#dont worry abour me lol
l00ney-m00ny · 11 days
Let's play a fun game!!
Symptoms are: headache, light sensitivity, shakiness in limbs, overall weakness of limbs, and I definetly overdid it today while walking, im due, and I feel like im gonna vomit.
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tomystars · 1 year
dissecting episode 1
(under the microscope. im mostly dissecting jaewon hes so interesting to study as a queer person myself, smiles)
ignoring the very first clip which shows waves and someone grabbing someone else... a bit confusing i dont have many thoughts about this.
ANYWAY ! we first see jaewon sitting on a couch in a office perhaps? with an aquarium (we see this again on the intro of episode 2 and if you see the trailer theres a close up of his face on the same place as well) and a women sits down in front of him and asks him what his worries are. now i cant make much sense of her behaviour cause she suddenly starts laughing? but id think shes some sort of counselor. now this could be for 2 reasons: one. he just left the military after finishing his mandatory time and it might be a thing they do? or two some other reason we dont know most likely. TRAUMA shocking i know.
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then we have the restaurant scene. we see jaewon talking with his friends but his face changes when his friends keeps talking about how jaewon has a great life and connections and money and everything he wants and i dont want to state the obvious but... thats clearly not the case which is why we can see jaewon upset with the conversation even though he doesnt say anything about it and even forgives his friend... his relationship with his parents is most likely not the best and we can see that by the messages his mom sends and the way we can just see him in front of his gate but not getting inside.
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then. their first real scene. jaewon asks jihyun for a cigarette he goes and grabs TWO which surprises jaewon a little bit and makes him happier probably because thats different not a lot of people would do that. they talk but its very casual like and somehow jaewon mentions a "동생" and gets real quiet, as if something had happened with that person. now, its translated as "younger brother/sister" because thats the only english word that it can translate to EVEN THOUGH (and im saying this as someone with very limited korean language knowledge) its not the most correct one because its just a word that people use to call someone whos younger than them (yes siblings count lol). so is he talking about a younger sibling or someone else? who knows.
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when his friends grab him to go home he leaves but he isnt expecting for jihyun to just grab his hand and give him a lighter (it was such an intimate scene as well, very queer coded) and THATS what caught jaewons attention. because at first he was just making conversation, but that small moment changed how the path of their futures (hope im not getting too philosophical), and he even stopped and looked as jihyun left.
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fast foward next day, jihyun sees jaewon and goes afterhim but loses him and finds the poster for free bird instead (soulmatism i say). and its at this point i realize i havent spoken much abour jihyun so ill start now. we know hes a small town boy, isnt used to such a big city like seoul and is even confused with all this new stuff hes seeing. thats how jaewon and him are different. to me, jihyuns fear is based on unfamiliarity and the unknown, hes still getting to know all these new things that hes never known before and thats why he later mentions that thats the reason he signed up for the surf club. he doesnt really know how to swim but he wants to try and face this new challenge onwards. jaewons fear is more rooted on past experiences and trauma is my guess. he knows who he is but hes scared or hes scared of the result if he tries something. i think its going to start to get better the more he gets to know jihyun and the more he gets comfortable with him.
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the cafeteria. jihyuns eating alone and jaewon is suddenly there and thanking him for the other day (he means it. that second cigarette probably was everything to him at that time) and starts to get a bit bold with him, and asking him why he didnt call and at this point there are so many jihyun reactions where you can just tell how this type of relationship is new to him but also how he wants to explore it and find out where it takes him.
we can see that when he meets jaewon again outside the restaurant and says "if we're going to be friends we need to know each others names" and jaewons truly gets a bit paralysed? confused? about it, he wasnt expecting jihyung to say something like that. tells him his name and leaves.
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going a bit back, jaewon is at the same restaurant again. why? because he remembered that it was the restaurant jihyuns worked at and he convinced his friends to go inside with some excuse only to look for jihyun but... he wasnt there. things start to go downhill when his friends mention his ex who he wants to have nothing to do with and just wants to forget and one of them even invites her over! some friend he is... jaewon gets reasonably upset (ill talk about what i think happened with the break up on the ep2 essay bare with me), leaves and jihyun goes after him. in this scene i dont think jaewon is upset with him but it was a mixture of a lot of things, disappointment from not seeing jihyun when he was the reason he went to the restaurant in the first place, anger at his supposed friend inviting his ex who he doesnt like and thats why he says "i didnt see you earlier" with this really empty sort of expression.
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and lastly, the very last scene. he sits with jihyun for two reasons: be away from his ex but also because he genuinely wants to continue whatever this relationship with jihyun is. it makes him happy and its different and GOOD something that he doesnt have a lot going around his life...
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yea... thats it. my thoughts are all scattered but yea lets talk about it if u want i have so much to say still and i want to hear what everyone else is thinking and i also want to mention how much i love this already it was hook line sinker the first episode it. it just feels so raw and perfect and so queer coded to which is why i want to kind of gatekeep it from people who are just watching bc its u know... a bl (will i be persecuted like the witches used to by saying this... hm)
the playlist is so good as well been on repeat for hours
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
man idk there's so much to say on the like/reblog thing but i think the main point i feel strongly about is like. please consider that artists dont owe you anything unless you're literally paying them. they could decide tomorrow that they're tired of posting and leaving
if you have an artist you enjoy but you're never sharing their posts, consider why. maybe take a second to remind them that ppl enjoy their stuff, even if it's just by reblogging it or maybe just leaving a reply. maybe even send them an ask if that's something you'd rather do. doesnt boost their posts, but it still gives feedback. i just think feedback is a pretty big motivator even on the smallest posts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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giranswife · 4 years
And I’ll say it again. 📢📢
When I say that Giran is a good man, I’m not meaning in a moral sense. Because I know that he’s a villain and even tho there’s shit we don’t know about him to an extent we all know that he’s done some shit. What he does. I’m not erasing that when I say he’s a good man.
When I say Giran’s a good man, I mean he’s a good husband. A good father. A good partner in life. A good friend. Someone who is my ride or fucking die that I trust with my life, because I know that he has my back. I know that his trust means so much because of where he comes from. He’s a good man to me, and he’s a good man to those that he cares about.
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zarovich · 4 years
idk why everyone is being so nice to me
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bvlladonna · 5 years
Oh damn nooooo hun lmao (unless he worth it pft)
are any of them actually worth it 🙄
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. caffienatedconfetti: henlo bby caffienatedconfetti: fair warning the first bit of this movie is like 5 minutes of boring caffienatedconfetti: followed by 10 more minutes of watching a guys doing stuff Knock Out: I can live with that. caffienatedconfetti: i havent watched it yet because i'm not that masochistic but i figured it's bids, so caffienatedconfetti: huehuehuehuehue Zephra85: MOVIE NIGHT YAAS Zephra85: Hi everyone! Jalaperilo: I always forget whuch shade of green I pick for my name Jalaperilo: but hello! Zephra85: Same with gray for me thenightetc: So I understand we're in for a "treat"? Jalaperilo: i think we've been tricked by this film lol
caffienatedconfetti: the first 30 min are pretty boring tho idk caffienatedconfetti: i havent seen it, only watched a reveiw caffienatedconfetti: it looked funny Jalaperilo: the first 90 minutes if boring lol Jalaperilo: *is Cardinal: I'm hesitantly ready! Knock Out: Beautiful! thenightetc: No doubt we can amuse ourselves with mockery :) Zephra85: 'hesitantly ready' is a good way to describe the beginning of these streams caffienatedconfetti: it may or may not be worth it just for the """"""special effects"""""""" caffienatedconfetti: those giant airqoutes sink in? Knock Out: The more air quotes, the better. Jalaperilo: so who has seen this film? Zephra85: Not me, never even heard of it Knock Out: Oh, this will be fun. thenightetc: Ditto.  I thought it sounded like a video game Knock Out: Go away, bold button. Jalaperilo: be bold Knock Out: Scream everything. Jalaperilo: make strangers on the internet not know if you're being ironic or not thenightetc: I don't think bold is screaming per se.  More an emphatic tone of voice, which may or may not be a *little* louder than normal thenightetc: Reverb, maybe. Zephra85: caps is yelling caffienatedconfetti: ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE Jalaperilo: what about bold caps? Zephra85: bold is... a tone thenightetc: Yeah! caffienatedconfetti: IT IS THE ULTIMATE CANTERLOT VOICEW Zephra85: extreme agression Jalaperilo: I'm gonna start a fight with bold capital letters caffienatedconfetti: ON MY WAY TO STEAL YO GURL Knock Out: I'm concerned for the humans involved here. Their lifespans aren't long enough to waste on this movie. Jalaperilo: this is my second time watching it. if i was concerned abour wasting my life, i wouldnt be here caffienatedconfetti: oh dont worry the women in my family live to be at least 100 caffienatedconfetti: i have plenty of time to waste Knock Out: Oh, well, in that case! Knock Out: "Vetnamese." caffienatedconfetti: you mean vietnamese? thenightetc: ...Have you started it?  It's showing as offline for me Zephra85: Same for me caffienatedconfetti: what does that have to do with anything? did i miss something caffienatedconfetti: also yeah same Knock Out: Well, glad we caught that one early! Knockout: Is it showing now? caffienatedconfetti: thar we go~ Knockout: Beautiful! thenightetc: There it is!  I had to click pause and play but it is now Cardinal: I see it! Knockout: Well, not for me. I have to sit through fifteen minutes of that again. thenightetc: There, there Zephra85: Oh pausing and unpausing worked for me too Jalaperilo: im sure you did something to deserve that Zephra85: but I missed the beginning, drat Zephra85: oh well caffienatedconfetti: primus is trying to get your organs to explode thenightetc: Just scenery shots Jalaperilo: i forgot that the film director tries to be hitchcock like in this caffienatedconfetti: is it working thenightetc: God would it kill you to mount the camera on something instead of just holding it Cardinal: . . . Cardinal: Well, it's a thrill ride so far! thenightetc: ...I'm just saying. Jalaperilo: Zephra, you could not watch the first 30 minutes and you would have missed nothing caffienatedconfetti: this music loop is killing me slowly caffienatedconfetti: AGAIN caffienatedconfetti: WHY Cardinal: help caffienatedconfetti: send help thenightetc: It's the only music they licensed caffienatedconfetti: i';m being held against my will my address is123 help Cardinal: it keeps happening Zephra85: LOL Jalaperilo: the director saw Psycho and thought that was the way that all films should begin caffienatedconfetti: if it loops again i swear to god caffienatedconfetti: KNIFE TIME thenightetc: pfffffff Jalaperilo: hahah! thenightetc: At this point it's like a running joke Cardinal: The music is the true villain of this movie. thenightetc: ...That didn't sound like a car door caffienatedconfetti: and here we see the beta male, going out on the hunt for cheap fast food thenightetc: *mildly unsettled* Zephra85: cronch caffienatedconfetti: OW caffienatedconfetti: WHAT IS THIS AUDIO Zephra85: cronch cronch caffienatedconfetti: WHAT IS HER FACE caffienatedconfetti: LOOK BOOBS Jalaperilo: i realised I have blocked out 90% of this film as i forgot how angry i got at its *** cinematography Zephra85: what is going on with the sound editing caffienatedconfetti: "durrrrrrr henlo this isn't creep at all" caffienatedconfetti: nice dud ver classy thenightetc: Did she... pay? caffienatedconfetti: stalker much thenightetc: THEN DON'T. Cardinal: how do you think he knew that caffienatedconfetti: ew Cardinal: ha ha creepy Cardinal: stellar acting thenightetc: wooooooow caffienatedconfetti: "hello person  ive never met let me tell you everything abotut me" Zephra85: legit tho caffienatedconfetti: "here's my phone number, address, and pin number" thenightetc: they're cutting between different takes of the audio aren't they too thenightetc: Oh my god caffienatedconfetti: wait you saw each other 2 seconds ago why did you say hi again caffienatedconfetti: end me Cardinal: WAS IT nice talking to him?  Was it? Jalaperilo: my guess is that they didnt have a boom mic and so just used the camera mic thenightetc: I hope he dies. caffienatedconfetti: IT'S SO EASY TO MAKE AN EFFECT TO MAKE IT SOUND LIKE UR ON THE TV WHY Zephra85: the news announcer has the least stilted acting, what does THAT say about this movie caffienatedconfetti: sorry for babbling its just YIVUJGHFH Jalaperilo: hey knock knock, have you ever shown Megashark vs Giant Octopus? Cardinal: ((At some point we should watch THe Time Machine I Found At A Garage Sale. Knockout: I can't say that I have. Cardinal: ((Legitimately the worst movie I've ever seen. caffienatedconfetti: brb getting a seltzer and flushing my dignity down the toilet Jalaperilo: its a great film that should deffo go on the list thenightetc: "THIS MOVIE WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHEVRON" Zephra85: heh Zephra85: the bf and I do that too whenever there's a lingering shot of a brand logo Zephra85: 'BROUGHT TO YOU BY _____' thenightetc: Although in this case I'm willing to believe they were just eating up a little time there. Cardinal: This movie is killing me Cardinal: I don't care about your big fish, fleshie Jalaperilo: *** off Jalaperilo: one mil in a firm like that? Zephra85: yyyyeah that's not happening thenightetc: Oh.  Oh god. Jalaperilo: did no one want to pay the elec bill thenightetc: He's going to come bother her at her work ISN'T HE >:( Jalaperilo: ? Zephra85: hello pufferfish desktop bg thenightetc: *transfixed by the pufferfish* thenightetc: This is an improvement Zephra85: very Cardinal: The pufferfish looks how I feel Zephra85: this pufferfish is portraying more genuine emotion than any of the actors Jalaperilo: the stalker from the restaurant Cardinal: I continue to not like the guy Cardinal: UGH Zephra85: VETnamese eh? thenightetc: Whyyyyy.  Why would she go on a date with that guy. caffienatedconfetti: what happened caffienatedconfetti: where's the movie? Cardinal: The pufferfish ate it Zephra85: it's been replaced by this vastly superior pufferfish Jalaperilo: my guess is the mouse got moved to the bottom right corner that turns all windows transparent Cardinal: I'm sure whatever we imagine them doing is more interesting than what they're actually doing. caffienatedconfetti: where's knockout? thenightetc: God, I hope they BOTH die.  Both these guys. Jalaperilo: it beans our host has left us to suffer alone lol Zephra85: Nuuuu bring back the pufferfish Cardinal: Pufferfish, don't abandon us Knockout: I'm back, and nothing happened! Zephra85: was... was her ringtone a bicycle bell? Knockout: Where did it leave off? thenightetc: the audio is killing me caffienatedconfetti: that awkwa rd  pause thenightetc: oh my god.  why thenightetc: This is the worst editing I've ever seen caffienatedconfetti: everything is going great for everyone: news at 11 Jalaperilo: we're ok withnot catvhing up with what we lost Zephra85: legit Zephra85: yeah srsly caffienatedconfetti: that wheeze tho Zephra85: the sound editing is hurting me more than the video editing caffienatedconfetti: this is sexist to both sexes thenightetc: Yeah, that's what I mean. Knockout: I can see why you all preferred the pufferfish. thenightetc: I hope a bird bites his dick off. Zephra85: I miss the pufferfish thenightetc: That's... what this movie's about, right?  Eventually? caffienatedconfetti: and aslo, sexist to sexes  that don't exist Jalaperilo: i was starting to have a bad evening but the rage i feel at this film has burned up all the anxiety lol caffienatedconfetti: it's a preachy global warming film apparently caffienatedconfetti: oh god please caffienatedconfetti: why this caffienatedconfetti: no thenightetc: Why was there a watermelon carved into a basket caffienatedconfetti: *overly long shot of a roof* Zephra85: because discussing the location of the solar panels he's installing is intregal to the plot Jalaperilo: global warming is fake, the earth is flat and new coke was a marketing ploy to boost sales of coke classic! caffienatedconfetti: what thenightetc: *silent handshake* caffienatedconfetti: oh ok caffienatedconfetti: racist now
caffienatedconfetti: loveluy Zephra85: that hug was so awkward but I bet it wasn't acting caffienatedconfetti: *overly long shot of a ffffuking WALL* caffienatedconfetti: THIS IS NOT ART thenightetc: Self-burn! Knockout: "I have to go all of a sudden." caffienatedconfetti: no none cares Jalaperilo: wanna watch tedious superflouous plot that goes nowhere, watch the 4th film of a certain franchise we all like. caffienatedconfetti: which one lol? thenightetc: it's so conspicuous how the background music is just another 15 second loop and not actually something that would be playing in a restaurant caffienatedconfetti: he looks dead inside Jalaperilo: maybe he is? caffienatedconfetti: that or he's planning her murder thenightetc: Her dog, right caffienatedconfetti: close- a cat thenightetc: ...Okay, I was close Zephra85: oh THAT'S her strategy Zephra85: get out of this awful date by talking about her cat non stop thenightetc: Those, uh thenightetc: Those are some slow and unbeleivable birds caffienatedconfetti: 0those certainly are some graphic Jalaperilo: top of the line computer graphics, brought to you by mspaint Jalaperilo: knock, you gonna fatshame these birds caffienatedconfetti: that is a reenscreen? Zephra85: it freaking was thenightetc: Oh god, did they make them slow-motion so they wouldn't have to make as many frames Knockout: Of course not. My spark goes out to those birds. Zephra85: they live a painful existence of terrible animation caffienatedconfetti: bet you 20 bucks theres a support group for birdemic actors Knockout: Classy. thenightetc: Ugh. thenightetc: Now just stand there outside her house all night. Zephra85: oh god that scene change was abrupt and painful caffienatedconfetti: oh god another old lady Zephra85: that's her mother caffienatedconfetti: no why Zephra85: she looks old enough to be her grandmother caffienatedconfetti: poor lady Jalaperilo: shes pretty good at acting caffienatedconfetti: i thought she said her mom wasn't supportive? caffienatedconfetti: ew????? Zephra85: 'marry rich' Zephra85: 'I love your advice mom' thenightetc: That's funny because I keep getting the impression she's planning a black widow thing and that's why she's putting up with this creep caffienatedconfetti: EWEWEW caffienatedconfetti: EWWWWWW caffienatedconfetti: WHYWHWYHWYWB7JHG thenightetc: oh my god caffienatedconfetti: "THIS SEX SCENE SPONSORED BY IMAGINE PEACE" thenightetc: it's the ringtone they use for those "turn your *** phone off" ads! caffienatedconfetti: ALSO THAT ACENT WHY????? caffienatedconfetti: AUUUGUH caffienatedconfetti: IS HER NOSE STUFFED WITH COTTON Jalaperilo: "oh i phones you during sex? let me keep talking to you' Jalaperilo: a billion??? thenightetc: "a billion dollars" thenightetc: What a nice round number? Zephra85: oh god stop already Zephra85: these cut aways hurt Jalaperilo: "youre all fired" thenightetc: So they make uh........ database software I guess? thenightetc: Please let that be foreshadowing thenightetc: what. Zephra85: this movie is making my soul hurt Jalaperilo: hahaha! thenightetc: Her shirt Knockout: Shoot me. thenightetc: why this. Jalaperilo: no can do. primus/unicron demands we suffer Zephra85: f*ck what they want caffienatedconfetti: I WISH FOR DEATH Zephra85: SAVE US PUFFERFISH Jalaperilo: i wonder what this films agenda is? caffienatedconfetti: PRIMUS YOU *** caffienatedconfetti: oh right forgot about that lol sorry thenightetc: I thought he was going to reject the pitch, he kinda had the look of a guy who was slowly realizing he'd been invited to a multi-level-marketing pitch Knockout: The pufferfish loves you and would help you if it could. caffienatedconfetti: "save the planet, bitchfaces" caffienatedconfetti: was there just a festival in town and they were like "sure lets put that in the movie" Zephra85: I buy it thenightetc: [insert joke about Smokescreen] caffienatedconfetti: also didn't they say it was winter???????? caffienatedconfetti: so many questions Jalaperilo: you can find the answers within Zephra85: oh god what the hell thenightetc: Did they edit in the middle of a sentence Cardinal: ((That's a great thing to hear on a date Cardinal: (("You sound like my mother" caffienatedconfetti: HELLO Knockout: I like the man with the metal detector. Cardinal: This is the part where the birds eat them, right? caffienatedconfetti: I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THIS WIND caffienatedconfetti: ALSO THAT IS VERY CONVINCING DEAD BIRD thenightetc: "Don't touch it!  It's fake!" Zephra85: Give the fake bird an oscar caffienatedconfetti: it's the best actor in this film tbh thenightetc: That's not retirement, it's a sabbatical Zephra85: STOP SAYING RETIREMENT Jalaperilo: it sounds like an interview thenightetc: I was just going to say thenightetc: It's shot like one too caffienatedconfetti: please kill me thenightetc: *total silence* caffienatedconfetti: i'm sorry for suggesting this it was a mistake thenightetc: Suffer with us. caffienatedconfetti: this movie in general is a mistake caffienatedconfetti: also where is the birdemic? where is the shock and terror? Zephra85: yeah seriously can we get to the plot already thenightetc: oh god caffienatedconfetti: end emeeeeeeee thenightetc: That bit right there Knockout: There's a persistent, gentle disgust. Close enough. caffienatedconfetti: did they hire a black guy to dance and pretrend to sing in front of a mic thenightetc: Maybe it's karaoke thenightetc: God, the restaurant is totally empty except for them, isn't it Zephra85: this movie couldn't get the licencing for a single song so they had to write their own Zephra85: it's just as disappointing as the rest of the movie Knockout: This movie's taken something from me I can never get back. thenightetc: I'm sure there's plenty more disappointment in store caffienatedconfetti: your soul? Knockout: Oh, please, no. caffienatedconfetti: OOOOHOHOOH JESUS GOD Knockout: Dear Unicron, no. thenightetc: Why is the tv on caffienatedconfetti: NONONPOE caffienatedconfetti: EW NO caffienatedconfetti: STOP THIS thenightetc: Hey uh if you wanna skip past any of this I'm sure none of us would complain Zephra85: isn't this the same room their friends were getting their bone on thenightetc: I don't know, is there that IMAGINE PEACE sign on the wall? Zephra85: Oh right my bad Knockout: GAAH! Jalaperilo: *** Zephra85: WHAT THE HELL caffienatedconfetti: MY EARS thenightetc: uhhh? Jalaperilo: i fell asleep Zephra85: I BET YOU'RE NOT ASLEEP ANYMORE thenightetc: This is.... sudden caffienatedconfetti: are those kamikaze birbs thenightetc: And unconvincing Jalaperilo: *** myheart Zephra85: HOLY F**** thenightetc: How are they doing that Jalaperilo: i think im dying thenightetc: Birds don't do that caffienatedconfetti: wow look at those graphics caffienatedconfetti: so realistic thenightetc: Pictured: physics probably caffienatedconfetti: i could just reach out and touch them they look so real caffienatedconfetti: RAWKRAWKRAWKRAWL Zephra85: plot twist: no sex happened, they just fell asleep making out caffienatedconfetti: wait what caffienatedconfetti: battery is dead.... in a landline????? thenightetc: They could have, like, started the movie here Jalaperilo: my chest hurts thenightetc: Why do the birds hate them in particular though caffienatedconfetti: yes but then we'd have missed an hour of environmental preaching Zephra85: yeah that's gonna stop them from breaking the glass and getting through the top part of the window Knockout: Just look at them. Jalaperilo: we should have watched The Birds instead Zephra85: Srsly caffienatedconfetti: we could do that next time, it'd probably get the bad taste out of my mouth caffienatedconfetti: "hello stranger thank you for letting us inside your home" caffienatedconfetti: oh god thenightetc: No, I think it's a hotel caffienatedconfetti: clothes hangers caffienatedconfetti: why thenightetc: oh my god Zephra85: wait Zephra85: this looks familiar Zephra85: just this one part caffienatedconfetti: i'm so sorry knockout i made a grievous error thenightetc: That's the only animation they made for them thenightetc: So they have to use it a lot caffienatedconfetti: forgive me Zephra85: ... Knock Out did somebody send this to you at some point as a submission? But like, just this scene? Jalaperilo: thats what you get for suggesting a film you havent seen lol Knockout: That would make sense. thenightetc: They weren't even attacking, just hovering caffienatedconfetti: forgive meeeeeeeee Zephra85: WHERE THE HECK Knockout: The bird noises are upsetting Impact's cats. Zephra85: WHERE DID THOSE GUNS COME FROM thenightetc: You mean you don't carry a gun with you everywhere in case of bird attacks? Jalaperilo: from any atore in murica? Jalaperilo: *store thenightetc: seems legit thenightetc: haha is that a machine gun thenightetc: dude don't gesture with the goddamn gun Zephra85: they're not the kind of guns people just HAVE though caffienatedconfetti: o hello dead dude Jalaperilo: i dont know how gun ownership works. can you tell Zephra85: most unrealistic part part of the movie: a kid willingly sharing his video game with his sister Jalaperilo: ha! thenightetc: Nothing about, like.  Calling the police or something? thenightetc: Just, "oh well these are our kids now" Zephra85: phones aren' working still I guess thenightetc: jesus, what Jalaperilo: grim Zephra85: I feel like I should start drinking heavily in hopes of getting black-out drunk and forgetting I ever saw this movie thenightetc: "welp, he's dead, guess all this stuff is free" thenightetc: So I guess it's apocalyptic now? caffienatedconfetti: idk thenightetc: why are they eating out in the open caffienatedconfetti: i made a grevious error thenightetc: I don't think that's what bird flu does Zephra85: 'good thing I have this dollar-store mask to protect me' Zephra85: oh dear god Jalaperilo: no, the birds are just dicks Zephra85: you'd have to get a whole pig in your arms to match this kind of ham-fisting thenightetc: ikr Knockout: "Orthologist." thenightetc: "the birds know I'm an ornithologist :)" caffienatedconfetti: i am so sorry thenightetc: You should be. thenightetc: some dude in the background just walking on the beach Jalaperilo: time for caffinated to go to the virtual time out corner to think about what they've done Knockout: "Pretty good at ***?" caffienatedconfetti: *sobbing* thenightetc: I heard it too. thenightetc: I think it was supposed to be "shooting" Jalaperilo: that made me laugh Zephra85: oh wow Zephra85: okay Zephra85: w o w Knockout: Point the gun in his face some more. thenightetc: That was... fast?  DId she accidentally shoot her Knockout: Yes. "Accidentally." Zephra85: 'I didn't do anything' isn't very trustworthy first words thenightetc: Just hovering menacingly thenightetc: Like some vast, predatory bird Zephra85: HAAA Jalaperilo: *clapping for the furmanism* thenightetc: *whistles* thenightetc: Are they just... shooting at the bus with a machine gun Zephra85: Nice furmanism Zephra85: HAH thenightetc: ...What thenightetc: Do we want to know aht that was Zephra85: so... a bird exploded, and instead of blood and intestinal tracking they were covered with... vomit? Jalaperilo: gtg. i'm past my limit for bedtime lol. have fun suffering without me x x x Knockout: Run, Jalaperilo human. Run far and fast. Zephra85: Be free, Jalaperilo! Jalaperilo: i will. and I will memorialise your sacrifice in poetry thenightetc: Hahahaha they're just gonna thenightetc: drive off without paying Zephra85: ... it exploded Zephra85: okay that's it I'm drinking thenightetc: The birds have missiles now thenightetc: "bought" thenightetc: hahahahah caffienatedconfetti: its gettin late and i have school tomorrow caffienatedconfetti: sorry icannot stick around and continue to suffer thenightetc: You wimp caffienatedconfetti: well i mean thenightetc: You brought this upon us and now you're leaving? thenightetc: *judgey stare* Zephra85: I feel like I have to see this through to the end now out of spite thenightetc: *so much judgement* Zephra85: YOU WILL NOT BREAK ME, MOVIE caffienatedconfetti: look i'm not dealing with this fallout caffienatedconfetti: they're almost to the treehugger scene and i can't caffienatedconfetti: nooooo thankee caffienatedconfetti: just gonna mosey on outta here thenightetc: Boooooo caffienatedconfetti: maybe change my name Zephra85: Bye!! caffienatedconfetti: great now i feel bad caffienatedconfetti: look i didnt know the movie was THIS boring caffienatedconfetti: btw nice ponytail Zephra85: (blinkblink.blinkblink) Knockout: *Scene missing* thenightetc: ...*Are* those... redwoods? caffienatedconfetti: lol nope caffienatedconfetti: "not enough water" caffienatedconfetti: *running stream in the background* Zephra85: .......... caffienatedconfetti: fine i'll stay\ caffienatedconfetti: despite my tiredness thenightetc: That was like.  A clip from a documentary or something wasn't it Zephra85: w h y caffienatedconfetti: jngkmjnredkvm zzzzz caffienatedconfetti: wait what caffienatedconfetti: mountain lions? caffienatedconfetti: redwoods? thenightetc: "Mountain lions can't climb trees!" caffienatedconfetti: in the same place????? Knockout: Congratulations, caffienated human. You stayed awake and now Treehugger will visit you in your dreams. Knockout: Every single night. caffienatedconfetti: please forigve caffienatedconfetti: i am so sorry thenightetc: *CGI fire* thenightetc: so real.  much danger. caffienatedconfetti: how threaned i am Zephra85: Nobody is ever allowed to give Beast Wars's CGI flack AGAIN thenightetc: behold the folly of man--did the fire cut out just before it changed scenes caffienatedconfetti: KILL ME I DESERVE  IT thenightetc: Your punishment is watching this movie caffienatedconfetti: I HAVE BROUGHT NOTHING BUT SUFFERIIIIIING thenightetc: It's only like 13 more minutes thenightetc: And it's probably going to be 10 minutes of credits with the same music snippet looped forever Knockout: In Birdemic time, that translates to three hours. Zephra85: oh nooo our bf's are dead thenightetc: Uhhhhh Knockout: I choked on fuel. Zephra85: she's still moving and breathing thenightetc: But I thought she died out in the field thenightetc: After whatshername discharged a weapon in her general direction caffienatedconfetti: FACE CUT = DEATH caffienatedconfetti: LOOOOGUC Zephra85: different girl, those two from before were random strangers they met at the hotel thenightetc: Ohhhhhh, right Zephra85: these were their two friends from the beginning caffienatedconfetti: end my life thenightetc: Forgot about that Knockout: How could you forget Imagine Peace human? Zephra85: BUT THERE'S NO FISH TO CAAATCH BECAUSE GLOBAL WARMING KILLED THEM AALLLLL thenightetc: ...That also explains why he's surprised by what's in the van, I guess.  It was their van and they're dead thenightetc: Well I ASSUMED she had more than one shirt caffienatedconfetti: inskifb ukvgm caffienatedconfetti: let's eat seaweed caffienatedconfetti: its clean caffienatedconfetti: probably thenightetc: just eat some seaweed off the ground Knockout: That beach looks polluted. Zephra85: now for a ham-fisted monologue about over-fishing and polution and mORE GLOBAL WARMING caffienatedconfetti: where did they get ball?>???? thenightetc: haha just plop the whole thing right in a pot of water caffienatedconfetti: cooker??? Zephra85: ... sooo you're not gonna gut it or prep it in any way first thenightetc: don't gut it or anything caffienatedconfetti: what is  logic Zephra85: okay then thenightetc: "...YOU eat it first" Zephra85: MOST REALISTIC PART OF THE MOVIE caffienatedconfetti: eewwwwwww thenightetc: Pfff, so much for birds only attacking people in cars Zephra85: in the face of the apocalypse kids complaining that they want junk food caffienatedconfetti: RAWKRAWKRAWK Zephra85: WAKAWKAWAK thenightetc: Ha, he's only NOW run out of bullets Knockout: I'm sure it would have been healthier than the ungutted fish and seawood they found on the ground. Zephra85: sRSLY thenightetc: A happy meal? Oh yeah, probably thenightetc: Are they.... going back for the fist thenightetc: *fish Zephra85: 'We're murdered all but these four humans, our work is done' caffienatedconfetti: winged murder raptors have never been so nonthreatening Zephra85: those child actors look so bored thenightetc: "...oh no they're coming back, BACK TO THE VAN" caffienatedconfetti: nice giraffee neck human dude caffienatedconfetti: oh NOW i canm go to bed caffienatedconfetti: i have suffered enough thenightetc: But the credits :) Zephra85: I think we've all suffered enough for the sake of all existence caffienatedconfetti: thank you caffienatedconfetti: again, i am very sorry thenightetc: Ooooo! caffienatedconfetti: knockout caffienatedconfetti: why Zephra85: Because you obviously didn't get enough birds, Knock Out thenightetc: Dirty bird. caffienatedconfetti: what???? caffienatedconfetti: fat birb caffienatedconfetti: wait what thenightetc: *growing suspician* caffienatedconfetti: oh caffienatedconfetti: um caffienatedconfetti: oh dear caffienatedconfetti: this is 1000x better tho thenightetc: Well Zephra85: oh my god thenightetc: This is amazing caffienatedconfetti: wait what caffienatedconfetti: did they..... did they nail a whole chicken to a tree????? Zephra85: oh god I laughed really loud with that last one Zephra85: I think so caffienatedconfetti: kncokout look up the parrote sketch, monty python caffienatedconfetti: *parrot Zephra85: THE PARROT SKETCH thenightetc: Fantastic choice, Knock Out; it makes up for the entire movie. caffienatedconfetti: this si human humor at its finest Knockout: Whatever helps us all to heal. Zephra85: the first time I heard this sketch it was an audio only caffienatedconfetti: its very british Zephra85: so it was like a radio play Zephra85: it played out perfectly caffienatedconfetti: also john cleese is in it so it's already amazing thenightetc: oh my god caffienatedconfetti: POOOOOLLLY Zephra85: I would have no desire to touch and put my mouth near a dead bird caffienatedconfetti: you can't prove you didn't do that with starscream's corpse caffienatedconfetti: WAAAAAKE UP caffienatedconfetti: SLAP Zephra85: EX PARROT caffienatedconfetti: he's so bitish i love him thenightetc: But... how. caffienatedconfetti: because caffienatedconfetti: oh dear thee goes the fourth wall Zephra85: the fourth wall is overrated caffienatedconfetti: why this caffienatedconfetti: why thios so good caffienatedconfetti: GET ON WITH IT Zephra85: classic caffienatedconfetti: 10000/10 Knockout: Beautiful. Knockout: A much better note to end on. caffienatedconfetti: think of it as my way of making up for my crimes caffienatedconfetti: noiw if you'll excuse me caffienatedconfetti: my bed is calling my name thenightetc: Goodnight! Zephra85: yeah I need to stretch myself out a bit Knockout: Good night. Enjoy a mostly-guilt free sleep! Zephra85: thanks for the stream Knock Out! Zephra85: Say high to the family for me! caffienatedconfetti: oloolololo thanks knockzo Knockout: My pleasure! Thank you for enduring it with me. Zephra85: I feel triumphant that it did not break me caffienatedconfetti: do owls seem less scary now Zephra85: 'Night everybody! caffienatedconfetti: or more scary caffienatedconfetti: because they are, in fact, birbs caffienatedconfetti: heuehehue caffienatedconfetti: lol nvm caffienatedconfetti: just joking around caffienatedconfetti: bedtiiiime caffienatedconfetti: night
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