rkdoveyzen-blog · 6 years
Please talk about convex’s showcase ~
Ah, sweet ‘nony. Do you just go around asking everyone to comment on it?
To be honest, I’m not really a fan nor am I really anticipating them as a group. No offense to any of them. I’ve just never been a big Sphere fan so I honestly don’t keep my eye on them. Ironic right, considering I like so many people from that company?
Truth be told, I didn’t even attend the showcase. If you ask me, you’re better off asking my boyfriend Cam ( @rkcamzen ) about them!
Brief (very brief) research shows me that Woohyun was actually at the showcase and I did see clips people have of him performing. I’ve always really liked him. Can we talk about his stage name as Royal though? Um, wow, I guess I stan a fucking king??? A LITERAL king? Well, I don’t stan yet. But I do like him! And that Jinwook kid? Um, I love boyfriends too. Thank you Sphere.
I’m actually a big fan of Jonghyun because he seems to have been in Sphere for like …. forever. He was featured in the Sphere and TRC Documentary and even got into a dating scandal! That boy is a faithful member of Sphere. Yet…..where is his video? Why is he not even the first to have a video when he’s probably been in Sphere longer than any of the people that’s gotten a film already? A disappointment. But I am considering getting into Jinwook and seeing what he’s all about.
One last thing about Convex: STOP WITH THESE CORNY ASS STAGE NAMES !!!! K.I but it’s not pronounced as K-I?? Prhyme? ? ?? P-rhyme or as in Prime Time? Either way, it’s super corny! The only acceptable names so far are Sehun and Jinwook (because that’s their actual names) and Romeo and Royal. Try again Sphere! Stop ruining their names before I clown their asses!!
Also also……the Eyes Nose Lips video was pretty cute anyways. Even if K.I has a misleading name.
My official vote is that I’m holding off on opinions of Convex until they actually debut/reveal more official members! So far I’m still on the fence. I’m not 100% there but I may make a spontaneous post in the near future if they do catch my attention!
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rkdoveyzen-blog · 6 years
what teams are you looking forward to most this week?
Honestly, I’m looking forward to Team A. They have Jinhee and they have Junmyeon! Two very charismatic and stage worthy people. They also have Jonghyun, who has shown to not only be a great dancer but a phenomenal leader! Junmyeon and Jonghyun have worked together in the previous round so I feel as though it would work to their advantage, already knowing how the other operates! I’ve said before that I had been looking forward to Hyunjin’s performance in the next episode and this gets me even more excited to know that he’s put in such a strong group! Hyunjin is a sweet and hardworking student. I hope his studies go well and he does great in this challenge!
I’m interested in what will happen in Team C as well! They have a talented and diverse lineup. I think they’ll have the easiest time picking a song and slaying since everyone seems to have something they’re good at to bring to the table. I’m excited to see Doyeon and Moon Bin on a team together!
I would be excited for Team D but they’re mostly the same lineup from the previous episode with Jeongguk, Longguo and Youngjae. Sticking people who already worked together is a bit boring. But I’m not surprised since they did way better in the Trouble Maker performance than their other two teammates did.
Other than that, I’m mostly just interested in how people will do individually!
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rkdoveyzen-blog · 6 years
if you had to pick one favorite from each of the mga teams from last week, who would you chose and why? also for this week's epsiode, who from each time are you looking forward to?
I have a clear weakness to attractive people with great stage presence. If you rock the stage and look good while doing it, I will literally fall in love. That being said, I’m literally obsessed with Team A’s Kim Junmyeon !!! It was a bit heartbreaking that MNET decided to clown him for his stiff ass movement during practice but not everyone is a dancer. I won’t fault him for that. But he has really great stage presence. Like, I honestly don’t care how vain he seems or MNET is trying to make him seem. He’s gorgeous and he knows how to work a stage! And you know what, it was noticeable that despite being a strong singer, he gave himself less lines to let his other members shine and that was admirable. Junmyeon has my heart! Boy better just pick up on his dancing please and he is literally perfect after that. I will say I’m looking forward to Guanlin. I don’t know why but I’m interested to see the kid shine, you know? This was obviously a challenge for him and he struggled so much it was kind of heartbreaking. Hopefully they do away with team challenges once enough people are eliminated that Guanlin can play to his strengths and we can get a good amount of time to judge for ourselves.
I’m torn with Team B because they have such pretty girls on their team and I am a sucker for pretty girls. Joohyun is gorgeous but I’m not gonna lie, in the episode prior to last week when she said that her parents are CEO and CFO, I couldn’t help but be a bit turned off. Typically that’s not things you share in competitions. Most familial ties aren’t shared if a family member is in the industry or famous. Because then people will think you’re being favored. But she is a strong dancer. Yongsun has a strength in singing and let me tell you, she had gotten my heart with her first audition. It’s a shame she wasn’t shown much in the previous episodes. It’s just sad that she was sort of set up for failure with the song choice. She did kill that high note though, oh my god. I want to see her cover Evening Sky to really hear those vocals. But I think my favorite would have to go to Doyeon. She’s pretty, kept up with the choreography and had stable vocals. She’s tall and when she dances, it only draws your attention more. She’s just so perfect. We stan a visual legend. We can say I love Yongsun and Joohyun as well just to be fair because ugh, they’re great in their unique ways as well. Of the three, I will say I am looking forward to Yongsun for similar reasons I’m looking forward to Guanlin. I love underdogs of the team proving their star quality. Yongsun please don’t disappoint and give me my cover of Evening Sky !!!!
Team C my favorite is Jeongguk. There’s no contest for that. He’s cute, he’s such a talented dancer and did you see the way he commanded that stage with Chungha? He has the look, the stage presence, the dance – he is literally star quality. I think he might go all the way. I haven’t noticed many people talking about him but he just might surprise everyone. I’m looking forward to both Longguo and Youngjae. They both seem to have the vocals and the parts they got in the Trouble Maker performance did pique my interest. I want to see them slay a boygroup song with strong vocals this round.
From Team D I liked Jang Moonbok. His hair was an attention grabber and you know what, he used it to his strength. He was smart for that. I liked him purely because I thought he was interesting and he did hit a soft spot when he felt like a failure. And my heart hurt seeing him mess up so badly despite how hard he tried. But since you rats eliminated him my new favorite is now beauty queen Kyungri. Because I would marry her in a heartbeat. Moonbok did take a lot of the spotlight this past episode from other members but that was MNET’s crappy editing because they knew he was a favorite for his looks and they knew he was being eliminated. I am looking forward to Luda and Hyunjin, however. I’m hoping they get more screen time this episode!
To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t really paying attention to the individual members of Team E until this episode came around. There’s so many people in this competition it’s hard to say you like even half of them because there’s so freaking many. I don’t have a favorite, honestly BUT!!!!! I am looking forward to seeing more of Yoojung. She’s super cute and precious and she tried her best with her rap! She’s such a squishy baby I want to keep her in my pocket. Definitely looking forward to more of her!
Now, we’re up to Team F. I feel like if any other person were doing this, they would immediately say Hyuna but only because she’s the most known of them all. It must be a bit discouraging to be paired with her when it’s clear MNET is riding off the coattails of her fame. I personally liked and am looking forward to more from Sicheng and Moon bin! Sicheng’s adorable little screw up with his wink was so cute and in previous episodes I was really captivated by his traditional dance. Moon bin really got me with his voice and the violin? We stan talented kings. I can’t wait to see what other talents they have up their sleeve.
With Team G, we’re almost done with this monster list! I really like everyone from this team. From Bora being a returning contestant and wowing us with her language skills, Somi being the giant yet still adorable maknae, Jinsoul with her impressive ass cover of Hush by Brave Girls, Wonwoo’s Japanese cover,  and Changmin just being the cutest thing to ever walk the earth. They’re all such characters and this was honestly such a refreshing team! I was disappointed to see them place so low. Even sadder to see baby Changmin go home. I’m looking forward to Jinsoul though. She has something about her that makes me want to keep my eye out for her. And she’s gorgeous so, I mean, duh.
Team H is another team I really enjoy the chemistry between. I have a bit of a bias towards Jinhee but I’m looking forward to more things from Minhyuk. He seems to have a heart full of gold. Jinhee has that clear stage awareness and seems to know how to put together a production. That’s why I really do like her. And Minhyuk, this adorable child, better keep up his sweetness!
Soojin of Team I has my attention all the way! She’s fierce, in charge and she can do flips on my face and I’d thank her. I can’t wait to see how she fairs in this upcoming episode. Will she show us more of her gymnastic skill? I hope so! And I’m really shocked by Yoongi. He doesn’t seem like the dancer type – much less like someone who can even do a split. He did surprise me there. Because Soojin does have my attention as my favorite, I will be honest and say I’m looking forward to her the most.
I hope this satisfies you! Sorry for the length, doll~
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rkdoveyzen-blog · 6 years
Ha Huidong seems to be an all-round NOVA trainee favourite for quite a few netizens. What exactly is his appeal for everyone to like him so much?
I suppose it’s because he’s a little more mature. He’s older, of course, but a lot of older trainees and idols (for that matter) don’t get a lot of support when they definitely deserve it. He’s a talented dancer. He’s more of a street dancer, as we can obviously tell, than a boy group dancer but I think that’s what makes him so unique. You can honestly spot him in so many NOVA things – even the class at 5Billion you can see how much of a dedicated dancer he is. It’s a shame that NOVA hasn’t given anything for him to showcase his skill. I wonder why he wasn’t an MGA coach the last season. Other companies had more than one coach. Even then, he’s far older than Ricky. I mean NOVA won last year anyways so I don’t think the outcome would be much different but at least Huidong’s age commands respect. He deserves something already dammit. NOVA needs to stop wasting him away!
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rkdoveyzen-blog · 6 years
please tell us your favorites from all companies! (singer, dancer, rapper)
Nice try, ‘nony! I have a list up of my favorites from each company already! I haven’t made posts about them (yet) but you know damn well I will!
Now, if you want to know specific opinions on public trainees and current MGA contestants, feel free to be a little more specific about them! You can even zero in on a certain person and ask about them. I don’t mind doing a bit of research (:
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