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Don't Let it Get To You!
Don't let it get to you, neither yourself, nor the world, no matter how low you ever fall, don't let the kid you once were be ashamed of you if he would stand in front of you!
Life is not a dream you dreamed about it as a child, it will step on you and spit right in your face, if it pushes you in the wrong direction, there is no right one, all are missed stations!
It's your life and you have to show it your teeth, don't just drive through it getting a free ride, take responsibility, deserve respect, no one has, and will not, bow down to an amateur!
If you fall to your knees, do not lose heart, raise your head and look at the stars, become the master of your life, whatever it is, don't just stand by while life is passing by!
Zera Princ
"Don't Let it Get To You!" is a poem from a collection of poetry entitled "When you stay alone". If you liked it and want to order your copy of the book, you can through Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/8690558810
Or support my work by buying me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zeraprinc
You can also read my other poetry online: https://zeraprinc.com/index.php/poetry
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When the sky is gray... I just try to remember what it looked like in color...

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Happy Hump Day!! 💜 True!!! Don’t tell me that!! #Stress #DontLetItGetToYou #BabyYoda #Love #Truth https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Wm7WalxNj6p8yvh8TcxfkierA22l_E5hBLzI0/?igshid=d0whummrr4wu
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So I am tackling some new things for the start of this new year and I figured that....not only is it important to make sure you approach each challenge with a positive mindset......but to start each day with a positive mindset. It is amazing how one bad moment can affect you both mentally and physically which in turn can wreck your entire day. Stay focused and stay positive.....no matter the size of the wrench. #staypositive #positiveselftalk #selftalk #dontletitgettoyou #igotthis #level4life #level4mindset #level4maintenance https://www.instagram.com/p/B7D4bonnXtF/?igshid=1kg46h0a3pzfc
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Even with the all the stresses and distractions of #momlife, I still feel blessed to have a choice of shoes to walk in! #brushitoff #fitlife #fitmind #feelingblessed #grateful #gratitude #letitgo #itiswhatitis #picoftheday #itsnotthatserious #keepontruckin #perspective #selfimprovement #mindset #mentalhealth #healthymind #dontletitgettoyou #nevergiveup #thestruggleisreal #dontletitfoolyou #momswholift #fitmoms #chickswithmuscle #familyfitness #ihaveshoes #shoestruggle #shoeaddict #whocares #youfeelme https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aiQShgw_t/?igshid=1cjnquvolvcrj
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#DontLetitGetToYou #BeAtPeace #BeinHarmony #ChannelYourEmotioms #ChannelYourThoughts #ChannelYourAgression #SelfAware #MakePeaceNotWar #MakePeacewithOneandOther #Understanding #MutualUnderstanding #Compassion #SelfAwareness #Humanity #Quotes #LifeHacks #mentalhealth #mindset #life #daytoday #everyday #Optimism #ThinkPositive #MindBodyandSoul #itsEasyBeingBad #itsHardBeingGood #psychicadvisor #yoga #twinflame #reunitelovers #psychic #sage #lightworker #spiritual #healing #spiritualpath #universallove #affirmations #spiritualguide #psychicmedium #lovespecialist #heartbreak #brakeup #lovers #gay #giftedpsychic #Divorced #psychics #couples #Angels #Spiritguide #hurting #broken #sad #CHAKRA #ChakraBalancer #chakraclass #chakramedya #chakratarot #chakracrystals #chakraaura #chakrapassion #chakrahealingood #chakralove #chakrasoap #chakranecklace #chakraaffirmation #chakras101 #chakralife #ChakraGoals #chakramode #chakraworkshop #chakra #chakravartinashokasamrat #chakrabalancechallenge #chakracleanse #chakrabracelets #chakraesthetics #Chakraborty #chakraalignment #chakraawakening #chakrawisdom #chakrahealing https://www.instagram.com/p/Brk2621FV5W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12fbgfpw1t9ja
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Don’t let it crush you my fellow travelers all it does is harm you.👽 Let it be free don’t let it consume you. Don’t forget to follow me link bio!!! #humpday🐫 #dontforgettofollowme #newreleasecomingsoon #happyhumpday #happywednesday #musicismysoul #music #musicismylife #musicismysoul #dontletitgettoyou #dontletitcontrolyou #dontletitconsumeyou #letitbe #freeyourmind #freeyourself #letitbefree #haveagoodday https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXE2hqF3Fn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w7ogvsqmnrya
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#justbeyourself #dontletitgettoyou #dontloseyourself #nevergiveup💪
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It's Monday... chin up Beautiful! #monday #chinup #letsdothis #dontletitgettoyou #keepyourheadup #hipmommasauce #hipmommastuff #hipmommagram #lifestyleblogger #instamood #instagood #encouragement #mondaymotivation (at Downtown Detroit)
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This is the first time I've been single on 2/14 in like 15 years... so I've decided I'll embrace it 🤗... lol 😋😆 some take these holidays very serious to where you start feeling lonely when you see all the love in the air..and things like that... soooo.. this is what I came up with..🤔1. Bask in your own ambiance. 2. Treat/Pamper yourself. 3. Be happy and content with your own company. 4. Spread LOVE everywhere. ❤ 5. Champagne and a Comedy 📺..(my go to 😜) #selflove #queenin #loveisintheair #loveyourselffirst #powerofpositivity #raiseyourvibrations #smile #tumblr #blogger #blogspot #linkinbio #embracethesinglelife #dontletitgettoyou #staystrongpeople it's just another day.. 😗😂😘 -Phets
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Centered #junephotoadaychallenge #centered #grounded #stayingcalm #totems #mytotems #antianxiety #dontletitgettoyou #dontletitgetyoudown #strength #calm #beyourownsourceofhappiness #beyourowncalm #meditation #fucktherestofit
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Nope now jog on #real #aww #idontcare #enoughisenough #peoplewithlowselfesteem #insta #dontletitgettoyou #needy #notinterested #berealwithme #berealwithyourself #youdontneedthis #itsnotreal #thisisntlife #comeon #somethingbetter #dontbesad #fakearsepeople #fakes #youdontneedthisinyourlife #justbeyou #you #world #justsmile #nofakes #goodbye #opinion #notneeded — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TdkJ33
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everything anyone ever says to me internalizes too much and i will literally get upset over absolutely anything
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🐣🐥 #dontletitgettoyou #youknowwhoyouare #worthmorethantheyknow https://ift.tt/2DRmbVx
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So, I had to think long and hard about this one because - like so many of us - bad things have happened. Some, really bad. But which was the worst? How was it actually a good thing?! What if the actual 'worst' hasn't actually happened yet?!? 😵 🤯😱 Thoughts like that will make me crazy because it's all perspective. Bad things are going to happen. They. Just. Are. Sometimes they'll be stacked so deep I can hardly see around, over or through them. But I know from experience that how bad they ACTUALLY are is up to me and the perspective I bring, and I know there is another side to all things and it is possible for me to get there. And that's true for all of us. . . . #itswhatyoumakeit #1111 #itwillbeok #yourlife #november #perspective #quotes #advice #brightside #gratitude #premiereyear #loa #best #life #lifelessons #wordstoliveby #wisdomquotes #willrogers #inspiration #wisdom #dontletitgettoyou #goals #instadaily #itsyourlife #instalike #riseabove #mindsetofgreatness #hashtag #quotedaily #youcandoit (at West Jupiter, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqCwPGSHDnO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12pasloylacw4
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