#douglass bell
kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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Simbi water spirits are revered in Hoodoo originating from Central African spiritual practices. When Africans were enslaved in the United States, they blended African spiritual beliefs with Christian baptismal practices. Enslaved African Americans prayed to Simbi water spirits during their baptismal services. In 1998, in a historic house in Annapolis, Maryland called the Brice House archaeologists unearthed Hoodoo artifacts inside the house that linked to the Kongo people. These artifacts are the continued practice of the Kongo's minkisi and nkisi culture in the United States brought over by enslaved Africans. For example, archeologists found artifacts used by enslaved African Americans to control spirits by housing spirits inside caches or nkisi bundles. These spirits inside objects were placed in secret locations to protect an area or bring harm to slaveholders. "In their physical manifestations, minkisi (nkisi) are sacred objects that embody spiritual beings and generally take the form of a container such as a gourd, pot, bag, or snail shell. Medicines that provide the minkisi with power, such as chalk, nuts, plants, soil, stones, and charcoal, are placed in the container." Nkisi bundles were found in other plantations in Virginia and Maryland. For example, nkisi bundles were found for the purpose of healing or misfortune. Archeologists found objects believed by the enslaved African American population in Virginia and Maryland to have spiritual power, such as coins, crystals, roots, fingernail clippings, crab claws, beads, iron, bones, and other items assembled together inside a bundle to conjure a specific result for either protection or healing. These items were hidden inside slaves' dwellings. These practices were concealed from slaveholders.
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In Darrow, Louisiana at the Ashland-Belle Helene Plantation historians and archeologists unearthed Kongo and Central African practices inside slave cabins. Enslaved Africans in Louisiana conjured the spirits of Kongo ancestors and water spirits by using seashells. Other charms were found in several slave cabins, such as silver coins, beads, polished stones, bones, and were made into necklaces or worn in their pockets for protection. These artifacts provided examples of African rituals at Ashland Plantation. Slaveholders tried to stop African practices among their slaves, but enslaved African Americans disguised their rituals by using American materials and applying an African interpretation to them and hiding the charms in their pockets and making them into necklaces concealing these practices from their slaveholders. In Talbot County, Maryland at the Wye House plantation where Frederick Douglass was enslaved in his youth, Kongo related artifacts were found. Enslaved African Americans created items to ward off evil spirits by creating a Hoodoo bundle near the entrances to chimneys which was believed to be where spirits enter. The Hoodoo bundle contained pieces of iron and a horse shoe. Enslaved African Americans put eyelets on shoes and boots to trap spirits. Archaeologists also found small carved wooden faces. The wooden carvings had two faces carved into them on both sides which were interpreted to mean an African American conjurer who was a two-headed doctor. Two-headed doctors in Hoodoo means a conjurer who can see into the future and has knowledge about spirits and things unknown.
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At Levi Jordan Plantation in Brazoria, Texas near the Gulf Coast, researchers suggests the plantation owner Levi Jordan may have transported captive Africans from Cuba back to his plantation in Texas. These captive Africans practiced a Bantu-Kongo religion in Cuba, and researchers excavated Kongo related artifacts at the site. For example, archeologists found in one of the cabins called the "curer's cabin" remains of an nkisi nkondi with iron wedges driven into the figure to activate its spirit. Researchers found a Kongo bilongo which enslaved African Americans created using materials from white porcelain creating a doll figure. In the western section of the cabin they found iron kettles and iron chain fragments. Researchers suggests the western section of the cabin was an altar to the Kongo spirit Zarabanda
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brotherwtf · 3 months
modern clegan equestrian au, anyone? (I swear I'm working on that Olympic au I just got sidetracked)
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Gale is a Grand Prix show English show jumper, and John is a nation renowned Western Barrel racer
There is beef between the English and Western riders at Thorpe Abbotts ranch, ie: the riders are competing to see which discipline brings the most blue ribbons (and money) to the barn
The Western riders (John, Curt, Douglass, Rosie) all argue that their discipline is more interesting and less uppity, besides, John himself has 13 blue ribbons for barrel racing
The English riders (Gale, Croz, Blakely, Hambone) argue that their discipline is more refined and requires actual skill as opposed to just speed, and Gale has been courted by the Olympics team
Nobody beefs more than John and Gale, though
They walk by the "leaderboard" (they made it themselves, the owner of the ranch couldn't care less about their competition) and point out each of their ribbons and trophies to the other
Each side jokes that they desperately want to fuck each other, but John and Gale refuse to see it
One night, they get locked in a tack room and have to be around each other for an unhealthy amount of time (they want to fuck each other so bad)
They get into one of their petty arguments, comparing the prices of their tack, and John makes a nasty comment that Gale only uses "daddy's money" to get all the stuff he wants
Gale breaks down, as much as Gale can breakdown in public, and confesses that his father is essentially deadbeat, everything he owns he had to pay with his own money
John feels sympathy for him, and they become tentative friends
They start teaching each other more about their disciplines, Gale shows John how to jump and John shows him how to barrel race
The rest of the ranch (especially their friends) notice how close they're getting and make fun of them MASSIVELY
What if one of them gets hurt during one of their competitions, where the other just happens to be and nurses them back to health (insert cliche here)
Gale and John realise their feelings for each other then, that they really do care for the other and that they do want to fuck each other
They start dating, and the feud between Western and English disciplines sort of dies out after that
I was a horse girl in my youth, so this brought me immense joy to write about
Other silly headcanons below the cut
Gale actually takes up western riding, mainly for pleasure, and John makes fun of him for it to this day
The first time John successfully makes it over a jump, Gale buys him dinner and takes him to bed etc etc
Curt and John both barrel race, Douglass does cattle roping, and Rosie does cutting (basically can you control your horse with as little rein as possible)
Gale tried cross country jumping, but after an injury decided to just do show jumping
Croz and Hambone both do dressage, the best in the nation actually
Blakely does cross country jumping and tries to make Douglass try it, but fails miserably
John has a really beautiful black and white paint named Our Baby (John calls him Baby)
Gale has a black Morgan named Liberty Belle (Gale sometimes calls his and Johns horse Baby Belle when they start dating)
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softspeirs · 3 months
Hi Katie! From the prompt list, "I haven't laughed like this in a long time" for Grace and Rosie if you're feeling that vibe?
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A/N: Hi Battie! Thank you for sending this in! I hope you like this. These Heartbeats Clear Masterlist
The Officer's Club is a flurry of activity as the Red Cross girls enlist the Nurses to help them decorate for the evening's shindig.
Grace straightens to her full height, wiping perspiration from her brow when the door opens, and Rosie's large frame fills the space, the light from behind illuminating him.
Helen winks at Grace, who flushes and bats her friend away.
Crusher cap in hand, Rosie takes in the scene as he approaches. "Thought I'd find you here. How's it going?"
"Fine," Grace says, stepping closer and lowering her voice. "You're sure he has no idea?"
"He's too busy to notice. I'm a little worried we won't be able to get him away from his office, to tell you the truth."
Crosby has been promoted to Major, and everyone decided it was worth celebrating, even though the man himself would probably be mortified. Really, they all need a reason to have a party.
Morale has been low. They need an excuse to have fun, even if it's only for one night.
"Well, we're counting on you to convince him, Major."
She loves the slow smile he gets sometimes that's she's trying hard to believe isn't just for her. It gives her butterflies. There's a simmering heat between them now, weeks after Rosie's hardstand confession that had left her breathless.
She's pretty sure she loves him, and is working up the courage to let him know that fact before he flies again.
"Major, can you give me a hand for a second?" Tatty asks from across the way where she's trying to hang streamers. "Sorry to interrupt, but you're taller than anyone here."
One last soft smile at Grace and then he heads over, talking to Tatty quietly as he holds up one end so she can tape it to the wall where she's perched on a stepstool.
Grace busies herself with other party prep, but she can't stop herself from sneaking glances at Rosie every chance she gets, biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling when she catches his eye a few times.
She feels like a teenager.
It's a few more moments of trying not to eavesdrop to Rosie's low voice before she registers his presence at her back again, turning around to give him a grin.
"So, Major, what time should I pick you up?" She asks, delighted at the incredulous laugh that bubbles out of him.
"Oh, you're taking lead on this mission?"
She nods, face serious. "That's right. You deserve a night off. Let's see... seven o'clock? Can you be ready by then?"
He nods, scratching at his jaw in that way he does when he's trying not to laugh. "Yes ma'am. With bells on."
And so it's Grace loitering outside Rosie's hut in the early evening light, wearing the one non-uniform dress she packed for this exact type of occasion.
The door opens and Douglass is there, straightening the tie on his uniform, and he smiles when he sees Grace twisting her fingers together anxiously.
"Captain," he says, "You look great."
"You look handsome, Dougie." Grace says, smiling shyly. "Any chance you can let Rosie know I'm here?"
"Oh, he knows. He's been checking his watch for the last five minutes." His grin is shit-eating. "Not every day you get a girl askin' you on a date, you know? He'll be out in a minute." '
Grace shakes her head, watching as he walks in the direction of the officer's club. The door squeaks open behind her one more time, and she smells Rosie's familiar cologne before she turns around. His eyes are pinned to her, dark blue traveling up and down her body as he smiles gently at her.
"Wow, Grace."
"It's not anything--"
He cuts her off before she can continue by taking her hand, lacing their fingers together. "Don't say it's nothing special," he chides. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." Grace whispers. There's no one around that she can see, so she takes a chance and lifts up on her toes to press a soft kiss to his lips that immediately part for her, his hand coming up to cradle her jaw. "Hi."
"Hi." He echoes. "Ready to go? I told Croz to come but there's still a chance we'll have to go by his office if he doesn't show up."
"Ready." She confirms, and they swing by command first, both of them letting out a sigh of relief when Crosby's desk is empty.
At the officer's club, he's waiting by the door, a sheepish grin on his face as he accepts congratulations, pats on the back, and a beer from Douglass.
"I knew you were up to something," he says, pointing a finger at Rosie when they get inside. "And you!" He switches his attention to Grace. "You said it was urgent--"
"It is urgent! It's urgent that you take a night off and have a good time. Doctor's orders." Grace replies.
Distantly, she's aware that Rosie hasn't let go of her hand, but she's past caring. Their relationship isn't exactly a secret, not after they had their first kiss in a post-mission induced haze on the hardstand where anyone could see.
She also suspects no one cares, not as long as they're happy. This war has been too long for anyone to care how other people find their bit of happiness.
"Congratulations, Major." Rosie says to Crosby, stepping forward to shake his friend's hand. "Now let's have some fun."
They spend the night drinking and dancing, Grace laughing as she trips over her own feet until she gets the hang of letting Rosie lead. He only teases her about it once, and she basks in the glow of an evening where no one is worrying and where they all get to let loose. It's so rare these days, and she can't remember the last time she had this much fun.
"I need a break," she whispers in Rosie's ear after awhile, sweat curling the hair at her temples.
"I'll get you another--"
"Water, Rosie. I need water."
He nods, smiling as he leads her over to an empty table, pulling out the chair so she can sit down before heading back to the bar. He comes back with a water for her and a coca-cola for himself, and it's not long before he takes her free hand again, his fingers tracing the veins on the inside of her wrist casually, like he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
"I haven't laughed like this in a long time." He tells her, voice soft. "This was a good idea."
Grace looks around the room at all the smiling faces, people dancing and propping up the bar, split in pairs or in groups of friends, and she looks back to Rosie, who is watching her like she's hung the moon.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Can't help it."
The party winds down sometime in the early hours, and there's no missions scheduled for the next day because of inclement weather. They all take a collective sigh of relief knowing that the high of their party won't come crashing down the next morning.
Grace has the afternoon shift at the hospital the next day, and as Rosie walks her back to her hut, she squeezes his hand in thanks.
"What?" He asks.
"Just-- I had fun. And this--" she holds up their joined hands, "I like this."
His cheeks flush. "Me too."
They come to a slow stop near the door, and Grace laughs when Rosie tugs on her hand to pull her to the side of the building, away from, the harsh light above the door and away from prying eyes.
Grace is sure Rosie has never done one improper thing in his life, and it makes her light up from the inside out to see the way he wants to keep these moments between them private and just for them.
It's still up for debate if the way he kisses her would be considered proper. Certainly not to any poor soul who might wander by and catch them, but Grace is past caring. It's just-- he's so passionate about everything he does, his feelings for her included.
She responds in kind, and there's not a second where she feels the need to slow things down. She trusts him implicitly, and she knows the feeling is mutual. She can feel it in the way he gives himself over to her, lets himself be his most vulnerable in front of her.
Foreheads pressed together, both of them trying to catch their breath, he gives her a blinding smile before kissing her temple. "Goodnight, Grace." His voice is a low, low rumble that makes her break out in shivers.
"Goodnight," she replies in a whisper. "Pick me up for breakfast tomorrow?"
"You got it."
He walks her back to the door, and stands there, hands clasped behind his back as he watches her go inside. She gives him one last smile over her shoulder before she closes the door. Sitting down on the edge of her mattress, she lets out one more breathless laugh before getting ready for bed, hoping they both have many more laugh-filled nights ahead of them. Together.
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ghelgheli · 2 months
Stuff I Read In July 2024
bold indicates favourites
Nazi Literature in the Americas, Roberto Bolaño
Antwerp, Roberto Bolaño
Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler
Parable of the Talents, Octavia Butler
In an Abusive State, Kristin Bumiller
Short Fiction
Founding Father, Isaac Asimov
Exile to Hell, Isaac Asimov
Key Item, Isaac Asimov
Queer &c.
Science Fiction Double Feature: Trans Liberation on Twin Earth, B.R. George & R.A. Briggs [link]
King’s Member, Queen’s Body: Transsexual Surgery, Self-Demand Amputation and the Somatechnics of Sovereign Power, Susan Stryker & Nikki Sullivan
Much Ado About Nothing: Unmotivating "Gender Identity", E.M. Hernandez & Rowan Bell [link]
We Are All Nonbinary, Kadji Amin [link]
An Orientalist History of Transmisogyny, Julianna Neuhouser [link]
Where Is My Place in the World? Early Shoujo Manga Portrayals of Lesbianism, Fujimoto Yukari [link]
Alice in Monsterland, Gilles Dauvé [link]
Manchester Medieval Society: Guest Post: ‘Weaponed’ men, impotent men, and ‘not-men’: sex and manhood in Anglo-Saxon England, Chris Monk [link]
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color, Kimberlé Crenshaw [link]
Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist’s Response, Audre Lorde [link]
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza, Oren Ziv [link]
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable. Mark Perlmutter & Feroze Sidhwa [link]
Elements of Anti-Semitism, Jake Romm [link]
Paradoxical Modernity: Pasolini and Israele, Nicola Perugini [link]
Unknowable: Against an Indigenous Anarchist Theory, Ya’iishjááshch’ilí [link]
The Street, the Sponge, and the Ultra, Paul Amar [link]
Camatte: A propos capital, Jacques Camatte [link]
Enslaved Children in Portuguese India, 1550-1760, Patricia Souza de Faria [link]
Kamala Harris’s “American Journey”: Caste, Global Mobility & State Power, Tanvi Kohli [link]
"What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July", Frederick Douglass [link]
Dev Bio
The attention span myth, Maria Panagiotidi [link]
Innateness and Canalization, André Ariew [link]
An evaluation of the concept of innateness, Matteo Mameli & Patrick Bateson [link]
The Vernacular Concept of Innateness, Paul Griffiths & Edouard Machery [link]
Nihei Tsutomu and the Poetics of Space: Notes Toward a Cyberpunk Ecology, Keith Leslie Johnson [link]
Speculative Architectures in Comics, Francesco-Alessio Ursini [link]
In Defence of Critique: Let People Enjoy Not Enjoying Things, Charlie Squire [link]
Nietzsche is Dead, Meredith Hindley [link]
Hegel on the Kant-Laplace Hypothesis and the Moral Postulates, Colin Bodayle [link]
Let's Ride: Art history after Black studies, Huey Copeland, Sampada Aranke, & Faye R. Gleisser [link]
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Our History Has Always Been Contraband. In Defense of Black Studies, Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Haymarket Books, Chicago, IL, 2023. Featuring writings by David Walker, Frederick Douglass, Anna Julia Cooper, Zora Neale Hurston, W. E. B. Du Bois, C. L. R. James, James Baldwin, June Jordan, Angela Y. Davis, Robert Allen, Barbara Smith, Toni Cade Bambara, bell hooks, Barbara Christian, Patricia Hill Collins, Cathy J. Cohen, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Saidiya Hartman, Khalil Gibran Muhammad, and many others
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bcolfanfic · 1 month
Frequent r/namenerd reader and you don’t have to answer this if it’s too much but would love to hear more about the young vets AU 2nd gen kids names. Did you think of middle names for them too? (ALSO need you to know the joke you made about making crosby’s boy jj bc Jeffery sounded weird in modern au lives rent free in my brain)
as a former child who used to sit and read *baby name books* in barnes and noble instead of actual books we might be the same person LMAO. from my notes app
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ev/helen and the crosbys have so many damn kids that not all of them have interesting loreTM lmfao but they’re chilling! (rebecca’s only lore rn is that she was a menace to wyatt when they were little, josie let her smoke with her once and got her so high she greened out and thought she was going to die- and on a completely different sober occasion she drove her car into the blakely’s backyard and ran over their trash can lmfao. love her.) please don’t ask me everyone’s exact age gaps or ill start hyperventilating lmfao rachel and i joked a while ago that their ages gaps are whatever the headcanons needs them to be (:
obv josie was already josie when the bucks adopted her but i hc that her birth mom didn’t give her a middle name so they got to pick that (: went with belle bc they took up calling her josie belle as a cute lil nickname and it stuck. micah is a twist on michael the archangel. gale’s idea that john loved immediately. john is who suggested middle naming him after curt. <3
graham was nash’s middle name that him and helen gave baby wyatt too <3
douglass did not choose what his sister named her baby lmao. he gets custody of him when he’s around 4, then he goes back to his sister (not their choice, it’s complicated) and then him and benny get final custody of him again when he’s a teenager. called him owl when he was liddol, but he goes by ollie for the most part.
ive said this before but curt and ken each named a twin. meadow was after the sopranos (curts choice) and ken decided to stick w/ the nature theme by picking bry. and meadow’s middle name ages perfectly bc helen is very much a mom figure to her. esp when everything goes haywire w/ jj and she gets pregnant at not much older than helen was when she had wyatt.
rosie got to name naomi bc he adopted her as a bby. naomi bc he always liked that name and mavis bc (: bird related <3
mostly stuck with the actual crosby kid names except for simon bc the thought of a lil baby named simon just spoke to me 🧘🏼‍♀️ the boys middle names are yes both after the archangels.
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blorbo list NOW
The one I started last night, with 50 entries at the time, was getting out of control, so I made this list. I hope to append entries as I go along, and make this the "prestige version" or something. (It's probably not the best list of blorbos I've ever had, but it's among the longest)
Jacques Derrida
Lawrence Krauss
Petrovich Orevsky
Guido Görlich
Josh McPhee
Binyavanga Wainaina
Allen Ginsberg
lil b
Professor Spafford
General OHara
Eric S Raymond
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Bob Dylan
Werner Heisenberg
Elizabeth Beecher Stow
Prudence Crandall
Derrick Bell
Johnathan Wells
Timothy Leary
Camille Paglia
Tim Harper
William James
Ernst Jünger
Francis Carpenter
Jessica Mitford
Amartya Sen
George Black
Audrey Horne
Baron Munchausen
That one scene from Thumbelina
National Review writers (all of them?)
Jerry Seinfeld
Justin Bieber (because he's really, really hot)
Amelia Erhart
Louis Brandeis
Francis George Hayes (the real one, not the American)
Lauren Laverne
Frederick Douglass
Lots of other people
(I reserve the right to edit this list at any time so as to remove references to people who I no longer find interesting.)
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punkcaligula · 2 years
-> Books:
HURSTON, Zora Neale; Their Eyes Were Watching God
WILLIAMS, Tennessee; A Streetcar Named Desire
-> Essays & articles:
CHRISTENSEN, Joel; How do chatbots dream of electric Greek heroes?
DYHOUSE, Carol; Why Are We So Afraid of Female Desire?
EDWARDS, Stassa; A Little Madly: Hysteria at the Moulin Rouge
HOOKS, bell; Romance: Sweet Love
LAING, Olivia; NYC blue: what the pain of loneliness tells us
LIEBERMAN, Jeffrey A.; “The Miracle Cure”: A Brief History of Lobotomies
LORDE, Audre; The Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power
SHUSHAN, Gregory; Near-death experiences have long inspired after life beliefs
STADONILK, Joe; We’ve always been distracted
TÁÌWÒ, Olúfémi; The idea of ‘precolonial Africa’ is vacuous and wrong
WYPIJEWSKI, JoAnn; How Capitalism Created Sexual Dysfunction
-> Books:
DOUGLASS, Frederick; Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
WINTERSON, Jeanette; 12 Bytes: How We Got Here, Where We Might Go Next
-> Essays & articles:
BLACK, Bob; The Abolition of Work
BURDEN-STELLY, Charisse; How Black Communist Women Remade Class Struggle
COBB, Michael; Bigmouth Strikes Again
GOODLAD, Lauren M.E.; Now The Humanities Can Disrupt “AI”
HALBERSTAM, Jack; Towards a Trans* Feminism
HARVEY, Katherine; Medieval babycare
ROTHFIELD, Becca; A Body of One’s Own
RUKES, Frederic; The Disruption of Normativity: Queer Desire and Negativity in Morrisey and The Smiths
STRINGER, Julian; The Smiths: Repressed (But Remarkably Dressed)
VENKATARAMAN, Vivek V.; Lessons from the foragers
-> Books:
AMADO, Jorge; Gabriela, Clove & Cinnamon
-> Essays & articles:
ALEXANDER, Amanda; Making Communities Safe, Without the Police
BOURDÉ, Guy; The philosophies of history
ELLIOTT, John H.; An Europe of composite monarchies
ERNAUX, Annie; A Community of Desires
HARCOUT, Bernard E.; Policing Disorder
JABBARI, Alexander; After the mother tongues: what we lost with Persianate modernity
MANTEL, Hilary; Anne Boleyn: witch, bitch, temptress, feminist
MANTEL, Hilary; Holy disorders
MANTEL, Hilary; Night visions
MANTEL, Hilary; No passport required
MANTEL, Hilary; The shape we’re in
MINER, Horace; Body Ritual among the Nacirema
RUSSEL, Francey; What It Means to Watch
WEBB, Claire Isabel; Cosmic vision
-> Books:
MISHIMA, Yukio; Sun and Steel
OLADE, Yves; Bloodsport
-> Essays & articles:
BATESON, Gregory; A Theory of Play and Fantasy
CÉSAIRE, Suzanne; The Great Camouflage
CHARALAMBOUS, Demetrio; The Enigma of the Isle of Gold
DAVID, Kathryn; How Stalin enlisted the Orthodox Church to help control Ukraine
SINGLER, Beth; Existential Hope and Existential Despair in AI Apocalypticism and Transhumanism
WYATT, Justin; The Smiths, Pop Culture Referencing and Marginalized Stardom
-> Short stories:
ELLISON, Harlan; The Man Who Rowed Christopher Colombus Ashore
SAYLOR, Steven; The Eagle and the Rabbit
-> Books:
PLUTARCH; Life of Sulla
-> Essays & articles:
BRAUDEL, Fernand; Clothes and fashion
CHAMPLIN, Edward; Nero Reconsidered
GARTON, Charles; Sulla and the Theatre
HAY, Mark; The Colonization of the Ayahuasca Experience
HSU, Hua; Varieties of Ether: Toward a history of creativity and beef
PROBYN, Elspeth; Cannibal Hunger, Restraint in Excess
STAR, Christopher; How the ancient philosophers imagined the end of the world
TELUSHKIN, Shira; Meet Eva Frank: The First Jewish Female Messiah
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wantremover · 9 months
2023 was the first year i really Got Down with reading, so I want to share a chronological list of everything i finished reading this year!
- Haikyu - Haruichi Furudate - Post-Growth Living: For an Alternative Hedonism - Kate Soper - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind So Nice I Read It Twice - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami - This Is Your Mind On Plants - Michael Pollan - Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese - Byung-Chul Han - Teaching Critical Thinking - bell hooks - Tai Chi Chuan: The Philosophy of Yin and Yang and its Application - Douglass Lee - The Burnout Society - Byung-Chul Han - Hikaru no Go - Yumi Hotta - The Lathe of Heaven - Ursula K. Le Guin (reread) - The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin (reread) - The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are - Alan Watts - Returning The Sword To The Stone - Mark Leidner - Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind - Molly McGhee - Howl’s Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones - 三体 The Three Body Problem - 刘慈欣 Cixin Liu (reread) - Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber - A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
and about half these books changed my life!
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demoniccak-e · 9 months
the way in my solar system good omens is the sun and then every other thing i like orbits around it like the way that doctor who is in that spin obvs (bc of david tennant and also bc of douglass being one of the directors in it but also the main reason i watched it was to see doctor peter grump about) spn was literally bc of good omens (apocalypse) the way that LOKI IS RECENTLY THERE AND IT ONLY WAS ADDED IN BC ONE THE SCENERY IS SO DAMN COOL AND LIZ CARR IS THERE
i would say the hunger games also was influenced by good omens but in reality it was my english teacher who is a madman and i am an even madder mad man so like boom (its always the english teachers)
anyways good omens is like my main dish yk like when your eating taco bell you get like a chalupa, mexican pizza, and a drink bc the mexican pizzas are like a new thing you pick up and like the plot line is so good but it only lasts for a short amount of time because the next thing you know you're very very aggressively gobbling down those two chalupas and having a sip here and there to actually clear your throat a bit so you can eat more
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pennyserenade · 2 years
i think its safe to say that i consume more movies and books than the average person (lol) and this year i’m trying to make an effort to make my watchlist and reading list much more diverse than years past. as you are all probably aware, this month is black history month and i thought i’d share some movies and books i love/plan to read this month and this year in case any of you are looking for recommendations!
for movies i plan to watch:
carmen jones (1954) starring dorothy dandridge, harry belafonte 
no way out (1950) starring sidney poitier
nothing but a man (1964) starring ivan dixon, abbey lincoln
anna lucasta (1958) starring eartha kitt
cane river (1982) starring tommye myrick, richard romain
losing ground (1982) starring seret scott
paris blues (1961) starring sidney poitier, diahann carrol
if beale street could talk (2018) starring kiki layne, stephan james
a raisin in the sun (1961) starring sidney poitier, ruby dee, claudia mcneil, diana sands
movies i recommend:
spider-man: into the spider verse (2018) starring shameik moore
a patch of blue (1965) starring sidney poitier 
do the right thing (1989) starring spike lee, giancarlo esposito, ossie davis, ruby dee
the defiant ones (1958) starring sidney poitier 
sorry to bother you (2018) starring lakeith stanfield, tessa thompson
nope (2022) starring keke palmer, daniel kaluuya 
the books intend to read:
kindred by octavia e. butler
parable of the sower by octavia e. butler
beloved by toni morrison 
incidents in the life of a slave girl: written by herself (non-fiction) by harriet jacobs*
narrative of the life of fredick douglas: an american slave (non-fiction) by frederick douglass*
girl, woman, other by bernardine evaristo
books i want to read/have seen other people recommend
maame by jessica george
post-traumatic by chantal v. johnson
jackal by erine e. adams
the fifth season n.k. jemisin 
caste: the origins of our discontents (non-fiction) by isabel wilkerson 
they were her property (non-fiction) by stephanie jones roger
all about love: new visions (non-fiction) by bell hooks 
the secret lives of church ladies by deesha philyaw
seven days in june by tia williams
honey & spice by bolu babalola
luster by raven leilani 
*i’m reading these for one of my school courses but i still think they are definitely worth noting 
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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David Ruggles was born in Norwich, Connecticut in 1810. His parents, David Sr. and Nancy Ruggles, were free African Americans. His father was born in Norwich in 1775 and worked as a journeyman blacksmith. His mother was born in 1785 in either Lyme or Norwich and worked as a caterer. Ruggles was the first of eight children.
In 1826, at the age of sixteen, Ruggles moved to New York City, where he worked as a mariner before opening a grocery store. Nearby, other African-Americans ran grocery businesses in Golden Hill (John Street east of William Street), such as Mary Simpson (1752-March 18, 1836). After 1829, abolitionist Sojourner Truth (born Isabella ("Bell") Baumfree; c. 1797 – November 26, 1883) also lived in lower Manhattan. At first, he sold liquor, then embraced temperance. He became involved in anti-slavery and the free produce movement. He was a sales agent for and contributor to The Liberator and The Emancipator, abolitionist newspapers.
After closing the grocery, Ruggles opened the first African American-owned bookstore in the United States. The bookstore was located on Lispenard Street near St. John's park in what is today the Tribeca neighborhood. Ruggles' bookstore specialized in abolitionist and feminist literature, including works by African-American abolitionist Maria Stewart. He edited a New York journal called The Mirror of Liberty, and also published a pamphlet called The Extinguisher. He also published "The Abrogation of the Seventh Commandment" in 1835, an appeal to northern women to confront husbands who kept enslaved African women as mistresses.
Ruggles was secretary of the New York Committee of Vigilance, a radical biracial organization to aid fugitive slaves, oppose slavery, and inform enslaved workers in New York about their rights in the state. New York had abolished slavery and stated that slaves voluntarily brought to the state by a master would automatically gain freedom after nine months of residence. On occasion, Ruggles went to private homes after learning that enslaved Africans were hidden there, to tell workers that they were free. In October 1838, Ruggles assisted Frederick Douglass on his journey to freedom, and reunited Douglass with his fiancé Anna Murray. Rev. James Pennington, a self-emancipated slave, married Murray and Douglass in Ruggles' home shortly thereafter. Douglass' autobiography 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass' explains "I had been in New York but a few days, when Mr. Ruggles sought me out, and very kindly took me to his boarding-house at the corner of Church and Lespenard Streets. Mr. Ruggles was then very deeply engaged in the memorable Darg case, as well as attending to a number of other fugitive slaves, devising ways and means for their successful escape; and, though watched and hemmed in on almost every side, he seemed to be more than a match for his enemies."
Ruggles was especially active against kidnapping bounty hunters (also known as "blackbirds"), who made a living by capturing free African people in the North and illegally selling them into slavery. With demand high for slaves in the Deep South, another threat was posed by men who kidnapped free blacks and sold them into slavery, as was done to Solomon Northup of Saratoga Springs, New York, in 1841. With the Vigilance Committee, Ruggles fought for fugitive slaves to have the right to jury trials and helped arrange legal assistance for them.
His activism earned him many enemies. Ruggles was physically assaulted and his bookshop was destroyed through arson. He quickly reopened his library and bookshop. There were two known attempts to kidnap him and sell him into slavery in the South. His enemies included fellow abolitionists who disagreed with his tactics. He was criticized for his role in the well-publicized Darg case of 1838, involving a Virginia slaveholder named John P. Darg and his slave, Thomas Hughes.
Ruggles suffered from ill health, which intensified following the Darg case. In 1841, his father died, and Ruggles was ailing and almost blind. In 1842, Lydia Maria Child, a fellow abolitionist and friend, arranged for him to join a radical Utopian commune called the Northampton Association of Education and Industry, in the present-day village of Florence, Massachusetts.
Applying home treatment upon hydropathic principles, he regained his health to some degree, but not his eyesight. He began practicing hydrotherapy, and by 1845, had established a "water cure" hospital in Florence. This was one of the earliest in the United States. Joel Shew and Russell Thacher Trall (R.T. Trall) had preceded him in using this type of therapy. Ruggles died in Florence in 1849, at the age of thirty-nine, due to a bowel infection
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moonwatchuniverse · 1 year
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April 19 Remembering Test pilot Scott Crossfield... Seventeen years ago, April 19, 2006 Naval officer and NACA test pilot Albert Scott Crossfield passed away in a thunderstorm aircraft accident. Arlington National Cemetery became his resting place. Between 1950 & 1955 Scott Crossfield was an aeronautical research pilot  for NACA, which would become NASA in 1958. At Edwards AFB, Crossfield tested most experimental jet aircraft, including the Bell X-1, X-4, X-5 and the Douglass D558-II-Skyrocket in which he became the first pilot to fly at Mach 2.0 twice the speed of sounds in 1953. Crossfield became chief engineering test pilot at North American and was the first to fly to rocket-powered X-15 hypersonic research aircraft during it s first unpowered glide in June 1959 and on its first powered flight in September 1959. Crossfield flew 14 of the 199 total X-15 flight tests and survived a  catastrophic explosion  during a ground test in June 1960. Crossfield always wore a Rolex GMT-master 6542 Pepsi pilot watch, which can be seen in this 1959 photo where he was holding a scale model of the North American X-15 hypersonic research aircraft. (Photo: AP/NAA)  
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Birthdays 2.7
Beer Birthdays
Susannah Oland (1818)
George Wiedemann (1833)
Morton Coutts (1904)
John Hickenlooper (1962)
Jeff O'Neil (1974)
Tom Acitelli (1977)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Charles Dickens; writer (1812)
Sinclair Lewis; writer (1885)
Thomas More; writer (1478)
Pete Postlethwaite; actor (1945)
Chris Rock; comedian, actor (1966)
Famous Birthdays
Alfred Adler; psychologist (1880)
Eric Temple Bell; Scotish mathematician (1883)
Eubie Blake; jazz musician, songwriter (1883)
Oscar Brand; folk singer (1920)
Garth Brooks; country singer (1962)
Buster Crabbe; swimmer, actor (1908)
John Deere; farm machinery manufacturer (1804)
Frederick Douglass; writer, abolitionist (1817)
Joe English; rock musician (1949)
Miguel Ferrer; actor (1955)
Jason Gedrick; actor (1965)
Godfrey Hardy; mathematician (1877)
Bill Hoest; cartoonist (1926)
Eddie Izzard; comedian (1962)
Earl King; singer, songwriter (1934)
Ashton Kutcher; actor (1978)
Bernard Maybeck; architect (1862)
Emo Philips; comedian (1956)
James Spader; actor (1960)
Gay Talese; writer (1932)
Laura Ingalls Wilder; writer (1867)
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aaronburrdaily · 2 years
January 21, 1809
Rose at 12. Up all night with crem. ta. pun.¹ Sor. at 2. To Dr. Horne’s ; Mr. H. and Captain Duncan. To Alexander Young, 48 Queen; out. To M’lle M’Kenzie’s; out. To Gordon’s; 1/2 hour with Mr. and Madame. To Jardine’s; out. To Vic. Clerk’s; out. To Sir H. Campbell’s; all out, but when I had got a few paces, sent for by Sir H.; passed 1/2 hour in his library; of trial by jury, &c.; elegant house. To D. Williamson’s. He has written to General A. Hope about Gamp and expects answer on Tuesday. Chez moi at 1/2 p. 4. Found letter from Meeker assenting to my draft, and note from Mr. Gordon inviting me to go to the theatre with Mr. Irvine. Sor. at 5 to dine with Ferguson, 41 George street. Y: Mr. and Mrs. F.; blonde, mince, delicat, aimable² ci dev.³ Horne; her uncle the author of “Douglass.” Mr. and Madame Boyle, advocate-general; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mad. est d’un esprit forte⁴; principal directress of the House of Industry. Mr. ——— who was in U.S. before guerre⁵; de bon sens⁶. Mr. and Mrs. ———; Mr. and M'llse ———; Madame F. ux. de Dr. F. who is in Portugal, belle fem.⁷ with three lovely children. After dinner, American affairs. Sor. at 9. To theatre. Y: Madame Gordon; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine and her sister; both handsome. Cinderella. The little Miss Rock or Rocque; lovely child.
1 Cream of tartar punch. 2 Blond, thin, delicate, amiable. 3 For ci-devant. Formerly, heretofore; probably here meaning “whose name was formerly Horne.” 4 Madame has a strong mind. 5 The war. 6 Of good sense, or has good sense. 7 For belle femme.
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Wayne Williams-The Atlanta Child Murders
Other Names: 
Atlanta Monster, Atlanta Boogeyman, Atlanta Child Killer 
Childhood, Adolescence, and Adult Life 
Wayne Williams, son of Homer and Faye Williams, was born on May 27, 1958.  He was raised in the Dixie Hills neighborhood of Southwest Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the only child of the two teachers and it was claimed from fellow families in the neighborhood that he had supportive and caring parents.  Williams excelled in school and was described by teachers and classmates as a “virtual genius”.  At a young age Williams attempted to start a radio station in his parents basement.  Williams graduated from Douglass High School and developed a continued interest in radio and journalism. He went on to attend Georgia State University, where Williams only stayed a year before quitting.  From this time on he began to lose direction and would jump from one thing to another.  At 23 years old he went form radio work to record production to talent scouting.   Williams had constructed his own carrier current radio station and began frequenting stations WIGO and WAOK.  He befriended a number of the announcing crew members.  When that didn’t take off he started dabbling in freelance photography. After that didn’t seem to work either , he became interested in becoming a pop music producer and manager.  None of these career ambitions took off, instead his dreams cost his parents a significant amount of money where they ended up filing for bankruptcy.   
It is strongly believed by the FBI and many in the Atlanta, Georgia area that Wayne Williams was responsible for the murder 28 people.  Between 1979 and 1981, at least 28 children and young adults were murdered across Atlanta.  Most of the victims were boys, and all of them were black.  The majority of the victims were young, some even children.  While his eventual arrest, conviction, and soon to be DNA evidence for two murders, speculation persists that he was responsible for the other murders that were linked.  
Alleged Victims and Timeline 
Edward Hope Smith - 14 and Alfred Evans - 13
In mid 1979 the two  disappeared four days apart. Their bodies were found on July 28 in a wooded area, Smith with a .22 caliber gunshot wound in his upper back. They were believed to be the first victims of the putative "Atlanta Child Killer."
Milton Harvey - 14 
On September 4, he disappeared while on an errand to the bank for his mother.  He was riding a bike which was found a week later in a remote area of Atlanta. His body was not recovered until November of that year.
Yusuf Bel-9 
On October 21, he went to a store to buy Bruton snuff for a neighbor, Eula Birdsong, Reese Grocery on McDaniel Street.  A witness said she saw Yusuf near the intersection of McDaniel and Fulton getting into a blue car before he disappeared.  His body was found on November 8 in the abandoned E. P. Johnson Elementary School by a school janitor who was looking for a place to urinate. Bell's body was found clothed in the brown cut-off shorts he was last seen wearing.  The shorts had a piece of masking tape stuck to them.  He had been hit over the head twice, and the cause of death was strangulation. 
Angel Lenair- 12
March 4, 1980, the first female victim had disappeared. She left her house around 4:00 p.m. wearing a denim outfit, and was last seen at a friend's house watching the television program Sanford and Son. Lenair's body was found six days later, in a wooded vacant lot along Campbellton Road, wearing the same clothes in which she had left home. A pair of white panties that did not belong to Lenair were stuffed in her mouth, and her hands were bound with an electrical cord. The cause of death was strangulation.
Jeffery Mathis- 11 
It was March 11 the next victim  disappeared while on an errand for his mother. He was wearing gray jogging pants, brown shoes, and a white and green shirt. Months later a girl said she saw him get into a blue car with a light-skinned man and a dark-skinned man. The body of Jeffrey Mathis was found in a "briar-covered patch of woodlands," 11 months after he disappeared, by which time it was not possible to identify a cause of death.
Eric Middlebrooks - 15 
It wasn’t until May 18 the next victim disappeared. He was last seen answering the telephone at home and then leaving in a hurry on his bicycle, taking with him a hammer to repair the bicycle. His body was found the following day next to his bicycle in the rear garage of an Atlanta bar. The bar was located next door to what was then the Georgia Department of Offender Rehabilitation. His pockets were turned inside out, his chest and arms had slight stab wounds, and the cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma to the head. A few weeks before he disappeared, Middlebrooks had testified against three juveniles in a robbery case.
Christopher Richardson - 12 
 June 9 was when Richardsom went missing on his way to a local pool. He was last seen walking towards the DeKalb County's Midway Recreation Center in Midway Park. He was wearing blue shorts, a light blue shirt and blue tennis shoes. His body was not found until the following January, clothed in unfamiliar swim trunks, along with the body of a later victim, Earl Terrell. The cause of Richardson's death was not determined.
LaTonya Wilson - 7 
June 22, Wilson disappeared from her parents' apartment. According to a witness, she appeared to have been abducted by two men, one of whom was seen climbing into the apartment window and then holding Wilson in his arms as he spoke to the other man in the parking lot. On October 18, Wilson's body was found in a fenced-in area at the end of Verbena Street in Atlanta. By then, the body had skeletonized, and no cause of death could be established.
Aaron Wyche - 10 
It was June 23 when Aaron disappeared after having been seen near a local grocery store, getting into a blue Chevrolet with either one or two black men. A female witness says she saw Wyche being led from Tanner's Corner Grocery by a 6-foot-tall 180-pound black male, approximately 30 years old, with a mustache and goatee. The witness's description of the car matched a description of a similar car implicated in the earlier Jeffrey Mathis disappearance. At 6:00 p.m. Wyche was seen at a shopping center. The following day, Wyche's body was found under a bridge; the official cause of death was asphyxiation from a broken neck suffered in a fall.
Anthony Carter - 9  and Earl Terrell-10 
It was July, 1980 when these two victims were found murdered.  
Clifford Jones - 13
Jones disappeared on August 20. He was found dead from strangulation. His body was found on August 21 behind a dumpster in the rear of the former Hollywood Plaza shopping center.
Darron Glass- 10
Glass was reported missing on September 14. His body has not been recovered.
Charles Stephens - 12
Charles was reported missing on October 9. His body was found the next day on Norman Berry Drive near the entrance to a trailer park. Stephens's body was missing his t-shirt and one of his shoes, but he was still wearing his dark blue pants. Police determined that his cause of death was asphyxiation. Rub marks were also identified on his nose and mouth. Dog hairs and two Caucasian head hairs were found on the body along with two pubic hairs, which did not belong to Stephens or Williams and which were found on his boxers 950 feet away. The state considered this a 'pattern case' in Williams's trial.
Aaron Jackson - 9
He went missing on November 1. His body was discovered the next day strangled, lying face-up on a river bank.
Patrick Rogers- 16
Rogers knew several of the previous victims. He went missing on November 30. His body was found on December 7 in the Chattahoochee river. Police speculated that he was dropped from the bridge above.
Lubie Geter-14 
Geter, who disappeared on January 3, body was found on February 5.  
Terry Pue-15 
Geter's friend, Terry Pue went missing in January. An anonymous caller told the police where to find Pue's body. Terry lived in the same apartment as Edward "Teddy" Smith, who was killed in 1979.
In February and March 1981, six more bodies were discovered, believed to be linked to the previous homicides. 
Eddie Duncan - 21
Among the deceased was the body of  Eddie Duncan, the first adult victim.
Larry Rogers - 20, John Porter - 28 , and Jimmy Ray Payne - 21 
In April the three were murdered. Porter and Payne were ex-convicts and had just recently been released from Arrendale State Prison after serving time for burglary.
William “Billy Star” Barrett- 17 
On May 12, 1981, FBI agents found the body of Barrett on a curb in a wooded area near his home. A witness, 32-year-old Harold Wood, a custodian from Southwest High School, had run out of gas about a mile from the scene. Wood described a black man standing over and observing the location where the body was found before driving away in a white-over-blue Cadillac.
Nathaniel Carter- 27 
During the end of May 1981, the last reported victim was added to the list, Nathaniel Cater. He was last seen by gardener Robert I. Henry at the entrance of the Rialto Theatre in Atlanta, reportedly holding hands with Wayne Williams. His body was discovered two days later.
Arrest and Capture 
Williams first became a suspect in the Atlanta murders on the morning of May 22, 1981, when a police surveillance team, watching the James Jackson Parkway Bridge spanning the Chattahoochee River (a spot where multiple bodies had been discovered previously), heard a "big loud splash", suggesting that something had been thrown from the bridge into the river below.  The first automobile to exit the bridge after the splash, at roughly 2:50 a.m., belonged to Williams.  When stopped and questioned, he told police that he was on his way to check on an address in a neighboring town ahead of an audition the following morning with a young singer named Cheryl Johnson. However, both the phone number he gave police and Cheryl Johnson turned out to be fictitious.
Two days later, on May 24, the nude body of 27-year-old Nathaniel Cater, who had been missing for four days and was last seen with Williams, was discovered in the river. The medical examiner ruled he had died of probable asphyxia but never specifically said he had been strangled. Police thought that Williams had killed Cater and that his body was the source of the sound they heard as his car crossed the bridge.  
Williams failed three polygraph tests. Hairs and fibers retrieved from the body of another victim, Jimmy Ray Payne, were found to be consistent with those from his home, car, and dog. Co-workers told police they had seen Williams with scratches on his face and arms around the time of the murders which, investigators surmised, could have been inflicted by victims during struggles.  Williams held a press conference outside his home to proclaim his innocence, volunteering that he had failed the polygraph tests, which would have been inadmissible in court.  Williams was questioned again by police for 12 hours on June 3 and 4 at FBI headquarters and released without arrest or charge, but remained under surveillance.
Trial, Conviction, and Where Is He Now? 
Williams was arrested on June 21, 1981, for the murders of Carter and Payne.  His trial began on January 6, 1982, in Fulton County. It was a two-month trial!  Prosecutors matched Williams to a number of victims from 19 sources of fibers from Williams's home and car.  These fibers came from his bedspread, bathroom, gloves, clothes, carpets, dog, and an unusual trilobal carpet fiber. Other evidence included witness testimony that placed Williams with several victims while they were alive, and inconsistencies in his accounts of his whereabouts.  
Williams took the stand in his own defense but alienated the jury by becoming angry and combative.  After 12 hours of deliberation, the jury found him guilty on February 27 of the murders of Carter and Payne. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.   After Williams became a suspect, the killings came to a stop.
In the late 1990s, Williams filed a habeas corpus petition and requested a retrial. The County Superior Court judge Hal Craig denied his appeal. Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker said that "although this does not end the appeal process, I am pleased with the results in the habeas case" and that his office will "continue to do everything possible to uphold the conviction."  In early 2004, Williams sought a retrial again, with his attorneys arguing that law enforcement officials covered up evidence of involvement by the Ku Klux Klan, and that carpet fibers purportedly linking him to the crimes would not stand up to scientific scrutiny.  A federal judge rejected the request for retrial on October 17, 2006.  Williams was never tried for any of the Atlanta Child Murders. However, police attributed 22 other deaths, including those of 18 minors, to Williams.  Williams is serving his sentence at Telfair State Prison.  On November 20, 2019, Williams was again denied parole. He will next be eligible for parole in November 2027.
Interviews and Additional Resources 
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