#doors roblox au
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lluvioscatniptea · 6 months ago
Imma make a young screech au (I will whether you like it or not)
It’ll be yet another ask blog most likely but I’ll let you pick that part lol
Every day I’ll release something attached to this until the results are in!! (There’ll be comics either way, it’s just whether I should split up the blogs or nah)
FIRST SCRAP OF KNOWLEDGE: their names will be Bone and Fang, as a reference to my old doors OCs :3
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lavsarteatersblog · 6 months ago
Alright, so, after some thinking. I’ve decided to blow up my old au and rework it :)
After all, it’s two years old and it’s lore has been kinda blown around in the wind. So, resetting everything.
I’m doing the ones I have lore for, as I don't have all the energy in the world anymore.
Important stuff:
Seek’s family + the other entities are trying to escape the hotel. Their family was sealed away by the guiding light nearly a couple thousand years ago.
The entire hotel was pissed off at humanity for destroying their old home, killing Seek’s mother (A-250.), Killing Depth, Some of Rush’s and Ambush’s children, permanently disabling Ambush, potentially killing Silence (they never found their body), and causing Greed to die from a grief induced heart attack.
The guiding light was an angelic being sent to stop them. It built the hotel entity and gave it life, she had no malice towards them, but they needed to be stopped.
It made their prison as humane and as comfortable/natural as possible. Intending for it to eventually return to earth and become their replacement home after their rage cooled and grief healed.
…But never made it inescapable until then, rip.
The other entities work for Grumble and company in various positions.
Jeff betrayed Grumbles and chose to side with the guiding light after seeing that its basically blinded with hate and was making a monster out of its son, Seek.
The upper hotel is the living quarters for the worker entities to stay in except they have their own large suites behind doors inaccessible to humans.
The lower floor is a busy multiplex of pipes and productivity. The pipes are meant to feed into Seek’s mass and get it to a powerful enough state to escape the hotel.
Entities names are actually quite long and complicated! A mixture of sound-words from entity language. The names we call them as are shortened versions or not accurate to their true name! They also have names chosen at the time of their birth, and names they choose. Those change very frequently.
So..let’s get to the hotel’s denizens, shall we?
- Canon characters + lore (in order of sort of importance) -
Grumbthinkle von tentacle:
The ring leader behind this whole operation
Pretty mean and grumpy to be honest. The human-translated name is very accurate.
Jeff’s brother, Seek’s uncle, parent to the giggles. Screech’s GREAT uncle.
Disowned and reverted to its natal name after what happened with Jefftholomew. Wants nothing to do with him.
Imagine a pot of pure, unadulterated rage and grumpiness and resentment and spite and every other negative emotion stewing in a pot. Behold, GRUMBLE.
The boss man :tm:
Okay okay headcanons now.
..and also perhaps with a smidge of sorrow.
Aro Ace :)
Brilliant at engineering and construction. Built a labyrinthine network of pipes and mines to try and get more resources.
May have..once taught humans how to build aqueducts.
Also really, really likes gardening.
What can I say? It’s really good at digging with those tentacles.
Its favorites are gardenias.
Eyes loves it lmao those two have entire cork boards dedicated to their plants and what they want to plant this “season”. (Sunlight is rare in the hotel dimension.)
Would probably be caught dead with a garden trowel in its hands singing in the worst goddamn voice you have ever heard.
Really close to its nespring, Seek..though..it also may see it as a tool necessary for it and the others to escape and take their revenge.
Often lazes about in its nest when it exhausted itself from working on pumping raw ore and metal into Seek’s mass.
Does give a flying fuck about its underlings..but its number one priority during work hours is GETTING OUT and its second one is GETTING REVENGE.
So..certain things have..flown under its radar.
Adores its children the giggles and often cajoles them + the hotel’s children with tales of its inventions and adventures long past.
Loves to read to them in its deep voice.
It’s nickname is grumby :)
Its stories are long and complicated, sometimes hard to follow but very entertaining if you manage to stick along for the ride.
It frequently dreams of home..sometimes of a certain someone to.
Grumble's Nespring (nonbinary term for neice/nephew), Parent of Screech, Snare + one more.
Married to Figure. <3
Twins w/hide
Still the spiteful little british guy I want to write more of, just huge(r)
Built like something out of vita carnis, think the harvesters with tendrils that suck the everliving shit out your blood and liquidify your organs in an agonizing display of unnatural brutality.
..a bit..err, peeved with the fact that its uncle pretty much is using it to get their way out, sometimes forgetting the fact that Seek is not, just an object for him to use in its escape plans.
Veeeerrryyy particular in the placement of it’s mass.
Hates how much its grown, almost to near dysmorphic levels.
Sick of it all, not gonna lie.
Figure is it's rock and sanity.
No more winemaking rip. But still loves drinking wine and will often be seen sharing a sip or two on a romantic night out with Figure.
Still wears its suits. Still does the fancy thing.
Mischievous lil guy
Plays with the giggles.
Has a more humanoid form, just doesn’t take it.
Is growing quite strong mass wise (see what’s in the nest lol), but Seek FORBIDS grumbles from getting children involved in its plan.
Grumbles concedes, because it kind of agrees, but also because Seek could turn it into an albinistic stain on the wall.
Screech still loves to listen to its to it’s auncle’s stories.
Extremely anxious sometimes to the point of near-neuroticism.
Talks like this this! This! Meant to be disconcerting! disconcerting and all over place! Place.
(There will be translations so people with screen readers can still read! )
Sometimes feels ignored, despite being older then Hide and Seek combined.
Secretly heartbroken about it, but doesn’t say a thing..but they’re boiling over..ohhhh they’re boiling over.
It’s emotions are a complicated and LOUD mess.
Besties w/halt they both yap.
Misses their father. Sometimes visits him when they..gets really bad.
Teleports around when it’s thoughts are everywhere and it wants to talk.
Can be dignified..when it wants to be.
Don’t look at me! DON’T STOP LOOKING AT ME! Don’t look at m- PICK A LANE GODDAMNIT IT.
Dating Jack, it’s casual and going steady tbh.
Kinda frowned upon that it’s doing so because Jack used to date hide and that was cringe for all involved.
Kinda just is around, likes to cook :) Chef eyes.
Do not bother it in the kitchen it will scream and go crazy.
Giggles + (older giggles/big giggles)
There’s a 100 of them.
Four large ones, and a bunch of increasingly smaller ones.
The four older ones were alive when the hotel collapsed.
Three of them are getting very. very. Tired.
The forth is uhhh..complex.
I’ll do “fourth x reader” fics with the fourth fully grown adult giggle I just want don’t want the aromantic grumble (their father) in any romantic fics lol.
That’s my compromise to you so you do get find romance with one of the nest entities
The four large ones meet every night.
Twins w/Seek
Dating Glitch.
COULD be as strong as Seek, but would never even consider increasing its own mass after what happened with Seek.
Extremely close w/Seek
Much more reclusive.
Afraid of its uncle and hates what he’s doing.
light-based in mass that can become much more gooey when distressed or nervous.
Sometimes looks like a weird abstract painting.
Also grieving its home and mother.
Loves to paint.
Used to a lot of paintings of their old home, which tend to be misinterpreted horrifically by Grumble and would further its resolve and/or be used as an example. So, it stopped painting that.
Instead it’s gotten a bit more..secretive about what the meaning behind the paintings it makes are..some are more obvious then others. (Nudges the paintings of shadow/depth.)
The paintings are mostly used to jab at grumble/show better futures without going through his insane ass plan.
Those who truly know and are be to interpret them correctly and figure out their meaning are their friends lol.
It’s sort of its little artistic rebellion against Grumble.
It may ;) have painted ;) a few ;) familiar friends. ;)
Seek’s and hide’s + eyes dad lol
A couple of thousand years old, created alongside his sibling, Grumble.
Used to live at the bottom of the ocean with him before both of the siblings chose to travel the world in search of a home entity.
It took them awhile, those two going on many adventures, finding treasure, fighting other entities, discovering fascinating creatures, meeting friends along the way (some of whom joined them), procuring knowledge.ect
Whole ass dnd campaign with those two.
Jeff gained a deep understanding of humans and respect for them. Viewing them as friends and kin while Grumby kind of just- 🤷
They eventually, did find a home entity. One large enough to house them and their friends.
They all moved in and it was a very happy life for awhile. :)
Found a wife. Had Eyes and later Seek and Hide with her.
Then well..
The humans came.
Centuries later he still doesn’t hate them.
Betrayed grumbs and worked with the guiding light to use his knowledge of the archaic and magical and help Guide create the crucifixes.
Was disowned and is now violently hunted alongside Dread and El-Goblino so they will stop murdering humans.
He also managed to place a spell upon his shop so it’s always concealed.
A bit of a silly guy, loves to play coy.
He’s good at drawing magic runes and ancient languages but utter dogshit when it comes to writing in english.
The money (knobs) is magic too.
Help how do I describe him, goddess of everything else vibes.
Is extremely depressed on the inside though, but DARES not to show it.
Is hurt that Grumbles has pretty much turned his entire family against him and (to him) very few actually see that what he’s doing is insane.
More furious then hurt that he’s using SEEK of all entities.
Glad to have to have Dread, Hide, Gobby and Guide so he’s not too early.
He’s also dating dread lol
Toad entity :)
Has pores in his skin and poison in his blood that is extremely deadly.
He can also squirt it in your face.
Also Jeff’s personal spy and pair of eyes.
NO ONE has a clue that he's working with Jeff and except those who are close to Jeff.
Kind of just stands there and pretends to take little naps while secretly spying on others casually.
He's very friendly, so if someone comes up to him while he's listening to others he'll just go about chatting with them.
He also bakes pastries and cooks with Eyes.
Rush and Ambush trust him a lot! He's one of their buddies :)
Tries his best NOT to hurt humans, but given he's older and disabled (Post-traumatic stress disorder + missing an eye.) usually, the other entities will hunt any humans for him so, it's not much of an issue.
However, if a human being IS in his proximity, he is expected and obligated to try and kill them as to not blow his cover.
He prays this will never come to fruition. ^
He's not expected to participate in any active hunts!!
He's the one he least expect.
Overall very well trusted by the hotel's denizens.
Considered one of the hotel's best singers (though to humans he just sounds like a toad)
Yea get that old man.
Pretty much the same as canon.
Just fluffy :)
Outcasted from the hotel AND separated from his wife after what happened with the humans.
Just happy to be here.
The lovely pair of speeding soulmates. + everybody else I actively have the energy to write about.
Married to Ambush! <3
They have had many litters and raised many children over the centuries, but the notable ones are the rooms entities and the Sally + Dupe (who are twins.)
Bonded pair do not separate.
One of Grumble's most violent and ardent supporters.
Still very, very mad about what happened.
Doesn't mean it like it very much, though......Grumbles is very grumpy and disgruntled alot of the time.
Ambush's better half.
Both work as miners/line workers. Whatever is the necessity for the day, but Rush primarily works with the handling of larger ore chunks due to it's strength.
Constantly exhausted and very achey.
Very touchy around the topic of humans, dislikes their situation being discussed. Will get into violent arguments with those it disagrees with, sometimes ending in minor fights that Ambush has to drag it away from.
Hangs out with Blitz sometimes, but doesn't talk a lot, (esp since the backdoor entities are scheming against Grumble).
Flirts w/Ambush while they work. It's like those two are still dating.
Still loves to knit, sometimes does it when its worried.
Bonded pair do not separate
Permanently disabled, it's jaw was twisted in such a way that it could never heal and is in constant pain because of that.
Some days are better then most, but sometimes It's left in bed twitching in pain.
Also super loyal to Grumble, even if the guy can be..mmm..
Smokes a lot to help cope with the pain, and unfortunately is very depressed after losing its sibling and some of its children.
Very tired...just.. very tired.
Is on the verge of quitting working, but doesn't.
Those weird ass flies:
Just a prey item the entities will gobble on
Kind of like flying popcorn chicken to them
Rush and Ambush both love catching them and frying them.
They’re very territorial and will kill someone and then suck their blood.
Flying evil parasitic popcorn
You! That’s right, you’re canon to this au! (Sort of.)
You’re a bit subjective, but depending on your POV, you can get a lot done learning about the lore of this au :)
sorry guys i am very tired, i'll finish the rest later.
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maythetrainconductor · 5 months ago
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I got a new Doors Ay going, it's called Hotel Hell
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iguessimfished · 11 months ago
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Lil things of the doors AU I forgot I had
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slyakoch13 · 6 months ago
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since Figure is literally pounds of flesh sticked together - they tend to someimes fall apart when disturbed, which leaves so much mess! which Count Halt doesn't appreciate. halt design belongs to @fawiefunnykitten who is co-author of our doors au!!
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afuntimepartyy · 6 months ago
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Last doors post probably until I finish up some dandys art possibly I needed a break to just draw fucked up sick n twisted beasts for a moment :3 (All rush entities, blitz, ambush, and then rush)
Ambush is my favorite because they are green and also are my they/it/she beast I love her
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lovelycrimsonredsnow · 4 months ago
~yandere doors headcanons~
(TW: gore, strong language, death, all the entities are permanently trapped there)
Guiding light
as seen in the other headcanons they mostly conceal themselves from other entities, though they are very open to humans and frequently help them.
your first interaction would be in door 11 (which happened to be a dark room). you were taking a long time to find the key to open the door before screech or another entity killed you, after 2 minutes or so you noticed a faint glow coming from a nearby dresser. It was a light pleasant blue with particles around it, at first you weren't quite sure whether or not to approach, But you quickly decided you had nothing to lose and opened it. There it was, the key for door 12. You quickly snatched it up and bolted for the door, which also had that strange glow around it. you looked back at the dimly illuminated room for a minute before progressing on.
they didn't know why, but they felt the strange need to protect you, even more than usual. So...
...they did
every time rush or another entity was approaching they would purposefully block its way by locking the door and illuminating the nearest hiding spot (not a closet). this, of course caused curious light and some of the other stronger entities to accuse them of playing favorites. which was correct...but they didn't need to know that yet.
they were much more concerned with you to care about that. what if they don't warn you in time and rush gets you? what if you look at eyes for to long? what if you turn the wrong way and seek catches you? what if they can't save you? these thoughts quickly turn the angelic like being into a state of constant paranoia.
you're so fragile compared to the other monsters in this hell, helpless even. what kind of guardian angel would they be if they let you get hurt? or die? You couldn't possibly survive on your own, they must help you...they have to save you. they can't let you escape, it's even more dangerous down in the mines!
right before you reach the elevator after fixing the power your quickly snatched away by an unknown force, dragged through many doors all the way to the infirmary. they hear you screaming in fear, and truly it hurts them, but you just don't understand their helping you just yet. they place you down on one of the many beds there and cover you up, you're ofcourse still quite scared. even their attempts to lull you to sleep seemingly do nothing, is it their form? are they to scary for you? their mostly covered, like halt. though they suppose the fact you can't really see them scares you more.
they sigh in exhaustion, like a parent with a screaming baby. they didn't really want to have to leave you alone, what if you escape and get yourself hurt...but alas. perhaps it's best if they leave you for a minute, they need to go get herbs from the greenhouse anyway.
danger level: 6/10, trust me they would never hurt you...the other entities however....
type: overprotective, caring, paranoid
overall: 5/10, really soft with you regardless of how you may act. but your still quite afraid of what they could do...
tell me whos next in the comments! <3
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 2 months ago
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Guiding Light because yes
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hazy-solaris · 4 months ago
I FINISHED IT kinda off timed pls dont mind that
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az190 · 2 months ago
1/? Careful, these students can be hostile if not careful enough
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(My last post flopped so darn badly, and I'm scared this will too)
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cosmiccookiekid · 1 year ago
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Omnipotent Light
I'd like to think that there's some sort of angel hierarchy that Guiding Light and Curious Light work under so I made my own high up angel/light
teehee :3
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lluvioscatniptea · 6 months ago
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Bone and Fang, the little screeches!
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spacecatdraws · 3 months ago
File One: Subject-GL
!this is an au, and nothing is canon!
Accessing Horizon Facility file system…
Access Granted!
Data Retrieved. Now opening file…
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A picture of Subject-GL
Subject-GL, informally known as Guiding Light, is one of the unusual children taken in by the facility, referred to as “Entities”. She is the first subject retrieved, arriving in late spring 7 years ago. She is the only non-hostile subject, often acting as a sort of bulwark against the other, more aggressive subjects. Access to the outside area, activities, and supplies should be unrestricted, due to her calm temperament and aversion to harming others. Subject-GL is a 14 year old girl of unknown origin, with unnaturally cyan eyes, and despite hair dye being prohibited at the facility, her hair remains a blue gradient. Called by the name Guiding Light by the other subjects and some staff, she is quite kind and helpful, often valuing the life and happiness of others over herself. The other subjects have been recorded calling her “Guidi” instead of her usual name, but no staff has attempted to refer to her this way. It is unknown if the nickname is an endearment or an insult, but care should be taken regardless. The facility medical staff has diagnosed her with general anxiety, which she manages well most of the time.
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Subject-GL in her Architect Form
All subjects have some sort of rage form, but unlike the others, Subject-GL’s ability is triggered by another subject’s ability activating. In this form, she gains a pair of wings, and the ability to produce wooden crosses, dubbed Crucifixes by the others. It is worth noting that none of the subjects are religious, so it is unclear why these crosses are effective against the other subjects. Guiding Light is especially useful in this form, which is referred to as her Architect Form in her own words. The crucifixes only affect the other subjects when they are in their own rage-states, and unlike the other subjects, Subject-GL maintains her lucidity in her Architect Form, and is caused significant emotional distress. Her anxiety is quite intense during these episodes, especially due to her role of facing her friends in their feral states to prevent life lost. All staff are to treat her with courtesy and kindness, and Guiding Light in return will be respectful and supportive.
-Horizon Facility Admin
(tagging you guys bc you liked my other art of this au @mrmorphea @kittykatkatelol @spinkleponkle / @rusticguts)
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maythetrainconductor · 3 months ago
Since Glitch is canon to Doors now
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I have no idea what are the three gitches entities name called other than the death screen one's, but I'll just do the gitch text thing, replace some of their letters to numbers
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thecannibalistickiwi · 3 months ago
By far the most messed up Shuriken I'm responsible for, rivaled only by Swordfight SMP Shuri-Lóng
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I present, Doors AU Shuriken. Aka, Seize
He functions by disguising himself as bits of furniture, namely drawers or closets, using Illusions of the Smoke. If someone try to open the Seize drawer, he'll attack and steal an item. No items? He takes gold. Absolutely nothing?
Your skin.
This was just done for a reference image of him. Usually he'll be holding himself up using his vines since his legs can no longer really function, and he slouches over a lot more.
I love him...but good Worms he is so hard to draw. I decided to revoke his organ privileges just so I didn't have to deal with all that on top of the vines and the goop.
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slyakoch13 · 2 months ago
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played doors all evening yesterday, the last update is cool
tributing to all seekfigure fans and my friends who simp over this pile of meat
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