#downfall and I love that and it’s what she deserves for the way she treated the audience and the characters and the actresses on the show
puthyflapps · 1 year
Did y'all extra hate MLR and gen q?
Or is any L word spin off unwelcome?
I LOVE The L Word (2004) and it was a landmark show that was having its legacy absolutely destroyed and obliterated by the horrible writing on Gen Q. MLR was a horrible showrunner who couldn’t pry her head out of her own ass long enough to hear the resounding boos from all the fans that hated what she was doing with their beloved characters. I’m not even gonna touch on the way she handled business bts 🙄
I’m excited for this New York spinoff especially if Ilene is running things because it means we’re rejecting modernity and embarrassing tradition. I’m trusting her to bring back the friendship and the campiness and the fun and the sexiness and the love that made the original so great. I’m expecting her to respect the audience and the OG’s like MLR never did. I hope she scraps everything that woman ever wrote and just has the show pick up in New York like Gen Q never happened.
I’m ready for the New York reboot with Ilene at the helm because it means we’re gonna see women fucking on our screens again. It was like pulling teeth to get a scene of two women kissing on Gen Q 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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yeahprobablyamimic · 9 months
the oaks are fucked. like genuinely through their DNA with the essence or whatever of the doodler. Willy has been manipulating them from the beginning of it all, and Normal is arguably the most vulnerable of them all. he was constantly set up to be second, forgotten about. His sister is named Hero, she was trained for this he was never MEANT to be strong in the way he has to be these days but he is. he is and his dad outright told him he wasn't proud of him for it lark was angry at henry.
Lark was angry because henry did what he thought was right (taking the gauntlets) and people got hurt. Sparrow tried to do his best but ultimately, created an enviorment where Normal was always striving to feel perfect for him (SOMETHING HENRY WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO MAKE SURE LARK AND SPARROW FELT. LOVED, VALID, AND APPRECIATED) and now, normal feels all alone. his friends are ganging up on him and leaving him behind, he's barely talking to his dad or his uncle, they dont trust him but, theres someone who knows more about all of this. theres someone who's been around for longer than all of them. who knows what needs to be done, or at least in theory what needs to be done. and he didn't even have to leave the saftey of his costume to talk to him normal wants to be taken seriously, treated like he deserves to know things, or even just treated like he's competent. Scary never told him how willy genuinley treated her, only that they were a team and normals team has, for all intents and purposes, abandoned him.
i think the main downfall is going to be the miscommunication. normal just wants to be fucking HEARD, and his friends arent listening, his dad isn't listening he tried to ask for help in finding tori, he tried to be heard and they FUCKING LAUGHED they treated him like the joke he's scared he is my current working theory is that Normal has the beanie on under the teenie mask, Will is too quiet to be doing anything but scheming.
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alespov · 10 months
Never set you free.- A.Wesker 18+
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Tw: wesker is a toxic baby daddy, kinda yandere, possessive, swearing, fade to black sex,
a/n hope you enjoy loves <33 feedback is highly appreciated! For my follower special, I decided I was doing comfort character letters, which will be linked to my ko-fi. I had a post talking about it, had to take it down because some people asked me to include cod characters, which I will. But if you want one from Resident Evil, just go to my ko-fi. 🫶🏻 If you have questions please reach out!
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Hmm, quite a step-down, isn't it? But I suppose it's the best one could expect from you." He stood nonchalantly against the doorframe, observing as you hurriedly packed your daughter's bag for her stay at her father's house and her cheerleading practice session. 
"Excuse me? What are you trying to imply?" Whirling around too quickly, you accidentally knocked the neatly folded clothes onto the floor. With an exasperated sigh, you bent down to pick them up.
The man smirked and responded with a biting, sarcastic tone. "I'm merely stating the truth – he's no match for me. And eventually, believe me, you will realize your mistake and come crawling back." 
You were going to reply, but you heard light footsteps and decided against your statement.
“Daddy!” You heard your daughter scream while running into her dad's arms. He picked her up easily and gave her a tight hug.  He sat her down gently, and she ran to you and gave you a tight hug. You smiled and kissed her forehead. She let you go and you grabbed her bag and handed it to her. 
“Have fun at practice sweetheart and make sure you behave for your dad. She skipped out with her dad, and you fell on your bed exhausted. Wishing it didn’t have to be like this. 
There are many things you could say about Albert Wesker, starting with his questionable morals and his overall manipulative personality. Despite the character flaws, he was the best dad, he’s always been there for Wren. 
Your phone buzzes and you reach over and grabbed it. 
Unknown Number : 
“Remember what I said dearheart, you’ll come crawling back to me. Besides I’m not so fond of another man raising our daughter… 
Frustrated, you forcefully tossed your phone onto the plush bedspread. Thoughts raced through your mind – who did he believe himself to be? 
Patrick had proven to be an attentive and caring boyfriend, always treating you with the utmost respect and demonstrating a strong bond with Wren. 
Wesker, on the other hand, could take a hike; ultimately, his own arrogance led to the downfall of your relationship. His perpetual absence and inflated pride were insufferable.
You inhaled deeply, striving to regain composure and evict thoughts of Wesker from your mind. 
After all, you had a romantic evening arranged with Patrick – a far more deserving focus for your attention.
You simply had to effortlessly slip into your elegant dress and step out of the comfort of your home. With a sense of anticipation, you gracefully slid your feet into your stylish shoes and draped a coat over your shoulders. The destination Patrick had chosen was a charming restaurant nestled an hour away, allowing for a pleasant drive filled with anticipation.
Until your phone started ringing, you sighed and pulled your car over. You glanced down at your phone and sighed. ‘Unknown Number’ 
You clicked the accept button hastily and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” you asked annoyed, you already knew who it was. 
“Dearheart? Where are you?” He demanded 
You scoffed and groaned “Seriously Wesker, I'm heading to my date.” He made a noise and added. 
“Well looks like you'll have to cancel. Our dear Wren is missing her mommy.” 
“Albert for god's sake, be her dad. Besides Wren is eight, and I highly doubt she misses me. You’re fucking jealous. I've had it with your remarks.” you shouted at him, you quickly clicked off the call and resumed driving to the restaurant.
Once you arrived, you parked your car and made your way to the modern restaurant. You noticed Patrick was waiting outside for you. You smiled and rushed up to you, with roses. 
"Hey, dear" he whispered into your ear as he pulled you into a warm embrace, causing an uneasy feeling to grow in the pit of your stomach. Perceptive as always, he noticed your reluctance and gently inquired about your discomfort. "Oh, it's nothing major, darling. It's just that I'm not particularly fond of that nickname." His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at you with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. "Seriously?" he grumbled, "But it's just fine when your baby daddy calls you that, huh?"
‘Patrick what the hell is up with you.” You distanced yourself from him. “You know what it doesn't fucking matter. I didn't want his sloppy seconds anyhow. 
As tears welled up in your eyes, you hastily wiped them away. "Where on earth did this come from?" you inquired in a hushed tone. The air around you seemed to thicken with tension. ” You asked quietly. “Oh? Your daddy baby has been bragging about how you and him are getting back together.”
“That's crazy, we’re not.” you cried out. Without listening to you Patrick stormed off.
Rushing to your car with a heavy heart, tears streaming down your face, you contemplated dialing Wesker and unleashing your fury. But deep down, you knew it wouldn't change anything. So, you gripped the steering wheel tight and navigated the lonely roads back home, accompanied by nothing but the deafening silence.
Exhausted from the day, you parked your car and trudged towards your front door, unlocking it with a feeling of relief. The moment you stepped inside, you kicked off your tight, uncomfortable heels and carelessly tossed your bag onto the couch. With a heavy heart, you made your way towards the bedroom, needing nothing more than to let out a good cry while indulging in some sweets or even that tempting fruit platter you had picked up earlier.
Entering the kitchen to gather your comfort snacks, an eerie sensation washed over you – as if someone was watching your every move. You noticed someone in the shadows moving and you shakily called out. 
“Who’s there?” your voice trembled and you grabbed the closest object to you; which happened to be a can of Lysol. Which caused you to roll your eyes.
“No need for that dearheart, it's just me.” Wesker emerged from the corner of the room and you gasped annoyed, yet thankful. 
“Get out!” 
“You don't mean that, I was just checking in on you after all. I suppose your date wasn't man enough for you.” Wesker explained. 
“Where Wren? “ you asked impatiently 
“Such a good mommy, she's with grandma.” He cooed at you while walking toward you. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. “Now c’mon dear, you know as well as I do, we haven't lost feelings for each other.” 
He began kissing your neck, tenderly. You tilted your neck giving him full access. He began to leave love bites and pressed you up on the counter. “Don’t worry dear I haven't forgotten what you liked.” 
He picked you up carried you to your bedroom, and laid you on the bed. 
sorry for the cliffhanger, will be part two :)
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shootingmorningstar · 3 months
Can we get a platonic headcanon for Vaggie and Fallen Angel!Reader?
I've been so excited to write this one .ᐟ Vaggie deserves all the love, platonic and romantic alike.
Vaggie and a Fallen Angel Reader -- Platonic HCs .ᐟ
At first, I think she'd be wary of you. She knows she shouldn't be, you'd fallen to Hell just as she has, so surely you're also out of Heaven's favor. An outcast just like her.
She just can't seem to trust that, though. At least not initially. Not after the latest extermination where Adam had killed one of her friends. And this isn't even beginning to mention they killed Adam. Heaven is likely more furious at them than ever before. The very first man has been taken from them, and Vaggie's terrified of the strength at which she fears Heaven is planning retaliation.
How can she tell you aren't part of that retaliation .ᐣ What if you falling was nothing more than an act and Heaven had sent you to infiltrate their ranks .ᐣ The information you could report back to them could be devastating.
She doesn't even recognize you from her time in Heaven. That means you likely aren't an exterminator -- your job could be even more significant. The role of spy could easily be entrusted to you. This wouldn't be the first time someone had came to them and turned out to be a spy.
They were just lucky the first attempted spy was . . . well, the way Sir Pentious was. Is, but she doesn't know that. You could be far more lethal, you could be trained for this. And until Vaggie is completely sure you mean no harm to her, to the Hotel, to Charlie .ᐣ She's watching your every movement, every step.
Charlie was more than likely the reason you'd found the Hotel, anyway. She seems to have a knack for finding fallen angels at this rate.
You can't help but to accept the Princesses invitation -- you have lost everything. Your life, your friends, your status, even who you are was ripped away from you when you were sentenced to fall. You have nothing, and Charlie seems so earnest. It's strange, she's a demon, hellborn and the spawn of the devil.... but it's almost as if you can see a halo above her head.
And so you accompany her back to the Hotel. You'd heard tales of Vaggie -- one of Adam's favorite exterminators that had spared a citizen of Hell. She'd grown weak and disobeyed Heaven's rules, being forced to pay the ultimate price in exchange.
She was the furthest thing from what you expected. You'd heard she'd fallen for an act of mercy. It had inspired you, actually. Weren't angels supposed to be merciful .ᐣ Vaggie's act of kindness was what had spiraled your thoughts on Heaven's judgements and what had ultimately been your downfall, just like her.
You looked up to her. Even lost, heartbroken and confused as you were, you'd be lying if you weren't just a little excited to meet the same fallen angel who had shown you the way, even if indirectly.
Where was her mercy now .ᐣ Her eyes were so cold when she looked at you. You'd hoped to have someone who understood, who you could talk to and understand.
Again, it's Charlie who assumes the role of reason. She talks to Vaggie privately -- Vaggie didn't see how devastated you'd looked when she first found you. The golden blood that had soaked your feathers. They're partners, so Charlie asks her to trust her judgement.
It's also Charlie who pulls you aside and talks to you. She knows Vaggie better than anyone, explaining the way Vaggie was treating you isn't born of malice, it's fear. Just like you, Vaggie lost everything. Charlie is everything to her, and she's afraid your presence is going to endanger her.
You start to understand Vaggie a little better after that. Bit by bit, you're realizing just how cruel Heaven can be, and you suddenly get why Vaggie was so wary of you.
It takes time and patience, but she begins to come around. She sees just how attached you've grown to the Hotel and its cause and the hurt clouding her mind begins to clear. You're a soul treated cruelly by Heaven, just like her. Open up to her, tell her you fell because you thought all souls could be worthy of mercy.
She'll begin to open up to you, too. You become a secondary confidant to her. A lot has happened since she fell, so the information you offer her is priceless, too.
Vaggie loves Charlie with all she is, but it's so nice to have someone that's been in her shoes. You understand.
The best friend bond you build with Vaggie is so good for the both of you.
You give Vaggie another reason to maintain strength against Heaven in all that may come. They'd hurt another person she loves, and that keeps Vaggie fighting.
I loved getting to write this one .ᐟ Platonic relationships are just as meaningful as romantic ones, and it's wonderful getting to show that. As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
Look I’ve not seen many antis who like Britney Spears, so I’m going to leave this message here because you’re like the OG anti blog. So I apologise if you’re not a fan.
Taylors themes in this album were being “tortured” and mental health. She has lyrics implying her love life is torture and that loving these men has made her manic and that she grew up in an asylum. And now apparently her music video is in a mental hospital. Britney Spears has literally been tortured. She’s literally had her mental health used against her. She’s been forced into treatment clinics. And Taylor Swift uses it as an AESTHETIC. REALLY?! I am all for accepting other people have their own struggles and to never compare apples and oranges but it’s so classless. She sends her own ex bf of 6 years to the wolves blaming his mental health and goes onto to say oh woe is me my mental health struggles are so hard. What is it?! Is it hard to struggle with mental health issues or is it a joke to you Taylor, an aesthetic?! It’s actually infuriated me because Taylor gets to put this hat on as an act (I do believe she has mental health problems and needs therapy but that’s another conversation) but Britney doesn’t. This is her life and she is mocked and ridiculed for it. I’ve seen Swifties literally call Britney crazy and say she doesn’t deserve to see her kids and she needs the conservatorship. They mock Joe and tell him to kill himself. And they’re what going to support Taylor’s mental health struggles now? No you don’t get it both ways. You don’t get to berate other people and then say the way Taylor’s been treated isn’t fair. And Taylor doesn’t get to use mental illness as an aesthetic and walk away from it when this no longer serves her narrative. It’s infuriating and insulting. I can’t wait to see her downfall.
I couldn’t have said it better myself honestly. watching swifties evicerate britney at every possibility and generally acting like ableist freaks, just to turn around and act like taylor fucking swift is the most tortured person on the planet is so incredibly infuriating. britney hasn’t had comments turned on for months. at some point, it’s all going to catch up with her and taylor won’t be able to throw anyone else under the bus to save herself, and only then will she ever face any real accountability.
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incorporeal-entity · 20 days
I want to talk about Kestrel because yeah she is an awful dragon but that's just surface level talk. Now I want to make it clear here I am not defending her actions as they are reprehensible I am just analyzing her character. I genuinely believe that the reason why she is so abusive and horrible is because she lost her dragonets. Scarlet made her kill one of her dragonets just to escape with one so she chose the weakest one with no fire (sky) only for Scarlet to try and take her other dragonet Peril. Kestrel tried to escape with her but because of Peril's firescales she is too hot to escape with and Kestrel had to leave her behind with Scarlet.
It's why she treats the DoD so horribly instead of raising her own dragonets she stuck raising these dragons from different tribes she has no relation to. The DoD will never be able to live up to Kestrels expectations not just because they aren't skywings but because they aren't her dragonets all Kestrel could care less about well being as long as they can fulfill the prophecy. I also think the reason why Kestrel treats Glory the worst is because she was the replacement for the busted skywing egg. That skywing egg would have hatched a skywing that would have served as a replacement for her lost dragonets but instead of getting a skywing they get a rainwing.
It's why she hates Glory the most of all that skywing eggs was basically her last chance to be a normal parent to a skywing but it hit squashed. Replaced by a stupid and lazy rainwing among stupid and weak dragonets she has to raise for the prophecy. She so desperately wants to raise her kids or at the very least a skywing that the DoD and especially Glory will never live up to her expectations of raising her own dragonets. No matter what they do no matter how hard the DoD will try they will never be good enough for Kestrel because what Kestrel wants is her own dragonets (I also wouldn't be surprised that her having a skywing supremacy mindset also lead to her mistreatment of the DoD). It's why when she figures out when Peril is still alive her tone changes she isn't as harsh to her as she is to the DoD just because Peril is actually hers.
This is where her mistakes come into play where her own actions come back to haunt her. Because the DoD will hate her because of all the abuse she has caused them but since Peril is close with Clay and the rest of the DoD if Peril ever figured out how Kestrel treated them she would hate Kestrel too. Why would she like Kestrel who abused the DoD ever since they were children especially since Peril was also an abusive victim with Scarlet how could she ever trust Kestrel knowing she would basically just be another Scarlet in the way she treats her. Same thing with Sky to.
I know a lot of people get mad at the idea of a Kestrel "redemption arc" if she lived and yeah I get it because the way some people paint is that the DoD and everyone she abused forgives her which is very icky. The way it would realistically go is that the DoD and her children would hate her guts they wouldn't want anything to do with her. Nothing she does will ever be able make up for the abuse she has caused and she wouldn't be able to repair her image amongst the DoD or Peril and Sky and they will never like or love her back. In the off chance she somehow managed to make new friends (very unlikely but not completely off the table dragons are notoriously shit parents) she would have to live the rest of her life knowing that her own children hate her and want nothing to do with her. She will die alone and with no one by her side and if you ask me that's a more deserving punishment, living your life knowing your actions ruined everything and dying alone instead of dying before you can see the consequences of your actions and understanding how your horrible actions were your own downfall.
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Loser II
Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Summary: You try to take some time apart from Enid to sort through your feelings and maybe get over your crush. After all, Enid was happy in her relationship. Right?
Warnings: swearing, confessions, crying, anxiety attack, angst
Words: 2,276
Part One // Part Three // Part Four
You tried to follow Yoko's advice, truly. However, Enid was ever present in your thoughts. Just at the edges of your mind during your classes, floating to the forefront of your mind when you tried to sleep at night. You tried to stop thinking about her, but every time you saw her in the halls your heart would skip a beat, your eyes would linger on her. You avoided her to the best of your ability and it helped a bit. The ache in your chest was reminder enough though.
Perhaps your avoidance of her attributed to the fact you were oblivious to her and Ajax's growing relationship conflicts. He was being his usual oblivious self and it was making Enid feel uncared for; unloved. His excuse of "not knowing" Enid didn't wear silver jewelry, that she didn't like roses, or that she hated dark chocolate only held up for so long. After they'd been dating for so long Enid got sick of reminding him. These were simple things you were supposed to remember about somebody, especially somebody you were supposed to love.
She kept telling him how his actions made her feel, so he'd apologize and promise to do better. She'd be placated for a while, Ajax's behavior improving for a week or so until he'd simply go back to his old ways. He was too preoccupied with getting high with his friends and playing hooky to put the adequate amount of effort into his relationship. To him, it was just casual dating.
Eventually Enid got fed up and broke up with him, spending the next few days crying to Yoko, eating icecream, and watching reruns of Glee. You were oblivious to this for nearly a week, too busy moping and self isolating in hopes you'd get over Enid to even notice.
That is, until you were hanging out with Yoko by the lake and studying, when she casually mentioned how she felt bad for Enid, but was happy to see her feeling better.
"What? What's going on with Enid?" You asked, worry sparking in your stomach at the thought of something bad happening to Enid or possibly one of her family members. Yoko gave you a side eye, looking suspicious.
"You don't know? I'm shocked, I thought you'd throw a party at the news." She said drily as she lowered her sunglasses to eye you with an unimpressed look.
"What?" You pressed, leaning forward, growing nervous at how she was acting. 'Why would I be excited over something that was hurting Enid? Unless...' You felt a flicker of hope somewhere deep in your chest.
"Enid broke up with Ajax last week. She got sick of him flaking on her and not paying attention to her interests." Yoko said with a dismissive wave, leaning back against the trunk of an oak tree as she looked back down at her book.
"What?" You nearly shouted in shock, your heart feeling as if it stopped entirely in your chest at the news. You were elated, but a feeling of guilt and something else settled in your stomach. Yes you were excited at the aspect of being able to actually date Enid, however some part of you felt guilty. You were practically praying on her relationships downfall, and even though now you have the chance to treat her the way she deserves, it is also painful to break up with someone. You'd never wish pain upon Enid, despite all your complaints about their relationship before.
Also, a feeling of something akin to disgust rose within you. You felt... predatory for your thoughts. You were such a loser- such a creep- for waiting on Enid's breakup to try and sweep her off of her feet. It made you feel gross and dirty.
"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know? Y'know, with your whole obsession with her and all. How did you really not know?" Yoko inquires, shooting you a curious look. You shrugged, looking down at your hands that were absentmindedly plucking grass.
"I mean, I was taking your advice and trying to distance myself from her, so I've been kinda... avoiding her? I mean I was trying to get over her I guess." You say lamely, shrugging halfheartedly as you lean back on your palms and look up at the leaves above your head.
"And how is that going?" Yoko asked sarcastically. You shot her a glare before sighing, blushing slightly.
"No luck. It's like she owns my thoughts or something." You say, slightly irritated at Enid's hold on you, even though she didn't have the slightest romantic inclination towards you.
"Hm... Well now's your chance I guess." Yoko said simply, raising her eyebrows as she continued looking down at her book. You shot her a look.
"C'mon you know that's not fair. I'm not gonna just swoop in like a vulture the second she breaks up with him. Plus it's not healthy to jump from one relationship to another, she should take some time to herself to get over it first." You say quietly as you begin braiding blades of grass together.
"You're right, but even if you're not pursuing a relationship with her she still needs support right now. She isn't dumb, she's noticed you avoiding her." Your heart dropped in your chest at her words, anxiety flooding your system, "If there's any time she needs a friend it's now." Yoko finishes, giving you a pointed look. Another flash of guilt swamped your system. 'I'm such a dick. Of course she'd notice I'm avoiding her! And when she's going through a breakup too? That's when she needs friends most, and I'm just absent because I can't handle my stupid crush?' You mentally berate yourself.
"You're right, I've been an asshole. I'm gonna talk to her." You say, more to yourself than to Yoko as you get to your feet and brush off your clothes, picking up your bag.
"Goodluck." Yoko says with a dismissive wave, a small smile curving at her lips as you head towards Enid's dorm. Your pace was quick and you felt anxiety flood your veins as you walked. Should you get her a gift of some sort? Is that creepy? Would it seem weird to just show up out of nowhere? Your anxious thoughts came to a halt when you realized you were stood outside of Enid's dorm. You wiped your sweaty palms on your pants, taking a deep breath before knocking.
A few moments later Enid was opening the door, a look of surprise briefly gracing her features. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. her eyes were red rimmed and her cheeks were shiny from old tears; it was obvious she had been crying. You felt guilty for thinking she looked so pretty, her eyelashes damp with as her blue eyes glittered with unshed tears.
"Oh, hi." She said awkardly, looking a bit hesitant at your sudden appearance after avoiding her for the past few weeks.
"Uh- hi. I heard about," you paused, swallowing nervously, "I heard about you and Ajax. I just came to say I'm really sorry. I know you thought he was gonna be the one, and I know breakups are tough. Just- if you need me for anything I'm here." You say, your tone slightly shaky with nerves, but earnest nonetheless. Enid stared at you a moment before stepping back and inviting you into her dorm.
"Thank you... you can come in. I kinda just- I could use somebody to talk to I guess." Enid murmurs, her tone uncharacteristically quiet. Your heart ached to see her so down. You followed her into the dorm and hesitantly sat on the edge of her bed. She crawled back under the covers, hugging a stuffed bear to her chest as she sniffled.
"I just don't get why he couldn't just listen. I'd tell him stuff he did bothered me or made me feel like he didn't care but he'd just keep doing it. It's not like I was asking for a lot, right?" Enid asked softly, her tone uncertain as she wipes her eyes and glances down at you. You scoot closer to her, absentmindedly brushing a damp piece of hair off her cheek. Your fingers brushed hers and she quickly grasped your hand in hers. You fought the way your pulse raced, stamping down on butterflies. You knew Enid was touchy with everyone, you weren't special.
"No, of course not. It's not a lot to ask to want your boyfriend to listen to you, and care about you, and care to learn your interests." You reassure her, squeezing her hand as she blinked up at you. She nodded slightly, her gaze drifting off to the side once more.
"You're right." She whispered, the room lapsing into a comfortable silence as you sat next to her, rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb. Part of you felt gross, like you were somehow taking advantage of the situation by holding her hand and feeling a flutter in your chest. As if you were preying on her moment of weakness to grant yourself some satisfaction from physical touch. Guilt gnawed at you as you looked down at her, wondering if you even being here was somehow wrong.
"Why were you avoiding me?" Enid asks in a small voice, her eyes peeking up at you over the edge of her comforter. You blinked at her, taken aback by her words. You honestly didn't think she would even notice your absence. You never felt as if she really even saw you.
"I wasn't-" You began, but as your eyes met her glossy, vulnerable gaze you let out a resigned sigh. "I was just... I was struggling with something and I needed some space." You say, trying to be as vague as possible. Enid's brow furrowed as she sat up, bringing her body closer to yours, causing you to feel a blush rise to your ears as you ignored the way your stomach swooped.
"What do you mean? Is everything okay?" She asked, and you felt crushing guilt at the way she looked at you. 'What type of person am I? Making her feel bad for me when she's the one going through a breakup? I ignore her and then show up at her dorm demanding her comfort?' You mentally berated yourself, swallowing nervously as you looked at your lap.
"Yeah! No, don't even worry about me it's actually really stupid. I'm sorry for just kinda ghosting you like that. You don't deserve it." You mumble, your gaze meeting hers for a moment before you were forced to look away, her gaze too intense. "I would have come sooner if I had known about what happened with you and Ajax, but Yoko just told me today so... I came as soon as I knew." You whispered, feeling shame burn at your ears.
"I mean, it's not stupid if it's bothering you so much." Enid says, her voice gentle as she takes your free hand in hers, running her thumb over the backs of them. You felt guilt crush your insides. Enid was so good. She was so warm and soft and loving and you didn't deserve her kindness. After you spend days and nights praying on her relationships downfall just so you'd get a chance. If she knew she surely wouldn't want to even talk to you anymore.
"It's- It's really selfish of me." You whispered, your heart racing as you realized you might confess to her right now. It'd be the worst timing, with her fresh out of a relationship. You'd seem like such a predator, waiting to pounce the second she was single again. Which you suppose is what you are, so why not enlighten her and let her make the decision herself?
"I just... Seeing you and Ajax together was... hard for me. It was really getting to me so I needed to take some time away to try and... sort through my feelings." You manage to choke out, heart pounding as you stare firmly at Enid's comforter. There's a tense silence as Enid's hands still in yours.
"Did you- do you like Ajax?" She asks, sounding confused and slightly hurt. Your gaze snaps to hers in panic as she pulls her hands out of yours.
"No! No I do not like Ajax. Quite the opposite really." You blurt out, giving a nervous chuckle as you desperately search her gaze, trying to convey that you did not have feelings for her ex boyfriend. Her brows furrowed in confusion for a moment.
"Then what-" It was like a switch flipped in her mind as her eyes widened and her jaw slackened in surprise. "Oh." Was all she said, blinking owlishly at you. You gulped, unable to read her expression.
"I know- I'm sorry. I can't help it, I tried getting over it and just ignoring it but seeing you with him and seeing the way he was treating you- God this makes me sound like such an asshole." You blurt out, your pulse racing so fast you felt lightheaded. You stand up, heading towards the door, your mind spinning as you can only imagine what she thinks of you now.
"I'm sorry- I'll just go. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even come here. I didn't mean to- I just-" You stammer as you fumble with the doorknob.
"Wait-" Enid tries, standing up to head after you but you cut her off.
"I'm sorry, just forget about it." You say, opening the door and leaving her dorm, shutting the door behind you as you practically run to Yoko's room.
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Tequila’s Oath (JJ Maybank | Outer Banks) 
Part One 
Summary — You and JJ try to keep your new relationship a secret from the other pogues. It doesn’t go well.
Warnings and Other Tags ➳ References to things that happened in Part One (sex, hangovers, alcohol and drug use, drunken love confessions, etc.). ➳ Mentions of sex; alcohol and drug use; cursing; not-so-secret relationship that comes from friends to lovers (so throw in some ‘lying to the other pogues’ for good measure); pogue beach day where Reader spends some time with Kie; JJ being a clingy motherfucker (again); jealousy, jealousy!! for your reading pleasure!!; Kie, John B, and Pope go on a secret mission; JJ’s dad isn’t here because our boy deserves some happiness; Reader is a pogue.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 2,038. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her).
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“I don’t believe you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and opened your eyes. Your dark sunglasses helped keep away the bright sunlight as you turned your head to look at Kie, who lay next to you.
The two of you were resting on a large picnic blanket, big enough for all the pogues, listening to the ocean waves as you both relaxed on the beach. The boys were out on the waves, occasionally shouting at one another or splashing water in each other’s faces.
“What’s not to believe?” you asked.
Kie scoffed loudly, causing you to smirk in amusement. She then rolled onto her side, balancing on her arm as she did so, placed her sunglasses on her head, and set you with a stone-cold glare, “Don’t treat me like an idiot!”
“I told you, Kie,” you sighed, twiddling your fingers against your stomach as you remained on your back, head still turned to look at her. “Nothing happened.”
“You didn’t have sex with JJ after that party?” she asked, though she clearly didn’t believe you. Of course, she was right, but you weren’t going to tell her that.
“Nope,” you said, shaking your head. “We both went to his house that night, but when we woke up, he was in his room and I was on the couch. Fully clothed. So whatever fantasies you’ve cooked up in that head of yours, let ‘em go because they’re wrong.” 
“Yeah fucking right,” muttered Kie, putting her sunglasses back on and moving to lie on her back like she had been. “You’re such a liar.”
“I am not!”
“You totally are!” she exclaimed, turning her head to look at you, now in the same position as you. “You might have a good poker face when I ask you about it, but JJ certainly doesn’t. He always gets that smarmy little grin of his on his face!”
You nearly groaned, but kept it in. You knew JJ’s inability to hide a smile would be your downfall. Instead of sharing those thoughts, you only replied, “Yeah? Maybe that’s because he’s an idiot, Kie. He’s always like that.”
“I’m gonna get it out of you one day,” she muttered, sitting up and then leaning on her hands to stabilize her new position. “Head’s up.”
You furrowed your eyebrows before copying her movements. Sitting up, you could see JJ carrying his surfboard at his side as he made his way onto the sand. John B and Pope weren’t too far behind. While the two boys laughed and shoved at one another, JJ’s eyes were trained on you as he approached the picnic blanket.
Before you could offer any sort of greeting, he shook his wet hair back and forth, spraying you with salt water as you shrieked in surprise. He grinned widely when you threw some sand back at him. He carefully put down his surfboard and plopped down next to you.
“Dude!” you complained, taking off your wet sunglasses and setting them aside.
“You know you like it,” he chuckled, placing a hand on the back of your neck and caressing your skin with the pad of his thumbs. “You eat yet?”
You glared at Kie when she let out a snort. JJ narrowed his eyes at the two of you, suspicion overtaking him. He shifted and tried to force you into meeting his gaze, but you refused. Kie watched the scene carefully. 
“I brought you snacks and everything,” she heard JJ mutter. “Told you to take ‘em since you didn’t get breakfast. C’mon.”
By now, John B and Pope had reached the picnic blanket as well. They, too, set aside their boards before drying themselves off, though not in the same manner JJ had.
Kie and the two boys stared as JJ grabbed your hand, helping you stand. He then wrapped an arm around your shoulders before leading you in the direction of John B’s beaten van, which was known as ‘The Twinkie’ by nearly every pogue on the island. 
“Anything?” asked Pope, rolling his eyes when JJ slipped his fingers through the strings of your swimsuit and tugged you closer. 
“Nope,” sighed Kie. “She wouldn’t budge.”
“Neither would he,” said John B. “Maybe they’re telling the truth.”
“Oh, please,” scoffed Kie. “Look at ‘em!” 
The three watched as JJ reached into the van and pulled out some snacks. He opened one of them before forcing it into your hands, encouraging you to eat and dancing when you did. You shoved him away with a grin after he shimmied a bit too close. JJ ducked his head for a brief moment, laughing shyly, before playing with the strings of your swimsuit once more. 
“I bet I could get them to fess up,” said Pope.
Both Kie and John B stared at him in surprise. With a disbelieving smile, John B asked, “And how’s that, Pope?”
Pope grinned in response, though his eyes remained on you and JJ, still laughing together in the distance. John B couldn’t stop himself from sharing an unsure glance with Kie, who shrugged and shook her head in confusion.
Finally, Pope decided to make his ideas a bit more clear, simply asking, “Up for another kegger?” 
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You leaned against Kie by the bonfire, chills rising on your arms. She and Pope were busy laughing with some tourons who decided to show up at the Boneyard. Thankfully, Kie had brought a blanket that she was willing to share.
“Why don’t you go ask JJ to warm you up?” she muttered.
“Shut up, Kie,” you scoffed.
“Okay,” she shrugged, before gesturing to something in the distance. “If you’re not with JJ, maybe you should go for John B? He’s been checking you out all night.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at her, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Turn around,” she smirked. 
You did as she said, only to find that she was right. Across the sand, standing by the keg, John B stared at you over the rim of his red solo cup. If it were anyone else, you might have been creeped out, but John B was a friend. One who had never shown romantic interest in you. You were in the clear.
You huffed, turned back to Kie, and muttered, “He’s just drunk. Or high. Or both, if he’s been around JJ tonight. Probably thinks I have fairy wings sprouting out of my back or something stupid like that.”
“You sure about that?” she asked, grinning widely as she glanced over your shoulder. “Because he’s coming your way.”
She was right. Looking over your shoulder allowed you to see that. Drink in hand, John B was making his way across the sand, drunken eyes on you. Well, drunken to you, at least. From her point of view, Kie knew John B’s expression to be fearful instead, given what he was about to do.
“Kie, what do I do—?!” you asked, only to find her missing when you turned back. In the distance, you could see her running across the Boneyard with Pope, shivering when you realized she had taken the throw blanket with her. “Oh, screw you, Carrera.”
The warmth of someone else sitting next to you didn’t leave you feeling cold for very long. Quietly, they greeted you, “Hey.” 
You sighed, meeting John B’s gaze, “What’s up?” 
“Nothing,” he shrugged, biting his lip with a grin. “You look good tonight, ya know?” 
Shit, you thought. He really is drunk off his ass. 
“Thanks, John B,” you replied, shifting awkwardly when he placed an arm your shoulders. 
“I mean it,” he said, moving his hand to your waist and tracing over the hem of your shirt. “Would you—uh—? Would you wanna get outta here?”
John B nearly grimaced when your eyebrows furrowed. How he let Pope and Kie talk him into this, he wasn’t sure, but he’d never listen to them ever again. Especially with the way JJ’s eyes were practically burning into his skull from across the beach.
“No offense, John B,” you said, removing his hand from your waist before patting it and placing it back onto his lap, “but I’m not into you like that.” 
“Yeah! Yeah, of course!” he nodded. “I knew that! I just—ya know—I don’t know—you’re just—uh—!”
He scratched the back of his neck. The atmosphere was slowly becoming more and more awkward by the second. Your eyes were shifting back and forth, searching for a potential escape, as he continued to struggle for an explanation.
Pope and Kie are going to be dead by the end of this kegger, he swore to himself. Why me?
He reached out, gently rubbing your knee. You grimaced and opened your mouth to ask exactly how high he had gotten over the course of the night, only to be interrupted by a sudden blur and wave of shouts.
John B was sent tumbling to the ground. He coughed at the feeling of sand in his mouth. His shirt was soaked in beer as his cup fell from his hands.
JJ towered over him, glaring down with a drunken fire in his eyes. You were between them, struggling to hold JJ back. John B couldn’t help but glare at Kie and Pope, who were giving him thumbs-up. Some people at the party had turned their attention to the boys’ sudden commotion.
“I’m gonna stomp your ass, John B!” shouted JJ, bring his friend’s attention back to him. “Fuck is wrong with you?!” 
“J!” you exclaimed. “JJ, stop!” 
John B was instantly reminded of why he had been so reluctant to go along with Pope’s plan. Pope, along with Kie, essentially wanted to offer up John B as a sacrifice. All of it cooked up in an effort to make JJ jealous. To make one of you admit the true status of your relationship.
But now, as John B watched you cut off JJ’s movements each time he attempted to sidestep you, he felt his heart race with anxiety. He quickly scrambled to his feet. And with the worried expressions on both Pope and Kie, they clearly hadn’t thought JJ would get this angry. 
John B, covered in alcohol and a nervous sweat, took a step back, “JJ! I didn’t mean it, man! Alright?!”
“Shut up!”
“JJ! It’s fine!”
“He fucking touched you!” shouted JJ, setting his sights on you instead. “He knows! They all fucking know! He knows you’re mine and he still fucking touched you!” 
His rant came to a stop upon hearing a loud shriek suddenly escaped Kie. She, Pope, and John B, whose fear had vanished in an instant, all stared at the two of you with excited, sparkling eyes. Before JJ could snap at them, Kie exclaimed with a grin, “You said it!” 
They recoiled, however, when you glared at them over your shoulder, hands still on JJ’s ribs in case he tried to go for John B again, “What?” 
“Well,” muttered Kie, “we knew neither of you were telling the truth about what happened at the last party we had, so—”
“These two gave me up as a sacrifice because they wanted to be nosy!” interrupted John B. 
“Dude!” exclaimed Pope. “It wasn’t a ‘sacrifice’! Stop being so dramatic—!”
“He almost kicked my ass—!”
Kie jumped into the conversation, “But he admitted they’re together—!” 
As the three continued arguing, you and JJ shared a confused glance with one another. He huffed, shaking his head and rubbing at his heavy eyes with the heels of his palms, “I’m too stoned for this shit.”
You chuckled, bringing a smile to JJ’s face. He was right. The combination of alcohol and weed, the scent of which had embedded itself into his clothes, filled your nose. There was no way he’d be driving back to the Château.
“Wanna go? Château isn’t too far of a walk.”
A wide grin lit up JJ’s face in an instant, “Another round of sloppy—?”
You interrupted him with a snort, gently shoving him away with a smile, even though he was back on you within seconds, “In your dreams.”
“Is that a JJ promise too?”
“No,” he smiled, trailing behind you with his fingers intertwined with yours, “this one is a tequila’s oath. Get it together, babe.”
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 months
insane year for music. megan thee stallion publicly scalping drake and offhandedly mentioning nicki minaj and nicki minaj losing it (and everyone losing respect for her). beyonce bombing the country genre and collabing with dolly parton. taylor swift releasing her worst album to date and even fans being like yeah i can't defend this. j cole experiencing divine intervention and saving the world from the unimaginable levels of haterism kendrick would've released if he'd had to put out diss tracks for two people. and now this. what the Fuck is going on
The Rap Rumbling has begun 😎 it was past time for some shit to be shook up.
Megan deserves all her flowers for bringing all this shit to the table fr. Because the way the industry and the world treats her as a Black woman trying to do her damn thing... Yeah. I fully support. She deserved far better than the bullshit that Terrible Man and the media put her through, and Drake never shoulda opened his damn mouth.
Tbh, I feel ambivalent about Jermaine dropping out. Because they're rivals. It wouldn't have been a hateful thing, it would have been like watching rivals verbally spar. Those two are similar in skill and respect for one another. It wouldn't have gotten as deep. So booooo Jermaine RAP Jermaine!! But at the same time, I can see wiping my brow with relief that I wasn't caught up in the public evisceration that is Kendrick with Drake rn. Bc this is next level. This is ACTUAL hatred.
And I don't think Kendrick is doing it for social justice either, btw. But I do think the result is gone be larger than his hatred.
As for Beyonce, I'm not even a huge fan like that, but I've always respected her skill and work ethic. And I'm always fully supportive of artists trying new genres. It annoys me when people are like "well this sounded better-" shut up!!! Artists have a love and creative urge for their craft!! They should try new things too!!! Why should they put out the same shit just to entertain you!!! Switch it up every time!
And look. That album is a joke lmao. This is a Taylor Swift Downfall Praying Blog. I don't even dislike her as a person, I do have some songs of hers I'll sing. But I am TIRED of having The Mediocrity of White Womanhood™ shoved in my face as Sublime. And that's what she represents to me. THAT'S what I hate. She's the Ideal American White Girl, the "teen girl next door" even though she's almost 40 atp. Like... We get it. She's "better" than the rest of us savage brown women despite the same behavior. Okayyyyy. 👍🏾
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canonically47 · 4 months
evil version of that previous anon: and what were your LEAST favorite parts of each of those seasons?
sorry i got to this so late! buuut
total drama
season 1: leshawna's elimination. just... utter bullshit. closely followed by geoff's. also utter bullshit. in fact heather's whole plot armor was meh
season 2: sorry guys but courtney's entire arc. i can't stand her in TDA. she's meh to okay at best in TDI and fine until the gwuncan stuff in TDWT, after that i just can't even. she's so annoying sorry <//3
season 4: the all-men finale. we should've gotten a zoey vs cameron finale. boo
season 5: the fact that it exists. i have so many problems with it, it's hard to narrow it down to just one single part i hated most, but there is one! i hated how every character was dumbed down. heather just telling alejandro she had the idol. alejandro just telling mal he had proof he was evil. many eliminations. the fact that the final five was... well, that. but most, i hated mal's arc and how mike was 'cured' of DID by pressing a button. i won't speak much on it since it's nowhere near my expertise nor business as a singlet but i would imagine that is. not how it fucking works. at all and just such a sad sterotyped thing to add an eViL alter to the poor guy just to give him more substance. plus i've discussed this with a mutual before but mal just feels like max taken seriously by the narrative. yeah i hate this season there's a reason it gets trampled in my fic
season 6: there was so much potential for max to be a hero and stand up to scarlett. like. so much. i love him he deserved better. that's not the worst tho and if you're new here let me tell you I FUCKING HATE DAVE. OKAY. i have a BIG issue with that guy which is half because he reminds me of some asshole i know irl and half because he just fucking sucks. i don't get any dave ship, any dave love, anything at all. there is nothing to like about him. he is genuinely one of the very few total drama characters that i can't even make up the substance he lacks. just. fuck dave
season 7 (RR): the daters and best friends fell so flat for me in different ways. the daters were just so annoying and i couldn't have been happier at their elimination. the best friends just felt so forced to me. i mean i'm also a romance-repulsed(-ish, not always, it's complicated) aromantic but oh my goddd... they dragged on for sooo loooongggggggg
season 8: the jurasic fart episode. also how chase treated emma. again fuck these allos /j
season 9: PRILEB. OKAY LISTEN. i fucking LOVE prileb BUT i also fucking HATEEE them. they could've been so good if priya was just eliminated earlier. caleb could've had more to him than priya's misunderstood boyfriend, he could've made alliances and friends, but noooo just give him an entire miscommunication arc FUCK YOU yeah prileb could've been so good if it was good (total drama catchphrase)
disventure camp
season 1: fiore's betrayal to alec felt like terrible writing to me and i'll still stand by that. a character like fiore needs more than one side and alec was that other, softer, caring side. and they threw it all away for shock value! <//3 i really hope these two make up :( i miss them so much. oh also the downfall of tomjake like what the fuck happened oh my
season 2: some challenges were... creepy and weird to say the least. spin the wheel to see who to kiss? my aro ass could never. and when kristal indirectly outed aiden during the dares challenge? like, this yo host? trevor would never <3
season 3: whatever the fuck riya and connor, as well as tom and jake, as well as ally and hunter, as well as- FUCK IT WHATEVER THE FUCK THE COUPLES HAVE GOING ON. YES ALL OF THEM EXcept gabellie. keep going my loves you're doing great
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maspers · 7 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how they'd react to being chosen as the next holder of One For All
Marinette: She would scream and cry and do everything in her power to avoid becoming the next Symbol of Peace. She would then proceed to be one of the most beloved and powerful Heroes the world has ever seen. 9/10
Alya: Depends on when she gets the Quirk. Early Seasons Alya is all about fame and branding, and she'd be loved by the populace as a hero but make a decent amount of rookie mistakes. Late Seasons Alya would be way more competent as a One For All user, but she also knows how to keep things subtle. I can see her becoming an Underground Hero like Eraserhead. Either way, 7/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: He would be very confused as to why he's being chosen, but if his friends were in danger he'd do it. Would much prefer to focus on his music than hero work, and as such would be known for the former more than the latter. 3/10
Chloe: She would try so, so, so hard to be the ultimate superhero that everyone loves. Unfortunately we saw how that went down in canon. She has the potential to great things, but motives will always be a serious problem for her. 4/10
Sabrina: Getting One For All might be what it takes to get her out of her shell. She'd never reach the fame and reputation that All Might and Deku have, but she would treat her powers with utmost respect and very few people would have bad things to say about her as a hero. 7/10
Mylene: She would be very confused, and very scared, and honestly would probably reject the Quirk outright. If forced to take it she'd be great, but I just can't see her wanting to hold on to it. She prefers to change the world in other ways. 3/10
Ivan: Everyone would doubt him due to making assumptions, but he would surpass them all and come into his own as a beloved and respected hero, albeit one that's pretty intimidating. He wouldn't really focus on quirks other than the super strength, but hey, it worked for All Might! 8/10
Rose: Be afraid. Be very afraid. 6/10
Juleka: Guaranteed to be more of the Underground hero type. Possibly might go full vigilante. She would use the Quirks very differently than most would expect, so people won't make the connection to past One For All holders. She does not want to have a body count, but definitely has one. 6/10
Kim: Kim is a total doofus who would immediately gain a rep as a reckless hero who causes lots of collateral damage but makes up for it by just trying really hard. Deep down he will feel unworthy and self-conscious. Local Himbo has internal turmoil and Does Not Deserve It. 5/10
Max: Would reject the Quirk outright and only accept it in the most dire of circumstances. Max does not want a messy complicated Quirk like One For All. Max likes simple and efficient, stuff he can manipulate from the get go. One For All is not simple. Give it to someone else. 0/10
(side note: while Max does not want One For All, Markov absolutely does, and finding a way to give Markov One For All would make for an interesting challenge. But Max still isn't taking it.)
Alix: Would politely decline taking it. Because she's already received it (and passed it on after engaging in brief shenanigans with it) in the future, and knows it is not her battle to fight in the present. Alix/10
Nathaniel: Please let this poor boy have some sleep. He is very tired and very angry and accepted the Quirk on impulse and really doesn't want to do this. Eventually manages to figure out his niche being a artist/spraypaint hero (Alix helps), and may or may not accidentally trigger the downfall of a corrupt government. 7/10
Lila: She obtained it under false pretenses and we are all doomed. There's a slim chance she'll do some hero work for the sake of her image, but like. The cons will definitely outweigh the pros. This was a mistake. 1/10
Luka: Accepted One For All during a time of great need, and knew the moment he received it that it was something Important. He puts on a front of being chill, but treats his work as a Hero with the utmost of seriousness and will do what has to be done. Like his sister, he would actively strive to not have a body count, but definitely would have one. 9/10
Kagami: She's a superhero with a sword. Awesomeness is the default. She will have no idea what she is doing but like. She has a sword. Stuff is getting done. 7/10
Marc: Look, you know Worm? You know Legend? One For All Marc would be like Legend except less hunk and more bishonen. The fangirls and fanboys will rejoice. Marc does not want all the attention, but he has it anyway. 6/10
Ondine: Kim accepts his role as the ultimate trophy boyfriend. Ondine would be competent, but she would also create even more collateral damage. 5/10
Aurore (New!): If there's one thing she knows, it's branding. She may not be known as a particularly powerful hero, but her branding would be top notch. When people figure out she's the latest successor she will OWN it and turn it into more branding. 5/10
Felix: Was likely offered One For All by someone who thought he was Adrien, and accepted it under that pretense. Would do a good job as a hero (and would give Adrien the credit in the process) but would figure out how to use all the Quirks very quickly and have a gig as a vigilante going on under a different identity, using different quirks to keep people in the dark. Very sus, Felix. You can be better than this. 2/10
Zoe: Look the populace would pick up on the fact that she's blonde and associated with America and immediately assume she's related to All Might. That's just going to happen. All Might will basically have to end up adopting her, if he's still around. She does not like this, but makes it work. 6/10
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meowchela · 5 months
random ass lps popular thought but i literally dont understand people who treat brooke like shes innocent solely because her mom is shitty??? like to me it seems like a very clear "villain origin story that explains why they are the way they are but doesn't redeem them". her mom is neglectful and abusive, yes, but a lot of her actions through the series are like. completely divorced from that conflict. brooke may be taking ques from her mom with the whole cutthroat social attitude she has going on but her actions are still very much her own, like she only got the baseline ideology of "you need to stay at the top to have any worth" from her mom and everything else (the manipulation, cheating, blackmail, etc) is all stuff she chose to do herself to attain that goal. and even THEN she's doing it all completely to serve herself, her mom couldn't care less about her daughter's status in high school. brooke probably knows this and is doing whatever she can to derive self worth from her social status alone because she's all too aware that her mom just doesnt give a shit. so everything she does is still on her
i guess a more succinct way of putting it is like. brooke's backstory is more of a frame for her mindset than something you should feel sorry for her over, yknow? because as badly as she's treated at home she turns around and treats everyone around her the exact same way. abuse is cyclical and it's crystal clear that brooke is willingly continuing the cycle because she's obsessed with the power it gives her, power that was stolen from her that she's now stealing from others. and the kicker here is she HAD chances to make positive changes, both with her dad treating her nicer while he was still alive which establishes that she does know how to be kind as well as savy being willing to reconnect and give her genuine friendship again which could've helped her out of this toxic mindset. but she threw both of those chances away because she's so power hungry and is CHOOSING to continue acting like her mom because that's what gets her the most power/worth.
she needs help, but she doesn't deserve forgiveness or sympathy because of all the heinous shit she's done. also, you can't help someone unless they accept the help and/or are willing to change, and we've seen that brooke is NOT willing to change at all. idk man i just dont think we should be so fast to absolve her of accountability when she hasn't shown any willingness to overcome her circumstances. like not even "oh i want to change but things are so hard" no she doesn't want to change full stop. shes stuck in her mindset and that's her downfall and that's the point
anyway brooke would fucking love marina and the diamonds. unrelated to everything
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ratscapism · 16 days
there's also (in terms of theonisms) the whole 'you want a villain you'll get a villain' kind of thing. as in timewise, rhaenyra being treated as a potentially monstrous threat to innocent children and indecent precedes her (actually serious) misdeeds, but then she starts "proving them right" so to speak->"they will fear what we have become".
theonism2 is the way in which we might imagine a softer alternative world where rhaenyra did "everything right" and was a better player and then what? you know, didn't let herself be exposed by daemon, bypassed the criston cole mess, managed to foster a positive relationship to her siblings so defusing their fears and dislikes, come up with a renly-loras-margaerys sexual compromise for producing her children (though if laenor is as implied infertile maybe she was fucked anyway since no heirs is certainly worse than shady heirs), made herself beloved by the smallfolk tyrell style, nurtured a positive relationship to aegon who anyway doesn't want to be king so what's the problem right?, failing all that at the very least been more political about the bastard allegations (since the "whomever speaks it will lose tongue or life" even if family style repression clearly isn't working, but there could've been a few ways to nip the dynamics of the rumours in the bud more elegantly). and so on.
this is then all the stuff of saccharine fixit fanfics or lists-to-prove-she-sux (depending on if you wish it differently or revel in it). kind of like we did with theon's homecoming and how well it might have gone if it had gone well. well, for one, of course, it didn't, but for another, we must wonder if there was any way of this going well, no matter how good and brilliant the player. who was not good and brilliant (though also maybe not as atrocious as some make them out to be). but let's say they had been. cause the original issue is having been a hostage / being a woman. and there's really no brilliant politicking out of that.
it's a bit moot, of course, because viserys is bad at politicking and increasingly sick anways, rhaenyra is a messy survivor surviving messily in a way that keeps making the mess quite public though i love her, and aegon's allies were very focused on their task of protecting him/putting him on the throne and competent in contrast (interesting since aegon too is a messy survivor surviving messily in a way that keeps making the mess quite public lol). but anyway, i feel that "the reason for rhaenyra's downfall is she Earned it by being a Hypocrite who was Bad and her allies Don't love her because that's what she deserved being like That" is a bit. yeahh....no. this is not about how it's all her fault, i don't think so. but even if, she'd be my character anyway, honestly, what with me loving the everything that was ever done to you you did you yourself turncloak effect. as is known.
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Do you ever think about. the fact that Radiance, the Light, the goddess of light herself, was upstaged by the Pale King. because his light was so much greater. and everyone flocked to him instead, and she was left behind and abandoned.
do you think about what she might've felt. the abandonment and betrayal she suffered, the revenge that she went lengths to achieve. would a higher being's grief be more powerful than mortal bugs, or do they grieve the same?
Well now I am
Time to ramble *cracks mental autism knuckles*
So!! I’ve always thought Radi to be more a goddess of dreams rather than light, and since I’ve already made goddesses for All Of It with my Kirby insanity (staring intently at the entire ykkan religion), she’d be more of a. Demigoddess rather than a full-on goddess. But she’s still wildly powerful.
I imagine that, with the context of my own story’s lore, Radi would be the daughter of one of the four Godsisters, specifically the Ykka of Dreams — like, in the Dream’s attempt to keep at least a part of herself alive, she threw out another being made of Dream matter to be her successor in her downfall.
Because she’s made of Dream matter, a type of matter associated with memories and emotions, her rage and grief would be felt by anyone physically close to her. Before she was contained in Holly, her own emotions would’ve been felt by all bugs throughout the entirety of Hallownest, and that’s what probably started the infection in this (VERY UNFINISHED) au. After her sealing though, it would mostly just be felt by Holly, since that’s where she is, but the already infected bugs would still be carrying that wrath.
And allll of that emotional-rage-grief stuff is exactly what killed Radi’s mother.
‘Tis a vicious cycle, the cycle of Godhood.
I also think PK would be the Soul’s attempt at salvation. As such, PK’s power would be equal to Radi’s if not even stronger considering the rarity of Soul Magic. And beings like the Soul are literally built to create new life, hence why all those types of beings are called Creator Entities, which means any creature birthed by the Soul would be of very high magical capabilities.
In Soul Journey, Soul Magic is incredibly powerful and incredibly rare — like, rare to the point that people thought it didn’t even exist anymore — so beings made with the sheer power of Soul Magic are bound to be almost on the same level as the Ykka of Soul. Not on exactly the same level, but almost. That amount of power is more than enough for someone to be worshipped.
Sure, Dream Magic is powerful — the ability to have complete control over one’s mind, to achieve mental Godhood, is unlike any other. But to naturally wield Soul Magic is to have complete control over the very thing that keeps living beings alive. To have control over how someone feels and acts, when they die, when they’re born, what they truly are to begin with. That type of power is absolutely insane, and is to be both feared and worshipped.
That is why PK stole Radi’s spotlight. Being birthed by the Soul means unbelievable power.
And that’s why Radi was so destroyed. She was worshipped, she was loved, she was treated like what she was — a Goddess. But then, some random creature part of a near completely extinct species appeared out of seemingly nowhere and dragged her worshippers way from her, all because he was made by something more powerful than she could ever be.
She was jealous. She was grieving. She was enraged. She was destroyed. Her mental state was in pieces, as was her following.
All that glory, completely stripped from her, leaving her forgotten and alone like she was nothing.
It broke her.
And she lost her mind.
She lost her will.
She lost herself.
She lost everything, and with it, her life.
And suddenly I feel really bad for calling her a bitch.
Yeah, PK was definitely deserving of the worship he received. But Radi in no way, shape, or form deserved to be left in the way she was.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I do think I’ll go cry now
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jewishbarbies · 5 months
I keep seeing Swifties talk about how people are always rooting for her downfall and honestly as someone who was a fan of Taylor for the better part of a decade, that’s just not true. 
2006-2009 there was absolutely no hate towards her. She was just a lil country singer that if you liked her great if not then you just didn’t listen to her. 
2009 is when she became more of a household name because of the Kanye drama. And yes Taylor is successful in her own right but that moment changed the trajectory of her career and ultimately helped her career in the long run. Now this probably lead to her receiving some hate but truly not A LOT. 
I do remember a shift around 2010/2011 towards her where people would actively speak about how they didn’t like her but again nothing truly horrendous. 
I think 2012 when she made her transition into pop music was when people really started to get hate from the media and the general public. 
I also think if I remember correctly it was around 2011-2013 where if you were a fan of Taylor you would be BULLIED for it. And I mean BULLIED. 
2014 was personally in my opinion the moment where most people started to get on the Taylor train and unfortunately this also means hate increases but again she was far more loved than hated. It wasn’t till the Kanye 2.0/Kim drama that made people turn on her. And they really turned on her. She went into hiding because of it. But in hindsight it was a snake emoji. I’m sure she disappeared for more of the embarrassment of the way Kanye spoke about her in his song and then his video. That was gross.
But she came back with Reputation and idk what happened here but it unlocked something in A LOT of her fans. This is where I started seeing a shift again with how the media and general public reacted to her. They were on her side. They were rooting for her. And that’s pretty much how it has been since. Plus the craziness of her fans has only escalated since 2016. 
The only minor shift in public perception I’ve seen is the last year or so. That is mostly due to over saturation or TS going against people’s personal morals. She’s had what two days or bad press and Swifties are saying she’s ones of the most hated celebrities. It’s just not true. Having genuine criticism over a public figure isn’t hate. Watching the way the media and her peers are talking about Taylor with constant praise (whether that’s genuine or fear of Swifties is another conversation) is so drastically different than what so many other stars have endured. 
Now I’m not saying that she hasn’t had hate and I’m not saying that she doesn’t deserve to be treated better because no one should have to go through bullying or hate of any kind. I’m more concerned and annoyed at the way Swifties treat her like a perpetual victim. When there are other stars that comparatively have it so much worse. 
Britney Spears. Miley Cyrus. Madonna. Michael Jackson. Justin Bieber. Basically any celebrity that was super famous in the 00s. Just to name a few that have endured genuinely some of the worst treatment a person in the industry could receive. 
I’m sorry this was so long. I really only came here to say that it’s infuriating that Swifties complain about the hate she gets when it’s not even that bad compared to some others and that most people are afraid to say anything bad against her because of how the Swifties act. 
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theanimeview · 1 year
[Analysis] The Remarried Empress: A Victim Of Circumstance
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 51
By: Casea Smith | @coffeewithkrow
While the Remarried Empress has been on a well-deserved hiatus, I’ve been reading it over again. I find that re-reading is always interesting because it gives you the chance to see if you might come out with a different opinion or point of view, especially now that you have had some foresight into future events. While I’ve reconsidered my thoughts and feelings on some things in my latest re-read, one thing hasn’t changed and that’s my opinion of Rashta.
Oh, Rashta. The most hated female character in the entire webcomic. Reading the comments wherein she’s often nicknamed “Trashta,” you may be convinced she’s the most hated female character in general. I do understand the criticisms directed at her, however I find it errs toward vitriol and I simply cannot bring myself to the same boiling point when I see her to be a misunderstood victim of her circumstances
Am I saying Rashat is perfect? No.
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Source: The Remarried Empress
The makings of a fairytale became a reality for her. Though I don’t believe she truly loves Sovieshu, the Emperor, love isn’t required in order for her to have been sold on this fantasy. Keep all of this in mind as I believe her character flaws stem from this very point.
Rashta has many character flaws, she certainly puts the “Rash” in her name by making quick decisions without thinking about the consequences of her actions. She’ll impulsively lie and be deceptive for reasons that can be vexing for most. She also puts a lot of stock in what people think of her, often leaning into paranoia rather than self-reflection. Moreover, she will position herself to be pitied and doted on by the Emperor.
Petty and annoying things, assuredly. However I don’t believe that these flaws are worthy of such strong disdain, particularly in the beginning episodes of the webcomic.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 36
He actively pitted Rashta against the Empress as he would make a scene over every small thing Navier did. He painted it as though the Empress despised Rashta and was scheming to get rid of her from the start. I believe this caused Rashta to feel the need to lie about Navier’s acceptance of her to save face with the nobles, as well as paint the Empress as a villain to Sovieshu.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 17
Anything she perceives as a risk, no matter how benign it may look on the surface, is detrimental to her well-being, not just a minor concern that can be overlooked. You can find examples of this behavior in Chapters 17 and 18. Viscount Lotteshu, who used to own Rashta, threatened his way into meeting with her after making a scene at the party about her origins.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 44
Through her experiences as a slave and how she is treated thereafter, I believe this is what shapes her opinion of how nobles and royalty behave. They are either sickeningly sweet or horrendously wicked. They may dote on her one moment and the next be plotting for her downfall–and, for Rashta, it is a very steep fall. She is nearly powerless to her circumstance as she is in a constant state of potentially losing everything.
Yes, Rashta lies. Yes, she’ll do petty things to Navier. Yes, she schemes in order to keep herself in her position. However, she is tortuously navigating her way through a world she had lucked into, a world she was never prepared to enter.
Navier, in stark contrast to Rashta, was raised for the sole purpose of being an Empress. She was taught and prepared to handle issues with a level of decorum and intention behind everything she does. Meanwhile, Rashta never had such training and possibly can’t even begin to grasp these concepts as she attempts to, essentially, cosplay the role of a noble that’s been thrust upon her by current circumstances.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 35
Rashta is blinded by her suffering as she impulsively does dishonest and questionable things. Her actions and the actions of Sovieshu are all adding up, plummeting her into a downward spiral in later chapters. Though she never had tact to begin with, her means of avoiding trauma become even more careless and messy. This is a type of hell all on its own, as her attempts to run away from her pain are causing her to careen right toward it. Yet, that’s why I like her as a character, because she is an example of there being no such thing as a “perfect victim.”
Rashta may be flawed, but that doesn’t make her any less of a victim. She has no right to be absolved from any consequences, but I do believe she deserves a little more empathy from readers than what she garners now.
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