@doublepasse-writes replied to your post: @panz3r-kunst replied to your post: Implying Catra’s Physical...
Honestly people who say catra is only toxic have just no empathy... Someone who's lived abuse can pick up the details and the deepest characterizations of the characters, but it doesn't take that to understand and sympathize with Catra, in my opinion
Oh I agree, I’m not saying that not having experienced abuse is an excuse for willfully ignoring Catra’s trauma. My point was that it’s easier for people to write her off when they don’t understand how being constantly under threat of (and often experiencing) torture and degradation fucks with people in the long term, especially when you experience it as a child. People who haven’t lived that and want to hate Catra can willfully ignore it, downplay the abuse as a frustrated guardian resorting to a wee bit of magic to control an unruly child who deserved it anyway, but to those of us who have lived through it... everything about Catra’s demeanor and desperation is so uncomfortable to watch and undeniably abuse survivor behavior.
Also, I’ve noticed (and I know others have too) that abuse survivors are less likely to have lost faith in Catra and her redemption arc during her spiral not only because we want to see her get better for catharsis, but because we understand that it’s not some inner evil driving her choices, it’s pain. She’s caused a lot of damage in her destructive outbursts and lashing out against the injustice of her situation, but that doesn’t mean she is terrible person inside. In fact, Catra has been shown to be a good person beneath on many occasions and she is obviously in conflict with herself a lot of the time, and it doesn’t take an abusive upbringing to recognize that either.
So yeah, my point was not that only survivors can understand and no one else should even try, but that people who aren’t have to try harder and some of them don’t try at all, whereas survivors kind of just understand intrinsically and can’t ignore it even if we try.
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korrafitness · 6 years
You watched She-Ra!!! I respect you even more now. (Hey funny thought, you could be she-ra, you're totally strong enough for that- are you she ra?? don't mind me, I'm not weird I promise- I totally am a sack of potatoes with jelly muscles admiring your fitness though)
its my favorite thing rn LOL but im totally lacking the whole 8 ft tall business tho 😂😂
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yuri-caps · 6 years
Hi! Do you have any recommendations for action or Sci fi Yuri manga (or not even very Yuri...)? I feel like I read them all... And I'm getting kind of sick of shoujo and high school girls too x'D
sure! sci-fi yuri series:
SHWD (a new one that i’m def keeping my eye on)
tonari no robot
always human (wlw sci-fi webcomic)
qualia the purple (SUPER trippy, really thinky)
action yuri:
akuma no riddle (haven’t read it but it’s pretty popular)
killing me!
shoujo kishidan x knight tale
miss angel and miss devil
the devil’s cure
sorry i can’t really come up with a whole lot! (if anyone knows of any others, pls feel free the add on.) and if you’re just tired of school girl stories in general, i’ve made plenty of recs about adult yuri ---> x
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illustraice · 6 years
Hey Ice I hope you're doing OK!! :) do you watch She Ra and the princesses of power?? Big gay vibes
RAPH MY LOVE IM DOING AIGHT :3 and no i haven't ?? im gonna be onto that shit real soon tho
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flamedork · 6 years
doublepasse replied to your post “literally 99.9% of me is like ‘lmao i don’t want a relationship. no...”
Don't force yourself for now. Talk about it if it makes you anxious but don't force yourself to date if that's your first reaction
@doublepasse i appreciate this a lot, thank you <3 definitely would never force myself to do something because it’s ‘normal’, you know? a lot of people don’t understand why i don’t date and i can’t really explain it to them either. their replies are usually like ‘but you’re so pretty’, ‘you’re so funny’ idk.
and on top of that trusting people to that extent kind of terrifies me, but i would love to date someone one day. i think i’ll just have to be good friends with them first and a relationship like that takes time. 
i’m curious to say the least, but super cautious as well lmao.
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senshi-9 · 7 years
I love your style, especially Lena
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“Aww! Thanks, luv!”Haha, seriously though. It’s been a pretty crazy week for me (we’re only halfway through!), and this made me all smiles tonight. Thank you so much!!!
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zelkam · 7 years
Happy birthday !! You're one of the FT artists I'll keep following for long even if I drifted away from the fandom, or even if you start drawing different things. Have a great day :) (and your lesbian art gives me life so thank you :*)
Ahhh, t h a n k , that’s so nice!! akjfgsjkh
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trixdraws · 7 years
I'd love to see a speed paint video of your portraits! Have you ever made one?
I made one speedpaint video on my youtube channel of Lightning and Fang from FFXIII back in the FangRai days. And I quick sketch video of Widowmaker somewhere…But aside from those two, I don’t think I ever made more. Idk why…
Know what? I’ll try to do one with the next portrait I do. No promises but I’ll try my best to remember to record when I start painting. :)
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karokitten-chan · 7 years
Happy birthday!!! :D Enjoy your day! I hope to see you stream soon!
Thank you~!  I quite enjoyed it, and I streamed on my b-day actually ^^” But I’m hopefully planing on streaming again soon.
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artofkace · 5 years
Omg, I just realized that Nikala must be sooo much taller than her mums, cause you already showed how tall Cora is and they're smaller than Nikala. How does Glimmer kisses her goodbye before she leaves home? xD
1st answer: she teleports up there
2nd answer: she flies bc she TOTALLY has wings by that point
3rd answer: Nikala leans down for her mom kisses like a good giant daughter
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H, T, U, V
H: How would you describe your style?
Visceral and witty. Very detailed. Committed to characterization above all else.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I wouldn’t say I can’t stand it, but I’m not a fan of the coffee shop AUs. Like sometimes they’re good, but a lot of the time it just leads to a lot of ooc fluff.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
District_7_Profanity is a prolific Joniss writer, the two of us are basically gods among men in that fandom. She was in the fandom before me, though, and her works definitely gave me some of the inspiration to write my own stuff. Really, you guys might owe my existance as a fic writer to her. She also cares deeply about characterization and she really gets the ship dynamic, so her stuff is really fun to read.
@princessofgayskull (a.k.a. ceruleanstorm) and her fic upper west side can take the credit for me deciding to write for the SPOP fandom. Her stuff is definitely a different style but the way it’s written really gets you into the feeling of what’s going on, doesn’t let you be a passive observer. It’s steeped in trauma, which is what I connect to most with SPOP, and she too is really good at dynamics, not just between Catradora, but all the characters.
@doublepasse-writes pulled off an insane twist in her flagship fic For My Sake, she also is great at characterization and dynamics, and she does it all in her second language. Fucking amazing.
As you can see, I care a lot about characterization and dynamics between characters lmao
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
In a way I kinda have to say congratulations since I am already writing a sequel? That could also be considered a fix it fic though lol because the original was so upsetting that I couldn’t stand to leave the story there.
For one I’m not already writing, I’m gonna say Pack Behavior by @manypiecesofreeses. That fic is so good and so cute and I would love to explore Catradora growing up from this particular origin story.
FanFic Ask Game
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akari-hope · 4 years
I love your icon
ty!! we stan a catgirl and lesbians of all pronouns on this blog
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I just love your art style
wow, thanks so much!! Big fan of your writing and your blog <3
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fallenyetstillup · 8 years
So close, yet so far
Here’s the one-shot that took me so long to finish, I’m so sorry.  I hope you enjoy your gift @doublepasse.  You are such an amazing person, and I wish you the best of luck with your school.  --- It started right after the war against Alvarez...against Zeref was over.  They won, but not without sacrifice.  They lost their Master, many returned with new physical scars, and many will be haunted by emotional demons that will plague their memories for the foreseeable future.  Especially for one in particular... “Natsu...I'm...so...tired...” She watched as her partner fell to the ground none too gently.  By the time Natsu reached the exhausted celestial mage, she was out cold.  And would be...for sometime.   --- "Time heals all wounds Natsu, we'll have to be patient."  Erza's tone was firm, but not harsh.  "Mental trauma can take a very long time to even begin to recover, as much as I wish it were easy to just give her medicine or physical snap her out of it,"  She let out a sigh before continiuing.  "it's just out of our hands.  All we can do is give her support on this side while Lucy fights to come back." "But-!"  Natsu stops as Erza reminds her that they're waiting in the hallway as oppose to being inside Lucy's apartment.  As Erza brings her finger down from her lips, Natsu continues.  "It's been almost a week, and she's still asleep.  We can't just sit back and do nothing!  Everyday that passes, we're losing her dammit."  The dragonslayer could feel her still bruised banaged hands shake in anger. "But she's not alone, the very first day she collasped, Loke and Virgo came on their own immediately and have since been watching over her.  Let's not forget her other spirits too have been lending their support, I believe they have their physic link.  They'll have better luck reaching her there than us."  Natsu expression turned a bit sour at that.  She'd always known the kind of bond Lucy had with her spirits, but even so... "This isn't fair."  She gritted her sharp teeth. "None of this is, or was ever fair to begin with.  We must hold our heads high to provide strength to those who need now more than ever."  Erza lightly ruffled Natsu with her good hand before pulling Natsu in for a one arm hug. "Her heart's broken...isn't it?"  Natsu asked quietly.  Erza stayed quiet for a moment before finally answering. "Since we've all experience that kind of pain, she'll know she can count on us when she wakes up."  Erza was about to pull back when Natsu begins to lean on her, emotional drained of the week they've endured.  Being mindful of Erza's bad arm, she hugged her tightly. "Lucy's strong."  She stated as if reminding herself. "Indeed.  More than perhaps we'll ever know."  The requip mage replied sadly. On that same day, they discovered Aquarius' broken key, and all Loke said in regards was to ask Lucy herself.  With only that to go on, it left alot of unsettling theories floating in their heads. The door opened, revealing Wendy, Gray, and Juvia.  Gray's eyes met Natsu before looking off to Erza.  Tension between the two rivals had slowly been depleting, but it was still there nonetheless. "No dice."  He let out a sigh as he shut the door behind them. "Even with my sky magic, and Porlyusica's help, Lucy hasn't shown any changes as far recovering from the shock coma she's in."  Wendy hugged a tired Carla to her chest. "Loke said something about a lack of 'light' so to speak is missing from her once fighting spirit.  It's something Lucy will have to find on her own again."  Juvia looked back at the door, as if she could still she her sleeping friend trapped in her slumber.  No one said anything, taking in all the information that's been shared.  Then, ever so slightly they heard someone singing from within the cozy apartment. "I think it's Lyra, probably the best time for her to show up too."  Gray said as he leaned against the door. "Why's that?"  Natsu spoke again, attempting to lock her gaze with his reluctant eyes. "She was starting to have another 'nightmare episode'."  That alone was enough to drive the urge of barging back into the apartment so bad, that Erza already put her good hand in front the enraged dragonslayer.   "We're all tired Natsu, let Lucy's spirits handled this for the night, I'm sure by then they'll want their rest." "You can sure as hell bet on it."  A new voice chimed in, bringing everyone's attention to the approaching individual at the bottom of the stairs. "I assume you'll take it from here."  Erza nodded towards her tired comrade. "Yes."  His voice lacking the usual upbeat flirty tone. "Guess that means we'll be on our way."  Gray and Juvia began to walked past Loke, but Juvia stopped. "Please...could you let us know if anything changes?  Good or bad?"  Juvia kept her voice low, but her determined eyes did not lie on the deliverance on the hidden meaning. "Of course."  He nodded. "Thank you."  Gray waited for Juvia, holding the door open for her, with one last look regarding his friends and then disappearing into the night.  Wendy yawned, causing Carla to break her silence. "Come along Wendy,"  Carla said gently.  She changed into her human form, grabbing the sky dragonslayer by the arm to also lead her down the stairs.  "We can't be of help if we don't take care of our health.  We'll check in with her tomorrow, good-night everyone." "Allow me to accompany you, it is getting rather late."  Erza gave Natsu one last pat, ruffling a tired Happy's head then left with the girls. "Any luck?"  Natsu asked just as Loke made it to the top.  The lion spirit said nothing nor did anything for a moment, though a tired sigh escaped his lips. "Think of it this way, her mental state is like a bleak ocean.  She's already gone under, and all she's doing is watching the light above the surface go dimmer, and fade away.  She can barely make-out our voices, but she can still hear us.  She's too tired to swim to the surface, so she settles for floating in the abyss.  It's kind of similar to when she merged with the infinity clock."  Loke said nothing more.  Opening the door, and slowly walking in, preparing himself for a long night. Natsu caught the glimpse of the sleeping blonde, barely registering Happy's paw applying pressure to get a better look for himself.  Needless to say, they both felt helpless. "Natsu is Lucy..."  The poor exceed couldn't even finish before a sob escaped his throat followed by tears spilling from his eyes. "I'm not giving up."  Natsu turned away, walking out of the building to stare at Lucy's window.  Fighting the tears back, not wanting to trigger another possible night of staining anything with her tears.  A sleepless night for that matter. "When is she coming back?"  Happy clutched onto the head, sobs continue to echoed out into the night though not bothering Natsu. "We're not waiting, that's for damn sure, tomorrow we're done sitting down doing nothing." --- That night, after a long debate with Virgo, she finally got the maiden spirit to go back to the celestial world in order to rest.  She filled her in on what's been going on during the nights, even letting it slip that a certain mermaid spirit had came to visit her. “She'll often get restless, kick and sometimes talk in her sleep.  It isn't unusual for her to cry for a while, princess calls out for those she has lost in the past.  I ask that you not get frustrated with her.” Natsu sat next Lucy, watching her partner's facial expression for any sign of discomfort. But no matter what, never forget that she can still in fact hear you. “Thanks Virgo.”  Natsu touched Lucy's forehead, pushing her partner's hair back with a sigh.  She wasn't one for deep thinking, so she can only imagine what is going through Lucy's head.  The girl worried too much for her own good, but that's one of the reasons the dragonslayer had come to care for her greatly.   I had already changed her bandages once more before I leave.  Please be aware that I left her in only her underwear as I believe she's been battling an on/off fever.  Don't be afraid to do what's necessary to help Princess throughout the night. "Hey Happy, I've got an idea."  She declared as she stood up.  Happy flew over to the bed post with a clear worried look.   "What is it?" "We're going to try what you guys did for me back when the war was going on, and I was dying."  Her eyes locked with the blue exceed's. "But Natsu, that was different." "No it's not.  We're slowly losing her, and we're not gona sit by and watch it happen!  We're getting her back."  Her statement left no room for argument.   --- "Come on Lucy, it's already been two days.  I think you've gotten enough sleep."  A bitter laugh escaped her throat.  Though nothing was funny about this situation.  "Hey, why didn't you tell me?  Why didn't you tell me about Aquarius?"  Her hands fisted into her bandaged knees.  "You'd probably get angry at me for asking, then get quiet.  And then you take a moment to sigh before turning to me with that sad smile for letting your temper get to you.  I wouldn't know what to say.  That's fine.  I'd let you say whatever it is you needed to say.  She was...very important to you.  In a way, she was your second mom."   With a sigh, she reached for Lucy's cool hand.  "And that's why you gotta wake-up.  How else are you ever going to see her again?  What about your future self's wish to go on more adventures.  I fought for that, we both did.  Don't throw that away, don't shut the world out and your family.  I'm still here dammit."  Ever so slightly tighten the grip on her partner's hand."I know you can hear me, and I want you to actually listen to me.  Come back you werido." --- "I will save you Lucy, but you gotta help yourself too."   "Natsu, what are you doing?" Happy watched as the dragonslayer slowly removed clothing piece by piece. When Happy received no immediate response, he too began to untie his little backpack off. "You're probably gona get pissed at me for this," She spoke to no one in particular as she stood only covered in her bandages, and her panties. "you'll scream, yell at me for sneaking in your bed again." She pulled back the sheets, being mindfully of the celestial beauty that too only laid bare in nothing but her panties, and smaller bandages of her own. "But I'll take it all, just please...come back." With that last declaration, she slid into the bed, and clutched tightly her partner to her body.After all, it's always fun when they're together.Happy follow suit afterwards, he hugged her arm, letting Natsu take the lead on trying to reach their comatose.  Natsu waited, wanting to see if tonight it'll happen, considering it has been occuring at random.  Those nightmare episodes. "Natsu, what if we can't-" "Don't say that, we're not giving up on her.  If we don't stay strong, how we expect her to rely on us?"  Her arms rested on either side of Lucy, lifting her head from resting next to Lucy's.  Her eyes locked in with Happy, giving the blue exceed a determine look to hopefully encourage him not to give up.  However, before anything could be said... "N-No!  Stop!"  Lucy began to thrash about, causing the two aware companions to attempt to hold her down.  “Don’t!  Don’t die!  Wait!”  She move her hands as if to reach out to someone.  "Come on Lucy, you got to pull it together now."  Natsu wrapped her arms around Lucy all while poor Happy held onto her flailing limb. "I don't think it's working!"  Happy cried. "We can't give up, it'll never be the same without her."  She lifted her her head before resting it on the troubled girl's own forehead.  "Don't you quit on me, how many times are you going to slip away before you realize I'll always come for you.  You're not alone, I don't know what happened, but dammit I promise I'll never let you go through this again.  Just please come back."   Slowly the thrashing stopped, evidently somehow Natsu got through to her, perhaps not completely but enough to give her a sign.  Happy took this opportunity to lay most of his weight on the now limp arm should another attack occur once more. "You weirdo, what a handful you are.  Still, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I wish you could see how much you mean to me."  She felt Lucy attempt to move again, but didn't get very far.  "You're going to be okay.  But we won't be if you stay asleep.  How can we keep going on adventures if you don't open your eyes?"  She rolled them to the side, allowing her to pull the girl closer to her, and tuck the celestial wizard under her chin.  Happy still held onto Lucy's arm, but made himself more comfortable by nuzzling into her back. "Please wake soon, we need you Lucy, we love you."  Happy wept quietly. "Yeah, more than you'll ever know."  Using one hand to hold onto the blonde, she moved the other under to thread her fingers through the long hair.  "My precious weirdo."  They stayed like that for some time, every so often Natsu attempting to say something encouraging.  At this point, Happy had fallen asleep but she couldn't blame him.  It was really late into the night.   "You know, I've always wanted to hear your stories.  You write to your mom about us, and I know you write about our adventures..."  She sliently cursed her luck with never being good with words.  "I just,"  She let out a tired sigh.  "I wana hear your words again."   Lucy let out a few mumbles here and there, but never truly responding to anything Natsu said. "We're supposed to always be a family, a team, and anything that may come our way...I know everyone needs a break, don't forget we'll be right here waiting for you.  But please, don't keep making me wait.  It's so lonely without you."  She had to stop, feeling the tears coming, but the desperation was becoming greater.  Her vision began to fade out, giving her best friend a few more head pats before decided to give into maybe falling into slumber.   "Hurry home soon...Lu...cy."  With one final hope she left behind as exhaustion took over, she brought Lucy close enough so that she may continue to hear her heartbeat.  Anything, to let her precious best friend know that she's still here. --- In the wake of the morning, the three of them laid there, the sunlight pouring in to add to the warmth already shared.  Fresh tears fell from closed eyelids as they slowly opened again.  Even Natsu's strong hearing didn't catch her tired words as she felt so many emotions from awakening. "I'm home." --- I may or may not write one from Lucy’s POV.  It’s been so long since I’ve written anything, I hope you enjoyed it.
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kenjocatze · 8 years
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@doublepasse Said: Your crazy art gives me life tbh. So refreshing and wtf. I love it.
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kurokoros · 8 years
Q&A about Berserk : will zeref be involved somehow? I was surprised to see he's not the villain, as he typically is in fantasy fanfictions.
At this moment in time, I have zero plans to include Zeref in the fic. I considered it at first, but I don’t really like Zeref, so I don’t see the point? He may pop up at some point, but only as a very minor character.
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