#dont prolong youth
ja3gerb0mbb · 10 months
bloodsucker flashback 3: invisible string
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word count: 1.5k
content warnings: brief mentions of death
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eren’s pov:
the years following my mother’s death were dark. i was still a kid; glimpses are all i can remember. when my father turned; a cult formed around him. ranked with blood purity, and kept in line with blood lust. the cruelty in which he killed his own wife is what kept his followers loyal. but the first death i have memory of seeing isn’t my moms; it’s hers.
humans were easily drawn in by my fathers charm. if he himself wasn’t convincing enough; the draw of prolonged youth and improved abilities was. but with a system in place that kept vampire bloodlines clean, these people were set up for execution. free fodder for the loyal followers.
at age ten, grisha declared i was fit enough to join ‘the society,’ he called it. i already knew what he was; what zeke and i would become. but they were whispers. i never saw anything concrete until that day. i don’t remember what was in front of my eyes, but i remember the screams from the execution line. screaming from the venom coursing through their veins, changing them. it had been easy to forget my fate until then.
their shrieks of agony were easily drowned out by the squelching of their throats being slit before they could turn. maybe there was a time where i remembered the images clearly; but they are dark and blurry now. most of my memories are like this, except the first woman in line, clutching a photo with her hand as it went slack with the loss of life. 
that’s the only image i can remember clearly. just a girl and her mother. it was the price of humanity my father was ending. their faces forever burned into my mind. 
zeke was exposed to everything five years before i was. he wouldn’t be turned until he reached eighteen, but there was already a change within him. the brother that would console me, and take the brunt of our fathers anger was gone. he was the spinning image of him now. i learned quickly to camouflage in false commitment and adornment to the cause. i stood by as my father and his followers committed atrocities; refusing would be a fate worse than death. 
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“why are you crying?” a few minutes had passed since i threw historia off of me; both of us regaining our breath. i don’t even know who’s room this is, my shoulders lightly shuddered at the thought. historia got on my nerves easily, but it was rude to leave a girl crying. 
“god! sometimes i just cry!” she pouted, voice rising in anger. why you should just leave a girl crying. even after months of sleeping around with her, i knew next to nothing about her. i’m sure the same applies to me. she turned to the side, back facing me now. the phone screen lightly lit up her side, grabbing my attention. i didn’t really look at what she was doing; my peripheral told me she was just scrolling through pictures. 
getting up to leave, i pulled my shirt back onto my body; my eyes locking on the screen when it passed over my head. “who’s that?” the question left my mouth before i could register that i was speaking. i knew who that was. the girl in that photo. it looked like a few years of time had passed, but i would recognize her anywhere. 
the revelation blocked out anything historia might’ve said. my head was throbbing; i didn’t know how to feel. i saw her mother get murdered, and i’ve been sleeping with her friend for months? the thought that we have been indirectly close to each other made my skin crawl. how am i supposed to feel? i had never thought about what i might do if we ever came into contact. the idea seemed so far from ever being a reality; that i never considered it as a possibility. but now, i had to. 
her voice slowly drew me out of my own head, “i didn’t mean to, really. i dont know what the fuck i was thinking with porco.” porco? who was that? maybe we weren’t as connected as i once thought. but that’s a good thing. this girl had already gone through too much at the hands of vampires; i needed to keep whatever distance we had in place. especially when the day that i turn comes… it would be any day now.
“it really was a mistake-” she cut herself off with increasing sniffles, “god. the look in her eyes. i knew y/n would never forgive me. even if she did, we would never go back to before. so i lied. i let her think i hated her the whole time. that i was manipulating her. and thats why i’m here. i should be at princeton. fucking princeton!! but i wanted to go to sina with her. everyone thought she loved me more than i did. but that’s not true!” fuck. and now i knew her name. the feeling of being connected to her was overwhelming. 
it was hard to wrap my head around the story with my mind running miles. “you can just transfer back to princeton. you have the money. no big deal.” i sighed. i didn’t want to listen to her pointless girl problems. not when they didn’t tell me anything relevant about the girl who’s face had been etched into my mind for years. 
“no. this is my punishment. it was my fault. it was me who started hooking up with porco. i deserve to watch her be happy without me.” historia’s sniffling were echoing through the room; heard even through the loud muffled behind the closed door. 
it was the last time we ever hooked up. i made a promise to myself that i would keep my distance from her when she eventually transferred to sina. if she did. after marco.. the best thing i could do was stay away. 
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staying away is easier said than done. even with her attending sina, i had the upper hand; i could check who was in the class before it started, and i had already been gone for a year. i was sure she already had her group of friends; and she would stick to that just like everyone else here did. 
how quickly everything came crashing down on me. she was the first person i laid eyes on in that stupid fucking literature class. my eyes always seem to be drawn to her. and now my body was; i felt no control over it as i walked myself over to her; sitting down. fucking idiot. 
the scent of her blood wafted towards me immediately; but it was easy to ignore the urge. at least i can control the bloodlust easy enough. it was quickly followed by another scent; one that wasn’t hers. a trace scent that was embedded into her clothing. my body’s innate reaction was to take care of whoever the scent of malice came from, but i knew that would only cause more harm than good. getting involved in her life; even if i did it carefully.
the class continued like it would never end; my nose was overwhelmed with that scent; taunting me. you have to do something! i didn’t even look at her. i couldn’t; i was already too attached. i didn’t understand how this could’ve happened. my mind was at war with itself, leaving my body to act on its own. i shoved my phone into her before i could realize what i was doing. 
getting her phone number was the least of my worries. i could’ve dropped the class, but i quickly found out how pointless it would be. discovering how embedded she was with my friends was the cherry on top. i knew it didn’t matter what i did; my curse would invade her life even further. i had failed. 
but if i already fucked it up, i could still do something about that god damn scent. it was at the party. in the basement; it intensified when she was on jean. initially i figured it had to be coming from him until the fair. the time bertholdt ran into her. it was then that i realized his scent was everywhere she went. it wasn’t just on her clothes; he had been following her around. 
even after cleaning up that mess; i was faced with the reason i had to stay away from her. her mother. but that crashed down too, when i realized she had no clue her mom wasn’t even alive. when y/n said the word ‘left’ and not ‘died’ i knew any barrier i tried to build would just come crashing down eventually. just like every one so far. i was totally fucked, and so was y/n. 
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a/n: sorry for the short chapter; i'm very excited for the next two though ☺️
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cross-armageddon · 1 year
by the way, i am starting to have troubles coming up with powers, haha...
i did call backup in the form of my friend that used to be as big of a pjo nerd as me, but he hasnt come up with anything yet, so if you wish to help, you can ask me about a character in my askbox (that is always open) and i'll tell you who said character has as their godparent
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i decided to split every group into pairs like that because it's easier for when i dont have ideas 💪
today's sillies: MINORI AND AIRI
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(they may both be children of minor goddesses, but trust me it works so fucking perfect)
Airi got the same treatment as Tsukasa and MMJ also got split 3v1, but unlike him, she knew that at least Shizuku had something going on, because they both saw things they weren't supoosed to and Shizuku told her about Camp Jupiter and tried to invite her, while she's like "there's a second one"
You get the thing, they know
I personally like to think she's seen shit before she actually got attacked for the first time, but she had to run with it
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Hebe is the Greek goddess of youth and we (the 4 people that worked on the original list), thought that she'd be perfect for her, because of Airi's repeated theme of youth in her stories and comms <3
Airi passively has the ability to age slower, so at the prime of her life, she will naturally retain beauty for a prolonged period of time. She's also slightly more resilient to wounds: bleeds out less, doesn't get bruises and marks easily etc.
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An active ability of hers is reversing wounds, without any training she can easily get rid of minor scratches - personally called it an ability similar to Rapunzel's hair, just without the hair and singing part
Imagine her being Happy Everyday and booping a kid's scraped knee,,,,,,,, and the injury goes away like magic,,,,, ,, *fucking cries*
As for Minori - she's a kid of Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck
Which she found incredibly out of place when she got claimed at Camp Jupiter, because she "keeps failing" (girlflopping) and generally being unlucky, but that was simply her own fault (unknowingly)
Her power is giving other's her luck, but it's at her own expense - she's so kindhearted towards others, she wishes everyone all good and suffers from it afterwards
You know all those auditions she "failed", despite being so talented? She wished the girls who were her competitors the best of luck... :')
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(minokoha middle school friendship because i forgot how miya's high school uniforms looked like, so i drew the miya middle school ones - dont ask how i know those and not the hs ones)
tumblr has tried to silence me like 3 times by deleting my draft or parts of it, this is literally 1984
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the-lancasters · 2 years
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Queen Mothers Apartment, Goldsborough Palace, Windenburg
Previous| Beginning  | Next
Transcript under the cut
To my darling granddaughter - I am staying in town for a further week and invite you to visit for tea on Thursday at 3pm. Love, Grandmama
Margaret - Hello Grandmama
Charlotte - Darling, so good to see you away from the crowds
Margaret - I didn’t expect you to stay in Windenburg after the Christening
Charlotte - It was not part of my original plan but I have been feeling tired and not up to the long trip just yet. And something has come up to prolong my stay
Margaret - Oh really? What?
Charlotte- You. And your relationship with Major Hamilton
Margaret - Wha- I - dont know what you are talking about - there's no rela-
Charlotte - Please don’t insult my intelligence. When you have been around as long as I have, you can recognise young love from a mile away. And you two were not particularly subtle at the christening
Now don’t worry, I was the only one who noticed, everyone else was all wrapped up in Edward to be aware of much else.
Margaret - Have you summoned me here to yell at me? Tell me how stupid I am for ever getting involved with someone who works for my father?
Charlotte - Not today. But I did call you here to ask what you intend to do about it
Margaret - Do about it?
Charlotte - Yes. Is this a youthful fling? Do you intend to be serious with this young man? Marry him and give up your titles, your family and the comfort that brings for the rest of your life?
Margaret - Im only 21 Grandmama, it's far too early to be talking marriage let alone the rest of my life
Charlotte - It is never too early in our family, the future relies on it too much. I was not much older than you when I married your Grandpapa
Margaret - He just - he makes me feel less lonely. He pays attention to me when I speak, and values my opinions! At first I think I just wanted to take control of my life and do something for myself. Not my father, not the Crown - just for me.
Charlotte - We are rarely given the luxury to do things purely because we want to. That is trade off we make for our position and privilege
Margaret - So I thought - why couldn’t we just keep it to ourselves - no one needs to know my personal business. Maybe I am as naive as Steve accused me of being. I didn’t think that I would fall in love with him like this
Charlotte - So you are in love then?
Margaret - Yes
Charlotte - And him?
Margaret - I believe he feels the same as me
Charlotte - If you are going to go up against your father you are going to need more than just love. Love does not make a life. Hard work does. And if you choose this path then your life will become full of hard decisions. The support that has surrounded you from birth will disappear. Those who love you will be forced to turn their backs on you.
Margaret - What? You really think that father would really make me choose between Steve and family? We live in a whole new century
Charlotte - Yes, I know my son. He won’t stand for you defying convention like this
Margaret - But he doesn't know does he? I could keep things under wraps for awhile longer. Until I've figured out what to do?
Charlotte - Dear, your secret is safe with me. But the thing about secrets, particularly around here, is that they are never secrets for as long as you want them to be.
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: New from the author of The Keeper of Night comes a YA fantasy duology set in an alternate Tang Dynasty China, where a poor biracial girl with the ability to raise the dead gets caught up in the dangerous political games of the royal family.
Zilan dreams of becoming a royal alchemist, of providing for her family by making alchemical gold and gems for the wealthy to eat in order to stay young forever. But for now, she’s trapped in her impoverished village in southern China, practicing an illegal form of alchemy to keep food on the table—resurrecting the dead, for a price.
When Zilan finally has the chance to complete her imperial exams, she ventures to the capital to compete against the best alchemists in the country in tasks she’ll be lucky to survive, let alone pass. On top of that, her reputation for raising the dead has followed her to the capital, and the Crown Prince himself seeks out her help, suspecting a coming assassination attempt.
The more Zilan succeeds in her alchemy, the more she gets caught in the dangerous political games of the royal family. There are monsters lurking within the palace walls, and it’s only a matter of time before they—and secrets of Zilan’s past—catch up with her.
Raising the dead, alchemy, court politics, and monsters come together in this story about a poor biracial girl with the ability to raise the dead who gets caught in the dangerous political games of the royal family. Zilan has dreamed of becoming a royal alchemist, it would let her practice her alchemy freely and would provide for her family. She has a secret, she's been illegally practicing soul alchemy, reviving the dead. After her mother died and her father disappeared, she vowed to do whatever it took to provide for her remaining family. That means she has to pass the royal alchemist exam, but that means competing against the best alchemists in the country in tasks that she'll be lucky to survive. It doesn't help that she has garnered a reputation for raising the dead and the Crown Prince himself ha come to her seeking her help as he believes he'll be assassinated soon. The more she succeeds in her alchemy the more she gets caught in the dangerous political gams of the royal family... and the more she is starting to realize that there is a price for alchemy that might destroy her. This book was a wild bloody ride, filled with tensions, action, and alchemy! I found myself completely enraptured by the story and Zilan's adventure as she navigates the deadly court. She is a survivor and the decisions she had to make were so tough. There is no learning curve, it's a life or death situation, and it was such a brutal but amazing read. This is the first book in the duology and I cannot wait to see where the second book goes and how Zilan's story ends. Seriously, the twist and turns of this book were fantastic and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for deadly court politics, competition, monster fighting, and high stakes books (with a touch of romance)!!!
*Spoiler: Zilan finds out that after raising her cousins from the dead, they've been draining her of her qi for sometime and in 4 years anyone near them would be drained as the undead drain the qi of those who love them. She also discovers that her father never left her but had sacrificed his life looking for a cure for her dying mother, as it turns out Zilan herself has a soul tag and was raised from the dead when she was a child as the empress's horse brigade had run her over and the Moon Alchemist had revived her. Zilan wins the royal alchemist competition but discovers that the Empress (who has been prolonging her life through gold as in this universe those who eat gold dont age and can maintain their youth) has been experimenting on humans and has been killing off the royal line to make her the only person to rule. Zilan is called the Scarlet Alchemist because she used tons of blood during her winning trial. She discovers that the Empress uses the blood she collects on people to send her monstrous creations to kill them. The other alchemists that have been trapped in the castle want to kill the empress and Zilan joins their efforts. The emperor is dead from arsenic poisonining and the empress has been hiding it and she killed the crown princes's two younger sisters but Zilan brought them back. Zilan and the Crown Prince bond as she discovers whats truly happening and he made her his concubine but offered her real marriage (he was later killed by the Empress, as was her cousins, but she brings her cousins back , Yufei in the body of the empress and Wenshen in the body of the Crown prince). At the end of the book she discovers that there is a elixir of immortality and she decides that she is going to find it and bring all the dead alchemist who had been killed by the empress back as well as the Crown Prince (despite her brother inhabiting the man she love's body).
*Thanks Netgalley and Inkyard Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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theseventhoffrostfall · 10 months
I mean what is the realistic option here? I'm not saying im for genocide but pragmatically, like Sisko or FDR atomic bomb tier, ignoring who did what and who has what claims to what land, the removal of palestinians from gaza is the best, top level approach to any sort of long term path to that area settling down, short of people having a big fucking kumbaya hand holding revelation.
What I'm more mad about is that Israel WANTS to do that, they're fucking frothing at the mouth to do it and everyone knows it, having a politician "kicked out for suggesting they nuke gaza" (which is their way of saying We Totally Want To Nuke You But Wont...For Now) but they're too scared to actually fucking do it and all it is doing is dragging the damn situation out and making it worse on everyone. I'd unironically respect Netanyahu if he just ordered full Scorched Earth and told the west to fuck off, even if I think he's become a dictator on par with all the other despots.
If they don't wanna fight/dont have the resolve to commit, that's different and peace should be heavily encouraged but as long as he plays the Not One Step Back card the best case is he's just prolonging the conflict by not taking the necessary steps to win. Best case is he finally gets thrown out and you get a more moderate Israeli alongside some sort of non insane Palestinian figurehead a la Yassar Arafat and maybe things can work out in the future but it would have to involve at least undoing the past ~20-30 years of settlements Israelis have built and I don't see that happening.
I just don't know what a realistic outcome that has any chance of working could be without just saying Fuck It and flipping the board. Israel has an infinity-long get out of jail card because of the Holocaust/antisemitism just as much as Palestinians can point out even if it's called Israel it's still a European Colonial State. Factor in the war on terror, "western interests," the unfortunate case of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and others, and it's just such a clusterfuck. I'd genuinely respect Biden if he put forward some plan to take Palestinians, even just youths, and get them education and work on helping them but that'd also require politicians to do anything in the USA at all beyond fingerpointing publicly and making their stocks grow privately.
Israel doesn't 'rip the bandaid off' because, at least in part, it's very politically, socially and economically useful for a lot of countries to have a low-intensity war on the backburner for as long as possible.
That's the one constructive answer I can contribute here. Otherwise you're just spewing thoughts in my inbox instead of your own blog for some reason
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banghwa · 2 years
"once again thinking about the implications of this" in the tags of that arson gifset... i wanna hear you talk about the implications of this pls i love reading your thoughts
oh god where do i even begin. the gist of it is i am sooooo sure there is a specific meaning behind the emphasis of the damage done to the face in arson. so much of idol culture is centred around looks and sex appeal and flawless appearances. hoseok ive notice is generally pretty protective of his face - ive noticed him on a handful of occasions during run episodes and stuff to be the one to ask not to aim for the face. he notoriously has a pretty elaborate skincare routine. and for a long time he was mocked by nonfans and armys alike for his looks. so all that juxtaposed with the prolonged shot at eye level in arson. the peeling and the embery glow under his skin and the way it makes it look like his features are just. flaking away from the exertion. i honestly dont have a concise idea of what he might have been trying to say with that but what comes to mind is what always does; youth is fleeting, beauty is temporal, and it is burned away through his years spent grinding grinding grinding. that and how it reflects the whole thesis of jitb; an idol, who is supposed to have a flawless appearance and act as little more than thoughtless entertainment, breaks out of the box and showcases the holes in himself and his philosophies, the angry, ugly, tired parts that fuel him and his work. burn scars and all.
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sl33ps4turn · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if im wasting away my youth? am i having enough experiences? life doesnt have to be like the coming of age movies, but can it be? should it be? do i want that?
realistically i know that my youth doesn't end at 25 but ive always had this pervasive feeling that im falling behind, that one step forward for me is five for everyone else and media makes it seem like once you hit 30 you're ancient, decrepit, prehistoric even
i try to let myself go at my own pace. comparison is the worst thing i could do for myself, i know that for sure. but its just nagging and insistent.
its just hard sometimes. im in college for a career im not that interested in, i dont have my license, ive never had a job, and i have no motivation to do anything about it. i fear prolonged depression over the years has drained away my lust for life for good and im cursed to stumble through life like an apathetic husk of what i could have been. and what could i have been? theres no way of knowing
i wish i felt happy. i wish this constant numb i feel would let me feel in longer increments. i wish doing anything was easier. i wish an endless list of things that i wont try to name.
im so tired
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xanderxciv · 2 years
(Path To The Grey - Part IV)
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I know I start this at IV, but after thinking about it & going back to my last Grey Jedi post to update it, this is pt.4. Quick note, I know Lightfoil blades dont look that, but I wanted to give those blades a slight difference to Lightsaber blades. And yeah, Lightfoils are a thing. Basically Lightsabers for non-force sensitives.
After Xan left Master Elden, left the Jedi ways, he joins the Sith under Darth Quin, who he & Elden a run-in with before, but nothing hostile. Xan wants to learn the Sith's side of the conflict, and only knowledge was what he was after. Before leaving the planet, Quin gave him advice on using Force Lightning in a safe way while he's untrained in the Sith's ways, if there came a time to use it again, intentional or not.
Quin isnt a usual Sith. With his approach, Xan's initiation to the Sith wasnt the same. The Sith have various training methods, but his didnt involve anger & hate. For instance, he is already willing to kill, after going after the raiders that killed his parents & terrorized for years, but never gave in to revenge. So the sacrifice Sith usually go through(even Dooku went through that. Despite his Jedi approach to controlling the dark side of the Force), Xan didnt need.
Which also meant that the usual way of getting a Red Kyber Crystal, wasnt an option. But he still had to bleed a kyber crystal(focus dark feelings into it).
He goes to a planet The Force led him to, with a Lightfoil for any threats. There he met Jedi Grand Master Aletra, in an old Jedi temple. Unlike Elden, Aletra is a full-on Jedi, one that was around before Order 66(or so it seemed). Aletra knew right away that Xan wasnt a Jedi. Xan didnt want to fight, but Aletra forced herself into his mind, saw everything, and Xan barely sensed something dark, something that he was taught Sith were supposed to be.
Xan defends himself. Explains that he's going a different path, but Aletra says there has always been only two, Light & Dark, that there is no other path, and that all Sith are to be eliminated. Xan noticed something off about her lightsaber. He later tries to take a glimpse into her mind, and all he could see was an ancient era.
He also sensed that despite her malice, she follows the Jedi ways through & through. He's justifiably frustrated that people like Aletra, are what the Jedi, the peacekeepers of the galaxy, are. He still didnt want to kill, but knew someone like her cant be left to roam the galaxy in her current state, so he intended to just cut her hands.
After a precise strike on her left arm, a mark is revealed. A numeral for 10. Aletra starts using other sabers. She says through all of her years, she never met a force sensitive like Xan. She revealed that she is from the era of the High Republic(sabers in that era had crossguards like Kylo's, but stable ones), and she prolongs her lift with a twisted version of immortality.
At first she used The Force to take strong force sensitive bodies once every 80, 90 or 100 years. Later on she used cloning, trained a clone since their youth, then take their bodies, and repeat. So her knowledge in The Force is vast. She once learned the Sith's ways, but came back to the Light, and remained loyal to it.
Xan asked what the 10 means. Aletra answered, "That is how many lifetimes I have lived", which is 1000 years total. And the other sabers used to belong to her students.
Aletra had Xan disarmed & in a force grip. She mentioned that after dealing with him, she'll kill Elden for letting him go. That's when Xan had enough, angry at a true Jedi's very nature, broke free, sliced her right hand, slashed her right eye, leaving her blind, then in an instant, used a short burst of force lightning at close range, through her heart.
Once Quin & Viera got to him at sunrise, Xan buried Aletra in a cairn grave(she certainly didn't deserve the traditional Jedi Funeral). He has that kyber crystal in-hand, slightly cracked, bled it from purple to red, and his left eye became a Sith eye.
Quin didnt sense Aletra, didnt know a Jedi was on the planet, and one having a single Sith eye is new to him. He asks Xan what does he feel. Not anger & hate, only realization. He knows what he did, despite her actions, she was still a Jedi, he'll never forget that kill & the eye will always be a reminder that if he ever kills in anger & hate again, he'll lose himself forever.
Quin asked if there was anything else he sensed? Xan answered no. Later on, he sees Aletra in his mind. Even she doesnt know how that happened, or how long it will even last. She's only curious of Xan's path, after seeing that he hasnt lost himself to darkside.
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 years
[Old] Idea/Prompt for Melvin/Melvinborg
Y'know that whole "but I'm you" thing? Melvinborg has a point. Melvin will still be in that reck, the bees are still in the future. Melvin will still grow up bitter and "evil". Wanna know what I think?
I think Melvinborg had this conversation with his own Melvinborg. Like- in the context that borg went through what Melvin did. So what if- and hear me out here-
Melvinborg never actually faded. He just left out of pure and utter disgust at his future self/himself and didn't want to taint his youth? Maybe he used a sort of prolonged teleportation device and faded because he was teleporting.
Dunno. Think it might be interesting.
(Edit;; Dunno when I made this but I fojnd it in my drafts so uh. Yeah heres my ramble from MONTHSSS ago- and I know it was months ago because 1) I have no memory of writing this and 2) I dont EVER make drafts so this shit OLD)
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hauntedzone · 2 years
wait i wanna talk about this movie. cw for umm pseudo incest? and also the ethical implications of furries. idk the characters dont look like furries but theyre half animal and it doesnt do much except add cringey lines to the story
jupiter rising was basically like if you took a wattpad y/n story and made it a movie. so the plot is that the titular jupiter (mila kunis) is like a cleaning girl and her life sucks, but it turns out that shes actually the reincarnation of a space queen whose 3 children are currently colonizing the galaxy and killing people to get their youth serum. she finds this out bc shes rescued by a murder attempt by a half-wolf "half-albino" (???) super soldier on hovering heelies played hy channing tatum, and bees dont sting her, leading to this amazing line "bees are genetically designed to recognize royalty". and bees never matter again after this btw. kunis & tatum are both really boring and mila kunis' character in particular does almost nothing and just gets taken to different places. ill stop talking about them but i wanna mention the scene where theyre like talking and she says "i always fall in love with the wrong guy.." bc she fell for him after like maybe 1 day, and he says "no we cant do this. youre royalty and, im more like a dog than a man.." and she says the most fucking.. she says "ive always loved dogs!" and then its silent for a minute and hes like "..i should go." so. wow. scream. anyway the villains start trying to get her title (also the scene of her doing legal filing stuffnto get the royal title is actually a bit funny) with various schemes. the sister is just like. nice to her. then one of the brothers kidnaps her and tries to marry her which no one comments on how shes like supposed to be his mom?? but channing tatum saves her as usual. now onto the other brother, the one villain who decided to do something with his performance. and boy did he. eddie redmayne plays balem, whos like super obsessed with growing capital and stuff, but his performance carries the movie honestly. he only talks in a hoarse whisper like hes trying to imitate an old man and hes also constantly on the verge of tears, but randomly out of nowhere he will SHOUT HIS LINES REALLY LOUD and its the funniest shit every single time. theres another prolonged fight scene (btw all the action scenes are super long and hard to follow) and mila kunis keeps throwing away weapons and not killing him? its like her character is determined to do as little as possible. but even she manages to destroy capitalism and go back to earth and she and her bf are flying around and he has wings now yayyyy the end
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i rewatched the episode. and i’ll be honest, i dont really think the side plot of junior and his mother was necessarily about guilt tripping the kid into crawling back to mom. long attempt at an analysis ahead
to me it felt like the point was that running away and avoiding the issue is the childish thing to do. it isnt a good/permanent solution. it solves nothing and only prolongs the trouble. when we’re first introduced to junior’s plot, pran says ‘hes a kid, he’ll get over it eventually’ and pat says ‘i was just like him when i was a kid too’. and later in the episode pat tells pran that he knows they cant stay forever. they’ve both known this the whole time. but they just wanted to indulge for a while, to be childish and free for a while
and when junior runs away from his mom, pat and pran split up to approach the conflict from each side. pran almost goes after junior but pat insists it should be him instead, leaving pran to get the mom’s side of the story. this conversation was all about a child’s perspective versus the mother’s. pran asks things like ‘what if he wants to stay? what if you had stayed as a kid and became a pirate like you wanted? do you feel lonely when he isnt around?’ which are all so youthful and reaching and searching
but junior’s mom has answers to all of them that kill the illusion that it could be so easy. ‘junior isnt thinking about his future, he wouldnt even exist if i hadnt been taught the same hard truth by my mom, and of course i miss him’. we don’t get to see junior come to terms with his perspective- but that’s because we’re already getting it… since it’s exactly what pat and pran are going through themselves
dont get me wrong, i really disliked how callous she sounded to her son’s wishes. like it would be so shitty if the point was that mothers know better and pran deserves to feel bad. rather, i think him feeling bad was a consequence of lashing out, running away, and trying to avoid the problems instead of talking through them... but yeah honestly im still unsure if ‘listen to your parents’ really was also an implied point or if it just unfortunately came across that way, just like the issue with wai exposing patpran got brushed aside as something that wasnt a big deal when it really really should have been. its hard to tell what this show is trying to say sometimes!! and that will be eternally frustrating to me!!
anyway. it hurts for me to think about pran in particular listening to this. yes, running away is a childish response, but for adults to kill the dream is also far too harsh. for adulthood to come and take you away from your comfort and fun and innocence and idealism… this is the very thing pat and pran are struggling with, being on the cusp of adulthood (i think theyre about 19 at this point?). i really want to believe that it doesnt have to be one versus the other, that we can carry our hopes and dreams into adulthood. i really want to believe that the show isnt just trying to say that adults are right in the end because the childish way is bad. after all, adults ARENT always right. pat literally says that! and uncle tong says ‘even if you cant change the world, dont let the world change you either’, so what does it all mean!!!
you know what else struck me about this plot? that it ends with junior being given a choice. they ask him: what is your decision? and he CHOOSES to go back with his mom. if it was about the mom being unquestionably right, she might have just dragged him by the arm or something. but she gives him some space and he goes back to her willingly. just as pat and pran understand that what they needed was some space to think about things and be themselves. and then they choose to go back together. i admit its very different since junior and patpran are at different life stages/levels of autonomy, but the parallel still works because their parents all definitely still view them as children
and call me a fool, but i dont think it means they‘ve given up. junior runs back to patpran and uncle tong for another hug, another few moments of clinging to that happy escape. he expresses a desire to see them again. he gets a souvenir (the scarf) that he can carry with him to wherever he’s going next in life. its not hopeless. and personally, i dont think the ending of episode 11 was altogether hopeless either. pat and pran HAVE to go back home because it’s the responsible thing to do. but they have their memories and souvenirs and love songs, symbols of their happy times together, to cling to for whatever happens next. my wish is for the finale to show us that its possible for youthful hope and mature practicality to coexist
long post i know! im just being flooded with thoughts now that the stunned speechless phase is over haha
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skeletonpendeja · 6 years
I dont understand the flora umbra ;=;
I was gonna save an actual explanation that wasn’t subtext for the comics, but y’know what? I’d rather folks not get lost.The TL;DR is that the Flora Umbra are echoes of an individual, personifications of their mental illnesses, biggest insecurities, and worst selves.
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I’m throwing the rest under a read more, so possible spoiler warning?
Flora Umbra directly means shadow flower, the actual species of flora umbra are directly tied to the goddess of shadow Umbra, who herself is an echo of someone.
Flora Umbra can spawn from many reasons, trauma, prolonged sadness, mental illness hitting rough spikes; though they usually take form through a nightmare.
Each individual flora umbra takes on minor illusions to their original host, and on occasion will mimic them. The personalities of the umbra are based upon their host as well, though that may change depending on how long the umbra has been around. They reflect the age of their host, for sure (Like if I had an umbra pop out of me they’d be 21) but their experiences will shape how they appear relative to the host.In a narrative sense, the umbra also are directly symbollic towards the negative traits of the characters. Let’s use S’wallow as an example. S’wallow is very anxious, has difficulty socializing, is literally closed off from the world due to their venus flytrap head, and dabbles in using addictive substances to ward off their anxiety. These all reflect aspects of Millie, potent or otherwise. She has a lot of looming anxiety and has taught herself better social skills since her youth, but these are issues she faces that linger and persist in the back of her mind.To remove an umbra from one’s life is difficult; there are two major methods. One is to rejoin with your umbra, understand that the problem they manifest as is a part of you and you alone have to deal with it. Or, is to let the umbra go, realize that this issue is not one that you can/must resolve and allow the flora umbra to lead their own life.
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so like, im definitely depressed right now, im exhausted physically and emotionally, i dont have the energy to do things i enjoy, i spend most of the day in bed on tumblr or doing other meaningless things to pass the time until i’m tired enough to be able to sleep again, i havent showered in days...
but i don’t want to tell any of my doctors because i worry they’ll be like “okay you have to take an anti-depressant then” and i don’t want to go on an anti-depressant because by the time it actually kicks in enough to help, i would be over it any way, because this is a crash response to prolonged stress
so i worry that if i tell someone, they’ll make me go on an antidepressant and when i stop being depressed theyll be like “its cause of the meds” and pressure me into staying on them, even though im happy with just my anxiety meds and adhd meds and vitamins
i was forced to take medications throughout my youth that did nothing or made me worse or made me like a zombie and so now i only want to take medications that i choose to take and i don’t think that’s wrong of me
but on the other hand, hiding the fact that i’m currently depressed from my therapist and doctors is? not something i should do either?
esp because if i ever do have to get on ssi disability how the heck am i supposed to prove that working makes me sick if i... hide being sick from my doctors...
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3 causes to be excited in regards to the Warriors for the 2022-23 season
Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports activities Love them or hate them, the Golden State Warriors are going to be much-watch basketball this season as they attempt to defend their title. These should not the identical previous Warriors. Sure, we’ve seen them come off a championship run earlier than and sure, the guts of this group remains to be Draymond Inexperienced, Klay Thompson and Steph Curry. However there’s a budding youth motion on this group and a number of other new faces with JaMychal Inexperienced and Donte DiVincenzo changing Otto Porter Jr. and Gary Payton II. Whether or not you’re rooting for them or towards them, they play one of the crucial thrilling manufacturers of basketball and supply loads of causes to get excited for the 2022-23 season. 3. Andrew Wiggins and Jordan Poole Wiggins and Poole have been the breakout stars of the Warriors championship season and there’s each motive to suppose they’re simply getting began. It looks like Wiggins has been round ceaselessly however he’s nonetheless simply 26 years previous and final 12 months was his first probability to participant prolonged minutes with the remainder of the Warriors massive three fully wholesome. And pretty much as good as he was through the common season, he was higher in just about each statistical class besides 3-point proportion through the playoffs. Wiggins has realized his function and his to maximise his expertise and bodily instruments inside that function. His confidence has been rebuilt and solidified by success. This 12 months he’ll get an opportunity to start iterating on that increasingly. Like Wiggins, Poole was even higher through the Warriors playoff run. His per-game counting stats dropped barely as Curry, Thompson and Inexperienced took on extra primacy however he bumped his capturing percentages from 44.8/36.4/92.5 within the common season to 50.8/39.1/91.5 within the postseason. Like Wiggins, he’s constructed confidence thriving in a set function. Now it’s time to experiment and see what else he can do. Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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pro-sear-blog · 6 years
Finding A Weight Loss Program That Works
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everyvhie · 2 years
dumping my crumbs over the drama i am watching rn. i am sooooo indulged with the drama twenty five twenty one since i am still in the fun and youthful phase of their life. All i could feel right now is my adrenaline pumping throughout my body. I did not search the theme of the series but reading and hearing from this app and other soc med, there is a twistful ending for both the main characters -- perhaps it can be considered a tragic ending for other viewers -- and i am not ready for it. The ending might be a good one or not, but either way, i am having fun for now. i think i shall make a whole review or something like that once i finish the whole series (trying my best in here to prolong the series cuz i dont want to end it).
let me drop this funny moment to keep the air good ^^
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