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Barbara Kingsolver Delivers Modern Version Of Old Classic
First of all, Pulitzer Prize-winner Barbara Kingsolver’s new novel Demon Copperhead is not about a snake as the title would suggest. It’s a modern interpretation of Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield retold about a drug-addicted teenage boy. His name is a riff on his first name, Damon, and his distinctive red hair. What shocked me most about this amazing book is how different this story is from…
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Rewind Recap: Weekly Update W/E 07/09/24
Rewind Recap: Weekly Update W/E 07/09/24 #books #bookstagram #weeklyrecap #booklover #reader #christiebarlow #tonyparsons #tomhindle #douglasstuart #clairedouglas #ljross #ianrankin #grahamsmith #katiegayle #stuartmacbride
Yeah. This year is disappearing far too quickly. I am hoping this week does too as I am on a three day online course which I know will be really heavy going, but is essential for my job. Bleurgh. At least when it is over, I will be off for a long weekend so I can recover. Lucky that, hey? Almost like I planned it that way … Busy at work all week, no idea how we got to Friday, let alone where the…
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Book Review: Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart
Book Review: Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart #ReaderCommunity #ReadingCommunity #BookCommunity #Reading #Books #BookReview #Review #Scotland #Scottish #YoungMungo #DouglasStuart #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. Today is Friday, and it’s time for another review. Today, I am reviewing Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart. TRIGGER WARNING ALERT!This book involves descriptions of abuse in all its forms, from sexual and physical to verbal and psychological, including some explicit homophobia. If such things might be harmful for you to read about, then I’d avoid this one. Young…
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A story of queer love and working-class families, Young Mungo is the brilliant second novel from the Booker Prize-winning author of Shuggie Bain
Douglas Stuart’s first novel Shuggie Bain, winner of the 2020 Booker Prize, is one of the most successful literary debuts of the century so far. Published or forthcoming in forty territories, it has sold more than one million copies worldwide. Now Stuart returns with Young Mungo, his extraordinary second novel. Both a page-turner and literary tour de force, it is a vivid portrayal of working-class life and a deeply moving and highly suspenseful story of the dangerous first love of two young men.
Growing up in a housing estate in Glasgow, Mungo and James are born under different stars—Mungo a Protestant and James a Catholic—and they should be sworn enemies if they’re to be seen as men at all. Yet against all odds, they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the pigeon dovecote that James has built for his prize racing birds. As they fall in love, they dream of finding somewhere they belong, while Mungo works hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his big brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold. And when several months later Mungo’s mother sends him on a fishing trip to a loch in Western Scotland with two strange men whose drunken banter belies murky pasts, he will need to summon all his inner strength and courage to try to get back to a place of safety, a place where he and James might still have a future.
Imbuing the everyday world of its characters with rich lyricism and giving full voice to people rarely acknowledged in the literary world, Young Mungo is a gripping and revealing story about the bounds of masculinity, the divisions of sectarianism, the violence faced by many queer people, and the dangers of loving someone too much.
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Illustration et portraits pour le dossier Rentrée littéraire du Vif / L’express de cette semaine ! #levif #lexpress #levifmagazine #rentreelitteraire2021 #douglasstuart #christineangot #paulahawkins #harlancoben #alainguiraudie #dessin #portraitdessin #illustration #encredechine #affinityphoto #ecrivain #ecrivaine #livre #livres https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbu96WsUu1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Young Mungo - what can I say that hasn’t already been said about this incredible book? I first came to the genius that is @douglas_stuart through his incredible debut novel, the Booker winning Shuggie Bain which I read with @tarheelreader. My expectations were then enormous on beginning Mungo and I have to admit, I was worried that Stuart would wobble off the ridiculously high pedestal I had put him on. Luckily, I had nothing to fear. I buddy read this with #thebigscottishbookclub hosted by the lovely @scottiesandbooks and we were so lucky to get to chat to the man himself through Zoom which has only served to make my obsession with his work a little more intense! 😂 This novel is incredible. It covers the story of two boys, primarily Protestant Mungo and Catholic James who should be sworn enemies but end up friends then fall in love on a Glasgow working class housing estate. This is the type of book that takes a little piece of your heart when you read it. It was easy to fall in love with the characters, ache for what they go through and feel despair, terror and worry as they fight to live their lives the way they want. Despite the grim and frightening reality of the times the boys are living in, there’s that light at the end of the tunnel and a smidgeon of hope too. Young Mungo is one of my books of the year. It’s gritty, painful, authentic and shocking and I want to shout from the rooftops about how much I love it. Like Shuggie, this is a masterpiece of writing and I already can’t wait to experience it all over again. Five easy stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bookreview #booksoftheyear2022 #youngmungo #douglasstuart #scottishfiction #scottishnovels #scottishnovelist #bookssetinscotland #bookssetinglasgow #myfavouritebooks #readthisbookpeople #lgbtfiction #recommendedreads👍 #booksthatmademelovereading #booksthatmademethink https://www.instagram.com/p/CjOOXbiLet3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Currently reading Young Mungo ✨ Qotd: who loves to borrow books from the digital library? I find it real convenient. • • • #happywednesday #currentlyreading #youngmungo #kindle #ebook #ereader #icedcoffee #bookworm #supermom #coffeeandcurrentlyreading #bibliophile #libby #douglasstuart https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJir4rrgPa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My (late) #novemberwrapup: ~ 1) 🇨🇦 #thisplace150yearsrerold (graphic novel) 4.5/5 2) 🇬🇧 #shuggiebain #douglasstuart 4.5/5 3) 🇺🇸 #memorial #bryanwashington 3/5 4) 🇺🇸 #eightmen #richardwright 5/5 5) 🇬🇧 #flush #virginiawoolf (reread) 5/5 6) 🇺🇸 #theofficeofhistoricalcorrections #danielleevans (audiobook) 4/5 7) 🇺🇸 #gilead #marilynnerobinson 5/5 8) 🇫🇷 #theguermantesway #marcelproust 3.5/5 ~ #eatingtheirwordswrapups #bookstack #bibliophile #readingwrapup #arememberanceofthingspast #insearchoflosttime https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVLLVfA3tB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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{Neuzugang | Rezensionsexemplar} Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich "Shuggie Bain" von Douglas Stuart aus dem Hanser Verlag von Vorablesen lesen darf, das Buch klingt richtig spannend. 📚❤📚 Den Klappentext habe ich euch ins Bild 2 gepackt. 😊 #Buch #book #Neuzugang #Rezensionsexemplar #vorablesen #hanserverlag #douglasstuart #Lesen #booknerd #bookjunkie #ichliebelesen #leseratte #buchliebe #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #germanbookstagram #bookstagramdeutschland #Bloggen #Blogger #Buchblog #buchblogger #buchbloggerin #missrosesbuecherwelt (hier: Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS7fmzGj3Jo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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A toxic love...
A toxic love... He teaches us that age is not a qualification for who should do what in love, that love has no rules, no boundaries, and no criteria. Shuggie Bain is envious to love itself.
I knew Shuggie Bain only after it received the Booker Prize 2020 and started reading sometime at the start of this year. And it took me almost 2 months to finish it! Phew! The work is done! Not my cup of tea! I’m more of a chase and blood genre reader and Shuggie Bain has been the longest book I’ve ever read. Why I started it? Bluntly, because it won the Prize. No other reason whatsoever! Why…

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#librodellecase #andreabajani #feltrinelli #incercadifortuna #emigrazioneitaliana #lacomune #lacomunediparigi #louisemichel #storiadishuggiebain #douglasstuart #mondadori #ionontilasciosolo #gianlucaantoni #salanieditore #unaguerracivile #claudiopavone #bollatiboringhieri #resistenza #edicolaaldini #quartierenavilebologna #viadicorticella #bolognina #bologna (presso Edicola Aldini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqiseWHhaU/?igshid=1xlh6ih0o20bh
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#shuggiebain #douglasstuart muy buena novela. (en Chorillos, Lima, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPbkPNpQTh/?igshid=lvmot0lpsq4
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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday hope you’re all having, have had or are anticipating a lovely Saturday. I managed to get out to the cinema today to watch Nope and really enjoyed it. Today’s post is inspired by the lovely @r4ch4elreads who recently showcased some #unputdownablebooks on her page. These are a few of mine! They all got five stars and I can’t wait to re-read them already. Triflers Need Not Apply - Camilla Bruce The Pull Of The Stars - Emma Donoghue How To Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie Unwell Women - Elinor Cleghorn Shuggie Bain - Douglas Stuart The Summer That Melted Everything- Tiffany McDaniel Circe - Madeline Miller Have you read and loved any of these books? Let’s gush about them together in the comments! Have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #myfavebooks #triflersneednotapply #camillabruce #thepullofthestars #emmadonoghue #howtokillyourfamily #bellamackie #unwellwomen #elinorcleghorn #shuggiebain #douglasstuart #thesummerthatmeltedeverything #tiffanymcdaniel #circe #madelinemiller #booksyoumustread #highlyrecommendedreads #readthesebooksnow https://www.instagram.com/p/Chxb3idrIRu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#Scottish #author #DouglasStuart wins #BookerPrize for fiction with his first novel "Shuggie Bain," with judges saying his tale of love and alcoholism set in #Glasgow in 1980s was destined to be a classic. 44-year-old Stuart, won 50,000 pounds and is 2nd Scot to win Booker Prize https://www.instagram.com/p/CHy9ihdg6FL/?igshid=nt4bmt23onbt
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"Every square of green was teeming with weans, like petri dishes hoaching with life. The air was filled with echoing screams and laughter, amplified by the sandstone enclosure. Every so often a wean would shriek up at the back of a building, and shortly thereafter a window would swing open and a bag of crisps or a set of keys would be tossed down four stories to the ground." ~ (Congrats to Douglas Stuart on winning the Booker! 🎉 I may make it a tradition to wait for @dsweet_library to read the whole longlist and then just read the one he's most excited about. It's worked out well for me for the second year in a row 😂) ~ #shuggiebain #douglasstuart #bookerprize #bookerprizewinner #bookerprize2020 #crisps #chips #foodinbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CH0QwgBAt-G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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