#doomsday arc
giddyaunt425 · 4 months
Yeah. I'm calling bullcrap on that one, Doctor.
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iridescentpsychopath · 11 months
"The movie messes up the TV lore" 🥺🥺🥺
Bro the TV lore messes itself up. Master fu destroyed the most important temple ever cause he wasn't allowed to eat for a day.
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chickadee394 · 1 month
Thinking thoughts… in that as Tim became Robin it was in the wake of Robin’s (Jason Todd’s) death… and then in his earliest years as Robin Superman dies and then Bane breaks Batman’s back… and like what must that have done to his psyche as a new hero.
Like these *untouchable* heroes fall and you yourself are stepping up to become a hero, but now you must also do so with the very real and tangible knowledge that your status as a hero does not actually make you invincible…. Damn.
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I took C! Tommy's trauma and made it an art project for school
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howlingday · 11 months
Atlas Knight Murderer?
Setting - After what was thought to be his death, The Atlas Knight, aka Jaune Arc, has come back from the dead! But something's not right about him.
Lisa: (On TV) Herbert Merlot, former doctor of biology of the Kingdom of Vale, once thought to be dead, had returned and taken an entire daycare center hostage. After an extensive stand-off between Merlot and Atlas Ace-Ops Specialists, the mad scientist has finally been apprehended and is now in Atlas custody. However, although Merlot has been arrested, this tale is not without it's own tragedy. Moments before his capture, Merlot had taken the life of Mi Ling Mount. He was only four years old.
Merlot: (Guided to the Atlas prison)
Merlot: What?! You can't-
Atlas Knight: (Rockets around through Atlas, Holding Merlot by his collar)
Merlot: Y-You can't do this! I have rights! There's nothing I have to say to you!
Atlas Knight: WHAT ABOUT, "GOOD-BYE"?
Merlot: (Gasps)
Atlas Knight: (Immediately stops, Lets go)
Merlot: (Flies into Atlas HQ wall at Mach 10, Splattered)
Marrow: Oh my god!
Harriet: Did you just see that?
Elm: The Atlas Knight just-
Clover: (Looks from smear to Atlas Knight)
Atlas Knight: (Rockets away)
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sweetiepie08 · 2 years
The most gobsmackingly wild au would be one where Fives escapes after learning about Order 66 and forms a reluctant alliance with the other doomsday conspiracy theorist, Maul.
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Given how rarely the character shows up, many fans are still confused about the Black '90s Justice League superhero Bloodwynd.
Martian Manhunter imitated Bloodwynd for a time, but he was not merely a Martian Manhunter persona. In fact, soon after the disguise reveal, Bloodwynd got a backstory as a distinct character (JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA vol 1 #76-77). Sadly, it only amounts to 4ish issues total of agency (including a decent story in SHOWCASE '94 #5).
DC Comics only recently even gave him a name (Quintus Arce), decades later, now that his nephew Raphael Arce has taken up his mantle as the new Bloodwynd.
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humandisastersquad · 7 months
“Now, now. Tegan. You’re both still here, and I’m very grateful. I wouldn’t want to lose any friends of mine to the cybermen”
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dr3amofagame · 2 years
to be clear i think that the seasons “discourse” is stupid like call the “seasons” of s1 whatever u want and call s2 whatever you want just don’t force other people to agree with you and DEFINITELY don’t act like the ccs don’t have a right over their own stories and have to rename things according to your preferences
yes i do have to say i have a huge soft spot for the previously defined seasons (as according to the finales of november 16th, the disc finale, and the prison break) because it’s specifically structured around c!dream’s story, which is why I feel that referring to arcs in themselves is also incomplete. 
(for future reference, i’ll probably be ripping off a suggestion from twitter and referring to them as seasons 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D ^_^)
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bistaxx · 8 months
Honestly, knowing this event is (presumably) ending on my birthday is already the best gift I could ever get
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giddyaunt425 · 5 months
This is my rare OTP.
With Nyssa's whole "notice me senpai" attitude in Snakedance, you can't convince me there wasn't something there.
I will defend this ship until the day I die.
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cosmosisfold · 8 months
honestly shoutout dsmp punz for being a character involved with most of, if not all, major events on the dsmp and being a consistent online person. like dude sometimes would hangout late with maybe a couple other people and do some building and fighting but then like a week later hes meeting dream in secret while planning how theyre gonna become gods of the server. and then hes back in the spider xp pits mending his tools.
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i think i don't really get the seasons discourse cause i've never really used them?? i think using the name of the arc is just more useful to me personally
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
People on twitter trying to argue about what the best arc on the DSMP was like that’s not entirely based on personal opinion 💀
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call-me-apple · 2 years
I'd keep a consistent tagging system for arcs or specific streams if I didn't only think about it in hindsight and forget what the tag is like a week after I make it fuck my life
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
me fighting the urge to tell people the doctor and rose were absolutely not fucking in s2 when they talk about it in tags of my gifsets
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