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persuaison · 7 days ago
me : I don’t ship stancy.
also me when someone says something extremely stupid about them : square up.
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thebeastofblackmoor · 2 months ago
Tex Britten (with gun)
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*tex voice* yup.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years ago
Series: Life Lesson || Sorority Boys
Paring: (Adam/ Adina x OFC!)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: language
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"Leah's the first girl I met I could really talk to maybe I should just tell her." Dave says as he and the guys walk together.
"No! Not after what we've been through, man. Come on, eyes on the prize. We're almost out of this. You can tell her after everything." Adam tells him.
"Mia knows though."
"I didn't tell her, she found out on her own and caught us." Adam reminds him as a blonde chick bumps into him.
"Watch it, Dog!"
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"You watch it, plastic tits." Adam snaps back hitting her with his bag. "Can you believe that bitch."
"You going back to the house?" Dave asks the two.
"I gotta stop and get some more lipstick, man." Doofer tells them.
"Yeah, I'll go with you. I need a new dress." Adam agrees so they all head to the store.
While there they see Mia looking theory clothes racks. "I messed up with Mia." Adam tells Dave as he looks for a dress.
"What did you do to do that?" He looks over at Mia and she sees them so she leaves.
"I tried to kiss her, okay. She told me the best I get is us being friends. She's sorry but she can't risk it. I could just go back to my old ways when we get the tape back."
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"Speaking of tape. Once we get the tape off the boat, then what?" Dave asks.
"We bust Spence's ass, we return to K.O.K, and we roll our wieners back out."
"Well- what do I- what do I tell Leah? I mean, what happens to Daisy? Or how do I come clean and explain everything?" Dave asks.
"Daisy, Adina, and Roberta are going to disappear. And this never... happened. Hell, have Mia explain everything to her sister."
"Tonight's Daisy can tell Leah she's going back to Minnesota. There's something."
"That's such a cop-out and stupid. I should just have this conversation with Mia." Dave leaves to go find her again. "Mia." He rushes over to her.
"Daisy..." She looks at dresses.
"How do I tell Leah everything after we get our tape back?" He asks her so she looks at him.
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"The whole truth. Tell her while getting to know her as Daisy, you fell for her and you couldn't help it. It's not one big game or joke. Make sure to add I knew towards the end but I was just trying to help you guys prove you're innocent." She goes back to the dresses.
"What are you gonna do after? I heard about you and Adam."
"I'm probably gonna go on with my life and ignore K.O.K till I graduate. I'd I want something to drink I'll just go buy my own beer." She picks a dress.
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"What? You're telling me you guys, especially Adam, go back you're not gonna go back to your old ways? You and Doofer may have learned to respect women and will keep that in mind but him... Adam... He was the go-to K.O.K guy, he's not gonna let that go. The dude has multiple homemade pornos, the girls have no idea about... He probably has the biggest collection of the Wall of shame... One week isn't exactly enough to change my mind especially when he shows he has no intentions of changing. Acting like you girls never happened means, I never started to like you guys. And yeah, I was around to hear the before leaving.' She leaves him.
"I have a question for you..." Dave walks back over to Adam, who hums. "When we get the tape back and return to K.O.K... Are you gonna return to your old ways like Mia thinks? Because you say, we act like this never happened, we go back to her ignoring us because without doing this we wouldn't be close to her?"
"I don't know, man. I'm not supposed to feel like this about one girl. I've never had one girl on my mind ever yet here I am! This isn't me." Adam makes some peoples look at him.
"So you're just going to forget about her by fucking every girl there is again? Man, come on. Face it you've changed living at D.O.G. Do you think for the rest of your life you're always gonna be the it guy? You're never gonna try to have a decent relationship with someone?" Dave asks Adam all these questions before walking off to find a dress for himself.
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"You just had to pick a pink outfit too..." Mia sees Adam was wearing pink too.
"How do I look. The dress I wanted didn't look right on me so this was my second choice." He spins around for her.
"It looks good on you. Can I help with something?" Mia motions at his chest.
"You're hanging a little low on the left." Mia fixes his boobs for him.
"Did you do your hair by yourself?" Mia takes the style in.
"Yeah, is it okay?" He touches his hair.
"Again looks good." Mia gives him a smile.
Adam wanted to speak about what was gonna happen after getting the tape back but didn't know how to start or what to say. "I-, "He opens his mouth but shuts it.
"Let's just get going." Mia goes downstairs.
When they get to the dock for the party they see the boat took off with the Tri Pis instead. "That's our party! And we're going." Leah tells the whole group.
"I've got a plan." Doofer says and ends up getting a boat so they could drive out to the party.
On the boat they snatch all the Tri Pis off and make a big entrance, "D.O.G.s in the house!" Doofer says and the group splits off.
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"Your boyfriend is looking at you." Mia whispers to Adam.
"Fuck off." He groans turning to face her.
"Good luck with finding your tape." She tells him walking off and he curses to himself following her.
"Can't we talk?" He grabs her wrist.
"About what?"
"About after finding this tape." He says making her look away from him. "I don't want to go back to my old ways. When I say I want things to go back to normal I don't mean how exactly things were before. I mean, where I don't have to dress like this and I live back at K.O.K. I don't want to go back to where I thought hitting you with a guitar would work to hook up with you, adding to that dumb collection of walk-of-shame pictures, not knowing you, me being the pig I was." His hand moves from wrist to her hand.
"Adam..." Mia says in a low whisper.
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"I know, you don't want to risk it but... I- I like you you, Mia. Really like you and kinda the first girl in a very very long time. This isn't like me but here I am. All because of you, living at D.O.G, living as a girl, getting close with the girls... You bitches changed me." He chuckles holding both of her hands now.
Mia loved everything he was saying but part of her broken self that dated a K.O.K guy last time was telling her to just run away or jump off the boat. She removes her hands from his stepping back but he grabs her face placing a kiss on her lips. After she kisses back Adam stepped back taking a look at her. When she was about to speak, Leah bumped her arm passing her quickly.
"I should go check on her..." Mia follows after her sister and notices two older men watching her making her uncomfortable.
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siixkiing · 2 years ago
I might be a little quiet come tomorrow, we sent in an application to a local rescue center for a pupper and we have a house inspection/interview tomorrow. I’ve been tidying up my room and getting it back in order today...so I might be quiet for the rest of the night and tomorrow.
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mx-menace · 2 years ago
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charlie appreciation post
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raine-the-ravioli · 24 days ago
Just burried my hamster (I completely forgot I had a hamster until my mom told me he died)
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eatblooddrinkchildren · 1 year ago
I deliberately went to find this post, knowing that I would.
The one year Anniversary of my last beautiful, painful, heart-wrenching moments with my Booboosquish is coming up on the 24th and it just made me all nostalgic.
So glad I got to know this boy. He was such a gentleman. It's a shame that he and Jaeger never met, I'm sure they would've been best friends, just like we were. RIP Boone my boy. If you see Jaeger over there across the rainbow bridge, tell him I miss him more than words can describe.
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wrow…. hansum
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sharkflan · 3 months ago
Everyone thinks hydreigon is cool and all but where's my deino and zweilous love.... the little doofers.........
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permanentbottombunk · 2 months ago
One of my cats (Doofer) is particularly dumb. When she was little, she didn't know how to stop running. She problem solved by deciding that the best way to stop was running into walls. She was also very unbalanced from the get go, like never lost the unsteady kitten wobbles.
Obviously, this concerned us. So we take her to the vet, thinking she might have an inner ear or eye problem.
Vet gets back to us. This is the dumbest cat they had ever had in their office. No physical problems, just significantly dumb. Like regularly forgot how to breathe because she was purring at the nurse dumb.
And surprisingly, she isn't orange! She's a nice light brown (which looks desaturated in pictures for some reason)
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miafiorella11 · 3 months ago
Gestern Abend war ich spontan mit Freunden auf einer BDSM Party.
Normalerweise gehe ich eher auf Little Veranstaltungen oder Puppy Veranstaltungen.
Die Party gestern wurde von unserem BDSM Stammtisch veranstaltet und war zum Connecten und Austauschen angedacht.
Also zog ich mich „erwachsen“ an und fuhr mit Freunden dort hin.
Als ich ankam waren dort sehr viele, sehr erwachsene Menschen. Alle in schwarz und elegant gekleidet. Die Location war ebenfalls in einem eher elegant erwachsenen Rahmen. Ich kam mir von der ersten Sekunde vor wie ein kleines Kind das sich aus versehen auf einer erwachsenen Party verlaufen hat.
Ich switche sofort ungewollt in den Little Modus. Da ich aber eine sehr freundliche Dame neben mir hatte, konzentrierte ich mich auf Gespräche ausschließlich mit ihr.
Ich schaute ausschließlich sie an. Denn um mich herum gab es ab und zu spanking und bondage und Little Mia wollte den Erwachsenenkram nicht sehen.
Relativ früh war ich dann auch zuhause und immer noch im Little Mod. Nach wie vor auch heute morgen.
Ich versuchte ein bisschen mit dem ein oder anderen guten Freund zu chatten. So wie jeden morgen schrieb ich ausgewählten Personen Guten Morgen und erzählte aus kindlicher Sicht von meinem Abend:
Nur erwachsene waren da und nicht mal Spielsachen hatten die. Nicht mal einen einzigen kleinen Ball. Und alle haben sich über komische Sachen unterhalten.
Leider kapieren Erwachsene nie wie sie mit einem kleinen Kind umgehen müssen. Sie kapieren ja nicht mal das sie eines vor sich haben!
Weil sie nur immer erwachsene Sachen machen und gar nie an bunte Bälle denken und rosa Schleifen und sie reden immer nur über Probleme und immer denke sie, sie wüssten alles!
Eigentlich so dumm die Erwachsenen.
Ich wette sie haben nicht gesehen wie toll die Blumen geglitzert haben und wie traurig sie alle ausgesehen haben in ihren schwarzen Kleidern und schwarzen Anzügen. So Beerdigung und so.
Leider haben meine Chatpartner auch nichts begriffen. Sie Antworten nur wie erwachsene. Nehmen Sachen als gegeben an und lachen weil ich schrieb dass da nur Erwachsene waren. 😿
Deshalb schreib ich diese Zeilen und schwimme lieber alleine heraus ins bunte Meer. Dort hin wo Meerjungfrauen mit mir nach Muscheln tauchen. Wo bunte Vögel glitzerstreifen am Himmel machen.
Da wo Einhörner nach Zuckerwatte riechen und sich mit ihrem Fell an mich kuscheln. Erwachsene sagen dann: Aber Einhörner sind doch scheu bla bla bla. Ne das ist meine Welt und hier dürfen keine Erwachsenen mit ihren Fernsehphantasien rein.
In meiner Welt gibt es Blumen mit dicken Hummeln die kleine Zuckerperlchen fallen lassen. (Nein dummer alter Mann, das ist keine Hummelkacka)
Wenn ich ganz viele Muscheln gesammelt habe, basteln wir daraus Ketten und verzieren unsere Sandburgen. Der Sand ist bunt und das Meer singt Lieder wenn man das Ohr unter Wasser taucht.
Es gibt alte Kater die Geschichten erzählen und wenn ich müde bin, kuschel ich mich in Wolkendecken ein.
Erwachsene haben verlernt mit Glitzer zu denken und Männer reduzieren alles auf sexuelles.
Sie vergessen das ein watte weiches Wölkchen (Windel) nicht zu ihrer Befriedigung da ist, sondern damit ich alles beim spielen vergessen darf und mich weich eingehüllt und beschützt fühlen kann.
Hehe ob es wohl Keks Fische gibt? Oder Jelly Quallen?
Ich bin so gerne in meiner Welt. Ganz ohne eine andere Person. Ich bin nicht alleine, denn alle meine Einhörner, Feen, Meerjungfrauen und Schmetterlinge sind da. Und kein doofer Grummel Griesgram mit seiner Graukanone!
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keinbutterdieb · 7 months ago
Colins Begeisterung hält sich zwar in Grenzen, aber ab und zu lässt er sich halt von Noah überreden, so auch heute wieder.
Wobei Überreden vielleicht ein bisschen zu viel gesagt ist. Eigentlich hat Noah ihn nur gefragt: „Guckst du mit mir den Film?“ und ihn dabei so angeguckt. Na ja, und jetzt sitzen sie hier eben zusammen auf der Couch, und er verzieht den Mund, weil das Gemetzel gefühlt von Szene zu Szene brutaler und blutiger wird. Und dann kommt so ein doofer Jumpscare-Moment, das kann er echt gar nicht ab, weil er sich dann meistens erschreckt, jetzt auch. So doll, dass sein Herz rast und er Noahs Hand fest drücken muss.
„Schisser!“ Noah grinst frech. Und süß.
„Ja ja.“ Er legt seine freie Hand an Noahs Wange, streichelt ein wenig und beugt sich langsam vor.
„War ja nur Spaß, ich-“ Einfach nur etwas Fluff. Inspiriert durch diesen post und es ist das zweite Kapitel von Kleine und größere Momente.
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maiko-coy · 1 year ago
hey!! i just wanted to tell you, ive been running a baldi blog that... inevitably takes inspo from yours since, well... your blog was always my favorite back in 2018, and ever since, the idea of baldi's school being a special ed school has just stayed so close to my heart, and i really wanted you to know how much of an inspiration ur blog was and is for me. it honestly will forever live in my head. just thought id let u know, from the doofer head that runs @basics-academy-yum :)
Oohhh, really?? :0 Thats great to hear! Thank you so much, I'm so glad that the blog continues to be an inspiration to the community despite it being discontinued sob
Have a Gus to cheer u on!
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word-for-today · 11 months ago
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Word for today: doof
Australian slang for techno and similar electronic genres dominated by a heavy beat, as well as for the types of event at which that music is played. An event specifically held outdoors is known as a bush doof, and fans of the event are known as doofers.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years ago
Series: Life Lesson || Sorority Boys
Paring: (Adam/ Adina x OFC!)
Word Count: 994
Warnings: language
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The next night Mia decided to stay home and not go to the party across the street not wanting to deal with guys trying to get in her pants or Tri Pis asking her to join them for the 1000th time.
"Hey, there's three new girls downstairs." Katie sticks her head into Mia's room.
"They caught three at once?" Mia gets off her bed.
"They're kinda..." She makes a face.
"Be nice. We accept anyone. What are they doing right now?" Mia asks as they walk downstairs.
"Eating." Katie walks ahead of her leading her to Leah.
"Are we sure we should let them in? They're a real pack of barkers." Susie says as Mia joins them.
"That is exactly the type of attitude that we have to fight against, Susie." Mia crosses her arms like her.
"She's right. D.O.G. doesn't give in to... media images of what a woman should be. We need to welcome all types." Leah tells them as Mia looks through the small crack watching them eat and the girls give in agreeing.
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While Leah shows the new girls to their room, she wants the rest of the house to get ready to meet them.
"I told them to meet us all downstairs." Leah smiles at Mia happily going downstairs.
Mia looks towards the old seniors' room before walking to hers for a quick second to get dressed for bed. At the moment she was just dressed lazily but not dressed for sleeping.
"We look like shit." Adam sees them all dressed in clothes to sleep in.
"At least this is comfortable." Dave messes with his nightgown causing Adam to stare at him.
"Let's just get this shit over with." He opens the door and Dave leaves the room first.
While Mia walks out of her room she bumps into one of the new girls, "Oh, I am so sorry I didn't see you there." Dave laughs then stops seeing Mia's face.
Dave was shocked to see the girl he was talking to last night, who turned him down hard, was a DOG.
"It's okay. I'm not used to girls coming out that way anymore. I'm Mia by the way." Mia laughs.
"You're a DOG?!" Adam was shocked to see her here just as well. He was wondering how could a hot chick like her, choose to be a DOG.
"Excuse me?" She raises an eyebrow eyeing him with her head tilted.
"She didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just you look like..." Dave was cut off.
"A Tri Pi... Yeah, but no. I'm not like that. Come on, we're all waiting for you three." Mia says so they follow behind her.
Once they join the others everyone sits around the room. Adam couldn't help but look at all the girls and think ugh, but whenever his eyes came by Mia he would smirk on the inside.
"So, most of us know each other from last semester, but there are a few new faces. So let's go around the room and share something about ourselves. I'm Leah, house president and... as most of you know, I can get a little serious about things." Leah starts.
"A little serious?" Mia laughs at her sister.
"Maybe even a little too serious." She adds.
"That is so true. Isn't it, girls? Isn't it? Isn't? Sure it is. Sure it is." Doofer smiles as the girls stare at him.
"So, h-how about you?" Leah asks the blonde one.
Adam sits there looking at Leah before finally speaking, "My name is Adina, and I like sports. Football mostly." Mia tries not to laugh at Adina's body language.
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"How about you?" Leah moves on to the second in.
"Well, well, my name's Daisy. I was named after my grandmother's sister on my mother's side. And I have to agree with what you were saying before. You know, I look around campus and see the way that guys treat women. And as a woman, you know, I'm not asking for anything other than the respect that any normal person deserves, you know?" Dave says making Adam give him a disgusting face.
The rest of the newest girls added, go around introducing themselves then it was Doofer's turn saying she was addicted to porn and masturbating.
Once they were all done some girls start heading to their rooms or sit around and talk. Mia went to her room sitting on her bed with her door open for a bit. There was a tiny knock on her open door so she looks up to see Adina. "Yes?" She asks putting her journal down.
"I didn't mean to call you a dog earlier. You don't look like one." Adam walks into the room looking around and taking it in.
"It's okay. I'm used to hearing it. That's why I normally don't say anything to anyone when they ask what Sorority I'm in. I hate hearing that I'm too hot to be a DOG with all the ugly DOGS. It's rude because no one here is ugly." Mia explains.
"Why choose D.O.G?" Adam asks curiously.
"I believe in what the Sorority believes in and the girls here are like family. Plus I wanted to be with Leah. We're actually sisters." Mia explains with a smile on her face.
"Don't see it." Adam makes a face.
"Adina, it's bedtime." Dave sees Adam in Mia's room.
"Goodnight girls. See you tomorrow." Mia walks to her door then shuts it to go to bed too.
In the middle of the night, Mia had to use the bathroom and as she was leaving her room she's sees maybe Daisy rushing back into her room.
"Isn't it late for a shower?" Mia asks seeing Leah in the shower.
"No one's ever up at this time. Daisy just finished." Leah tells her as Mia pees quickly.
"Thought that was her. Well, I'm going back to sleep." Mia washes her hands before leaving going back to sleep.
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dollcorvid · 3 months ago
just one of my sad headcanons isn’t enough, here’s my sad one about doll
I think that she would have a little stuffed bear, it looks patchy and has a bunch of doofere t fabric textures/patterns, but that’s because she made it from the fabric of her mother’s favorite outfits after her parents got murdered
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ulrichgebert · 1 year ago
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Wo wir gerade schon im 3-Stunden-Film-Modus waren, befassten wir uns gleich noch mit dem Leben von Adèle. Als Teenager mit etwas doofer Peergroup probiert sie es mal mit einem netten Jungen, interessiert sich aber mehr für die blauhaarige Kunststudentin Emma, mit der sie vielbeachteten lauten und ausgiebigen Sex hat, was für den Fokus der Filmbesprechungen nicht ganz ideal war, aber das ist natürlich auch nicht das Happy-Ende, sondern das Leben kommt ihnen dazwischen. Es ist ein großes Schauspiel-Fest und sehr bewegend, geht einem nach und entzieht sich jeder Beschreibung, weshalb ich jetzt aufhöre.
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