with Pinterest, it’s possible.
Why are inappropriate questions about women’s relationships socially acceptable?
Back in January we shot a couple of intimate films for Pinterest with an amazing cast and crew. Glad we can finally share the DCs!
Starring: Feelings: @jessamine-Bliss Bell
Reunion: @ReneeBailey_, @chrisedadams, @MelissaSaintt, @Isiguzo_, @handollit, @Marossita, @JackwParr, @NathanDArcyRoberts, @Meg.Birley, @_Alleox, @LaynaSheppard
Feelings: Senior Creatives: Ash Hamilton & Sara Sutherland @ash_hammo @huzzahsarah
Agency: @uncommon Creative Directors: Sam Olivier & Nils Leonard Creatives: Thea Foge Toft-Clausen and Cecilia Mervig @theafoge @ceciliamervig Agency producer: @jessie Gammell Managing Director: @jsorton Head of Production: @Chris Harrison DP: @kaspertuxen Production Design: @robinbrown Producer: @neilandrews Production Managers: @ellie @benburdock PA: @michelle cheung 1st AD: @JulianRichards 2nd AD: Casper Campbell Casting: @Coralie Rose Wardrobe: @Rebecca Rich H&MU: Jojo Copeland Locations: @alvlok Key Grip: Johnny Donne Gaffer: Jono Yates Edit: @elyse @trim Feelings edit: @paul_oreilly_edit VFX: @carlnorton @themill VFX Producer: Matt Squires Colour: @simonbourne @company3 Colour Producer: Chris Anthony Sound: @samashwell @750mph Music Composition: Twenty Below Music
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greensparty · 2 years ago
Movie Review: Air
It is kind of ironic that the Academy Awards that Ben Affleck has won are for writing (for Good Will Hunting with Matt Damon) and producing (as a producer on Argo), but he’s a superstar known for acting and directing...yet he hasn’t won for acting or directing. When he was a young ambitious actor from Boston and then in NYC, I met Mr. Affleck in 1997 when he joined Kevin Smith for a screening of Chasing Amy (one of his best performances). He was really nice and he was getting ready to film GWH that month. Since the success of GWH, everyone has been hoping for a Damon / Affleck reunion. While they have produced several films and TV shows together and they co-wrote Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel, they’ve only done small supporting roles together (mainly in Kevin Smith films). Now with their Artists Equity production company, they are back together again producing. But the super exciting news is Air, directed by Affleck and starring Damon and Affleck and a tremendous ensemble cast. By this point the two are one of the great on-screen duos and since GWH and Affleck has become quite a director in his own right. 
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movie poster
In this biopic, Sonny Vaccaro (Damon) is a sales exec at Nike, which in 1984 is the lowest-selling sneaker. As the company is trying to court some basketball players for some endorsement deals, Sonny has the bright idea instead of getting three or four rookies, they take their entire budget and see if they can get rookie Michael Jordan. With the help of Nike execs Rob Strasser (Jason Bateman), Howard White (Chris Tucker), and CEO Phil Knight (Affleck), they try to pursue that. Sonny is so serious, he even goes to Michael Jordan’s mother (Viola Davis) to pitch her to see if they can pitch her son.
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the Air Jordan sneaker from 1984
While it is a very different story than Argo, Affleck approached this in a similar way: both are biopics taking place in the director’s lifetime but very different than the world in 2023, both films get right into the world of the protagonist and initiate the stakes and both films build to those stakes, and both are stories the average viewer will know the outcome going into it, but will be on the edge of their seat the whole time! This is a sports movie without the sports, it’s the sales and marketing that is more competitive than professional sports and it’s the first great movies of 2023! I also loved how it was edited like an 80s movies and he even pulls soundtrack music from Harold Faltermeyer and Tangerine Dream (along with tons of 80s hits). Damon is very likable and the viewer is rooting for him to make it happen. Obviously we are viewing this movie from the perspective of knowing that the Air Jordan shoes are one of the most successful shoes ever and that Jordan himself is one of the biggest athletes of all time, but this isn’t so much about the ending as it is the inner workings of how they get there and the need to make a big gamble that just might payoff. The supporting cast is quite impressive notably Davis who keeps a poker face the whole time, but is quietly orchestrating the master plan. Argo is still my favorite movie Affleck has directed, but this one is insanely awesome! Maybe he’ll finally score a directing or acting Oscar.
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Affleck directing
For info on Amazon Studios’ Air: https://www.amazon.com/AIR-Matt-Damon/dp/B0B8Q3JMCG
4.5 out of 5 stars
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wingedkiare · 3 years ago
How to fix the Academy Awards
1. Get rid of the hosts. The show does not need them.  (Especially if they spend a lot of time making fun of some of the things you’re supposed to be celebrating - like saying animated movies are only for kids and things you endure. Uh.... yikes)
2. No comedians. Nobody needs 5-10 minute bits or roasts in a show that desperately needs to move faster. They always feel interminable and are what kills the momentum. Also: roasts are NOT the appropriate comedy for the Oscars. Sorry. (Everyone's PR teams will thank everyone.)
3. Keep the podium cast reunions. Those were actually the nicest things from last night and they worked the most. THAT is movie magic being celebrated, and I enjoyed it.
4. Keep it somber for the in memorium, or telegraph through the introduction that you're doing a celebration. While I appreciated the gesture at trying to celebrate their lives, it mostly missed the mark because nobody ever said anything? It just started with upbeat covers.
5. If you're going to do fan votes, maybe make them go along with the rest of the awards - and omg, actually let people know what's going on. Half the time they were on #1 of their movies and I had no idea what the category was.
6. No more DJ. Nobody wants/needs a DJ. Younger generations would appreciate a more current set list for the orchestra, but they'd also prefer that a DJ not play Africa over Black people walking out on stage. That was... so bad.
7. Full time ASL interpreters, on screen in the bottom through the whole thing. Not just if there's a movie with Deaf actors.
8. I actually liked the lounge seating. Please keep that. (Yes, make it a more exclusive event even post-panoramic. Let everyone else get invited to the after parties - they can wear what they wanna wear, and drink the whole time. I think most of Hollywood would appreciate it)
9. Nobody wants to see them play people off. I expand on why later on.
10. Use the musical numbers and best picture summaries to give the show a bit of a breather. You don't need random bits or tributes to movies that aren't having anniversaries.
11. Nobody wants a throwback to the weird musical numbers of the 80s/90s. If you're going to add in other musicians, don't change lyrics so that they're about the Oscars. That was so so so so so so bad.  (Now we know why We Don’t Talk about Bruno)
12. Explain what some of the awards are. You need time to reset the stage? Use it to illustrate how important technical awards are if they know that the DP is responsible for the visual look of the movie - the director has a vision, but they shape it. Or how important editing is. Share the stories about things like Marcia Lucas shaping A New Hope with her editing. Illustrate how challenging costuming and makeup is.
Make the awards a celebration of what goes into making a film. Not a celebration of the awards show itself. There's a HUGE difference.
13. Just admit that nobody can fit the Oscars into 3 hours and schedule it appropriately instead of acting like some award winners don't matter.
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grailfinders · 4 years ago
Fate and Phantasms #162
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the woman who brought down the sun, Chacha! Chacha’s a Zeal Cleric to bring out the skeletons of the Toyotomi, as well as a Pyromancer Sorcerer to set the proper mood lighting with the hellfire that constantly burns within her.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Alter ego? I barely even know ‘er ego!
Race and Background
Chacha’s Human. Not really much to say to justify that, but it gives you +1 to all abilities.
Your experience in the court of one of the most powerful men in Japan gives you the Courtier background, giving you proficiency with Insight and Persuasion. You’re kind of a kid right now, so shoot people the puppy dog eyes and they’ll be butter in your hands faster than you can flutter your lashes.
Ability Scores
Continuing from that last sentence, max out your Charisma. God knows you’ll need it if you want to get that bread. Second is your Dexterity- you’re a rambunctious little rugrat. Third highest is your Constitution, you’re tough enough to deal with constantly being on fire, but we won’t be getting much of that from two spellcasting classes. Your Wisdom isn’t great, but it’s a lot better than most berserkers- your madness enhancement is only E rank. Also we need it for multiclassing. Your Strength isn’t great, you did get summoned as a child, after all. That leaves your Intelligence to dump. Again, Chacha’s a child here, and she definitely strikes me as a “leap before you look” kinda person.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: The skeletons are what you do, but being on fire is what you are, so we’re starting with Pyromancy. (It also doesn’t hurt that starting with sorcerer gives you proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saves, plus Religion and Deception. She snuck into being the big bad of a whole event, I’m counting it.)
Being a sorcerer gives you Spells you can cast using your Charisma, as well as a Heart of Fire. When you cast a fire-dealing spell that isn’t a cantrip, you shoot fire out of your body in a 10â€Č radius around you, dealing damage to creatures you choose equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum 1, so it isn’t useless this level).
Speaking of spells, you get some! Prestidigitation lets you fit whatever fits into your hand for six seconds. There’s also other uses, but this is one of the closest things you’ll get to Golden Rule, so we’re using it for free stuff. You also get Sword Burst to shove swords in people, Green-Flame Blade for when you want to do it yourself, and Fire Bolt because we kind of got a theme going.
For first level spells, Burning Hands will activate your Heart of fire, and Mage Armor will help you not die. You die last, make sure it stays that way.
2. Cleric 1: Multiclassing into a Zeal cleric gives you proficiency with all sorts of armors and weapons, so if you want to slap on a mask and get in up close and personal with your foes, now you can. You also get another set of Spells, which you cast and prepare with your Wisdom. You also become a Priest of Zeal, so you can attack as a bonus action after attacking with your main action Wisdom Modifier times per long rest.
You’ll get plenty of use out of your specialty spells Searing and Thunderous Smite, but you can also use Bane to weaken your enemies. You also get more cantrips! Thaumaturgy is a great distraction when you have to get out of a punishment, or you could use Sacred Flame in a fight! Otherwise, you can use Light to see in the dark with your dumb human eyes.
3. Cleric 2: Second level clerics can use their Channel Divinity options once per short rest, either Turning Undead like normal or engaging their Consuming Fervor when they deal Fire or Thunder damage to deal the max amount possible instead of rolling. You can probably sense a theme in this build by now.
4. Cleric 3: Third level zeal clerics can make Magic Weapons or Shatter their enemies with second level spell slots. Magic Weapon’s much more in-character for you, but I’d certainly not turn down free explosives.
5. Cleric 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Magic initiate feat. This lets us pick up Bane once per long rest without having to become a bard, and you also get Friends and Vicious Mockery to add a bit of magic to your social cantrips.
On top of that, you still get one more cleric cantrip. Toll the dead is certainly appropriate thematically.
6. Cleric 5: Fifth level clerics can now Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower when they turn undead, but more importantly they get third level spells. Haste and Fireball are both great picks, but we’re here especially for Animate Dead to make some skeletons. What a lovely family reunion!
7. Sorcerer 2: Now that we’ve got the rest of the Toyotomi clan backing you up, we can refocus on that hellfire. Second level sorcerers are Fonts of Magic, giving you sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level each long rest that you can spend on spell slots. There’s other stuff later, but for now you get slightly more spell slots.
You can also use those big-ol’ puppy dog eyes to Charm Person, forcing a wisdom save to charm someone for up to an hour.
8. Sorcerer 3: Your metamagic lets you enhnace your spells by using sorcery points. Your Heightened spells impose disadvantage on one target’s saves, and your Extended spells have a doubled duration.
Flame Blade technically isn’t a sorcerer spell unless you like Unearthed Arcana, but it’s fitting enough that we might as well chance it. It makes a flaming sword that uses your casting modifier to attack and lasts 10 minutes or until your concentration runs out.
9. Sorcerer 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for a higher AC and your Wisdom for more attacks and better cleric spells.
You also get Create Bonfire and Aganazzar’s Scorcher for more fire. Again, kind of a theme here.
10. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers can spend sorcery points on Magical Guidance to re-roll failed skill checks. You’re kind of a big deal, you don’t have time to do things badly.
You also get another UA spell, Flame Stride. Speed yourself up by 20 feet, avoid opportunity attacks, and deal fire damage to nearby creatures. Perfect for when you’re tearing a path through Chaldea.
11. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level pyromancers come packed with Fire in the Veins, giving you resistance to fire damage and now your fire spells ignore resistance.
You also get the spell Incite Greed. You might not be able to conjure gold like the other Golden Rule users, but it looks like you’re really rich, and that’s the important part here. This spell forces a wisdom save on any number of creatures within range, and if they fail all they can do until they break free is follow you around and stare at the gem you’re holding.
12. Sorcerer 7: Your brand new fourth level slots help you induce Confusion on your enemies. Probably your enemies. Seriously, avoid hitting your friends with it.
13. Sorcerer 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells. You also learn Wall of Fire for more fire. Again, we’ve got a theme to work with here.
14. Sorcerer 9: Immolation is more fire, but it’s also more your speed than a wall. Set someone on fire to deal 7d6 fire damage or half on a successful dex save. On a failed save they also stay on fire for up to a minute, until you lose concentration, or they pass another dex save. Also, if this spell kills someone, they turn to ash.
15. Sorcerer 10: For your third metamagic option, go for Empowered spell to deal more damage when you’re out of divinity to channel. Since we’re not going barbarian, grab Blade Ward for a bit of that berserker toughness, as well as Creation to buy up whatever you might need at a moment’s notice.
16. Sorcerer 11: Investiture of Flame gives you yet another way to set yourself on fire, making you immune to fire damage, resist cold damage, deal fire damage to nearby creatures, and you can spend an action to shoot fire for up to 10 minutes.
17. Sorcerer 12: Use your last ASI to max out your Charisma for the hottest flames possible.
18. Sorcerer 13: Your seventh level spell is Fire Storm, creating flames that cover 10 10 foot cubes within range, dealing fire damage and setting objects on fire. More fire! Never enough fire.
19. Sorcerer 14: Fourteenth level pyromancers get Pyromancer’s Fury, letting you spend your reaction to deal fire damage to a creature when they hit you with a melee attack, ignoring resistances. More fire! Always more fire.
20. Sorcerer 15: To commemorate that time you destroyed your entire family and brought them to ruin, grab Sunburst as your eighth level spell to burst that sun and deal radiant damage to creatures in a 60â€Č radius and possibly even blind them.
You’re really good with Fire, and thanks to your pyromancer features the fact that fire is a common resistance isn’t quite as big a deal for you as it could be. Being able to max out your fire damage also means you can deal big hits once per short rest.
Aside from raw damage, you’re also good at weakening enemies thanks to your high charisma and heightened metamagic.
Since you’re shouldering the dps burden, that leaves your skeleton army available to basically be a shield between you and whatever it is you’re killing, making it much harder for barbarians and the like to flatten you like a pancake.
Oh yeah, barbarians can flatten you like a pancake. You have barely over 100 HP and an AC of 16, you’re not hard to take down if someone can survive your opening barrage.
Most of your spells aren’t very selective. Your party might give you a hard time for friendly fire, and you’re probably going to end up killing your skeleton family. Again. Sorry.
Quite a few of your spells require concentration, meaning you’ll have to pick and choose what you’re doing at any one time. It also means you might waste a spell slot if someone slaps you too hard after you immolate someone else. It’s an occupational hazard.
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samnyangie · 4 years ago
Personal reviews on RSL filmography
Rsl, iI thought it’d be a good idea to record my thought on each films rsl was in, it was something I always wanted to do...
Rsl in total, was starred in (excluding tv series etc) 27-ish films, to be honest, considering his years as an actor(approximately more than 30 years) he wasn’t starred in that many. We all know why lol
Just saying I’m not a film expert, therefore the list is very subjective.
The reviews with trigger warning (r*pe, g*re etc): Tape, Killer: Journal of Murder, A glimpse of hell. Tho in the writing I’ve censored them with * since I don’t feel comfortable saying them here
There isn’t particular spoilers except for dps, tape, and ground control
The favourites (literally my life time films)
Dead Poets Society
I assume many would agree, and as many would have, it was my first ever rsl film, like I was on the plane and it was one of the films they offered, and I was like, oh I think i heard of this, so I watched and instantly loved it. The message is very relevant to this day, the cinematography is very beautiful and somehow nostalgic. I was horrified with Neil’s death. Tbh now I’ve seen too many memes and all kind of things from the fandom (which I’m grateful for!) I thought the heartfelt I once had would deluded a bit, however when I watched it again last April with my family at the cinema and it still moved me very deeply.
The age of Innocence
Okay, unpopular opinion here, I love this so much. It’s my all time favourite rsl film. It even outruns dps tiny winy bit haha. Aside from how he had tiny winy screen time, appearing at the end but the fact that he played quite an important role and him being gorgeous in it just<33 I couldn’t help but smiling! It just the whole film was so much of my cup of tea? The melodrama and the hypocrisy hidden by elegance among the upper social classes in 19th century is just what I needed. The more I watch it, the more I understand the characters and their emotions, it’s one of those films you should keep visit to discover the things you weren’t aware of before. I watched it again this morning and i couldn’t stop thinking about it. However, I know some people find it boring and I understand why, my sister is one of them lol(except for a bit where rsl was in) but i think it’s more complex than what it appears to be at a first glance haha. In conclusion, it became one of my comfort film to watch time to time. 
The ones I like<33
Swing kids
At first viewing, I didn’t expected much because it had underwhelming reviews but when I actually saw it, I thought it was quite decent and more and more I watched it, I felt like it was underrated. Yes, I think some directing choices were bit old fashioned and cheesy especially the ending, I’m not saying it was a perfect masterpiece but it deserves more recognition than it has now. Also in spite that there’re some parts being too simplified, it touched on something other films about ww2 normally don’t. It was interesting to see the German perspective on it than Jewish or the allies perspective like many of them does, but of course the latter perspectives matter, it could be argued that they more valid than the former, which partly was where sk criticised for, however, the portrayal of the varied reactions of the German people (in this one particular the teenagers) has its value in their on way. Anyway along side with it, the music and the dance scenes were great, without exaggeration, though Swing kids isn’t my fav, peter’s solo dance scene is my favourite scene in any movies I’ve ever watched. I mean that scene had both visuals and meaning as it demonstrated Peter’s determination as well as resentment with a hitch of unsureness. Rsl acting in that scene was just phenomenal, it’s not about showing off the dancing skills but he portrayed every mixed emotions peter has from his expression and the moves, I just can’t talk about this enough especially this scene was the reason I started fallen for him. lol
Much ado about nothing
Much ado is something I never seen anything like so it was a refreshing exprience. I barely watched Shakespeare on screen kind of thing. Though I felt there were some bits too cheesy for me but they are also the charms in the same time, and the cinematography was pretty also Claudio aka rsl, it was like an official announcement of declaring my worship on this man. Especially it was after SWING KIDSSSS so I couldn’t help it now everyone knows how I fallen for him but no one can blame meeeeee Anyway, it’s a really good film to watch when you want be relaxed with cup of tea maybe hehe
In the gloaming
I heard about it before I watched it, that it’s a heart wrenching, tearful piece, though I didn’t managed to cry, it’s just.... painful and in a way heartfelt. I liked that story telling was calm and collected rather than forcing you to join the sob party, just showing the characters to carry on. And thanks to the great acting from the cast, the characters could be emphasised and understood, personally the older sister was the most relatable character for me, well, eldest complex lol. In short I liked it but it’s not something I would watch it often.
Last days of Disco
As a person who looks at aesthetic in films, I simply enjoyed this for that tbh. I don’t know, I just liked the feeling. But I don’t think it’d be everyone’s cup of tea. I love the day time clothes the girls wore in the film. Tbh I love the music too, I think I love all the films of rsl with music in it. Speaking about rsl, oh rsl, he’s.... His character might be bit unlikable but he was just.... This is why I can’t unlove his characters even the debatable ones<33
They were decent! (I would recommend it)
Married to it
This is the first and last ever attempt of rsl of romcomssss The film itself is cliche to be frank it’s like love actually but it’s about marriage life + it’s not christmas but I like heartfelt cliche stories like this, if anyone also loves this type of story, it’s really worth watching, it’s one of my comfort films, also, rsl is so pretty I mean he always is but to see him being a office man with a baby face made me go awww my baby grew up heheh I wish he did another romcom like this or more preferably, melodramatic romance, I’d have made a shrine of it and worship it every morning lol
The boys next door
I kind of smiled while watching it throughout, if you want something that is heartfelt and touch on some serious topic about social workers and the people with mental disorder, Rsl plays a character who has (I think it was) Schizophrenia and troubled relationship with his father(Deja vu I know) but general atmosphere tend to be quite humourous. I don’t get me wrong, though it’s light hearted, it doesn’t mean they treat the topic in the same way. There’s a scene where the protagonist imagining the one of the characters with the disorder talking eloquently and honourably at the court on the rights and the dignity of the people with mental disorders deserve to/should have and they’re just the same people as the people without mental disorders. It was a powerful scene.
My two loves
Rsl’s first ever screen debut film! Hehe it’s about a woman who is discovering her sexual identity and the conflicts within I personally thought it was fairly sensible depiction but I can’t say for sure whether it was accurate or else, since I don’t think it’s my place to say it:) But if you’re interested, it’s on YouTube, you can just search for it or go to this post I made. Fun fact: since it was his debut film, it credits him as he’s real name, Robert L. Leonard, I just find it amusing haha
It’s another type of film I don’t encounter that often, I enjoyed it, especially with Neil and Todd’s reunion lol. Rsl mentioned how he enjoyed it because it felt like doing a play, my first impression was that the structure is like a play, though the camera work made me quite dizzy haha. But the dialogues, the acting, I think it was quite spot on. Especially the human contradictions and hypocrisy side of it. The most people assume the baddie in the film is Jon the character rsl played and has a distaste for him. I mean how can anyone love a character who is accused of r*pe but to be honest, Vincent for me seemed just as problematic, both of them are hypocrites for sure in their own different ways but in the end we can’t be sure what’s really the truth or not. It’s about the vagueness, and phychology and the uncertainty from the audience on who to believe(well, myself included, most would trust on Amy’s claims since she’s the victim in the accusation, but by her denying the claims, making everything way unclear,) so I don’t know. I don’t really have an opinion haha tho I don’t believe nothing happened because Amy denied so, even Umma Thurman who played her, said that her interpretation was that Amy lied. I felt it’s endless rabbit hole this film. Sorry I couldn’t worded it better.
My best friend is a Vampire
It’s cringey and weird but there’re odd charm to it. Vampire rsl’s so cute as well.... and I think it’s the only film, he acted kind of flirty ? So for that itself I’d like to appreciate itttt And it’s so 80s/90s, like it has general odd nostalgia like all films from that age has. I saw a Korean blog about rsl films and this was mentioned, that- they said- it’s a bible of rsl’s adorableness and I think that sum up the film perfectly.
Mr&Mrs Bridge
Before this was in ‘I mean it was fine” category, but I watched it again and now I want to retract my statement lol Still isn’t my fav but I noticed how delicately depicted each characters are, Mr and Mrs Bridge in particular. This film is alternatively about the changes in the young generation regarding liberty, feminism, free expression especially on sex. It’s in the perspective of the bridges, the mother and father who is old fashioned and conservative (as it was normal in their previous generation) and the children who are the young generation, and the misunderstanding and conflicts between them. After all it all happened not only because of the difference but also the lack of communication, which rsl emphasised in his interviews. I found it interesting that they made it seems like the Bridges truly existed with the video footage and (with the ending) describing what happened to each family member in text with photos. When I watched it at first I was really confused if it was based on a real life. I think what they wanted to suggest was that the Bridges every typical American family at the time. It was something everyone was going through. I said previously I didn’t get why Rsl’s character (the youngest in the Bridges) treated his mother so coldly. Honestly I do get why, but I guess I felt so bad so the mother haha
I mean it was fine
The safe passage
It was okay but to be honest it didn’t stood out to me. It was okay. The story, the characters weren’t that interesting. I wish they extended it longer to go depth with their family relationship or something.
A painted house
I find it likeable, it has a chill, old folk story vibe, but same as previous one. it didn’t really stand out except for shirtless rsl, do close ups you cowards
Bluffing it
I was really fond of the premise of this film and I think it has great intention. It was specifically made to promote the awareness of illiteracy and how to get support. However, I don’t get the reason of Jack the protagonist’s illiteracy. Unless, it was common occurrence in America at the time, I feel like it’d have been more convincing if he was in poor family hood, so there was no time to learn at school due to working at young age...? I mean, just finding it hard to believe he passed the high school just like that, I mean the teachers or anyone should have noticed it, maybe I’m missing something here but it seemed unlikely to me.
Ground control
Again, I liked the message, as it depicted how frightening and difficult job the ground controller is, by one mistake could take away the lives of hundreds, especially as someone who goes on planes a lot... But it was quite cliche throughout, I just couldn’t get engaged to it. But I do admit at the end when the protagonist runs off to the landing zone see the pilot who he had just saved, they acknowledged each other and have eye contacts was truly wholesome. Rsl as cocky, bad boy was such a icing on the cake, I loved it so much. Chewing gum in every scene lol I hope he plays these sort of characters more often. I saw someone criticising him saying he has narrow spectrum of just playing nice boy roles like Neil but I really wanted to debunk the narrative and this could be one of the examples! 
Chelsea walls
I knew that this has split reviews but nonetheless I think worth to watch it, 1. Ethan and rsl re union, 2. Ethan is the directer of the film and rsl sing in it. But I have to say, it’s one of those hard to follow art indie film so I couldn’t finish it on one go. I feel like I have to devour it over and over again. Maybe later on I grow fond of it more lol But his character, I loved him so much. He’s just has everyone don’t touch me, I’m a cocky artist vibe, there’s a scene where his annoying friend annoying him and he looks up and says: ‘Fck off’. Absolute golddddd not to mention he sings and plays guitar so beautifully<333
Well... it’s not my cup of tea
The Manhattan project
I don’t think the film it self was that bad, it’s about high school boy who find out the existence of some nuclear energy research lab and stole the energy to make his own nuclear bomb. I just don’t get the thinking process of the protagonist. It really frustrated me. He seemed apathetic and unlikable I disliked him throughout and that’s why I didn’t really enjoyed it. I mean it has humour and ridiculous storyline might be humorous to some. But more importantly there was such little screen time for rsl!! LIKE WHY? WHY PEOPLE?? HE LOOKS LIKE A FRESH HUMAN MOCHI!!! It makes me soooo mad to think about it
Killer: Journal of Murder
Well, first of all, it had a lot of graphic things than I imagined, brutally murd*red bodies, execution, and r*pe scene, gosh I was strucken by it when I saw that, I had to skipped that scene. It’s based on a real event and a real criminal called Carl Panzram, so if you’re aware of it, it might be more intriguiging to see. But personally for me... meh, I don’t think directing was good as it failed to portray it enough for me to comprehend fully.
A Glimpse of Hell
This is also based on a true event of a tragic accident in the us battleship in Iowa in 1989. They shows tragedy lin a blunt, brutal way by showing horribly damaged bodies of the soldiers torn into pieces, all the horrid things directly so be warned about that. I was quite alarmed because i didn’t expect to see it haha there’s no much to say. The film quality was so so for me. I feel their approach wasn’t appropriate, they were clearly trying to make it dramatic which is fine but in a melodramatic emotional way. It didn’t work because first, there aren’t enough portrayal of the characters for me to get attached, secondly it added the unnecessary exaggeration it prevented me from being emotionally involved or even to think about it. In my opinion, I think it’d have been better if they made it more restrained, dry, focus on the accuracy. For example like 1987 or Zodiac, I mean both of them has dramatic elements since they’re not a documentary but they were not overdone, in a contrary added emphasis to their message/conclusion. I know it’s easier said than done but it was something I consistently felt during it.
Sir.... I’m sorry but-
Haha... it’s very peculiar... the directing is off and it just weird. I knew it was bad already but I watched it because rsl as a cop with gunssssssss just... so rare and just.... something else. There’s no way of me missing that seriously. Tbh him doing an action stunt isn’t what I imagine when it comes to him and there’s really any actions scenes anyway but it really was something. Like the character he played here really became my soft spot Hehehehe he was pretty and plus, tbh it’s kind of film I’d make fun of while watching so everything was (alomst) forgivable. There is a recent thing I think about, since this is about a cult, I kind of hope he’d at some day play a role like Eli Sunday from There will be blood: a manipulative, deceitful and maddened priest with twisted faith. Though Paul Dano did a grand job, the idea was in my head the whole time. Well, it’s a shame he wasn’t any of those here lol
From what I seen, the majority of people seem to unanimously hate this film, and after watching it I became one of those ppl. At least Standoff could be make fun of and rsl held gunssss but this...... I want to say so many things... I feel like they should have chose either fancy, fast paced, thrilling racing film or detailed depiction of emotions/relationships with the racers and people involved in it, I know both can be done, but I think that was outside of their ability, but since they tried to do that at once, it became a mess that doesn’t go either way. And the characters, any of them, including rsl’s are narrow or impossible to understand. I mean rsl did great himself, it was not about acting, the problem lies on the script and editing in my opinion. Also there were so many unnecessary characters made me question of their existence. Luckily rsl’s character isn’t one of them, however because of them, he had to squeeze in and unable to elaborate, which is a shame as he was an interesting character and someone rsl rarely plays; a arrogant and opportunist agent/brother of the protagonist, who would do anything for success... ha.... whyyyyy
This is it. If I watch other stuff I might add to it in the future. Overall, I know I’m biased but I do like His filmography, I do have appreciations in every one of them in different way to the good ones to bad. He may have disagree, but I love his acting on screen, well, I barely seen him on stage (crying)
Edit: as some of you could see, I’ve edited this over and over again haha elaborating on thing or the contrary. I can say with a glimpse of hell I practically managed to watch every rsl films out there lol except for the i inside and the short film he did called a dog race in Alaska. But with the former I’m not interested and already know the storyline, and the latter is just impossible to find, trust me I did my best;; 
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aedan-mills · 3 years ago
I wanted to watch dps but I'm way to sick and depleted of my energy to handle the emotional baggage of dps so I decided to just watch the deleted scenes and the interview reunion interview thingy as a compromise. And like now I'm thinking about how when I watched the interview after watching dps for the first time I literally did not register that Ethan was Todd. Like it was about halfway in when he was describing how Peter and him changed up the Snow Scene that it finally clicked in my brain. Like we joke about how Ethan doesn't look like Todd but I genuinely had no idea in that interview. Like granted it had been 5am after my brain was broken in half from having just experienced all of the Everything that is DPS for the first time so my brain wasn't exactly operating on all cylinders but still. Like I have to laugh as I'm watching it now that when he first appeared in the interview and was talking that I was just like "oh so this is someone who worked on the movie" and even was like "wait where's Todd's actor?" when I had distinguished most of the other people in the interview as the actors of the characters. Like even process of elimination didn't even work apparently. Like it's all laughs now as I'm watching it again but Ethan caused my broken little brain so much confusion back in May
THAT'S SO VALID BESTIE, like-- Ethan Hawke in interviews is so charismatic and gives very different vibes from Todd, not to mention aesthetically he looks more rugged than Todd hahah What i find really interesting is that when you immerse yourself in more Ethan Hawke Interviews or movies AFTER dps, then rewatch DPS, you can see Ethan slip into his ethan mode a few times hahaha but over all, Todd is a character on his own đŸ„șđŸ„ș
I'm happy that DPS and it's cast is one of those things we can't fully wrap our heads around UNTIL NOW hahaha it's been months and Dps still amazes me to this day, as well as its behind the scenes or interviews hahah I love finding out how much improv or revision they did too đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș really shows how fun it must've been on set with a bunch of artists đŸ„°đŸ„°
Anyway, I hope you're feeling better now bestie!! get plenty of rest
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years ago
my year of fic (2020)
I had a lapse in doing this, because the end of 2019 was just---a haze---but I thought it might be fun to try again on this, my first day off of 2021. Ignoring for a moment the armed sedition and the pandemic and the general feeling like the world’s about to spin upside down, I think it might be a good day. Let me try to feel some joy in writing, so that I might do some more writing this weekend. There’s a chance!
Per the AO3 stats tracker:
Total words written in 2020: 278,664 (Compared to 2019: 201,375 -- definite improvement!) That brings the overall AO3 published total to: 1,160,723. Jesus. I need another hobby, haha.
I’ll try to collect a year masterlist below, but let’s see what happened with stats first.
fic with most hits, which is not the same thing as best: no disguising truths i’ve sold -- y’all are fiends for the dadsex, just admit it. It always gives me a giggle how many hits these ones have with so few people actually interacting. :)
fic with most kudos, which I guess means people admitted they liked it: there will be better days -- which I guess isn’t a surprise, written when it was, but it’s still super gratifying to see that people enjoyed it. This one takes top spot for most of the other categories, too, so I’m going to go for the 2nd-placers on the next few...
fic with (2nd-)most comment threads, which I guess means people wanted to chat about it: In a Cursed Hour, which is a pleasant surprise! This is the very long gen (with sneaky pining!Dean), the first part of which was technically finished this year. I hope I come back to it at some point, because the story is... great, haha. Just super hard to write. Gratifying that people wanted to talk about it!
fic with (2nd-)most bookmarks, which I guess means people want to read it again: see things so much clearer -- aw, now that’s a nice surprise! This kinda felt like channeling old-school weecest, in some ways, so it’s cool that people seem to have enjoyed it.
fic with (2nd)-most subscriptions, which I guess means people are hoping for more: welcome to capitalism -- another nice surprise! I almost forgot about this one: a little ruthless, a little kind. Logical choices in a world that sucks, kind of my favorite genre, haha.
longest fic: what comes after certainty -- ow, ow. This is a---strange one---started in 2019 before the haze, published finally in a bit of ignominy, still not read by the recipient I’m pretty sure because it’s fucking depressing, haha. But I’m kinda proud of it, or at least proud of myself for finishing it, so I guess it’s good that I spent this many words on it.
least popular fic, if we’re going by kudos: transference -- lol, that makes sense -- Umbrella Academy momcest? That said tho, it’s kinda fun and you should read it. Diego’s just the biggest mommy’s boy. Ahem.
The best thing writing-wise about this year was stretching into stuff I wouldn’t normally write, thanks to the charity drives. Maybe I’ll try to do that again this year; I’m sure something horrific will happen that will need some monetary support.
In the meantime, here are all of the fics I wrote this year, in order that they were written. Probably Sam/Dean unless otherwise specified. Imagine retrospective montage music:
none. no surprise here.
the hollow summer - E. Boy King Sam, AU.
‘he has a kiss stuck in his mouth’ - M. Pining!Dean, Stanford era.
no disguising truths i’ve sold - E. John/Deanna, pre-series.
“I almost died” - T. Jared/Jensen, firefighter!Jared fluff.
‘sam waking dean up with his mouth’ - E, somnophilia, married!sex.
relay - E, D/s play.
extreme pollen warning - E, sex pollen, established relationship.
whatever we were before - E, Dragon Age AU, mage!Sam/warrior!Dean.
‘cokehead!Alex’ - T. Alex/JDM; part one.
pragmatics - E. Established wincest, past Dean/others. Prostitution.
teamwork (makes the dream work) - Alex/Jared/Jensen. cokehead!verse pt 2.
to dream of the next - E. First time, pining!Sam.
In a Cursed Hour: Protesting Fate Supreme - T. Men of Letters AU, ch.6.
FFFB 1 - M. Gabriel/Rowena, meeting through the years.
FFFB 2 - E. A/B/O, first time.
FFFB 3 - E. Jensen/Jeff, voyeur!Jared, Non-AU.
FFFB 4 - M. Cloud/Sephiroth, mindfuck.
FFFB 5 - M. Amos/Alex, pantykink.
FFFB 6 - E. Dubcon shading to noncon, pining!Dean.
FFFB 7 - M. Hannibal/Will, first kiss.
FFFB 8 - E. Post-Michael possession, piercings, body mods.
FFFB 9 - M. Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, AU.
FFFB 10 - M. Dean/Bobby, Stanford era.
FFFB 11 - E. Mommy!kink, bunker era.
FFFB 12 - M. Gen, Sam’s wall, mild self-harm.
FFFB 13 - M. Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes, racial discussion.
FFFB 14 - M. s2, Sam’s cast.
FFFB 15 - E. Jared/Jensen, established relationship, CBT.
FFFB 16 - E. weecest, first time.
FFFB 17 - M. Sam/Dean/Jack.
FFFB 18 - M. Amnesia.
FFFB 19 - E. BDSM, sub!Dean, dildos.
FFFB 20 - E. A/B/O, demon!Dean, noncon.
FFFB 21 - T. Established relationship, Stanford discussion.
FFFB 22 - E. Dubcon, time travel, soulless!Sam/young!Dean, prostitution.
FFFB 23 - M. Implied Dean/John, jealous!Sam.
FFFB 24 - E. ‘The End’!verse, Lucifer!Sam/Dean, noncon.
FFFB 25 - E. Tentacles, body horror, oviposition.
FFFB 26 - E. Belly bulge!kink.
none. apparently I needed a break.
have a cigar - E. Sam’s powers, slight D/s.
welcome to capitalism - E. Jared/Jensen, prostitution.
the wealth gap - E. ‘capitalism’ pt 2; Jared/Jensen, prostitution.
what comes after certainty - M. Mutual pining, amnesia.
reunion theory - E. Cloud/Sephiroth, Cloud/Hojo. Body horror, torture, mpreg. Fic for fire relief 1.
the honeytrap - E. Jared/Jensen, mob!AU. FFFR 2.
scotch courage - M. Sam/Kevin, hair play. FFFR 3.
he will tear your city down - E. Damen/Laurent, slight D/s. FFFR 4.
cyrano - E. Jensen/Antony Starr, established J2. D/s, consensual infidelity. FFFR 5.
two runners on base - E. Dean/Deacon, established relationship, BDSM, DP. FFFR 6.
what’s to stop me, pretty baby - E. Noncon, MoC!Dean. FFFR 7.
the need to choose - E. A/B/O, pregnant!Dean. FFFR 8.
transference - E. Diego Hargreeves/Grace, mommy kink. FFFR 9.
vertex - E. John/Dean, Stanford era, pining!Dean. FFFR 10.
faith without works is dead - M. Sam’s powers, violence, dubcon. FFFR 11.
be subject to each other - E. Photography, facial. FFFR 12.
you know i’m gonna be like him - M. Past Dean/John, child abuse. FFFR 13.
unbalance - E. A/B/O, Jared/Jensen, prostitute!Jared. FFFR 14.
buccaneer - E. Crowley/Deanna, demon!Dean, always-a-girl!Dean. FFFR 15.
make much of time - E. Sam/Dean/Jack, virginity kink. FFFR 16.
see things so much clearer - E. Pre-series, first time, diaries. FFFR 17.
won’t let you let me down so easily - E. Sam/Brady, Sam/others, Stanford era, mind control, gangbang, noncon. FFFR 18.
the beams of our house are cedar - E. Bunker era, panties, feminization. FFFR 19.
negotiation tactics - E. Homelander/Soldier Boy, D/s, superpower sex.
finale coda - M. Heaven.
15.19 coda - T. Jack as god.
there will be better days - E. Heaven, first time.
a leaden anchor - E. Post-Playthings.
That’s it. I haven’t had a single writing thought in my head since that last one. Here’s hoping it comes back in 2021!
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smallersocksx · 4 years ago
Why the Wallace Cup Arc is one of the best returning character arcs
For those who have been following the PokĂ©mon Journeys anime, know that Dawn was one of the latest former cast members to return the series for a two-episode arc. As I admitted in my episode 74 review (I’m contemplating reviewing episode 75 as well), should know I hadn’t really been keeping up with the anime up to that point as I felt all the issues, I had mentioned in one of my previous posts all culminated and I needed to take a break as I wasn’t enjoying the series. It felt more like a chore to watch the Journeys series rather than a pleasure and I felt horrible feeling this way about a series that I had loved for such a long time. However, if you’re enjoying the series, that’s great and I’m glad you find some enjoyment watching it.
Nevertheless, those that have read my posts or know me personally know DP is one of my favourite Pokémon series and I absolutely love Dawn, her Pokémon and Contests to pieces. So, when they announced she would be appearing for two episodes, I knew I had to watch. However, after sitting on these thoughts for a couple of weeks, I had to admit overall I was a little disappointed. This is a shame because I absolutely love Dawn but the reasons, I felt disappointed were:
The pacing/length – in both episodes, I felt like some areas were really slow and could have easily been cut out which in turn caused the areas that should have been slower and more fleshed out to feel incredibly rushed such as the battle with Matori Matrix. I felt like another area that could have been sped up was the exposition/discovery of Darkrai and Cresselia’s symbiotic relationship, don’t get me wrong it was interesting but I feel like it could have been handled better. I think if this DP arc had been four episodes long like the Sword and Shield arc, the pacing could have been better, we could have explored Ash and Goh’s side of the story more and we could have actually seen some Contest action. Additionally, it would give us a break from the episodic and slightly disjointed nature of the Journeys series and engage more with the story.
Chloe’s development – Now for those that have read my previous posts, should know that I like Chloe and I’m interested to see where they go with her development. Especially considering she’s meant to meeting an Espeon and Umbreon trainer in the upcoming episode. However, it kind of felt like the only reason they brought Dawn back was to help Chloe develop. It would have been nice to allow Dawn and her other PokĂ©mon to shine more. Also, as  I mentioned in my episode 74 review, the argument between Chloe and Dawn felt completely unnecessary to me. In my opinion, one of the ways Chloe had subtly developed under Eevee’s influence was that she learnt to relax a little bit and not take things so seriously. This is why I was finding her behaviour in episode 74 to be a little annoying.
Also, it would have been nice to at least see Chloe attempt to participate in a Contest and at least try something out once even if it's not for her. Considering, PokĂ©mon is an anime tailored towards children, it's better to send out the message of at least trying something even if it's not something for you in the end. This was something I would have liked to have seen with Serena, as before discovering PokĂ©mon Showcases, she didn’t really try to find her goal/path. However, judging by the preview, at least the writers are acting on the idea of Chloe meeting other Eevee and Eeveelution trainers.
Dawn and her PokĂ©mon – As I mentioned previously, it kind of felt like the only reason Dawn was brought back was to contribute to Chloe’s development. Whilst, it was nice to see Dawn and her Piplup again it would have been nice to have seen Dawn’s other PokĂ©mon outside of a flashback. We did have that brief scene where Dawn gave Chloe a demonstration of a Contest Performance but outside of that we hardly saw anything else to do with contests. They could have done something similar to the Darkrai film and show the contest in the end credits as a one-off/special ED. Or if the arc had been longer, they could have devoted more time to the contest aspect and we could have seen Chloe and Dawn participating in the Eterna City contest. It just would have given Dawn a better opportunity to shine and show off her skills as a Coordinator.
They could have featured the rest of Dawn’s PokĂ©mon in the beach scene at the end of Episode 75. I just wanted a Buneary and Pikachu reunion ToT
Apologies, for turning this into a critique of episode 75/this mini-arc. However, it brought me back to this point and I’ve seen people always make this comment or have made videos on it when critiquing Journeys. The problem Journeys has is that any returning characters have basically been treated as fan service that the older fans including myself have eaten up. But when you think about it, it's honestly doing these characters a disservice, and they deserve so much better. Take Korrina and Iris, Iris, in particular, they had hyped up their returns to the series and it ends kind of falling flat as they both lose to Ash to help him to further his goal (which contributes to Journeys pacing issue). Nevertheless, their losses end up diminishing all the development they built up to that point, particularly with Iris’ Haxorus, this was a PokĂ©mon I would have loved to have seen develop more on-screen and when we see him fully evolved as he has always dreamed it was sad to see him lose.
This brings me to this point that I’ve made and so have others, that the Wallace Cup arc has arguably been one of the best arcs/methods of utilising a former main cast member. And it’s due to the reasons, I had listed were the latest DP arc fell short:
The pacing/length
May and her Pokémon
Dawn’s development
The setting
I feel like the setting, in particular, was one of the main reasons why the Wallace Cup arc was so successful. If you’re still reading this, thank you and sorry for the incredibly long introduction.
The pacing/length:
I feel like these two aspects go hand-in-hand so I decided to place them under the same bracket. Now I don’t know whether some count the Wallace Cup arc as five episodes rather than four as May does briefly appear in Our Cup Runneth Over! But I count it from A Full Course Tag Battle! Nevertheless, whether it be four or five episodes, this arc didn’t feel like it dragged on or rushed, it was the perfect length in my opinion. A Full Course Tag Battle! Was a great way to re-introduce us to May and her character, to learn of her progress/struggles in Johto and to see some of her PokĂ©mon again. This episode had helped integrate May back into the main cast perfectly as we learn she keeps in contact with Ash and they both still have their halves of the Terracotta Ribbon and we see that May and Dawn develop a fast friendship through their shared interests and current hardships. In addition to this, I like the call-back to May’s Kanto Journey, with her fire-water combination in the Tag battle as well as the food-loving aspect of her personality (same May same).
The following episode, Staging a Heroes Welcome! Showed off one of my favourite aspects of Contests in the anime, the Performance Stage. In addition to this, it allowed us to see May’s new skills and style in a Contest setting. I really enjoyed May’s performance, as we learnt her timid Squirtle had evolved into a confident Wartortle (one of my favourite starter Middle Stage evolutions) and I loved their simple performance, it reminded me of a pebble/stone skipping across the water and you couldn’t take your eyes off Wartortle. I really enjoyed Ash’s performance, it’s not the first time he’s competed in a Contest but I love the fact he competed with Buizel, who wasn’t that interested in Contests under Dawn’s ownership. Additionally, I love the fact Ash used Dawn’s feedback to help with the performance but it honestly felt like an Ash performance, just showing off his and Buizel’s love of battle.
Finally, it’s getting closer to Dawn’s turn and naturally, she starts to have doubts, causing Piplup to launch a Bubble Beam at her face. It was a short but cute display of Dawn and Piplup’s relationship and how they support one another especially as Piplup tried to gently encourage Dawn throughout her slump. In this case, he decided to be a little more forceful. Despite a little stumble, Dawn and Ambipom ultimately delivered a simple and clean performance taking on Zoey’s advice. Ultimately being rewarded with a place in the Battle Stage. Overall, this episode was a brilliant way to introduce to the Wallace Cup, the beginning of Dawn re-gaining her confidence and seeing the Hoenn cast of characters.
Pruning Passel of Pals! Personally, this is the weakest episode of the arc, just for the fact it has the least amount of battling but we expand on DP’s main plot with the Lake Trio as Ash catches sight of Azelf and we expand on the Sinnoh lore. We also get a cute Team Rocket moment, where James and Meowth arrange for Jessie to act as a TV commentator for the competition, their sense of comradery is so cute (also if Jessie’s happy they’re happy). I liked the fact we got to see Dawn’s first battle of the competition after renewing her confidence and I did enjoy the battle, as we hadn’t seen Buneary in a Contest battle for a while. Up to the Quarter Finals, we mostly got still-shots or brief cuts of the other battles which is what makes this episode weaker in comparison to the others. However, it allowed us to see May’s Skitty and that her Bulbasaur evolved all the way to a Venusaur.
Once, we reach the Quarter Finals, we see Ash battle against a Coordinator named Kyle. Sadly, Ash ultimately loses the battle and is eliminated he didn’t entirely lose out as he and Buizel are more in sync and the Ice Aqua Jet that Dawn couldn’t perfect with Buizel under her ownership was finally successful. However, Kyle brought up an interesting point during his battle with Ash that stuck with me, that in these types of contests such as the Wallace Cup and the Grand Festival, varying your PokĂ©mon is vital so your opponents can’t figure out all of your strategies. This was what led to Solidad defeating May in the Kanto Grand Festival as observed May’s tactics and battle style. I just found this observation interesting and it was something that stuck with me.
Finally, my favourite episode of the arc and probably one of my favourite Contest episodes ever, Strategy with a Smile! Now, this is how you conclude a Contest arc! There was plenty of action, the first Semi-Final Battle we have is between Kyle and Dawn, what I loved with this episode and subsequent battles was seeing Dawn confident once again and having faith in her skills re-using the spin tactic, she developed in Oreburgh City and combining it with Bide causing Piplup to glow purple and turn his opponent’s attacks against them.
Then we have May vs Zoey, which allowed us to see May’s new skills and battle style on full display. We also get to see May’s Beautifly again! One of my favourite PokĂ©mon. Once again, we got to see, why Zoey is one of Dawn’s toughest rivals utilising the pool to electrocute Beautifly. However, I liked the way May turned the tables on her, something I don’t think we saw too often with her in previous Contests. But she didn’t give Zoey the chance to counterattack either. I just really enjoyed seeing this new fierce style, May had developed during her time in Johto.
However, the next battle had to be one of my favourite Contest battles of all time. What better way to conclude the Wallace Cup arc? Then having our two main Coordinators go head-to-head, DP was the series when the visuals for PokĂ©mon began to increase in quality and I really loved the visuals throughout this battle. Not to mention we got to May’s newly evolved Glaceon shine in a Contest Battle as we hardly got to see it in action as an Eevee.
Some fans were upset at the fact, May the more experienced Coordinator had lost to Dawn and I’ll explore factors and reasons why this could have happened. But I felt the need to hammer this point, Dawn only won by half a point and Contests aren’t about strength, the winner is the Coordinator who best displays their PokĂ©mon’s traits in a Performance and Battle. And say if May won, either way, both Coordinators would have had a positive experience, it would have been similar to the conclusion of Dawn’s battle with Maylene. Despite the loss, Dawn still would have regained her confidence but I think her winning the Aqua Ribbon gave her that extra sense of affirmation, as Dawn won a Contest that attracts competitors from all over the globe. I can’t think of a better way of renewing a character’s sense of self-confidence than in a setting such as this. All in all, it was a great way to conclude the Wallace Cup arc.
It felt like every episode set out to fulfill the job it was meant to do and succeeded. Naturally, they couldn’t show off every battle in the competition and it’s the same in other Contest episodes, utilising still-shots. But I generally enjoyed every battle they chose to focus on and the way the pool battlefield was utilised throughout the competition. In addition to the character development featured throughout this arc, we had some progression to the overarching plot of DP. This section ended up being an episode-by-episode review of the arc but I hope it gets the point across!
May and her Pokémon:
The issue I’ve been having as of late is that it kind of felt like the only reason former main cast members were returning was to help develop a current main cast member and that just doesn’t feel right. These characters deserve to shine and we want to see how they developed. This is why one of my favourite aspects of the Wallace Cup arc is that we truly got to see May shine and see the progress she’s made from the naĂŻve beginner trainer she was in AG to the fearless Coordinator she is now. In addition to May, we got to see all of her PokĂ©mon shine in their own way at least once (yes, I’m including still shots). Which is why I’m glad we had the Full Course Tag Battle! The episode gave us the chance to see her Blaziken, as using a fire-type in a contest that celebrates water-types in a battlefield with a pool probably wouldn’t be a good idea.
One of my main reasons, May split off from Ash, was because she felt like she was imitating his battle style and she wanted to develop her own. And we got to see that in the Semi-finals and the Finals of the Wallace Cup, where May defeated Dawn’s toughest rival, Zoey by utilising her own tactics against her in a very Ash/Drew-like style.
Nevertheless, we also saw that old habits die hard, as to some extent as May still relies on luck-based moves as shown in the final where May had Glaceon use Secret Power which worked the first time and paralysed Piplup however, the second time it backfired and ended up making Piplup shine more in comparison to Glaceon.
All in all, we also learnt of May’s progress in Johto we essentially got to see it for ourselves, which is something fans who have followed May’s journey appreciate all the more.
Dawn’s Development:
As I mentioned in the previous section, it felt like as of late former main cast members was being brought back to help develop members of the main cast. What I love about the Wallace Cup arc, was that even though May was the more experienced Coordinator, at the time they were going through a similar experience and were both on losing streaks. In Dawn’s case, she needed to regain her confidence after two consecutive failures in the Performance Stage, the second time in which she over-compensated for the previous loss.
However, from this experience, Dawn didn’t just regain her confidence, she learnt that simplicity is best and can allow her PokĂ©mon to shine and be the focus. This can be seen in her later Contest performances and in Arriving in Style! In which her PokĂ©mon do something as simple as spinning or jumping whilst uniquely utilising their moves and remaining the focus of the audience.
Moreover, many fans were upset that May, the more experienced Coordinator had lost to Dawn in the Finals. All things considered, Dawn only beat May by half a point, Dawn could have edged May out at several points in the battle as Contests aren’t about strength, the victor is who best displays their PokĂ©mon strengths. With May, having relied on luck-based moves too much, to Dawn utilising previously used tactics such as Piplup riding his Whirlpool (from Dawn’s second Contest) to using May’s water curtain tactic from the Semi-Finals against her.
To this day, this is still one of my favourite battles from the Pokémon anime, not only because I love Contests, seeing our two main Coordinators going up against one another but seeing Dawn having the confidence in her own tactics but being influenced by those around her as well.
The setting:
As I mentioned in the introduction, I believe the setting is one of the core reasons why the Wallace Cup arc was so successful. Having May’s return be featured in a Contest setting just makes so much sense. Not only that, but it allowed us to see May’s growth alongside Dawn. However, we also got to see Ash and Buizel’s relationship develop and to see Ash successfully execute one of his best strategies for the first time with the Ice Aqua Jet.
Overall, in my opinion, the Wallace Cup arc is one of the best narrative uses of a former main character. As it not only allowed our current cast to develop but it allowed us to see first-hand, May’s growth and aggressive battle style that she’s developed in Johto, especially those who had been following May’s journey from a naïve beginner trainer to the fierce Coordinator she is today.
Dawn’s growth was great from re-gaining her confidence and not allowing it to become over-confidence. Learning simple is best, and that tactic allowed her PokĂ©mon to shine the most. Ash developing new strategies and bonding with his PokĂ©mon. And some slight plot progression to the overarching narrative/story of DP.
The pacing and length of this arc, was just right, as it didn’t feel too long or too short and every episode fulfilled the job it had set out to do. It's nice to experience short story arcs, as it gives the audience a chance to be gripped to a story/narrative and I enjoy having that sense of focus in a story.
Honestly, I think the writers had hit the nail on the head, with this arc and it's sad they couldn’t really replicate the success of the Wallace Cup arc with future character returns. I have seen over the years that the PokĂ©mon anime is capable of some great story-telling and amazing character arcs as shown by this entire post. This is why, I’m finding some aspects of Journeys frustrating, that they set up some amazing plot lines or potential development and fall flat on the delivery or don’t even act on it.
I don’t know if it’s just me setting my expectations too high or I’m being overly critical. I would like to think it's healthy to have some criticisms of a series rather than to just blindly love it. Initially, I did enjoy Journeys but after the episode 60 mark, my enjoyment began to wear thin which makes me sad as I genuinely love to watch the anime alongside playing the games. Anyways, I feel better getting this off my chest and if anyone actually read the entirety of this post thank you! I’m thinking of making another post possibly focusing on why I’m not enjoying the episodic formula of Journeys but that might be another day!
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