grimeysociety · 2 years
i'm kind of in love with your writing. i just read no other love and immediately wanted to read more of your works only to realize that i already have?? you've got me hooked like a fish and i'm going nowhere at all speeds. seriously great stuff!!!
random writer question, totally cliche but i'm curious so who cares - what was the inspiration for no other love? what's your writing process like? what do you hate/love the most? do you write your dream scenes first or go for the narrative/plot/character/dialogue? how did you find bucky's voice?
Hi, God knows how long this has been sitting in my inbox. I'm so sorry for not replying.
First of all, thank you so, so much. That story was a labour of love, truly. I wasn't sure how it would be received, as it was originally a Kinktober story that I fleshed out more and more. The problem I have is losing passion for a story before it's done or the narrative becomes something messy and unrecognizable from my original idea.
The inspiration for the story was largely from the song the title comes from. It's featured in the Paul Thomas Anderson movie The Master and is essentially a Chopin tune with Jo Stafford singing on top of it. The movie The Master is post-WWII and I tend to get swept up in that sub-genre to a maddening degree. I also wanted to feature tenderness as a major theme of the story. It is a love story -- I used to do Kinktober with occasional plot snuck in, which didn't help my sanity much, either... when you're supposed to be writing 31 explicit stories spanning a month it's very hard to move onto the next thing. Hence why it grew like it did.
My writing process is non-existent these days but I used to manage about 2,000 words a day. The equivalent of about two hours' worth of work. I used to daydream more, but since last year I've had a lot of issues with concentration and motivation. I have stories in my head still. This comes through when I watch a lot of movies especially, and weirdly not when I read. Music is also a major inspiration, but I haven't listened to much new stuff in the last year, either. I'll spare you all the details but I am currently 8 months pregnant and I was diagnosed as Autistic in December after years of burnout and mental health crises. I tended to write chronologically. Finding Bucky's voice this time around was easy to know but harder to achieve, if that makes sense, because it was distinctly shell-shocked as opposed to his more adjusted and more grounded voices I've had in the past.
Here are some things that have helped me write before:
writing notes whenever something pops up, even if it's the most innocuous, boring tidbit
making a playlist of the songs that inspire the themes/tone/mood of the story
obsessively daydreaming about the scenes in a visual sense -- because I see stories as a movie, usually
write brief summaries of the story overall or the chapters (if it's a larger story in multiple parts and I haven't figured it all out yet lol)
give it time, or try your best not to rush the process
I hope this gives you some insight! Again, I'm sorry for the lateness of my reply.
Also, you're so wonderful. Really. ❤️
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thecatduet422 · 2 years
you have some of the most gorgeous descriptions i have ever encountered: "Puddles grew bigger, their reflections mirroring the colors of the city, catching the lights of the buildings, the streets. Until they reached the sky, where a clouded moon hung above." I'm in love. the movement in this story is incredible. i can see the city and the people and the action so vividly from the way you describe it. i'm enamored and also devastated because jason being vulnerable and actually trying to talk about it took me out. i could barely read it with how deeply emotional it was. i just love this story so so so much. and the amount of work you put into it, i cannot even fathom. THANK YOU!!!! there's something kind of heartbreaking (and maybe painfully ironic) about jason's almost-mantra to jess being "trust me" when trust was what he gave to bruce so unconditionally until it killed him and then some. i have absolutely no clue as to how jason could avoid crane's instruction at the end. the plotwork is god-tier as is the character depictions and literally everything else. the way that jessica is ornery and prickly and generally unpleasant just gets to me because it's so well done and i love that about her character which balances the centre she works so hard to protect. and the trauma. the realism of that hits home with the way it seemingly comes from the most innocuous things as reminders and sinks deep. i was wondering, and feel free to ignore, but what made this one the devil chapter? what was it about the switching POV - which were really great btw?
OMG! Thank you so much for the comment, friend! I try lol, especially with AKA 🤣
I guess this chapter was tough because I needed the conversation to go in a certain direction, but I also needed everyone to stay in character. There were moments when writing Jason where I was like, "He sounds too much like Dick here" or moments with Jess where I have to stop and rewrite because it was something she wouldn't do in that situation. I try very hard to be true to the characters, so the switching POV's threw me off a bit, and I lost count of how much alternative dialogue I wrote for this one lolol.
This, doubled with the fact that there is a lot of plot, and there are a lot of layers to it right now. Everyone has their own agenda; Jason wants his plan to go off without a hitch, Jessica wants answers, and Bruce wants to figure out who hired her. And I feel like it's just a three way game of rock-paper-sissors with everyone choosing a different item (or at least, that's the idea I'm *trying* to pull). I have the outline, but actually writing it is a whole other thing, and with this being my first fic, it's a lot of work and energy 😅
Tbh, it's probably why I'm leaning towards reader fics in my other works (I don't have to worry about staying in character when the character *is me* lolol)
Buuut, that being said, I know all of the buildup is gonna be worth it in the later chapters 😈
Thank you for reading AKA, friend! It holds a special place in my heart and I'm super proud of it ❤️
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sneverussape · 2 years
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“you’re not…sure. whose then? wizard? muggle?”
“does it matter? i know what you’re hiding underneath your sleeve.”
“watch your tongue, evans. don’t take this out on me.”
“it was a mistake, alright? be off with you if you’d see it fit to lecture me.”
“what would you have me do then?”
“a favor.”
“you mean to…”
“if you’re too soft best tell me now and we will never speak of this again.”
“i only wanted to make sure.”
“i want it bloody gone, severus. if you can’t help me i’ll seek someone else’s services.”
“no, the potion is too delicate. the ingredients are restricted too, mind. one wrong step and it will prove fatal.”
“so will you do it or won’t you?”
“…consider it done.”
“breathe not a word of it to anyone…please, severus.”
“you know i won’t.”
“…thank you.”
loosely based on a prompt by @doyoueveryearn who wanted a specific scenario by the chippy but this is the direction my brain went. something something your childhood best friends know your best and worst secrets.
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fwacata · 6 years
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DAILY DRAW: Busy days... Little drawing. Fok #allworknoplay #dailydraw #robotfeelings #tired #robot #sketch #pen #doyoueveryearn (at Hialeah, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuYuDqohjeN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3cag299vf4wn
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cdelphiki · 2 years
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@doyoueveryearn 😂 I feel that comment on a spiritual level
This is a “Happy Planner” that’s sold at most the major craft stores in the US. I got mine on clearance at Hobby Lobby, and that paper I was using was from a pack of just paper I added to the planner. It’s cute, it’s meant to be a to do list with space to write extra notes next to each item.
This planner itself was called a prayer planner I think? Or maybe spiritual planner? I can’t remember. It’s designed for, like, journaling prayer and stuff but I got it for planning out my workday and keeping track of stuff I gotta do. I just really loved the design and everything. I’ve been wanting a full size disc bound notebook for years and these covers and dividers are just so cute and I enjoy the religious messages. Happy Planner has a ton of non-religious notebooks though, I’ve only seen this style at Hobby Lobby.
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