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joshuapettitphotography 6 years ago
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Sometimes when people hit the ground fast and hard, they roll for a minute, and that's ok. The mind has momentum behind it as well. Just when you stop rolling, get back up. If you want to judge others for how they fell, or for how long they rolled to a stop, then you obviously have not experienced what they have. For if you have, then you wouldn't judge. Everybody stumbles and falls, don't pretend like you don't. .....Unless you don't, then I have a bunch of rocks I can sell you馃槀. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #judgementday #getbackupagain #compassion #caring #healingheart #bethechange #believeinyourself #wisdom #life #lessons #learn #experience #motivate #elevate #dontdamnme #pointthefinger #mentalfitness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #imnotperfect #thatsok #nobodyisperfect #gratefulforthestruggle #gratefulforthejourney #gratefulforyou #peaceintheparoxysm https://www.instagram.com/p/BwP6Kj0FfGH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i30hwcjvv0ju
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juhnkit 2 years ago
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #GunsNRoses, #DontDamnMe ... #UseYourIllusionI [Lyric Video] (1991) #MMitM1聽
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eleve-ns-world 5 years ago
#gunsnroses #rock #hardrock #marshall #salviani #hammer #dontdamnme #909beatleband #clasesdeguitarra #produccionmusical #producers #guitarworld #guitarristasargentinos Otro dia hard rockeando al estilo del Saul https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJ7zKvlC_f/?igshid=39iw7gk1994s
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kalyepilipinas 7 years ago
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"it is dangerous to be outspoken. but it is more dangerous to be quiet." - teroy guzman #freedomofspeech #freedomofexpression #dontdamnme #kalyepilipinas #manila #operationdikit
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arikados 10 years ago
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Friday night tunes #gunsnroses #useyourillusion #dontdamnme
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