A new study by Quebec researchers paints a stark portrait of education and employment rates among the province's vulnerable youth. 
One-third of young people who have been placed under the care of Quebec's youth protection services, the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ), are unemployed and aren't enrolled in a school at age 21, according to the study.
Commissioned by Quebec's employment ministry and conducted by the Chaire-Réseau de Recherche sur la Jeunesse du Québec the study looked at the experiences of 1,136 people with youth protection services.
It found that young people in Quebec's youth protection system are twice as likely to drop out of school compared to the general population, with only a quarter obtaining a high school diploma by the age of 19, and 37 per cent obtaining the degree by 21. 
Karolane Chénier-Richard isn't at all surprised by the findings. As a teenager, she dropped out of school and says she didn't get the kind of support she needed in Quebec. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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deepmom-ent · 9 months
À toi qui juge, qui décidera,
(SI tu nous condamnes libre où il restera)
Sache qu’encore en ce moment la douleur peut m’envahir jusqu’à mon esprit. L’ignorance de cette souffrance demeure la plus grave des erreurs. Le comportement même de mon enfant devrait faire preuve de cette résilience. À la suite des multiples et variées agressions, nous avons dû réapprendre à vivre et ce jusqu’à marcher. Briser l’isolement d'être rejeté. Parler au-dessus des cries et des ravages de sa rages. Essayer d’exister au-delà de son profond désir de se venger.
Pour donner suite à toute cette anxiété, par tous les moyens j’ai voulu nous guérir et continuer. Sans reconnaître notre peine et les séquelles infligées, il est allé jusqu’à notre enfant nous séparer. Étant mal interprété ils ont décidé de Le protéger. Victime oppressé, agresseur victimisé, violences répétées.
On dit de l’hypersexualité qu’elle est normale, la violence banale et dans le plus profond de son expression ils ont appris à mon enfant à se taire. Une dénonciation de l’incompréhension oublié. Par tous mes moyens et mon expertise il a appris à s’adapter. Rester fort et plus que tout aimer. Aimer malgré cette haine déterminée.
Tout cheminement débute par une prise de responsabilité et je vous ai amplement prouvé mon intégrité.
Ceci est l’aveux de notre vie que j’aimerais pouvoir dire d’Avant.
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Thinking about Han-tongling's various expressions of being 100% done with diplomacy.  
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i know his name is duan pengju
i hear his name as duan pengju
but when i look at the subtitles
i see only
don penguin
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eggsaladnightmares · 1 year
I thought I had made a plan to make pizzas with my grandpa today for dinner but he decided to go out with my cousins for take out instead
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vvnnie · 1 year
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DPJ // Instagram / Website
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laithraihan · 3 months
Are you out irl? Do your parents know about your partner?
Well my parents did find out I was a lesbian years ago before I dated anyone, but it just ended up with the DPJ taking me away from them for a year or something like that (I think the American equivalent is "CPS"). My social worker told me they were also gonna trick me into going to Algeria to trap me in an arranged marriage by disguising it as a "family vacation" but idk if that's true because I was underage back then. Well it might be true because my parents arent very normal to be honest. My parents and siblings did end up going to Algeria shortly after (without me) which means they renewed their passports around the same time so it was most likely not an empty threat. Now I live with them again because they think it was just a phase and they tend to dismiss these things as "small conflicts from the past" so we're chill now. They dont really know that Im in a relationship and I dont think I can tell them either. I dont tell them anything about myself in general even small things like my interests etc and I think it's for the best
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 month
i feel one could separate the different lights by your post. musical light is the card carrying reiwa shinsengumi guy. animanga light is "apolitical" but would vote dpj because his dad votes dpj. fuck i don't know enough death note adaptations to finish this joke. there's gotta be one republican light out there
steeples fingers. actually. okay. extremely autistic post incoming. please read to the end though you aren’t ready for this punch line
I’m gonna argue jdrama light is the card carrying RSG voter just because he’s the one with a vested opposition to the establishment. he gets like. threatened and bullied by an old classmate, so it checks out that he’d be a leftist populist. I’m gonna hand wave the fact that the RSG formed in 2019 for the bit. this light is a college student and so he’s probably old enough to vote.
musical light is actually a Japanese communist party voter (“and the corporaaaations make the regulaaaations / and hold no one accountable when everything goes wrong”) but he dies before he’s ever old enough to vote (death note is set in 2003, and the musical kills off light before the time skip. the voting age in japan was only lowered to 18 in 2016, and so in 2003 light would’ve been three years too young to vote anyway.) so he has no material impact on any elections anyway.
I agree with you that animanga light votes DPJ because his dad votes DPJ and frankly politics don’t really seem to matter to animanga light. It’s kind of whatever and the DPJ at least has socialist roots. plus I don’t think any version of light fucks with the LDP just because that’s the uber conservative pro establishment party and light yagami is nothing but an anti establishment but pro state cuck. sorry.
I need to know his thoughts on article 9 of the constitution btw. what does light think about forced demilitarization!!!! does he even have thoughts on it!!! light !! speak your truth!!!
the real answer to “which light is a republican” is arguably death note 2017’s light turner, who grows up in the most American possible household with a cop dad, who thinks cops should have more power and believes in vigilantism. arguably he’s probably more of a libertarian (considering the anti government/anti state thing he has going on) but I don’t think he’s smart enough to think too hard about the nuances of American centrism. I’d argue he did vote third party in the 2016 election just because he’s a milquetoast contrarian, though.
now if we look at the anime timeline which is set in 2006, there comes an extremely interesting question. Light would’ve been old enough to vote post time skip at 23. assuming the anime timeline just moved the manga’s events up by three years, this means he was alive and of voting age in 2012.
folds hands together.
did anime light yagami support Shinzo Abe’s election to prime minister in 2012?
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not-goldy · 5 months
What do you think about this? Almost 1000 Armys did not know the most touching and important moment that Jimin shared with us. If they were Jimin Solos, would the voting result be like this? I don't sympathize with them, but I think their presence is very important in Jimin's career, especially at this stage . and all the members should have their strong solo Fandom To carry their solo career .
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Not gonna lie at this phase in my life I hate PJMs. all of them won't leave a single one of them out.
I'd shoot to kill if heard them wrestling in the dark.
And I think at this stage in Jimin's life he doesn't need the toxicity and the constant in house fighting and if that's all they can bring to the table then Jimin is better off without them.
Also, Jimin's actual fans show up when the need arise. They are not either Army or Solos. No. A lot of the support he gets comes from those silent stans with dormant social media accounts who barely say anything on the internet or partake in these polls- but let Jimin put out any content or show up anywhere. I call them the deep pocket Jims DPJ. deep Park Jimins if you will. They show up with the big guns to his knife fights sell him out spend so much on him like damn go off.
Those fans I like. Hell I will kiss their ass and polish their shoe part their ass while they fart 🤣
I don't know whether he needs those toxics.
He does have plans and goals however and I don't care if I sound crazy for saying this, but Jungkook is at the heart of those plans.
Everything he's done from day one to this day is to try to merge his fans and his. And if they not catching his drift they never will. Off with their heads.
So yea, if he has independent plans that is not intertwined with his band or Jungkook then sure he needs to cultivate a solo fanbase. A purely solo fanbase. Which is not possible. Those solos would always have other celebs they stan besides Jimin even if those idols aren't necessarily or remotely connected to Jimin.
But I hate solos for now. A. They are not really solos they just assholes 🙄
Pjms and JKks are like two toxic annoying intolerable distant cousins you want to shove to the ground each time you see them.
Just for no reason, stuff their face with dirt and feed them to the coyotes.
On that particular Jimin moment- it traumatized me and affected my mental health so bad I had to work through it with my therapists.
People have no idea how mentally impactful his words are.
I bought into this narrative that he struggled the most and was at his worst ever when he was running around bench pressing and carrying weights to look hypermasculine.
Everyone knows this, I had a mental breakdown on the internet when a few years ago he started working out again. To me it felt as if he was experiencing all that he'd experienced in the past all over again. When I tell you it wasn't a fun moment for me.
It's the only moment in my life I thought of unstanning Jimin. It felt like a betrayal to others but I needed to detach from his trauma so bad.
It took therapy for me to understand how enmeshed i was and how much I had overly empathized with him to the point I was taking on his pain and struggles and trauma without knowing.
It's also the period I learned how dangerous parasocial relationships are.
I get that sharing this vulnerable moments with us helps them bond with us and that's what they think when they share these things but some of us are more susceptible than others and it's reckless of them to dump such heavy stuff on us traumatize us with it and then turn around and indulge in those triggering activities for the sports of it without warning ⚠️
So yea, that moment is burned in my memory.
How can I forget.
And I don't know if you've been following the discussions on my page lately.
But these reckless parasocial attachments some of these idols inadvertently foster is to me as problematic and perhaps even more so than an Idol broadcasting a live naked or calling his stans his girlfriends.
Like I said, there are certain uncomfortable conversations these solos aren't prepared to have about their faves. It's easier to point a hand at someone you don't like and say this shit you do is questionable. What's most challenging is looking inside and putting yourself or someone you love on the same scale.
And of course some of us are more comfortable with doing that because we like to turn everything into an intellectual discourse but for the annoying immature stans you can't reason with them beyond their feelings.
I hear you Anon. But today is not the day I defend any solo.
I can stan Jimin all on my own with Jungkook behind me🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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esorxy · 1 month
word of honor ep31 is something else entirely
they get intercepted on their rescue mission and just as the assassin people were about to rush forward and start stabbing, guess who appears spinning out of nowhere to save his beloved one true soulmate its wkx wearing hot red robes with sexy red eyeshadow, who boomerangs his little paper fan and slices their throats all in one go, does another little spin for dramatic flavour and slowly flutters down like an autumn leaf in the wind, successfully making the most replayed segment of the episode 🍃
and then everything he says from this moment on is like "fuck you, im better than you, eat shit" and DPJ is like "yeah ur cool and all but you're only one person" as if he didnt just kill half your men in one swipe while flying. anyway then zzs is like "who said hes alone" and steps out of his little carriage looking like hes about to die. like bro!! you cant even stand chill tf out. wkx comes over and holds his boyfriend and gets full on whiplash from switching too fast between (1) gazing lovingly at zzs and (2) murderous stares assassin gvng.
then like 3000 ghosts come out from the forest looking for a nice fight with 20 men, half of whom are dead, and the rest of them just dip like nope not today
they all kneel for our favourite gays and then wkx kneels as well and zzs, who still looks like hes abt to collapse and die, is like "fuck yeah im still influential" and awkwardly pats wkx's head like hes some overgrown puppy, which is not entirely inaccurate ykwim
so our power couple gets like 20 more kids for the price of none, and head back to god knows where to meet 😱 some more gays😱 one of them is a healer and the other looks like asian robert sean leonard so... whats new 😮‍💨
wkx finds some time to wipe off his eyeshadow and everyone is ready to die for zzs suddenly, and wkx goes from 🥺 "a-xu is gonna live??" to walking back into ghost valley in the blink of an eye without even changing clothes. scorpion king is also there 😱😱 i didnt even know they were working together cos i skipped all of the boring old people scenes. the twinks face off in some intense power play conversation where everyone wants to top, wkx has a mid life crisis in his pajamas featuring genocide and suicide but then hes like but SOMEONE taught me to live love laugh aka im in love, finishing off a killer episode that fully lives up to the drama part of chinese drama. my man needs to be locked up. in a mental hospital.
bonus: zzs in ep32, freshly injured from having metal hooks stabbed through his shoulders, is like "noooo little girl don't you know i need alcohol to live???" huge announcement everyone youve dedicated your lives to following an alcoholic 🤦
twink healer is like "bro u cant even taste shit" and james wilson is like "remember when u wanted me to find u a cute gf... but turns out... (ur gay)"
omg i wanted to stop, but like the dramatic clown ass scenes just keep coming what can a girl do 🤷
so zzs goes back to serving face (not that he ever really stopped) and he overhears that wkx is about to be forced off a cliff 😱. so flutters into this 50v1 fight with about 2% of the dramatic flair that wkx has, steps up to kiss him except they cant cos censorship, and is like "me n u against the world babe." 🤦
yby comes too cos this drama is tiresome and neverending, and wkx is like "im tired, kill me 🫠", which is so relatable, but then he puts up a damn good fight before falling off the cliff from one tiny needle through the heart. zzs also jumps after him and everyone is like 😱 even though they can literally fly.
but hes dead (not rly) so zzs burns his corpse by kicking a lamp at it and sits at the cliff to reminisce the good old times when he was a hobo and wkx followed him around like a clingy wife. he relapses into alcoholism and pulls all his nails out aaaand this is just romeo and juliet with gay and dramatic flair 😮‍💨
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when do they stop serving face honestly like im fed up 🤦
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The Legault government says it's tackling long judicial delays in the Court of Quebec's Youth Division.
Quebec Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette and the Social Services Minister Lionel Carmant want to "optimize every step from a report to the Director of Youth Protection to the end of the judicial process," The Canadian Press has learned.
A table of partners in youth protection will first draw up a portrait of the current situation, followed by an action plan to improve the system with suggested measures.
There will also be a review of best clinical and legal practices to shorten delays. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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seherstudies · 3 months
Japanese parties are killing me.
In 2016 the DPJ and JIP fused to become the DP. In 2017, the DP then split into three parties: 1) conservatives established the kibou no tou; 2) liberals established the CDP; 3) the rest stayed as the DP.
In 2018, the kibou no tou split. Conservatives basically made a new kibou no tou and the rest fused with what was left of the DP to make the DPFP. Then 2 years later they decide to fuse with the CDP and they take on the name CDP; some members of the SDP join in on the fun as well after discussions about fusing started in 2019. SDP still exists.
In 2019, the DPFP and the LP also fuse which ultimately leads to the dissolution of the LP. They keep the DPFP name. A parliamentarian of the LP decided to establish the reiwa shinsengumi in the same year!
And all of this was only from 2017 on!!
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dirtypaperjoe · 7 days
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DPJ Rise of the Leviathan
From the depths it shall rise and swallow the stars whole.
I'm not exactly sure why, but I had the urge to paint some water. Specifically some an stormy sea. So I made this. It was also a good chance to play with the sense of scale and depth of field a little bit.
Here is a timelapse of the process. I'm open for commissions!
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joylinda-hawks · 1 year
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Why this surprise? WOH episode 36. Majestic ZZS appears in front of the gate to the Arsenal and deprives DPJ of his life. King Scorpion accuses him that he and WKX tricked him by handing over a fake key. And he had given them life before. ZZS explains that since pieces of the Arsenal lock were forged, the key could also have been forged. The Scorpion King asks about WKX and ZZS asks about Prince Jin. Before the Scorpion King moves on to threats, the ZZS discovers that the prince is not here. That his assumption about the prince was wrong. Further plans of King Scorpion and his men are interrupted by an avalanche, the young leader of the Assassins does not want to sacrifice his life and escapes with the people, leaving ZJ in the litter to his fate. ZZS seeing the falling avalanche is reconciled with what is about to happen. He knows he doesn't have much left to live and he doesn't want WKX to witness his death when he regains consciousness. ZZS wanted to make its own decisions for the last time, and it was the decision of how it would die. He decided that no one else would decide for him. Maybe deep down he resented that this choice was hurting WKX, ZCL and new students. He did not expect that in the last dramatic moment WKX would appear, who with a smooth movement took a clip from his hair and opened the Arsenal with it. At the last moment, WKX takes the hand of ZZS looking at his face and they both run into the cave before the entrance is covered with ice blocks. ZZS is a master of self-destruction, but also a master of subtle emotions painted on his face. From the moment he appeared in front of the cave, everything else, the other people, became unimportant. Only he mattered, the cool, resolute master of Siji Manor. For the first time, ZZS may have been surprised that its assumption did not work. That Prince Jin and his men didn't come to discover the book in which the way to heal him was hidden. ZZS didn't know that WKX by climbing a simple jade hairpin in his hair had actually given him the key to the Arsenal. ZZS also did not know that WKX would follow in its footsteps. This scene has so much emotion. It breaks the viewer's heart into thousands of pieces, but also gives hope. We know this is the last episode, but we don't know the end of the story yet. ZZH and GJ did a great job in this scene. Their emotions painted on their faces, they did not have to say anything for the viewer to understand their feelings. ZZH in the first shots of this scene stole this scene from everyone. His subtle game and micro-emotions were eye-catching. It became more apparent when GJ showed up.
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marryalexandria1 · 3 months
Meeting invite: Shivo Lee is inviting you to a meeting
To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:
Or open Meet and enter this code: dpj-ckhr-kna
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OnlyOneOf Unknown Art Pics 0.1
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I was so lucky I got this for $80 with all 7 photocards. I already had some that I bought so there’s duplicates of everyone except Junji and Rie, which is also why the photos look so much brighter than the rest 💀.
The material is similar to DPJ in the sense that you have to be super careful when handling that you have very clean and dry hands or you’ll leave prints on the cover 🥲.
I’m actually going to see them today for the second time in Toronto and I can’t wait, I’m so excited 😭.
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