cameroneatsdirt · 6 months
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Artificer angst comic :3
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slugkitties · 2 years
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Every scug :)
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gayboybeetle · 2 years
Rain World Downpour spoilers but.......
SHITTING CRYING THROWING UP moon names the rivulet ruffles 🥺🥺🥺 i made an audible crying noise when she said that hoh my god
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ask-a-bot · 1 month
Hello Mrs Malto, and good morning/day/evening. Pleasure to be meeting you. I’m 🪣, Vehicon wrangler and Seeker babysitter extraordinaire. I hope you’re well, and please convince Megatron to take a nap. He needs it.
I’ll let the others say their hellos now. I would talk to you for longer, but I’m still recovering from Energon Poisoning (got puked on. Occupational hazard).
Hello Mrs Malto!! My name’s D-Dounpour!! I’m one of the aforementioned Seekers. It’s a huge honour to finally meet you!! You’re kind of a legend at this point ma’am.
Ja, I agree with meine Trine-mate. Mein Name ist Monsoon. It is truly vonderful to speak vith you. Ze both of us are Sehr aufgeregt.
This is Eradicon #2814, designation : "Kitty"
It is a pleasure and the highest honour to finally meet you Lady Malto. If you require anything, some of my team are currently in Scotland. They are at your disposal should you require them my Lady.
This is Vehicon #4561, designation : "Frank"
Dang it kitty don’t be weird. Be cool for once in your life would you? But I echo the honour thing, it’s awesome to finally meet the legend herself. If you need a favour don’t hesitate to ask the doofus squad, they’ll go above and beyond :)
Hi there 🪣 . Glad to know you, but please call me Dot.
You've got Cybertronian kids? That must be a lot of work! One Cybertronian is more than enough to keep me on my toes and he's definitely no kid.
A big kid?
Just because he can't hear you, it doesn't mean you can insult him, OP.
Yeah, I've been there with the bot puke (it was one of my kids, not Megs). I hope you're both feeling better now.
Hi, Downpour and Monsoon! OK, I stand corrected; you guys don't sound like kids. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Nice meeting you! Like I said, please call me Dot.
Lady Malto? Is there such a thing as granting knighthoods on Cybertron? I'm a little confused. Nice to meet you, Kitty.
Hey there, Frank. Nice talking to you too. I didn't realise I had such a reputation. I suddenly feel I've got a lot to live up to.
OK... so, how are you all? Wait... you're part of the group that're staying here as guests? How many of you are there?
Megatron's waking up. I better check on him and make sure he's OK. Nice talking to you all – I'll look forward to getting to know you all better.
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sudrien · 3 months
Wake up to forgotten stovetop vent because neibor was burning somting 1 am
Torrential dounpour
Dream of hotels overcharging
How to build a character guide
1. Who I have they tricked into thinking they are "good"?
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Rain World Ostober day 4 - Bio-engineering
Since I drew outskirts the day before, and I'm pretty sure this song plays in the industrial/outskirts transition, I went based of the name. The most purposed lizard fighting the most purposed slugcat, two bioengineered beings. This is presumably occurring in the underhang (Exterior best non-dounpour region).
Bio-engineering has got to be probably my top 3 or 4 out of the songs in the game (Threat - Shoreline is #1, Random fate is #2).
Also sorry this is 2 days late.
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xxukcxx · 6 years
ᴅᴏᴜɴᴘᴏᴜʀ ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴜᴘsɪᴅᴇ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏs, ᴠɪᴀ: ᴠɪʟᴀ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs - ᴍɪᴄʀᴏᴅᴏsᴇ #3
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arsonistman · 2 years
Because of school I have the absolute joy of standing in the rain for 40 minutes waiting for this stupid school activity day to fucking start
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bounnostra · 5 years
body drop 2 | alarms are struck
Some folk were relentless enough to keep their eyes wide open during the dead of the night, the quiet hours that led up to dawn, be it from personal motivation or external forces— those who would not revel in the delight of a deep sleep would instead be accompanied in their silence with the soft rumbles of distant thunder, dry and lonely in its path. You would think these storms come with rain, and maybe you can smell a tinge of humidity, but nothing indicates a dounpour. If you had the chance to peek through a window, you would see the lightning that came in pair with the thunder. You’re no expert (or maybe you are?), but you think this storm is looking to be on the verge of passing over the hotel, approaching. Another lightning, this time closer than any that preceded it, strikes—one, two, three… the sharp loudness and the shorter time window makes you wonder briefly if just now, that lightning could have struck a little too close for comfort.
It’s just a storm. The sky grumbles, but it’s just a storm. 
You’re not an expert (or, again, are you?), but you assume that the next sound that invades your ears as loud as one hundred tons of creaky metal pieces shifting and screeching and crashing all at once for what seems to last like the ten most insufferable seconds of the night… is definitely not the sound of thunder. And Lord, that sure did sound like it was happening right out the fucking vicinity. Suffice to say, any sleepy heads might hate that new alarm clock sound.
There’s not much time after the crash -- maybe you drifted back into fitful, hungover sleep -- but a phone rings, and your hoot picks it up for you:
“Good morning, sleepyowls!”
“Did you miss me?  It’s been so long, hasn’t it?  How dreadful!  But it seems like... well.  My conditions were met.”
“Won’t you come down?  I’ll explain a touch once you get to -- well, can’t you guess?  My lovely circus....”
...Is that.  A twinge.  Of sadness.
“...My lovely, lovely circus....”
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cameroneatsdirt · 7 months
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Some drawings I made while at school! (Kleki)
rain world is such a silly game I love it so much :)) (the last image is philbert. He is not a drawing. Lmk if you guys want images of philbert)
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aj-the-killer-666 · 5 years
Mon Amour
Mon amour.
Alors que tes douces lèvres lavandes touchaient mes lèvres gercées, mon cœur battait la chamade.
Alors que tes douces mains bleues touchaient mes rouges, je regardais tes lèvres, voulant les goûter.
Comme toi, mon amour, tu avais joué avec mes cheveux pendant que ma tête était sur tes genoux,
Mon cœur, il danse pour vous.
Vous me donner un nouveau sentiment, et je pense que son amour.
J'ai rein...
C'est juste une blague... Je vous aime Rosen.
- Ta copine maladroite, AJ.
Dedicated to : @northern-dounpour
Translation ⤵️
My love.
As your soft, lavender lips touched my chapped ones my heart raced.
As your sweet blue hands touched my red ones, I stared at your lips, wanting to taste them.
As you, my love, had played with my hair while my head lie on your lap,
My heart, it dances for you.
You give me a new feeling, and i think its love.
I kidney you...
Just kidding... I love you Rosen.
-Your cheesy awkward girlfriend, AJ.
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⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early? ⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them? ♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
Unless it’s something important (like his christmas day plans or something) Wade is just notorious for being late. Mostly because it takes a lot of effort for him to focus enough to remember that time is actually a thing
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them? 
It depends on his state of mind.A loud, violent thunderstorm is the time you are most likely to be murdered by Wade Wilson; loud/destructive/violent storms get Wade all hyped up and ready to go balls to the wall (but to be fair, any extremely loud environment tends to do that to him honestly). However if it’s one of those just torrential dounpours where the only sound is the rain and maybe the wind, they tend to soothe him.
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?             
Wade purposefully sings like a huge fucking jackass most of the time, but he does have a good singing voice. And my god, does he love singing just about anything. He’s the guy who has mastered shower karaoke and will sing a duet with himself.
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gamefreak333 · 6 years
Bad luck Labor Day
I meant to write a post yesterday about how shitty my labor day was
Here are the cliffnotes
Didnt sleep great. Woke uo early to worm noon-9
In my first 3 deliveries i made 16c
Had a bit of a comeback and made decent money overall--some people DO know how to tip on a holiday.
But i felt real bad when i forgot the drinks/dip for an order. Had to drive 10 minutes back to the store and 10 minutes back out again and there were no other deliveries remotely nearby, plus i realized after i left i grabbed the wrong dip and had to double back again, so that was half an hour wasted time when all was said and done.
Torrential dounpour at 8PM. Stepped in a huge puddle parking for one delivery and he only tipped me 2 or 3 bucks. Got back to the store and overheard the manager apologizing to the customers over the phone for the 3 hour wait. Luckily i got to go home at that point-passed through 3 up-to-my-tire puddles on the way home--On The Highway.
Texas roads are shit and if they made me stay i would have refused to deliver. I heard he stipped taking deliveries but people still drove out what had been ordered. Its a fucked up world
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lostblondeprincess · 6 years
The blonde had no idea how she had ended up here but it was so cold and she could barely keep standing anymore. Her stomach growled loudly as another wave of wind cut through her thin dress.
Her soaked braid dragged on the ground behind her as she stumbled up to the first door she found after making it out of the woods. Warmth. That’s all she needed. A shaking hand rose and knocked against the door with all the strength she could muster. Please let someone be awake.
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xxukcxx · 6 years
Hot recommend. I worked on this shit! Bang it out. 
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xxukcxx · 5 years
This is my brother’s project -- I mixed and mastered the record. 
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