michalrejzek · 1 year
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„Mizim, čau“
rozlučkový motiv
xerox, fix na papíře
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inmyfinalera · 11 months
ja keď niekomu poviem kámo, tak sa na mňa pozrie že tebe jebe čo sa poznáme natoľko aby si ma takto volala??? ALE JA TAK HOVORÍM KAŽDÉMU, LRE MŇA JE TO SLOVO JAK DOBRÝ DEŇ ALEBO DOVIDENIA :D to nemá byť žiadna urážka ani nič podobné preboha :D
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pdrezik · 7 years
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#skeletontower #cvernovka #office #bratislava #burame #komunizmus #dovidenia #mesto #poulicnapoezia #azbestagram #autumn (na mieste Galleria Cvernovka)
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katarinakonkolova · 3 years
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reshiiii · 5 years
Greetings, addressing others and small talk in Slovak
Slovak has two forms of addressing others - “vykanie” and “tykanie”.
formal form
the “vy” (plural you) is used to talk to adult strangers, older people, at offices, at shops, by children addressing adults, by students addressing teachers...
it´s good to first use formal form, as many adults will tell you “Tykaj mi” or “Kľudne mi tykaj” after a while, meaning that you can use the informal form while talking to them
in some families they use formal form if talking to grandparents or great-grandparents
ONIKANIE is the most formal form that can be, although it is rarely ever used now. It uses the “oni” (them-form) and is used when talking to great-grandparents, older generations used it to talk to their grandparents. You can also see it in church and clergy. It´s something I´d like to imagine you would use if talking to Queen (Elizabeth. Not Freddie. Although he deserves it)
did you know: vykanie is also used by fiancée/fiancé when talking to their in-laws. In Slovakia it´s normal to call your in-laws “parents” (which means that mother-in-law is called just “mother” and father-in-law “father”) but even then they still use the formal form. In “traditional” relationship bride - mother-in-law it is said it´s  “Pretože je ľahšie povedať ty krava než vy krava.” - “Because it´s easier to say (literally) you cow (singular you) than you cow (plural you).”
informal form
the “ty” (singular you) is used to speak to friends, family members, children, contemporaries, other students...
!! it´s considered rather impolite to use informal form while talking to elders or strangers
And now, greetings!
Ahoj!, Čau! - Hello!/Hi! but also Bye! Dobré ráno! - Good morning! Dobrý deň! - Hello!, literally Good day! Dobrý večer! - Good evening! Dobrú noc! - Good night! Dovidenia! - Goodbye!, basically See you later! Dovi! - Bye!, short form of Dovidenia Zbohom! - Goodbye! (as in God-be-with-you)
Kto ste (vy)? - Who are you (plural)?
(Ja) som ... - I am...
študent / študentka - male student/ female student
Odkiaľ ste ? - Where are you (pl) from?
(Ja) som .... - I am...
 z Ameriky - from America
z Anglicka - from England
z Poľska - from Poland
z Číny - from China
zo Slovenska - from Slovakia 
Ako sa máte ? - How are you (pl)?
Mám sa dobre. - (I) am good.
Aj ja. - Me too.
Ako sa voláte ? - What is your (pl) name?, literally What do you call yourself?
Volám sa .... - I am ... (lit. (I) call myself
Aké je vaše meno? - What is your (pl) name?
A  vy? - And you (pl)? 
In conversation:
Peter (he): Dobrý deň, ako sa máte? - Hello, how are you? Lucia (she) : Mám sa dobre. A vy? - I´m good. And you? Peter: Aj ja. Ako sa voláte? - Me too. What´s your name? Lucia: Volám sa Lucia a som študentka z Poľska. - I am Lucia (Lucy) and I´m a student from Polonia.  Peter: Ja som zo Slovenska a tiež som študent. - I am from Slovakia and I too am student. 
In conversation I translated it in phrases as Slovak has different syntax. For you to see it better, now I´ll translate it literally, from word to word and mark declining and “gendering”.
Peter: Good day, how are you? Lucia: I´m having a good (time). And you? Peter: Me too. What do you call yourself? Lucia: I call myself Lucia and (I) am a student from Polonia. Peter: I am from Slovakia and (I) too am student. 
Peter - typical male name in Slovakia. Pronounced  /Pεtεr/. Lucia - common female name. Pronounced /Lut͡si̯a/.
As I have already said, we like genders. You can see it in študent/študentka (student). Študent is used for guys and študentka for gals. I marked the genderising suffix (-ka) in the convo.  You can also see that Peter didn´t use “Slovensko” but “Slovenska”. That´s because of the declension. I am from... - Ja som z/zo... is 2nd grammatical case, genitive. Which means - Slovensko is nominative, Slovenska is genitive, Slovensku is dative and so on. We´ll get to it later.
Another thing. Slovaks don´t usually ask each other “How are you?”, unless they really mean it. That means you´d ask your friends, family, acquaintances and expected a sincere response, not just “I´m fine”. The only exception are elderly aunties that you´re sure you know form somewhere. Is she friends with your grandma? Did she babysit you? Is she your neighbor? And if you don´t know her. She knows  you. Especially if you live in village or small town. Aunties know everyone. So the small talk with her will look something like this: 
You: Good evening! Auntie: Oh hello darling, how are you? I heard your grandma has sprained her wrist, is it true? And how old are you? Where do you go to school? What year are you in? You know, my son went......*redacted for lenght* and then I met you! So, How are you? You: I´m fine, and you? Auntie: Oh, darling... *after 24635 things that hurt her in weather like this, all her genealogy, two recipes* Have a good day! *that grandma kiss on cheeks* and say hello to your family! At this point you´re just stunned a wave at her, while she goes off to the sunset. 
So, yeah. I didn´t get to informal conversation, but if you want, I can do it next time. Also, is it good like this? Did I explain it in a way, that you understand me? Should I continue?
Anyway, keep it up! 
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A je to ofišl😊❤️ Dovidenia FSEVka, hor sa na život🙌🏻 #dnesjedobryden #mgrbramborak #fsev #dovidenia (na mieste Comenius University)
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jonaydh · 7 years
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Por fin #Adiós #ByeBye #Ciao #Arrivederci #Adeu #Dovidenia #Sayonara #AuRevoir #AufWidersehen #DoVidjenja #Roaming en Europa 📱. #CanariosPorElMundo #CanariosPorElMundo 🇮🇹 (en Florence, Italy)
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redhairgirl1993 · 6 years
Nehovor mi "maj sa", keď nikdy skutočne neodídeš. Zas sa vrátiš. Ako vždy.
Ja som ti naposledy povedala "maj sa a dúfam, že sa ti bude dariť". A tým som ti povedala dovidenia navždy. Chápeš? Navždy.
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smutna-slzicka-blog · 6 years
Nikdy tu nebude dobre...
Dnes, sa na Slovensku konal Dúhový pride. Práve pozerám všetky tie nenávistné komentáre na facebooku a pomaly si uvedomím, že... nikdy tu nebude dobre. Je mi z vás na grc ľudia. Na grc. Dovidenia.
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kendrene · 6 years
Language facts with Dren
Since languages are my field of study, and I’m lucky enough to work with them, I figured I’ll share some interesting things I’ve learned over the years, about the languages I speak/can understand, or languages in general. 
Today I’m going to talk about Slovak. 
- Slovak is part of the Slavic (or Slavonic) language group, meaning it is closely related to Czech, Polish and Slovenian for example. 
- The Slovak language uses a 48 letter alphabet; diacritics are used to indicate and change pronunciation of letters and words.
- Slovak has dialects - specifically there are three main groups; eastern, central and western. The more West you go, the closest Slovak is to Czech, mirroring the Moravian dialect spoken right across the western border. Going East, you will encounter a lot of terms and expressions taken from Hungarian, and there are also a lot of Hungarians living in Slovakia. 
- Slovaks and Czechs can understand each other quite easily, save perhaps for the most eastern slovak dialects and the Bohemian dialect which are the two extremes of the languages as far as I know. 
- The language is aproximately spoken by 7 million people. 
Na zdravie! : cheers! Slovakia has quite a great selection of beers and hard liquor, and in my personal experience, it is quite common to be offered a drink the moment you set foot in someone’s house to visit. Yes, it’s mostly alcohol and yes, it doesn’t matter what time it is. I’d say this is one of the top things you must know. A lot of Slovaks work either in Czech or Austria and know at least a tad of English or German, but they will definitely appreciate you breaking out a little bit of their native language. Generally they are patient and will teach you the correct pronunciation if you ask. I’ve always felt welcome there, and had people I didn’t know buy me drinks in smaller towns at the local pub, simply because I was visiting their country. They are proud of their heritage and more than happy to tell you about the castle over the hill. (THEY HAVE A LOT OF CASTLES)
Áno/Nie: yes/no
Dobry den: hello  
Ahoj: also hello but informa
Dovidenia: Goodbye
Prosím: please  
Ďakujem: thank you
Jebovina: bullshit (because we all know these are fun words to learn) 
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mosviqu · 3 years
uz si v zivote nedepilujem nohy dopice raz sa to rozvari potom to moc stuhne lepi sa to jak take sracky cela kupelna od toho je a namiesto toho aby to depilovalo mi tam vsetky chlpy zostanu mne je jedno radsej budem chlpata jak taka opica ale keby to aspon z tych noh islo. ale ono nie. ono to zostane na tych nohach a je to lepkave tak ze az mi lak na nechty zisiel ked som to zoskrabavala dole a chce sa mi z toho celeho jedine tak grcat dovidenia
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katarinakonkolova · 3 years
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svfjans · 6 years
@larsandtherealgirl replied to your post: “pamatam si, ze ma vsetky tie reci...”
som rada, že to vnímaš rovnako❤️
mňa vždy štve, keď tumblr robí problematickým niečo čo nie je.. tá kniha z mnohých dôvodov patrí k mojim obľúbeným, film ju úžasne dopĺňa a som osobne dotknutá, keď mi niekto povie, že týmto podporujem pedofíliu + dostanem hejt, že nesúcitím s detskými obeťami sexuálneho zneužívania... ako keby bol elio obeť sexuálneho zneužívania. no dovidenia
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jujurants · 4 years
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Always. ❤️ Doviđenja,Sbohem,Farvel,Tot ziens Nägemist,Näkemiin,Au Revoir Auf Wiedersehen,Antío sou Viszlát,Addiju,Slán,Arrivederci Uz redzēšanos,Atsiprasau Żegnaj,Adeus,La revedere Adéu,Dovidenia,Nasvidenje Adios,Adjö,Äddi,Dovizhdane Tschuss,Goodbye. 🇪🇺 #GoodbyeEU #BrexitDay #graphicdesign #lettering #typography #illustration #MadewithIllustrator #brexit #love #europe #notinmyname (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7-bcJngo0i/?igshid=yobnqolslz1e
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rovnozanosom · 5 years
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Dovidenia, Barma milá. Krajšie sme sa s tebou ani nemohli rozlúčiť, ako dojato sledovať ružový západ slnka.
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djfedy · 5 years
Vychovávať mladých je ťažká úloha, často sprevádzaná rôznymi prekvapeniami a nástrahami. To si dobre uvedomoval aj Don Bosco. A keďže sú mladí často v trendoch o krok vpred, treba zvoliť dobrú formu, ako im odovzdať myšlienky potrebné pre výživu ich duše.  Tak už niekoľko rokov vychovávame našich mladých cez divadlo. Veď čo je lepšie, ako pozrieť si dobré divadelné predstavenie? No predsa zahrať si v ňom! 
A tak Juro Caránek spolu s manželkou Broňou a kreatívnym tímom vytvorili divadelnú hru, do ktorej zapojili bezmála 60 mladých. A môžeme to kľudne nazvať aktivitou mladých mladým.
4 mesiace príprav, hereckých a tanečných nácvikov a skúšok kapely (áno, divadlo sprevádzala aj živá hudba) vyvrcholilo šiestimi predstaveniami odohranými počas osláv sviatku Don Bosca. A bolo to na jeho počesť a tentokrát aj na počesť jeho mami. Ústrednou postavou tejto činohry totiž bola práve mama Margita. Ako vieme z Don Boscovho životopisu, jej láskavosť a životná múdrosť posúvala jeho postoje a metódy stále vpred. Učila ho, ako láskavosť a neha môžu hrať dôležitú úlohu vo výchove mladých. A bola aj veľmi kreatívna. Veď ako je lepšie získať si srdcia mladých, než dobrou krupicovou kašou . A hoci riziko, že nocovanie chlapcov z ulice v oratku nebude len tak, nebála sa. Dôverovala Bohu a ten sa postará. Aj v realite to nešlo hneď ľahko (prví mladí, ktorých Don Bosco s Mamou Margitou prichýlili, im oratko naozaj vykradli), ale trpezlivosť priniesla svoje ovocie. A to ovocie vidíme aj v našom diele. My sme týmto divadlom symbolicky otvorili zrekonštruovanú sálu nášho oratka. A v novej sále nové predstavenie vyznelo predsa len o čosi krajšie.
Projekt divadla Margita v sebe niesol ducha Mamy Margity nielen v deji. Počas nácvikov a spoločných stretávaní sme objavovali kúzlo jej výchovy a aj skrz poctivý dril a sebazapieranie, odriekanie si voľnočasových aktivít na úkor divadla či tréningu, sme sa učili mnohým cnostiam. A nakoniec sme mohli zbierať plody našej práce. Potlesk ľudí bol naozaj hlasitý. A verím, že posolstvo života Mamy Margity sa nám podarilo odovzdať naozaj všetkým, od najmenších po najstarších. Veľká vďaka patrí tímu okolo Jura Caránka , Mišky Jánošovej, Peti Jakubcovej a Martina Žáka za odvážny projekt, ktorý dal možnosť vyniknúť mnohým skrytým hereckým aj tanečným talentom. Síce takého Bartolomeja, akého sme mali vlani, by sme asi ťažko hľadali, ale ako už dávno vieme, bez matky to nejde. A divadlo Margita nám toho o Don Boscovej mame odhalilo skutočne veľa. Uvidíme, čo majú naši divadelní kreatívci pre nás prichystané nabudúce.
Tak dovidenia o rok priatelia,
Váš Don Borel
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