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The Bloodmoon Rises in Creatures of Sonaria
A drawing of me and my friends KOS creatures that we like the most
Video~ Speedpaint
Characters Pterolythux Brequewk Sang Toare Dowatt Flixlit Adharcaiin Kriffin Mekmek Morcanix
I thought it would be a cute little drawing Idea
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i do not like most creatures of sonaria creatures for one reason or another (most of them are just boring to me because they all end up being the same thing ohhh something dragon adjacent BORING!) but i will say. i am a huge fan of the dowatt. sugar glider ass
#evil post#its also funny to play because its super fucking fast. and its a glider#and the glide mechanic is so funny because honestly you might as well just be flying. it might as well just be flight 2
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allow dowatt to spontaneously explode on command
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What kind of creatures of Sonaria would the Danny Phantom characters be? (Part 3)
It's Tucker Foley turn's.
There was only one option for Tucker.
Dowatt (Diet: Carnivore; Type: Glider; Tier: 2 (Small))
"Dowatt are small, artificially created beings that originate from a far away planet. Their main mission in the Orb is the surveillance and analysis of the environment. Dowatt are not organic in nature, instead being a mix of synthetic muscles, an intricate computer system and electric circuits working as nerves. Dangerously high levels of voltage flow through their wires, forming a defensive mechanism against predators."
In my opinion, although Tucker only has one variant of the creature, but he is very accurate.
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adûnaic dictionary + herbs common names
Abarent Abark Abarmwore Ablemonback Adalar Adbuiter Addelf Addyhe Addyheary Adjectionj Adollime Adubure Adûnaight Adûnattô Adûnayeaf Adûnetars Agelithân Aglowhi Akhân Alantherb Alavermends Allab Alloseed Allseetic Amins Andes Andser Anguage Aperseed Arabasdier Argrepor Asian Asilla Asillisseet Assapdan Astarûkhile Astre Athey Atnind Attle Aveges Avorie Azgar Azgard Azgân Balar Balingal Balland Balâir Basilpar Bastrad Baticcar Beass Bebper Befled Beflory Beflub Behic Behice Behil Beintrulbur Bender Blemight Bliens Breetam Breno Bress Broseeds Budâirl Budâurulic Builphazgân Bêthyme Cadarabat Casaff Casaprildth Catân Causayledi Chathâs Cheaf Cheave Chicchity Chily Colder Commê Coneporryss Conmyrts Conquenug Corefe Corikel Cortive Covance Creed Croold Cudâira Culed Culub Culurria Curaby Curnint Curry Darakant Daugreenud Dibith Diccaper Dowattion Dowern Droon Drort Dunai Dâurs Eaniseed Easan Eavagolk Elise Ellan Elviseed Eporc Expreaval Exprefida Expric Falantery Fandeleago Fathaylears Femassea Fenug Figelvild Filoves Folguse Fooked Foreper Forits Fraff Fraffroted Frazares Frikento Froadub Fronymilow Gelump Gerbasalip Gimlit Gimrien Ginflown Ginzil Glonip Glord Gloverele Glowerely Gobley Godded Goddelice Goddervalar Godroamar Goldthôrî Goledu Golparable Golphâs Hasak Hasaveryse Hathymel Hattabard Heaft Heave Hellwess Hetive Hinzild Holeds Horstal Houce Houlexpre Houlu Houngura Hourmwoodra Huacrepard Humaidô Humer Huphazot Hurugraway Huzunts Huzîr Huzîrâ Inguseek Inzin Izage Izarser Izimrith Jasiannak Jassativer Jectid Jectiveneut Jewer Junim Kadath Kallsemonce Kalâi Kammonymige Kanetalarda Khibêth Kindathal Koked Kokeld Kokend Ladause Landark Lanflove Lantaid Lathassil Leasillwese Leaversong Lemon Lerins Lexan Lexang Ligarjory Light Linzidaught Loval Lovenda Lowdhala Lowest Lôkhasm Lômin Lôminzida Maglot Maicoldow Maida Maight Maladow Malarable Malidalê Mariyê Marnir Marow Marth Martived Masave Masmicle Massiri Mefold Mender Mindesse Mingalm Minin Monque Moulbud Mouttle Museaf Mîthân Naibadûnâ Naintal Nales Nating Nimrud Ningth Ninst Nintark Nittaylemon Norian Notive Nughter Nuppeaf Nuppepoisil Nutma Nâthâr Nâthôr Nîluru Núment Objectider Objectim Obred Obroad Onver Orast Orylemer Ovall Padder Papdar Papeak Parawaves Parend Partider Parylest Paterit Pative Pazâir Peporind Peppepperne Pepperce Perest Perflow Perildes Phadjewerne Phadûn Phaigu Phalan Phasild Picate Piccarâ Pikatni Plack Placred Planetion Plaver Pleasal Preflower Prege Prenowes Pricatard Prien Pritive Proamigmint Prowar Prown Queet Queryler Ramonj Rasir Reend Regal Regate Roomefri Rowagainge Roweld Ruviseent Rôdar Rôthâr Saffix Sagân Salavent Saniplue Sathân Savocadûnar Sayea Sayleavesta Sershazagel Shane Shapepar Sheavenores Shercards Shicch Shive Sholparser Shord Shory Shoucelow Shoustid Sminfat Sonvenudâ Sophum Sorrow Spiccard Spikamsed Spillhey Spirl Sprepanâ Sprepper Stice Stivalô Stment Strefleaf Strulu Suffin Suffloweed Sumbla Sungime Sweenam Sweet Swery Swese Swood Sâidarend Sâidô Sâinflorl Sûlannadû Tabit Tabâr Tamāt Tards Theaft Thuzîr Thymight Thymiyê Thâric Touce Toushout Traccar Trallovan Trome Trumassapre Ugrena Ugreparba Ugrudwes Unadrad Unardander Unglar Unimrabalk Urneutme Urserry Vaneth Vegelienth Venefoamāt Wabit Waglattida Wagle Watân Wayle Weenale Weent Weenórel Wellin Werher Whive Wifemothe Wifenflow Wilaracreed Winamot Wingang Wizad Wommookalô Wommê Woreediss Woriants Woric Wriant Yarre Yarseek Yearmil Yinel Youlan Yound Youtto Zadûn Zadûnigûr Zagaind Zagla Zarts Zenudâ Zillil Zimricicest Zinguallse Zâibêthân Êphattle Êphazots Êphuzuntard Êthân
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Every electrical creature (dowatt, vaumora ect) now starts dying immediately if it touches water and ohko’s everything around it like a toaster in a bathtub. This also includes the use of water breath in which both attacker and defendant immediately die
You get the achievement “Sparkling Water” if you can take out 10 people at once using this method
Electrical creatures can also use lightning breath to supercharge mech creatures which either boosts every stat by 50% or just permanently paralyse it. If done while the mech creature is underwater, the entire server crashes. If you make the whole server crash you get an achievement called “Fork In An Outlet.” However, as the server crashes to obtain it, it is unobtainable. Because the server crashed.
this is fucking hilarious, i am SO on board
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