#double-o-duck in you only crash twice
scottpetersen · 2 years
DuckTales Double-O-Duck In You Only Crash Twice Rescue Rangers POV Fanfic Prologue
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Gadget POV:
Ugh. Golly, what happened?
One of the last things I remember is that there was this odd woman with a metal arm who was wearing a red shirt without a right sleeve searching through the junkyard me and Dad were in. She said something about looking for the necessary parts to build some sort of ray. When she spotted me, she tried to grab me. She said that I would make a fine guinea pig. I ran and she tried to catch me. But Dad tried to protect latching onto her and biting her. Then…then…
Tears started welling up in my eyes and they blurred my vision.
I tried my hardest to regain my composure when I suddenly thought of something.
How do I know English words? I didn’t know that language as far as I remember. As a matter of fact, I didn’t much about anything. I only relied on my instincts before. I mainly relied on my hindbrain, the part of the brain that’s responsible for survival, drive and instinct. Wait! How do I know that?!
Then, I realized how this was happening.
I started to get a look at what that woman just blasted me with. And it was just after I got blasted that I started thinking like this. Golly, she was building an intelligence ray! That’s why she was in the junkyard! And that’s how my IQ increased.
“Let’s see how smart you are now.” that woman suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts.
She then picked something up from one of the other tables and put it in my cage. It was a piece of metal shaped like a 3-dimensional line with a 3-dimensional C on one of its ends. I realized that I know what it is.
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She also put other things inside my cage. I also know what to do with them.
As much as I didn’t want to give the person who killed my dad what she wanted, I also realized that if I give her the results she wants, she might give me more parts to further her “test subject” that I can use to build something that can help me escape.
So, I got started. I put on the blue jumpsuit that was in the cage with me and got to work. And…
Golly, I’m starting to really love tinkering! My dad taught me to use my instincts to use the junkyard’s environment. That meant using whatever pieces of scrap, tool debris and anything I could find in the junkyard to ensure my survival. But this…this felt a lot more exciting! The feeling of creating something you’ve already thought and planned out beforehand. It really made me feel in-control.
After I finished the makeshift wheel I was working on, I found out this feeling was also doing something else. It was helping me distract myself from the trauma of my dad’s death.
My mind then began to wander to all sorts of thoughts about my father.
He’s dead!
According to science, there’s no concrete evidence of an afterlife which likely means I will never see him again even after I die myself!
He gave up his life for me!
Would he approve of the tinkerer I’ve become now?!
That last one really got me thinking. I’m clearly not an ordinary chipmunk anymore. My life has just been changed forever by that intelligence ray. Golly, would Dad accept the new me if he were still alive?
Well, he did teach me to use whatever I could find to my advantage. And that’s technically what I’m still doing now. So…
Then, I realized something horrible!
Even if I get out of here, I won’t have anywhere to go!
I can’t live in the junkyard again. As much as I would love to use the insane amount of materials to help me tinker, the junkyard would also remind me too much of my father’s death. And since there aren’t any other chipmunks or animals with an enhanced awareness, the probability that I’ll be accepted anywhere else is very low!
I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts again by that woman.
“Yes. So far, so good. Now, let’s see if this intelligence ray will work on my other guinea pigs!” that woman shouted.
It was then that I realized that I wasn’t alone.
There were other chipmunks in other cages.
And it looks like that woman is gonna use the intelligence ray on them next.
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Monterey POV:
That lady just blasted me with that intelligence thingy. And who knew things like getting smarter and becoming aware like that would feel so jarring. It felt like my mind was in overdrive for a minute there. What a rush.
I decided to put on the outfit that was in the cage with me. I think it suits me just fine.
I remember carrying a big piece of cheese on my back when that lady grabbed me and brought me here.
Suddenly, cheese was all I was able to think about.
Aahh. Cheeeese.
So delicious- OW!
I was hit on the head by a screw.
When I looked around to see where it came from, I saw another chipmunk. It was a girl in a blue jumpsuit.
And it looks like she was the one who hit me after I saw the screws and the makeshift slingshot in her cage.
“Hey! What did you hit me on the head for?!” I squeaked. We may know English now but that doesn’t mean we also speak it. So, there’s no way that lady could be listening in. Our language may sound incomprehensible but we can use our squeaks to signal each other certain things just like those punks at that shady restaurant I stumbled onto a while back used hand signals during card games to cheat and signal the player they want to win about what his opponent is going to do.
“To signal you without getting that woman’s attention, of course.” she replied.
“You know you could’ve just shouted, right? It’s not like that lady can understand us.” I said.
“Oh.” she cringed. “Sorry. I guess I’m still getting used to the excitement of tinkering with tools for the first time.”
“Eh. It’s alright.” I replied. “So, what’s your name?”
“Well, technically, I don’t really have one.” she said but then took a look around her cage. “But considering that I like working with tools, how about Gadget?”
“Ok, Gadget.” I said. Then I decided to come up with a name for myself too. “I didn’t exactly have a name either. But how about Monterey.”
“Ok, Monterey.” Gadget replied.
“So, Gadget. How do you suppose we get out of here?” I asked.
“I was hoping that woman would give me more tools to work with after the initial test.” Gadget said. And she glared that lady’s way. “But it looks like she decided not to.”
“Tests?” I asked completely confused.
“Golly, you don’t know.” Gadget said saddened. “That woman is using us as test subjects for her intelligence ray. It’s a device that’s able to increase the IQ of whoever gets blasted by it.”
“Wait a minute! Tests?!” I asked completely taken by surprise. But it was the part about “IQ” even more confused. “IQ?”
“It stands for ‘Intelligence Quotient’.” Gadget replied. “It’s basically a term used to describe how smart someone is.”
“How come you knew those things and I didn’t?” I asked. “Weren’t we both hit by that ray?”
“I don’t know. But if I had to hazard a guess…” Gadget said putting a hand to her chin thinking to herself. And then, she snapped her fingers. “Of course. She wants to test the different settings on the intelligence ray. She wants to see how much and how little she can raise our IQ levels.”
“I think I get it.” I said managing to keep up.
Then, I got interrupted by that lady’s voice.
“Think fast!” she yelled when she threw a slice of cheese into my cage.
It felt like that cheese holds the key to a delicious paradise.
So, my reflexes kicked in and I caught the beautiful slice of cheese.
And as I was eating it, I realized I can’t stop myself. The cheese was just so good.
“Nice catch.” that lady said snapping me out of my trance. Then she mockingly said, “But it looks like you can’t resist cheese any more than any other rodent. Hahaha!”
“What?! Who do you think you are?!” I shouted.
Then, I remembered she can’t understand me. So, resisting to urge to eat the rest of it, I used the bits of cheese that I had left to write down these words:
““Who do you think you are?!”” that lady read out loud.
That lady started laughing. “I’ll tell you. I am Black Heron. I’m a member of FOWL, the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny. And you are serving as the latest component in my new master plan to take down Scrooge McDu-”
Black Heron was suddenly interrupted by a strange beeping sound.
“Ugh! Great! In the middle of my speech no less!” Black Heron said as she made her way to that weird TV screen.
“Looks like she’s receiving some sort of transmission.” Gadget said. “Let’s figure a way out while she’s distracted.”
“Good idea!” I said.
Then, I noticed I’m not the only one in this cage right now.
There’s a fly right next to me.
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Zipper’s POV:
Whoa. That was one big flash of light.
Hey! Wait a minute! I wasn’t able to think like this before. What happened?!
Then, after a few minutes of thinking to myself, I heard someone’s voice.
“Hey there, little guy.” someone said to me.
I turned to his direction and saw that he is a bulky chipmunk in a blue shirt and a gray jacket.
“Hello.” I decided to reply.
The chipmunk looked shocked for a brief moment before he said, “I…just…understood…you.”
“What?!” I shouted feeling plenty shocked myself.
“Golly. It must be a side-effect of the intelligence ray.” said someone else.
I looked at where that voice came from and saw a chipmunk girl wearing a blue jumpsuit. And…she started going on a rant about that side-effect of this “intelligence ray” thing.
“Which makes sense because being more intelligent is about being more knowledgeable and knowing more about things. So, that means that when the intelligence ray increased our IQ levels, it also increased our knowledge about the languages of other animals. It must be how we’re able to understand you and since you were caught in the blast that hit Monterey, the same goes vice versa l and-” that girl ranted before I cut her off.
“Ok, ok. I think we get it.” I said.
Then, I just thought of something.
“Wait! What do you mean by “intelligence ray”? What’s going on here?” I asked.
Both chipmunks looked at each other before turning their faces towards me. “Well…” they began.
They explained to me everything that’s happening here and they also told me their names. They asked me what I wanted to be called and I told them I wanted to be called Zipper.
I almost couldn’t believe what they were saying. They were pretty much part of a villain’s plan to take down someone named Scrooge who they guessed was her arch nemesis.
“I know that was a lot to throw at ya but would you be willing to help us get out of here and maybe put a stop to that crazy lady’s plan while we’re at it.” Monterey asked me.
“I think so!” I said feeling determined. I know I can’t just leave them here. Besides, I’m not just gonna let some evil mastermind have her way.
“Ok.” Gadget said. “Zipper, since you can fit through the openings in that cage, can you go over and listen in on what those 2 are saying? They’re speaking too quietly which means we can’t hear them from here.”
Gadget pointed to Black Heron and someone who looked like a grim buzzard in a dark business suit.
“Good idea, Gadget. I mean we’re gonna have to know more about our enemy if we’re going to beat them, right?” Monterey replied.
“Exactly.” Gadget said.
“Ok. You got it.” I said.
So, I’m the reconnaissance. That’s ok, I guess.
As I flew out of the cage and towards those 2 villains, I realized that a part of me wishes I could actually be part of the action. I remember flying into an arcade one time and right now, I’m starting to really love those action-packed video games I saw. They’re really making me feel like I’m not as weak as I look. As…weak…as…I…am…
My head started getting filled with doubt.
I shook my head. Focus, Zipper! You’ve gotta help your friends even if that means just being the reconnaissance.
I spied on Black Heron and that buzzard in the business suit and I found out everything about FOWL and how they want to rule the world and put an end to the McDuck family that’s standing in their way.
I was about to head back and told Monterey and Gadget everything I learned when suddenly…
“Hey!” Black Heron shouted when she spotted me. She was trying to swat me! “Shoo! Get out of here! Stupid insect!”
She was even trying take me out with a blaster!
“Zipper! You’ve gotta get out of here now!” Gadget shouted.
“But-” I started.
“Don’t worry. We’ll meet up later. Go!” Gadget said.
I reluctantly did what she said and went into the ventilation shaft.
Black Heron scowled as she watched me get away.
“Oh well. On to the next test subject.” she said as she made her way to 2 more cages.
They contained 2 more chipmunks. And they almost looked like brothers.
I took one long look at them and Monterey and Gadget before flying off.
Don’t worry, you 4. I’m gonna come back for you.
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Chip’s POV:
Ugh. What happened?
And since when was I able to think like this?
The first thing I saw after that blast I took was a weird woman holding some kind of blaster with a crystal inside.
I’m guessing that’s how I got my IQ boost.
That woman’s blaster must have been what did it.
I found a trench coat and a hat in my cage. I decided to put them on because I think they suit me.
I took a look at the other cages. One contained a bulkier than me and was wearing a blue shirt and a gray jacket and another contained a…beautiful girl in a blue jumpsuit. I blushed when I looked at her but I snapped myself out of it.
Focus! You’re probably in the middle of a crisis here.
I looked at the last cage and it contained a chipmunk that looked a little bit like me.
Then, I saw that strange woman was starting to aim that blaster at him.
Dale’s POV:
Whoa! I feel very strange. What happened?
And since when was I able to think up thoughts like this?
I found a shirt in my cage that looks like it’s from the beach in Hawaii. I think I like it. So, I decided to put it on.
I took a look at some of the other cages. I saw a chipmunk who looks like he has a lot of oomph on his side.
I also saw a very very pretty girl in a blue jumpsuit. I felt a bit entranced when I looked at her.
I heard knocking from one of the other cages. I looked to see where it was coming from.
It’s a chipmunk that looks a bit like me. And he’s wearing a hat and trench coat.
Then, he said to me, “Are you alright?!”
“Yeah, I guess so.” I said back. Though, I still don’t get how I’m thinking words like this all of a sudden.
“Listen. See that woman over there?” that chipmunk asked pointing at a weird-looking woman with a red shirt with only one sleeve and she’s also holding a weird-looking blaster with a crystal inside. “I think that blaster is what increased our IQ.”
“IQ?” I asked confused.
“That blaster made us smarter.” he said sounding a bit annoyed.
“Oh.” I said starting to get it. “By the way, what’s your name?”
“Um…” he scratched his head thinking. “I haven’t really thought about it. But how about Chip because why not.”
“Ok, Chip. I think you can call me Dale.” I said “So Chip…what’s gonna happen now?”
“I don’t know.” he said before turning his head. And when he turned his head, he started to look a bit worried. “But I think we’re about to find out.”
I turned my head to where he was looking and saw that woman coming straight toward us.
We tried to dodge but she managed to pick the 2 of us up and started taking us to another part of the room.
“Alright, you 2. Let’s see if you’re able to make it through this deadly maze alive. Hahaha.” she said.
She put us down in what…actually looks like a pretty normal maze.
Chip’s POV:
I got a really bad feeling about this.
I know this looks like an ordinary maze that didn’t any traps but the way that woman called this a “deadly” maze is making me think this maze isn’t what it seems.
“Ha!” Dale let out with looking pretty overconfident. “You call this a deadly maze? This will be a piece of cake!”
Dale then started to run through the maze’s corridor.
“Dale! Wait!” I shouted trying to get him to stop. I know something isn’t right about this maze and I don’t want Dale to get himself hurt. “Something isn’t right!”
Just after I said that, saws and lasers emerged from the floor and walls.
I made my way over to Dale who was now in a state of panic.
“Aaahhh!” he screamed
I see one of the saws coming straight toward Dale. It’s gonna cut his head off! I’ve gotta get him out of there!
Mustering every single bit of speed that I can, I made it to Dale before that saw could and pulled him back before it was too late!
“Oh…my…” I said panting just barely feeling relief that Dale was safe. “That was close.”
“You’re…telling…me” Dale replied looking very scared.
I then grabbed Dale by the shoulders. “Listen to me, Dale!” I said with a scolding tone. I know he’s already scared as is but I also know that if he’s not careful, he’s gonna die here! “This isn’t gonna be some walk in the park! This is serious! If we’re not careful, we could die!”
We suddenly heard cackling. “Hahahahahahaha!”
We looked up to see it was that woman.
“You thought it was just a normal maze, didn’t you?” she said clearly mocking us.
“Yooouuu…” I said venomously. This woman is really starting to make my blood boil! “I swear when we get out of here, you are going to pay!”
“I may not speak chipmunk but I know a declaration of revenge when I hear one.” she said. “That’s delightful. But I doubt you’ll be able to go through with it even if you 2 get through this maze with your lives.”
I’m not about to play her game! Me and Dale are gonna find another way out!
“And if you refuse to cooperate…” she pushed a button on a remote she was holding and a series of bar-like lasers that stretch straight from the left wall to the right wall activated behind me and Dale and are slowly heading for us. “Well, let’s just say there will be 2 roasted chipmunks where you used to be.”
I don’t like this one bit.
Then, Dale tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I don’t think we really have a choice.”
I know Dale is right. But still, I just wish she gets blasted by one of these lasers…Wait a minute! That’s it!!!
“Ok, Dale.” I told him. “We’ll go through this maze and I think I have an idea how to do it. Let’s go!”
I started making my way through the corridor with Dale following right behind me.
Dale’s POV:
Chip is really good at this.
His plan to clear the obstacles by luring the lasers toward the saws and taking them out is really getting us through. And so is his plan to see which corridors have the most traps in order to navigate through the maze. It’s like he’s one of those video game experts at the arcade while I’m just one of the noobs.
It’s making me see him as a big brother but it also made me feel a bit jealous for a second before I hit myself on the head. Stay focused, Dale! You heard what Chip said! If you don’t be careful, we might die! Besides, he saved my life. So, I owe him one.
We just made it to the corridor that leads to the end of the maze.
“Ok. Same as before.” Chip said.
“Ok.” I said.
We did the same thing as before with the lasers and saws and it looks like we’re about at the end.
But then, I saw something that Chip didn’t. Oh, boy. It’s a trap door with sharp spikes at the bottom!
Chip was jumping up and down making sure one of the lasers destroys the saw above the trap door.
Chip got the laser to destroy the saw and is now seeing that trap door! And he’s about to fall in!
This is not good! He’ll fall into those spikes if I don’t do something! So, I’ve got to!
I mustered all of my strength and jumped right at Chip! I pushed Chip clear of the trap door and got us to the end of the maze!
I feel very tired and it looks like Chip is too.
Suddenly, he put his hands on my shoulders again. I thought he was gonna tell me off before: “Thanks fir the save, Dale.” Chip said. “Look. Sorry I was being hard on you earlier.”
“It’s alright.” I said happily. “I kinda deserved it since I wasn’t being careful.”
“And I guess I need to be more careful too.” Chip said.
“Hey.” I said getting my arms ready for a hug. “Do you wanna be friends?”
I don’t know why I asked but somehow that felt like the right thing to do.
Chip looked at me for a moment.
Then, he hugged me.
“Sure. Let’s be friends.” Chip said with a smile.
“Gross.” that woman said scowling.
Aw, come on! Way to ruin the moment!
“Your friendship makes me sick.” she said. “But looks like my experiments with the intelligence ray are a success.”
She then grabbed me and Chip! “But I can’t risk you chipmunks escaping.”
She also grabbed the other 2 chipmunks. “So, I’m gonna leave you in a place that’s more secure.”
Then, she took the 4 of us to a big cell and threw us in!
And before we knew it, she closed it behind us and left us here.
Notes: Ok. I think I’m getting more confident when it comes to making fanfics. Also, I noticed that there didn’t seem to be that many Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers fanfics about the Rescue Rangers that appeared in the DuckTales reboot. At least as far as I know. So, I figured why not make one of my own. Anyway, I think I’ll be posting the next part of this fanfic in about a week or 2. Also, thanks for reading.
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Round #2
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violetganache42 · 2 years
A Puss in Boots meme is going around Twitter, and naturally, I had to contribute to it. XD
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writebackatya · 1 year
Gandra: {walking through the halls of F.O.W.L. headquarters sipping a Funso’s slushy}
Black Heron: {sitting on the ground with low intelligence because of Steelbeak}
Gandra: {stops in front of Heron} Hey.
Gandra: {sips slushy again} What are you doing on the ground?
Black Heron: Duuuhhh.
Gandra: Steelbeak used the intelligence ray on ya, huh? {sips slushy and then proceeds to stab drink with the straw to break up the ice}
Black Heron: {plays with the gadgets in her arm}
Gandra: Yeah. He sucks, huh? {goes back to sipping her slushy}
Black Heron: Uhh… {stares up at Gandra}
Gandra: No, you’re right. I better go back to work.
Gandra: {throws her cup out} Got a lot of “F.O.W.L. shit” to take care. {laughs to herself as she applies lipstick to her beak before heading back into her office}
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rainnydayzz · 4 months
So I know I haven’t filled all the holes yet, not even close, but here’s some art for some slight branches of the SHUSH agent timeline
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Okay so these are in regards to a fun little idea I had where the smart version of LP from the You Only Crash Twice episode slowly comes creeping back into Launchpad’s consciousness. He
He convinces himself he’s got to be doing more to prove himself. Drake is still unaware of him visiting Beakley to discuss part time options to work with shush. The biggest reason the organization even let him in in the first place is his near identical build to Bruno, one of their top Most Wanted FOWL criminals. (Yes the one from Double-O-Duck in the original series)
Anyway, LP slowly starts losing more self confidence that is to the little voice in his head and lets this smarter version of himself sort of take the lead on missions and stuff, turns out he’s pretty good when he can focus.
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secret-tester · 1 year
"Im just not good enough, For Dewey."
Happy 6th Anniversary Ducktales (2017)!!!!
I did an artwork to celebrate hosted by @the-richest-duck and a collab between @cookieruby @yeyeducks @justaboot, @alexcanine @boingdigitalart and myself!
The theme was Favorite Episode/Free draw/Fanfiction and I drew my favorite episode....
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Launchpad as Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!
I had fun drawing this and thank you to the host for inviting me to do this collab with all the other Ducktales artists and fanfiction writers!!! Once again...
Happy 6th Anniversary Ducktales (2017)!!!
Fun fact: This is my first time celebrating the anniversary and love celebrating the first time with the fandom!!!
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thelostexperiment · 1 year
DT timeline from fowl (theory/headcanon)
In the early 60's Bradford was still young with a full head of hair, met and teamed up with black heron, making f.o.w.l…
Some time a little later in the mid 60's Heron tried to get the formula for gummi-berry juice, meanwhile Scrooge just joined s.h.u.s.h. as a new philanthropist, he and Beakley beat Heron, and Bradford must have just found out his partner in crime just got defeated by those two.
Scrooge's big Christmas party probably happened in the late 70's that would be a whole new decade later for him to age into the state we see him at the Christmas party where he and Scrooge apparently first met face to face.
Ludwig Van Drake got kidnapped by f.o.w.l. sometime after the 70's or at least some time after the Christmas party. If they had the stone of what was at the time and didn't lose it yet. It would be very easy to fake someone's death by just leaving a lifeless clone of that person to be found. Before being kidnapped, he still trusted Bradford enough at the time for Bradford to easily lure him somewhere to capture him.
 Later in the early 90's is when Donald and Della come to stay with Scrooge and "The First Adventure". After which Bradford becomes Scrooge's new CFO, and starts his 30 year plan to get the papyrus of binding back. 
 Then either that year or some other year after that Dewy time travels back to meet his mom and uncle as kids for Christmas.
Around 2006, Scrooge built the Spear of Selene and Bradford told Della about it, basically instigating the Spear of Selene fiasco.
Beakley attempted to shut down f.o.w.l. once and for all but finds a baby duckling who she named Webby and goes into hiding at McDuck manner. This is possibly also when f.o.w.l. lost the Stone of what was. 
Possibly after that, Bradford causes Duckworth's death, either directly or indirectly.
August 12, 2017, the triplets meet their uncle Scrooge for the first time.(DuckTales 2017 officially started)
September 23, 2017, "The great dime chance!" 
April 2018, "The Beast in the Board Room!"
July 7, 2018, Black Heron made a second attempt at recreating gummi-berry juice but was stopped by Webby. 
August 11, 2018 "the last crash of the sunchaser!" 
August 18, 2018, Magical DeSpell was released, The Shadow war happened. Then Magica lost her magic. 
September 2018, "Countdown to Termination!"
December 24, 2018, "Last Christmas!" takes place. 
 May 13, 2019, Della returned to earth and reunited with (most) of her family. 
September 9, 2019, Timephoon.
September 11, 2019, Louie became the richest duck in the world. Bradford tricked him into releasing the zombie bombie, where Louie ended up cutting the funding to McDuck's satellites before giving the wealth back to scrooge.
September 12, 2019, The Moonvasion happened. And after that ended f.o.w.l. came back "from the shadows". 
April 4, 2020, the ducks found the lost journal of Isabella Finch. And f.o.w.l. was watching them.
April 4, 2020, "Quack Pack!" the ducks found the lamp of Alli Babah.
April 11, 2020, "Double-O-Duck in you only crash twice" the Intelli-ray was invented using the Third Eye Diamond.
April 18, 2020, The lost Harp of Mervana was found.
 September 21, 2020, "The Phantom and the Sorceress", Magica got her magic back.
 October 12, 2020, The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades was found by the ducks.
October 19, 2020, "Let's Get Dangerous!" Bradford got outed as the leader of f.o.w.l.
October 26, 2020, Bradford distracts the Ducks as f.o.w.l. steals all the missing mysteries that were found.
November 2, 2020, the split sword of Swanstantine was recovered by the ducks from f.o.w.l.
November 23, 2020, the blessed bagpipes of clan McDuck was recovered by the Ducks.
March 1, 2021, The Ducks recovered the stone of what was, but f.o.w.l. was able to get back a piece of it.
 March 15, 2021, the events of "The Last Adventure" Happened happened. f.o.w.l. was defeated and Bradford got turned into a feral vulture by Magica.
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nerdy-prude · 6 months
Imma rant about a show I haven't ranted about here before; Ducktales! (The new version)
I really like the 2017(?) Ducktales. The show looks nice, voices are great, storyline is interesting and jokes are funny. I find most episodes highly entertaining but there is one episode spesifically that was just a huge dissapointment. S3, ep 3; "Double-O-Duck in you only crash twice!"
After quick research it has come to my atenttion that Double-O-Duck is a character many fans knew already. Having this information earlier might have made my watching experience a bit nicer than what it was.
You see, the person who did the title translations in Finland, was clearly out for blood. They translated the name Double-O-Duck as Double Duck.
I have read through countless amount of Donald Duck comics and my favorites have always been the ones were our loveable, clumsy and unlucky protagonist is secretly working as a spy called Double Duck! We get those unlucky, clumsy moments but also action scenes, cool bad guys, plot twist and the good old fashioned spy movie feel that is created by suits, gadgets and secret names. Whats not to love?
So there I was, browsing trough Disney plus, when I saw new episodes had finally come. I read trought the titles and what do I see? I spy episode with a character that is suposedly Double Duck! I did not, however, read the description as I didn't want to get the slightest bit of spoilers.
You can imagine my disapointment when the episode was nothing, NOTHING like I had expected and I do mean that in the worst way possible.
It wasn't that the episode was bad, I just couldn't shake off my dissapointment. I really tought I'd see Donald get his own episode where he can be pretty much the cooles Duck alive! There are some good Donald episodes where he shows off his adventure skills but this would have been his own little secret. Double Duck means a lot to me. I loved, no I still love those comics. I remember playing this Double Duck game as a kid that I just loved. The game is no longer a thing, just a memory. And when I finally tought my fave spy was gonna get shown on screen, welp, I ended up dissapointed and sad.
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tokuvivor · 1 year
For bingo, the little blue boy??? The middle-est child?
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Yes!!! Of course I can do the Dew for you!
Dewey is an absolute ball of energy, a total chaos baby, and 100% his mother’s son.
I love how a big part of Season 1 was dedicated to him finding out what happened to his mom. And even in the latter 2 seasons, when his brothers got more of their “moments”, he still had some great episodes for himself, like Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!, Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!, and They Put a Moonlander on the Earth!.
I also really enjoyed the different dynamics he had with other characters, like his mom, Webby, and Launchpad.
He is the guts, and the show just wouldn’t be the same without him.
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scottpetersen · 2 years
DuckTales Double-O-Duck In You Only Crash Twice Rescue Rangers POV Fanfic Chapter 1
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Zipper’s POV:
I was flying through the vents trying to find another way back to that lab Black Heron was using to test that intelligence ray on those mice and chipmunks.
I just so happened to get caught in one of that gizmo’s blasts. When I tried to help, I got spotted and Gadget told me to get out of there.
I was trying to find an alternate route back to that lab. I was hoping that entering in through a different way would help me not get spotted this time.
It started feeling like this evil lair was one big maze before I stumbled onto a secret passage hidden in the ceiling.
I made my way through it and found myself in…an arcade?!
There’s dozens of games around here. And I also see a bunch of kids running around playing.
Well, I guess the last place anyone would expect to find an evil lair would be in a place like this.
“It is bad enough I have to set foot in this contraption of a carnival to pick you up. Now you want me to stay here.” someone said.
I turned to see who it was and it turned out to be an old-looking duck wearing an orange jacket and a black top hat and is also holding a black cane. Apparently, he doesn’t like the arcade.
I also saw 2 kids with him. One girl and one boy. I also saw a tall-looking guy with them too.
“Y’know, Uncle Scrooge. I’ve always wanted to introduce you to the captain’s quarter’s arcade. Come on.” the little girl said enthusiastically giving the little boy and the big guy a wink as she pushed him in the other direction.
Wait. Uncle…Scrooge?!
Is this guy the same Scrooge that FOWL is after?! And if he is the same Scrooge, that means he’s both literally and figuratively right on top of one of their evil lairs! And judging by what that little girl called him and what those other 2 people look like, with his niece and probably his nephew and his friend too no less! They could be walking straight into a trap! I’ve got to warn them!
But they were splitting up into 2 groups. That little boy and the big guy were headed off in one direction while Scrooge and the little girl were headed off in another.
I have to choose which pair to follow. Since Scrooge is who they’re after, it seemed like following the pair he’s in would be the best choice.
And at first, that’s what I did. However, between the commotion of the arcade and the fact that they can’t understand me, I couldn’t get their attention let alone warn them about the situation.
But then, I saw someone with a metal beak trying to sneak up on the little boy and the big guy. He’s probably working for FOWL!
I know I can’t just let those 2 get captured or worse!
I’ve got to do something!
So, I made my way over to help them!
As a fight between them and the FOWL agent started to ensue, was trying my hardest to help but I’m starting to realize there’s not much I can do. I tried a barrage attack on the guy with the metal beak. But it didn’t even phase him. Worse yet, I can’t even distract him or get his attention!
Ugh! I feel so useless!
I was starting to doubt myself!
Am I any good to anyone if I literally can’t even get them to notice me?!
I saw that FOWL agent knock those 2 into the ball pit and heard a strange mechanical noise. This means that ball pit is a secret passage to that evil lair! And that means that they’re about to be captured now!
Then, I got a look at some stuff on the floor and it gave me an idea. It also made me realize something! Just because I can’t help them by fighting doesn’t mean I can’t help them in another way!
So, flying as fast as I could, I started collecting the random parts. I realized that Gadget might be able to use these things to build something that can get her and the others out of their cages. Then, they could help those guys escape too!
And hopefully, we’ll be able to stop FOWL!
After I gathered everything I could and put them all into a bag that was on the floor, I went into the ball pit and through the secret passage just before it closed!
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Gadget’s POV:
It had been some time since we were locked in this cell.
Me and Monterey told Chip and Dale everything we knew about the situation. Unlike us, they were only blasted by the intelligence ray after Zipper almost got killed trying to help us.
Monterey also decided to call himself Monty as a nickname and I think that nickname works for him.
That got me thinking about Zipper. I really hope he’s alright.
Golly, I just realized he doesn’t know this place! He will surely get lost if he hasn’t already!
Suddenly, I heard a strange noise just outside this cell.
I decided to take a look out there to see what it is.
It’s a person with a silver metal beak. I’m guessing he’s also working for FOWL.
That got confirmed when I started to see that he’s dragging 2 other people with him. They’re both ducks. One appears to be a young boy. The other appears to be a muscular man. They both appear to be dressed in white prison uniforms. And they also both appear to be wearing glasses.
Our cell door along opened and the FOWL agent proceeded to throw that boy into the cell next to ours and that man into the cell we’re in.
And before we could even try to run out through the open cell door, it closed just as quickly as it opened.
“Ha! Let’s see what she thinks of me after this!” the FOWL agent said just before he walked off.
I looked at the man who got thrown in here. I started to get a strange feeling. I can’t quite explain what it is. Honestly, I think the best word to describe it would be…empathy? Logically speaking, that would make perfect sense. After all, we are both currently being held prisoner by FOWL. And one of the things empathy is about is feeling for someone who’s in a situation that’s similar to the one you’re in.
But then again, if that were the case, I would’ve surely felt that same strange feeling around Chip, Dale, Monterey and that young boy since they’re also being held prisoner by FOWL. No. It’s something else. But what is it? Golly, I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Suddenly, me and the others heard buzzing.
We turned to see what it is and we started feeling a great amount of joy when we saw it was…
“Zipper!” Monty shouted happily. “You’re alright!”
“So, that’s Zipper?” Chip asked curiously.
“Oh, right. You haven’t been introduced. Chip and Dale, that’s Zipper.” Monty said pointing to Zipper.
“Nice to meet you 2.” Zipper said waving hello.
“Zipper, that’s Chip.” Monty said pointing to Chip.
“Hello.” Chip said solemnly.
“And that’s Dale.” Monty said pointing to Dale.
“Hi there.” Dale said excitedly.
“Anyway, I got good news and bad news.” Zipper said.
“How about the bad news first?” Chip said. “Best to get it overwith straight away.”
“Ok. The bad news is that FOWL is after Scrooge McDuck and his family. And right now, they’re in the arcade right above this place.” Zipper said. “And I wasn’t able to warn them.”
That’s not good! It means that FOWL is way too close to getting what they want.
I glanced at everyone else and judging by the expressions on their faces, they appear to be thinking the same thing.
“Please tell me that’s all.” Monty asked anxiously.
Zipper frowned with a sad look and shook his head.
“No. Those 2 people that just got thrown in here. That little boy is Scrooge’s nephew. And that big guy is a friend of his.” Zipper explained.
“This is not good.” Chip said grimly.
Dale spoke up and eagerly asked Zipper, “So, spill the beans, Zipper. What’s the good news?”
“Well, I managed to get some stuff Gadget might be able to use to build something that every one of us all out of here. Those 2 people included.” Zipper said showing us the bag of the things he described.
I went to get a look at it. And after I did, I perked my head up in excitement realizing these are parts I should be able to use!
“Zipper, this stuff is perfect!” I yelled excitedly.
Zipper smiled appreciating the gratitude.
“Thank you.” Zipper said looking like he’s feeling more happy than ever before.
“And I think I know just what we’re going to build!” I shouted.
“What are we gonna build?” Monty asked.
“We’re gonna be building a plane!” I replied.
After a brief moment, Chip responded first by saying, “It’s worth a shot. Let’s do it.”
Everyone else nodded in agreement and went over here to help me.
We got to work. And soon enough, we were almost done. Just need to put a few final parts into place.
As we were about to, I noticed that the person who got thrown in here is starting to wake up.
Notes: Ok. I think I’m gonna be posting this fanfic’s chapters on a weekly basis. Feel free to read the prologue if you hadn’t already. And special thanks to @skullman2 for correcting me on Gadget and Monterey being mice rather than chipmunks. I’ll make sure not to make that mistake again. Also, thanks for reading.
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
Launchpad and Beakley are friends by the time of "Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!", and we know that he admires her as a model employee of Scrooge who's extremely competent and mature.
Does his intelligent persona have a British accent partly because he's emulating her, as well as the wider classic British spy archetype?
Purple is her signature colour, and it was all that he could think of when he tried to reconnect with his intelligent self...
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Here’s my ranking of my “least” favorite to my favorite DuckTales 2017 episodes:
69. Trickening
68. Rumble for Ragnarok
67. Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot
66. Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks
65. Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck
64. Day of the Only Child
63. New Gods on the Block
62. 87 Cent Solution
61. Richest Duck in the World
60. Fight for Castle McDuck
59. Missing Links of Moorshire
58. Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker
57. Secret(s) of Castle McDuck
56. GlomTales
55. House of Lucky Gander
54. Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake
53. Storkules in Duckburg
52. Who is Gizmoduck
51. Sky Pirates… in the Sky
50. Beware the B.U.D.D.Y System
49. Depths of Cousin Fethry
48. Ballad of Duke Baloney
47. Duck Knight Returns
46. Outlaw Scrooge McDuck
45. Spear of Selene
44. Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest
43. Double O Duck in You Only Crash Twice
42. Lost Harp of Mervana
41. McMystery at McDuck McManor
40. Living Mummies of Toth-Ra
39. Town Where Everyone was Nice
38. Great Dime Chase
37. How Santa Stole Christmas
36. Louie’s Eleven
35. DayTrip of Doom
34. Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains
33. Raiders of the Doomsday Vault
32. Quack Pack
31. What Ever Happened to Donald Duck
30. Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee
29. Most Dangerous Game… Night
28. They Put a Moonlander on the Earth
27. Beaks in the Shell
26. Terror of the Terrafirmians
25. Let’s Get Dangerous
24. Astro B.O.Y.D.
23. Escape From the ImpossiBin
22. Treasure of the Found Lamp
21. Woo-oo
20. Split Sword of Swanstantine
19. Moonvasion
18. Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades
17. Last Crash of the Sunchaser
16. Last Christmas
15. Jaw$
14. Golden Spear
13. Timephoon
12. Last Adventure
11. Nothing Can Stop Della Duck
10. Beagle Birthday Massacre
9. Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck
8. Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks
7. Friendship Hates Magic
6. From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22
5. Shadow War
4. Nightmare on Killmotor Hill
3. First Adventure
2. Phantom and the Sorceress
1. What Ever Happened to Della Duck
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For my very first poll I have decided to do something that requires more than 10 options/choices and because there can only be one poll per post there will be multiple posts that all have to do with the same poll. This poll will be about which DuckTales (2017) episode you consider to be the best in the entire series. So if the episode you consider the best isn’t on this particular poll, don’t worry because there will be multiple posts that may have the episode you’re looking for on there. All the episode polls will end around the exact same time. Even though there will multiple posts with a poll dealing with which DuckTales (2017) episode you consider to be the best, please treat this as a single poll and vote for one episode only. For example if the episode you’re looking for is here and you voted for it on this poll, please don’t go to the other posts to vote for an episode that’s on that poll. Have fun! 😊 ❤️ 🦆
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gamingstar26 · 2 years
Donald FOWL AU
How certain episodes events would play out with this AU in a sense: somethings will change but this is for now.
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks: mostly the same.
Quack Pack: post episode is when Donald joins FOWL. And Huey realizes he miss the days before adventures. Louie already did before. Dewey realized later.
Double-O-Duck in You Can Only Crash Twice: is when Agent D is first mentioned.
The Lost Harp of Mervana: mostly the same
Louie’s Eleven: is when Donald and Daisy reunite after years of not seeing each other, and date again.
Astro BOYD: the same cause it’s good
The Rumble for Ragnarok: main plot is mostly the same. Bradford discuss with Donald about the Golden Atlas, and Donald refuses to help get it. Bradford tried anyway by getting Jose and Panchito to talk, Donald warned them to not say anything about Xandra’s location. They got captured anyway.
The Phantom and the Sorceress: Agent D is there with Phantom Blot for what originally was a break in mission to the manor. then almost everything goes the same.
They Put a Moonlander on Earth: Donald and Daisy are on a date. Donald is there to guide Penumbra. to show Donald and Penumbra friendship. And Penumbra decided to go back to the moon with the other moonlanders who want to go back, to rebuild tranquility.
The Trickening: same
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades: mostly the same
Let’s get Dangerous: NegaDuck appears (it was a actual scrapped idea and a missed opportunity) and Agent D first “shows” himself in front of the family for the first time.
Escape from the Impossibin: Donald is first suspected than later let off, and family starts to look into who Agent D is. And clones are born.
The Split Sword of Swanstatine: Agent Duck appears again the kids and Scrooge’s first true encounter with him. Donald meets the clones for the first time.
New Gods on the Block: mostly the same except at the end of the episode Donald meets up with Xandra in New Quackmore to discuss something.
First Adventure: same
The Fight for Castle McDuck: Agent Duck is their along side Phantom Blot and Pepper to guide them around the castle and get the Blessed Bagpipes. And Della is there because she wants to see Matilda again after all of these years. (Also Scrooge’s parents are dead in this because why not) Bradford tells Donald about his reasonings as to why he’s doing this.
How Santa Stole Christmas: is completely different, it’s not about Santa, but instead about Della’s first Christmas back on earth. (It was missed potential and I would have loved to see it)
Beaks in the Shell: mostly the same in terms of main plot. Donald gets the Papyrus of Binding. Family finds the wrong Agent D. (Gandra)
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker: Della’s first encounter with Agent Duck there’s something familiar about him but she can’t quite figure it out.
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck: mentions Scrooge’s past treatment of his family and how he got his fortune through some questionable means to drive home how Scrooge is a hypocrite and how he is a morally questionable person and always will be.
Last Adventure: family raids fowl’s funzos base, Webby finds the clones, Huey gets captured. Donald goes along with his family’s plans to raid the base, later goes off on his own with Xandra to free the prisoners. Webby finds out about what really happened to her parents (they were killed by fowl shortly after she was hatched her father was of the agency Donald was good friends with, her mother was Beakleys daughter and shush agent.) the kids, Ludwig, Gyro, and Gandra get captured again by the clones. Donald shows himself as Agent Duck to Scrooge. Della gets hung over the Solego Circuit instead. Donald points out all of the problems with the contract, Bradford and the others get arrested by Donald and Beakley. Donald takes in his clones and raises them with Daisy. The family finds out about the truth of the three caballeros and Donald’s secret agent days. Beakley finds out about his magic because Donald uses magic chains to keep Bradford and Heron from escaping.
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