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lazydayslivin · 3 months ago
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dragonball redraws ✹
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slavhew · 4 months ago
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good ol days
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parasolemn · 1 year ago
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[Image description: The first image is a digital painting of Visual Calculus' skill portrait in Disco Elysium. Text reads: "VISUAL CALCULUS - The cold sea breeze stings your face as you step on the boardwalk. The body is gone, but something still lingers in the air. And high above it, against the stars..." End text. The portrait then fades into a dark night sky. The second image continues from the first with the same night sky. Text reads: "VISUAL CALCULUS - A luminous wheel of pleasure and all things bright, its wooden frame creaking in the wind. Twelve red cabins form a circle that stretches from the engines below to the flocks of seagulls up in the sky. INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - The mirage looks both sad and glorious in the mist, like an insect trapped in glass." End text. Green and blue lines from Visual Calculus' portrait twist around an orange, blue and purple projection of a ferris wheel. Behind it, the sun emerges in a bright burst of colour. Harry Du Bois looks up at it, amazed; Kim Kitsuragi looks at him in concern. Text reads: "YOU - 'You don't see it?' KIM KITSURAGI - 'See what?' The lieutenant looks around uncomfortably." End ID]
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shrimpoe · 2 months ago
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My best friend over the years (2020, 2021, 2025)
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soybean-official · 2 years ago
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Is this what they call DMC1 Special Edition
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boarloved-art · 5 months ago
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[ID: a bust coloured sketch of wei wuxian / the yiling patriach from mo dao zu shi. Wei Wuxian is a chinese man with dark wavy hair flowing in front of his face and over his shoulders, he has a red ribbon in his hair and is wearing red and black robes that are open at the chest to show a sun shaped Wen brand. He is at a 3/4 angle looking off screen, with his mouth flightly open and an angry expression. He is flooded in green lighting, and his eyes are glowing slightly red. End ID]
mxtxtober day 7: Eyes
oh yiling laozu you'll always be famous to me
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spaghetti-aldente · 3 months ago
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My final illustration class assignment for this semester! An environment. These scare the hell out of me so I turned it in a week late (rip) but tried to make it extra good to make up for it!
The base of operations of a dragon-killing paramilitary organization.
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tangledinink · 1 year ago
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i already posted two of these, but i want them to exist in a set with the lore...
i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now?
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tgtbata · 2 years ago
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the only thing in this whole world that’s good and pure and right
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daily-dose-of-bucket · 8 months ago
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Day 97: quick sketch
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mugzymiik · 2 months ago
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scribefindegil · 2 years ago
Obviously every fandom has issues with the fanon versions of characters ending up flattened and mischaracterized and having specific traits blown out of proportion, but I do think it's especially a problem in Mob fandom because of how deliberately self-contradictory the characters are. Accurate characterization is dependent on your ability to accept that two apparently mutually exclusive traits can exist within the same person--that, in fact, they're often inexorably connected, like Reigen's ego and his self-loathing. And that's hard! We (general) have a tendency to want to simplify things to one side or the other. But one of the reasons that the show is so good is that it categorically refuses to do that. Everyone is a contradiction. Everyone is made up of a multiplicity of traits. They don't cancel each other out.
Listen to me. Reigen is a pathetic loser AND he is extremely clever and competent. At the same time. Accept this truth into your life.
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anglerflsh · 11 months ago
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Travel :)
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caterpillz · 3 months ago
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The day KC drops a Uni x Orange sticker is the day I go broke
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qrowsofafeather · 2 months ago
F, Lamb-bae
I had the pleasure of writing for @julia-loves-cupcakes in the @obeymeholidayexchange this year. Best of wishes for 2025~ Also on my AO3!
Luke doesn’t believe weird anime foods actually exist in MC’s world so Barbatos decides their next baking collaboration will be one such dish.
After the fifth “Last photo, no seriously!” they managed to extricate themself with the promise to take and upload photos to their Devilgram the entire time. Not caring if anyone was watching, they carefully tucked the knot of their bundled apron between their teeth and bounded down the hallway on all four hooves.
At first, they had been worried the brothers would judge them for the strange habit, but then they’d seen Belphie charge into furniture like a bull, Satan running up the stairs like a cat, and even Beel clinging to the ceiling to nonchalantly eat in peace.
The doors of the House Of Lamentation swung open without so much as a whisper, seemingly aware - and fond - of the little sheep. They were running so fast, they nearly bowled over the guest waiting at the base of the front steps.
“MC!” the short angel cried, bouncing happily in place, “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” Luke grabbed the sheep’s forehoof and took off running. MC stumbled after him, laughing.
They’d long-since gotten used to the Devildom, to RAD and its students - something they never would have believed in a million years had someone suggested it just a few years ago. They’d also believed the little angel, who wore his passionate heart on his sleeve, when he constantly professed his disdain and outright contempt for demons - but here he was, a big grin on his face as the two rushed to the Demon Lord’s Castle.
They were greeted by Barbatos at the door, giving them the slight bow he insisted they deserved as honored guests of the Devildom and treasured friends of its Lord. “Welcome MC, Luke. Please, follow me to the kitchen.”
They looked at the assembled ingredients - thrice-drowned-rice flour, albinic hell ostrich egg, a wide variety of frozen dairy products, and, oddly enough, a box of almonds from the Human World - trying to guess what dessert they would be making today.
Barbatos smiled faintly, “I happened to overhear Levi complaining that you said his anime was full of nonsense of a scene involving the use of a flamethrower in the kitchen.”
“But that’s silly!” Luke protested, “Burning food means you cooked it for too long.”
“I thought it best to demonstrate with ice cream, a dessert from the Human World. It’s called ‘Baked Alaska’, have you perhaps heard of it, MC?”
They were already drooling. “Ice cream
” The sheep had clearly spent too long in the company of Beel. Blotting the corner of their mouth with their apron, MC undid the bundle’s strings and tied their cute custom-ordered apron around their midsection with deft hoof motions. “Can’t wait to try it out!”
Luke’s face was red with a defiant pout as if expecting to be teased for it, reaching into a side cupboard and pulling out his own apron - apparently such a frequent visitor to the Castle’s kitchen to warrant keeping spares there - which was decorated with three small puppies.
Barbatos’ apron had been a gag gift from MC, just as a joke, one that made Diavolo laugh until the towering demon nearly cried, but it had definitely been used and laundered with special care. “The recipe I settled upon calls for multiple layers, and I felt we should each choose a flavor to represent this unity amongst the Realms.”
MC hopped up on the stool reserved specifically for them and drifted their hoof across the labels; they weren’t picky, but what did they feel best represented the Human Realm? Finally, they settled on a pale rainbow swirl - not bubblegum-flavored, sadly.
“I pick
 this one!” They turned to see Luke hefting a large tub of tan cake-themed ice cream above his head.
“Then I shall finish with this.” Barbatos held out his own container. “Green tea, for a mild undercurrent.”
Ooh, that did sound good, actually.
“Would you please store them in the fridge for now, while I return the others? Our choices must be soft enough to spread, but not melted entirely.”
The young angel excitedly carried the three containers as directed, too enthusiastic for his usual ‘we should not associate with demons!’ protestations. Food truly could surpass cultural differences, even across gaps as large as those between the Three Realms.
“MC, I will trust you with crushing the almonds and chocolate. Luke, will you handle the meringue, please? The dry ingredients have yet to be measured and your attention to detail will make it extra soft and fluffy.”
The MC had a big grin on their face as they poured the blanched almonds into the blender and hit the start button. Grinding it by hoof in a mortal and pestle would’ve been more fun, but there was still the hellishly dark cacao to break up. Wielding the large knife with a gleeful flourish, they attacked the chunks in their bowl.
Barbatos hid an amused smile as he observed his proteges at work; Luke was so intent on whipping the egg whites that his tongue was poking out of his mouth in concentration. Once the right amount of chocolate had been chopped, he poured it into a pot of melting butter.
Luke handed over most of his mixture after folding in the sugar for Barbatos to finish the cake batter. There was a brief squabble between the younger pair over what order the ice cream layers should be, but it was quickly and amicably resolved.
“Are you ready?” the butler asked, holding a bottle of cooking Demonus over the assembled dessert, ready to pour into the half-shell nestled atop a colossal mound of eggy goodness.
MC looked at the blowtorch in Luke’s eager hand with some alarm and quickly hopped down from their stool. “I’ll start putting things away, don’t worry!” What if their wool caught on fire and they had to run in panicked circles around the room until someone could put it out!? As they hustled out of flamesreach, a loosened apron string caught under one hoof and they fell over with a startled bleat, sending a mixed cloud of superfine sugar and flours into the air.
At that exact moment fire shot out to ignite the alcoholic spirits dripping down the dish’s sides, suddenly jumping to the ultra-combustible particulates that filled the room.
There was a loud silence, followed by a single “Oh, dear,” from Barbatos, who really should have seen that coming.
Luke scrambled over to a very singed-looking sheep, who made a pathetic sooty cough. “Oh no, are you alright?”
MC nodded, being lifted to their hooves and giving a full-body shake with several sneezes, revealing that their pretty pastel wool was mostly unburnt. “Sorry,” they apologized, wrinkling their snout as Barbatos delicately wiped first Luke’s and then MC’s face clean with a handkerchief he pulled out of seemingly nowhere; a good butler was prepared for everything.
“Is the Baked Alaska okay?”
“MC, is that really the most imp-”
“I’m certain it will be fine,” Barbatos reassured the sheep, knowing how much they detested conflict. They also didn’t like other people worrying over them, so he had to redirect Luke’s concern before his dearest MC grew upset. “Mistakes happen all the time, and many delicious discoveries are the result of either accidents or simple curiosity.”
Nobody said a word, but they were in complete agreement that Solomon’s dishes had never been - nor would they ever be - a part of that esteemed group.
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occasionallyhighvoltage · 2 months ago
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