#down a dark (type) path arc
teamphobia · 10 months
<a video attatchment. Bane backs away from the camera in his office, a dark sort of aura in his palms and a grin on his face.
"I may have figured this out..." he mumbles under his breath, putting his hands in front of them and trying to focus.
The aura grows large before shooting from his palms in a pulse...
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Only to ricochet from the wall and knock him square in his chest, dissipating and sending him out of view of the camera- which promptly falls over, accompanied by the sounds of various items toppling off of shelves before falling silent.
All that's heard is an annoyed groan before the video ends.>
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I've been at work all day so I haven't been watching any streams, but when I opened Roier's and saw the eyeliner my heart frickin seized.
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pandora15 · 2 years
not me scrolling through the "obi-wan show" tag on my own blog and getting emotional all over again
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for-tymora · 6 months
30 Questions for Your Tav! [ Ask Meme ]
[ Send in a number for a question to be answered! What is your Tav like? Who are they as a person? ]
Your Tav as a Companion
1. What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)? 2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside? 3. What would their character quest be titled? Why? 4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have? 5. Describe their idle animations! 6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction? 7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one? 8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Back to Basics
9. What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name? 10. Does your Tav have a last name? Is there a meaning behind it? 11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food? 12. Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why? 13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors? 14. Where are they from? What was home like? 15. Is your Tav more likely to fight/flight/freeze/fawn? 16. What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies? 17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends? 18. Where/with whom do they feel safest? 19. What is their MBTI Type?
Deep Dives
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present? 21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today! 22. How is your Tav’s relationship with their family? Their parents? 23. How does your Tav act in situations of stress? In moments of peace? 24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw? 25. What is something they would die on a hill over? 26. Give us one of your Tav’s secrets! 27. What is the worst thing they’ve ever done/said to someone they love? 28. Describe a smell that reminds your Tav of childhood. 29. What fears keep them up at night? 30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
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raayllum · 3 months
like Callum made the right choice in 5x08 for his character and the thematic narrative. Thematically, Rayla cannot permanently die (she's too sacrificial) nor can she have a partner, honestly, who'd be willing to sacrifice her like that. Callum also cannot be willing to sacrifice her like that for the life of a stranger dragon he's never met, or not take the dark magic risk; not only is this how he's always clearly been ever since S1 ("But not everything [has changed]: I would do anything for you") but doing so would make him exactly like the worst of Viren: "If you have to choose between [the world] or your brother, pick the egg." Callum is having a dark path arc, but he's not having an antagonist or villain arc.
That said, there's a reason Callum is Chained Up when he gives the spell and locked in a damp dark brig and has to use the snake-chain spell specifically, because TDP loves its irony: what gets more ironic than freeing yourself from chains in order to free and save your girlfriend, when you know in doing so you're chaining yourself further and further to the main villain and his will in doing so? When you know that you would?
There's a reason 5x08 ends with Callum looking scared and sad and the shot of the snakes, because those aren't fun things (hi Ocean arcanum epiphany) to learn or fully accept about yourself. There's a reason that what characters justify with "I had no choice" or "this is the right thing to do" isn't always the literal case. "I had to, to save my friends" or you could've left it. You could've tried something else than dark magic. But you didn't, because you thought that was the one thing you could do in order to not lose your friend, so you did it; You Made Your Choice.
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For example, if we're talking what happened in 5x08 in a "this would keep The World 100% safe" type of deal? Callum fucked up twice. He gave the spell and he didn't know Finnegrin would be dead or unable to use it by episode's end. He did dark magic — with no idea that it wouldn't let Aaravos automatically possess him in that moment — because a world where he didn't even try and save her was worse to him. But it was a risk! Both of those things were massive risks!
Just because they didn't amount to the extreme consequences they could have had, yet, doesn't mean that they won't, since soo much of TDP is just "this thing had unforeseen/unwanted consequences as a result of the choices you made" (the loss of Rayla's team, Harrow's death, Sarai's death, the possession at all, Karim's banishment, Zubeia's corruption, Claudia's 5 season long descent, and I'm sure going to the Starscraper next season, just to name a few quick examples off the top of my head). As Harrow says:
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H: But I do know I will pay the price for the choices I've made. I've done terrible things. I thought they were necessary. Now I don't know.
Rayla thought she had to leave; she didn't. Rayla thought she had to find Viren, twice; that wasn't true. She chose to leave both times. She also chose to come back both times. She could've doubled down, but she didn't. Viren, finally, didn't.
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Every step forward is a choice.
That's true for Every Single Character in the show.
To deny them that is to deny the agency they do have in the circumstances they find themselves in; Soren could've not stabbed his father, Terry could've chosen to tackle rather than stab Ibis, Viren could've chosen to grieve his son. That doesn't mean they didn't have good reasons to do the things they were doing, that doesn't mean their justifications weren't strong, that doesn't mean they were necessarily wrong to do so. But they made Choices.
So did Callum. And he chose what regrets, sacrifices, and losses he could live with, in order to save the person he decided he couldn't live without.
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It's that simple, and that complicated.
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twola · 1 year
im just wondering if you could do a short story with arthur getting ‘jealous’ of you at a bar for flirting with other men? 👀 and he later makes you regret pissing him off? *wink wink*
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Learning The Hard Way
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
In which Arthur needs to teach you a lesson.
CW: There’s a bit of back and forth in this one… that devolves into physicality. Obviously, I do not condone any type of domestic violence. So we’re gonna go with that this type of play is consensual.
Many thanks to my meowdy pardners - @verai-marcel, @shootybangbang, and @redwritr - for helping me shine this one shot until it gleams!
Your voice rings out in the night through the camp, where Lemoyne’s heavy humidity hangs low. “You ain’t my husband, you ain’t my daddy, you ain’t anyone to tell me how to do my job!”
“You listen here- ”
You burst out of the tent and stomp toward the lakeshore, away from the orange firelight glowing toward the center of camp. Fortunately, the night is loud enough, and your voice doesn’t jar the entire camp, drowned out by cicadas and the rumble of men drinking after dinner.
Not that you’re particularly concerned about making a scene. No, you couldn’t give a shit about that. Your temper flares and your boots slap against the muddy grown as you clench your fists, skirts swishing at the speed of your gait.
But even with your artificially elongated stride, the loud footsteps that follow you eventually catch up to you as you reach the wood line away from the glen. 
You’re yanked back by your elbow and turned around to come face to face with an equally aggravated outlaw, wrinkles set deeply in his frown as his eyes narrow under the brim of his dark hat.
“I’ll damn well tell you when you’re bein’ stupid about a job. Coulda got yourself picked up by the law on that last stage,” he hisses, and you scowl in return as you yank back your arm from his grip, “Ain’t no way you’re doing this one.” 
“No, Arthur. Just because we’re sleepin’ together doesn’t mean you can order me around like some little housewife.”
Arthur Morgan’s scowl deepens. “You ain’t comin’ on this job and that’s final.” 
“Fuck you.” You seethe, turning on your heel before he grabs at your arm again, yanking you backward.
“Get your ass back in that tent, you little-”
He doesn’t see the whip-fast arc of your other hand before it connects with his cheek. It sends his hat flying to the ground and he immediately lets go of your arm, reeling from the blow.
“It’s over. I’ll get my things out of your tent and back to my own. You ain’t gonna treat me like I’m some prissy little thing. I don’t need this and I don’t need you.” You enunciate the last word with venom in your tone, spinning on your heel again to walk in the other direction, along the wood line, skirting the edge of the camp toward where the horses are hitched.
You needed some kind of outlet to quell the hotness of your blood after the fight, and stomping around camp wasn't doing it.
Hiking your skirts, you hurry toward your spry little gelding, dapple coated and one boy you know you could always count on. He neighs softly as you untie his rein frm the hitching post. You run your hand through his black mane.
“C’mon now boy. Let’s get outta camp to blow off some steam, sound good?” 
As if he can understand you, he nudges against your shoulder with his nose and you laugh as you move to pull yourself up into his saddle. You tighten the strap on the holster mounted on his saddle, your repeater at the ready should you need it.
Without a look back, you guide him into the freshly-borne night, at a gallop before you even hit the main road.
But alas, breathless riding through Scarlett Meadows can quell your aggravation but so much. As the moon rises in the sky, you slow your gelding down upon the red-dirt path leading into Rhodes - the Parlour House in the distance is lit up, beckoning visitors with its warm glow.
A drink or two. That would certainly help you unwind. 
Laughter and music waft into the warm night as you slide down from your horse, hitching him to the post right outside the main porch. You straighten your skirts before tucking back stray hairs along your temple as you step onto the porch and push your way through the door.
Indeed, the saloon is full of people tonight gaily drinking away their wages. You weave your way through the crowd to the bar, where you order yourself a whiskey from the bartender, tossing him a few coins when he slides the glass to you.
The drink goes down far too quickly to alleviate your frustration. Barely takes the edge off. It’s not the first time you and Arthur have gone at it - but you know, you know you were right. You were robbing stages before Arthur was your bedmate, before you joined the gang. He’s just going to have to learn to give you your space to do your work.
Hell, no one ever told him not to go on a job. Damn double standards.
Though… you can’t lie to yourself too much. There is a corner of your heart that is warmed by the fact he’s concerned for you - that he wants you safe. No one has wanted that for years.
No. You were an outlaw first. And damned if Arthur Morgan makes you some camp filly to warm his bed.
“Why, ma’am, you look like you could use another drink.”
You turn your head toward the man. His cheeks are flushed with drink and the starched collar of his shirt is unbuttoned at the neck. A silken waistcoat. Probably a Gray or a Braithwaite cousin. Pomaded dark hair and a clean-shaven face. All of the trappings of a feckless rich boy who had never seen a hard day’s work in his life. 
Completely the opposite of Arthur. 
You give a smile, leaning on your elbow, “Suppose I could…”
He nods to the bartender immediately, and a glass of whiskey appears in front of you at the bar.
You sip at it slowly as he steps closer, his elbows nearly touching yours. A subtle air of fancy cologne; of bergamot and southern jasmine, wafts off of him as he begins to engage you in conversation. 
One drink turns into two. Turns into three.
The man’s arm wraps around your waist, landing on your hip, pulling you to near sit in his lap on the barstool. “Pretty little thing like you - we don’t get that much here out in Rhodes.”
You lean into him. Who knows where this could lead. Maybe you could have a little fun tonight. Maybe you could rob him after. Maybe he was just what you need to get a certain brooding outlaw out of your system.
“What do you say about headin’ upstairs for the night?” You whisper as you toy with the lapel of his waistcoat. The golden chain of his pocket watch glints under the lanterns. A sly smile creeps across your face.
He can barely contain himself, grinning from ear to ear, and leans in to nip at your jaw. You giggle in response. He helps you slide off of his lap and presses his lips to your ear, whispering things he wants to do to you all night as he squeezes your hip.
“Just you wait here, sweet thing - I’ll get us a room and we can continue on.”
You smile a roguish, knowing grin that betrays your intent as you return to the barstool. The bartender pushes another glass of whiskey in front of you, which you down quickly, sucking air between your teeth as it burns on the way down.
You tense up as you feel a body moving too close behind you, a man with a large frame leaning into the bar behind you, crowding you in.
The tang of tobacco and whiskey wafts into your nose before you’re yanked from your seat.
By the time you’ve regained your bearings and your footing as you’ve been dragged out the side door of the Parlour House, you recognize what’s going on.
Just like you recognize that black hat.
“Get off me, Arthur.” You yell but are fairly helpless to do anything but be dragged along the path to the empty stable.
The outlaw gruffly snorts in your direction, his large hand clamped on your upper arm. As you reach the stable, your shoulders slam against the wooden wall of the workroom he had cornered you into.
“Your goddamn mouth - I need to remind you who you belong to.” Arthur hisses, groping roughly at your breast with one hand. The other grasps at your skirts and starts hiking them upward. You’re forced face down on the workbench, Arthur’s hand across your back to hold you down, your bucking unable to move against his strength. You squawk indignantly as your bloomers are yanked down your thighs and puddle near your ankles.
“Sure as fuck, ain’t you-”
The loud smack of skin on skin cuts you off, and you yelp in painful surprise at the sting of his palm on the bare, pale skin of your behind.
“Wanna try again?”
Your ass throbs as he removes his large hand from your skin, but with his other placed down hard against the small of your back, you’re unable to move from where he has you pinned to the table.
“I said, sure as fuck ain’t you-agh!”
You cry out, louder, as he swings again, hitting you square across your rear with a searing smack.
“Honey, ain’t making me happy to do this, but you gotta learn your lesson, and seems like this is the only way to get through that thick head o’ yours.”
You hiss at him, glaring daggers. 
“Changed yer mind yet?”
“Fuck you.”
After the fifth blow, tears start to leak from your eyes as you clench your fingers on the table. You aren’t going to be able to ride for a week at this rate - your ass is red and hot, but you also can’t deny the moisture accumulating just below, starting to trickle down your inner thigh. Goddamnit.
“You belong to that man you were battin’ your eyes at?” He seethes behind you, and you growl in response, unwilling to give him satisfaction.
The eighth blow makes you cry out in pain, and Arthur falters. When he removes his hand from your rear, he slides his palm down to trail over your thigh for a moment. He pauses, pulling back up and rubbing his palm over your behind almost tenderly. But you know, you know, that he felt your slick as he swept his fingers across the backs of your thighs.
“Y’ready to stop all this nonsense?” Arthur drawls, softly, slowly, as if he were trying to calm a skittish horse. The circles he’s gently rubbing on your sore ass feel almost pleasant, and you don’t clench your fingers nearly as hard on the edge of the table. Your tears have stopped, leaving a drying trail down your cheeks.
You don’t respond - you can’t - because at that moment, he slips his hand down, down between your thighs to caress your glistening folds, and you gasp in surprised pleasure as he presses his knuckle against your clit. You widen your legs without thinking, giving him more access. 
“Think you are…” he rasps, and gently moves his fingers against you, placing one arm on the table next to you to lean over your frame. His large frame smothers yours, clothed hips brushing against yours gently.
You whine and shiver beneath him. You know you’ve already lost.
“What d’ya need, sweetheart?”
“I-I… agh- I need-” You stumble over your words, your knees shaking as he pushes that finger within your cunt, suckling on your earlobe as he leans further over you. You can feel his thickening cock against the back of your thigh as he gently presses his hips forward against you in time with the strokes of his finger.
Arthur presses a second finger inside you and a needy cry escapes your throat, your hand shooting forward to grab his, forcing your fingers through his free hand. His breath is warm against your ear and he chuckles, curling his fingers as you moan. God, his hands are so big, his fingers filling you so much better than your own.
“F -fuck …” you stutter out, pressing your hips back against his hand, “A-Arthur… I need you.”
The outlaw extricates his hand from between your legs and you whine in dismay at the loss. Strong hands encircle your waist and lift you from where you are laid out on the table, and through no small feat, he turns you and winds his hands under your thighs, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms wound around his neck. 
It’s then that you look at him, for maybe the first time all day, caught drowning in the pools of his blue eyes. You can barely feel him stepping forward, carrying you, his hands firm under your thighs, careful not to touch the inflamed skin of your rear.
Your back is pressed against the wooden wall of the barn, but he doesn’t crowd you in at all. He leans in, and uncontrollably, you do too. When your mouths meet, you give a little sigh, opening your lips and permitting him to enter, his tongue pressing against yours as a rumble bubbles up from his chest.
“Shouldn’ta yelled at you,” he breathes against your lips, and as much as you can, you shake your head at him.
“Shouldn’ta run off,” you whisper in between kisses, the wet sounds of lips meeting nearly drowning out your low reply.
“Shouldn’ta hit you.” 
“You know I liked it.” You whisper with the hint of a smile ghosting across your lips.
“Little spitfire, you are.”
Arthur presses his hips forward into yours, and the long, full column of his cock in his pants presses against your bare folds, and you moan and throw your head back, gyrating your hips against him. He swears under his breath, one hand leaving your leg and furiously working the buttons of his fly as he retracts his hips just enough to work his pants open.
It's only a moment more before you feel the hot head of his cock press against your weeping opening, and he presses his lips to yours desperately as he juts his hips forward, greedily swallowing your moan as he quickly pushes himself inside you.
Your hands fly to his hair, fingers interlaced with honeyed locks, and his hand returns to your thigh as he starts to retract his hips and thrusts them upward in a slow rhythm, the wet noise of skin joining loud and stark in the night.
“ ‘M yours, Arthur.” You breathe as your eyes flutter with the slow, languorous rhythm he’s set. He leans in and takes your lips in a passionate kiss as he presses himself deeper within you.
“Was never a question,” he replies with a smirk, as he draws back enough that his forehead still leans against yours as he rolls his hips upward.
You frown slightly, but Arthur leans in for another kiss that steals your breath away. He’s a natural, of course, in the art of stealing. Your breath, your heart. Everything.
“You’re mine, Darlin’,” Arthur whispers against your lips, “You’re mine, ‘nd I’m yours.”
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
I've always wanted to do a stealth game/campaign, but all my attempts to hack it into DnD have failed. Do you have any suggestions for a stealthy system? Not something as abstract as Knives in the Dark (tbh, I just have never been able to get into it) but something that hits the Assassin's Creed feeling of watching the target, making a plan, and then sneaking through the base taking out guards and hiding their bodies and such. Preferably on a grid map or similar, s we're terrible at theatre of the mind.
THEME: Stealthy Games.
Hello there, so I did some digging and I found plenty of stealth games, although none of them seem to really require a map in order to play. That being said, I don’t think that should stop you from providing maps to your players, even if they’re abstract! Some of these games might ask you to sketch out a rough map of the town or building that you’re in, which may help you provide your players with some visual references as they sneak around, trying not to get caught. When it comes to stealth, I think of three things: horror, heists, and spies.
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Delta Green, by Arc Dream Publishing.
Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor but without glory. Delta Green agents fight to save humanity from unnatural horrors—often at a shattering personal cost.
Delta Green comes highly recommended as a great way to play an X-Files type rpg, mixed in with the Cthulhu mythos. It uses a d100 system and is based in the modern day, casting your characters as former members of government agencies, recruited into a super-secret bureau that investigates supernatural things - and keeps those things hidden from the common public. The stealth of this game is mostly about covering up the eldritch and unnatural, even if it means framing someone else or condemning a beloved building.
Your characters in this game have some familiar pieces to them, such as six stats with the same titles as you’ll see in games like D&D. However, you’ll also have pieces like Bonds, which represent relationships that keep your character grounded, and a Sanity system that I’m personally not crazy about (I do not recommend this game for a group that doesn’t like trite mechanization of mental health disorders), but that gives you a way to incur penalties that aren’t just physical damage.
This looks to be the closest to a traditional rpg on this list, and with all the elements to keep track of, I can see how a physical map would be helpful. However, keep in mind that there isn’t a pace or speed stat attached to these characters, so things like line of sight or distance probably won’t be super granular - if you are shooting things you may have broad range bands to determine how difficult something is, but the final decision will be a GM decision, not something necessarily determined in the rulebook. Because the setting is a modern one, I think finding visual references for locations in this game would be very very easy.
If you want a taste of the game before you put your money down, you can check out the Free Starter Rulebook!
Minutes to Midnight, by Oliver S.
Minutes to Midnight is a game powered by Blades in the Dark about a crew of spies, trying to disrupt the balance of power in a modern cold war. They will have to stand strong in the face of their vicious opposition and handle a fragile web of untrustworthy informants, devious intrigues and deadly lies.
We play to find out if our agents can thrive in the cutthroat world of espionage. While the public may never know about their impact, their actions shape the political landscape and outcome of conflict. Will the players prevent the outbreak of a global disaster and use their influence to create a better future? Will they attempt to send the opposing bloc into a turmoil and establish a lasting hegemony? Or will their actions lead the world down a path of war and nuclear destruction?
The Forged in the Dark system uses a cycle in between missions and downtime, sinking your characters into the heart of the action as they pursue clandestine missions in locations built by the group in a session 0. Since the game takes place in the real world, using maps of real cities might be a great way to keep they players visually engaged, and using a city that the group has been to or is familiar with might also make it easier for the group to visualize the kinds of buildings and streets where their spies may be sneaking, scheming, and sleuthing.
Madstones, by xiombarg.
Those who know magic exists at all are the rich and teams of breakers like yourself that go into the jartowns for the Archons. Jartowns are created by burning folk alive in a wicker man, in a ritual known only to the oldest jet-setting Archons.
A jartown is an isolated area of spacetime that was cut out of our reality. Most jartowns consist of a small amount of space (enough for a suburb or town) and a loop of several years. Jartowns become more magickal and horrific with each loop, creating madstones. 
Madstones are small things, from actual stones to human organs, infused with concentrated, distilled magic. They're secretly coveted by the wealthy.
In this tiny 24XX-based tabletop RPG, players are breakers, desperate folk from the occult underground who find a way into the jartowns, hothouses for magick, to perform errands for the ultrarich Archons.
Play as a variety of roles, from sawbones to sinner to spook, and choose to hail from one of four origins, including jartown native.
24XX games are another toolbox that you can pick up and play around with to help you get started with creating your own experiences. Your character consists of a few skills and gear packaged together in a character class. In Madstones, these classes are various specialists, trained to deal with different elements that might pop up when you go delving into eldritch pockets of reality. There is both a stealth and a combat specialist in this game, but there’s also classes for things like a getaway driver, a hacker, and an occult specialist.
24XX games also exist because of their OSR predecessors, meaning that combat is risky, and often deadly - and therefore finding other ways to solve the problem is implicitly encouraged. However, the openness of the system means that your players don’t necessarily need to resort to stealth - they might prepare an elaborate ritual, create a unique piece of technology, or just decide to run away as fast as they can. In regards to maps, I think you could probably use a typical dungeon framework: leading the characters through various rooms or sections of the pocket dimension, and throwing horrors and weird environments their way.
Night’s Black Agents, by Pelgrane Press.
The Cold War is over. Bush’s War is winding down. You were a shadowy soldier in those fights, trained to move through the secret world: deniable and deadly.
Then you got out, or you got shut out, or you got burned out. You didn’t come in from the cold. Instead, you found your own entrances into Europe’s clandestine networks of power and crime. You did a few ops, and you asked even fewer questions. Who gave you that job in Prague? Who paid for your silence in that Swiss account? You told yourself it didn’t matter. It turned out to matter a lot. Because it turned out you were working for vampires.
Vampires exist. What can they do? Who do they own? Where is safe? You don’t know those answers yet. So you’d better start asking questions. You have to trace the bloodsuckers’ operations, penetrate their networks, follow their trail, and target their weak points. Because if you don’t hunt them, they will hunt you. And they will kill you.
A combination of modern spy fiction and vampire intrigue, Night’s Black Agents uses the GUMSHOE system, which is an investigative roleplaying system that provides your characters with resources they can spend to get into secret locations, compete against vampiric agents, and pick up information to help you put together the details of a conspiracy. In Night’s Black Agents, finding clues isn’t left up to chance - you will always get information as long as you tell the GM that you’re using a relevant skill. The obstacles in this game are more likely going to involve getting in and out of sticky situations - and if your opponents are vampires, well, stealth is likely going to be a more appealing than trying to slit their throats.
GUMSHOE games don’t need grid maps either, but a rough map of the city or country is probably very helpful, and it might be fun to draw the floor plans of various buildings that your players investigate in order to help them determine what areas may be the most interesting places to search for clues.
The Breathing, by Fistful of Crits.
You reside in The Archive, an unending and depthless structure spiralling deep into the dark and misty depths, devoid of life and presided over by a being known only to you as The Archivist.
The Archive is made up of windowless rooms and halls that vary greatly in their height, size and danger. All these spaces house numerous shelves containing the collected knowledge of the world outside of The Archive; a place you have been told you must earn your access to. The price of your freedom comes from the discovery of new or forgotten knowledge that can be found in the deepest parts of the structure. 
You, and a few others, are known as The Breathing, in a place full of creatures who were once like you but ultimately failed in their bid for freedom; now known as The Breathless. 
The Breathing is just an example of a broader style of game, using a system called Breathless. Breathless games use a series of polyhedral dice that deteriorate as you use them, with different dice attached to different skills. Throughout the game you pause to “take a breath”, and re-set your skills, bringing your dice back to their threshold. However, pausing to take a breath also gives the GM a chance to introduce a new trouble or complication, creating a cycle of mission, rest, mission, rest, etc.
As a game system, Breathless is pretty light and is fairly easy to hack. But the lightness of the rules also allows for creativity and add-ons, which could include rules for movement or placement. Since the game rewards finding ways to solve problems without having to resort to direct conflict, I can see games like this encouraging characters to think carefully about when to use their resources and when to just… sneak around the problem. If you want to include maps and a grid, you could provide a blueprint of a room inside The Archive and watch the players try to navigate it using their limited resources, with designated “rest areas” that they would have to get to in order to take a Breath.
This certainly isn’t a solution in a box, but it might provide some interesting tools to help you build the experience you’re looking for.
Night Reign, by Sinister Beard Games.
Night Reign is a roleplaying game of stealth, guile, violence and devilry for a GM and one or more players, set in a quasi-Edwardian metropolis perched on an inhospitable peninsula beset by toxic black rain and ruled by a corrupt cabal of Noble Houses.
You take the role of members of The Red Right Hand, a conspiracy loyal to the recently deposed royal family, using your talents in assassination, infiltration and dark sorcery to strike out at your oppressors.
A game all about the things you do in the shadows, Night Reign uses cards to resolve conflict, rather than dice. It also uses a token system to help you overcome obstacles without having to resort to violence - loud, messy, dangerous violence. The Ruled by Night system (which has an SRD that you can download for free) is about balancing the suspicion you’ve already raised against an increasing cost to being stealthy. You spend Shadow tokens in order to be able to attempt to do something, and try to get a hand as close as possible to 21, or at least higher than whatever the GM draws. Your characters will also have powers that can be very effective, but are likely to draw a lot of attention, so using them is risky.
Because of how this game runs, things like movement and speed are not likely to be tracked. However, I don’t think mapping out a location so that the players can understand where things are or what kind of space they’re in is going to hurt the experience. The SRD describes something called City Conditions, which appear to be elements of the fiction that might result from the characters’ choices, or provide obstacles to the players. If you have a map of the city in front of you, you could draw symbols on the map to indicate what’s happening as the story progresses, and even cross out places that have been destroyed.
Heist, by Hark Forsooth Games.
HEIST: Get the Crew Together is a cooperative RPG where you and a group of suave, savvy and slick fellow crooks plan and execute capers, grabbing the fanciest loot from the world's wealthy elite.
Heist is great for fans of shows like Leverage or movies like Ocean’s 11: you’re going to steal something shiny from someone who certainly doesn’t deserve it, and you’re going to do it with style. While combat is an option, your characters will also have to deal with suspicious marks, security systems, laser grids and bank vaults. The characters are composed of special talents and personal flaws, and the GM has the task of designing something the game calls Murphy’s Gun - a major twist that will reveal itself midway through the heist.
It can be tricky to determine what to prep for a game like this, but one thing that you can for sure prep is the location. Design the building, draw the floor plan, and come up with obstacles for the different areas - there’s not really movement tracking in this game but having the layout will certainly help your players come up with ideas about how to get in, get out, and get rich.
Another thing to consider…
Mothership doesn’t have any stealth skills, but what it does have is the incentive to be sneaky. If an alien horror is moving through the ship, you’re more likely to try and stay out of it’s way - and having no stealth skills means that the players have to describe what they’re doing to stay hidden; climb into vents, squeeze yourself into cupboards, and try to wriggle into the space suit. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re not rolling - you might roll to clamber over something or to fit yourself into something, or you might roll to scope out a location to find an exit or suitable hiding place. It’s also excellent in terms of maps - plenty of adventures will provide at least a blueprint of the space station or ship that you’re exploring, which you can use to spook your players with fresh horrors.
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nynyhaha · 3 months
Neon Nostrade and the naivety of evil
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Neon is hated on by both Chrollos and Kurapikas stans.And I never really liked her as well,tho I don’t think she deserves the hate.As a character,she’s actually brilliant!
She sure is naive.But she’s not evil.She actually shows a wish to help people.I wonder if she’s aware what kind of people she’s helping with her ability,but I doubt it.
As someone who loves finding bones in the wild and making necklaces from them,who is interested in the way human remains look,I have to remind myself not to be like neon.
Because to her,the scarlet eyes are just a fun accessory.A part of the yorknew arc I overlooked when first watching HxH was the way her whole essence affects Kurapika distructively.
Kurapika is breaking his moral compass as he allies himself with such a brutal organisation as the Nostrade family.Yet his job is rather harmless:protecting the Bosses teenage daughter.
Someone who is naive,spoiled and throws tantrums,but not someone who’s a bad person.I believe that Kurapika really wanted to protect her and keep her safe.
But she’s the customer. She is on the demand end,Chrollo does the supply,and Kurapikas family is the product
I don’t know why the troupe murdered the Kurta clan.But I know they sold their eyes because there were people willing to buy them.If not for people like her,the Kurta eyes wouldn’t even be on the black market.People who harvest human eyes and sell them are worthy of Kurapikas wrath,but people who buy those eyes and create the demand should be too.
Remember how Kurapika and Melody had to obtain body parts so they would be hired?Well,how do we know those body parts were ethically sourced?
What gives Neon the confidence,that the eyes aren’t from someone who was killed for them? But she doesn’t ask that question.
I doubt she knows how they were gathered,but she doesn’t know because she doesn’t even THINK about it.
That is sociopathic behaviour,but just like it’s normalised to eat meat in our society without thinking much where it comes from(I am myself guilty of that but I don’t feel guilt)in the world Neon grew up in,the history behind the desired treasure is not relevant.
This is also so interesting because out of Kurapika,Chrollo and Neon,Neon is the most innocent.
Kurapika is going down a dark path of working with the Mafia such as Neons father and actually killing someone.Chrollo is the reason for that.And who is on the other end of Kurapikas loss and Chrollo’s crimes?
A cute little girl.She hasn’t ever killed anybody.She’s valued by her father just for her ability.She wants some independence so she goes out and talks to Chrollo.
The phantom troupe turns out to be more human than Kurapika could’ve ever imagined.That results in him questioning his worldview where only the most evil psychopaths could do what the troupe did,but the troupe doesn’t consist of psychopaths.
And what about Neon?Shes not only a human with feelings,but she doesn’t even have bad intentions.She is not even a bad person.
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Tserri is.And we would all expect someone like him to be on the demand end of the pipeline.
But there’s another type of person happy to have kurta eyes,someone who is looking at them with genuine,childlike wonder.
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The phantom troupe teaches us that people can do unspeakable things while still having the ability to care about their friends,still having family like bonds with others.It’s possible to be a ruthless criminal who is selfless enough to sacrifice oneself for a loved one.
But Neon is the opposite of that.You can be a cheerful,delusional rich girl who doesn’t what to hurt anybody ,and yet be part of something as horrible as the body part market.
If the phantom troupe are monsters with feelings,Neon isn’t a monster at all.That’s what makes her even more terrifying.
Rather than ending up as Kurapikas or Chrollos,it seems that we are most likely to end up as a Neon.Because we are not required to kill to be affiliated with evil
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bonefall · 10 months
post/734733274896809984/do-you-ever-worry-your-own-writing-might-come-off that makes sense. i was asking because i'm afraid of accidentally writing misogyny myself and i kind of admire what you do
Hmm... I wish I had better advice to give you on this front, but honestly, the only thing I can tell you is to consider the perspective of your female characters.
Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings of their own, so like... just let them have their own arcs. A lot of the worst misogyny in WC comes from the way that the writers just don't care about their girls (or, in the case of tall shadow, actually get undermined and forced to rewrite entire chapters), so they're not curious about their lives, or WHY they feel the way they do or what they want, or any direction for their character arcs.
Turtle Tail as an example. She'll often just end up feeling whatever Gray Wing's plot demands. She's gotta leave when Storm dumps him to make him feel lonely. She shows up again to love him in the next book. Lets her best friend Bumble get dragged back to Tom the Wifebeater, but is sad enough about her death to be "unreasonably angry" with Clear Sky, and then calms down and accept Gray Wing is right all along.
And then she dies, so he can have his very own fridge wife.
In this way, Turtle Tail's just being used to tell Gray Wing's story. They're not interested in why she would turn on Bumble, or god forbid any lingering negative feelings for how she didn't help her, or even resentment towards Clear Sky for killing her or Gray Wing for jumping to his defense. She isn't really going through her own character arc.
She does have personality traits of her own, don't misunderstand my criticism, but as a character she revolves around Gray Wing.
So, zoom out every now and then, and just ask yourself; "Whose story is being told by what I wrote? Do my female characters have goals, wants, and agency, or are they just supporting men? How do their choices impact the narrative?"
But that's already kinda assuming that you already have characters like Turtle Tail who DO have personalities and potential of their own. Here's some super simple and practical advice that helped me;
Tally the genders in your cast. How many are boys, how many are girls, how many are others?
And take stock of how many of those characters are just in the supporting cast, and compare that to the amount you have in the main cast.
If you have a significant imbalance, ESPECIALLY in the main cast, fire the Woman Beam.
It's a really simple trick to just write a male character, and then change its gender while keeping it the same. I promise women are really not fundamentally different from men lmao. You can consider how your in-universe gender roles affect them later, if you'd like, but when you're just starting to wean yourself off a "boy bias" this trick works like a charm.
Also you're not allowed to change the body type of any girl you Woman Beam because I said so. PLEASE allow your girls to have muscles, or be fat, or be old, or have lots of scars. Do NOT do what a cowardly Triple A studio does, where the women all have the same cute or sexy face and curvy body while they're standing next to dwarves, robots, and a gorilla.
Or this shit,
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If you do this I will GET you. If you're ever possessed by the dark urge, you will see my face appear in the clouds like Mufasa himself to guide you away from the path of evil.
Anyway, you get better at just making characters girls to begin with as time goes on and you practice it. It's really not as big of a deal as your brain might think it is.
Take a legitimate interest in female characters and try not to disproportionately hit them with parental/romance plots as opposed to the male cast, and you'll be fine. Don't think of them as "SPECIAL WOMEN CHARACTERS" just make a character and then let her be a girl, occasionally checking your tally and doing some critical thinking about their use in the story.
(Also remember I'm not a professional or anything, I'm just trying to give advice)
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insomnicbypasser · 3 months
Hiiiii speaking my thoughts on a certain thing about the newest limbus event make sure to avoid incase of spoilers! I am offically yapping about rodion in this one also so be warned.
You know im constantly thinking about rodion and how she just, doesnt have a yurodivy identity. Its always been a thought in my head how every identity that we get in the game is a possiblility a sinner could have gone down, not just an overlap with exsisting characters. They are afterall from mirror worlds.
Theres n corp sinclair, who gave into his inital disgust of prosthetics and went fully into that realm of dark. The pequod captain ishmael who found herself an almost exact mirror of ahab, fully taken by the madness to hunt what she deemed to be the root of all evil that we saw and the later portion of her canto. Literally most of dons identities share a similar theme of her going into an organization and having her beliefs tested as shown in her n corp, w corp, and her shi association ids.
So why didnt rodion get a yurodivy id instead of her t corp id? The opportunity was right there for the taking, however there was somethings stopping her from getting it. There was the fact that she felt like she did anything to help in actually catching the time ripper, so she didnt get a district 20 yurodivy id bescause hong lu and ryoshu were ACTUALLY like them with their detective work, however i dont think its like that as seen above several sinners have gotten ids that directly go against their current arcs ie: captain ishmael and n corp sinclair. I also think this is the same reason she got a TAX COLLECTOR id of all things, finding herself not only stagnating but also becoming the type of person she would havr MURDERD in cold blood previously.
To me there are two reasons project moon is holding back on a yurodivy id for rodion. Either A: theyre saving it for a theoretical redo of rpdions canto, this time where she actually stands her ground to fully face sonya and give him her true awnser on where she stands, most likely telling him she'll be following the path that dante is leading her down towards instead of the path sonya had laid out for her with the yurodivy. With this she could potentially get either a id where she instead had taken sonya up on his offer, or the most interesting option where rodion had taken up the role of saint for the yurodivy instead of sonya in a sort of captain ishmael or spicebrush yi sang type of id.
And then theres option B: where rodion has yet to get a yurodivy id because there arent any plans to give her a yurodivy id because in EVERY mirror world rodion is always destined to give up her life with the yurodivy. Maybe there will always be a reason for her to leave, a flaw she can never let slide, maybe even a feeling she wont ever address that she wasnt and wont ever be for the yurodivy because they were never ment to be, either they were never doing enough or she could never be enough.
I havent read the book rodion is from, i dont know the first thing about rodions journey through it. All i know is that rodion is a gambling addict, he kills someone, and that sonya helps(?) him get past his vices and sins and even then none of that might not be true i have no idea. What i do know is that in limbus company, rodion has had the constant need to be something. She tried to lead a life in the yurodivy to feel as though she was doing something larger then herself, and when she felt as though they didnt meet her expectations she decided to take things into her own hands and when she looked back on her decisions, she couldnt even tell who she had done them for or whether she was only acting apon her base selfish desires. Then she joined limbus company bus, supposedly to maybe have a wish granted, but also because maybe in this group of losers and vagabonds, she could finally take a large role then what she felt she had when she was in the yurodivy, maybe she could finally make use of her time instead of this rotting stagnation she had been suffering from since she left the yurodivy. But then they fail in their first two missions, she sees sonya for the first time in a while as she plays her first major role in a mission and he is the cause for her failure, even extending an olive branch to her and a place back inside the group she had so quickly left behind when things didnt go so well for her. Then they finally start seeing successes but they come at great losses, being forced to face your traumas, to kill your previous loved ones, to give up your entire motivations for the sake of moving forward and finding your place in the world.
And then we come to t corp itself, rodion finds herself being hand picked for a mission that surely other sinners are more capable of completing. Rodion has lost some of her previous confidence in her place in the bus. She didnt face her trauma like sinclair did, she didnt fight against sonya with all her might like yi sang had, she didnt push through her flaws and learn from her behavior like idhmael and heathcliff had done. Rodion ran, and she hadnt even gained anything from it.
As the event went on, we saw slowly as rodions compossure dropped, especially when the yurodivy got involved. We got to see rodion start to look back on her decision to leave the yurodivy when she interacts with them in district 20. She questions herself as soon as she sees that they actually managed to make something of themselves, that if she had actually been patient they would have been able to give her the kind of change that she had wanted in her life.
Her struggle to define what she wants and how she wants to get it is so interesting, it seems to me like rodion is constantly setting bars too high, either for others or herself, never wanting to settle her bet always wanting to push just a bit further and always crashing hard when she looses it all. The case of time killing time is showing the cracks in her resolve, and i think that eventually itll all come to a boiling point where shell get a rerun of her canto.
Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk every single one of the sinners make me mentally ill in ways i will never recover from, not just rodion. Trust me i WILL be making a 20 page essay on don once her canto is fully out i will NOT be normal about her. Sorry if i got a bit off track btw this was absolutely a full character study mostly on rodion rather then being me talking about the new event like i said and had quite a bit about me talking about how i think ids work inuniverse beside being things dante can use on sinners for combat. ALSO! If anyone can tell me how rodion and sonya are in the book it would be cery appreciated! Knowing about how moby dick, wuthering heights, and the metamorphsis play out really shaped my experiences of their cantos and id like to see how its themes played into canto 2.
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teamphobia · 10 months
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<Can you feel the dark, Bane?>
<Does it fog your horizons?>
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lillymakesart · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot a lot Mizu thanks to your posts (tho tbh when am I not am I right?) and idk, I'm not good an in depth character analysis, but Mizu feels a lot like the moon; only shining with the permission of whichever sun she has let into her life and into her heart.
But unlike the moon, its not because Mizu cannot shine, but because she doesn't feel worthy of shining.
(Sorry I had a moment of brainrot and none of my friends have watched BES, hope it's okay I dumped this here ;^; )
never apologize to me for sending me bes blessings in my inbox im literally on my knees begging you guys to do this
but YES i am thinking in the same vein!! in my head actually Ringo is the sun and the only light source that Mizu permits to let the light in and reflect back into the world, since Ringo is the only person that she does favors for (e.g. she saves Taigen thinking of him, and promises him that she would save Akemi too)
it can also be thought of in the opposite way too - Mizu is the blinding sun, Ringo (the moon) is the only celestial body worthy enough to catch her light, and Taigen is the earth that circles her and needs her light (maybe Akemi is the stars all around because she doesn't need anything from Mizu and can hold down her business in her own arc)
when I write fics I actually think of Ringo as the sun, Mizu is the blindfolded eldritch beast fighting against her own bubble of darkness (but the sun is trying to show her a lightened path), and Taigen is the guy chasing Mizu on some own personal Moby Dick type shit that literally nobody else but him cares about lmao
my favorite one is from somewhere else on tumblr where Ringo is the kind pet owner that adopted a dirty cat (Mizu) and a dumb dog (Taigen) from the dumpster and he's desperately trying to keep both alive and stop them from killing each other (original author pls come forth if you see this im sorry i could not find you in time to tag)
many interpretations, all good!!! all valid!!! i love literature!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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messymindofmine · 1 month
911 Lone Star Redemption Week!
Thank you @lemonlyman-dotcom for tagging me and @lonestar-s5countdown for starting this!
1)Which 911 Lone Star character redemption is your favorite?
Owen hands down. Tbh, with the exception of maybe TK, I can't think of any character that has specifically had a "redemption journey" as such. At least not in the way I would define it. Mistakes and growth is obviously a central theme of the show but I think Owen is the character that has had a series long redemption arc. And I think Owen is actually very important in what he represents. This is a man who lost his entire crew in a tragedy that quite literally changed the course of history as we know it. And that wasn't even the beginning of his trauma. He carried the guilt of his brother's death into adulthood and that guilt and trauma was compounded throughout his life. People can dismiss Owen all they want but I think that in many ways the type of representation he brings to the show is just as important as that of Tarlos, Paul, Marjan etc. What we see with him is the reality of how a lifetime of loss and trauma scars a person. And you know what? Owen is actually the ideal scenario because even at his worst, he still loves and cares for the people around him. Even his most annoying moments are borne from his desire to help others. Most of all, Owen makes sure that the people he cares about don't make the mistakes he did. Had it not been for him, who knows how Judd would have survived his PTSD? And I know people have mixed feelings on this but I think him bringing the 126 together the way he did was far more about him bringing together kindred souls who needed each other than him saving anyone. And I will never understand the people who say Owen is a bad parent because while he is obviously not perfect, nobody can deny that he loves his son more than anything in the world. And actually, that is another reason why I picked Owen for the best redemption arc. I think his redemption is so beautifully intertwined with TK's. Owen's grief and trauma obviously affected TK as a child and as he got older that childhood trauma of watching his father spiral led him down his own dark path. I think TK and Owen are the most beautiful and realistic example of a parent-child relationship not only because of how much the love each other but also how a parent's trauma can impact the child. But despite it all, they remain so close and are unafraid to openly express their love for each other.
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2) Is there a character you think deserved an more of an onscreen redemption moment than we got on the show?
Hmm I don't really know. I guess I would have liked to see more discussion regarding Owen's father and how it would have felt knowing that Robert got to experience all the things Owen never did. I don't know how they would go about redeeming a dead character that we only had about 5 minutes of or if that even counts as redemption but I would be interested in exploring that more. And I would like to see TK be a part of that as well. I wish we'd gotten a scene of Owen actually telling TK about Robert.
3) Is there a recurring (or even one-time guest) "villain" that you would like to see return with a redemption arc? Or if not, is there a "villain" you absolutely would not want to see get a redemption?
I know he did kind of get redeemed in s3 but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing Billy Tyson again. Actually, I think it would be interesting to see him now after everything. Now that he and Owen have reached a truce and there is no more rivalry over the firehouse, what is Billy doing? Are he and Judd still in touch? Has he retired? I'd be interested to know what's going on with him now.
4) Are there any unresolved conflicts from the first four seasons that you wish were reconciled onscreen?
I know that the popular answers to this are usually the Push arc or 4x01-4x04 and I totally agree with both of those but for the sake of the post, I'm going to go with something different. I wish we'd gotten to see more of Mateo coming to terms with what happened to his cousin and how it impacted his family. He carried that guilt of his cousin going to jail for the first time to cover for him but we don't know what his relationship with the rest of his family is like as a result. Do they even know that Marvin was just covering for Mateo? Do they blame him for the path that Marvin took? Did Mateo see or talk to them after Marvin's death? All we got onscreen was his cousin calling to tell him that Marvin was dead. I just found that storyline interesting because it added depth to Mateo while also connecting two separate characters played in different shows by the same actor in a really fun way.
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5) Which character would you like to have a more developed backstory?
Nancy. As things are now, she is the only one who we really don't know anything about for sure. I like that LS doesn't do "Begins" episodes the way 911 OG does because I prefer how we have slowly gotten more backstory for the characters and there is still more about all of them that we don't know but I would like to have some solid backstory for Nancy. We do know she has a sister and she was picked on in school. I feel like that could be potentially interesting and allow us to see how she ended up as a paramedic. Maybe she was a science geek and ended up performing first aid on a classmate which inspired her. Maybe her sister has a chronic illness and she was inspired by helping take care of her. She resuscitated that woman against her will so I feel like there is a strong basis for the latter theory.
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As always, I'm going to leave this an open tag and invite anyone who wants to participate to do so. And if anyone wants me to tag them, please let me know!
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Nexus Character Database.
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"Hey, Lear, why are you ignoring my texts again? What if I was getting robbed at gunpoint and needed your help?"
"Why would they let you use your phone during a robbery, Nona?"
"Stop getting all wrapped up in the little details. The important thing is that you check what I sent."
"Alright, alright, let's see... huh. A personality test? Aren't those a pseudoscience?"
"What a lame thing to say. Just take it already. I'll tell you what Our-Lord-And-Savior-The-Exalted-One got if you do. Woah, geez, calm down, at least let it load!"
Nexus index.
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Name: Lear (Nickname given by Miss Phaeales, birth name name is Vincent Metellus) Age: 118 Species: Nymphalian Faction: LOTUS-EATER World: Eris Path: Abundance Combat type: Ice Birthday: June 28th Sexuality: [First] Phaeales (he’s het) Height: 5′8 Hair color: Sandy blonde Eye color: Blue, with a white ring around his pupils Favorite animal: Penguins Favorite food: Pasteli, hot cocoa with marshmallows Least favorite food: Gummies, green olives Favorite things: Cooking, baking, gardening, sewing, mixology, sales at the food market and his red hairpins. Least favorite things: Group chats with more than three people, ads, sports and anything that causes Miss Phaeales distress. Clothing style: Casual. Lots of sweaters, turtlenecks, and the occasional trench coat. Prefers warm neutral colors. MBTI: INFP
Lear is considered by his co-workers to be a diligent yet reserved worker. He rarely calls out sick, never slacks off, and can get along with anyone. Most sigh in relief when they're put on the same shift as him. He wordlessly carries out tasks without anyone's prompting. Despite his solid reputation at the LOTUS-EATER, not much is known about him. He doesn't accept invitations to social outings or seek the companionship of others. These requests are turned down with a soft smile and apologetic look, which makes harboring any ill-will toward him difficult.
In his heart, he can't bring himself to enjoy the freedoms deprived from the one he treasures most. He swore he'd remain by the side of a girl who abruptly stumbled into his melancholic life. This unruly girl would go on to bring excitement and adventure wherever she went. Those boring cycles spent on his lonesome were no more. Her happiness became his, a fact that's never changed. He contents himself on caring for those who he's come to be close to.
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Name: Nona Age: 113 Species: Nymphalian Faction: LOTUS-EATER, Arc's Pinion (formally) World: Eris Path: Nihility Combat type: Fire Birthday: November 3rd Sexuality: Pansexual Height: 5′3 Hair color: Chestnut brown Eye color: Amber Favorite animal: Octopi (specifically the dumbo octopus) Favorite food: Red velvet cake Least favorite food: Legumes, fatty meats Favorite things: Punk rock, video games (racing in particular), drumming, clothes, accessories, makeup and plushies Least favorite things: Work, 99% of the people she meets, capitalism and the IPC Clothing style: Gothic lolita and sweet lolita, anything super cute MBTI: ESFP
"A place where anyone can enter, but few can leave."
This would best describe Arc, the purposefully forgotten quadrant of Perianth II. Most who are born here never get to see light, artificial or otherwise. Although Nymphalian's have excellent night vision, Nona was never able to accept navigating a world of darkness. She joined a group of likeminded folk who supposedly sought to better the conditions in Arc. For many years, she sacrificed plenty to realize this dream. After overhearing two of the most prominent leaders squabble over the most insignificant things, she realized the futility of relying on others for a better future.
There had been talks of Nona infiltrating the LOTUS-EATER, as she exhibited the traits necessary for an Arbiter's field of work. Her application for Thelx citizenship was readily accepted. Instead of carrying out her group's wishes, she decided to live for herself. Though Nona was initially standoffish toward her fellow LOTUS-EATER co-workers, she soon formed a bond with her mentor, [First] Phaeales and the bartender Lear.
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jellyluchi · 1 year
Promise; Rohan x Reader
A/N: a trade piece for @amberswords for Melk's Server!
Pairing: Rohan x Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: mention of locusts and fish sperm Summary: Rohan arranges for a perfect dinner date with you after deciding you will be his life partner
AO3 Link
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Rohan Kishibe is nothing if not dedicated. With tunnel visioned focus he has led Pink Dark Boy into fame. And he plans to achieve the same success with his most recent endeavor. The only obstacle that stands in his path happens to be the fact that he absolutely cannot reveal his plans to you. Using your cluelessness to his advantage, he’s devised the most perfect plan to surprise you when time comes. You, the object of his affection, deserve as much attention to detail as his finest artworks, after all. 
It starts with a visit to the jewelers. But not just any jewelers, Rohan finds himself at the entrance of a branded store in Tokyo. The trip wasn’t very difficult to conceal as he had to travel for work every now and then. Despite that, he didn’t enjoy having to lie to his most beloved to justify his absence. 
“I’ve a trip down in Tokyo,” he’d said early in the morning when you two usually share fusion breakfast. “It’s for some research. Pink Dark Boy is entering a new and important arc.” He said it so decisively with a sip of his miso soup that you didn’t think twice to question the validity of the statement. 
Rohan soothed his conscience with the thought of knowing he didn’t truly lie to you as his remark about research was true. The only research he would need to do were of the jewel’s cuts, materials, and strength. The arc in question happened to be because of a heist being conducted by the characters in his manga. It’s most definitely not because any characters are getting married… 
Scoffing to himself, Rohan walks through the store with the haughtiness of an experienced japanese idol, adorning a pair of shades that perfectly coordinate with his fashion for the day. Striding in sleek pants, he stands next to a display of rings and necklaces. With such an exclusive line of gems, the brand requires a special appointment just for customers to be able to browse through or purchase any of their items. It’s not surprising for Rohan when he notices the place is all but deserted save for himself. 
The clerk greets him to which he replies before inquiring about his interest in the items. Staying true to his words to you, Rohan throws a flurry of questions at the poor clerk, trying to learn everything there is to know about diamonds, emeralds, rubies, their formations, types, malleability, and durability. 
“I would like to see some engagement rings as well,” he adds after examining a deep red ruby necklace. It would be the perfect addition to Pink Dark Boy’s heist arc. Mentally sighing with relief, the clerk perks up at the question. 
“Of course, we have some exclusive new cuts here…” 
As he listens to the explanation from the storekeeper, Rohan’s mind conjures images of you. Which ring would be best representative of your beauty, your wit, and your warmth? Finding diamonds a common and boring choice among gems, a particularly glowing opal catches his eye. It’s not large to the point of gaudiness and yet not small enough to go unnoticed. You would truly shine with this ring on your finger… The thought brings an uncharacteristic redness to his cheeks as he realizes the meaning. Fighting his own reflexes to keep his composure, Rohan confirms the purchase. You will be tied to him soon, he thinks… 
“We have a reservation next week,” Rohan tells you, the buzzing of his nerves is secondary to his need for perfection in planning his proposal. Which includes the fact that you must not suspect anything. “So I’ve prepared something for you to wear…” 
Curiously, you gaze over to Rohan’s nonchalant demeanor. It’s not uncommon for him to announce reservations to you ahead of time given his busy schedule and his respect for yours. But Rohan is always sure you will be free. As if he took a look into your agenda somewhat obsessively. You wouldn’t exactly put it past him to do something like that. 
“What is it?” You perk up at the sound of an impromptu gift. Motioning you to your shared bedroom, Rohan brings out a finely packaged article of clothing. It’s gorgeous. Smooth satin  caresses your fingers as you touch the fabric after opening the expensive looking box. 
“Rohan…” You whisper, still not looking at him directly. From the perfect color to the perfect size, you are most certain that Rohan has spared no detail or work to make sure it’s just right for you. Taking your style into account is as easy to him as his own, being a man of fashion that he is. “It’s…” You’re clearly speechless as you turn to his smug expression. 
“I know,” he says. Wriggling his hand over your waist, he pulls you closer. “You like it, yes? I had a feeling.” 
Despite the ring not being in his grasp, now hidden in some deep confine where you will not find it, Rohan’s through gravitate towards the accessory. Believing in perfectionism the way he does, it bleeds into every aspect of his life. Including his marriage proposal to be. Rohan’s hand squeezes an intimate part of your waist as he imagines the color of the stone with your outfit, perfect harmony. 
He’s aware of your deep love for art, a complete reflection of his own affections, and he lets it color his choice for the engagement ring clearly. Subtle but not ordinary, to him it’s a perfect masterpiece made for your hand. 
“Why?” You ask, shattering through his thoughts for a moment. “What’s so special about this occasion?” 
Rohan must not let himself break a single sweat gland in front of you. “It’s an expensive restaurant we’re going to. You’d look like a baboon going underdressed. And you’re much too beautiful to be a baboon,” he smirks proudly at his own joke when you raise an eyebrow. “It’s for Pink Dark Boy,” he says, turning away from you to one of the shelves in your shared bedroom. “There’s a particularly distasteful meal I must try for this new arc. It’s important.” 
With his decisive tone, he turns to you, hoping it answers your question and doesn’t cause you to pry further. 
“...Oh!” None the wiser, you take his word for it. “Well that sounds… gratifying?” You’re both confused and excited. There’s nothing like research for Pink Dark Boy that isn’t exciting. “Tell me what I can do to help, should I taste it too?” 
Rohan puts a hand up to your face. “There’s no need.” The smugness returns to his face. “You just have to sit there and be the second most beautiful and exquisite guest of honor the restaurant has seen — after me of course.”
With that, he departs your shared quarters and you are left to wonder if he was being utterly flattering or calling you useless. In his own way, perhaps, it was Rohan’s display of affection. Despite his words, you know your boyfriend does not consider you second to himself even if he must declare it for his own ego. And being his partner, you only chuckle at his response knowing no true malice behind his words. 
Feeling exquisite in the fabric that Rohan gifted you the week before, and even adding a touch of makeup, you’re somewhat dumbfounded when you meet the humbled entrance of the supposed expensive dining place. With an evening breeze grazing your cheeks and making you feel like a million dollars, you strut as confidently as your partner, containing your shyness to the best of your abilities. 
The exterior of the restaurant is much more deceiving than you realized when you walk into the extravagance of the interior. It’s absolutely like Rohan to book a restaurant so lavish for his research, you think. How peculiar will his distasteful meal be? 
Checked into your reservation perfectly on time, the host leads you both deeper into the establishment. Striding next to your partner you notice the restaurant has small compartments for completely private dining settings. To your knowledge it’s common for businessmen and corporate dinners. Intrigued, you wonder if Rohan was ever brought to a place like this for a meal with his agent or editor. His attire does appear to be an elegant mix of business and pleasure alike. 
“Here you are,” the suited host says, bowing at the entrance to your private compartment, fitted with a sitting pillow and a low table as is common in many expensive restaurants in Japan. Once you’re settled on your pillows opposite one another, the host leaves you two with a menu and asks for your choice of drinks. 
“I didn’t pin you one for tradition,” you quip at your partner while browsing the list of dishes. Thank God for the translations in small text or you would have to ask your boyfriend for help. Not that he would mind it, but you wouldn’t want to interrupt Rohan’s careful scrutiny of the paper in front of him. 
You hear the smirk in his voice before you see it. “And why not? Embracing tradition is hardly condemning the contemporary or the other way around. Besides,” he takes a beat to turn to the list of both international and local alcoholic beverages, “Pink Dark Boy requires far too much attention to detail.” 
You don’t disagree with him as you ask about the arc’s details and how he plans to portray the restaurant experience. “That,” he lilts in airily, “is confidential~” He declares with a self-assured grin. “I doubt Kyoka would appreciate anything leaking.” 
Remembering a similar conversation about the manga and how meticulous his editor truly is, you nod, dropping the subject entirely much to Rohan’s relief. While the restaurant is something he would like to research for the arc, it’s an idea he’s not sure his editor would actually like. It makes him unsure of whether he’d truly use the knowledge for the manga after all. 
As you move onto discussing your orders, Rohan finally mentions the uncommon meal he wants to try. He’d heard of this dish not long ago and it would be lying to say it didn't intrigue him past it being for research. 
“It’s a dish made of locusts and fish sperm,” he confesses. You’re not sure what to say, staring at him with admiration and shock alike.
“What do the reviews say about it?” You ask, knowing he must have made a thorough search of its history. 
“It’s highly praised by food critics for the flavor. But…” He says with a determined look. “I, the great Kishibe Rohan, will be the judge of that.” 
Amused by his theatrics and thoroughly entertained at the thought of your boyfriend nearly throwing up from eating something unusual, you grin at him. You can hardly wait until the dishes arrive, where you ordered an esteemed entree of sushi paired with a delectably expensive beverage, Rohan’s dish… stands out like a sore thumb. 
“This is delicious,” you comment after taking one of the hand rolled pieces. It’s truly worth the money as you know how fast food sushi tastes in comparison. Looking up to see Rohan examining his dish with hard eyes. White, gooey substance and fried bugs adorn his cutlery and you’re not sure whether to look or not when he finally takes a bite. 
As you know, your boyfriend is nothing if not professional, fighting his body to keep himself from making a dissatisfied expression and hardening himself to the effects of the dish. Admiring his determination, you still have to keep yourself from snickering at his crazed eyes and heaving breaths. 
“Are you alright?” You say between hidden giggles. 
“Of course I am!” He tries to say, his chopsticks rattling in unison. Rohan wipes his mouth with a  complementary napkin and feeds himself some ginger to cleanse his palette. You see him release a collected breath before going into an in depth review of his dish. 
No detail of description is left out as he lets you know his candid thoughts about what he just consumed. You’re hauled into a sudden discussion about the facts he knows about insects and fish sperm and Rohan, at the cusp of launching the big question, thinks of why it’s one of the reasons he loves you. The way he could talk about his research in depth without being met with utter disgust or dismissal makes him feel far more intellectually stimulated than he could have hoped. 
The two of you share a few laughs between bites and you watch Rohan unravel his professionalism in the private chambers of the restaurant. It’s intimate and far from prying eyes, knowing he wouldn’t be one for PDA. It’s usually you who initiates any physicality amongst both of you. So you are surprised to feel his hand on your in the middle of the meal. 
He calls your name with a tone you would have not expected from him in a semi-public setting. 
“You’ve been my faithful partner for an adequate amount of time. It is no mere feat to be so exemplary and extraordinary a human. And I say that with high regard to someone outside of myself.” He smirks. “So I want you to…” 
Rohan takes a deep breath trailing from his words. It’s completely unlike him and you’re mesmerized at the way his eyes shift and a redness takes a hold of him. Accompanied by the dim yellow light of your booth and the buzzing in your blood from the alcohol, it’s a combination so addicting, you smile at him with warmth and patience. 
“I want you to understand your importance in my life. This dinner.. While useful for my knowledge has not been just for research. It’s been for the both of us. But especially for you, who deserves a celebration… even more than me. Because, I want you to be my spouse. Please, marry me.” 
The rods are formal and Rohan even bows on his side of the table as he pleads his request. 
“Oh…” the tears come before you can stop them. You cover your mouth in a helpless feature to stop yourself from crying and from shock. “Yes!” You try not to shout your answer when he lifts his head in a steely but moved gaze. 
Watching him produce a box from almost thin air, you wait for him to take your hand as he adorns you with a beautifully intricate gold ring. The opal at the epicenter shines with colorful mirth, bestowing a promise of a happy marriage. 
“It’s perfect isn’t it?” Rohan asks. “It’s art… just like you.” 
His comment, though under his breath, doesn’t miss your ears and beam at him. Out of all the bold dishes you both have during the night, the kiss you share is far bolder. 
“I hope I didn’t taste any of those locusts,” you whisper against his mouth, knowing he won’t be intimate for much longer as the high from your proposal diminishes. 
“You dare question Kishibe Rohan?” He says, smiling into another kiss.
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atopvisenyashill · 28 days
i don't think petyr's death is going to be as bad as tywin's death bc george actually likes him :/
Well I don't get the impression George diskes Tywin or ever found him less fun to write about? I do think he loves the xanatos gambit esque machinations of littlefucker, but when I make little comments like "tyrion won't get what's coming to him because he's george's favorite" or "daemon is george's little pet meow meow" I don't think that really comes into play for most characters, and especially ones that aren't POVs. Petyr is a fun villain (for George, idgaf about him), Petyr is I'm sure fun to plan for, but ultimately, Petyr's character conception has pretty much always been the savage giant that Sansa must slay, the sort of dark mentor, temptation into the underworld that shadows Sansa's arc. All of the Starklings have this sort of character (as do, imo Dany, Theon, and Brienne most obviously as well) and they are all going to come into conflict with them and have to choose whether to keep following them down the path or reject them. Petyr is the sort of character that was designed to die and I think his death is going to be incredibly fun even if it's a monkey's paw type situation (as Tywin's death was).
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