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akajustmerry · 10 months ago
So I am gloriously Finally watching TOWL and I have a question for you as someone who's seen all of it, also loves Richonne and is media literate lol. I finished EP 3 and so far she hasn't told Rick of RJs existence. I feel like she got close in EP 2 but chose not to until "we get away" because she knows he would see red and go absolutely feral a la season 5 TWD finale blood steaming down his face and her having to knock him out for everyone's sake in a way that only she could. What's your opinion on why she waits? And can you tell me the episode when she does tell him?? (Is it 4.. it feels like it would be 4.)
aw I'm so pleased!! hope you're having a most thrilling time watching the only valid (mostly) heterosexual romance on television!!! as to your question, I think michonne wanted to tell rick about rj straight away tbh but then she realised how he lost his hand and how scared he was of the CRM and concluded the CRM was not a safe place to have that conversation.
Telling rick about rj won't just be hard for rick (no good way for a guy already with son-related trauma to learn he has a son he doesn't know about and couldn't help raise because of being abducted). But also that's not a fun conversation for michonne either because it involves her having to re-live having and raising rj believing rick was dead knowing it will hurt him to hear that as much as it hurts her to say it.
Michonne holds off, at least in my opinion, because she needs them both to be safe enough that they can be vulnerable enough to have that conversation. That's why when she does reveal it to him (yes in ep 4) it's when they're away from the CRM and relatively safe to hash it out. I don't wanna spoil anything in case you aren't up to it. But I personally love how she told him. It was raw as fuck and truly the only way it could've happened because of how painful the whole situation is for both of them. Andrew and Danai's performances were insane I was gnawing my own face off.
With episode 4, you're in for a treat if you haven't already seen it!!! Truly the best written episode of any Walking Dead show, and one of the best episodes of TV of the decade dare I say!!!
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bugsongs · 2 months ago
5, 18 and 23 🩷❤️
5. TV show of the year?
now why would you ask me this 😭😭 obviously it was the hit procedural 9-1-1 on abc formerly on fox... ok to get real for a minute here, i started watching it with a local friend who is also the first local friend i have made in my adult life, and then we were watching it with my best friend also. so like it is a silly bad soap opera but genuinely it has made my year really really fun and special to have gotten to spend so much time with people i love and given us excuses to get together more often and hang out and talk and laugh and be silly together!!!
18. A memorable meal this year?
me and my partner made some inari one day with tofu skins i bought at the asian grocery, which was one of the first times we cooked together, and it was really fun and turned out delicious!!
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
hmm, i'm not sure! on the one hand, "ask them out sooner" seems like an obvious one but idk i like the way things turned out there. i might just tell myself it'll be a good year, and to let it be good. or maybe i would just say "you're going to have so much fun watching the mets this year"
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adam-scott · 2 years ago
Hey! I also wanna watch and enjoy Ahsoka but I'm having trouble getting past the Ros@rio D@wson of it all.. I heard about that insane incident and her and her mother beating a trans person (with very little details but it's still been enough to put me off for years). Did you ever hear more details about this/do you know anything else? I'm sorry I know this is the opposite of trying to ignore her existence and move on.
god i feel you, i was NOT interested into the whole ahsoka thing for the exact same reason. fuck rosario dawson! all my homies hate rosario dawson! for what is worth, i tried to ignore her as much as possible during the episodes and focused on sabine, chopper and the sith(?) master/apprentice and it was way better than i expected (especially since i didn't see a lot of r*sari*)
i'm not a deep dive expert so i cannot promise that i have the whole story figured out. there's a not a lot of articles or details but these struck me out:
the description of the assault is absolutely disgusting
In 2020, 18 of the 20 allegations were "withdrawn voluntarily without settlement," and Dawson spoke out about the lawsuit
r*sari* talked a little bit about it to vanity fair and her answer srsly rubs me wrong:
Ahsoka does mean a great deal to people, and they’re deeply invested in who she is. So, Rosario, I want to ask you about something that’s outside of this story of The Mandalorian, and that’s the concern in the fandom about a lawsuit that was filed against you last year by a longtime family friend. The claim accused you and other family members of anti-trans bias, and you’ve called the lawsuit false and baseless. But what do you say to those Star Wars fans who hear this and believe the worst—that you are transphobic?  
Dawson: Well, firstly, I just want to say I understand that, and why people were concerned, and are concerned. I would be too if I heard some of those claims. But I mean, as we’re seeing right now in these past months, and just recently, actually, the truth is coming out. Every single claim of discrimination has been dismissed by the person who made them, and as you’ve said, the fact that this is coming from someone I’ve known since I was a teenager, the better part of my life, and who my family was trying to help as we have many times in the past, it really just makes me sad. But I still have a great empathy for him.
Court records show 18 of the 20 claims were withdrawn voluntarily without a settlement, and his lawyer left the case. Two counts remain alleging a physical altercation, and a judge will rule on whether that can move forward next month. There are people that would say, “Well, this is just another example of a wealthy, famous person overpowering the system.” So what would you say to those people who are unconvinced, both about this case and about what you actually believe about trans people?
Dawson: The reason that all of the discrimination claims were dropped is because they didn’t happen. I was raised in a very inclusive and loving way, and that’s how I’ve lived my entire life. I’ve always used my voice to fight for, lift up, and empower the LGBTQA community, and use my platform to channel trans voices, in fiction and nonfiction work that I’ve produced and directed. So I feel the record is really clear.
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kahlonmoversmelbourne · 2 years ago
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If Not Now
Then When
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takethatgirlsblog · 2 months ago
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See this Instagram video by @takethat https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEXu-_ItjtQ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_native_share
Take That 5: #takethatandparty #Instagram #dowhatyoulike #classictakethat #90s
#fangirlfriday #takethat #takethat5
#garybarlow #howarddonald #markowen #robbiewilliams
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rosieisgood · 2 years ago
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vroooom3 · 2 years ago
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nerd4music · 9 months ago
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Rick saying Michonne's name (requested by @dowhatyoulike) THE WALKING DEAD: THE ONES WHO LIVE (2024)
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bisummers · 7 months ago
tagged by @surprisingly-ok ty :)
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
I tag @dowhatyoulike @coconutwaterbending @theajaheira @catty-words and anyone else who wants to do it
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daisy-johnson · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @antoine-triplett 💜 to shuffle my "on repeat" playlist + post the first 10 songs!
Cold War - Cautious Clay
Look Who's Inside Again - Bo Burnham
Not Strong Enough - Boygenius
Diving - Bombay Bicycle Club, Holly Humberstone
August - Taylor Swift
Cardigan - Taylor Swift
PAIN - King Princess
Glass, Concrete, and Stone - David Byrne
Four Leaf Dream - Matilda Mann
Star - Mitski
tagging @dowhatyoulike, @cobiesmlders, @nilefreemans, @marywshelleys and anyone else who wants to do it and say i tagged them
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akajustmerry · 11 months ago
Skipped around on my catch up/rewatch of TWD just for Richonne/preparation for TOWL and realized (after getting to Danai's last ever episode) I completely skipped season 8. Going back now and it's.. rough. Do you remember it? How do you feel about it? Michonne doesn't even really show up until episode 6 which is 🥴. I've seen some good gifsets of Richonne moments in 8B which I'm excited for but other than that it's a struggle!
oh yeah. I rmr googling this at the time because michonne was so weirdly MIA for 8a and yeah it's because Danai was shooting Black Panther and splitting her time between shoots. Bless her. But stick with it, the later half of season 8 has so many touchstone richonne moments like Carl's goodbye and the first I love you scene which are both sooooo 😭
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bugsongs · 8 months ago
Did you mean to post about "what about old women yaoi" 5 times? 😂 Like. I get it. Ahaha
yeah it was important
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catchylove · 4 years ago
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huesofemotions · 3 years ago
There is a certain uncertainty attached to life.
The plans that you make, might or might not work out.
Some day you might wake up and realise that this is not what I want to do.
Suddenly, you might feel like 'Is this how I want to spend the rest of my life?'
You can be at 20,30,40,50,60 or at any age. You might want to change things for yourself. You might want to live a different life.😮
You might want to suddenly explore and experiment.🧐
You might want to start again. You might want to start with a clean slate. You might want to try things with a new perspective.👻
It's okay to be confused. It's okay if you want time to figure it out.
If you want a change, go for it! 💖🤗
Life isn't a race and not a competition. ( some people say it to be.)What success looks to you might be different from what success looks to someone else.🙌
We all have different ideas, timings and perspectives.
Let's be more acceptable to everyone and not judge people for the choices they make.
To not judge people for what success means to them.
To not judge them for doing something "unconventional" (as we say it to be).
To not judge if they are still lost.To not judge them if want to take a break.
To not judge them if they quit a job.
To not judge, if they start a business.
To not judge anyone at all! 👀💀
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phoebesbridgers · 4 years ago
As 🩸 distraction for both of us: How long have you and your GF been together? Are you thinking about marriage? Kids?
its our 2 year anniversary one week from today! yes we always talk about marriage & kids. rn we are just moms to our little cat willow
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just-me-1313 · 5 years ago
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